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  1. 3-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy's interesting that the Iraq Stock Exchange said it will not organize trading sessions and stop trading activities in securities as of tomorrow...I saw another article that said they would not reopen until March 22nd...Is that a date that just keeps magically popping up?... I do know the stock exchange has stopped its activity. Why? That's a good question. They're gonna say it's the oil crisis but even so that shouldn't stop people from going ahead and working with the stock exchange as far as buying from home...Does this mean anything? Maybe they are making the adjustments for the new rate. 3-17-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 President Salih appoints Adnan Al Zurfi as Prime Minister designate. He now has 30 days to form his cabinet which he must then put to a vote of confidence in Iraq's fractious Parliament. The US approves him...he was verbally against the political leaders not listening to the demands of the citizens. Al Zurfi was a former official of the US-run authorities that took over Iraq after the 2003 US invasion that deposed former ruler Saddam Hussein. Al Zurfi has deep ties that favor the US and he may face a very difficult time from the blocs. 3-17-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff As of Tuesday the 17th they'll be stopping trading [ISX stock exchange]...Remember the stock market uses the rate for trading so they need to stop trading to give them time to change the rate. Just more confirmation...They're gonna stop trading as of today the 17th and then they're going to resume on the 24th. Also note that the CBI did not hold an Auction rates haven't changed...RON
  2. 3-15-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy It's really weird in our community. Not a lot of people are talking and here's my theory on this and that is we know it's coming close to crunch time. A lot of people have pulled the trigger saying this rate change is gonna happen at the end of March or sometime in the beginning of April. And this isn't just one dinar guru there's been several. I told you before I felt this same way in that something is gonna happen by the end of March maybe no later than the beginning of April... 3-16-2020 Intel Guru Footforward I believe the RV is actually a Trump pun intended and Trump is waiting for the precise moment to release the RV when it's going to have the best affect to counteract this attack that has come on the financial system. I'm actually really encouraged as much as things look like they suck right now. ...What I'm looking for next in regards to the dinar for the dow to get to 20,000 again...really good chance it happens around March be clear I don't know that the RV happens on March 20th...I actually don't think the RV happens on that date. To be clear, I don't think we are far off. 3-16-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...Trump said "I think we are going to have a tremendous bounce when this is over." ...that recoil affect. That boomerang effect. That slingshot effect. IMO I really think Trump talked to the markets and he said just pull back and hold on. Once this coronavirus thing is over and done with and the democrats are done exaggerating and the media finally finished their nonsense let's get back to work. In fact IMO...what if we reward a few counties? ...what if we allow a few countries to go ahead and raise the value of their currencies starting with Iraq? Wow! ...we have 330 million Americans in the United States. How many of them you think now have dinar? Man we are going to rock the world!
  3. 3-16-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff The Trump administration is in charge of everything right now IMO. He picked this to happen shortly before the US elections. He can use this as a tool to promote himself on a strong economy for re-election... 3-16-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Well, the dinar has been clearly been given the green light to move. The auctions are to stop, and the value of the IQD is to rise, NSCNs and coins are said to be in place where they will be needed, Alak Gov at the CBI has been effectively announcing the need to raise the value of the IQD over the last few days, etc... The COV-19 is deadly to some as it can be, it is nothing compared to past bugs in shear volume or statistical numbers, therefore, the nature of the hysteria, may be used to hide and usher in the new beginnings and with that a RI with the IQD will help support that bounce Trump has so kindly given us hope for... Lets all hang in there and pray we are truly witnessing a blessing well deserved by us all. We shall see. imo.
  4. 3-14-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Reducing the Iraqi dinar exchange rate – determinants and alternatives" This is effectively the opposite of the plan. The why, and why not, to devalue. ...the CBI has explained they are not going to devalue for many reasons. The thing I like is that they use the reasons that support the opposite to occur. They haven't come this far with the reforms to devalue. They are not of the mind, at this juncture, to hurt the citizens. That in my opinion would be suicide. They clearly see that revenues are in a pinch with oil prices down. Therefore, imo, with out them saying as much, they are saying "with out saying" they are going to raise the value. The negative side of the equation, is devaluation, and the positive side is revaluation, imo.. They have the money printed and ready to go, they have the tools in place to facilitate the transition...imo... This opinion seems to refute Kaperoni's opinion from Friday midnight's posting here.
  5. 3-13-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...The world, and the world markets, are treating the Corona Virus as if it were a full blown pandemic - so, whether it deserves to be treated that way or not - that's what we are dealing with. OIL is down to about $30....Stocks... don't even get me started on the markets... Iraq is vulnerable to all of these things, just like the rest of the world - and on top of that, they are dealing with a Prime Minister issue. In spite of all that... guess who's not going anywhere? Iraq, you, and me. We aren't going anywhere...Taken from a site that follows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. 3-13-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad There's just too many things right now are pointing to what we've been waiting for. Here we are in the beginning of March, a lot of people say in March is gonna be a really big month hoping for a reinstatement of their currency. Coming up on the beginning of the second quarter April 1st - potentially a time when they can transition to a new fiscal calendar. March through April is gonna be really interesting to see what happens here in the next little bit. Things are getting exciting over there. You definitely want to stay tuned...
  6. 3-11-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...IMO the exchange rate is already in place. They are having meetings and talking about this. They have deep discussions about the current situation of the monetary reform of exactly where it's at right now. It's important for them. They're talking IMO about the exchange rate not the calculations of it but its implementation. The CBI is retouching bases with their banks again and is completed. And they're all on the same page. They're all on the same date. There are ongoing meetings. They're doing it right now...they're talking about the rate...they're speaking of a specific time-line and date of the redenomination...will this take a long time to accomplish? IMO no...(Reference Angel1 Post 3-10-2020).. 3-11-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Q? : So much stalling and kicking the can makes you wonder.] There is no stalling or kicking the can. For the first time in 15 years the can isn't getting kicked. Things are actually getting done. 3-11-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...The auctions absolutely will go away once the CBI accepts IMF Article VIII. There will be little need once the dinar is traded globally. In fact, it is preferred. And once the dinar floats, the global financial system will trade the dinar and its value will be determined by market forces. 3-11-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...they're threatening $20 a barrel for oil...this is a war between Saudi Arabia and Russia as far as energy is concerned. Putin sparked the oil war...let's see how long it lasts but instantaneously the price of oil dropped 21%. What does this do for the Iraqi people? This just kills them...Iraq is so dependent on their oil...the United Nations needs to let Iraq lift off the sanctions. They need to let them deal internationally. They have to let those sanctions go. Move from chapter 7 into chapter 8...that allows them then to change the rate. I still think it's gonna come out at around $1.34. This allows Iraq's economy to go ahead and start being competitive. To start bringing in outside investors...this might be the thing that triggers the rate change so keep your fingers crossed...
  7. 3-10-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...we believe the coronavirus has put the CBI in a very comfortable wonderful situation where they were lacking the mechanism to bring in the 3 zeros in order to complete the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar...they're telling them they'll give you new currency when you bring in your three zeros...they say the reason why is they're saying they want you to bring in the currency that has the virus on it. But that's silly. That's ridiculous because the teller is not wearing a med-hat suit. He's not wearing gloves. He's not in a bubble...he's giving them the new small category notes...the logic is a bunch of baloney. It's not true at all. The CBI is using it to their advantage... the CBI has begun a very strategic usage of this... 3-10-2020 Intel Guru Footforward of right now my feeling is this could be done by the end of march. 3-10-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...There's one main thing we're both [Guru Pimpy] looking for. When we see it we're gonna bring it forth and show it to you. It's almost here. It's gonna confirm everything that we've shared with you to let you know you're right there and right on the cusp and edge of this thing. When we see it we will share that with you...we are looking amazing. We're still right on track with everything... 3-10-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 ...the next thing IMO that we should be seeing is the CBI governor Allaq and representations, the Prime Minister Mahadi right now under the caretaker government as a whole and the minister of Finance...those three entities to do a Q & A broadcast presentation speech to the country of Iraq in strong support of the redenomination process of the Iraqi dinar. IMO we're at a good stage for lift off... 3-10-2010 Newshound Guru Angel1 ...There was breaking news all across the [Iraqi] news networks and what they were talking about there was going to be a Q & A interview with the PM Mahadi and the Minister of Finance. I am desperately trying to get my hands on the translation...I believe it was a good piece of what we are looking for. [Reference Frank26 3-10-2020 ABOVE] We are in an incredible position...what we were waiting for was happening on the other side of the world. I cannot stress enough - things are on red alert...what we have been seeing behind the scenes has been happening...we are starting to see the public results of private meetings and that is why we're excited... SOUNDS LIKE POSITIVE NEWS TO ME - WE SHALL SEE..!
  8. 3-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...because of the coronavirus crude oil is tanking, just like cryptocurrencies. Just like the Dow. These things are getting killed. Just getting dropped to $45 (3/08). I think right now. It might have dropped a little bit more..(Today, Monday 3/09 its $32)...between the protestors and their government and the PM I don't know how much worse it can get for Iraq. It's just at its worse...this actually might be good for us in the Iraqi dinar community...let's just hope that oil prices keep going down and maybe that might trigger something that we've been waiting for...if ever a time before where Iraq needed a rate change to happen it's definitely now...Pimpy posted this yesterday...!
  9. 3-8-2020 Intel Guru Footforward Suddenly people are talking about how Iraq's economy is in trouble. The puzzle pieces are coming together so well. Without an RV Iraq is in big trouble. 3-8-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 [Question? : IYO could the concern of the coronavirus spreading via handling old IQD hasten the issuing of the new lower denoms?] the last 4 or 5 days with my teams we're considering how the CBI is now using the coronavirus as part of their strategy for the reinstatement of their currency. And for the announcement and the education... Well, lets hope these guys are right..!
  10. 3-8-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling ...I get emails from people asking what rate would you get out at? We know what they want. At a minimum they want to get to a dollar. Back in the day, they wanted to get to $3.25...There's no way to know. That's why I suggest that it's very important that you know what you want. You got to buy a house. You want to pay off your house. What are you gonna do? That will give you your best measuring stick that you need to be able to exchange and at what rates...we're all speculating on a real opportunity...
  11. 3-7-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There's absolutely zero chance of any significant overnight RV/RI occurring with in excess of 42 + trillion dinar in circulation and over 70% of that out of the banking system known as "chunky." There is no way in my opinion to physically reduce the note count and money supply in Iraq until they get off the peg, move to a more liberal exchange rate regime/float and allow the currency begin to rise gradually. Doing so would allow them to collect the currency... Brietling thinks the CBI is reducing the note count. [reference Guru Breitling post 3-7-2020]..(post 1 of 2).. 3-7-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...First, they cannot because it would create demand and the daily auctions are based on a balance between dinar and dollar...Secondly, it's a known fact that over 70% of the currency in Iraq is "chunky." Meaning it's outside the banking system in homes of citizens, Etc... As it re-enters the banking system and is turned in. This would be a slow gradual process that simultaneously could work at the same time that dinar goes up in value but that all takes time and it would only occur as a result of the prosperity of the market economy. I challenge any any time to discuss monetary policy with me..[reference Guru Breitling post 3-7-2020]..(post 2 of 2)..
  12. 3-6-2020 Newshound Guru Whitelions ...this is a country coming back from a long war nothing more and nothing will do what every other country in the world has done coming out of war they will adjust the value according to what their country can back and get it close enough to market value to work in the world...Iraq has assets out the wazoo and needs no other help, and can rv into the market at a very competitive rate . Just Do It.....!
  13. 3-6-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Q? : My concern is the massive price drop per Barrel of Oil? and it’s effect on the whole RV process.] This is a great question... I don't think "massive" is the correct term. "Significant" - definitely, but it's not "massive". Nonetheless - I would only be concerned if OIL was suddenly no longer in demand. Any dips or peaks in the price of oil are temporary until the global demand for oil is eliminated. While OIL is a necessary product in the global economy, the price can fluctuate all it wants - Iraq still has a majority of it, and they will be able to bank on that. If the entire world switched to solar overnight, then it would be "game over". Until that happens, I am not too concerned about the price of oil. This was taken from another site that follows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. You can see Adam's full Chat right here on the DV Chat Logs Forum as: Adam Montana Weekly 4 March 2020 Good Morning DV ... HAVE A BLESSED FRIDAY, AND A WONDERFUL WEEKEND ... RON
  14. 3-5-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...PM Allawi has..."withdrawn his candidacy"... So, what's next?... The Iraqi President can simply appoint someone (again), but it's not necessary to take drastic action. Maybe Mahdi steps back up (he was never really gone), but that doesn't make a difference either... The good news for us, and Iraq? No matter who steps into the Prime Minister role next, Allawi was able to get some wood chopped. Iran lost a LOT of power over the last month, for one. I think that may have more to do with Allawi's current decision than anything - he seems to want them completely gone, not just 80% reduced. Most importantly, and this is the crux of the matter, Allawi wasn't elected to this position in the first place - yet, things got done. In my opinion, the raise in the value of the Dinar is going to happen regardless of who is sitting in the Prime Minister chair. All of the things that need to happen in Iraq continue to happen, and "who" is sitting "where" does not seem to long as it's not Maliki! Someone will be in that seat, soon, and the train will continue to chug along. We are getting close... This was taken from another site that follows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. You can see Adam's full Chat right here on the DV Chat Logs Forum as: Adam Montana Weekly 4 March 2020
  15. 3-4-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...Iraq can't do a dang thing. Iraq is frozen as far as launching their economy. Iraq cannot launch their economy until the rate changes. Iraq's economy is frozen. They can't even provide for the demonstrators...they said Iraq will be launching their economy on March 30th. Don't forget about that. That was roughly close to a month ago. They said there's gonna be a lot of heavy hitters - financial big players and they said Iraq will be launching their economy on March 30th...Let's hope so, for the sake of the Iraqi people, and for us...! 3-4-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Q? : ...Will dealers shut down when its time for cashouts?] No, the dealers will stop selling at one rate and keep selling at another within a short time…maybe they will shut down for 30 minutes or so…but that is about it. 3-4-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...If they ever get to a point to approve the 2020 budget I assure you there is no rate change. Not how monetary policy works. 3-4-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad ...there's salaries from government employees that have been needing to get paid. They're saying they can pay the salaries right on this [Qi Card]. From my understanding the salaries were supposed to be paid at the new rate that's why they haven't been paid yet because the rate is still the same. They're saying these cards are set up to receive those salaries. Seems like we're waiting on a rate change. Seems like that's what the holdup is...[reference Vital Brad post 3-3-2020]....Who is the "They" Brad is speaking about...? The CBI, or the GOI,..or the gurus..?
  16. 3-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...If we get a prime minister this week there's a good chance you'll have your elections on next Sunday...we hope that in the next few days this cabinet will be announced by a new prime minister that Donald Trump is sending...LOL...really Frank, get real..! 3-3-2020 Intel Guru Delta ...[Q? : Does the Central Bank of Iraq really need the government or the budget to reinstate their currency?] ...IMO the answer is no...the Central Bank of Iraq does not need the government in place for them to lift the value... 3-3-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf It cannot be disputed that Kap [Guru Kaperoni] has done the research, a great deal more than most...I do not agree with the 'float' theory... I Agree that there will not be any significant overnight RV...I came into this in 2004 on the basis that the IQD could rise to around 10 cents under what was then the 7 year plan. By the time of the financial crisis it was fairly obvious that was not going to happen...I have said this before, that if there is to be any return it is not going to come from Iraq but possibly some sort of financial realignment on a global basis, but even that is a long shot...
  17. 3-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "Urgent: The President of the Republic approves Allawi's resignation and demands the blocs to choose an alternative." Quote: “The President of the Republic: Consultation will be held to select a replacement candidate for Allawi within 15 days”. Then the candidate will have 30 days to get his cabinet ratified through parliament. So here we go again. I have to tell everyone this is almost the worst possible situation we could be in right now. We must all ...pray for a miracle. I am still being told that Allawi is the 3rd miracle for us in this evil fight against corruption. So I don’t know what kind of twist in fate is going to happen to bring about this miracle. Let us just relax and watch it play out...(post 1 of 2)... 3-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Just so you know…The legal expert, Tariq Harb, resolved Friday, the controversy over the possibility of not giving confidence to the government of the Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, while the constitution affirmed that the President of the Republic was given the right to assign another candidate according to his opinion and to choose him without referring to the more bloc if parliament did not give confidence To the government in charge of. One way or the other Iraq will get its new prime minister to meet the legal deadline of 30 days from February 2nd which is March 3rd...(post 2 of 2)... 3-3-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: "Iraq’s PM-designate Allawi steps down" Interesting development for sure... the next 36 hours are going to tell us a lot. Stay calm, everyone! ...This could turn out to be another delay or it might spark the best fire we could hope for. Taken from another sight that follows Adam's Opinions, and posts snippets from them. 3-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 I ask the question - What does the GOI have to do with the CBI's monetary reform? ...Nothing...there is one important thing though. The citizens of Iraq must believe in the GOI. They must believe in the plan...
  18. 3-2-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...remember a ton of games regarding their politics in the media. So be careful how you receive that [the prime minister tentatively resigning]...Even with what's going on they still have a stable enough government to change the rate. Remember, the CBI never said they needed to have a fully completed seat of government. What the CBI said before they agree to delete the zeros they said Iraq needs to remove their corruption...the corruption is gone...I'm not worried about the formation of the government. That's why I don't put a huge emphasis on it... 3-2-2020 Newshound Guru Chattels "Iraqi President Bahram Salih accepts the withdrawal of Mohammed Allawi as PM nominee & begins look for a new candidate."; "#Iraq PM designate@MohammedAllawi just tweeted he'll not make further attempts to form an Iraqi govt following failure of parliament to get quorum to vote on his candidates. Key question now is who will be the next designate charged by the Iraq president, within 15 days." 3-2-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Urgent .. Sources: Allawi Is Preparing To Announce His Withdrawal From The Mandate To Form A Government" I am not buying this latest news on withdrawal.. Not yet anyway.. Way to much at stake at this stage. And not to forget the accomplishments of the CBI.. The country still needs to run on money. Oil is putting pressure on everyone in the Region...Too late he resigned and it was accepted..! It's a battle of political wills and all about power...!
  19. 3-1-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Sunday's vote has been postponed to Monday due to a lack of quorum. Baghdad news is broadcasting that Sadr is officially placed on the terrorist list for his actions regarding the murder of protestors. He faces severe sanctions from the US. It is rumored that Allawi will announce that he is resigning the Prime Minister appointment. Iraqi TV is reporting that Allawi will be a giving speech announcing his withdrawal from forming a cabinet. Time Will Tell..! 3-1-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 [Question ?: How many days will it take the bank to credit our accounts at the exchange?] You trade in a million dinar and it's worth a million dollars you get a million dollars credited to your bank account...electronically it's instantly... 3-1-2020 Newshound Guru Whitelions COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES SESSION ADJOURNS FOR DAY AFTER FAILING TO ACHIEVE QUORUM...ULAIMANI — A session of the Council of Representatives on Sunday (March 1) to vote on Prime Minister-designate Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi’s proposed cabinet has been postponed after failing to achieve quorum. 3-1-2020 Intel Guru Delta & Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Delta: THIS IS THE PROOF OF ARTICLE VIII, FROM CBI 55 PAGES of DOCUMENTS ... Quote: "...and Iraq’s commitment to international agreements, in particular the application of provisions of texts Article 8 of the International Monetary Fund agreement..." MilitiaMan: Thank you Delta, bringing in the proof is fascinatingly apropos. You supported the data we have that they, the CBI, has offered the public. They have given notice of a change to come. They are on a time line now... That [document] gives legal text examples of the meaning for Foreign Currency and Hard Currency (USD) with respect to samples of internationalism to go along with it. They have and will have obligations now that they came out with that data. Whoo yahhh! imo Lets hope we see the train stop and the whistle blows the IQD announcement of a new international rate...! 3-1-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 [Question: Do you think the CBI is itching to push the button right after the announcement of the new seated government?] I don't know if the CBI is itching but I know we are. The United States is. The Fab 4 - all those who have taken them to that level they're at now. I know I am as an investor. I know contractors are definitely itching for that button to be pushed. As far as the CBI itself, the first flapping of the wings leaving the nest they're not easy...I think they're ready. And I think they're willing. And I think they're being pushed to the point whether they like it or not...Reposted Good Night Everyone - sleep well...! RON
  20. 2-29-2020 Intel Guru Footforward They are out to destroy Allawi because he's exposing the corruption. MP's were paid to not show up and confirm the government in Iraq...MOST LIKELY AN OPINION, PROBABLY IRAN - NOT MENTIONED IN THE IRAQI NEWS..! 2-29-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I'll say it again the only way the dinar is going to go up in value is when Iraq creates the conditions for investment to come into the country and rebuild through the private sector. And only with the success of that will be the success of the dinar. Monetary policy is a set of tools that control the exchange rate based on factors within the economy such as inflation. And as investment comes in the country inflation will also come forcing the CBI to use it's monetary tools. So the bottom line is if we're ever going to see the dinar go up in value we're going to have to see the success of a private sector market economy in Iraq. ...they need to pass laws, get the Prime Minister and his cabinet in place, and create stability so investors want to come. GOOD SATURDAY MORNING DV - HAPPY LEAP YEAR...! RON
  21. 2-28-2020 Newshound Guru Chattels For a parliament session to obtain a quorum, half plus one of its members must show up to vote — which is 168 members. Half plus one of the attendees must vote for the Cabinet to approve it. This means Shiite parties can hold the parliament session or make quorum without the Sunni and Kurds, but today there were Shia defectors also and even if the Shia can muster quorum and decision without the support of Sunni and Kurdish parties will add to an already divisive situation in Iraq , in my view.
  22. 2-28-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...On the 24th I think they pushed the button that 15 days later this Cabinet and this Prime Minister would receive the new budget that God willing with the new rate... 2-28-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Guru] Mr. Cottrell and I spoke this morning. This could be the absolute “Perfect Storm” we have been looking for. We know that financially we have been so close and now we have a rolling correction or a “rolling crash” as it rolls from one nation to the next. It is not a complete and total sell is a very sharp correction. This is painting them in a corner. How better to save the world then to say “Hey…we have to stem this crash because of the corona virus…and this is how we are going to do it…with asset backed currency. There could not be a better opportunity to kick this in…This is in his opinion and mine. 2-28-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad Article: "Iraq fails to form new government, prolonging crisis". They were supposed to meet on Thursday. Allawi showed up. About a hundred members of parliament showed up and they couldn't get the job done...Allawi wants to put in what's called technocrats. People that aren't necessarily associated with a party...To try to get rid of this corruption...Allawi is really doing what the people of Iraq want. They want that Iranian influence out, and by him coming in and putting a cabinet of technocrats, or basically independents, in - it potentially could take away that corruption...If he doesn't get it done by March 2nd, we're talking Monday, then his time's up...They're supposed to meet tomorrow. They've got to get it done tomorrow [By Monday at latest] otherwise Allawi's out. What does that mean? This thing could get dragged out...
  23. 2-28-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy We've been trying to figure out if Iraq has the money to cover an exchange rate of $3.20. There's a lot of good arguments for it. I get it. I really do...but you know the amount of currency that Iraq has issued is way higher than what Kuwait has. It's not like a little bit. It's drastically higher. I mean huge. So that really lowers the value of the dinar because they have so much out there. What I'm hoping makes a difference is less than 5% of it is in country. I still think about 90% of it, 92% of it is in central banks everywhere. Not as much as people think are out there in the hands of spectators. I'm hoping that Iraq, IMF and World Bank realize that although there are some that are in the hands of the public but there's not that much of it. That they could go ahead and take a chance on a higher rate. In order for Iraq to really grow economically they're going to have to come out with the sweet spot. We know this... If you recall, former CBI Governor Adnan Shabibi (author of the plan to delete the zeros) said that Iraq could support a value in excess of $10 (I think he actually said $14). We realize circumstances have changed, but not so significantly as when he made that statement. I suspect he knows some things that Kaperoni doesn't when he makes the statements he has been. RON 2-28-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...since the beginning of the year I basically said...Iraq would take their sweet time because they really had nothing left to do and that's playing out tremendously within the formation of the government...they are milking the formation of the government. IMO though the formation of the government is done. Complete. I really wouldn't worry about it...we're at the end of this's all coming together right before our eyes...
  24. 2-27-2020 Intel Guru Frank ...we have a cloud of smoke from the excitement from the explosion - IMO, of them actually pushing a's not dark humor. It's not science fiction. It's not a comedy. It's all great. The Prime Minister twice talked to the citizens of Iraq about the exchange rate for the improvement of their economy. Twice he's talked about the exchange rate. He also talked to them about the vote. And yeah they're gonna have the vote and he gave the reason why there won't be one today [Wednesday]. It looks like Thursday. Tomorrow (that's today - Thursday) hopefully they get it all done. That's really not important. It's really not. IMO the government has been functioning with no problem for quite a while... 2-27-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...Dr. Shabibi wrote an article complaining that the monetary policies that the CBI is under from the IMF and World Bank helps keep inflation low, but it really chokes off their ability to grow economically. He's the one pushing for a rate change...(and for those of you who are relatively new, he was a former Governor of the CBI who was the author of the original plan to delete the zeroes and increase the value of the IQD). 2-27-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "The central bank clarifies the administrative framework for financing imports and the mechanism for selling foreign currencies" Quote: "It also clarifies the process of collecting and sterilizing the local currency considering that this bank represents the monetary authority in Iraq." The act of sterilizing the local currency is a practice by major global players. It appears the CBI is preparing or is now prepared to defend their currency in world markets.. Something that the CBI has now been told to the world that they are now obliged to play by the IMF Rules.. imo.. Very good indeed imo. [Investopedia: Sterilization is a form of monetary action in which a central bank seeks to limit the effect of inflows and outflows of capital on the money supply. Sterilization most frequently involves the purchase or sale of financial assets by a central bank, and is designed to offset the effect of foreign exchange intervention.] Tuesday at 08:45 AM Laid Back wrote: This is HUGE.!!!! Sterilization is a form of monetary action in which a central bank seeks to limit the effect of inflows and outflows of capital on the money supply. ... The Sterilization Process is used to manipulate the value of one domestic currency relative to another, and is initiated in the foreign exchange market. Its coming..... Go RV..... Go open market economy
  25. 2-25-2020 Newshound Guru Whitelions ...they will never ever post that they are going to change the rate of their currency, BUT we have all been in this a long time and can follow what and how things are going in that country ... 2-25-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad ...Part of me does feel like they will come out at a low rate...just throwing a number out there let's say 10 cents, something like that just to get back on the international market and get rid of some of the amount of the Iraqi dinar that's out there...get some people to turn in their dinar at a lower rate. I believe it can float up to a higher rate...Kuwait's currency right now I believe is around $3.40 ($3.26 Today) and Iraq has much more oil reserves than Kuwait...there's no reason IMO they should be lower than Kuwait. So I think it'll get up there. 2-25-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...I would like to believe that it's true that President Trump has given them the date to stop using the American dollar in the auction and I believe that they have committed to it. And the fact that it's from Donald Trump who I don't think that's going to be delayed or moved or anything. You don't trump Trump..!
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