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  1. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat Where do we stand with the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar? ...It is the CBI that has to initiate the process from the top and then the US and the IMF that must go through the signoff process to allow them to go ahead. ...Let us all take a deep breath and just relax. The CBI is still contemplating the “project to delete the zeros” and this is a FACT. I have heard the CBI has ordered the printing of much more of the new 100 dinar notes. We know these notes were previously printed but not in sufficient quantities. So why print more now if not planning something?... Why are these 100 notes important? ...remember there is preparation to reinstate as the revaluation within Iraq comes first and the coins and these notes must be launched at about the same time or just prior. So, we look for signs and we know these 100 notes and coins are important steps in the process. *** Frank26 ...please do not be misled by the things that you see parliament say to you. Only pay attention to what Kazemi says... *** Militiaman The amount of things coming together seem to be very supportive for them to expose to the world an international rate...with Iran about to collapse, potential educational tools, 100 note being shown, the tireless effort by Kazemi the Prime Minister in respect to the "white paper" speaking of sovereignty and prestige too. All about the money. The glory days are prestige and would reflect the sovereignty IMO... *** Petra ...The quietness of the CBI at this point in time tells me something is coming...our focus is strictly on the CBI and what Allawi, what Allaq and his team and Shabibi have to say and not the parliament. But they did make a statement about revaluing and that is going to force the CBI's hand to participate in responding to that statement...I think we're in an exciting time. ********** MONDAY OPINIONS - 8/03/2020 ********** *** Petra be sovereign you have to be able to stand on your own two feet. You've got to be able to support yourself...have your own currency and be able to use it be part of the international community. Why be a sovereign country if you can't direct you own sovereigns? you have to be able to stand on your own two feet. I think the fact that they are basically saying they are sovereign tells us they are ready to go... *** Militiaman's quiet. Why is it quiet? ...we should see something...from the CBI in a very short period of time... *** Footforward ...I would strongly suggest that it's becoming clear that the RV is going to happen on a Thursday...Thursday makes the most sense to me on every level possible... *** Pimpy I'm feeling really good that something is going to happen this summer. No, I don't have anything to prove that. I'm just saying I'm feeling really good based on what I'm seeing. SORRY I MISSED SUNDAY POSTINGS ... RON
  2. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Dinar News Update *** The Central Bank of Iraq has finally updated their market rates for the dinar. It's been nearly two and a half months since the last update. Their latest CBI officially reported market rate for the dinar for July 28th is 1238.916. This is out of the the IMF's 2% rule with the official rate. It's unknown why the CBI kept the market rate hidden all this time. (Actually it wasn't hidden, only not posted. I was available on their website in the rate in the Gold & Exchange Rates Download link, and you had to dig it out). It's unclear why they've decided to begin publicly updating again. It's unclear why there something significant about the end of July..? *** Pimpy *** somebody is trying to score some major major brownie points with the United Nations. Our boy Al-Kazemi is not playing's nice to see when people actually get in government and care more about the people instead of themselves... Al-Kazemi Speech quote "..we have worked tirelessly to work on a comprehensive reform paper called "the white paper" that will revive the Iraqi economy, solve financial crisis...activate agriculture and industrial production, introduce projects to address these crisis and our unemployed youth, revive the market and put Iraq economy on the right track by stopping the waste and exploitation of the public money..." Now there are a lot of people who really believe that the rate change is in the white paper. But my thing is when is this "white paper" going to be implemented if that's the case? looks like things are going in the right direction... *** Adam Montana *** Article: "Al-Kazemi's visits to Riyadh and Washington were not canceled" Quote: " of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the United States of America, existed and were not canceled." Taken from another site that ollows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. You can see Adam's whole chat at: Adam Montana Weekly 29 July 2020
  3. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "Parliamentary Finance: The salaries of employees are insured according to the Borrowing Law" I recall the borrowing law had stipulations that required changes... Lets see what they do... Imo there is something afoot.. now.. They have new new instructions or orders if you will.. Oh ya.. imo *** Pimpy ...there's some very interesting news. Actually conflicting news - it's what's so funny. Good news and I'm not so sure news. Article: "An official in the Prim Minister's office reveal the fact that Al-Kazemi will go to Washington next week". Or will he? Then you get to the next paragraph quote "the official who preferred not to be named said in the interview the information and news that spoke about Al-Kazemi's travel to the United States of America is inaccurate so as of this time no date has been fixed for this up and coming meeting." Either he's coming or he's not. We got conflicting news. We'll keep an eon on whether there is another story... *** Adam Montana Article: "The suspension of official working hours in Kurdistan 5 days, starting from Friday" I'm hearing rumors (from people I actually listen to rumors from) that this "holiday" may be less of a holiday than usual. Perhaps it's a strategic pause in the usual updates from Parliament, and it will culminate with something big. Taken from another site that ollows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. You can see Adam's whole chat at: Adam Montana Weekly 29 July 2020 ... *** Frank26 When we see Kazemi and the CBI go to Washington D.C. it's a big alarm...When they return to Iraq they will announce the new exchange rate. The things Trump is looking for - did you lessen the use of the American dollar in your country Iraq? Did you stop funneling American dollars to Iran through your auctions? These two questions are the last two components of the monetary reform...Trumps demands are being met. The Iraqi citizens know this...Trump would meet with Kazemi and the CBI if these benchmark assurances were kept. Trumps fingerprints are all over what you are seeing right now. *** MilitiaMan Article: "Iraqi government implements wide-ranging security and other measures to secure border crossings" I like the Past Tense component in this article. I also want to reiterate White Papers are a work in progress and develop and change over time... They have apparently secured the borders and are actively increasing revenues and put the corrupt on notice. where they have 70 billion Dinars worth a month. They re-instate, that number is going to explode... imo... ******************** From Thursday - 7/30/2020 ********************* *** Frank26 ...there's going to be a new CBI governor. Allaq squealed. Oh, my goodness did he squeal...he saved his rear end. He was able to work with the United rid of all those people who were stealing... *** Mnt Goat Article: "THE CENTRAL BANK LENDS AL-KAZEMI’S GOVERNMENT 8 TRILLION DINARS" oh oh what does this mean? No RV this year? So they did it. They managed to get the money they needed to extend this madness to the end of the year. This to me...means that they DO NOT intend to reinstate the dinar until early next year...They are buying time with these loans. This is all they are doing...But the good news is this – if they have all this new debt and so how can they repay it all if oil prices do not rise by the end of the year to vear 60/barrel? Even then they still have to pay salaries and retirees and on top of that have money to rebuild? So you see sometimes when the news looks really gloomy, there is always another side to it. Yes, we may not get what we want now but Christmas is coming and it might be really nice this year…just saying… *** MilitiaMan Article: "Parliament: The government will not submit the 2020 budget for its preoccupation with reforms" Quote: "The government may not submit the 2020 budget due to time constraints, and because it is now occupied by two overlapping major files: the 2021 budget and the reform program file," Well they surely will need the 2019 FML Amendment to do both. But, note they are speaking of the reform file. The entire economic reform file. Then that would mean to me they have to have a rate to associate the economic reform file to. They have the authorities at the highest levels being the executive, legislative and judiciary. My view is this is already underway and not just getting started...Imo This is a good thing. *** Adam Montana ...Before we have an RV, we need the HCL to be done. I'm more certain of this than ever... and activity in Parliament regarding the HCL has been higher lately than it has in years. In fact, it was on the agenda for today [Wednesday]. I continue to be extremely impressed with how Kazzammie is moving things forward. This guy should have been hired a long time ago! Don't get too excited, at least not quite yet...(post 1 of 2)... *** Adam Montana I don't expect to see the RV announced until the HCL is completed. And I don't expect the HCL to be announced as completed until they are ready to RV. These are likely to be two simultaneous announcements, judging from how things are proceeding. The headline will look something like this: "HCL completed. The profit sharing agreement between all (parties) has been implemented to satisfaction; CBI announces an immediate increase in exchange rate for the Iraqi Dinar from (X) to (!!!)." Of course, that will be in Arabic. And the translations will vary, but the end result is the same: Higher exchange rate = Profits for us. ...Go Iraq. Go HCL. GO RV!!! ..(post 2 of 2)... Taken from another site that ollows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. You can see Adam's whole chat at: Adam Montana Weekly 29 July 2020 *** Frank26 ...the Fab 4 are going to announce to Iraq how their currency is going to be used globally. When they can use the new currency. How they can use it. The conversation is to bring the IQD to the international global market and during this meeting (this dream) is to explain how they will lessen their dependence on the American Dollar - meaning the amount of the new exchange rate of the IQD...all these benchmarks, all these requirements for the monetary reform of the currency of Iraq, they've all been done...we're now dealing with the political garbage of Iran...we're at the point where we're just picking up the last pieces with a dustpan...this meeting will be face-to-face. Not's going to be held in Washington D.C. IMO...we now seek Allaq and Kazemi's to announce the day of their visit to Washington D.C. because after they are done with this meeting we seek Kazemi and Allaq to go to their citizens of Iraq and announce the new exchange rate...
  4. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** ...what did we say last week? Iraq is international...the international world knows this don't they...if you're a shark, if you're a whale you can smell blood in the ocean right now. And that's what these guys do - these shark these whales, these companies, these entities, these treasury departments, in other words those who have powerful super dollars, big dollars, big bucks. They know when to buy the Iraqi dinar. NOW! And they're buying it left and right. You're seeing the proof of it...What's missing is the announcement... how is it they know? I call it the "white papers"...what do the white papers contain? A rate and a date and the HCL stuff...that means banks already know the rate and the date of the Iraqi dinar - when it's going to be announced don't they? IMO yes. *** Ray *** Citizens were informed that the government is supposedly giving every "poor" person 75k dinar and cancelled some consumer debt for the holiday. Today they were told the financial management law will be discussed by the CBI and the Financial Minister after the EID holiday. They said that a year ago the financial management law was passed and that it would be a tool to help change the currency rate in Iraq and now it has resurfaced. *** Frank26 *** ...Iraq is International. The sharks know it. They are buying up billions and billions of dinars. They're buying them up. Not because they're psychotic or bi-polar, it's because they know...they can see 2 + 2 = 4... *** Mnt Goat *** [Q? : I know there are lots of rumors floating around about an RV this week... Don’t you think it might be a very good idea to inform the CBI of this impending RV? Don’t they initiate it...?] I have said many times already that the CBI will educate the citizens prior to the “project to delete the zeros” and how it will all work. Even though they have done this before they will do it again and again prior to each scheduled attempt. I have talked to my sources in the CBI and they have told me to watch for this re-education and announcements from the CBI as our cue as we get closer to the RV. What more can they tell us? The only thing more would be a date and they are not going to do that, as least directly. However, the CBI has scheduled the project to delete the zeros already three (3) time that we can confirm and know of as a FACT... So if this project was going to be executed in July then where is (was) the news from the CBI? ...There is no news and thus no RV. But this is not the only reason for no RV now...(Post 1 of 2)... *** Mnt Goat *** [Q? : Where do we stand today?] ...First, I want to re-emphasize that we will NOT see the RV in July. I know they did have plans to try to do it but even way back in early June they decided they could not piece it all together in time. They want a “level playing field” with the currencies in the middle east and so they are attempting to do it. Iran, once again, is the obstacle and causing delays on this process. ...I am possibly seeing a window in August but I do not see the CBI firming this as of yet. They are not taking the action necessary to progress in this direction. They should now be re-educating the public if this was the case. They are not. We might be heading for an early 2021 window again. We just have to wait it out and see. But we do know this nonsense of delay, delay can not go on much longer...(post 2 of 2)...
  5. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Petra ...the budget. We haven't seen the budget. They haven't shown the budget. Why? What's in the budget that they don't want to show us? It's the rate. It has to be..."coincidences" are aligning to demonstrate a great need for change. And the "white papers" even dictate that the change occurs with the change in rate...I see a lot of alignment going on for now rather than later...There are a lot of coincidences aligning with a timed event that has got to be coming up here pretty quick. *** Delta ...what I'm expecting from the Central Bank to do - I'm expecting them to tell me the same thing what Allaq did in 2016. Exactly a mirror like that announcement. What he said at that time was in early 2017 we are going to lift the 3 zeros and introduce smaller denominations. That's what I'm waiting for...They have to have a time-frame and based on the experience of the CBI they always give people a month, two months in advance...they can raise the value but in the case of Iraq they have to introduce lower denominations too and that is the problem. That's why you need time to do that... *** Jeff ...March of last year...Iraq introduced us to the Financial Management's a tool that will be used to commission the rate change...this first article is an older one from March 20, 2019: "Parliamentary move to raise the price of the dinar and maintain the stability of inflation" ...they explain the Financial Administration Law to us and how it's...a tool used to commission the rate change. Let's look at the article from yesterday Article: "The Government and parliament are considering approving two budgets" ...One for the remainder of this year and one for next year of 2021... Quote: "...expressing his belief there will be no federal budget for the year of 2020 and the government will complete this year according to the Financial Management Law." ..(post 1 of 2)... *** Jeff ...this is huge...the Financial Management Law - that is the tool used to commission the rate change...they're telling you they're about to restructure their budget for the second half of this year under the guidance and control of the Financial Management Law...see how huge this is?...notice how they brought you the "White Papers". Also notice how they went into great detail about reviewing the exchange rate and notice how they're doing this as they're finishing the first half of their year approaching the second half of their year. September is red hot...this article is amazing...(Post 2 of 2)...
  6. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff and silver IMO are slowly increasing in value walking you to the timing of the rate change. As well as the dollar devaluing so that way when the rate does change it will strengthen the US dollar so the dollar can actually go back up in value...The dollar is already high. It was well over 100 cents so it would make sense that if they are going to gold backed they would have to devalue the dollar to give it wiggle room to go back up when they or if they go gold-backed... *** Pimpy There is talk about Iraq going back to its normal fiscal period...the year would start in April. Their half year would be October. That's what it used to be and that would line them up with other Arab nations that are all part of the Arab Monetary Fund...Let's see if inside this new budget we do see the rate change. That'll be really nice... Quote: "...revealed the handing over of the 2020 budget to the house of representative next October. Staring to work on a budget of 2021. Noting it would be delivered to the parliament in October noting that it would be studied and approved early" ...October seems to be a big month for a lot of reasons...Something about this month of October. You know there's the rumors of when Trump's going to be meeting with IMF bank. We'll see what happens there. Obviously they're putting forward their budget in October as well. This could all mean something or maybe it won't. We'll keep an eye on it. *** Footforward [Things seem quiet in regards to dong and dinar...] has been. Intel has been very quiet. A lot of rumors. Very few people willing to talk. I like where we are at. [Iraq announced budget for 2021 will be completed by October. September could be the RV month.] there will be a bit of misdirection on timing. So while most watch September I watch now.
  7. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff I've been in this 11 years since '09. This is the first year that they've never approved an operating budget since I've been in this...what they're telling you is that the rate change is married to the budget. That's one of the main things you're looking for. And remember Iraq has to have stability. Meaning Kurdistan and Baghdad have to reach an agreement...the US requested to have the UN come in and work with both Baghdad and Kurdistan to resolve their differences...they have to reach that agreement in order for the rate change to go international... *** Pimpy This looks like a huge International movement. This is what we want. We know that Iraq is going to be the doorway to do major business over in the Middle East. There's a lot of business opportunities over there. They've been war torn for quite some time...a lot of infrastructure needs to be dealt with... *** Militiaman ...the theory of [the rate change/RV] being out into September is not being supported yet imo one bit. If you have links to support the view they will extend reforms out to September with fresh information, then please bring it in. Love to see it. In the mean time, we are imo watching the live progress on many fronts, not just Iraqs... *** Pimpy Article: "Ministerial Roundtable discussions express support for Iraqi government economic reforms" ...This article is long but I can tell you this, if they have "white papers" for all these different files, they're going to be all presented in September of this year...There's a lot of discussion about, are the rate changes in this "white paper"? A lot of people seem to be pointing that direction. I haven't seen anything that says that the rate change is in the white papers but that doesn't mean it's not in the white papers. I'm looking for something a little bit different. I'm looking for the international community to once again...recognize the sovereignty of Iraq. And as you guys know in order to be a sovereign county you have to have your own currency. Iraq does have its own currency, I get that but they need the restrictions lifted off it so we can see them on the Forex once again...
  8. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Militiaman *** ...The World Bank states that Iraq will have issues with out getting the reforms done. They say borrowing is going to be difficult for Iraq to fund expenditures. Then today we see proof of that, and with a qualification, that they can get the monies through FINANCIAL REFORMS. This is not theory. This is what they can do and it is coming from the Finance Committee. The reforms will allow the money to flow, imo, that money will require an international rate. Financial Reforms are not at a program rate for pete sake. *** Pimpy ***...A lot of you brought it to my attention that yes indeed we know Al-Kazemi is not here with Trump like he was scheduled to be here, but Trump had postponed it. I don't think they set a date yet due to everything that's happening here in our country. There's a lot of instability. They're using corona as an excuse. But, yeah it's going to happen. I wouldn't worry too much about it. This gives Al-Kazemi a little more time for him to hammer out his issues with Kurdistan, and for them to just go ahead and continue to make big strides and do what they need to do to get their sovereignty back...the problem is now we're hearing little bits of good information every day so it kind of gets old. I think a lot of us are just like "come on man, just make it happen already..!" That's All Folks ... Sleep Well & Be Blessed...! RON
  9. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** ...A lot of you brought it to my attention that yes indeed we know Al-Kazemi is not here with Trump like he was scheduled to be here but Trump had postponed it. I don't think they set a date yet due to everything that's happening here in our country. There's a lot of instability. They're using corona as an excuse. But, yeah it's going to happen. I wouldn't worry too much about it. This give Al-Kazemi a little more time for him to hammer out his issues with Kurdistan and for them to just go ahead and continue to make big strives and do what they need to do to get their sovereignty back...the problem is now we're hearing little bits of good information every day so it kind of gets old. I think a lot of us are just like come on man just make it happen already! *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "IRAQ PLANS TO BORROW 18 BILLION DOLLARS" 18 billion will buy them 18 divided by 5 = 3.6 months of salaries. That’s July – mid October only. That is IF they can secure the loans. And then what's next..? Not much info today..!
  10. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat I told everyone weeks ago to bash your hopes of any RV during the month of July. There are way too many pieces still to fix and work out prior. But I know for a fact the project to delete the zeros is going to take place sooner than later. They are also planning a new CBI governor replacement. *** BGG Article: "Minister of Finance: 300 thousand “space” employees in Iraq" Quote: "Allawi explained that the issues that were buried because of the large and growing oil revenues are now evolving, and this includes payments for an estimated 300,000 “ghost” or fictional employee ” This is probably more accurately translated as “Ghost employees”, a corruption issue for a long time now and one of the big reasons no one wants to just give them money for “salaries”. It would all go to these corrupt politicians via this sham payroll scam. The good news – the MoF is going after them in an open, honest, legal fashion. *** Pimpy Question: "[What are the] best places to turn in foreign currency?" Foreign currencies as long as there's no restrictions on them you should be able to turn them into your bank...just ask them in advance...just say, 'If I bought foreign currency and I needed to exchange it can I buy it and exchange it here?' If they say what kind of currency just say "any kind". Don't tell them anything specifically because Iraq has restrictions on it and they'll say no they don't do Iraqi dinar. Just hang tight and once the restrictions are off then consider that...
  11. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 Where will we as investors see the rate has changed 1 to 1? On the CBI website. When? Probably when you wake up one morning. Why? Because when you're asleep they're up working very hard...unless you're up at 3 or 4 in the morning you're not gonna see it until the next day when you wake up... *** Pimpy There's a lot of people in the group they always feel this is never going to happen. I get's been stretched out over years. Over 10 years. 15 years for people. So I get that their frustration. If I may make a can go 'I'm done. This isn't going to happen.' Sell your currency back. And ignore it all together. Or what you could do instead of driving yourself crazy. Cut off the news for a little bit. That includes me...If everyday you're waking up with anticipation I would imagine there are only so many times you can be let down...this is why people shouldn't say dates or rates. The truth of the matter is nobody grounded. Be calm. It is going to happen. That's my opinion. It appears to be happening very very soon. You can see all the signs that are here...hang tight, be cool and have faith... *** Delta ...I'm gonna stick to my personal opinion even though the team does not agree with me...I wish and I hope and I pray to God I'm wrong 1000% but I'm leaning toward September...I'll take September, assuming it will actually increase in value in September...RON *** Mnt Goat Where do we stand for the RV? ...I am not looking for anything in July. There are just too many pieces still to put in place to make this happen. Also we are moving into August soon and so I see a possible window opening if certain actions are taken. But I do know for a FACT that they are not going to wait until January 2021 if they can help it. They need to be on the FOREX trading now and so are pushing aggressively now to make it all happen. Also, ISX is now trading the Iraqi dinar like a currency exchange and this is a very, very good sign too. When ISX comes live on NASDAQ this will be the time they also put the dinar back to the currency exchanges. I look at the ISX move now as a testing ground for the dinar with investors. *** Frank26 ...Remember I told you the articles are saying "something new", "new mechanism". The word "exchange rate" is being used tremendously. And the reason why is because they have a rate and date (determined) for the exchange rate. It's hot news. It's out there... Article: "The Iraqi economy...the predicament of the situation and the problems of the solution" They are talking about their financial crisis...when it's all said and done... Quote: "The exchange rate is one of the "keys" to the solution" ...we have to increase the exchange rate of our currency, not decrease it, against the American dollar...isn't that cool...I'm all for it..!
  12. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON 7-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy What you are going to see first is like this - The agreement between Kurdistan and Iraq hammered out and fixed. (I feel like that's the true reason he [Kazemi] has not been to the United States yet...) As soon as that is done hopefully Ms Plasshart talks to the United Nations saying, 'This is done. It's good. Iraq is doing everything they said they were going to do.' She thinks it's time to reinstate the sovereignty. Al-Kazemi comes over here to the Untied States, meets with Trump. They have a good meeting...Then what we're gonna do is wait for Trump to then introduce to the world Al-Kazemi. In that speech I'm hoping what we'll hear is Trump encouraging international community to once again recognize the sovereignty of Iraq - Therefore removing any type of restrictions on their currency and we see it on the Forex...(post 1 of 2)... Guru Pimpy Just because Trump says he recognizes their sovereignty doesn't mean it happens instantaneously. Having said that it doesn't mean I'm kicking the can down the road. I think it's going to happen shortly after that...I think what happens is probably a week or two later you'll see this done. It's going to be shortly after the speech. But we just want to hear it be done. Then sometime shortly after that we will see what the rate it going to be on the Iraqi dinar as it gets on the Forex trading...[post 2 of 2)...
  13. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 It seems to me the chest of monetary reform is resting against the tape of the Boston Marathon. The monetary reform ran the Boston Marathon and right now it is right there, touching, already ripping, heck it's already ripped and in slow motion it's falling to the ground as the monetary reform crosses the line. That's how close I feel we are to it. Because they have released the date and the don't do that until the very very last moment...I'm very intrigued by what I'm seeing and how the Iraqi dinar is being used globally on platforms and clearing houses and on Forex how it's moving. It is amazing...we are going to see the announcement of the new exchange rate... *** Bruce ...Remember we talked about the Swift Financial System...countries and banks have been getting off of that system and going to the new QFS – Quantum Financial turned out that we had 4 countries that were slow to make the transition to the QFS...and those countries have all come on board – the Quantum Financial system... Now I’m just saying this is what I’m getting...we’re believing that this is coming to a close – it’s coming to we’re feeling very good about this fairly limited but strong information that’s coming in that points toward a conclusion for us here shortly...I am very excited about where we are... *** Footforward [Any word on possible rate change within a few days.] I'm wondering how I should answer that. I'm not looking past July yet. I'm thinking it should be this summer in my opinion.
  14. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy ...For those of you that don't know they switched Al-Kazemi's meeting from July to August. It's coming up here very shortly. I think it was supposed to be yesterday but there were some delays and now Kazemi will be over there [Washington D.C.] in August... *** Adam Montana OIL - over $40. Good enough! ...OIL is the reason Iraq has this unique opportunity and it's the foundation for their wealth - past, lost, present, and future. If Iraq didn't have the natural resources... The opportunity wouldn't be here. But, they do, and we are here. ...Iraq has successfully migrated from the place where Iran was manipulating them, to their current position of strength with Iran. Iraq is no longer a puppet of Iran. This is one of the best possible scenarios for us! I wouldn't say it was mandatory for a progression of the RV timeline, but it's most certainly a positive thing! ..(post 1 of 2)... *** Adam Montana Iran isn't the only place Iraq and Kazzammie are working. We're also witnessing positive Saudi news. We also have news regarding Iraq's oil exports... and they are NOT complying with the OPEC+ agreement. It was my opinion all along that they would not comply with that agreement... they are nodding "yes", but doing exactly what they want at the same time. Iraq is moving forward, they are strengthening all aspects of their situation... and that is GOOD for us! ...Go Kazzammie, go HCL, go Iraq...GO RRRVVVV!!! ..(post 2 of 2)... Adam's posts were taken from another site that follows his Opinions and posts snippets from them. You can read Adam's entire chat at (LINK): Adam Montana Weekly 23 July 2020 *** Frank26 ...the "white papers" contain IMO the date, the rate and it has the numbers for the HCL. Wow. [Q? : ...'A lot of people know the date and rate now?'] Yeah. People that should know...this is the highest intel on planet Earth as far as I'm concerned...these files for the rate and date of the Iraqi dinar no other currency is going through this. No other currency on planet Earth can do what this currency is about to do for many countries around the world...loose lips sinks ships...there is nothing more guarded than the rate and the date...I don't know of anything of more valued than the Iraqi dinar date and rate because of what it's going to do globally. It's a global stimulus - the Iraqi dinar. Every country is prepared for it...
  15. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** This period we have seen many negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. As a result, they signed investment agreements on energy and sports, the kingdom’s state TV reported on Monday...It was also announced this week that Iran and Iraq are close to reaching an agreement regarding foreign currency exchange between the two countries. This is part of what will get us the revaluation of the Rial and Dinar. They need to put all trading partners on a level playing field in the middle east if there is going to be peace. Hang in a bit longer. Our RV is coming…. *** Frank26 *** ...I've never seen what I've been seeing on the Iraqi stock exchange with their currency. The Iraqi dinar is climbing to new records. I've never seen anything like this before...the 'exchange rate' that's the key to turning over everything. The monetary reform. The economic reforms. Everything...Kazemi is going to announce a new exchange rate. That's the key to be announced to the citizens. It has to work with them... *** Petra *** They were targeting the 15th for him [current CBI governor Allaq to leave]. Obviously there has been a delay or two. IMO it could be that he needs to get money positioned around the world so appropriate things can happen - they can make the rate change...currency has to be moving to change value... *** Frank26 *** ...Will we see Kazemi on the 24th? ...Is Kazemi going to go to Washington D.C.? I doubt it...Sorry Kazemi get your passports back in. Just hold up. Make an open ticket. Trump will tell you when to come over. He'll know when to tell you to come over when Pompeo turns in his report - You know the "white papers". I believe that date of the 24th has to move...I think we're going to see it very soon... *** Delta *** ...the Central Bank was saying printing the currency is not for the government spending. ...The central bank is basically telling everybody yes, we did print currencies but that currency we did print, they're not for the government. In my speculation. IMO those are the lower denomination that of course all of us are waiting for... *** Frank26 *** ...I feel, my goodness, we're right there. Somebody says to me, 'Frank, why have they delayed? What are they waiting for? When are they going to do this?' My answer to them, IMO, is they've already done it - lifted the value. That's why you see all these articles that are international with Iraq, externally with international companies. That's the only way they could have done it. What they need to do now is make this announcement...
  16. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Parliamentary Finance warns of financing policy through the cash issue" Quotes: "There is a difference between printing the currency and the new monetary issue..."; "monetary issuance is one of the solutions for financing the deficit..." If these guys can be any more confusing than they are now, they will...They tell us the good and the bad. The good is what I focus on... It is the obvious now.. imo...The are talking about the new monetary issues. Different categories (NSCNs), as a solution for financing the deficit, as developed countries do! *** Footforward *** I'm very leery on this "the RV has happened they just haven't told anyone" stuff. (He's speaking about idiot gurus who are making this ridiculous claim.) Because that's impossible. You either have RV'd or you haven't. If they have, the new rate will be in and on forex. You can't have a secret in country rv. It doesn't work. They can be ready to go and ready to pull the trigger. But once it's pulled, you can't hide it...This can go any day. But until we...can cash out, we don't really have an RV...
  17. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Delta *** Article: "Forex Trading in Iraq" (smile) Quotes: "Thanks to international Forex Brokers steadily expanding into Iraq, it’s now possible for Iraqi citizens and travelers to get involved in the forex market." "Our guide will help you learn more about how you can begin trading forex in Iraq, how to open a brokerage account and will introduce you to a few beginner trading strategies." ..(I would venture to guess that right now it's educating the Iraqi citizens how to trade on Forex, when a new international rate is exposed - imo).. *** Pimpy *** ...this week here is going to be very interesting. That's what I'm really watching closely. I'm expecting a couple things to happen this week. I want to see Kurdistan and Iraq hammer out this agreement. Get it signed...I want to get a thumbs up from our girl Ms Plasschaert and then we want to see Al-Kazemi get over here to meet with Trump...make that announcement [Iraq sovereignty]. That's what I'm looking forward to. That's what I'm hoping should happen this week coming up. Let's keep our fingers crossed. We'll keep an eye on it and see what happens. Hopefully we'll get some good news really really soon... *** Ray *** Today Iraq was blacklisted by the European Union due to money laundering and corruption that still exists. This will...and can become a big problem for Iraq to gain any international status being on this list. The US saying there's no time set for PM Al- Kadhimi to visit and today Al-Kadhimi is saying it is due to the virus and Trump's schedule.
  18. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy ...the news just keeps getting better and better...Ms Blashart is the Iraqi representative for the United Nations...Ms Blashart needs to give the thumbs up and encourage international communities to once again recognize the sovereignty of Iraq. That's what we want...We want Trump to introduce him [PM Al-Kazemi] to the world and say the same thing. That he's glad to introduce him and that it's time for the international community to once again embrace Iraq and their sovereignty. We need them to turn around and remove the restrictions on their currency so that it can finally trade on the Forex. These are the big steps that we need to achieve our goal...we're just about there. *** Footforward It's my opinion the rate won't be 50 cents. People have been asking me about this a lot today. Kuwait lied about their intention to RV. They flat out said they would never revalue and the next day they did so. Media lies. Why would the Iraqi media be any different? All I can say to that is that it's my opinion that it's impossible for the rate to start out below $3.50 ...! *** Jeff everything is moving towards completing right before your eyes. Yes, it does require some time but it is also moving towards completion. Since the current PM Al-Kazemi came into position everything that we've needed to see is now moving forward. Which is good...I can't stress this anymore. Iraq must have stability before the rate can change. They have to have stability. There's no way around it. *** Pimpy I know you guys have been told that there are these 800#s you need to call. There's no 800#s you need to call...I actually called one of these 800#s that was posted one time and it literally was to a pizza place....These 800#s are BS and I'd be very very weary of them. I'm just warning you out there. Be careful..! I was like what the hell is this about? What are these 800#s?...So I went into my bank....I bank at Wells Fargo. I called the manger over and we had a talk. The first thing that come out of his mouth was he said, "I must inform you we don't buy or sell Iraqi dinar...but if it gets reinstated and it's recognized and all the restrictions are taken off again here's all you got to do. Come into the bank. Get my attention...tell me you want to go ahead and exchange the dinar. We'll take a look at it, make sure the bills are real...then I'll tell you what the current rate of exchange is. We charge you a small fee...and you can just deposit it in your bank depending on how much it is..."
  19. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's an article & some opinions & comments by Pimpy that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. He is simply stating his opinions based on what hr perceives to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy article came out by an economist... making a suggestion...about the dinar rate and the deletion of zeros... Article: "A deputy presents a roadmap to solve the financial crisis in Iraq" ...He is making a roadmap to where they think they need to be in order to get them where they need to be as a country...we know for every 1 USD you get 1190 Iraqi dinars... Quote : " Exchange rate - begin to gradually reduce the Iraq dinar price to reach 1500 dinars against the dollar until the end of the year 2020..." So if they increase the amount of dinars we get for every 1 dollar, that's obviously bad for us. That means they're lowering the value of the dinar. The smaller this number gets, the better it is for us. So they're saying they wanna increase the rate to 1500 dinars against the dollar until the end of the year 2020 and then review the economical situation...this is a suggestion. It isn't written in stone...they are talking about a rate possibly (again this is just a suggestion) by next July of 56 cents...(Post 1 of 3)... *** Pimpy Why are people complaining about this? You've invested very little into a currency and they're willing to give you 50 cents for every one dinar? ...this is a suggestion. They're saying this is a roadmap and they're explaining why they want to do this...You will probably never get another type of return like that on any investment ever again. People say, "Does that make you mad?" No. I would be happy with that...I would still be very well-to-do. Sure who doesn't want more. Who didn't want the $3.22 rate. I would love that. I would have been happy with the $1.13 rate or the $1.34 rate...Let me ask you guys a question...if you knew for sure you were gonna get back 56 cents for every Iraqi dinar and you knew you weren't gonna get it until next July - Are you pissed off? Are you mad? Are you unhappy with that type of return on your money? I mean seriously, are you? Because people are complaining about it...(Post 2 of 3)... *** Pimpy Having said that, I don't want people going, "Pimpy said this is what it's gonna be." No. I'm not saying that. This article is brought to my attention...don't stress over this. This is just a suggestion. We've seen articles like this all over...there's a part of me that thinks that might be fine that they start off there but don't be surprised if it starts going up after that. Maybe not right away. Maybe they'll keep you guys fooled for about a month. 4 months. 6 months. Just to see how many of you guys start bringing in all your dinars. Then you start to see a movement on the IQD and it starts going up. This is just a roadmap. No I'm not saying that's what's it's going to be. What I'm saying is according to this article that's about where they figure this out. Lower the value and then remove the 3 zeros off the rate and then move it into somewhere around 56 cents for every 1 dinar...(Post 3 of 3)...
  20. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Delta *** 2 DINAR PER $ ...THE PLAN IS...STATEMENT FROM PARLIAMENT...MORE INFORMATION SHOULD BE COMING OUT... [...are you saying the plan is for the Dinar to come out at .50 cents? 2 Dinars equals $1.00 USD.] YES THEY ARE SAYING THAT IN PARLIAMENT ON TV...WE SHOULD GET MORE INFORMATION SOON... 7-15-2020 *** Mnt Goat *** ...we definitely know they know about...corruption but the only way out of is to lift the sanctions and reinstate their currency so they can legally use it for trade. When will they finally do this? They can only do it when the World Bank, IMF and the US Treasury says its okay to do it. I think that past August they run out of alternatives for sure. Can they really afford to even do that long? ...I had a recent talk with my CBI contact in Iraq and I am being told they fully plan to rollout the “project to delete the zeros” very soon, but not in July. So we can expect to see articles on this subject matter within the next weeks. ...In these articles, like in previous times, they will give us a time period that will give us a closer look at when to expect a revaluation as a result. *** Pimpy *** ...Every day it looks like we're closer and closer. Not only that there's a move right now by the UN to reestablish the sovereignty of Iraq. I told you they were gonna do that didn't I say this was gonna be their goal. That's what we're hoping for... ... I'm more than ready ... are all of you..?? RON
  21. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's more opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Petra ...I've been consuming a lot of popcorn. It's because there's so much going on it's kind of like a movie...I'm really focusing on the CBI. I'm looking at what Parliament is doing...I'm looking at many areas of not only Iraq but globally what's happening macro economically with the price of oil with this pandemic that we're dealing with. The impact that's having on everywhere is really quite amazing. What's a particular interest to me this week has been the activities of all these outside sources that are getting engaged with Iraq...we're in a place right now that's very quite quite exciting IMO. It's exciting to watch. It truly is a play in progress. We're getting to that final end game... *** Pimpy I want to make something perfectly clear because people are conflating something I'm saying. When I say recognize the sovereignty, that's a major step towards them getting the reinstatement or revaluing of their currency. Their currency must be recognized internationally again and that won't happen until they get their sovereignty again and the restriction on their currencies are removed. Somebody's telling me 'There is no restrictions.' Yeah there is. There's big restriction on the currency. That's what we're anticipating. An announcement by Trump that he will recognize and encourage the world to recognize the sovereignty. It would be a huge step and then we want an announcement about the same time or shortly after that the restriction on Iraq's dinar have been removed and we can start seeing it trade once again on the Forex. That's what we want to see...I'm expecting these next two weeks to be really big... *** Adam Montana ...The most important concept to understand today is this: The CBI makes money on every auction, and they will continue to do so forever. When the Dinar changes value, the CBI buys it at a lower rate, and then sells it at a higher rate. The CBI will ALWAYS choose the path that makes them the most money. I agree that a lower rate than Kuwait will be a blow to the ego’s of the Iraqis. I agree that it should be on par with the USD, or even higher. I agree that the rate WILL get there… eventually. *** Adam Montana When the Iraqi Dinar is ReValued to a higher rate, it will become more desirable to do business in Iraq. Many people will be less hesitant to sign contracts and invest in Iraq. The current Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) should see some major movement… and the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq) is going to make tons of money on the exchanges! I believe that Iraq can sustain a very stable currency at a rate of $3 or higher, but I don’t think they will immediately jump to that rate even if they ultimately desire it to be so...(post 2 of 2)... These were taken from another site that follows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. His entire chat can be viewed at: (LINK) *** Pimpy I would love to see Dr. Shabibi come back. It's been a rumor. He's really really super old and I think people that were giving him a lot of hell are no longer really there so it's a possibility. I'm definitely curious about what if he does come back. It'd be a huge positive step. I think this man knows what the heck he's doing and I would like to see him get back in control of the Iraqi bank...(From Yesterday)
  22. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's more opinions & comments by our Adam Montana that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Adam Montana *** Speculated rates and theories: Based on Kuwaiti Dinar: It’s been said that the rate must equal their neighboring Kuwaiti Dinar rate, which would put the Dinar at $3+. Many people speculate that the Iraqi’s are a prideful people, and it would be a slap in the face to have a revalued currency be less than Kuwaits. Based on "dropping the 0′s": It’s mentioned many times in the news that the 0′s could be dropped, which would mean one of two things: 1. The 0′s are dropped from the bills, which essentially puts most investors at a break even return. Nothing gained, nothing lost. 2. The 0′s are dropped from the exchange rate, which is currently .00086 (Dinars are worth about 1170 IQD per 1USD, or an exchange of .00086). This means your dinars are worth .86 USD per Dinar – in other words, a 10,000 IQD note is exchanged for $8,600 minus spread and bank fees.. (post 1 of 3)... *** Adam Montana *** Based on “equal to the USD”: We see articles all the time that reference the US Dollar, stating that the CBI wants the IQD to be equal to the USD. An easy assumption is to simply RV at 1:1, making a 10,000IQD note worth $10,000. Based on “they can’t RV low or investors will buy too much!”: Some people state they will not cash in for anything less than $1. They state that Iraq would be foolish to RV at a low rate, because then big money will come in and buy up a ton of Dinar before it can go higher. (This theory is wrong, FYI.)...(post 2 of 3)... More to come..! This was taken from another site that follows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. His entire chat can be viewed at: (LINK) Adam Montana Weekly 12 July 2020
  23. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments by Frank26 & Adam Montana that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** [Question: "I present my currency at exchange, am I going to get current US dollars or the new U.S. currency?"] The new U.S. currency isn't out yet so I guess you're not going to them them, right. Second of all, you're not gonna get any currency unless you really specially ask for it. They might give you up to about $5,000 dollars in cash but the rest of it'll all be electronic. That's how this major exchange is going to happen. It will be Mainly electronic. There isn't that amount of physical cash to satisfy everybody. It's all going to be electronic mainly... *** Adam Montana *** Shabs is a smart guy. He's said many times that the IQD could increase, but a $16 price tag is just silly. I'm still (mostly) on the ten cent train. I can see a flat dollar. I'll agree that even the RI rate of $3.26 is possible. But $16... I just can't see Shabs saying that. [reference Guru Bruce post 7-11-2020] Also in this morning's Opinions ... I believe the way Shabibi worded it (as I recall) when questioned, that with Iraq's resources, the IQD could support a $14-$16 valuation. He never said it would revalue at such a rate. Also, the number of IQD out (in the global community) at that time was significantly less than today. RON
  24. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments by Frank26 & MilitiaMan that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** When the value goes up may I suggest you walk don't run. In the same way that I suggest don't pick up the phone and tell the world "guess what?" Shhh...Don't feel that if it went up in the next hour - don't feel 'oh, gosh I've got to get to a bank right away. Oh, I'll get to a bank tomorrow morning!' Think twice about that. It's up to you...IMO the Central bank of Iraq is not going to retrieve the 3 zeros right away...I don't see where they're going to say 'okay we just raised the value of our currency and the 3 zero notes we're gonna cancel them out. You're out of luck sucker!' ...I don't know how long they're going to give you though. They say they coexist with the new small category notes for about ten year but that's in country. How long will they be good outside of the country of Iraq? I don't know...I don't believe that we have the issue to run right away when the value goes, look, listen, learn from others. Learn from their mistakes... *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "A Kurdish deputy reveals the fact that Baghdad refused to receive the Kurdistan delegation and the reason for his late visit" Quote: "The Kurdish delegation will visit Baghdad next week, and it is awaiting the easing of the conditions that Baghdad requested from the region with regard to oil delivery, and revenues of 50% of the border outlets...There is hope regarding negotiations between the territorial and federal governments, after entering international mediation, that a comprehensive agreement will be reached between the two parties." I can just imagine the room they are in and how many international entities are working to help the mediation process through to the finish. We all know this is about money and salaries, however, it is even more than that. It is about the 2019 FMLA too..imo The trigger for money/foreign currency reserves to get a leg up... When there is an RI, you can bet your bottom Dinar that there is going to be some serious money movement and not just in Iraq...
  25. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** There's some of you that say, 'guru XYZ' says there's no taxes to be paid on this capital gains - none. Like our government is going to allow that..! Oh, the fantasy of it all...I think you have common sense. You know very well this is a capital gains...(Note: Always speak with your tax professionals at the appropriate time for how this exchange will be taxed for your individual situation.).. *** Pimpy *** There's a major major announcement that happened today...What is going on? A message from the EU that takes us one step closer to what I was talking about. I do believe when Al-Kazemi comes over here I'm hoping we're gonna see a push by Trump to recognize the sovereignty of Iraq...look at this message - Article: "The Anti-Money Laundering Office issues a statement on the European decision: Iraq will be removed from the list of high-risk countries soon". This is great. This means you start removing restrictions off of Iraq and start recognizing them on the International scene. This is big news. I have a feeling they are waiting for this announcement. What announcement? ...I think we're waiting for the big dog himself to come out. Our President Trump to come out and make this announcement that we need the international community to once again recognize the sovereignty of Iraq. I believe that is coming as long as they continue to do what they're doing right now...this is super huge news. ***************
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