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  1. 5 min read July 18, 2024 Intercessors: Keep “Pushing” President Trump knows it was God who saved his life last Saturday. “God alone” were his words. It certainly was divine protection, which was absolutely generated by the prayers of the church. The following dream was given to Gina Gholston just days before the election of 2020. Most of us assumed - never wise to do so - it was for that time. It seems as though the dream was for now. (I’ll be sharing another such dream in tomorrow’s post.) The dream points out the need to pray for the president; tomorrow’s post points out what God intends to do in the coming season. Here is Gina’s dream: “On October 28, 2020, I dreamed there was a large crowd of people that had gathered around President Donald J. Trump in an attempt to overtake and presumably harm him. Then, I saw a smaller crowd begin to surround him. Along with Dutch Sheets, I pushed a large flatbed cart (like those at home/building supply stores) through the large crowd and positioned it beside President Trump. “Those of us in the smaller crowd helped him get onto the flatbed cart. On the cart was a chair, and the president sat down in the chair. He was holding a replica of the torch on the Statue of Liberty in his right hand, which he held up throughout the entire dream. “Trump was not rattled by the large crowd and their attempts to overtake him. He was very comfortable and completely at ease. Once he was seated in the chair, we positioned ourselves to push the cart forward. Before we began, several from our group took four large old family Bibles and placed them on each corner of the cart. The purpose was to balance and help steady the cart as we moved forward. “We then began pushing the cart; we gained momentum and were moving at a very high rate of speed. Others in the smaller crowd, whom I believe were intercessors, went ahead of us and, working quickly, used brooms to move rocks and other objects that had the potential of causing the cart to tip over if we hit them. “Eventually, as we moved forward, there were not only rocks in the roadway, but also land mines. However, the people continued to clear the way, and the landmines were removed without detonating. We never slowed down or hit a rock or a landmine. The way was cleared perfectly. “We continued pushing the President, who was still seated on the cart, holding the torch in his right hand. I said, ‘We must hurry and get him (the President) “there.” We don’t have a lot of time.’ So, we began pushing at an even higher rate of speed. “Then, out in front of us, we saw what appeared to be a solid rock wall blocking the entire roadway. We all looked at one another, wondering how we would get beyond the wall. But we never stopped moving. “Suddenly, I received a prophetic revelation and said, ‘It’s not real. That wall is not what it appears to be. Keep moving! Just keep going . . . same pace.’ I then said to Donald Trump, ‘Mr. President, hold on, we’re going to keep going!’ “The President then said to us, ‘This is not going to be a piece of cake, but do not stop. You can get me there, and this time, it will be different because now it’s realigned. Everything has been “reset”! It won’t be easy, but you can get me there. If you don’t stop, I will finish my eight years well.’ “We kept moving and arrived at the wall. I said again, ‘Mr. President, hold on!’ Then we hit “the wall,” which was not a solid rock wall at all! It was a thin, glass wall with a mural of a rock wall painted on it. We hit the glass, and it shattered into thousands of pieces. There was a huge mess left from the shattering of the wall, but it didn’t stop us. “When we hit the glass, it was as if we entered some kind of an opening; it looked like the image created by an aircraft as it breaks the sound barrier. We broke the sound barrier! We were then engulfed with a brilliant light. “As we went through that light, we suddenly found ourselves in front of the White House lit up with red, white, and blue. There were long tables set up on the front lawn, decorated for a banquet prepared for us, the President, and his family. “On each table were centerpieces that included small replicas of the Statue of Liberty, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Liberty Bell. These replicas were gifts for each of us to keep as a memorial of this day. Between each centerpiece, red, white, and blue flowers lined down the center of each table. “There was great excitement in each of us as the banquet began.” End of the dream. ******* The dream is self-explanatory. Intercession is clearing the debris from Trump’s path to the White House. However, it is vitally important that we realize this is not really about Donald Trump. I’m not enamored with him, just as I’m not taken with any governmental leader. I honor leaders’ authority and positions, but they hold no celebrity status for me. And I certainly don’t place them on a pedestal. Like all of us, they are flawed, make mistakes, and desperately need the grace of God. As King David showed us quite clearly, even those “after God’s heart” are capable of mistakes. I have repeatedly stated that only God can save America, but we must be continually reminded of it; no person or political party can save America. I enjoy the celebrative atmosphere and most of the speeches at the RNC convention, but I am reminded over and over: determination is good, but not enough. Unity is essential, but not enough. Strategy is critical, but not enough. I am reminded over and over and over again as I listen: Faith in God released in humility before Him must be our number one priority during this time. “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to WALK HUMBLY with thy God” (Micah 6:8; AKJV; emphasis mine). “Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk in Humility” - now there’s an unbeatable platform. May it be our banner as intercessors, as we keep “pushing the cart.” Pray with me: Father, our personal righteousness is as filthy rags; that’s why You sent Jesus. Paul said no good thing dwelled in our flesh (Romans 7:18). That’s why he relied on Christ in him, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). Even Jesus, when operating in His humanness, relied on You and Holy Spirit to help Him stating, “I can of my own self do nothing” (John 5:19,30). We loudly declare this day that You alone are our hope. You are our strength and salvation. Your mercy seat is where our faith lies, and it is accessed by humility. We humble ourselves before You now to receive Your grace. America has sinned grievously, turning to other gods and rejecting You. As mocking fools, we have maligned You. Cleanse us from our wickedness and deliver us from the wages of our sin. Heal our land and use us again for the world’s salvation through Christ. Protect Trump and Vance, Biden, our members of Congress, our Judges, and our spiritual leaders. Protect us from the terrorists in our land. Expose and foil their plans. And as we shall read of in tomorrow’s post, send revival to this dry and thirsty earth. In Christ’s authority, we pray, amen. Our decree: We decree that we will do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our great God. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  2. 7 min read April 9, 2024 The Statue of Liberty There is probably no icon more known for depicting America than the Statue of Liberty. In the following dream given to Gina Gholston in 2019, an enraged and violent mob is seen trying to destroy the statue. This is obviously a metaphorical picture of the current attempt to destroy America. The dream is too long to allow commentary, but none is needed: God uses the praying church to save America. This we will do. And we will continue to birth and protect the great worldwide harvest. The dream: The Attempt To Destroy America “On November 10, 2019, I dreamed that I came upon a chaotic mob of hundreds of people. Rage, hatred, and evil permeated the atmosphere. In the middle of this mob stood a living, life-sized version of the Statue of Liberty, wrapped in the American flag. The mob was kicking and beating her. She was pushing back, attempting to fight them off. “Then, the Statue of Liberty fell to the ground. When she fell, I ran toward the mob and saw a militant man dressed entirely in black, carrying a black machine gun. As I ran toward them, he used the machine gun to push me backward. I fell, crying, and screamed, ‘SHE’S DYING! SHE’S DYING, AND I CAN HELP HER!’ I stood up and attempted to break through the mob to get to her, but the militant man again pushed me to the ground. “As I lay there, I could see the Statue of Liberty lying on the ground, the mob continuing to kick and beat her. She was bleeding from her nose and mouth; her hands were bruised and bleeding. Beside her, I saw Dutch Sheets attempting to resuscitate her. These vile people would grab him by his feet, pulling him away from the statue, but Dutch would quickly scramble back to her, continuing to attempt CPR. This happened several times. “Seeing a set of bleachers, I stood and made my way into them. From there, I was able to see everything clearly. I could see Dutch and many others with him: Ceci, Chuck Pierce, Tim Sheets, and more. “I noticed that many people in the vicious, raging mob were dressed in professional attire. It is difficult to describe their rage, hatred, violence, and the chaos it created. “In the bleachers, I looked down beside me and saw a defibrillator! Picking it up I yelled, ‘DUTCH!’ He looked up, saw me, and I motioned that I was going to throw him the defibrillator. I did so, and he caught it. “He then said, ‘This is great, but how will we power it?’ “I shouted, ‘WE’VE GOT POWER!’ “A lady and several others in the mob began pushing against those standing with Dutch. She was their spokesperson and shouted, ‘YOU CAN’T DO THIS! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!’ “Then Chuck Pierce rose up. As he did, he grew taller and spoke to me very calmly, ‘The distress signal has been sent out.’ “I knew he was using a biblical reference to Nehemiah who had said to Israel regarding Jerusalem, ‘Do you see the distress we are in?’ (see Nehemiah 2:17). It was as if Nehemiah’s words brought an ‘awakening’ to the people, and they rose up with a ‘mind to work.’ I felt that Chuck was saying, ‘The awakening message has been preached, and people have received it. They’re awake, ready, and will know what to do.’ “With Chuck’s words in my mind, I looked around for help. There were many people walking around, and I realized some of them were literally glowing! When I saw these ‘glowing ones,’ I took them by the hand and said, ‘Come with me. We may not be able to get down with Dutch and the others, but there is a place for us, and I know how to get us there! We have to get in our place!’ “I led them into the bleachers, which had now encircled the entire scene like a colosseum. The bleachers were filled with these ‘glowing ones.’ “I prayed, ‘Lord, how are we going to do this?’ “Instantly, I heard the Lord loudly say, ‘USE THE POWER!’ “I told all of the people in the bleachers to hold hands and be ready! I heard some of them humming a familiar song. I began instructing the people that when I gave the signal, some were to pray in the Spirit while others sang the song they were humming. “We all held hands. With my right hand, I picked up the cables attached to the defibrillator I had thrown to Dutch; with my left hand, I held the hand of the lady next to me. “The chaos was still raging - loud, chaotic, vicious! In the midst of that, Dutch took the paddles of the defibrillator and placed one on the Statue of Liberty‘s right ear and the other on her heart. Then, as loudly as he could, shouted, ‘CHARGE!’ “I yelled to the people in the bleachers, ‘NOW!’ “Some began fervently praying in the spirit, while the others sang with very loud voices, ‘ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME; LET ANGELS PROSTRATE FALL. BRING FORTH THE ROYAL DIADEM AND CROWN HIM LORD OF ALL!’(1) “As we did so, a visible jolt went out of my hand, through the cables, and into her, causing a shaking. “The people in the mob screamed, ‘STOP! You can’t do this!’ “Dutch yelled again, ‘CHARGE!’ “I shouted, ‘NOW!’ And again, we sang and prayed in tongues, causing another jolt to go through the cables and into the Statue of Liberty. Again, she shook. “This happened twice more, and the Statue of Liberty stood up. She had been bleeding, and parts of her had been broken off, but she stood up completely whole…no bleeding, no breaks. “The mob was furious! This was their ‘big move,’ what they had been planning and plotting. But God’s power, flowing through His people, had stopped it. “The vile lady, the mob’s spokesperson, had the authority to call in a militant force and did so - hundreds of them. They surrounded Dutch and those who stood with him, pointing machine guns at them. “Watching from the bleachers, our hearts were pounding. We knew the severity of what we were about to witness if God did not intervene, but we also knew that we had to take a stand. It was do or die, and if we had to die, we were willing. There was absolutely no fear in us, just courage and determination to do our part! “When they pointed the machine guns at Dutch and those standing with him, it was an indescribable moment. Then they fired the guns, but there were no bullets—no ammunition! Nothing! “The vile lady screamed, ‘THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!’ And she instructed the militant company to take us all out—even those of us in the bleachers—with brute force! As they started their move toward us, we all—Dutch, those with him, and those of us in the bleachers—simultaneously fell on our knees and began to cry out to God. “When we did so, there was the loud sound of an old-fashioned telephone ringing. As it did, the ground shook, and everything went silent. Everyone stopped moving. There was not one sound other than the ringing of the telephone. The instant silence was as dramatic as what I had previously seen. It was indescribable how it went from all the rage, chaos, and loudness to complete stillness and silence! In the dream, I heard these words, ‘Call unto Me, and I will answer you!’ (Jeremiah 33:3). “As that ringing sound continued, the Statue of Liberty stretched out her left arm, holding the tablet. We could all see written on it the Scripture reference, ‘Romans 10:9,’ which states, “If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, YOU SHALL BE SAVED!“‘ “Then the Statue of Liberty spoke, saying, ‘I WILL NOT DIE! I WILL LIVE AND DECLARE THE WORKS OF THE LORD!’ (Psalm 118:17). “Dutch then stood up and said boldly and powerfully to the militant people and the mob, ‘You can’t stop it now! We have called, and the Lord has answered us… America IS saved!’ “At that very moment, the torch in the right hand of the Statue of Liberty began to burn, a large flame leaping up.” End of dream. Keep praying, church! Let no threats, attacks, shaking, or fear silence you. We have the [spiritual] power - use it! Pray with me: Father, it is the power and authority of Christ that has prevailed over the evil one. He expelled him from Heaven; He broke his authority over earth, taking it back; and He took the keys of hell. He has now delegated to the church His authority on earth. All hail the power of His name! You were not confused and weren’t simply speaking Your “hope” when You told Him You were giving Him the nations of earth as His inheritance. Nor was He when declaring He would build an unconquerable Ekklesia. This church is now arising throughout the earth under Holy Spirit’s orchestration, releasing Kingdom authority and reaping Christ’s reward. By Your strength and grace, Christ’s victory, and Holy Spirit’s power we will not waver or fail. America shall be saved. Awakening is occurring. The cloud of witnesses will not have run in vain. The harvest is and will be reaped. More than a billion souls will be won by You in our day. And one day, as the great hymn in this dream goes on to declare: “Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe, On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all,
To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. “O that with yonder sacred throng, We at His feet may fall,
We’ll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all.
We’ll join the everlasting song, and crown Him Lord of all!”(2) Our decree: We decree that the church, authorized by Christ and connected to Holy Spirit, is releasing life-giving power to restore America. ********************** You can find out more about Gina at Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- Ibid.
  3. 5 min read January 9, 2024 The Rats Will Be Exposed God used animals many times in Scripture - because of the animal’s distinct characteristics - to picture humans: Jesus was seen as a lamb and a lion; satan was seen as a serpent and a dragon; Herod was called a fox; false believers were called wolves and goats; and so on. I have seen several dreams given to prophets over the past couple of years with rats representing people. Rats typify or picture darkness, disease or plague, garbage and waste, theft, abominations, betrayal, devouring, and more. In all the dreams I’ve seen, rats are used to picture evil taking place through individuals in our government, and God is exposing them. The dream I’m sharing today was given to our friend, Gina Gholston, just a few days ago. Gina is a frequent dreamer, and has a consistent track record of accuracy in her interpretations and her prophetic words. It was Gina who released the “Paint the Borders” dream. The dream I’m sharing today, Gina says: DREAM OF JANUARY 4, 2024 “I dreamed we were at a gala at the White House. Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, and several other members of our prayer team were there, along with 300 or so other people. It was a black-tie event, and everyone was dressed immaculately. Then, a spokesperson came and told us there was maintenance being done in the White House, and we could not go outside of the room we were in. It was almost as if we were being held there - at least, that was the underlying tone of the one speaking. “I told my assistant that something felt ‘off.’ Then Chuck Pierce came over to talk with us; I told him I felt something was amiss. He said, ‘I know. There’s something happening beyond the walls.’ “Suddenly, a lady on the far side of the room screamed that she saw a rat running across the floor. Several of us saw it. Others were saying, ‘There’s no rat in here. You’re just making that up!’ But the rat was right there, visible for everyone to see. And even though everyone saw it, some still denied it was there. They even became angry that some were pointing it out and desperately tried to make those who saw it believe that it wasn’t really there! “The rat moved toward a wall and went through a hole. Through the hole, I could see lights flickering. Chuck also saw it, and he said, ‘Inside that room, an evil is happening.’ “I gathered a few people to go with me into the room next door in order to see what was happening there. We managed to get out of the gala room undetected, and when we opened the door to the next room, found frantic chaos happening there. About a hundred or so people were in the room; each had a very large paper shredder, trying to use it to destroy documents. There were boxes and boxes of files. Though they attempted to shred the files, they wouldn’t shred, regardless of how many times they placed documents in the shredder. The files would go through the shredder but would always come out whole - intact! These people were furious and in complete panic! They were so preoccupied with the files that they hadn’t noticed that we were in the room watching them. “I then saw the rat that had been in the gala room, and it was lying on its back in the corner of this room, kicking its feet up in the air, laughing and laughing. Chuck Pierce was with us, and I asked him what all of this meant. He said, ‘The instigator has deceived the people. They are doing his bidding, but he himself has gone undetected, even by those who have been deceived. Now exposure has come, and they are left to clean up his mess. However, God won’t let it be “cleaned up”; He is guarding the evidence and forbidding its destruction. The rat is giddy, thinking he’s in the clear - unseen, untouchable - but his days are numbered. The impending exposure is causing the people to become careless, and they are losing control of their ability to hide things. They're not even fully aware that they themselves are being revealed!’ “At that moment, a couple of men wearing pest control company uniforms came into the room. The rat saw them and panicked. He tried to run and hide, attempting to go back through the hole in the wall to the other room, but the men trapped him in a cage. “As the rat was being captured, all of the people at the shredders instantly froze in place. I could see their eyes moving, but their bodies had been ‘frozen,’ and they could not move. Their hands were stuck to the files and the shredders. There was no denying what they had been doing. “At that time, many of the other people at the gala entered the room to see what was happening. As they entered, masks began falling off the faces of the people frozen at the shredders, revealing their true identity. They were being completely exposed. “Then the rat morphed into a man. Some of those at the shredders, although still frozen in place, began to speak, alluding to the ‘rat man’ saying, ‘He’s the instigator! Arrest him!’ “Then some of those at the shredders became unfrozen and, while lifting up the files they had been trying to shred, said, ‘Here’s the proof! Here’s the evidence! It’s all here in the files! Thank God He didn’t allow us to shred it!’ “A lady accompanied by two young men entered the room and gathered all the boxes of files. Several more men came into the room with hand trucks and removed all the shredders for evidence. Dutch Sheets asked the lady why they were removing the shredders. She said, ‘It’s part of the evidence. There’s incriminating data saved in them, and we know how to retrieve it.’” End of dream. [In the dream, Gina actually saw the specific crime/s this pertained to. However, we felt it was not wise to release that information at this time.] There is certainly no need for a lengthy explanation of this dream. God has told us He is shaking and exposing. Individuals and some of the departments and agencies in our government pulled off an unprecedented coup, and a shadow government now rules America. Those involved are incredibly evil and giddy with delight. But the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1), and He removes leaders while raising up others (Daniel 2:21). He treads on serpents and scorpions - and rats - and gives us authority to do so, as well (Luke 10:19). Pray with me: Father, we thank You for the exposure taking place in our nation. You have been telling us this would occur, and we have been watching it take place. We pray that You will continue to expose the evil in our government: lies, backroom deals, corruption in our Justice Department, voting irregularities, distortion of America’s history, refusal to control our borders, abuse of children, and so much more. Continue to uncover and expose. Protect the evidence until it is revealed; convict people, motivating them to reveal the truth; give courage to whistleblowers. As You shake down in order to reveal and uncover, we pray for the intercessors and leaders in the church, asking for strength and unwavering faith; remind them that You will only tear down what is necessary, and mercy will triumph. We pray for those who are investigating and exposing, asking You for wisdom, contacts, protection, skill, and supernatural discoveries. We pray for those being attacked by the “rats,” especially President Trump, asking for Your protection over his mind and body. Give him supernatural strength and endurance. Give strength to those in Congress who are unfairly attacked, and likewise to Judges such as Clarence Thomas. Vindicate the righteous as you expose evil. We ask You for these things in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that rats in our government are being exposed, evidence is being preserved, and justice will be served. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  4. 8 min read October 2, 2023 Yota, Please do not merge with Parts 1-4 The New Wine Dream, Part 5 In the last four posts, we have been discussing a powerful dream Holy Spirit gave Dr. Greg Hood. The dream is long, very detailed, and filled with hope. It pictures satan’s plans to thwart God’s intentions for America and God’s recipe for victory over it. Greg and I have been given a package to deliver to Ekklesia leaders, which contains the recipe for this victory. The recipe is for a “new wine” - an outpouring of Holy Spirit - made from a mixing of previous wines - past revivals - spanning five centuries. So far, we have looked at ten of the wines/movements. Today, we will see the 5th and last pour, consisting of the final two wines (making a total of twelve). Then, we will see the results. (See previous posts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). And as we have been doing, the portion of the dream I comment on today will be shared at the end of today’s post.) The Final Pour Tim, assigned to place the filters, grabbed another one and said, "This filter seems to be transparent; it will allow what is poured through it to be seen, not hidden. We’ll actually be able to see the wine mixing under the four filters.” Jim said, "This filter is more than a Mamlakah(1) filter; it's an Apostolic Moreh Mamlakah filter. This one is needed in the final stages of the merger so the blend can balance, and the taste of the new wine will have a strength that causes a contagious intoxication." I continue to be surprised at the many words, numbers, and dates - most of them unknown to Greg - given in this dream. Moreh(2) is another. First, as a reminder, mamlakah means “kingdom.” All of the past wines/outpourings were poured through “Kingdom Filters.” Moreh is the Hebrew word for “teacher.” The coming new wine outpouring will need “apostolic, Kingdom-hearted teachers,” allowing it to: be clearly “seen, not hidden.” This new wine will come with revelatory teaching. be “balanced.” Anointed apostolic teachers bring balance, depth, and order, enabling the church to build on a strong and pure foundation of Christ and His Word. possess a “strength that will cause a contagious intoxication.” Many will want this new wine of the Spirit and, as Ephesians 5:18 instructs us, “Be filled with the Spirit.” The Message Translation of this verse is classic: “Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge drafts of Him.” Incredible..! The Wines I turned to Greg and said, "Hood, you are holding the last two bottles. They are glowing a pure purple color. What are they?” He responded, "One is a Lions Heart 1727 vintage from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and the other is an 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection. Purple, the color of the wines, symbolizes royalty and authority. This is consistent with the Lion Heart 1727 vintage from Tennent’s Log House Vineyard. Tennent was certainly a lion-hearted leader, and ministered in the First Great Awakening, challenging the clergy and the unbeliever alike. In 1727 he founded the Log College in Warminster, PA. Some have estimated that as many as 60 other schools were spawned from the fruit of Tennent’s Log College! The 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection is a humorous reference to the Haystack Prayer Meeting of 1806, which began at Williams College. Occurring during the Second Great Awakening, this prayer meeting launched the modern missions movement, resulting in thousands of missionaries being sent throughout the world. In the summer of 1806, five students from the college met in a grove of trees to pray and discuss the needs of those in other countries. Their meeting was interrupted by a thunderstorm, and the students took shelter under a haystack and continued to pray until the sky cleared. (Thus, the name Haystack Prayer Meeting.) They and other students formed a group called The Brethren, to meet and discuss missions. This ultimately birthed a great missionary movement, that changed the world. Jim informed Greg and me that he and I would make this pour together, one bottle each. Also, he said we would need to pour them simultaneously, just as with the previous pour. These two wines representing the First and Second Great Awakenings, prayer, training, missions, and much more, were poured together into one vat appropriately named the “Kingdom Ekklesia,” which already contained ten other wines/movements. The New Wine Is Released The new wine was ready! Jim referred to it as “a new, present-day, apostolic blend.” Then he added, “This blend has not yet been partaken of in the nation.” We filled the new bottles, which pictures us, the church. Then he said, “The heat of the wine in the bottles will ignite them and transform them into rockets. NOW, Operation Paint the Target - Release Awakening is upon us. EVERYONE TO THE DOOR!” This depiction of the heat/fire in the new wine and bottles pictures the fire of God coming to the Ekklesia through this fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit. We will be launched like rockets, carrying the new wine to targets, releasing awakening. “The battlefield is almost ready for us to launch,” I said. A code from Scripture was decreed in order to open the door. It was Daniel 7:26-27: “But the court will convene for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the empires will serve and obey Him” (NASB). The New Wine Bottle Rockets ignited and launched onto the America-shaped battlefield. Explosions of new wine rained down on the battlefield - it was everywhere! The only exception was the church that earlier in the dream, had turned us away, uninterested in the recipe. Everything else was covered. There was so much of the new wine that it formed a river of wine in America. We all wept. (End of dream) Surely, this is coming. God is even now blending people, movements, and the anointings of past revivals. He is challenging us to allow Holy Spirit’s renewal of our wineskins and the filtering of our movements and congregations. That which is coming, the new wine, will stretch us all. Inflexible wineskins will be incapable of holding this new wine. But those who allow this preparation to occur are about to become part of the greatest outpouring of Holy Spirit in Earth’s history. He has saved the best for last! Pray with me: Father, thank You for giving this incredible dream to Greg Hood. It is so full of healthy reminders, sobering warnings, confirmations, encouragement, prophetic enlightenment, and more. Though we find ourselves on the America-shaped battlefield, we do not fear the bullets; You have given your angels charge over us to keep us in all of our ways. We do not fear the religious spirit that opposes the new, satisfied with yesterday’s wine, rituals, and routines, nor do we despise them. We pray for the eyes of their understanding to be opened, their hearts to become hungry, and their minds to be opened. We thank You for Jesus, our chief cornerstone. We pledge to measure everything we do from Him, and do all things through Him. In Him, we live and move and have our being. We pledge to be a Kingdom Ekklesia, focusing not on our own ministries and success, but on Your great cause and Kingdom. We pledge to submit to the Kingdom filter. And we honor those in Your great cloud of witnesses. We thank them - through You - for their faithfulness, sacrifices, and tireless efforts. We are mindful and thankful for the legacy they gave us, for the “wine” they provided from their movements, a wine from which we drink today. And now, we pray for the completion of the wine-making process. Mix the movements all together, making them one. Add the fire of Holy Spirit, sweeten it with the aroma of worship and prayer, and make it robust and strong. Pour it in the church, ignite us, and send us to the battlefield. We have painted the target, commanded the foreword, and anchored the states. Now, release the awakening, here and around the world. In Christ’s authority, His name, we ask. Amen. Our Decree: We decree that a mighty river of new wine is going to flow in America and the nations of the earth. ************************* You can find out more about Dr. Greg Hood at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4467. Ibid, ref. no. 4176. ------------------------------------------- The New Wine Dream, Part 5 - Greg Hood (9/2023) Tim again grabs another filter in his hand; he says, “This filter seems to be transparent, but it’s a filter nonetheless. It will allow what is poured through it to be seen, not hidden. You will be able now to see the wine as you have never before seen it.” Jim said, “This filter is more than a Mamlakah filter; it’s an Apostolic Moreh Mamlakah filter. It’s needed in the final stages of the merger so that the blend can balance and the taste of the new wine will have a strength that will cause a contagious intoxication.” Dutch turned to me (Greg) and said, “Hood, you are holding the last two bottles. They are glowing a pure purple color. What are they.” I said, “One is a Lions Heart 1727 vintage from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and the other is a 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection. As Dutch was about to instruct me to make my way up the ladder as the others did, Jim interrupted him and said, “Boys, hang on a minute. You both will have to climb the ladder together. Greg, you must take and pour the 1727 Lions Heart from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and Dutch will carry the 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection. Dutch, you will go up the ladder first, and Greg, you will follow. These bottles must be merged in the vat with the others in the same fashion as the ones Jones poured.” Dutch and I made our way up the ladder, stood at the opening of the vat, and began to merge both bottles of wine into the vat. As we poured through the transparent Moreh Mamlakah filter, Jim excitedly ordered Tim to swing an arm, attached to the vat below, over the new bottles on the table beside the vat. He said, “Timothy, open the spout and let the new wine fill the bottles.” As he said this, we saw three men step out of the cloud of witnesses. We knew these men. Our hearts leaped with great excitement. As we all stood on the 264-inch by 22-inch catwalk, we continued praying, prophesying, decreeing, and praying in the Spirit. The wine flowed into these new bottles. Jim said to us, “Come down quickly. The fermentation process is complete, the bottles are filled, and we must ready them to launch.” He said, “This new blend is a new present-day apostolic blend. This blend has not been partaken of in the nation yet.” He excitedly said, “The heat of the wine in the bottles will ignite them and transform them into rockets. NOW, “Operation Paint the Target - Release Awakening,” is upon us.” Jim commanded, “EVERYONE TO THE DOOR!” We all quickly gathered at the door by which we entered the wine cellar, waiting for it to open to see these now “Bottle Rockets” launched. We stood there for what seemed like forever with great anticipation. Dutch said as he stared at his watch, “Just a few more minutes, folks. The battlefield is almost ready for us to launch.” With a commanding voice, Dutch spoke, “Tim, this door and the New Wine Bottle rockets are voice-activated. You are holding the key. On my count, speak to the door and the New Wine Bottle Rockets. Open the door and release the rockets into their assignment.” Dutch begin to count down, “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1, DECLARE!” Tim then begins to declare Daniel 7:26-27. The door to the wine cellar opened, and the New Wine Bottle Rockets ignited and launched onto the raging, America-shaped battlefield. As they traveled to their assignment, we could hear explosions of the New wine beginning to rain down on the nation. We all ran to the top of the staircase back onto the battlefield. We could see the new blend of wine everywhere. The only place that seemed not to be totally covered was the church that wouldn’t let us inside. Everything else on the nation-shaped battlefield appeared to be covered with this new wine blend, so much so that we could see a new river forming in the nation. We all wept. (End of dream)
  5. 10 min read September 29, 2023 Yota, Please do not merge with Parts 1-3 The New Wine Dream, Part 4 We are continuing to explore a dream given to Dr. Greg Hood. If you have not been able to see the first three segments, they are available for you here (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). And as we have been doing, the portion of the dream I comment on today will be shared at the end of today’s post. The Second Pour It was now time for the second pour. I called for a black leader, one of my friends, and a spiritual son, to add this wine. “You have two bottles,” I said. “What vintages are they?” He replied, “I have a full-bodied vintage, a 1741 Angry God from the Enfield Winery, and an 1862 from the Bounds Estate.” The first of his two bottles is an obvious reference to the message given by Jonathan Edwards in 1741, Sinners In the Hands of An Angry God. Enfield, Connecticut, the name of the winery in the dream, was one of two places he preached this message, which has typically been considered the catalyst for the First Great Awakening. The emphasis is not on the fact that God was angry, but rather on the great awakening that occurred. I believe the second bottle refers to the great writer on prayer, E. M. Bounds. The date corresponds to shortly after he began his ministry. Bounds’ books on prayer have long been considered classics. The two wines or movements speak of awakening and prayer. One produces the other. We are being told this new wine Holy Spirit is preparing will be fueled by prayer and will result in another great awakening. The two go hand-in-hand. My friend and son also said to me before climbing the ladder to pour the wines, “May I take a spiritual son up with me to merge the wine? I don’t want to do this without one of my sons.” What a great picture of generational synergy. I said yes, of course. As I and others have said many times, this coming revival will involve the young people. They will be greatly impacted and play a significant role. As the wines were poured, we could hear wailing from within the vat. It was not the wailing of torment, but cries from the realization of one’s separation from God, cries of repentance. This was one of the regular occurrences in the First Great Awakening and usually accompanies true revival. Those of us watching this were once again joined by individuals from the cloud of witnesses, and we all began to weep. The Third Pour It was time for the third pour. Tim added another filter over the wine in the vat, and I called for the next person who would pour this wine, a woman. She brought four young ladies with her: a Native American, an Asian, an African American, and a Latino. “You have two bottles,” I said. “What are they?” She replied, “We are merging a 1904 vintage Sweet Rosé from the Roberts Breakout Estate, and an 1857 Riesling from the Fulton Street Estate. The wine from the Fulton Street Estate will add a fantastic aroma to the wine already in the vat.” The first of these two wines refers to the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905, and one of its primary leaders, Evan Roberts. This powerful revival transformed the entire nation of Wales and impacted much of the world, spawning other revivals. It produced thousands of salvations and was also marked with tremendous worship and prayer, sometimes referred to as the Singing Revival. The second wine refers to the Fulton Street revival of prayer in 1857, which led to a wave of prayer and thousands of salvations across America. It was also referred to as the Layman’s Prayer Revival and considered by some as a Third Great Awakening in America. (Others count America’s awakenings differently, not referring to this as a Great Awakening. It was certainly a tremendous revival, however, and transformed our nation.) The symbolism of these two sweet wines, poured by ladies, cannot be missed. It is an obvious reference to the need and importance of involving the ladies. The strengths, gifts, and anointings they carry are needed if we are to experience all God wants to bring in this hour. These two movements in history indeed carried the sweet aroma of worship and prayer. In the dream, the aroma that arose when their wine was added permeated the cellar, our clothing, went through the ceiling onto the battlefield, and into the heavens. This aroma changed the entire atmosphere. Holy Spirit is reaffirming that prayer must be sustained, and will be an integral part of the coming new wine. He is also emphasizing that it will be a movement of worship. After this lady poured these two wines, an older man with a fishing net stepped into the cellar from the cloud of witnesses. He quoted 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be firm, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (NASB). Greg believes this was the disciple and early church Apostle Peter. I concur and believe this is telling us these two aspects of the new wine - prayer and worship - will be instrumental in producing the coming harvest, symbolized by the fishing net. The Fourth Pour It was now time for the fourth pour. Before this took place, Tim added another filter. Changing his routine, however, before applying this one, he “massaged a generous amount of oil into the filter.” Tim said the oil would “act as a bonding agent” between the filters, but was also needed “because the following wines would be robust.” I found this very interesting as I processed the dream. “Robust” means strong and vigorous; it can even mean rough or boisterous. As we will see when looking at the next three wines in this pour, the movements they represent were indeed very strong and boisterous, sometimes including extraordinary manifestations as Holy Spirit moved. The revivals involved signs and wonders, people falling under the power of God, sometimes even remaining under Holy Spirit’s influence for days. These types of manifestations can be difficult for some people to understand and receive. They will require the “massaging” of Holy Spirit (the oil) to enable some believers to accept - “merge, mix” - with it. I called on the next person to do this fourth pour. “You have three bottles. What are they?" He replied, "I have an 1800 vintage from the Red River Wine Collection; also a vintage from 1801 called The Miracle Manifestation, from the Cane Ridge Vineyard; and a very potent 1915 Vintage from the Seymour's Hidden Face/Bruised Knees Vineyard." These three wines, without doubt, represented the Red River Meeting House revival, the Cane Ridge Revival it birthed, and the Azuza Street Revival. They were indeed potent, powerful, robust revivals involving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, miracles, and much more. The first two birthed the Second Great Awakening, which transformed and saved America. Azusa Street birthed worldwide revival that, in some ways, has never stopped. I told the brother, "You must pour all three of these bottles simultaneously, not separately. As you do, they will create a fire within the vat that will become fuel for this Kingdom Apostolic Blend. Without it, this wine will become just another favorite fad of those who drink it.” As he poured these three vintages simultaneously into the vat, we could hear the swirling of a great fire being created. The vat began to illuminate with a fiery, hot glow and released a groaning like it was about to explode. It then began expanding and contracting, as if it were breathing! The new wine was almost ready. On Monday, we will see the final pour and the results of this new wine. Pray with me: Father, we are excited about the “new wine” You are making. This merging of past revivals and outpourings of Holy Spirit will be unlike any the world has seen. Worship, prayer, salvations, deliverances, miracles, awakening and reformation, a blending of age groups, genders, and races - all of this and more will be a part of this blend. You told us in Zachariah 10:1 that when it is time for spiritual rain, we must ask You for it. We do so now: Please send this outpouring of rain! Give us the new wine! It is the recipe for the saving of America and producing the harvest of the ages. We want this, we need this, and we will have it. We want to prepare our wineskins now to receive this new wine. We ask You for great grace to become more flexible and open to change. We welcome the Kingdom filter Holy Spirit will use to remove what is necessary from our hearts and movements. We want all that You desire to bring, and we want it to be undefiled. All of this we ask You for in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We declare that the new wine being prepared by Holy Spirit will save America and impact the entire world! ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------- The New Wine Dream, Part 4 - Greg Hood (9/2023) Tim pulled another filter from an old wooden box beside the machine/vat. He did not remove the old filter but laid the new filter on top of the used one. As he placed the filter over the used one, I could see that the mechanism that held the filter had the same scripture inscribed on it as the box that held the recipe, Romans 5:17. Dutch then turned to us and said, “James, son, it’s your turn. You have two bottles. What vintages are they?” He responded, “I have a full-bodied vintage. It’s a 1741 Angry God from the Enfield Winery and an 1862 from the Bounds Estate. It says on the bottle that it is made from honey.” Dutch said with amazement, “Go on up! Climb the ladder and merge your bottles of wine with the others.” As he started to make his way up to the platform/catwalk of sorts, he looked at Dutch with tears in his eyes and asked, “May I bring a son with me to merge the wine? I can’t do this without a son.” Dutch replied, “Of course! That’s the way it’s supposed to be, son.” A young man suddenly appeared by James’ side. They made their way up the ladder and poured into the vat from the wine bottles James held. As he did this, we could hear wailing from the vat. It was not a cry like someone being tormented, but rather the cry from a realization of one’s separation from God, a cry of repentance. We then saw two men and two women stepping out from the cloud of witnesses. They were laughing with great joy as they heard the wailing come from the vat. This moved all of us, as well. We felt a soberness come over us, and we all began to weep. Tim did as before, pulling a filter from the old wooden box that held the new Mamlakah filters; he overlaid the new one on top of the previous two. Dutch turned around to those of us still standing at the base of the vat with him. He looked at us, as if discerning who was to ascend the ladder next. Then he looked back down at the recipe. Jim, as he was deciphering the next steps of the recipe, spoke softly to Dutch so no one could hear, “Susan, the recipe says Susan is next.” Dutch quickly turned back to us and said, “Susan, you are the next one to merge these historic apostolic vintages. She stepped up, and four young women appeared with her as she did. They appeared to be in their late teens and young twenties. There was a Native American, an Asian, a Black, and a Latino. Susan said, “We are ready. This has been a long time coming.” Dutch said, “You have two bottles. What are they?” She replied, “We are merging a 1904 vintage Sweet Rosé from the Roberts Breakout Estate and an 1857 Riesling from the Fulton Street Estate. The wine from the Fulton Street Estate will add a fantastic aroma to the wine already in the vat.” They made their way up the ladder to the platform and poured their bottles into the vat, merging them with the others. As they did this, we could see the aroma emerging upward from the vat, through the ceiling of the wine cellar, out to the battlefield above and beyond to the heavens. The sweetness of the aroma was so intense that it marked the garments we were wearing. We knew this aroma would not wash out or wash off us. This changed the entire atmosphere of the wine cellar. After blending their wine with the other wines in the vat, they took their place with those at the top of the platform with the others. An older man with a fishing net in his hand stepped from the cloud of witnesses and spoke to us. He quoted 1 Corinthians 15:58. (I think this was the apostle Peter.) Tim again reached and took another filter from the wooden box. He also picked up a bottle of oil beside the box. As he gently massaged a generous amount of the oil into the filter, Tim said that this oil was to be applied to the next filter to act as a bonding agent between the previous filters and the other ones to come. The next merging would need this oil because the following wines would be robust. He said the oil was also necessary so the filters retained their original purpose in filtering. Now, at this juncture, we knew that the recipe had been fully decoded, and wisdom was present in the room to complete the recipe. Dutch called out, “Jones, you have three bottles. What are they?” Jones replied, “I have an 1800 vintage from the Red River Wine Collection, a vintage from 1801 called The Miracle Manifestation from the Cane Ridge Vineyard, and a very potent 1915 Vintage from the Seymour’s Hidden Face - Bruised Knees Vineyard.” Dutch told him, “You must pour all three of these bottles simultaneously. Don’t pour them separately. As they are poured simultaneously, it will create a fire within the vat. It will become fuel for this Kingdom Apostolic Blend. Without it, this wine will become another favorite fad of those who drink it. Bring your bottles of wine and make your way up the ladder.” Jones did so, and as he poured these three vintages into the vat, we could hear the swirling of a great fire being created. The vat began to illuminate with a fiery, hot glow. The vat itself began to release a groaning like it wanted to explode. It then began to expand and contract as if it were breathing. Jones made his way along beside those who were standing on the platform. Those on the platform were not just standing by watching; they were praying, prophesying, decreeing, and praying in the Spirit. -----------------------------------
  6. 8 min read September 28, 2023 Yota, Please do not merge with Parts 1 & 2 The New Wine Dream, Part 3 We have been looking at an amazing dream Holy Spirit gave Dr. Greg Hood a couple of months ago. It is a long dream, too long to read in one post, and filled with great detail. If you did not see the first two posts, you may want to take a look at them for the sake of context and continuity (Part 1 and Part 2). As with the first two posts, I will include the portion of the dream I discuss today at the end of the post. The dream is about the battle for America’s future. Her salvation will come through a new spiritual wine, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Greg and I have brought the recipe for this wine to a wine cellar, and the production is about to begin. The New Portion New bottles were lined up on the table next to the vat, ready to receive the new wine. Jim (Hodges) instructed me to help him decipher the recipe, and for Greg and Tim to “help the others get their wines ready to merge.” Merge? What did this mean? What were the “other” wines? Greg and Tim walked into an adjoining room of the cellar and discovered several people pulling old bottles of wine from old dusty shelves. Tim spoke up and said to those in the room, "Is everyone ready? Do you have your bottles? The recipe is here, and we must start fulfilling it immediately. Time is of the essence." Tim reached and also picked up some old bottles from the top shelf. Greg took some as well, and they returned to the room with the vat. There would, indeed, be a merging of old wines in order to create the new. The new wine would not be created from new grapes, but would be a blending of old wines - past moves of the Spirit. This “new” wine would truly be a synergy of the ages. As they re-entered the room, I said, "We must get this right. Everyone get ready to pour.” Jim told us, "According to the recipe, we must blend these in a certain fashion." He was calibrating the vat machine to receive the wine we were going to bottle. He then told Dutch, "I have been working on the vat for decades. I can't believe we will use it in my day." With excitement in his voice, he exclaimed, "It's ready! Let the blending begin!" Reaching down, he picked up a gold plate from the floor, and reattached it to the vat. Inscribed on the plate were the words, "Basileus Ekklesia." Basileus is the Greek word for, “kingdom; the domain or realm of a king.”(1) Ekklesia is the Greek word translated “church,”(2) which actually refers to a governing body. A “kingdom ekklesia,” therefore, would be those with legislative authority, delegated to them from a king, in order to rule a territory for him. In our case, the King is Jesus, His realm is EVERYWHERE, and our assigned region is Earth. It is significant that the nameplate of this vat had fallen off, but was being reattached. The meaning of the name is clear: what is about to be produced by Holy Spirit will be for those who honor their calling as members of Christ’s Kingdom Ekklesia. These individuals understand their delegated authority (Ekklesia) and are Kingdom minded in their motives and approach. Those with Kingdom hearts don’t focus only on their own ministries, works, and congregations. They’re Kingdom focused, not ministry or congregation focused, and therefore don’t compete to build the biggest ministry or fastest growing sheep pen in town. The size and scope of their ministry isn’t the issue. Kingdom minded believers simply want to release Christ’s life and rule into the earth, and couldn’t care less who gets the credit or attention. The Filter Jim spoke to Tim and said, "Give your bottles to Greg and stay by me. You must add a new Mamlakah Filter over the vat every time someone pours a new blend of wine into it."(3) Tim positioned himself accordingly and placed a large filter over the top of the vat. Just as the Greek word basileus, mamlakah is the Hebrew word for a kingdom. All of the old wines being poured into the mix had to be filtered through “the Kingdom.” Nothing of man would be allowed - no impure motives, no flesh, nothing that could defile it. Humans are human, and all of us mix our own opinions, beliefs, methods, systems, traditions, doctrines, preferences, etc., into revivals and outpourings of Holy Spirit - ALL OF US. These human elements would be filtered out of the mix, using a new Mamlakah Filter for each pouring of old wine. One final thing needed to be done before the merging of the wines could take place. The recipe instructed us to build a platform, a catwalk of sorts, all the way around the top of the vat; this was for individuals to stand on while pouring. Also, after each one poured their wine, they were to remain on the catwalk praying, decreeing, and prophesying while the next person poured. Tim explained this, “It is crucial that everyone remains at the top of the vat after pouring the wine, to ensure that each vintage blends well, creating the proper synergy.” The Platform The platform was 22 inches wide and 264 inches in circumference. Strong’s Hebrew word number 264 is achavah, meaning “brotherhood,”(4) obviously implying family, unity, equality, unselfishness, and commonality of purpose. No competition, jockeying for position, or personal ambition would be allowed; no pouring of one’s wine and then leaving. This was all for one and one for all. Number 22 in Strong’s is the word abiel, meaning “God is my father.”(5) This relationship with the Father created and defined the brotherhood. I turned to those in the cellar and said, "This will move quickly! Let's try not to spill any of it. We must steward this bottling process well. Line up. It's time to pour.” There would be 5 different pours of old wine (past revivals), some involving 2 bottles, others 3; 12 bottles in all. I called for the first person, “Smith, you have three bottles. What are they?” (I am not using the real names of these individuals.) The First Pour Smith replied, “I have fortified wine. They are a 1457 from the Hus Vineyard, a Martin 95, and a 1729 from the Holy Club Vineyard.” I said with anxious nervousness, "Climb the ladder and pour them in the vat." As he poured them into the vat, four men stepped from the cloud of witnesses. We could see tears in their eyes and a massive smile that held a look of great expectation. Then we heard movement in the vat - it seemed to be coming alive! The 1457 from the Hus Vineyard represents John Hus, a forerunner of reformation. Ultimately burned at the stake by the Catholic Church, his influence birthed the Moravians in 1457. The Moravians were famous for several things, not the least of which were prayer and missions. They were followed by Martin Luther and the Great Reformation. Luther was famous for his 95 Theses in 1517, thus the Martin 95 wine. The 1729 from the Holy Club Vineyard, refers to John and Charles Wesley. In 1729, they, along with others, including George Whitefield, formed what was dubbed by others as “the Holy Club” at Christ Church, Oxford. This ultimately led to the forming of the Methodist Church and was instrumental in producing the First Great Awakening. These three movements radically altered and transformed the religious world, ultimately producing revival throughout Europe and America. Hus, Luther, and the Wesley brothers were no doubt the four from the cloud of witnesses who appeared with tears in their eyes as they saw their “wine” poured into the vat…and watched it come alive. Pray with me: Father, we are part of the “God is my father,” brotherhood. All equal, joined by the same bloodline, united in the same cause. We are Your Kingdom Ekklesia. We thank You for those in the family like Jim and Jean Hodges, who have worked for many years to produce this Kingdom “vat” for the new wine. Thank You for their selfless hearts and the wisdom they provide. We need them to decipher the recipe. We also thank You for those in the cloud of witnesses. They have sacrificed much for You and the brotherhood. Without their efforts we would not be where we are. We pledge that they will not have lived and died in vain. We will grab the baton, creating the synergy of the ages, and keep moving toward the finish line. Through this synergy, we ask You for a multiplying of what they had. Filter it through Your Kingdom filter - create the best wine ever! Give to the youth around the world fresh wine, filled with Your life, energized with purpose. Give the nations of the earth new wine, infused with healing, salvation, and transforming power. Give America restorative wine, and give the church rejuvenating wine. You said the “recipe” for America’s salvation would be in the box marked “revival.” Send it now, we pray, in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the best wine, a synergistic Kingdom blend, is now being mixed. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 935. Ibid, ref no. 1577. Ibid, ref no. 4467. Ibid, ref no. 264. Ibid, ref no. 22. _____________________________________________________________ The New Wine Dream, Part 3 - Greg Hood (9/2023) Tim replied, “I have placed all the new bottles on the table, and they are ready to receive the new wine.” Jim said, “Dutch, you help me decipher this recipe. Greg, you and Tim help the others get their wine ready to merge.” Tim and I walked to an opening in the cellar that led into another room. Inside were several people pulling bottles of wine from shelves. The shelves were old, like the bottles that sat upon them, even covered in cobwebs in some places. Some looked newer, even though we knew they had not been opened in a long while. Tim spoke up and said to everyone in the room, “Is everyone ready? Do you have your bottles? The recipe is here, and we must start fulfilling it immediately. Time is of the essence.” Tim reached and picked up some bottles from the top shelf. I took some, and we returned to the room where the machine/vat was. As we entered the room, Dutch said, “We must get this right. Everyone get ready to pour.” Jim told us, “According to the recipe, we must blend these in a certain fashion.” He was calibrating the vat machine to receive the wine we were going to bottle. He told Dutch, “I have been working on the vat for decades. I can’t believe we will use it in my day.” With excitement in his voice, he said, “It’s ready! Let the blending begin!” He reached down, picked up a gold plate from the floor, and reattached it to the vat. Inscribed on the plate were the words “Basileus Ekklesia.” He spoke to Tim and said, “Give your bottles to Greg and come and stay by me. You must add a new ‘Mamlakah’ filter into the vat every time someone pours a new blend of wine into it.” Tim positioned himself and placed a large filter over the top of the vat. Dutch turned to those of us standing with him in the cellar and said, “This will move quickly! Let’s try not to spill any of it. We must steward this bottling process well.” He went on to say, “Line up. It’s time to pour. Smith, you have three bottles. What are they?” Smith replied, “I have fortified wine. They are a 1457 from the Hus Vineyard, a Martin 95 and a 1729 from the Holy Club Vineyard.” Dutch said with anxious nervousness, “Smith, climb on the ladder and pour them in the vat.” As he poured them into the vat, we saw four men step from the cloud of witnesses. We could see tears in their eyes and a massive smile that held a look of great expectation. We could now hear movement in the vat. It seemed to be coming alive. (More to Come)
  7. 8 min read September 27, 2023 Yota, Please do not merge with Part 1 The New Wine Dream (Part 2) Yesterday we began looking at a dream Holy Spirit gave Greg Hood a couple of months ago. It is a long dream, too long to read here, and filled with great detail. If you did not see yesterday’s post, you may want to take a look at it for the sake of continuity. As with yesterday's post, I will not read the dream but will include the portion I discuss today at the end of the post. As a brief review, Greg and I were running on a battlefield in the shape of America, being fired at from many directions. An angel was sent to help and protect us. We were carrying the “recipe” for winning the war for America’s survival, trying to get it to the right people. We sought protection and help from a church, which refused us. We then decided to take the recipe to an old well on the church property, Oinos Well House, if we could find it. The angel knew where it was and led us to it. And that’s where we stopped. Today’s Portion As I stated yesterday, oinos(1) is the Greek word for wine. We were searching for the “Wine” Well House and found it on the “corner” of the church property. As we dug where the angel directed us, we came to the stone cover for this well; it had the numbers 5850 and 6438 on the top. The first number is the Hebrew word for “crown” (atarah)(2), and the second is the word for a “cornerstone” (pinnah)(3). This is obviously a reference to Christ, the “chief cornerstone” of the church (Psalm 118:22; Luke 20:17; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6-7). He is the entrance, the door! (John 10:9). The stone cover did not actually “open”; speaking a code caused it to transform into a substance we could pass through. Clearly, this pictures us having to go “through Christ” to find safety and the recipe for victory. The code we declared in order to go through Christ was John 17:13-19, a portion of His powerful prayer for the church just before His crucifixion. “But now I am coming to You, and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. I have given them Your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I am not asking You to take them out of the world, but to keep them away from the evil one. Just as You sent Me into the world, I also sent them into the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. And for their sakes, I sanctify Myself, so that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth.” (NASB) As we prepared to enter the cellar, the angel told us to hurry. “Time is very short,” he said, “and the Ekklesia must get this right.” This was certainly not to create panic in us, nor to generate fear that we may fail in this season. It was to let us know that the sense of urgency and sobriety we have been feeling is accurate. We are warring for the soul of America and the harvest of the ages! When we arrived in the room, the “well” was actually a wine cellar, as the name indicated; an old wine cellar with an ancient table and a large, empty vat. On the table were “new” bottles, waiting to be filled. Could it be that the recipe for victory was actually for wine? Would the battle for America be won with wine? Two individuals were removing the cover from the vat. One was my spiritual father, Jim Hodges; the other was my brother, Tim Sheets. They had been waiting for us to arrive with “the recipe.” Tim’s comment to me when we arrived let me know for certain this was a dream from Holy Spirit! I could actually hear him saying it when Greg related the dream to me. “What took you so long?” he said. “Do you have the recipe?” Hilarious! The Box Greg pulled a box containing the recipe from our backpack. Two words, “mishpat” and “anapsuxis,” along with a Scripture reference, Romans 5:17, were on the lid of the box: Mishpat(4) means “a verdict or sentence.”(5) God’s “verdict” was in the box. This immediately reminded me of Gina Gholston’s dream in which the angel of the Lord announced that “America shall be saved.” In her dream, that announcement was preceded by, “The verdict has been rendered!” The “recipe” for producing this “verdict” of salvation was in the box! The second word, “anapsuxis,” is translated as “refreshing”(6) in Acts 3:19: “Times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” An expanded and literal definition of this word would be “the blowing of breath or wind again intensely” (my definition). This verse was spoken by Peter after the healing of the lame man in Acts chapter 3, resulting in 5000 conversions. It speaks of revival. This is also the verse from a vision God gave me several years ago, showing the great revival coming to America, beginning with young people. In this vision, the fires of revival swept across America, especially on the campuses of colleges and universities. It was intense and unstoppable. The “recipe” that will produce the “verdict” - America’s salvation - will be anapsuxis - God’s breath/wind of revival blowing again! The verse on the lid, Romans 5:17, says: “For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ” (NASB). Abundant grace and the gift of righteousness through Christ is the recipe! Apostolic Wisdom My spiritual father, Jim Hodges, pictures seasoned apostolic wisdom. He took the parchment out of the box and said, “Gentlemen, we have a recipe.” Jim oversaw the mixing of this recipe. Tim, Greg, others, and I assisted him. The coming revival that saves America must be led by apostolic wisdom. This will cause it to produce Kingdom principles and influence, not just large churches. The revival will impact not only the church, but all seven mountains of society: Religion, government, media, education, arts and entertainment, business, and family. The coming revival will not only produce salvations; it will disciple nations. New Wineskins “New” wine bottles were on the table, ready to receive this “new wine.” When Jesus spoke of putting new wine into new bottles (Luke 5:37-38), He actually used two different Greek words for “new.” The new wine is neos, meaning “fresh, quantitatively new.”(7) In other words, it is simply a new or fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit. The new bottles in Christ’s example, however, are kainos (8) bottles, meaning “qualitatively new; different.” The “bottles” used in Christ’s day were actually wineskins. When empty, the leather dried out and hardened, becoming inflexible. The wineskins then had to be put through a renewing process to soften them. If not, they would break during the stretching caused by the fermenting of the new wine. Simply stated, Holy Spirit is poured out repeatedly, but He does not change; we, however, must be changed or renewed between outpourings, in order to receive Holy Spirit’s new wine. Those who reject this process, remaining rigid in the shapes and forms (ways, methods, fruit, etc.) of what Holy Spirit poured out in the last revival, cannot receive the next outpouring. Usually, they don’t even want it. Like the church on this property in the dream, they have no interest in the new “recipe”; the former outpouring was enough. We must prepare ourselves for what is coming. Ask Holy Spirit to do so by making you pliable and flexible. The new wine will stretch all of us. Tomorrow we will begin looking at the details of the recipe. They are amazing. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for Christ, our cornerstone. He is the foundation and measuring point for all that You do. Everything must align with Him. Every outpouring of Your Spirit, every gift You give, each time You show mercy - it all flows through Christ. Of Him, to Him, and through Him are all things. He is the “code,” the Word we speak, that allows us to find the recipe for salvation. We ask You now for a fresh outpouring of Your grace, enabling us to receive Your new wine. We thank You, Jesus, for Your verdict that America shall be saved through a great revival. We ask now for the new wine, the wind, Your breath that will produce this. Let the winds of revival blow. Let the fire burn. Come to the youth of America, the campuses and schools, with holy fire. Let it go from here to the nations. And then cause this revival to invade the entirety of our culture and society. Invade our government, media, businesses, and families. Reset America! We pray this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We declare that the verdict has been rendered: America shall be saved through the new wine! ********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3631. Ibid, ref no. 5850. Ibid, ref no. 6438. Ibid, ref no. 4941. Spiros Zodhiates, The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1990), p. 1746. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref no. 403. Ibid, ref no. 3501. Ibid, ref no. 2537. ----------------------------------------------------- The New Wine Dream, Part 2 - Greg Hood (9/2023) Greg replied, “There is a hidden Oinos Well House on the property. When we locate it, we can secure the recipe there.” The angel with us said, “Follow me.” He took us to the northeast corner of the property and said, “Start digging here. The top of the well is just under the surface.” We began to dig in the dirt with our hands, and just under the surface found a bright stone. Stamped on the top was, “5850,” and under that was stamped “6438.” The angel then said to Dutch, “Declare the Stone Code. He knows your voice and will respond.” Dutch then declared the Stone Code from John 17:13-19, and as he did, the stone began transforming from its solid form into a translucent substance that we could pass through. As we looked through the now transparent stone, we saw a staircase spiraling down into a large room. The angel said to us, “Make haste! Move! Time is very short, and the Ekklesia must get this right.” Without hesitation, we made our way down the spiral staircase into this room. Arriving in the room, we knew we were standing in an old wine cellar. A large lab-type table, made of ancient wood, was in the middle of the room. Many new-looking wine bottles, needing to be filled and corked, were lined up on this table. Next to the table, on a large elevated platform, was a large machine we knew was an empty vat. Dutch noticed two men on the other side of the machine, one on a ladder and the other standing, holding the ladder to give it stability. The man standing on the ladder was removing the top of the machine/vat. Dutch asked, “Dad, Jim, is that you? Tim, is that you?” We heard Jim Hodges’ voice from the other side of the vat, replying, “Yes, son, it’s me. Tim, Dutch’s brother, said, “What took you so long, and do you have the recipe?” Dutch replied, “Well, yes, we do!” He looked at me in the dream and said, “Hood, give me the recipe.” I reached into a backpack I was wearing and pulled out a wooden box. This box contained the recipe. As I handed the box to Dutch, I could see the words “mishpat” and “anapsuxis” written on the top. It also had the Scripture Romans 5:17 written on it. Dutch received the box, opened it, and pulled out what looked like old, rolled-up parchment paper. He handed it to Jim, who rolled it out on the table, and began looking at it intently. Jim then said, “Gentlemen, we have a recipe.”
  8. 9 min read September 26, 2023 The New Wine Dream, Part 1 Today I want to start unpacking a dream Holy Spirit gave to Dr. Greg Hood a couple of months ago. It is an incredibly detailed and very long dream. I spoke on the dream recently at Chuck Pierce’s conference, but I will cover more details here on the GH15 posts. I will not read the dream - it is simply too long - but will include/attach the portion I cover each day at the end of the posts. The dream is about spiritual new wine being prepared, followed by the wine being poured out. It begins with Greg and me running on a battlefield, which was in the shape of the United States. The battle taking place was very intense. We were not running out of fear, but to deliver something that, at this point in the dream, was simply described as “very precious” and that needed to be “activated.” He and I were being fired at by enemies, both natural and spiritual, and an angel appeared to help us. With a wave of his hand, he created a trench deep enough to provide protection as we ran. He also stayed with us for the remainder of the dream. The first enemy specifically identified was a group of men dressed like pharaohs, pursuing us in the trench. I was told by Greg to simply decree that the sides of the trench would fall in on them, destroying them. I made this decree, and the cave-in occurred, destroying these enemies. The similarity of this to the account of Moses, Pharaoh, and the Red Sea crossing is obvious. I believe the pharaohs represent Baal-zephon, the god/spirit Pharaoh was expecting to deliver Israel into his hand (Exodus 14). In the dream, our victory was quick and decisive, just as it was for Israel. I feel that this portion of the dream is telling us we have established victory over Baal’s stronghold in America, yet this victory must be maintained. The angel, Greg, and I continued running toward a large building inside a walled compound, which had very faint light coming from it. The building was not being fired upon and seemed to offer a place of protection. Upon arriving, we went through a tunnel under the wall and, once inside the compound, discovered it was a church with its windows painted black, in order to hide from the battle. The small amount of light we had seen was coming through tiny scratches in the paint, allowing a small amount of light to trickle out. We knocked and said, “Open the door! Let us in! We have the recipe for winning this battle.” The contents of the “precious” package we were carrying was the recipe to winning this battle. Yet, surprisingly, the church wasn’t interested. Without opening the door, someone from inside shouted, “Go away! There is no room in here for you! Go before you put us all in danger!! You are not welcome here!!!” This no doubt refers to the portion of the American church refusing to enter the spiritual battle for revival and the saving of our nation. Being offered the opportunity to join us, they refused, preferring to remain quietly hidden rather than challenging those trying to destroy the nation. Safe behind the walls, their primary concern was survival, not the recipe for victory. Their light was dim, and they had only criticism for those who had chosen to enter this spiritual war; we were not welcome there. These Christians were like the Austrian people of Hitler’s day who refused to challenge him, voting 98% to 2% to join the Third Reich, believing appeasement toward tyrants and corrupt leaders would work. Hitler said of them, “How fortunate for us that the people choose to remain ignorant.”(1) Like the British politician, Neville Chamberlain, who “served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940,” these Christians just wanted to get along. Chamberlain is “best known for his foreign policy of appeasement, and in particular, for his signing of the Munich Agreement on 30 September 1938, ceding the German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler.”(2) Many Americans, including Christians, believe if we’re nice and kind, the bad guys will change or just go away. They will not. They want to destroy the America we have been, and then rule over us. The danger of complacency is that it’s a subtle and gradual killer, allowing us to sleep through the change and carnage until it’s too late. If a 9/11 occurred in America again, our nation would arise in anger and be willing to fight. But over 30 of them occur EVERY YEAR in the form of illegal drugs being brought across our open borders, killing over 100,000 Americans! How fortunate for the cartels, traffickers, and lying politicians that many Americans choose to remain ignorant. In the dream, those inside the church grabbed a can of spray paint and covered the scratches. At this point in the dream, I asked Greg, “Where to now? We must protect this recipe! It has taken too long to recover it. We can’t lose it now!” I find this statement very gripping. The recipe had taken a long time to recover, and we knew we absolutely must not lose it now! The desperation and intensity of the words are clear and impactful. God is telling us we must persevere; we must NOT lose this battle! Greg replied, “There is a hidden Oinos Well House on the property. When we locate it, we can secure the recipe there.” Oinos is the Greek word for “wine.”(3) It is interesting that Greg, in his natural mind, did not know this; he simply remembered the name he had spoken in the dream, along with numerous other names, dates, Scripture references, Greek and Hebrew words, etc. I asked him recently if it was difficult to remember all of these numbers, names, dates, etc., when he awakened. He told me that when he wakes up from a dream such as this, the details are indelibly printed in his mind, and he can see/recall every name, date, number, etc., as clearly as if it were in print. The Oinos/Wine Well House was “hidden.” I find it interesting that it was still on the church property, buried and hidden from sight, but theirs to find had they so desired. The angel knew where it was and said, “Follow me.” Taking us to the northeast corner of the property, he said, “Start digging here. The top of the well is just under the surface.” The well, though hidden, was not deep; it was just below the surface and covered by a stone. We had to get on our hands and knees, digging with only our hands, but were able to find the stone cover; it had two numbers stamped on it, and could only be opened by declaring a code. And that’s where I will pick up this amazing dream tomorrow. Pray with me: Father, we certainly find ourselves on a battlefield shaped like America. The war for the soul of our nation rages on. Yet You have won the war in the spirit realm, and we will experience the full manifestation of this victory. Though bullets fly around us and Baal attempts to ambush us, You and Your Angel armies protect us. Though many in America choose to appease our enemies, and many in the church refuse to get involved, You are determined to guard the recipe for our recovery. We thank You. We pray for an awakening in our nation, including the church. It is only by Your grace that any of us can see through the fog of war, and none of us do so perfectly. We thank You that this awakening is beginning, with more and more Americans seeing what is truly happening. As You showed us in this dream, the recipe to win the battle for America is in the hands of the church. We ask for grace and help to find the well and not lose the recipe. Thank You for the beginnings of revival we now see taking place, especially among the campuses of America. Yet, as the old hymn says, “Mercy drops ‘round us are falling, but for the showers we plead.”(4) We know a deluge is coming, and we ask for this, along with the shaking down of the evil that has entrenched itself in key positions of our nation. We pray, once again, “Send the fire.” Our decree: We declare that we will persevere on the battlefield of America until the new wine is poured out, and the river of life flows abundantly. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Simpson, Douglas, Looking for America, (Whole Person Associates Publishing, 2012), p. 40. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3631. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The New Wine Dream, Part 1 - Greg Hood (9/2023) The dream started with Dutch and me (Greg) running through a place called “No Man’s Land” on a raging war zone/battlefield. This battlefield was in the shape of the United States, and we knew we were running through the hill country of Texas. We also knew that the place we were running TO was the hill country of Franklin, Tennessee. There was enemy fire all around us, from both the seen (natural) and unseen (spiritual) realms. As we ran, we could see the bullets fired from the enemy’s weapons flying by us, some barely missing us. As artillery exploded around us, we could smell the gunpowder and smoke from the battlefield. This scene was very intense. There was no sense that we would die, but we wondered if we would make it without losing some body parts. As we ran, we could see a building with very dim light shining through minor scratches in spray-painted, blacked-out windows. Continuing to run through enemy fire towards this light, we realized we were also running INTO “friendly” fire. As we ran with all our might, a man came out of nowhere, running beside us. He was running effortlessly compared to Dutch and me. Pushing slightly ahead of us, he said, “Where do you want to go?” Dutch replied, “To the building with the small light. It looks safer than here. We are carrying something very precious that we have to activate.” Hearing Dutch’s words, he said, “Follow me and stay close. Don’t grow weary in your running or fret. I will run at your pace.” Somehow, we knew from his tone of command that this was an angel. He, the angel, stretched out his hand toward the ground, and a trench, like a streambed, just large enough for us to run in single file, opened up. The stream had some clear water in it, about knee-deep. The angel went in first, then Dutch and I followed. The trench was just deep enough for our heads to stay below the surface and avoid all the artillery fire onto the battlefield. Like us, many other things on the field were targets. We continued running toward the building with the small light. As we made our way, we noticed others in the trench a short distance behind us, chasing us. They were dressed like pharaohs. We did not have a good feeling about them. I shouted to Dutch over the incredible noise of the battle, “THERE ARE OTHERS IN THE TRENCH. THEY ARE FAST APPROACHING! IF YOU COMMAND THE STREAM/TRENCH TO CLOSE BEHIND US, THESE PHARAOHS AND THEIR GODS WILL BE BURIED HERE!” Dutch declared, “THOSE THAT DESCEND ON THE HOUSE OF THE LORD WILL RECEIVE THEIR REWARD!” At that declaration, we could feel the trench closing in and covering those chasing after us. As we approached what we had thought was a “small” building with the light, we realized it was not small, but was a new, large “church” in the middle of this war zone. This building had not been affected by gunfire and looked unoccupied. The trench we had been running in became a tunnel, burrowed under a concrete wall, that surfaced right at the front steps of this building. As we drew closer to this church building, we could hear whispering and arguing inside. We ran to the front door, hoping to go inside for safety, but the door was locked. Dutch repeatedly shook the door hard and shouted, not out of fear but urgency, “OPEN THE DOOR! LET US IN. WE HAVE THE RECIPE FOR WINNING THIS BATTLE! OPEN UP NOW!” From inside the building, someone replied, “GO AWAY! THERE IS NO ROOM IN HERE FOR YOU! GO BEFORE YOU PUT US ALL IN DANGER!! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!” (The war zone was intensifying by the second.) We then saw someone through the scratches on the blacked-out windows. He took a can of black spray paint and painted over the scratches in the window, beside the front door, where we stood. Dutch turned to me and calmly said, “Hood, where to now? We must protect this recipe! It’s taken us too long to recover it. We can’t lose it now.” I (Greg) replied, “There is a hidden Oinos Well House on the property. When we locate it, we can secure the recipe there.” The angel with us said, “Follow me.” He took us to the northeast corner of the property and said, “Start digging here. The top of the well is just under the surface.” We began to dig in the dirt with our hands, and just under the surface found a bright stone. (End of part 1)
  9. 6 min read September 1, 2023 Yota, Please do not combine this with Part 1 Identifying the Five Giants, Part 2 Before we continue with the dream from yesterday, I want to mention that the Paint Your State/Command the Foreword assignment has now been completed. Thousands participated in this assignment, including many of you - THANK YOU! We continue to agree with the prayers that have been prayed that our individual state borders have all been covered. The reports have been amazing. We will continue to pray for our borders and our nation, as I sense that September and the following months are critical. We must do our part through prayer and spiritual warfare. REVIEW Yesterday, I began discussing a dream given several months ago, in which the Ekklesia fought five giants in America (Part 1). We used the boxing gloves given to me in a dream several years ago with the words Everlast and Evergreen printed on them. You can read a post regarding this here. Everlast is actually a name of God; evergreen represents covenant. The boxing team from the Ekklesia trained and fought in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, America’s birthplace. The battlefield where the 5-round fight would ultimately take place was in the shape of America and surrounded by evergreen trees. Our record as a team was 22 wins and no losses, representing the authority spoken of in Isaiah 22:22 and Matthew 16:18-19. The upcoming 23rd fight represented this year, 2023, and if we won the fight, it would also give us victory the next year, 2024. Our adversaries had tried to stop the fight through legal efforts, but were unsuccessful. This is certainly happening now. God had actually sped/moved up the date for the fight. The other details can be seen by reading yesterday’s post. The remaining portion of the dream is long and detailed. I do not feel it is necessary to share those details, and will simply summarize portions of it. It includes descriptions of the five giants, five scenes representing five rounds, Scriptures for biblical insight and the strategies needed to defeat them. In each scene, the giant was trying to kill a wounded eagle, which represented America. Each boxer/warrior from the Ekklesia wore the two gloves, which transformed into different types of gloves suitable for their needs when they put them on. Each round became warfare battles, instead of boxing rounds. They were also given bows, arrows, and a battle ax, each with different Scriptures written on them. Every arrow contained the word radah, which is the Hebrew word for dominion or authority.(1) Each giant was assisted by a different type of large animal. I said in yesterday's post I would identify these five giants today. After praying throughout the evening, however, I don’t believe this is wise. I feel that I should wait to identify the last two. I apologize for being presumptuous regarding this. GIANT #1 The first giant was the spirit of religion. Though this was somewhat surprising to me, it should not have been. This spirit works to produce one of the greatest deceptions possible - replacing a true relationship with God, provided through Christ, with religion: works, rituals, mindsets, rules, and idolatry/false gods. It emphasizes form over power, and works over grace. It specializes in creating deception, legalism, and wrong concepts of God. It negates the true ways and power of God through traditions and the teachings of men. It ultimately leads people farther from God, rather than drawing them to God. In the dream, this spirit was assisted by a large cheetah, picturing stealth, subtlety, and camouflage (many different spots or markings). I believe the battle pictured with this spirit has been occurring for some time. I also believe a major blow was delivered to this spiritual stronghold several months ago through a series of prayer efforts orchestrated by Holy Spirit. Obviously, demonic spirits are not killed when they are defeated, which means the ability for them to continue their efforts will not end. But I believe the root that gave this giant the ability to successfully operate in America has been severed. I also believe this had to occur before the coming revival could take place. The key passage for this battle was Revelation 12:10-11. GIANT #2 The second giant in the dream was the spirit of witchcraft and sorcery, empowered by Roe, the legal, governmental decree allowing the shedding of innocent blood in our land. He was assisted by a large monkey, which, according to various sources I have looked at symbolizes mockery, lust, freedom, greed, the devil, and more. Before the battle, the giant went to the middle of the field and began chanting, calling on his gods to help him. The back of this spirit was broken last June when Roe was overturned. Although, the ruling did not end abortion in America, it did end the national governmental decree. God can now deal with this sin on an individual and state level, not through the curse it created over our entire nation. The key passage for this battle was Psalm 82. GIANT #3 The third giant and battle represents corrupt government, including globalism, and is the battle we are now engaged in. He was assisted by a dragon, one of the biblical pictures of demons, and of satan himself. In the dream, this giant was very large, and the battle was very intense. The Scriptures needed to win this round were Daniel 6:4, Luke 18:4-8, and Psalm 149:5-9. In this portion of the dream, the eagle was blindfolded, meaning it was deceived and could not see clearly. At one point, it was actually trying to attack those fighting to save it. Again, this is happening now - our government is attacking those endeavoring to save America. I feel it is incredibly important that we pray much for those now being attacked by this spirit operating through our corrupt government, and for those representing them legally. It would be easy to allow all these processes to simply play out and see what happens. But in the dream, we were to attack and battle this spirit. Do not allow the defendants and their attorneys to fight these battles on their own. The enemy is trying to wear them down, break them financially, produce fear, and silence all opposition to the injustice in our land. Pray against this daily, using these verses from the dream. Holy Spirit will give you others. Decree that truth and justice will prevail, and that all injustice will be exposed and defeated. Holy Spirit will show you how to pray but please do so. When the giant was defeated, the eagle could again see clearly and began to partner with those warring against the giant. God wants and needs a righteous government in America. The coming shaking must expose and tear down these evil strongholds. That is why we have been commanding the foreword and fulfilling the other prayer assignments. Please continue to bathe these efforts we have made in prayer daily. And remain strong in faith! GIANTS #4 AND #5 I feel I am to wait before revealing and discussing the fourth and fifth giants. When the time is right and I have confirmation, I will do so. Pray with me: Father, we are very grateful for the victories we have experienced through our prayers to restore America. Thank You for the restoration You have done in the church, restoring our understanding of the gifts Christ gave us and the authority we have been given as Your Ekklesia. Thank You for the spirit of revelation regarding worship that now permeates much of the body of Christ. Thank You for the emphasis/movement of prayer we have experienced over the last three decades. The religious spirit has indeed been pushed back, his hold broken. Thank You also for the reversing of Roe. This national curse has been broken! And we thank You in advance for shaking down the evil structures and systems in our government that oppose You, our freedoms, and the constitutional republic You gave us. Though the coming shaking will not be pleasant, it is necessary, and will be fruitful. It will not destroy us; it is part of Your divine reset, and will preserve us as a nation. We are ready, we are protected, and we will overcome. Now, we pray for those on the front lines of this battle against the giant of unrighteous government. Our government is out of control, ruled by such evil that we now mutilate children and sell them, which is promoted and celebrated by those at the highest levels of government. Lies abound, injustice is rampant, unrighteous laws are enacted, and our government is now weaponized against its citizens. Bring these evils down. Expose them. Continue to awaken the American people to these evils. Give financial support to those spending millions to fight this battle; give them great endurance and faith. Work miracle after miracle to turn the tables on the darkness ruling our land. And we pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen. Our decree: We decree that the King and Judge over all the earth will have His way, and His purposes will be fulfilled in this hour. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 7287.
  10. 6 min read August 31, 2023 Identifying the Five Giants, Part 1 Several years ago, a person had a dream about me in which I boxed five giants. I have spoken of this dream often, and you can read about it here. I knocked out all five giants in five rounds, and did so wearing gloves that read “Everlast” and “Evergreen.” I knew the dream was about America and the spiritual strongholds ruling her, and I knew I represented the Ekklesia, not myself alone. I did not know exactly what the giants represented. Though I had guesses, I knew I needed to wait until Holy Spirit identified them. I now believe He has done so in the dream I will share with you today and tomorrow. This current dream depicts the Ekklesia fighting five giants, wearing the 2 gloves I wore in the original dream. The Recent Dream “The dream began with [several leaders of the Ekklesia] walking down a sidewalk, past shops, until we came to a door at the side of one of the shops. Inside were stairs leading up into an old boxing gym in the old town of Philadelphia, PA.” My Comments The dream began with leaders in the church headed to a boxing gym in Philadelphia, the place of our nation's birth. Obviously, other cities played a significant role in America’s beginning, but ultimately, Philadelphia became the birthing room. I have often said that Washington, D.C., is not the root; it is the fruit. The root determines what type of fruit a tree or plant bears. The ungodly in Washington, D.C., do not have the God-given right to determine the fruit of this nation. God determined the fruit long ago, and it is found in our roots: the Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Bible upon which these documents were founded. The Dream “In the dream, we knew we had been coming to this gym for years to train and fight. On that day, we were there to prepare for a soon-coming series of scheduled fights. We were stablemates (part of the same group/team), and I (the person who had the dream) knew I was a “chief second” (the person in command of a boxer's corner during a bout]; and there were other “seconds” with me. We had all fought in several fights as professional fighters, and had been part of this team for a very long time. “As we approached the door to the gym, Gabriel, the archangel, met us saying, ‘You will not go to the gym today to train. The training for the fight ahead of you is over. Your request for the fight date to be moved up was granted, and you are going straight into a championship fight now.’" My Comments Do not be afraid of the battle ahead of us. We, the Ekklesia have been trained for this, and are well prepared to defeat the giants opposing God’s purposes and plan in our land. We will continue to love our human enemies, but we will oppose the spiritual forces behind the evil and defeat the plans they orchestrate in America. As an answer to our prayers, God has sped up the timing of this battle. The Dream “We all were stunned because the opponent had filed a lawsuit to void the fight. Gabriel said, ‘[Ekklesia], they have billed you as an upstart and the underdog. The media has labeled you as one who has never fought a serious fight. They say you are a trial horse, a journeyman who has gotten lucky a few times, but not a champion.’ He looked at one of the leaders of the team with a very stern look and, laying his hands on his shoulders, said, ‘Your record is 22-0. You are going into the ring for the 23rd win. As a matter of fact, this fight will constitute two wins for the one who emerges victorious. So your record should be 24-0 when the battle is over. You will be a World Champion in this 23rd fight if you can stay on your feet and not give up. You have a strong chin and can take a punch. You have taken some seriously devastating punches and been knocked down, but you have never been knocked out. Focus, and your ring generalship will be the day's order. There will be no going to the cards.’” My Comments The number 22 represents Isaiah 22:22, keys of authority to open and close, bind and loose (also Matthew 16:18-19). I believe the number 23 represents the year we are in. This is the time, the year, in which we absolutely must win. If we fight as we have been taught and trained, we will win, not only this year, but in ‘24. I speak not primarily of the elections, but of much more. I am referring to God’s divine reset of our nation, which includes the elections. As the dream states, we have taken some serious punches and have even been knocked down, but we still stand. And heaven says we can win this fight, if we remain focused. There will be no “going to the cards,” a decision based on points; there will be a knockout. The Dream “Gabriel then turned and spoke to all the boxers, ‘You will all fight on the same card.’ “A team member said, ‘You mean we are on the undercard?’ “The Angel replied, ‘Make no mistake, there is no undercard. All of these offensives will be billed as one championship fight. You will get one round each and have to share the same gloves and “seconds” (teammates) to win this fight.’” My Comments The Ekklesia must fight together, as one, in this battle - no “big MEs, little YOUs.” No superstars, no personal agendas. The praying church must work together, fulfilling the assignments given to them by Holy Spirit, both individually and corporately - just as we have been doing. There will, of course, be leaders and generals giving direction and strategy. But all will receive personal instructions, as well. We will war together, just as we have done recently painting the borders of our nation, commanding the foreword, and burying the arrowheads. Gabriel said, “You will…share the same gloves and teammates to win this fight.” The Dream “Another teammate spoke up and said, ‘I have the gloves right here in your gym bag, Dutch. They are ready to lace up. Everything is ready!’ “Gabriel said, ‘Control your emotions and beware the feint of the enemy!’” My Comments Do not fear. And do not be taken advantage of by the distractions, the feints - lies, false reports, threats, character attacks, unjust lawsuits, evil rulings from evil judges, and more. Control your emotions and stay focused on the word of the Lord! This is exactly what God told Joshua in the first chapter of the book of Joshua: “Listen to Me, Joshua, not your enemies! Act; don’t react! Yes, you will have to fight, but listen to and obey Me, and you will win!” The Dream “As Gabriel finished speaking, the scene in the dream changed, and we were standing on a large plateau overlooking a vast field of battle shaped like the United States. It was outlined with very tall and old evergreen trees. We knew this field was ours, and we would fight on it soon. We no longer wore gym attire, but were now dressed in military battle attire. Each of those in the dream who were to engage in this soon-coming fight wore a crown, had a bow with arrows, and a battle ax.” My Comments What more needs to be said? The battlefield was America, and it belonged to us. It was outlined with old evergreen trees, which symbolize covenant and prayer - the appeal to heaven. We have spoken and written much regarding this. We were no longer in boxing clothes, but military attire - it was time to fight. We each wore a crown, symbolizing the authority of King Jesus, had a bow and arrows, which should remind you of recent activities, and a battle ax. As the dream continued, we fought five giants. I will share that with you tomorrow. Pray with me: Father, we have obeyed Your directions in every way we know how. When You have told us to go, we have gone; when You have instructed us to decree, we have decreed; and when You have said to stand, we have done our best to stand. None of us have done these things perfectly, but You have never required perfection, only our best efforts at obedience. We know the battle for America’s turnaround and revival is not over, but we also know that You are about to act. You have drawn Your sword and met us outside Jericho. You, the Captain, are in charge and prepared to once again enforce Your victory and authority over this land. Psalm 2 is next on Your agenda. Evil leaders are about to be offered the final conditions: kiss the Son or experience His wrath. We pray that many humble themselves and repent, turning to You. We pray now for the Ekklesia. Give us courage, focus, resolve, endurance, wisdom, humility, servant hearts, unity, and discernment. As we lace up the Everlast and Evergreen gloves once again, we accept Your Word that we are ready and prepared for the battle. We pledge not to make this battle about us, our desires, our churches and ministries, but about Your great cause - Thine is the Kingdom, power, and glory. As we do these things, we ask You to act - decisively, strongly, and mercifully, all rolled into one. In Christ’s all-authority we pray, amen. Our decree: We declare that He to whom the nations have been given is coming to claim His harvest. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  11. 6 min read August 28, 2023 Listen for the Sound [What I’m sharing in this post is the fruit of YOUR prayers. Thank you!] “‘Is not My word like a fire?’ says the Lord, ‘And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?’” ‭‭(Jeremiah‬ ‭23‬:‭29‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) Five days before we went to Cape Henry with the arrowheads, my friend Steven Springer - without knowing I was going there - had a dream about it. Steven is a prolific dreamer and a respected prophetic voice. The dream actually begins elsewhere, a place not delineated, then moves to Cape Henry. Here is the dream: “On 8/15/23, I had a dream with Dutch Sheets, two prophets [Steven gives their names, but I have not asked their permission, so I am not including them], and myself. “Dutch had a large hammer with which he was pounding altars, knocking them down. With each blow, darkness was displaced in a moment, and the light of truth began beaming in all directions! As the altars were destroyed, water began springing up from the ground, flowers began to bloom, and new life began to spread! We saw revival and awakening spring up everywhere the hammer struck the ground!!!! “Then a ladder appeared, coming up from the ground, and a new dimension of Heaven came down the ladder to earth. This new dimension was a new anointing/ability/mantle to legislate, and it fell on Dutch and the Eklessia. With it, we began commanding gates to be opened. As we did, angels were dispatched in each direction, released by the decrees! Sunrise and sunset were occurring simultaneously! “The scene changed, and we were standing on the shores of the Atlantic at Cape Henry, resurrecting the decrees made there by those who planted the cross of Christ. The earth began responding to this, releasing the sound of awakening!!!” End of dream. Steven then quoted two more passages of Scripture related to the dream, Job 22:28-30 and Isaiah 35:1-10: “You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways. When they cast you down, and you say, ‘Exaltation will come!’ Then He will save the humble person. He will even deliver one who is not innocent; Yes, he will be delivered by the purity of your hands.” ‭‭(Job‬ ‭22‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) “The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, Even with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, The excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, The excellency of our God. Strengthen the weak hands, And make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, ‘Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, With the recompense of God; He will come and save you.’ Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, And the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer, And the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool, And the thirsty land springs of water; In the habitation of jackals, where each lay, There shall be grass with reeds and rushes. A highway shall be there, and a road, And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, But it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, Shall not go astray. No lion shall be there, Nor shall any ravenous beast go up on it; It shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall walk there, And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, And come to Zion with singing, With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, And sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” (‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭35‬:‭1‬-‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) Just as the dream shows, idolatrous altars are definitely being destroyed in America. The hammer of God‘s word is doing exactly what He said it would do. We have been declaring His words, and they are accomplishing their assignments, tearing down altars of Baal, dispelling darkness, and releasing light. As Isaiah 35 describes, the desert land will again be fruitful: water, flowers, new life, revival, and awakening will come forth. The next scene draws an obvious correlation to Genesis 28, where Jacob had a dramatic encounter with God at Bethel. There, and in the dream, a ladder connected heaven and earth, was used by angels, and gates were opened. Gates represent access points and portals, among other things. It’s a way of saying heaven and earth can connect. Jacob called Bethel a “gate of heaven”; the place in Steven’s dream was, as well. The angels brought us new anointings, and higher levels of authority with which to decree. We used these anointings immediately, making decrees that the angels carried forth into the earth. I feel this is showing us that the Ekklesia has gone to a higher level in her ability to release Christ’s authority into the earth. We will see the fruit of that begin to manifest in this season. Like Jeremiah, our words, initiated by God, will “pull down” strongholds; they will then “plant” and “build” the will of God (Jeremiah 1:10). God will “watch over” these decrees to perform them (verse 12). I find it very intriguing that sunrise and sunset were occurring simultaneously. There’s a brain-teaser. What might this represent? It could picture more, but I believe this is an indication that we are now aligned with Olam El, Everlasting God. This is the name Abraham used in Genesis 21:33 when he called upon Yahweh. “Everlast” was also one of two names on boxing gloves I used to knock out giants in a dream given several years ago. Holy Spirit said in that dream, “You must wear these 2 gloves to take out giants in this season.” (The other glove said “Evergreen.”) Abraham used this name of God because it represented He who lives in the eternal now, not limited by time. Olam can reach back in time, and He can see into the future. He has the ability to cancel failures of the past, and secure the future, which he did for Abraham. Perhaps God is saying He has done this for us, cleansing America of her past, and restoring us to our destiny. Perhaps He is saying we are now wearing the Olam glove, moving in the power and strength of Everlasting God. One thing is abundantly clear: Steven was seeing into a realm lived in and controlled by the eternal God! Then, in the dream, we were translated to Cape Henry. There, we “resurrected” the decrees of Robert Hunt and his comrades - our foreword - when they planted the cross. We did this while there last Sunday, even using the same word, “resurrecting” the decrees and destiny spoken at Cape Henry. And in the dream, the earth responded with the sound of awakening. Listen for this sound! You will begin to hear the sounds of revival, of awakening, of abundant rain - even in the shaking. Pray with me: Lord, we marvel at You and Your works. You truly are He who transcends time, reaching back to heal and cleanse, and looking forward to the end, declaring what is coming. With Your great power and ability as Olam, we will take out spiritual giants. America has been a wilderness place, a desert, for several years. But we declare over her that the altars of Baal are being demolished by the Ekklesia, light will replace the darkness, and she will blossom once again. We thank You for the new mantles, the fresh anointing to legislate spiritually, and with which to accomplish Your purposes here and around the world. We confidently declare that the foreword has been resurrected, that the decree of Cape Henry is once again infusing life into our atmosphere and covenant into our land. The gospel of the Kingdom is now leavening our nation once again with the sound of revival. We also confidently declare that You are rising over Your enemies in America. They will scatter before You, fleeing seven ways (i.e. completely). Their empowering altars are being demolished by the power of Your words; their dark wickedness is being exposed by light; their evil plans are failing; and their names will be disgraced in history. We pray and decree all of this in Yeshua’s name! Our decree: We declare that the foreword of Cape Henry is alive and well! ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------ Steven Springer is a pastor in Keller, TX, and is the director of Global Presence.
  12. 6 min read YOTA Don't merge this with the previous Dream August 23, 2023 The 300 Arrowheads, Part 2 “Then Gideon and the 300 men who were with him came to the Jordan and crossed over, weary yet pursuing.” (Judges 8:4; NASB 1995) This verse, referring to Gideon and his army of 300, is how many of us felt after finishing the Cape Henry and Red River Meeting House assignments this past Sunday and Monday. I arrived home Monday night after midnight, as exhausted as I have been in many years. I am sure I speak for most of the team. The weight of the assignment, plus the heat, zapped our energy. It was worth every minute of our time. I kept the teams small and covert, as I usually do on assignments such as this. I know many of you would have liked to join us, and I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart, but it is easier to carry out these types of missions with a small team. I have worked with most of these individuals for so long that they know how I think, what I would like, and how I would like to do it. It makes it easier to focus on the spiritual aspects when I do not have to explain these things; everyone just does his or her part, and it is a seamless flow. I am sure the same will be true of the state teams and leaders as they bury the arrowheads. They will take or send a team of people they know and are comfortable with. Please do not be offended or hurt by this; the assignment is what matters most. Having said that, however, I want to reiterate how grateful and impressed I have been at the multitudes who want to participate in all facets of this “command the foreword” assignment. It has truly been amazing and inspirational to me. Once these 300 arrowheads - created by First Nations people centuries ago, anointed and prayed over by today’s generation of Native Americans - are planted in the soil of America, I have no doubt that we will have accomplished the “anchoring of the states” instructions Holy Spirit gave us. We will have reconnected America to her God-given roots and destiny, as well as protecting our land from any shaking that is coming. We will now continue to pray as Holy Spirit leads, keeping the prayer “grid” that has been formed in place. The prayers flowing from Alaska to Cape Henry on Sunday evening were amazing. Our friend and esteemed prayer leader, Mary Glazier (her native name is Thunder Woman!), thundered with her words across the airwaves of America, from the far northwest, to the beach of covenant destiny on the eastern coast. Thank you, Mary, and all who joined you, from the bottom of my heart. The rest of the team then prayed, read Scriptures, decreed, and prophesied there on the beach, and concluded with the covenant meal of communion. To say this was incredibly holy, would not in any way be overstating the time. At Red River Meeting House the following day, the same can be said. Prayers, Scriptures, decrees, prophecies, prophetic acts, and communion saturated the arrowheads with the revival water present in that holy place. None of us participating left with any doubt that we had accomplished the mission. The arrowheads are now en route to each state. Please agree with us that the state teams will be led by Holy Spirit where to place them, and what needs to be prayed and declared. One of our team members, Terri Brown from Colorado, sent me the following insight just before we began the trip: “I found it interesting that the arrowheads were discovered while prayer walking. I asked the Lord what an arrowhead symbolizes, and felt led to look it up in Barbie Breathitt’s dictionary of prophetic symbols. The meaning was not new to me, but then I was shocked to see an entry for “Arrowhead, found.” This meaning read, “a rediscovery of lost or abandoned goals that were never achieved.”(1) “In our case, the ‘goal’ is fulfilling the destiny of our nation, and it is being ‘rediscovered’ as we pray.” Profound..! We are, indeed, rediscovering the godly purpose and destiny for which Yahweh created America. As the coming revival hits its maximum force and fruitfulness, thousands of flaming evangelists will go forth to the nations of the earth. Many of them will be First Nations people. These evangelists will come from all races, all age groups, and all genres of life. Incredible and notable miracles will be performed as they preach the gospel of the Kingdom, and millions will be saved. Entire nations will be transformed. “The lamb that was slain will reap the rewards of his suffering.”(2) Whatever the coming shaking may entail, be assured that the purposes of God will not be thwarted. God has given us further strategies that will be implemented over the coming weeks and months. I and others will be sharing these at the appropriate time. Please be listening for those. I will finish with a portion of a dream given to Gina Gholston, who received the Red River Meeting House dreams I shared on Monday and Tuesday. Gina joined us on the assignment at Red River Meeting House. This third dream I’m about to share came in 2020, shortly after she received her first RRMH dream. You may recall that in the first dream (that I shared on Monday), she saw lines being drawn in the spirit, connecting four great revivals from the past. A line went from RRMH to Cane Ridge, and from both of those places westward to Azusa Street. These three lines formed the head of a spear. A line was then drawn eastward from the spearhead all the way to Wales, forming the shaft. Together, these lines formed a complete spear. In the following dream, Gina was shown this “spear” again. She shares: “As I looked at this, the spearhead instantly lit on fire. When that happened, the entire spear began to spin counterclockwise. The spinning was slow at first, but gained speed with each spin, going faster and faster. As it was spinning, it began to tilt upward…still spinning…until it was standing vertically…the spearhead blazing with fire. Once the spear stood vertical, it was lifted up and thrust forcefully back down into the ground - into the center of the U.S. “When the spearhead went into the ground, it created swell after swell of what I first thought were waves of water. It was not water, however; it was people. These people were burning with the fire of revival, wave after wave of them, moving outward in all directions from the standing spear.” This is coming. Do NOT doubt it. Pray with me: Father, thank You for leading us forward. You never retreat; You always advance. As Lord over the nations, You are orchestrating and planning another great season of Kingdom advancement. You are even using, and will continue to do so, the plans of evil people to further this Kingdom advance, just as You did at the Cross. You will not lose. It is our joy to partner with You. It was a pleasure to use articles created by the First Nations people of our land, then reach down into the sand of Cape Henry and pull out America’s covenant purpose as a nation. It was also exciting to reach down into the soil of RRMH and tap into the well of revival housed there. These three elements from our history are now mixed together - the Native American host people, covenant, and revival - creating a synergistic force. This synergy of the ages is literally soaring across our nation. The power it creates will land in every U.S. state, joining with the covenantal foreword that has been declared there recently. The synergy of all this will be exponential. Explosive power will be released in America and go from here to the ends of the Earth. And now we ask You, Father, to do all that is necessary to adjust and prepare our nation. When this is finished, throw the blazing spear of revival fire into the heart of our nation, causing wave after wave of revival to burn throughout our land. In Christ’s authority, we pray all of this, amen. Our decree: We decree that our God, Yahweh, who keeps covenant and mercy to 1000 generations, is doing so in America. As intercessors and believers have repented, the blood of Jesus is healing our land. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- Barbie L. Breathitt, A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary (Lake Dallas, TX: Barbie Breathitt Enterprises, Inc., 2015), p. 26.
  13. 6 min read August 22, 2023 The 300 Arrowheads Yesterday, I shared a dream given to Gina Gholston in January 2020. It spoke of four separate wells of revival being reopened by Holy Spirit; 100 eagles were then seen transporting the water, 300 “fire arrows,” and 100 scrolls throughout the nation (Uncapping of the Wells). God is going to merge the anointings and power of these world-impacting outpourings, giving us the synergy of the ages. My spirit leaped as I read the following sequel to that dream, given to Gina a year later. I have shared it before, but it is linked to the “command the foreword” assignment we are currently doing. Here is that sequel: (February 2, 2021) “I dreamed I was standing with someone I did not know on a deck-like structure in the heavens. From this place, we were looking down, observing the United States of America. Though I did not know who the man was, I could feel a strong anointing coming from him. This anointing was causing me to have an indescribable hope for the nation! “As we were looking down, we saw what first appeared to be warplanes flying over the United States. The gentleman said to me, ‘Oh my, I wonder what is happening in America? What do all these warplanes mean?’ He said this, not with concern, but almost as though he was wanting me to see something that wasn’t obvious. He looked at me as if I should know the right answer to his questions. “I did know the answer to this one. ‘Those are not warplanes; those are eagles!’ I replied. ‘I have seen them before in a dream. There are 100 of them, and they’re carrying water from the reopened well of revival at the Red River Meeting House. The well has been unlocked and is now gushing forth into the nation.’ “I could clearly see that, just as in the previous dream, the eagles were carrying arrows in one of their talons and a rolled-up piece of paper in the other. Also, they were still wet and dripping water from the geyser that drenched them at the Red River Meeting House. “As the eagles flew throughout America, they all simultaneously began diving. When nearing the ground, they leveled off and began dropping their arrows into the land. I knew there were 100 eagles, each carrying three arrows; therefore, 300 arrows were released throughout America. As each arrow hit the ground, it ignited as though it had hit a gas pocket, and a spiraling plume of fire shot up. We watched as the water the eagles were releasing was also ignited by the fire! This ‘revival water’ from the Red River Meeting House was extremely flammable and instantly caught fire! It seemed as though all of America was on fire, the fire of revival. “As the dream continued, I became VERY aware of the power and presence of God. It was so strong I fell to my knees and began to sob uncontrollably! The gentleman with me began speaking under an incredibly heavy anointing. (It was then that I noticed he had a very strong accent.) He said, ‘You have seen correctly! This is how America will be saved! Do NOT doubt it! There is coming a sweeping move of the Spirit of God that will ignite America with the fire of His presence. This will bring a swift, undeniable awareness of God and an awakening. “‘What seems to be one thing, is about to be revealed as another,’ he continued. ‘Some are in fear because of how things appear, but others SEE - with holy awe and expectation! The eagles are on assignment. They carry ‘firepower;’ they carry His glory. At precisely the right moment, their arrows will be released, will hit their targets, and the move of God will ignite and spread very quickly!’ Then he said again, ‘Do NOT doubt it!’ “Still on my knees, I looked up at the man and suddenly knew he was Duncan Campbell, one of the leaders of the great Hebrides revival.” End of the dream. Approximately 2 months later - after this dream - I was given a gift of 300 arrowheads, found over a several-year span by a pastor while praying in the fields of eastern North Carolina. This was a priceless gift to me, representing several years and hundreds of hours of intercession, as well as the Native American people whom I love. I knew they had been entrusted to me by the Lord, not as souvenirs to keep, but as items He would one day use. I also felt they were somehow connected to the 300 arrows in Gina’s two dreams. I have waited 2 years, knowing Holy Spirit would reveal the connection, the timing, and the assignment. Three months ago, I was sent another dream by my friend, Clay Nash. In this dream, several leaders and I were given supernatural bows and arrows with which to defeat spiritual enemies. These supernatural arrows had no arrowheads. One of the group asked, “Shouldn’t the arrows have arrowheads?” The man giving us the weapons put his hands on my shoulders and said, “Dutch, it was for such time as this that you are to distribute the ‘back to the future’ arrowheads.” As I looked at him questioningly, he added, “The 300 arrowheads that were sent to you.” It was INCREDIBLE to me that the arrowheads were referred to in a dream! And also that they were referenced in this way: “back to the future” arrowheads. As I sought the Lord, He gave me specific instructions. This past Sunday, a small team and I took the 300 arrowheads to Cape Henry, the place of America’s defining covenant with God. We also took a precious bottle of oil, prayed over by hundreds of intercessors and leaders in Alaska, many of them Native Americans, dedicating it to the Lord’s purpose for our nation. They decreed Isaiah 60:18 over this oil: “Violence will not be heard again, and your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders; but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.” Our Native American friend and apostolic prayer leader, Mary Glazier, sent me the oil for this specific assignment. She then called us from Alaska on Sunday evening while we were on the beach at Cape Henry, and prayed over the arrowheads while we anointed them with the oil. She and those of us gathered asked the Lord to reconnect America to the foreword, the covenant of Cape Henry. Representatives from all 50 states joined via conference call to listen and agree. The next morning, yesterday (Monday), we took the 300 arrowheads to Red River Meeting House and prayed over them again, saturating them with the anointing - the revival water - that is there, just as the dream showed. Representatives from all the states listened in to this, also. Today, we are overnighting 6 of the arrowheads to a representative from each state. All 300 will be delivered tomorrow. Leaders in each state will hear from Holy Spirit where and how to plant/bury them in their state, along with the declarations and prayers they feel to make, doing so before September. Each state will then be “anchored” to the Cape Henry covenant/foreword, and saturated with the waters of revival. America shall be saved! Do NOT doubt it! Let’s pray together: Father, the 300 “back to the future” ignition arrows are being sent today; they will be planted this week and next. We have obeyed Your instructions. We know we will see the fruit. The shaking will shake down evil, not destroy America. The perceived “warplanes” will be identified as eagles carrying “firepower” and “glory.” Cause fires of revival to spring up across the nation. Let the river that flows from the Lamb on His throne (Revelation 22:1), make its way once again up through the wells of Red River Meeting House, Cane Ridge, Azusa Street, and Wales. Combine their flow to form the most powerful “revival water” earth has ever received. Then send it EVERYWHERE! We pray, especially that our dear First Nations people drink from these wells of revival, and take their destined place as carriers of it throughout the Earth. And as Your Hebrides revival messenger admonished us, we do NOT doubt this. We WILL NOT doubt this! We will stand strong in faith and partner with You as You do great things. This is certain, because we pray all of it in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our Decree: We decree that the wells of revival are opening, the eagles are flying, and the fire arrows are being delivered. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  14. 7 min read August 9, 2023 Tamarisk Evergreens - the Manna Tree We have been re-addressing a significant dream given to our friend, Gina Gholston. In this dream, demons were destroying the roots of a huge tree on a hill. The tree represented America. Here is the entire dream; I will read only a portion; since I read all of it yesterday: “I dreamed I was with several prayer leaders, including Dutch Sheets. We were walking through a field with tall grass and noticed a hill ahead of us. This caught our attention because it was the only hill around us. The rest of the land was a level, grassy field. “On top of the hill was a huge, very old, beautiful tree. We were so captivated by this tree that we decided to climb the hill to get closer. The tree was the only thing on the hill, and the canopy was so large that the shade from it covered the entire hill. The ground around the tree was level, and the grass was tall and thick, much like the field we had just left. “We were in awe of this beautiful tree, amazed at the size of the trunk and the massive expanse of its canopy. As we all walked around it, looking up into the branches of the tree, someone tripped over what appeared to be a root protruding out of the ground. Then, all of a sudden, these ‘roots’ appeared everywhere. Where there had once been tall, thick grass, there was none. Now, only the roots that had not been there when we first came to the tree, were lying everywhere on top of the ground. “We were all very puzzled by this, so I walked over and looked more closely at one of the ‘roots.’ I could see that it was moving! This had not been obvious until I looked more closely. I motioned for my assistant, Darlene, to join me and whispered to her, ‘Watch this!’ And we both could clearly see this ‘root’ was moving. “I walked over to Dutch and said, ‘Dutch, these are not roots; these are the backbones of demons. They’re alive, and they are eating the root system of this beautiful tree.’ The demons didn’t realize we could see them, but with their backbones exposed, we could see their movements. “By this time, others had joined us, and I asked, still whispering, ‘What do we do about this?’ “Dutch responded, ‘I know what to do about it!’ “He then walked away for a moment, and came back carrying a perfectly carved wooden staff. “Someone asked, ‘What is that?’ “I said, ‘This is a staff that has been carved from an old tamarisk tree. Tamarisks are evergreens.’ “Dutch nodded his head ‘Yes’; then handed the staff to me, and I walked over to one of the demon’s backbones. I struck it with the evergreen staff, and when I did, the demon vanished. I could actually hear the sound, ‘poof,’ and it was gone. I began walking from ‘root’ to ‘root’, striking them with the tamarisk staff. Then, somehow, all of the other people with me had staffs, also carved from tamarisk evergreens. They, too, were using their staffs to destroy the demons. Together, we destroyed every demon and saved the tree.” End of dream. The tamarisk tree was significant in the life of Abraham. “Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God” (Genesis 21:33; NASB). We have said a good bit about them for the past few days. They are an evergreen tree, and for millennia evergreens have symbolized covenant. I write about this in my book, An Appeal To Heaven.(1) The tamarisk evergreen tree planted by Abraham symbolized his covenant with Yahweh. Many believe, myself included, that the tree placed on the Appeal To Heaven flag represented covenant. It certainly represented covenant - and became a weapon - in the boxing dream I have mentioned recently. With special boxing gloves, one of which had the word “Evergreen” imprinted on it, I knocked out five giants. And in this dream, demons trying to destroy America were defeated with staffs made of tamarisk wood. The dream was clearly telling us that our covenant alliance with God is a “weapon” we must use to save America (the tree). The Tamarisk Tree The tamarisk tree, chosen by Abraham to represent his covenant with God, has several unique and interesting features. Like America in the dream, it is a wonderful shade tree and lives hundreds of years. However, tamarisks are also slow-growing. They grow only an inch per year and take 400 years to reach their full height. As I stated in my book, An Appeal To Heaven, “Because the tree is so slow growing, no one would plant a tamarisk for him or herself; he or she would never personally benefit from it. By planting this slow-growing, long-living, covenantal tree, Abraham was thinking of his descendants, making a powerful declaration to them for generations to come, ‘I am in covenant with Everlasting God, and you will sit under the shade of my everlasting covenant with Him.’”(2) Amazing! Tamarisk trees are known as those which produce the coolest shade in the desert region where Abraham lived. The explanation for this is fascinating. “The tree grows needles rather than leaves. Often the needles excrete salt on their surfaces which gives the needles a white color. Because the tamarisk excretes salt, it is sometimes called a ‘salt cedar.’ At night, moisture increases in the cool air. Water vapor adheres to the salt particles excreted on branches and needles, forming droplets. In the morning, as the sun warms the air, the water droplets evaporate and cool the tree and shade below it.”(3) In the dream, the magnificent tree representing America was also producing wonderful shade. America’s Founders planted an incredible “shade tree” for future generations, saying through their actions - just as Abraham did to the generations to come - “You will sit under the shade of our covenant with God.” They formed a nation under God, a land in covenant with Him, one that could endure. America has been incredibly blessed because of her partnership with Yahweh. Millions of people here and around the world have enjoyed the “shade” of these covenant blessings. We must save the shade tree called America for our children and grandchildren, and for the world. Another interesting fact regarding the tamarisk tree was sent to me by a Give Him 15 listener some time back. I have verified the information and find it fascinating. “An edible white honeylike substance known as manna forms drops on the stem of salt cedars, or tamarisk trees. This sweet material is sold in the form of flakes (flake manna), fragments (common manna), or thick droplets (fat manna).”(4) Isn’t it fascinating that Abraham’s “covenant tree” not only produced shade for his offspring hundreds of years later, but also fed them with a substance called “manna”? And yet, why wouldn’t God lead him to use a “Manna Tree” to symbolize his covenant with the Lord? After all, Abraham’s covenant and offspring produced Christ, heaven’s manna, the Bread of Life. Abraham was told from the very beginning that God’s promised blessings were not only for him and his offspring, but for the entire world: “And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2-3 NASB) Sadly, many believers have not understood that the current ideological war in America is for the soul of a nation raised up by God to distribute heaven’s manna, the “Bread of Life.” Our war is truly a spiritual war. America IS called to be “a shining light, a city on a hill.” She IS called to be God’s trumpet, taking and sending the gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth. As America returns to her covenant roots, she will prosper once again. We, the praying church, must facilitate this by using the power of covenant, symbolized by the tamarisk tree staffs in Gina’s dream, to war against the evil forces attempting to destroy America. One of the ways we do this is by declaring the covenantal declarations and writings of our founding leaders. This is why Holy Spirit told us to “command the foreword.” Let’s do so again today, striking the enemy with the tamarisk staff. Pray and decree with me: We decree that: America was raised up by God to be a city on a hill, a beacon of light to all nations. America was called to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to all nations of the earth, and to serve all nations. America was founded by God, under an appeal to heaven, and an appeal to heaven will give us a rebirth! America is one nation, under God. We have put our trust in Him and no other. We have no king but Jesus. The phrases "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," an appeal to the "Supreme Judge of the world," "the Creator," and "divine Providence” are all in our Declaration of Independence. We decree that, as a part of this legal document that birthed our nation, they give us authority today. We declare into the atmosphere of America that our faith is in this God! Leviticus 25:10 is on the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof." This verse referencing Christ as the world’s Redeemer, was announced at our birth, through the ringing of the bell, proclaiming our faith and our destiny. We declare its message over America again today: Christ is our Redeemer! Proclaiming His message is our purpose! Yahweh is our Judge, our Lawgiver, and our King (Isaiah 33:22), and that our three branches of government were formed according to heaven’s pattern and under His rule! They will return to this! God’s mercy over America endures forever, and His mercies are new every morning! He who began a good work in us will complete it; He had a plan for our restoration before we even turned against Him! The Lord’s redeeming power is greater than satan’s deceiving lies, and His truth will prevail! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED..!!! *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------- You can find out more about Gina at -------------------------------- “Always maintaining green leaves or needles, depending on the tree, evergreen trees have symbolized eternity as far back as Abraham. This symbolism was sometimes expanded to include an everlasting or lifelong commitment to a covenant. At the time of our nation’s founding, evergreens carried this significance to the Iroquois Native American nation. At a significant time in their history, a great leader united five native tribes (with a later addition of a sixth), establishing a confederacy among them. According to the Iroquois Constitution, the covenant began with the planting of the ‘Tree of Peace.’ Their peace treaty and everlasting covenant were then sealed by the symbolic act of burying weapons underneath a great evergreen tree. Some historians believe this covenantal ceremony is where we get the phrase, ‘bury the hatchet.’” Taken from my book An Appeal to Heaven, (Dallas, TX: Dutch Sheets Ministries, Inc., 2015), p. 47. Ibid. p. 51.
  15. 7 min read August 8, 2023 The Covenant Tree In the past two posts, I shared a dream in which I boxed and knocked out five giants. One boxing glove was imprinted with “Everlast,” the other with “Evergreen.” In the dream, I stated that in order to knock out giants in this season, we would need to wear these two gloves. I found the dream’s interpretation from the life of Abraham (Genesis 21:33), and the Appeal To Heaven flag. Everlast is one of God’s names; evergreens represent covenant. Abraham planted a tamarisk evergreen tree and called on Everlasting God. There is too much information in the posts to make a short review possible, but if you didn’t see them, you could do so here and here. I believe you’ll find them encouraging. Today, staying with the theme of America’s covenant alliance with Yahweh, I’m going to re-address a dream given to Gina Gholston on 1/22/22. The dream was relevant then; it is even more so now. Here is that dream: “I dreamed I was with several prayer leaders, including Dutch Sheets. We were walking through a field with tall grass and noticed a hill ahead of us. This caught our attention because it was the only hill around us. The rest of the land was a level, grassy field. “On top of the hill was a huge, very old, beautiful tree. We were so captivated by this tree that we decided to climb the hill to get closer. The tree was the only thing on the hill, and the canopy was so large that the shade from it covered the entire hill. The ground around the tree was level, and the grass was tall and thick, much like the field we had just left. “We were in awe of this beautiful tree, amazed at the size of the trunk and the massive expanse of its canopy. As we all walked around it, looking up into the branches of the tree, someone tripped over what appeared to be a root protruding out of the ground. Then, all of a sudden, these ‘roots’ appeared everywhere. Where there had once been tall, thick grass, there was none. Now, only the roots that had not been there when we first came to the tree, were lying everywhere on top of the ground. “We were all very puzzled by this, so I walked over and looked more closely at one of the ‘roots.’ I could see that it was moving! This had not been obvious until I looked more closely. I motioned for my assistant, Darlene, to join me and whispered to her, ‘Watch this!’ And we both could clearly see this ‘root’ was moving. “I walked over to Dutch and said, ‘Dutch, these are not roots, these are the backbones of demons. They’re alive, and they are eating the root system of this beautiful tree.’ The demons didn’t realize we could see them, but with their backbones exposed, we could see their movements. “By this time, others had joined us, and I asked, still whispering, ‘What do we do about this?’ “Dutch responded, ‘I know what to do about it!’ “He then walked away for a moment, and came back carrying a perfectly carved wooden staff. “Someone asked, ‘What is that?’ “I said, ‘This is a staff that has been carved from an old tamarisk tree. Tamarisks are evergreens.’ “Dutch nodded his head ‘Yes’; then handed the staff to me, and I walked over to one of the demon’s backbones. I struck it with the evergreen staff, and when I did, the demon vanished. I could actually hear the sound, ‘poof,’ and it was gone. I began walking from ‘root’ to ‘root’, striking them with the tamarisk staff. Then, somehow, all of the other people with me had staffs, also carved from tamarisk evergreens. They, too, were using their staffs to destroy the demons. Together, we destroyed every demon and saved the tree.” End of dream. *********** The large, beautiful tree high on the hill, surrounded by green grass, obviously represents America. Our nation has long been referred to as "a city on a hill," spoken of frequently by our nation's Founders and leaders. No less than 13 Presidents have used this phrase in referencing America. 'A City on a Hill' is a phrase derived from the teaching of salt and light in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:14). In a modern context, it is used to refer to America acting as a "beacon of hope" for the world. (1) "This Scripture was cited at the end of Puritan John Winthrop's lecture or treatise, 'A Model of Christian Charity,' delivered on March 21, 1630, at Holyrood Church in Southampton before his first group of Massachusetts Bay colonists embarked on the ship Arbella to settle Boston. (2)(3) Quoting Matthew 5:14, where Jesus warns, 'A city on a hill cannot be hid,’ Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans that their new community would be ‘as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us.’ His meaning was that if the Puritans failed to uphold their covenant with God, then their sins and errors would be exposed for all the world to see: 'So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world.'" (4) Could any warning have been more poignant, and proven to have been more true? The size of the tree and lush green grass represents America’s blessing and prosperity from God (Psalm 23:2). We have been blessed and exalted for centuries, as no other nation has ever been blessed, under God's favor and blessings. In the dream, “we were in awe of this beautiful tree, amazed at the size of the trunk and the massive expanse of its canopy.” Indeed. In yesterday’s post, I said of the tamarisk evergreen tree Abraham planted, representing his covenant with the Everlasting God: “Because they grow so slowly, no one plants a tamarisk tree for him or herself; he or she will never personally benefit from it. When planting this particular type of evergreen, Abraham was thinking of future generations, the descendants Olam had promised him. And he was making a powerful declaration to them: ‘I am in covenant with Everlasting God, and you will sit under the shade of my covenant with Him.’ “Covenant with God blesses not only us, but our children and grandchildren, as well. God said He keeps covenant to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9)! This was certainly the case with Abraham, and it has been true of America. We have been enjoying the shade of our Founders’ covenant with God.” In Gina’s dream, however, the green pastures had already disappeared, and the tree’s roots were being destroyed. It doesn't take an arborist to know that a tree can still look and seem healthy for some time, even when its roots have begun to die. America is on life-support. Our covenant roots have been dying, poisoned by demonic strategies, which have been given place by compromise and complacency. No honest person can deny this truth: many in our government are dishonest much of our education system is a joke we are over 30 TRILLION dollars in debt our first and most fundamental right - freedom of speech - is being stolen we kill our babies the family unit has been decimated we don't know male from female our borders are open, allowing thousands of women and children to be trafficked, terrorists to enter our country, and illegal drugs to be brought in, killing tens of thousands - all for the sake of future votes kindergartners are being taught that they can change their gender our president is mentally challenged and the laughingstock of the world our history is being revised and stolen the church - God's remedy for these evils - has become a weak subculture, not salt and light and sadly, the list could go on. To state that the grass is no longer green and the roots of the tree are dying is heartbreakingly true. In the dream, however, it was not too late for the great tree. God revealed the weapon needed to destroy the demonic strategies killing the tree. Like the “Evergreen” boxing glove in the dream I mentioned yesterday and Friday which pointed to Abraham, our Founders, and the Appeal To Heaven Flag, the weapon would again be connected to covenant. We will address that tomorrow. Today, let’s end the post by “commanding the covenantal foreword” over America. Pray and decree with me: America was raised up by God to be a city on a hill, a beacon of light to all nations. America was called to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to all nations of the earth. America is one nation, under God. We have put our trust in Him and no other. We have no king but Jesus. The phrases "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God;" an appeal to the "Supreme Judge of the world," "the Creator," and "divine Providence” are all in our Declaration of Independence. We decree that, as a part of this legal document that birthed our nation, they give us authority today. We declare into the atmosphere of America that our faith is in this God! Leviticus 25:10 is on the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof." This verse, referencing Christ as the world’s Redeemer, was announced at our birth, through the ringing of the bell, proclaiming our faith and our destiny. We declare its message over America again today: Christ is our Redeemer! Proclaiming His message is our purpose! America is in covenant with the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy. Through Him, AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED..! ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. You can find out more about Gina at ------------------------------------------------------ Squiers, A. (2018). The Politics of the Sacred in America: The Role of Civil Religion in Political Practice. New York: Springer. p. 62-63. ISBN 978-3-319-68870-1. Bremer, Francis, J., John Winthrop: America's Forgotten Founding Father, Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 171. Winthrop, John, The Journal of John Winthrop, 1630-1649, Harvard University Press, 1996, p. 1 note 1.
  16. 6 min read June 16, 2023 Work While You Celebrate (Part 3) We have been looking at a dream given to Gina Gholston, from her new book, Carry On. I highly recommend this important book. Also, if you have not yet done so, I suggest you read Wednesday’s and yesterday’s posts, in order to have the complete context for today’s post. In Thursday’s portion of the dream the Lord told us to “command the foreword,” a reference to what was declared over America at our inception. These decrees would provoke the shaking that will bring us back into alignment with His declared purposes. Holy Spirit then released to us a powerful baptism of fire. Here is the next portion of the dream; I’m also including the last paragraph we shared yesterday: ******** Final Portion of the Dream “A paint brush and bucket filled with oil appeared at each person’s feet. The Lord instructed, ‘As you go from here, carry the oil and secure the perimeters of your states. Paint the perimeters with the oil, and they will be secured.’ We knew He was showing us that this, like the cables and anchors, will secure them when the shaking comes. “Then the attention of each of the leaders was drawn back to the piece of paper in our folders. [Mentioned in yesterday’s post.] We looked at and began discussing each of the 4 bullet points. The first said: ‘Get it anchored! Anchor the nation.’ Beside that point was a red check mark, meaning this had been completed when the angels secured the steel cables to the anchors. The second point said: ‘Secure the perimeters of all fifty states. Paint the perimeters with the oil!’ This was why we had been given the buckets of oil and paint brushes. The third bullet point said: ‘Establish an anchor in each state, and connect it to the guide wire.’ We all understood this to mean each state must be anchored and connected to the cables the angels had secured to the anchors on the outer perimeters of the nation. The Lord was now referring to these cables as ‘guide wires.’ The last point said: ‘Establish a prayer grid in each state.’ We understood this to mean that prayer teams were to be established in each state, a grid of prayer teams listening in prayer and ready to move quickly with assignments the Lord would give. “Throughout the dream, the map remained on the screen, and the geysers (spiritual outpourings) continued to erupt. There were many eruptions—first, in the eastern part of the nation; then, slowly they began springing up throughout the entire nation. Groupings “The Lord then instructed all of us to get into groups, according to the state in which we lived. Each group would be sent back to its state to watch in prayer and carry out assignments regarding the bullet points. Fifty state groups were formed. “Then, four more groups were formed and assigned to regions. These would watch in prayer, facilitating and assisting assignments given to the state groups in their region. “Finally, a group was formed and assigned to the entire nation. These individuals would watch in prayer, assisting in the facilitation of assignments given to the regions and states. “After joining our groups we stood, holding our buckets of oil and paint brushes. We knew our first priority was to get the perimeters ‘painted’ with the oil, and this had to be done quickly. Calendar “Then, on the overhead screen, a calendar was laid over the top of the U.S. map, a one-year calendar showing all the months and days of 2023. September was circled in red ink, then we saw the finger of God tapping this month of September. Upon seeing this, we again felt a rush of urgency, realizing God was showing us there wasn’t a lot of time to get everything done. “There was excitement over the spiritual ‘eruptions’ that had already taken place, but also a deep knowing that this was only a beginning - much had to be established and accomplished. And we knew we were being ‘sent’ by the Lord to do the work.” End of dream. Dutch’s Thoughts As she related the dream, Gina shared some of the thoughts, insights, and “knowings” she experienced when it occurred. She gives more in her book. Other parts of the strategy given by the Lord must be prayed into further and developed carefully. What is symbolic, what is literal? How should the perimeters of the states be “painted” or anointed? The Texas Apostolic Prayer Network, led by Tom Schlueter ( has already been anointing and “branding” the borders of Texas, based on a word from Holy Spirit several months ago. In the past, he and members of his network have literally driven the entire perimeter of Texas, anointing and sealing it with prayer. More than once! I suspect other leaders are already hearing and doing assignments from Holy Spirit similar to those in the dream. How else are states to be “anchored” to the national “cables” and “anchors”? What, if any, gatherings need to occur around the nation to help facilitate the Lord’s instructions? I and other leaders are processing these things and asking Holy Spirit for insight. It seems clear, and Gina in her book seems to agree, that these preparations need to occur/be in place by September. I, of course, will keep GH15 listeners updated. Gina’s Thoughts I want to conclude by reading some final thoughts Gina shares in her book regarding being “anchored” to Christ, the hope of our souls. She begins by quoting from Hebrews: “Hold tightly to the Hope set before us. This hope [this confident assurance] we have as an anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whatever pressure bears upon it] - a safe and steadfast hope.” (Hebrews 6:18-19; AMP) “We are anchored in hope, and that Hope has a name: Jesus! He is the secure and steadfast anchor of our souls! As we place our complete trust in Him, we will follow as He leads, not only securing ourselves to Him as our anchor, but we also become a vessel through which Holy Spirit will work to impact our territories.”(1) Gina then offers an interesting insight about “painting” with the anointing oil of Holy Spirit. “Jesus declared, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed Me’ (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18). As heirs of salvation, when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon us, we receive the same anointing that was upon Jesus, which enabled Him to release the power of God everywhere He went. It is very interesting that the Hebrew word ‘anointed’ in this scripture is mashach, which means ‘to rub with oil, to anoint,’ and it also means ‘to paint.’(2) “Jesus has painted us with the oil of his anointing, which enables us to release decrees, prayers, and acts of obedience to God, with His power and authority. We paint and smear our homes, churches, schools, businesses, regions, territories, states and nations with the oil of His Spirit as He flows through us! In one sense, we become His paintbrush! When we allow Him to work through us, the anointing flows and power is released to paint the atmosphere with the transforming glory of God.(3) “This is the time that we must appeal to heaven, not just to petition for our wants and desires, but for the purpose of hearing God’s desires and instructions for us. Then we can work with Him to fulfill those desires. The days ahead are crucial. We cannot be influenced by what is happening around us; we should be influencing what is happening around us! As we hear the instructions from the Lord and follow those instructions, we will turn the tide of evil.” (4) *********** Pray with me: Father, we thank You for this dream. Though we are disappointed that a shaking must come to our nation to finish the process of reconnecting us to You and Your purposes, we are confident that we can trust You. And Your Word makes it clear that shakings will come, leaving behind only Your standing Kingdom. Give understanding and wisdom to leaders and intercessors around the nation as we implement your instructions. Show us how to “paint” our states, with the anointing of Holy Spirit. Show us how to anchor each one and build the prayer grids. And show us how to connect intercessors and leaders for these purposes. Continue to cleanse our land, so it can be healed and restored. We declare, as You have taught us to, that America exists to preach the gospel of the kingdom to all the world. We exist to proclaim liberty throughout the land. We covenanted to be “under” You, and to be Your evangelist to the world. We decree that this will be fulfilled to Your fullest intent! And we pray these things in the name of Yeshua, amen. Our Decree: We decree that by September of this year, preparations for the Ekklesia to cover and protect our land will be in place. ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ==================================== Portions of today’s post were taken from Gina Gholston’s new book, Carry On. You can find this portion of the dream in Chapter 8, “Anchored in Hope,” pp.125-127. Find out more about Gina and this book at Gholston, Gina. Carry On: Becoming Faithful Stewards of Our Spiritual Inheritance. Gina Gholston, 2023, p.125. Strong’s #4886 Gholston, Gina. Carry On: Becoming Faithful Stewards of Our Spiritual Inheritance. Gina Gholston, 2023, pp. 125-126. Ibid, p.127.
  17. * 6 min read June 15, 2023 Work While You Celebrate (Part 2) Yesterday I began relating a dream given to Gina Gholston, from her new book, Carry On. Many of you are ordering it, which I highly recommend. (Her website is a bit overwhelmed. Just keep trying and you’ll get through.) PLEASE read yesterday’s post if you haven’t seen it, in order to have the complete context for today’s and tomorrow’s posts. We ended yesterday’s post at the point in the dream when God said a shaking was coming to America, but also told us not to fear. He assured us that America is “anchored and surrounded” by angels. Here is the next portion of the dream, followed by Gina’s own comments and interpretation: The Dream Continues: “Next, there appeared a manilla folder in the lap of each of the leaders seated on the stage. We opened our folder and found one sheet of paper each. On the paper were listed four instructive bullet points. Across the top of the page was written: COMMAND THE FOREWORD! “When I read those words, I was a bit confused. The phrase was not ‘Command the Forward.’ I understood that a foreword is something written for the beginning of a book. Was He saying that everything was going to be destroyed by this ‘shaking’ He had said was coming and that a ‘new book’ was going to be started for America? “There was a microphone on the stage, and I worked up enough courage to walk up to it and ask, ‘Lord, what does this mean?’ “He answered audibly, speaking to everyone in the coliseum, ‘It’s time to command what was written at the beginning. Command the foreword! Bring this nation back into alignment with that which was written in the beginning—when this land became a nation. This is the purpose for which She was established. Those prophetic decrees were spoken in the beginning in agreement with My intended purposes. Now, I say to you, “COMMAND THE FOREWORD!” Know My purposes! Decree those purposes! Do not back down! Know what I have said and established. Agree and decree in agreement with Me, and your decrees will provoke a shaking that will bring this nation back into alignment with My original “Foreword.”’ Baptism of Fire “In that moment, the place in which we were gathered began to vibrate with what felt like an electrical current. A wind started to blow, and then it was as if fire just dropped down out of the heavens onto every one of us. It wasn’t a natural, flaming fire; it was the fiery presence of the Lord as He entered the building in a visible, tangible demonstration. “When this happened, people began falling onto the floor, overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. Some fell to their knees and began to weep. Others were running around, lifting their hands with shouts of joy! “The thought that came to my mind in that moment was, ‘This is a true baptism of Fire!’ And no one in the room was exempt from it. No one questioned or debated it. No one was offended by the reactions to it! No one said, ‘We don’t believe in this!’ or ‘This is not how we do it at our church!’ The baptism of fire came with force and everyone received it! Somehow, we all understood that we were being transformed by the Fire of God. The Oil “After some time, the leaders and all of those in the room were able to sit back down. As we each took our seat, a paint brush and a bucket filled with oil appeared at every person’s feet. The Lord instructed us, ‘Go from here. Carry the Oil and secure the perimeters of your states. Paint the perimeters with the Oil, and it will be secured.’ We knew He was showing us that this, too, will help to secure us when the shaking comes.” Gina’s Comments: “We must settle in our minds the indisputable fact that God has not led America to this point for the purpose of allowing everything He has said and done to crumble and fall…In the dream, He made it clear that He has never forgotten the purposes He has had for America since before she was established. He referred to these purposes as His ‘original foreword.’ Our true history records that an idea and a longing began to stir in the hearts of a group of men and women in England. God placed in them a longing for a homeland where they could be free to live productively and worship Him without restriction. That desire provoked them to leave everything they had known, and with huge steps of faith, set out on a long, arduous journey of discovery. “The journey led them to the eastern shores of what would become one of the greatest nations on earth. Her greatness would not be because the people did everything right - many dark moments have been recorded throughout our history. Her greatness would be because She was established as a nation ‘under God.’ He led those pilgrims to these shores, and upon their landing, they planted a cross on the beach. Then, through them, God prophesied His intentions for the nation’s existence. “On April 29, 1607, Reverend Robert Hunt stood and offered this prayer: ‘We do hereby dedicate this Land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations, take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of dedication remain to all generations as long as the earth remains, and may this land, along with England, be Evangelist to the world. May all who see this cross remember what we have done here, and may those, who come here to inhabit, join us in this covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled. From these very shores, the Gospel shall go forth, not only to this New World, but the entire world.’ “The following Bible passage was then read: ‘All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee. For the Kingdom is the Lord’s, and He ruleth among the nations.’ (Psalm 22:27-28) “While I do not fully understand the symbolism and location of the anchors [mentioned in yesterday’s post] to which the angels secured America in the dream, I am sure the Cross they planted at Cape Henry marks one of them. As Robert Hunt released his prophetic prayer, right then and there, God revealed His purpose for the United States of America. From those words we can conclude, at the very beginning of this nation, God was anchoring her deeply to His prophetic declaration, ‘America shall be saved!’ “Though she has rocked and reeled in the tempest winds of evil agendas - and at times it has seemed she would surely fall - America still stands! She stands because God has purpose for this nation! He has never forgotten nor abandoned His original desires. His plan has not failed. His words have not been altered! “Our nation is once again reeling in the adverse winds being stirred by evil agendas designed to uproot the anchors and destroy the foundation of our Christian heritage…but it will not happen. God has summoned His Ekklesia. He is marking us with a fresh baptism of fire, filling us afresh with His Spirit. A shaking is coming, but He has secured us to the anchor. We must know that and be convinced of it!” Tomorrow, we will look at the instructions in the folder the Lord gave those in the coliseum. They are important. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for raising up America as a voice for the good news of Christ’s Kingdom and redemption. This is undeniable. We are humbled and honored to be part of this plan. And though as a nation we have abandoned this calling, You have not; You intend to revive and re-fire it. We are forever grateful that the restoration and fulfillment of this purpose is not dependent on those who oppose You, but on Holy Spirit and the church. We, the Ekklesia of Christ on earth, say yes to this calling. We say yes to our healing, and yes to whatever is required in order for You to accomplish it. We do not fear this. We are anchored by You and Your purposes, and we are surrounded by heaven’s host. We now do as You instructed and command America’s foreword: • We are a nation under God. • We are in covenant with Yahweh. • As an evangelist nation, we exist to fill the earth with the gospel. • The Liberty Bell, rung on the day of our formal birth, confirms this through the scripture it contains, Leviticus 25:10. • We were birthed by heaven under thousands of appeals. Our decree: We, the Ekklesia of Christ, will command America’s foreword into the airwaves of America, allowing Holy Spirit to reestablish its reality. And we will receive the fresh baptism of fire! ****************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------- Most of today’s post was taken from Gina Gholston’s new book, Carry On. You can find the dream in Chapter 8, “Anchored in Hope,” pp.115 - 124. Find out more about Gina and this book at
  18. 6 min read June 14, 2023 Work While You Celebrate (Part 1) Yesterday I mentioned that I believe this fall marks a pivotal point in our nation. The war for the soul of America will amp up to new levels. We must be ready for this, and I believe we will. For the remainder of this week, I am going to read and discuss a dream given to Gina Gholston, in February of this year, which relates to this. Here is the first part, taken from her incredible new book, Carry On: Intercessors Summoned “I dreamed that thousands of people had been summoned by the Lord to gather in a certain place. I am not sure of the location, but we met in a very large colosseum-type building. The seating was sloped downward, with a stage at the bottom. Thousands of people were in the seats, and on the stage, hundreds were sitting in chairs. I knew the people in the auditorium were intercessors from around the nation, and those on the stage were leaders - of businesses, ministries, churches, denominations, colleges and schools, political leaders, etc. U.S. Map and Geysers “As we all took our seats, suddenly, a huge overhead screen appeared. On it was a map of the United States. On the map, geyser-type eruptions began popping up in various cities. The first one was near Lexington, Kentucky; we knew this represented what was happening, at the time, at Asbury College. “Then the other ‘geysers’ began erupting on the map, spewing out fire, water, and oil. This was all happening in real-time. We were literally watching a move of God as it was quickly spreading throughout the nation. Thunderous applause and celebration broke out in the Colosseum as we watched this happening on the map. “As the celebration broke out, suddenly, the voice of God resounded. It seemed as though His voice came through a P.A. system; it sounded like loud, deep thunder. We could feel the vibration as it shook the floor beneath us. “He said, very adamantly, ‘Do NOT become distracted by the movement!’ This brought a collective gasp from the crowd as we all wondered, ‘What does that mean?’ “He continued, ‘Celebrate the movement, YES! But do not become distracted by it! Work while you celebrate!’ He repeated this three or four times. That phrase, ‘Work while you celebrate!’ gripped us deeply. It was like a jolt that readjusted our focus. There was great joy for what was beginning to happen, but at that moment, we were all captured by a sense of urgency. It was then that we realized this was not a ‘normal’ gathering; it was an urgent call to attention.” Dutch’s Comments The purpose of this gathering of leaders and intercessors was to release significant instructions and strategies to them. The strategies become much more detailed in the latter part of the dream. In this portion, however, God gave us encouragement and a warning. We were encouraged as we watched the growing outpouring of Holy Spirit in America. This has begun and will intensify. It was right to rejoice and celebrate this! Then, however, the Lord surprised us with a stern warning: “Do not be distracted by the movement! Celebrate…but work while you celebrate!” Whether it be in athletics, business, or spiritual efforts, our human nature has a tendency to “let up” when we experience breakthroughs, significant progress, or momentum. Coaches can often be heard warning players after they attain a good lead, “Don’t let up!” Why? Comebacks by the opposition are possible. And also, as the profound and eloquent saying goes, “It ain’t over til it’s over.” Obviously, America has not yet broken through into a full-blown revival. Until then, we must persevere. And even when revival hits its full stride, there will still be much work to do, including the guarding of what is happening. The Dream Continues “The map continued to be seen on the screen, and real-time happenings continued to show on the map. Then, on the stage, two MASSIVE steel cables dropped in front of the leaders seated there. Each cable had a very large steel ring on each end—so, two cables and four rings. “As soon as the cables hit the stage, four angels appeared and carried the cables out of our location. We then could see the angels—with the cables—on the overhead screen. Two angels carried one cable, each holding a ring in their hands. One angel went north to an anchor that had already been set in place and was attached deep into the ground. The angel placed the ring over the anchor, securing it in place. The other angel took his ring south and secured it to an anchor there. The two angels with the other cable, took their rings east and west, securing them to anchors in those locations. “Then, on the stage, in front of the leaders, two more cables fell. The four angels returned and did as before, this time taking the cables and securing the rings to anchors located northeast and southwest, northwest and southeast.” Now, we were looking at the map on the screen through the crisscross of these cables that had been anchored in place. Then the Lord spoke and said, “There is a shaking that is coming, but you must not fear! You must know and be convinced that this nation is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that! Be convinced of that!” Dutch’s Comments In this portion of the dream, angels are seen anchoring America with huge cables that extend across the nation - north to south, east to west, northeast to southwest, and southeast to northwest. The cables were connected to previously placed anchors attached deep in the ground. This formed a strong anchoring grid, crisscrossing America. As we watched this, the Lord delivered yet another warning. Here are His words again: “There is a shaking coming, but you must not fear! You must know and be convinced that this nation is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that! Be convinced of that!” We will talk more about the anchoring of the nation tomorrow, commenting on another profound statement made by God in the dream. Today, however, I want to comment on the “surrounding” of America. Gina told me that when she heard the word, she was reminded of comments from my brother, Tim Sheets, and Chuck Pierce. Each has had visions of 51 government angels assigned to America. In Chuck’s vision, 4 more angels - ruling angels - were seen. He told me, “The 4 ruling angels were in position, surrounding the U.S. The 51 angels were sent by them to each state; then they were all sent to D.C.” Tim said, “Three or four years back, I saw one angel for each state capital and one for Washington D.C., all government angels. Then, last year at Thanksgiving, again in December, and two more times in January of this year, I saw these 51 government angels surrounding Washington, D.C., along with four Seraphim. They were using the decrees of the Ekklesia to weave a cocoon around D.C., which they had also done at the state capitals. Our words were being used like thread. I then heard Holy Spirit proclaim one word which I knew was a play on the word ‘reformation.’ He pronounced it ‘re-form-action’!” These visions are so encouraging and confirm what the Lord spoke in the dream, “America is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that!” I am confident there is a shaking coming, as was also stated in the dream, but we must be confident that our prayers and decrees have been effective. It still works! Regardless of what is implemented by evil forces in their attempt to destroy America, their efforts will fail! In tomorrow’s portion of the dream, we will hear specific and profound instructions from the Lord regarding our role in His “re-form-action.” Pray with me: Father, America’s drift from You has become a chasm. We grieve deeply as we see sin flaunted and celebrated at the White House, though we love and pray for the salvation of every participant. Only the prayers of those standing in the gap, appealing to Your mercy through the blood of Jesus, have preserved our nation. We thank You for Your incredible mercy. On this Flag Day, we also thank You for this dream, assuring us that America is anchored and surrounded. As we continue to reap the whirlwind of our sins, we also declare our faith that America shall be saved. When the iniquitous cup of the evildoers is full, their hold on the land will be removed. Yet even in this, we pray for their salvation. Your love and mercy are so great! We will not fear the shaking. We trust You to do what is necessary to save this nation. As unrighteous kingdoms fall, Your Kingdom will stand and expand. Even now, in obedience to Your command, we decree, “Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as in heaven!” Cover the earth with Your glory as the waters cover the seas. We also commit to persevering, working while we celebrate Your outpourings. We will not let up or lose focus. We will see this process through to its finish, fighting the good fight of faith and laying hold of eternal life. All of this we pray and decree through Christ’s authority, amen. Our decree: We decree that America is anchored and surrounded by prayers and angelic activity. She will stand. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- Parts of today’s post were taken from Gina Gholston’s new book Carry On. You can find out more about Gina and this book at
  19. 12 min read April 14, 2023 Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars - Part 4 For the past three days, we have been looking at a significant dream given to my friend, Greg Hood, a few months back. Today I will be sharing the final part. As I did yesterday, I’m including the part of the dream we have already discussed [in brackets] for review, and for those who haven’t seen it, then I’ll continue with the next portion. Summary: Thus far, we have seen that Christ is leading His Ekklesia into a spiritual battle to restore America’s strength and her covenant with Him. He called this battle: Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars. The first cedar we recovered was related to our birth as a nation and the purpose for which God birthed us: partnering with Yeshua to take His gospel to all the world. The second cedar pictured covenant through “marriage,” America uniting with Christ in a partnership to, again, distribute the gospel to all the world. We became unfaithful and aligned with Baal, whose hold is being broken off of America. There are numerous important details explaining all of this, which can be seen in the previous 3 posts: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. They are in Brackets following. ******* The Dream [ “The dream started with Dutch and me (Greg) opening and walking through a gate leading to a long dirt road, canopied with willow trees. We walked for two miles under these willow trees. I knew it was two miles because there were wooden mile markers along the road. However, these markers looked different than those we see on a normal U.S. or State highway. This mile marker had the mile number 2, and underneath it was etched another number, 4352, and a crown. “As we walked down this narrow dirt road, we could hear a wind blowing through the willow trees. The sound was like angels and people singing together. Somehow we knew this sound, though we could not make out the words. As we walked, we saw in the near distance a man sitting on a completely white horse. The horse was a very bright white. Its feet were moving slightly with the sound moving through the willow trees. “As we approached the man, we were not sure if we wanted to walk any further, for the atmosphere had become very heavy. We could not make out the man’s face or appearance, but he was emanating an extremely bright light, had a sword on his side and a crown on his head. These two things we could clearly see. Dutch turned his head toward me very slowly, as if not wanting to draw attention from the man on the horse. Looking at me, he said, ‘We might die here, but we have to keep moving.’ “I (Greg) responded in a whisper, ‘I agree. We must press into this. I can see the road changes just past the man on the horse.’ “We continued to make our way down this dirt road with its canopy of willow trees. It was very difficult to continue because of the weight of the sound moving through the willow trees. (Yes, the sound had weight to it.) As we approached, the horseman moved his horse to the side of the road and, after we passed him, positioned himself just behind us, traveling down the dirt road with us. The overwhelming fear we once felt had turned into extremely bold confidence. “As we continued walking, we noticed the road changing under our feet, from dirt to a paved road. Just before the road changed completely, the man on the white horse instructed us to stop and listen. He said, ‘Keep watching, and you will see all that is ahead of you, and even far off. Keep listening; my voice is guiding you. My voice will navigate you through this complicated and treacherous terrain. Keep moving, and you will take the land. The land ahead of you will look much different than it has before. This is your land.’ He then added, ‘You will not walk from here; you will ride.’ “I don’t know where they came from, but he presented each of us with a horse. As he did, we could see many other people approaching us, walking and leading horses. They were not coming from ahead of us but approached from within the willow trees. We knew many of them, as they were friends and co-laborers in ministry and life. There were also many that we did not know. Without hearing any order or command, we took the reins of our horses and mounted them - everyone at once. “As we did this, the man on the white horse answered a question Dutch and I both had in our minds but were hesitant to ask. He knew our question, even though we hadn’t asked it. He said, ‘You want to know their names, don’t you, the names of your horses? Well, their names are not as important as the troop they come from; they are from Troop Basileus, and they will ride like it! These horses were bred for you.’ He went on to say, ‘They are bred for battle. They were bred for gathering spoil and occupying. They were bred to intimidate your adversaries.’ “As the road was transitioning, so were our clothes! In the dream, we had not been aware of the clothes we were wearing as we walked the road under the willow trees, but we did become aware of the new clothes that appeared on us as we moved ahead. We were now wearing garments of royalty and war…the garments of kings. It’s difficult to describe what we all looked like in these clothes. Everyone was dressed this way, and all looked brilliant! “At this time, the man on the white horse repositioned himself at the front of this vast gathering of kings. His sword was now drawn and resting across the horn of his saddle. As he moved, the road and the trees completely changed. The road was now a paved road. We knew in the dream that this pavement would give us an advantage in the coming battle. (Horses don’t normally do well on paved surfaces, but this surface was made for our horses. It was a surface for war.) There was now another mile marker on the road. It was mile marker 22. Under the number 22 was written ‘The King’s Highway,’ and a scepter was engraved just under the phrase. “Then the trees changed. There were now huge cedar trees strategically placed in the field of battle ahead of us. We could see 7 of them in the distance. The first one was very close to us. The man on the white horse said to us, ‘The adversary has encamped around my cedars. Now, I will have my cedars back. I now activate Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars! Your mission is to overtake and occupy the cedars of this land. You will be successful if you watch, hear, and move. When you take the cedars, you will take the land.’ “The Lord began speaking to us again, ‘The realms over America are in sync, and the time is now for the redeeming of the nation. I will go before you in the unseen realm, and you will go forth in your realm. The realms are aligned, and my spoil is sure.’ “He looked at Dutch and me (Greg) and said, ‘Remember, keep watching, keep hearing, and keep moving forward. This battle will bring the land back to me.’ Then he turned, and with a commanding voice, addressed all the kings there, ‘REPEAT IT TO ME!’ “Everyone there said, with a loud voice and in unison, ‘WE WILL WATCH AND KEEP WATCHING! WE WILL HEAR AND KEEP HEARING! WE WILL MOVE FORWARD AND CONTINUE MOVING FORWARD!’ Yeshua then said to us, again in a commanding voice, ‘DUTCH, GIVE THE FORWARD ORDER!’ “Dutch stood, stretched himself high in the stirrups of his saddle and boldly decreed, ‘KINGS, READY YOURSELVES!’ When he did this, all our horses threw their ears back and leaned back on their hind legs as if they were rockets ready to be launched. We could see their muscles tighten, and we could see their great strength and purpose. Dutch then commanded, ‘KINGS, READY YOUR SWORDS!!’ Every king drew his sword, sat forward in his saddle with knees tightly gripping the ribs of his horse. We were now ready to launch forward and take the land with the cedars. “As Dutch commanded this, we all saw the sky become extremely bright. We knew the brightness was caused by many angels gathering for battle. We could not see into their brightness well, but we could see that they were all armed with bows and three arrows loaded into their bows. “Dutch commanded, ‘KINGS, FORWARD!!’ A launching, a fierce movement began into the land of the cedars. We launched toward the first cedar, which looked firmly fortified by the adversary, knowing this battle would be intense. “As we approached the cedar, we were able to see something meticulously carved into the tree. It was not put there by the adversary but had always been in the tree. It was the number 1025. We fought hard. Some of us grew tired, but our strength was quickly and supernaturally restored, and we continued to fight. We watched, heard, and moved according to the commands of Yeshua. We took back this cedar and set forces there to build Kingdom fortifications so the cedar would never be lost again. “We shifted our focus toward the next cedar. Hearing the Lord’s voice, we moved. As we approached, we could see that this cedar had what appeared to be great fortifications around it. This tree also had a number carved into it, also done long before the adversary encamped around it. It was the number 1060. “As we approached this cedar, we could see that the adversary’s fortification was not as strong as it appeared to be from far off. It was comprised of stick men, dressed up like men of war, not real men. We broke through their gates easily and made our way to the base of this great cedar. As we did, we noticed that the stick men had a black substance flowing from their feet into the ground. It was tainting the ground around this cedar and killing the tree. “We began warring with the stick men that occupied this great cedar, using our swords. The decrees coming from our mouths took control of the battle, and we won. “I (Greg) then nailed a decree to the cedar, which was given to me by an angel just under the number 1060 engraved into it. After I had nailed the decree to the tree, Dutch read it aloud, setting it into law. It read, ‘THE KING’S DECREE, AND THE DECREES OF THE KINGS, ARE HEREBY LAW IN THIS LAND, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. THIS CEDAR IS HEALED, ALONG WITH THE LAND AROUND IT! ITS ROOTS ARE HEALED, AND THE FRUIT OF ITS BRANCHES SHALL BRING GREAT FRUITFULNESS AND JOY INTO THIS LAND AGAIN. THIS CEDAR SHALL NEVER BE DEFILED AGAIN!’ Everyone knew this law was now established and would never be overturned.” ] ******* Last Section of the Dream - Part 4 “Our attention was quickly turned toward the next cedar. It was a little further from us than the previous two, and was fortified inside a walled city, much like cities in ancient times. We turned our horses toward this mighty cedar, riding hard toward it. We knew the adversary controlling this cedar could see us coming. Our horses created a thundering sound as we rode toward this mighty cedar. The earth shook! Those guarding it began preparing for our attack. They also shouted words of intimidation, attempting to distract us and/or stop us from advancing. “We did not relent, however, but rode hard and straight toward the great cedar. As we came closer, we could see that this mighty cedar had 50 large branches. Some of the branches were healthy with a little fruit; some had none. “There were 50 gates in this wall, all of them sealed shut. There was another gate through which the army of the adversary was able to move in and out. We knew this gate in the wall had been made illegally. “We could see that this cedar also had a number carved on it, the number 1410. Christ’s assembly of Kings began surrounding the wall protecting the city and mighty cedar. They broke into 50 divisions, each moving toward an assigned gate, horses and riders moving very swiftly. Their movement created large clouds of dust, hindering the view of those behind the walls. “We advanced toward the 50 sealed gates, fought, and successfully reopened all of them. Each troop of kings made their way through the gate they had reopened. As they did, the enemy began fleeing the fortified city that had been built around this mighty cedar. Many of those that had occupied this city fled to other nations, and many were captured. “A battle had been taking place simultaneously in the heavens. An angel appeared from this realm and spoke to Dutch, saying, ‘Camp the kings here. Refortify this mighty cedar, strengthen her gates, and rebuild her cities, for there are 4 more cedars you must overtake and occupy.’ “We could see what was ahead of us. It was dark, but the light was quickly increasing.” End of dream. Greg has not been given any further dreams revealing the other cedars. God will show us in His timing, one method or another. My Comments In this last section, Christ sent His Ekklesia to the third cedar. The cedars all represent America, her covenant with God, and the assignment for which He birthed us. This one had 50 branches, an obvious reference to the 50 United States. In recounting the dream, Greg referred to it as “great” and “mighty,” tall enough to be seen above the city’s wall. Indeed, America grew into a great and mighty nation. The number carved on this tree was 1410. This is the Greek word (in Strong’s Concordance) dunamai, meaning “force, power, ability, strength, abundance.” Thayer says it can mean “moral power or excellence of soul; power from riches, wealth or numbers.” (1) All of these definitions describe what America became because of her alliance with God: The strongest and richest nation in history, generated from our morality and excellence of soul, all because of our union with God. Yet now, some of the branches had a degree of fruit, others none. This would represent spiritual fruit, not physical wealth or size. I can’t help but recall a quote from French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831. Some dispute its legitimacy, but it is widely believed that he indeed said the following: “I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests—and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her public school system, and in her institutions of higher learning— and it was not there. I looked for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution—and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!” (2) The great tree lost her greatness. As DeTocqueville warned against, we abandoned our connection with God, lost our righteousness, our pulpits lost their fire, and America ceased being good. That’s also when we ceased being great. We are now losing power and wealth, are led by lying and incompetent leaders, and are no longer feared by evil adversaries. Yet, God wants to restore us. The city was surrounded by a wall, protecting it and the tree. I believe the city is Washington, D.C. The wall around it had 50 gates, picturing the 50 states, and their governments. In Scripture, gates symbolize government, due to the fact that they protect and control who/what comes in and out of cities (see Matthew 16:18-19). I feel that these 50 gates picture the states and their governments, all of which had been sealed shut. The city (D.C.), however, also had a gate (“government”) that was NOT sealed shut, allowing their army (“power”) the freedom to go in and out. We knew their gate was illegal. Could the meaning of this be that our Federal Government has exalted itself to an illegal level of rule that our Founders and the Constitution never intended, shutting out the state governments and, therefore, the will of the people? This would include the 3 branches of our Federal Government, other departments (State, Justice, Education, etc), the weaponization of agencies, the deep state, and more. In the dream, when we approached, those on the inside began trying to intimidate us. Could anything be more accurate?! One of the assignments of the Ekklesia was to divide into 50 units and break open these 50 gates. We obeyed and succeeded, with angels assisting us from the invisible realm. The opposition was defeated, and the 50 gates were reopened. Some of those opposing us from within the city fled the country. Others were captured, which would most likely mean they were prosecuted. We were then told to camp in the city, refortifying this mighty cedar, strengthening her gates, and rebuilding her cities. Conclusion This is an amazing dream. It gives us great hope that the mess we have made of our nation can be overcome, and that God is not finished with America. It also confirms, however, that we must continue to diligently pray. All the King did to save America was done through the Ekklesia. I will personally be asking Holy Spirit to give us the strategies needed to implement this dream. I also feel there are facets I do not yet fully understand. I will be asking Holy Spirit for this revelation. Please join me in this. Pray with me: Father, thank You for this dream. We ask You to now help us implement what You have shown us. So much of it confirms what we have already known, yet it gives us greater insight. Show us fully how to overtake and occupy the cedars. We thank You for showing us that this can, indeed, occur. Give us the level of prayer and the strategies we need to rein in our overreaching federal government. Help us to root out evil and stop the tyranny coming from Washington, D.C. The swamp is very deep and very wicked, but You can help us clean up the mess, refortify, and rebuild. If a Convention of States is needed, give us that. If concerted prayer coming from all 50 states is needed, show us and help us accomplish this. We believe You will do these things, and we ask for them in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the evil gate of government in Washington, D.C., will be dealt with by the Spirit of God, through His Ekklesia. ********************** You can find out more about Dr. Greg Hood at Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ Joseph Henry Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1977).
  20. 10 min read April 13, 2023 I realize this post and the previous two are a little longer than usual, but I feel they are very important. Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars - Part 3 For the past two days, we have been looking at a significant dream given to my friend, Dr. Greg Hood, a few months back. As I did yesterday, I’m including [in brackets] the part of the dream we have already discussed. Summary: Thus far, we have seen that Christ is leading His Ekklesia into a spiritual battle to restore America’s covenant with Him, pictured by cedar trees. He called this battle: Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars. This covenant is linked to America’s purpose - partnering with Yeshua to take His gospel to all the world. There are several more important details you can see by looking at the previous two posts, Part 1 and Part 2. [ Parts 1 and 2 of the dream: “The dream started with Dutch and me (Greg) opening and walking through a gate leading to a long dirt road, canopied with willow trees. We walked for two miles under these willow trees. I knew it was two miles because there were wooden mile markers along the road. However, these markers looked different than those we see on a normal U.S. or State highway. This mile marker had the mile number 2, and underneath it was etched another number, 4352, and a crown. “As we walked down this narrow dirt road, we could hear a wind blowing through the willow trees. The sound was like angels and people singing together. Somehow we knew this sound, though we could not make out the words. As we walked, we saw in the near distance a man sitting on a completely white horse. The horse was a very bright white. Its feet were moving slightly with the sound moving through the willow trees. “As we approached the man, we were not sure if we wanted to walk any further, for the atmosphere had become very heavy. We could not make out the man’s face or appearance, but he was emanating an extremely bright light, had a sword on his side and a crown on his head. These two things we could clearly see. “Dutch turned his head toward me very slowly, as if not wanting to draw attention from the man on the horse. Looking at me, he said, ‘We might die here, but we have to keep moving.’ “I (Greg) responded in a whisper, ‘I agree. We must press into this. I can see the road changes just past the man on the horse.’ “We continued to make our way down this dirt road with its canopy of willow trees. It was very difficult to continue because of the weight of the sound moving through the willow trees. (Yes, the sound had weight to it.) As we approached, the horseman moved his horse to the side of the road and, after we passed him, positioned himself just behind us, traveling down the dirt road with us. The overwhelming fear we once felt had turned into extremely bold confidence. “As we continued walking, we noticed the road changing under our feet, from dirt to a paved road. Just before the road changed completely, the man on the white horse instructed us to stop and listen. He said, ‘Keep watching, and you will see all that is ahead of you, and even far off. Keep listening; my voice is guiding you. My voice will navigate you through this complicated and treacherous terrain. Keep moving, and you will take the land. The land ahead of you will look much different than it has before. This is your land.’ He then added, ‘You will not walk from here; you will ride.’ “I don’t know where they came from, but he presented each of us with a horse. As he did, we could see many other people approaching us, walking and leading horses. They were not coming from ahead of us but approached from within the willow trees. We knew many of them, as they were friends and co-laborers in ministry and life. There were also many that we did not know. Without hearing any order or command, we took the reins of our horses and mounted them - everyone at once. “As we did this, the man on the white horse answered a question Dutch and I both had in our minds but were hesitant to ask. He knew our question, even though we hadn’t asked it. He said, ‘You want to know their names, don’t you, the names of your horses? Well, their names are not as important as the troop they come from; they are from Troop Basileus, and they will ride like it! These horses were bred for you.’ He went on to say, ‘They are bred for battle. They were bred for gathering spoil and occupying. They were bred to intimidate your adversaries.’ “As the road was transitioning, so were our clothes! In the dream, we had not been aware of the clothes we were wearing as we walked the road under the willow trees, but we did become aware of the new clothes that appeared on us as we moved ahead. We were now wearing garments of royalty and war…the garments of kings. It’s difficult to describe what we all looked like in these clothes. Everyone was dressed this way, and all looked brilliant!” ] More of the Dream “The Lord began speaking to us again, ‘The realms over America are in sync, and the time is now for the redeeming of the nation. I will go before you in the unseen realm, and you will go forth in your realm. The realms are aligned, and my spoil is sure.’ “He looked at Dutch and me (Greg) and said, ‘Remember, keep watching, keep hearing, and keep moving forward. This battle will bring the land back to me.’ Then he turned, and with a commanding voice, addressed all the kings there, ‘REPEAT IT TO ME!’ “Everyone there said, with a loud voice and in unison, ‘WE WILL WATCH AND KEEP WATCHING! WE WILL HEAR AND KEEP HEARING! WE WILL MOVE FORWARD AND CONTINUE MOVING FORWARD!’ Yeshua then said to us, again in a commanding voice, ‘DUTCH, GIVE THE FORWARD ORDER!’ “Dutch stood, stretched himself high in the stirrups of his saddle and boldly decreed, ‘KINGS, READY YOURSELVES!’ When he did this, all our horses threw their ears back and leaned back on their hind legs as if they were rockets ready to be launched. We could see their muscles tighten, and we could see their great strength and purpose. Dutch then commanded, ‘KINGS, READY YOUR SWORDS!!’ Every king drew his sword, sat forward in his saddle with knees tightly gripping the ribs of his horse. We were now ready to launch forward and take the land with the cedars. “As Dutch commanded this, we all saw the sky become extremely bright. We knew the brightness was caused by many angels gathering for battle. We could not see into their brightness well, but we could see that they were all armed with bows and three arrows loaded into their bows. “Dutch commanded, ‘KINGS, FORWARD!!’ A launching, a fierce movement began into the land of the cedars. We launched toward the first cedar, which looked firmly fortified by the adversary, knowing this battle would be intense. “As we approached the cedar, we were able to see something meticulously carved into the tree. It was not put there by the adversary but had always been in the tree. It was the number 1025. We fought hard. Some of us grew tired, but our strength was quickly and supernaturally restored, and we continued to fight. We watched, heard, and moved according to the commands of Yeshua. We took back this cedar and set forces there to build Kingdom fortifications so the cedar would never be lost again. “We shifted our focus toward the next cedar. Hearing the Lord’s voice, we moved. As we approached, we could see that this cedar had what appeared to be great fortifications around it. This tree also had a number carved into it, also done long before the adversary encamped around it. It was the number 1060. “As we approached this cedar, we could see that the adversary’s fortification was not as strong as it appeared to be from far off. It was comprised of stick men, dressed up like men of war, not real men. We broke through their gates easily and made our way to the base of this great cedar. As we did, we noticed that the stick men had a black substance flowing from their feet into the ground. It was tainting the ground around this cedar and killing the tree. “We began warring with the stick men that occupied this great cedar, using our swords. The decrees coming from our mouths took control of the battle, and we won. “I (Greg) then nailed a decree to the cedar, which was given to me by an angel just under the number 1060 engraved into it. After I had nailed the decree to the tree, Dutch read it aloud, setting it into law. It read, ‘THE KING’S DECREE, AND THE DECREES OF THE KINGS, ARE HEREBY LAW IN THIS LAND, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. THIS CEDAR IS HEALED, ALONG WITH THE LAND AROUND IT! ITS ROOTS ARE HEALED, AND THE FRUIT OF ITS BRANCHES SHALL BRING GREAT FRUITFULNESS AND JOY INTO THIS LAND AGAIN. THIS CEDAR SHALL NEVER BE DEFILED AGAIN!’ Everyone knew this law was now established and would never be overturned.” My Comments Christ began by assuring us that the natural and spiritual realms are now aligned in a way that makes possible the redeeming of America. He would go before us, operating in the unseen realm, we would do so here on Earth. It is important to point out the importance of discerning the times spiritually, not by what is seen. When revivals in history have occurred, the natural conditions were never positive. The word revival means “restore to life.” In other words, spiritual death is prevalent, creating the need for a “reviving.” It is a contradiction of terms to state that there is too much sin or corruption for God to send revival. That’s when we need it and why He does it! What must “align,” as the dream states, between heaven and earth is the timing of God, the ripeness of the harvest (usually created by desperation and a recognition of our need), and the preparedness of God’s people, through whom He must work. This alignment, creating the right time, is NOT produced by a lack of sin in those that don’t know God. We were then instructed to keep watching, keep hearing and keep moving forward. Christ kept emphasizing this, even making us declare that we would do so. We must follow the instructions of Holy Spirit carefully at this time, and KEEP MOVING AHEAD! The command was then given to ready ourselves and our spiritual weapons. Angels joined us, each with a bow and 3 arrows. We then rode toward the first of the 7 cedars, which was heavily defended by adversaries. Remember that the cedar trees represented America’s covenant and partnership with God. Carved into the tree was the number 1025, which is the number of the Greek word brephos, meaning a newborn child, an infant. I believe this is referring to the birth of our nation - we were born through our covenant with God. In the dream, we were recapturing this truth. Though the battle was wearying, as we watched, listened to, and moved according to the King’s commands, we prevailed. We then left forces there to strengthen the tree (covenant) with “Kingdom fortifications,” so it wouldn’t be lost again. This would most likely refer to biblical discipleship. The Second Cedar Christ then directed us to the next cedar, which had the number 1060 carved into it. This is the number of the Greek word gameo, “to marry.” Marriage, of course, is a covenant. The explanation of this cedar is that it compares America’s covenant with God as a “marriage” to Him. The use of this word is God’s way of saying America’s covenant with Him produced a union, a joining together, a partnership. I also believe it was His idea, that He raised up America and bestowed on us the greatest privilege ever given to a nation, apart from Israel: taking the gospel of Christ to all the world. Though all believers share this honor, I know of no other nation created specifically for this purpose. We have since been unfaithful to Him and aligned with the spirit of Baal, who actually refers to himself as “the lord of covenant” (Baal-berith; Judges 8:33; Strongs 1170). This spirit causes individuals and nations to break covenant with God and align with (“marry”) him through idolatry, immorality, the shedding of innocent blood, and other sins. In the dream, he and his demons’ ability to destroy the tree (covenant) was a black substance on the ground, which had flowed from their feet. Admittedly this is subjective, but blood turns dark, even black, when it dries. I believe in the dream, it represents the shedding of innocent blood; that is what has empowered Baal. We began warring with those who occupied this great cedar, using decrees (the sword of our mouth), and prevailed. Greg nailed a decree under the number engraved into the tree, 1060, which I read, setting it into law. I will read the decree again in the prayer. Everyone knew this law was now established and would never be overturned. Pray with me: Father, in this dream, You told us repeatedly to watch, listen and move at Your command. We are determined to do so. You also told us that heaven and earth are now aligned in a way that allows You to redeem our nation. We are listening to You, not judging by what we see. Like Elijah on Mount Carmel, who heard the sound of rain when there was not a cloud in the sky - not one - we are listening for Your commands and instructions, not looking at circumstances. You showed us in the dream that the marriage, partnership, and union our nation had with You has been lost but can be restored. There have been many prayers of divorcement from Baal - in every state of this nation. Also, the evil decree of Roe, which perhaps became our marriage vows to Baal, has been reversed. Because of these prayers of repentance, and the nullification of this evil decree, we ask You to free us completely from this stronghold. And we use the sword of our mouths, just as You instructed us, and decree: THE KING’S DECREE, AND THE DECREES OF THE KINGS, ARE HEREBY LAW IN THIS LAND, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. THIS CEDAR IS HEALED, ALONG WITH THE LAND AROUND IT! ITS ROOTS ARE HEALED, AND THE FRUIT OF ITS BRANCHES SHALL BRING GREAT FRUITFULNESS AND JOY INTO THIS LAND AGAIN. THIS CEDAR SHALL NEVER BE DEFILED AGAIN!’ We pray this and make this decree in the name of our King, Jesus. Amen ******************* (I have written several times in Give Him 15, about Baal, the “strongman” or principality that has ruled America for decades. Here are links to two of the most important teachings concerning this. They will give you an even greater understanding of this dream. You can find these posts HERE and HERE) Click on the link below to watch the full video. You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood at
  21. 9 min read April 12, 2023 Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars - Part 2 In yesterday’s post, we began discussing a dream Holy Spirit gave Greg Hood. Though I won’t read the portion we included yesterday, I am including it [in brackets] for those who did not see it. Then I will continue with the second portion. In review, Greg and I are traveling a dirt road flanked by willow trees, which symbolize loss, yet hope. The second mile-marker includes a number representing worship, with a crown also pictured. We then began to hear the worship of people and angels, mixed with the wind of Holy Spirit, and carrying the weighty glory of God. Christ then appeared on a white horse, dressed as the Warrior King. He gave us the following instructions: “Keep watching, and you will see all that is ahead of you, and even far off. Keep listening, My voice is guiding you. My voice will navigate you through this complicated and treacherous terrain. Keep moving, and you will take the land. The land ahead of you will look much different than it has before. This is your land.” He then added, “You will not walk from here; you will ride.” Christ then gave us war horses from His kingly supply, we were joined by other believers, and He clothed us in kingly garments. Here is yesterday’s portion, followed by today’s new part: ******* [“The dream started with Dutch and me (Greg) opening and walking through a gate leading to a long dirt road, canopied with willow trees. We walked for two miles under these willow trees. I knew it was two miles because there were wooden mile markers along the road. However, these markers looked different than those we see on a normal U.S. or State highway. This mile marker had the mile number 2, and underneath it was etched another number, 4352, and a crown. “As we walked down this narrow dirt road, we could hear a wind blowing through the willow trees. The sound was like angels and people singing together. Somehow we knew this sound, though we could not make out the words. As we walked, we saw in the near distance a man sitting on a completely white horse. The horse was a very bright white. Its feet were moving slightly with the sound moving through the willow trees. “As we approached the man, we were not sure if we wanted to walk any further, for the atmosphere had become very heavy. We could not make out the man’s face or appearance, but he was emanating an extremely bright light, had a sword on his side and a crown on his head. These two things we could clearly see. “Dutch turned his head toward me very slowly, as if not wanting to draw attention from the man on the horse. Looking at me, he said, ‘We might die here, but we have to keep moving.’ “I (Greg) responded in a whisper, ‘I agree. We must press into this. I can see the road changes just past the man on the horse.’ “We continued to make our way down this dirt road with its canopy of willow trees. It was very difficult to continue because of the weight of the sound moving through the willow trees. (Yes, the sound had weight to it.) As we approached, the horseman moved his horse to the side of the road and, after we passed him, positioned himself just behind us, traveling down the dirt road with us. The overwhelming fear we once felt had turned into extremely bold confidence. “As we continued walking, we noticed the road changing under our feet, from dirt to a paved road. Just before the road changed completely, the man on the white horse instructed us to stop and listen. He said, ‘Keep watching, and you will see all that is ahead of you, and even far off. Keep listening; My voice is guiding you. My voice will navigate you through this complicated and treacherous terrain. Keep moving, and you will take the land. The land ahead of you will look much different than it has before. This is your land.’ He then added, ‘You will not walk from here; you will ride.’ “I don’t know where they came from, but he presented each of us with a horse. As he did, we could see many other people approaching us, walking and leading horses. They were not coming from ahead of us but approached from within the willow trees. We knew many of them, as they were friends and co-laborers in ministry and life. There were also many that we did not know. Without hearing any order or command, we took the reins of our horses and mounted them - everyone at once. “As we did this, the man on the white horse answered a question Dutch and I both had in our minds but were hesitant to ask. He knew our question, even though we hadn’t asked it. He said, ‘You want to know their names, don’t you, the names of your horses? Well, their names are not as important as the troop they come from; they are from Troop Basileus, and they will ride like it! These horses were bred for you.’ He went on to say, ‘They are bred for battle. They were bred for gathering spoil and occupying. They were bred to intimidate your adversaries.’ “As the road was transitioning, so were our clothes! In the dream, we had not been aware of the clothes we were wearing as we walked the road under the willow trees, but we did become aware of the new clothes that appeared on us as we moved ahead. We were now wearing garments of royalty and war…the garments of kings. It’s difficult to describe what we all looked like in these clothes. Everyone was dressed this way, and all looked brilliant!”] ... End of Part 1. ******* “At this time, the man on the white horse repositioned himself at the front of this vast gathering of kings. His sword was now drawn and resting across the horn of his saddle. As he moved, the road and the trees completely changed. The road was now a paved road. We knew in the dream that this pavement would give us an advantage in the coming battle. (Horses don’t normally do well on paved surfaces, but this surface was made for our horses. It was a surface for war.) There was now another mile marker on the road. It was mile marker 22. Under the number 22 was written ‘The King’s Highway,’ and a scepter was engraved just under the phrase. “Then the trees changed. There were now huge cedar trees strategically placed in the field of battle ahead of us. We could see 7 of them in the distance. The first one was very close to us. The man on the white horse said to us, ‘The adversary has encamped around my cedars. Now, I will have my cedars back. I now activate Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars! Your mission is to overtake and occupy the cedars of this land. You will be successful if you watch, hear, and move. When you take the cedars, you will take the land.’” End of Part 2. My Comments As Christ led us down the road, we came to mile marker 22. For 25 years, this has been a significant number for me, representing Isaiah 22:22. The verse speaks of being given spiritual keys with which to permanently open and close doors. This was fulfilled for all the church when Christ gave the Ekklesia His keys of authority in Matthew 16:18-19. The mile marker also read “The Kings Highway,” under which was etched a scepter. All of this points to our kingly authority, flowing to us from Christ. Then we saw the battlefield, consisting of 7 cedar trees spaced sequentially, separated by some distance. Evergreen trees represent covenant in scripture. Abraham planted an evergreen tree in Genesis 21:33, symbolizing his covenant with Yahweh, and called on Everlasting God. In using this name of God, Abraham was declaring Yahweh as Lord of his past, present, and future. I speak extensively of this in my book, An Appeal To Heaven. The evergreen tree and this name of God have great significance in my journey and calling to America. The evergreen was also very significant to our Founders and is on the Appeal To Heaven flag. The number 7 in Scripture also represents covenant (not just completion and rest), which is definitely the case in the dream. The Lord said to us, “The enemy has encamped around my cedars. Now, I will have my cedars back. I now activate Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars. Your mission is to overtake and occupy the Cedars of this land. You will be successful if you watch, hear, and move. When you take the Cedars, you will take the land.” I have known for 25 years or more that the war for the soul of America is about covenant. Don’t think of America’s covenant with God in the same sense as His covenant with Abraham or the New Covenant through the blood of Christ. There are different levels and types of covenant. Technically, the biblical word for covenant simply means an agreement, contract, promise, etc. Covenants in Scripture were not all blood covenants, but were nonetheless sacred and binding. For example, David and Jonathan entered into a covenant together (1 Samuel 18:3), which David honored as a very sacred agreement. Joshua and Israel entered into a covenant with the Gibeonites, and though it was not on the level of the Abrahamic covenant or the New Covenant through Christ, it was still binding. Joshua actually defended them in war to honor this covenant (Joshua 9). King Saul was later judged for breaking this same covenant (2 Samuel 21). When nations enter into a covenant with God, making promises and agreements with Him, as our Founders did, He takes them very seriously. God honors covenant and expects us to, as well. Fidelity to these covenants brings His blessing, protection, and prosperity; breaking them opens the nation to curses. America’s covenant agreement with God was to be a light to the nations, a city on a hill, taking the gospel of his kingdom to all the nations of the Earth. When Robert Hunt planted the Cross at Cape Henry in 1607 and dedicated this land to the glory of God and the spreading of the gospel to all the world, he actually used the word covenant. He and our later Founders knew God birthed America, not just for our freedom, but for His cause, as well. Establishing America for this purpose does not mean God intended for the land to be taken from Native Americans and given to the Europeans. This was wrong. I believe God’s plan could have been enacted without this occurring, just as William Penn attempted to do by purchasing the land and walking in covenant with the Native Americans. It also does not excuse slavery and other sins. God did not orchestrate the bringing of slaves to America, but He DOES want all races now in America to participate in this covenant plan, working together for His cause. If He has His way, we will all participate in this coming great awakening, His church will become united in this purpose, and fulfill this holy calling together. No wonder satan and his followers war so fiercely against America! And it is no wonder he and those aligned with him make such heinous and despicable attempts to divide us. The devil desperately needs America to remain estranged from God, living under the curses of her broken covenant with Him, and thereby forfeiting her destiny. Our rejection of and broken covenant with Yahweh has helped destroy the once-greatest nation on earth. The curses of demonic control, evil leaders, death, violence, moral decay, abandoning the family unit, financial devastation, destruction of our children, loss of power and protection, and more, have been astronomical. As I stated yesterday, we are on life support; only a spiritual awakening and miracle from God can save us. HOWEVER, in this dream, Christ said He was coming, through the church, to take back the cedars! “You will be successful if you watch, hear, and move. When you take the cedars [restore Covenant], you will take the land,“ He declared. I have said many times and will continue to do so, this restoration will not be accomplished through the entire church, but by a remnant. We must not become discouraged by the complacency and lack of involvement of many. God is willing to heal our land through the intercession and actions of a few. Also, we must not become prideful about this, nor judgmental. My purpose in emphasizing it is to ward off discouragement: God can work through a remnant. Though it does not appear that America can be restored at this time, in tomorrow’s post we will see Christ’s declaration that it IS time for this to occur. The necessary alignment of heaven and earth has taken place, and victory can occur. Pray with me: Father, we know this nation has broken covenant with You in very egregious ways. We have abandoned our purpose and our alignment with You, turning to wickedness and gross sin. We know that our restoration could never be “earned,” but will be accomplished only through the blood of Jesus and the mercy it provides. We also know that America’s restoration is not only for our salvation, but for Your eternal purposes - not just for the American Dream, but Your Dream for America. You have restored much revelation to the church over the past several decades. We have much to learn, but You have taught us much. We know we are Your family, and as such, are Your ambassadors, representatives, and Christ’s Ekklesia on earth. We know that Holy Spirit has been sent to help us fully accomplish this. We know that Your Father-heart is to redeem, and that You intend to reap the greatest harvest in the earth’s history. You have told us this is now beginning. We align ourselves with your words and will. We ask for increased revelation, endurance, and wisdom to carry out this assignment. And we bind every attempt of Satan’s kingdom to stop it. We pray all of this in Christ’s name, He who has all authority in heaven and on earth. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Christ’s “Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars” will be successful. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood at
  22. 6 min read April 11, 2023 Operation Overtake - Part 1 It is now clear to those with any level of prophetic discernment in the church that there is no hope for America’s survival apart from supernatural intervention. It will take a genuine revival, one that produces a sweeping return to God, to reverse America’s insanity, restore reason and allow God to restore us. Our condition is critical; we’re on life-support, no longer able to heal or recover on our own. God, in His mercy and His need of a restored America for the coming worldwide revival, is willing to bring this resurrection. As has always been the case in history, however, this restoration is demanding the participation of a remnant. Some accuse me of exaggerating when I say the prayers of the praying church are saving America. I am not. THERE IS NO HOPE FOR AMERICA WITHOUT A THIRD GREAT AWAKENING, AND THERE IS NO AWAKENING WITHOUT PRAYER. Most Americans, including Christians, look to government to save us, but as Reagan said, “government IS the problem.” There is zero chance our government can save America. A large part of the church believes God will sovereignly do as He wishes, with or without us. The truth is God needs our participation. To the praying remnant, I say, “Thank you, and persevere! Your prayers are saving America.” GOD IS WILLING TO SAVE THROUGH A REMNANT! Over the next three days, I’m going to share and unpack a significant dream which will encourage you in this effort. You’ll find it enlightening, instructive, and very encouraging. It was given to my friend, Greg Hood, a few months back and I feel it is now time to share it. Greg begins: ******************* “The dream started with Dutch and me (Greg) opening and walking through a gate leading to a long dirt road, canopied with willow trees. We walked for two miles under these willow trees. I knew it was two miles because there were wooden mile markers along the road. However, these markers looked different than those we see on a normal U.S. or State highway. This mile marker had the mile number 2, and underneath it was etched another number, 4352, and a crown. “As we walked down this narrow dirt road, we could hear a wind blowing through the willow trees. The sound was like angels and people singing together. Somehow we knew this sound, though we could not make out the words. As we walked, we saw in the near distance a man sitting on a completely white horse. The horse was a very bright white. Its feet were moving slightly with the sound moving through the willow trees. As we approached the man, we were not sure if we wanted to walk any further, for the atmosphere had become very heavy. We could not make out the man’s face or appearance, but he was emanating an extremely bright light, had a sword on his side and a crown on his head. These two things we could clearly see. Dutch turned his head toward me very slowly, as if not wanting to draw attention from the man on the horse. Looking at me, he said, ‘We might die here, but we have to keep moving.’ “I (Greg) responded in a whisper, ‘I agree. We must press into this. I can see the road changes just past the man on the horse.’ “We continued to make our way down this dirt road with its canopy of willow trees. It was very difficult to continue because of the weight of the sound moving through the willow trees. (Yes, the sound had weight to it.) As we approached, the horseman moved his horse to the side of the road and, after we passed him, positioned himself just behind us, traveling down the dirt road with us. The overwhelming fear we once felt had turned into extremely bold confidence. “As we continued walking, we noticed the road changing under our feet, from dirt to a paved road. Just before the road changed completely, the man on the white horse instructed us to stop and listen. He said, ‘Keep watching, and you will see all that is ahead of you, and even far off. Keep listening; my voice is guiding you. My voice will navigate you through this complicated and treacherous terrain. Keep moving, and you will take the land. The land ahead of you will look much different than it has before. This is your land.’ He then added, ‘You will not walk from here; you will ride.’ “I don’t know where they came from, but he presented each of us with a horse. As he did, we could see many other people approaching us, walking and leading horses. They were not coming from ahead of us but approached from within the willow trees. We knew many of them, as they were friends and co-laborers in ministry and life. There were also many that we did not know. Without hearing any order or command, we took the reins of our horses and mounted them - everyone at once. “As we did this, the man on the white horse answered a question Dutch and I both had in our minds but were hesitant to ask. He knew our question, even though we hadn’t asked it. He said, ‘You want to know their names, don’t you, the names of your horses? Well, their names are not as important as the troop they come from; they are from Troop Basileus, and they will ride like it! These horses were bred for you.’ He went on to say, ‘They are bred for battle. They were bred for gathering spoil and occupying. They were bred to intimidate your adversaries.’ “As the road was transitioning, so were our clothes! In the dream, we had not been aware of the clothes we were wearing as we walked the road under the willow trees, but we did become aware of the new clothes that appeared on us as we moved ahead. We were now wearing garments of royalty and war…the garments of kings. It’s difficult to describe what we all looked like in these clothes. Everyone was dressed this way, and all looked brilliant!” End of Part 1. ************* The dream began with Greg and me walking a dirt road flanked by willow trees, which in Scripture symbolize both loss and hope (Psalm 137). As we progress, tomorrow you will see that the dream is about America’s restoration. This beginning indicates we were saddened by America’s condition, but also had hope. The number on the mile marker, 4352, is Strong’s number of the Greek word for worship. We must worship while journeying on this road to America’s restoration. The sound of worship carried weight, symbolizing glory, and led us to greater authority, pictured by the crown under the number. It released the wind (Holy Spirit), angelic help, and brought a manifestation of Christ, the rider on the White Horse. He enthrones Himself in our praise (Psalm 22:3). Christ had His sword and was wearing His crown representing power and authority. He had come as the Warrior King. He allowed us to pass Him, then followed us down the road, which removed all fear from us. The road then changed from dirt to pavement. I’m not certain of this meaning, perhaps it symbolized the passage of time, from America’s birth to the present. Then Christ spoke words of instruction and encouragement, “Watch, listen, I will guide you through the complicated and treacherous terrain and show you the future. Things will look different, but this is your land.” Christ then gave us horses, war horses bred especially for us, for battle, for intimidating enemies, gathering spoil, and occupying territory. War horses symbolize strength for battle. He told us they were from Troop Basileus. Basileus is a Greek word meaning a king, ruler, or lord (Strongs 935). It is an obvious reference to the Ekklesia, the royal priesthood of Christ, who have been delegated His authority to rule and reign. At this point our clothing changed to royal garments of war. The beginning of this dream is telling us Christ has prepared us for this season of spiritual war to restore America. There is a portion of the church that recognizes America’s condition, but also understands worship, Holy Spirit and angelic help, and Christ’s authority. As we will see tomorrow, the war is over America’s calling and destiny. Pray with me: Jesus, thank You for giving Your prophetic anointing to the church through the Holy Spirit. A remnant is truly listening and praying. We know that the road, the journey we are on must be one of worship; angels will join us on this holy road. Our worship releases the wind of Holy Spirit and brings Your presence, not only as our Shepherd, but also as the White Horse Rider, our glorious King. On this road of restoration for America, we humbly accept our calling to partake of Your Kingly anointing. You have placed us in Your troop, the Ekklesia, the Troop of the King. You have dressed us for war and given us strength for battle, pictured by war horses. Thank You Holy Spirit for speaking to us through this dream, giving strategy and encouragement. We ask You to stir the hearts of more believers to listen and take seriously Your warnings and instructions. And as we hear You, we ask that the next era of Kingdom activity be the greatest ever! In Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we will worship, and ride into battle with the authority of our King, Jesus. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. ** You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood at
  23. 5 min read March 3, 2023 The Turning Point We are grateful for all of the anointings of Christ and gifts of the Spirit. Each has an important part to play in a functioning and growing body of people. Today, I will be sharing a prophetic word that came through a dream given to our friend in ministry, Gina Gholston. (Next week, I’ll be moving back into teaching on Authority.) Gina is a prolific dreamer whom God uses to share prophetic words and teachings with the body of Christ. This particular dream is especially meaningful, as it is about America, and our hope for America’s restoration. Gina shares: ************ “On March 12, 2013, I received the first of many dreams regarding God’s strategy and plans for the body of Christ and for America. “In this dream, I saw myself standing on a beach where an urgent scene was unfolding in front of me. The setting changed, and I realized I was standing on a stage in front of a very large group of people. All of a sudden, the beach scene began being shown on a movie screen above my head, giving everyone in the room a full view of what I was seeing: a gigantic, beached whale. Written across its back were the words, ‘The United States of America.’ Suddenly, God gave me the interpretation of the vision, and I began urgently declaring, ‘We have to turn this thing! We have to turn it quickly, or it will die! It’s not dead yet, but we must turn it quickly!’ “As the dream continued, we saw hundreds, if not thousands, of people on the beach who were frantically trying to help. I knew, however, they were only going to do more damage than good because there was no order. Some people then stepped forward and began helping get everyone into position. All were then able to work together effectively, and the whale was turned back into the water. “As I reflected on this vision playing out on the movie screen, I heard myself announce, ‘Everyone must get in place. Some will know how to lead us. We must all be willing to listen and then get into position so we can easily turn this thing back to where it can live.’ “It was then that I realized all of the people in the room, as well as those on the beach, were a representation of the Church in America. I began to declare, ‘We must be assembled properly. We can turn this nation! We can turn it, but we must be rightly positioned.’ “End of dream. *** “The beached whale in this dream obviously represented America. For a whale, water is essential for life; it cannot survive without it! In Scripture, water is symbolic of the Word and the Spirit of God. The life source for America is God and the principles of His Word upon which she was founded. As the whale could not survive without water, America cannot survive as the nation God intended her to be without Him. “In 2013, God used this dream to show others and me that a time of urgency was coming, that America was veering away from Him, her life source. The days ahead were going to be a life-or-death situation for our nation. For a while, it would even seem that the purposes of God for America had been lost, and the death of this great nation was inevitable. However, He was showing us that there was a way to save it! Just as the people in the dream worked together to turn the beached whale back to the water, the Church would be used by the Lord to turn America back in the right direction. But God was giving us a warning. Though the Church was present, we were not prepared, for the tasks ahead. “I felt this dream was not a ‘wake-up call’ to America, but instead, was an urgent call to us - His people, the Church. It was a call to action! We were entering a new era, a time of major transition that would put a demand on the church. The Lord would begin to assemble and position us to be rightly aligned and able to function as His Ekklesia. We would need to know and operate in our true identity. “As members of Christ’s body, we each have a part in God’s plan. In the dream, people stepped up to give instructions regarding how to work together to get the beached whale back to its life source. Likewise, several years ago, when the Lord called the Ekklesia to get focused and rightly positioned, there was a response that launched a devoted remnant into a time of urgent preparation. I believe we have now emerged from that time of preparation and have become a people through whom the Lord can work. This is how we will turn this seemingly dying nation back to God! “The following is a portion of a word the Lord spoke to me several years ago that I feel is timely for now: "The wind is blowing! Hear it in the spirit and know that I will blow My breath into this nation—Resurrection and Pentecost all rolled up into one unprecedented move of My Spirit. It will be an undeniable, gushing blast of My glory and My presence. This is a turning point. Stay in tune with My Spirit. Stand still in My presence and I will fill you afresh with My wind, My Holy Spirit. I will release you as My ‘whirlwind’ into this nation, bringing My life to what has seemed dead. I am now releasing My whirlwind, and I will blaze a clear trail through this nation that will cause the hearts of many to return to Me. Align properly with my plan. I have a remnant, an Ekklesia, assisted by My angels, who will carry My anointing - clothed in the wind of My Spirit - and through them, I will turn this nation and set it back on course." “The stage is now set. God’s desire for the Ekklesia to be used in helping to heal and restore America’s destiny is being revealed. The Body of Christ has been positioned and assembled, and through us, God will fulfill His intentions. This is the turning point, and America will live!” ************ Pray with me: Father, if we evaluate the happenings in our nation through our own eyes, we will surely conclude that Your desired destiny for America has been lost. However, we agree with You that Your verdict has been rendered and declared. “America shall be saved,” and nothing and no one can stop what You have already set into motion! You are NOT late, and we are NOT without hope! You intend to reveal the fullness of Your purposes. As the Body of Christ, we are equipped with Your power to turn this nation back to You, its life Source! It is time, and we position ourselves to receive from You the refreshing wind of Your Spirit that will now catapult us as Your whirlwinds. You are sending us to release Your words, Your wisdom, and Your power that will awaken this nation and the nations of the earth! America may have been shaken, but she will not die; she shall be saved. In the name and authority of Jesus, we pray, amen! Our decree: We decree that the prophetic destiny of America is being revealed. This is the turning point, and America will live! ******************** Portions of this post were taken from Gina Gholston’s book, Awakening the Church to Awaken a Nation. You can find out more about Gina at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  24. 6 min read January 3, 2023 A Dragon, Calamity, and A Promise (part 1 of 4) Today, I’m going to share what I believe is an important dream. It is somewhat sobering, yet ultimately very hope-filled. The dream includes 3 scenarios that present challenges and opportunities in America. It also makes clear that the praying church has the authority to determine which scenario ultimately prevails. America shall be saved, yes, but this will occur as the Ekklesia continues to listen and obey Holy Spirit. Just as Elijah birthed God’s promised rain (see 1 Kings 18), and Daniel birthed His promised restoration of Israel (see Daniel 9), the Ekklesia must birth America’s recovery, as well. We have begun this process and must continue doing so. Paul spoke of choices in First Corinthians 16:8-9: “I will remain in Ephesus until the feast of Pentecost. There’s an amazing door of opportunity standing wide open for me to minister here, even though there are many who oppose and stand against me” (TPT). Paul was not intimidated or controlled by the opposition; he chose the opportunity - in spite of the opposition. In Deuteronomy, God offered Israel the choice of life or death, blessings or curses (Deuteronomy 30:19). He urged them to choose life, both for themselves and their children. Our decisions have far-reaching effects. We in America are making decisions today that will determine the futures of our children and grandchildren. In his Concord Hymn, Ralph Waldo Emerson spoke of patriotic “...heroes [who] dare to die and leave their children free.”(1) May Holy Spirit give us heroic hearts that will fight for the freedom of our children. The dream, as given to Dr. Greg Hood: “On 12/02/2022, the Lord gave me [Greg Hood] a dream. The dream opened with Dutch and I being led by an angel up to large, iron double doors. The angel took us through them, and inside we saw three doors down the left side of the room. Each door had a combination lock with a keypad on it. “We approached the first door, which was open slightly, allowing us to see a little of the room. Dutch reached and opened the door further so we could see more of what was inside. What we saw was unnerving - a dragon eating from a bowl that was shaped like the United States. As the bowl would become empty, men in suits replenished it. “We stepped away from the door, and it returned back to its original position - open, but only slightly. As the angel led us away from the door, I [Greg] reached to push it fully closed, but could not move it. While motioning us toward the next door, the angel said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “We approached the second door, and again, it was slightly ajar. Once more, Dutch reached out and opened it fully. Inside was a movie theatre with a movie playing on the big screen. The movie was depicting spiritual darkness causing all sorts of evil - famine, communism, war, and calamity. A man was sitting in the front row of the theatre. In the dream, we knew he was Nero, the former emperor of Rome. The movie became more intense. We could see cities being overrun, homes and families being displaced. Again, as we stepped away from the doorway, the door automatically went to its original position - open slightly. As we were led away from the door, I [Greg] again reached to push the door closed, but couldn’t do so. While motioning us to move toward the next door, the angel again said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “The angel then led us to the third door. This door was also cracked open, but a little more than the others. As we approached it, we could hear a sound coming from inside the room. Again, Dutch opened the door fully, and as he did, we could feel powerful energy coming from inside. This energy created a strong wind that was blowing outward, then sucking inward, like a person breathing, only much stronger. The wind was so strong it was moving us backward and forward. The angel of the Lord spoke and said, ‘This is the door to awakening and the transformation of nations.’ The angel then said to Dutch, ‘These doors picture what America is now facing. They can’t be opened or closed by the hands of the prophet, but must be opened and closed by the decrees of the apostolic Ekklesia. Operate them with your mouth, not your hands!’ “Dutch then began speaking forcefully to the first two doors: ‘MY CODE IS 22-22, AND WITH IT I COMMAND THESE DOORS TO CLOSE, AND I DEADBOLT THEM CLOSED FOR GOOD!’ When he declared this, both doors slammed shut with powerful force, and an angel was placed at each one to ensure that it remained closed. “Dutch then turned to the third door and declared loudly and boldly, ‘AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR. IT IS THE DOOR OF YOUR PROMISE! I CALL YOU INTO YOUR PROMISED DAY OF REFRESHING, REMODELING, AND PURPOSE! AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR OF DESTINY: THE DOOR OF AWAKENING! IT IS NOW OPEN TO YOU, AMERICA, AND WILL BE THE OPENING OF THE NATION TO AWAKENING!’ “As Dutch finished declaring this, the wind and energy in this room sucked us through the doorway. And we knew the nation had been pulled into the room of awakening!” End of dream. Three doors. Three rooms. Three scenarios. In dreams of this nature I represent the praying Church; actions I perform are not to be done by me alone, but by the apostolic Ekklesia. In the first room, the dragon no doubt represents satan (Revelation 12:9). It could also represent satan in his manifestation as Leviathan (see Isaiah 27:1). I also believe the dragon could represent the Communist Party of China (not the general population) which is evil, no doubt controlled by demonic powers and is often pictured by a dragon. The dragon is seen in the dream consuming and devouring America. Satan’s desire is always to steal, kill and destroy, and he is most certainly doing much of this in America. Notice that in the dream, the door is already open, and the consuming of America has begun. America was being fed to the dragon by men in suits. I believe they refer to some in America’s government, and also in our businesses and corporations. Unrighteous decisions being made by individuals in our government are giving satan the right to consume and devour America. And deals being made with Communist China by some in our business arena are feeding America’s assets and security to that nation. Behind door number two was a movie showing death and destruction being observed by “Nero.” Nero was the emperor of Rome from 54 A.D. to 68 A.D. He no doubt represents evil, perhaps even insane, government. This evil emperor was an insane tyrant, a murderer who killed his own family members, and the ruler who began the persecution of Christians in Rome. Nero had them burned alive, crucified and thrown to the dogs. He was the emperor who oversaw the martyrdom of the apostles, Paul and Peter. Nero was insane, evil, and controlled by demons.(2) Watch a video or two of drag queens dancing in apostate churches or in front of kindergarteners. Then consider the fact that they are celebrated by many in our government - some of them even honored and entertained in the White House. THIS…is a picture of Nero playing the fiddle while watching Rome burn. Back to the dream… All sorts of evils were being displayed on the TV screen of Room 2: communism, principalities overseeing the destruction of families and cities, war, death, and destruction. Sound familiar? Most of these things are already occurring in America. As the dream showed, the door is open and the carnage has begun. Will America be involved in another literal war, perhaps even here on our soil? It is not clear in the dream, though this cannot be ruled out. Regardless, the instructions given to the praying Church will remain the same, which we will discuss later this week. It is clear in the dream that these two doors leading to evil and destruction CAN be closed - that’s good news! However, they could NOT be closed with our hands. In other words, they can’t be closed through human effort: laws, legislation, strength, ideas, methods or programs, including those implemented by the Church. Tomorrow, we will look at the wonderful scenario behind door number 3, followed by the instructions on how we were instructed to close and open these doors. Pray with me: Father, America has sown the wind; we are now reaping the whirlwind. Evil forces are being fed and strengthened, the dragon is gorging himself on our nation. Addiction is common, violence is rampant, babies are legally killed, children are mutilated. Many in government are corrupt and evil, and America is led by a dishonest man whom the entire world knows is also mentally handicapped. And yet…Your mercy is everlasting, enduring forever, triumphing over judgment. You still offer salvation and point the way to deliverance and victory. As many have been partaking of communion together, we have been appealing to heaven’s Mercy Seat, where Your very blood shouts louder than our sins. Your mercy is amazing, and we thank You! We declare today that the apostolic Church WILL close and lock these evil doors. We WILL open the door of awakening, refreshing, remodeling, and purpose. We ARE Christ’s apostolic Ekklesia, and we DO know the code. Open our eyes this week and next as we pursue the further revelation You are offering regarding all of this. In Christ’s name we ask, amen. Our decree: We declare that the apostolic Ekklesia will open the door of life and blessing. ******************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ____________________________
  25. 8 min read January 5, 2023 A Dragon, Calamity, and A Promise (Part 3 of 4) On Tuesday, we began looking at an important dream which described 3 scenarios in America’s future. Two of them are destructive and devastating. The third is revival and restoration. I encourage you to read Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s posts if you have not yet done so. I believe they are very important and lay a foundation for today's and tomorrow’s posts. I will not read the dream again today but will include it at the end of today’s post. Behind the third door, the door of promise, was Holy Spirit. The door was referred to, among other things, as the door to awakening and the transforming of nations. The blessings behind this door were not just for America but for other nations, as well. Holy Spirit’s choice of these 2 words in the dream - awakening and transformation - was strategic and very intentional. Several years ago, the Lord showed me the important differences between Christ’s great commissions of Mark 16:15-18 and Matthew 28:18-20. Each corresponds to one of the two commissions God gave humankind through Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:26-28. The first of these assignments or commissions was to be fruitful and multiply: “Give me more kids,” God said. The second commission was to steward, manage, or govern the earth. “You will represent My kingdom’s government on this outpost of the Kingdom,” He told them. Both of these plans were interrupted at the Fall. God temporarily lost His family and His ambassadors on the earth. Jesus, of course, was sent to recover and restore this. This is what Christ meant when He said in Matthew 16:18-19, “I will build my Church…” The word “build” is oikodomeo (Strongs 3618, 3624), which means to build a family or household. In choosing this word Christ was saying, “I’ve come to get the family back!” “Church” is the word ekklesia (Strongs 1577), meaning a legislative, governing assembly. I have shared posts on this word in the past and mentioned it frequently. However, the meaning and concept behind this word Christ used is so significant I’m going to do another entire post on it next week. For now, suffice it to say that by choosing this word, He was saying, “I have come to reestablish My family as My government on earth.” Christ’s other comments amplified and explained this further. He went on to say that this ekklesia would be given His Kingdom authority (“keys”), would lock and unlock, forbid and allow (“bind and loose”), and that the government (“gates”) of hell would not overpower them. After reversing the setbacks and reestablishing these two plans at the Cross, Jesus re-commissioned His followers in Mark 16:15-18 and Matthew 28:18-20. In Mark’s gospel He said to go and preach the good news so that humans can be delivered, healed, filled with Holy Spirit, and be part of God’s family once again. In other words, He told them to “be fruitful and multiply!” This is what is occurring in revival or awakening. In Matthew 28, however, Jesus re-commissioned us to disciple nations according to His teachings. “As My Ekklesia, You have My authority. In My name instruct and disciple nations back to what I intended in the beginning,” He instructed us. This is transformation or reformation. Both of these activities are absolutely essential. To understand them more fully, here are a few comparisons and differences: Awakening brings people into God’s family; Reformation teaches them His ways. Awakening births them spiritually; Reformation trains them practically. Awakening changes the human heart; Reformation changes the human mind (thinking). Awakening is internal (takes place in us); Reformation is external (is worked out from/by us). Awakening is accomplished through preaching; Reformation takes place through teaching. Awakening produces converts; Reformation produces disciples. Awakening releases God’s life; Reformation establishes His laws, principles, and ways. Awakening saves the individual; Reformation saves regions/nations. Awakening produces a bride, worshippers; Reformation produces an Ekklesia, those who govern. In most revivals, believers think only of getting people saved, born again (Mark 16). This, of course, is essential and must be the starting point - birthing obviously precedes training. But if Matthew 28 - the reforming and discipling of individuals and nations - doesn’t occur, the long-term fruit will be minimal and can even be lost. The great Charismatic Movement of the late 60’s through the early 80’s, which included the Jesus People Movement, saw tens of millions of people saved around the world. It was a wonderful example of Mark 16 occurring with great momentum, a significant revival. However, there was little understanding of our calling to do Matthew 28. The minimal awareness of discipling that did exist was limited to the discipling of individuals who came to Christ, not the discipling of nations, societies, and cultures. Discipling nations involves and includes government, education, and all other societal institutions. It is not a dictating or forcing of God’s laws upon people and nations, but rather teaching and implementing His ways and principles at every level and in every sector of society. Salvation opens the heart and will to this, which is why it must occur first. When people are born again, Holy Spirit writes God’s laws in their hearts, making them open to His truth - even possessing a strong desire to find and pursue it. Also, their conscience is alive, active. When a nation experiences significant revival, the portion of the populace affected by it does not have to be “forced” to implement God’s will and ways. They desire to do His will, to obey Him. But they must be taught, retrained. And their children must be, as well. If this does not occur, satan attempts to counteract the revival by infusing wrong thinking, ideas, philosophies, etc., into the culture. Sadly, during the Jesus Movement/Charismatic Movement of the ‘70s, Christians did Mark 16 only. Though millions of people were saved, humanists, secularists and atheists were busy doing their version of Matthew 28, discipling a nation. We saved individuals, they discipled a nation. We preached the gospel; unbelievers taught dogmas and doctrines. We went to church; they went to our schools and universities. We gathered on weekends; they gathered all week. We enjoyed Christian TV; they made movies, programs, and eventually took over the industry. We sang and worshipped at church; they took over the airwaves and discipled a generation with their music. The result: we experienced one of the greatest revivals in history AND LOST OUR NATION! This is almost incomprehensible! Yet, it occurred. Now, the generation that humanists, secularists, and atheists discipled is in charge - governing, teaching, entertaining and informing our nation. This is the fruit of Mark 16…without Matthew 28. In this dream, however, the angel said a revival was coming that would produce both awakening AND transformation, refreshing AND remodeling. The body of Christ will once again accomplish both commissions. This will produce the greatest transformation on Earth since the Cross! Indeed, it will be the full outworking of what Christ accomplished at the Cross. Tomorrow, we will look at what Holy Spirit said we must do in order to close the evil doors and open the Door of Promise. Pray with me: Father, Jesus said He was building an Ekklesia, a family the gates/government of hell would not be able to overcome. He then commissioned us to relaunch the plan of multiplying Your family, and of stewarding the earth for You. We embrace these commissions. This 2-fold plan is gaining momentum. Christ’s bride is growing in numbers and the Ekklesia’s revelation of who we are in Him is increasing. Bring another wind that increases this even more. Cause the greatest season of awakening and transformation in earth’s history to now take place - Mark 16 and Matthew 28 simultaneously. Hit a grand slam, Holy Spirit! Knock it out of the park! Open the door and suck us into Your room of blessing! We ask this in Christ’s glorious name. Amen, so be it! Our decree: We decree that the Great Commissions of Christ WILL be fulfilled by His legislative bride! Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________________________________________________________ The Dream of 3 Doors (12/2/2022) “On 12/02/2022, the Lord gave me [Greg Hood] a dream. The dream opened with Dutch and I being led by an angel up to large, iron double doors. The angel took us through them, and inside we saw three doors down the left side of the room. Each door had a combination lock with a keypad on it. “We approached the first door, which was open slightly, allowing us to see a little of the room. Dutch reached and opened the door further so we could see more of what was inside. What we saw was unnerving - a dragon eating from a bowl that was shaped like the United States. As the bowl would become empty, men in suits replenished it. “We stepped away from the door, and it returned back to its original position - open, but only slightly. As the angel led us away from the door, I [Greg] reached to push it fully closed, but could not move it. While motioning us toward the next door, the angel said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “We approached the second door, and again, it was slightly ajar. Once more, Dutch reached out and opened it fully. Inside was a movie theatre with a movie playing on the big screen. The movie was depicting spiritual darkness causing all sorts of evil - famine, communism, war, and calamity. A man was sitting in the front row of the theatre. In the dream, we knew he was Nero, the former emperor of Rome. The movie became more intense. We could see cities being overrun, homes and families being displaced. Again, as we stepped away from the doorway, the door automatically went to its original position - open slightly. As we were led away from the door, I [Greg] again reached to push the door closed, but couldn’t do so. While motioning us to move toward the next door, the angel again said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “The angel then led us to the third door. This door was also cracked open, but a little more than the others. As we approached it, we could hear a sound coming from inside the room. Again, Dutch opened the door fully, and as he did, we could feel powerful energy coming from inside. This energy created a strong wind that was blowing outward, then sucking inward, like a person breathing, only much stronger. The wind was so strong it was moving us backward and forward. The angel of the Lord spoke and said, ‘This is the door to awakening and the transformation of nations.’ “The angel then said to Dutch, ‘These doors picture what America is now facing. They can’t be opened or closed by the hands of the prophet, but must be opened and closed by the decrees of the apostolic Ekklesia. Operate them with your mouth, not your hands!’ “Dutch then began speaking forcefully to the first two doors: ‘MY CODE IS 22-22, AND WITH IT I COMMAND THESE DOORS TO CLOSE, AND I DEADBOLT THEM CLOSED FOR GOOD!’ When he declared this, both doors slammed shut with powerful force, and an angel was placed at each one to ensure that it remained closed. “Dutch then turned to the third door and declared loudly and boldly, ‘AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR. IT IS THE DOOR OF YOUR PROMISE! I CALL YOU INTO YOUR PROMISED DAY OF REFRESHING, REMODELING, AND PURPOSE! AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR OF DESTINY: THE DOOR OF AWAKENING! IT IS NOW OPEN TO YOU, AMERICA, AND WILL BE THE OPENING OF THE NATION TO AWAKENING!’ “As Dutch finished declaring this, the wind and energy in this room sucked us through the doorway. And we knew the nation had been pulled into the room of awakening!” End of dream. ************************* You can find out more about Dr. Hood at
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