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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-12-2023 October 12, 2023 The Prince of Persia Last weekend at a powerful gathering in Ohio, my brother, Tim, shared that he believed Holy Spirit was saying we are moving into a season of overthrowing demonic thrones of dominion, ruled by principalities. He also spoke of the highest-ranking angels (seraphim), such as Michael and Gabriel, being assigned to help us. As an example of a principality ruling a region, he mentioned the “prince of Persia” (Daniel 10:10-13, 20). Ancient Persia is modern-day Iran. We awakened the next morning to the news that Hamas, doubtlessly under the influence and support of Iran (Persia), had attacked Israel. I am not suggesting that this attack happened because of or to confirm his teaching, but I do believe God orchestrated the timing of Tim releasing this word just before it occurred. In that sense, it is an incredible confirmation. In the Scriptures, demonic violence was at times brought on by their reactions of anger, intimidation, trying to be preemptive, etc., to what God was doing in the spiritual realm. Herod killing the babies in Israel at the time of Christ’s birth is a prime example. “Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him.’ He stayed there until the death of Herod; this happened so that what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled: ‘Out of Egypt I called My Son.’ So Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt. Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent men and killed all the boys who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi. Then what had been spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: ‘A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; and she refused to be comforted, because they were no more.’” (Matthew 2:13-18 NASB) I believe the extraordinary unrest in the world at this time is indeed caused by demonic activity, arising from the threat they feel. I believe the prince of Persia mentioned in Daniel is behind all of the violence and war in Israel and Gaza. He is angry and worried. Satan and his demons hear the words coming from God regarding the great and imminent harvest. He sees the many people being saved in Iran, and the prophecies regarding millions that will be saved throughout the Muslim world and in Israel. He also realizes the Ekklesia has reached a level of maturity that will allow this dethroning of regional demonic thrones. His actions at this time are attempts to stop all of this preemptively. The praying church must stand against this resistance. We have been given authority to bind the activities of darkness in the spiritual realm, which then determines what occurs in the natural realm. Our prayers can absolutely be a part of stopping this evil activity in the Middle East. They can also influence the fruit of what has already occurred, and may yet occur before it ends. (I am not implying that our prayers can stop it immediately.) Let’s look at an example of this in Daniel. “Behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. And he said to me, ‘O Daniel, man of high esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.’ And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling. Then he said to me, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia....’ Then he said, ‘Do you understand why I came to you? But I shall now return to fight against the prince of Persia; so I am going forth, and behold, the prince of Greece is about to come.’” (Daniel 10–13, 20) Israel had been taken captive by Babylon because of their sin, but Daniel realized from Jeremiah‘s prophecies that it was now time for restoration (Daniel 9:1-2). Being a man of passionate prayer, he had been interceding for Israel’s restoration for several days. As incredible as it sounds, the angel that appeared to Daniel said to him, “I was sent to you the first day you began to pray, but was opposed by a spirit, the prince of Persia.” (see reference above) God chose from the beginning to work on earth through humans, even at the cost of becoming one to redeem us. In this situation, He was working through the fasting, repentance, and prayers of Daniel. This man’s prayers were producing the restoration of Israel, which was being resisted by the principality ruling the region. As unusual as it sounds, the angel sent to answer Daniel’s prayers had been delayed for 21 days by the demonic resistance in the spiritual realm. God had to send His mighty angel, Michael, to deal with this demonic “prince of Persia” (now Iran). I believe the same type of warfare is taking place now in the Middle East, led by the same principality. We must persist, just like Daniel, until we see a breakthrough. I do believe this is a season when we can see the overthrowing of demonic thrones. And just as we are dethroning the spirit of Baal here in America, this prince of Iran must also be dethroned. This dethroning will result in the coming harvest - that’s what it’s about, as is the resistance. I feel sure we will see the same anger and a certain level of violence here in America. It is most likely part of the prophecied shaking. I do not know how severe this will become, but we will prevail over it, and God’s plans will not be stopped. We must remember that it is demonically inspired, therefore we must do our part to oppose it spiritually, even as the government and civil authorities deal with it naturally. “Wrestle” with the cause, not the people satan uses. This does not mean we shouldn’t protect ourselves and take other precautions; it simply means we must deal with the root cause as we do so. I will address this subject again tomorrow, but will say one more word regarding how we engage in this spiritual warfare. We must worship, exalting the Lord, not become preoccupied with demons. * We must appeal to our heavenly Father through the victory accomplished by Christ. * We must exercise Christ’s authority, commanding/decreeing His will as Holy Spirit directs us. * And we must bind and forbid the plans and actions of the enemy through declaring God’s Word, also as Holy Spirit directs us - just as we have been doing. * Our greatest weapon is the Word of God..! Let’s do so now. Pray with us: Father, we have heard Holy Spirit address the coming harvest as “the harvest of the ages.” We believe it will be the greatest in all of history. Great spiritual breakthroughs will occur throughout the world as deception and darkness are broken over people. Demonic thrones will be dismantled, and the light of the gospel will be seen. Satan and his forces will attempt to stop this, but we know You have already planned for this, as well, and have determined how You will thwart him. We know Your angelic hosts will be part of the plan to stop him, and we ask for this help and support now. We ask You to stop satan’s plans that are at work in the Middle East and cause them to work for Your purposes. In the name of Jesus, we bind them now. Dethrone the prince of Iran, Father, and free millions of people from his hold. Then send revival to the entire region. We ask the same for America. Strengthen and lead us as we finish the process of dethroning Baal over America. We have covered this nation in prayer, as You said, and now the shaking can be used to reset us and move us into revival. Lead us as we pray, and lead our authorities as they deal with any and all evil that comes our way. We boldly command, as You instructed us, “Kingdom of Christ, come! Will of Christ, be done!” (Matthew 6:10). We declare that Jesus is Lord over all the earth. We declare that His blood has cleansed and set us free from satan’s dominion. We declare that through this shed blood and the covenant it gave us with Almighty God, we have the authority to represent Christ. We do so now, releasing His salvation into the Earth. Our decree: We decree that every throne in the heavens and on earth must bow to the authority of Christ. *********************** Portions of today’s post were taken from my book Authority In Prayer. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/may-23-2022 May 23, 2022 DSM has been blessed with a wonderful, hard-working, and loyal team. Ceci and I are going to do a staff retreat with them, then she and I will take a much-needed vacation. I have asked some of my close friends and associates - many being regular contributors to the Give Him 15 posts - to fill in during this time. You will recognize most of the names; and I’ve thrown in one or two whom perhaps you haven’t heard from. You’re going to love the insights from all of them - this will be a wonderful smorgasbord! Enjoy! _____________________________________________________________________________ Glory Warfare - Becca Greenwood “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the Lord will rise upon you And His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:1-3 NASB). Glory. We have heard statements such as, “He is glorious!” “Lord, bring Your glory.” “What a powerful service; the glory was strong.” I have made these comments. Allow me to pose a question. What does this word mean? How does glory, spiritual warfare, and authority work together? The Hebrew word for glory is kabod. Meaning splendor, honor, wealth, the manifestation of power, glorious presence, reward, glory in the inner person, ruler, men of high rank, one who governs with Him (Strong’s #H3519). Our heavenly Father has chosen to anoint us in His throne room, in His glorious presence to be used mightily by Him to see captives, peoples, and nations set free and transformed. Jesus stated, “If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Matthew 12:28; NKJV). A kingdom has a government led by a king. Jesus was the occupying King. The kingdom He waged spiritual war against also had a government, with satan as its king. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, humankind was under the evil dominion of the prince of darkness. Satan has never nor will he ever play fair. He is complete evil; our adversary; the great deceiver; the enemy of our souls; the prince of the power of the air; and the mocking, prideful, rebellious foe of our Lord. But things radically changed when God sent His Son. He made a way for salvation and redemption for all mankind and creation. He positioned those who believe in Him as ones who have access to go beyond the veil into His throne room. I believe we will all agree that darkness is increasing. Satan is sounding out a deafening roar as a ravaging lion looking for prey to devour. That being said, once we are saved we are enrolled in the most powerful army of the universe. And friends, we have not been left to fight on our own. The Word of God repeatedly discloses power encounters Jesus had with satan and his army of darkness. The Bible reports that the first encounter happened to Jesus after God audibly announced, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” We then read, “Jesus was led up…into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (Matt. 3:17; 4:1 NKJV). Peter Wagner pointedly states: “Jesus’s public ministry began with an eyeball-to-eyeball power encounter with satan himself!”1 In the real world, Jesus talked about, taught about, and personally confronted the devil and the demons under his command regularly. When the apostle John looked back at the ministry of Jesus, he characterized it this way: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8 NKJV). From Jesus’ time until now, the battle has intensified. Satan’s fury is raging because he knows his time is short. There is a spiritual army of warriors God has raised up to partner with Him in the demise of the evil foe—satan and his kingdom of darkness. You and I, as sons and daughters of the heavenly King, have been given the privileged position of enlisted spiritual warriors of this heavenly appointed army, engaging satan and his army of darkness not for victory, but from victory—with victory! When we encounter our King in the glory of His throne room, when we ascend into His presence, we become awakened. Scripture tells us, “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10 NKJV). As we faithfully enter “the much position” of His glory and encounter Him, we move from acquaintance to awakened ones—to friends, trusted ones, intimates, glory-empowered Kingdom ambassadors. Our hearts are vitally united to His and set aflame with His Kingdom purposes. The more time we spend in His presence, where we are surrounded and empowered in His glory, the better we know Him and His voice. He entrusts us with strategies to release, intercede, prophesy, decree, and implement so that the powerful light of His Kingdom is made known, causing darkness to be dispelled and evil to flee. Holy Spirit deposits in each of us a distinct sound that comes from the roar of the lion of Judah that sets captives free and awakens cities and nations, ushering them into a transformational breakthrough. I would like to share a recent prophetic revelation the Lord released while in intercession for our nation and the nations. “In the midst of all the storms, the chaos, the stirred-up tensions, and the nations raging, there is a sound that is arising. It is a distinct sound rising in a unified composition being played before My throne and echoing throughout the land and the nations. It is the sound of an awakened prayer army—My Ekklesia.” He then opened my spiritual sight to see and hear the following. “There is a sound of groans of intercession in total dependence and abandonment to our heavenly Father. A sound of a groaning in the spirit over the land, coming from the land. It is not a sound of death, but a sound of holiness, consecration, hope, life, awakening that is designed by our Father. A season of pressing through a narrow place and coming through the eye of the needle into a place of His designed Kingdom purpose and destiny. Even though the floodwaters have risen, the fires have burned, cities and nations have trembled, quaked and are raging—there is a resounding cry of intercession reverberating out in the spiritual atmosphere. An awakening that is sweeping this nation. An awakening of believers, intercessors, prayer warriors. A united strength that all felt was lost in past seasons is now being ignited, rediscovered, rebirthed, and released. “There is a new sound of surrender, repentance, dependence on Him. A sound of intercession that comes from the surrendered bowing of the knee in His glorious presence. It is a sound of worship, awakening, and of the spiritual warriors arising with Holy Spirit fire in this new era. A sound and a stirring of authority rising up—a spiritual warrior’s cry resounding out into the atmosphere. “There is a culminating voice of unity arising and being expressed in a remnant that many thought had been silenced and divided. While the chaos comes to a fullness of expression, the sound of this new, repentant, humbled, empowered, and emboldened prayer army is rising to the heavenlies. “Yes, chaos is raising its head for a time, yet the sounds arising from the awakened intercession and Ekklesia are resounding to overpower the sound of chaos. Hold fast to the Lord. Keep your abiding gaze focused intently on Him and rise up!” Pray with me: Father, we declare that You are the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16). The earth is Yours and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). All of heaven is filled with Your glory and resounds with praise—holy are You, Lord! Father, we thank You we have been given a rich inheritance in Your Kingdom. As Your sons and daughters, we have been given the privilege to enter Your throne room presence where our gaze is set on You and strategies are revealed. Father, we say in this new era, we will no longer separate glory and Holy Spirit presence and fire from the awakened authority and responsibility to push back darkness. We say that it is not either/or, but it is both/and. Holy Spirit, cause the fire ignited in us to expose those hidden things and secrets done in darkness. May they be brought to the light of Your presence and glory and may the enemy’s evil schemes be dismantled and destroyed. Father, empower and embolden us in Your glory presence to see captives set free, the lost saved, people healed, cities and lands freed from the grip of principalities, and ushered into Kingdom transformation. We decree: The voice and authority of the glory-anointed Ekklesia is awakened and reverberating out in the spiritual atmosphere. Your glory and manifest presence are awakening and releasing transformational glory in people, families, businesses, governments, spheres, and gates of influence, neighborhoods, cities, and regions. As prophesied in Habakkuk 2:14, "The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD” (NASB). ******************* Portions of today’s post were taken from Becca Greenwood’s book Glory Warfare: How the Presence of God Empowers You to Destroy Works of Darkness. You can learn more about Becca here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. _________________________________________ 1. C. Peter Wagner, Confronting the Powers: How the New Testament Church Experienced the Power of Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare (Ventura: Regal Books, 1996), p 121.
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/january-17-2022 January 17, 2022 God Always Uses A Remnant I spent all last week unpacking a dream given to Greg Hood about the spiritual war for America. In the dream, a principality named Zephon (one of Baal’s names) was identified as the leader of the fight to destroy America. He lost the battle and his hold was permanently broken off of America. I realize the hesitancy of some believers to acknowledge the role that invisible, demonic forces play in the earth. Mention spiritual warfare and they check out. Spiritual warfare, however, is the story of the scriptures - satan and his cohorts attempting to rule the human race and planet earth. These forces are real. And though Christ removed their authority over us at the Cross, this victory does not automatically manifest for us. We must exercise our delegated authority from Christ and enforce His victory. In the same way that Christ’s victory at Calvary isn’t automatic for us, neither are the promises, prophecies or dreams Holy Spirit gives us. This often brings confusion to believers, even causing disillusionment to some regarding the prophetic. But if the promises of Scripture, as sacred and fail-proof as the Word of God is, are not automatic or guaranteed regardless of our actions, certainly prophecies would not be. God’s promises, regardless of how they are delivered, are offers - not guarantees. Faith plays a role (James 1:6-8), as does obedience (Isaiah 1:19), perseverance (Hebrews 6:12), following Holy Spirit’s strategy or instruction (2 Kings 5:13-14; John 9:6-7), and other principles. This is why I take the time to break down dreams given to us, even sometimes teaching on the instructions in them. We must remember that God‘s promises are NOT guarantees and that His provision will NOT automatically come our way. When Holy Spirit shows us in a dream that Baal’s hold over America is ending, He is showing us what can happen, what He is offering, and what we must do to receive it. Let’s look briefly at Baal’s hold on America. We must understand that sin gives satan the right to operate in our lives and God-assigned spheres of authority. When a person or people (a nation) “give place to” the devil (Ephesians 4:27) through perversion, shedding innocent blood, idolatry, covenant-breaking, and other sins, legal access is given to him. Even the very land we occupy can be defiled through these actions, giving satan a legal right to rule and control a territory and its people until the sin is cleansed (Numbers 35:33; Leviticus 18:24-28). This is why we are told in the above Ephesians scripture to give no “place” to him. In this verse, “place” is the Greek word topos, from which we get topography. It can be a physical piece of land, but also has other meanings. Interestingly, it is also a scabbard, a “place” to hang a sword or rifle. Figuratively, it means “opportunity.” This verse is telling us our actions can give ground to satan, a place to hang his sword, a legal opportunity for him to steal, kill and destroy. This has happened in America. Through our sins, we have given place to the devil and his demons. Many leaders believe that in America, Baal is the principality in charge of overseeing satan‘s destructive activity. As the strongman over America (see Matthew 12:29), he is behind much of the evil in our nation, including the shedding of innocent blood (abortion and murder). Most biblical teachers attribute the spirit over abortion to be Molech, which is true, but Molech serves under Baal. Baal always wars against the young generation, trying to stop the extension/extending of God’s covenantal purposes to the next generation. He is a violent spirit and throughout history has always required human sacrifice. Not only is abortion under Baal’s influence, but he is also behind the “cutting” of today’s generation (see 1 Kings 18:28), the vampire and goth movement, and the death culture in general that has so invaded America. Jezebel, the spirit behind so much immorality and sexual perversion in America, is also under Baal. Baal is the spirit influencing the plethora of divorce and covenant breaking. He is sometimes called Baal-berith, which means “the lord of the covenant.” Ironically, the Hebrew word baal actually means “husband” or “marriage.” This doesn’t mean he honors true marriage; it means he wants people “married” or in covenant with him. The spirit of Baal always attempted to cause Israel to “divorce” or break covenant with God, and “marry” or align with him. Baal was behind the Supreme Court of America’s decision to redefine marriage, perverting God’s definition of it. America, just as Israel did on occasion, has broken covenant with Yahweh and “married” Baal. Elijah‘s challenge to Israel in 1 Kings 18:21 is appropriate for America: “How long will you limp between two opinions? If Yahweh is God, follow him; but if Baal, follow him.” On another occasion God said to Israel, the day will come when “you will call Me Husband, and will no longer call me Baal… for I will remove the names of the Baals from [your] mouth… and I will betroth you to Me forever,” (Hosea 2:16, 17,19). We should not be discouraged by Holy Spirit sharing with us regarding Baal-zephon’s activity in America. On the contrary, the Scriptures make clear that this vicious spirit’s control over America can end. And that is exactly what Greg’s dream from last week says. There has been much repentance over our national sins by a remnant of Americans. Hear this: God does not require an entire nation to repent before He can forgive and heal. He has always been willing to work through a remnant. That is, in fact, the premise behind intercession - a person or group of people “standing in the gap” (Ezekiel 22:30) for others. We must take our stand now, continuing to ask for cleansing and deliverance for America. The dream last week said we were winning - and we are! As we persevered, Zephon and his cohorts were taken out. I say to you unequivocally: if the praying church perseveres in our intercession, AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED! Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your mercy. Many times over the last several years You have told prophets and intercessors You want to grant mercy to America. Your redemptive heart is amazing and triumphs over judgment. The blood of Jesus is still greater than our sins. We call upon this cleansing power now to deliver and heal America. We place our faith in nothing but the blood of Jesus. In His name, we ask that all influence of the spirit of Baal be broken over America. We bind his hold, according to Matthew 16:18-19, and break this influence off of our children, homes, government, education system, the church, and every other system he has infiltrated. Restore us to our purpose and destiny. Send revival to America! We prophesy what You have said: “America shall be saved..!” Our decree: We decree that the blood of Jesus is cleansing America from all sin and unrighteousness..! ******************************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-19-2021 November 19, 2021 Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Holy Spirit is stirring intercessors to pray regarding the December 1st abortion case coming before the Supreme Court. This is an incredibly important case that could reverse Roe vs Wade. My friend Ken Malone contacted me a week ago, saying: “The Spirit moved on me very strongly this morning (November 11th) to pray for Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. I experienced an intense, travailing, birthing prayer. As it occurred, I remembered the dream I had last year [which we will share]. I believe that with concerted prayer, Holy Spirit can shift his views. I feel something huge is about to be birthed out of the court. We have to continue praying, making sure this case is decided correctly.” Here is the dream Ken mentioned: “I awakened from a dream on 7/22/20, around 3:00 A.M., to the sound of a thunderstorm just offshore in the Atlantic Ocean. “In the dream, one of my spiritual daughters was working in the U.S. Supreme Court cafeteria. Chief Justice John Roberts came to her and said, ‘Tell Ken Malone our positions are being overrun, I need his help.’ “My spiritual daughter then relayed his message to me. “I replied ‘Damn the Torpedoes. Tell him we’re coming.’” End of Dream. Ken and I believe the dream has renewed significance. “Damn the torpedoes” was a phrase used by David Farragut, a Rear Admiral aboard a Union ship during the battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864. [The actual quote Farragut used is, "Damn the torpedoes! Four bells. Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!"(1)] The ensuing important Union victory, together with the capture of Atlanta, was extensively covered by Union newspapers and, 3 months later, was a significant boost for Abraham Lincoln's bid for re-election. In response to the dream, Ken, I, and several other intercessors, immediately planned a prayer journey to D.C. We decided to go on August 4-5, 2020, the anniversary of Farragut’s declaration. Holy Spirit gave us more important insights leading up to the prayer times: While I was en route to D.C., one of my spiritual sons sent me a text, saying, “It is no coincidence that you are arriving in D.C. the same day as hurricane Isaias. The name means, ‘Yahweh is our salvation.’ You will release Yahweh’s salvation in D.C.” Just before my plane departed for D.C., the arrival time into D.C. was adjusted back, from 2:29 p.m. to 2:22 p.m. God has used the number “22” for twenty-five years, hundreds of times, to remind me of Isaiah 22:22. It often happens when I’m on a strategic assignment. This verse speaks of possessing spiritual keys, which symbolize governmental authority with which to permanently open and close doors. I was already confident God had instructed us to go on this prayer journey, but after these two occurrences, I began to feel the significance increase in my heart. Holy Spirit wasn’t finished preparing us, however. As I entered my hotel room a trusted prophetic friend - whom I hadn’t spoken to in several months and who did not know I was in D.C. - phoned me. He, too, referenced the hurricane’s name as significant (“Yahweh is salvation”) and then connected the name to Isaiah 22:22! God had already used the arrival time as a reminder of this verse, now He was using the hurricane’s name to do so. My friend said, “You must decree Yahweh’s salvation (Isaias) over America, the Supreme Court and White House, opening and closing doors as Holy Spirit leads” (see Isaiah 22:22). The following morning, August 5, the anniversary of Farragut’s decree, we went to the Supreme Court to pray. While sitting on the steps, my friend, Matt Lockett, leader of the Justice House of Prayer, approached us. He had no idea we were even there! Matt’s calling for over a decade has been to lead daily prayer for the Supreme Court, and because of his obedience and thousands of hours of prayer, Matt walks in great spiritual authority regarding the Court. We prayed much for God’s strong hand to shift the ideology of the Court—both by replacing left-leaning Justices, and/or by changing the legal philosophies and paradigms of the members. Holy Spirit then revealed a double meaning associated with Farragut’s phrase, “Damn the torpedoes.” As we were praying, someone said, “Maybe God wants to literally damn ‘torpedoes’ [‘hidden weapons, under the surface’], which have been employed by satanic forces against the Court.” We looked up the meaning of the Greek word translated “damn” in Scripture, (for example, “he that believeth not shall be damned” - Mark 16:16), and found that it is a legal, judicial term meaning “to judge, condemn or sentence!” Is this why Holy Spirit used it in the dream? Because the biblical concept is judicial?! We felt it was. With this understanding and with our prayers, we damned - “judged and condemned” - the “torpedoing” of the Supreme Court, binding the plans, schemes, and influences of satan. As we prayed, Holy Spirit then reminded us of my arrival time into D.C. being rolled back to 2:22 p.m. We began to feel this was more than simply another reminder of our Isaiah 22:22 authority. We believed it was also a prophetic picture stating that Holy Spirit intended to “roll back” wrong decisions made by the Court - “rolling back time,” as it were. We felt that He was saying we would now see unrighteous, unbiblical, and unconstitutional decisions by the Court reversed through Isaiah 22:22 prayers and authority. Now to today. In this upcoming case, America is poised to receive one of her greatest judicial breakthroughs ever. Far left, activist judges have controlled the Supreme Court for 60 years. And, as I said yesterday, no entity has opened the door to more devastation and destruction in America than the Supreme Court: sixty million aborted babies (let that sink in - 60 million!); the removal of God from government and schools; the redefining of God’s most sacred institution, marriage; transgenderism - girls now share showers with males at school; and so much more. If the insanity isn’t stopped soon, polygamy will be next, followed by people marrying animals. The violence, crime, poverty, disease, family decay, addiction, and other wages we have reaped from the Court’s rulings are devastating beyond belief. However, no issue surpasses the hideous aspects of abortion. One governor recently announced that it’s ok to kill babies that survive abortions - after making them comfortable, of course. Yours and my tax dollars still fund an organization that sells murdered babies’ body parts! Members of Congress defend, laud and support these heinous behaviors. Much of America has gone mad! The Supreme Court opened the door to this hellish behavior. We have finally reached a point where the Court can be turned and reversals begin! Holy Spirit spoke to us very clearly while in D.C. that day in 2020 that this is the season when we can “roll back time,” reversing gains and “damning torpedoes” fired by satan. I am appealing to you, please pray faithfully, fervently, and boldly regarding this case, and for the continued shifting of the Supreme Court. Pray with me: Father, thank You for reminding us of this dream. Millions of people have prayed and repented over the last 50 years for the reversing of this evil decree. We know it has grieved Your heart tremendously. Once again, we ask for Your mercy. Forgive us and heal our land. We ask You to move on the members of the court, guiding their thought processes as they deliberate regarding this case. Prick their consciences. Break their hearts. Awaken them to the evil of this law. And give us a ruling that honors life. We pray especially for Justice Roberts. He has drifted to the left, but we believe You can turn him back. Please do this. And we ask You to turn the hearts of those in America who favor this evil called abortion. We know this will take a great revival, one that changes the hearts of people. Only when You write Your laws and nature on our hearts can we think as You do. Please give us this revival and awaken us once again. We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Roe versus Wade will be overturned, and babies in the womb will once again be protected in America. _______________________________ https://www.usni.org/magazines/naval-history-magazine/2014/july/damn-torpedoes Click on the link below to watch the full episode. 138 likes. Post marked as liked
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-18-2021 November 18, 2021 We Must Not Miss This Opportunity I appreciate Intercessors For America. Their long and fruitful track record of praying for America is unsurpassed. In the following report, Dave Kubal shares from an interview with former Governor of Mississippi, Phil Bryant, regarding the upcoming (December 1, 2021) Supreme Court abortion case. “As Mississippi Governor from 2012 to 2020, Phil Bryant attacked key social ills. Rates for unemployment, high school dropouts, and teen pregnancies hit record lows during his tenure. But what he really wanted to stop was abortion. “In an interview with IFA’s Dave Kubal, Bryant shared: ‘The number one issue— the first thing we all do as governors or anyone in public life— is public safety. To protect the lives of our citizens. These (pre-born children) are citizens. And they deserve due process. They deserve the constitutional rights of every citizen of the United States. They are children of God and we must lay down our lives, if necessary, to protect them.’ “Hope for doing this came with the heartbeat bill and the science of the sonogram. ‘At about fifteen weeks, you can detect…that heartbeat, the brain is beginning to mature. Life clearly exists,’ Bryant said. ‘So it was a viability question. Is that child viable? Is it a human life? And if it is a human life, does the state of Mississippi have a right to protect it? We said it does and we are going to fight it all the way to the Supreme Court.’ “This case—Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health—aims directly at Roe v. Wade. Bryant said, ‘Our 10th amendment said all of those laws that are not prohibited—powers that are not specifically given to the federal government—are those of the states. We believe this is a state’s’ rights issue.’ “Bryant is no stranger to the court system. He was sued over the state flag, religious freedoms, even the state budget. ‘And all of the cases went to the same judge. Remarkably the same Obama-appointed judge got every case in which I was sued,’ Bryant said. “But things went differently with the lawsuit over the heartbeat bill. ‘It went to the Fifth Circuit and the Fifth Circuit said, “We’re trying to deliberate as to whether or not we will hear it,’” Bryant said. ‘And the United States Supreme Court said, “We are going to hear it.” We’re going to pull that out and bring it before the United States Supreme Court. Remarkable that this is happening at this time.’ “Bryant isn’t shy about his goal: ‘[These judicial activists] thought it was a big deal, “Oh we got him to admit that he wants to [end abortion in Mississippi].” Praise God I do! You got me! If you want me to say I want to end abortion, you got me. I’ll write it down and testify to it.’ “His testimony is fueled from heaven. ‘I was just looking this morning at my devotional Jesus Calling. It says “Do not let any set of circumstances intimidate you. The more challenging your day, the more of My power I place at your disposal. Amen,’” Bryant said. ‘That is for today. He is placing His power at our disposal for this purpose and we can’t let any set of circumstances intimidate us.’” The battle for life in America has been long, indeed. Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” As usual, the great Churchill’s wisdom was profound. There have been many failures in this battle, but I believe the courage and tenacity to continue will, indeed, prevail. Charles Spurgeon once said, “Through perseverance, the snail reached the ark.”(1) While preparing to visit the Supreme Court for my first time in the early 90’s, Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Now I’m going to show you where the strongman over America lives.” (See Matthew 12.29) No person or persons has opened the door to more evil in America in the last 60 years than the Supreme Court. There have been some great and righteous Justices over that span, as there currently are, but nonetheless, the Court’s legislation and approval of evil have been unsurpassed. Their decisions have not only made a mockery of the Constitution, but they have shaken their fists in God’s face, epitomizing Psalm 2:1-3 (TPT): “How dare the nations plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers scheme and confer together against Yahweh and His Anointed King, saying: ‘Let’s come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains of God and His Christ!’” Interestingly, as I write this my friend Matt Lockett just texted me. Matt leads the Justice House of Prayer in DC, the prayer group which has prayed daily at the Court (with the red “LIFE” tape) for over a decade. He told me: “It’s interesting that Ken Malone’s dream, ‘Damn the Torpedoes’ was on 7-22. This year, the Mississippi brief arrived at SCOTUS on 7-22. Leading up to that a prophet said to me that we needed to be prophesying Daniel 7:22 over the state’s brief. We did, and they changed their legal strategy to openly calling for the overturning of Roe vs Wade.” I will share Ken’s dream in tomorrow’s post. The verse Matt referenced, Daniel 7:22, tells us: “Until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom” (NASV). I and others have prayed this verse over America for years. We must pray it now as never before. It is time for this evil and despicable law to be overturned. We must also pray that the evil hold of this principality over the Court be broken once and for all. Its power base there has been long and strong. Many will go there to march and cry out for death from now leading up to the case. Others of us will go to cry out for life. Join us in praying Daniel 7:22 and in binding the evil hold over the Supreme Court. Pray with me: Father, we have asked You many times to cleanse us for the shedding of innocent blood in our nation. Millions of prayers of repentance have been offered regarding this. The evil principality, Baal, has been empowered to control our nation through these blood sacrifices for over 5 decades. 60 million babies have been sacrificed to this spirit. Yet, in Your mercy, You have kept us free and preserved our destiny as a nation. We have received grace upon grace. Now, we have come to an opportunity for breakthrough. We ask You to release the power of Holy Spirit to influence the Supreme Court of America. We ask that they be moved upon to reverse this evil. Influence their thinking; ensure that they not be influenced by any wrong thinking, deception, or demonic pressure. May they boldly and courageously do what is right. And may it further the process of breaking this stronghold off of America. We thank You for saving America..! “Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America.” [This is a 22-word prayer Lou Engle wrote to replace the 22-word prayer the Supreme Court ruled was unconstitutional - the Engle vs. Vitale case of 1962.] Amen. Our decree: We decree that the evil law, Roe versus Wade, will be overturned in America. ************************************ Today’s post includes an article from Intercessors for America (click here to see it). Please visit www.IFApray.org for this and many other great articles, as well as materials to aid us in prayer for America. ________________________________________ https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/charles_spurgeon_143068 Click here to watch the video: https://youtu.be/EtihfMRZ9Xo
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