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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/august-30-2023 August 30, 2023 What Is A Prophetic Act? Every societal group develops its own culture and creates language associated with it, including denominations and spiritual movements. As examples, the Charismatic Movement often used the phrase “slain in the spirit,” referring to a person who fell down while being prayed for. Pentecostals and charismatics sometimes speak of God “moving in our midst.” Ever wonder what someone who has zero understanding of God envisions when hearing this? They probably wonder what type of “moves” He was making. Or perhaps, “Where did He go?” The stream of Christianity I was raised in spoke of death as “crossing Jordan’s chilly tide.” I’m sure the average unchurched individual understood that! They probably thought someone had just returned from “the Holy Land.” Most of our religious idiomatic phrases grow from beliefs and teachings emphasized in our denomination or movement. As I said, all groups do it, not just us religious folk. I recall hearing for the first time that someone was really “cool,” which, of course, had nothing to do with their body temperature, or that a “bad” person was actually good, outstanding or first-rate, as in “a really bad drummer.” What we often fail to consider is that those not part of our movement don’t always understand our lingo. Those of us in my stream (there’s another one!) speak of “prophetic acts.” The planting of the 300 arrowheads fits into this category. Today, I want to explain what we mean by a prophetic act and why we use the phrase. First, let’s look at the meaning of prophecy/the prophetic in a general sense. In our culture today, most people think of prophecy only in the context of predicting the future, but this is not the complete biblical meaning. The Hebrew word for prophecy is naba, which means “to speak or sing by inspiration.”(1) Some lexicons define it as “a bubbling up” (from our spirit); a “pouring forth of words,” or simply “to be inspired.”(2) In simple terms, to be prophetic is to hear or discern what God is saying; prophesying is the communicating of it. This “prophetic” information can be what God is saying about the future or the present. John the Baptist, referred to by Jesus as a great prophet (Luke 7:28), didn’t primarily predict the future, but declared what God was saying about the present. However, releasing the prophetic is not always done through words; at times, it is accomplished through actions. A prophetic “act” is simply performing an action God has instructed us to do. Like naba in general, the act can be pointing to the future, or related to now. In Acts 21:10-11, a prophet named Agabus used a prophetic act to picture the future - Paul being bound by Jews in Jerusalem. In Exodus 14:16-21, Moses was instructed by God to hold his rod out over the Red Sea, causing it to part, an act obviously relating to the present. Prophetic acts are sometimes used by God to picture a spiritual truth. God also uses them to release His power. Often they are a combination of both. Moses’ extended rod was a picture of God’s authority being released, but was also a prophetic act that released spiritual power. Where prophetic acts are concerned, the act in and of itself does not release power, of course, and sometimes seems to make no sense. If you or I take a staff to the ocean and extend it over the water, I promise you the waters will not part! Only when done in obedience to Holy Spirit do they release His power. When He has given the instruction, however, spiritual power is released, impacting the natural realm. When Moses held up his staff at Rephidim, it pictured Yahweh’s authority over the battle with Amalek (Exodus 17:9–13) and released spiritual power into the natural realm. When Moses held up the rod, Israel prevailed; when he lowered it due to fatigue, Amalek prevailed. Morale for the Israelite soldiers wasn’t the issue. They were busy fighting, not watching Moses, and probably didn’t even see the rod being raised and lowered. But the prophetic act of raising it was releasing authority and power in the heavenlies, the spirit realm, and the power was boomeranging back to earth, giving victory. Moses striking the rock in Exodus 17:6 is another example of a prophetic act. With this rod of authority, he struck the rock, and water gushed forth. God chose not only to give Israel water through this prophetic act, but also to picture Christ being smitten in order to release His living water. In 2 Kings 13:14–19, Elisha was dying, and King Joash came to him for advice one last time. The Assyrians were surrounding Israel, and he was desperate for some instructions from the prophet. Elisha performed a prophetic act: “Get your bow and arrows,” he said. Then he and the king put their hands on the bow together, shooting the arrow toward the enemy’s camp. Elisha then said, “That’s the arrow of the Lord’s deliverance, King. Now take these arrows and strike the ground.” The king was being tested. His actions were going to be prophetic. Not knowing what the prophet was up to, he took the arrows and struck the ground three times. Elisha was grieved and angry. “Three times you will have victory over your enemies, and then they will conquer you,” he said. “You should have struck with the arrows at least five or six times, then you would have conquered them!” “People were healed in Scripture through prophetic acts. Jesus made clay with saliva, rubbed it in a blind man’s eyes, and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9:6–7). Naaman the leper was told to dip in the Jordan River seven times (2 Kings 5:10–14); he didn’t like the instructions, but God offered no “Plan B.” God had chosen to work in this way, and only obedience to His chosen method would work. Why did Holy Spirit require the Ekklesia to take 300 arrowheads to Cape Henry, then Red River Meeting House, then bury 6 of them in each state? It seems obvious that He wanted to make a statement regarding the Native Americans. We must honor their role in our land, and God plans to include them in what He is about to do in America. Other prophetic acts are taking place in the actual planting of these arrowheads. God is leading teams to bury them in places that represent revival, the efforts of past generations, the shedding of innocent blood, government, borders, and more. As these instructions are obeyed, His authority is being activated, and power is being released. Pray with me: Father, so often You require some sort of action along with our prayers. Obedience AND faith are required to see Your will accomplished. Yet, our need to understand everything with our natural minds often gets in the way of spiritual obedience. Remind us that we must have faith like that of a child. If You say get out of the boat, we will get out of the boat. If You say, hit a rock, we will hit the rock. And when You say take a bin filled with arrowheads to a beach in Virginia, then take it to Kentucky, then mail them all over the country and bury them, we will do so! We are willing and obedient, and we will eat the fruit of the land (Isaiah 1:19). Thank You for the teams of people praying and burying these arrowheads in all the states. Thank You for the insights You are giving them as they do so, and for showing them where You want it done. We are conducting a Holy Spirit-initiated, Ekklesia-implemented, every state included, national prophetic act. You must love this! And we are confident that the generational, racial, and overall synergy being created in the spiritual realm by this obedience and agreement is incredible. On the strength of this, we declare now that America is secured, and Your purposes are being established. Your foreword is being moved forward. Evil is being overthrown, Haman will hang on his own gallows (Esther 7:10). The corrupt and political attempts to prosecute Trump and those who challenged the 2020 elections will be exposed and overturned. Justice will return to our land. The progressives, socialists, communists, and leftists will not succeed in their attempts to destroy the America You created and take over our land. A fearless Supreme Court with backbone and constitutional integrity will rise up. A shaking is coming that will dismantle evil, overthrow corruption in the government, and bring a biblical reset to America. These things will not be stopped, and America will be saved! We decree them in the name of Jesus. AMEN..! Our decree: We decree that the prophetic acts taking place across America over the past few weeks will accomplish everything God intended. **************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 5012. Spiros Zodhiates, The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, KJV, (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1984) p. 1611.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/december-10-2021 December 10, 2021 A Radical Obedience to An Extreme Assignment I want to prepare you now for Monday’s post (12/13/21). I have been asked to teach some and lead in communion as we join the ministries of Lou Engle (TheBriefing.us) and Matt Lockett (JHOPDC.com) in prayer and communion regarding the current Supreme Court case. So, on Monday, have your bread and wine (or juice) ready when you read (or listen to) that day’s post. ________________________ God sometimes leads individuals to do extraordinary things as spiritual signs and intercessory acts. Moses stretched his rod over the Red Sea, causing it to roll back; Elisha struck the Jordan River with Elijah’s mantle, causing it to likewise roll back. And tomorrow, John Halversen completes his fourth walk across America! His wife, Sandy, shares some of John’s amazing story: “On December 11th in Seattle, Pastor John Halvorsen completes his 4th Prayer Walk across America, He began prayer walking early in his Christian life because he found himself dozing off while praying in a cozy chair. Soon the Lord began challenging him to expand the areas he walked through, until he was walking across entire nations and continents as ‘prophetic acts’, proclaiming that ‘GOD WANTS HIS WORLD BACK!’ “Prayer Walk America #1 was birthed in 1996, while we were missionaries in Ireland. The power of God came so strongly upon John while out for coffee, that the physical shaking he was experiencing sent him into the men’s room where he cried out to God, ‘Send me back to America!’ Back in Minnesota, while walking and praying through the ‘Mall of America’, Genesis 13:17 became a literal word from the Lord for John: ‘Arise, walk through the land, the length and breadth of it, for I will give it to you.’ As with all unusual divine guidance, John submitted it to his trusted mentor, friends and family, received the green light, and to this day has not been told to stop! “John’s first walk began on the first day of the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah, September 21, 1998, with a strong prophetic unction to proclaim that a ‘Season of Trouble’ was coming to America. He walked from the Canadian border in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, along US-61, the Great River Road, following the course of the Mississippi River. His message was broadcast through secular and Christian media all across America, ‘Tumultuous times are coming, we must repent and pray as never before.’ As the Mississippi River was first named ‘Rio De Espiritu Santo’, the ‘River of the Holy Spirit’, and was fiercely contended over during the American Civil War, the intense prayer battle accompanying that walk was over the ‘Free flow of the Holy Spirit’ through the Church. The second American prayer walk was soon birthed. The Lord simply said, ‘You know you aren’t done.’ John knew that a west to east route, the reverse of the routes of exploration, was God’s plan, so on Easter Day of 1999, he began walking in Newport, Oregon, and finished in November at ‘Rehoboth’ Beach, Delaware. Although the Clinton era of ‘Peace and Prosperity’ was in full sway, John continued to proclaim the need for renewed prayer and repentance and that ‘Tumultuous times’ were coming. Also, the prayer focus was on the re-opening of past wells of revival as in Genesis 26:18-22, which ended in victory at the well of Rehoboth. “‘Tumultuous Times’ came to America indeed, on September 11, 2001. We experienced the 9/11 attacks and America’s ‘Season of Trouble’ had begun. “While flying over Europe early in 2008 and gazing down at the Pyrenees Mountains, John knew he must walk again, this time the ancient ‘Crusader’ and ‘Silk Road’ routes, from Portugal to China. Organizing all the details for the two-year walk happened quickly and by November ‘08 we were on our way to Cabo da Roca, Portugal to begin the long prayer journey, which ended 6,000 miles later in Almaty, Kazakhstan, near the Chinese border. Many stories can be told of the challenges and spiritual warfare encountered on the trek through Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and then the train journey through China to Shanghai. John’s prophetic sense was that the Lord of Glory is going to burst through the rusted, bolted gates of these post-Christian, Communist, and Muslim cultures, bringing an ‘End of ancient hostility’ to the Gospel, in unprecedented Revival! “In 2015 the Lord told John to “take the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag to the North Pole and then get to the South Pole as soon as possible.” He discovered that joining an expedition to each pole was the only way to get there, that the North Pole would require $35,000 and the South Pole a jaw-dropping $50,000! Miraculously, for each trip the money came in at the last minute, as is often God’s way, through ‘appealing to heaven,’ not ‘appealing to man’. God pays for what He orders! “A Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker took a week to crunch through the polar ice to arrive at the North Pole in June 2016. Then in November, 2017 a Russian transport plane got him to Antarctica, and a small prop plane to the actual South Pole. In both cases, he unfurled the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag and proclaimed the Gospel, as a witness that the Good News has reached the extreme ‘Ends of the Earth’, and to appeal to heaven for global awakening. “In early 2018 the Lord spoke, ‘Are you willing to walk America again?’ “Why Lord? I’ve already done it twice!” “Because America needs a third awakening!” came the answer. John knew this time he would walk a diagonal along Route 66 and the Lincoln Highway, from LA to NYC, beginning on Halloween 2018. Why? To reverse the curse in our nation. He sensed that although America deserves judgment, he was pulling a cord of mercy and that God would grant mercy if His people would enter into deep repentance and prayer. “While visiting Israel after this third prophetic walk across the nation, a van drove past, emblazoned with the words, ‘Johnny Walker, Keep on Walking.’ It was the slogan the Lord had often used to let John know he had a new assignment. ‘Do I walk Israel next?’ he wondered. But it soon became clear that Miami to Seattle was what the Lord had in mind, another diagonal route that completed an X over the nation. So on February 5, 2021, this current walk began in Miami and will finish on December 11 [tomorrow] in Seattle. John has battled extreme spiritual warfare on this walk as he contends for awakening for America, and senses again that he is pulling a cord of mercy. But this time, he believes that at the walk’s end, the cord will be plugged into a power outlet and God’s awakening power will flow. “John feels that all these prophetic walks are connected. The ‘free flow of the Holy Spirit’ through the church...the opening of past wells of revival...overcoming hostility to the Gospel...reversing the curse...the release of God’s mercy and His power cord plugged in. John believes we are about to see the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever witnessed throughout the world and to the extreme ends of the earth! “His next prayer walk? John is asking the Lord about Israel. “GOD WANTS HIS WORLD BACK, and WE PROCLAIM HE WILL RECEIVE IT..! IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME..!!” Pray with me: Father, we thank You for servants like John and Sandy Halversen, people who are willing to lay their lives down as intercessors and warriors. You have many who unselfishly do so, some walking their neighborhoods, others driving across the country, still others faithful in their prayer closets and on the jobs they work. Thank You for this army You’re raising up. We pray for John and Sandy as they finish the walk tomorrow. But, as I know they would desire, our greatest prayer is an agreement with them that You will send revival to America and the world. Open past wells of revival, break curses off our land and off other nations. We know that in America 12 cities set records for homicides this year. We appeal to You for the greatest revival EVER, and one that touches the ends of the earth. And as we shall continue to do, we ask for Your hovering presence over the Supreme Court and every Justice, to bring forth Your counsel and will in the recent abortion case. Help us reverse Roe, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the prayer army around the world is strong and growing, and that life will win over death. ************************************ You can find out more about John and Sandy Halvorsen and their walks across America here or at www.prayerwalkamerica.com. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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