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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/june-11-2024 June 11, 2024 A Healing Summit I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always understand why God does and doesn’t do some things. Yes, He wants us to understand His ways and the guiding principles of His Kingdom. That being said, we will often not know the many details the Lord factors into His decisions - timing, considerations regarding the future, behind-the-scenes actions and motives of people and nations, and a host of other things. God alone is all-knowing and all-wise. And, obviously, He does not feel obligated to always share with us the “why.” Trust will always be required in our walk with Him. Because of this, I certainly don’t know all the reasons why miracles are more prevalent in some seasons than in others, but they certainly are. In the late 1940s, 50s, 60s, and 70s, miracles of healing were more common in America than they have been since. Toward the end of the 70s, this outpouring began to wane. Healings still occurred here in the U.S., but they typically resulted from intercession or through the faith of the recipient, not from the gifts of the Spirit. First of all, I should comment on what I mean by these three methods. Intercession is prayer by an individual or individuals on behalf of another. I have seen healings result from this. When I say “the faith of the recipient,” I am referring to a person personally asking in faith for their healing, and standing in that faith until they receive the promise. I have seen healings from this, as well. When referring to “the gifts of the Spirit,” I am referring to healings that occur through some of the gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. This would include the gift of faith, the working of miracles, and gifts of healing, all often accompanied by words of knowledge. These gifts of the Spirit operate as Holy Spirit determines or wills (verse 11), not at the will of the person being used to release them or the will of the recipient. When these gifts are in operation, there is often no faith required on the part of the recipient - they are “gifts.” I have seen unbelievers, agnostics, and even atheists healed when the gifts of the Spirit were being released. This is one of the reasons they are called “signs and wonders.” It is also why these gifts are often released when the gospel is preached. These gifts of the Spirit associated with healing and miracles were prevalent in America during the time frame mentioned above. Then, God determined this season would end. Why? My guess is that it was due in part to compromise in the church, compromise associated with sin, a watering down of the gospel, and a rejection of truth. I also believe it was due to the church’s failure in discipling the nation (Matthew 28), which allowed an overall turning away from God in our nation. The salvation preaching in an outpouring (Mark 16) must be accompanied by discipleship teaching (Matthew 28) in order to sustain and multiply the occurring change. When A Nation Turns From God Scripture clearly reveals that when a nation rejects God, it is also rejecting His mercy and grace. To continue pouring out His gifts and blessings at that time would reinforce sin and compromise rather than truth. Therefore, God is left with no choice but to create another season of cleansing and adjustments, which, when accomplished, allows His blessing once again. I believe we are coming into another of these seasons when God can bless us with revival. Much prayer, “identificational” repentance offered by many, adjustments in the thinking and lives of many in the church, and the desperation that will be caused by the shaking in our nation will work together to create a season in which God can send another wave of revival to America. That such a time is coming has been declared for several years by prophetic leaders, and I know of no revival in history that has not included the miraculous. For the past several months, I and a few others have prayed together weekly regarding the healings some of us need. While doing so, we realized God was using those prayer times for something bigger. We became convinced that it was time for this new season of signs and wonders to begin. Therefore, we are holding a Healing Summit in Ohio on August 30; many of you have heard my brother, Tim, speak of it. His church in Ohio will be hosting it. All of us on this prayer call will be participating. Zechariah 10:1 tells us that when it’s time for rain, we are to ask for it. In obedience, we are going to ask for another season of miracles in America (and the world) as part of the emerging revival. We will ask for healings and miracles to occur that very night, both for those present and those participating online. And we will ask that gifts of healing, along with the other gifts of the Spirit associated with miracles, be released to individuals in the body of Christ. We are suggesting that prayer for healing, miracles, and the release of these gifts also take place in homes and churches around the nation (and world) that evening. In no way do we want the focus to be on us and this gathering, but rather on the church at large. Congregations, house churches, home groups, and prayer groups are already saying they will worship with us, listen to the presentation, and then begin praying for individuals in their own settings. (Worship will continue being streamed for those wanting it; others will provide their own.) Some, especially individuals, will remain tuned in to the prayers for healing taking place in our gathering, asking for the anointing of Holy Spirit to be released to them. Everyone is encouraged to do as Holy Spirit leads them. We believe miracles will occur on this night, and this service will be part of launching a new season of signs and wonders. I would be remiss if I did not add that there are some churches and individuals who have already been pressing into this and seeing healings take place. To these forerunners, we say thank you - you have no doubt prepared the way for this season. Pray with me: Father, we know that Jesus took lashes and suffered greatly to provide healing for us. We are forever grateful. We are truly sorry that our humanness at times not only blocks Your blessings from flowing to us, but also keeps them from flowing through us. Thank You for correcting and realigning the church, allowing You to use us at greater levels, and for cleansing our nation. You are bringing about the humility and desperation so needed. Now we ask You for the rain of revival. As part of this, we ask for great signs and wonders, many of them. Bring extraordinary miracles produced at the right time to generate thousands, even millions, of conversions. Do this in America and also around the world, for we know this will be a worldwide revival. Lord, to the leper who said he knew You could heal him if You were willing, Your response was, “Of course I want you to be healed” (Mark 1:41 TPT); then You healed him. Do this for many in this hour. Release a mighty wave of healing power throughout the earth. Use it not only to end suffering, but to end spiritual blindness. Open the eyes of millions to the truth of the gospel through signs and wonders. Breathe on this night, August 30. Use it to bless people and glorify Christ, Father. And we ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Our decree: We decree that the gifts of the Spirit are for today, and another wave of them is being released to believers worldwide. ******************************** I just want to mention that registration is required for the upcoming Healing Summit, and there is a small registration fee. When there is no fee, some register “just in case” they can come. Registration fills up, and many who want to come are told it is now full. Sadly, when some register and then do NOT come, there are empty seats that could have allowed hungry people to attend. When there is a registration fee, it helps produce accurate information regarding who is actually attending. Know that this Healing Summit will fill quickly, very quickly. But the service will be available online. You can register at OasisWired.org. ********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/march-31-2022 March 31, 2022 Choose Life Yesterday I spoke with you about offenses and forgiveness. The New Testament word for an offense is actually the part of an animal trap upon which a piece of raw meat was placed. When an animal reached for the meat the trap was sprung and they were captured. It is very interesting that the word for an offense basically means to “take the bait.” This is also why it is called “picking up” an offense. Regarding forgiveness, in yesterday's post (Don’t Take the Bait), we mentioned that the word means “to release.” In Luke 6:37 Jesus said, “Release, and you will be released.” When we release the person who has offended or wounded us, we can then be released from the bruises and pain they caused us. We also said yesterday that forgiveness is a choice - a decision - not a feeling. When I was 17 years old, my family went through a very difficult time. The Board of Directors of the church my father was pastoring fired him and kicked us out of the home where we were living. The house had been given to us, but put in the church’s name. We were left homeless and penniless. Shortly thereafter, my father divorced my mother and married another woman. Mom was devastated - her circumstances had gone from bad to catastrophic. I remember holding her in my arms as she wept, saying she did not want to go on living. I did not know how to process all of the pain I was experiencing. I didn’t want to blame God or my father, so I blamed all of this on the chairman of that church board. I focused all of my anger upon him, an anger that soon became a bitter hatred. I said on several occasions that I could not kill this man, but I would rejoice if someone else did. I also became bitter at the church, in general. I associated my pain and my family’s disintegration with religion and swore I would never darken the door of another church. I became very rebellious and turned to drugs and alcohol. God was incredibly patient. He protected me and for two years waited patiently for me to come to a point where I could respond to Him again. I returned to Him and have enjoyed a wonderful walk with God since that time. Around six months into my renewed walk with the Lord, He began dealing with me about my hatred for the man I had blamed for all of our problems. I heard Holy Spirit very clearly telling me I would have to forgive him. I did not angrily resist the Lord, but I did not believe I could ever truly do so. What I had against this man was so deep in me I had no confidence whatsoever that I would be able to forgive him, and I told the Lord this. It’s comical sometimes when we act as though the Lord doesn’t know what we’re thinking. Holy Spirit was very gentle with me. He was not pushing, His promptings always came as a gentle nudge deep in my heart. He was, however, insistent and persistent. “You will have to do this if you want My best for you and to truly be free from all of the pain this caused you,” He said. When my heart softened to the point that I was willing, Holy Spirit began teaching me how to do it. Some of what He taught me I shared in yesterday's post. He revealed to me that I could have feelings of anger, hurt, etc., toward this man in my mind and emotions, but still choose to forgive from my heart allowing that to overrule my emotions. “You don’t like to get up early some days and go to work but you do it anyway because it’s right, and it’s your responsibility,” he said. “You don’t like certain aspects of exercise but you do it anyway because you know you need to,” He said again. Then came the winning blow, “Jesus did not want to go to the Cross, but He did so anyway, for the joy He knew it would produce later,” (Hebrews 12:2). “Choose to do this because it’s right, even though you don’t want to and you don’t feel like it. If you will make this choice and maintain the decision daily, I will release you from all the pain, resentment, and hatred. Your responsibility is to let go; it’s my responsibility to heal your emotions and release you from every effect of this. Choose life!” Somehow this clicked in my thinking. I realized I didn’t have to have any positive feelings about this man, whatsoever. I simply needed to release him to God and trust Him to deal with what had happened. I did so daily, saying something along these lines (it’s important to say it), “I choose to release David (not his real name) from all he did to hurt my family.” Every time he came to mind and unpleasant feelings began rising up inside of me, I would say it again, “I choose to release David from all he did to hurt my family.” Some days I had to do this multiple times. After a couple of weeks, he was rarely coming to my mind, and when he did, I felt less and less emotion. But I would say it again. A week or two after that, I thought of him and I realized I felt no pain or anger, whatsoever. I was shocked. I knew God had released me from all the effects of what had occurred two years earlier. However, Holy Spirit wanted to show me that I was truly healed. One night my mom and I were returning home from a Sunday night service, and stopped at a local restaurant to grab a bite to eat. There were no tables available and we were waiting for one, when I noticed this particular man and his wife seated across the room. He noticed us at the same time. I also noticed that he and his wife were seated at a table for four people, and two of the chairs were empty. He jumped to his feet and headed in our direction. Well, I thought to myself, I’m about to find out if this is real. He wanted to do more than just say hello. “Would the two of you like to join us at our table,” he asked. “Sure,” said my mother, “that’s very kind of you.” I kept waiting for that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that I used to feel when I thought of him. I waited for at least a mix of negative emotions. But there were none. I realized I was not having to feign being nice to him while burying my anger and hatred. It was very easy - actually, it felt normal - to treat him with kindness. And I felt no pain whatsoever. All I could do was thank the Lord for delivering me from my chains of bitterness. This man did not become my friend, but he was no longer my enemy. Friends, no matter what your situation is, who hurt you, or how long ago it occurred, He can do this for you. Let’s pray. Pray with me: Father, it is impossible to go through life and not have numerous opportunities to forgive. You said offenses will come. You did not tell us to forgive only if we felt like doing so; You said we must do it. You never ask us to do anything You will not enable us to do. So we choose this day to honor Your word and obey it from our hearts, our spirits, regardless of how our emotions feel. As we do what You say, our emotions and feelings must come into alignment with the Word-based decision we make. They must…and they will. As we release, we will be released. And now, Father, we ask for a release of tremendous grace to everyone praying this prayer with us now. Give them grace to forgive and release. Let a process of healing begin now for people who have been abandoned, abused, rejected, betrayed, and harmed in any way. Cause the revelation that forgiveness is a choice we can all make to become strong in them. May today mark a new beginning for all who need one, and all of the negative results of what they have suffered be reversed. Let this begin today. Heal bodies through this. Mend hurting hearts and minds. Tear down the walls we’ve built to protect our emotions. Cause victims to be victimized no longer. Let the abused go free. Release captives, mend broken hearts, and restore hope. We ask that this truly be a new beginning. And we ask it all in the name of the great healer, Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We declare that we will walk in forgiveness to all. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch full video.