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  1. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "An expected session of the Iraqi parliament next Saturday" Next Saturday is going to be interesting...There's a lot of laws that need to be passed and they need to be passed pretty quickly because some of it affects what's going on in the budget. Some of it affects what's going on next year in the election.
  2. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Ray *** Reportedly, Parliament returned the draft budget law for the year 2020 to the Ministry of Finance to reconsider some items and possibly add new verbiage. *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Electricity announces the payment of salaries of contract holders and daily wages" Quote: “Minister, which resulted in securing the salaries of the two tranches and transferring their allocations from the investment budget to the operational one. He disclosed that "their salaries will be paid for the month of March today, Sunday, provided that the rest of the months will be paid with retroactive effect after the budget is approved“ The budget agreement appears to have a retroactive mechanism to pay salaries. They also let it be known they can adjust monies from the investment side of a budget to the operational side. Take note this is not about the 2021 at all. March is in 2020 for a retroactivation to be applicable. This is slated for today... Rate before budget, imo... international continuity must mean that the two entities are in agreement at which they’ll be working and being paid. Imo.
  3. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff Article: "The first statement of the new Iraqi central governor: We drew up a plan to strengthen the national currency" The first sentence is very very very important... "....the new CBI governor of the central bank of Iraq announced on Thursday a plan to strengthen the notation currency." A plan to strengthen the national currency! There's only one way they can do's to raise the value. *** Mnt Goat ...I can see that the target of the CBI might be January from all this news, however to be more certain we must watch and wait for announcements from the new CBI governor about the project to delete the zeros. I expect we will see him in the public just as soon as he wets his feet a big in his new role. I am being told by my CBI contact, that we can expect him to unveil financial reforms for the CBI and for the nation. I suspect this will be in part, the currency reform. ... the CBI has told me numerous times that they will first educate the citizens again on the process when they are ready. This will be a sign for us... *** Footforward [...I know we are close...] I believe so too... period we need to be watching...the 24th and the 28th. I am not saying those are days the RV is going to happen necessarily...I'm saying they'll be important to watch... *** Jeff Article: "KRG Delegation To Discuss Budget With Federal Official On September 20" I kept telling you that parliament would not start the approval process of the budget until after the 20th. I said IMO the reason why is because the numbers were going to change in that budget from trillions to billions. That's the step that happens when the rate changes...for example if they were to change the rate say this Sunday morning for Iraq then the numbers would transition from trillions into billions. So they would not want any parties to see those figures publicly before the rate does change...IMO they're not going to let anyone see those figures or numbers within the real 2020 budget until after the rate has already changed...They already said the real true numbers inside the budget have not been shown... *** Frank26 ...there is a lot of things that are going on with the Iraqi dinar and they're being very forward about it...what was the article that came out today? 'Hi, I'm an economist from Iraq, I'd like to talk to you about the Iraqi dinar and the American dollar about them being 1 to 1.' ...the citizens are going ballistic... *** MilitiaMan Article: "The New Central Bank Governor: We Set A Plan To Develop The Bank’s Work And Strengthen The Dinar" Quote: "a deliberate banking plan has been developed that will develop the work of the central bank, strengthen the national currency..." ...these articles...have been effectively what we have been waiting for. Instructions issued... In other words the horses mouth has spoken... imo... Now we should see the citizens gearing for an exchange rate to bring in the 50k and 25k notes... imo... As that will bring in the real opportunities!! imo. *** Footforward Article: "100 US dollars is equivalent to 100 Iraqi dinars...Is it possible? An economic expert answers." [That article describes a lop scenario say 1 new Dinar would be equal to 1000 old dinars. Hope that’s not what they do.] It won't be. Expect to see alot of crap like this...My point is we don't get shaken. A revaluation is the only way to fix their economic hardship. They aren't going to come out and tell us when they will do it. In my opinion anyways. So we have to watch the signs. ...The fact that corruption is being dealt with in Iraq at a very rapid pace is very good for us...These guys being arrested is a good sign. We need to watch what they do. Not what they say so much. It's helpful to take a much bigger picture... That's all for Today ... Blessings ... RON
  4. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy ...There's discussion about the exchange rate it needs to change. So the anticipation is that the rate change would be in the 2021 budget. There's no guarantee. I'm just saying that appears based on what is being said that seem to be the case...we're running into some serious deadlines... *** Jeff Iraq in '17...almost 3 years ago they performed a test. They unpegged from the dollar and went to a currency assortment basket...historically over the last 100 years the Iraq dinar the high side of it was about $4.20 the low side was about $2.50...Over the last 100 years the Iraq dinar has not gone below $2 bucks. This is a reinstatement. That means they're going to put the value of the Iraq dinar back to where it was...a restoration of it. It devalued in 2004 against the dollar at $ we're in the year of 2020. So here we are 15 years later...because of...the facts and it's a reinstatement...the high point/low point over the last 100 years...I'm of the opinion...the rate is going to be very close to or around $3.80... *** Mnt Goat Article: "PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE: THE 2020 BUDGET WILL ARRIVE IN PARLIAMENT THIS WEEK, AND IT DOES NOT EXCLUDE THE FUNDING OUTSIDE OF MORE LOANS" So the budget was sent already and is in parliament. You simply can’t borrow your way out of debt. Bad ideas by bad politians...It simply does not work and they know it. They can get all the permission they want to borrow more money, but in reality they are stuck. We knew this day would come as they only had money until the end of September to pay salaries. They only have 2 choices not 3. Choice #1 is cut expenditures so drastically as to meet the current price of oil, Choice #2 float the currency and let investors invest in Iraq . Choice #2 also gives the potential investors freedom of exchange and transfer of monetary resources needed to come into Iraq . *** Pimpy Trust me there is a lot of news as I'm sure some of you are aware. A lot of talk about the Iraqi dinar. A lot of talk about the economy. A lot of Al-Kazemi crack-a-lacking on the people over there making sure that the country gets back to where it need to be... Article: "The first statement of the new Iraqi central governor: We drew up a plan to strengthen the national currency" There's more than one article talking about the Iraqi dinar...this is what we're waiting for. Obviously the stronger the currency the better our exchange rate...they're making plans to strengthen it. That's what we want to see. *** Adam Montana *** ...Anything that is addressed in the coming meetings that will affect the 2021 Budget in a major way, especially if it's HCL, will not be able to "hide" until 2021. They have to be ready to raise the exchange rate before they announce any major agreements on HCL, Article 140, or anything else closely related. If they don't raise the rate soon enough, there would be a massive speculative run on the currency, which would dilute it, and kill their opportunity. They aren't going to do that. Not because we are waiting for them, but because they wouldn't benefit from it. Our day is coming..! * **Adam's opinion was taken from another site. See Adam's full chat at: Adam Montana Weekly 16 September 2020 *** Mnt Goat Article: "DEPUTY: AL-KAZEMI'S VISIT IS THE LAST OPPORTUNITY FOR THE REGION TO HAND OVER HIS COMMITMENT AND IN SUCCESSION TO BE DEPRIVED OF THE 2021 BUDGET" the agreement was made already and this is done. Kurdistan got only 12% but is getting paid and this is important that the GOI is monitoring all the other oil they are selling on the side besides the amount needed to meet the budget. This is important to us because it is important to the IMF.
  5. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy ...There's discussion about the exchange rate it needs to change. So the anticipation is that the rate change would be in the 2021 budget. There's no guarantee. I'm just saying that appears based on what is being said that seem to be the case...we're running into some serious deadlines... *** Jeff Iraq in '17...almost 3 years ago they performed a test. They unpegged from the dollar and went to a currency assortment basket...historically over the last 100 years the Iraq dinar the high side of it was about $4.20 the low side was about $2.50...Over the last 100 years the Iraq dinar has not gone below $2 bucks. This is a reinstatement. That means they're going to put the value of the Iraq dinar back to where it was...a restoration of it. It devalued in 2004 against the dollar at $ we're in the year of 2020. So here we are 15 years later...because of...the facts and it's a reinstatement...the high point/low point over the last 100 years...I'm of the opinion...the rate is going to be very close to or around $3.80... *** Mnt Goat Article: "PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE: THE 2020 BUDGET WILL ARRIVE IN PARLIAMENT THIS WEEK, AND IT DOES NOT EXCLUDE THE FUNDING OUTSIDE OF MORE LOANS" So the budget was sent already and is in parliament. You simply can’t borrow your way out of debt. Bad ideas by bad politians...It simply does not work and they know it. They can get all the permission they want to borrow more money, but in reality they are stuck. We knew this day would come as they only had money until the end of September to pay salaries. They only have 2 choices not 3. Choice #1 is cut expenditures so drastically as to meet the current price of oil, Choice #2 float the currency and let investors invest in Iraq . Choice #2 also gives the potential investors freedom of exchange and transfer of monetary resources needed to come into Iraq . *** Pimpy Trust me there is a lot of news as I'm sure some of you are aware. A lot of talk about the Iraqi dinar. A lot of talk about the economy. A lot of Al-Kazemi crack-a-lacking on the people over there making sure that the country gets back to where it need to be... Article: "The first statement of the new Iraqi central governor: We drew up a plan to strengthen the national currency" There's more than one article talking about the Iraqi dinar...this is what we're waiting for. Obviously the stronger the currency the better our exchange rate...they're making plans to strengthen it. That's what we want to see. *** Adam Montana *** ...Anything that is addressed in the coming meetings that will affect the 2021 Budget in a major way, especially if it's HCL, will not be able to "hide" until 2021. They have to be ready to raise the exchange rate before they announce any major agreements on HCL, Article 140, or anything else closely related. If they don't raise the rate soon enough, there would be a massive speculative run on the currency, which would dilute it, and kill their opportunity. They aren't going to do that. Not because we are waiting for them, but because they wouldn't benefit from it. Our day is coming..! ***Adam's opinion was taken from another site. See Adam's full chat at: Adam Montana Weekly 16 September 2020 *** Mnt Goat Article: "DEPUTY: AL-KAZEMI'S VISIT IS THE LAST OPPORTUNITY FOR THE REGION TO HAND OVER HIS COMMITMENT AND IN SUCCESSION TO BE DEPRIVED OF THE 2021 BUDGET" the agreement was made already and this is done. Kurdistan got only 12% but is getting paid and this is important that the GOI is monitoring all the other oil they are selling on the side besides the amount needed to meet the budget. This is important to us because it is important to the IMF.
  6. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat Many...gurus tell you that Iraq must first build a robust economy and create a demand for the dinar. But how does this happen if they keep Iraq in a sanction like isolation and status. It is time to break Iraq out of these sanctions and go global. We know it and they know it. So, what comes first the economy or the currency? Is the currency reform an important part to kick start the economy? Yes, it is. (post 1 of 2).. *** Mnt Goat Let’s joggle our memories for a second. Remember too that under Dr. Shiini Shabibi, then governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, was more than willing to go complete the project to delete the zeros in late 2012 and then reinstate the dinar to FOREX in January of 2013. How could he then without a robust economy and demand for the dinar. I trust this expert and so maybe Iraq does not need so much this “robust economy” all...elude to. Remember that Iraq was much worst off then they are even today in 2020 then they were in 2012. This all tells us that it is not so much the economy that is needed but the end to the corruption and Iranian influence. This is called stability and security. (post 2 of 2)...More to come..! *** MilitiaMan Article: "Parliamentary Finance expects a delay in disbursing salaries and warns against "implicating Iraq" with borrowings" Clearly they didn't get that 15 trillion Dinar loan they told us about. They are telling us there will be delays for a few days. Can't imagine why right? lol Kahdimi is in Kurd town through tomorrow. He is talking about major issues and from the sounds of it the most important have been hammered out and the minor issues are out to committees for follow up. Take note of the most important ones and then think about the next 2020 Budget at stake. They cannot borrow at a program rate.. But, they can go to the secondary market once they go to the IMF,s Article 8 compliance to 100%. imo...Article supports that there is to be a special meeting on the 2020 Budget early or at the start of next week. Well that is Sunday...They say in the above they may have delays for a few days...fits with the approval expected at the extraordinary meeting to come shortly... I think things are very hopeful. Lets see what happens...Imo...All good. *** Adam Montana [Comment: It's easier to counterfeit US currency which means that Iraq put in a lot of effort to protect a currency that isn't worth much at the moment...but hopefully will be soon!...] They put a lot of effort, time, and money into protecting a currency that isn't worth much... why would they do that? Answer: Because the current value is not permanent. This post was taken from another site that follows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. Ron *** Pimpy Article: "Parliamentary Finance: The government's economic reform paper will be presented at the end of this September" ...those reform papers will be there by the end of this month. What does that mean? That means we really just gotta relax, take a deep breath and realize that we're already on the 10th day of this month. What are we about 3 weeks away from the end of the month? We will know a whole lot more by the end of the month...we are anticipating some very very interesting news by the end of this month. *** Jeff Article: "Parliamentary Finance: Budget 2020 will bring a boom in the Iraqi economy" This article pretty much is confirming that everything is rigged and has been set, planned and staged for quite some time...look at the date on this article - it's from June 29th 2019 last year... Quote: "The finance committee of the parliamentary, Saturday, their agreement with the Ministers of Finance to receive the draft budget next year in September, indicating that the budget 2020 will make a quantum leap in the Iraqi economy." Since June of last year they've had preparations to delay the budget until September of doesn't get any better than that. Huge news...
  7. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON 9-10-2020 *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "The House of Representatives has finished reading two laws and addresses an oral question to the Finance and Planning Ministers" Quotes:" begin its implementation, in addition to the necessity to devise a real reform plan to address the delay in implementing projects..."; " well as knowing the value of the exchange rate specified in the next budget..." The picture they are painting (imo) is they are implementing the real reform plan. They are even going so far as to tell us that they will need the value of the exchange rate for the next budget. They have not resolved the next budget yet, that I am aware of? The next budget on the table is the 2020 budget leading into the 2021, imo..! (post 1 of 2)... *** MilitiaMan *** They...tell us they have a session for Thursday the 10th. Same day that PM Kadhimi is to be in the Kurds back yard for a meeting on important issues, oil and gas, customs and borders, etc.. Same day... that Al- Hakim is having think tanks gearing to talk about rebuilding the new social contract and rebuilding the state. Lets still keep in mind Kadimi, has a special session for the start of next week to approve the 2020 budget. Which is looking to be the next one on the table. imo. (Thursdays) session maybe be a very powerful one that could change the playing field. We shall see if it is a "September to Remember" but, it sure looks like a synchronization is in play now not in 2021, as they say "next" and that is now real close...imo. (post 2 of 2).. 9-10-2020 *** Jeff *** ...I think a lot of the news is scripted and rigged. In other words they're much farther along than they're telling you the truth on. Notice how Kurdistan and Baghdad are now magically ready to reach a comprehensive agreement at the exact same time and almost the exact same week that they're ready to start the approval process of the budget. That's a little too coincidental...things are coming together too nicely at this point in time. IMO..!
  8. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Footforward Don't be surprised if they come out with a new budget for 3 years with an old rate and then RV after that... [Comment: I can see an RV before the budget is announced but not after...] Response: they can easily redo a budget. They can easily have two budgets. Kuwait flat out lied and said they would never RV and then did RV the very next day. There may be some misdirection here at some point. ...what I'm getting at is don't get down if they do a new budget with the old rate. They can RV any time...Not just the start of a fiscal year. If I suddenly win the lottery, I'll gladly revisit my budget any time. Same thing here. The fiscal year isn't a consideration for timing in this at all... *** Jeff ...the articles are actually suggesting that Iraq is ready to join the international world. Article: "Sovereignty - Macron calls for leading a transitional phase of building important Iraqi sovereignty for the region". Quote: "...Emmanuel Macron called for leading a transitional phase in building important Iraqi sovereignty..." *** Mnt Goat Article: "AL-KAZEMI NOMINATES HIS ADVISOR FOR THE POST OF GOVERNOR OF THE CENTRAL BANK AND A DEPUTY, REVEALS: A SUSPICIOUS FIGURE" ...they fully intended to replace the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq...The question is this: Does this replacement have to be done prior to the RV..? I believe it does or close to it. There is just too much corruption allowed under the present governor to allow it to continue... *** Frank26 Kazemi is now at the next stage of the security and stability for the Iraqi dinar monetary reform...What happened is these politicians, especially Maliki...stole, they didn't keep in one area. They sent it to their families...all these central banks are about to sign an agreement that's going to change how money is treated on this planet Earth...Kazemi is also seizing assets...they bought a lot of things to hide the money. Money laundering. Houses. Boats. Cars. Stocks. You name it. And he's getting it...this is a massive campaign by Kazemi to clear the way for the reforms. Trust me Kazemi is in a hurry. He is doing everything as fast as he can... That;s it for today Folks ... Be Blessed ... RON
  9. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "Iraq is moving to join global trade and an Arab country: We will facilitate its mission" This is great news...I told everybody that Iraq and Vietnam were kind of being pushed through by the orders of Trump, their application into the World Trade Organization seemed to be getting expedited...this is great news. I means this is huge order for Iraq to be in the World Trade Organization they must have their sovereignty and they must have a world currency that's internationally recognized on the Forex. That means all restriction must be removed off the currency. That's great for us holding onto the Iraqi dinar. You're probably gonna have to expect...a rate change in order for them to do business on a much larger scale...(Post 1 of 3).. REPOSTED for continuity, *** Pimpy *** Quote: "the representatives of the Kingdom or Marocco to the Untied Nation in New York...talking about ways to activate the file of Iraq's decision into the organization...completing the technical documents to complete their requirements for the accession..." In other words get the obstacles out of the way, put them in. If Iraq gets into the World Trade Organization that is going to be a huge boom for their economy and again if the economy is strong their currency becomes strong. This is exciting to me. When I saw this I was jumping up and down...(Post 2 of 3).. *** Pimpy *** ...apparently they're re-opening up the files and now they're gonna rapidly push them through... Quote "discuss the importance of setting a new date for the high level conference in Iraq succession to the WTO..." ...It was supposed to be held last November on the 26th and 27th of 2019. I told you during the process of doing that for some reason it stopped. Well we know what happened. Once the prime minister resigned we had to wait for a whole other election...Now they're ready to get back on there...I'm excited about this. This is big. We really want to see Iraq on the international scene. This is great for the should be excited about that..(Post 3 of 3)..
  10. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** RVAlready *** The QFS will prevent the theft of huge amounts of money, which was stolen in the past under swift. It also provides a fair and level playing field for all countries to operate. *** Pimpy *** Article: "Iraq: Al Kazemi prevents militia flags and religious banners from being raised over government buildings" Basically the whole article is saying the only flag you're allowed to wave in our country is our country's flag. Period. The Iraq flag. Because they want to be a united country...Al-Kazemi is lowering the boom down...forget all these separations of people...Kazemi is saying enough. We are one country. We are one people. We are one nation. Period. I love this move. I know it sounds minor but to me it's big. It sends a clear message that they are united and that's what the world is looking for... *** Jeff *** ...In the media they've told you what the delays were. They told you there were two of them. The beginning of the year was the formation of the government. And then after that was the Kurdistan and Baghdad reaching an that the articles are suggesting that they're now at the end of completing that comprehensive agreement, articles have now transitioned to talk about Iraq rejoining the international world...
  11. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Article: "Alliance of Forces: An effective return to Iraq internationally needs a comprehensive political consensus with great popular support" They're telling you for Iraq to go international they have to have political achieve political stability Kurdistan and Baghdad have to reach and sign that comprehensive agreement...going international also means changing the rate... *** tlm724 *** Article: "Statement Of The Parliamentary Economic And Investment Committee Regarding Stopping Cooperation With The National Investment Authority" Quote: "Honorable Prime Minister, ministers, supervisory departments and relevant institutions...We call on you to stop cooperation with the National Investment Commission in all forms, and hold you responsible and legal consequences for wasting public money, and we call on the Prime Minister to refer the Authority’s Chairman, Window Manager and Legal Department Director to the investigation and withdraw their hand until the investigation ends." ... This is huge and depending on how the Prime Minister responds it can make a serious dent in corruption..! We certainly hope so...! That's all for tonight folks ... Be Blessed...! 💕 RON
  12. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment by Mtn Goat that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article Quotes: "The GROUPS THAT BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW WILL SOON WITNESS SERIOUS MOVEMENTS BY OUR SECURITY FORCES," ; "In the past, there were concerted efforts to reduce and corrupt the state security forces, but we are now working to reconfigure these forces and cleanse them of all the corrupt elements, and this will take time, but we will hold these people accountable for the crimes they committed," we have been waiting for good news like this from a leader of Iraq for a long time. Yes, we heard it from lots of people in the past but not from a prime minister. I like al-Kazemi and his thinking. It is so honest and truthful. I also want to point out he is talking AGAIN about routing out these Iranian militias. WOW! It is about time! This is going to get the security they need for the reinstatement and to rebuild the economy and country. Its all moving in the right direction now and that is what matters.
  13. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Footforward *** ...I am fairly confident that it will happen on a would be an easy way for this to unfold...I'm asked if I have anything else in terms of timing and I don't...I don't feel like I can give a date at this point. *** Jeff *** Article: "Away from the political file..a high-level Kurdish delegation in Baghdad". Quote: " discuss the proposal of the international Monetary Fund and the International Central Bank to change the budget system from 1-year budget to a 3-year budget." ...I've been in this 11 years that's the first time in 11 years they've ever talked about that. That pretty much has rate change written all over it...
  14. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** ...this article over here IMO is a biggie. Article: "Report: Nuri al-Maliki distributed his wealth among his relatives but the "Sakhil Strike" did not miss its target!" ... we all know one of the most corrupt and high-profile people is Maliki. How he's still standing and running around free for now I couldn't understand until I got to this article. Al-Kazemi is being very strategic about this. He's laying the whammy down on corruption...he didn't go after Maliki directly only because people said [In the article]...this would be a declaration of war...any sort of direct investigation in Maliki would be considered some type of act of war within the tribes...make no doubt about it this has got to have Maliki concerned... *** Mnt Goat *** ...I believe in the late fall season we may hear some news about the “project to delete the zeros” from the CBI, and we will be in a better position to know where we stand with the reinstatement. We have not heard any news now for almost 2 years. We just wait...I am sorry folks that I could not bring better news to you today but there really is not much more noteworthy news. We just have to sit tight, pray, and wait. That's all for today Folks ... Be blessed & sleep well ... RON
  15. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** ...A lot of progress going on in Iraq. Article: "Representing the Kurdistan Region in the Iraq negotiating committees in the strategic dialogue with America" This is what impresses me the most about Al-Kazemi's administration...his willingness to just get in there and get things done. It's been outstanding. This is great news for both our short-term and long-term investments...when it comes to the Iraqi dinar anything and everything that gets these guys back on their feet and helps build their economy is a benefit to us...this is a huge step because that shows Al-Kazemi's willingness to work with Kurdistan and to helps get things accomplished with the United States... *** Kaperoni *** [Q? : Kuwait Devalued & ReInstated both in One Night...?] ...I disagree that they did that..but even if I am wrong, Kuwait never had 42 trillion in circulation...Iraq has over 42 trillion in Iraq. That does not include what is outside the country. That is well documented...All you need to do is google Kuwait and the central bank to learn they never had that much currency. ...42 trillion? That is basic math! There cannot ever be a significant RV of the dinar. *** Jeff *** Article: "Britain commends action on Baghdad and Erbil and shows commitment to addressing the broader challenges of Iraq" Quote: "the most urgent of these challenges is addressing the economic crisis facing the country..." Look at this. This is huge. Quote continues: "...through the introduction of necessary economic reforms." ...This is amazing...those reforms require funding from the budget and the budget is married to the rate change... *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "MINISTER OF OIL: THE CONTRACT WITH CHEVRON WILL MAKE IRAQ AT THE FOREFRONT OF COUNTRIES WITH ENERGY" Like I keep saying this is Iraq’s last chance to use what oil revenues they have to rebuild the country and their economy. Life is changing to outside fossil fuels. What will they finally do? Implementing the customs and tariffs must be implemented now! There is no turning back unless they want another financial crisis and this next time they will not be able to crawl their way out of it. If not for Trump’s help with US commitments they would be doomed now even. *** Footforward*** [Q? : How close do you feel we are...] I believe we are in the time and season...! *** Jeff *** Iraq's currency will become internationally recognized when the rate does change. And they "must" also be compliant with and accept IMF Article VIII. The rate change has to change basically first or at the same time but the rate change is the linchpin...the currency does not become internationally recognized till the rate change - so that's the linchpin. Once that happens the currency does become internationally recognized. That's also the linchpin to when Iraq will become Article VIII compliant with the IMF. Right now Iraq is under Article VIII rules, guidelines and procedures. They have to adhere to them but they don't become Article VIII till the rate changes...Jeff, your explanation is a bit convoluted...IMHO..! Ron
  16. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment by Pimpy that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** A lot of positive energy coming out of Iraq. They seem to be going everywhere and getting things accomplished...ever since our boy Al-Kazemi has gotten into office Iraq has been really really busy... Article: "The disclosure of 5 type of support that Al-Kazemi obtained during his recent visit to Washington" ...They feel they got a lot of respect from Trump and in fact them acknowledging their government is really key to the growth of Iraq...
  17. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment by MilitiaMan that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "A leader in victory talks about the reasons behind Washington's keenness to improve the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil" They have an agreement. They are completing automation at the borders and customs ports. They have not paid salaries yet and the Ministry of Finance has said to not yet, as there is equality issues to deal with. They have the newly updated ISO Certificate. Based on best practices and equality. Don't think for a minute this is not all related to economic reforms being implemented... imo
  18. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "A Project To “Automate” Customs And Ports, In Agreement With A Well-Known Company" The border crossings and customs have been in a work in progress for some time and suggesting now they have completion with electronic system that will not be done by hand where corruption lays! Electronic systems provide transparency and this new PM knows it and with his new deputy in place they’ll make sure the systems work in the citizens best interest...His goal is to secure finances to help pay salaries and bring confidence to his people...The finance minister has not released salaries, yet...My view is there is a reason for that and it is what we are looking for. A change to the way and or amounts that will be paid...A-good sign is pressure is on from the lack of liquidity and payments. The citizens want to get paid...imo. *** Pimpy *** ...Al-Kazemi is the man. He didn't waste no time. He found out exactly what they needed to do. What they needed to get done. Hell the man started getting things done on the way back as well. He did not play around...this man is no joke...He went there [Washington] on a mission and he accomplished a lot IMO...What I don't want to see happen is people get immune to the good news and you become impatient. Everything we're seeing one step at a time seems to be a great step in a positive direction...we are definitely getting there. *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "The Finance Ministry responds to "shaded information" on customs automation" The transparency that comes with automation is exactly what they need. They have the interests of the region and are in continuous talks with the World Bank. I'll bet that in of it self shows they are about ready to fully complete the what is in the White Papers to usher in the new Market Economy.
  19. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment by Pimpy that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy ***...what was going on during Al-Kazemi's visit here. I can tell you this, the man, the entire time kept stressing the importance that the United States recognized the sovereignty of Iraq. He said it several times. He wasn't just asking he was saying that the United States in order for us to move forward and do deals must recognize that everything we do that Iraq is a sovereign state...He's very impressive... Article quote: "...indicates that the United States supports the current Iraqi government and its national orientations, and affirmed that Iraq is an independent country." In other words recognizing their sovereignty. So Nancy Pelosi put it out there...
  20. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment by Mtn Goat that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "US President Trump meets with Iraq prime minister Al-Kazemi last Thursday. Discussions and agreements went well in all directions." Quote: "A high-ranking official in the US administration in the White House said that our talks with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi went well and will help ensure that there is no "malign influence of Iran." US companies to expand into Iraq with billions to help rebuild the war torn country still since 2003." [Comment: Everything is on track, momentum is picking up...] are correct...! *** moving right along...! RON
  21. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** CBI IQD Market Rate Update *** On August 17th, the Central Bank of Iraq's officially reported MARKET rate of the Iraqi dinar is now within 2 tenths of a point from compliance with the IMF 2% rule (1213.8). It currently stands at 1214.013. The dinar has been out of compliance since April 21, 2020. This is a 20 point shift from 1234.450 in the market rate within days. It is unknown if this is a blip in the market rate or an upward trend that will continue, since there has been no additional rates posted since the 17th.... *** Jeff ***...the definition of sovereignty is a self governing state...right now the U.S. does not govern Iraq. We were coaching Iraq and we have handcuffs on them preventing them from going International but we do not govern them...they manage their own affairs. Right now they're even making international moves again. They're doing their own thing.
  22. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment by MilitiaMan that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "A deputy denies the cancellation of the Kurdish delegation's visit to Baghdad and confirms: A comprehensive agreement will be signed during the coming period" Quote: "...the agreement is still in place, and there are some observations from the federal government and the conditions and work is underway to reform them, stressing that in the end an understanding will be made and a comprehensive agreement signed during the coming period." Interesting that they do talk about this today. So many things in motion that imo they had to! The agreement they have is still in effect. Thus, today is effective... Let that one simmer in the pot a few moments... They have a deal on the oil... imo.. That means they have an expectation of what is in the White Papers... Kahdimi and Allawi are holding close to their chest. Why? We all know why.. imo ~ RATE, comes to mind imo..!
  23. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "The Iraqi parliament: the finance minister does not cooperate" Quote: "The government works as it has all legislative powers, and is not interested of no having the general budget."He added that "the Minister of Finance is not cooperative and does not care about Parliament and the Parliamentary Finance Committee.” ...Allawi has the data they want... He may have a reason to not, yet. A very good reason... I suspect before, Kahdimi gets to the USA there will be an adjustment made and he will then bring business to America and will have sovereignty in tow...The minister of Finance has our back, as he holds the cards... I bet they are all aces too. lol imo. *** Breitling *** ...A lot of people are skeptical about what I just said [Posts over last few days] and I teach this stuff. This is what I do. This last course I gave here in Phoenix people are like 'okay, that doesn't sound...[Like what we're seeing on TV]'...I tell everyone I couldn't be happier. I could not be happier. It's completely opposite out there. "We're watching riots..." That's because they're at their death throes. It's because it's almost over and they know it. ...we could not be in a better position. So don't worry about that. With Iraqi dinar we could not be in a better position. The question is are you prepared financially and how you're set up. That's all you have to worry about... *** Pimpy *** Article: "During a contact with Barzani...Al-Kazemi decides to send 320 billion dinars to Erbil". ...this is big. For just a second was bad. Then yesterday it was good ...Baghdad is saying that Kurdistan is stealing the money and not paying their employees. Kurdistan is pointing a finger at Baghdad going they're not giving us our money. I knew there was a good relationship between Barzani and Al-Kazemi. So I was like gosh this doesn't look right. Something's wrong...Leave it our boy Al-Kazemi to come through...Barzani got a call from Al-Kazemi himself...Baghdad has agreed to pay 320 billion in IQD monthly...this is what we want to see...I'm glad calmer heads did prevail and this seems to be ironed out...this is a major step towards what we're looking for. A major major step. Let's hope it continues... *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Representative economy: activating the law of partnership with the private sector and investment soon" Quote: "...the committee is in the process of activating the partnership law with the private sector and the investment law in the near future, as well as activating the mineral investment law...the amended Iraqi investment law is one of the best laws in the region..." They are telling us they have activation and revitalization on the mind. They need investors to help activation of industry, agriculture, minerals, etc... For them to activate and to revitalize, they need a new international exchange rate. ...they tell us the laws will be the best in the region. That is important to the investors!! Very important!!... Good stuff... Come on Iraq, get it together and do what needs to be done ... RON
  24. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment by Jeff & Mtn Goat that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** ...The Trump Administration are the only ones in control of the timing of the rate change...the dinar is an asset to the U.S. other words maybe we're transitioning the U.S. dollar to become asset backed has to be timed with Iraq's rate change. Because the dinar cannot be and will not be an asset to the dollar until the dinar itself has's all about the timing... *** Mnt Goat *** So, we all know as investors that these currency auctions must end in order to bring economic stability and investors to Iraq. This concept is an integral part of the financial reform process they are talking about in other parts of today’s articles section. Al Kazemi is slow to react to so what is needed and they have given him 100 days to work this out. Article: "STATE OF LAW: EVALUATING THE WORK OF THE KAZEMI GOVERNMENT IN 100 DAYS: ITS STEPS ARE SLOW" I quote from the article –“ WE INDICATE THAT IT IS STILL TAKING SLOW STEPS INCONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT SITUATION, and SO FAR THERE IS NO CLEAR AND TANGIBLE VISION TO REFORM THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM."
  25. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's an opinion & comment by Mtn Goat that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "SPECIAL FORCES SECURE THE OUTLETS COMPLETELY AND FROM FORGERY OF THE CENTRAL BANK DOCUMENTS" Quote: "President of the Border Ports Authority, Omar Al-Waeli, confirmed on Wednesday that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi personally supervises the plan to secure the ports, which are now all secure, while pointing out that the actual measures to eradicate corruption included recycling of port workers and changing corrupt cadres." We know the Prime Minister is greatly interested in the border crossing file, and there is a real will to control it to serve the citizens with the revenue that can be generated from it.
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