coming period. Remember that the CBI told us just a few weeks ago that they had a 4 axis plan to embark on soon to bring the rate of the dollar down and the dinar up. I believe this was only the first step in this plan and so let’s relax and watch the rest play out.
As investors in these 3 zero notes of dinar we must be careful NOT to over speculate as many of these intel gurus do. We can not have an RV everyday or every weekend, yet we still sit here waiting. Where in hell do they get their phony and fake information from? Who is pumping them with this crap? I will tell you…it is some ignorant son of a ***** that does not know his ass from his elbow.
So, also remember once again those 3 sectors effecting the Stock Market Financial Reforms (Pillars of Financial Reform) in the White Paper. They were the stock market, banking and insurance sectors. Do you think that this move to sanction these 14 more banks this past weekend were in line with actions to satisfy the White Paper? Can you see it? You have to see it folks!
I really feel sorry for those who have already given up on the dinar revaluation since I know for a FACT they must reinstate the dinar to satisfy their plans to revive Iraq and make it hub for the middle east. This is their plan and they know they have to reinstate the dinar to do it. This is just not Mnt Goat speaking but the IMF, World Bank and the CBI.
So, please, please you have come this far in the process. Don’t give up now we are about to cross the finish line very soon.