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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/february-8-2024 February 8, 2024 Mary Had a Little Lamb (Revival and Reformation, Part 6) “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns, and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written: ‘KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.’” (Revelation 19:11-16; NASB) Mary had a little lamb… This gentle “lamb” spoke words of comfort to outcasts, healed those who suffered, gave of His time and energy to multitudes, and forgave sinners. His tender heart wept over the tomb of a friend, over a city, and in times of prayer. He allowed soldiers, whom He created, to mock Him, spit on Him, beat Him mercilessly, and lead Him quietly to His death at Calvary. “He was oppressed and afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth; Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, So He did not open His mouth.” (Isaiah 53:7; NASB) But Jesus isn’t only the meek, sacrificial “lamb,” slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). He is also the “lion” of Judah; He fears nothing and no one. He created everything... with only His words. And He keeps the universe operating in perfect order... with just His words. While walking the earth, He also walked on water…and through walls. Storms obeyed His commands, He turned water into wine, and multiplied by thousands a few fish and loaves of bread. His spit healed blind eyes, and His touch cured leprosy. He raised the dead and reversed insanity. Demons fled from Him, shrieking in fear. When their Creator willingly died, the sun refused to shine, and the earth shook. Death, of course, couldn't hold Him, and His resurrection was so powerful it spilled over onto other dead people, raising them from the dead! Once back in heaven, He reclothed Himself in glory. His eyes are like fire, His voice is like a waterfall, and when appropriate, His words become a sharp sword with which He strikes down nations. Fire also goes before Him and consumes His enemies. In righteousness He judges and makes war, with the armies of heaven following Him. Angels worship Him; rulers cast their crowns at His feet. He is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. It behooves us as humans to know which Jesus we’re dealing with: the Savior or the King; the Lamb or the Lion; the Mediator or the Judge. Mary’s little Lamb, who loves sinners and wants to save them, has been known to don His Kingly robe and send an angel to kill an earthly king - on this side of the Cross (Acts 12:23). The Great Shepherd, Pastor Jesus, laid down His shepherd staff and picked up His sword, striking down two people defiling the early church at its inception (Acts 5:5). On one occasion Savior Jesus determined that His warrior mantle was needed and struck a man with blindness for opposing the gospel (Acts 13:11). Am I saying that God likes to hurt people or rain down judgment? Absolutely not. In numerous posts, I have said that God takes no pleasure in the judgment of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). But neither am I saying that He never judges the wicked. God knows when grace and mercy are possible, and He knows when judgment is necessary. And His judgments are “true and righteous altogether” (Psalm 19:9). We have been discussing revival and reformation. Savior Jesus, the Lamb of God, is going to pour out His Spirit on Earth in unprecedented measure, saving a billion or more people in this season. And Lord Jesus, the Lion of Judah, is going to disciple nations, reforming them to His precepts and laws. In the Great Commission of Matthew 28, He stated that He had been given all authority, not just in heaven, but also on earth. This is King Jesus speaking. He then said go and disciple the nations, “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” Notice that He did not “invite” them to honor His teachings; He “commanded” them! Let’s remember in this revival and reformation that Jesus is Savior and Redeemer, but also that He is Lord, Master, and King. He is our High Priest, offering grace and mercy, and He is the Lawgiver, demanding truth and justice. He is the Lamb, kind and gentle; He is also the Lion, strong and fierce. He’s the Servant of all, yet He is the General of heaven’s army. He is our Husband, but also our Bishop; our Provider, but also our Creator; our Friend, but also our Captain; a Healer, but also a Warrior. He is the Son of Man, and He is the Son of God. This incredible God-Man is about to make His presence known on earth in dramatic ways. The Savior is coming with His redeeming grace, and the King is coming to expand His Kingdom. Keep your lamps burning brightly. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for Jesus, for who He is, and what He has done. We thank You for His humanity and His deity. We thank You for His perfect love and perfect justice. We thank You for Your plans that are unfolding. Thank You for the way in which You orchestrate events, and even in perilous and difficult times, navigate through them to bring about great spiritual harvests on Earth. We ask for a release of Your saving power, and Your righteous judgments. We ask You to end the reign and terror of the Prince of Persia in the Middle East, and for millions of souls to come to You in that region. We ask You to stay the hands of evil leaders in China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and elsewhere, keeping them from actions that would hinder revival and reformation. We ask for You to stay the hands of evil in America, the rule of leaders who allow modern-day slavery - the trafficking of humans through Mexico - in order to gain votes in the future. Their lust for power and control has seared their consciences. Judge this hideous evil. Expose it. Remove those who shamelessly partner with it. Rain revival on our churches, our campuses, our cities, and our homes. We bind the strong man, Baal, in America, decreeing that he will not maintain his hold on this nation. We declare that the blood of Jesus is cleansing our nation, and that You will send the revival we need. You will answer by fire, just as You did for Elijah, and send the rain. We ask for and receive these things by faith, in the holy name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Earth’s Creator, Owner, and Redeemer is coming to revive and reform. ********************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------- You can find our recent Revival and Reformations teachings here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5.
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7 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/august-1-2023 August 1, 2023 Prepare For Revival Larry Sparks has written one of the best books on revival I have read in years. The title, Pentecostal Fire, is taken from the outpouring of Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. Books such as this assure me of the coming revival, as do the young revivalists I see being prepared. I am also encouraged by the strategies and plans God is giving to many of His leaders, preparing them for the coming move of His Spirit. And then, of course, there are the prophecies being released regarding Holy Spirit’s amazing plans. These are just a few of the reasons I do not fear any shaking that may occur to restore America. It will prepare us, not destroy us. Though Larry’s powerful and stirring book is filled with principles about preparing for and entering into revival, in the final chapter he challenges us regarding three idols we must address. Here is a portion of that chapter: “I believe there are three idols that need to be identified, confronted, and demolished in order for us to make room for Pentecostal fire to manifest. It’s available now, but as it was in the days of Jesus’ birth, there is no room at the inn. We have not made room for the wild move of Pentecostal fire because, like with the inn of the Christmas story, we have filled our modern inns with other things. Simply stated, there is no space for Pentecost because we have filled God’s space with things He never asked for. “No. 1: The Idol of Reputation [Quoting revivalist Vance Havner] “‘I believe with all my soul that when we quit depending on our gadgets and gimmicks and stand on nothing but the promises of God, risking our reputation and future on it, staking everything on a miracle instead of on men and machinery and mere money, the fire will fall.’ (1) “…We are living in an era when the possibility of having a popular reputation, being followed by millions of people, and thus, financially benefiting from said reputation is unlike any other moment in history. We have entered the day of the celebrity pastor. The great revivalists of old, Jonathan Edwards, Smith Wigglesworth, Evan Roberts, even down to A. W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill, and Kathryn Kuhlman, have left an imprint on history, preaching uncompromised truth without having any social media status or high-yield email list. [emphasis Dutch’s] “…If you decide to lay down preaching truth or trade welcoming the wild move of the Holy Spirit in order to be popular and polished, your efforts may result in temporary superficial success, but make no mistake, the truly spiritual will discern a lack of weight on what you share and speak. We need to heed and follow the words of the Apostle Paul: ‘For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ’ (Gal. 1:10). “No. 2: The Idol of Religion [Quoting C. Peter Wagner] “‘The spirit of religion is an agent of Satan assigned to prevent change and to maintain the status quo by using religious devices.’ (2) “The spirit of religion is not restrained to churches that feature pews, stained-glass windows, holy water, and organ music. In fact, I find this spirit to be more prevalent and insidious, working destructively and covertly, in contemporary sanctuaries - especially Charismatic churches. Often, those who claim a more Charismatic or Pentecostal theology accuse the more traditional churches of being religious, when in fact, those who know the things of the Spirit and have tasted of the ‘powers of the age to come’ can be the ones who actually miss God. They have, perhaps, fallen into the greatest snare of the serpent: they value concepts, conferences, events, receiving prophetic words, falling on the ground, speaking in tongues, and even prophesying about the new moves of the Holy Spirit more than demonstration and movement. Bottom line: the spirit of religion resists any forward movement for the Kingdom of God, seeking to influence honest believers into embracing the present state of Christianity as a ceiling or lid that cannot be moved. “The spirit of religion especially loves First Corinthians 14:40. Earlier in the book, I wrote a whole chapter on the idea of ‘decently and in order’ and how God has a vision of Holy Spirit order that is often different from our comfort zone’s spiritual preferences. The spirit of religion will preach this verse out of context with great volume, insisting that anything that looks unusual, uncomfortable, or wild is certainly not the orderly, gentlemanly operation of the Holy Spirit. “No. 3: The Idol of Rigidity “Are we willing to be disrupted by God? Outbreaks of Pentecostal fire are released by breaker people who partner with Heaven’s divine interruptions. Duncan Campbell, the evangelist who was catalytic in the Hebrides Revival, described one of the key events that broke open the region for Holy Spirit outpouring: ‘Here is a scene witnessed during the first days of the movement: a crowded church, the service is over. The congregation, reluctant to disperse, stands outside the church in a silence that is tense. Suddenly a cry is heard within: a young man, burdened for the souls of his fellow men, is pouring out his soul in intercession. He prays until he falls into a trance and lies prostrate on the floor of the church. But Heaven had heard, and the congregation, moved by a power that they could not resist, came back into the church, and a wave of conviction of sin swept over the gathering, moving strong men to cry to God for mercy. This service continued until the small hours of the morning.’ (3) “Note what happened: the cry was heard from the young man, pouring out his soul in intercession. In the modern Church, such would be observed as a distraction or interruption. Yes, there are fleshly responses that are not Holy Spirit motivated. But I am concerned that we have become so hard of spiritually seeing and hearing, as the priest Eli was in the days of Hannah and Samuel, that we automatically assume that all interruptions are the flesh. Rigidity shuts down divine interruption because there is no time in the meeting, no space in the schedule, or we simply assume all interruptions are fleshly. “The Welsh Revival of 1904 had Evan Roberts boldly praying, ‘Bend me, O Lord.’ Azusa Street in 1906 saw William Seymour baptized in the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues - inviting the nations to enter into that same experience. The Toronto Blessing saw Randy Clark ministering on January 20, 1994, at the Airport Vineyard Church, Toronto, Canada, simply sharing his testimony and then giving the church an opportunity to come forward and receive a touch from God (like Randy had received on his quest for personal revival); that invitation broke open the revival. The Brownsville Revival was largely catalyzed by Pastor John Kilpatrick being dynamically overwhelmed by the presence of the Holy Spirit on Father's Day 1995. These invasions of Heaven were birthed into the earth by a person boldly welcoming the Holy Spirit's move and making room for His interruption in their midst. There is no room for rigidity when we claim to truly desire the authentic move of the Holy Spirit.” We must prepare our hearts for what God is about to do, for regardless of what any future shaking might be, or how severe it is, I assure you it will be followed by incredible revival. Corrective actions and discipline from God are to mature and prepare us, not destroy us (Hebrews 12:4-13). Verse 10 tells us they are “for our good.” Prepare yourself for Holy Spirit’s great outpouring - it is coming! Pray with me: Father, You are determined to reap a harvest of unprecedented proportions. Your love demands it, Christ paid for it, and Holy Spirit will generate it. As we prepare to partner with You in this, we are not afraid of any work You must do to prepare us. We know Your heart is merciful, and You discipline as a Father, to prepare us for greater fruitfulness. As we prepare, we choose to operate in the mind of Christ, who emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant (Philippians 2:5-8). We renounce and lay down the idols we’ve made of our reputations. In the future, we will seek to please You, not men (Galatians 1:10). Many in the church have chosen popularity over speaking truth; deliver us from this and replace it with a spirit of humility and boldness. And we ask You to show us any places in our lives where we have tolerated a religious spirit, turning to “form without power,” or have prioritized religious actions and works over intimacy with You. Forgive us for protecting our “comfort zones” with a false interpretation of “decently and in order.” We want Your order, which is sometimes shocking in its intensity and uncomfortable to our flesh. And we choose to become more flexible, rejecting the absurdity of putting You in man-made boxes. We determine to be pliable wineskins that can handle new wine. We do not care what revival looks like, as long as it comes from You. We also choose humility, acknowledging that we don’t know what Your actions will look like, only that they are good - always. We pray all of these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our Decree: We declare that we are flexible wineskins, that we trust our Father, and that He does all things well. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------- Much of today’s post was taken from the book, Pentecostal Fire, by Larry Sparks, published by Destiny Image. You can find out more about Larry at Larry Sparks Ministries. Vance, Haver. When God Breaks Through, ed. Dennis J. Hester (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2003). p. 58. Wagner, C. Peter. Changing Church (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2004). p. 19. Campbell, Duncan. Revival in the Hebrides. (N.p.: Kraus House Digital, 2015).
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/march-6-2023 March 6, 2023 Keys to Revival Ceci and I have some wonderful friends from Colorado, Pastors Jack and Terri Brown, who visited the Asbury Revival. Terri shared some of her thoughts after being there. Even though the revival in its initial form has ended, Terri’s insights and observations will help us prepare for what is coming. ******* “On February 20th (2023), we attended the Asbury Outpouring. I have been praying, pondering, and processing it ever since, trying to understand what we experienced and what the Lord is doing during this season. The outpouring of the Lord at Asbury University began on February 8th (2023). It was attended by students from at least 200 campuses, as well as tens of thousands of visitors. “Jack and I have been praying for revival for a long time. I don’t say this to take some kind of credit, but to point out that this is something we have been longing for and even studying. Still, I don’t think I was prepared for what we experienced. “As we approached the Asbury campus, there were cars and people everywhere. No one was directing visitors where to go, so we circled the campus and found a line of people winding around, maybe a half-mile long. Our son and his family (whom we were visiting) dropped Jack and me off, then went to find a place to park. We didn’t know where to go, so we stopped and prayed, ‘Where do we go, Lord?’ I heard Him say, ‘It doesn't matter, I am here to meet with you.’ We approached a circle of about 150 people. There were young people in the middle of the group, passionately leading worship with a guitar and drum box, singing with their whole hearts unto the Lord. They would pause, another young person would read a passage of Scripture, then they would take us back into worship. They would pause again, and this time a young person would give a short exhortation, and then right back into worship. Some were weeping, some were passionately worshiping, and some were observing, but no one was ignoring what God was doing. “We eventually found seats in one of the overflow buildings, Estes Chapel, which is Asbury Seminary’s chapel and right across the street from Hughes Hall. This chapel was completely full with probably 500 people. In fact, while we were on Asbury’s campus, every overflow auditorium was full. “Here is what Jack and I saw: The worship was focused on Jesus. The worship team was focused on worshipping. Although they were leading, they made no effort to tell others how to worship. The congregational singing was passionate and unified. No one tried to raise their voice above the others. When they asked for those who had a Scripture to come read it for the Call to Worship, many young people got up and, often through tears, would read God’s Word. The leader would then declare, ‘This is the Word of God,’ and the crowd responded, ‘We believe it!’ The testimonies were faith-building demonstrations of God changing lives. I sensed people were being set free from hardness of heart, bitterness, anxiety, and fear. There was amazing hospitality and kindness. There was nothing for sale. No books, no t-shirts, no music. Even the food trucks were giving away snacks and water. No one asked for an offering, nor did I see a place to give an offering. No one was introduced by name. It truly was a nameless and faceless gathering. When people shared from the stage, it was short and concise, so as to not distract from the main focus - Jesus. The call was for radical humility, radical hunger, radical obedience, and transparency. There was no attempt to manufacture any fervor or emotion in the worship or sharing, nor did we see any suppression of fervor or emotion. We saw pure and simple devotion to Jesus. “Jack and I have been blessed to be in many services where one could sense the presence of God. When faithful people unite, humble themselves, welcome Holy Spirit and yield to Him, He is gracious to come. The way I describe it is: we pursue the Lord, and He answers. This was different. At Asbury, it felt as though He was pursuing us, and we answered. This was God’s idea. He was pursuing us: those who were hungry, those who were worn out, the resistant, the skeptical, the young, yes, but also the old. “It has become one of my core prayers that we won’t be satisfied with the fires we can create, but hunger for the fire only He can send. Only He can send the wind, the fire, and the rain! “As I was praying recently, the Lord showed me a picture of a person coming home after working very hard; they didn’t even know what time it was. As they entered their home and opened the door, they instantly smelled the fragrance of something baking in the oven, like fresh bread. Then they immediately realized how hungry they were. I think this is a picture of many today. They have been working hard, some secularly, others in the church. Though they may not have discerned it was God’s time for an outpouring, at the fragrance of Jesus, they realize how hungry they are; they realize what they need. “Many who have been touched by the Lord at Asbury didn’t even realize how hungry they were for HIM. Some who have been touched were seeking but didn’t know what they were seeking was Him. They may have tasted some stale bread or religion offered by the church, but hadn’t known their hunger was for Him. “I believe this is a first wave. God is releasing His fragrance, allowing hunger for Him to stir all over the world. We will see more. Miracles, signs, and wonders. For those of us who think we know how God will visit us, He is giving us the opportunity to repent for our judgments, and to surrender our expectations. He is giving us time to lay down our attempts to manufacture movements and yield fully to His good plans. “Many have asked me, ‘What do we need to “do” to bring this to where we are?’ It is a reasonable question. However, I sense that a better question would be, ‘What do we need to BE..?’ “I sensed we need to be: Humble Repentant Surrendered Transparent Available Obedient Willing to lay down our traditions and sacred cows. Loving Kind Hungry “We came away from Asbury thinking this is what pure and simple devotion to Jesus looks like.” *********** Pray with me: Father, thank You for what You have begun on campuses and other settings in our nation. Your passion to redeem and heal is obvious as we watch these events. It is equally clear that there is a deep hunger in the hearts of many for You; others do not yet realize it’s You they are hungry for. Show them. Let them smell the bread. Prepare the hearts of Your people for what is coming. Prepare us to serve, to be ready for the inconvenience of revival. Challenge and help us to lay down our preconceived ideas of what we think revival will look like. Deal with any religiosity or pride that could stand in the way of what You want to do. The Pharisees of Christ’s day looked in Your eyes, listened to You speak, and watched You work, yet did not recognize You. Our prejudices and preconceived ideas can blind us. Please do a work in us that keeps this from happening. Help us to soften our wineskins, making them flexible and ready for new wine. Remind us that no one or group has a monopoly on truth. We are all learning and transforming spiritually. Show us what needs to change, even if it was shaped by something You did in the past. We humbly and confidently ask You for these things, in the name of Jesus. Our decree: We decree that Holy Spirit is releasing His fragrance, drawing us unto Himself, and we are hungry! ********************* Pastors Jack and Terri Brown pastor The Table Church in Colorado Springs, CO. The Table Church does not have a website, but it does have a Facebook page. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070146675684&mibextid=LQQJ4d Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/february-24-2023 February 24, 2023 Igniting Your Family with Revival Before I begin today’s post, I must apologize for not remembering to include the information regarding Clay Nash’s prayer call at the end of yesterday’s post. I WILL do so today. Much of today’s post is taken from the OUTSTANDING book Fire on the Family Altar, written by Cheryl Sacks. Cheryl and her husband, Hal, are two of the most anointed and seasoned leaders of today’s 30-year-old prayer movement. I know of no two people I trust more. This post is important, and you would be doing yourself a great service if you purchase and read this book. I had the privilege of writing the foreword, where I said: “This book is one of the best marriages of revelation and wisdom, impartation and application that I know of. So often, we’re told what but not how. You will not experience that frustration after finishing this book. You’ll be able to do the teaching.” Cheryl begins: *************************** “I will never forget the moment when the heavens opened up, and I saw a vision of the nation covered in deep impenetrable darkness. I froze in awe and wonder, staring into the darkness. One by one, I saw homes across America light up as families passionately prayed and fervently praised God. Instantly, homes everywhere across the nation exploded with light as families were magnifying the Lord. The light spilled from these homes into the streets and through the neighborhoods—this spread like wildfire until the entire nation was ablaze with the presence and power of God. “In the days that followed, the Lord began to speak to me, ‘I am coming with revival fire to visit families across America.’ He revealed that as families worship Him and invite His Holy Spirit into their homes, He will revive them—bring them back to life. His presence and power will fill their lives and households, igniting a passion and hunger for God that will spread to those around them. “This would not be the first time God used family prayer to ignite transforming revival. This happened in the Hebrides Revival in Scotland in 1949-1953. It started in the small cottage of two elderly sisters who gave themselves to prayer for revival to come to their village. “At that time, churches in the region were spiritually dead. Not one young person was in church. Yet Peggy and Christine Smith spent hours in prayer daily, sometimes from 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. As their intercession intensified, others began to pray alongside them from homes across the island. “Soon the fear of the Lord gripped almost everyone on the island. Witnesses reported that one morning at 3:00 A.M., they found men and women kneeling along the road, crying out for mercy. Every home had its lights on—no one could sleep! The awareness of God was overwhelming! “Churches began to fill up as people returned to God. Those approaching the church would fall silent, in awe of the Lord. As they were seated, they would begin weeping—some from an overwhelming love of God, others from conviction. “No one wanted to go home when the services were over; they would linger at church or go into nearby homes for more worship. This would often go until 4:00 or 5:00 A.M. People were supernaturally able to function with little to no sleep. “The Hebrides Revival, sometimes called ‘The Cottage Revival,’ lasted four years, and 90 percent of the island was saved in its wake. It was a young-person phenomenon. Many teenagers and those under 40 were converted. “In the times in which we are living, God is calling His people once again to light the family altar—to establish our homes as places to meet with and encounter Him. As God’s people respond to this invitation, I believe it will usher in an unprecedented move of Holy Spirit, filling households with healing, restoration, and a renewed love for God and one another. “I hear the Lord’s urgent call to His Church today, ‘Get ready! Get your house in order and make room for My Spirit to move with power.’ In fact, in my vision, the Lord showed me ‘fire from Heaven’ falling on families, spreading to the family of God—a concentric move of God that starts in our own hearts and homes and moves outward as we prepare a welcoming place for Him. This will awaken the nation spiritually like nothing before it. “There are things the Lord wants to say to our families and us during these extraordinary times. I feel a strong, weighty urgency of the Lord to draw near to Him—to get off the proverbial hamster wheel of our everyday lives, to get quiet long enough to hear His voice. If we are running ahead too quickly and not listening to the Lord’s voice, we will miss what the Lord is saying and what He wants to do in and through our households. We must pay attention! “The Lord is sounding a clarion call for us to get ready for an outpouring of His Holy Spirit that will fill and overflow our homes, bringing in a great harvest of souls. This is not the time for the Church to hide in our homes; it is a time for the Church to arise and shine, as the prophet Isaiah proclaimed: ‘Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you’ (Isaiah 60:1 ESV). “In these times of cultural crisis, it is possible to make our homes a storehouse of His glory. People will be looking for those who know how to touch God on their behalf. As the revival spreads, new believers will need more of God’s Good News—the ‘basics’ of the Bible. This is why the Lord is calling us to be prayerful and prepare our homes to be a habitation for Him. Nothing is more effective at drawing people into the Kingdom and discipling them than nurturing friendships in a warm home environment. “The Lord is calling us to reach out to friends and neighbors—to invite them into our homes for times of Spirit-filled worship, prayer, and sharing testimonies of God’s faithfulness. He wants His Holy Spirit to be like a fire burning in our homes so that everyone who walks through our front door will encounter His tangible presence. As our families become saturated with God’s heart and filled with His hope, joy, and love, we will reignite in others that which was reignited in us. “Imagine what might happen if families all across the nation began to pray together every day. What if we regularly invited God’s presence into our homes and prayed not only for one another but for our schools, workplaces, and churches? What if every time we gathered to pray, we asked God to send another Great Awakening to our land? I believe we would see families restored, prodigals coming home, and revival fires ablaze, with a multitude of people coming into God’s Kingdom. “I hear the Lord’s urgent call, even a promise, to our families and the family of God today: “If you will build an altar, I will come—with awakening and revival fire—to your family and to your nation!” *************** Pray with me: Father, we ask You to ignite revival fire on the family altars of homes across America. Help families prioritize their relationship with You and make You the center of their home life—creating a foundation that can bring true transformation to our nation. And, Lord, we pray that this would not end with our generation but that our children and our children’s children would keep the fire on the family altar burning—that the generations to come would put their trust in You and not forget Your faithfulness (Psalm 78:6-7). We pray for this in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree, in Jesus’ name, that this movement of family prayer and worship is ignited today and that it will set the nation ablaze with the power and presence of Almighty God..! ******************* Today’s post was contributed by our friend Cheryl Sacks. Portions of the message were taken from her new book, Fire on the Family Altar: Experience the Holy Spirit’s Power in Your Home which you can find on Amazon. You can learn more about Cheryl and her husband Hal’s work at BridgeBuilders.net. Click on the link below to watch the full video. Information for Clay Nash’s prayer call: Call: 719.718.6038 Times of prayer calls: Monday 2:22 P.M. EST Tuesday 9:00 P.M. EST Wednesday 2:22 P.M. EST Thursday 2:22 P.M. EST Friday 2:22 P.M. EST
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/february-21-2023 February 21, 2023 Asbury Is Only the Beginning I am being asked about the ending of the public gatherings associated with the Asbury Revival. Like so many of you, I love seeing what Holy Spirit is doing there. The hunger of the young people is so inspiring; the coming together of the body of Christ to support it is truly encouraging; and the strong, yet sweet, presence of Holy Spirit responding to the hunger is precious. From purely a spiritual perspective, I would love to see it continue indefinitely. However, I am aware that this is a university, not a church. There are requirements that must be met in order to maintain educational credits, decrees, etc. There are also innumerable practical issues that arise for an organization/entity that is not designed to handle what is happening there. The leaders at Asbury have to weigh all of this and determine how to steward what is occurring. They are no doubt attempting to do so with sensitivity. What we must all remember is that this outpouring at Asbury was never intended by Holy Spirit to be the only place where revival occurs in America. What He has planned will occur all across our nation and other nations. Revival will not be confined to one organization, location, or group of people; Asbury is only a beginning. The outpouring of Holy Spirit will intensify and spread until it is a blazing fire of Holy Spirit activity throughout the land. And this will not be stopped. God‘s plan in the Upper Room of Acts 2 was not a revival for Jerusalem. It was an outpouring for Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8). Likewise, what He is doing today will not be limited to one campus, one church, or one city. It will be universal, as broad as it is powerful, and it will be unprecedented. What should we who are crying out for revival do now? Leaders should make great efforts to fan the flames and feed the hunger. Plans and activities should be structured to allow Holy Spirit time and place to move. Worship and prayer should be prioritized. What is coming will be more of a presence movement than a preaching movement. This is not to minimize the need for biblical preaching and teaching - we must have that. But an atmosphere must be created and honored that allows Holy Spirit to hover in our meetings and gatherings. He wants to pour Himself out, and this occurs as we give Him time and place. Ask Him for His strategies. Ask Him what plans we have that should be changed, and what activities may be in the way of His moving. And we must all prepare our hearts through humility and genuine hunger. Leaders must also promote unity. Whenever possible, work with other churches and groups to create the “one accord” atmosphere that draws Him. (See Acts 2) We must remember that this is not about us - our church, our ministry, our movement. It is about Christ and what He wants to do to reach people. Resist, at all costs, a competitive spirit and mindset. The church in America has become appallingly competitive and self-centered. This must be avoided. Resist the tendency to build on programs, ideas, methods and, especially, hype. Sensationalism will build nothing of true spiritual value or longevity. Contend for Holy Spirit’s presence and favor; nothing else will produce what we want to see. People, especially young people, are hungry for what is real and genuine, not for flash and hype. And whether they know it or not, they are hungry for God. Give them His presence! And I cannot emphasize strongly enough that when outpourings of Holy Spirit begin, we must steward, not control them. He will always come in unexpected ways, and people will respond similarly. They will weep; they will express great emotion; they will linger. They want to experience HIM, not simply be told about Him. If all of our gatherings are conducted in settings and atmospheres that must remain formal, carefully structured and strictly timed, we will not see what we desire. Polished and dignified atmospheres produce comfort zones, but never revival. And many churches miss Holy Spirit outpourings because they simply don’t make time for Him. Don’t expect Him to bow to our structures, schedules, or desires for convenience. To parents: get your kids into an atmosphere of awakening, whatever the cost. Go where it is occurring, if at all possible. And help pray it into your area - God wants to be poured out in your region. When it occurs, support it with your presence, time, and finances. Many of our children have been fed a diet of religious routines and activities, form without power, and little, if any, intimacy with God. They are unimpressed. Our young people want to truly connect with God Himself. And they crave purpose, which is only found in one’s Creator. And finally, to those of you who pray, please don’t stop. Our prayers are saving America. God is using them to expose evil, destructive ideologies, and impure motives. They are preparing the soil of America (and elsewhere) for the seed of the gospel, for truth, and for great change. We are forerunners, preparing the way for Christ to come to our land. Continue to appeal. Continue to decree, releasing Kingdom authority and God’s will on Earth. And continue to believe - it’s working. Pray with me: Father, thank You for the lives that have changed at Asbury. Thank You for whetting our appetite for more, for showing us what happens when You begin hovering and pouring out. We are hungry and thirsty for more. Please open the spigot. Open the heavens and rain Your life, grace, and power. Give leaders in the church Your strategies. Give us the humility, wisdom, and boldness to change ANYTHING that needs to change in order to make room for You. Give us ears to hear You, fresh revelation of what You are saying NOW. No leader learned how to birth, release, or steward revival in Bible College - because it can’t be taught. We must listen, we must hear. Give us desperate hearts and hearing ears! And finally, in the words of William Booth, revivalist and founder of the Salvation Army: “Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! Thy blood-bought gift today, we claim, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! Look down and see this waiting host, ive us the promised Holy Ghost; We want another Pentecost, send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! “God of Elijah, hear our cry: Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! To make us fit to live or die, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! To burn up every trace of sin, To bring the light and glory in, The revolution now begin, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! “’Tis fire we want, for fire we plead, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! The fire will meet our every need, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! For strength to ever do the right, For grace to conquer in the fight, For pow’r to walk the world in white, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! “To make our weak hearts strong and brave, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! To live a dying world to save, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! Oh, see us on Thy altar lay, Our lives, our all, this very day; To crown the off’ring now, we pray, Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!” (William Booth) (1) Decree: We decree that the fire of God is coming. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ https://hymnary.org/text/thou_christ_of_burning_cleansing_flame
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/june-1-2022 June 1, 2022 The Welsh Revival (The Revival Mantle part 2) In yesterday's post, I shared the first of two connected dreams received by Gina Gholston. The first dream was in July 2021 and ended with the phrase: “To Be Continued.” Part 2 was received a week ago; I will share that dream with you tomorrow. The setting in the first dream was Wales. Evan Roberts, one of the leaders of the Welsh revival, was handing our generation the mantle he had carried in that great outpouring. During the dream, it grew into a much larger mantle in order to produce broader results. In the end, those who received it were transported by Holy Spirit back to America. If you have not read the dream, I would strongly recommend that you pause and look at Tuesday‘s post. It will encourage you tremendously. By highlighting this awakening, Holy Spirit is not telling us He will replicate exactly what happened in the Welsh awakening. Nor are we to seek Evan Roberts’ mantle of revival. Holy Spirit owns and dispenses mantles. We seek God, not people. Nor are we to try and duplicate or copy what Holy Spirit did in the past. We can, however, be inspired and instructed by it. And also, by honoring what Holy Spirit did then, as well as the efforts of those He used, we can drink from the same well of power and anointing. By using this revival as a picture of what He is about to do, God is saying to our generation, “I am about to bring forth an earth-shaking, nation-changing outpouring of my Holy Spirit. It will produce great deliverances, salvations, healings, and societal transformation.” The Welsh Revival I feel that today, before sharing the sequel dream tomorrow, I should relate some facts regarding the Welsh revival; they will be helpful and encouraging. The visitation of the Holy Spirit in Wales in 1904-1905 was widespread and felt everywhere. It truly was a revival where God, in answer to prayer, poured out His presence unilaterally, and without focus on any one leader. The services were full, packed to the brim with people, hungry to receive from the Lord. The Welsh love to sing and this revival was sometimes called The Singing Revival. The Bible College of Wales shares: “The singing would segue into intercession as loud cries of ‘mercy’ rose to heaven like incense. All over the country, testimonies of hardened souls receiving salvation and lives being changed were heard. The impact of the Lord’s hand was evident. Stories of courts abandoned due to a lack of crime and bars shutting down were commonplace. Entertainment, such as football matches, lacked attendance as people were so hungry for His presence. Sales of pocket Testaments were snapped up as people hungered for the Bread of Life. “A story was told of how the horses in the mines were confused because they had been driven by men using profanity and kicks, but those disappeared. The Revival so seized the nation that the Western Mail in Cardiff published ‘Revival Editions.’ How often does one see religious news take front page in a national and secular newspaper? In these editions, revival news superseded current affairs, and testimonies replaced tabloids, telling of how the Welsh were more interested in God and His kingdom than the affairs of this world. The back of the paper even contained a hymn and a summary of the number of conversions to date.”(1) Amazing! Evan Roberts was one of the leaders of this revival. Revival-library.org tells us: “The great turning point in his [Roberts] life was when he visited a meeting at Blaenannerch where Seth Joshua was preaching. He was perhaps the most powerful preacher in Wales at the time and was holding evangelistic meetings throughout the nation. In one meeting, Roberts heard the evangelist pray ‘Lord, bend us’ and the words stuck to his heart and mind. The Holy Spirit said to Evan, ‘That’s what you need.’ He knew he had to consecrate himself to God before the Spirit would come through his ministry. “The next day he felt as if he was bursting inside in the chapel meeting. ‘I felt a living power pervading my bosom. It took my breath away and my legs trembled exceedingly. This living power became stronger and stronger as each one prayed, until I felt it would tear me apart. I fell on my knees with my arms over the seat in front of me. My face was bathed in perspiration, and the tears flowed in streams. I cried out, “Bend me, bend me!!” It was God’s commending love which bent me… what a wave of peace flooded my bosom…. I was filled with compassion for those who must bend at the judgment, and I wept. Following that, the salvation of the human soul was solemnly impressed on me. I felt ablaze with the desire to go through the length and breadth of Wales to tell of the Saviour.’ “The revival started in the South and a few days later broke out in the North, as well; within a few weeks, it had spread to all parts of Wales like a prairie fire. People began to flock to the church buildings. Sometimes all the churches in one town would be filled with people, for up to 24 hours a day. In some places there was preaching, in others, there was just singing and testimonies, in still others just people being led to pray out loud. “The national employment was primarily in the coal mines. These were places of terrible ungodliness, with much swearing, blaspheming, and gambling. But now, services were held hundreds of feet under the earth. Sometimes 300 men would gather to hear the reading of Scripture, sing hymns, and offer prayers. “Of the revival’s results, one of the most marvelous effects was upon the courts of justice throughout Wales. Criminal calendars were reduced to a minimum. Lists of convictions dwindled to nothing. Judges had, instead of the usual long lists of cases awaiting trial, blank sheets of paper, without a single name. “One newspaper report said: ‘Truly God has visited His people in Wales. It is not a question of one town being awakened, but of the whole Principality being on fire. Police courts are idle, family feuds pacified, old-standing debts paid, the family altar re-erected, and Bible study becomes a passion. This is the finger of God. Not only does it hold a large place in the religious weeklies, but the chief Cardiff journals give columns to the Revival each day, and some of the principal London papers give a full column every morning.’ “But above all, there were the converts, 100’s of them! After a very few weeks, there were 10,000, and after a couple of months, there were 30,000. When 6 months had passed there were over 70,000 new Christians and after 9 months the figure leapt to around 100,000 new converts. “Soon the revival spread to other places in South Wales. Teams of young people assisted preachers like Roberts, Sydney Evans, Seth Joshua, Joseph Jenkins, and R. B. Jones. The revival then took hold in North Wales. Within six months 100,000 had come to Christ! “The Welsh Revival was soon the main topic of conversation throughout the Christian world. Wherever the news went it seemed to cause passionate prayer and began to ignite revival fires everywhere. Christians across Great Britain turned to prayer and church membership increased throughout the land. “In Scandinavia, a current revival was fanned into a mighty blaze, as a result of the Welsh Revival. Germany was similarly affected as the flame spread across Europe. Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, the Balkans, and Russia experienced awakenings. “The United States felt the after-shock of the Welsh Revival in almost every place. Prayer, conviction, and conversion spontaneously occurred, resulting in unusual church growth. In 1906 the modern Pentecostal Movement was born on Azusa Street, in Los Angeles, after a succession of local revivals through 1905. News of the Welsh Revival had encouraged more prayer and suddenly the Holy Spirit descended. Daily meetings were held for the next three years. Visitors flocked there to catch the power of the Spirit and they were not disappointed. No one could have imagined that this was the beginning of the greatest and most effective missionary movement the world had ever seen. “Almost no country in the world was excluded from the effects of this incredible revival. Almost every nation, on each continent, received new power from heaven, and a new passion for prayer and the lost. Hundreds of thousands came to the Lord.”(2) Pray with me: Father, we thank You for Your Spirit of grace and mercy. You are good, all the time. We thank You for what You did in the Welsh Revival and the subsequent outpourings of Holy Spirit it spawned. It truly was used to impact the world. And now You speak of another, larger outpouring. You say You are mantling Your people with the gifts, anointings, and power necessary to accomplish this. We ask for that. We also pray the prayer of Evan Roberts, “Bend us. Bend our wills to Yours, and our hearts toward the lost and broken.” Send the fires of revival throughout the earth!!! In Christ’s name, Amen. Our decree: We decree that the greatest revival in all of history has begun and will explode on the earth. ********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ____________________________________________ https://www.bcwales.org/1904-welsh-revival https://www.revival-library.org/revival_histories/evangelical/1900/welsh_revival_1904.shtml
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6 (or 12) min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-8-2021 November 8, 2021 Excavate to the Foundation (Day 1) My friend, Greg Hood, has now had 3 dreams involving Tennent’s Well of revival. The first one explained Tennent’s role in the First Great Awakening, which was bringing fresh fire/revival to the clergy of that day (you can read it here). The second one was about fresh fire coming to the church in Nashville (you can read it here). This latest dream (from September 27, 2021) is regarding fresh fire coming to restore ministers who have fallen into sin and feel disqualified. It also has to do with the different streams in the body of Christ being cleansed, becoming one river and working together. This is a lengthy dream, filled with important insights, so I will take 3 days to discuss and pray into it with you. I will not get to the portion that includes Tennent today, but am mentioning it because this evening and tomorrow I will actually be at the place where Rev. Tennent ministered. I am going because of these dreams, to pray and decree what Holy Spirit is saying to us, from the place where the well was dug. At times, I feel it is important to actually honor what Holy Spirit did by going to that very place. I will share insights as we go through the dream, rather than sharing all of it and then looking back at portions. My comments are in italics. (The dream in its entirety is at the end of today’s post. You can find it on our Give Him 15 website: www.givehim15.com) EXCAVATE TO THE FOUNDATION “The dream began with Dutch and I standing in front of a building in which we were to hold a meeting. It was a large, well-known church building. Things seemed odd as we stood there. There were no people and the sign was not lit. I ran up the steps of the church to check the doors and shouted back to Dutch, ‘They are locked. The doors are locked.’” Obviously, the dream begins by saying things are not right with the church (not just this one but the church at large). It is empty, dark, and the doors are locked, signifying inactivity and/or a lack of productivity. Arguably, the church in America has had little impact on the nation the past 3 or 4 decades. I’ve heard it said that we’ve become a subculture, not a counterculture, and I would agree. Yet, God is not finished with us. He has been working in the church and revival is coming to her. “As I made my way back down the steps to where Dutch was, an angel approached us. He handed Dutch a folded note and said, ‘Go to the Anabaino Cafe. I have written the address on the note.’ We looked at the paper and the address was ‘4 Ephesians Street, Suite 4-7.’” This address is obviously referring to Ephesians 4:4-7. This passage is where we would find our instructions. The passage says: “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you also were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” The following verse, 8, says Christ gave “gifts” to us “when He ascended” to Heaven. Because of this, these gifts are sometimes called the “ascension gifts.” They are listed in verse 11: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. These are giftings or anointings of Christ, whose name means “anointed one.” He apportioned His anointing into 5 gifts and gave them to the church. They are NOT positions or titles; they are functions. Greg did not know it, but the name of the cafe, Anabaino, is actually the Greek word for “ascended.” It was the Ascension Cafe, with the Ephesians 4 address! Obviously, the dream is saying that unity - honoring one another - and the full release/function of these five ascension gifts will unlock what the church needs and turn the lights on. Also, with Ascension being the name of a cafe, it seems Holy Spirit is telling us we must be “fed” by these ascension gifts. “It was more of a truck stop than a cafe. We went inside and sat at a round table surrounded by five chairs. I can recall in the dream looking out the window and seeing many large flatbed trucks with heavy equipment loaded on them. Dutch commented to me, ‘Isn't that different, not one box truck in the yard. Every truck is carrying heavy equipment. There is going to be a lot of earth moving going on around here.’ “We were served breakfast and as we ate a man walked up to the table and said, ‘I see there are three more that will be joining you. I will go ahead and bring their meal out for them.’ “Dutch said to me, ‘Hood, who are we expecting to join us?’ “I replied, ‘It’s [Greg gave me the names of a Charismatic Baptist leader, a Word of Faith leader, and a prophetic teacher influential in marketplace ministry. I do not have their permission, so I won't share their names.] They are on their way, having received the same instructions we did.’ “The waiter arrived back at the table with our food, along with utensils for all, wrapped in an odd-looking napkin. “Looking up, we could see the other three men coming through the door of the Anabaino Truck Stop/Cafe. They came to the table, sat down and Dutch said, ‘Good to see you guys. Glad you made it. So, you got the same note we did!’ “One of them said, ‘We did and we are here! The time is here! All I have been prophesying for 50 plus years is upon us. I am as excited and full of fire as I have ever been. Let’s eat! We've got a lot of work before us.’” All of the 5-Fold Ascension gifts of Christ are embodied in these 5 men. They also represent several different movements of Holy Spirit over the past 50 years: healing, Charismatic Movement, Jesus People Movement, teaching, faith, evangelism, prayer, apostolic, prophetic, 7 mountains of culture/society, and more. “The gentleman who brought the food to our table approached again and said, ‘I am glad you all are here. Unwrap your utensils.’ As we did, we could see that the utensils were wrapped in a scroll. Each scroll had words written on it, which I could read. “Every scroll had written across the top, ‘Operation Hidden Treasures/Convergence of the Streams.’ In addition to this: On one scroll was written, ‘Dredging Deeper.’ Another held the words, ‘Pentecost Hovering Platforms.’ A third read, ‘Sand to Rock.’ Dutch’s Scroll had written on it, ‘Excavate To the Foundations and Enlist Men.’ And the scroll I held read, ‘Navigate the Water.’” The headings are interesting, to say the least. I won’t go too deeply into them here, but will summarize them. We would obviously be going “deeper” in the Word and operations of Holy Spirit than we ever had before. There would be a hovering and outpouring of the Holy Spirit - a “Pentecost” - which would sustain and increase our ability to influence others (“platform”). We were going to be doers of the word (those who built on the rock - Matthew 7:24-27), not hearers only (those who built on the sand). The “foundations” of the church would be emphasized: Christ (and His Word) is the Chief Cornerstone; apostles and prophets are also a part of the foundation (Ephesians 2:20). We would obviously be “enlisting” more leaders/workers into the effort of the church. And we would have to be able to “navigate” the waters of the Spirit. Wow..! We will understand more of this in tomorrow’s post. But let’s pray into this now. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for Your gifts to us. You have equipped us for the assignment You have given us. We embrace the anointing of our King, Jesus. We honor Him as our Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. We receive from His anointing and through it, minister His salvation into the earth. We thank You for our family - Your family, Your kids. Please forgive us for the division and disunity we have allowed to plague us. Some of it is born of pride, some of religion, all of it is from satan, the accuser of the brethren. Deliver us from all that divides us. We ask You to take us deeper. We ask for a fresh Pentecost. We ask You to foundation us once again on the “rock” of doing what You say in Your Word. And we ask You to give us increased sensitivity to navigate deeper waters from Holy Spirit. We ask this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that the church will go from disunity and competition to the spirit of brotherly love and harmony. _______________________________________________________________________________ Here is the dream in its entirety: Operation Hidden Treasures September 27, 2021 (A dream given to Dr. Greg Hood) “The dream began with Dutch and I standing in front of a building in which we were to hold a meeting. It was a large, well-known church building. Things seemed odd as we stood there. There were no people and the sign was not lit. I ran up the steps of the church to check the doors and shouted back to Dutch, ‘They are locked. The doors are locked.’ “As I made my way back down the steps to where Dutch was, an angel approached us. He handed Dutch a folded note and said, ‘Go to the Anabaino Cafe. I have written the address on the note.’ We looked at the paper and the address was ‘4 Ephesians Street, Suite 4-7.’ “It was more of a truck stop than a cafe. We went inside and sat at a round table surrounded by five chairs. I can recall in the dream looking out the window and seeing many large flatbed trucks with heavy equipment loaded on them. Dutch commented to me, ‘Isn't that different, not one box truck in the yard. Every truck is carrying heavy equipment. There is going to be a lot of earth moving going on around here.’ “We were served breakfast and as we ate a man walked up to the table and said, ‘I see there are three more that will be joining you. I will go ahead and bring their meal out for them.’ “Dutch said to me, ‘Hood, who are we expecting to join us?’ “I replied, ‘It’s [Greg gave me the names of a Charismatic Baptist leader, a Word of Faith leader, and a prophetic teacher influential in marketplace ministry. I do not have their permission, so I won't share their names.] They are on their way, having received the same instructions we did.’ “The waiter arrived back at the table with our food, along with utensils for all, wrapped in an odd-looking napkin. “Looking up, we could see the other three men coming through the door of the Anabaino Truck Stop/Cafe. They came to the table, sat down and Dutch said, ‘Good to see you guys. Glad you made it. So, you got the same note we did!’ “One of them said, ‘We did and we are here! The time is here! All I have been prophesying for 50 plus years is upon us. I am as excited and full of fire as I have ever been. Let’s eat! We've got a lot of work before us.’ “The gentleman who brought the food to our table approached again and said, ‘I am glad you all are here. Unwrap your utensils.’ As we did, we could see that the utensils were wrapped in a scroll. Each scroll had words written on it, which I could read. “Every scroll had written across the top, ‘Operation Hidden Treasures/Convergence of the Streams.’ In addition to this: On one scroll was written, ‘Dredging Deeper.’ Another held the words, ‘Pentecost Hovering Platforms.’ A third read, ‘Sand to Rock.’ Dutch’s Scroll had written on it, ‘Excavate To the Foundations and Enlist Men.’ And the scroll I held read, ‘Navigate the Water.’ “We then realized that the man serving us at the table was the same angel who had given us the note at the steps of the large church building. He began instructing us regarding this assignment: ‘Each of you has a truck outside in the parking lot. Each truck has equipment on it. Take your truck and equipment and go to the Valley Of the Streams. Dutch, you and Greg will share a truck.’ “I could see that one truck had large pumps on it, another had platforms that hovered and a third had a dredging machine. The one I was in, with Dutch driving, had a large excavator on the trailer. Each of us went to our trucks and left for the streams.” “We drove onto a very large lot in the Valley of the Streams, which was filled with more dredging machines, large pumps and other kinds of equipment. We were met there by many workers who began complaining about working conditions, having to work overtime and the stressful environment in which they had to work. One of the leaders stepped out from his 18-wheel rig and said to them, ‘You're all fired! We’ve had enough of whining laborers. This job requires backbone. Now, grow one or leave!’ “They all left! “We looked at him and thought, ‘What are we going to do now? There are no laborers to complete this mission.’ “Dutch said, ‘We have the scroll that says “Enlist Men.” Hang tight, we will be back soon!’ “The charismatic Baptist leader spoke up and said, ‘We will have all the equipment in place by the time you return. We will not miss this outpouring.’ “There was an old bus sitting on the lot we were on which looked like it hadn't been driven in years. Written on the side of the bus, in faded paint was, ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom and on the back of the bus was a bumper sticker that read, ‘Honk if you love Jesus!’ “We boarded the old bus and Dutch said, ‘Which way, Hood?’ “I said, ‘We are going toward Hebron.’ As we made our way down the road we passed many church buildings that were abandoned and/or dilapidated, then came to a city limit sign that read, ‘Hebron: Population Undetermined.’ “Just past the sign I said to Dutch, ‘turn right!’ He made a sharp, quick right turn down a narrow dirt road, which led us to a wooden building. The building’s sign read, Tennent’s Tavern & Well! Dutch and I walked into the building. We could see many men and women sitting at tables in this dimly lit room. All of them had empty cups in front of them. “Dutch shouted, ‘I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! We are here to enlist people for a new dredging and excavating project. It is the merging of the steams! It’s the Third Great Awakening and it is the opportunity of your lifetime!’ “A man spoke up from the back and said, ‘How can we work if our cups are empty? How can we be enlisted if we have been forsaken?’ “Dutch did not address this man's question. He stepped back and opened the door to let more light into the room, then decreed with a forceful voice, ‘I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!’ Dutch went on to say, ‘Bring your work gloves because this is going to be like nothing you have ever worked on in your entire life.’ Their cups filled. They drank. “Dutch and I walked outside. “While inside the building, we had not been able to clearly see who these people were. We actually did not know who we had just enlisted. As the people began to emerge from the building, we could see them more clearly and knew they were 5-fold ministers who had fallen or been rejected in their ministry. They were outcasts, driven away from the church for one reason or another. We recognized many of them who once had nationally known ministries. Others had served locally in their communities. “I said to Dutch, ‘Look at their gloves. Those are not work gloves; they’re boxing gloves.’ As we looked closely we could see that their gloves, like they themselves, were tattered, torn, dry, and cracked from age and weathering. Dutch and I began weeping. Then we saw that each pair of gloves had written on them: ‘evergreen’ and ‘everlast.’ There were hundreds of former leaders standing before us with smiles on their faces and fire in their eyes from the new wine they had just ingested. “Dutch said to them, ‘LOAD UP, WE ARE GOING TO WORK!’ “We arrived back to the Valley of the Streams. Those who had been reenlisted unloaded and made their way to the equipment they were familiar with, then went to work. “The 3 leaders who had stayed at the work site approached us and said, ‘We have dredged deeper than ever before. We’ve gotten enough of the muck out of the streams to where they won’t pollute each other.’ “One of the leaders said to us, ‘We got set up and started working. Our pumps have removed the sand from the bottom of the streams and we've found rock. Solid rock! The water is clearer than it has ever been.’ “Another leader said, ‘Dutch, you guys will have to navigate your excavations from the water, not the land. I have the Pentecost Platforms ready. Actually, I had to rewrite the entire manual of operation because it was so cluttered with religion. The platforms will carry your excavators as you and your team remove the land between the streams to create the river. The Pentecost Platforms are ready to board and can handle the weight of your excavators.’ “Dutch then began to address the work crews that were on the excavators. We could see that each of them had on work shirts like those bearing company names and the workers’ names on them. The company name on these shirts was ‘Mamlakah,’ a Hebrew word meaning ‘kingdom’ (which Greg did not know), and the name of all the workers was the same on every shirt: ‘Hidden Treasure.’ “Dutch and I climbed aboard the first excavator and loaded it on the first Pentecost Platform. The workers, along with other leaders, also boarded excavators and drove them up on Pentecost Platforms. Another leader and a team of workers monitored the Pentecost Platforms. We began to remove the land between the streams. Once we started this portion of the work, it took twelve months to complete it, after which a great river burst forth that had never before been seen in the history of humankind. By the Spirit, I knew that the work was completed in the month of September.” End of Dream. __________________________ You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. 183 likes. Post marked as liked
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