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  1. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Footforward *** [Q? : ...Is there reason to not exchange all your currency? If we hold some back will we be able to exchange later?] Some people feel it will go higher over time. I think they'll give us 30-45 days to exchange our notes. I'm not waiting. With stock markets and crypto markets down, there is a lot more money to be made then your would make for just waiting for a higher rate. Sometimes you need to leave a little bit on the table to take the better deal...(NOTE: Be sure to consult your professional financial advisors at the appropriate time).. *** Jeff *** Isn't the news just amazing right now. We are just in the best time frame and position we've ever been in. I'm at such peace with this and very encouraged. Article: "Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Pope Francis To Iraq" ...this is very encouraging. This confirms to us that Iraq is going international...
  2. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** [There was a Question about the Vietnam Dong] ...The Vietnamese dong is no longer under the thumb of China. China would tell Vietnam you can't do this. You can't export that. Gotta do this, that. Now Vietnam is exploding. Their GDP, economy is exploding. There's not much China can do about it and the reason why is China is going digitally with their currency and so is Vietnam. China is about to let go of Vietnam and let Vietnam do what it wants. I think Vietnam wants to enter an Asian basket. A lot of people are saying the Vietnamese dong is going to be in a basket with the Iraqi dinar. No! The Iraqi dinar is going to be in a basket with Middle Eastern currency. The Vietnamese currency will be in a basket with Asian currency... *** Footforward *** [Q? : ...How many baskets do you think there will be?...If I understand correctly, there will be one strong hub currency in each basket...] From what I've been told there are three baskets currently in play. Every basket has what's called an anchor currency. The one that's going to have the biggest move and basically helps to create what's needed for the other evaluations to happen. The dong is one, it anchors the Asian basket. Even more so now. The Iraqi dinar...anchors the middle East basket. The third basket I can't talk about yet. I may never be able to talk about it publicly...There could be more in time but at the moment there are plans in place for three. Boring VND stuff ... Blessings ... RON
  3. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Adam Montana *** ...I know it can be a bit painful to try to decipher the articles, so I'll give you the elevator summary: Things are going well. There is a current discussion on "raising the price of the dollar", which would be bad for Dinar, and the overall sentiment is that they publicly do NOT want to "raise the price of the dollar". (That's a good thing for us!) Part of the reason is due to the current favorable price of oil. And, of course, none of that matters when the HCL goes through. It's been pretty quiet on the HCL front... When the HCL comes, we have an RV either already announced or just around the corner. Until the HCL is done, we wait patiently...I have no doubt that we will reap the dinar windfall... Go Iraq... Go Dinar...GO RRRVVV!!!... This was taken from a site that follows Adam's opinions and posts snippets from them. See his whole chat @ Adam Montana Feb 28 2021 *** Jeff *** Remember I'm not a financial advisor. This is nothing more than my opinion. I strongly feel the rate will come in around the $3.80 range. That's my personal opinion...
  4. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat*** Article: "LEARN ABOUT THE CRITERIA FOR REPLACING DAMAGED BANKNOTES IN IRAQI BANKS" Why this article and why now? The CBI is finally taking in these large scale stashes of banknotes hidden under mattresses and buried in the backyard. They need now to set standards of how they will exchange these not so good notes. After all this was part of the point of devaluing the dinar in the first place. They needed to get the people to realize that the US dollar is worth more than the dinar and so turn in the dinar for US dollars. They needed to really shake them up. The longer they hold on to the 1450 rate the more dinar stashes will come forward... *** Frank26 *** Article: "Punishment: Dollar speculation with corrupt banks cost the state a trillion dinars a month." Not anymore. We stopped the auctions and we got Iraq a little bit under control. Quote: "to restore the unfair decision agains the Iraqi economy to raise the price of the dollar and return it to its previous era." This translation ugh! But you understand don't you. To raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and return it to its previous era...that's what Dr. Shabibi said would happen and that's what's happening. *** Jeff *** Since the start of the week Iraq has been finally putting an emphasis on their exchange rate. Article: "The Minister of Finance announces measures to support the effects of changing the exchange...and discusses the White Paper procedures" ...they're really now putting an emphasis on the exchange rate and moving it in the correct direction - raising the dinar against the dollar not the dollar against the dinar...everything is coming together right before us...we're in a great position. We just have to sit back, stay patient with it and let it happen... *** Mnt Goat *** ...they are once again moving ahead with the oil and gas and then the article 140 laws. These laws need to be legislated in parliament in the form of laws and then passed into laws. In 2011 the CBI told me that there was a mandate by the US and UK for Iraq to have a fully implemented constitution prior to reinstatement of their dinar thus getting out of the US Treasury OFAC sanctions completely... have they? *** Jeff *** One of the things we've guesstimated in this is that They would most likely change the rate specifically over a's the next holiday in Iraq - Sunday March 21, 2021.
  5. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Adam Montana *** ...In GOI news, Iraq is muddling through the final stages of the Budget. We don't need the Budget to be complete before an RV, but a "happy agreement" between the Kurds and Baghdad will do a lot to grease the wheels...This was taken from a site that follows Adam's opinions and posts snippets from them. See his whole chat @ Adam Montana Feb 28 2021 *** Jeff *** Iraq is completely on par with Kuwait. Iraq and Kuwait's fiscal year (I know this for a fact because I've already consulted with the Iraq government) is April through March of the following year. That's why Kuwait changed at the end of April [March?] to accommodate the March fiscal year...If you want to know when Iraq's doing their rate change, they're doing it on the exact same historical Sunday when Kuwait did theirs...Iraq is following in Kuwait's footsteps.
  6. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Zafer Al-Ani: Parliament Will Continue Its Sessions Until The Budget Is Approved" Quote: "the budget has reached its final stages, leaving nothing but the announcement of the agreement with the Kurdistan region regarding the percentage determined for it in the budget and other matters that will be completed within the next few days." Well well well. They are continuing the session tomorrow. The 1st of March. They'll be at it until budget law is approved, so they say. Leaving nothing but an announcement. Well they'll need to announce a rate with that now wouldn't they? ...A new exchange rate can fix many ailments.. imo... *** Pimpy *** The problem with us dealing with the dinar is this. In order for the dinar to have any kind of purchasing power or to get any real change on the exchange rate there has to be some stability there. Already all around we're starting to see crap happen. Iran, Syria bombings, missile attacks within Iraq...Biden hasn't even been in office two months and already the ****'s falling apart...I don't like the way it looks although there's some good things happening over there in Iraq. The financial grade [B rating] is good. The reserves are building that's there are some good things. I'm just pissed about the way this current administration is too much into bombing crap...You gotta take the good news, bad news, the ugly news. You gotta take it all. Stay grounded. *** Jeff *** [Question: "How will the Iraqi people prosper from or benefit from the rate change?"] gives the Iraqi citizens and the Government of Iraq purchasing power...there's only one way for Iraqi citizens to get rich. They have to keep and exchange the 3 zero notes after the rate change... That's all for today folks ... Blessings ... RON
  7. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Question: "How will the Iraqi people prosper from or benefit from the rate change?" gives the Iraqi citizens and the Government of Iraq purchasing power...there's only one way for Iraqi citizens to get rich. They have to keep and exchange the 3 zero notes after the rate change... *** Adam Montana ***...I'm still in daily communications with all of my dinar contacts. I still get my usual briefings from the important people on dinar... The last time I touched on the price of OIL was quite a while ago - I was optimistic even though oil prices were only at $40ish. Where are they today? $61..! Which happens to be above where we need them to be for a launch of the RV... This was taken from a site that follows Adam's opinions and posts snippets from them. See his whole chat @ Adam Montana Feb 28 2021 *** Pimpy *** Article: "The Central Bank Announces A rise In Cash Reserves To More Than 55 Billion Dollars" That's good we want the reserves to be up higher. The higher it's really good for the currency...It's because one of the thing that gives its strength is the fact that there's a lot of reserves. This is very, very good...! *** Jeff *** Tweet from the Iraqi government: "Setting a new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar is part of the economic reform program adopted by the @IraqiGovt, which aims to address the immediate financial crisis and placing the Iraqi economy on a sustainable path." Since roughly Monday of this past week is when they starting putting a huge emphasis on the exchange rate as we approach the implementation of the budget and their new fiscal year of April 1st...
  8. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "OIL REVIEWS THE FINAL VERSION OF THE DRAFT FEDERAL OIL AND GAS LAW '" ...every time Iraq gets close to a revaluation the oil and gas and the article 140 laws comes up in the news. They talk about completing it and how close they are to passing it as law. Coincidence? I don’t think so. ...they need to fully address their new constitution before they can reinstate their currency back to normalcy. They need referendums passed in parliament on both of these constitutional directives prior to going global. Sure, they can set up all the mechanisms to do so over the years, as this takes years. But in parallel to this effort, they must also get these two laws in place. *** Jeff ***...Iraq becoming international, Article 140, HCL, the reconstruction reforms - all that is hinged upon the physical rate changing. Once the rate changes they become international and then all those secondary dominoes will fall right into place... *** Frank26 *** [Question: Do I need a receipt to go in to exchange my dinars? ...I lost my receipt so I'm afraid to go to a bank without my receipt. Maybe they'll think I stole it. Maybe they'll question me. Maybe they'll ask who bought this - Who does it belong to? I'm worried about it.] No...just my option...You're going to walk into a bank and you're going to present your dinars or you're going to have a representative do that for you. The bank is in the business of exchanging that currency so they can make a profit off of you...They also want to keep you as a customer because once you exchange they want you to keep that money in their bank. The bank has no interest in who bought that dinar...The bank is only there to exchange it and to follow through with their banking services. So when do you need your receipt? IMO you need it for your taxes...if you're ever audited... [Note: Consult your financial advisors at the appropriate time] Good Night Everyone - that's all for today ... Blessings - RON
  9. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** They will not be going into a market economy with a devalued currency at 1460... The new exchange rate will need to be applied... One that is the strongest in the region will do it... imo... Setting a new exchange rate is exactly right. It is part of the plan! Has been for years, and it is sure welcomed now... *** Frank26 *** Article: "Al-Rafidain Bank leaves the seventh Item." What is the 7th item? Chapter 7 of the UN security council. What is it? Handcuffs on their currency...can you say free as a bird? Can you say Iraq is about to legally raise the value of their currency under the IMF/World Bank regulations so they can attend to their obligations not only internally but externally internationally? Quote: "the exit decision came after fulfilling all the bank's financial obligations to international financial institutions." That's article VIII. That's raising the value of their currency... this is huge. This is monstrous. This is article VIII carved in titanium. Free as a bird to do what they want to do. You think they want to stay at a program rate? No... *** Breitling *** [Question: If they increase their rate after paying down their debt with this [December 20, 2020] devaluation do you see a dramatic increase quick or slow increase?] There's no way to tell right now. The markets change. Everything changes so quick.
  10. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** The news that's coming out is finally getting better and it's really what we're looking for...In Iraq the citizens technically own the oil. They're entitled to a percentage of the profits and proceeds from oil...Iraq's already had their oil and gas law drafted clear since 2005...what it's waiting on is the rate change. They cannot implement the oil and gas law...until the rate will be just like the country of Kuwait or the state of Alaska...they will get oil wealth. Article: "Iraq is preparing to pass a law to regulate oil and gas wealth." This is huge...they're telling you they're bringing this forth now so it's going to be in the 21 budget. *** Frank26 *** Federal Reserves - have you ever been closed before? I didn't think so. This is historical. This is epic...the Federal Reserve of the United States of America allows banks to send money back and fourth and their system is down...there is something significant about this...the closing of the Federal Reserves would have been planned a very long time ago so this is not any form of testing. What this is is a understandings...(post 1 of 2).. *** Frank26 *** If the Iraqi dinar (which is not international) was part of this, well then you would have to make the Iraqi dinar international and then you would have to accept it into the Federal Reserves wouldn't you...this is the United States of America Federal Reserve shutting down for a specific reason that they've never done before...IMO - In my team's opinion...this shutting down of the United States of America Federal Reserves had to happen before Iraq can do anything with their currency and their monetary reform. Why? Because what are they pegged to? ... The U.S. Dollar...(post 2 of 2)..
  11. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "The Federal Reserve’s systems for transferring money and financial assets among banks, businesses and government entities went offline for a period of time on Wednesday, upending crucial parts of the country’s financial infrastructure." Lets see if the Digital System had a reset with the Fed yesterday has anything to say about the winds of March...I suspect that shut down "operational error" yesterday was on purpose or was it? ...Apparently that has never happened before...(post 1 of 2).. *** MilitiaMan *** My view is it is possible that shut down (OE) by the FED was a potential global notice given out, that change is coming...Kinda like, hey world we are resetting the system, rebooting...Then we resume like nothing happened, until x date which may be within a very short predetermined window with a new adjustment made... everyone would have had to have been given equal notice, and once the adjustment is made, a level playing field is set in motion and all are on equal footings...So did the FED test the system live in real time to see how it would work out? Then if successful, notice has been given, then game on?...(post 2 of 2)..
  12. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "KHAS...AL-RAFIDAIN BANK (LARGEST IRAQI BANK) LEAVES ARTICLE SEVENTH" many gurus are confused over this article. We are really taking about Chapter 7 not article 7. Currently the CBI is operating under article 14 and needs to move to and thus operate under article 8 of the IMF charter. Article 8 in “normalcy” for monetary policy. This is where most countries now reside in dealing with the IMF in monetary policy. Many suggest that Iraq is already in article 8 and that may be the case too but we have no definite evidence of this as they have not yet told us. Let’s just wait and see what happens once they get the 2021-2022 budget passed. *** Frank26 *** ...the United States Treasury met with a limited amount of people to disseminate some information on how and where to exchange your Iraqi dinars...It's not known how it's going to roll out but the information will come to the dinar community as needed because right now it's going to the citizens of Iraq...for us citizens of the United States of America it's possible an 800# is coming...this so-called 800 number is not for one bank. That's so stupid. The 800 number, as of 1st hand information, is not as it's being exaggerated...(Post 1 of 2).. *** Frank26 *** is logical that the US Treasury would have a legit 800 number where they could counsel and advise you on your investment once the value goes up as to where to go to exchange your currency. Isn't that cool! Here's the other thing that's's motivating for a time like this when we see so many things coming together. If there is an 800 number it would only be with the United States Treasury to tell you which banks to go to...there isn't going to only be one bank. There's going to be hundreds and hundreds across the whole United States of America. There will also be Iraqi banks...there will be hundreds across the world markets...(Post 2 of 2).. That's all there is for today Folks ... Blessings ... RON
  13. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** I don't believe they'll go out and float it [the dinar] this early on [after rate change]. If they stick to having it fixed going into the future it will help contain the inflation... *** Jeff *** They [Iraq] are gonna have two sets of notes in circulation. They're gonna have large notes and small notes...two sets of notes will coexist together utilizing the same exchange rate...this is just an example. Let's say the rate is $3 - if the rate is three a 25 note is $75 after the rate change...a 25000 dinar note times $3 is worth $75000. Both the 3 zero notes and the smaller notes below 100 will have the same exact rate. They're not going to have different're in a great spot... *** Pimpy *** Article: "The Iraqi government expects a rise in foreign reserves of $4 billion by the end of February" this is a good thing...Quote: "according to the immediate office of the Prime Minister that the foreign exchange reserves of Iraq began to rise after it was threatened with collapse and is expected to increase by nearly 4 billion dollars by the end of the month..." *** Breitling *** [Question: What comes first - Does Iraq need to build their economy in order to increase the rate or does Iraq need to increase the rate first?] Iraq needs to increase the rate first to build an economy. *** Walkingstick and Frank26 ***...Iraqi bank teams (exchange departments of banks) are about to meet with those who are going to talk to them about the exchange rate changing. That's pretty powerful. This week that's when we think this is going to occur. The CBI will inform these banks a lot more on the date they gave them on which to raise the value of the currency. And more communication on how these CBI banks will deal with the citizens of Iraq - the new small category notes. The ATM machines. Opening new accounts. The new exchange rate, explaining it. All that stuff. *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "OIL DEMAND EXPECTED TO PEAK AND $150 PER BARREL PRICE EXPECTED" ...the price of oil does affect the budget and the rate at which the dinar will revalue at. Remember that there is going to be an in-country RV first as they proceed with the project to delete the zeros simultaneously and then later (much sooner than later) there is going to be a reinstatement of the dinar. So, there are two different rates to consider. We are outside Iraq and so the rate we consider is only at what rate the banks in our country will offer to exchange our dinar at. This bank rate will most likely be 2 or 3 times the rate offered in Iraq.
  14. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** ...I think the endgame is near. I think we've got a convergence...I'm very excited by what we're seeing... *** Mnt Goat *** Yes, there is hope for an RV sooner than later but the Iraqi 2021-2022 budget will have to be passed first and that is not even scheduled to later this week... *** Frank26 *** There is a new mechanism that's being applied...this week there was a big campaign just like we told everybody last Monday. 'Get ready. You're gonna see these articles. The CBI is gonna tell the citizens we are now in the process of lifting value by lifting the 3 zero. We're not gonna decrease it anymore. We've got to get you guys ready.' And that's what they're doing. Very very impressive. *** Breitling *** [Question: Can you tell us if we're still in a good place with this investment? Just wondering since Biden undid some of the things Trump put in place. Did this help this investment or hinder it?] It didn't do anything. Iraq had a game plan if Trump won and they had a game plan if Biden won. BTW that's how all governments should have a plan no matter how confident you are in a candidate. No matter how it turns out. You have to have a plan for one side and a plan for the other side. Don't ever be lazy...this has not hindered our investment one way or the other I promise you that
  15. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** ...there is still much hope to see the reinstatement sooner than later. Yes, we may not have to wait until 2022. There is so much pressure to delete the zeros and raise the rate to be competitive to the US dollar and re-peg the dinar. *** BobTheTaxMan *** We've had a change in our presidential administration. And yes we've seen already him step forward and make some pretty drastic of the things I want you to be aware of you always have to have a plan. Plan A. Plan B. Under Plan A if Trump had continued to be where he was at we as IQD holders were in a phenomenal position. I mean holy cow you couldn't of dreamed and asked for anything better than what that tax situation was providing us as investors. Now it's changed...(post 1 of 2)...{Note: Always consult your tax professionals at the appropriate time}.. *** BobTheTaxMan *** Even though you may have put a plan together earlier it would still serve for you to reconsider that because the estate taxes have changes. The income taxes have changes. There are so many things that have happened you have to re-look at what you're doing...we are coming to what I...feel is the conclusion of this particular investment opportunity. If you're not prepared there's no recovering. There are certain things that have got to be done before the RV. No ifs, ands, maybes or buts...we don't know the rate. We don't know the prepared no matter what happens...(post 2 of 2).. {Note: Always consult your tax professionals at the appropriate time}.. *** Jeff *** Vietnam and none of these other currencies are going to go at this time right now. There's only going to be one currency changing value. That's going to be the dinar. No other currencies are going at this time. When Iraq does it, it will just be Iraq...Vietnam is not prepared to go. Well, this is all there is so far today ... crappy stuff..! RON
  16. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy Article: "Mazhar Salih: Iraq is on the brink of economic recovery" Yeah, just that quick. Magically what are we seven weeks into the year - we went from having huge deficits to now we're already in the recovery?'s almost already close enough to start slowly but surely rising the value of the dinar to its true value. That's just my opinion... *** Footforward I'm happy to exchange all of my dinar for anything over 3.50...catch it because it's going to be too fast...they make it sound like everyone caught a $9 rate on Kuwait dinar when in fact very few of any actually caught that outside of forex... *** MilitiaMan Article: "Parliamentary Finance Explains The Reasons For The Delay In Paying Employees' Salaries" Quotes: "salaries will not be delayed this month or the coming months and they are fully insured." ; "...the delay that accompanies the payment of salaries every month is borne by the Accounting Department at the Ministry of Finance for its reliance on old mechanisms in banking transactions..." This sure looks like there is a consensus in that they know a new mechanism is coming into play. Modern is not in the old but new mechanism. Well that to me suggest they are to pay in a timely manner with a new rate (mechanism) in the future. A mechanism applied in such a manner that fully insures payments will be on time and not delayed any longer. Thereby, we can deduce they have a digital system coming into play. Probably one that will interlink with not only internal transactions but, regionally and globally...imo. I like it... *** Frank26 If you go to a bank to exchange your dinars then they convince you - 'Would you like to deposit your capital gains in our bank? We have wealth managers who can advise you. We have may packages and many services. Would you like to do that?' And you say to them. sure...Banks in the the U.S. they insure you. It's called FDIC. That's the insurance to cover your money in case it's stolen, burnt, lost or whatever it may be. The insurance for FDIC is only $250k. If you cashed out 1 million dollars worth and you deposit it into their bank account you want to ask them how much of my currency that I just put into your bank is insured? If you deposit a million - three quarters of a million will not be insured. You may say 'so what." Trust me you want to insure your money... (Note: Speak to your financial advisors at the appropriate time to protect you and your family's financial future.).. *** Pimpy ...something is definitely happening... March seems to be the month. What "it" is I'm not 100% sure. I'm monitoring all the chatter amongst those who know and trying to get definite details that I can prove. All I know is there's a lot of scurrying going on and everything seems to be pointing towards the month of March. What it is I don't know and that's frustrating because even the people I rely on that do know - even they don't know. They just know something is coming up. I'm not trying to get people overly hyped or really excited. What I'm trying to say is we have no idea what it it is. It might be good it might be bad. I'm trying to find out for you guys... *** Jeff Article: "Mazhar Salih: Iraq is on the bring of economic recovery" ...He's the former number 2 man of the central bank...when the central bank talk that's when you listen...I told you from when Iraq completed that Borrowing Law they could change the rate at any time...they were walking you into the season of the rate change. This article confirms you're there...the rate change reduction...December 20th. What they revealed to you is they had a specific goal that had to be reached in a specific amount of time. That's why they had to do it on December 20th...they implemented a 90-day tool to reduce the note count in the country of Iraq to get the 3 zero notes out of circulation. They needed 90 days on that...for it to be effective and get more than enough notes out of circulation... *** Footforward [Q? : ...Why does everyone keep saying we will only have a short time to exchange?...] Iraq is not going to sit around forever to wait for these notes to come in. They want to get them in as quickly as possible. I believe the rate will be good... That's all for today folks ... be blessed ... RON
  17. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "The Iraqi Interior Minister arrives in Saudi Arabia at the head of a high-level delegation" Quote: "Without disclosing the purpose of the visit, which had not been announced previously." [Perhaps they are there as part of the launch of the new electronic payment system (QFS). BTW, set for launch today...] Perhaps...I would say your spot on. Things of this nature are not by coincidence, they are by design and a purpose...imo... *** Jeff *** When the rate does change Iraq will...have large 3 zero notes and smaller notes...the lager 3 zero notes and the new smaller notes are all still being as IQD. Nothing is replacing anything. Nothing is being cancelled out. What will happen over a period of time is the large 3 zero notes will be removed and withdrawn from circulation...when the rate're going to have large notes and small notes in circulation together at the same time sharing the same new increased exchange rate...that's how we get blessed from this... *** Footforward *** [Q? : I thought the dinar must be sent to the US Treasury for exchange? Possibly a 10 day turn-a-round to clear our accounts. Most likely the banks will exchange a small amount into cash, maybe 10K...] ...they have the ability to verify in house...they won't give us tons of cash, but a 10 day turn around...if they have to send everything to the UST, what a nightmare... The treasury will keep the dinar. I don't question that. The treasury will be sending it back to the Central Bank of Iraq...
  18. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "To the executive branch to the Central Bank of Iraq". Quote: "the new exchange rate is required for the Iraqi dinar towards U.S. dollar which is 1 dinar equals 1 U.S. dollar. That requires deleting the three zeros." That screws us by the way. Quote: "for example the 1000 dinar becomes the Iraqi dinar." In other words what they're saying, if you delete the zeros the one thousand dinar would be equivalent to one U.S. dollar. 1 for 1...that means my 5 million dinars turns into 5000 dinars and at a 1 for 1 rate I would exchange my 5000 dinars and get 5000 dollars. That's what's being suggested here...(Post 1 of 2).. *** Pimpy *** ...I don't mind a 1 for 1 rate but you definitely don't want them to lop off the zeros and devalue the currency that we are holding...we want the zeros removed off the rate. Quote: " in the future to return a new exchange rate each dinar equals $3 as it was previously." Not too shabby...I'm cheering that on. I don't like the lopping the zeros...don't get me wrong, I do want to make money off the Iraqi dinar...but I just can't stand to see an entire nation getting their ass ripped off by these global interest groups...(Post 2 of 2).. *** Jeff *** Article: "The Iraqi Parliament talks about the government's presentation of a "new budget" in the coming months" Iraq's telling us they're probably going to finish their budget by sometime next week. So if they're going to finish their budget why do they need to introduce the budget in the coming months? It's because they have the same exact fiscal year as Kuwait - April through March. This is more confirming information...I know this for a fact because I've reached out and contacted the government of Iraq. I have a contact in the government of Iraq that I'm able to talk to...everything is right on track and on time...we're looking good... *** MilitiaMan *** Articles: "The Kurdish delegation reveals the latest results of its negotiations with Baghdad on the budget"; The Kurdistan government confirms that a quasi-agreement has been reached between Baghdad and Erbil " It looks to me like they have a deal since 12/2020 and now seem to be hammering out past arrears. ...Looks like they have a new formula to use too. It goes to the thinking that a new formula is based of a future exchange rate differential. They will have to have be part of the electronic system at the borders to exclusively to the non oil revenues to the treasury. Sure looks like...a digital requirement... A level playing field... They sure seem to suggest that they will have this sorted this next week or between now and then anyway...We shall see...
  19. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** Article: "Al-Rafidain Bank Leaves The Seventh Item" How many times have I told you Iraq is Article VIII? Since January 2018 because that's when I told you they started using a second set of books...we have an article from the IMF that said very clearly that yes Iraq is Article 8 because we're allowing them to use "mechanisms" of Article 8 for their monetary and economic reform...(post 1 of 2)... *** Frank26 *** Quote: "Al-Rafidain Bank announced today, Thursday, that it has withdrawn from Article seven that was previously imposed on it...the exit decision came after fulling all the financial obligations to international financial institutions..." They're telling you they are not at a program rate anymore...this is stupendous. This is immeasurable...[this article] explains why they're not handcuffed anymore. It explains why they are article 8. It explains why they're international. Soon they'll explain why their currency is international because they lifted the 3 zeros...(post 2 of 2)..
  20. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "Significant increase in the central bank's sales of hard currency" ...that is a good sign...this helps build up their foreign currency assets...if you want to have strength in the dinar or any type of confidence in the dinar you have to do something to prop it up. You got to get people's confidence back in it. I'm anticipating there being this year 2021 the value of the dinar going up in increments. Not all at one time. They're gonna have to see how it affects the economy as it goes along... *** MilitiaMan *** The IMF said there would be a change the rate in the fiscal year of 2020 and they did one on 12/20/2020 and then said to the effect that they may/will also do it again in early 2021...just because the first month is over doesn't mean within the first quarter is over yet, which is and can be still considered as being early 2021, imo... The suggesting of reaching out to July is unfounded in my view, as I see nothing to support that.
  21. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** What are we waiting on? Who do we listen to? The CBI. What did the CBI tell us? Years ago the CBI told us that we're waiting on a fiscal budget year before that rate is going to change. When the CBI talks we listen. When does Iraq's fiscal year start? Google tells us it's January...Google and the internet are incorrect...the last data Iraq revealed publicly for a fiscal year came form the last budget they did, which was 2019. When you google Iraq's fiscal year you're seeing old data from 2019 because Iraq never did a 2020 budget. That data about the country's fiscal years comes from the last page of their budget. *** Walkingstick & Frank26 *** have to know when to hold'm and when to fold'm...After they raise the value and they introduce the small category notes there's going to be a time-frame for the Iraqi citizens to exchange their notes inside of Iraq...the 25K also has a set time in which the Iraqi citizens can exchange it - anything after that null and void for them. "Just inside?" Yes. So there's a set time in which the Iraqi citizens will have to exchange their 3 zero notes to pick up their 250, 500, 1000 notes that have already been printed...there is also a very specific time-frame for them to exchange the higher notes like the 25k notes...(post 1 of 2)...more to come *** MilitiaMan *** Article quote: "Following the successful completion of trials, the digital transactions scheme will be activated with participating banks on Feb. 21, according to Asharq Business." they are to have internal digital payments on 02/21/2021. Keep in mind they connected to the BUNA system too. The Buna system is digital as well. Iraq's border's were to be digital or electronic on 01/15/2021. ...A level playing field has a digital signature all over it... imo... I like what I see and soon to be even better!! All of the afore is not a coincidence... It is imo by design.
  22. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Walkingstick and Frank26 *** They [the IMF and CBI at this Saturday's meeting] talked about the monetary reform in its entirety - from the beginning to the end. They talked about he new small category notes. Not only the date in which they will release them but the number of the note count...the value of the notes...the Iraqi dinar currency at an international level so it can be convertible. Wow! ...So they talked about the Iraqi currency (the new one that's going to be coming out), how it's going to be international and how it can be convertible. That's great...All these benchmarks IOO have all been agreed upon. Everything from the citizens to the Kurds to the budget to the international investors they all want the new exchange rate to be introduced. They all want this...! *** Pimpy *** People keep looking for an RI/RV...I think what you'll see is the Iraqi dinar go up in value in increments in short periods of time as they continue to recover and they continue to really start the reconstruction...this could be a pretty quick rebound. You might see this thing jump up fairly quickly...
  23. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Kaperoni *** Iraq is trying to reform it's economy. This takes time. There is no overnight solutions or magic RV's. They announced today they are beginning to implement the White Paper reforms. So we watch. *** Walkingstick and Frank26 *** This [past] Saturday meeting the CBI and the IMF were given a specific time IMO in the near future to lift the exchange rate value...The reason why the IMF wants it done on this specific date is because of the IMF's serious concerns of impending inflation of their currency...due to the stoppage of their auctions...They got no currency! Of course the IMF is concerned about impending currency inflation to smack Iraq right in the face. That would be a tragedy...In the same breath they talked about the new small category notes...
  24. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "Saleh: High oil prices will push the government to prepare a supplementary budget" I already heard some of the gurus out there thinking that this is something to do with changing the rate...IMO nowhere on here does it say this would affect the rate of the dinar. One of the reasons why they have a lower deficit than they had before is because they devalued the dinar. So if they wanted to hurry up and be able to cover their budget you might not see a change in the rate of the Iraqi dinar... *** MilitiaMan *** Article quote: "An economist warns of a decline in the citizen's purchasing power as the dollar’s exchange rate continues to rise" ...a move to the private sector is upon Iraq...If not disaster looms... We see that the dollar auctions are not the same as they were in the past and now there are calls now for them to cease abroad as well, imo... That is powerful. 0 $ - Auctions, means to me a rate change is coming to offset the liquidity needed to run the country with new Dinar... Fairly sure that is the plan and the world knows it... As in the G7, UST, IMF, WG, WTO, BUNA, SWIFT, etc... All support the move and even a digital one...they are all involved in the architecture of the larger plan...imo... Unfortunately today there were cash sales: Total sale cash 200,000
  25. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** What do we do when it's time to exchange? You've got to know when to hold'm and when to let go of them. I wish you well in that because some people are going to rush like crazy to exchange. I'm not. Ever see a stampede? There's some serious damage. I'm gonna wait till the dust clears. I want to see what banks are doing as the days and weeks go by. *** Mnt Goat *** The finance ministry is telling us that they expect to pass the final 2021 budget this Saturday or Sunday. It is a two-year budget. Kurdistan is the holdup but as usual, they will work out negotiations with them and will need a few days to do so. Even if all goes well with the Kurds, don’t expect a reinstatement the next day...Instead relax and know it is coming soon and you will probably not have to wait until the year 2022.
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