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  1. 7 min read November 30, 2023 There Is More An increasing number of believers understand that prayer involves more than simply asking or petitioning God. Making requests of Him is certainly one aspect of prayer: the Lord’s Prayer tells us to “ask for daily bread, the forgiveness of our trespasses, and deliverance from evil” (Matthew 6:11-12), and James said at times we “have not because we ask not” (James 4:2). But there is more. And the “more” is vitally important. Whether or not we receive the blessings Christ provided, as well as the needed breakthroughs against evil, is determined by more than just our asking and God’s willingness to answer. Because this isn’t understood, people often form wrong assumptions about prayer, and about God. For example, when their prayers go unanswered, many people automatically assume God simply chose not to do so; what they requested must not have been His will. Others assume they must not have enough faith, which is terribly demoralizing and robs them of future motivation. Some believe they haven’t asked God often enough, “importuning” or persisting with God in their praying, as they believe Luke 11:8 teaches. Still others conclude that prayer is simply a futile, religious exercise - God will do what He wants, regardless of whether or not we pray. These are tragic outcomes that hinder our lives, as well as Christ’s cause. Prayer for peoples’ salvation is far too important to allow our past failures, disappointments, and lack of knowledge to hinder the process; under no circumstances should we grow discouraged and give up. We must grow in our understanding of the “more.” That is what this and the next 2-3 days of posts are about. Today, we’ll look at the fact that our prayers do more than just motivate God to act; they release Holy Spirit’s power to break through! The Substance of Prayer Gordon Lindsay, a great man of prayer and the founder of Christ for the Nations, often taught about what he called the “substance” of prayer.(1)The concept is that our prayers do more than simply move God to action; they actually release the power of Holy Spirit from us to accomplish things. Certain types of praying would, of course, do this more than others. For example, praying in the Spirit releases great power. When spiritual opposition is involved, speaking the Word of God becomes a powerful weapon, a spiritual sword, against those powers (see Ephesians 6:17). Spirit-led declarations or commands release the power of Holy Spirit (see Matthew 16:18-19; 17:20; Mark 11:23). The laying on of hands is another scriptural method of imparting power (see Mark 16:18; Hebrews 6:2). That there is actual power in us, in the person of Holy Spirit, which He desires to release from us, is undeniable truth (Acts 1:8). The power of God that produces life, healing, and wholeness resides in and flows out from us, the church, not just from God’s heavenly throne. He is now also enthroned in our hearts - we are the temple of Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16 and 6:19). The word translated as temple (naos) in these two verses, was used to refer to “the holy of holies.”(2) We are now the holy of holies, the dwelling place of God and His glory on the earth. When He releases His power into situations, it doesn’t flow only from heaven; it flows from Holy Spirit here on earth, who dwells in us. Whether it be through speaking, touching, laying hands on the sick, decreeing and declaring, praying, or worshipping, God’s power is released on earth through human vessels. A symbolic picture of this is given in John 7:38, where Jesus said, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.’” The innermost being, (or as the KJV says, “belly”) is the word Greek koilia, which literally means “womb.” Translating the verse literally, we would say, “From his womb shall flow rivers of living water.” The word “womb,” of course, speaks of reproduction, of birthing - the bringing forth of life.(3) After this announcement, verse 39 goes on to say, “But this He spoke of the Spirit.” Of course! The river Christ spoke of as flowing from us is the Spirit of God. He is the source; we are His conduits. Holy Spirit doesn’t lay hands on the sick - we do (see Mark 16:18). As we do so, He, from within us, releases His river of power and life to flow into that person. We Are the Voice of God Not only are we Christ’s womb, we’re His mouth. When the Spirit of God wants to release power against His enemies, He uses us to wield “the sword of the Spirit” - the spoken word of God (see Ephesians 6:17). God doesn’t release the decree from heaven, but from His people - up from our spirits, out of our mouths. As we do so, this releases God’s power! Incredibly, we have become the mouthpiece, the voice of God from which His power and life flow. At the time when God was teaching me this in the mid-80s, I had 45 warts on my hands. Some were quite large and had eaten into my fingernails and cuticles on three fingers, completely replacing them. They had been spreading/multiplying on my hands for 7-8 years. Doctors told me they didn’t want to burn or freeze them off, for fear of mutilating my hands, nails, and cuticles. Many people prayed for me, with no results. I was in numerous services where “gifts of healing” and “workings of miracles” (1 Corinthians 12:9-10) were occurring, with many people healed - but never me. Finally, Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly, “Though some are healed through the gifts of My Spirit, others are through the prayers of the elders (James 5:14), and still others through the prayer of agreement (Matthew 18:19) - I will not heal you through any of these methods. You will have to do what I’ve been teaching you - speak My Word over your hands every day (Mark 11:23), numerous times each day, releasing My power to them until the healing comes.” I determined to obey. Six or seven times each day, maybe more, I spoke God’s Word - which is alive and powerful (Hebrews 4:12) - over my hands, using several Scriptures promising healing and breakthrough. Though I saw no change for two weeks, as God’s power was released and accumulated, the work it was doing became visible - the warts began to shrink. Daily, I watched them become smaller and smaller, and my fingernails and cuticles began re-growing. Once this process began, it took a total of two more weeks for all of the warts to disappear and new nails and cuticles to grow. The entire process took a month. Although it was most definitely God’s power that dissolved the warts and gave me new skin, nails, and cuticles (with no scars), He did not release it. I had to do so. Christ provided the healing provision, Holy Spirit supplied the power and strategy . . . but I had to release that power and provision by declaring God’s Word. We must do the same for the lost, releasing Holy Spirit’s power to break strongholds, addictions, and deceptions in prodigals and unbelievers. We petition our Father, but we war against satan and his strongholds. I leave you today with 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (TLB): “It is true that I am an ordinary, weak human being, but I don’t use human plans and methods to win my battles. I use God’s mighty weapons, not those made by men, to knock down the devil’s strongholds. These weapons can break down every proud argument against God and every wall that can be built to keep men from finding Him. With these weapons, I can capture rebels and bring them back to God and change them into men whose hearts’ desire is obedience to Christ.” Tomorrow, we will talk about why, in most situations, the release of this power cannot simply be a one-time prayer. Pray with me: Father, we have not fully understood Your amazing power in us. Therefore, we have been impotent in our prayers, asking You to do what You have told us to do. Our ignorance has been costly. But we are awakening to our authority in Christ, and to His river of life - Holy Spirit - that is intended to flow from us. We ask You to increase our understanding of this even more, as well as multiply the number of those receiving this revelation. Teach us how to more effectively release Your power to those who need it, releasing the flow of Your life into situations where spiritual death is operating. Bring greater boldness to the church and heal people from hope deferred, in order that they may persevere in their intercession. So many have given up. Father, we ask You to pour out Your Spirit in this nation. And we decree the release of Your great river - flowing from Christ, via Holy Spirit, via the church, and into our world. We declare over our prodigals: Kingdom, come! Will of God, be done! Dry bones, you will live! Addictions, we break your hold! Deception, we release the light of truth to replace and overcome you! Demonic control, we break your control over our family members! And Father, as we pray and release Your power, we ask You to bring the greatest awakening America and the world have ever experienced. Send revival to our churches, and from there into the nation/s. Transform them. Let Your great river flow into the Middle East. Dethrone the Prince of Persia; we bind his influence in Jesus’ name. Release Your river into all the nations! We agree in our prayers for this, in Christ’s holy name. Amen. Our decree: We release the power of Holy Spirit over our prodigals and every city and neighborhood in our nation, in the powerful name of Jesus! ********************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------- Portions of today’s post were taken from my book Intercessory Prayer, published by Baker Books. ----------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Lindsay, Prayer That Moves Mountains (Dallas, TX: Christ for the Nations Inc., revised 1994), p. 43. Joseph Henry Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1977), p. 422. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 2836.
  2. 6 min read November 29, 2023 The Great Quest We’ve been praying for unbelievers this week, focusing primarily on prodigals. They are coming home to Father! Yesterday, we shared three biblical truths to meditate on in order to increase your faith for this. This is how our faith grows - reading, hearing, speaking, and meditating on God’s Word. Today, we will look at five more. God Is Hungry to Save While on earth as a flesh-and-blood human being, with very real human appetites and needs, Jesus demonstrated that He would rather save a sinner than eat (see John 4). He went out of His way to minister to a confused, loose-living Samaritan woman, married and divorced five times and currently shacked up with yet another man. Jesus forgave her, put His well of life in her, and introduced her to the Father. Immediately afterward, when encouraged by His disciples to eat, Christ simply said, "I have food to eat that you do not know about" (John 4:32). He was so excited about what happened with this seemingly hopeless lady that He had lost His physical appetite! She shared her testimony with the village, and many of them believed upon Him because of her words. They asked, and Jesus agreed to stay a couple more days to teach and share with the entire village. “Many more believed because of His word, and they were saying to the woman, ‘It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One truly is the Savior of the world”’ (John 4:41-42; NASB). Jesus hasn’t changed; His favorite thing to do is still rescuing the lost. Jesus Was Willing to Become Human and Die to Save Us While fully God, living in heaven, Jesus chose to become human in order to redeem humanity. No one, absolutely no one, could possibly imagine what it entailed for Christ to become human in order to save us. But He loves us so much that He chose to pay this price, rather than have us remain outside His family. When faced with the agony of the Cross, Jesus stayed the course, chosing torture, humiliation, and death rather than angelic deliverance. He could have called upon legions of angels to deliver Him (see Matthew 26:53). His desire to save us was and is so intense that no price or sacrifice was too great. He did this for your loved one! Put a face to the price He paid! In his book Written in Blood, Robert Coleman tells the story of a little boy whose sister needed a blood transfusion. The doctor had explained that she had the same disease the boy had recovered from two years earlier. Her only chance for recovery was a transfusion from someone who had previously conquered the disease. Since the two children had the same rare blood type, the boy was the ideal donor. “‘Would you give your blood to Mary?’ the doctor asked. “Johnny hesitated. His lower lip started to tremble. Then he smiled and said, ‘Sure, for my sister.’ “Soon, the two children were wheeled into the hospital room—Mary, pale and thin; Johnny, robust and healthy. Neither spoke, but when their eyes met, Johnny grinned. “As the nurse inserted the needle into his arm, Johnny's smile faded. He watched the blood flow through the tube. With the ordeal almost over, his voice, slightly shaky, broke the silence, ‘Doctor, when do I die?’ “Only then did the doctor realize why Johnny had hesitated, why his lip had trembled when he'd agreed to donate his blood. He'd thought giving his blood to his sister meant giving up his life. In that brief moment, he'd made his selfless decision.”(1) Johnny didn't have to die to save his sister. This was not the case with Christ. Our condition required Jesus to give, not just his blood, but His life. He did it gladly. That’s how much He loves your prodigal. God Delights in Showing Mercy The Lord delights in showing mercy (Micah 7:18). It isn’t a stretch of God’s righteous nature to give mercy to your prodigal; He delights in doing so! Nineveh was a wicked city whose level of sin reached a point that demanded judgment (Jonah 3:4). However, when the people of Ninevah repented, God delighted in changing the verdict and releasing mercy! His heart hasn’t changed! He’ll be excited to show mercy to your family member or friend, regardless of the level of their sin. Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost Jesus said He came to seek and to save the lost (see Luke 19:10). Holy and infinite God humbles Himself to seek fallen man. Unfathomable. I can wrap my finite mind around we humans being told to seek God, but every brain cell goes into overload when told He seeks us. What kind of God does this, pursuing those who hate and reject Him? Where does this incomprehensible love come from? There simply are no words. God is on a quest. Every day, He looks down the road, waiting for another prodigal to crest the hill. When He sees one, He runs - yes, He RUNS to them - and embraces them even while they’re still covered with slop and mud. Then He restores the prodigal’s inheritance and throws a party saying, “My child is home!” (Luke 15:11-32). If you’re already dwelling in Papa’s house, be one who daily satisfies His seeking heart! But also believe in His heart for your wayward prodigal. He loves them and will seek them until they’re found! Our Restoration to God Is the Theme of the Bible! Think about this: the entire Bible is the story of God's desire to save the fallen human race, and restore them to His family. Genesis brings us very quickly to the Fall - chapter 3. The remainder of the Bible is the story of God’s heart, His quest and plan to redeem the human race. After Adam’s fall, He didn’t run from us; we ran from Him (Genesis 3:8). He’s been chasing us ever since. “This distorted perception of the unbeliever is well illustrated by the story of a woman driving home alone one evening when she noticed a man in a large truck following her. Growing increasingly fearful, she sped up, trying to lose her pursuer, but it was futile. She then exited the freeway and drove up a main street, but the truck stayed with her, even running red lights to do so. “In a panic, the woman wheeled into a service station, jumped from her car, and ran inside screaming. The truck driver ran to her car, jerked the back door open, and pulled from the floor behind her seat a man who was hiding there. “The misguided lady was fleeing from the wrong person. She was running from her savior! The truck driver, perched high enough to see into her back seat, had spied the would-be rapist and was pursuing her to save her, even at his own peril.”(2) The perspective of unbelievers is distorted. They run from the pursuit of a God who desires to save them from their enemy and the curse of spiritual death. Those of us who know God realize we love Him because He first loved us. When sinners, however, hear of a loving God who wants only their best and died to provide it, they often see instead only the promise of loss and a lack of fulfillment. God‘s heart is to save. Meditate on, feed your heart, with these truths from yesterday and today. You will soon become fully convinced that the God who seeks and saves, will. Pray with me: [Insert the name of your prodigal as we pray.] Father, satan’s plan to capture us began with him distorting Your heart. He has never stopped. The deceiver paints You as legalistic, mean-spirited, hard to please, one who loves to judge harshly, and who is distant and unapproachable. You, however, are the essence of good and kindness. Your merciful heart is to redeem, You desire intimacy with us, and You’re always seeking our companionship. Yeshua is the ultimate proof of Your love and compassion. We ask now for Your pursuit of our prodigals to be relentless. You said we have power to demolish the mindsets satan and sin have planted in unbelievers, and to stop his schemes and plans from succeeding against them (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Therefore, we bind the lies, deceptions, mindsets and beliefs he has ingrained in our prodigals (Matthew 16:18-19). According to Luke 15:17, You can and will bring them to their senses. You will lift the veil from their eyes and shine Your light into the darkness (2 Corinthians 4:3-6). We use Christ’s keys of authority and release this now! (Matthew 16:18-19). We open the door for truth and light to reach them, and close the door to deception (Isaiah 22:22). We have been offered no less by You, Father, and by Your grace and power, we will accept no less! We ask and release these things in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that prodigals - by the millions - are coming to their senses. ********************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today’s post was adapted from my book How To Pray For Your Lost Loved Ones, published by Baker Books. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Craig Brian Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1993), p. 25. Ibid., p. 98.
  3. 6 min read November 28, 2023 The Hitchhiking Evangelist I want to follow yesterday’s post with some encouraging thoughts regarding God’s desire to restore prodigals (and all unbelievers). As you think and meditate on these truths, not only will they encourage you, but your faith will also grow, causing your prayers to be more powerful. God Wants Everyone to Be Saved The Scriptures tell us God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9, KJV). We don't have to wonder about God’s desire or willingness regarding the lost; He could not make His will any clearer. The Lord wants every person to believe upon Christ and be born again. God Is Able to Save "Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save" (Isaiah 59:1). Not only is God willing to save the lost, but He is fully capable of doing so. He has sufficient power and knows how to bend, shape, and change the perspective of unbelievers, bringing them to a revelation of the truth. Holy Spirit can break off of them every satanic stronghold and bring them to a knowledge of the truth. Allow the following story to encourage you: “‘While hitchhiking home, Roger Simms was picked up by an older gentleman in an expensive car. They talked about many things, including Mr. Hanover's business in Chicago. Roger felt a strong compulsion to share his faith but was apprehensive about witnessing to a wealthy businessman. Finally, nearing his destination, Roger spoke up. “‘Mr. Hanover,’ began Roger, ‘I want to share something very important with you.’ He explained the way of salvation and asked if Mr. Hanover would like to receive Christ as his Savior. To Roger's astonishment, the businessman pulled over to the side of the road, bowed his head, wept, and prayed the prayer of salvation. He thanked Roger, saying, ‘This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.’ “Five years later, while in Chicago on a business trip, Roger went to Hanover Enterprises. The receptionist told him it would be impossible to see Mr. Hanover, but Mrs. Hanover was available. A little disappointed, he followed her into an office. “After exchanging greetings, Roger explained how Mr. Hanover had kindly given him a ride years ago. Suddenly interested, Mrs. Hanover asked when this had happened. When Roger told her it was on May 7, five years earlier, she asked if anything unusual had happened during his ride. “Roger hesitated, wondering if giving his witness had been a source of contention. But, feeling the prompting of the Lord, he told her that he had shared the gospel message and that her husband had accepted the Lord into his heart. “She began to sob uncontrollably. After a few minutes, she explained that she had thought her prayers for her husband's salvation had not been answered. After leaving Roger at his destination, Mr. Hanover had died that day in a horrible head-on collision.”(1) God is faithful. He knows how to unlock people’s hearts, convince them of their need and Christ’s provision, and when the time is right for them to be presented with the opportunity. And this certainly does not have to occur in a house of worship. God knows when to have hitchhikers travel home; He knows how to ensure unbelievers are driving the right road, at the right time, and how to motivate them to pick up the “evangelist.” God knows what He is doing! Don't miss the fact that Mrs. Hanover had been praying for her husband’s salvation. Our prayers release God’s power; never forget this. (I will teach on this in a post/s soon.) Christ’s Very Name Is Savior "And you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). “Jesus” comes from the Hebrew word Yehoshua, from which we also get Yeshua, both of which mean “Jehovah/Yahweh is salvation,”(2) These words originate from Yasha, which means "save."(3) Christ is called Yeshua because He is the Lord who saves us, the Savior. Think about that: Jesus chose to name Himself, "the Lord who saves." He wants no confusion, no ambiguity, no doubt as to His heart and desire. Imagine the conversation that may have occurred as the Godhead was planning our salvation. Here is one possibility: After accepting the unimaginable reality that He would have to become a human, suffer, and die to redeem us, the Father asks Christ: “What name shall we give You as a human, Son? Most High? Creator? Omnipotent One? Everlasting God?…” Perhaps pausing to consider the question, the Lord simply replies, “Let’s not complicate it. I just want them to know I’m coming to save them from the Fall, from the curse of their sins. Just call me Yeshua, ‘Yahweh who saves.’ In fact, we can just shorten it to ‘Savior’”. And they did. The Greek word for Savior is soter, “a deliverer that is God.”(4) It comes from sozo, meaning “save, rescue, deliver, or make whole.”(5) The angel said to the shepherds, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke2:10,11). "For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers" (1 Timothy 4:10). Jesus proudly wears this name as His title! He loves to save! He WILL save your loved one, your friend, your neighbor! Charles Finney shared the following testimony of a father who came to a realization of the Lord's intense desire to save his family: “I knew a father who was a good man, but who had misconceptions about the prayer of faith. His whole family of children had grown up, without one of them being converted. One day, his son grew ill and seemed ready to die. The father prayed, but the son grew worse and was sinking into the grave without hope. The father prayed until his anguish was unutterable. There seemed no prospect of his son surviving, so he poured out his soul as if he would not be denied. “He received an assurance that his son would not only live, but be converted. God also assured him that not only this son, but his whole family would be converted to God. He came into the house and told his family his son would not die. They were astonished at him. ‘I tell you,’ he said, ‘he will not die. And no child of mine will ever die in his sins.’ That man's children were all converted years ago.”(6) Believe in the heart and power of the Savior! What He did for this father, He will do for you. Pray with me: Father, first of all, we pray for the prodigals in our lives. We know You are mighty to save, and You love to do so. You are Yeshua. We ask You to awaken them to their true condition, and to Your provision and love. We release Holy Spirit’s power to bind every stronghold and strategy satan is using to keep them deceived and bound. We loose them from all demonic control and all deception. We prophesy to the wind of Holy Spirit: blow on the dry bones, giving them life, in Jesus' name. Father, we also pray for those who have never known You. Save and deliver them, also, in the name of Yeshua. Release Your power, revelation, and salvation to them. Send the right laborers to them. Do this here in America and around the world. We continue to decree as Your Ekklesia that the war in the Middle East will not stop the great harvest there. The violence and war will backfire on satan and actually cause the harvest to materialize more quickly and in greater numbers. And regarding another subject, Father, we continue to pray for breakthrough in America. We pray for President Trump, asking You to reverse the unrighteous attacks against him from corrupt members of the judicial system. Vindicate him. Give great strategy and wisdom to those fighting for him and with him. Deliver him from the evil trying to keep him silenced and ineffective. If he is Your preference to be our president in 2024, let nothing stop this. Remove evil, godlessness, marxism, and immorality from our government. Continue to give Speaker Johnson and others who stand for righteousness in America, the wisdom and favor needed to restore America. All of this we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that “the Lord who saves” is coming with another wave of revival to redeem millions here in America and around the world. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post is adapted from my book How to Pray for Lost Loved Ones, published by Baker Books. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I want to take just a minute and do something my staff has asked me to do. We have discovered that someone with the YouTube address @DailyPrayer-205 is fraudulently re-posting our GH15 videos. They do not have permission to do this. Please help us by reporting them. We ask that you SUBSCRIBE to our Dutch Sheets YouTube account; this is free. Subscribing will ensure that you receive a notification anytime we have a new video - it will be at the top of your YouTube feed - and it will be us, not an imposter account. And remember, always look for the verified blue check mark. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Alice Gray, Storie4s for the Heart (Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 1996), pp. 225-257. 2. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3091. 3. Ibid. Ref. no. 3467. 4. Ibid. Ref. no. 4990. 5. Ibid. Ref. no. 4982. 6. Charles G. Finney, How to Experience Revival (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 1984), p. 58.
  4. 5 min read November 27, 2023 Call The Prodigals Home Today, we are going to release faith filled decrees for the return of prodigals to Father’s house. I have heard numerous words from the Lord over the past few months telling us it is time for this, and Holy Spirit has said the revival we have been expecting has begun. Let’s release our faith for these things. I want to begin by sharing a little of my story when I was a prodigal, running from God. The story is taken from my book, The Pleasure of His Company. “It was 1973, and I was attending college, traveling fast but going nowhere. I had been running from the Lord for two years, serving the gods of alcohol, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll. Though I had been raised in church (Dad was an evangelist and then a pastor) and had surrendered my life to Christ at a young age, at age seventeen, I began to rebel. The rebellion started when my dad, pastoring at the time, divorced mom, left our family, and married another woman. “As you can imagine, our lives were shattered. Mom, who had been a stay-at-home mom and helped in the church, found a job in a meat market, my brother and I acquired part-time jobs, and somehow, we survived. At least physically. We didn’t fare so well emotionally and spiritually. My brother and I rebelled, turning away from God and everything associated with Him and the church. My younger sister was also emotionally devastated; obviously, so was Mom. Deep in my heart, I knew none of this was God’s fault. Nonetheless, I was angry at Him, the church, and life. The pain was so strong and my confusion so great that I simply couldn’t cope with it. And I certainly couldn’t understand it. Perhaps the lowest point in my life was the day when, as a seventeen-year-old, I held my heartbroken mother in my arms and listened to her sob, telling me she no longer wanted to live. At that moment, I became an extremely bitter and hate-filled young man. “God was very patient with me, knowing my rebellion was caused by my pain. He allowed me to run, loved me through my pain-filled responses, and didn’t take them personally. Two years later, at a bar named The Boar’s Head—aptly so, since I was a prodigal and this was my pigpen—while I was listening to a rock band and stoned out of my mind, Holy Spirit spoke to me.” Departing from the account in the book for a moment, let me say that this was not the first time He had done so. God would often speak to me through my thoughts when I was alone, just as I know He is speaking to your prodigal. The Lord was never condemning, only affirming. Often, I would lie in bed at night, when the world around me finally became quiet, thinking thoughts about Him, life, and what I was doing with mine. I know now that He was stirring those thoughts, reaching deep into the hidden places of my heart, keeping me tethered to Him. On this night in the Boar’s Head, however, He shouted through the clamor and noise around me, drowning out even the loud music. “‘What are you doing here?’ He asked. The Lord’s voice was so clear it may as well have been audible. His question wasn’t a rebuke, but rather a sincere prompting from deep in my heart. ‘You know this is not who you are,’ He continued, ‘and will never be who you are. You’ll never find the fulfillment and peace you’re looking for through this lifestyle.’ “Shocked and amazed that God would follow me into a place like this, my first response was, ‘What are YOU doing here?!’ “‘I’ve come for you.’ “Instantly sober, I went outside the bar to walk and think for a while. The Lord and I had several more conversations over the next couple of months, until I was finally healed enough to return to Him. Like the prodigal returning to his father’s embrace, I walked back into the loving embrace of Papa God. When I did, I found more than pleasure; I discovered my purpose in life. “Realizing the field of study I was pursuing was not what I was created to do, I withdrew from college. I entered into a passionate pursuit of God, became active in a good local church, and connected with several other hungry seekers. I also began going on short-term mission trips, serving missionaries and the poor in Guatemala. Eventually, realizing I wanted to serve God in full-time ministry, I decided to attend Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. There I discovered God in new ways—over and over—and eventually, I discovered my wife, to whom I’ve been married for thirty-five wonderful years [Now 46]. It has been a great journey.”(1) Back to Today It makes no difference what caused your prodigal to leave Father‘s house: drugs, addictions, a wrong relationship, a broken relationship, it doesn’t really matter. The important thing is to be assured that God knows what is needed to bring them home, and that this revival is going to produce such power that they will not be able to withstand His wooing. Angels have been assigned to protect the prodigals and work in their lives, and Holy Spirit will speak to them, just as He did me. (Don’t expect them to tell you when He does!) He will use the pigpen, not wasting their pain. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to them. He will (Matthew 9:38). Ask Him to give them dreams and cause them to hear what they need to hear. He will. Declare His promises over them; they don’t have to be in your presence for you to do that - He “sends” His word ( Psalm 107:20). And believe that he loves them more than you do! Bind the powers of darkness that influence and control them. Loose them from demons and wrong influences (Matthew 16:18-19). Speak to every mountain between them and Father God, commanding it to be cast into the sea; do so with faith and confidence (Mark 11:23-24). The demons and mountains of adversity don’t stand a chance! Pray with me: Father, we take You at Your word. You said if we believed in You, we would be saved and our household (Acts 16:31). You said revival has begun, and prodigals are coming home. You have said signs and wonders will occur, drawing people to You. You said our sons and daughters will see visions and prophesy (Acts 2:17). We agree with You! Now, lead the prodigals - if they aren’t already there - into their pigpens. Feed them the husks and slop. Then, bring them to their senses. Speak louder than the music, the pain, the confusion, the anger, the temporal pleasures of sin, and the pigs. Awaken them to Your heart. Awaken them to the destiny You have for them. Remind them that they are called to know You and do great things for You, not to partner with the evil one who steals, kills, and destroys. We bind every evil force holding our prodigals. We bind the lies that have been planted in their thinking, placed there by the world, the flesh, and the devil. We loose them from demonic control, addictions, and other bondages. We call to the prodigals, “Come home to Father‘s house! Get your robe of righteousness back on, wear His ring of authority, and eat the fatted calf of revelation and wisdom. You are called to know Him intimately, to be a passionate worshiper, and become a powerful instrument in His hands. You are destined to be a deliverer, a reformer, a world changer.” We pray and decree these things in the name of the Great Shepherd, Jesus, who leaves the 99 and goes after the one lost sheep. Amen. Our decree: We decree that prodigals are hearing a voice they cannot resist, and feeling a tug they cannot refuse. They are coming home! ****************** Click on the link to watch the video: --------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Sheets, The Pleasure of His Company (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing Group, 2014), pp. 28-29.
  5. 5 min read November 24, 2023 Listen For The Whistle Today, our friend Gina Gholston shares a dream with us that is most certainly the Lord’s heart. Allow it to challenge and encourage you. Gina shares: “I dreamed of a man walking along a beach. I saw a flowery archway and white chairs set up for a wedding; however, it wasn’t yet time for the ceremony to begin. This man walking on the beach was the groom diligently searching for his bride. “Unable to find her, he looked up to see his dad standing on top of a dune. The dad, knowing his son had not yet found the bride said, ‘Whistle for her!’ “So, the groom walked further down the beach and began to whistle what I recognized as a song we sing to the Lord; but in the dream, the groom was whistling it to the bride. The words to the portion of the song he was whistling are ‘My beloved is the most beautiful among thousands and thousands.’(1) He did not sing the song, but only whistled the tune. “Across the dune, the groom faintly heard the voice of his bride. He had often sung the song to her, so when he whistled the tune, she recognized it and cried out, ‘I’m here! I’m here!’ “The groom climbed to the top of the dune to see her and could also see a forest. Between him and the forest was a wide, treeless plain. There was a wolf pack on the plain - six wolves trotting along, single file, in an ‘S’ pattern; they were chasing the bride. She had been running from them through the forest and across the plain, and now was hiding in fear at the base of the dune in tall grass and brambles. “The groom saw her and said, ‘Come to me.’ “She replied, ‘I’m afraid; I can’t get up there.’ “He pointed to his left and said, ‘Here’s a path.’ “It was as if the path had just formed. The bride ran up the path to him, wearing her wedding dress, but very disheveled. Her hair was messed up, her dress torn. She lifted her dress just enough for him to see that her feet were bleeding from running barefoot through the forest and across the plain. “He then said, ‘No wonder you’re afraid. You didn’t wear the shoes I gave you.’ “She replied, ‘I have them.’ She had been carrying the shoes but hadn’t yet put them on. “The groom said, ‘Carrying them won’t help you. You have to wear them. I gave them to you so you could wear them.’ Then he added, ‘Come with me.’ “He offered his arm, and, putting her hand in the bend of his elbow, the bride walked with him. He led her down the beach to a large, tall rock formation that was flat on top and situated next to the water. He knew the way to ascend, and led her to the top. There were two chairs, and he motioned for her to sit in one. Kneeling, he helped place her boots on, lacing them up. Still kneeling, he sewed up the rip in her dress. Then he sat next to her. The wind began to blow, arranging her hair back into place, styled beautifully. “They were facing the ocean. From time to time, very large waves would form and come toward them, causing her to fear. “The groom would say, ‘You don’t have to be afraid. You have your shoes on.’ “She replied, ‘But my shoes won’t help me with that.’ “He said, ‘Watch me.’ The bride focused on him and was able to watch his responses to the waves; he was actually teaching her what to do. “When the waves formed, he would laugh, sometimes so hard he would slap his leg. As he did so, the waves would settle down before they ever reached the rock. This happened several times, and the bride began to do as he did. When the waves would form, she would laugh with him, and the waves would settle down. Then, suddenly, a massive tsunami formed very near the shore. This time, the groom didn’t laugh. His entire expression changed, not to fear but anger. The bride, however, did become afraid because this wave was so different. “The groom then said to the bride, ‘This time, we have to stand!’ So, they stood, and she put her hand in the bend of his elbow once again. He looked out at the wave and shook his head while speaking to it in a stern, loud voice, ‘IT IS NOT TIME!’ “The bride then joined her voice with his. Together, they declared the words to the massive wave over and over, ‘IT IS NOT TIME!’ “The wave kept growing larger as if taunting them, but they continued standing and declaring, ‘No, IT IS NOT TIME!’ “The wave arrived where they were standing, crashed at the base of the rock, and even came up onto it. But the groom held the bride, and they were not moved by the wave, not even their chairs moved. The wave settled down and did not go past the rock. “The groom then looked at his bride and said, ‘Are you ready for the wedding?’ “And she replied, ‘I am now!’” (End of dream.) ******* Gina shares, “I don’t feel the dream was about eschatology, but our covenantal relationship with the Lord, and understanding our role as the church. Jesus is calling us out of hiding! We must stop being fearful, running from the very things He has given us authority to conquer. He is saying to us, ‘It’s time for you to wear the shoes that bring peace, and see the path I have laid before you. My strong right arm is extended to you. Take it, receiving My revelation, and follow Me into the position I have made available to you!’ “There are waves threatening destruction and the hostile takeover of our lives, children, nation, and even our churches, but we have been made to sit together with Christ in heavenly places. The dream is a picture of our position of authority and power as the Bride of Christ; we must take our seats and work with Him! It is telling us to stay focused on Jesus, regardless of the waves that threaten to overtake us! We must watch Him, imitate Him, and wear our armor! As we acknowledge Him, He reveals Himself and makes us brave! “Take your seat, wear your shoes of peace, and be clothed in your spiritual armor. Be revived and restored in the wind of the Spirit. Hear Christ’s whistle and respond to His song; we are His beloved, and He has need of us!” Pray with me: Father, we can never grasp the vastness of Your power! Your ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours. But You have given us Your Holy Spirit, who imparts to us the fullness of all that You are. He enables us, in our human flesh, to walk in Your supernatural power and make You known. We can release the light of Christ, and those in darkness will be drawn to Him, finding freedom. Teach us, Lord, to walk in full cooperation with Holy Spirit, becoming more familiar with His leading, recognizing His inward witness as He orders our steps. Help us put on our shoes of peace, and without hesitation, step where He orders. May we, as Your Ekklesia, take our seats, watching and imitating You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Yeshua’s beloved is coming out of hiding and will shine the light of His glory, causing awakening in our nation and the world! **************************** Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston and taken from her book Carry On. You can find out more about Gina at Click the link to watch the video: ------------------------------------------------- 1. Referring to the song MY BELOVED IS BEAUTIFUL (YESHUA) – written by John Wilds, Jesus Image Worship, Meredith Mauldin & Michael Koulianos.
  6. 6 min read November 15, 2023 Happy Birthday today to my favorite brother, Tim Sheets..! Paga, Extraordinaire On Monday, we began sharing somewhat on how to pray for protection. We will continue with this theme today. One of the meanings of the Hebrew word for "intercession," paga, is "boundary" or "border,” the point at which two territories meet or connect, the extent to which a boundary reaches. In Joshua 19, paga is used repeatedly in this way. When used in the context of intercessory prayer, paga is the establishing of boundaries or walls of protection, the marking of territory as one’s own.(1) Through prayer, we can set boundaries and build walls of protection around individuals. Isaiah 26:1 and 60:18 speak of God's protection as “walls”: "In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: 'We have a strong city; He sets up walls and ramparts for security." "Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise." We said in yesterday‘s post that as we learn to pick up on the promptings of Holy Spirit, He will alert us to strategic times (kairos) we need to pray prayers of protection. In her book Listen, God Is Speaking to You, Quin Sherrer tells of a friend who heard the warning of the Lord for her home and prayed during a kairos(2) time: I was rooming with Ruthie at a Christian conference when she told me how God had protected her property. One night during the church service, she heard a voice: "Your house is being robbed." She tried to dismiss the thought. She'd lived in that house for thirty years, and there had been no burglaries in her neighborhood. But the more she thought about it, the more it seemed to her that the inner voice she had heard was the Holy Spirit warning her. "Lord, if our house is being robbed, please send an angel— no, Lord, send a warring angel—to frighten the burglar off." Then she began to quote Scriptures, praying for protection: "No evil will come near our dwelling place.... No weapon formed against us shall prosper." (Isaiah 54:17) Sure enough, when she and her husband arrived home, their back patio door was smashed in, and everything inside was in disarray – drawers open and stuff scattered everywhere. The next day, when the police officer came to get a list of the things they knew were missing, all they had to report was one pillowcase. He told them that's what a burglar usually takes to stash the valuables. "As far as we can tell, nothing is missing—not even my good gold jewelry," Ruthie told him. He looked around at her china, silver, and gold vases. "With all these beautiful things, I don't understand why you weren't robbed blind. Something obviously frightened away the intruder. He left in a hurry," the policeman said. Two other houses in her neighborhood were robbed that night. Ruthie is sure God sent a warring angel of protection, as she had prayed and asked Him to do. ****** That is paga! Protective intercession. Building boundaries of protection through prayer. You, too, can be used by the Lord in this way. One of the keys is learning to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Ruthie’s story reminds me of Psalm 27:1-4 from The Message: “Light, space, zest - that's God! So, with Him on my side, I'm fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. When vandal hordes ride down, ready to eat me alive, those bullies and toughs fall flat on their faces. When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool.” The early church apostle Paul was a firm believer in receiving protective and deliverance prayers from others, in strategic as well as in general times of need. He frequently requested prayer from those with whom he was in a relationship. Romans 15:30-31 states: “Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me, that I may be delivered from those who are disobedient in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints.” Again, in Philippians 1:19, Paul states his confidence in "deliverance through your prayers." Also, in Philemon 1:22, he says, "I hope that through your prayers I shall be given to you." Paul was frequently persecuted and imprisoned for his preaching of the gospel. He placed his hope of deliverance from some of this in the prayers of his friends. He believed in the power of intercession not just for the furthering of the gospel, but also for protection. The apostle Peter was protected through prayer from certain death in Acts 12. Herod had arrested James, one of the 12 disciples of Christ, and had him killed. When he saw how much this pleased the Jews, he arrested Peter also and planned to execute him, as well. This prompted fervent prayer by the church for Peter's release (see Acts 12:5). The answer to their prayers for Peter's protection is one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. Angels visited Peter in his cell, caused his chains to fall off, somehow blinded the guards from seeing him, led him out of the jail, supernaturally opened the iron gate to the city, and then departed from him. The entire ordeal was so supernatural that Peter at first thought it was only a vision. That is paga extraordinaire! In my book, Intercessory Prayer, I relate the following story of protection through prayer: Perhaps the most amazing example of kairos-timed intercession in my life happened on one of my journeys to Guatemala. I was one of 40 to 45 individuals traveling to a remote village on the Passión River in the Petén Jungle. Our mission was to build a combination clinic and outreach station on the river, construct two buildings, as well as preach in nearby villages. Prior to leaving for the jungle, we spent our first night (Friday) in Guatemala City, the capital of Guatemala. Months earlier, we had arranged for the Guatemalan airlines to fly us into the jungle the following day. Then, we were to travel to our destination by dug-out canoes. On our arrival at the airport Saturday afternoon, we were informed they had changed their plans and would fly us to our destination, not that day, but the next. Feeling an urgency to go as scheduled due to the limited amount of time to accomplish our mission, our leaders pressed the airlines for THREE HOURS to honor their original agreement. “No,” the manager said in his broken English, “we take you tomorrow.” “But you agreed months ago to take us today,” we argued. “We have no pilot available,” they countered. “Find one,” we pleaded. “‘What is your hurry? Enjoy the city,” they encouraged us. And so it went for THREE HOURS - in and out of offices, meeting with one official, then another. Finally, in exasperation, one of them threw up his hands and said, “Okay, we take you now!” That night, while we were 250 miles away, an earthquake hit Guatemala City, where we had been, and killed 30,000 people in 34 seconds! Had we stayed in the city another night—as the airlines wanted us to—some of our team would have been killed and others injured. We know this for certain because, upon our return to the city, we saw the building where we had stayed the night before the earthquake—and would have been staying in again had we not left on Saturday—with huge beams lying across the beds. Later, we discovered that an intercessor from our home church in Ohio had received a strong urge to pray for us. For THREE HOURS, she was in intense intercession - the three hours that our leaders were negotiating with the airline officials. We didn’t know that our lives would have been in jeopardy had we stayed another night in Guatemala City, but God did. This intercessor didn’t know it either. She only knew that, for some unknown reason, she had a strong burden to pray for us. She was alert, as Ephesians 6:18 instructs, perceived the kairos time, and her prayers created the protection and intervention we experienced.(3) Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your protection over us. And thank You for faithful intercessors. Your name is a strong tower; we are safe within (Proverbs 18:10). We will not allow our lives to be ruled by chance, and we certainly will not allow demonic forces or demonized individuals to rule over us. We will abide under Your shadow and wings. We ask You for increased sensitivity to Holy Spirit, who is faithful to alert us when to pray, surrounding ourselves and loved ones with protective boundaries. You are our Shepherd; we hear Your voice, and we will follow Your leading. Just as You alerted the intercessor to pray for the team of missionaries in Guatemala, You will alert us when we need to pray. In Christ’s name and authority, we ask and declare these things. Amen. Our decree: For today’s decree, I ask that you spend a moment or two and pray for your family, and/or anyone Holy Spirit brings to mind, decreeing God’s protection over them. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was taken from my books, The Essential Guide to Prayer and Intercessory Prayer. Both are published by Baker Books. --------------------------------------------------------- You can find out more about Quin Sherrer and see more of the wonderful books she has written at --------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6293. Ibid., ref no. 2540. Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1996), p. 102-104.
  7. 6 min read November 20, 2023 War Eagles Rising It should be clear to all believers that spiritual warfare around the world has intensified. Satan is making an all-out attempt to maintain his position and stop God’s plans. In today’s post, my brother, Tim, speaks of this warfare, comparing some of satan’s assaults to sieges. We, the church, must break the power of these sieges, rising to our assignment of partnering with Christ as His voices of freedom. His liberators. In sharing this, Tim uses a powerful analogy given to him by Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, and history. He shares: “It is becoming increasingly clear that the passionate warriors of King Jesus must now rise. It is time to reset a nation and world according to God’s principles and ways. Hell has initiated a siege against the Lord’s plans on earth, including here in America, and that siege must be broken. “There was a siege in Biblical history that, in many ways, parallels and prophesies into our times. It pictures a seemingly impossible situation and demonic principalities behind wicked human regimes. However, history also shows us that from the shaking, hope rose, victory came, and led to a great reset. “A while back, I received a prophetic word about this event that led me to a study on ‘war eagles.’ The first mention of ‘war eagles’ in history occurs at a time when Jerusalem was under siege by a ruthless army. These invaders came from one of the most vicious kingdoms on earth, the Assyrians, led by King Sennacherib. They were heartless, cruel, and bloodthirsty, known for using horrific torture tactics and spreading great fear. “The overall Assyrian campaign for regional dominance lasted for 17 years. They took nation after nation, many aligning with them simply because they didn’t want to experience their brutality. Eventually, King Sennacherib set his sights on Israel. He first defeated northern Israel, then moved his attention to Judah. The king of Judah was Hezekiah, a man who loved God and regularly consulted with the prophet Isaiah (2 Kings 18:1-3, 5-7). “2 Chronicles 32:10-20 informs us that King Sennacherib sent a proclamation to the people of Judah telling them to give up, citing their conquests of other countries. Hezekiah responded by paying a ransom, but that did not stop the Assyrians. Sennacherib took the money and began amassing his forces. The army advanced and surrounded the walls of Jerusalem, beginning a siege that would ultimately last two years. The people of God were in a desperate position. During that time, the Assyrian army captured 46 surrounding cities, taking many lives. This is the context that leads us to ‘war eagles.’ “Toward the end of the second year of the siege, Hezekiah began to doubt that they would survive. The facts were staring him in the face, and he became discouraged. When he was at that low point, history tells us Sennacherib released three new war tactics.(1) The first came when Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem began to hear the loud, screeching of eagles. The Assyrian army had been training eagles for warfare! “An Assyrian warrior would tie weights to a trained eagle’s legs, then release the eagle to look for an enemy. The eagle would descend on an enemy soldier at speeds up to 60 miles an hour, the weights becoming vicious weapons. Eagles are relentless, and when they tire, they simply mount up, forcing air into their lungs to restrengthen and keep going. The sight and sound of the ‘war eagles’ incited much fear and terror in the people of Jerusalem. “At this point, God spoke to Isaiah, telling him to prophesy to King Hezekiah. ‘They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint’ (Isaiah 40:31 KJV). “One meaning for the word ‘wait’ in Hebrew (qavah) is “braid,” or ‘be entwined with.’(2) The Lord was saying to Hezekiah, ‘Those who braid themselves to Me will run and not get weary. Join yourself with me and become one of MY war eagles. Those who tie themselves to Me will soar and rise above the enemy.’ “These powerful words encouraged King Hezekiah, and he was renewed in trust and strength. However, his faith was soon tested again. Looking over the walls of Jerusalem, history tells us he saw more new Assyrian weapons of war: catapults and towers, which proved to be very effective in sieges. Sennacherib sent Hezekiah another message telling him, ‘Surrender and die. God sent me to destroy you’ (2 Kings 18:23). “This obviously caused great despair in Hezekiah. However, God instructed Isaiah to prophesy to him again, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper. And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me, says the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17 NKJV). “Everything accelerated after this, and one of the fiercest judgments in history took place. In fact, a reset occurred almost overnight. When the sun came up, 185,000 Assyrian soldiers lay dead. No one knows exactly how, but “the angel of the Lord” killed them (2 Kings 19:35). Perhaps the angel led a host of angels; Jewish historians say the seraphim were behind it. The siege was broken, and history was reset as Sennacherib and his army retreated. “Hear the word of the Lord I received for this hour: “‘An incredible spiritual force is being released into the earth realm: My Kingdom warriors. My “eagle force” will partner with My angel force; they will partner with My seraphim. They will be led by Lord Sabaoth. My “war eagles” will ride the waves of My glory, the currents of My winds, the rays of My presence. They will manifest the works of My Kingdom, demonstrating My power and accomplishing My will. Know that the coming generation of “war eagles” have been groomed and reserved to overcome hell’s siege of earth. They will now be loosed. “‘This Kingdom force will braid themselves to Me, and I will mount up, carrying them. We will soar. They will run with Me at speeds the enemy can’t match, leaping barriers and walls, breaking demonic blockades to pieces. They will shatter the gates of hell, using their spiritual weapons to battle vicious, cruel regimes, bringing deliverance to the tortured captives. They will tear down the altars of Baal. They will not surrender in fear even when surrounded; overwhelming odds will not rattle them. They will not relent to new weapons or tactics of war. These things will only strengthen their resolve. “‘My eagles will fly with My weight of glory tied to them. They will circle, dive, and devastate the thrones of hell. Demonic adversaries of My Kingdom will be the prey. My unique eagle force will be terrifying splendor, terrorizing hell’s regimes. They will run and not grow weary, walk, and not faint. My Spirit will renew and re-strengthen them, reoxygenating them in My presence. They will mount up with wings like eagles, and no weapon formed against them will prosper. This is the heritage of My sons and daughters, says the Lord.’ “Yes, the war is fierce, but a reset is coming!” Pray with me: Father, we are Your rescue team, Your liberators. You have called us to enforce Christ’s victory, declare His truth, and release His light. In this prophetic word, You compare us to eagles. Release Your “war eagles” across this nation and throughout the world. Cause us to rise with You, riding the glorious rays of Your presence, accomplishing Your plans and purposes. Use us to break strongholds and bind principalities. Our lives are braided and tied to You; therefore, we will run and not grow weary, walk, and not faint. We decree that no weapon formed against us will prosper; this is our heritage. And we once again wield the sword of Your word over the Middle East. We declare over Israel, “God is able to graft you into His family again! Your eyes will be opened to the Messiah!” (see Romans 11:23). And we declare over the sons of Ishmael, “‘God hears’ your cry. Your eyes, too, will be opened, and you will see a great light - God’s light of salvation and glory! (Genesis 16:11; Isaiah 60:1-2; John 12:46; Acts 13:47). We decree that the powers of darkness in that region will fail. Their hold is broken, light is overcoming darkness, and the oppressed will go free. We bind every demonic attempt to maintain control there and stop God’s harvest. In Jesus’ name, so be it. Our decree: We decree that strong spiritual warriors of Christ are rising, mounting up like eagles over this nation and the world, guided by the Spirit of God to accomplish His will. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------- Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at -------------------------------------------------- Dr. Ron Charles, The Search, (Bloomington, IN, 2007). James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6960.
  8. 6 min read November 16, 2023 A Tower of Strength Today we will conclude our series on prayer for protection using the Hebrew word paga - intercession - which also means setting boundaries. Two ancient cities, Petra and Masada, both impregnable natural strongholds made of rock, exemplify the type of fortress the Lord wants to be to us. I’ll give you the biblical reference for this momentarily. The city of Petra (Greek word for "rock") was originally named Sela (the Hebrew word for “rock”). The second city, Masada, is from the Hebrew word, metsudah, meaning “fortress, castle, or stronghold.” The first city, Petra, “was virtually impregnable against attack by the military technology and weaponry of the ancient world," said **** Eastman and Jack Hayford in their book Living and Praying in Jesus' Name. The primary access to this stronghold was, and continues to be, a very narrow, natural gorge called the Sik (Arabic for "shaft"), which is about a mile in length and approximately ten feet wide. Because of this geological factor, the Sik could easily be defended by even a tiny band of people against any invasion, even when the attackers used suicide tactics. As G.A. Smith notes in his commentary, "The interior is reached by gorges so narrow that two horsemen may scarcely ride abreast, and the sun is shut out by the overhanging rocks.”(1) I have been to the second city, Masada, which is an incredible natural fortress near the Dead Sea. Masada is a plateau atop a mountain, which ends abruptly at cliffs steeply falling about 1,300 ft on the east and about 300 ft on the west. The approaches are very difficult to navigate. King Herod used it as a military outpost, and in the first century AD, it took a three-year siege for the Roman Empire to starve out a band of Jewish zealots from this amazing fortress. In Psalm 31:3 (KJV), David said, "Thou art my rock [sela/petra], and my fortress [metsudah].” “You’re my Petra and my Masada,” he said! What an incredible picture of David's confidence in God as his hiding place, defense, and impenetrable place of protection!!! David used another geographical illustration of God's protection in the famous twenty-third Psalm. He states in verse 4, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (KJV). The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) says the phrase "valley of the shadow of death" is used to describe the infamous valley to the southwest of Jerusalem where some in Judah made their children “pass through the fire.” This phrase spoke of human sacrifice; 2 Kings 23:10 mentions it as the valley where children were offered as sacrifices to the god Molech. ISBE goes on to say, "Because of the atrocities that had been performed there, the name of this valley developed into a synonym for hell." This verse is often used, of course, to refer to God’s security and comfort when walking through times of literal death. While this is valid, when David said it, he was stating his faith that even when he walked through the most evil or difficult of places, he could trust God to be his protector. The Lord wants to be a strong tower, a wall, an impregnable fortress for us. Intercession - paga - creates this protective force field. Build it through prayer. Establish your perimeter. Pray daily for protection. Be alert to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and when they come, pray! Psalm 91 is too powerful not to share it in its entirety. Listen as I read from The Passion Translation: “When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. He’s the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and He will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse. His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm. “You will never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night nor have to fear a spirit of darkness coming against you. Don’t fear a thing! Whether by night or by day, demonic danger will not trouble you, nor will the powers of evil be launched against you. Even in a time of disaster, with thousands and thousands being killed, you will remain unscathed and unharmed. You will be a spectator as the wicked perish in judgment, for they will be paid back for what they have done! When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. “How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling. You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling every one of them beneath your feet! “For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: ‘Because you loved Me, delighted in Me, and have been loyal to My name, I will greatly protect you. I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will feel My presence in your time of trouble. I will deliver you and bring you honor. I will satisfy you with a full life and with all that I do for you. For you will enjoy the fullness of My salvation!’” Feel free to pause the post and dance, jump, run, or whatever joyful expression you enjoy most. In his book, The Necessity of Prayer, E. M. Bounds tells the following story of a friend who loved to watch foxhounds on a hunt. That is, until… “Rising early one morning," he said, "I heard the barking of a number of dogs chasing deer. Looking at a large open field in front of me, I saw a young fawn making its way across the field and giving signs that its race was almost run. It leaped over the rails of the enclosed place and crouched within ten feet of where I stood. A moment later, two of the hounds came over also, and the fawn ran in my direction and pushed its head between my legs. I lifted the little thing to my breast, and, swinging round and round, fought off the dogs. Just then, I felt that all the dogs in the West could not and would not capture that fawn who, in its weakness, had appealed to my strength.”(2) So it is, Bounds said, when human helplessness appeals to Almighty God. What a picture. Be like this fawn. When the "hounds" of danger approach, run to your Masada, your tower. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10; NASB). Decree His protection over you and yours. Build walls of protection through paga - intercession. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for the authority we have in Your name, and the name of Jesus. If David could declare it as a tower of refuge and strength under an inferior covenant ratified through the blood of animals, how much more can we do so through the blood of Yeshua. We place the barriers, set the boundaries now, and declare, “No trespassing!” We and our families are off-limits to all forms of violence and destruction. “A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing.” NO evil will befall us in our Masada. And Almighty God, we declare that as America walks through the valley of the shadow of death, as we walk out the shaking, caused at least in part, by making our children pass through Molech’s fire of abortion, we will emerge back onto Cape Henry’s beach. We will repair and retune the Liberty Bell, ringing forth a pure gospel of freedom and truth. And the hounds of idolatry, death, pride, destruction, division, marxism, and a lying, godless government will not tear us loose from Your arms. We declare their defeat through the Cross. We declare that You will prevail in Washington, D.C., that the portals of hell created there by unprincipled politicians in bed with demons, will not prevail against You. Revival has begun, will not be stopped, and America shall be saved. “When You arise to intervene, all the nations and kings will be stunned and will fear Your awesome name, trembling before Your glory! Yes, You will reveal yourself to Zion and appear in the brightness of Your glory to restore her and give her children. He responds to the prayer of the poor and broken and will not despise the cry of the homeless. Write all this down for the coming generation, so re-created people will read it and praise the Lord! Tell them how Yahweh looked down from His high and holy place, gazing from His glory to survey the earth. He listened to all the groaning of His people longing to be free, and He set loose the sons of death to experience life.” (Psalm 102:15-20; TPT) In Jesus’ name, so be it. Our decree: The coming generation will be recreated, set loose from death to experience life, and give God extravagant praise. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- Portions of today’s post were taken from my book The Essential Guide to Prayer, published by Baker Books. **** Eastman and Jack Hayford, Living and Praying in Jesus’ Name (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1988), p. 52. E.M. Bounds, The Necessity of Prayer (Springdale, PA: Whitaker House, 1984), p. 7.
  9. 6 min read November 14, 2023 Standing Guard Yesterday, we began sharing somewhat on how to pray for protection. We will continue with this theme today. One of the meanings of the Hebrew word for "intercession," paga, is "boundary" or "border,” the point at which two territories meet or connect, the extent to which a boundary reaches. In Joshua 19, paga is used repeatedly in this way. When used in the context of intercessory prayer, paga is the establishing of boundaries or walls of protection; the marking of a territory as one’s own.(1) Through prayer, we can build walls of protection around individuals. Isaiah 26:1 and 60:18 speak of God's protection as “walls”: "In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: 'We have a strong city; He sets up walls and ramparts for security." "Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise." In his book Prayer That Moves Mountains, Gordon Lindsay tells a remarkable story about building walls of protection through prayer: Unknown to a Christian Armenian, bandits followed his caravan as he transported merchandise across the desert to a town in Turkish Armenia. The bandits waited until after dark to attack, but upon approaching the caravan, they were astonished to see high walls surrounding it. The same scenario happened on the following day, with high walls again protecting the caravan at night. On the third night, however, the walls were broken in places, allowing the bandits access to the merchant. Frightened by the mystery of the walls, the leader of the bandits offered to spare the merchant and his caravan if he would just share the secret of the walls with him. Having no knowledge of the walls, the merchant replied that all he knew was that each evening he prayed, committing himself and those with him to God, but that on this particular evening, he had not prayed as usual, due to his tiredness, and that probably accounted for the breaks in the wall. This testimony so amazed the bandits that they gave their lives to Christ.(2) Many would find this story unbelievable. Yet why should it surprise us? God simply allowed the bandits to see what existed in the spirit realm: walls of protection. They naturally assumed the walls were literal. Zechariah 2:5 speaks of protective walls of fire: "For I,' declares the Lord, 'will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.'" Supernatural protections, as illustrated by these stories, occur through consistent prayer, but also at strategic times as intercessors are sensitive to the promptings of Holy Spirit. As they are, He alerts them to pray for others in critical times of need. These alerts from the Holy Spirit can come through a sense of foreboding, an uneasiness concerning someone, or simply by hearing Him tell them to pray for someone. Set in the context of spiritual warfare, the Holy Spirit speaks of these alerts in Ephesians 6:18: "With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints." Most readers assume this is telling us to pray all the time. However, it is not. The word "times" is the Greek word kairos, which means "strategic or opportune time."(3) God is saying that, in light of the spiritual warfare we're engaged in, we must be alert for satan's attacks against others; and, when warned of these kairos, strategically timed attacks, pray! If we are alert, the Holy Spirit will warn us. If we pray, He’ll intervene. Hebrews 4:16 also uses this word, kairos. “Let us come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time [kairos] of need.” Of course, we are welcome at God’s throne of grace all the time, but this verse is actually referencing strategic times of need. The Amplified Translation says: “an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment.” The Hebrew counterpart to the Greek word kairos is eth, also a word for "strategic time." Used in Psalm 9:9, God tells us He is "a stronghold in times [eths] of trouble."(4) These verses tell us we can pray in specific - kairos/eth - times of trouble or attacks and receive the immediate help we need. Oral Roberts experienced this type of the Holy Spirit’s intervention during a kairos timed attack against his family: After ministering at a conference over a thousand miles away from home, Oral had gone to bed in his hotel when he was suddenly awakened and heard these words, "Your wife and children in Tulsa are in serious danger. Pray." He spent time in deep intercession for his family until he finally felt the burden lift. When he returned home to Tulsa, his wife, Evelyn, told him that one night, after the children and she had gone to bed, she heard someone trying to break into their home. Paralyzed with fright, she had been unable to do anything other than to pray for God's help and for Oral to be alerted to pray for them. Thankfully, the intruder had left without ever entering the house. As they compared their experiences, the Robertses realized that Oral had been awakened and alerted to pray at the exact time that Evelyn had heard the intruder.(5) That is a kairos attack - and a kairos answer - to a paga prayer! Walls or boundaries of protection were established through intercession, and God's promise of protection was fulfilled. Never assume that a warning such as this is just your imagination. Engage your faith in God’s protection and pray! Ephesians 6:18, the verse that tells us to pray at all kairos times, urges us to be “watching” for one another. This word (agrupneo) means literally to “stay awake.”(6) Just as “praying always” obviously does not mean we have to pray 24/7, this word doesn’t mean we should never sleep! It is a parabolic way of saying we must remain alert, just as an awake sentry or night watchman would do. We have all heard the phrase “don’t go to sleep on the job,” which means the same thing. This passage in Ephesians is telling us we must be alert, watching for one another. As we do so, Holy Spirit will faithfully do as He said: alert us to the kairos attacks of the enemy. Pray with me: Father, You told us to “fear NO evil.” Your word tells us if we are alert, Holy Spirit will warn us of attacks and strategic times when we need to pray prayers of protection. Of course, we can live in the secret place of protection daily (Psalm 91), but we can also be alerted to these specific attacks for those we are in relationships with. We ask for high levels of discernment and sensitivity, an ability to pick up these alerts for our families, friends, leaders, and others in our lives. We refuse to live in fear, regardless of what happens around us. We have our spiritual armor for protection, including the shield of faith and the weapon of prayer (Ephesians 6). We will pray during these times, building walls - boundaries of protection - around ourselves and others. We declare that as we do, no weapon formed against us will prosper, and every tongue that rises against us in judgment, we will condemn in the name of the Lord. This is our heritage as family members of the Most High God (Isaiah 54:17). And we continue to declare that the prince of Persia will be defeated in the Middle East; his centuries-old stronghold will be demolished. His hold on the hearts and minds of people there will be broken. He will not stop the great spiritual harvest coming to that area of the earth, nor will he succeed in generating a World War III. The great spiritual awakening has begun - there, here in America, and throughout the earth. It will not be stopped. We release the power of Holy Spirit to hover over that region, producing dreams, visions, signs and wonders, and a tremendous harvest. We release the same here in our nation; it will not be stopped. All of this we ask and release in the name of Jesus. Our decree: We decree that we will live in the secret place of the Most High God, protected from all evil. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was taken from my book, The Essential Guide to Prayer, published by Baker Books. ---------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6293. Gordon Lindsay, Prayer That Moves Mountains (Dallas, TX: Christ For The Nations, revised 1994), p. 39. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 2540. Ibid, ref. no. 853. Oral Roberts, A Prayer Cover Over Your Life (Tulsa, OK: Oral Roberts, 1990), pp. 10-11. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 69. ----------------------------------------------------------
  10. 5 min read November 13, 2023 Boundaries of Protection We have heard many words of encouragement lately telling us not to fear the shaking that has begun. These words simply echo what God says hundreds of times, in several different ways, in His Word: “Fear not.” We can rest assured that our nation is anchored and protected. However, this anchoring does not negate our need to personally maintain faith and biblical principles of protection for ourselves, our families, and our friends. In this season, where terrorist acts and other forms of violence will increase, we must remain vigilant and maintain our place in “The secret place of the Most High.” (Psalm 91). This week, I want to share with you what the Scriptures tell us regarding how we do this. Today’s teaching is from my book, The Essential Guide to Prayer. Enjoy! Towers “When the children were young, we visited Disney World one summer. Along with the excitement of heat, humidity, long lines, and high prices, I had the adventure of visiting the Tower of Terror. This ride simulates an earthquake as experienced while riding in a hotel elevator. It was everything but uplifting. “A few years ago, I visited the Tower of London in England. A fortress on the River Thames, this bastion has served in historic times as everything from a palace to a prison. We saw the crown jewels and, as a reminder to those who might try to steal them, many ancient instruments of execution and torture. I've never moved from exhilaration to excruciation so quickly. I mumbled, ‘God save the Queen,’ and hastily departed. “I've also visited the Eiffel Tower in Paris, a 984-foot-high tower of iron framework built for the International Exposition of 1889. Demonstrating my linguistic skills and cultural awareness, while gazing at this incredible accomplishment, I shouted to those with me, ‘Vive la France, birthplace of the French fry.’ “The following story offers an interesting assessment of an infamous tower in the Bible - Babel. “An eminent architect was under cross-examination at a trial concerning a building he had designed. One of the prosecutors, attempting to distract the man during his testimony, asked, ‘Are you a builder?’ “Immediately, the witness replied, ‘No, sir, I am an architect.’ "’But, they are much the same, aren't they?’ the prosecutor added. "’I beg your pardon, sir, but in my opinion, they are totally different.’ "’Oh, indeed! Perhaps you will explain the difference?’ “To this, the witness responded, ‘An architect, sir, conceives the design, prepares the plan, draws all to specifications, and in short, supplies the mind. The builder is merely the bricklayer or the carpenter. The builder is the machine; the architect, the power that puts it together and sets it going.’ "’Oh, very well, Mr. Architect, that will do. And now, after your very ingenious distinction between the two, perhaps you can inform the court, who was the architect of the Tower of Babel?’ “The witness promptly responded, ‘There was no architect, sir, only builders. That's why there was so much confusion.’”(1) “This is not totally accurate, of course, builders and skilled tradesmen know more than the architect stated. But it is an interesting and humorous observation. “Another tower in the Scriptures is known not for its terror, jewels, pride, or confusion, but as a place of strength and safety: ‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe’ (Proverbs 18:10). Psalm 61:3 calls our God ‘A tower of strength against the enemy.’ Boundaries “One of the meanings of the Hebrew word for ‘intercession,’ paga, is ‘boundary’ or ‘border.’ It is the point at which two territories meet or connect. Hence, a boundary, or, as The Spirit-Filled Bible says, the extent to which a boundary reaches. Paga is used repeatedly this way in Joshua 19. “In the context of intercessory prayer, paga is the establishing of boundaries or walls of protection; the marking of territory as one's own, declaring, ‘I will not permit intruders or interlopers.’ I love Psalm 91:1-4 from THE MESSAGE: ‘You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow, say this: "God, You're my refuge. I trust in You, and I'm safe!" That's right - He rescues you from hidden traps, and shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you; under them, you're perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm.' “Wow, what a promise! “A missionary determined to take the gospel to an interior region of China experienced the sovereign protection of God through paga. Ruthless bandits along the road had prevented this area from being reached. However, this young missionary went, preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. He later returned to the base without having seen any bandits. Shortly thereafter, the missionaries heard a rumor circulating throughout the area: the bandits had not attacked because an entourage of eleven soldiers had traveled with him. As he had traveled alone, the missionaries concluded angels must have protected him; but why eleven? “The missionary wrote about this experience to his home church in the United States. His pastor asked when this had happened. Upon receiving this information, the pastor excitedly communicated his part of the story. The pastor had been prompted by God to call a special prayer meeting for this missionary. When the date of the prayer meeting arrived, the pastor was disappointed at the poor turnout. That changed after he received the missionary's amazing report. The pastor was thrilled to tell him, ‘You'll be pleased to know that, counting myself, there were exactly eleven of us who were praying for you that very day.’ “Those 11 faithful intercessors became a wall, a boundary, or perimeter of protection, around this missionary through their prayers of intercession - paga. Through them, Psalm 91 and Proverbs 18:10 became reality. God wants us, also, to believe in the power of the name of Jesus and to use it to build walls of protection around individuals.(2) “Isaiah 26:1 and 60:18 actually speak of God's protection as walls: ‘In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city; He sets up walls and ramparts for security.’” ‘Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.’” Pray with me: Father, thank You for being a tower of refuge, strength, and protection. We do not have to wonder about Your willingness to protect us in times of trouble. Your Word says You are “a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1). It tells us, “Thou art my hiding place, thou shalt preserve me from trouble” (Psalm 32:7). We declare with the psalmist, “I will fear no evil” (Psalm 23:4). We realize this protection is accomplished through the application of Your Word, which includes our faith, prayers, and abiding in the secret place. We build walls and create boundaries. Teach us Your ways regarding this. We are going to grow in the knowledge of the truth this week. We will expand in our revelation and enlightenment. We also realize we are more than Your kids; we are Your ambassadors, Your king-priest warriors, Your Ekklesia. As such, we not only pray for ourselves, we create boundaries, even walls of protection for others. Teach us to do so effectively, leaving nothing to chance. Today, we begin by securing our families. We decree that they are off-limits to all attacks - no evil will befall them, no plague will come near them (Psalm 91:9-10). We declare this in the name of our Protector, Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We declare that we will fear no evil; we are secure in the secret place of the Most High God. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------------- Today’s teaching is taken from my book, The Essential Guide to Prayer, published by Baker Books. **** Eastman and Jack Hayford, Living and Praying in Jesus’ Name (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1988), p. 52. Ibid., 13-14. ----------------------------------------------------------
  11. 5 min read October 18, 2023 The Divine Acceleration While speaking in Florida this past weekend, I was reminded of a word Chuck Pierce gave me a year or so ago. Occasionally, Holy Spirit uses Chuck to give me one sentence or phrase, in order to motivate me to search the Scriptures for greater revelation on the subject. This particular phrase was, “There will be a return to Gilgal.” I received revelation regarding this and taught a short series of posts on the subject. (You can find those here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.) Gilgal was the place Israel camped after Joshua led them in their crossing of the Jordan River, making it their headquarters for a season. The name means “rolling.” They named it this, not because of the Jordan River being rolled back; its flow was actually “cut off” miles upriver, not rolled back. They named the place Gilgal because it was there that God told Israel the reproach of their slavery in Egypt had been “rolled” off of them (Joshua 5:9). There are many extraordinary events associated with this crossing. While in Florida, however, I felt there was something in particular, a current word Holy Spirit had for me through this portion of Scripture: a NOW word. So I spoke on the subject, trusting the Lord to reveal it to me while I was speaking. Revelation often increases for me through the anointing that comes when preaching and teaching, and it did on this occasion. When the fresh word from the Lord came, it was simple but strong. It occurred when I mentioned the shift Israel was being required to make into a new season. Moses had died, being the last member of the previous generation that wasn’t permitted to possess the promised land. Joshua had become the new leader, and God told him it was now time to cross the Jordan and possess the land. This marked the end of a very long season of preparation, over 400 years. It started with a promise to one couple, Abraham and Sarah, and a 25-year wait for their promise of a son, Isaac. Isaac and Rebekah birthed Esau and Jacob. The process then continued through Jacob and his fathering of the 12 tribes. At that point, we are over 100 years into this long season/process. And then, Israel became slaves in Egypt for over 300 years! It wasn’t looking good. This lengthy and seemingly off-track process was being carried out in synchronization with another variable, something God referred to as “the iniquity of the Amorites becoming complete” (Genesis 15:16). Yahweh was going to give their land to Israel, Abraham’s seed, but only after the accumulated sin of those living there justified it. This would take four more centuries! Just think about that: God looks centuries ahead to when the Amorites’ sin will be full, and knows exactly when to start the process of creating the nation of Israel through Abraham. A four hundred-year plan, which will have to be carried out in and through sinful people, barrenness, unbelief, family treachery and betrayal, wars, and a long season of slavery (which it turns out was really to provide for Israel’s needs - see Genesis 46 and 47), and have to coincide with when the Amorite’s iniquity became full. That’s some pretty good planning and a lot of patience! But God accomplished it. Four hundred years of planning and coordination coming to its moment. And now He says to Joshua, “In three days, Israel is going to cross this Jordan to possess the land” (Joshua 1:11). Awesome! But why, after 400 years, are You now in such a hurry, Joshua may have been tempted to think. You’re a better planner than that, Yahweh. We’ve waited over 400 years - why the big rush now? It takes a while for an entire nation to pack for a move such as this. And the Jordan River is in flood stage, a mile wide and very deep! In a few weeks, it’ll only be 20 yards wide and waist-deep. It’s been four CENTURIES; surely a few more weeks won’t matter! Thankfully, if Joshua was tempted with these thoughts, he squelched them quickly and obeyed. If Yahweh says three days, then three days it is. And He must have a good reason. The Lord did have a good reason. He was on a prophetic timetable, would be painting a prophetic picture of the Cross through their crossing over, and was making certain that it coincided with the date He had chosen for Christ’s death. That’s why He said, after their crossing and celebration of Passover, “On that very day,” Israel ate the fruit of the land (Joshua 5:11). Not a day early; not a day late. God can not only plan ahead 400 years, He can plan ahead 4000 years…to the day! The planning of Christ being sacrificed for us began before Adam’s fall even occurred! As I pondered this account from Scripture last weekend while in Florida, the Lord focused my attention on the hastening of the pace in Joshua 1:11. He changed/shifted the time and season, as Daniel 2:20 tells us He does. God is never running late, but He IS in a hurry at times. And He was in Joshua 1. The Eternal Planner has His own reasons for doing so when He speeds things up. And in His infinite wisdom, He is doing so now. The Lord is hastening the pace of what is now unfolding now on earth, doing so to keep things in step with His plans. Everlasting God, Olam El, is not reacting to satan’s counter actions; He factored them into His plan thousands of years ago. He is simply working through the chaos, accomplishing His will. We must stay in step with Him, following Holy Spirit’s direction. This next year is critical for us. Huge. Just as we have been working with Him to birth the coming harvest, we must now finish well, church. I simply do not believe that as God looked ahead and planned this great worldwide harvest, He saw us as a generation that would put our hands to the plow and turn back. I don’t believe that in His foreknowledge, He saw us rejecting His offer, realizing He would have to use the next generation to reap this harvest. No. I believe the Lord saw us as the generation that would FINISH THIS ASSIGNMENT! Let’s do it..! Pray with me: Father, You are magnificent, glorious, indescribable - too marvelous for words. There is no one like You. Your abilities are unfathomable, beyond human comprehension. We believe in Your power and ability, but we also believe in Your heart of love and mercy. We believe You when You say You love mercy, not judgment. Thank You for demonstrating this when You waited four centuries to take the land from the Canaanites, even though You knew the time would come when You would have to do so. Your patience is also amazing. And You have been patient with our nation, just as You have others. You have walked with us through 60-plus years of rebellion and spiritual death. Yet You have preserved us. Now, You are offering us restoration. We refuse to miss this opportunity. We will finish well. Give us revival in America. Give it also to the nations of the Earth. Let this outpouring be glorious, the biggest ever. A billion souls. Lead us as we finish the process in this very challenging season. Encourage the church, keep us focused, and remind us to not grow weary in our perseverance. We thank You for this. And once again, we ask You to hover in the U.S. Capitol building. Give us the Speaker of Your choice. We bind every demonic effort to keep this person from taking that seat. We open the door to them, according to Isaiah 22:22 and Matthew 16. And we ask for all of this in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Our decree: We declare that we will finish the process of seeing America restored. ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  12. 6 min read October 17, 2023 God Has Other Plans Most of what I have to share today is not new, but it is a needed reminder and will help us keep in perspective what has been said prophetically regarding America’s future. It is important to properly synchronize the various words coming from prophetic voices in this season. The well-worn adage of having good news and bad news is certainly true in our time. Strong and encouraging words stating that America will be saved - and she will - abound. Usually, these words are accompanied by promises of revival, restoration, and reformation. This, too, I fully believe will occur. However, there are also warnings of shaking, violence, tsunamis of destruction, wars, and more. A proven prophetic voice with Morningstar Ministries, Chris Reed, recently released a troubling dream he received on October 8th regarding terrorism in America. Please listen to it if you have not yet done so (click here). These two above scenarios are indeed contrasting outlooks, but they are not contradictory. The coming shaking and restoration are two halves of the same unfolding reality. Most of the voices releasing words regarding the future actually state this in one way or another, telling us difficult times are coming but also that we will emerge with new strength and a great reformation. In Scriptures detailing Israel’s past, God often had to allow her to experience difficult circumstances in order to turn her back to His ways and purposes. It is also important to remember that those difficulties always came after God’s unheeded warnings; He faithfully sounded the alarm. Likewise, America, too, has been given numerous warnings, yet as a whole, has failed to return to Him. Drifting farther from the Father’s heart, which always dulls our spiritual eyes and ears, America has remained with the proverbial frog in the kettle, joining the denial-driven ostrich with our heads in the sand. Though this inability to receive correction and hear God’s warnings is, at times, unavoidable among those who don’t know Him, it is inexcusable in those who do. For decades now, a sleeping and egocentric - sometimes narcissistic - church has chosen pleasure over concern, comfort over confrontation, and watered-down messages over wake-up calls. Many Christians became too lazy or complacent even to vote, and numerous pastors were too afraid or deceived to challenge them, thereby keeping out of their pulpits the principles of righteous government established by God on the earth. This led to an ignorant church, many of whom insanely prioritized personality over policy, and slick political charisma over plain truth. Inconceivably, they actually preferred the murdering of babies in the womb and the mutilation of confused children to mean tweets. By doing so, these Christians joined with unbelievers in choosing a woke and weak America over strength, empty lies over bold truth, and radical “green new bankruptcy” over responsible and wise planning. Voting into power weak and corrupt leaders comes at a cost; the cost for America has been great, and when all is said and done, will prove to be historical. This naivety and deception started years ago, intensified greatly during the Obama years, and hit full speed when Biden was elected. That is when America reached the point that the recovery could no longer occur without the shaking. For years, I held out hope that revival would come without the shaking. I still believe it could have had the church awakened in time. Now, it is no longer possible. Yet God, in His mercy and for His plans, is going to save us, using the shaking to do so. Our enemies have seen America’s deep dive into insanity, naivety, weakness, corruption, and complacency, and realized they could now act. With our borders open, they could send in thousands of terrorists; with our senseless decisions causing a weak economy, they could outspend us militarily; through multiple wars in the world, they could deplete us militarily; and with foolish, cowardly, naive, and sometimes traitorous leaders, they could make their long-awaited moves. They are now beginning to act. Like it or not, Reagan was right: the only way to peace is through strength. (1) The good news - and there is good news - is that a remnant in the church HAS heard God’s warnings and risen in intercession, responding to God’s heart for redemption. We have obeyed His instructions. This will prove to have shortened the duration and severity of the shaking. America is anchored and covered with the blood of Yeshua and the oil of Holy Spirit. And, albeit not yet in the natural realm, in the spirit, we have reconnected to our Foreword - God’s decreed purpose for His book titled, “America.” As I have stated several times that our prayers are saving America, I have meant it very literally. They are also birthing the revival held in God’s redeeming heart. Do not yield to fear when the shaking intensifies, and challenges arise. Remain strong in faith, declaring the word of the Lord that God will use it to produce revival and transformation. He wants to see this great worldwide harvest reaped more than we do, and it will be! Do not forget this! China won’t stop it, nor will Russia, Iran, North Korea, or any terrorist organization. In America, Marxists won’t stop it, nor will leftists, evil politicians, liars in the media, indoctrinating educators, or demonic principalities and powers. The shaking will awaken us, God will revive us, and a 50-year plan of darkness will be overwhelmingly foiled by Holy Spirit’s activity here and around the world. Now, I must warn you: expect the pace of all this to speed up. With great anguish, I say that I believe the conflict in the Middle East will escalate. It was spawned by demons, and planned by Iran and her new allies to increase international unrest, not to help Gaza. Without a doubt, they knew that Israel - also without a doubt - would respond by eradicating Hamas. They also knew this would take the lives of many Palestinians, many of whom don’t even like Hamas. These despicable powers, however, don’t care about the Palestinians. They are using them as human shields and pawns. Their goal through the attack was to create more war and worldwide terrorism, producing Iran’s opportunity to destroy the “little” and “great satans” Israel and America. Russia and China see it as an opportunity to defeat the current most powerful nation so they can dominate the world. And satan sees it as a way to stop the great harvest. God has other plans! Stay aligned with God. In your love of Israel and hatred of evil, don’t fall prey to satan’s deception by aligning with HIS hating heart. God loves the Palestinians, Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, and other people of the Middle East. Yes, justice must absolutely be dealt to terrorists and perpetrators of evil, but we must pray that light, truth, and salvation be released to the masses. And though the violence there and elsewhere will continue for a time, pray for a minimal loss of innocent life and a supernaturally quick end to it. Persevere! Pray with me: Father, we are anchored to Your heart and hand, surrounded by angels, covered with the blood of Christ, and anointed with the oil of Holy Spirit. America, though she will be shaken, will survive and be revived. We are confident of this. We are also restored to the covenant made with You, which is also the purpose for which You made us. Though this has only been accomplished in the spiritual realm - not yet manifesting naturally - it is no less true and real. We birth Your plans and purposes in the spirit first, and then they manifest in the natural realm. We pray for courage to rise up in the hearts of Your people during this time. We pray for a strong, unwavering faith and confidence to be sustained in the Ekklesia. We are not those who put their hands to the plow and then turn back. We are not of those who miraculously leave Pharaoh’s labor camps, then fear the giants so much we want to go back. We are warriors. Overcomers. More than conquerors. We are constrained by love, sustained by faith, clean by the blood of Jesus, and anointed with the power of Holy Spirit. We are lovers of humankind, warring for their salvation and deliverance and armed with the gospel. Our greatest days are ahead, not behind, and by Your strength and grace, we will not fail. We do ask You to destroy evildoers, while protecting innocent life as much as possible, in this violent season. Thwart the bloodthirsty plans of the evil one. We also remember to pray for our government. We sense that this decision regarding the Speaker of the House of Representatives is very important. It is a part of the transformation and cleansing of our government. We need Your choice to be in that seat. We ask for this, and bind every attempt - through demonic persuasion, confusion, lies, and human agendas - to thwart it. Your kingdom will come, and Your will be done, in Jesus’ name! We ask all of these things in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that as Christ’s Ekklesia, we will represent His heart and plans in this hour of history. And we will do so with His love, authority, strength, anointing, and victory. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------
  13. 6 min read October 16, 2023 Step Forward There are those whom I believe the Lord speaks to clearly, sharing His heart - prophets who give us direction, teachings, and words from the Lord. My brother is one of those voices. After hundreds of hours of study, God has also given him an unusual ability to understand how angels operate in the spirit world, assisting us as we partner with God. Here is a word Tim Sheets recently shared: “We are in significant days, walking out the strategy of our Lord; it is imperative that we press in to hear what He is saying. The Ekklesia must accept the responsibility of engaging and decreeing His Word as we move into the next season. “I asked Holy Spirit recently to show me what He is currently speaking and He gave me a vision. In this vision I saw a map of the United States of America, along with many other nations of the world. As I looked at the map, I began to see a display of fireworks. Each one shot up into the sky in a streak of light and exploded. I heard the Lord say, ‘Today, we launch the strike force of the angel armies.’ I then began to see seraphim and government angels, along with other angel divisions, going forth on assignments. I realized the shooting fireworks had actually been angels of light. From each state and many other nations, I had seen angels shooting up in streaks of light. The explosions I saw were promises, prophetic words, dreams, visions, and declarations from believers. [End of vision] “After the vision the Lord said, ‘The angels of Lord Sabaoth are now launched to explode and activate. There will be explosions of promises, dreams, visions and prophetic words coming to pass. This is a Kingdom event for Ekklesias around the world. It is time for My Ekklesia to engage with me and declare what I say. Angels are activating to release an explosion of the Kingdom of God.’ “We have been told of a shaking that will begin to reset our nation; this vision and word is a revelation and confirmation that this significant breakthrough is coming. The responsibility of the Ekklesia at this time is to be bold and aggressively use our spiritual weapons. Prayers and decrees are weapons of warfare, mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). “Wars are never won through reticent effort. The King’s Ekklesia is being called to engage demonic agendas and stop them. We are being called to proceed against cultural, governmental and educational evils. The King’s command is for us to advance, not hide in fear, and follow Him into battle. “During this season, Holy Spirit is saying to us, as He did the prophet Jeremiah, ‘You have no reason to fear the people you speak to, for I am with you and will defend you. I will touch your mouth and give you My divine message! Look, I have placed My words in your mouth. You will know what to say. You will be My voice. This very day I appoint you to speak with My authority over nations and kingdoms. Your word - My word - will have the power to uproot and stamp out; it will destroy and upend. And then your word - My word - will rebuild and plant anew’ (Jeremiah 1:8-10, The Voice Translation). “God is going to use us, His Ekklesia, to upend and uproot by boldly declaring His words. Philippians 1:28 (NLT) says, ‘Don’t be intimidated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself.’ “One of the greatest signs of defeat to our enemies is when we, the body of Christ, stand fearless and unintimidated. We must refuse to be bullied by our adversary; we know he is a defeated foe. “Recently, Holy Spirit spoke the following to me, ‘I have prepared and will now show the world the strength of the Lord of hosts. My strong arm will be seen overpowering and defeating the forever loser through a functioning Ekklesia. My Ekklesia will now enter a time of acceleration when prophetic words, promises, dreams and visions intersect their moment. I will activate the assignments I gave them. And as My Ekklesia engages in prayer, decrees and corresponding actions, functioning in My original intent and purpose for its being, it will connect to a supernatural moment. This is a moment I have planned, for revival and reformation. Strength will multiply. Doors will open. Changes will surge. Transformation of times will come. Crooked paths will straighten. Realignment to right ways will manifest. Restoration of paths of righteousness will be rebuilt.' “‘Move forward into My moment. Move forward into your moment. My move, your move. My word, your word. My victory, Your victory! Engage with purpose into this moment. Engage the battle, says the Lord.’ “We must now be bold and fearless, not passive onlookers. We must live in the fear of the Lord, not the fear of man. Like Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and countless other heroes of faith, we must shake off all passivity and stand strong. No bowing to Baal. No bowing to wickedness, perversion, mutilators of children, demon doctrines, government intimidation, insane ideas, lies, or antichrist agendas. We must embrace a true Kingdom of God mindset and a remnant warrior’s mentality. “We must remove all cowardice and passivity that acts as leaven and spreads. We cannot yield to an inappropriate acceptance of evil, calling it love; evil breeds loathsome oppression, cruelty, the destruction of families and children, and the annihilation of destinies. Sin never brings peaceful solutions; it kills, steals and destroys. King Jesus says it’s time to engage, battle and stand strong. “Ephesians 6:10-18 (NKJV) speaks of putting on the whole armor of God in order to stand against the wiles of the devil. This passage is timely for this current season in which we have been called to fight for the cause of Christ. “The word ‘against’ in verse 10 is the Greek word pro.(1) It actually means to ‘step forward.’ Our word for a professional, a ‘pro,’ comes from this Greek word. A pro is someone that is a step forward from others. The Ekklesia is being called to advance for the Kingdom of God. When you see principalities, step forward. When you see the powers of darkness, step forward. When you see the rulers of the darkness of this age, step forward. When you see spiritual wickedness in high places, step forward. “Holy Spirit is calling out to His Ekklesia: engage and step forward!” Let’s Pray with Tim: Lord, thank You for breathing truth, revelation and strategy to us. We pray that the season we have been contending, crying out and believing for would begin to unfold. We pray for a divine outpouring and infusion of heaven’s power, a power that can change everything. We ask for strength and great boldness. In Acts 2, Your power came from heaven and believers’ voices were amplified, allowing them to speak with Kingdom authority and governing language. Their authority went to a different level, and we are asking You to do this again. Cause the Ekklesia to step forward and reign supernaturally. Loose the explosion of promises, dreams, and visions that have now come to their divinely planned moments. May this be a time when we embrace what You say. We declare our faith and confidence is in You. We step forward for such a time as this. Cause Your Ekklesia to rise up and oppose evil, supernaturally upending the strategies of hell. We will not relent. We will be tenacious and bold for Your cause. We continue to pray regarding the situation in the Middle East. We ask for a quick end to this violence. We bind the prince of Persia’s/Iran’s efforts to steal, kill, and destroy. We break the power of this stronghold off the region, and loose the breath of God to the region. We declare the victory of Calvary over it. We declare that God has freed the descendents of Isaac and Ishmael from darkness and deception through the power of the blood of Jesus. Arise in that region, Lord, scatter Your enemies. Let Your light come and Your glory rise upon the people. We ask for angels to help bring the fruit of this. All of this we decree and ask in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Our decree: We decree the launching of angel armies throughout the world to bring the fulfillment of promises, dreams, visions and prophetic words. And we decree that the church will engage and step forward! *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------- Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at --------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4253.
  14. 6 min read October 13, 2023 The Unexpected Assignment Yesterday, I shared about the prince of Persia. I referenced a gathering this past weekend in Ohio where my brother, Tim Sheets, shared that he believes Holy Spirit is saying we are moving into a season of overthrowing demonic thrones of iniquity ruled by principalities. He also spoke of the highest-ranking angels (seraphim), such as Michael and Gabriel, being assigned to help us. As an example of a principality ruling a region, he mentioned the “prince of Persia” (Daniel 10:10-13, 20). Ancient Persia is modern-day Iran. Tim shared this on the day before the war in Israel began. The timing of what he shared was significant. I also said I believe the violence in the Middle East is being caused by this same principality Daniel and the archangel Michael dealt with in Daniel 10. The pain and suffering in Israel and Gaza is the direct influence of this spirit. Terrorist groups are his agents; hatred, pain, suffering, and oppression are his goals…and his methods. Today I want to give you a part two. While vacationing in the Smokey Mountains in 2004, I sensed a great increase in spiritual warfare over the government of America. Decisions were being made, that I knew would be very damaging for our nation. The burden on me was so great I knew I needed to go to Washington, D.C., and pray. Ceci and I decided we would cut our vacation short. She would go home to Colorado Springs (where we lived at the time), and I would catch a flight to Washington. She knows the assignment on my life and sensed the same urgency, so was fully supportive. Then, I received a series of confirmations. Ceci and I had decided to go to a musical show this final night. Just as we arrived, a friend and intercessor called. Ceci went inside to purchase our tickets and find our seats while I took the call. Our friend began… “One of the intercessors in the church had a dream about you last night, which I felt you should know about immediately. She dreamed she was attending a conference and went into an average-sized room for the first teaching session. A man was standing up front, ready to begin teaching; he had a large media screen behind him. As he started to teach, he paused, turned to this intercessor, and said, ‘Tell Dutch Sheets he must go up to 11 and 12.’ As he said this, the numbers 11 and 12 appeared on the screen behind him. “The scene changed in the dream, and she was in a different room for another session. The same man was there to teach, and again he looked at her before he began, saying, ‘Tell Dutch Sheets he must go up to 11 and 12.’ Again, the numbers appeared on the screen. This ended the dream.” While pondering the dream, I texted Ceci to find the location of our seats. “Row 12, seats 11 and 12,” she replied. After taking my seat, I stated the obvious: “I think God is talking to me!” I then related the dream to her. I immediately began asking the Lord what these numbers meant, even during the musical performance. Why was He saying I must go up to 11 and 12? Why would this be given to me on the eve of my trip to Washington to pray? Perhaps the answer is in the symbolic meaning of these numbers, I thought. In the Scriptures, the number 11 refers to transition. It can be a change of paradigms, locations, or other transitions. Because transition or change often creates a temporary season of disarray, it can also picture disorder. The number 12 is the number of government. Through the symbolism of these two numbers, I felt God was saying to me, “You must go up through the disorder (11) in the heavenlies, the spiritual realm, and exercise My kingdom government or rule (12).” I also thought that perhaps the numbers could be pointing to a specific Scripture, so I began looking up references with 11 and 12 in them. I felt drawn to Matthew 11:12: “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force.” I contemplated this verse and felt God was telling me this was indeed an assignment involving spiritual warfare. I was also led to Revelation 12 and the spiritual warfare described there. The angel, Michael, along with other angels, was warring against satan. Verse 8 stood out: “No room was found any longer in the heavens for the dragon and his angels.” Though this passage is about a future battle, I felt Holy Spirit was using it to confirm that there was great warfare over D.C. I’m sure this is typically the case, but I felt it had intensified. While praying and considering this passage in Revelation 12, I received a call from another friend in Colorado who said, “I have been praying for you and felt led by the Holy Spirit to instruct you to read Daniel, chapter 10. I believe God wants to speak to you from this passage.” She knew nothing about what I was doing. As I read the chapter, I realized it also includes a story about Michael warring in the heavens, this time against a spirit referred to as the prince of Persia. We spoke of this passage and principality in yesterday’s post. Daniel was praying for Israel’s restoration, and God had dispatched angels with His answer. Demonic forces in the spiritual realm, however, led by this prince of Persia, were warring against the angels, hindering them from reaching him with the answer. God eventually sent Michael to help the angels break through to Daniel. While meditating on this, I was reminded of a prophetic word given to me a few months earlier. Jane Hamon, while speaking in our church, had prophesied that sometime in the near future, God was going to send the archangel Michael, to war over D.C., and I would go and partner with him. This was that. As a final encouragement and confirmation, the Lord led a member of Congress to call me just before I began the assignment. I explained what had transpired while on vacation, where I was, and what I was about to do. “Perhaps you’re supposed to pray for me and, from your position of governmental authority, commission me to this assignment,” I suggested. “I believe so,” this legislator said, “because you suddenly came to mind, and I felt a strong urge to call you immediately.” His prayer was powerful and added greatly to my confidence. I and three others who joined me had a powerful time of prayer in Washington, D.C. We bound the efforts of satan to control this situation, released many petitions and decrees, and commanded God’s kingdom rule to come and His will to be done in the coming days. We sensed great angelic activity, and KNEW Michael was there helping us. Our prayers were answered, and God’s will was accomplished. Pray with me: Father, our hearts break as we watch the pain and suffering taking place in Israel and Gaza. Jesus said the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The principality over Iran, whom You called in Scripture the “prince of Persia,” loves to cause pain and suffering, just as the spirit of Baal does here in America. Many millions are under his control. You have told us that a great revival is coming to that part of the world, with hundreds of millions being saved. You love the descendants of Ishmael, just as You do those of Isaac. Jesus died for the entire world. We know the name Ishmael means “God hears,” and You do. We ask for a great outpouring of Holy Spirit to these descendants, just as we do for the Jews. Open the eyes of all, enabling them to see Yahweh, His Son, Yeshua, and understand the gospel. Save a billion of them! We know this is Your desire, and we also know You need our partnership. As Christ’s ambassadors on earth, we bind the influence of the prince of Persia over this region of the world, and declare that the shed blood of Jesus Christ has removed his right to rule there. We stand in the gap for the people, asking for their deliverance from this spirit’s influence, for the lifting of the veil from their spiritual eyes, and for a mighty release of the powerful gospel. We ask for laborers to be sent into this harvest field, and for angels to war against the demonic activity. End this war quickly. Send revival to Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, the West Bank, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, and every other Muslim nation. And we ask this in the powerful name of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Amen. Our decree: We declare that Christ’s Kingdom is an ever-increasing and everlasting Kingdom. All nations belong to Him as His inheritance - ALL. ************************** Portions of today’s post were adapted from my book Authority in Prayer. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  15. 6 min read October 10, 2023 The War in Israel Before I comment on the situation in Israel, I first want to share just a few thoughts from Dave Kubal from Intercessors For America regarding the Speaker of the House situation. As tragic and significant as the situation in Israel is, we must also remain focused on America, difficult though that may be. Supernatural Divide in D.C. (by Dave Kubal) “The battle we are watching in Washington, D.C., is a visual representation of what is happening in the supernatural. At this moment, there are forces attempting to retain control, and forces attempting to gain control. “Let me describe what’s happening in the natural. The nation was given an opportunity with this session of Congress to fight against the government’s woke agenda, its weaponization against private citizens, and bankrupt spending. The January fight for speaker was the obvious outworking of the political establishment. Congressman Kevin McCarthy was recognized as part of the establishment but wielded power because of his ability to raise and distribute $100 million. His popularity pushed him to the front. He made very specific promises to fight the woke agenda and pass a responsible budget. “Rep. McCarthy did not do what he promised. “He lost the support of many in his party. Most no longer trust him. This week there was a vote to vacate his position. It prevailed with nine Republican votes. Many more Republicans no longer wanted McCarthy to remain speaker, but they did not believe that this was the time to remove him. “When we deal with the spiritual realm, the natural will work out. This is an opportunity — a critical moment in our nation’s history. “Will we continue to allow our government to express and legislate values contrary to kingdom values? Will we allow our government to limit our freedoms? Will we empower a government with no control on spending — political spirits of control, spirits of excess loosing immorality, manipulative spirits using printed money — to dominate our lives? “Next week [this week], we will see our options to lead Congress from here. The candidates will represent the spiritual battle at hand. Likely candidates include: Congressman Steve Scalise: a huge ally to Speaker McCarthy, and one entrenched in the political establishment. “Congressman Jim Jordan: a relentless defender of our freedom. “Others may surface, and we must look for what agenda drives these representatives and for who is behind them. “Most of all, we must pray. The battle on Capitol Hill in D.C. is the outworking of the spiritual battle in our nation. When we take care of the spiritual realm, the natural realm will work out.”(1) Israel There is no need to recap the horrific details of what is occurring in Israel; most of us have seen information regarding little else for the past few days. It has been heartbreaking to see the animalistic cruelty of demonized terrorists as they rape, torture, and mutilate women and children. I speak not of Palestinians and Muslims in general, but of the Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iranian terrorists responsible for this inhuman barbarism. They are savage butchers. I want to focus, not on their actions, but on the bigger picture: how we got here, what it means regarding the future, how we should pray, etc. How We Got Here Elections, as they say, have consequences. I would add that naively, ignorantly, and foolishly electing antichrist, anti-Bible, globalist, woke, lying, leftist, and Marxist leaders, bent on transforming America into the same, has disastrous but predictable consequences. (Though the term “electing” is probably not completely accurate in this case.) One can only hope that pious, undiscerning Christians - who simply could not tolerate mean tweets and an immoral past, preferring instead, abortionists and leftists - are having second thoughts. What we have seen over the past three years was predictable. Why would a Biden administration, run by Obama and other globalist America haters, want a revived and strong America? Reversing most, if not all, of Trump’s sound policies on their first day in office, they picked up where they had left off, and even increased the pace of transforming America from being the greatest nation on earth into a weak and disrespected mess. A nation, by the way, which now needs a miracle to be restored. The Attack on Israel Tragically, the violence and bloodshed in Israel will continue. They have no choice but to eliminate once and for all the terrorist threats of Hamas, Hezbollah to the North, and perhaps Iran’s ability to fund and facilitate them. Iran and the terrorist leaders knew their provocation would demand this war. To Iran, the Palestinians, in general, are expendable pawns - always have been; they couldn’t care less about them. They want to force Israel to fight, hoping to destroy them, or at the very least, cause more of the world to turn against them. And unfortunately, multitudes of Palestinians, many of whom do not even support Hamas (some of them Christians!), will be sacrificed. What This Means in America Satan and those he controls hate not only Israel, but America. Thousands of terrorists are no doubt here now, due to Biden and the Dems’ open borders, waiting for the command to attack. They would be fools not to have come in, and we would be fools to think they’re not here. And those I listen to believe that they are, indeed, here. Many are especially concerned about cities with large numbers of those who have entered our country illegally, especially single young men. Terrorism could very well be the shaking we have been warned of, as could our involvement in a regional or world war. Yes, we have obeyed the Lord’s instructions for preserving our nation, and we will be preserved. But the words from the Lord did not say there would not be attacks or suffering. We were warned of a great shaking, but that our prayers would ensure America’s survival, salvation, and reset. Be convinced of this - I am. And do not yield to fear! Continue to pray for protection over your home and family daily; claim Psalm 91 for you and yours. Be vigilant. Beyond prayer for protection, stay focused on God’s plan to use this evil to prepare people and nations for harvest. He is always far ahead of satan and his plans. Continue to call forth the exposing of evil and the reaping of harvest. Do not allow your heart to become hardened to Muslim people in general, or Iranians and Palestinians in particular. Millions of them do not want these wars and the terrorism. Pray that they find out the truth of what is occurring - they hear only propaganda - and that they become more open to Christ and the gospel. I believe millions of them will be saved. Don’t forget that Paul, in his deception, martyred Stephen, but he later became one of the greatest followers of Christ in all of history. Pray for a great harvest in the Muslim world! And finally, pray for Israel! Pray that this evil attack be overcome quickly and supernaturally, that there will be a minimal loss of life, and that the plans of darkness backfire. Pray that their eyes will be opened to Yeshua. They, too, will experience a great, great revival. Pray with me: Father, we come to You today with hearts that hurt, just as Yours no doubt does. The horrible grief and suffering taking place in Israel is heartbreaking. We ask You to help Israel overthrow these evil terrorists, and bring the suffering of all to a quick end. We also ask for the veil of deception to be broken off of millions of people in that part of the world, freeing them from spiritual darkness. Open their eyes to the light of the gospel of Yeshua. Let a powerful revival sweep through the Middle East. Continue to give dreams and visions to those in the Muslim world, showing them that Jesus is, indeed, the Son of God and their Savior. Show the Jews that He is their Messiah. And Lord, we pray for our nation. Thank You for so clearly warning us that we needed to pray prayers of covering, protection, and anchoring. We continue to ask for Your protection and declare that Psalm 91 will be our portion. We pray also for our government, that You would remove those who need to be removed in order for us to be safe and restored. Give us the leader we need in the House, but may Your changes go much deeper and broader. Give us once again a righteous government. We pray these things in Christ’s holy name, Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound and is being released throughout the earth. ********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -----------------------------------------------
  16. 6 min read October 12, 2023 The Prince of Persia Last weekend at a powerful gathering in Ohio, my brother, Tim, shared that he believed Holy Spirit was saying we are moving into a season of overthrowing demonic thrones of dominion, ruled by principalities. He also spoke of the highest-ranking angels (seraphim), such as Michael and Gabriel, being assigned to help us. As an example of a principality ruling a region, he mentioned the “prince of Persia” (Daniel 10:10-13, 20). Ancient Persia is modern-day Iran. We awakened the next morning to the news that Hamas, doubtlessly under the influence and support of Iran (Persia), had attacked Israel. I am not suggesting that this attack happened because of or to confirm his teaching, but I do believe God orchestrated the timing of Tim releasing this word just before it occurred. In that sense, it is an incredible confirmation. In the Scriptures, demonic violence was at times brought on by their reactions of anger, intimidation, trying to be preemptive, etc., to what God was doing in the spiritual realm. Herod killing the babies in Israel at the time of Christ’s birth is a prime example. “Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him.’ He stayed there until the death of Herod; this happened so that what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled: ‘Out of Egypt I called My Son.’ So Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt. Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent men and killed all the boys who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi. Then what had been spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: ‘A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; and she refused to be comforted, because they were no more.’” (Matthew 2:13-18 NASB) I believe the extraordinary unrest in the world at this time is indeed caused by demonic activity, arising from the threat they feel. I believe the prince of Persia mentioned in Daniel is behind all of the violence and war in Israel and Gaza. He is angry and worried. Satan and his demons hear the words coming from God regarding the great and imminent harvest. He sees the many people being saved in Iran, and the prophecies regarding millions that will be saved throughout the Muslim world and in Israel. He also realizes the Ekklesia has reached a level of maturity that will allow this dethroning of regional demonic thrones. His actions at this time are attempts to stop all of this preemptively. The praying church must stand against this resistance. We have been given authority to bind the activities of darkness in the spiritual realm, which then determines what occurs in the natural realm. Our prayers can absolutely be a part of stopping this evil activity in the Middle East. They can also influence the fruit of what has already occurred, and may yet occur before it ends. (I am not implying that our prayers can stop it immediately.) Let’s look at an example of this in Daniel. “Behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. And he said to me, ‘O Daniel, man of high esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.’ And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling. Then he said to me, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia....’ Then he said, ‘Do you understand why I came to you? But I shall now return to fight against the prince of Persia; so I am going forth, and behold, the prince of Greece is about to come.’” (Daniel 10–13, 20) Israel had been taken captive by Babylon because of their sin, but Daniel realized from Jeremiah‘s prophecies that it was now time for restoration (Daniel 9:1-2). Being a man of passionate prayer, he had been interceding for Israel’s restoration for several days. As incredible as it sounds, the angel that appeared to Daniel said to him, “I was sent to you the first day you began to pray, but was opposed by a spirit, the prince of Persia.” (see reference above) God chose from the beginning to work on earth through humans, even at the cost of becoming one to redeem us. In this situation, He was working through the fasting, repentance, and prayers of Daniel. This man’s prayers were producing the restoration of Israel, which was being resisted by the principality ruling the region. As unusual as it sounds, the angel sent to answer Daniel’s prayers had been delayed for 21 days by the demonic resistance in the spiritual realm. God had to send His mighty angel, Michael, to deal with this demonic “prince of Persia” (now Iran). I believe the same type of warfare is taking place now in the Middle East, led by the same principality. We must persist, just like Daniel, until we see a breakthrough. I do believe this is a season when we can see the overthrowing of demonic thrones. And just as we are dethroning the spirit of Baal here in America, this prince of Iran must also be dethroned. This dethroning will result in the coming harvest - that’s what it’s about, as is the resistance. I feel sure we will see the same anger and a certain level of violence here in America. It is most likely part of the prophecied shaking. I do not know how severe this will become, but we will prevail over it, and God’s plans will not be stopped. We must remember that it is demonically inspired, therefore we must do our part to oppose it spiritually, even as the government and civil authorities deal with it naturally. “Wrestle” with the cause, not the people satan uses. This does not mean we shouldn’t protect ourselves and take other precautions; it simply means we must deal with the root cause as we do so. I will address this subject again tomorrow, but will say one more word regarding how we engage in this spiritual warfare. We must worship, exalting the Lord, not become preoccupied with demons. * We must appeal to our heavenly Father through the victory accomplished by Christ. * We must exercise Christ’s authority, commanding/decreeing His will as Holy Spirit directs us. * And we must bind and forbid the plans and actions of the enemy through declaring God’s Word, also as Holy Spirit directs us - just as we have been doing. * Our greatest weapon is the Word of God..! Let’s do so now. Pray with us: Father, we have heard Holy Spirit address the coming harvest as “the harvest of the ages.” We believe it will be the greatest in all of history. Great spiritual breakthroughs will occur throughout the world as deception and darkness are broken over people. Demonic thrones will be dismantled, and the light of the gospel will be seen. Satan and his forces will attempt to stop this, but we know You have already planned for this, as well, and have determined how You will thwart him. We know Your angelic hosts will be part of the plan to stop him, and we ask for this help and support now. We ask You to stop satan’s plans that are at work in the Middle East and cause them to work for Your purposes. In the name of Jesus, we bind them now. Dethrone the prince of Iran, Father, and free millions of people from his hold. Then send revival to the entire region. We ask the same for America. Strengthen and lead us as we finish the process of dethroning Baal over America. We have covered this nation in prayer, as You said, and now the shaking can be used to reset us and move us into revival. Lead us as we pray, and lead our authorities as they deal with any and all evil that comes our way. We boldly command, as You instructed us, “Kingdom of Christ, come! Will of Christ, be done!” (Matthew 6:10). We declare that Jesus is Lord over all the earth. We declare that His blood has cleansed and set us free from satan’s dominion. We declare that through this shed blood and the covenant it gave us with Almighty God, we have the authority to represent Christ. We do so now, releasing His salvation into the Earth. Our decree: We decree that every throne in the heavens and on earth must bow to the authority of Christ. *********************** Portions of today’s post were taken from my book Authority In Prayer. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  17. 5 min read October 11, 2023 Keep Your Faith Anchored As I prayed and processed with Holy Spirit what to share today, I felt He wanted me to steer this post toward faith and hope. We must continue to anchor ourselves to what God has said HE is doing at this time. In my book, The Power of Hope, I state that “Hope does in our hearts what seeds do in the earth. Without hope, life is sterile and unfruitful; dreams won’t be conceived; destinies won’t be realized. Hope is essential because it is the seed, the starting line, the genesis, and the launch pad. It is, in fact, the incubator where faith is birthed: ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for,’ God tells us (Hebrews 11:1 KJV). If there is no hope for the future, there will be no faith to face it - let alone build it. “Jeremiah 29:11 says: ‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’ Strong’s concordance tells us the word ‘hope’ in this verse is the word tiqvah. It has two meanings: ‘an expectancy,’ and ‘a cord, as an attachment.’(1) The second definition is especially fascinating. Hope connects us to our future.” In this same book, The Power of Hope, I share the following story of God encouraging my faith for America. May it bring you hope in this troubled time. “As I write this, I’m sitting on my back porch [2014 in Dallas, TX], drawing inspiration from an amazing picture of hope. It’s a tree in my backyard that I named The Hope Tree. I gave it that name because it used to be dead - or so the previous homeowners thought. “I remember talking with the former owner when we were considering purchasing the house. He told me that not only had the tree died, but he had cut it down. There was nothing left but a stump! It doesn’t get much deader than that! “‘Then I put in the sprinkler system,’ he said. ‘I placed one of the sprinkler heads next to the stump, and the tree grew back.’ “I stood next to him, looking at the tree. This was not a wannabe tree consisting of two or three small sprigs, mind you, but a complete tree. Immediately, I thought about the Scripture where God talks about this never-say-die kind of tree: ‘For there is hope for a tree when it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and its shoots will not fail. Though its roots grow old in the ground and its stump dies in the dry soil, at the scent of water, it will flourish and put forth sprigs like a plant’ (Job 14:7-9). “Why had this passage from Job come to mind so quickly? Amazingly, in that season, I had been encouraging myself with these exact verses as I prayed for America. ‘You can revive America’s destiny and cause us to be great again, Lord,’ I prayed often. “You can imagine my shock and amazement as I looked at the tree before me, a perfect picture of the Scriptures I had been standing on. ‘Sold!’ I said. I hope Ceci likes the house because I’m buying it, I thought. That tree is now my daily reminder of the validity and power of audacious hope. “Many people in this season are looking for hope. Life can be difficult and, at times, brutal. The struggling economy is stealing jobs and destroying the dreams of many; diseases seem to have multiplied, ravaging the health of some and taking the lives of others; our kids cut themselves and shoot their classmates; our government is broken and refuses to reform; and the entire world, it seems, is filled with unrest and war. “Stumps abound…”(2) God has been faithful to give me anchor points over the years regarding His plans for America. And, of course, His plans for America are integrally joined to His plans for the world. It is easy to lose sight of these plans if we focus on the circumstances around us, especially when we see evil at today’s level. The anchor for faith in these times is the Word of God, what He has promised. When I stake my faith to His words, faith displaces fear. God Wants to Save! Do not underestimate the power of God’s love. He loved the world SO MUCH that He gave His only Son to save us. God sees the fallen earth through this lens of compassion. His passion is to redeem, not destroy. Hear Him say to Abraham, “Sure! I’ll spare the city for only ten!” (Genesis 18:32; my paraphrase). Revival to America and the world is not being wrestled from the hand of a hesitant God, but offered from His merciful heart. Most definitely, we live in an evil time, and the wickedness of some is hard to fathom. But DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO BLUR GOD’S HEART. Yes, He will shake down the wickedness, but He will also release His abounding grace. Anchor to this! When a demonized, evil, Herod killed the babies in Christ’s day, God did not abandon His plan and bring Jesus back to heaven. He stayed the course, and He will do so today. When His followers were murdered, burned at the stake, and fed to lions, God didn’t throw up His hands in frustration and destroy the planet. He stayed the course and allowed their blood to become seed He would use to turn the world upside down. It is appropriate to grieve in times like this. It is reasonable to experience righteous anger. But it is not okay to give up. Our Redeemer is on a mission, and He needs us to stay focused on that mission. Speak His words. Remind yourself of His promises. Worship. And stand! Pray with me: Father, we know how the story ends: You conquer evil once and for all, banish the serpent, and restore the earth. And we know how the story of this season will end: You will shake down evil and bring the greatest revival planet Earth has ever seen. You will NOT be outsmarted, out-maneuvered, or overcome. The worthy Lamb is the conquering Lion; the gentle Shepherd is the white horse Rider. He holds the keys, and He is the Supreme Judge. We are following Him. We represent Him and His victory at Calvary. We are His reaping force, His liberators, and we move in His authority. We bind every strategy of hell to stop this great harvest, confuse the church, and steal our faith-filled hope. We are and will continue to release living water to the “stump” called America, and this stump will grow into a tree once again. Then, we will release this living water as a river to the nations of the Earth, and entire nations will be saved and transformed. Nothing can stop this - it has already been decided. We speak revival into the Middle East. We send these words into the airwaves, the atmosphere of the earth today, and declare that they will accomplish everything You intend for them. Not one will return void, because we do so in the name of Jesus. We command a shaking into the strongholds of darkness in the Middle East and around the world. And we release the love and salvation of God to people there. We pray regarding the decision being made in our House of Representatives this week. As they meet today and as long as it may take, we ask You to choose the Speaker of the House. Give favor to this person, and great clarity to the Representatives. Silence voices of confusion. We ask for Your authority to rule completely over this decision; fill the room with angels. And we bind every effort of darkness to control this process and determine the outcome. All of this we ask in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we, the Ekklesia, are steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, and this will not change. **************** NOTE: In the new testament, HOPE (elpis - grk) is the eager expectation of what will come to pass, because the One Who promised is Faithful. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 8616. Dutch Sheets, The Power of Hope (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2014).
  18. 7 min read October 5, 2023 The Consecration of the Supreme Court A despot is a king or other ruler with absolute, unlimited power. Despotism, then, is absolute power or control; tyranny. With these definitions in mind, consider the following statement from Thomas Jefferson, who said on September 28, 1820: "You consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the DESPOTISM of an oligarchy… “Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so...and their power (is) the more dangerous, as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control…The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with corruptions of time and party, its members would become DESPOTS." (Stated in a letter to William Jarvis, Sept. 28, 1820)(1) Unfortunately, Jefferson’s warning proved to be all too accurate. Sixty-plus years ago, the progressive, liberal left in America decided the best way, possibly the only way, to impose their will on the American people was not at the ballot box or through a legislature; it was through the Supreme Court. The inappropriate belief that the Supreme Court had supreme power over all would allow only five unelected people on the bench to impose and enforce their will over 300,000,000 Americans. Five people. Only five individuals were needed to remove God and His principles from American schools, government, and the public square. They could trample on constitutional rights, make the right to murder babies the law of the land, and overrule the will of the people in 30 states, who agreed with God that marriage was between one man and one woman. No entity or group has allowed more evil into America than the Supreme Court. Despotism, indeed. On June 26, 2015, five Justices decided they had the right to redefine a 6000-year-old definition of marriage - one clearly given by God, mind you, and defining a covenant He instituted! Just let that sink in: five people (two of whom had participated in *** wedding ceremonies, yet refused to recuse themselves), arrogantly granted themselves the “authority” to overrule God…and the American people. The deception and arrogance of this is mind numbing. Regarding this, Justice Alito said: "Today's decision usurps the constitutional right of the people to decide whether to keep or alter the traditional understanding of marriage... “All Americans, whatever they’re thinking on that issue, should worry about what the majority's claim of power portends."(2) The late Justice Scalia said: "I write separately to call attention to this Court's threat to American democracy... Today's decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court... “This practice of constitutional revision by an unelected committee of nine, always accompanied (as it is today) by extravagant praise of liberty, robs the People of the most important liberty they asserted in the Declaration of Independence and won in the Revolution of 1776 - the freedom to govern themselves…To allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation."(3) Praying for the Supreme Court On my first visit to the Supreme Court 30 years ago, I heard Holy Spirit say, as clearly as I have ever heard Him speak to me, “Now I am going to show you where the strong man over America lives.” The words “strong man” were taken from the passage of Scripture in Matthew 12:29 and Mark 3:27. This did not mean that all of the Justices were evil, or that the institution itself was evil. It meant that satan had established a stronghold there from which to implement his plans and control our nation. Part of my assignment since that day has been to see the stronghold broken. Many others have been assigned this task, as well, and not just through prayer. Numerous leaders have worked tirelessly to oppose the Court’s control, and to seat appropriate Justices on the bench. Wise Justices have opposed this despotism from the bench itself, as illustrated by the words of Alito and Scalia. I believe we are making significant progress in expelling the strong man. The Dobbs decision, June 24, 2022, is but one indicator of this. Several weeks ago, I was invited to participate in a prayer event in D.C., hosted by Phillip Jauregui and his Judicial Action Group (JAG). The timing was the opening day of the new term of the Court. The purpose was to pray for all nine Justices, doing so with heartfelt love and compassion. The specific phrase used as the goal of our prayers was “Consecrate the Supreme Court.” Mr. Jauregui felt that Holy Spirit gave him this phrase and assignment. The language is unique; I had never before heard this or any similar phrase used in the context of prayer for the Court. My first impression was actually the need to discern whether or not he had truly heard from Holy Spirit. Jauregui also was wisely and humbly seeking counsel from others as to whether or not this was appropriate, something the Lord would lead us to do. I sensed almost immediately and very strongly that it was. I have studied and understand the word “consecrate,” with an awareness of what doing this would indicate. This understanding made the assignment extremely significant to me, and I believe it will for you also. The primary Hebrew word for “consecrate” in Scripture is qadash,(4) also translated as “sanctify.” Another Hebrew word used for consecrate is nazar/nazir.(5) Both Hebrew words have in their primary meaning the concept of separation. Whereas nazar emphasizes more the concept of separation from, as in a Nazarite vow (don’t do or touch certain things), qadash emphasizes separation unto, as in separation unto the Lord. Qadash is the dedication of a person or thing to God and His purposes. In Scripture, many things were separated unto the Lord: people, places, items (in the temple), clothing (of the priests), days, and even events, such as fasts. Typically, when God was about to do something significant in the life of Israel, He told the people to consecrate (qadash) themselves to Him (Exodus 19:10, Joshua 3:5, Joel 2:12-32). In doing so, He was saying, “Come to Me; separate yourselves unto Me; I need for you to draw near, dedicating yourselves to Me…at a heart level.” Yahweh wanted THEM, their hearts, not animal sacrifices. The sacrifices were only to prepare the way for the people to draw near to Him. He wanted a relationship and partnership with them. Re-dedicate the Court I knew that when God said to re-dedicate or consecrate (qadash) the Court to Him, this meant He wanted to do something very significant in this branch of our government. It meant that necessary things had taken place - prayers, repentance, actions, and other influences - that would allow this institution to be re-dedicated to Him, and also to the purposes for which it was established. Obviously, that does not mean the Supreme Court will become a religious institution or be controlled by a religious group. It would mean that God’s intent for institutions of government can now be fulfilled through them. The concept and function of government flow to us from God (Isaiah 33:22), whether in a home, a city, or a nation; and I am confident this is exactly what our Founders intended. They wanted our government to rule “under God”: with His authority and heart, implementing His precepts and laws, ensuring liberty and justice in America. Simply stated, for God to say, “Consecrate the Supreme Court,” would have to mean we have reached a point where He can shift it back into an institution that honors Him; and into one that honors the original intent for which it was established. This does not imply that those on the Court will be perfect, any more than those in ancient Israel who were separated unto the Lord became perfect or sinless. Nor does it mean the change of which I speak will happen immediately. But it does mean we have reached another phase in the process of shifting the Supreme Court. Keep praying, my friend. The “Foreword” is being restored. Pray with me: Father, we in America have taken many of the blessings You gave us and defiled them. Like the prodigal son, we have squandered Your prosperity, using it to satisfy our lusts. We have used our liberties and freedoms to satisfy our flesh. We have distorted and twisted the great Constitution You gave us, turning it into a meaningless piece of paper. And we have abandoned the purpose for which You created America: partnering with You to save the world. Many Americans have repented of these things, and we continue to humble ourselves before You in repentance. We turn our attention today to the Supreme Court of America. Through this institution, we have rejected You, life, the covenant of marriage You established, and more. We have arrogantly ruled against You, and we have paid for this rebellion with the loss of tens of millions of Americans. Today, we repent and ask for Your mercy. The blood of Jesus was sprinkled on a “Mercy Seat,” and we ask for this mercy. We also join our prayers today with the powerful prayers issued just a few nights ago in Washington, D.C., consecrating this Court once again to You. YOU birthed America and our government. YOU instituted all government. We call the Court back under YOUR plans, purposes, precepts, and laws. We dedicate the Supreme Court to YOU and ask that You change all that needs changing. Turn hearts that need turning, and fill this branch of government and its building with Your presence once again. We ask all of this in the holy and all-powerful name of Yeshua. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the Supreme Court of the United States is once again consecrated and dedicated to Almighty God, Creator and Owner of all the earth. ******************* You can learn more about JAG, the Judicial Action Group, by visiting Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  19. 5 min read October 4, 2023 What About September? Much has been said in the last few months about a shaking coming to America. We have referenced this, as have several prophets. Many of them believe, as do I, that a difficult time is coming to America in order to turn us back to God. This is to save us, not destroy us. I do not know, nor does anyone I have spoken with, what this will be. It could be war, terrorism, a cyber attack, economic/financial, civil unrest, or something to do with our government - I do not know. Today, I want to try and eliminate some confusion regarding the timing of this. The Strategy Prophetic voices I know and trust began hearing from the Lord regarding this shaking in the last half of 2022. They were also hearing of the Lord’s mercy; two of them had visions of angels surrounding the nation, in each state capital, and in Washington, D.C. Earlier this year, at least three prophetic voices admonished me, one of them as far back as April, that we must have a prayer strategy in place by September - in order to protect our nation. They believed God would give me this strategy. None of them prophesied that the shaking would come by September, but rather that the strategy to protect us needed to be in place by then. Some believed it could possibly begin in September or soon thereafter, and that we must prepare, but still emphasized that they did not know the timing. Then, you may recall, the Lord gave Gina Gholston her dream regarding painting the borders, commanding the foreword, and anchoring our states and nation by September. I felt, and still do, that this dream provided much of the strategy. And, the body of Christ responded wonderfully to implement that strategy. Though we cannot stop praying, I am confident the instructions given in the dream to cover America during this season, and begin a great reset, have been fulfilled. Conversations and assumptions about September being the time of shaking began to circulate. I can easily see how this occurred. As information is shared, it takes on different nuances, depending on how it is passed on, and how the many listeners hear and process it. In the minds of many, September became the time of the shaking. And, of course, it is certainly possible that I and others delivering the strategy and warning should have stated more frequently and emphatically that we were not saying the shaking would occur in September. If not doing so created confusion, I regret that. Nevertheless, it is certainly true that September was being given as the timing when the prayer strategy needed to be in place, not of the shaking itself. I especially want to point out in covering Gina Gholston that she was VERY adamant, each time we spoke about the dream, that she was NOT saying the shaking would occur in September. She believed, rather, that the finger of God in the dream, pointing at that month, was indicating we must have the strategies in place by then. Chuck Pierce said essentially the same thing to me: that the strategy had to be in place, never that the shaking - whatever it might be - would occur then. Why September So, why did we need to have this strategy enacted by September? No one I know has been given clear answers regarding this. However, it is encouraging to me that we have finally reached a point in our prophetic discernment that we can be proactive, not reactive. In the past, we haven’t prayed until after national crises occur or demonic strategies are implemented - the day after our 9/11s. It is certainly conceivable, if not likely, that whatever may be coming is already being planned by America’s enemies, be they natural or spiritual. Also, it seems logical that the earlier we pray ahead of any attacks, the more beneficial it will be. The prayers could lessen the severity of what may be planned, or perhaps even stop it. It would not hurt my feelings in the least if America experienced a Ninevah moment - repenting of her sins at such a level that it allowed revival to take place without judgment. I also believe September marked a change of seasons for America. I feel that Rosh Hashanah began a new chapter in what God is doing on the earth, including the process of turning America and bringing revival, and that the timing of our prayers was connected to this shift. No Prayer Is Wasted Any who may be tempted by the thought that time or efforts spent praying were wasted, PLEASE never accept such a ridiculous thought from the enemy of prayer. Every prayer offered for our nation is now in the bowls before the altar of heaven, waiting to be poured out on earth. And America is more connected to our God-given destiny/foreword now than we have been in decades - perhaps generations. Some mistakenly felt our prayers in 2020, asking for the exposure of corruption in America, were wasted. They were not. Though we did not see an immediate turnaround, our prayers are what Holy Spirit has used - and continues to use - to expose the incredible depths of evil that exist in our government. This must be exposed before it can be dealt with. NOT ONE PRAYER HAS BEEN WASTED. I continue to be encouraged by what I see Holy Spirit doing in our nation. I was part of a very strategic prayer gathering just this past Monday night in Washington, D.C., which was very encouraging. I will comment on it soon in a post. The bottom line for all of us is that we must persevere in our prayers for the cleansing of our nation, for the “new wine” revival that is coming, and for the divine reset this will produce. Don’t lose focus, and keep filling the bowls of heaven (Revelation 5:8). Pray with me: Father, once again, we thank You for the army of intercessors and faithful warriors You have raised up here and around the world. Thank you, Holy Spirit for teaching us regarding our partnership with You, our authority, and the power of prayer. We want to be faithful in this regard and, like David, serve Your purpose in our generation. We thank You for speaking to us prophetically, alerting us to the times and seasons. Thank You for the dreams and prophetic words You have given. Give us the wisdom to steward them well, and please encourage Your people that what they have prayed and declared for You has been effective. We must continue these efforts. Now, we declare that new wine is coming. We declare that suddenlies will indeed begin taking place and will occur more and more. What You have planned, but not yet revealed, will unfold. We ask for this. We ask for sudden revivals, sudden miracles, sudden conversions, and for prodigals to suddenly come to their senses. We bind every demonic plan and strategy to stop what You want for us. We declare that the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit will not be stopped; the new wine will flow. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we will not lose our focus in this season; we will persevere in our assignments. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  20. 4 min read October 3, 2023 Hello, and thank you for joining me today for Give Him 15. There are some messages that are good for us to hear more than once. Today, you’re going to hear a strategic and very timely message shared by a friend of mine, Dr. Scott Reece. It is handpicked by me, and very encouraging. You will be blessed. Tomorrow, I will be responding to questions regarding the timing of the potential shaking in America. Was it supposed to occur in September? How have our prayers impacted this? We will answer this and other questions tomorrow; don’t miss it. Here is Scott… And Suddenly..! “And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting,” (from Acts 2:2). God was about to change the course of the world! The earth was still resounding from the amazing season of the ministry of Jesus on the earth, and now God was about to populate the entire earth with the sons and daughters of the kingdom, who would carry the message of the king and the kingdom into every stratum of life and every generation right up until this very moment. This suddenly moment was the response to an upper room call. Things would never be the same again. Life would never go back to normal, and the ministry and life of Jesus would be perpetuated throughout the generations because the first-century Ekklesia stepped beyond the boundaries of their comfort zone and stepped into the reality of God’s kingdom being birthed on the earth as it had never been before. I believe that even as it was in the first century and in that small gathering place, when a kingdom assignment was released, the Ekklesia stands at a pivotal moment, and once again, we are being beckoned into upper room moments so that suddenlies can be released in you and through you. You are coming into a “Suddenly Season!” This scripture has been resonating in me for the last several days, and there are many things that God is speaking to me about this, but I have to release this one today… And, Suddenly! The Greek word for suddenly is “Aphanes.” It actually means something that has been hidden and not yet manifest. In other words, your “suddenlies aren’t so suddenly.”(1) Your suddenlies are those moments that have been ordained by God, and are being released at the exact moment that your destiny and purpose demand it. The suddenlies are determined by God, but activated by your faith and obedience. Many suddenlies have been delayed because of disobedience or even sometimes spiritual resistance from the enemy. The disciples of Jesus gathered in obedience in the Upper Room, came into agreement, and began to permeate the atmosphere with worship. Their faith activated the kingdom realm, and the response was a “suddenly” that had been planned for eons of time! The Word of the Lord “I am bringing you into your “Suddenly Season.” The plans and purposes of your life have been carefully and strategically orchestrated. The kingdom administration that will bring alignment to your natural world has been released. “The delays regarding your destiny have been deactivated. I have ordained divine encounters, supernatural moments, prophetic partnerships, breakthroughs, and provision to usher you into this season of your suddenlies. The result will be a breakthrough outpouring of My power and grace that will give birth to a new movement in your life, family, and future. “What you will see and experience in this season will be the manifestation of the dreams, passions, and visions that you have held on to in your heart. The intimate whispers that you have heard in the night from My Spirit are coming into fruition.” ******* I hear the Lord saying, “This is not a season of delay, but delight.” Get your natural house and world in order. Become alert, aware, and attentive to the slightest moves of the anointing and the clouds that hold the rains of your provision. Why is that so important? There is a suddenly mantle that is being released upon this generation. A mantle that has only been experienced up to this point by individuals, but the demand for breakthrough demands a corporate mantle. God is moving upon the entire movements of people who will be connected by the anointing, not by denominational or organizational ties. In these days, organizations will become dimmed by the light of a new anointing that unites instead of divides. The day is at hand. These are not days where the Ekklesia will bow down and surrender, or only a handful will make it. Jesus is establishing His kingdom throughout all the earth! The enemy has control over the carnal kingdom of the world, but the greater kingdom is arising in strength, power, favor, and breakthrough, and it will subdue the kingdoms of this world and its gods. The promise is to the Ekklesia, not to an organization. The church stands united, not under the banner of men, but under the victorious One who righteously reigns supreme and with all authority! Get ready for your suddenlies! Pray with me: Father, today, I come into agreement with those in the Ekklesia who seek Your heart and seek Your face. I come into submission to the plans and the purpose of God for my life, and for what You desire to do in the earth today. I give birth to the will of God on the earth, and I posture myself for the suddenlies that You have ordained for my life. I step into my “suddenly” season with full expectation of the manifestation of the reality of the kingdom in my life, my family, my calling, and my destiny in Jesus' Name! Our decree: We decree that we will step into our suddenlies with authority in a righteous determination to be the voice of the Ekklesia, bringing hope, revival, and restoration in the world today! ************************ Today’s post was contributed by Dr. Scott Reece. You can find out more about Scott here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 852.
  21. 8 min read October 2, 2023 Yota, Please do not merge with Parts 1-4 The New Wine Dream, Part 5 In the last four posts, we have been discussing a powerful dream Holy Spirit gave Dr. Greg Hood. The dream is long, very detailed, and filled with hope. It pictures satan’s plans to thwart God’s intentions for America and God’s recipe for victory over it. Greg and I have been given a package to deliver to Ekklesia leaders, which contains the recipe for this victory. The recipe is for a “new wine” - an outpouring of Holy Spirit - made from a mixing of previous wines - past revivals - spanning five centuries. So far, we have looked at ten of the wines/movements. Today, we will see the 5th and last pour, consisting of the final two wines (making a total of twelve). Then, we will see the results. (See previous posts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). And as we have been doing, the portion of the dream I comment on today will be shared at the end of today’s post.) The Final Pour Tim, assigned to place the filters, grabbed another one and said, "This filter seems to be transparent; it will allow what is poured through it to be seen, not hidden. We’ll actually be able to see the wine mixing under the four filters.” Jim said, "This filter is more than a Mamlakah(1) filter; it's an Apostolic Moreh Mamlakah filter. This one is needed in the final stages of the merger so the blend can balance, and the taste of the new wine will have a strength that causes a contagious intoxication." I continue to be surprised at the many words, numbers, and dates - most of them unknown to Greg - given in this dream. Moreh(2) is another. First, as a reminder, mamlakah means “kingdom.” All of the past wines/outpourings were poured through “Kingdom Filters.” Moreh is the Hebrew word for “teacher.” The coming new wine outpouring will need “apostolic, Kingdom-hearted teachers,” allowing it to: be clearly “seen, not hidden.” This new wine will come with revelatory teaching. be “balanced.” Anointed apostolic teachers bring balance, depth, and order, enabling the church to build on a strong and pure foundation of Christ and His Word. possess a “strength that will cause a contagious intoxication.” Many will want this new wine of the Spirit and, as Ephesians 5:18 instructs us, “Be filled with the Spirit.” The Message Translation of this verse is classic: “Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge drafts of Him.” Incredible..! The Wines I turned to Greg and said, "Hood, you are holding the last two bottles. They are glowing a pure purple color. What are they?” He responded, "One is a Lions Heart 1727 vintage from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and the other is an 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection. Purple, the color of the wines, symbolizes royalty and authority. This is consistent with the Lion Heart 1727 vintage from Tennent’s Log House Vineyard. Tennent was certainly a lion-hearted leader, and ministered in the First Great Awakening, challenging the clergy and the unbeliever alike. In 1727 he founded the Log College in Warminster, PA. Some have estimated that as many as 60 other schools were spawned from the fruit of Tennent’s Log College! The 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection is a humorous reference to the Haystack Prayer Meeting of 1806, which began at Williams College. Occurring during the Second Great Awakening, this prayer meeting launched the modern missions movement, resulting in thousands of missionaries being sent throughout the world. In the summer of 1806, five students from the college met in a grove of trees to pray and discuss the needs of those in other countries. Their meeting was interrupted by a thunderstorm, and the students took shelter under a haystack and continued to pray until the sky cleared. (Thus, the name Haystack Prayer Meeting.) They and other students formed a group called The Brethren, to meet and discuss missions. This ultimately birthed a great missionary movement, that changed the world. Jim informed Greg and me that he and I would make this pour together, one bottle each. Also, he said we would need to pour them simultaneously, just as with the previous pour. These two wines representing the First and Second Great Awakenings, prayer, training, missions, and much more, were poured together into one vat appropriately named the “Kingdom Ekklesia,” which already contained ten other wines/movements. The New Wine Is Released The new wine was ready! Jim referred to it as “a new, present-day, apostolic blend.” Then he added, “This blend has not yet been partaken of in the nation.” We filled the new bottles, which pictures us, the church. Then he said, “The heat of the wine in the bottles will ignite them and transform them into rockets. NOW, Operation Paint the Target - Release Awakening is upon us. EVERYONE TO THE DOOR!” This depiction of the heat/fire in the new wine and bottles pictures the fire of God coming to the Ekklesia through this fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit. We will be launched like rockets, carrying the new wine to targets, releasing awakening. “The battlefield is almost ready for us to launch,” I said. A code from Scripture was decreed in order to open the door. It was Daniel 7:26-27: “But the court will convene for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the empires will serve and obey Him” (NASB). The New Wine Bottle Rockets ignited and launched onto the America-shaped battlefield. Explosions of new wine rained down on the battlefield - it was everywhere! The only exception was the church that earlier in the dream, had turned us away, uninterested in the recipe. Everything else was covered. There was so much of the new wine that it formed a river of wine in America. We all wept. (End of dream) Surely, this is coming. God is even now blending people, movements, and the anointings of past revivals. He is challenging us to allow Holy Spirit’s renewal of our wineskins and the filtering of our movements and congregations. That which is coming, the new wine, will stretch us all. Inflexible wineskins will be incapable of holding this new wine. But those who allow this preparation to occur are about to become part of the greatest outpouring of Holy Spirit in Earth’s history. He has saved the best for last! Pray with me: Father, thank You for giving this incredible dream to Greg Hood. It is so full of healthy reminders, sobering warnings, confirmations, encouragement, prophetic enlightenment, and more. Though we find ourselves on the America-shaped battlefield, we do not fear the bullets; You have given your angels charge over us to keep us in all of our ways. We do not fear the religious spirit that opposes the new, satisfied with yesterday’s wine, rituals, and routines, nor do we despise them. We pray for the eyes of their understanding to be opened, their hearts to become hungry, and their minds to be opened. We thank You for Jesus, our chief cornerstone. We pledge to measure everything we do from Him, and do all things through Him. In Him, we live and move and have our being. We pledge to be a Kingdom Ekklesia, focusing not on our own ministries and success, but on Your great cause and Kingdom. We pledge to submit to the Kingdom filter. And we honor those in Your great cloud of witnesses. We thank them - through You - for their faithfulness, sacrifices, and tireless efforts. We are mindful and thankful for the legacy they gave us, for the “wine” they provided from their movements, a wine from which we drink today. And now, we pray for the completion of the wine-making process. Mix the movements all together, making them one. Add the fire of Holy Spirit, sweeten it with the aroma of worship and prayer, and make it robust and strong. Pour it in the church, ignite us, and send us to the battlefield. We have painted the target, commanded the foreword, and anchored the states. Now, release the awakening, here and around the world. In Christ’s authority, His name, we ask. Amen. Our Decree: We decree that a mighty river of new wine is going to flow in America and the nations of the earth. ************************* You can find out more about Dr. Greg Hood at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4467. Ibid, ref. no. 4176. ------------------------------------------- The New Wine Dream, Part 5 - Greg Hood (9/2023) Tim again grabs another filter in his hand; he says, “This filter seems to be transparent, but it’s a filter nonetheless. It will allow what is poured through it to be seen, not hidden. You will be able now to see the wine as you have never before seen it.” Jim said, “This filter is more than a Mamlakah filter; it’s an Apostolic Moreh Mamlakah filter. It’s needed in the final stages of the merger so that the blend can balance and the taste of the new wine will have a strength that will cause a contagious intoxication.” Dutch turned to me (Greg) and said, “Hood, you are holding the last two bottles. They are glowing a pure purple color. What are they.” I said, “One is a Lions Heart 1727 vintage from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and the other is a 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection. As Dutch was about to instruct me to make my way up the ladder as the others did, Jim interrupted him and said, “Boys, hang on a minute. You both will have to climb the ladder together. Greg, you must take and pour the 1727 Lions Heart from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and Dutch will carry the 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection. Dutch, you will go up the ladder first, and Greg, you will follow. These bottles must be merged in the vat with the others in the same fashion as the ones Jones poured.” Dutch and I made our way up the ladder, stood at the opening of the vat, and began to merge both bottles of wine into the vat. As we poured through the transparent Moreh Mamlakah filter, Jim excitedly ordered Tim to swing an arm, attached to the vat below, over the new bottles on the table beside the vat. He said, “Timothy, open the spout and let the new wine fill the bottles.” As he said this, we saw three men step out of the cloud of witnesses. We knew these men. Our hearts leaped with great excitement. As we all stood on the 264-inch by 22-inch catwalk, we continued praying, prophesying, decreeing, and praying in the Spirit. The wine flowed into these new bottles. Jim said to us, “Come down quickly. The fermentation process is complete, the bottles are filled, and we must ready them to launch.” He said, “This new blend is a new present-day apostolic blend. This blend has not been partaken of in the nation yet.” He excitedly said, “The heat of the wine in the bottles will ignite them and transform them into rockets. NOW, “Operation Paint the Target - Release Awakening,” is upon us.” Jim commanded, “EVERYONE TO THE DOOR!” We all quickly gathered at the door by which we entered the wine cellar, waiting for it to open to see these now “Bottle Rockets” launched. We stood there for what seemed like forever with great anticipation. Dutch said as he stared at his watch, “Just a few more minutes, folks. The battlefield is almost ready for us to launch.” With a commanding voice, Dutch spoke, “Tim, this door and the New Wine Bottle rockets are voice-activated. You are holding the key. On my count, speak to the door and the New Wine Bottle Rockets. Open the door and release the rockets into their assignment.” Dutch begin to count down, “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1, DECLARE!” Tim then begins to declare Daniel 7:26-27. The door to the wine cellar opened, and the New Wine Bottle Rockets ignited and launched onto the raging, America-shaped battlefield. As they traveled to their assignment, we could hear explosions of the New wine beginning to rain down on the nation. We all ran to the top of the staircase back onto the battlefield. We could see the new blend of wine everywhere. The only place that seemed not to be totally covered was the church that wouldn’t let us inside. Everything else on the nation-shaped battlefield appeared to be covered with this new wine blend, so much so that we could see a new river forming in the nation. We all wept. (End of dream)
  22. 10 min read September 29, 2023 Yota, Please do not merge with Parts 1-3 The New Wine Dream, Part 4 We are continuing to explore a dream given to Dr. Greg Hood. If you have not been able to see the first three segments, they are available for you here (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). And as we have been doing, the portion of the dream I comment on today will be shared at the end of today’s post. The Second Pour It was now time for the second pour. I called for a black leader, one of my friends, and a spiritual son, to add this wine. “You have two bottles,” I said. “What vintages are they?” He replied, “I have a full-bodied vintage, a 1741 Angry God from the Enfield Winery, and an 1862 from the Bounds Estate.” The first of his two bottles is an obvious reference to the message given by Jonathan Edwards in 1741, Sinners In the Hands of An Angry God. Enfield, Connecticut, the name of the winery in the dream, was one of two places he preached this message, which has typically been considered the catalyst for the First Great Awakening. The emphasis is not on the fact that God was angry, but rather on the great awakening that occurred. I believe the second bottle refers to the great writer on prayer, E. M. Bounds. The date corresponds to shortly after he began his ministry. Bounds’ books on prayer have long been considered classics. The two wines or movements speak of awakening and prayer. One produces the other. We are being told this new wine Holy Spirit is preparing will be fueled by prayer and will result in another great awakening. The two go hand-in-hand. My friend and son also said to me before climbing the ladder to pour the wines, “May I take a spiritual son up with me to merge the wine? I don’t want to do this without one of my sons.” What a great picture of generational synergy. I said yes, of course. As I and others have said many times, this coming revival will involve the young people. They will be greatly impacted and play a significant role. As the wines were poured, we could hear wailing from within the vat. It was not the wailing of torment, but cries from the realization of one’s separation from God, cries of repentance. This was one of the regular occurrences in the First Great Awakening and usually accompanies true revival. Those of us watching this were once again joined by individuals from the cloud of witnesses, and we all began to weep. The Third Pour It was time for the third pour. Tim added another filter over the wine in the vat, and I called for the next person who would pour this wine, a woman. She brought four young ladies with her: a Native American, an Asian, an African American, and a Latino. “You have two bottles,” I said. “What are they?” She replied, “We are merging a 1904 vintage Sweet Rosé from the Roberts Breakout Estate, and an 1857 Riesling from the Fulton Street Estate. The wine from the Fulton Street Estate will add a fantastic aroma to the wine already in the vat.” The first of these two wines refers to the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905, and one of its primary leaders, Evan Roberts. This powerful revival transformed the entire nation of Wales and impacted much of the world, spawning other revivals. It produced thousands of salvations and was also marked with tremendous worship and prayer, sometimes referred to as the Singing Revival. The second wine refers to the Fulton Street revival of prayer in 1857, which led to a wave of prayer and thousands of salvations across America. It was also referred to as the Layman’s Prayer Revival and considered by some as a Third Great Awakening in America. (Others count America’s awakenings differently, not referring to this as a Great Awakening. It was certainly a tremendous revival, however, and transformed our nation.) The symbolism of these two sweet wines, poured by ladies, cannot be missed. It is an obvious reference to the need and importance of involving the ladies. The strengths, gifts, and anointings they carry are needed if we are to experience all God wants to bring in this hour. These two movements in history indeed carried the sweet aroma of worship and prayer. In the dream, the aroma that arose when their wine was added permeated the cellar, our clothing, went through the ceiling onto the battlefield, and into the heavens. This aroma changed the entire atmosphere. Holy Spirit is reaffirming that prayer must be sustained, and will be an integral part of the coming new wine. He is also emphasizing that it will be a movement of worship. After this lady poured these two wines, an older man with a fishing net stepped into the cellar from the cloud of witnesses. He quoted 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be firm, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (NASB). Greg believes this was the disciple and early church Apostle Peter. I concur and believe this is telling us these two aspects of the new wine - prayer and worship - will be instrumental in producing the coming harvest, symbolized by the fishing net. The Fourth Pour It was now time for the fourth pour. Before this took place, Tim added another filter. Changing his routine, however, before applying this one, he “massaged a generous amount of oil into the filter.” Tim said the oil would “act as a bonding agent” between the filters, but was also needed “because the following wines would be robust.” I found this very interesting as I processed the dream. “Robust” means strong and vigorous; it can even mean rough or boisterous. As we will see when looking at the next three wines in this pour, the movements they represent were indeed very strong and boisterous, sometimes including extraordinary manifestations as Holy Spirit moved. The revivals involved signs and wonders, people falling under the power of God, sometimes even remaining under Holy Spirit’s influence for days. These types of manifestations can be difficult for some people to understand and receive. They will require the “massaging” of Holy Spirit (the oil) to enable some believers to accept - “merge, mix” - with it. I called on the next person to do this fourth pour. “You have three bottles. What are they?" He replied, "I have an 1800 vintage from the Red River Wine Collection; also a vintage from 1801 called The Miracle Manifestation, from the Cane Ridge Vineyard; and a very potent 1915 Vintage from the Seymour's Hidden Face/Bruised Knees Vineyard." These three wines, without doubt, represented the Red River Meeting House revival, the Cane Ridge Revival it birthed, and the Azuza Street Revival. They were indeed potent, powerful, robust revivals involving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, miracles, and much more. The first two birthed the Second Great Awakening, which transformed and saved America. Azusa Street birthed worldwide revival that, in some ways, has never stopped. I told the brother, "You must pour all three of these bottles simultaneously, not separately. As you do, they will create a fire within the vat that will become fuel for this Kingdom Apostolic Blend. Without it, this wine will become just another favorite fad of those who drink it.” As he poured these three vintages simultaneously into the vat, we could hear the swirling of a great fire being created. The vat began to illuminate with a fiery, hot glow and released a groaning like it was about to explode. It then began expanding and contracting, as if it were breathing! The new wine was almost ready. On Monday, we will see the final pour and the results of this new wine. Pray with me: Father, we are excited about the “new wine” You are making. This merging of past revivals and outpourings of Holy Spirit will be unlike any the world has seen. Worship, prayer, salvations, deliverances, miracles, awakening and reformation, a blending of age groups, genders, and races - all of this and more will be a part of this blend. You told us in Zachariah 10:1 that when it is time for spiritual rain, we must ask You for it. We do so now: Please send this outpouring of rain! Give us the new wine! It is the recipe for the saving of America and producing the harvest of the ages. We want this, we need this, and we will have it. We want to prepare our wineskins now to receive this new wine. We ask You for great grace to become more flexible and open to change. We welcome the Kingdom filter Holy Spirit will use to remove what is necessary from our hearts and movements. We want all that You desire to bring, and we want it to be undefiled. All of this we ask You for in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We declare that the new wine being prepared by Holy Spirit will save America and impact the entire world! ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------- The New Wine Dream, Part 4 - Greg Hood (9/2023) Tim pulled another filter from an old wooden box beside the machine/vat. He did not remove the old filter but laid the new filter on top of the used one. As he placed the filter over the used one, I could see that the mechanism that held the filter had the same scripture inscribed on it as the box that held the recipe, Romans 5:17. Dutch then turned to us and said, “James, son, it’s your turn. You have two bottles. What vintages are they?” He responded, “I have a full-bodied vintage. It’s a 1741 Angry God from the Enfield Winery and an 1862 from the Bounds Estate. It says on the bottle that it is made from honey.” Dutch said with amazement, “Go on up! Climb the ladder and merge your bottles of wine with the others.” As he started to make his way up to the platform/catwalk of sorts, he looked at Dutch with tears in his eyes and asked, “May I bring a son with me to merge the wine? I can’t do this without a son.” Dutch replied, “Of course! That’s the way it’s supposed to be, son.” A young man suddenly appeared by James’ side. They made their way up the ladder and poured into the vat from the wine bottles James held. As he did this, we could hear wailing from the vat. It was not a cry like someone being tormented, but rather the cry from a realization of one’s separation from God, a cry of repentance. We then saw two men and two women stepping out from the cloud of witnesses. They were laughing with great joy as they heard the wailing come from the vat. This moved all of us, as well. We felt a soberness come over us, and we all began to weep. Tim did as before, pulling a filter from the old wooden box that held the new Mamlakah filters; he overlaid the new one on top of the previous two. Dutch turned around to those of us still standing at the base of the vat with him. He looked at us, as if discerning who was to ascend the ladder next. Then he looked back down at the recipe. Jim, as he was deciphering the next steps of the recipe, spoke softly to Dutch so no one could hear, “Susan, the recipe says Susan is next.” Dutch quickly turned back to us and said, “Susan, you are the next one to merge these historic apostolic vintages. She stepped up, and four young women appeared with her as she did. They appeared to be in their late teens and young twenties. There was a Native American, an Asian, a Black, and a Latino. Susan said, “We are ready. This has been a long time coming.” Dutch said, “You have two bottles. What are they?” She replied, “We are merging a 1904 vintage Sweet Rosé from the Roberts Breakout Estate and an 1857 Riesling from the Fulton Street Estate. The wine from the Fulton Street Estate will add a fantastic aroma to the wine already in the vat.” They made their way up the ladder to the platform and poured their bottles into the vat, merging them with the others. As they did this, we could see the aroma emerging upward from the vat, through the ceiling of the wine cellar, out to the battlefield above and beyond to the heavens. The sweetness of the aroma was so intense that it marked the garments we were wearing. We knew this aroma would not wash out or wash off us. This changed the entire atmosphere of the wine cellar. After blending their wine with the other wines in the vat, they took their place with those at the top of the platform with the others. An older man with a fishing net in his hand stepped from the cloud of witnesses and spoke to us. He quoted 1 Corinthians 15:58. (I think this was the apostle Peter.) Tim again reached and took another filter from the wooden box. He also picked up a bottle of oil beside the box. As he gently massaged a generous amount of the oil into the filter, Tim said that this oil was to be applied to the next filter to act as a bonding agent between the previous filters and the other ones to come. The next merging would need this oil because the following wines would be robust. He said the oil was also necessary so the filters retained their original purpose in filtering. Now, at this juncture, we knew that the recipe had been fully decoded, and wisdom was present in the room to complete the recipe. Dutch called out, “Jones, you have three bottles. What are they?” Jones replied, “I have an 1800 vintage from the Red River Wine Collection, a vintage from 1801 called The Miracle Manifestation from the Cane Ridge Vineyard, and a very potent 1915 Vintage from the Seymour’s Hidden Face - Bruised Knees Vineyard.” Dutch told him, “You must pour all three of these bottles simultaneously. Don’t pour them separately. As they are poured simultaneously, it will create a fire within the vat. It will become fuel for this Kingdom Apostolic Blend. Without it, this wine will become another favorite fad of those who drink it. Bring your bottles of wine and make your way up the ladder.” Jones did so, and as he poured these three vintages into the vat, we could hear the swirling of a great fire being created. The vat began to illuminate with a fiery, hot glow. The vat itself began to release a groaning like it wanted to explode. It then began to expand and contract as if it were breathing. Jones made his way along beside those who were standing on the platform. Those on the platform were not just standing by watching; they were praying, prophesying, decreeing, and praying in the Spirit. -----------------------------------
  23. 8 min read September 28, 2023 Yota, Please do not merge with Parts 1 & 2 The New Wine Dream, Part 3 We have been looking at an amazing dream Holy Spirit gave Dr. Greg Hood a couple of months ago. It is a long dream, too long to read in one post, and filled with great detail. If you did not see the first two posts, you may want to take a look at them for the sake of context and continuity (Part 1 and Part 2). As with the first two posts, I will include the portion of the dream I discuss today at the end of the post. The dream is about the battle for America’s future. Her salvation will come through a new spiritual wine, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Greg and I have brought the recipe for this wine to a wine cellar, and the production is about to begin. The New Portion New bottles were lined up on the table next to the vat, ready to receive the new wine. Jim (Hodges) instructed me to help him decipher the recipe, and for Greg and Tim to “help the others get their wines ready to merge.” Merge? What did this mean? What were the “other” wines? Greg and Tim walked into an adjoining room of the cellar and discovered several people pulling old bottles of wine from old dusty shelves. Tim spoke up and said to those in the room, "Is everyone ready? Do you have your bottles? The recipe is here, and we must start fulfilling it immediately. Time is of the essence." Tim reached and also picked up some old bottles from the top shelf. Greg took some as well, and they returned to the room with the vat. There would, indeed, be a merging of old wines in order to create the new. The new wine would not be created from new grapes, but would be a blending of old wines - past moves of the Spirit. This “new” wine would truly be a synergy of the ages. As they re-entered the room, I said, "We must get this right. Everyone get ready to pour.” Jim told us, "According to the recipe, we must blend these in a certain fashion." He was calibrating the vat machine to receive the wine we were going to bottle. He then told Dutch, "I have been working on the vat for decades. I can't believe we will use it in my day." With excitement in his voice, he exclaimed, "It's ready! Let the blending begin!" Reaching down, he picked up a gold plate from the floor, and reattached it to the vat. Inscribed on the plate were the words, "Basileus Ekklesia." Basileus is the Greek word for, “kingdom; the domain or realm of a king.”(1) Ekklesia is the Greek word translated “church,”(2) which actually refers to a governing body. A “kingdom ekklesia,” therefore, would be those with legislative authority, delegated to them from a king, in order to rule a territory for him. In our case, the King is Jesus, His realm is EVERYWHERE, and our assigned region is Earth. It is significant that the nameplate of this vat had fallen off, but was being reattached. The meaning of the name is clear: what is about to be produced by Holy Spirit will be for those who honor their calling as members of Christ’s Kingdom Ekklesia. These individuals understand their delegated authority (Ekklesia) and are Kingdom minded in their motives and approach. Those with Kingdom hearts don’t focus only on their own ministries, works, and congregations. They’re Kingdom focused, not ministry or congregation focused, and therefore don’t compete to build the biggest ministry or fastest growing sheep pen in town. The size and scope of their ministry isn’t the issue. Kingdom minded believers simply want to release Christ’s life and rule into the earth, and couldn’t care less who gets the credit or attention. The Filter Jim spoke to Tim and said, "Give your bottles to Greg and stay by me. You must add a new Mamlakah Filter over the vat every time someone pours a new blend of wine into it."(3) Tim positioned himself accordingly and placed a large filter over the top of the vat. Just as the Greek word basileus, mamlakah is the Hebrew word for a kingdom. All of the old wines being poured into the mix had to be filtered through “the Kingdom.” Nothing of man would be allowed - no impure motives, no flesh, nothing that could defile it. Humans are human, and all of us mix our own opinions, beliefs, methods, systems, traditions, doctrines, preferences, etc., into revivals and outpourings of Holy Spirit - ALL OF US. These human elements would be filtered out of the mix, using a new Mamlakah Filter for each pouring of old wine. One final thing needed to be done before the merging of the wines could take place. The recipe instructed us to build a platform, a catwalk of sorts, all the way around the top of the vat; this was for individuals to stand on while pouring. Also, after each one poured their wine, they were to remain on the catwalk praying, decreeing, and prophesying while the next person poured. Tim explained this, “It is crucial that everyone remains at the top of the vat after pouring the wine, to ensure that each vintage blends well, creating the proper synergy.” The Platform The platform was 22 inches wide and 264 inches in circumference. Strong’s Hebrew word number 264 is achavah, meaning “brotherhood,”(4) obviously implying family, unity, equality, unselfishness, and commonality of purpose. No competition, jockeying for position, or personal ambition would be allowed; no pouring of one’s wine and then leaving. This was all for one and one for all. Number 22 in Strong’s is the word abiel, meaning “God is my father.”(5) This relationship with the Father created and defined the brotherhood. I turned to those in the cellar and said, "This will move quickly! Let's try not to spill any of it. We must steward this bottling process well. Line up. It's time to pour.” There would be 5 different pours of old wine (past revivals), some involving 2 bottles, others 3; 12 bottles in all. I called for the first person, “Smith, you have three bottles. What are they?” (I am not using the real names of these individuals.) The First Pour Smith replied, “I have fortified wine. They are a 1457 from the Hus Vineyard, a Martin 95, and a 1729 from the Holy Club Vineyard.” I said with anxious nervousness, "Climb the ladder and pour them in the vat." As he poured them into the vat, four men stepped from the cloud of witnesses. We could see tears in their eyes and a massive smile that held a look of great expectation. Then we heard movement in the vat - it seemed to be coming alive! The 1457 from the Hus Vineyard represents John Hus, a forerunner of reformation. Ultimately burned at the stake by the Catholic Church, his influence birthed the Moravians in 1457. The Moravians were famous for several things, not the least of which were prayer and missions. They were followed by Martin Luther and the Great Reformation. Luther was famous for his 95 Theses in 1517, thus the Martin 95 wine. The 1729 from the Holy Club Vineyard, refers to John and Charles Wesley. In 1729, they, along with others, including George Whitefield, formed what was dubbed by others as “the Holy Club” at Christ Church, Oxford. This ultimately led to the forming of the Methodist Church and was instrumental in producing the First Great Awakening. These three movements radically altered and transformed the religious world, ultimately producing revival throughout Europe and America. Hus, Luther, and the Wesley brothers were no doubt the four from the cloud of witnesses who appeared with tears in their eyes as they saw their “wine” poured into the vat…and watched it come alive. Pray with me: Father, we are part of the “God is my father,” brotherhood. All equal, joined by the same bloodline, united in the same cause. We are Your Kingdom Ekklesia. We thank You for those in the family like Jim and Jean Hodges, who have worked for many years to produce this Kingdom “vat” for the new wine. Thank You for their selfless hearts and the wisdom they provide. We need them to decipher the recipe. We also thank You for those in the cloud of witnesses. They have sacrificed much for You and the brotherhood. Without their efforts we would not be where we are. We pledge that they will not have lived and died in vain. We will grab the baton, creating the synergy of the ages, and keep moving toward the finish line. Through this synergy, we ask You for a multiplying of what they had. Filter it through Your Kingdom filter - create the best wine ever! Give to the youth around the world fresh wine, filled with Your life, energized with purpose. Give the nations of the earth new wine, infused with healing, salvation, and transforming power. Give America restorative wine, and give the church rejuvenating wine. You said the “recipe” for America’s salvation would be in the box marked “revival.” Send it now, we pray, in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the best wine, a synergistic Kingdom blend, is now being mixed. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 935. Ibid, ref no. 1577. Ibid, ref no. 4467. Ibid, ref no. 264. Ibid, ref no. 22. _____________________________________________________________ The New Wine Dream, Part 3 - Greg Hood (9/2023) Tim replied, “I have placed all the new bottles on the table, and they are ready to receive the new wine.” Jim said, “Dutch, you help me decipher this recipe. Greg, you and Tim help the others get their wine ready to merge.” Tim and I walked to an opening in the cellar that led into another room. Inside were several people pulling bottles of wine from shelves. The shelves were old, like the bottles that sat upon them, even covered in cobwebs in some places. Some looked newer, even though we knew they had not been opened in a long while. Tim spoke up and said to everyone in the room, “Is everyone ready? Do you have your bottles? The recipe is here, and we must start fulfilling it immediately. Time is of the essence.” Tim reached and picked up some bottles from the top shelf. I took some, and we returned to the room where the machine/vat was. As we entered the room, Dutch said, “We must get this right. Everyone get ready to pour.” Jim told us, “According to the recipe, we must blend these in a certain fashion.” He was calibrating the vat machine to receive the wine we were going to bottle. He told Dutch, “I have been working on the vat for decades. I can’t believe we will use it in my day.” With excitement in his voice, he said, “It’s ready! Let the blending begin!” He reached down, picked up a gold plate from the floor, and reattached it to the vat. Inscribed on the plate were the words “Basileus Ekklesia.” He spoke to Tim and said, “Give your bottles to Greg and come and stay by me. You must add a new ‘Mamlakah’ filter into the vat every time someone pours a new blend of wine into it.” Tim positioned himself and placed a large filter over the top of the vat. Dutch turned to those of us standing with him in the cellar and said, “This will move quickly! Let’s try not to spill any of it. We must steward this bottling process well.” He went on to say, “Line up. It’s time to pour. Smith, you have three bottles. What are they?” Smith replied, “I have fortified wine. They are a 1457 from the Hus Vineyard, a Martin 95 and a 1729 from the Holy Club Vineyard.” Dutch said with anxious nervousness, “Smith, climb on the ladder and pour them in the vat.” As he poured them into the vat, we saw four men step from the cloud of witnesses. We could see tears in their eyes and a massive smile that held a look of great expectation. We could now hear movement in the vat. It seemed to be coming alive. (More to Come)
  24. 8 min read September 27, 2023 Yota, Please do not merge with Part 1 The New Wine Dream (Part 2) Yesterday we began looking at a dream Holy Spirit gave Greg Hood a couple of months ago. It is a long dream, too long to read here, and filled with great detail. If you did not see yesterday’s post, you may want to take a look at it for the sake of continuity. As with yesterday's post, I will not read the dream but will include the portion I discuss today at the end of the post. As a brief review, Greg and I were running on a battlefield in the shape of America, being fired at from many directions. An angel was sent to help and protect us. We were carrying the “recipe” for winning the war for America’s survival, trying to get it to the right people. We sought protection and help from a church, which refused us. We then decided to take the recipe to an old well on the church property, Oinos Well House, if we could find it. The angel knew where it was and led us to it. And that’s where we stopped. Today’s Portion As I stated yesterday, oinos(1) is the Greek word for wine. We were searching for the “Wine” Well House and found it on the “corner” of the church property. As we dug where the angel directed us, we came to the stone cover for this well; it had the numbers 5850 and 6438 on the top. The first number is the Hebrew word for “crown” (atarah)(2), and the second is the word for a “cornerstone” (pinnah)(3). This is obviously a reference to Christ, the “chief cornerstone” of the church (Psalm 118:22; Luke 20:17; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6-7). He is the entrance, the door! (John 10:9). The stone cover did not actually “open”; speaking a code caused it to transform into a substance we could pass through. Clearly, this pictures us having to go “through Christ” to find safety and the recipe for victory. The code we declared in order to go through Christ was John 17:13-19, a portion of His powerful prayer for the church just before His crucifixion. “But now I am coming to You, and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. I have given them Your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I am not asking You to take them out of the world, but to keep them away from the evil one. Just as You sent Me into the world, I also sent them into the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. And for their sakes, I sanctify Myself, so that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth.” (NASB) As we prepared to enter the cellar, the angel told us to hurry. “Time is very short,” he said, “and the Ekklesia must get this right.” This was certainly not to create panic in us, nor to generate fear that we may fail in this season. It was to let us know that the sense of urgency and sobriety we have been feeling is accurate. We are warring for the soul of America and the harvest of the ages! When we arrived in the room, the “well” was actually a wine cellar, as the name indicated; an old wine cellar with an ancient table and a large, empty vat. On the table were “new” bottles, waiting to be filled. Could it be that the recipe for victory was actually for wine? Would the battle for America be won with wine? Two individuals were removing the cover from the vat. One was my spiritual father, Jim Hodges; the other was my brother, Tim Sheets. They had been waiting for us to arrive with “the recipe.” Tim’s comment to me when we arrived let me know for certain this was a dream from Holy Spirit! I could actually hear him saying it when Greg related the dream to me. “What took you so long?” he said. “Do you have the recipe?” Hilarious! The Box Greg pulled a box containing the recipe from our backpack. Two words, “mishpat” and “anapsuxis,” along with a Scripture reference, Romans 5:17, were on the lid of the box: Mishpat(4) means “a verdict or sentence.”(5) God’s “verdict” was in the box. This immediately reminded me of Gina Gholston’s dream in which the angel of the Lord announced that “America shall be saved.” In her dream, that announcement was preceded by, “The verdict has been rendered!” The “recipe” for producing this “verdict” of salvation was in the box! The second word, “anapsuxis,” is translated as “refreshing”(6) in Acts 3:19: “Times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” An expanded and literal definition of this word would be “the blowing of breath or wind again intensely” (my definition). This verse was spoken by Peter after the healing of the lame man in Acts chapter 3, resulting in 5000 conversions. It speaks of revival. This is also the verse from a vision God gave me several years ago, showing the great revival coming to America, beginning with young people. In this vision, the fires of revival swept across America, especially on the campuses of colleges and universities. It was intense and unstoppable. The “recipe” that will produce the “verdict” - America’s salvation - will be anapsuxis - God’s breath/wind of revival blowing again! The verse on the lid, Romans 5:17, says: “For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ” (NASB). Abundant grace and the gift of righteousness through Christ is the recipe! Apostolic Wisdom My spiritual father, Jim Hodges, pictures seasoned apostolic wisdom. He took the parchment out of the box and said, “Gentlemen, we have a recipe.” Jim oversaw the mixing of this recipe. Tim, Greg, others, and I assisted him. The coming revival that saves America must be led by apostolic wisdom. This will cause it to produce Kingdom principles and influence, not just large churches. The revival will impact not only the church, but all seven mountains of society: Religion, government, media, education, arts and entertainment, business, and family. The coming revival will not only produce salvations; it will disciple nations. New Wineskins “New” wine bottles were on the table, ready to receive this “new wine.” When Jesus spoke of putting new wine into new bottles (Luke 5:37-38), He actually used two different Greek words for “new.” The new wine is neos, meaning “fresh, quantitatively new.”(7) In other words, it is simply a new or fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit. The new bottles in Christ’s example, however, are kainos (8) bottles, meaning “qualitatively new; different.” The “bottles” used in Christ’s day were actually wineskins. When empty, the leather dried out and hardened, becoming inflexible. The wineskins then had to be put through a renewing process to soften them. If not, they would break during the stretching caused by the fermenting of the new wine. Simply stated, Holy Spirit is poured out repeatedly, but He does not change; we, however, must be changed or renewed between outpourings, in order to receive Holy Spirit’s new wine. Those who reject this process, remaining rigid in the shapes and forms (ways, methods, fruit, etc.) of what Holy Spirit poured out in the last revival, cannot receive the next outpouring. Usually, they don’t even want it. Like the church on this property in the dream, they have no interest in the new “recipe”; the former outpouring was enough. We must prepare ourselves for what is coming. Ask Holy Spirit to do so by making you pliable and flexible. The new wine will stretch all of us. Tomorrow we will begin looking at the details of the recipe. They are amazing. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for Christ, our cornerstone. He is the foundation and measuring point for all that You do. Everything must align with Him. Every outpouring of Your Spirit, every gift You give, each time You show mercy - it all flows through Christ. Of Him, to Him, and through Him are all things. He is the “code,” the Word we speak, that allows us to find the recipe for salvation. We ask You now for a fresh outpouring of Your grace, enabling us to receive Your new wine. We thank You, Jesus, for Your verdict that America shall be saved through a great revival. We ask now for the new wine, the wind, Your breath that will produce this. Let the winds of revival blow. Let the fire burn. Come to the youth of America, the campuses and schools, with holy fire. Let it go from here to the nations. And then cause this revival to invade the entirety of our culture and society. Invade our government, media, businesses, and families. Reset America! We pray this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We declare that the verdict has been rendered: America shall be saved through the new wine! ********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3631. Ibid, ref no. 5850. Ibid, ref no. 6438. Ibid, ref no. 4941. Spiros Zodhiates, The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1990), p. 1746. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref no. 403. Ibid, ref no. 3501. Ibid, ref no. 2537. ----------------------------------------------------- The New Wine Dream, Part 2 - Greg Hood (9/2023) Greg replied, “There is a hidden Oinos Well House on the property. When we locate it, we can secure the recipe there.” The angel with us said, “Follow me.” He took us to the northeast corner of the property and said, “Start digging here. The top of the well is just under the surface.” We began to dig in the dirt with our hands, and just under the surface found a bright stone. Stamped on the top was, “5850,” and under that was stamped “6438.” The angel then said to Dutch, “Declare the Stone Code. He knows your voice and will respond.” Dutch then declared the Stone Code from John 17:13-19, and as he did, the stone began transforming from its solid form into a translucent substance that we could pass through. As we looked through the now transparent stone, we saw a staircase spiraling down into a large room. The angel said to us, “Make haste! Move! Time is very short, and the Ekklesia must get this right.” Without hesitation, we made our way down the spiral staircase into this room. Arriving in the room, we knew we were standing in an old wine cellar. A large lab-type table, made of ancient wood, was in the middle of the room. Many new-looking wine bottles, needing to be filled and corked, were lined up on this table. Next to the table, on a large elevated platform, was a large machine we knew was an empty vat. Dutch noticed two men on the other side of the machine, one on a ladder and the other standing, holding the ladder to give it stability. The man standing on the ladder was removing the top of the machine/vat. Dutch asked, “Dad, Jim, is that you? Tim, is that you?” We heard Jim Hodges’ voice from the other side of the vat, replying, “Yes, son, it’s me. Tim, Dutch’s brother, said, “What took you so long, and do you have the recipe?” Dutch replied, “Well, yes, we do!” He looked at me in the dream and said, “Hood, give me the recipe.” I reached into a backpack I was wearing and pulled out a wooden box. This box contained the recipe. As I handed the box to Dutch, I could see the words “mishpat” and “anapsuxis” written on the top. It also had the Scripture Romans 5:17 written on it. Dutch received the box, opened it, and pulled out what looked like old, rolled-up parchment paper. He handed it to Jim, who rolled it out on the table, and began looking at it intently. Jim then said, “Gentlemen, we have a recipe.”
  25. 9 min read September 26, 2023 The New Wine Dream, Part 1 Today I want to start unpacking a dream Holy Spirit gave to Dr. Greg Hood a couple of months ago. It is an incredibly detailed and very long dream. I spoke on the dream recently at Chuck Pierce’s conference, but I will cover more details here on the GH15 posts. I will not read the dream - it is simply too long - but will include/attach the portion I cover each day at the end of the posts. The dream is about spiritual new wine being prepared, followed by the wine being poured out. It begins with Greg and me running on a battlefield, which was in the shape of the United States. The battle taking place was very intense. We were not running out of fear, but to deliver something that, at this point in the dream, was simply described as “very precious” and that needed to be “activated.” He and I were being fired at by enemies, both natural and spiritual, and an angel appeared to help us. With a wave of his hand, he created a trench deep enough to provide protection as we ran. He also stayed with us for the remainder of the dream. The first enemy specifically identified was a group of men dressed like pharaohs, pursuing us in the trench. I was told by Greg to simply decree that the sides of the trench would fall in on them, destroying them. I made this decree, and the cave-in occurred, destroying these enemies. The similarity of this to the account of Moses, Pharaoh, and the Red Sea crossing is obvious. I believe the pharaohs represent Baal-zephon, the god/spirit Pharaoh was expecting to deliver Israel into his hand (Exodus 14). In the dream, our victory was quick and decisive, just as it was for Israel. I feel that this portion of the dream is telling us we have established victory over Baal’s stronghold in America, yet this victory must be maintained. The angel, Greg, and I continued running toward a large building inside a walled compound, which had very faint light coming from it. The building was not being fired upon and seemed to offer a place of protection. Upon arriving, we went through a tunnel under the wall and, once inside the compound, discovered it was a church with its windows painted black, in order to hide from the battle. The small amount of light we had seen was coming through tiny scratches in the paint, allowing a small amount of light to trickle out. We knocked and said, “Open the door! Let us in! We have the recipe for winning this battle.” The contents of the “precious” package we were carrying was the recipe to winning this battle. Yet, surprisingly, the church wasn’t interested. Without opening the door, someone from inside shouted, “Go away! There is no room in here for you! Go before you put us all in danger!! You are not welcome here!!!” This no doubt refers to the portion of the American church refusing to enter the spiritual battle for revival and the saving of our nation. Being offered the opportunity to join us, they refused, preferring to remain quietly hidden rather than challenging those trying to destroy the nation. Safe behind the walls, their primary concern was survival, not the recipe for victory. Their light was dim, and they had only criticism for those who had chosen to enter this spiritual war; we were not welcome there. These Christians were like the Austrian people of Hitler’s day who refused to challenge him, voting 98% to 2% to join the Third Reich, believing appeasement toward tyrants and corrupt leaders would work. Hitler said of them, “How fortunate for us that the people choose to remain ignorant.”(1) Like the British politician, Neville Chamberlain, who “served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940,” these Christians just wanted to get along. Chamberlain is “best known for his foreign policy of appeasement, and in particular, for his signing of the Munich Agreement on 30 September 1938, ceding the German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler.”(2) Many Americans, including Christians, believe if we’re nice and kind, the bad guys will change or just go away. They will not. They want to destroy the America we have been, and then rule over us. The danger of complacency is that it’s a subtle and gradual killer, allowing us to sleep through the change and carnage until it’s too late. If a 9/11 occurred in America again, our nation would arise in anger and be willing to fight. But over 30 of them occur EVERY YEAR in the form of illegal drugs being brought across our open borders, killing over 100,000 Americans! How fortunate for the cartels, traffickers, and lying politicians that many Americans choose to remain ignorant. In the dream, those inside the church grabbed a can of spray paint and covered the scratches. At this point in the dream, I asked Greg, “Where to now? We must protect this recipe! It has taken too long to recover it. We can’t lose it now!” I find this statement very gripping. The recipe had taken a long time to recover, and we knew we absolutely must not lose it now! The desperation and intensity of the words are clear and impactful. God is telling us we must persevere; we must NOT lose this battle! Greg replied, “There is a hidden Oinos Well House on the property. When we locate it, we can secure the recipe there.” Oinos is the Greek word for “wine.”(3) It is interesting that Greg, in his natural mind, did not know this; he simply remembered the name he had spoken in the dream, along with numerous other names, dates, Scripture references, Greek and Hebrew words, etc. I asked him recently if it was difficult to remember all of these numbers, names, dates, etc., when he awakened. He told me that when he wakes up from a dream such as this, the details are indelibly printed in his mind, and he can see/recall every name, date, number, etc., as clearly as if it were in print. The Oinos/Wine Well House was “hidden.” I find it interesting that it was still on the church property, buried and hidden from sight, but theirs to find had they so desired. The angel knew where it was and said, “Follow me.” Taking us to the northeast corner of the property, he said, “Start digging here. The top of the well is just under the surface.” The well, though hidden, was not deep; it was just below the surface and covered by a stone. We had to get on our hands and knees, digging with only our hands, but were able to find the stone cover; it had two numbers stamped on it, and could only be opened by declaring a code. And that’s where I will pick up this amazing dream tomorrow. Pray with me: Father, we certainly find ourselves on a battlefield shaped like America. The war for the soul of our nation rages on. Yet You have won the war in the spirit realm, and we will experience the full manifestation of this victory. Though bullets fly around us and Baal attempts to ambush us, You and Your Angel armies protect us. Though many in America choose to appease our enemies, and many in the church refuse to get involved, You are determined to guard the recipe for our recovery. We thank You. We pray for an awakening in our nation, including the church. It is only by Your grace that any of us can see through the fog of war, and none of us do so perfectly. We thank You that this awakening is beginning, with more and more Americans seeing what is truly happening. As You showed us in this dream, the recipe to win the battle for America is in the hands of the church. We ask for grace and help to find the well and not lose the recipe. Thank You for the beginnings of revival we now see taking place, especially among the campuses of America. Yet, as the old hymn says, “Mercy drops ‘round us are falling, but for the showers we plead.”(4) We know a deluge is coming, and we ask for this, along with the shaking down of the evil that has entrenched itself in key positions of our nation. We pray, once again, “Send the fire.” Our decree: We declare that we will persevere on the battlefield of America until the new wine is poured out, and the river of life flows abundantly. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Simpson, Douglas, Looking for America, (Whole Person Associates Publishing, 2012), p. 40. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3631. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The New Wine Dream, Part 1 - Greg Hood (9/2023) The dream started with Dutch and me (Greg) running through a place called “No Man’s Land” on a raging war zone/battlefield. This battlefield was in the shape of the United States, and we knew we were running through the hill country of Texas. We also knew that the place we were running TO was the hill country of Franklin, Tennessee. There was enemy fire all around us, from both the seen (natural) and unseen (spiritual) realms. As we ran, we could see the bullets fired from the enemy’s weapons flying by us, some barely missing us. As artillery exploded around us, we could smell the gunpowder and smoke from the battlefield. This scene was very intense. There was no sense that we would die, but we wondered if we would make it without losing some body parts. As we ran, we could see a building with very dim light shining through minor scratches in spray-painted, blacked-out windows. Continuing to run through enemy fire towards this light, we realized we were also running INTO “friendly” fire. As we ran with all our might, a man came out of nowhere, running beside us. He was running effortlessly compared to Dutch and me. Pushing slightly ahead of us, he said, “Where do you want to go?” Dutch replied, “To the building with the small light. It looks safer than here. We are carrying something very precious that we have to activate.” Hearing Dutch’s words, he said, “Follow me and stay close. Don’t grow weary in your running or fret. I will run at your pace.” Somehow, we knew from his tone of command that this was an angel. He, the angel, stretched out his hand toward the ground, and a trench, like a streambed, just large enough for us to run in single file, opened up. The stream had some clear water in it, about knee-deep. The angel went in first, then Dutch and I followed. The trench was just deep enough for our heads to stay below the surface and avoid all the artillery fire onto the battlefield. Like us, many other things on the field were targets. We continued running toward the building with the small light. As we made our way, we noticed others in the trench a short distance behind us, chasing us. They were dressed like pharaohs. We did not have a good feeling about them. I shouted to Dutch over the incredible noise of the battle, “THERE ARE OTHERS IN THE TRENCH. THEY ARE FAST APPROACHING! IF YOU COMMAND THE STREAM/TRENCH TO CLOSE BEHIND US, THESE PHARAOHS AND THEIR GODS WILL BE BURIED HERE!” Dutch declared, “THOSE THAT DESCEND ON THE HOUSE OF THE LORD WILL RECEIVE THEIR REWARD!” At that declaration, we could feel the trench closing in and covering those chasing after us. As we approached what we had thought was a “small” building with the light, we realized it was not small, but was a new, large “church” in the middle of this war zone. This building had not been affected by gunfire and looked unoccupied. The trench we had been running in became a tunnel, burrowed under a concrete wall, that surfaced right at the front steps of this building. As we drew closer to this church building, we could hear whispering and arguing inside. We ran to the front door, hoping to go inside for safety, but the door was locked. Dutch repeatedly shook the door hard and shouted, not out of fear but urgency, “OPEN THE DOOR! LET US IN. WE HAVE THE RECIPE FOR WINNING THIS BATTLE! OPEN UP NOW!” From inside the building, someone replied, “GO AWAY! THERE IS NO ROOM IN HERE FOR YOU! GO BEFORE YOU PUT US ALL IN DANGER!! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!” (The war zone was intensifying by the second.) We then saw someone through the scratches on the blacked-out windows. He took a can of black spray paint and painted over the scratches in the window, beside the front door, where we stood. Dutch turned to me and calmly said, “Hood, where to now? We must protect this recipe! It’s taken us too long to recover it. We can’t lose it now.” I (Greg) replied, “There is a hidden Oinos Well House on the property. When we locate it, we can secure the recipe there.” The angel with us said, “Follow me.” He took us to the northeast corner of the property and said, “Start digging here. The top of the well is just under the surface.” We began to dig in the dirt with our hands, and just under the surface found a bright stone. (End of part 1)
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