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  1. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy Do I believe that the $3.22 rate can be reinstated? My answer is and always has been yes, it's possible but unlikely. I'm not saying it won't's possible but order for them to allow the economy and businesses to adjust it's going to have to go up in increments... *** Militiaman ...To me the rate will proceed the GOI seating or at the same time, as they’ll need the new exchange rate to vote on for the HCL and to interlink the borders internally and externally.. imo.. The GOI should already be fully aware of all of this, and not play ignorant. When they do even the experts call them out on the matter.. It is show time..imo!!
  2. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy I was happy about all the discussion going on about the rate change but I didn't expect it to be very much of anything. If anything I thought it would go back the original rate of 1190 dinars where it was before they devalued it down to where it is now. I had heard rumors and I had my fingers crossed they were talking about possibly bringing it all the way down to 1050 dinars...27.5% increase in value. Not exactly what a lot of you are expecting but it's not too bad either in the grand scheme of things. *** Mark Movement from the Iraqi government front on the Kurdistan side...They have worked out a framework and suggestions and will propose them over the next couple of days until they reach an agreement. There is a mad dash to get the government seated. *** Frank26 [ Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV Report ] FIREFLY: Today on the television they showed an interview with the IMF...they talked about Iraq's economy, how it is getting better and better due to reforms. Then they called on the CBI governor telling the citizens that countries with fixed rates will make the best advances for their economy, would be a revalue of their currency. *** Sandy Ingram Breaking news - Sudan has decided and has announced that it will float the country's currency. Article: "Roiled by economic crisis, Sudan to float its currency" The reason this is important to us as IQD because we are going to get to see in real-time and the process of how a country floats its currency. We can only hope that we could receive the same type of news release for the Iraqi dinar. [Post 1 of 2]. *** Sandy Ingram Quote: "The Central Bank of Sudan said banks and exchange firms will determine the value of the Sundanese pound based upon supply and demand." [We] will watch this news story closely to learn about how the IQD...might play out when and if a currency is floated. You should know Sudan is in much worse shape economically and financially than Iraq. [Post 2 of 2] *** Walkingstick and Frank26 There's no delay in the new exchange rate and new small category notes. They know when they want to do it. Granted they are losing billions of dollars through their auctions...they're economy is growing because they're filthy rich but this is not the way that it's supposed to be...They need to stop using the crutch of the auctions that were established 18-19 years ago... *** Godlover Article: "The Federal Court summons the Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank" I won’t get too worried by this just yet. After all, the soon to be formed government has not even implemented the WP’s per numerous articles. Now, once the government is formed, budget passed & opened…that will tell all. *** MilitiaMan Article: "The Federal Court postpones hearing the lawsuit to restore the dollar exchange rate to its predecessor until next Monday" They postpone the court until next Monday to hear the case of the Dollar Exchange rate and a Sovereign Wealth Fund...they are suggesting that the case is to restore the Dinar back to 120,000 / 100 USD from it’s present 1460. Just barely back to where it was 12/19/2020, a 22-23% move..[Post 1 of 2]. *** MilitiaMan Could there be more to the story that will unfold between now and the meeting on 03/14/2022...The problem I see with the reversion back to 120,000 / 100USD is that it really doesn’t help the poor...Going from poor to poorer and back again to poor is a double slap in the face, imo...That will not be the purchase power they were promised..[Post 2 of 2].
  3. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 The key in the monetary reform right now, what matters most in the next step of the monetary reform is the face value of the Iraqi dinar versus the American 'worthless' dollar. It is par value that the CBI seeks. The par value is the purchasing value for the citizens themselves. It is also the face value that also Kazemi and Mustafa seek because that is a 1 to 1 with the Iraqi Dinar being on par with the American dollar. *** Mark It looks like they are not going to seat the new government of Iraq until the 20th now. They are also coming out with confusing articles. The confusing articles are exactly like what we saw in Kuwait before they RV’d... *** Petra Article: "Iraq invites French companies to implement projects in Baghdad" Myriads of countries have "aligned" themselves with business opportunities in Iraq...yet, to my knowledge, nobody is jumping in with both feet...Why? Because Iraq...have not made the establish full Article 8 compliance. Yes, they are using Article 8 tools, but until they formally adopt full and final efforts in being Article 8 all such discussions are cordial and friendly but no money is being ingested into the country. [Post 1 of 2]. *** Petra Because, Freedom of Capital Movement comes with full compliance and the currency, whether NEER or REER has yet to be established closing the loop on Full Article 8 compliance! Who would invest funds knowing they could "disappear"... NOBODY..! So, Iraq, all the discussions are great, but...until investors and secondary market players KNOW their money is going exactly where it was intended and IMF protocols are followed to the law..! Get your house in order and the countries you have met with will return....with the checkbook..!! [Post 2 of 2].
  4. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Good News! The International Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has taken the (grey) list for money laundering... So, this news today is yet another sign the window to financial freedom is close. Yes, we already witnessed the end to UN Chapter VII sanctions just recently and wait to hear now about the U.S. Treasury OFAC sanctions being lifted... *** Mark They did not choose the new President in Iraq yesterday…they are hoping to choose one in the next session. Which may be Monday of next week...Also I hear the Finance Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank needs to meet with parliament before the next session… *** Samson Article: "The Federal Court postpones hearing the lawsuit to restore the dollar exchange rate to its predecessor until next Monday”
  5. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sandy Ingram During the crisis in the Ukraine the Iraqi dinar is holding steady...what many people believe is one day we will wake up and the IQD will be worth a lot more against the US dollar. This belief is supported by the fact that Iraq may not be interested in joining the world financial platforms but appears from their actions to be very interested in raising the value of their currency... *** Godlover Question: "Barrel of oil surging. 130 in US & Europe. Is there a magical number we’re waiting for?" The magical number is…when they are ready & not before. *** MilitiaMan Article: "Kurdistan decides to reorganize fees and taxes and activate the electronic revenue system" This article imo is a doozy. It is telling me they are now ready to trade outside the borders...This all bodes very well for our study. The outcome is likely to be very promising and quickly now...I have always made the claim that, “the longer they take the more money we make.” With oil now $125+- at barrel, secures that. imo Lets see how they work this out.. They are working it out!!! The automation is proof they are!!!. imo.
  6. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Walkingstick and Frank26 You're seeing lots and lots of, dozens, hundreds of articles that are all talking about raising the value of the currency and the new exchange rate and all that good stuff. That theme is alive and powerful. That animal is growling really loud...they know what's coming. *** Desert Advisor Article quote: "A recent report revealed that the rise in the price of a barrel of oil to exceled levels of $100 contributes to shifting the budget of some countries by the end of the currency year 2022...the report showed that Iraq needs to see a barrel at a price of $64.25 to turn it's budget into a surplus." As long as the barrel is over $64, Iraq is looking to strengthen their economy. *** Mark Article: "The Federal court summons the minister of finance and the governor of the Central bank of Iraq to appear in a special session of the exchange rate of the dinar." This is very positive news… According to that article they are ready to move forward. They have done everything they were supposed to do and their people need that prosperity. This is huge news coming out of Iraq. No exact time in the article as to when they are expected to appear. *** Frank26 I believe...Mustafa is now asking for the IMF to once again reconsider the NEER (Nominal Effective Exchange Rate). The NEER is the start of the calculations and the REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) is the end. What they've established is a where they truly want to reach...they recalculated the exchange rate and they used the PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) IMO...a comparison of a basket of goods and services...from there you calculate... the NEER...that is the least you can do the exchange rate...we are now able to calculate the REER according to the price of a barrel of oil right now...They determined the the NEER...was above $ was determined the recalculation of the REER is $1.50... *** Pimpy Article: "International Monetary warns Iraq and announces its position on the dollar exchange rate" If they had their way the currency would have been lowered even more. I believe they were proposing 1600 dinars for every increasing the value of the dinar it makes Iraq less competitive on an international level...
  7. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy Question: "When will they reinstate the Iraqi dinar?" That's the 64 million dinar question...they seem to be making that announcement now - that they have no intentions on changing the rate for this year but every time they say that then you see what appears to be conflicting articles coming out because they're still discussing it. They're still taking about it. If they were truly settled on the rate they would just say so and leave it alone but for weeks now we've been seeing article after article on conversations going back and forth about what to do with the Iraqi dinar exchange. *** MilitiaMan There is a convergence of things that are on going that suggest there are things moving quickly now. The reduction in value of the currency on 12/19/2021 had a purpose and that purpose is over. The subject is clearly being talked about at length, that even included paying off repartitions to Kuwait and the lifting of Chapter VII sanctions. Add in that oil has risen to about $120.00 per barrel and they are automating the provinces through AYSCUDA...this week they are implementing all provinces at the borders. That income will be similar to and or equal to the oil revenues. All of which sill support the exchange rate that will benefit the citizens. *** Mnt Goat From Iraq the news this period is mostly all about what to do with the exchange rate once again. Yes, this saga continues... How do you change the rate without blowing up the economy? ...There is only one way and that is to complete the project to delete the zeros then reinstate the dinar, put it on a float and a basket of other currencies to protect if from massive inflation... Remember we are in VERY exciting times...We are going to get this reinstatement and we are going to go to the bank shortly...hold on to your currency...Please do not give up we have gone this far!
  8. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Desert Advisor Article: "Brent crude price exceeds $119 per barrel" Well this just happened. You think their [Iraq's] economy's growing and strengthening? I do..! *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Iraqi Parliament to met for reopening door for new presidential candidates" Once the new president is elected by the parliament then they will select a prime minister.
  9. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Godlover Article: "Deputy: The government will be formed after Eid Al-Fitr" ...per articles their intentions are to elect the POR & the PM in one session. Then PM’s cabinet needs formed, which according to several articles will happen after the holiday...My hopes are that once the POR & PM are elected, the budget can be sent to parliament for reading & vote during the cabinet formation process. I suspect the budget will not open until the PM’s cabinet is formed, bringing us closer to mid year possibly for the budget opening. God willing, the budget opens with what we all seek. *** Frank26 The governor of the CBI is...a figure head. He is composed of a structure that allows him to make announcements of decisions. He is backed up by the board of directors. There's many of them. They have been doing a masterful job. The only thing we need now is to sit a government. *** Pimpy Article: "For the first time in the history of the currency auction, the central bank sells less than 1 million in cash" (that was yesterday)...It doesn't look like the banks are parting with the American dollars...
  10. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy I never denied the fact that an increase in purchasing power would benefit Iraq and especially the Iraqi people. Also I never said it's for sure not going to be reinstated at $3.22. What I said was it's not likely. But that's just my opinion...I don't flip-flop not at all. I told everybody IMO the Iraqi dinar is going to increase in value but it's going to happen in increments but also if I'm reading the news articles it sure the heck appears the way the language is being used it definitely appears like they're considering it [An RV or an RI]. That doesn't change my mind about the fact that I think that it's going to be done in increments. *** Mark [Q? : Does the parliament in Iraq have the power to request aa reinstatement of the dinar?] The way they have separated the parliament from the CBI…parliament can push and push and push for an RV or Ri…but the way I understand it the power to do this is solely with the CBI. So it is up to the CBI, but they are being leaned on now. *** Godlover As a general rule, Iraq does little to nothing during Ramadan...But if they could seat a new POR or the current stays & had the authority to send the budget to parliament, in theory they could work on the budget during Ramadan. The absolute soonest I can see the budget opening is early May...imo the best times for the MR reforms are end/beginning, mid year, because of accounting purposes imo. With that theory...June could be in play. Certainly, if the budget were not to open by July, I would suspect that the budget will not open this year at all. *** Pimpy What I find about those individuals who believe that the Iraq dinar is a scam...I put them in three categories. 1. They bought into dinar and got impatient and now are so frustrated they just call it a scam. 2. Are those people who are just trolls. They like to come on here stir people up and cause problems. 3. ...Those people...on the border. They own dinars and they're trying to convince themselves that this isn't real and they should sell it but...they can't quite let go of the dinar. They're kind of torn in their mind. They're not sure what they want to do so they figure if I throw some negative energy on it then people will comment back and somebody might say something that will convince me totally not to give up my dinars...
  11. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy Article: "Fitch Affirms Iraq at 'B-'; Outlook Stable" Since 2015 they keep slowly but surely devaluing the currency. I bring this up for a reason. Understand Iraq today in 2022 is nothing like Iraq even from 2020. It has come a long ways. There is plenty of reason to feel so optimistic about the dinar investment. *** RVAlready I don’t think the CBI will agree to change the rate until the government is seated. Hopefully, they will install the president by next Friday. *** Kaperoni The Dinar Community perception - "the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar is currently a fake and suppressed value." This is a misrepresentation of the IMF directives...Again not true and just nonsense. The exchange rate is the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar it is not fake or a suppressed value. Over the years the IMF has created programs hence the term 'program' to stabilize the currency, cut costs, meet directives etc. By no means is the exchange rate of the dinar artificial...True, but it is greatly undervalued..RON *** MilitiaMan the CBI, they have the exchange rate in their court. Not the GOI / Finance Minister, his tasks are important, just different from the CBI...They are independent from each other. As for the political side of things, they will eventually come around. They may even come around at the same time. I know there is a view that they need to be first, but, the way I read it and from the expert on the CBI has it that the exchange rate is in their court…They devalued before and they can revalue in the future...
  12. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Desert Advisor They have been talking nonstop about the exchange rate...A lot of the news articles that have been coming out are consistently just talking about the exchange rate. Just talking, talking, talking about the exchange rate...good/bad. Article: "Al-Kazem's advisor: The state's loss will be great by adjusting the exchange rate" When I read it he's not that much in favor of raising the exchange rate the dinar. He's talking about how the state is going to be at a bigger loss if we start to do that. That's one side of the coin. [Post 1 of 2]. *** Desert Advisor Article: "International Monetary warns Iraq and announces its position on the dollar exchange rate" The IMF is telling them you guys should look into raising your exchange rate... Youtube video "Speaker Halbousi Speech on Revaluing Iraq Dinar Exchange Rate" This guy did a great job...he gave a speech on revaluing the Iraqi dinar exchange rate. [NOTE: See video below] He talks on why it was good - Why it was bad...and how certain private banks...and finance companies...will profit once the exchange rate is taken...Great speech about 23 minutes. You definitely want to check it's really informative. [Post 2 of 2].
  13. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy The articles that you read gives the appearance that they plan on reinstating the rate. I try to avoid going in that area because I don't want anybody to have false hopes but I am saying this appears...that they intend to reinstate the rate at $3.22. I'm surprised by what I'm reading. I go, 'wow, maybe they are.' Why are they going through so much trouble? ...Because if you're going to make the adjustment and it's a small one it doesn't seem to me like they need to go through so much hoopla IMO... *** Militiaman They have told us they want to cease the currency auctions. Well, Sunday’s auction was a mere $960,000.00. That is a very telling sign in and of itself...By that we can garner...behind the scenes...progress is getting done...The goal is to help the citizens. Purchase power brings hope and healing to the citizens, and that requires an exchange rate change. The support for that rate change...will be derived from the increase in oil pricing to the tune of $120+/- a barrel and including the revenues form the automation of the borders equaling a similar amount to oil. Let us see what happens next, my feeling is it is all good!! *** Mark Iraq has announced they are increasing oil production to 295,000 thousand barrels per day. I think that is important for us...This will be a huge boon for the Iraqi economy, and government. This is on top of what they are already selling us…if you do the math…at over $100 dollars a barrel…yesterday is was $113.00 …this is at least an additional $33 million, 335 thousand dollars Per Day …. With oil prices this high…they absolutely can afford to do the RV. This is phenomenal timing for them to do this… *** Godlover Here are my thoughts of late. The candidacy for presidency drama continues. Per many articles, if nothing is resolved, the current president stays in office for the next term. I am not certain when that scenario could take place though...I don’t expect the budget to open until the new government is formed & seated. How long of a process for parliament to read & vote on the budget, is still unknown of course. As well, I don’t expect government formation completed until after Ramadan. *** Frank26 The mantra to change the exchange rate is strong. It's loud. Parliament is jockeying to gain strength. Where what they should do is sit the government. Once they sit their know what they will give them...
  14. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Kurdistan Regional Government rejects the decision of the Iraqi Federal Court" The most disturbing news coming out of Iraq is the official response form the Kurdistan region on Iraq's federal court's decision that the oil industry in the Kurdistan region is unconstitutional...there are dozens and dozens of articles on this subject...observers say this is another war brewing in the background...what does all this have to do with the Iraqi dinar as a currency? It's hard to imagine the currency increasing in value against the U.S. dollar when the country is split politically and literally physically...The problem is that Baghdad refuses to give Kurdistan it's due, even though they have agreed on a tentative settlement time and again, only to reneg - so they use the courts (are they corrupt as well & politically inclined). Sounds like the USA when we had a liberal SCOTUS. RON *** Godlover Ramadan April 1st to April 30th imo. Then Eid imo. It’s beginning to be crunch time for government formation, budget approval ect. *** Pimpy Article: "What are the legal ways to lower the dollar price again?" Here's the thing - the Iraq government cannot lower the rate. It has to be done by the governor of the bank. But they certainly are putting a lot of pressure on him. So what happens is they can come up with the agreement...he makes a recommendation, he either goes down with the current rate or he makes a recommendation. Then it gets voted on. Quote: "The governor of the central bank may propose to change the dollar exchange rate and present it to parliament...if the vote receives an absolute majority...the change will be approved..."
  15. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Article: "Brent crude price exceeds $119 per barrel" Oil will reach $120 and then...$150 IS NEXT BY THE END OF THE MONTH ...This is all part of the float of the Iraqi dinar...IMO... *** Mark Still many articles coming out of Iraq talking about changing the value of the dinar…demanding a return of the exchange rate. 2 or 3 days ago Parliament gave the finance minister 1 week to get it done…so the CBI is being leaned on right now. *** Pimpy Based on my research and using a little bit of critical thinking - common sense kicks in, it tells me I don't think Iraq's in any position to do a 100% reinstatement. I think most likely it'll go up in increments. But also I've noticed in articles recently that the language that they're using and the fuss that they're making it really does give a slight impression that they're at least talking about the reinstatement. The truth of the matter is we don't know until they actually do it.
  16. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Mnt Goat Obviously, it looks like our February window is gone. Remember the rate we are looking for is NOT in the 2022 budget...We do know the IQD rate is being suppressed. There is a plan already laid out as to how they will conduct the project to delete the zeros. We also know that if this country of Iraq is ever to move ahead with the reforms they note in the “White Paper” they do clearly include the move back to FOREX...Remember also there is lots going on that we do not know about nor see. Actually the state of Iraq is much, much better than we read from the articles. ** Pimpy Sounds like Allawi [MOF] is saying we have to plan this out before we make a big change. Here's the thing that gets me. I can't imaging that slightly changing the exchange rate would cause so much commotion. I really don''s easy to adjust...they can make the adjustment fairly easy versus if you have to really plan out a reinstated rate. That's different. This is where I'm constantly tossing back and forth in my head...are they talking about making a change or are they talking about revaluing the currency back up to the original exchange rate because this seems like a whole lot of hassle...But I don't want to jump to any conclusions. I definitely don't want to blow smoke up people's tookus. ** Nader From The Mid East The exchange rate, where you guys called the program rate...It was made for what? To punish us. We've been punished a lot I think. It's enough punishment. Whatever you hear from the IMF or from the bank of the world, the CEO of the CBI, Finance Minister, it's all bullshit...the rate, if it revalued tomorrow it's gonna make things better. It's not going to hurt the economy. It's going to help the economy 200%-300%...[Post 1 of 2]. ** Nader From The Mid East a businessman like me when I go to the United States to sell my things you know how much it cost me when I exchange for 1460...Just my trip to pay for...plane and the and all that? When you want to come over costs you need $5 or $6,000 to make a trip to Iraq...when I come to United States...Almost $20,000 for a week...don't believe anything the IMF, the World's [raising the rate] gonna help the economy. People will have more money. People will spend more money. People will start traveling...people will do a lot of things with the exchange rate. People can come to the United States. Can go to Europe ... and have purchasing power. For now we have nothing. [Post 2 of 2]. ** Frank26 There is a plethora of articles that simply talk about the plans, the number one priority of a new exchange rate for the citizens that's coming. It's exciting. It's motivating...It's coming to an end. I think I can say it with a little more confidence, even with a little more authority because they are the ones saying it.
  17. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Maliki, Sadr, Kazemi, The Minister of Finance Allawi, They're all talking about the same thing - the new exchange rate. They are shoulder to shoulder. They are standing in unison although parliament wants to say they are in charge of it and that's what's causing the delay right now. But while we have the wait, we have the barrel of oil climbing. And what does that do for you? You have to know when to hold'em and when to fold'em... *** Pimpy You can't expect them to change the rate right now, the government hasn't been formed. Remember the Central Bank of Iraq ...can make the recommendations. Parliament can vote on it and then the rate change is announced...there are a lot of good things happening right now over there for Iraq ... *** Clare Article: "The International Monetary Fund warned Iraq of the “fragility” of its economic recovery." ...IMO… WHY IS THE IMF TALKING TO THEM ABOUT THE EXCHANGE RATE???? WHY NOW????... Quote: “in addition to the support of the International Monetary Fund, to change the price at a reasonable rate.” WHY DISCUSS THE EXCHANGE RATE IF NO NEW RATE IS FORTHCOMING..? *** Godlover Article: "The Minister of Finance resolves the controversy over changing the dollar exchange rate" One of many reasons I do not think the NSCN’s [Lower denomination notes] training happened yet. They would not train on something that hadn’t even been printed yet imo. Furthermore, with all the trouble of them forming the next government, is yet another reason. These articles have proven way more accurate than not over the years.
  18. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Ministry of Oil: Revenues last February amounted to more than $8 billion" the average daily value was 3.3 million bpd while the average price per barrel was $92.08. Oil now stands at around $101.30 and is expected to increase even more... *** Pimpy Still they are talking about the change in the exchange rate...with all this chitter-chatter going on about the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, it's not just happening within Iraq, now the IMF is getting involved...the Central Bank of Iraq is actually taking into consideration a lot of input from the International Monetary Fund...IMO you can't really trust anything that the IMF and World Bank have to offer or suggest...
  19. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Guest From Belgium I usually have a critical view when statements are made about them wanting to change the Dinar back to the 2003 rate, because all the articles seem to point in the direction of the 2020 rate. Which, according to me, they actually still do. I know they use terms like “previous era”, but I still didn’t see a single article clearly pointing in that direction…However, also IMO, I must admit that I see a situation that gives me more hope: the fact that there seems to be sooooo many articles coming out about this. A lot more than when they lowered the value of the Dinar. It really feels like something good is in the air! IMO *** Pimpy There is still more talk about the exchange rate. I thought they had this thing settled but apparently not... Article: "Al-Kazemi's advisor: The state's loss will be great by adjusting the exchange rate" Here's the issue: The poor people were affected when their currency was devalued. That means it cost them more dinars to get the same items they need just to survive. Now you have inflation inflation increases that's called the hidden tax...purchasing power continues to be reduced, again affects the poor people. The only way you can tackle inflation is you have to raise the interest rates and if you raise the interest rates it will affect the poor people...So how do you fix that? The only thing they got left is to increase their purchasing power...JMHO..! *** Mnt Goat Article: "AL-ABADI AND ALLAWI CALL FOR THE ADOPTION OF A REFORM STRATEGY TO CROSS THE NEXT STAGE" What do you think the “next stage” needs to kick it off? ...It needs the dinar to be reinstated..!
  20. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Jeff Article: "The Iraqi parliament is considering re-pricing the dinar against the dollar" Iraq's government put out a ton of news talking about adjusting the exchange rate. That could only means one of two things - either they want to simply put it back to 1190...or put it back to international levels back above zeros...all these articles that the government has put out over the last few weeks they're not talking about restoring the exchange rate to international levels...they're talking about putting it back to its pre-devalued rate of 1190...[Post 1 of 2]. *** Jeff Article: "The Central Bank: The dollar exchange rate is stable and there are no intentions to change it" the central bank has no intentions at this time of adjusting the exchange rate according to what they're telling us...what the news is telling you, none of this news is truthful...[Post 2 of 2]. *** Sandy Ingram oil has gone up to over $100 a barrel since Russia attached the Ukraine. For Iraq this is good news... *** Pimpy We know there was a discussion about the Iraqi exchange rate. What does that mean for dinar holders? Article: "In details..the results of hosting the Minister of Finance in Parliament: a change in the exchange rate is unlikely" Not surprising to me. I think what they plan on doing is paying back a lot of the debt that they owed while the currency is devalued...most likely everything is going to be paid off this year... *** Mnt Goat ...All the news this period is good...We should all realize by now that the RV is coming and it is not long off before we see it. Okay so it did not happen in January as we thought but there is still opportunity since the 2022 budget is not yet passed never mind even opened...The reinstatement has to happen and MUST happen for Iraq to get to the “glory days” of the dinar. These are the days of USD 4+ rate. They are NOT ever going to float the dinar on a “program rate”...Yes, the CBI can change the rate at will as necessary...The IQD is NOT yet on FOREX and NOT yet on a float...We need the OFAC sanctions lifted and the banks and investment companies to trade the dinar on FOREX. Then we go to the bank... *** Pimpy 'In-country' rate vs. 'Out-country' rate. That's a lie. There's only one rate period. If the rate is a $1.50 it's going to be $1.50 in Iraq as the same outside of Iraq. If the rate is $3.22 in Iraq it's going to be the same for outside Iraq...there is no such thing as in-country rate an out of country rate...once an exchange rate is implemented that's exchange rate is the same all over. Just convert it into whatever country's currency...
  21. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Did you see the article that says 'I'm am the Minister of Finance and no we're not going to give you the new exchange rate. We're not going to give you the new exchange rate' Which causes a lot of people to say 'What!?!' What the Minister of Finance, what Kazemi is saying to the citizens of Iraq...'Hey, sit your government down.' Eventually the government will be seated. When that happens look out. *** Samson Article: "During The Hosting Session.. The State Of Law Demands The Return Of The Dollar Price To Its Previous Era" Quote: “It has become imperative for the government and the Ministry of Finance to return the exchange rate to its normal position, especially since the financial crisis has ended and the financial situation has improved, especially after the rise in oil selling prices.” Happy March 1st DV..!
  22. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy There is a lot of chatter about the exchange rate, more than we heard in a long time but they're not just going to come out and say in the news, 'Hey this is what we're going to change the rate to' before they actually change the rate because then if it's something major well then everybody and their mom is going to run over and buy it's not even going to be in the news until after it's already been changed. *** Fleming ...I was hoping that we would be able to see this RV this month and from what’s still coming out of the sandbox It can still happen...So I’m hoping that they can pull a Kuwait and just go ahead and shock everybody... Now that would be a really pleasant surprise, and it would certainly shock everybody. I'm all for it, but it's unlikely - or is it...LOL..! *** Clare Article: "Iraqi optimism about economic gains after exiting from Chapter VII" YES THEY PAID KUWAIT…. THAT FINANCIAL FILE IS NOW COMPLETELY DONE..! imo. *** Mark For those of you who are wondering what is different now then all the other times we have heard we are close…Go read the UN paperwork from yesterday – They released Iraq from all Chapter 7 sanctions…This is some of the best news we have heard in years. *** Frank26 [ Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report ] FIREFLY: It's all over our news...we are officially released from Chapter VII they say through the Security Council...Foreign Minister Hassani is also on our television promoting that was are officially out of chapter VII, all the door of Iraq internationally are now open. FRANK: That's pretty cool! So will the Iraqi dinar when it floats and as soon as they raise the value you better know when to hold them - know when to fold them. ***Mnt Goat ...On Wednesday the UN Security Council officially announced Iraq’s exit from the “Chapter VII...This has “reinstatement of the dinar” indirectly written all over it...
  23. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy Article: "A government official warns of an economic shock to the country exchange rate" Quote: "Former director of finance supervision bureau...ruled out returning the dollar exchange rate to its previous era." This is the word [Era] that caught my attention. They're not talking about the previous rate of 1190. I think they're actually talking about the reinstatement rate of $ almost looks like there are some discussions of a possible reinstatement [to $3.22]. [Post 1 of 2]. *** Pimpy I think that's not possible only because I think it would shock the economy... if they did increments it wouldn't be a huge shock to the economy...the fact that they're using the word "era" and they're talking about a major shock to the economy makes me believe that they're actually considering the $3.22 rate...very very interesting article...I think they're actually talking about it.[Post 2 of 2]. *** Kaperoni Over the last 10-15 years the IMF in various Article IV Consultations with Iraq have laid it out very clearly the objectives for Iraq, the monetary policy and the stability of the financial system...An excellent article came out over the weekend in which an Iraqi economist talked about how floating the Iraqi dinar would allow the currency to appreciate as well as end the daily currency auctions. I believe this is the directive, the IMF has described... *** Frank26 We have a lot of the hundreds now and they all talk about the fact that the Iraqi dinar is about to be lifted in value. I don't know of anybody that's out there saying it's never going to happen. Everybody knows it's going to happen. *** Pimpy Article Quote: "...parliament held a session today, Monday, to discuss the dollar exchange rate and the presence of the finance minister..." They're discussing the exchange rate. We'll see what comes out of it...Y'all should be a little excited about it but don't get overwhelmed and stay grounded...
  24. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Kazimi told us we're going to have a new exchange rate as soon as you seat our government. Where's our government? ...the citizens...peacefully get the message to parliament, sit the government down. Unfortunately in the Middle East it takes a long time to do anything. I don't know why... *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Iraq aims to shift investment priority from oil to gas sector, minister says" This has quietly been sitting at the bottom of the news feed for a little over two weeks. Iraq is taking to heart the recommendations to diversify the country's industry income...natural looks like Iraq's decision over two and a half weeks ago to start exporting gas is right on time..!
  25. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat The budget is just a budget. It is money allocated to projects. The funding can be converted at any time. What they do need is the price of oil to know the amount of revenues to expect so they can then decide on what they can afford in the budget to spend. Get it? Then, they base the budget on the price of oil to know the projected revenues. This is not the RV rate, get it? *** Jeff Iraq's news has been very interesting over the last few weeks. The government has put a huge emphasis on the exchange rate...Does Iraq mean restore the exchange rate to its previous devalued rate of 1190 to simply reduce inflation? Or are they talking about putting it back to international values greater than zero... [Post 1 of 2] *** Jeff tomorrow [Monday] they're having a session of parliament meeting with the Minister of Finance to discuss the exchange rate...even though they're going to discuss the exchange rate, they are ruling out a decision to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar...If this is the news [the ruling out decision]..none of this news is truthful. None of it's accurate...[Post 2 of 2]
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