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  1. 6 min read July 25, 2023 Full Circle, Higher Level Several years ago, I had an interesting experience with the Lord that led to new insights. While in worship, I heard Him say, “I am bringing you full circle.” As I contemplated this, I was convinced the "you" was plural - not just me, but we, the body of Christ. As I continued meditating on this, Holy Spirit gave me a vision; I was looking down from heaven to earth and could see what appeared to be a circle being drawn on the ground. I was then moved from above to a side view. From this perspective, I could now see that it wasn’t actually a flat circle on the ground, but a spiral upward, like a giant coil. Using this visual as a picture, the Lord said to me, “Full circle, higher level. I have now taken the church to a new level. She will do things she has done before, but at higher levels of effectiveness. Authority and power will be released, but at higher levels. Another season of miracles will be released…revelation will be imparted…revival is coming…all at higher levels. Full circle, higher level.” I mentioned this in a message a short time later, and a man approached me after the service. "I am a Spirit-filled, Messianic Jewish rabbi,” he said. “I found your picture and comments regarding the circle interesting. This is very similar to what we Jews believe regarding time, and a related word in the Hebrew language." Continuing, he said, "Do you know what the word ‘testimony’ means in Hebrew?” I answered, "No, I have never actually studied that." "Well,” he said, “the root word for 'testimony' means, 'to repeat; to do again,’ or 'do time again.' It does not mean only to 'tell about or give witness of something.’” As clearly as I can recall, he continued by saying, “It’s like time is pregnant with God’s words and power. The Everlasting God places the power to do or accomplish something into time, and it is forever there. His words are eternal, alive, and powerful (Psalm 119:89; Hebrews 4:12). Through His laws, principles, and Word, we can tap into this power. Declaring what He has done in the past is one of the ways we do so. “So, we believe that when one declares God’s Word or shares what He did in the past, a testimony, the same power is released to ‘do it again’ today. That's why we believe it's so important to tell our children what God did in the past, and why God was angry with Israel when they neglected to teach them Israel’s history. For example, we believe that when we tell our children about the exodus - how God delivered Israel from Egypt at Passover through great signs and wonders - the same power is released again. Our children receive the power of Passover and deliverance. We believe this power can be released again, and again, and again, and again.” And I was just, well, speechless. But he wasn’t finished. "We have actually begun acting on this by sending people who have been supernaturally healed to other sick people - repeatedly; all they do is share their testimony of healing. And people are being healed!” My head was spinning. But he STILL wasn’t finished! He then spoke of time in relationship to this. “We don’t measure time in a linear fashion as Westerners do, as in a timeline. We see time as cyclical, like the circle you saw, and we believe God does things in cycles. We actually believe that as time cycles annually, and we reach the time of year when God did something in history, it’s easier to tap into the power again. During the time of Israel's feasts, for example, we believe it’s easier to tap into what God ‘placed’ in that feast-time.” To say he set me on a quest would be an understatement. I set out to discover if these things were true. I’m still not certain I understand all of it, but I have at least been able to confirm some of what he said. I studied the Hebrew word for testimony, eduwth/eduth, and sure enough, the root word (ud or uwd) means, “repeat or do again.” The lexicon said It refers to “the continuance of a past event.” For this reason, the Arabic words for “return” and “habit” come from this same root. (1) As I considered all of this, I realized we have had elements of this concept in our Christian faith, but haven't fully understood it. We preach the gospel, which is “the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16). We know power is released when we re-tell the gospel story - the same power to save, deliver, and heal that was generated at Calvary 2000 years ago. The power is there, just waiting to be released. Many believe, and I am one of them, that when we eat the bread and drink the cup of Communion, the same power that came forth at Calvary should be released to us again. We are to “partake of” it, which is what the word for communion actually means (koinonia) (2). Sadly, many have not been taught this, and therefore, do not activate their faith to receive it. I believe the power remains in this covenantal act, however, and when we “testify” of Christ’s sacrifice, mixed with faith, power is released. I found myself wondering: maybe this is why the Bible says, “We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our TESTIMONY!” (Revelation 12:11). Perhaps this is why it is important that "The redeemed of the Lord SAY SO!" (Psalm 107:2). Command the Foreword Could this be why God told us to “command the foreword?” I believe it is. When we testify of His past works and words in our nation (or our lives, of course), the power is released again. Paul told Timothy when he was facing great opposition and discouragement: “This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that BY THEM you fight the good fight” (I Timothy 1:18, emphasis mine). Fascinating. Use the prophecies spoken over you with which to war spiritually. Isaiah 55:11 tells us prophecies from God have “assignments” in them: ”So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I gave them” (The Message). “Do the work” is the word asah in Hebrew, one of the primary Old Testament words for create. (3) “My words have creative power,” God is saying. “And they will do what I have assigned them to do.” When we with faith read Robert Hunt’s God-given prophecy over America, it releases God’s power and the assignment His words carry. When we read the inspired covenantal words of America’s Founders - in the Declaration, the Constitution, the State Constitutions, their prayers, etc - we are releasing God’s power and the synergy of the ages. Why else would satan fight to distort and rob us of our godly history? Why else would he fight the principle of decreeing God’s written Word and prophetic words? If this did nothing, he would want us to waste our time doing so. Stay the course! Pray with me: Forever, oh Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89). Your words are just as powerful today as they were when You first spoke them. They are alive and powerful (Hebrews 4:12), spirit and life, (John 6:63). They never return void, empty, or fruitless, but always accomplish their assignments (Isaiah 55:11). They are seeds, containing reproductive, multiplicative power (Matthew 13:37; 1 Peter 1:23). Your words produce faith (Romans 10:17), multiplied fruit (Matthew 13:23), and victory in battle (I Timothy 1:18; Ephesians 6:17). When we speak them, we are not demanding from You, but honoring You, demonstrating our trust. Therefore, we commit ourselves to command Your Word in order to produce life, to defeat satan and his plans against our lives, families, states, and nations. We will release them to accomplish the victory of Calvary: We declare that the gospel will go forth from these shores to every tribe, tongue, and nation on earth. We declare that America exists to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to all nations - and will do so. We declare that as all other kingdoms, systems, anti-Christ plans and activities are shaken down, Your Kingdom will stand. We know that the coming shaking is Your mercy to turn America back to You and Your purposes, in order that hundreds of millions of people here and around the world be saved. We declare that America’s borders are protected from every satanic plan to destroy this nation. All of these things we say, ask, and seal in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We declare that the millions of prayers and decrees released over America (and over other nations) are alive, and will NOT fail to produce God’s will and purposes. ********************* Click on the link below watch the full video. ------------------------------------ R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. Waltke, Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1980), p. 648. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 2842. Ibid. Ref. no. 6213.
  2. 5 min read July 26, 2023 Say What God Says Yesterday, we talked about the power of decreeing and declaring what God has said in the past, and also of relating his past works. Testimonies are powerful. We said there is power in His words, and the power remains (Tuesday's post). Today I want to develop this a little further to encourage you, as you “command the foreword” over our nation. Many Greek words simply cannot be fully translated into one English word. The Greeks used to brag that with their intricate language, they could say more in one word than any other could in an entire sentence. The pictorial Hebrew language is much the same - how do you describe the details and nuances of a picture in one word? This is why I do biblical word studies, and it’s why amplified and expanded translations are helpful. At times, one English word is used to translate several Greek words. We have written and spoken often of “time,” for instance, which is used to translate several Greek words, all with different meanings. Without knowing which Greek word was used - kairos? chronos? horaios? - it is often impossible to fully understand what Holy Spirit is saying. This is the case when discussing “God’s Word.” Four different Greek nouns are translated as a “word,” all having different nuances of meaning. Three of the four are used to describe the Word/s of God. One refers to written words (graphe) (1) and is also translated as “Scripture/s,” the written Word of God. Another is rhema,(2) which refers to spoken words. The words many of you are reading along with me are graphe; the words you are hearing me speak are rhemas. The third word is logos,(3) which means word/s, as well, but includes the message they are communicating. This is why we get our English words “logic” and “logical” from logos - because it includes the message, the understanding, the reasoning. Obviously, one can read or hear words and not truly understand them. When this occurs, the words are not yet logos, but are still only graphe or rhema. With this meaning, it is easy to see why Jesus was called “the Logos of God” (John 1:1). He did not merely speak words about God, life, truth, etc.; He WAS the message, embodying and revealing God, life, truth, etc., to us. He IS the message, He IS God revealed! This brings me to an important biblical word I want to define today, which describes what we are doing as we “command the foreword.” The word is homologia. (4) The first half comes from homou, (5) which means “same” or “together.” The second part of the word comes from logos. Homologia is usually translated as “confession” or “profession,” but neither of these words does it justice. A better translation would be either “say the same words,” or “say the same thing.” Yet, this still isn’t enough to fully understand homologia. In order to do so, we need to amplify it to “understand, agree with, and say the same thing.” Our “confession” of faith in God’s Word (Hebrews 10:23), and our “confession” of faith in Christ’s redemptive work when we were born again (Romans 10:10), literally mean “understanding, agreeing with, and saying what God says.” When we do so, His power is released! Many thousands of intercessors believe and are saying the same thing God said about America, both about our original purpose and our restoration of this. They are commanding the foreword, and decreeing that “America shall be saved.” A growing remnant of the Ekklesia - the church - now understands our authority in Christ, as well as our responsibility to use it. They have sharpened their swords and are ready to agree with Him, saying the same logos He has said. Here is still another principle that will encourage you as you “command the foreword.” For most of my life, I wondered why the Old Testament said, "God remembered…" I’ve always thought, He never forgets anything, so how could He remember? And why would He tell us in Isaiah 43:26: "Put Me in remembrance...” Why would we need to remind God? Then I studied the Hebrew word for "remember." My lexicon said the Hebrew word "remember" doesn't just mean "to recall." It said, “Remembering is not merely a recalling of the past but is also a call to action.” (6) Finally, the concept made sense. Of course, God doesn’t need us to help Him by pulling something out of His memory, as though He forgot about it. He wants US to recall His promises and ask HIM to do them. For example, this Hebrew concept of remembering would be like a person building their dream home. They have dreamed, planned, and promised themselves for years that they would one day do so, saved their money, and waited for the right time. He or she hasn’t “forgotten” about it; it’s always there in “the back of their mind.” The timing, however, for various reasons, just hasn’t been right. Then they realize it’s time, and begin thinking about it, “remembering” the house, not because they had forgotten about it, but because it is now time to build. They buy the land, if they haven’t already done so, have the plans drawn, get the permits, hire the builder, and build the house! That is “remember”! The Lord “remembered” Hannah, barrenness was broken off her, and she conceived (1 Samuel 1:19). Samson repented; God then said He “remembered” him, and his strength returned (Judges 16:28). God said He “remembered” His promise to Abraham, and the exodus process began (Exodus 2:24). When it’s the right time, and yes, sometimes that timing hinges upon our actions, God “remembers,” engaging His creative mind and power, and releases His great power and ability. In fact, one of the Hebrew words for “create” actually comes from the word for “think or imagine.” Individuals, including God, think about, dream of, or imagine something, then create it (Hebrew yetser and yatsar). As we “command the foreword” over America, saying what God said regarding our destiny and purpose, we are asking Him to remember and do it. We’ve heard Him saying it’s time for restoration and a heavenly reset of HIS decreed purposes. We’re declaring that we understand what He said about our nation, that we agree with it, and we will say the same thing. Pray with me: Father, You have given us Your Word, the Scriptures, to reveal Your will, nature, and ways. You have given us Holy Spirit to instruct us in Your word, revealing its meanings and bringing it to life. This produces revelation and faith in us, and reproduces Your life. And when we agree with You, saying what You have said, it releases the power of Your words in our decrees and prayers. It also honors and pleases You when we believe and say Your words. You also give us prophetic insight and words through Holy Spirit. He enables us to discern the times and seasons; He guides and directs us in our lives, prayers, and decisions. He has shown us that we must cover our borders with prayer and command the foreword You wrote for America. We are doing so. Now we ask You to remember and do! Use our decrees, which carry Your power, to release life, protect our land, stave off evil, and overthrow wickedness. Restore, rebuild, and reset until America is ablaze with holy fire. Do so until America burns with passion to carry the gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the Earth. Overthrow evil. Remove corruption in our government, whatever it takes. Save America, as You have said You will. We ask these things in Christ’s all-powerful name. Amen. Our decree: We declare that as we understand and say what God says, His infinite power is released to accomplish His purposes. Therefore, the foreword will survive and prosper. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1124. Ibid. Ref. no. 4487. Ibid. Ref. no. 3056. Ibid. Ref. no 3671. Ibid. Ref. no 3674. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988), p. 129.
  3. 6 min read July 21, 2023 Be Brave It’s good to be with you today. It’s been a while since I’ve shared with you, so I asked Dutch if I could take a day to spend some time with you. He’s in the office working on a wonderful teaching you’ll be hearing next week - it’s one of my favorites. I want to share from my heart today. Here we find ourselves in 2023, after having lived through a worldwide pandemic, and for me, I spent 2022 dealing with the greatest health challenge I’ve ever experienced. I don’t think there was anyone who wasn’t touched by the pandemic in one way or another. We are now all on the other side of these situations, getting reacquainted with life - going to restaurants, taking vacations, and such. Although we have weathered the non-stop hand sanitizer, the constant wearing of masks, and all the other extenuating circumstances, the thing I missed the most during those years, was gathering together with other believers. Our church stayed closed much longer than we had hoped, and to be honest, nothing was the same afterward. Personally, I have been pretty dry, even starved, as it were, for presence-driven worship and fellowship with like-minded believers. So, last week I did something about it. I went to a conference led by our friend, Cindy Jacobs - The Deborah Company Conference, in Dallas, TX. Because of my illness in 2022 and the pandemic, I hadn’t been to a conference or attended anything like it in quite a few years. I know there are other great conferences and churches I could visit, but I felt that Holy Spirit had something for me in Dallas, and He did. Some of my friends whom I’d not seen in years also attended this particular conference, so there were lots of hugs as well as amazing speakers. For me, there’s nothing like worshipping - being in God’s presence with other believers. The room roared as like-minded hearts worshipped Jesus together. It ministered to my soul. Hebrews 10:25 in the Passion Translation says: “This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing. In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward…” I came home with my cup full. I also came home with my heart challenged. Through the speakers, I heard about women who are involved in helping young girls (and children) get out of human trafficking. The movie, The Sound of Freedom, is in theaters right now. It’s the story of Tim Ballard, a man who was gripped by the need to help those imprisoned in human trafficking. Sad to say, this is an epidemic, not just in the world but in our country, as well. Although these situations make us feel helpless, there are things we can do to help people get free. I also met a lovely woman who is the wife of the president of one of the African nations. This dear lady, who is a strong believer, shared her story about going to every state in her nation, having a local meeting, and praying for her people. This first lady wasn’t concerned about her social standing or even her safety. Her heart was broken for their people, wanting to do whatever she could to help them. However, she knew that help begins in the spirit realm. We don’t have to look very far to see the dire needs within our own country. It’s not the same place it was even five years ago. Dutch, my favorite teacher, does a masterful job of teaching us that we are in a spiritual war and have tools - spiritual tools with which to battle the enemy. Even though the needs in some places within our country are dire, we must encourage ourselves and tell ourselves the truth: we are not without hope. While the news outlets want us to believe evil has won, that’s just not true. John 16:33 (TPT) tells us: “And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in Me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in Me. For in this unbelieving world, you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!”” Romans 8:37 (TPT): “Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!” And one of my favorite verses: “Never let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good” Romans 12:21 (TPT). There are ways we can help with human trafficking. This has gripped many of our hearts, and it should. Give to a ministry that IS on the front lines helping rescue these women and men - they need funds to do what they do, and they must have your prayers. Pray for them - pray that evil will be uncovered and exposed. And pray for their protection. My challenge to all of us today is not to stand still. Do something. The pandemic seemed to paralyze us, making us want to stay at home and not get involved in anything! We have been taunted by fear if we get involved in anything. But today, I’m issuing a call - even a summons. We are good at praying - and we definitely need prayer - but we must also DO. Ask Holy Spirit where you are to serve. We all feel comfortable serving in our local church. Without us realizing it, however, we have formed a subconscious response. If the needy come to church, we will be there for them - help in any way we can. But let’s be real. They are not coming to the church. Jesus went to them, and so should we. It’s time to get uncomfortable. Tell yourself the truth - You (me/we) are all part of the solution; now, let’s do it. We are already dissatisfied with what we see - the needs are great. But maybe He is asking you to really get uncomfortable, possibly even to run for the local school board (which, by the way, is one of the easiest places to get elected). You don’t have to currently have children in school to be on these boards. Maybe you can help out at a food bank, a clothing distribution center, or a local ministry that helps within your city or county. We have one in our area - run by a single mom - who helps the migrant workers in our area, making sure their children have backpacks and school supplies, as well as a gift at Christmas. They help in many other ways, as well. These ministries are in your cities - and the needs are endless. When you ask Him, Holy Spirit will show you where and how to help. We are His hands; we are His feet - every single day - maybe through just a hug or a kind word. As Holy Spirit leads, ask if you can pray with those you come in contact with - He can give you a word of knowledge (1 Corinthians 12:8-11) that will open the door to you being able to share Christ and His love with them. Years ago, we moved into a new neighborhood. I baked loaves of banana bread, cut them in half, wrapped them nicely, and tied each one with a lovely ribbon. Dutch and I went door to door to each house on our street, introduced ourselves, told them where we lived, and extended our friendship. One lady almost didn’t open the door when we knocked. She said, “I’ve heard about people doing this, but I’ve never seen it done before.” There are many ways we can extend our friendship, our knowledge and wisdom, our service, and our prayers. Allow Holy Spirit to strengthen you while in your quiet times with Him. Ask Him how and where He would like for you to represent Him. Maybe He is asking you to get involved in your local government. Perhaps it is praying over a map of your city, county, region, or nation while at your kitchen table. We must have prayers because they fuel everything else we do. Today, God is asking some of you to be courageous and obedient - our time of sitting in our homes is over. It’s time to use what God has given us, and be brave. Pray with me: Father, I thank You for my friends who are here with me today. Thank You for their desire to know and serve You. We are all on the same team - fighting for our families, our cities, and our nation. We link arms today and agree together for Your Spirit to sweep over our land. Lord, these areas You’ve given us - the things You ask us to pray for, the places where You ask us to go, the assignments where You ask us to serve - we do it with Your strength, and boldly ask for Your wisdom. Fill us with Your Spirit. Help us to represent You well. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we will be courageous and obedient, getting out of our own little worlds to represent Him! ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  4. 6 min read July 20, 2023 God Always Outwits the Crafty One One of the important aspects of prophetic intercession is to serve as watchmen. The praying church is maturing in this understanding. Adam was actually assigned to be a watchman. He was told in Genesis 2:15 to “keep” (Hebrew: shamar)(1) - guard, protect, preserve - the garden of Eden. Shamar is one of the primary words for watchman in Scripture. Adam’s assignment to protect the garden had to be related to the serpent. Before the Fall, the only possible thing Adam could have needed to protect it from was the serpent. There were no other threats or enemies. The first mention of satan in Scripture (Genesis 3:1) describes him as being more “crafty” than any other creature. The word used (arum),(2) comes from a Hebrew word (aram),(3) meaning smooth or bare. God was telling Adam that satan was slick, smooth, cunning, wily. Watch him! Applying this to all of us, our biblical assignment as watchmen is to protect our “gardens” from the crafty serpent. Adam failed in this assignment. Israel also failed at times to guard against satan’s craftiness; yesterday I highlighted one of those occasions. I chose this incident with the Gibeonites because the same word used to describe satan’s craftiness was used to describe this people. Israel was deceived by the crafty Gibeonites into entering a covenant relationship with them (Joshua 9:4). Though they were a local people, they dressed in old, worn clothes, making it appear that they had come from a distant land, wanting to make a covenant with them [the Israelites] (Joshua 9:3-15). This incident clearly symbolizes or pictures all humankind being deceived by the craftiness of the serpent, thereby aligning with him. (You can learn more about this in Wednesday's post.) Covenants were sacred in those days, an agreement Israel could not just back out of or ignore. This covenant, in fact, was so binding that a short time later Joshua and Israel honored it by defending the Gibeonites in war! (Joshua10). Another proof of its sacredness can be seen many years later during David’s reign over Israel. His generation was experiencing a severe curse of famine (2 Samuel 21). When David asked the Lord about the root or cause of this curse, he was told it was because his predecessor, King Saul, had broken the covenant with the Gibeonites. David had to make amends. That…was the strength of covenant! Although the deceptive covenant with the cunning Gibeonites could not be broken, God decided to use it to paint an important picture. Through this crafty scheme, He would demonstrate that His infinite wisdom far exceeds satan’s craftiness; He would use it to picture 1 Corinthians 3:19: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the sight of God. For it is written: ‘He is the one who catches the wise by their craftiness’” (NASB). As you will see, God’s play on words here is amazing. “Catches” is the Greek word drassomai,(4) which means “to entrap or capture.” No surprise there. It comes from drakon,(5) which means “a dragon or great serpent,” because that’s what dragons and serpents do to their prey: they catch, entrap, or capture them. Still no surprise. But drakon is also one of satan’s names, used of him twelve times in the book of Revelation (12:3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17; 13:2, 4, 11; 16:13 and 20:2). God actually uses one of satan’s own names, “serpent,” the very name associated with his craftiness, when describing how He outwits and traps him! “My wisdom is so great,” God is saying in this verse, “that I entrap the crafty serpent using his own craftiness!” Now, back to Joshua. God decided to illustrate this and hide a picture of the Cross in the Gibeonite situation. The “crafty” Gibeonites would picture the “crafty” serpent. Joshua was instructed by the Lord to make them, “Hewers of wood and drawers of water for the congregation and for the altar of the Lord” (Joshua 9:27). Use them to make preparations for the atoning sacrifices, Joshua. The altar of the Lord, where the blood of atonement was shed, symbolized the Cross. By using the “crafty” Gibeonites to prepare the wood and altar for the atoning sacrifices, God was demonstrating what He would one day do with “crafty” satan: use him to make preparations for the ultimate atoning sacrifice: Christ’s crucifixion. Get the whip ready, satan. Gather the spikes, weave the crown, hew the wooden cross. The all-wise God would use satan’s “craftiness” to orchestrate his own demise! ONLY GOD! This Old Testament occurrence is an incredible assurance that God can reverse the subtleties of our adversary - the dragon, the serpent - and use them against him. Through God's amazing grace and wisdom, which always supersedes Satan's subtlety, even our mistakes can be used to bless us, to work for our good (Romans 8.28). Today The serpent’s crafty enslavement of America will backfire on him. A generation of young people will be shown that they are being robbed of their destiny through lies about God and truth. They will be shown that their pain, disillusionment, loss of identity and purpose, have actually come from satan and his lying voices. Events will be orchestrated by Yahweh that allow them to taste of His goodness and love. This will forever “ruin” them to all other sources of fulfillment. The destructive lies and deception they were fed will fill them with righteous indignation, fuel the flames of holy passion, and make them the most devastating generation to the kingdom of darkness the world has ever seen. Others will also taste and see God’s goodness, then turn on satan. Drug addicts and dealers will become powerful deliverers of the bound. Terrorists, like Paul, will become apostles and evangelists. Slave traders like John Newton(6) will become pastors of abolitionists - as he became for William Wilberforce,(7) the greatest abolitionist in history; they’ll write anthems like Newton’s Amazing Grace, the most often sung testimony in history. Do not doubt it: for every venomous bite of the serpent, God has the antidote. For every crafty plan, He has a redemptive strategy. The Cross oozes the anti-venom, life-giving blood of Christ. It cleanses from ALL sin and unrighteousness - former sins cannot even be seen through it. It changes natures and eradicates sinful DNA, replacing it with God’s divine nature. The blood of Jesus heals every wound, restores dreaming natures, and puts new songs in hearts. The power of the Cross exposes every serpentine plan and releases God’s wise, pre-planned victory strategies. Prayer, offered through faith in Christ’s sacrifice, releases this. Humble appeals, offered from repentant and faith-filled hearts, releases the very salvation of God. Watchmen have been awakened, the sleeping giant has been roused, and the ambassadorial representatives of Christ are beginning to release His authority. The borders of homes, cities, states, and nations are being painted, restoring the garden. The foreword is being commanded, releasing God-given destinies from the archives of heaven…and the great Dragon-Slayer is taking action. As Founder Samuel Adams stated, “We have appealed to Heaven for the justice of our cause, and in Heaven we have placed our trust.”(8) Keep appealing and decreeing, church. It worked then, and it will work now. Pray with me: Father, You are great and greatly to be praised. You perform wondrous works, Your wisdom is without measure, Your love is boundless - truly there is no one like You. Thank You for loving us unconditionally, even while we were Your enemies. We love You because You first loved us. The Cross is the ultimate proof that You are able to capture the serpent with his own craftiness. We appeal for this regarding our nation/s, asking You to once again turn the tables on the crafty serpent. Break America’s covenant with death through the power of the Cross. Use satan’s plans, oppression, lies, addictions, deceptions - all of his actions - as part of the awakening. Expose him for who he is: a vicious hater, thief, killer, and destroyer. Raise up more watchmen to cover, decree and appeal. Give us greater understanding, discernment and revelation of our authority to do this. May a functioning Ekklesia swell to hundreds of millions around the world, those who know how to keep the serpent out of their gardens. Use their prayers to release truth, deliverance, salvation, and revival. Use them to raise up revivalists, deliverers, reformers, nation-changers and culture-reformers. This is Your will, we ask in Christ’s name, therefore it will occur. Amen - so be it. Our decree: We decree that the all-wise God of redemption, the God of the Cross and Resurrection, is reversing the fortunes of people and nations. ********************* Click on the below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 8104. Ibid. Ref. no. 6175. Ibid. Ref. no. 6191. Ibid. Ref. no. 1405. Ibid. Ref. no. 1404.
  5. 6 min read July 19, 2023 Wile E. Coyote There are three words in the Old Testament translated as “watchman.” Some definitions of these words are: Pay attention, listen Beware, be aware Be on the alert, stay awake, remain sober Observe, be observant; see or behold. Watchmen must pay attention, be aware, remain alert, and be wary. If not, our ignorance can give our adversary a distinct advantage: “So that no advantage would be taken of us by satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2:11) Webster defines wary as "on one's guard, on the lookout for danger or trickery.” We are NOT to fear our enemy, satan, but we ARE to be aware of him and his subtleties. In my book Intercessory Prayer, I describe what theologians call “the law of first mention.” Generally speaking, the first time a major subject is mentioned in the Bible, significant facts are given concerning it that will remain consistent and relevant throughout the Scriptures. For example, the first mention of the serpent (satan) is in Genesis 3:1: “Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, ‘Indeed, has God said, “You shall not eat from any tree of the garden?"’” It is easy to see this law of first mention at work here when God first speaks of satan. He emphasizes the serpent’s subtlety or craftiness. God is informing us of the most important thing we must know regarding satan: He is far more dangerous to us as the crafty serpent than the roaring lion. "Crafty" is the Hebrew word aruwm, taken from aram, which means "to be bare or smooth.”(1) We use this same concept in our English language. Someone who is crafty or wily is often referred to as “slick” or “a smooth operator.” Such is the case with satan. He is slick, very cunning, and we must be wary of his deceptions, for he is always seeking to steal, kill, and destroy (see John 10:10), and does so with great skill. Adam was not sufficiently wary of the serpent in the garden. He heard and saw him, but was not watchful, paying attention. Therefore, he was unaware of satan’s strategy. Had he been alert, God would have warned him of the attack; He would never have given Adam an assignment He did not enable him to accomplish. Through this lack of alertness, Adam allowed satan to violate his garden. The devil is after our "gardens," as well: our families, homes, marriages, churches, cities, nations, etc. Our first responsibility as watchmen is to keep the devil’s influence out of the garden! In his book, First Things First, A. Roger Merrill shares a poignant story about gardening: “Some time ago, a friend of mine - a business consultant - was moving into his new home, and decided to hire a friend to landscape the grounds. She had a doctorate in horticulture and was extremely knowledgeable. “He had a great vision for the grounds, but because he was very busy and traveled a lot, he kept emphasizing to her the need to create his garden in a way that would require little or no maintenance on his part. He pointed out the absolute necessity of automatic sprinklers and other labor-saving devices… “Finally, she stopped him and said, ‘Fred, I can see what you're saying. But there's one thing you need to deal with before we go any further: If there's no gardener, there's no garden!’”(2) Watchmen are gardeners! When there is no gardener, there is no garden! We must determine to protect, watch over, and maintain our gardens. The same word used to describe satan, “crafty,” is used in Joshua 9:4, to describe a plan the Gibeonite people used to deceive Israel: "They also acted craftily, set out as envoys, and took worn-out sacks on their donkeys, and wineskins worn-out and torn and mended” (NASB). The King James Version says they acted "wilily." The KJV also uses the word in Ephesians 6:11: "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Some of you will remember Wile E. Coyote in the cartoon, Road Runner. In his devious cunning, Wile E. Coyote was continually conceiving new ways to try and capture Road Runner. Road Runner always managed to escape, however, and Wile E. Coyote's evil plans often boomeranged back on him. God has similar plans for Wile E. Serpent. His desire is always for us to be protected from the serpent’s schemes and for them to backfire on him. Let’s look further at what occurred between Israel and the wily Gibeonites. The Wily Gibeonites The Gibeonites were one of the Canaanite tribes that Joshua and Israel were supposed to dispossess. However, through their crafty plan, they deceived the Israelites into believing they were a different people who had come from a far country to enter into a covenant with them. Joshua and the people neglected to pray, asking Yahweh about this - always a part of satan's subtlety. The serpent's entry into their garden was progressing wonderfully; the watchmen were asleep. The Israelites were not without warning. In Exodus 34:12, Israel was told: "Watch yourself that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land into which you are going, or it will become a snare in your midst." The Israelites failed in their responsibility to watch, and just as the verse warned, they were ensnared. We can conclude from the Israelites' suspicion of the Gibeonites that God was trying to alert Israel. Joshua 9:7 says: "The men of Israel said to the Hivites [Gibeonites], ‘Perhaps you are living within our land; how then shall we make a covenant with you?’" Rather than heeding this “check” or caution, however, the Israelites acted on what they saw on their own understanding. They were not wary, paying attention, watching, and were deceived into a forbidden covenantal alliance. Many years ago, as far back as the 1960s, the wily serpent launched an elaborate plan to defile our garden, America: He would steal our freedoms and destiny under the guise of enforcing them; he would erode and pervert our Constitution by pretending to protect it; and he would weaken the church through a provision in the Constitution that was meant to protect religious freedom (the separation myth). And because the church had no effective prayer movement - actually very little understanding of intercession - there was no spiritual defense mounted. The results were that God was removed from government and education (1964); shortly after this, the shedding of innocent blood was legalized by the highest court in the land (1973); and our rejection of God and His ways produced a movement of rebellion, sexual depravity, and drug addiction. America was in covenant with the Gibeanites, and the downward spiral never stopped. The reaping from this has been horrifying. A merciful shaking is now coming to finish this reaping process and turn the hearts of Americans back to God and our roots. We, watchmen and intercessors in our land, are part of this process. Our prayers are protecting America from total destruction while causing the shaking that will produce a reset. Please don’t stop. We have come too far and accomplished too much, nearing incredible victories. Here’s a little encouragement from “Paint Your State” borders of Georgia and “commanding America’s foreword” there. “I want to give you an update about the coast of Georgia…last week, Leslie and I, two pastors and two intercessors, started at the Georgia/Florida line and went up the coast on Interstate 95 to the Georgia/South Carolina line…110 miles…we stopped at every exit. I read Robert Hunt’s covenant at every stop. We declared the words GOD spoke to us, prayed, and anointed the ground…Confirming prophecies came in service Sunday…one after another…undeniable confirmations…we saw a shift that moved the whole congregation…Portals were opened, Holy Spirit fell in a way I haven’t seen in a long time…it was amazing…He’s moving…the best is yet to come…I believe you will get to hear about what God does on the coast of Georgia…God bless you and thank you for your obedience…” (Johnny Taylor) Oh, and by the way, God is never outwitted by “the crafty one.” Tomorrow I will tell you how He turned the tables on satan in the Gibeanite situation. Pray with me: Father, when Adam and Eve fell in the garden, You did not abandon them. Instead, You lovingly covered them, continued to provide for them, and declared - hidden in a prophetic mystery - how You would crush the serpent’s newly gained headship over the human race and the earth. Calvary’s explosive deliverance crushed satan’s authority over all the earth, and delivered humankind from his authority. Your body, the Ekklesia, is now Your enforcer of this crushing blow. Obviously, we do not do so perfectly, but we are growing in our understanding of this partnership with You. As we take our positions in our garden, America, we thank You for the grassroots movement of volunteers, and we thank You for directing us. Strengthen us. Guide us. And demonstrate to the world Your merciful, redemptive hand, as You reset America and reap earth’s greatest harvest. To You, we give all the praise. In our Redeemer’s name, Jesus Christ, we pray this. Amen. Our decree: We decree that our garden WILL once again produce righteous and eternal fruit. ***************************** Portions of today’s post were taken from my book Watchman Prayer, published by Baker Books. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------- Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, 1,763. Steven R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R. Merrill, First Things First (New York: Free Press, 1996), n.p.
  6. 6 min read July 18, 2023 Revivalists and Reformers One of our staff members at DSM is a chronicler. She archives the prophetic words we receive personally, as well as words given to the church in general, which we might want to reference later. Recently, she was led to look back at two prophecies given by my brother, Tim Sheets, a few years ago. “I believe we are seeing them fulfilled RIGHT NOW,” she said. I remember when Tim released these words on back-to-back Sundays; they are extremely powerful. I shared one yesterday, and am releasing the second today. This word speaks of a great Kingdom “surge” by Holy Spirit in this season, producing power, revival, and reformation. I believe this has already begun on the earth. Holy Spirit also speaks of “a new breed of remnant warriors.” This is not implying that we are the greatest Kingdom generation that has existed…that we’re the best warriors God has ever had. A walk down memory lane of history would remind us of many great warriors from the past. God even uses some of them as examples of what will be seen in us, which obviously means we’re not better than them. Holy Spirit is saying that increased numbers, tools, and revelation in the church will enable Him to do new and unprecedented things on earth. I also believe the phrase is used to distinguish the coming brand of Kingdom warrior from the passive and ineffective church of the past few years. The word speaks of revival fire - “vortexes of tornadic fire” - coming to awaken people and silence God’s enemies. The Lord speaks of the release of revivalists and reformers - “regulators of culture” - versus those who are conformed and shaped by it. It has been said of the last generation of American Christians that we became a subculture, rather than a counterculture. Although the church was assigned by Christ to “disciple nations” (Matthew 28:18-20), in many ways, this generation of believers was discipled BY our nation. This prophecy is loaded with powerful promises and announcements of what Holy Spirit says is beginning. As always, all militancy and warfare spoken of is a spiritual war, not physical violence to hurt people. I encourage you to read it a few times, even use it in your praying. Enjoy! The Prophecy "’I have determined and will now cause a new season to be brought forth. What you have prayed for, fought for, and stood for is now being released. I have decreed it, and I will not relent,’ says the Lord. ‘The greatest push of My Kingdom will now begin. The Third Great Awakening shall now advance in tidal waves of My power. It is the season of My surge. "’You will now see the new breed of remnant warriors I have reserved for this day and hour. They are those who have not and will not bow to Baal, mammon, or religious impotence; they will have the set countenance of Daniel and will not flinch in the face of evil decrees. Like Esther, they will rewrite evil decrees by My statutes. Governors of the culture will now come forth. Remnant warriors will now emerge who have the heart of David, the wisdom of Solomon, and the tenacity of Paul. "’This new breed, standing for Me in this season, cannot be bought - they will not compromise. Their ear has been tuned to My voice, as was Samuels; I will speak, and they will humbly follow. They will dominate for Me, for I have not called My church to submit to culture. As My Ekklesia, I have called them to determine culture's path, regulating in My name and by My Word. Regulators of the culture are coming to their posts. I will arise in this new season with My remnant, releasing My glory, authority, power, and fiery hosts of angels. This shall become “evident support.” "’The call to My remnant is to now rise and destroy spiritual defilement in your region. Resist and reign. Resist and stand. I will rise to battle for you,’ says the Lord, ‘displaying My strong arm. I will not stand down. I will not be indifferent. I will not be a bystander. I will rise and thunder against iniquitous roots and abominations that mock Me. I will rise against idolatry. I will rise against antichrist governments that disdain and mock Me - I will not be mocked! I will not close My eyes, but I will look and see. I will know, and I will judge in righteousness. I will answer passivity with bold, aggressive warriors of purpose. I will not relent. Heaven’s Fire “‘I will now reveal revival fire engines; places emanating with Holy Spirit fire. Vortexes of tornadic fire will begin to spin through regions. I will now answer Baal's prophets with My fire,’ says the Lord. ‘The fire of My glory will be fanned by Holy Spirit winds. Hell will not stop it. Hell's obstacles will become its fuel. I will flame. I will burn. I will consume with Holy Spirit fire. "’I AM sending fire,’ says the Lord, ‘fresh fire, Heaven's fire! My remnant warriors will burn with My message, with My passion, and with My presence. They shall be Holy Ghost-possessed reformers. I will answer the weak forms of godliness with those who will not deny My power. They will release it in My name. Demonstrations of My mightiness will confirm their witness; creative miracles will be seen and reported. "’It is time for - and I Am - breathing forth a new Pentecost. You will inhale the sweetness of My anointing and exude the confidence of My power. You will live in the essence of My being and experience Holy Spirit wind. And you will war differently. Breathe deeper and dominate hell's kingdom - as I intended! Step forward and push, along with My Spirit and the angel armies. Push forward in My great campaign - it is time for My reigning church to push! Push the gates of hell, and they will not prevail. I will prevail. My remnant will prevail. You shall more than conquer! “‘So shift! Shift into the new season I have ordained. It is the season of my awakening. It is the season of my harvest. It is the day of the saints. It is the day of My power. Rise with Me and run into your purpose and destiny. Rise and receive your Pentecost. Run into the day of My power, My awakening, and My great harvest. “‘Rise with Me!’ says the Lord.” Pray with me: Father, thank You for this word of encouragement. You are not disinterested or disengaged from what is occurring in our world. You are watching, planning, and orchestrating. The glorious church You spoke of will be seen - an Ekklesia capable of representing You in authority and power, love and humility. You have spoken, and it will come to pass. You said when it’s time for Your actions, we must ask for them (Zechariah 10:1). We ask for the wind of Holy Spirit You spoke of. We ask for His fire, we ask for revivalists, and we ask for reformers - regulators of the culture, boat-rockers, trendsetters, and decree writers like Esther. We ask for high levels of wisdom in leaders, those who have God-inspired answers for today’s problems. And we ask for the sleeping giant, the church, to awaken. We thank You for the movement of prayer that is no doubt being used to birth these things. Breathe on this movement, and breathe through it. Build the covering prayer grid You spoke of in the “work while you celebrate” dream. Activate this “Christ DNA'' in believers around the world. Do radical things to continue exposing corruption in our government, lay trap after trap, and do as You spoke in Your Word - “Take the wise in their own craftiness” (1 Corinthians 3:19). Expose unrighteous lawsuits, corrupt agencies, and judges; vindicate the innocent. Shake down evil and allow all to see the purity of Your standing Kingdom. And send the worldwide revival of salvation and healing. We ask for all of this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the new breed of believer is arising - awakened, filled with Holy Spirit, on fire, motivated, determined, bold, informed, and full of faith. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------ You can find out more about my brother Tim at
  7. 6 min read July 14, 2023 A Firm Reliance on Divine Providence Thousands of you are traveling your states and the nation, “painting the borders” with Holy Spirit’s anointing, and “commanding the foreword” (that which God declared over America - through leaders - at her beginning). It is my joy to occasionally send you quotes from some of these Founders as ammunition; also to encourage you with a few reports from God’s great volunteer army. According to Psalm 110:1-3, Christ has given the Ekklesia His scepter of authority, authorizing us to issue these commands. As we do so, we are making His enemies His footstool. The passage also states that we do this as part of Christ’s “Melchizedek (King-Priest) Order,” of which we are all members. As kings we decree; as priests, we petition and appeal. When you decree God’s plans for America, you are painting the heavenlies with His purposes, and cutting off satan’s plans, wielding the sword of the Spirit. You are also participating in the synergy of the ages, tapping into “history past” and writing “history future.” Here are some great quotes from America’s “Foreword,” some you may not have seen: Peter Bulkeley “Peter Bulkeley was the Puritan leader who established the city of Concord, Massachusetts in 1636. In his only publication, The Gospel Covenant, also known as the Covenant of Grace Opened, Peter Bulkeley stated: “‘We are as a city set upon a hill, in the open view of all the earth... We profess ourselves to be a people in covenant with God, and therefore... the Lord our God…..will cry shame upon us if we walk contrary to the covenant which we have promised to walk in…’”(1) Using Deuteronomy 28:10 and Isaiah 61:9 as his sources, he continued: “‘Let us study so to walk that this may be our excellency and dignity among the nations of the world among which we live; that they may be constrained to say of us, only this people is wise, and a holy and blessed people; that all that see us may see and know that the name of the Lord is called upon by us; and that we are the seed which the Lord hath blessed.’”(2) Laws Our original laws and constitutions were based on the Scriptures. Here are a few examples: “The Massachusetts General Court, in 1636, resolved to establish a code of laws that would be: ‘agreeable to the Word of God.’(3) “The Connecticut General Court, in 1639, established under the Constitution of Connecticut, issued the order: ‘That God's Word should be the only rule for ordering the affairs of government in this commonwealth.’(4) “The Fundamental Orders (Constitution) of Connecticut (January 14, 1639) was the first constitution written in America, establishing a pattern which all others followed, including the United States Constitution.(5) It was penned by Roger Ludlow, in 1638, after hearing a sermon by Thomas Hooker, the Puritan minister who founded Hartford, Connecticut. So important was this work that Connecticut became known as "The Constitution State."(6) The committee responsible to frame the orders was charged to make the laws: ‘As near the law of God as they can be.’”(7) Cotton Mather “Cotton Mather was an American colonial clergyman and educator. He graduated from Harvard in 1678, and joined his father, Increase Mather, in the pastorate of the Second Church in Boston, in 1680. “The House of Representatives attempted to appoint him President of Harvard in 1703. He helped found Yale University, and in 1721 became President of the Connecticut College. He authored 450 books, and was the first person born in America to be elected to the Royal Society of London. “Cotton Mather was regarded as the most brilliant man of New England in his time. Among his many accomplishments was the introduction of the smallpox inoculation during an epidemic in 1721. “In 1702, he published Magnalia Christi Americana (The Great Achievement of Christ in America), which is the most detailed history written of the first 50 years of New England. In it, he stated: “‘The sum of the matter is that from the beginning of the Reformation in the English nation, there had always been a generation of godly men, desirous to pursue the reformation of religion, according to the Word of God...[The Puritans were] driven to seek a place for the exercise of the Protestant religion, according to the light of conscience, in the deserts of America.’”(8) Jonathon Trumbull “Just one year and a couple of months before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, on April 19, 1775, in a Proclamation of a Day of Fasting and Prayer for the Connecticut Colony, Governor Jonathan Trumbull beseeched that: “‘God would graciously pour out His Holy Spirit on us to bring us to a thorough repentance and effectual reformation, that our iniquities may not be our ruin; that He would restore, preserve and secure the liberties of this and all the other British American colonies, and make the land a mountain of Holiness, and habitation of righteousness forever.’”(9) Declaration of Independence And last but not least, the Declaration of Independence. The very last line leaves no doubt as to where the Founding Fathers placed their faith and gained their resolve: "And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and are sacred Honor." Report And to encourage you, here’s an amazing report of several people Holy Spirit sent on unique assignments…before we ever spoke of painting our borders: “Throughout a 30-day period leading up to July 4th, 2023, Holy Spirit coordinated teams of people to pray over all five continental divides in North America. None of them knew the other teams and their assignments even existed. Nor did any one ministry or church coordinate this - they all heard from Holy Spirit separately to do this. Only when finished did they learn of the others! You can find the report at “Continental divides are God-made boundaries that determine the flow and direction of water in a continent. Among other things, these teams poured water over the divides to symbolize the cleansing of the land, and oil to picture the healing of the land.” (From Steve Wilson; Isaiah 9:7 Movement) I love it! Pray with me: Father, as we declare portions of Your great Foreword regarding America, we do so to see her restored and reset to Your divine purposes. As a great symphony of declarations and appeals rises to You, merge them with the early voices that declared Your plans and purposes. Use the decrees to shake down evil and reestablish righteousness in our land. From these quotes: We declare America “to be a people in covenant with God.” We declare that America is “a city on a hill,” and that the light of truth will once again shine from our shores…in order that “all who see us may see and know that the name of the Lord is called upon by us; and that we are the seed which the Lord hath blessed.” We declare that America will have laws “agreeable to the Word of God…that His Word will be the only rule for ordering the affairs of our government.” We declare that “God will graciously pour out His Holy Spirit on America again to bring us to a thorough repentance and effectual reformation, in order that our iniquities may not be our ruin; that He will restore, preserve and secure the liberties of this nation, and make the land a mountain of Holiness, and habitation of righteousness forever.” We declare that “our support of the Declaration of Independence is with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.” Now Lord, we ask You to strengthen, bless and lead Your volunteers as they carry out this assignment. Remind them of their authority in Christ, the power of their words, and how incredibly noble is their cause. Remind them of the millions of souls coming into Your Kingdom because of their prayers. Encourage each intercessor regarding their worth, their importance to You. We pray these things in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: Christ’s enemies are becoming His footstool. ******************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ______________________________ Montesquieu, Baron Charles Louis Joseph de Secondat. 1748. Baron Charles Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws, 1748, Anne Cohler, trans. (reprinted Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 157. Ibid. Massachusetts, General Court of. 1636. Massachusetts Colonial Records, 1:174. Benjamin Fletcher Wright, Jr., American Interpretations of Natural Law New York: Russell & Russell, 1962), p. 33. John Eidsmoe, Christianity and the Constitution - The Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, A Mott Media Book, 1987, 6th printing 1993), p. 32. Connecticut, Fundamental Orders (Constitution) of. January 14, 1639. Old South Leaflets, No. 8. John Fiske, The Beginning of New England (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1889, 1898), p. 127-128. Ibid. Connecticut, Fundamentals Orders (Constitution) of. January 14, 1639. Old South Leaflets, No. 8. The World Book Encyclopedia, 18 vols. (Chicago, IL: Field Enterprises, Inc., 1957; W.F. Quarrie and Company, 8 vols., 1917; World Book, Inc., 22 vols., 1989), Vol. 3, p. 1675. Connecticut, Fundamental Orders (Constitution) of. January 14, 1639. John Wingate Thornton, The Pulpit of the American Revolution, 1860 (reprinted NY: Burt Franklin, 1970), p. XIX. Mather, Cotton. 1702. Cotton Mather, Magnalia Christi Americana, (The Great Achievement of Christ in America), 2 vols. (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1702, 1979), 1:26. Gary DeMar, America's Christian History: The Untold Story (Atlanta, GA: American Vision Publishers, Inc., 1993), p. 47. Trumbull, Jonathan. April 19, 1775, as Governor of the Connecticut Colony proclaiming a day of fasting and prayer. Verna M. Hall, The Christian History of the American Revolution (San Francisco: Foundation for American Christian Education, 1976), p. 407. Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Glory of America (Bloomington, MIN: Garborg's Heart°N Home, Inc., 1991), 3.22. Marshall Foster and Mary-Elaine Swanson, The American Covenant - The Untold Story (Roseburg, OR: Foundation for Christian Self-Government, 1981; Thousand Oaks, CA: The Mayflower Institute, 1983, 1992), p. 120.
  8. 6 min read July 13, 2023 A Heart of Courage Encouragement is an important subject. Paul frequently spoke of encouraging others and of receiving encouragement. A believer in the early church named Joseph, was actually nicknamed Barnabas by his fellow believers - which means “son of encouragement” - because of his encouraging heart and nature (Acts 4:36). Moses was twice told by God to encourage Joshua regarding his future ministry (Deuteronomy 1:38 and 3:28). The thought we normally have when hearing the word “encouragement” is picking up the spirit of someone who may be hurting or struggling, bringing motivation to press on, or perhaps giving a compliment to a person that might cause him or her to feel good about themselves or their performance. These aspects of encouragement are good and significant. The deeper meaning of this word, however, is even more significant. In its etymology, the word [encouragement] literally means “to put in courage.”(1) The “courage” portion actually comes from the Latin word for heart.(2) Think about that: Courage is a force that originates in the heart. Emotions will fail you in times of crisis or trouble; the mind, invaded by numerous scenarios and “what ifs,” will often flounder in times of uncertainty, fear, and indecision. “Heart courage” is the only safe source of strength in times of trouble. David said, “My heart is fixed,” meaning that it was immovable. (Psalms 57:7 and 108:1). In Psalm 112:7, he stated about one who fears the Lord and delights in His commandments: “He will not fear bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is firm, he will not fear, But will look with satisfaction on his enemies” (NASB). Courage emanating from the heart will never fail you. And to think we can actually put this courage into the heart of another with our words - incredible! The Greek word translated as “encourage” (also translated “comfort”), is parakaleo.(3) Interestingly, in one of its different forms (Paraclete), it is used as a name of Holy Spirit, usually translated as “Comforter” or “Helper.” Holy Spirit doesn’t simply want to give us pep talks to lift our emotions, He wants to put an immovable force of strength into our hearts, our “courage center!” And He often wants to use us to do so. Holy Spirit “...comforts (parakaleo) us in all our affliction, so that we will be able to comfort (parakaleo) those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:4 NASB). Amazing! Holy Spirit wants to strengthen the hearts of others through us! Our freedom today may, in part, be due to a 20th-century “Barnabas.” Winston Churchill didn’t look like much of a fighter, but he was one of the Allied Forces’ greatest warriors during WW2. He fought with his words, giving heart to Britain when the odds against them seemed impossible to overcome. At times, it seemed all they had left was heart. Here are a couple of examples: “THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN was raging. Every resource of Fighter Command was engaged in defense against the attacking Luftwaffe. On August 20, Winston Churchill reassured his countrymen. In the speech, he coined the phrase ‘the few’ to refer to the fighter pilots of the RAF (Royal Air Force), a phrase that would stick: ‘The great air battle which has been in progress over this Island for the last few weeks has recently attained a high intensity. It is too soon to attempt to assign limits either to its scale or to its duration. We must certainly expect that greater efforts will be made by the enemy than any he has so far put forth. ‘The gratitude of every home in our Island, in our Empire, and indeed throughout the world, except in the abodes of the guilty, goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of the world war by their prowess and by their devotion. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.’”(4) Another example of Churchill putting courage into the hearts of his people was through the following: “DURING THE DARKEST days of the war, there was trouble in England's coal mines. Workers were leaving the mines to enlist in the army. Many young men wanted to be fighting in the front lines, not digging coal out of the ground, and coal production was in jeopardy when the nation needed it most. Winston Churchill went to the mines to deliver a speech and to give the miners a vision of the future. “His words pictured for them what would take place when the Nazis were beaten, and the war was over. He said there would be a great parade honoring all who sacrificed for victory. First, there would be the Royal Navy sailors who had battled Hitler at sea. Then would come the Royal Air Force pilots who had fought the Luftwaffe in the skies. Then would come the Royal Army soldiers who had fought at Dunkirk. Last of all would come a long line of sweat-stained, soot-streaked men in miner's caps. Someone would cry from the crowd, ‘Where were you during the dark days of our struggle?’ And from ten thousand throats would come the answer, ‘We were deep in the earth, with our faces to the coal.’(5) “Churchill's words penetrated their hearts. With tear-streaked faces, the miners went back to work with the firm belief that every piece of coal they brought out of the earth was vital to the survival of their nation. They knew that their work might be mundane and seem unglamorous, but it was necessary to the larger cause.”(6) Put courage in someone you know today. “Lay hands on” their heart with your words and impart to them strength and fortitude. Tell them they are strong in Christ! Tell them they have great value and are needed! Tell them they are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves them, and that the greatest power in the universe dwells in them through Holy Spirit! Tell them their feet are on a solid rock, which will never crumble! “My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. Refrain: On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.”(7) Pray with me: Father, thank You for sending the great heart doctor, Holy Spirit. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for infusing strength into us, making us steadfast and immovable. Through You, we have “heart courage!” And thank You, Jesus, for transforming our hearts, and being our Rock. As we “put our faces to the coal,” motivate your Ekklesia to walk in “Barnabas anointings.” Remind us that we can put courage into the hearts of our brothers and sisters as we war for the soul of our nation. Encourage them to encourage others. We declare today that with Your strength, we will not yield to the forces of darkness in the world. We will not grow weary in our well-doing, our prayers, and decrees. We mount up with wings like eagles - running without getting tired, walking without fainting. Your strength empowers us, Your wind lifts us. We are like trees planted by water; our roots are deep and strong. With hearts like David, we run to the battle. With vision like Caleb, we ask for our mountain. With faith like Abraham, we hope when it seems there is none, and believe in the face of the impossible. With determination like Paul, we press toward the mark. We are “of God” and will overcome the forces of darkness. In Christ’s name and authority, Amen. Our decree: We decree that we have heart, and will persevere in every situation. ****************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ Ibid. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3870. Larkin Spivey, Battlefields and Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from World War II, (AMG Publishers: Chattanooga, TN), p. 38 and The Churchill Centre, From sermons by Bill Hayes ( and Norman Lao ( Larkin Spivey, Battlefields and Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from World War II, (AMG Publishers: Chattanooga, TN), p. 259.
  9. 6 min read July 12, 2023 A Beautiful Mural The reports of people praying for America, “Painting the Borders” (Paint Your State), and “Commanding the Foreword” are absolutely amazing. These intercessors are serious! I have cried more than once while reading them, thinking of the commitment, dedication, and determination being demonstrated. Holy Spirit has truly built a national Ekklesia of committed warriors. I hope you take the time to visit our website and read some of the reports. The remainder of today’s post is sharing portions of a few of them - to encourage you and give examples of what can be done, but also to show that Holy Spirit has been orchestrating this endeavor way in advance of Give Him 15 first mentioning it. Enjoy! KANSAS “My husband and I read Give Him 15 every morning, and we have read Gina Gholston’s book, Carry On. We felt led to take our tiny Teardrop Camper and drive 1550 miles around the border of Kansas. We stopped and anointed each border county in Kansas and felt led to leave a stalk of wheat. We decreed and prayed to the Lord of the Harvest for a tremendous harvest of souls in Kansas and more workers for the harvest (Matthew 9:37-39). We spent time praying in each corner and at the geographic center of the lower 48 states. “Our goals were to: 1. Anchor Kansas in Hope 2. Appeal to Heaven 3. Apply the Oil 4. Activate the Harvest of Souls. “…As I prayed about what we could leave in each county and at the geographic center, I first thought about seeds. But as retired farmers, we love the season of harvest, and I felt the Lord say, ‘This is the season of harvest, not planting.’ So I gathered stalks of wheat, which we took with us, leaving one in each county after we prayed and decreed. It is the time to call in the workers for the harvest because it is harvest time (Matthew 9:37-38). So, using our Appeal to Heaven flag, we asked the Lord of the Harvest for more workers to bring in the great harvest of souls. “…We spent time praying at Mt. Sunflower and were joined by friends. The warfare there was intense but rewarding. “…We were met with a bald eagle outside Baxter Springs; he sat in a tree and waited for us to get his picture. (We had to turn around and change camera lenses in order to get nice photos.) His head was held high. What a beautiful sign from God! “We prayed at the Mine Battlefield museum and were particularly touched while contemplating the battle that took place there in the Civil War. We are in a battle now - not physical, but spiritual. The Union forces won this battle in one hour, even though they were outnumbered 8000 to 1200. We read the ‘Gettysburg Address’ and sang all the verses of ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic.’ This was a very moving experience. My husband said the Union troops had the advantage of being on the higher ground. May we battle this fight with the full armor of God from the ‘higher ground’! “In several counties, we used the words of Abigail Adams in the letter she wrote to her husband [John Adams] on June 20, 1776. These words seemed to be very fitting. She wrote, ‘I feel no anxiety at the large armament designed against us. The remarkable interpositions of heaven in our favor, cannot be too gratefully acknowledged. He who fed the Israelites in the wilderness, who clothes the lilies of the field, and who feeds the young ravens, when they cry, will not forsake a people engaged in so right a cause, if we remember His lovingkindness.'(1) “In White Cloud, Kansas, the Northeast corner of the state, a beautiful zebra-striped swallowtail butterfly landed at my feet and flew in between my legs several times, while three hawks soared high above our heads. “At the geographic center of the United States, we soaked several stalks of wheat in oil of frankincense and left them there. As we were leaving, I felt the song ‘Spring Up Oh Well’ in my spirit. We prayed and decreed in The Tiny Chapel, another key spot. Our God is so faithful. “We came home exhausted but also thrilled that the Lord had given us safety, protection, and many prayer warriors to help us complete this journey…” FLORIDA This report demonstrates how Holy Spirit has been orchestrating this prayer assignment for quite some time. “…My wife and I attend Vision Church in Santa Rosa Beach, FL, [led by Tom and Jane Hamon]… “We completed our own 4-day, 1850-mile Perimeter Prayer Drive of Florida in August of 2021. “We recently commenced a national, 3-phase effort to plant Appeal To Heaven flags in all 50 U.S. States and the District of Columbia. The purpose is to see the rise of the Ekklesia, the Third Great Awakening, and the Restoration of America. “Phase 1 is already complete, an effort which took 21 days, April 19 through May 9, and covered 10,116 miles. Each day we…interceded, declared, and decreed, using the founding documents of America…and planted "Appeal To Heaven" flags in the 37 perimeter and adjacent states of FL, AL, MS, TN, AR, LA, TX, OK, NM, AZ, NV, CA, OR, WA, ID, MT, ND, MN, WI, MI, OH, PA, NY, VT, NH, ME, MA, RI, CT, NJ, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, NC, SC, and GA… “Phase 2 will soon commence, will take an estimated ten days, cover 4690 miles, and will include the remaining inner states of the Lower 48: MS, KS, CO, UT, WY, SD, NE, IA, IL, IN, and KY. “Phase 3 will require about 24 flight hours, plus layovers, and take up to 10 days. It will include the outlier states of HI and AK.” Signed, The Wiley's Double Eagle Operations I told you these people were serious! Our friends Cindy Jacobs and Timmerle Kelly lead Reformation Prayer Network and are all over this assignment. Here is a report from their RPN leader in New Hampshire. New Hampshire “New Hampshire is amazing! Intercessors from all over NH have hit the ground running with this assignment. Locations all over New Hampshire are being covered. One couple alone ‘painted’ 23 border locations in 2 days! “…A group…is creating a map of New Hampshire and pinning each location that has been painted. Additionally, a list is being generated to coincide with the map. Most importantly, as we have gone out to paint, we have experienced the presence of God and the needed miracles to accomplish the work. God is amazing and so good.” She ends her report by saying, “May His Kingdom Come.” I am reminded of two verses as I conclude today: “Your people will volunteer freely on the day of Your power; In holy splendor, from the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew.” (Psalm 110:3 NASB) “So we built the wall…for the people had a mind to work.” (Nehemiah 4:6 NASB) Keep painting. Pray with me: Father, You said when we meditated on and obeyed Your words, we would prosper and have success (Joshua 1:8). You also said, through Jehoshaphat, that if we believed and trusted Your words through prophets, we would prosper (2 Chronicles 20:20). We are confident You have given strategy to the Ekklesia through prophetic voices, and confident that we are succeeding. We thank You, Father, for leading us through this challenging season. We thank You for loving our nation enough to orchestrate deliverance and restoration. You have told us America will be saved, that nothing will stop Your plans, and You have now led us to this phase of the process. As we seal our borders with prayer and the anointing of Holy Spirit, we are confident this is effective, accomplishing all You said it would. We pray Your blessings on those who are doing so. We pray that You bless them spiritually, physically, and financially. We pray that You bless their families and all their possessions. We pray that strength and encouragement be given them, and for unity as they go. We also ask for hearing ears, in order to hear clearly what Holy Spirit leads them to do. We pronounce blessings over them! We pronounce favor over them! We pronounce health and healing over them! We pronounce abundance over them! Kingdom, come! Will of God, be done! On earth as in heaven! Yours is the kingdom, power, and glory we release. And we do so in Christ’s hallowed name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Holy Spirit is painting a mural, picturing protection and salvation over America. And NOTHING will stop this! ***************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ___________________________ Abigail Adams. June 20, 1776, in a letter to her husband John in Philadelphia. Adams Family Correspondence, Vol II, p. 16. Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Glory of America (Bloomington, MN: Garborg’s Heart N Home, Inc., 1991), 6.20.
  10. 5 min read July 11, 2023 This Is Why We Pray Though not terminal, the fall of America has been dramatic, perhaps as stunning as any in history. I share the following facts, not to inform you - you’re already aware of them - but to remind you why a merciful but difficult shaking is coming; and why we find it necessary to surround America’s borders with much prayer in order to protect her. Our prayers are important and effective: we are saving a nation. With this in mind: Government Many in our government are corrupt, oppose Biblical morality, are liars, and reject our godly roots. They are unpatriotic, disregard the Constitution, censor Americans they disagree with, persecute parents who oppose the indoctrination of their children, favor the murder of babies in the womb (and even after birth) , defend and promote the mutilation and permanent sterility of confused children. They lie about pandemics, mask children, and terminate the jobs - and facilitate the termination of - thousands of Americans who refuse to take untested and ineffective vaccines. They rig elections, frame Presidents and their supporters, and conduct phony impeachments and hearings. They open our borders - not just to immigrants seeking a better life - but to drug dealers, terrorists, murderers, rapists, human traffickers, cartels, gang members, etc. They defund the police and use our justice system to prosecute the innocent, while allowing the guilty to go free. They weaken our military by promoting insane “woke” ideologies and by allowing generals to conspire with enemy nations behind a President’s back. They shut down the free speech of political opponents while allowing allies to burn buildings. They pass laws that promote immorality. And they waste our money by the trillions of dollars. Judges Many judges disregard the Constitution by routinely legislating from the bench, making rulings based on their politics and preferences. In disregard of our history, they expelled God from our schools and government, while sanctioning the murder of 60 million babies in the name of “privacy.” They openly reject God’s Word and ways, even His definition of “marriage” and “gender.” Education Educators have neglected to teach our children math, history, geography, civics, reading, and writing. They have, instead, turned our schools into indoctrination centers, teaching: that leftist and Marxist ideologies are good, while America and capitalism are evil; a false history of America; that whites are bad; and doctrines that undermine biblical morality, the sanctity of marriage and family, and respect for parental authority. They also now insanely and depravedly allow boys to expose themselves to girls in bathrooms and locker rooms, and allow perverts and drag queens to perform for small children. Americans In General Many Americans have forgotten their history, their God, their Constitution, and how to vote. They have forfeited their God-given rights, lost their love of country, and rejected patriotism. They prioritize pleasure over work, convenience over sacrifice, and self-indulgence over self-restraint. And they have - as Lincoln said - forgotten the God that made us great. The Church The Church has stayed largely silent during this collapse, losing its savor (saltiness) and shining no light. Most Christian leaders will not even speak out against killing babies in the womb; some actually criticize those who do. Having adopted a “get along” theology - believing this is “love” and empowers the gospel - they criticize, as well, those who speak out against corrupt government. In order to get along and grow churches, many refuse to teach all of Scripture - mentioning nothing that might convict of or confront sin, and thereby, abandoning true repentance and biblical discipleship. Most of the church also abandoned prayer, favoring “seeker” atmospheres. The body of Christ listened to “feel good” messages every Sunday, singing “happy songs” about God taking care of us, while the culture around them crumbled. It is tragically reminiscent of the Titanic taking on water “as the band played on.” Now she finds herself wondering how it all went to hell. So, to those who are praying for America, I say: “Thank you, you are saving a lost nation!” Gina Gholston, who received the dream about “Painting our Borders” and “Commanding the Foreword, ” posted on her Facebook page last week: “As I was reading the reports of so many who are taking their place to ‘Paint the Borders’ and ‘Command the Foreword,’ the Lord reminded me of a word He spoke to me in January of 2020. I do believe we are seeing this word unfolding now! “‘I will reveal My “sent ahead ones,” and they will release My strategy for the days ahead! I will make their voices like the sound of trumpets, each trumpet releasing a unique sound. My called-out ones will be alerted and drawn to the sound, and My Spirit will instruct them for movement! I will work a work, and none will stop what I do!’” Thank you for continuing to “Paint your State”! Check out some of the reports on the “Paint Your State” hub on the Give Him 15 website. Ceci was reading through the reports today, sharing with me how this amazing grassroots effort is continuing to spread throughout the nation. Don’t stop! Pray for your state, and then pray for our leaders in your state and in Washington, D.C.! Your prayers ARE making a difference. Pray with me: Father, Your word teaches us Your ways. It explains the results of walking in covenant with You, of breaking covenant with You, of obedience and disobedience. It teaches us the fruit of righteousness, the wages of sin, and carefully lays out the laws of sowing and reaping. In Your Word, You also explain the remedy for our sins and disobedience. This is found in the blood sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. As we identify with Him, placing all of our faith in Him alone, we are redeemed, made new, restored, and healed. Even the corporate sins of nations are cleansed when we do this. You have made very clear Your heart of mercy and grace. You told us You do not take pleasure in judgments, even of the wicked; instead, You delight in mercy. That’s because mercy is Your nature - You are merciful! Your throne is called “Grace,” and You said it dispenses mercy, telling us to come boldly and ask for this. The Mercy Seat in the Old Testament, covered in atoning blood, was a picture of Christ’s blood-covered Cross. HE is our access to, and our guarantee of, Your mercy. His blood cleanses of ALL sin and unrighteousness. Our faith today is in NOTHING but the blood of Jesus. Not good works, not the church, not other religions, not penance - nothing but the blood of Jesus. Through His blood and in His name, today we stand in the gap for America, an apostate, rebellious, and prodigal nation. Through Christ’s blood and the strength of Your mercy, we humbly and boldly ask for grace. Cleanse us. Heal us. Restore us, that we might once again be a beacon, a nation worth emulating, a nation of strength - inside and out. We thank You for protection of our nation through the blood of Jesus that is being “painted” onto her through prayer. We thank You for the anointing oil of Holy Spirit, that not only covers our borders, but is also soaking into the soil of this nation. There, it is mixed with the oil of past generations’ anointings. Our prayers are causing a shaking, building pressure, and this synergistic mix of oil is about to erupt into flaming geysers of holy fire. Cleansing and deliverance, salvation, and restoration are coming. And nothing will stop this…because the prayers will not end, nor will Your mercy. Our decree: God’s grace is great, abounds, and is more than sufficient. ********************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  11. 5 min read July 10, 2023 Rebuilding the Walls The book of Nehemiah is a great account of restoration. Against all odds, Nehemiah, along with a remnant of Israelites, was used by God as part of the rebuilding of Jerusalem; he led the efforts to rebuild the city walls. His name, fittingly, means “Yahweh comforts.” The Babylonian captivity of Israel, prophesied by Jeremiah, had ended. Prior to Nehemiah’s role, Zerubbabel and Ezra had led remnants back to Jerusalem to rebuild and reestablish the Temple. God had used a pagan king, Cyrus, King of Persia - the nation now ruling the area - to allow this and even help them: “This is what Cyrus, king of Persia, says: ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and He has appointed me to rebuild for Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever there is among you of all His people, may his God be with him! Go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and rebuild the house of the Lord, the God of Israel; He is the God who is in Jerusalem. And every survivor, at whatever place he may live, the people of that place are to support him with silver and gold, with equipment and cattle, together with a voluntary offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.’” (Ezra 2:2-4 NASB) In Nehemiah’s time, however, the people living in Jerusalem were still in distress, walls of the city still in ruins: “And they said to me, ‘The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and disgrace, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.’” (Nehemiah 1:3 NASB) There could be no complete restoration without the walls of the city being rebuilt and the gates put in place. When Nehemiah heard the report of the city’s condition, he wept and mourned, fasted and prayed for days. (Verse 4) This time of mourning, fasting, and praying lasted for four months (see verses 1:1 and 2:1). His grief became so great that he appeared before the king - he was the king’s cupbearer - with a sad countenance (2:2), which was punishable by death. In other words, Nehemiah’s heart for the kingdom of God outweighed concern regarding his own life. However, because of God’s hand upon him (2:4-8), he was given grace and favor by the king. King Artaxerxes not only allowed him to go to Jerusalem and lead the effort of rebuilding the walls, but also helped by providing materials. Nehemiah traveled to Jerusalem, surveyed the situation, then asked the Jews that had previously returned to the city under Zerubbabel and Ezra to help him rebuild the walls. Their response was encouraging: “Then I said to them, ‘You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates have been burned by fire. Come, let’s rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a disgrace.’ And I told them how the hand of my God had been favorable to me and also about the king’s words which he had spoken to me. Then they said, ‘Let’s arise and build.’ So they put their hands to the good work… So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.” (Nehemiah 2:17-18; 4:6 NASB) Through much opposition from other nationalities in the region - lies about them to influence the king, mocking to dishearten the builders, and threats to intimidate them - they finished the job. Nehemiah is a great read - take a look. Why this history lesson? My friend, Pat McManus (pastor and prayer leader from Illinois), sent me a text today. Here is a summary, in my words: “As I have been pondering what is going on around us, I wonder if - in the process of rebuilding the walls of our land - we have come to the place pictured by Nehemiah. Nehemiah understood the time he was in, a time of rebuilding the walls and resetting Israel. I believe we are entering the same type of season, a time when God is igniting the hearts of many to stand, rebuild the walls and see the nation restored to His original intent. “As Tim [Sheets] has said, I believe we have come to the time of a reset in the land. We are being positioned for this reset, which will advance God’s kingdom on earth. The need to prepare for change is at hand. The time of establishing the truth of the Word in the hearts of His people is now. Prepare your heart for what the Lord is about to do.” I believe Pat is right. I believe God has done much spiritually to prepare America for a great reset. I know globalists and others talk about a reset of their own. Don’t be distracted by that. God has His own plans for a restoration, a reset, in our land. He has placed in the heart of a growing remnant an understanding of the times; intercessors - “builders” - are at work. As we surround our nation with prayer, securing the “walls and gates,” He is helping us - even though the opposition is great. Stay the course! Here is another great report on painting our borders - “rebuilding the walls” - sent to me by my friend, David Ruleman. Although it has already taken place, it is worth mentioning: “I posted this on FaceBook and on GH15 Florida: ‘A call to the wall, a call of intercession, has gone out from our friend, Dutch Sheets. This Saturday [past], prayer warriors and intercessors in 67 counties in Florida will be joining intercessors in all 50 states as we Command the Foreword. We will be declaring the 1607 covenant Robert Hunt made with God for America, and also issuing other declarations as Holy Spirit leads. This will be in different locations all over Florida. For more information on Prayer Link Florida and to become part of this state-wide movement, go to “With glistening hope, David.” It’s working, friends, keep painting. Pray with me: Father, just as You did with the sons of Issachar, You have raised up a people in our day who can discern the times. The movement of intercession over the last 30 years has been incredible. And you have been using those prayers to prepare hearts around the world for Your next great wave of harvest. We know this will not be stopped. As thousands of believers pray around our nation, You are using those prayers to prepare the way for Your reset of America. We are encouraged that so much of what is occurring is a grassroots movement - not organized by one ministry or voice. Encourage those who are faithfully praying. Give them strength, wisdom, insight, and protection. As the anointing of Holy Spirit is released across the nation, we decree now that it is not only securing our land, but is breaking yokes of bondage, opening blind eyes, and bringing people to Jesus. We command now Your kingdom authority and victory to come into our land! We command Your Will to be done! On earth as in Heaven! We declare that satan has been defeated, and we release the fruit of Christ’s victory into the streets, schools, homes, businesses, churches, and governments of America. Deception will be broken, eyes will continue to be opened, America will awaken, and salvation will come to millions. We also ask for this to occur in other nations. Worldwide revival! That is our prayer. In Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that America’s walls and gates are being rebuilt, her calling restored, and her foundations reset. ****************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  12. 5 min read July 7, 2023 Building Walls of Protection There are different types of prayer: priestly prayer (petitions), kingly prayer (declarations and decrees), the prayer of agreement, travailing prayer, intercessory prayer, and other descriptive terms we could mention. Although in the thinking of many, the word intercession has come to be synonymous with prayer, it is actually just a descriptive term describing one of these various facets. The Hebrew word for intercession, paga, has several shades of meaning, all of which can be accomplished through prayer. One of these meanings is the marking of "boundaries" or "borders,” the point at which two territories meet or connect. Paga is used repeatedly this way in Joshua 19, describing the boundaries of the tribes of Israel. Placing this definition into the context of prayer, paga is establishing boundaries or walls of protection. It is the posting of “No Trespassing" signs in the spiritual realm, and the placing of that which belongs to us under the protection of the Most High. I love Psalm 91:1-4 from THE MESSAGE: “You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow, say this: ‘God, you're my refuge. I trust in you, and I'm safe!’ That's right - He rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you under them; you're perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm.” In their book, Living and Praying in Jesus’ Name, **** Eastman and Jack Hayford, recount the following story: “A missionary, determined to take the gospel to an interior region of China, experienced the sovereign protection of God. Ruthless bandits along the road had prevented this area from being reached. However, this young missionary went, preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. He later returned to the base without having seen any bandits. Shortly thereafter, other missionaries heard a rumor circulating throughout the area: the bandits had not attacked because an entourage of eleven soldiers had traveled with him. As he had actually traveled alone, the missionaries concluded angels must have protected him; but why eleven? “The missionary wrote about this experience to his home church in the United States. His pastor asked when this had happened. Upon receiving this information, the pastor excitedly communicated his part of the story. The pastor had been prompted by God to call a special prayer meeting for this missionary. When the date of the prayer meeting arrived, the pastor was disappointed at the poor turnout. That changed, however, after he received the missionary's amazing report. The pastor was thrilled to tell him, "You'll be pleased to know that, counting myself, there were exactly eleven of us who were praying for you that very day."(1) Those 11 faithful intercessors became a wall, a perimeter of protection, around this missionary through their prayers of intercession, causing Psalm 91 and Proverbs 18:10 to become realities. God wants us, also, to believe in the power of the name of Jesus and use it to build walls of protection. Isaiah 26:1 and 60:18 speak of God's protection as walls: "In that day, this song will be sung in the land of Judah: ‘We have a strong city; He sets up walls and ramparts for security.’" "Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders; but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise." In his book Prayer That Moves Mountains, Gordon Lindsay tells a remarkable story similar to the one about the missionary to China. It is a remarkable picture of building protective walls and boundaries through prayer: “Unknown to a Christian Armenian, bandits followed his caravan as he transported merchandise across the desert to a town in Turkish Armenia. The bandits waited until after dark to attack, but upon approaching the caravan, they were astonished to see high walls surrounding it. The same scenario happened on the following night, with high walls again protecting the caravan. On the third night, however, the walls were broken in places, allowing the bandits access to the merchant. Frightened by the mystery of the walls, the leader of the bandits offered to spare the merchant and his caravan if he would just share the secret of the walls with him. Having no knowledge of the walls, the merchant replied that all he knew was that each evening he prayed, committing himself and those with him to God, but that on this particular evening, he had not prayed as usual, due to his tiredness, and that probably accounted for the breaks in the wall. This testimony so amazed the bandits that they gave their lives to Christ.”(2) Many would find this story unbelievable. Yet why should it surprise us? God simply allowed people to see what was actually there in the spirit realm: walls of protection. Zechariah 2:5 calls them walls of fire: "’For I,’ declares the Lord, 'will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’” As we paint the boundaries of our states and nation, we are “marking” our territories, staking claims, and posting “No Trespassing” signs in the spirit. We are telling satan and his kingdom: “This land belongs to the Lord. He has given us stewardship of it, and we will not allow you to steal it.” Even as a shaking comes - to tear down evil authority structures, cleanse our nation and turn it back to God - we will protect it, as instructed. The shaking will neither destroy nor define us. Covenant will define us. “Under God” will define us. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will define us. “Evangelist to the World” will define us. We confidently declare that righteousness will prevail, mercy will triumph, and destiny will endure. Pray with me: Father, we are painting our borders blood red, sealing them with the finest of oils. Though the encroacher, the trespasser and thief, has attempted to steal our inheritance, he shall fail here just as he did in heaven. His defeat is sure, having been accomplished by Christ, whose blood we now apply through prayers of obedience. Whatever the shaking may be, we know that mercy will endure and triumph over the reaping America experiences. We will emerge stronger, wiser, purer, more humble, and ready for another phase of destiny, another season of harvest. Baal’s hold is weakening, the light of exposure is disinfecting his putrid decay, and revealing to America the folly of our sins. We know You are about to finish what You’ve started. So we will keep painting, keep sealing. We will keep announcing that truth will prevail, Your plans will succeed, and America shall be saved. We will continue to prepare for harvest, here and around the world. Our appeals will not diminish, our faith will not waver, and our God will not fail. In Yeshua’s name we pray. Amen Our decree: We decree that we, the Ekklesia, will serve the purpose of God in our generation. (Acts 13:36) ******************* Portions of today’s post were taken from my book The Essential Guide to Prayer, How to Pray with Power and Effectiveness (published by Baker Books). Click on the link below to watch the full video. ________________________ **** Eastman and Jack Hayford, Living and Praying in Jesus’ Name (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1988), pp. 13-14. Gordon Lindsay, Prayer That Moves Mountains (Dallas, TX: Christ For the Nations, revised 1994), p. 39.
  13. 6 min read July 6, 2023 A Great Symphony of Prayer “Again, I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” (Matthew 18:19-20; NASB) “From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” (Ephesians 4:16; KJV) The word “agree” in Matthew 18:19 is the Greek word sumphoneo(1), from which we get the English word symphony. It’s easy to see the concept in this word: one sound, made of many sounds. There are many instruments in a symphony, all playing the same song, in the same key, with the same tempo, with one conductor. Any deviation from these demands can be heard immediately, creating discord, dissonance, perhaps even cacophony. (I’ve heard too many cacophonies in churches!) With Holy Spirit as our Conductor, a great symphony of prayer has been forming in America. It can be heard in homes, churches, vehicles, forests, along the sides of roads and rivers, on snow-covered mountains, and in lush valleys. Listen closely, and you’ll realize it is also in many languages, coming from other nations as well. The sound of the Ekklesia Philharmonic Orchestra is no doubt rapturous to heaven, filling the throne room with great joy, even as it transforms into a sweet-smelling incense (Revelation 5:8). The second verse above, Ephesians 4:16, is less known by the church, but packed with anecdotic language describing the church. The context of the verse, Ephesians 4, is the body of Christ - pictured as a human body, with its diverse parts and functions, working together. Let’s take a closer look at a portion of this verse. “Fitly joined together” is an interesting and complex Greek word (sunarmologeo)(2), made from 3 words. Sun(3) means “together”, harmos(4) means “joint; joining”, and lego(5) means “to put in order; arrange or gather together.” A derivative of lego is logos, arranging thoughts into words in order to communicate them. Our English words logic and logical come from logos. This word is used as one of the names of Jesus in John 1:1. This is because Christ embodies the logic, the reasoning of God; He is the expression of God to us. Jesus is saying to us through this amazing word (sunarmologeo) and verse: You are My expression. As I revealed the Father, You will reveal Me. You are My body; you are My words. I made each of you unique, as different in your giftings, callings, and preferences as an ear is from a foot; or, to use the symphony analogy, as different as a tuba is from a violin. But if you connect, work together, “play the same song” - I will be revealed. Your sound, Your song, is meant to reveal Me. As we release our many prayers in this season, with different Scriptures and words, in so many ways and places, Christ is being heard and seen. Holy Spirit is the Conductor - He will show you your part. I love how He is leading people to “paint” their state in different ways. Some go, others who cannot physically travel around their state, do so on maps with their fingers and words. What a great sound that must be to heaven! Some write decrees, some use their State Constitutions, others read Robert Hunt’s decree - think of the power being released across the land as all this occurs. It’s the Synergy of the Ages Symphony! Grab your instrument, and let’s go. Here are a few more reports and examples of painting the borders of our states: From Virginia: “Thank you for your call to “Command the foreword.” I am one of the moms in Loudoun County who has been vocal in our fight against corruption in our school boards. “I have already gathered many groups to prayer walk around our city and schools, but I believe this is the most important assignment of all. In the burning promptings of Holy Spirit, I started a prayer call to recite our (Robert Hunt) 1607 Covenant daily and have joined in “painting” Virginia’s borders and anointing the land with oil. I am now partnering with groups doing the same with Intercessors For America. I promise to continue to do my part. Thank you for your leadership. You have the partnership of Loudoun County, VA. America IS being saved! Our children will have a future and prosper, in Jesus' name.” And from North Dakota: “We are pastors and leaders of a prayer ministry called Gateway Prayer, and we lead a Prayer Gathering to pray for the community, our region, and nation every Thursday evening at 7 pm at one of our local Community Centers. We have intercessors in attendance from 6-8 different churches (so far) in the Bismarck area. “We encourage everyone to read or listen to Give Him 15 every day, and we are following the words you are bringing from prophetic voices in the nation. “We love and appreciate your ministry and wanted you all to be aware we are linking arms from North Dakota, also referred to as “the bread basket of the world.” From a U.S. Embassy: “I am a service member currently serving at the U.S. Embassy in Santiago, Chile, although my home unit is in Texas. Yesterday Holy Spirit moved me to go to the embassy and pray for every state and U.S. territory as I walked around the atrium. I agreed and renewed our commitment to the covenant of dedication made on 29 April 1607. After all, U.S. embassies are sovereign U.S. territories, so they need to be painted, as well! America shall be saved! The third great awakening has already begun.” (shared with permission) We hope you are enjoying the new Paint Your State online hub on our website! Your response has been amazing! Thank you for your patience, as this is our first time building an interactive web page. My staff has asked that I share two important facts that will improve your user experience: 1 – First of all, you may have noticed by now that you are receiving email notifications whenever there is activity in the group you joined. This is the default setting for every member profile. We realize you may not want this feature because it may quickly clog up your email inbox! To personalize or manage your notification settings, go to your profile located in the upper right-hand corner of, and click your profile. Once on your profile page, go to "Settings." On this page, you can adjust what activities will trigger an email being sent to you. 2 - Secondly, if you would like to see what is happening on other state group pages, you can do so by clicking the PHOTO of the state (instead of clicking the "Join" button). You only need to "Join" a group if you want to contribute a post or comment in the group feed. We hope you take some time to see what other states are doing - you will find it extremely encouraging; I know I did! Pray with me: Father, we rejoice with You as the church, the Ekklesia, comes together in agreement for the protection of America. We are connected in Christ, releasing the same sound, playing the same song. Continue stirring hearts to do so, and releasing creativity and insight into where to go, how to do so, and what to pray. You said a shaking is coming to turn around our nation, not to destroy it. You said as we “command the foreword” and paint the states with the oil of Holy Spirit, we were releasing both the shaking that would cleanse, and the protection needed to preserve our land. You told us not to fear the shaking. Your Word also tells us not to fear. Therefore, we are unafraid of any shaking that occurs. We remind ourselves that we are also joined to our brothers and sisters around the world. They are part of Your cherished family and prayer orchestra. We pray for them, as well. Strengthen them, provide for them, and encourage them. Send revival to the nations! Deliver them from evil governments and systems - tear down the strongholds of darkness. Shake down evil, even as you do so here in America. We know evil will exist until Your return, but grace will prevail, and Your Kingdom will expand. We pray these things in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the sound of the Ekklesia is on key, in perfect harmony, and clear. It is bringing fire and protection to our land. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  14. 6 min read July 4, 2023 Happy Birthday, America! On our nation’s birthday as a nation, let’s “command the foreword” by looking at some of the great declarations and statements made by American Founders. These quotes are powerful, inspiring, demonstrate their faith, and confirm America’s purpose. Founding Father Patrick Henry led the Virginia Militia, was a member of the Continental Congress, a 5-time Governor of Virginia, and more.(1) He was also a great orator. As tensions continued to grow between Britain and the colonists, Henry presented resolutions to the Virginia Convention to raise and establish a militia. His opponents urged caution. On March 23, 1775, Henry uttered the now-famous line, “Give me liberty or give me death.” Sadly, many Americans have never heard the rest of this amazing speech.(2) Here are a few more lines: “...If we wish to be free…we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us! “.... We are not weak, if we make a proper use of the means which the God of nature hath placed in our power...We shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations…The war is inevitable, and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come. “...Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”(3) Years later, regarding his belief that America was founded on Christianity and the Gospel, Patrick Henry said: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”(4) The Adams Family The contribution to America’s birth by our second President, John Adams, cannot be overstated, nor can that of his family: wife, Abigail; son, John Quincy; and cousin, Samuel. On July 1, 1776, John Adams spoke to the delegates at the Continental Congress: “Before God, I believe the hour has come. My judgment approves this measure, and my whole heart is in it. All that I have, and all that I am, and all that I hope in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it. And I leave off as I began, that live or die, survive or perish, I am for the Declaration. It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God, it shall be my dying sentiment. Independence now, and Independence forever!”(5) The Declaration of Independence was approved the next day, July 2, edited somewhat the following day, and formally adopted on the 4th. On July 3, Adams wrote to Abigail, with prophetic insight it seems, regarding the importance of what had just been approved: “The second day of July 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever. “You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means; that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction, even though we [may regret] it, which I trust in God we shall not.”(6) On June 20, 1776, shortly before the Declaration was ratified and released, Abigail Adams had written to John of her great faith in God: “I feel no anxiety at the large armament designed against us. The remarkable interpositions of heaven in our favor cannot be too gratefully acknowledged. He who fed the Israelites in the wilderness, who clothes the lilies of the field and who feeds the young ravens when they cry, will not forsake a people engaged in so right a cause, if we remember His loving kindness.”(7) Our sixth President, John Quincy Adams, the son of John and Abigail, was a brilliant man; he was actually serving America’s government at 14 years of age!”(8) On July 4, 1801, America’s 25th birthday, he made the profound statement: “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity…”(9) In a speech celebrating our 61st birthday, July 4th, 1837, he expounded on this belief in an even more profound statement: “Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the World, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day? “Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the Progress of the Gospel dispensation? “Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon earth? “That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity and gave to the world the first irrevocable pledge of the fulfillment of the prophecies announced directly from Heaven at the birth of the Saviour and predicted by the greatest of the Hebrew prophets 600 years before.”(10) Absolutely incredible! And we must never forget the great Samuel “Sam” Adams, known as the “Father of the American Revolution.” He instigated the Boston Tea Party, signed the Declaration of Independence, called for the first Continental Congress, and much more. After the Declaration of Independence was signed, some wept, others bowed their heads in prayer. Samuel Adams rose and stated:(11) “We have this day restored the Sovereign, to Whom alone men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and…from the rising to the setting of the sun, may His kingdom come.”(12) Happy 247th Birthday, America! To these and other patriots in the great cloud cheering us on, and with whom we enjoy the synergy of the ages, we say: “Though floundering, the dream lives! We shall work and appeal until it is fully revived - your labors and sacrifices will not have been in vain! Thank you for the foreword you gave us; we’re commanding it today.” Prayer and Decree (based on the Founders’ quotes): As Robert Hunt declared and Patrick Henry confirmed, America was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will not allow this truth to be stolen. An appeal to the God of Hosts will prevail again. We shall not fight our battle alone - there is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations. Just as Adams spoke of seeing the “light and glory,” we believe the light of truth and glory of God will prevail and be seen in America! We are “the posterity” that He prophesied would triumph. We echo Abigail Adams’ faith: “We feel no anxiety at the large armament designed against us. He who fed the Israelites…clothes the lilies…and feeds the ravens will not forsake a people engaged in so right a cause.”(13) And we agree with John Quincy and Samuel Adams: “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” And we will restore this purpose of the Sovereign to America. (14) Our decree: We decree that as we “command the foreword” - the purpose God stated for America at her beginning - it is shaking down the evil structures in America and resetting our destiny..! ****** ****** ****** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ William J. Federer, America’s God and Country (Coppell, TX: FAME Publishing, Inc., 1994), p. 287. Ibid. Steve C. Dawson. God’s Providence in America’s History (Rancho Cordova, CA: Steve C. Dawson, 1988), Vol I, p. 5. David Barton, The Myth of Separation (Aledo, TX: WAllBuilder Press, 1991), pp. 25, 258. M.E. Bradford, The Trumpet Voice of Freedom: Patrik Henry of Virginia (Marlborough, NH: Plymouth Rock Foundation 1991), p. iii. July 1, 1776. Dan Amoot. America's Promise (Dallas, TX: The Dan Smoot Report, 1960), p. 6. Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Light and the Glory (Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1997), pp. 307-308. William J. Federer, America’s God and Country (Coppell, TX: FAME Publishing, Inc., 1994), p.9. Ibid. p. 3. Ibid. p.15. Ibid. p. 18. Ibid. p. 18. Marshall, Peter and Manuel, David. The Light and the Glory (Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell, 1977). pp. 307, 309. William J. Federer, America’s God and Country (Coppell, TX: FAME Publishing, Inc., 1994), p. 23. Ibid. p. 3. Ibid. p. 23.
  15. 8 min read July 3, 2023 The Independence Day (That Almost Never Was) Today’s post is about God’s intervention to save our Republic through Roger Sherman and Benjamin Franklin. I am going to venture a guess that most of you know little, if anything, about founding father, Roger Sherman. His contribution to America’s beginning was extremely important. Sherman was distinguished as the only founding father to sign all four of America’s major founding documents: The Articles of Association, 1774; The Declaration of Independence, 1776; The Articles of Confederation, 1777; and the Constitution of the United States, 1787. Can you imagine the honor?! “Sherman was a shoe cobbler, surveyor, and merchant prior to his political career. He was a self-taught lawyer, a state senator, a superior court judge, and a judge in Connecticut for fourteen years. Later, he was a member of the Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence. He was also a member of the Constitutional Convention, where he made 138 speeches. He then became a U.S. representative from 1789-91, and at the age of 70, was elected a U.S. Senator, serving from 1791-93.”(1) Many Americans, like me for my first 45 years of life, do not know much about the Constitutional Convention and our other founding events and documents. Here is a very brief overview of significant events leading up to and including the convention: In 1776, the 13 American colonies declared their independence from Britain. (The Declaration of Independence) The Revolutionary War took place from 1776-1783. During this time, the 13 United States functioned under The Articles of Confederation. The Constitution had not yet been written. The central government, however, had little power or income (which, generally speaking, is good) and therefore, could not effectively support an army and provide for other needs. James Madison and George Washington were among those who feared the young country was on the brink of collapse. In 1787, in an attempt to remedy this, a Federal Convention of the states was planned in Philadelphia. This was 11 years after the Declaration of Independence had been written. (It was not called the Constitutional Convention until later.) The delegates assumed they were meeting only to make improvements to the Articles of Confederation. While there, however, most of the delegates decided a completely new system of government was needed, not just a revision of the old. The convention lasted from May 24 to September 17; it was VERY contentious. For a while, it seemed they would fail in their efforts.(2) “On Thursday, June 28, 1787, the deletes were embroiled in a bitter debate over how each state was to be represented in the new government. The hostile feelings created by the smaller states being pitted against the larger states, were so bitter that some delegates actually left the Convention. “Benjamin Franklin, being the President (Governor) of Pennsylvania, was hosting the rest of the 55 delegates attending the Convention. Being the senior member of the convention at 81 years of age, he commanded the respect of all present, and, as recorded in James Madison’s detailed records, he rose to speak in this moment of crisis: “‘Mr. President: The small progress we have made after four or five weeks of close attendance and continual reasonings with each other - our different sentiments on almost every question…producing as many noes as ayes, is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the Human Understanding. “‘We indeed seem to feel our own want of political wisdom since we have been running about in search of it. We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of those Republics which, having been formed with the seeds of their own dissolution, now no longer exist. And we have viewed the Modern States all round Europe, but find none of their Constitutions suitable to our circumstances. “‘In this situation of this Assembly, groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly appealing to the Father of lights to illuminate our understanding? “‘In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favor. “‘To that kind Providence, we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? “‘I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth - that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? “‘We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that “except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without this concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. “‘And what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, and conquest “‘I, therefore, beg leave to move - that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.’(3) “Roger Sherman was the person to second Franklin’s motion that they begin opening each daily session with prayer.(4) This was approved, and the practice has continued since, although poorly attended and supported. Shortly after this, Sherman made the suggestion that state representation in the Senate be equal and that state representation in the House be based on population. This historic proposal, which came to be called the ‘Connecticut Compromise,’ was adopted, and the system has been in use since. Sherman was also on the committee which decided the wording of the First Amendment. (5) ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’ “Roger Sherman once described the necessity of ‘Admiring and thankfully acknowledging the riches of redeeming love, and earnestly imploring that divine assistance which may enable us to live no more to ourselves, but to Him who loved us and gave Himself to die for us.’(6) “Why is it that such a giant of a man is so little covered by the textbooks of today? To think that the only man to sign all four of our major founding documents, establish prayer in Congress, develop the compromise for just representation between House and Senate is unknown to most Americans baffles the mind.”(7) Today, we celebrate his contribution to our God-inspired Constitution. Today our prayer is from Abraham Lincoln, taken from his proclamation of a National Fast Day, on March 30, 1863, and his answer to a question, just before Gettysburg, asking if the nation would survive: “Whereas, it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history: that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord… “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth, and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious Hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. “Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! “It behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.(8) “I do not doubt that our country will finally come through safe and undivided. But do not misunderstand me…I do not rely on the patriotism of our people…the bravery and devotion of the boys in blue…(or) the loyalty and skill of our generals… “But the God of our fathers, Who raised up this country to be the refuge and asylum of the oppressed and downtrodden of all nations, will not let it perish now. I may not live to see it…I do not expect to see it, but God will bring us through safe.” (9) ******************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ Sherman, Roger. Lewis Henry Bouotell, The Life of Roger Sherman (Chicago: A.C. McClure & Co., 1896), 213. Tim LaHaye, Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc., 1986), p. 137. Edwin Gaustad, Faith of Our Fathers (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987), p. 158. Leo Godzich, Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Phoenix, AZ: NAME Publishers), p. 63-64. William J. Federer, America’s God and Country (Coppell, TX: FAME Publishing, Inc., 1994), p. 558. Benjamin Franklin. June 28, 1787. James Madison, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 (1787; reprinted NY: W.W. Norton and Co., 1987), pp. 209-210. David Barton, The Myth of Separation (Aledo, TX: WallBuilder Press, 1991), pp. 108-109. Gallard Hunt and James B. Scott, Ed., The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, Which Framed the Constitution of the United States of America, reported by James Madison (New York: Oxford University Press, 1920), pp. 181-182. Tim LaHaye, Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc, 1987), pp. 122-124. George Bancroft, Bancroft’s History of the Constitution of the United States Vols I-X (Boston: Charles C. Little & James Brown, 1838), Vol. II. Stephen Abbott Northrop, D.D., A Cloud of Witnesses (Portland, Oregon: American Heritage Ministries, 19887), pp. 159-160. Sherman, Robert. June 28, 1787. James Madison, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 (1787; reprinted NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1987), p. 210. Sherman, Roger. Lewis Henry Bouotell, The Life of Roger Sherman (Chicago: A.C. McClure & Co., 1896), 213. Tim LaHaye, Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc., 1986), p. 137. Edwin Gaustad, Faith of Our Fathers (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987), p. 158. Sherman, Roger. John Eidsmoe, Constitution, p. 321. Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Glory of America (Bloomington, MN: Garborg’s HeartN Home, Inc., 1991), 8.23. Leo Godzich, Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Phoenix, AZ: NAME Publishers), p. 65. Abraham Lincoln. March 30, 1863. James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1897 (Published by Authority of Congress, 1899), Vol VI, p. 164. Gary DeMar, God and Government, A Biblical and Historical Study by Atlanta, GA: American Vision Press, 1984), p. 128-129, also David Barton, The Myth of Separation (Aledo, TX: WallBuilder Press, 1991), p. 259, also Benjamin Weiss, God in American History: A Documentation of America’s Religious Heritage (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1966), p. 92. Willard Cantelon, Money Master of the World (Plainfield, JN: Logos International, 19765), p. 120. “Our Christian Heritage,” Letter from Plymouth Rock (Marlborough, NH: The Plymouth Rock Foundation), p. 6 Gary DeMar, The Untold Story (Atlanta, GA: American Vision, Inc., 1993), pp. 53, 99. Abraham Lincoln. June 1863, in a discourse with a college President. Johnson, Lincoln, pp. 109-110. Peter Marshall and David Manuel, The Glory of America (Bloomington, MN: Garborg’s Heart ‘N Home, Inc., 1991), 4.26.
  16. 6 min read June 30, 2023 The Difficult Made Easy As more and more people awaken to the power of prayer, God is training and connecting them. Our personal times of prayer are critically important, but we should also pray with others, activating the power of agreement and the synergy it produces. As Tom Schlueter has told us this week, it takes an army. I can assure you that our need for this will increase, not diminish, in the days ahead. For the past two days, Tom and I have shared several principles necessary to develop and function as an army. Here is a brief recap: Grassroots - We are ALL priests, representing Christ, the High Priest. No “big me’s, little you’s.” All the blades of grass form the grassroots movement; all the knots comprise the net. Position - All have a “position,” a sphere of influence, they are assigned to pray into, as well as a position in the army. Obedience - The Texas prayer network under Tom began through his act of obedience, driving and praying around the entire circumference of the state. Inclusion - Leaders must recognize all the “knots,” allowing them to take their places in the net. Connect - Leaders must work to connect the army, and also to train them. In today’s post, Tom and I want to share a few more principles regarding building a prayer army. In 2003-04, obeying a clear word from Holy Spirit, Chuck Pierce and I traveled to all 50 states, gathering leaders and intercessors. Our purpose was to help unite the intercessors, and release prophetic words of purpose and strategy to each state. Summaries of what Holy Spirit said to them are given in our book, The Prophetic Destiny of a Nation. Tom shares two words Holy Spirit released over Texas: “Dutch declared: ‘There is a mantle on Texas to bring forth change in America. I say there is a governmental anointing on the State of Texas – on the church of Texas – to rise up in her position in heavenly places and begin to legislate, to release the government of God, that changes the government of man.’ “Chuck released this word. ‘There is a nation in your loins, and you will birth a nation. God is giving you the authority to address giants who are stopping it. There will be a grassroots movement from Texas, that will be seen throughout the nation, and the giant will be addressed. It will be known that from Texas a nation was birthed, a nation went to war, and a nation had the victory.’” Now you know why the concept of a grassroots movement is so important to Tom! One of the things I have appreciated so much about him and TXAPN is their determination to hear and obey what Holy Spirit says. HE gives them their strategies and assignments. Without exception, the most significant breakthroughs and transformation around the nation are occurring in states that follow this pattern. That should not surprise us: “Put your trust in the Lord your God, and you will endure. Put your trust in His prophets, and succeed” (2 Chronicles 20:20, NASV; also see Ezra 5:1-2; 6:14). Yes, prophecy must be judged (through Scripture and the ways of God) and must be carefully interpreted. But, if and when it is deemed to be a word from Holy Spirit, prayer and faith must then be released, action and obedience implemented. As a prayer army, a united company, Tom and TXAPN have honored the Lord’s instructions in many ways. As examples, Tom says: “When I started forming a network in my own city of Arlington, Texas, I would simply reach out to people in my own congregation. They then reached out to people in other congregations. We met more people as we started gathering in small prayer groups and carrying out prayer initiatives for the city. Before we knew it, we had over 25 congregations or ministries represented in the network and over a hundred people praying together for our city. We were committing ourselves to each other for a common purpose and goal. Assignments from the Lord that are difficult for one or two people become easy when many are doing them. “For instance, at the Lord’s prompting, I easily drove my car the forty-four miles around the circumference of our city. But when the Lord said to prayer walk it, this was no longer a task for one! It had to be an army - and we had one. We walked it seven times! “Later, the Lord instructed me to drive the circumference of the state, which I did. But as the army formed, He asked us to pray at all the rivers, all 254 counties, all the courthouses, and all the entry points in and out of the state! It takes an army! And it requires obedience!” Another word from the Lord which TXAPN obeyed required humility and some soul-searching. Tom tells us: “The first prophetic word I gave as this network formed, was in 2007. After Chuck Pierce commissioned me, he surprised me by handing me the microphone. The Lord immediately declared through me, ‘I will use this state to help change a nation, if you’ll deal with your two major sins as a state - pride and independence.’ “These words define two of the greatest obstacles the Ekklesia faces in arising to its destiny as a grassroots army. We must remind ourselves that the world does not revolve around us - our ministry, our network, or our ideas. Too many people are competing for the limelight, seeking to be the most important leader or ministry. Most would deny this motivation, but the fruit reveals otherwise. “Here in Texas, we’ve had to deal with both of these sins on a regular basis. Even throughout our nation, many would say that Texas is filled with pride. Texans often consider themselves the greatest, most important, and biggest (at least until they visit Alaska). “They also consider themselves to be independent ‘cusses,’ people who can do it by themselves, regardless of what the rest of the world says or does. The antidote to this is covenant. The Lord has driven this revelation deep into our network. A desire for covenant drives us. The numbers, our leadership style, strategies - these don’t define our network. Covenant relationships and connections define us! “To deal with the roots of pride and independence in Texas, the Lord had us conduct a ‘pride and independence’ initiative. He led us to go and pray in Independence, Texas (yes, there is!), where we declared our dependence on Him, and then to Pride, Texas (yes, there was!). Fittingly, at Pride, Texas, the only thing left of the town was Pride Cemetery. In these places, we repented and asked for those roots to be uprooted from Texas. We believe this was done, and the fruits of humility and cooperation will now prevail.” Pray with me: Father, we are not looking to build more organizations or institutions. We do want to build life-giving relationships, connecting with other believers to advance Your cause. We are asking You today to enact a sovereign, highly effective movement to unite believers for Your causes. In Yeshua’s name, we denounce and bind the religious, sectarian spirits that divide us. Forgive us for the pride and religiosity behind our man-made walls, and do a work to unite us. May inclusion replace division, cooperation replace isolationism. As we expand existing prayer networks and build others, we ask You to create many opportunities for people to connect. Show leaders how to be found, and seekers how to find. And as we work together, “paint” every state and national border with Holy Spirit’s presence and power. Anchor every state to the secure anchors You have placed in the nation. As individuals and teams “command the foreword,” release the resurrection power of Holy Spirit into the roots You gave our nation. We decree over America once again that You formed us, You will resurrect us, and You will preserve us. You are exposing and judging evil in America, and will continue to do so - in government, media, education, and elsewhere. You will shake down every antichrist kingdom and eradicate every wicked scheme. And You will prevail. In Jesus' Name we pray..! Our decree: We decree that the prayer movement is expanding, the Ekklesia is growing, and a glorious church is emerging. ********************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- You can find out more about Tom Schlueter and the TXAPN and see books he has written at
  17. 6 min read June 29, 2023 Connecting the "Knots" The body of Christ’s misunderstanding and misuse of certain words has cost us greatly. Two of those words are “calling” and “ministry.” We have taught that clergy, or those who do full-time ministry as a vocation, are “called” to the ministry. The rest of you non-called Christians, well, I’m sorry, but I guess you just have jobs - in order to support the called. The Bible, however, teaches that all believers have a “calling” from God (Ephesians 1:18; 4:4; 2 Thessalonians 1:11; 2 Timothy 1:9; Hebrews 3:1; 2 Peter 1:10). The verse in 2 Timothy 1:9 says God “has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.” All believers have a holy calling and purpose! The Greek word (klesis)[1] means “an invitation.” We have also grossly misused the word “ministry.” There are actually six New Testament words for minister or ministry, all of which mean “to serve.” Each of them offers a different nuance and/or purpose for the serving. The one normally associated with what we call “the ministry” is diakoneo(2)/diakonia(3), which simply means “to serve, attend or wait on.” We also get the word deacon from this word. In Acts chapter 6, it is used both for both the apostles’ “ministries” (Acts 6:4) and the deacon’s “ministries” (Acts 6:2). One group served natural food to the widows; the other served spiritual food to the entire church. Both were servants. Diakonia simply means to serve another, regardless of the purpose. We are ALL called to ministry or service for Christ. (My apologies to all the “clergy”, but there is actually only one “Reverend.”) Tom Schlueter “serves” as the leader of the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network, which consists of over 10,000 Texans “serving” their state in prayer. Tom gave us most of yesterday’s post. In light of Holy Spirit now taking each state to a new level of prayer, I’ve asked him to share a few more comments today regarding how this can occur. Tom shares: “I clearly remember the day I read this comment from Dutch: ‘I want to honor the faithful intercessors and other front-liners who have worked diligently to see the purposes of Christ accomplished in America. Most of you are never paid a penny for your labor, never receive glowing introductions, and will never stand on a stage. You’re the nameless, faceless heroes the prophets assured us were coming. Thank God you’re here. Your best days are ahead of you.’ “I wholeheartedly agree. “Ministry has been ‘religiously’ defined as the people on the platform, the stage, the front lines, or behind the pulpit, and sadly, they are perceived as the important ones. Regarding prayer, those running the networks are considered the important ones. Wrong! YOU are the important ones. As we said yesterday, you are the blades of grass in God’s grassroots movement. Without you, what God wants to do now for your state and our nation will not occur. Remember, a general without an army is not a general! “I have a fishing net hanging in my office next to a logo for our Texas prayer network. I’ve often pulled down that net and taken it to our gatherings. I hold it up and ask everyone: ‘Can you tell me which knot you are?’ They give me a strange look. Then I say to them, ‘You need to understand that you are a knot in this net.’ I then ask, ‘Which knot is most important?’ They always give me a puzzled look. Then I tell them: ‘Your knot is the most important, because without it, there’s a hole in the net.’ Every knot is important. Then, if we’re going to build an army, we need to ‘connect the knots.’ The Beginning “I believe it was 2005, before I became the leader of our network, and I was attending a conference in Oklahoma City. I had just visited a Native American tribal leader in Oklahoma and was returning to the conference to report on the meeting. I found my friend, Apostle Jay Swallow, who had sent me, in the green room with a few other leaders. Dutch Sheets was there. As I listened to the conversation, Dutch suddenly turned to me and asked, ‘Tom, can you tell me how intercession is going in Texas?’ I told him I knew people in Texas were praying, but I had no sense that they were connected. Later in the conference, Dutch came to me, along with other leaders, and prophesied that he believed I would be a catalyst for leading prayer in the state of Texas. “Then, in June of 2007, Chuck Pierce commissioned me to lead the state of Texas with a newly forming prayer network. The commissioning was held in the auditorium of our state Capitol in Austin, which was packed with intercessors from across the state. The network was birthed…and yet, not fully, because none of those people were truly connected with each other. They had simply been invited to a meeting. Connecting the “Knots” “Many have asked me how we developed this large and successful network of intercession. I have tried to come up with key points or a formula we used, but there simply isn’t one. The network grew out of a simple act of obedience. You see, even before I was commissioned by Chuck Pierce, the Lord had already told me to drive the circumference of the state and pray. He had asked me to do the same thing regarding my own city of Arlington, which I had done. So, after we were commissioned, my wife and I set out on our journey. I had emailed those on the email list we had just obtained when I was commissioned, asking them to join us in their area. Out of that email communication, many lunches, prayer gatherings, and other connections were made as we circled the state. Out of those connections, the Lord said, ‘Ask these to be on your team; they will be part of this newly forming network.’ “This was somewhat of a stretch - they had not been vetted or examined. And as it turns out, they, like me, are not perfect! But they were chosen by Him. And these connections were the beginnings of a net that grew and has now generated a statewide transformation affecting the entire world. What a joy it has been to see these 12-15 leaders in Texas grow to over 100 coordinators throughout the state. And to observe how these leaders have changed the very atmosphere of our state by obediently carrying out what God has asked them to do in their regions. Through their efforts, the number of intercessors now connected exceeds ten thousand. “We are all blades of grass, knots in a net, and as we connect, we will witness the transformation of cities, states, and a nation.” This brings me to two more of the words for servants/ministers. One is huperetes(4) which means, “a subordinate, servant or attendant.” It is used to describe King David in Acts 13:36, as he ”served” God’s purpose in his generation. Ah, but there is a hidden meaning! This word comes from two Greek words meaning “under” and “rower”. An under-rower was one of several people who rowed a boat or small ship in that day. The key to their success was the synergy produced when they rowed together, simultaneously. Thirty men who take turns rowing produce only the strength of one - thirty different times. But thirty men rowing simultaneously create a force that can move a small ship. This is why they rowed to a cadence. When God can get a group of servant ministers (diakonia) to connect and row together (huperetes), the body of Christ can do the last word for a servant: therapon(5). This word, meaning “servant, attendant, or minister,” includes doing so to cure and heal! (See Matthew 4:23-24). We get the words “therapy” and “therapist” from this Greek word. As Tom said, “We are all blades of grass, knots in a net (diakonia), and as we connect (huperetes) we will witness the transformation of cities, states, and a nation (therapon).” Pray with me: Father, Jesus demonstrated true ministry - servanthood - as He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by satan (Acts 10:38). He came, not to be served, but to serve and give His life for many (Matthew 20.28). David, a king, was called a servant. Your apostles were called servants. We ask for great revelation to invade the church regarding our call to servanthood. And we ask for our hearts to be moved upon by Holy Spirit, bringing us passionate desires to connect, to work together. We ask that denominations, movements, leaders, and all believers would be moved on to produce this. Convict the church of judging one another, criticizing, and causing and/or honoring divisions. Show us the religiosity and pride behind this and bring a spirit of repentance and love. And we ask for connections - millions of them. Build prayer connections, enabling us to fulfill the assignments you’ve given. We ask that EVERY state have a STRONG prayer covering by the Ekklesia. We declare that every state will be painted - anointed - by the oil of Holy Spirit, sealed and protected. Anchor every one of them to You and Your protective hand. Through the shaking, return our nation to You and send the greatest awakening EVER. In Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that Spirit-led connections are occurring, causing great power to manifest in our land. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), Ref. No. 2821. Ibid. Ref. No. 1247. Ibid. Ref. No. 1248. Ibid. Ref. No. 5257. Ibid. Ref. No. 2324.
  18. 6 min read June 27, 2023 Partnering in the Assignment Holy Spirit has done much in the past several decades to awaken the church regarding the importance and power of prayer. Hundreds of good books have been written; many ministries focus almost solely on prayer; several prayer networks have formed; many churches are praying; and thousands of prayer groups meet regularly here in America and around the world, with millions of people praying. We are also growing in our revelation and understanding. This growth, both spiritually and numerically, is a big part of God’s plan for bringing about the coming harvest. Thousands of these intercessors and groups have already tapped into the assignment to “paint”/anoint the perimeters of their states, securing them and releasing Holy Spirit fire. (You can read the posts and learn more about that here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) Today, I’m sharing some of the reports we’re receiving, both to encourage you and also to give examples of how this can be done. For the remainder of the week, I’ll be teaching various principles and guidelines to help you. Here are some of the reports: Alaska A team flew to Mt. Denali (formerly Mt. McKinley), the highest mountain peak in North America at over 20,000 feet, and prayed for Alaska and the nation. They sent me a video and pictures from there, one of them showing the words “An Appeal To Heaven” written in the snow. I love the obedience, creativity, and commitment! Kansas Sandy Neuman, a friend and key prayer leader in Kansas, sent the following: “This is our Kansas foreword. It will be declared in each county, along with anointing them - and whatever else each team wants to do. One retired couple is going to drive the perimeter, anointing the borders. We’re on it!” “Kansas’ Command The Foreword: ‘In 2023, we, the people of Kansas, agree and renew our commitment to the covenant of dedication made on April 29, 1607, by Reverend Robert Hunt at Cape Henry, North America. ‘“We do hereby dedicate this land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up godly generations after us and with these generations, take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of dedication remain to all generations as long as the earth remains, and may this land, along with England, be evangelists to the world. May all who see this cross remember what we have done here, and may those, who come here to inhabit, join us in this covenant and in this noblest work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled. From these very shores, the gospel shall go forth, not only to this New World, but the entire world. ‘All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee. For the Kingdom is the Lord's, and He rules among the nations’ (Psalm 22:27-28). “‘That spiritual stream of the covenant of freedom and liberty crossed the land now called The United States Of America, and we were the recipients of that initial prayer of dedication in 1861, the year of statehood. Kansas is the fruit of that covenant at Cape Henry. We now join in with that original design and purpose for the entire nation. “‘As the preamble to the state constitution states, “We, the people of Kansas, are grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges…” Kansas declared freedom then and has continued to this day to pursue the Gospel of the Kingdom.”’ Sandy and the teams of intercessors in Kansas always take seriously the word of the Lord and DO it. What a great decree! South Carolina Here’s a great report from South Carolina: “President Trump will be speaking from Pickens County Main Street in Pickens, South Carolina, on July 1. Given your Friday’s teaching on anointing states, God’s Prayer Group, which meets in Easley, South Carolina (part of Pickens County), felt led to go and anoint all the corners of our county. The city of Pickens is also petitioning for an ordinance to be a sanctity of life city. There are many prayer teams praying in this area. Praise God for your leadership as well as the leadership God is putting into place in our area. Tuesday morning, we will meet and pray (with a 98-year-old intercessor!) from 9:30 to 1:00. Then, from 6 to 9 pm, we will go to the four corners of our county to paint the anointing oil on the perimeter. “Mama Ruth is 98 years young. She has prayed for 70 years for revival for Pickens County. We meet and pray in her home on Tuesday mornings. She is passing much wisdom into us ‘younger’ prayer warriors. She will not be able to go with us on the drive on Tuesday night, but she will be covering us in prayer as we go out. “God bless you! Thank you for imparting so much from God to us all!!!” Gotta love that! INDIANA A friend, leader, and intercessor, Janet Douglas from Indiana, sent me the following: “We have some [in our church] who love the daily GH15, and I love that they do. Before I can get in the door, they’re sharing what you said that day. “We’re mobilizing all of Indiana this week and sending them next week to complete the assignment. Some of these ladies are in their 70s & 80s, yet they often tell me they feel they’re just coming into their season. I love it, and it’s because of your obedience. So keep doing what you’re doing. Know that Indiana is behind you all the way.” Victory from His Promises Daily Prayer Call My friend, Clay Nash, leads a daily prayer call with several thousand people joining in any given week. Here is what he and his team had to say: “As a part of the Victory from His Promises Daily Prayer Call, we are working to mobilize people from various areas and groups to act on some key prophetic words… “You likely heard the messages from Dutch Sheets last week at the Ohio Ekklesia Hub with Tim Sheets (Link here), and his Give Him 15 Messages from a dream by Gina Gholston last Wednesday through Friday, plus his continuing emphasis on "Command the Foreword." All of these messages fit together into a clarion call for the states of our nation to secure our borders. “We invite you to collaborate and anoint the borders closest to where you live, securing the territory from enemy activity and decreeing the angelic hosts into position…We encourage you to collaborate with others - individuals, ministries, and networks - within your areas to cover the boundaries of your state. If more than one group does any given location, REJOICE! Let's join together with ‘every joint supplying’ -- every person and group bringing their portion to fulfill God's purposes. “Please respond to let us know what you are doing - the state and counties you are covering, when you plan to do the assignment, and any specifics you would like to share on how God is leading you to ‘anoint the borders of your state.’ We would love to know, via email, when the assignment has been completed, along with any testimonies you would like to share so that we will post them on the website for the prayer call (” Many more individuals and teams are taking this word seriously. I hope you can join them! Pray with me: Father, thank You for awakening the church to the power of prayer. Thank You for motivating so many in the body of Christ to work together for Kingdom causes, partnering and supporting one another. We ask You once again to bless their efforts, giving them people who will participate and support what they do. Your people, operating in unity, cause You to multiply power. As intercessors and leaders travel to different points in their states, anointing them with oil and praying prayers of protection, we ask for clear guidance. Show them where You would like them to go. Give them the prayers and Scriptures You desire to be declared over their territory. Move on the hearts of many to honor these instructions. And we all agree in prayer today that as this occurs, the borders of all 50 states will be covered with the protective anointing of Holy Spirit. We declare that Psalm 91 protection will come to the states and our nation. We declare that as the shaking comes to dismantle evil and turn America back to You, we will be protected from evil. As You instructed, we will not fear the shaking. And we also declare that the simultaneous outpourings of Holy Spirit will occur, as You revealed in the dream that gave us these instructions. And thank You for the answers to these prayers we are praying. In the powerful name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that obedience to the Lord’s instructions, and the unity we are operating in to do so, is multiplying His power over our land. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  19. 6 min read June 22, 2023 God Needs Our Agreement As we enter a season of “Commanding the Foreword” (Work While You Celebrate (Part 2)), it will be helpful to revisit the important biblical principle of agreeing and partnering with previous generations. Declaring statements made in the past by God - and those made by others at His inspiration - is to do more than just honor predecessors. We do so to release the power of yesterday’s words and promises into today. When God searched history to accent great lives of faith, He chose to list some that did NOT receive the fulfillment of their God-given promises (Hebrews 11). These people went to the grave with unrealized promises from God, yet they had truly believed, even making it into the great Hall of Faith. Clearly, they weren’t deficient in their walk of faith; why then did they die without seeing the promises fulfilled? The last two verses of Hebrews 11 give us the simple yet incredibly important answer: “And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made complete” (Hebrews 11:39-40, NASV). Some promises made by God to an individual/s are multi-generational and not intended to be fully accomplished in their lifetime. The person (or persons) to whom the promise was made is sometimes only the “womb” in which the “seed” is planted. The following generation/s furthers the growth, brings it to birth, and stewards that which is born. Jesus said, “For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have come into their labor” (John 4:37-38, NASV). The Greek word translated “complete” in the above verses from Hebrews (telioo)[1] also means “to finish; to mature; to reach the intended goal.” Think about the ramifications of this: there are many promises God has made to individuals now in heaven that He cannot “finish” or fulfill without us. What He started through them cannot “mature” or “reach its intended goal” until we grab the baton and run our leg of the race. That is profound in its significance. Why wouldn’t the Lord tell us to command the foreword of America - that which was written and declared at the beginning?! Several people have contacted our office asking how to find appropriate quotes from America’s early leaders and Founders. Three of the best books for quotes and information regarding America’s beginning are: Faith of Our Founding Fathers by Leo Godzich America’s God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations by William J. Federer The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel They are all TREMENDOUS. In yesterday’s post, I shared a few quotes/facts you can use. In the remaining portion of today’s post, I’ll share a few more: GOVERNMENT In 1643, John Winthrop, who stated that “we shall be as a city on a hill…” (which we mentioned yesterday) organized the New England Confederation, consisting of New Plymouth, New Haven, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. Their Constitution, the first document in America where colonies united themselves, read, “Whereas we all came to these parts of America with the same end and aim, namely, to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel thereof with purities and peace, and for preserving and propagating the truth and liberties of the Gospel.”(2) William Penn, author of the book No Cross, No Crown, which he wrote while imprisoned in the Tower of London, was the founder of Pennsylvania. His first legislative act, “The Great Law of Penn,” stated, “Whereas the glory of Almighty God and the good of mankind is the reason and the end of government, and government itself is a venerable ordinance of God...let there be established laws as shall best preserve true Christian and Civil liberty, in opposition to all unchristian, licentious, and unjust practices, whereby God can have His due…” (3) Penn asked God to make Pennsylvania “the seed of a nation” (4) and God answered his prayer. Our Declaration of Independence was decreed there in 1776. Four times it references God - as our Lawmaker, Creator, Judge, and Protector. The Liberty Bell that rang there that day had inscribed on it: “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10). Our Constitution was written in Pennsylvania in 1787, born through prayer, asked for by Ben Franklin. In it, our government’s three branches were formed according to Isaiah 33:22. “The Lord is our Judge…Lawgiver…King; He will save us.” The righteous seeds Penn and others planted produced a righteous nation and government. We must command these truths embedded in America’s fabric to come alive once more. EDUCATION “One hundred six of America’s first 108 colleges and Universities were founded on the Christian faith. Students at Harvard and Yale were required to read the Scriptures twice daily. Harvard’s founders stated: ‘All knowledge without Christ is vain.’ Its motto was ‘For Christ and The Church.’ Yale’s founders stated that ‘Every student shall consider the main end of his study is to know God in Jesus Christ…’ Princeton’s motto was ‘Under God’s Power She Flourishes.’. The first president of Princeton, Jonathan Dickenson, said, ‘Cursed be all learning that is contrary to the Cross of Christ.’ The great pastor, Jonathan Edwards, was the 3rd president of Princeton.”(5) Noah Webster, who published the first American Dictionary of the English language in 1828 said, “Education is useless without the Bible.”(6) “The Moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws…All the miseries and evils which men suffer…proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.” (7) Webster also said, “The principles of genuine liberty, and of wise laws and administrations, are to be drawn from the Bible and sustained by its authority. The man, therefore, who weakens or destroys the divine authority of that book may be accessory to all the public disorders which society is doomed to suffer.” Profound! (8) What God began in America is not finished. He needs our agreement and commands in order to complete it. Use these and other facts regarding her founding, find more through research and study, and “Command the Foreword.” It will generate power. Pray with me: Father, You are the great Olam El, the Everlasting God, who declares the end from the beginning. When our forefathers were stating their faith in You, declaring Your plans and heart for America, and covenanting to partner with You in fulfilling them, You looked ahead and saw us. You knew You would have a people in 2023 who would arise in faith and agree with what was declared back then. We are that people. As we do so, our faith today is not in our ability to declare and command perfectly. It is not in our wisdom, understanding, or abilities. Our faith is in You, Your mercy offered through Christ, and Your ability to work all things after the counsel of Your will. With this faith, we command Your purposes into our government, established under You and Your Word. We declare that You are our Lawgiver, Judge, and King. We declare that the seeds of righteousness planted in our land are not dead, they will bring forth righteous fruit. And we declare that the weeds and thorns will be uprooted and destroyed. We declare over our education system that evil and perversion will be uprooted. We declare that Christ and His Word will once again be honored. We declare that all knowledge not rooted in Him is vain, and cursed be all learning that contradicts the Cross of Christ. We declare that to know Him is the highest goal of all learning. We command a return to truth and a rejection of deception. We pray and command all these things in His holy name. Our decree: We decree that we embrace our God-given roots and destiny, thereby allowing God to finish through us what He started in this land. ****************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. No. 5046. Leo Godzich, Faith of Our Founding Fathers, (Phoenix, AR: The National Association of Marriage Enhancement Publishers, 1982), p. 40. William J. Federer, America’s God and Country [Encyclopedia Of Quotations], (Coppell TX: FAME Publishing, Inc., 1994), p. 503. Leo Godzich, Faith of Our Founding Fathers, (Phoenix, AR: The National Association of Marriage Enhancement Publishers, 1982), p. 78. Ibid, pp 105-111. William J. Federer, America’s God and Country [Encyclopedia Of Quotations], (Coppell TX: FAME Publishing, Inc., 1994), p. 676. Ibid, p 678. Ibid, p 679.
  20. 5 min read June 21, 2023 The Cape Henry Assignment The past four days - beginning Friday in Ohio, then to Virginia Beach and Cape Henry, and finally, home late last night, Monday - have been a whirlwind for me, almost a blur. As I write this post today, Tuesday, I am trying to process all that has taken place. (The posts are always written and recorded the day before their release.) And I want to begin by thanking the thousands of you who joined us in prayer during these significant four days. The time at Cape Henry on Monday morning was very strong and deeply moving. I was joined by Jay Comiskey and Greg Hood. Standing on the shores where Robert Hunt and his fellow worshipers planted the cross in 1607 always touches something deep in my heart. That day began a new chapter in Earth’s history: God began His work of raising up a booming trumpet for the Gospel of the Kingdom, the good news of Jesus Christ’s redemption and rule. He also announced His purpose for this nation, a nation that was still in seed form, and recorded it in heaven and on earth. Hell and all those aligned with her have sought to silence this voice of spiritual and natural freedom. And though the voice is currently weak, at times barely a whisper, it remains. And America’s voice is being restored. I am reminded of Christ’s words in Matthew 12:20: “A bent reed He will not break, And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish, until He leads justice to victory” (NASB). The great Passion Translation says, “He won’t brush aside the bruised and broken. He will be gentle with the weak and feeble, until His victory releases justice.” Jesus was quoting Isaiah 42:3, a prophetic reference to Himself. His heart has not changed; He is still fanning the sparks of smoking wicks and nursing wounded reeds. His mercy endures forever. As we stood on the shores of Cape Henry, agreeing with Holy Spirit’s words through Robert Hunt, we knew we were blowing on the remaining spark of America’s destiny and applying the healing oil of Christ to her wounded soul. We read from the dream in which we were told to “command the foreword,” and then did so, reading Hunt’s prayer, dedication, declaration, and Psalm 22:27-28, which he also quoted. We also commanded the “Foreword” inscribed on the Liberty Bell, whose sound waves pierced the heavens on the day of America’s formal birth, July 4th, 1776: “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10). As I have stated on previous posts, this was a verse describing the Year of Jubilee, an ordinance in Israel that forgave all debts and restored liberty to all, which was fulfilled by Christ, our Jubilee. America’s destiny is to partner with Christ, proclaiming to all the world the freedom offered in Him. We commanded the words of the Mayflower Compact, written in 1620: “For the glory of God and advancements of the Christian faith.” We commanded the words spoken by John Winthrop on March 21, 1630, describing America as “a city on a hill,” a phrase taken from Christ’s words in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:14). No less than 14 U.S. Presidents have quoted Winthrop and this verse in reference to America. We commanded from the Declaration of Independence - its four references to God and an appeal to Him for help. All of these decrees at Cape Henry on Monday morning were laced with other Scriptures, along with spontaneous prayers and declarations inspired by Holy Spirit. We honored those who have gone before us, and we honored our Lord Jesus Christ, taking communion there on this sacred ground. After partaking in communion, we performed a prophetic act, pouring juice and placing a piece of bread in the sand, declaring that the blood of Jesus is cleansing our land and returning us to our destiny. A memorable day, indeed. But it wasn’t over. I went back to Virginia Beach, the headquarters of CBN, Regent University, The 700 Club, and other international ministries founded by Pat Robertson, in order to attend his memorial service. Hundreds of leaders from around the world were there to honor this great man. It was extraordinary, celebrative yet very moving, and conducted with true dignity and excellence. I was impacted by all that was said and done, but throughout the entire service kept being reminded of how Pat Robertson, a descendent of Robert Hunt, had been used to literally fulfill Hunt’s “Foreword” of 1607. Hundreds of millions of people around the world have heard the Gospel through The 700 Club, with perhaps as many as a billion of them praying to receive Christ. The Gospel has literally gone from there to the entire earth. It was incredibly moving and very humbling to be present at the honoring and celebration of this great man’s life and legacy. How appropriate that on this day, we had gone to the place where his calling actually began four centuries ago, and commanded it into America once again. I’m sure a couple of men in “The Cloud of Witnesses” - Hunt and Robertson - were smiling. We must now move this “foreword” forward. No pun intended. We must finish our assignment of seeing America healed and restored through a Third Great Awakening. This voice of the Gospel - America - must be strong in the days ahead. We, Christ’s Ekklesia, have been commissioned to this cause. By God’s grace, the authority of Christ, and the help of Holy Spirit, we will not fail. In the words of the great hymn, written by Martin Luther and sung at Robertson‘s celebration service: “A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper he, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe, does seek to work us woe; his craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal. “Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing, were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God's own choosing. You ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth his name, from age to age the same; and He must win the battle. “And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God has willed His truth to triumph through us. The prince of darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure, for lo! his doom is sure; one little word shall fell him. “That Word above all earthly powers, no thanks to them abideth; the Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him who with us sideth. Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; the body they may kill: God's truth abideth still; His Kingdom is forever!”(1) Pray with me: Father, our prayer today is that we would be found faithful, worthy of the legacy left to us by Christ and those gone before us. May the Church of Jesus Christ in this nation find its voice once again, releasing that voice with the thunderous strength and power of Holy Spirit. Rend the heavens and come down! Display Your awesome strength and glory. Heal and restore this land, regardless of what it takes. We will not fear the shaking, for our Kingdom cannot be shaken. Give us the strategies we need with which to fulfill our role and the wisdom to implement them with Your understanding and counsel. The greater One, Holy Spirit, is in us; we will listen to Him! All this is for You, Father, for Yours is the Kingdom, and power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we, the Ekklesia, will fulfill the purposes of God in our generation. (Acts 13:36) ********************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. _______________________________ Martin Luther, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, [A Bulwark Never Failing], written in 1529. Public Domain.
  21. 6 min read June 19, 2023 Command the Foreword! As you are listening to/reading today’s post, I’ll be in Virginia Beach, attending a memorial service for Pat Robertson, who founded The 700 Club, CBN, Regent University, and more. It is my privilege to honor the memory and legacy of this great man. He has left a phenomenal and indelible mark on the world that will endure into eternity. While there, Dr. Greg Hood and I will also be visiting Cape Henry, just a few minutes away, which was mentioned last week as we discussed Gina Gholston’s recent dream. In the dream, intercessors were given instructions from the Lord, who used a unique phrase, one which made no sense to us until He explained it. Here is that portion of the dream: “Then the Lord spoke and said, ‘There is a shaking coming, but you must not fear! You must know and be convinced that this nation is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that! Be convinced of it!’ “Then, a manilla folder appeared in the lap of each of the leaders on the stage. We opened our folders to find one sheet of paper each. On the paper were listed four instructive bullet points. Across the top of the page was written: ‘COMMAND THE FOREWORD!’” Gina continued, “I understood that a foreword is something written for the beginning of a book. Was God saying that everything was going to be destroyed by the coming shaking and a ‘new book’ was going to be started? There was a microphone on the stage, so I walked up to it and asked, ‘Lord, what does this mean?’ “He answered audibly, speaking to all of us, ‘It’s time to command what was written at the beginning. Command the Foreword! Bring this nation back into alignment with that which was written in the beginning—when this land became a nation. This is the purpose for which she was established. The Foreword is the prophetic decrees that were spoken in agreement with My intended purposes. Now, I say to you, ‘COMMAND THE FOREWORD!’ Know My purposes! Decree those purposes! Do not back down! Agree and decree, and your decrees will provoke a shaking that will bring this nation back into alignment with My original Foreword.” (You can read last week’s posts from this dream here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.) Notice that commanding or decreeing the “Foreword” is actually what would release the shaking that turned America back to her original purpose. In her book Carry On, which relates this dream, Gina states that the prayer and decree made by Robert Hunt at Cape Henry is one of the most important “Forewords” in America’s beginning. I wholeheartedly agree, and have believed this for many years. She quoted the statement from Hunt, which he made on April 29, 1607: “We do hereby dedicate this land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up godly generations after us, and with these generations, take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of dedication remain to all generations as long as the earth remains, and may this land, along with England, be Evangelist to the world. May all who see this Cross remember what we have done here, and may those, who come here to inhabit, join us in this covenant and in this noblest work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled. From these very shores, the gospel shall go forth, not only to this New World, but the entire world.”(1) After this declaration, the following powerful Bible passage was read: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee. For the Kingdom is the Lord’s, and He ruleth among the nations” (Psalm 22:27-28). Robert Hunt’s Spirit-led decree regarding this land IS America’s destiny. Some, however, have other plans for us. While in Philadelphia this past Saturday, in his first campaign speech, Joe Biden said, “We are not only changing this country, we are transforming it.”(2) On October 30, 2008, Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”(3) On May 14, 2008, Michelle Obama said, “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”(4) Sometimes true motives just have a way of slipping out. Rest assured; God has other plans! As Gina states in her book, she recalled hearing the phrase “command the forward/foreword” some time ago in another dream, though she didn’t mention the context. I remembered hearing it as well, because she had shared it with me and others. However, in that dream, she only HEARD the Lord SAY the words; they were not written, as they were in the recent dream. She and all of us who heard the dream related, assumed we were to command the “forward,” not “foreword.” Because of this, the phrase made little sense to us at the time. Now we understand what we are to command. While on the plane traveling to speak for my brother, Tim Sheets, at the Oasis Church this past Friday night, I decided to search in my files for the previous dream. Since we now understand the phrase, what other significant details might it contain that would finally make sense? I found the dream, which was given to Gina on October 3, 2020. In this dream, the setting was a gathering at The Oasis - where I was now headed - called The Reset 2020 Convocation. As we conducted the convocation, the Lord suddenly spoke to us audibly, instructing us to “COMMAND THE FOREWORD!” (Not “the forward.”) When He did so 3 large angels blew silver trumpets. In the Scriptures, one of the purposes for which Israel blew silver trumpets was to call the people to war (Numbers 10:9). In the dream, after the Lord spoke these words and the angels blew the trumpets, Gina said, “There was a very, VERY strong shaking. We all felt the shaking, but we were not afraid or disturbed by it…and we knew it was going out into the nation.” In both dreams, “commanding the foreword” brought a shaking to the nation! Here is one more extremely significant insight Gina offers in her book regarding the Lord giving the same dream twice: “Dutch Sheets sometimes jokes that I have started dreaming in sequels. It does seem a bit odd, but it’s actually a very important indication for us to consider. In the book of Genesis, Joseph stated to Pharoah that when God gives ‘sequel’ dreams, it is ‘because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass’ (Genesis 41:32, KJV). A look at this passage in a couple of other translations of the Bible makes this even clearer. The New Living Translation reads: ‘As for having two similar dreams, it means that these events have been decreed by God, and He will soon make them happen.’ The Amplified Version states: ‘That the dream was repeated twice to Pharaoh [and in two different ways] indicates that this matter is fully determined and established by God, and God will bring it to pass very quickly.’ “Much of the time, prophetic words or dreams are given for a time yet to come, but the fact that God has given two dreams concerning His desire for the church to continue with the flow and function of His original intentions is an undeniable indicator that something major is ready now to be revealed. Not only is it undeniable, it is established by God, and He intends to bring it to pass very quickly.”(5) Back to Greg Hood and my visit to Cape Henry today. Only God could have orchestrated: a spontaneous trip sent from the same place (the Oasis Church) where in the dream, He gave the initial instructions to the place where Robert Hunt made his prophetic declaration to attend the memorial service for ONE OF HIS DESCENDANTS, Pat Robertson. That’s right, the man “summoning” me there, for whom I’m going in order to honor his life, is a descendant of the very man who made the 1607 declaration. Only God..! Pray for and with us today as we command the foreword at Cape Henry. Prayer and Decree: “We do hereby dedicate this land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up godly generations after us, and with these generations, take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of dedication remain to all generations as long as the earth remains, and may this land, along with England, be Evangelist to the world. May all who see this cross remember what we have done here, and may those, who come here to inhabit, join us in this covenant and in this noblest work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled. From these very shores, the gospel shall go forth, not only to this New World, but the entire world.”(1) “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee. For the Kingdom is the Lord’s, and He ruleth among the nations” (Psalm 22:27-28). ******************* (On Wednesday, I will share a report regarding my trip to Virginia Beach.) Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- Ibid. Gina Gholston, Carry On, Becoming Faithful Stewards of Our Spiritual Inheritance, (Copyright 2023), p 35.
  22. 6 min read June 16, 2023 Work While You Celebrate (Part 3) We have been looking at a dream given to Gina Gholston, from her new book, Carry On. I highly recommend this important book. Also, if you have not yet done so, I suggest you read Wednesday’s and yesterday’s posts, in order to have the complete context for today’s post. In Thursday’s portion of the dream the Lord told us to “command the foreword,” a reference to what was declared over America at our inception. These decrees would provoke the shaking that will bring us back into alignment with His declared purposes. Holy Spirit then released to us a powerful baptism of fire. Here is the next portion of the dream; I’m also including the last paragraph we shared yesterday: ******** Final Portion of the Dream “A paint brush and bucket filled with oil appeared at each person’s feet. The Lord instructed, ‘As you go from here, carry the oil and secure the perimeters of your states. Paint the perimeters with the oil, and they will be secured.’ We knew He was showing us that this, like the cables and anchors, will secure them when the shaking comes. “Then the attention of each of the leaders was drawn back to the piece of paper in our folders. [Mentioned in yesterday’s post.] We looked at and began discussing each of the 4 bullet points. The first said: ‘Get it anchored! Anchor the nation.’ Beside that point was a red check mark, meaning this had been completed when the angels secured the steel cables to the anchors. The second point said: ‘Secure the perimeters of all fifty states. Paint the perimeters with the oil!’ This was why we had been given the buckets of oil and paint brushes. The third bullet point said: ‘Establish an anchor in each state, and connect it to the guide wire.’ We all understood this to mean each state must be anchored and connected to the cables the angels had secured to the anchors on the outer perimeters of the nation. The Lord was now referring to these cables as ‘guide wires.’ The last point said: ‘Establish a prayer grid in each state.’ We understood this to mean that prayer teams were to be established in each state, a grid of prayer teams listening in prayer and ready to move quickly with assignments the Lord would give. “Throughout the dream, the map remained on the screen, and the geysers (spiritual outpourings) continued to erupt. There were many eruptions—first, in the eastern part of the nation; then, slowly they began springing up throughout the entire nation. Groupings “The Lord then instructed all of us to get into groups, according to the state in which we lived. Each group would be sent back to its state to watch in prayer and carry out assignments regarding the bullet points. Fifty state groups were formed. “Then, four more groups were formed and assigned to regions. These would watch in prayer, facilitating and assisting assignments given to the state groups in their region. “Finally, a group was formed and assigned to the entire nation. These individuals would watch in prayer, assisting in the facilitation of assignments given to the regions and states. “After joining our groups we stood, holding our buckets of oil and paint brushes. We knew our first priority was to get the perimeters ‘painted’ with the oil, and this had to be done quickly. Calendar “Then, on the overhead screen, a calendar was laid over the top of the U.S. map, a one-year calendar showing all the months and days of 2023. September was circled in red ink, then we saw the finger of God tapping this month of September. Upon seeing this, we again felt a rush of urgency, realizing God was showing us there wasn’t a lot of time to get everything done. “There was excitement over the spiritual ‘eruptions’ that had already taken place, but also a deep knowing that this was only a beginning - much had to be established and accomplished. And we knew we were being ‘sent’ by the Lord to do the work.” End of dream. Dutch’s Thoughts As she related the dream, Gina shared some of the thoughts, insights, and “knowings” she experienced when it occurred. She gives more in her book. Other parts of the strategy given by the Lord must be prayed into further and developed carefully. What is symbolic, what is literal? How should the perimeters of the states be “painted” or anointed? The Texas Apostolic Prayer Network, led by Tom Schlueter ( has already been anointing and “branding” the borders of Texas, based on a word from Holy Spirit several months ago. In the past, he and members of his network have literally driven the entire perimeter of Texas, anointing and sealing it with prayer. More than once! I suspect other leaders are already hearing and doing assignments from Holy Spirit similar to those in the dream. How else are states to be “anchored” to the national “cables” and “anchors”? What, if any, gatherings need to occur around the nation to help facilitate the Lord’s instructions? I and other leaders are processing these things and asking Holy Spirit for insight. It seems clear, and Gina in her book seems to agree, that these preparations need to occur/be in place by September. I, of course, will keep GH15 listeners updated. Gina’s Thoughts I want to conclude by reading some final thoughts Gina shares in her book regarding being “anchored” to Christ, the hope of our souls. She begins by quoting from Hebrews: “Hold tightly to the Hope set before us. This hope [this confident assurance] we have as an anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whatever pressure bears upon it] - a safe and steadfast hope.” (Hebrews 6:18-19; AMP) “We are anchored in hope, and that Hope has a name: Jesus! He is the secure and steadfast anchor of our souls! As we place our complete trust in Him, we will follow as He leads, not only securing ourselves to Him as our anchor, but we also become a vessel through which Holy Spirit will work to impact our territories.”(1) Gina then offers an interesting insight about “painting” with the anointing oil of Holy Spirit. “Jesus declared, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed Me’ (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18). As heirs of salvation, when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon us, we receive the same anointing that was upon Jesus, which enabled Him to release the power of God everywhere He went. It is very interesting that the Hebrew word ‘anointed’ in this scripture is mashach, which means ‘to rub with oil, to anoint,’ and it also means ‘to paint.’(2) “Jesus has painted us with the oil of his anointing, which enables us to release decrees, prayers, and acts of obedience to God, with His power and authority. We paint and smear our homes, churches, schools, businesses, regions, territories, states and nations with the oil of His Spirit as He flows through us! In one sense, we become His paintbrush! When we allow Him to work through us, the anointing flows and power is released to paint the atmosphere with the transforming glory of God.(3) “This is the time that we must appeal to heaven, not just to petition for our wants and desires, but for the purpose of hearing God’s desires and instructions for us. Then we can work with Him to fulfill those desires. The days ahead are crucial. We cannot be influenced by what is happening around us; we should be influencing what is happening around us! As we hear the instructions from the Lord and follow those instructions, we will turn the tide of evil.” (4) *********** Pray with me: Father, we thank You for this dream. Though we are disappointed that a shaking must come to our nation to finish the process of reconnecting us to You and Your purposes, we are confident that we can trust You. And Your Word makes it clear that shakings will come, leaving behind only Your standing Kingdom. Give understanding and wisdom to leaders and intercessors around the nation as we implement your instructions. Show us how to “paint” our states, with the anointing of Holy Spirit. Show us how to anchor each one and build the prayer grids. And show us how to connect intercessors and leaders for these purposes. Continue to cleanse our land, so it can be healed and restored. We declare, as You have taught us to, that America exists to preach the gospel of the kingdom to all the world. We exist to proclaim liberty throughout the land. We covenanted to be “under” You, and to be Your evangelist to the world. We decree that this will be fulfilled to Your fullest intent! And we pray these things in the name of Yeshua, amen. Our Decree: We decree that by September of this year, preparations for the Ekklesia to cover and protect our land will be in place. ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ==================================== Portions of today’s post were taken from Gina Gholston’s new book, Carry On. You can find this portion of the dream in Chapter 8, “Anchored in Hope,” pp.125-127. Find out more about Gina and this book at Gholston, Gina. Carry On: Becoming Faithful Stewards of Our Spiritual Inheritance. Gina Gholston, 2023, p.125. Strong’s #4886 Gholston, Gina. Carry On: Becoming Faithful Stewards of Our Spiritual Inheritance. Gina Gholston, 2023, pp. 125-126. Ibid, p.127.
  23. * 6 min read June 15, 2023 Work While You Celebrate (Part 2) Yesterday I began relating a dream given to Gina Gholston, from her new book, Carry On. Many of you are ordering it, which I highly recommend. (Her website is a bit overwhelmed. Just keep trying and you’ll get through.) PLEASE read yesterday’s post if you haven’t seen it, in order to have the complete context for today’s and tomorrow’s posts. We ended yesterday’s post at the point in the dream when God said a shaking was coming to America, but also told us not to fear. He assured us that America is “anchored and surrounded” by angels. Here is the next portion of the dream, followed by Gina’s own comments and interpretation: The Dream Continues: “Next, there appeared a manilla folder in the lap of each of the leaders seated on the stage. We opened our folder and found one sheet of paper each. On the paper were listed four instructive bullet points. Across the top of the page was written: COMMAND THE FOREWORD! “When I read those words, I was a bit confused. The phrase was not ‘Command the Forward.’ I understood that a foreword is something written for the beginning of a book. Was He saying that everything was going to be destroyed by this ‘shaking’ He had said was coming and that a ‘new book’ was going to be started for America? “There was a microphone on the stage, and I worked up enough courage to walk up to it and ask, ‘Lord, what does this mean?’ “He answered audibly, speaking to everyone in the coliseum, ‘It’s time to command what was written at the beginning. Command the foreword! Bring this nation back into alignment with that which was written in the beginning—when this land became a nation. This is the purpose for which She was established. Those prophetic decrees were spoken in the beginning in agreement with My intended purposes. Now, I say to you, “COMMAND THE FOREWORD!” Know My purposes! Decree those purposes! Do not back down! Know what I have said and established. Agree and decree in agreement with Me, and your decrees will provoke a shaking that will bring this nation back into alignment with My original “Foreword.”’ Baptism of Fire “In that moment, the place in which we were gathered began to vibrate with what felt like an electrical current. A wind started to blow, and then it was as if fire just dropped down out of the heavens onto every one of us. It wasn’t a natural, flaming fire; it was the fiery presence of the Lord as He entered the building in a visible, tangible demonstration. “When this happened, people began falling onto the floor, overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. Some fell to their knees and began to weep. Others were running around, lifting their hands with shouts of joy! “The thought that came to my mind in that moment was, ‘This is a true baptism of Fire!’ And no one in the room was exempt from it. No one questioned or debated it. No one was offended by the reactions to it! No one said, ‘We don’t believe in this!’ or ‘This is not how we do it at our church!’ The baptism of fire came with force and everyone received it! Somehow, we all understood that we were being transformed by the Fire of God. The Oil “After some time, the leaders and all of those in the room were able to sit back down. As we each took our seat, a paint brush and a bucket filled with oil appeared at every person’s feet. The Lord instructed us, ‘Go from here. Carry the Oil and secure the perimeters of your states. Paint the perimeters with the Oil, and it will be secured.’ We knew He was showing us that this, too, will help to secure us when the shaking comes.” Gina’s Comments: “We must settle in our minds the indisputable fact that God has not led America to this point for the purpose of allowing everything He has said and done to crumble and fall…In the dream, He made it clear that He has never forgotten the purposes He has had for America since before she was established. He referred to these purposes as His ‘original foreword.’ Our true history records that an idea and a longing began to stir in the hearts of a group of men and women in England. God placed in them a longing for a homeland where they could be free to live productively and worship Him without restriction. That desire provoked them to leave everything they had known, and with huge steps of faith, set out on a long, arduous journey of discovery. “The journey led them to the eastern shores of what would become one of the greatest nations on earth. Her greatness would not be because the people did everything right - many dark moments have been recorded throughout our history. Her greatness would be because She was established as a nation ‘under God.’ He led those pilgrims to these shores, and upon their landing, they planted a cross on the beach. Then, through them, God prophesied His intentions for the nation’s existence. “On April 29, 1607, Reverend Robert Hunt stood and offered this prayer: ‘We do hereby dedicate this Land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations, take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of dedication remain to all generations as long as the earth remains, and may this land, along with England, be Evangelist to the world. May all who see this cross remember what we have done here, and may those, who come here to inhabit, join us in this covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled. From these very shores, the Gospel shall go forth, not only to this New World, but the entire world.’ “The following Bible passage was then read: ‘All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee. For the Kingdom is the Lord’s, and He ruleth among the nations.’ (Psalm 22:27-28) “While I do not fully understand the symbolism and location of the anchors [mentioned in yesterday’s post] to which the angels secured America in the dream, I am sure the Cross they planted at Cape Henry marks one of them. As Robert Hunt released his prophetic prayer, right then and there, God revealed His purpose for the United States of America. From those words we can conclude, at the very beginning of this nation, God was anchoring her deeply to His prophetic declaration, ‘America shall be saved!’ “Though she has rocked and reeled in the tempest winds of evil agendas - and at times it has seemed she would surely fall - America still stands! She stands because God has purpose for this nation! He has never forgotten nor abandoned His original desires. His plan has not failed. His words have not been altered! “Our nation is once again reeling in the adverse winds being stirred by evil agendas designed to uproot the anchors and destroy the foundation of our Christian heritage…but it will not happen. God has summoned His Ekklesia. He is marking us with a fresh baptism of fire, filling us afresh with His Spirit. A shaking is coming, but He has secured us to the anchor. We must know that and be convinced of it!” Tomorrow, we will look at the instructions in the folder the Lord gave those in the coliseum. They are important. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for raising up America as a voice for the good news of Christ’s Kingdom and redemption. This is undeniable. We are humbled and honored to be part of this plan. And though as a nation we have abandoned this calling, You have not; You intend to revive and re-fire it. We are forever grateful that the restoration and fulfillment of this purpose is not dependent on those who oppose You, but on Holy Spirit and the church. We, the Ekklesia of Christ on earth, say yes to this calling. We say yes to our healing, and yes to whatever is required in order for You to accomplish it. We do not fear this. We are anchored by You and Your purposes, and we are surrounded by heaven’s host. We now do as You instructed and command America’s foreword: • We are a nation under God. • We are in covenant with Yahweh. • As an evangelist nation, we exist to fill the earth with the gospel. • The Liberty Bell, rung on the day of our formal birth, confirms this through the scripture it contains, Leviticus 25:10. • We were birthed by heaven under thousands of appeals. Our decree: We, the Ekklesia of Christ, will command America’s foreword into the airwaves of America, allowing Holy Spirit to reestablish its reality. And we will receive the fresh baptism of fire! ****************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------- Most of today’s post was taken from Gina Gholston’s new book, Carry On. You can find the dream in Chapter 8, “Anchored in Hope,” pp.115 - 124. Find out more about Gina and this book at
  24. 6 min read June 14, 2023 Work While You Celebrate (Part 1) Yesterday I mentioned that I believe this fall marks a pivotal point in our nation. The war for the soul of America will amp up to new levels. We must be ready for this, and I believe we will. For the remainder of this week, I am going to read and discuss a dream given to Gina Gholston, in February of this year, which relates to this. Here is the first part, taken from her incredible new book, Carry On: Intercessors Summoned “I dreamed that thousands of people had been summoned by the Lord to gather in a certain place. I am not sure of the location, but we met in a very large colosseum-type building. The seating was sloped downward, with a stage at the bottom. Thousands of people were in the seats, and on the stage, hundreds were sitting in chairs. I knew the people in the auditorium were intercessors from around the nation, and those on the stage were leaders - of businesses, ministries, churches, denominations, colleges and schools, political leaders, etc. U.S. Map and Geysers “As we all took our seats, suddenly, a huge overhead screen appeared. On it was a map of the United States. On the map, geyser-type eruptions began popping up in various cities. The first one was near Lexington, Kentucky; we knew this represented what was happening, at the time, at Asbury College. “Then the other ‘geysers’ began erupting on the map, spewing out fire, water, and oil. This was all happening in real-time. We were literally watching a move of God as it was quickly spreading throughout the nation. Thunderous applause and celebration broke out in the Colosseum as we watched this happening on the map. “As the celebration broke out, suddenly, the voice of God resounded. It seemed as though His voice came through a P.A. system; it sounded like loud, deep thunder. We could feel the vibration as it shook the floor beneath us. “He said, very adamantly, ‘Do NOT become distracted by the movement!’ This brought a collective gasp from the crowd as we all wondered, ‘What does that mean?’ “He continued, ‘Celebrate the movement, YES! But do not become distracted by it! Work while you celebrate!’ He repeated this three or four times. That phrase, ‘Work while you celebrate!’ gripped us deeply. It was like a jolt that readjusted our focus. There was great joy for what was beginning to happen, but at that moment, we were all captured by a sense of urgency. It was then that we realized this was not a ‘normal’ gathering; it was an urgent call to attention.” Dutch’s Comments The purpose of this gathering of leaders and intercessors was to release significant instructions and strategies to them. The strategies become much more detailed in the latter part of the dream. In this portion, however, God gave us encouragement and a warning. We were encouraged as we watched the growing outpouring of Holy Spirit in America. This has begun and will intensify. It was right to rejoice and celebrate this! Then, however, the Lord surprised us with a stern warning: “Do not be distracted by the movement! Celebrate…but work while you celebrate!” Whether it be in athletics, business, or spiritual efforts, our human nature has a tendency to “let up” when we experience breakthroughs, significant progress, or momentum. Coaches can often be heard warning players after they attain a good lead, “Don’t let up!” Why? Comebacks by the opposition are possible. And also, as the profound and eloquent saying goes, “It ain’t over til it’s over.” Obviously, America has not yet broken through into a full-blown revival. Until then, we must persevere. And even when revival hits its full stride, there will still be much work to do, including the guarding of what is happening. The Dream Continues “The map continued to be seen on the screen, and real-time happenings continued to show on the map. Then, on the stage, two MASSIVE steel cables dropped in front of the leaders seated there. Each cable had a very large steel ring on each end—so, two cables and four rings. “As soon as the cables hit the stage, four angels appeared and carried the cables out of our location. We then could see the angels—with the cables—on the overhead screen. Two angels carried one cable, each holding a ring in their hands. One angel went north to an anchor that had already been set in place and was attached deep into the ground. The angel placed the ring over the anchor, securing it in place. The other angel took his ring south and secured it to an anchor there. The two angels with the other cable, took their rings east and west, securing them to anchors in those locations. “Then, on the stage, in front of the leaders, two more cables fell. The four angels returned and did as before, this time taking the cables and securing the rings to anchors located northeast and southwest, northwest and southeast.” Now, we were looking at the map on the screen through the crisscross of these cables that had been anchored in place. Then the Lord spoke and said, “There is a shaking that is coming, but you must not fear! You must know and be convinced that this nation is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that! Be convinced of that!” Dutch’s Comments In this portion of the dream, angels are seen anchoring America with huge cables that extend across the nation - north to south, east to west, northeast to southwest, and southeast to northwest. The cables were connected to previously placed anchors attached deep in the ground. This formed a strong anchoring grid, crisscrossing America. As we watched this, the Lord delivered yet another warning. Here are His words again: “There is a shaking coming, but you must not fear! You must know and be convinced that this nation is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that! Be convinced of that!” We will talk more about the anchoring of the nation tomorrow, commenting on another profound statement made by God in the dream. Today, however, I want to comment on the “surrounding” of America. Gina told me that when she heard the word, she was reminded of comments from my brother, Tim Sheets, and Chuck Pierce. Each has had visions of 51 government angels assigned to America. In Chuck’s vision, 4 more angels - ruling angels - were seen. He told me, “The 4 ruling angels were in position, surrounding the U.S. The 51 angels were sent by them to each state; then they were all sent to D.C.” Tim said, “Three or four years back, I saw one angel for each state capital and one for Washington D.C., all government angels. Then, last year at Thanksgiving, again in December, and two more times in January of this year, I saw these 51 government angels surrounding Washington, D.C., along with four Seraphim. They were using the decrees of the Ekklesia to weave a cocoon around D.C., which they had also done at the state capitals. Our words were being used like thread. I then heard Holy Spirit proclaim one word which I knew was a play on the word ‘reformation.’ He pronounced it ‘re-form-action’!” These visions are so encouraging and confirm what the Lord spoke in the dream, “America is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that!” I am confident there is a shaking coming, as was also stated in the dream, but we must be confident that our prayers and decrees have been effective. It still works! Regardless of what is implemented by evil forces in their attempt to destroy America, their efforts will fail! In tomorrow’s portion of the dream, we will hear specific and profound instructions from the Lord regarding our role in His “re-form-action.” Pray with me: Father, America’s drift from You has become a chasm. We grieve deeply as we see sin flaunted and celebrated at the White House, though we love and pray for the salvation of every participant. Only the prayers of those standing in the gap, appealing to Your mercy through the blood of Jesus, have preserved our nation. We thank You for Your incredible mercy. On this Flag Day, we also thank You for this dream, assuring us that America is anchored and surrounded. As we continue to reap the whirlwind of our sins, we also declare our faith that America shall be saved. When the iniquitous cup of the evildoers is full, their hold on the land will be removed. Yet even in this, we pray for their salvation. Your love and mercy are so great! We will not fear the shaking. We trust You to do what is necessary to save this nation. As unrighteous kingdoms fall, Your Kingdom will stand and expand. Even now, in obedience to Your command, we decree, “Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as in heaven!” Cover the earth with Your glory as the waters cover the seas. We also commit to persevering, working while we celebrate Your outpourings. We will not let up or lose focus. We will see this process through to its finish, fighting the good fight of faith and laying hold of eternal life. All of this we pray and decree through Christ’s authority, amen. Our decree: We decree that America is anchored and surrounded by prayers and angelic activity. She will stand. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- Parts of today’s post were taken from Gina Gholston’s new book Carry On. You can find out more about Gina and this book at
  25. 7 min read June 13, 2023 [Yesterday, I intended to give thanks once again to those who provided last week's posts for me. I apologize for forgetting to do so. I heard and read many wonderful comments about how insightful and powerful they were, and I agree completely. I am blessed to have so many wonderful and gifted friends. Thank you so much! And the time away with our staff went very well.] Prelude to today’s post: Today, as a spiritual watchman for our nation, I’m beginning a series of important posts regarding what I see coming in America. Satan has planned for decades to oppose and destroy our destiny, and his plans will intensify. God, however, has other plans. We must discern satan’s schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11), while hearing and implementing God’s strategies. Over the last several weeks, I have sensed that a very difficult season/shaking is coming to America this fall, and will continue into next year. If I am correct, it will require the Ekklesia, the praying church, to rise up in great strength and faithfulness in order to protect our nation and her God-given destiny. The war for the soul of America will come to a head during this window of time. The shaking caused by our sin and rebellion, accentuated by a very ungodly government and America-hating players on the world stage, will intensify. They all see this window as critical to maintaining and strengthening their hold over the U.S., yet many in America are waking up. The enemies of our liberty and strength see this and know they must overcome this awakening NOW as well as make further advances. Their efforts - those in power and those from outside our nation - will be intense. (Yes, this window of time includes the critical 2024 elections, during which these forces will stop at nothing, regardless of how sinister, in their attempt to hold onto power; they simply must stay in power, or they will fail. Still, the election is only part of the greater agenda of those who want to forever change America. There are and will continue to be many other aspects to their efforts.) Do not allow these warnings to intimidate you. We have known that only God can save and restore our nation, and that this can only occur through the prayers of the church and a Third Great Awakening. As prophetic intercessors and leaders, we realize there is no other hope - that evil is too entrenched in America for natural remedies and human efforts alone to reverse it. However, we also know that God’s plan is to intervene, that salvation can and will occur - America shall be saved! And we know that God has raised up a faithful remnant capable of being His instrument, His voice, and His method in this hour. Other trusted prophetic leaders have also been sensing this turbulent time and have sent me strong warning dreams and words. They, too, know the prayers of the Ekklesia must be mobilized and, if implemented faithfully, can and will prevail. Their words always include hope and encouragement. For weeks now, I have given much thought and prayer to these alerts. Some of my recent posts (regarding God preparing us, the church not being intimidated, etc.) have actually been done with all of this in mind. Over the next several days, I will be addressing what I and others are hearing, relating some of the dreams and insights. It is truly a season for soberness, watchfulness, faith, hope, the revelation of Christ’s victory, and the implementation of God-given strategy. Like Esther facing Haman and David facing Goliath, we have been prepared. We do not have a spirit of timidity, and will not be intimidated. Like Timothy, spoken of in yesterday’s post, we will fan the flames of faith, life, power, love, and a sound, disciplined mind. And we will prevail. In the remainder of today’s post, Gina Gholston, a prophet, encourages us to remember our past victories, allowing them to bolster our faith, just as David did when facing Goliath. Tomorrow, I’ll begin unpacking a very detailed dream she was given regarding the coming season. Gina shares: ******************* Armed With Experience “Life is a journey, and there are things that happen along our journey that we won’t always understand. But, if we will trust God and, with faith and obedience, keep following Him, He will order our steps down the path of His destiny. Every faith-filled step we take results in the accumulation of valuable experiences with Him, benefiting us as we move into His unfolding future. “Experience is a game-changer! Someone once said, ‘A man with experience is never at the mercy of a man with an opinion.’ As we walk with the Lord, we experience His willingness and ability to keep us, provide for us, heal, and deliver us. We emerge from every circumstance with a stronger confidence - an unshakable faith in God. “The story of David and Goliath illustrates the difference experience with God can make. For David, the showdown with Goliath was a defining moment. The destiny inside David had met its prophetic timing, and whether he realized it or not, the event wasn’t only about defeating a giant; it was a moment that would forever impact history. I’m sure David didn’t realize the magnitude of the moment he had stepped into, but his past experiences with the Lord had prepared him for the transition that was about to take place. As he heard the giant mocking God and the armies of the Lord, righteous indignation rose in him, provoking David to take a stand no one else was willing to take. David wasn’t the most qualified. According to men’s standards, he wasn’t even properly equipped to take on such a fight. But he had courage within him that others there did not possess. When David ran toward the giant, his past experiences with the Lord gave him uncommon confidence to face and defeat Goliath! “As I was pondering this story, I heard the Lord say: ‘There is an event coming which those with a ‘David experience’ will be able to face while others will not. So I say, gather up those experiences and stand ready. Remind yourself of what I have done for you. Remember My faithfulness and stand firm in your faith in Me. The curtain is about to rise to reveal the stage for this defining moment, and My bold Ekklesia will be presented to this nation and the world, equipped and ready to advance My original plans and intentions. ‘So, rise up, Davids! There is a cause. Stand! It’s time! You are not alone. Remember Me. Gather up your experiences and turn to face the giant with a confident knowing that I Am greater in you than anything formed to work against you. Let faith arise and secure your footing as you release this confident declaration: “The battle is not mine; it belongs to the Lord! I am anointed to hold the sling, and I take my place. Experience has taught me that God is with me; He will order my aim, and the giant will fall!’” “God has said to me several times, ‘2023 will be one for the history books.’ We are in a definite defining moment. I know we have heard that before, but it’s true! Defining moments are critical moments. They are also ‘deciding’ moments. When the giant in that valley was mocking God and the army of Israel, a defining moment was unfolding, and someone had to make a decision to step forward. Everyone was hearing the mocking. Saul and his armies were far more equipped than David to do something about it, but were overcome by fear and intimidation. The decision they made was to stand idle. But David’s experiences with God had taught him that God is good, able, and faithful! The timing of God, combined with his experiential knowledge of God, provoked David to resist fear and step into the moment, impacting history through his courage. “I’m sure we don’t fully grasp the magnitude of the life-changing transition we have moved into; for many of us, however, the process is now giving way to purpose. This defining moment requires us in the church to make a decision: will we stand idly by while darkness covers the earth, or will we shine with the light of the glory of God to become history-makers? For those with ears to hear, the Lord is saying, ‘It’s time to gather up your experiences and step into this defining moment with courageous faith and undaunted expectation to see My power and glory revealed.’ “Events are unfolding now that are requiring the people of God to step up and be what we’ve been becoming. Doors are opening, leading us into the necessary opportunities, connections, and positions to accomplish His purposes. Experience has taught us that He is with us, and He will guide us. So, remember what you have learned and remember what He has said. Stay ready at all times to take those courageous leaps of unrelenting faith in God that will enable us to impact history!” ********** Pray with me: Father, we hear the mocking and the jeering of the giants in our land. Fear has wrapped itself around the minds of many, causing them to stand idly by, some even compromising their faith. But You have an uncompromising remnant that will not bow to fear and intimidation. We are equipped with experience that has taught us You are faithful, greater in us than anything working against us. You are fighting for us. As this defining moment unfolds, we will stand and declare Your Word and faithfulness. In our strength, we cannot overcome the giants, but You have filled us with Your Spirit, and by His enabling power, we will take our place. The battle belongs to You! We will boldly stand, obey, pray, and release faith-filled decrees. We are confident You will order our aim, and the giants will fall. In Jesus’ name and authority, we pray! Amen! Our decree: The timing of God, the Word of God, and our experiential knowledge of God are motivating us as they did David. We resist fear and will step into this moment with courage and faith, impacting history for the glory of God! ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------- Today’s post was written by our friend Gina Gholston and taken from her book Awakening the Church to Awaken a Nation. You can find out more about Gina at Gina Gholston
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