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  1. * 7 min read November 8, 2022 A Day of Reckoning Today is an important day in the life of America, a day many around the world never experience. It is Election Day. Most definitely, it will be one of our most important ever. The war for America’s soul has intensified. Much has come into clearer focus. Had we not experienced the corruption of 2 years ago, leading to the unprecedented ineptitude and mismanagement America now endures, many things would have remained hidden. I urged people at that time to stand firm and stated that God was allowing it in order to expose, expose, expose. And has He ever! We have seen just how deep the swamp really is. We have experienced the utter abhorrence of the left for those who disagree with them - the President calls us “idiots,”(1) the media calls us “cockroaches;”(2) the DOJ calls us “terrorists.”(3) Our government has deemed churches as nonessential (as opposed to strip clubs and liquor stores). Our children now belong to the state - not their parents.(4) Many said those who don’t accept the government’s mandates should be locked up and/or not allowed to travel, buy food or venture outdoors.(5) The First and Second Amendments to the Constitution are despised and attacked. The censorship of conservatives is rampant, abhorrent, and totally accepted by the left. Parents are visited by the Feds if they complain at a school board meeting.(6) If conservatives win a battle, efforts to reverse this by adding to the number of Senators and packing the Supreme Court is considered legitimate, as is demonstrating in front of the Justices’ homes - existing laws that forbid it be damned.(7) Crime has skyrocketed(8) - innocents are shoved onto subway lines,(9) pro-life counseling centers are bombed and burned,(10) candidates are threatened and attacked, while police are demonized and defunded. Our government has lost all self-control, spending TRILLIONS of dollars, much of it on foolish and needless endeavors. We have become energy dependent (depending on our enemies!) while we were energy INDEPENDENT only 22 months ago. Inflation is at record highs. Many in our government seek to divide us for personal gain. Our military is more “woke” than prepared. China, Russia, Iran, and N. Korea now feel emboldened. While mercy and care for cognitively handicapped individuals is always appropriate, they can also now be Presidents and Senators - IF they serve the correct party, of course. Some pro-abortion leaders in our government revealed they want the right to kill babies OUTSIDE the womb.(11) Many in our government are okay with selling aborted babies’ body parts. We’re being told it’s acceptable to mutilate and castrate children, give them drugs that alter their genetic makeup, and tell them their God-given body parts are a horrible mistake and mean nothing, all being done in some states without parental consent. (Heck, men can even have babies.) It’s now acceptable for drag queens to dance in front of kindergartners while rubbing their private parts. Regarding drag queens, Speaker Pelosi said, “this is what America is all about.”(12) Unvaccinated people can’t visit America, while MILLIONS of unvaccinated can cross our southern border - no double standard there - along with terrorists, human traffickers, and drug dealers. We were forced to watch through windows as family members died alone, required to hug the dying through plastic partitions, and not allowed to pay our last respects to family and friends with memorial services. Organ recipients who wouldn’t submit were removed from donor lists and allowed to die, and others were denied treatment in hospitals and clinics - while shamed and ridiculed, nonetheless. Children were needlessly required to wear masks needlessly for 2 years in classrooms, their development was stalled, and their learning was severely delayed through extended closings. These things, and much more, are no longer hidden. God, using their arrogance and deceived belief that they have won, has skillfully coaxed the America-hating, control-crazed, and Bible-rejecting left out of hiding. Having become completely drunk on success, they staggered into the open. Now, the entire world has seen their positions…and their lunacy. Psalm 2 has been unfolding before our eyes. After listening to the left’s delusional, conspiratorial discussions and observing their perverse actions (verses 1-3), God is now progressing to the rest of the chapter: His mocking laugh (verse 4), assurance to His beloved Son that all is well (verses 7-9), and the picking up of His iron rod of judgment (verse 9). Mercifully, to those who oppose Him, the Creator and King offers them a final way out: Kiss the Son (verse 12). This exposure Yahweh allowed has now clearly defined the battle for the soul of America. If you haven’t already, vote today! Vote with biblical values; vote for the babies; vote for your children and grandchildren; vote for religious freedom; and vote for America's God-given destiny. And pray! Some will claim that a post of this nature is inappropriate, that we Christians should not speak about government and/or moral values, but only work to see people saved - Mark 16’s Great Commission. I would simply remind them that the second half of Christ’s Great Commission to the church, in Matthew 28:18-20, commands us to disciple nations - not just individuals - with His teachings. Our failure to do so in the great outpouring of the 60s and 70s helped create the mess we are now experiencing. Our ignorance and negligence have been destroying us (Hosea 4:6). No more! In His mercy, Holy Spirit has begun a movement of prayer and action that is reversing this. A Mark 16 awakening/revival has begun, which will be accompanied by a Matthew 28 reformation. We won’t be intimidated by false accusations that we are intolerant of others or that we are dictatorial bigots. We know love is our motivation, serving others is our assignment, and that our lives are not our own. Our efforts are all about Christ’s noble and magnificent cause, and we will not relent. Stay the course. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for Your mercy. In order to awaken us, You have turned us over to our own desires and incredibly foolish ways. Truth no longer matters, integrity matters even less, and evil is celebrated. America has sown the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind. We are lost, very lost. We have watched the demise of greatness in one generation. And yet. In Your mercy, You are coming to save us. The heavens are being rent, deception is being removed, evil is being exposed, and our hearts are being lanced. We stand before You with nothing other than the blood of Jesus Christ. Our faith is that this blood cleanses us from ALL sin and unrighteousness. Send a movement now to accomplish this, we pray. Let it be spiritual power at levels never before seen. Come with overwhelming force and love, lift the veil of darkness, and restore us. Give great victories for the cause of life in our elections this day. Give great victory for truth, decency, and righteousness. Further the complete turning of our government. Let the exposing continue, even while our deliverance takes place. Spare us from ourselves and rescue us from sin. We pray these things in the incomparable name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that America shall be saved, and the billion-plus harvest of people around the world will not be stopped. ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ___________________________________ s AND
  2. * 6 min read November 7, 2022 Making History Several years ago I was gripped by the thought: I can either watch history being made or I can make it. I wasn’t thinking about becoming famous, but of shaping history. I decided to become one of the history makers, not just a watcher. I love the song History Maker, written by Martin Smith, the former lead singer for the U.K. Christian band, Delirious. The lyrics speak of the power of prayer, of cloudless skies breaking forth with rain, of miraculous healings, and broken-hearted people becoming history makers. If you’ve never heard it, check it out. I think you’ll like it. Though I love the song and its concept, in another sense of the word, we’re all participating in the history-making process. The only questions—which we are all answering with our lives—are: 1) What history are we writing? and 2) Will we write it intentionally or by default? We all help shape history, one way or another. Facing the Giant When David was about to face the giant, Goliath, his older brother mocked him over what seemed like such a preposterous idea. David’s response was to ask the poignant question, “Is there not a cause?” (1 Samuel 17:29). Would it come as a surprise if I told you the word “cause” also means “history?” David was very possibly asking his brother and fellow Israelites the question, “Is there not a history?” He could have been thinking of past history, which we will discuss later, but it is entirely possible David was thinking of the future—a history to write. “Come on guys,” David may have been imploring, “history will record what we do here today. Will we go down in history as giant-killers or cowards? Will we fight for God and country or will we flee? Don’t allow this giant to define us; let faith in God define us!” Interestingly, Goliath’s name actually comes from a root word meaning “to expose or reveal.”(1) How appropriate. Giants of adversity will most assuredly reveal our character. Are we a David? A Caleb? Or, like Israel’s soldiers who fled from Goliath, are we cowards? David refused to be defined by cowardice. He chose, rather, to be defined by a cause. America’s Destiny Our purpose as a nation is to partner with Christ, just as Israel did, becoming a light to the nations. Our divine calling is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ from these shores to the ends of the earth. And it is to be an example of what Yahweh will do for a nation “whose God is the Lord” (Psalms 33:12). America’s giants have exposed our character flaws; our calling has been in jeopardy. Rather than exporting the gospel, we are now the leading exporter of pornography, as well as other forms of depravity through film and music. (2) America is literally trafficking in filth! Portions of the shocking history we are writing today will one day shame us. But as the following example shows us, dirges can be transformed into songs of victory. John Newton lived in the 1700s. For part of his life, he was a slave trader, the lowest of the low. Through a series of events, Newton came to Christ and became one of the leaders of the abolitionist movement. He actually pastored William Wilberforce, who is credited with playing the most significant role in the abolition of slavery in the British Empire. Newton wrote the song Amazing Grace. Sung more than 10 million times annually and recorded on 11,000 albums, it has been intoned more than any song in history. Newton, whom satan used to torment many and help write some of the ugliest chapters in world history, was transformed and given the song that has comforted hundreds of millions of people. America, too, will experience God’s amazing grace and recover from its evils. She will write a new song, a song not about oppression and injustice, but about the beauty of life and freedom. Christ Wants to Restore America Jesus said to Jerusalem, “You did not recognize the time of your visitation” (Luke 19:44). Unfortunately, the word “visitation” does not clearly communicate what Christ had offered them. He was not simply referencing a “visit.” The Greek word is episcope, from which we get the words “bishop,” “overseer,” and “superintendent.” Jesus was actually saying to Jerusalem, “I came to cover you, to be your Shepherd and Protector. I wanted to take you as a mother hen would her chicks and hide you under My wings, covering and protecting you. But you did not recognize this” (see Luke 13:34). We in America are currently receiving the same offer Christ made to Jerusalem. God is giving us an opportunity to return to Him and the promise of His loving care. His desire is to demonstrate that righteousness—not money, power, or pleasure—exalts a nation (see Proverbs 14:34). Jesus is knocking at America’s door, asking will you receive Me back into this nation as your Shepherd and Bishop, allowing Me to cover, protect and lead you? Will you once more become a nation under God? Millions of God-fearing and honoring Americans are rising up to answer this question. And a remnant of the body of Christ is doing its part through prayer. Failures are being confessed, appeals are being made, and decrees are being released. God honors intercession. It still works. We must refuse to surrender this nation to humanists, atheists, liberal politicians, and individuals who want the influence of God and the Bible removed from America. Though much ground has been lost to these ungodly forces, God has said it is absolutely not too late. We will appeal to Him for change. We will always walk in tolerance and love. But loving people doesn’t equate to giving them everything they want, nor should tolerance be confused with abdication. Just as David did, we can write a righteous history for America. The giants of sin and godlessness in our nation can absolutely be conquered, and the hearts of people can most certainly be won. Though the taunting giants may mock us in the name of their gods, just as Goliath did Israel’s army, we can daily and fervently decree biblical promises such as, “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20, KJV). And the great promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is still true today, “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.” I believe this with all my heart and live for this hope. We in America are not at the mercy of principalities, powers, and spiritual giants. Though the past several years have been devastating, we can write a new and glorious chapter for our nation. Let’s do it! Let’s continue to humble ourselves, call upon God, and stay on the offense through prayer. If we do so, confessing the sins of America and appealing to God for mercy, He will answer our prayers and pour out His Spirit on this land once again. He will! The giants wrote America’s last chapter; we—the praying church—will write the next one. Pray with me: Father, David asked, “Is there not a history?” We, too, are asking this same question, “What history will we write?” Give us dedicated intercessors, leaders, patriots, and warriors that accept only one answer, “We will take out the spiritual giants that have been allowed to rule our nation.” May we not cower in fear of their size, wealth, weapons, or mockery. May we instead run toward them with Your name on our lips. Transform many in our nation the way You did John Newton. Give us a new song! Give us a grace anthem. May America write songs that comfort billions. May the world be able to say of us, “America lost her way but, look, she is found!” May the song of the gospel ring out from these shores again! May the song of liberty ring out from these shores again! May the song of covenant with God ring out from these shores again! We boldly declare that no giant, no principalities, will continue to rule over us. The blood of the Lord, Jesus, is cleansing and freeing us! The stronghold of death will be broken. The stronghold of covenant breaking will be broken. Strongholds of injustice will be broken. Strongholds of idolatry will be broken. Giants will fall, principalities will come down! The history we hand our children will be one of a saved America and a worldwide revival..! Amen..! Our decree: We decree that God‘s amazing grace is sufficient..! *************************** Most of today’s post was taken from my book Giants Will Fall. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ___________________________________ Strong. Reference no. 1555 and 1540. Kann L., McManus T., Harris, W.A., et al. “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance,” United States, 2015. MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 65 (6), 2015. p.26. updated.pdf Minnesota Department of Health. “About STD Awareness Month: April is National STD Awareness Month in Minnesota.” MN Dept of Health, 2017. html
  3. 5 min read November 4, 2022 Living the Dream For the past several days, I have been taking the GH15 posts from the book, Dream, which I wrote several years ago. Today’s post will be the final one on this subject. The book is about allowing God to influence our plans and dreams for the future, and how He also hides His dreams in ours. The Lord’s desire is that He and His kids dream together - God and family stewarding and influencing the earth for good. For the unfortunate and misguided individuals who do not see the posts every day, I’ll review a couple of other points. One of the places Yahweh began his dream journey with Abraham was Bethel (Genesis 12). This is why the Lord gave his grandson, Jacob, a dream in this sacred place 100 or so years later, extending to him the same dream. Same place; same dream. Bethel means “the house of God.” When we become part of God’s family, His household, He wants us to partner with Him in His dreams. Although Jacob’s heart was not fully captured by God at Bethel - and therefore he was not fully ready to participate in the dream - nevertheless, the process had begun. It was completed 20 years later at Peniel, which means “the face of God.” After fully capturing Jacob’s heart, the Lord told him to go back to Bethel, the place where the dreaming began, and live there! (Genesis 35) Incredible. “Oh, and build another altar there,” Yahweh told him. Jacob obeyed and named the altar El Bethel, which means “the God of Bethel.” My interpretation of this phrase: “the God of the dream place!” By giving it this name, Jacob was saying, “This is where the journey began. You gave my grandfather a dream at this holy place, and You visited me with a dream here, as well. I accept Your invitation to live at Your house, the place of dreams, and will honor You as the Dream-giver. From this day forward we will dream together.” By telling Jacob to live at Bethel, the Lord was Himself making a huge statement. “Now that I’ve captured your heart, Jacob, and can trust you as My dreaming partner, why don’t you just go back there and live. In that special place where it began…let’s live the dream!” If that doesn’t move you, you’re immovable! Three years after my dream journey began in the cabin I affectionately refer to as “my Moriah/Peniel cabin,” Ceci and I returned to the same vacation complex for some time off. As it turns out, I was also putting the finishing touches on the book we’ve been looking at, Dream. We did not plan this timing - when we scheduled the vacation several months earlier, I had no idea I would be finishing the book while there. But God did. Through His sovereign ability He placed me where the dream revelation began, to finish writing the dream book. Only God. Initially, I was a little disappointed that we were not staying in the same cabin. Since God obviously planned to bring me back here to finish the book, I thought, why wouldn’t He make certain the same cabin was available? Surely He could influence other people’s schedules and insure that my dream cabin was available. Then I saw the plaque: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.’” (Jeremiah 29:11) This is not a Christian camp or community, by the way; it is simply a community of privately owned dwellings, some of which can be rented. I wonder if the owner of this home, when purchasing the plaque, had any idea that it would be used by Holy Spirit in such a remarkable way? Probably not. God is so amazing! My dream of writing the dream book was ending, but as the verse so powerfully stated, the Lord had more plans for me, “plans for good and not evil, to give me a future and a hope.” “Future” is the word acharyith, sometimes translated “destiny.” I am confident that my destiny is secure in the dreaming heart of my heavenly Father. “Plans” in this verse comes from a word meaning “to think, conceive, devise, consider, plan, etc.” The word came to also include the result or ensuing action produced by the planning and thinking: “invent, fabricate, weave,” and so on. Not complicated: first we think about it, then we do it. We devise or conceive the end result, then we create it. God, ever the Dreamer, has conceived wonderful plans for you and me. He began the weaving of them into our destinies while we were still in our mothers’ wombs (Psalm 139:13). God has done the same with nations. There are some - even Christian leaders - who laugh and scoff at the idea that God raised up America for the purpose of spreading the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, to the ends of the earth. To the contrary, I find the suggestion that He would NOT do such a thing as utterly preposterous. What could be more reasonable than to believe that God would (and has) raised up a nation for this very purpose? This in no way suggests an exclusive calling in this regard, it simply states that it is the primary purpose for America’s existence. Nor does it imply that we are the ruler of all nations; it actually makes us the servant of all nations. That God raises up nations for His purposes is undeniable biblically. Deuteronomy 32:8 and Acts 17:26 both state that He sets the boundaries of nations. Job 12:23 tells us God makes nations great and enlarges them; it also says He destroys them. My best advice is to ignore those who preach or teach otherwise. Don’t allow them to distract you, just keep living the dream. As we pray regarding the elections coming up next Tuesday, and about America’s future in general, continue to decree that America shall be saved. Appeal to heaven for mercy and a great turnaround of our nation and its government. Ask for a Third Great Awakening that brings a transformation of epic proportions and a return to our destiny. Partner with God’s dreaming heart, asking for His redeeming grace and glory to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Prayer with me: Father, we thank You for Your refusal to give up on Your dream. You will not relent until You have representatives from every tribe and tongue in Your family. We have chosen to participate with You in this dream. And like You, we will not relent. We also have embraced Your dream for America, the dream that America would be a voice for You to all the nations of the earth. Thus, we are a serving people, laying down our lives for the cause of Christ. For this cause also, we will not relent in our faith and prayers. We will see everything You have promised - America shall be saved. Give victory in this upcoming election to those who most align with Your ways and heart. We ask for Your kingdom rule to come, and Your will to be done in this election. (Take a moment or two and pray regarding the specific races Holy Spirit brings to your mind.) And we call forth a worldwide revival, the greatest in history. Nothing will stop this. It has already begun and will continue to build in strength and momentum. You have declared it to be so, and so it shall be. We pray all of this in the name of Yeshua. Our Decree: We decree that the great Master Planner and Dreamer, Yahweh, will have His dream. ******************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  4. * 6 min read November 3, 2022 The Face of God By the time we get from Bethel (“the house of God”) to Jacob’s return trip home, 20 years have passed. What he thought would be a relatively short hiatus from Esau’s wrath, has now become two decades. Jacob is still a conniving supplanter, but that is about to change. Though unaware of it, God is coming to deal with his heel-grabbing ways. Jacob has done well. The Lord has fulfilled much of what he promised him at Bethel. But like many, even after such abundant blessing, Jacob is still thinking primarily of himself. He has been more than happy to embrace the blessings of God’s house, but what Yahweh might need or want from him is nowhere on Jacob’s radar. As we so often do, he has ignored God’s dream. Jacob actually remembers Bethel quite well. On his way home to face Esau he reminds God of the promises of blessing and protection made to him there. It was quite impressive how well Jacob remembered God’s promises after 20 years (Genesis 32:12). Not so impressive is how completely he had forgotten the portion containing God’s dream: “And in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed,” (Genesis 28:14). Jacob quoted the Lord’s promises to prosper him; God’s need isn’t even mentioned. Just as the Dream-giver had done with Abraham, Yahweh had tucked what He needed from the dream into the promises He made to Jacob. I’m not sure Jacob even heard that significant part. If so, it certainly didn’t make much of an impression. He was so focused on earthly dreams, he couldn’t see heaven’s. Jacob thought he was dreaming big; Yahweh wanted him to dream even bigger - He wanted Jacob to dream God-sized dreams! Earthly dreams had given him wealth; heavenly dreams would give him a place in history. Undeterred by the rejection, God moves Jacob closer to an encounter with Himself that would forever deliver him of his self-seeking, supplanting nature. The Lord, with His mighty but gracious power, was about to break Jacob. With His mercy, He was going to mark him. And when God was finished, they would dream together. On the journey, Jacob moves ever closer to a confrontation with Esau. Having heard of his approach, Esau, with 400 men is on his way to meet Jacob. True to form, conniving Jacob devises a plan to appease his still-offended brother, sending a series of gifts ahead. Ultimately, he sends everything and everyone, even his family. It must have been a painful sight as he watched them cross the stream called Jabbok, wondering if he would ever see them again (see Genesis 32:22). It would be easy to miss the irony and significance of this if you didn’t know the meaning of Jabbok. It means “pouring out.” Jacob is being poured out at the place of “pouring out.” And if you think this is a coincidence, you are officially a cynic. What a scene. Jacob, who has spent his entire life conniving his way around and through every obstacle in his path, is wealthy - very wealthy - and has proven he is at the top of the food chain when it comes to dreaming and swindling. Or so he thought. God had an appointment planned with Jacob at Jabbok, and in a day everything was gone, poured out to the brother he had swindled 20 years earlier. In total, 40 years of masterful conniving and it was all gone in a day. Heel-grabbers are no match for God. The next verse sums up his condition and sets the stage for what is about to occur: “Then Jacob was left alone” (Genesis 32:24). Jacob has bought and connived his way out of trouble and into prosperity for the last time. He isn’t yet aware of it, but Esau has become the least of his worries. He is now alone with God - and this time it isn’t for sweet dreams. As preposterous as it sounds, Jacob and God will spend the night wrestling (see verse 24). The heavenly adversary begins by dislocating Jacob’s thigh. Again, the symbolism is powerful. A person’s thigh represents his or her strength. Not only have his possessions and family been “poured out,” God has now removed his strength. There are not many people who could be as stubborn as Jacob, however. Still, he fought. “I won’t let you go until you bless me,” Jacob says to his opponent, whom many scholars believe was an Old Testament, pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. And what is this blessing Jacob wants? Protection from Esau, of course. The Lord’s response to this is so bizarre it almost sounds like a verse or two have been omitted. That is, until you realize what is really occurring. “What is your name?” He asks Jacob (Genesis 32:27). Try to picture this: two men fighting, one limping but holding on for dear life while demanding a blessing, and the other - who obviously knows his opponent - nonetheless, asking him his name. What is going on?! The Amplified Bible, Classic edition gives the clearest explanation I’ve seen or heard for this scenario. It translates Jacob‘s response in verse 27 as follows: “And [in shock of realization, whispering] he said, ‘Jacob [supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler]!’” Jacob’s response was actually an acknowledgment of his true nature. In essence, it was a confession of repentance. Finally, at 40 years old, Jacob is acknowledging his condition! True to his nature, Jacob began by demanding another blessing; God, however, was demanding Jacob. “It isn’t your possessions, servants, or family I want, Jacob,” God was saying. “It’s your conniving nature. I’m trying to pour it out of you. You can con everyone else, but you can’t con Me. I want you to realize, once and for all, that your ‘strength’ is not what I need from you. I need you to acknowledge your weakness - who you really are. Only then can I deliver you from yourself. I could kill you, but I’d rather transform you. Then we can dream together.” The fight was over the moment Jacob acknowledged his true condition. God’s goal wasn’t to win a fight but a heart. And what did He do next? Demonstrating His matchless grace, He changed this former heel-grabber’s name: “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel” (verse 28). Does that not just make you want to dance! In a matchless display of His grace, wisdom, and persistent love, God transformed this conniving swindler into a prince and patriarch. His sovereign actions made clear the plan. Yahweh was saying: “Now we can get on with the dream, Israel. Because the dream isn't just for you; it’s for Me, as well. And for the generations to follow. I need a nation through whom I can demonstrate to the world My ways and heart, and through whom I can bring the Messiah. You’re going to birth that nation for Me.” When God wrestled with Jacob, He wasn’t fighting only for the heart of a man. He was warring for His dream! Jacob, now named Israel, left the fight with a life-altering limp. He decided to name the place, Peniel, meaning “the face of God,” for he said, “I have seen God face to face,” (Genesis 32:30). Twenty years earlier Jacob entered Bethel, “the house of God,” and found a dream. This day he had seen “the face of God” and found the Dream-giver. He would never be the same. Remember the Moriah cabin (past post) where my dream journey began? It was also a Peniel in my life, for God and I sparred a little there. “Give Me every dream,” He said. “For yourself, your family, your ministry, and your nation - trust Me with everything.” Fearfully, oh so humanly, but from a trust born of spending thousands of hours with Him over the years, I reached deep into my heart and pulled out every dream I could find. He took them, then set them down. Ignoring them, He reached in and began working on my heart. “It’s not the dreams I need, son,” He spoke to me. “I just need to get them out-of-the-way temporarily so I can do a little fine-tuning on your heart.” I experienced a broad range of emotions that day as He performed surgery on my heart. I laughed a little, thought a lot, and cried once or twice. Abba was gentle but firm and resolute. He healed, adjusted, fixed a “valve” or two, and unclogged some “blockages.” When He was finished I felt both undone and re-done. Then He put the dreams back - well, most of them. Some I didn’t need any more. And those He did return seemed somehow different. They were still mine, but seemed to reflect more of His character, heart, and desires. I knew we could now share our lives and dreams at a higher level. And our friendship had grown. Like Jacob, I limped home a happy man. Prayer with me: Father, thank You for Your patience with us. You know our nature well, including our stubborn resistance to Your transforming power. Yet, just as You did with Jacob, You patiently wait until we are ready for a face-to-face encounter with You. And there, at our Peniel, You transform us. Thank You. You do this at times for nations, as well. You wrestle with them, bringing them to their knees. Do so now with America. Deliver us from our heel-grabbing ways and bring us back to a place of complete dependence on You. You could destroy us, but You want to transform us. Show this nation Your face again, we pray, in the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus. Amen. Our Decree: We decree that a great and holy transformation is coming to the United States of America. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  5. 6 min read October 31, 2022 The Ultimate Friendship I carried the label of “Christian” for seventeen years before I discovered what a personal relationship with God truly meant. Prior to this, I certainly knew Yahweh as God, and I definitely knew Him as my Savior. I did not, however, truly know Him as my Father, and walking with Him as a friend wasn’t even considered. Satan and his team, with lots of help from religion, have painted God as a very distant, non-relational being. If thought of at all, our Creator is primarily considered the Judge or, in times of crisis, a possible but unlikely means of help. Our adversary is nothing if not a very skilled deceiver. The Lord gave Abraham his dream of producing a nation and generating great wealth in Genesis 12. By the time we get to the thirteenth chapter of Genesis, he and God had walked together for quite some time. Though Isaac had not yet been born, the Lord was upholding His end of the deal and prospering Abraham greatly; he was now rich in cattle, silver, and gold (see Genesis 13:2). Due to his nomadic lifestyle, he had roamed to several different locations, then decided to make a return visit to Bethel. While there, he and the Lord reminisced concerning their beginning (see Genesis 13:4), and Abraham listened as God encouraged him to keep the dream alive: The Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, “Now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward; for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever. I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth, then your descendants can also be numbered. Arise, walk about the land through its length and breadth; for I will give it to you.” (Genesis 13:14-17) At this time, Abraham decided to move again and relocate to Hebron. “Then Abram moved his tent and came and dwelt by the oaks of Mamre, which are in Hebron, and there he built an altar to the Lord” (Genesis 13:18). The meaning of this city’s name, Hebron, holds the concept of a close, relational connection such as a league, federation, association, or friendship. This small town high upon a hill took Abraham’s walk with God to an entirely new level. We’re not told the reasoning behind Abraham’s choosing the time and place for this move. Was it his choice? Was it God’s? Knowing the Lord as I do, and observing the way he so carefully directed Abraham on his journey, I believe He led Abraham to Hebron. The progression is too obvious. (In my book Dream, I discuss in detail God’s porposes in the plans He led Abraham.) At Shechem, Abraham had chosen the Lord as his God. At Bethel, he had chosen Him as Father, and they journeyed together as family. But what God had in mind all along was to mature the relationship into a friendship. God wants to dream with friends. This can be seen through Hebron. A few years ago, I was elk hunting in the mountains of Colorado when I saw a monument to friendship. High on a mountain, near the edge where one of the most majestic views imaginable could be seen, was a plaque encased in a rock. Tears came to my eyes as I read the words carved into the memorial: In memory of my friend and hunting partner, [name], with whom I roamed these mountains from 1963-2003. He loved these mountains, streams, snow-packed peaks, and beautiful valleys. I miss him. [Deceased Man’s Name] 1930-2003 It may sound overly dramatic, but I removed my hat and stood in silence, saluting the friendship enjoyed by these men. I tried to imagine the joys and memories created, as well as the pain of the loss this man must have been feeling as he climbed this hill, memorial in hand, to honor the memory of a true friend. The mountain had become their Hebron. Abraham didn’t begin his journey with God as His friend, nor do we. It is possible to be in God’s family and not be His friend, just as it is with our natural family. We can be a family member with someone and not be their friend. A friendship implies closeness and takes time to develop. It is comprised of trust, compatibility, affection, and, of course, a high level of interpersonal knowledge. Friendship defines the highest level of relationship. Friendship with God is possible for every believer and is Yahweh’s desire for us. This is the concept pictured by Hebron. God eventually enjoyed this level of relationship with Abraham - three times in Scripture, he called him His friend - and it's what He desires with each one of us. This is not only a part of our destiny, it’s part of God’s dream. We’re much like Abraham at the beginning of his journey with the Lord. Most of us begin our walk with God to experience the benefits He offers. We aren’t terribly interested in His dreams; we probably aren’t even consciously aware that He has any. But we are very aware that He can help us with our dreams, so we cut deals with Him, talk to Him primarily on the basis of our needs, and remind Him that He is our Father - our source. God understands this, however, and in his love and humility, is willing to meet us there. “He loves us first,” the Scriptures tell us (1 John 4:19), not the other way around. His love embraces us and makes us His child. And just as a natural child doesn’t begin his or her relationship on a friendship level with mom and dad, our heavenly Father knows we won’t with Him, either. Most of us, when younger and in our parents’ homes, trusted them to provide for us. Appropriately so. But hopefully, the day arrived when we wanted to be more than just a well-cared-for child. As I matured in life, I wanted to be my parents’ friend. At that point, I cared more about their happiness, well-being, and dreams than I did their money. I wanted to give them more than I wanted to take. We no longer talked only about my happiness, we discussed things that interested them, as well. Over the years, their faith had been transferred to me, and we dreamed together about making a difference for God. Our relationship had matured into a friendship. The same was true of Abraham. He started his journey with God looking for lands, blessings, and greatness. He embraced the promise of a biological son through whom he would produce a great nation. But thankfully, the relationship grew. In the end, Abraham proved his trust in God had grown to a level few people ever attain. He was even willing to sacrifice Isaac, his long-awaited son, believing if he did so, God would raise Isaac from the dead. What trust! The Lord so cherished His friendship with Abraham that, when he died, He saw to it Abraham was buried at Hebron - not Bethel, Shechem, Moriah, or any of the other places on their journey. I can’t help but believe that, like the hunting friend’s mountaintop plaque, this was God’s tribute to their friendship. Upon Abraham’s arrival in heaven, I like to think perhaps Jehovah stood, got everyone’s attention, and honored the old patriarch, “This is Abraham, my friend. We have dreamed together.” When God is looking for someone He can be vulnerable with, a friend with whom He can share His hopes, dreams, and yes, even His disappointments, I hope He feels He can look to me. And when my life is over, and my body laid to rest, if it can be said that He and I were friends, I will have been a success. Pray with me: Father, You took Abraham to Bethel, which means “the house of God.” You were revealing to him that You wanted family, that You would have Your family back. But Your ultimate goal was that he be more than that; You wanted him to be Your friend. So You led him to Hebron. That You want to be our Friend seems foreign to most of Your kids. Break off of us this result from the Fall, which robbed us of this understanding. Restore to us the audacious revelation that You are looking for friends. May we, like Abraham, become Your friend. May we, like Enoch, walk with You. As we do, please share with us Your desires and dreams. Reveal Your heart, Your ways, Your plans. We want to know You as never before. We ask You for this in the name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that a generation is arising in the earth which will settle for nothing less than true intimacy with their heavenly Father. ************************ Today’s post was taken from my book Dream. Click on the link below to watch the full video. [Dutch Sheets Dream, Discovering God’s Purpose for Your Life (Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group, 2012), pp 101-107.]
  6. 9 min read November 1, 2022 A Day For The Ages “...‘Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’” (John 1:29) In Genesis 12, God planted a great dream in Abraham’s heart. By the time we get to Genesis 22, the dream is doing very well. God had given Abraham land, livestock, a large staff, great wealth, and most importantly, Isaac, through whom the promise of a great nation would emerge. The Lord and Abraham had walked together for many years now and were close friends. However, the strength of their relationship would be tested one more time. The test would be a huge one and would become the pinnacle of their relationship, proving once and for all Abraham’s amazing confidence in and loyalty to God. This event proved to be far more than just a test, however. Hidden in it was one of the most amazing pictures of the Cross the Lord ever painted. As we shall see, the occasion demonstrated more than Abraham’s trust in God; it was also a heartwarming picture of Jehovah’s trust in Abraham. In Genesis 22, the Lord made a shocking request of Abraham. “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah; and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.” (Genesis 22:2) Amazing! Ridiculous! Unbelievable! But God said it: Give me the dream, Abraham. Take the portion of the dream which is most precious to you, Isaac, and sacrifice him to Me. That would cause just a little bit of a hiccup in your morning devotions. Abraham must have felt like someone slugged him in the gut. One can only imagine the thoughts and questions that began swirling through his mind: Do I really know God’s voice as well as I believe I do? I don’t believe He will make me go through with the sacrifice of Isaac. If He does, however, I’m confident He will raise him from the dead. But do I truly know Him as well as I think I do? With either scenario, what will Isaac think regarding my love for him? Could this so traumatize him that it wounds his psyche, maybe even permanently? It’s impossible to know Abraham’s thoughts, but we know he was a good father and loved Isaac very much. We also know there could be no greater test of anyone’s faith and trust. To say that Abraham passed the test would be the understatement of the millennium. He said “yes” to questions one and two, and trusted his Friend with number three. I point out in my book Dream, that we must emulate the dreaming nature and ideals of Abraham. The principle presented in this passage is one we must always remember: When God asks for your dream, give it back to Him. (1) Dreams are powerful. It is possible to so attach our emotions to them that a dream can become a taskmaster we serve, rather than an assignment or goal we steward. This is precisely what occurred with Adam and Eve. Stewarding the dream wasn’t enough for them; they became convinced they could own it. At that point, rather than God remaining Lord of the dream, the dream became lord. Legitimate desires became cravings, even obsessions. We humans have been serving our dreams ever since. We kill for them, abandon family and friends to accomplish and keep them, and spend everything we own to buy them. Since the fall of humanity, God’s challenge has been keeping the dream a servant and a tool, rather than us allowing it to become the master. Whether our dream is a person, money, possessions, position, or status, the only hope for its purity is keeping it tethered to Him. It was, of course, never God’s intent to allow Abraham to go through with the sacrifice of Isaac. The only human offering He has ever sanctioned was that of Christ on the Cross. But at the time, Abraham couldn’t be certain. He was certain, however, of his complete trust in God’s character and friendship. Yahweh would either provide a viable substitute for Isaac (see Genesis 22:8), or if He did require Abraham to go through with the sacrifice, the Author and Giver of life would not leave Isaac dead–He would resurrect him (see Genesis 22:5 and Hebrews 11:17–19). What an incredible and genuine trust this demonstrated! Abraham actually saw his obedience as an act of worship. When addressing his servants he said, “I and the lad will go over there; and we will worship and return to you” (Genesis 22:5). This is almost mind-boggling. How many of us could consider a test of this magnitude as worship? When we worship God, we do so because of who He is–holy, true, trustworthy, and faithful. Abraham was proving beyond any doubt that He knew God. He was confident Yahweh was the Dream-giver, not the dream-stealer. I’m not yet sure what this is all about, Abraham must have reasoned, but God has something very important He is up to and it’s not the death of Isaac. Did He ever! The Dream-giver was Himself dreaming at Moriah. The path to the recovery of His dream would be painful and ugly, and He was about to give us a sneak preview. This entire episode was designed to paint a picture of the Cross, where God would one day recapture His dream of family. No one else knew His plan, not even the angels, but here on this very mountain, He would sacrifice His Son, and redemption’s song would one day be sung. Father God was well aware that the violence of this future day would be dreadful beyond description. Creation itself would hide its eyes (see Matthew 27:45), and the very foundations of the earth would shake (see Matthew 27:51). God’s heart would break, the angels would watch in shock and horror, and the Son of God Himself would cry out in anguish (see Matthew 27:46). But this violent death would also be love’s crowning act. When the day actually occurred, satan believed it would be the day of his ultimate victory. This could end God’s dream once and for all, he thought. Satan did not know the details of God’s redemptive plan, but he did know it was somehow wrapped up in His Son. Kill Him, he thought. He has become human, breakable, mortal. Kill Him and kill the dream! What satan didn’t know–no one but God knew it–was that the Cross was written into the dream. Impossible! There is no way this just happened, satan must have thought when God’s plan succeeded. Actually, the plan was brilliant. Painfully and devastatingly brilliant, yes; but brilliant, nonetheless. At the Resurrection, followed by Pentecost, it all made sense. What looked like one dying Dreamer on a Cross was really a dream-seed. There were millions of dreams locked up in Him, waiting to be released. Until the Resurrection and Pentecost, Christ’s words in John 12:24 were still not fully understood: “Truly, truly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” Christ was the “grain of wheat”; we are the “much fruit.” That the events on Moriah in Abraham’s day were a foreshadowing of Calvary can be seen by several things: First, Isaac was referred to as Abraham’s “only” or “only begotten son” no less than four times (see Genesis 22:2, 12, 16; Hebrews 11:17), descriptions that were no doubt meant to be prophetic of God’s later references to His “only begotten Son” (John 3:16). Moriah, the mountain where Abraham was told to offer Isaac, was the very mountain where centuries later Christ would be offered as our sacrifice. How woefully fitting and strikingly prophetic that Isaac actually carried the wood for the sacrifice up the mountain (Genesis 22:6), just as Christ would one day carry His Cross! What must have gone through the Son of God’s mind as He watched this prophetic picture unfold with Isaac! Perhaps the most telling proof of all was the name Abraham gave the place when the episode was finished. Predictably, the Lord didn’t allow him to go through with the sacrifice of Isaac. At just the right moment, Yahweh stopped him and revealed a substitute ram He had provided, caught in a thicket. After sacrificing the ram, “Abraham called the name of that place The Lord Will Provide [Jehovah Jireh], as it is said to this day, ‘In the mount of the Lord it will be provided’” (Genesis 22:14). Though I am fairly certain Abraham didn’t know he was prophesying the place of the Cross, history confirms that he was. The poignancy of this dress rehearsal is impossible to overstate. Here was the Creator painting a picture, indecipherable and veiled to all but Himself, of His most cherished dream and horrible nightmare: recapturing His lost family through the death of His Son. And He is literally doing so on the stage where it will ultimately occur! Perhaps it was because of the pain of the plan that God wanted one of His best friends, Abraham, to be there with Him. The name of the mountain where this occurred was also significant. Moriah means “seen of God.” (2) Yahweh had taken Abraham there to show him, though in a veiled form, what He was “seeing” in the future–the Cross and the death of His Son. God must have been deeply impacted as He envisioned the pain, agony, and in earth’s ultimate irony, the joy of what would one day take place there. He was also moved by Abraham’s complete faith in Him, so much so that He reiterated to him His promise of forty years earlier, reminding Abraham of his dream, also. “By Myself I have sworn, declares the Lord, because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son, your only son, indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.” (Genesis 22:16–18) God’s intentions seem fairly obvious. He didn’t want to dream alone. At this hideously evil, yet gloriously holy place, where He would eventually recapture His dream, Abba wanted Abraham to dream with Him. Two dreaming friends on a mountain, looking into the future and dreaming together. This had to have been one of earth’s most meaningful and heart-warming scenes. Wonderful. Moving. Devastating. At Moriah, Yahweh was saying: Remember My promise to you, Abraham. Go ahead, dream. Here at Moriah, the place where I am seeing My dream restored, I want you to see yours, as well. Gaze at the stars, envision the sand and see pictures of how I’m going to multiply you. And though you don’t yet realize it, Abraham, My dream is hidden in yours–in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. Our dreams are completely intertwined, Abraham. Actually, your dream is really all about My dream. You see stars, I see sons and daughters. You see sand, I see a bride for My Son. You see an altar, I see a Cross. You see a ram, I see My Son. I will bring Him here one day and I’ll build an the shape of a cross. Unlike you, I won’t be able to stay the knife, but through My Son’s death...I’ll have My dream! A day for the ages. A day for friends. And a day for dreamers everywhere. An incredibly close friendship must have been necessary for God to become this intimate with Abraham. Taking him to the place where His ultimate dream and ultimate pain would occur demonstrated their closeness. They watched the dress rehearsal together; and years later, the consummation did, indeed, take place. I’m sure these two friends were together again on that day, watching the events unfold and sharing the pain as Isaac’s counterpart hung on the cross-shaped “altar.” But the pain, excruciating as it was, was temporary. They knew it would be. Three days later, “Isaac” (Christ) arose, proving once and for all that the dream was alive and well. Death lost; life won. And the power of dreaming was vindicated. I can’t prove it, but I think the heavenly choir broke out into Handel’s Messiah, not yet known on earth, but sung in heaven since earth’s creation. Pray with me: Father, thank You for showing us the strength of Your friendship with Abraham. We, too, want to build a relationship with You that exemplifies this type of intimacy. We want it to be strong enough that You are willing to share Your heart with us, to trust us with Your plans and desires. On this day during which we look back at the Cross, we want to again thank You for offering Your Son to die for us. It’s hard to fathom the depth of Your love. But we accept it and we embrace it. And Jesus, thank You for humbling Yourself to become one of us. Your love and humility are beyond words. We could never thank You enough, but we can thank You. As the song says, “You are beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words... .” (3) We love You! And we recommit to You and Your cause. It is our great joy to partner with You. Thank You for bringing us into Your world. In Your name, we pray, Amen. Our decree: We declare that the dream-restoring blood of Jesus will never lose its power..! ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was taken from my book Dream. [Dutch Sheets Dream: Discovering God's Purpose for Your Life (Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group), 2012, pp. 121-127.] __________________________________ Dutch Sheets Dream: Discovering God's Purpose for Your Life (Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group, 2012). “Strong's Hebrew: 4179. מוֹרִיָּה (Moriyyah) -- mountain where Isaac was to be sacrificed.” Bible Hub, Also see – “to see, seen, surely seen” Accessed 26 March 2021. Also see – “seen by Yah, the name of God of Israel.” Mark, Altrogge. You are Beautiful Beyond Description (I Stand in Awe). Sovereign Grace Praise, 1986.
  7. 6 min read November 2, 2022 Refining Our Dreams Though Abraham’s experience at Moriah pictured the Cross where God would recapture His dream of family and redeem us from our fallen nature, the actual fulfillment of the event was still hundreds of years away. We were still fallen dreamers. No person could better picture the post-fall condition of humankind than Jacob. Dreamer extraordinaire, he fine-tuned the art of post-fall dreaming to a very low level. Actually, he got a head start on most of us - he was demonstrating his true nature at birth! As his elder twin, Esau, was being born, Jacob was clutching his heel (see Genesis 25:26). Thus, the name Jacob, which means “heel-grabber.” Not very imaginative, but it works. The term is actually much more revealing than a cursory glance might reveal. The root word has a figurative meaning of “circumventing (as if tripping by the heels); also to restrain (as if holding by the heel).” The Brown, Driver, and Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon, one of the most respected Old Testament reference tools, actually says the word means “assail hideously” or “attack.” It goes on to say that a good translation of Genesis 25:26 would be “he attacked his brother at the heel.” (For all of you actually named Jabob, take heart. Jacob eventually overcame his nature, and his name ultimately became associated with honor and greatness. Yahweh is actually called “the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.) True to his nature, Jacob again demonstrated his conniving heart several years later when he conceived a plan to finagle his elder brother Esau’s birthright. A short while after this, this same covetous nature manifested yet again when Jacob and his mother hatched a devious plan to steal Esau’s final blessing from his father. Jacob was nothing if not consistent! Isaac, old and dying, was making plans to pronounce the traditional parting blessing over his children; Esau’s blessing, as the oldest son, would be the greatest. The heel-grabber had other plans. All the details aren’t necessary, only the fact that the scheme involved a complete deception of his now blind father, Isaac, and a devious manifestation of his conniving nature (see Genesis 27 for the entire story). You can be fairly confident your dreaming nature has hit an all-time low when you swindle your brother out of his inheritance and deceive your blind, dying father to do so. God was gonna have a lot of work to do on this unrefined dreamer! Jacob, as it turns out, was God’s choice to father the messianic race. At this point, however, he was anything but qualified. Far from being God’s trustworthy friend, Jacob hadn’t as yet even chosen the Lord as his God! (See Genesis 28:20-21). Trusting Jacob as a saving-the-world partner? Well, let’s just say God has a lot of faith in His transformational skills. He knew the treasure that lay buried under the Adamic soil of Jacob’s heart. God saw the good in Jacob and knew He could transform him from a crooked heel-grabber to a world-changing friend. He has similar plans for all of us. Through all the muck and mire of our hearts, He sees a potential dreaming partner. Jacob’s life took a decided turn after he swindled Esau out of his blessing. Not any higher on the honor scale, Esau decided he would kill Jacob (see Genesis 27:41). There was only one recourse for Jacob - he would need to leave for a while. He and Mom decided he should visit his uncle Laban until Esau cooled off, and then return home. It shouldn’t take too long. Or so they thought. Twenty years later, Esau still wanted revenge. God also had plans for this time, however. He began the process by sovereignly leading Jacob to Bethel, “the house of God,” on his flight to Laban’s. This was where his grandfather Abraham’s dream journey began. Approximately one hundred years had passed since God met with Abraham there, so it was no longer a place celebrated or even recognized by Jacob. However, it certainly was to God. When Jacob arrived at Bethel, most translations simply say he arrived at “a place.” What the Hebrew text actually says, however, is he came to “the place” (Genesis 28:11). This was a special location to God - He had begun His dream recovery project here with Abraham, and here He would continue it. That night as Jacob slept, the Lord gave him an astonishing dream in which He gave Jacob the same offer He had given his grandfather, Abraham: He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold, the Lord stood above it and said, “I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie, I will give it to you and to your descendants. Your descendants will also be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 28:12-15) With even a casual comparison of Abraham’s promise from God in Genesis 12, the similarities are obvious. The land, material blessings, protection, and many descendants - it’s all there, including the part about all the families of the earth being blessed through him. This was a continuation of Abraham’s promise, with God’s dream tucked neatly inside. This is why it took place at Bethel. It is important to note that most of our dreams are built on the shoulders of someone who came before us. Bethel teaches us that this is not only okay, it is God’s plan. Whether it be a previous dream, our inherited gifts and abilities, or the training we’ve received, someone before us contributed to our dream. Decades earlier, Abraham had met with God at Bethel and built an altar there, making it a holy place with an open heaven. Where he knelt, a future generation could dream. Abraham’s altar sanctified the ground, making it a bed on which Jacob could receive heaven’s dream. One generation’s dream and altar can become the bridge upon which the following generation crosses into its dreams. Although Jacob was deeply impacted by Bethel and its visitation, he nevertheless left there with his selfish nature fully intact. Still, Jehovah had accomplished what He intended, planting the seeds of the generational dream. True to form, Jacob hadn’t left Bethel before he forgot God’s portion of the dream, thinking only of what he might receive from it. What God might want or need - blessing all nations through him - had faded into the recesses of his conniving mind. This would be a good time to cut a deal with God, Jacob reasoned. So he laid out his proposal: “If you do these things for me,” he told the Lord, “then you can be my God. Oh, and by the way,” he continued, “if you do all of this for me, I’ll also tithe to you” (see verses 20-22) What a deal for God! The ignorance, arrogance, and audacity of Jacob are almost laughable. God and some of His angels have just visited him, offering a partnership. Rather than seeing it as an opportunity to dream with God, Jacob attempts to advance his own cause. This earth-level dreamer sees Bethel (“God’s house”) only through the lens of selfish provision and blessing. It took God 20 more years to overcome Jacob’s selfish nature. But our Father is a determined Redeemer, and He had a special meeting planned with Jacob, one that would forever change him. In this God-encounter, his name would be changed from Jacob to Israel. Finally, he would dream with God. Pray with me: Father, though Jacob still walked in his selfish, conniving nature, You led him to Bethel where You made great promises to him. You inserted him into the great dream of redeeming humankind. Thank You for your ability to look past our faults and see our potential. Thank You for loving us and sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinful, and even Your enemies. We also thank You for those who have gone before us, faithful ones upon whose shoulders we stand and on whose efforts we build. We are living many of their dreams. May we, too, be found faithful. We pray now for this nation, America. We pray that You would do such a powerful work that we, as a nation, would become Your friend again. We boldly and confidently declare that your dream for America is not dead and will live again. We are moving toward this, and our momentum will not be stopped. We declare this and ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that great transformation is coming to America, turning our hearts back to our Father and Friend. ************************ Today’s post was taken from my book Dream. Click on the link below to watch the full video. [Dutch Sheets Dream, Discovering God’s Purpose for Your Life (Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group, 2012), pp 129-141.]
  8. 6 min read October 17, 2022 Dreaming with God Without question, God is the most misunderstood person that has ever existed. Since the destiny of anything is inseparably linked to its creator, we can never fully accomplish our purpose until we understand the heart and motive of our Creator. I want us to look at this for the next few days, doing so in the context of God’s dreaming heart, and our dreaming nature. You may not be aware of it, but you have a dreaming nature. I’m not speaking of night dreams and visions; I’m referring to desires, plans, hopes, and dreams regarding your future. You inherited this part of your nature from your Creator and heavenly Father. God is a dreamer, and He created us in His image and likeness so our hearts could relate to His, and in order for His dreaming heart to have millions of expressions. You were designed to dream, and you must dream - both for yourself and for God. If you don’t dream, He can’t experience all of His dreams…and you’ll never achieve the destiny He planned for you. A life without dreams is like a GPS without a satellite. The GPS might operate, but it would lead you nowhere. That’s a horrible destination! Without God-given dreams to guide you, you will travel life’s highway, searching for a destination you’ll never find. Divinely inspired dreams, on the other hand, will guide you to the destiny He intended for you. Your Designer dreamed dreams for you before you were even born, then skillfully wove them into your DNA as you were created, along with the ability to find and fulfill them. If you don’t discover God’s dreams for you, you’ll either waste your life running in the wrong races and crossing wrong finish lines or, like many people, having no finish line at all. Other individuals stop running altogether, wandering through life as though it were a maze, hoping they will stumble upon the right exit. What a tragedy. Your Creator doesn’t intend for life to be a roll of the dice. You CAN find His plans and dreams for you and pursue them with confidence. I want to help you through this series. The inspiration for it began twelve years ago on a personal retreat, as did a new phase of my own dream quest. The Lord used several things to launch me into this new season: prayer, His Word, a song, the right setting, and a movie. Yep, a movie. The Ultimate Gift is one of my favorite movies. It’s the story of Red Stevens, an older and extremely wealthy businessman who had contracted a terminal disease and was trying to decide where to leave his billions. It seemed his children were money-hungry, self-indulgent, and irresponsible, as were his grandchildren. All but one. Jason seemed like all the rest, but Red had seen something else in him, buried under the outer layer of pain, laziness, and his party-driven lifestyle. Red knew that under this stained veneer was great strength and noble character, so he decided to leave his fortune to Jason - IF he passed a series of tests, which Red would present personally and posthumously by video. These tests would be difficult and time-consuming, some of them lasting for weeks. Jason would only learn of the next challenge after successfully completing the previous one. At first, Jason resisted - the old man’s money could go to charity - he wasn’t going to play the game. But after much thought, he decided to give it a try, just to get the money. What he didn’t know was that each challenge was designed not only as a test, but as a character builder and teaching tool. Red called them “gifts, a series of gifts.” Throughout the movie, it is fascinating to watch the transformation in Jason. He learns the value of hard work, loyalty, giving, family, and several more essential qualities needed for a successful and responsible life. Toward the end, he sits down to see the next video, giving him still another assignment. Grandpa, though now gone, knew when making the videos that if at this point they were still being shown to Jason by his wise and discerning business partner, Jason had passed the previous tests and could be trusted with wealth. Almost. When this next video begins, Red says, “It’s time for you to learn to dream, Jason.” Like the character in the movie, I was riveted to the television. What a concept, I thought, the test of dreaming. Jason was given a very large sum of money, though it was actually a small portion of the inheritance, and told to do anything he wanted with it. And just in case you decide to watch the movie, that’s where I’ll stop. The timing of watching this movie - I had taken it with me on a personal retreat - was perfect. I was in a season of reflection, analyzing the past and considering the future. As part of this process, I planned a week alone to think and pray. The place Ceci found for this was more than perfect. The altar and cross out back reminded me of Moriah, a special place of dreaming mentioned in Scripture (Genesis 22). Perhaps you aren’t aware of Moriah and its rich biblical history. It is the mountain where Abraham took Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice. God stopped him, of course. He had only wanted to test Abraham’s obedience and paint a picture of Himself offering His Son on the Cross centuries later. Moriah was the actual place where this would occur! There, on that momentous mountain, Abraham and God dreamed together. Abraham dreamed of the day he would have so many descendants they would become a great nation. God dreamed of the day He would recapture His dream of family. But I’m getting way ahead of myself. As the week progressed, I found myself being drawn into a thoughtful analysis of my life. What had I accomplished? Which of these accomplishments were truly worth the time and effort? How many would stand the test of eternity? As painful as some of it was, I was trying to be brutally and utterly honest. What dreams had I pursued under the banner of “for the Lord,” when my heart had deceived me and they had actually been “for me”? Many dreams passed the test, some failed. It was painful, but good. Finally, on that life-changing day several years back, Holy Spirit shifted my focus from the past to the future. He bagan speaking to me about dreaming, just as Red did to Jason. “What are your dreams for the future?” He asked, pulling my innermost thoughts from my heart to my conscious mind. I thought. I journaled. Hopefully, with a little more clarity of heart and a few decades of added perspective, I dreamed with greater depth and less selfish ambition than I had in my younger years. Over the past four decades, climbing the ladder of success had gradually been replaced by plumbing the depths of His heart. Accomplishments were now measured more by heaven’s approval than earth’s applause; making a name had given way to making a difference. At least I hoped so. Eventually, the Lord steered the conversation in a direction that caught me completely off guard. “Now, I’d like to dream a little,” I heard Him say. “Would you like to hear some of My dreams?” I listened and I wept. God was trusting me with His dreaming heart. That day remains one of the most holy of my life. I built an altar of remembrance that day - not one made of rocks and mortar, this altar was in my heart. My goal for this series of posts is that you, too, connect with the dreaming heart of God. If I can enlist you in His dream program by connecting you to His dreaming heart, you’ll never again be satisfied with the subnormal existence of a nondreamer, or the self-limiting, mundane life of an earthbound one. You were created to dream with God, and doing so in partnership with Him is one of Yahweh’s greatest gifts to us. Pray with me: Father, help us to understand Your heart as a father and friend, not just as the all-powerful God. Raise up a generation of dreamers who will dare to dream with You. Show and impart to us Your heart for the lost, the hurting, the lonely, and the deceived. Help us to break out of earth-level dreams only, and break into heavenly dreams, eternal dreams. Deliver us from shallow thinking and selfish ambition. Release passion for the saving of nations. Grip individuals with Your heart for the young, the old, the poor, and the rich. Help us to see revival - not as an event or series of events - but as heaven’s response to Your great passion. It is love’s response to earth’s need, a father’s heart to a prodigal earth. GIVE US YOUR PASSIONATE HEART TO HEAL AND SAVE! In Christ’s name, we ask You to do this, Amen. Our decree: We decree that we will dream with God, and because of this, a portion of our dreaming will be eternal in nature. ****************** Today’s post was taken from my book Dream. ___________________________________ Dutch Sheets Dream, Discovering God’s Purpose for Your Life (Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group, 2012), pp 11-16. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  9. * 6 min read October 13, 2022 The Voice of Breakthrough A couple of weeks back, shortly after the hurricane, Holy Spirit focused my attention on Florida. I shared a prophetic word from Miriam Evans regarding the fires of revival beginning at the southern tip of Florida and spreading all the way up the East Coast to Maine. This week He has focused our attention on Michigan; Two trusted prophets have sent me words regarding this state. Gina Gholston sent the following: ********************** “On October 7, while in Michigan, I heard a question in my spirit: ‘Who is this that I see coming out of the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?’ (From Song of Solomon 8:5) “Then, I heard the answer to the question: ‘It’s the remnant warriors in Michigan who have not forgotten Me, and they have not forgotten My promises. They have set Me and My word as a seal upon their hearts, and they have not relinquished their faith in Me! Now, I am leading them out of the wilderness place! Their path is becoming brighter, clearly revealed as in the brightness of the noonday sun!’ “Then I saw the name, Michigan, and other words were being added. They formed this sentence: ‘Michigan will see Me again!’ “I then heard the Lord say, ‘I am coming in power to visit this land. I am releasing, even now, through My awakened body, a flow of unstoppable power that will set things in motion to reveal and uncover, then to revive and recover!’ “Then I saw the entire state of Michigan, and the Lord showed me, in its center, water bubbling up out of the ground. This water looked like a geyser ready to erupt. He said, ‘There is the swell of an underground current rising up out of this land, and it will burst forth and form into a wave of justice that will impact the nation. My roar will be heard from this land.’ “Then He showed me a wave that would be built from the geyser. This wave had a face of a lion, and the wave was cresting. I could hear a mighty roar coming from the wave. And the Lord said: ‘Where you were once muzzled, I am giving you back your voice. I am making you My mouthpiece, and out of you, I will release My sound, My roar, like the sound of many waters, and it will reverberate throughout the nation.’ “The Lord then reminded me of a word He gave me on February 9, 2020; it was as if He was saying it again, this time over Michigan: ‘My power is twirling. It is an unstoppable spin breaking the surface, in order to relieve the pressure from the “swell” of My manifested glory.’ (It was a swell in the sense of a collection of waves that formed one long, massive, continuous wave!) “‘Reformation is pushing forth! The die has been cast and cannot be stopped! The geyser is ready to be released! “‘What has been “concealed” will now be “revealed”! Watch it gush forth and release the pressure of the swell, revealing the river of My prevailing glory!’ “Then, I saw Michigan on a map. However, I didn’t see it as the shape of a mitten - I saw it as a boxing glove! And the Lord said, ‘I am about to deliver a knock-out blow from this state. It is an unexpected and fatal blow to a major agenda that has been at work in this nation! My intercessors have been lacing up the glove with their prayers, obedience, and intercession. Now I will put My hand in the glove, and I will strike the blow. From this upper state, I will deliver a shocking uppercut, and a giant will fall.’” ************************ Two days after receiving this word from Gina, our friend Barbara Yoder, an influential leader in Michigan and the nation sent the following word and exhortation, which she had released: “Several years ago in 2004, Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets came to Michigan during their 50-state tour. They prophesied that Michigan was a voice to the nation. On Sunday, October 10, 2022, God released this voice. He moved powerfully on behalf of the state of Michigan in our service. We were led first to release Michigan’s voice to our state, then to the nation! Steve Swanson wrote a song and released it for the first time in the service, a song of repentance and crying out for mercy. “We are in a critical breakthrough moment in the state of Michigan - a kairos window. God has orchestrated a strategic moment in which we can turn the battle at the gates. When a kairos window of opportunity opens, we must release the word of the Lord as a declaration for the moment. Then we must take action, grasping hold of that moment strategically, while continuing to speak into it with apostolic, declarative authority. This is such a moment! And we are releasing THE VOICE from Michigan.” Barbara then prophesied: “The portals of heaven have opened as they did for Jacob when the angels ascended and descended. There is a heavenly defense coming to America now from the north to the south, east to the west. There are companies of angels being released on assignments right now. For what has been shall not be. For we shall recover a nation that honors the babies. We’ll recover a nation that honors justice; we’ll recover a nation that has liberty and honor for all. Regardless of gender or ethnicity, we, the people of the united Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ stand together in unity. We declare that the angelic portal has been opened, and Michael and Gabriel are on assignment. There is an heir force that has been loosed in this nation… “We will be a people who will lift others up into the fullness of who they are, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or age. For we are one people, united through the blood of Jesus, shed for all of us. In Ephesians 2, Paul said we are one new man. For He has called us out of every nation, every tongue and people, and made us to be kings and priests on the earth. And I say to you that today, there is even a new movement of God regarding one new man in this place, and we will allow for nothing else. For there is a King who sits on the throne, and He has already established justice through the blood of His Son. We lift up our hands and declare that Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, is our King.” **************************** Let’s join ourselves in agreement with our Michigan brothers and sisters today. Let’s decree that they will see Almighty God again! Ask Holy Spirit for the spiritual geyser spoken of to erupt and burst forth into a wave of justice in our nation. Ask Him to release His voice and deliver a knockout punch from there. One issue we can pray into specifically today is a radical, pro-abortion proposal being voted on in just a few weeks, on November 8th. According to the Diocese of Grand Rapids, Proposal 3 would: “Allow abortion up until birth; Allow minors to pursue abortions and sterilization without parental notification or consent; Exempt abortion facilities from basic health and safety regulations; Allow anyone to perform an aboprtion, even if they don’t have a medical license; Protect abortion providers from penalties for killing or injuring a woman during an abortion; Repeal or drastically alter dozens of state laws.”(1) Let’s agree with Michigan for the fulfillment of this incredible word, and also for the stopping of this evil legislation. Pray with me: Father, we lock arms in the spirit with our spiritual family in Michigan. We declare with them that they are a voice in this nation, a voice of justice, unity and strength. I remember well when You said in 2004 that Michigan had given away their voice, but that they could recover it. You are now saying this has occurred through the prayers, faith, and obedience of Your people there. Thank You for these words of encouragement. Thank You for our brothers and sisters there who have persevered. You stated clearly that You are now answering them. Thank You for causing their voice to be loud. Thank You for the geyser, the wave of glory that will be launched from there to the nation. And thank You for wearing them as a boxing glove, and striking a blow of defeat to evil forces in our land. Defeat this evil legislation, Proposal 3, and give Michigan righteous governmental leaders. Send the greatest outpouring of Your Spirit to Michigan that they have ever experienced. Level 10! Rock the entire state with the power of Holy Spirit. Save millions of people. Transform families, schools, governments, businesses, churches, inner cities, young, old, every race - explode into Michigan! Lord, as we highlight parts of our nation today, we also continue to lift up Florida and those who have suffered such loss there. Restore and heal. We are also aware that numerous people in our nation are struggling under adverse weather patterns. We pray for breakthroughs in their areas. Send rain where rain is desperately needed. We pray and decree these things, which we know are Your will, in the holy name of Your Son, Yeshua. Therefore, we know we will see them accomplished. Our decree: Michigan shall be saved, and its voice will be loud! ****************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________________________
  10. 6 min read October 12, 2022 The Power of Influence I place great value on those whom the Lord has used to influence my life. Quin Sherrer is one of those people. For several years, she urged - sometimes harassed - me to write. Quin believed in my writing ability when I didn’t believe in myself. A very successful author herself, Quin shares with us today about the power of influence. ****************** “Sociologists say we will influence or be influenced by ten thousand people in our lifetime.(1) I wonder if that’s true. “But think of those who do influence us - relatives, friends, teachers, preachers, neighbors, doctors, politicians, bosses, co-workers, salesmen, repairmen and many more. “In turn, we have our own sphere of influence. People whose lives we touch. We influence. “In the upcoming Great Awakening, it is going to take many to disciple (mentor and/or influence) the thousands of new believers who will need to be taught the ways of Christ. But there are others out there right now who need our touch. In numerous ways! “Influencing is ‘the power to change or affect someone or something; to cause changes without directly forcing them to happen.’ We can choose to influence for good, not bad; to help, not hurt; to encourage, not discourage. “Paul advised: ‘Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil’ (Ephesians 5:15-16, AMPC). “God needs mature Christians to mentor new believers--to help them grow in the Lord, and to help them fulfill their destinies. While the word ‘mentoring’ isn’t mentioned in the Bible, ‘go make disciples’ was a command of Jesus. “The Bible is replete with mentoring examples: Elisha learned from Elijah. Mary, while expecting the baby Jesus, went to her older relative Elizabeth and stayed for three months. Paul took young Timothy under his care as a son and wrote him, ‘Continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know from whom you learned it’ (2 Timothy 3:14). He wrote to Titus that the older women were to train the younger women “ love their husbands, to love their children, and to be self-controlled and pure, taking care of their households…” (Titus 2:4-5, TPT). “I’ve heard it said that every believer needs a Paul to teach him, a Barnabas to encourage him, and a Timothy to carry out what they taught. “Teressa of Avila, a 16th century nun, said, ‘Christ has no hands on earth but yours. No feet on earth but yours. No eyes of compassion on earth but yours. He has no body on earth but yours.’(2) “God is looking for ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things for Him by allowing Holy Spirit to use us in the lives of those with whom we interact. He wants us to reach others for Jesus--living our lives as an example and sharing our knowledge of the Bible. But He may also ask us to use our skills, abilities, advice or friendship to help them, too. “The Bible has 35 to 50 ‘one anothers’ listed in the New Testament--depending on which translation you read. Everything from ‘pray for one another,’ ‘encourage one another,’ ‘minister to one another with your gifts,’ ‘carry one another’s burdens,’ ‘instruct and counsel one another,’ ‘comfort,’ ‘serve,’ ‘forgive,’ ‘be hospitable to one another.’ If you have been through many trials, testings and temptations, you have something worthwhile to share, if you now have victory in your life. Maybe you have been through a painful divorce, the death of a spouse or parent, have become a single parent, been delivered from addiction, lost your job, or moved a lot. You can allow Holy Spirit to use you to mentor or encourage a hurting person, from your position of deep compassion. “‘The things you learned and received, heard and saw in me, these do,’ Paul wrote the Philippians from jail, (Phillipians 4:9). To the Corinthians he wrote, ‘Pattern yourselves after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ [the Messiah]’ (I Corinthians 11:1 AMPC). “One Christian author said, ‘A mentor is someone further down the road from you who is willing to hold the light and help you get there.’(3) “Last Christmas season I saw a true example of mentorship in a gas station. A man in his 40s, followed by several young kids dressed just like him - all wearing red shirts bearing a church logo - approached my car window. “We want to fill your car,’ he said. “‘Why?’ I asked. “‘Because when I was younger a Christian couple named Linda and Skip taught me to do acts of kindness. One Christmas they gave me money to fill up someone’s gas tank. So, I am teaching these young children how to bless others, just like I was taught,’ he said. “I swallowed hard to keep from crying. I had actually known Skip and Linda for quite some time, and had gone to Skip’s memorial service a few months earlier. What were the chances that my car was being filled with gas because of the influence of a Christian couple - whom I knew - on a young boy years earlier? And all while some younger children were also learning from their acts of kindness. Amazing. “Jamie Buckingham, in writing to Christians, said: ‘You may not think your field is very important. But God has set you in your field… Most of us don’t realize it, but our influence is much larger than we can imagine—and will continue for generations to come, be it good or evil. It’s a wonderful responsibility. Always remember though, Jesus is ever with you and His Spirit will whisper just the things you need to say and do.’(4) “Maybe you would like to jot down ways other people have influenced and blessed you. Then, recall ways you were a helpful influencer. Thank God for those priceless occasions! As you do, here are some thoughts to consider: “Who are some you have intentionally influenced? Perhaps you spoke wisdom into their life, helped them develop a skill, shared your testimony, or taught them the Bible? Maybe you mentored some for years, investing much time with them. “Who were the people that influenced you, who mentored, encouraged, corrected, advised, or taught you something? What lessons did you learn? What lasting words of encouragement do you cherish? Did you thank them? “Who were those you never knew but whose acts or achievements greatly influenced you? Who were the somebodies who wrote a book, painted a picture, composed music, taught you a lesson, preached a sermon, or did something so impressive you were profoundly touched? Do you have any heroes of faith? Why not share their stories?(5) “So, let’s take an active role in influencing others for God! Let’s be among those who help bring in the harvest of souls, and also mentor and influence them for Him. How about let’s start today by praying for and seeking those He wants to put in our path.” Pray with me: Father, we ask that You bless those who have made a helpful and significant influence on us. Show us those You would have us influence for Your Kingdom - during this time we are on earth, so that it will count for eternity, Give us divine opportunities and occasions to help others in their walk with You. Equip us to be the encourager You want us to be. May Holy Spirit give us wisdom, understanding, strength and counsel to carry out each assignment from You. Lord, help us look for opportunities to encourage others, to reach and teach those whom You show us need a touch from You. We desire to be Your hands and feet, speaking hope and victory, and helping those You give us, become all You intended them to be. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We will move out of our comfort zone, being careful to listen to Holy Spirit and minister His love to others. **************** Click the link below to watch the video: _________________________________________ John C. Maxwell, Developing the Leader Within You, (Nashville, TN., Thomas Nelson, 1995) p. 2. Win Couchman, quoted in Dee Brestin, Friendship of Women, (Wheaton, IL:Victor Books, 1989), p. 162. Jamie Buckingham, The Nazarene, (Ann Arbor, Michigan, Servant Publication, 1991), p. 89. Quin Sherrer, Cast Your Shadow: Influence On Purpose,( Amazon/Kindle., 2017), p. 199. Today’s post was contributed by our dear friend, Quin Sherrer. You can learn more about Quin at and find her books on Amazon.
  11. * 5 min read October 11, 2022 Don’t Crack Under the Stress “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). When hearing these words, Joshua was about to embark on one of the most significant and challenging assignments any person could ever receive. The great leader, Moses, had died, and Joshua was assuming leadership of the nation Israel. His challenge would be more than simply leading a nation governmentally, which would have been challenging enough, but Joshua would also be doing so as a general, leading them to war. He would need to walk in great levels of faith, obedience, discernment, and wisdom. He would also need to have a hearing ear, listening carefully to Yahweh’s instructions. Success or failure would depend solely on these things. God gave him a little pep talk as these roles began. You can find this in the first chapter of Joshua, verses 1-9. Holy Spirit kept it simple: “I am now going to give Israel the land I promised Abraham; you will be the leader; I will give you victory over your enemies; be strong and courageous - don’t fear; be very careful to do everything I tell you; remember and think always about the instructions I have given you through the writings of Moses; I’ll always be with you; so, don’t dismay, allowing stress or pressure from these responsibilities to overcome you.” When Yahweh told Joshua not to be “dismayed”, the Hebrew word used is chathath, which has the meaning of cracking or breaking. One lexicon said it would be the equivalent today of “cracking under stress.” I’m not sure how encouraging it would be to receive an assignment from God, along with the admonition, “Oh, and by the way, don’t crack under the stress!” Of course, Holy Spirit wasn’t stating it in this manner. I believe He was, however, warning Joshua that great pressure came with this job, and stress overload was possible if he didn’t remember and obey the basics. If stress were allowed to steal his peace, discouragement and “dismay” would follow. The biblical definition of “peace” is consistent with being told not to “crack” under stress. The Hebrew word for peace, shalom/shalem, means unbroken, whole or complete, the opposite of chathath. An untroubled mind - that which we normally think of as peace - is actually an unbroken, un-fractured mind or emotions. To the contrary, worry is when the mind is torn or divided. (Shalem actually refers to all of one’s being, not just the mind and emotions. To be shalem is to be healthy or whole - spirit, soul, and body. The King James Bible often speaks of physical health as being “whole.” John 5:6 is but one example.) Yet another biblical word addresses this concept. Don’t be “double-minded,” James told us (James 1:8). The Greek word for double-minded is dipsuchos, which literally means “two souls.” As opposed to walking in peace - an unfractured soul - a double-minded individual is a person that has allowed his or her peace to be stolen! Trust controls part of their mind, and worry controls the other, James said this person will be unstable and unable to make a consistent stand of faith; to the contrary, they will “waver.” There is much happening in our world today that has the potential of dividing our minds, stealing our peace, and “fracturing” our souls. This can erode our faith, cause dismay, and distract us from hearing what God says. If we yield to this, not only will it produce ineffectiveness but can also rob us of health. This is why Holy Spirit tells us in Colossians 3:15 to “let the peace of God rule in your hearts.” Rule is the Greek word, brabeuo. This interesting word is taken from the athletic games of that era. Just like athletic events today, the Greeks had referees, judges, or umpires - brabeuo. We are being told by Holy Spirit to make sure the peace of God is the umpire over our souls. “Make certain you allow My peace, and only My peace, to control your mind,” God says. “This will not only keep you healthy, but it will guide you. Allow Me to make the calls regarding what you will think about, believe, and act on.” A different form of this same word was used for the “prize” or “reward” (brabeion) given to the victor in the Greek athletic games. Paul said, “I press toward the mark so that I can win the prize” - brabeion, (Philippians 3:12-14). Let me simplify Joshua’s and Paul’s theology: God’s peace will keep us stress free and in health, guide us to victory, declare us the winner, and give us the prize! Paul said to “let” the peace of God do this. How do we let or allow God's peace to be this umpire? One key is to realize that His peace is already inside of us. Galatians 5:22 tells us peace is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our spirits. Peace is not something we have to generate; peace is something we release. It’s not something we try to attain from without; it is something we maintain from within. When attempting to walk in peace, do not look to an outside source. Look into your heart where God has already placed His Spirit. Quieten your soul (mind and emotions), and allow your inner nature to be released. David said he had to compose and quiet his soul, like a weaned child rests against his mother (Psalm 131:2). Tell your soul to be still and allow the voice of God to be heard from within (Psalm 46:10). Pray with me: Father, just as Joshua did, we are embarking on an incredible campaign of possessing our inheritance - a national destiny of helping You redeem the world. The war for America‘s destiny is a war for worldwide harvest. We are not wrestling for material possessions, but for a spiritual inheritance. Our battle is not to maintain our American dream, but Your dream for America. As we do, many giants confront us, attempting to steal our peace. Voices clamor, confusion abounds, deception fills the atmosphere, and demons harass. But we have something stronger than all of this, we have Your peace. It is beyond human understanding, and is a life-giving, healing force within us. And Your peace is in charge! The umpire! The ruler! So we pray now for the body of Christ here and around the world, that they would allow Your peace to rise up from deep within, and be the stabilizing force they need during this season. We resist all fear, anxiety, confusion, dismay, and double-mindedness. We are strong in You, we will not waver, we will not yield, we will not lose. We pray these things in the always victorious name of Jesus, Amen. Our decree: We decree that we, the body of Christ, will be led, ruled, and sustained by the peace of God within us. *********************** Many of you have sown financial gifts to the two Hurricane Relief funds we mentioned last week. Thus far, you have given a total of almost $200,000! Thank you for sharing your love and financial support with so many who need it in Florida. If you would like to contribute, here are two pastors/churches whom I personally know and are giving 100% of the monies to those in need (no admin fees). Victory Florida (arrow down to Hurricane Relief) Kingdom Gate Worship Center (arrow down to Hurricane Ian Relief Fund) Click the link below to watch the video:
  12. * 5 min read October 10, 2022 The Rewarding Pursuit Ceci loves to garden. While living in Colorado, her painstaking efforts were challenged, at best. Long winters, the ground never really warming up while living at 7500 feet, and summer nights always being in the 50-60’s - even during the months of July and August - made gardening nearly impossible. Therefore, tomato plants and potted herbs lined our back deck. It was a bit frustrating to a Mississippi farm girl not to be able to have her own garden with fresh-grown vegetables. She tells me there’s something about having your hands in the dirt, smelling it, feeling it flow through your fingers, and knowing it can bring life that feeds her soul. I don’t get it. I grew up playing sports, not living on a farm, as she did. Publix seems to work for me. Upon moving to the South, Ceci quickly scouted out the best “plot” for her small vegetable and herb garden. I would see her there early in the mornings, on hands and knees pulling weeds, staking tomato plants, and hoeing maverick grass that was trying to encroach upon her beloved garden. After a while, she would return to the house with dirty gloves (yes, she protects those nails), sweaty clothes, a bit sunburned, with dirt on her face. Except for the fight with rabbits who wanted to nibble the tomatoes, her gardening efforts were successful. “In the book First Things First, A. Roger Merrill tells of a business consultant who was moving into a new home. He decided to hire a friend of his to landscape the grounds. She had a doctorate in horticulture and was extremely bright and knowledgeable. . . Because [the business consultant] was very busy and traveled a lot, he kept emphasizing to her the need to create his garden in a way that would require little or no maintenance on his part. He pointed out the absolute necessity of automatic sprinklers and other labor-saving devices. “Finally, she stopped and said, ‘There’s one thing you need to deal with before we go any further. If there’s no gardener, there’s no garden!’”(1) As I continue to think about David and his desire to move the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem (as mentioned in yesterday’s post), I thought about the tiring process of carrying the Ark. Then I realized, if there are no tired shoulders, there will be no Ark. Some things, however, are worth long hours, sweat, substantial effort. . . and even splinters. Our world has become obsessed with convenience. Whether it be our food, travel, communication, or gardens, we’re determined to live “new cart” lifestyles. The trend has finally made it into the Church. We offer many convenient times, styles, locations, and even the choice to watch from home in your pajamas. Because our lives are so busy, we even offer condensed and abbreviated versions. Some congregations are now so efficiently convenient, they can serve you your weekly God-connection in forty-five minutes, less time than it takes to watch your favorite television show: fifteen minutes of worship, fifteen minutes of announcements and fellowship, and a fifteen-minute message. “And by the way, we promise not to mention anything that might convict or sadden you. There’ll be no sin talked about, no grieving over the lost, and no mention of social and moral injustices such as abortion, human trafficking, or the state of our nation. We strive to make it quick, easy, and pleasant.” I don’t believe our new-cart version of Christianity is God-honoring or biblical. The pleasure of His company is readily available, but it’s not cheap or convenient. It will cost you time and effort. God wants intimacy with us, but He isn’t an easy score. He expects marriage and covenant, not one-night stands. But I assure you, He is more than worth the price. David and his leaders decided to give it another try - the inconvenient way. “Let’s carry Him ourselves, on our shoulders and next to our hearts. It will be hard work and will take all day, but having His presence and glory nearby will be worth it.” “Now it was told King David, saying, ‘The Lord has blessed the house of Obed-edom and all that belongs to him, on account of the ark of God.’ David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom into the city of David with gladness. And so it was that when the bearers of the Ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling. And David was dancing before the Lord with all his might, and David was wearing a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel were bringing up the Ark of the Lord with shouting and the sound of the trumpet.” (2 Samuel 6:12-15) In the book of Chronicles’ account of this, we’re told that “God was helping the Levites who were carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord” (1 Chronicles 15:26). Isn’t that encouraging and so typical of God’s heart? When we honor Him by seeking His presence in the appropriate manner, He makes it easier to find Him. Our Father wants our company. He desires to spend time with us. For David, it had finally happened. The presence junkie would have unfettered access to Yahweh and His glory. He placed the Ark in a tent, called simply the “tent [or tabernacle] of David,” and filled it with 24/7 worship. (Mind you, there were no non-stop digital players; this was 24/7 worship done by individuals.) History tells us David himself spent hours at a time lingering inside. The inconvenience of the process had been rewarded with the enjoyment of His presence. Persistence, pursuit, and presence had won. This can be your story, as well. On this side of the Cross, our hearts are the tent. Wow! As unfathomable as it may seem, we are now the Holy of Holies. His presence is always with us and in us. You be the cart - that’s what He really wants. Carry Him everywhere you go. Reach for Him; He’ll reach back. Make Christ your magnificent obsession, Yahweh your papa, and Holy Spirit your daily companion. Never again settle for the substandard existence of life lived without the pleasure of His company. “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” (2 Corinthians 4:7 NLT) Pray with me: Father, You are worthy of the highest praise and adoration, and the furthest possible reaches of our love. Jesus, there is nothing we could ever give or do or say that would be equivalent to Your great sacrifice. You’ve paid the price in full that we might have salvation, and yet, to freely bask in Your glory, there is still a price that must be paid. How can we bring You an offering that costs us nothing? Father, we repent for doing this very thing - trying to access the most exquisite of blessings while limiting You by wanting it to be easy and convenient. We confess that at times, we have been casual seekers of convenience instead of constant lovers of Your presence. Today we purpose in our hearts to give our time and effort toward fueling an intentional, passionate pursuit. May we become an Ark of Your glory and Your presence. You are worth it all. As we have been reminded today, we now refuse to live without experiencing the great pleasure of Your company, the depths of Your compassion, and the power of Your resurrection. We ask the same for our great nation. Come and visit our land. Jesus, be our magnificent obsession. In Christ’s name...amen. Decree: I pledge to live underneath the shadow of His presence and to be a passionate pursuer of His will. ******************* Portions of today’s post were taken from my book The Pleasure of His Company, published by Baker Books. Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________ Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill, First Things First (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1995), p 77
  13. 12 min read or 28 min video October 7, 2022 The Angels Are Now Positioned Hello and thank you so much for joining me today for Give Him 15. We have a really special post planned for today. I have two of my comrades that run with me and work with me - my brother, Tim Sheets, who's just doing amazing things for our nation right now, hearing from God in so many ways and becoming a real trumpet here, and around the world for the Lord during this season. And then, Chuck Pierce, my friend and prophet from Texas who is truly a prophet to the nations. It's a joy to have them on today. We've never tried this before - we're going to go back and forth with our interview - if there's a slight delay don't worry about it, we'll figure this out and we'll get it done. We probably won't stick to the 15-minute time frame, but we won't go terribly long. So without taking any more time from these gentlemen, let me just hand it to Chuck and ask, “Chuck what's on your heart to talk about today?” Chuck Pierce begins to share: “Well first of all, it's an honor being with you two and, Dutch, I want to say that yesterday Destiny Image promoted our book, The Prophetic Destiny of a Nation. All of you who do not have that book, I want to encourage you to get it because it's just as important today as it was when we [Dutch and Chuck] wrote it. “Now, one thing I want to do, especially since Tim is here with us, is go back to something that occurred at his church in December 2017. That was the month God visited me (I've tried to make a couple of slides to show you). I woke up and standing in the place where I seek the Lord was this incredible angelic being. I asked him who he was and he said that he was the angel of war for the harvest. He then showed me the world and timed the harvest ahead. Certain nations and certain states in America would all of a sudden have these incredible harvest sheaths of wheat rise up. Therefore, I could see where harvest was going to take place. Yet it was a war angel for harvest. “The first time I shared this was at Tim's church, because he is so adept in his understanding of angels. The angel and I had a conversation, which I was in fear and trembling, regarding how the Lord of the harvest would begin to train us for these next five years that we are in [2017-2022]. That brings me to this year that we're soon entering into. This upcoming year is a year of divine recovery and the opening up of new supply lines. What a divine recovery means, is that we return to a state of authority where we are in the place of rulership, that we should be in, and especially all of us Kingdom people. We need to understand that. “Something happened when Dutch and I were in South Carolina at one of the very most important, sovereignly gathered meetings that we have been in, within the past year. We were at the Citadel (Charleston, SC) and it was the first time they had a Christian meeting come in from the outside. It was so important for our nation, for the [spiritual] war ahead. While we were there, Dutch was speaking and the Lord caught me up and showed me something happening in and around America. Now let me show you that [on the screen]. He showed me these four key war angels that had surrounded America. If you'll notice, the one that aligns with Alaska and on the other side of Hawaii - these four angels were ruling angels from North, South, East, and West. “Then something happened: all of a sudden, 51 angels surrounded America. The Lord began speaking to me and said, ‘I am getting ready to commission change.’ The angels all had their swords in their sheaths, so they were not ready to be sent for war yet. And yet, I knew they had surrounded America. Now I want to encourage each one of you: America is now surrounded by a supernatural angelic force. Then He showed me that in April, things would start changing rapidly. Each one of these angels would be sent to a state and that state would come under a divine choice for the future. If that state didn't choose, it would be harvest - one way or the other - because you're harvested based upon what you've sown. All of a sudden that angel was going to start harvesting that state based upon what had been sown in the past season and what it had been aligned with. “So I want to encourage you, I know, Dutch, that you and Tim are so focused on America where I have remained focused more on China and Russia and many other nations. But I know when God calls me to America - and he usually calls me to be with you because I need that Apostolic covering. With that, I want to say to all of us: beginning in April, there will start to be great changes in harvesting America. That means, God will begin to make it very clear concerning what is happening in each state regarding how we have sown. Therefore, the prayers that you have been sending up - they have caused America to be surrounded by these angels. Now we are headed into a whole new season where we will be very aware, beginning in April of next year [2023].” Dutch responds: “That’s awesome, Chuck, and very encouraging - very encouraging. Tim, I'm going to put you on the spot here. I don't think you've heard this - we didn't talk about what Chuck was going to say or do today, but you have a great revelation regarding angels and you have great insights regarding the nation. Jump in and tell us what you're seeing.” Tim Sheets shares: “I'll take us back to when you and I as well as others were in Tucson, Arizona. I don't remember what we called that tour, but it was four to five years ago, during the 2017 time frame. While in Tucson, I remember that after I preached, we were getting ready to make decrees. We were in a large sanctuary, it was like a box store they had made into a church, and I saw 51 angels, Chuck. I have talked about this so many times. They were all governmental angels. When they appear to me, they are wearing a purple sash - a ruling and reigning sash - so I can always identify them. “After I was done preaching, we were getting ready to make decrees in this big conference, and I saw them line up along the left side, the back wall, and along the right side. I said, ‘Holy Spirit, I've never seen this many governmental angels!’ I've seen them, but one or two, perhaps even three or four, but not 50. And He said to me, ‘There are 51, if you want to count.’ Well I didn't dare count; I'm going to take His word for it! But I leaned over and said to Dutch, ‘The governmental angels are here.’ I asked Holy Spirit, ‘Why are they here?’ He responded, ‘They're here to get their assignment. There are 51, one for each state plus Washington, DC.’ We began to make decrees over the states and as we listed each state (this must have been a two-hour session of prayers and decrees that afternoon), making the decrees over each one, that particular state-angel would leave, until I finally saw them all depart except for Washington, DC. We then concentrated on that region, decreeing the governmental authority of King Jesus into the government there; then that angel left. “Chuck, you're saying - 51 angels are surrounding the United States. I believe they are probably the governmental angels that are fueled by the decrees of the King's Ekklesia, His warring saints - His remnant. The angels take that decree as an assignment. If you think about all the assignment decrees the Ekklesias have made just in that the past five years, or the prayers, or even the prophetic words that are now synergizing together under Holy Spirit leadership - the governmental angels are assisting in each state. “I believe there is a governmental angel assigned to each Ekklesia in each state. We're coming to the point where I believe we can say in all 50 states, there is a functioning Ekklesia. It's not conceptual anymore. In other words, we're not just teaching what the Ekklesia is. I believe a governmental angel is assigned to each of these Ekklesias - maybe even several - so that the intention, calling, and purpose of the Lord for that particular region or state, that the Ekklesia is taking on that identity and cause, and the government angels are beginning to assist in those decrees. All of us together are also focusing our decrees and prayers on Washington DC, which again, these angels can stir and answer. “Then, there's another level to this, because at the beginning of summer, I began to sense a different level or order of angels that I've never experienced before. I've experienced seeing the governmental angels for 15 years, and also seeing other divisions of angels. But I’ve never experienced this particular order of angels. “During the beginning of the summer, I began to share regarding this, but I also began to experience the presence of a very powerful angel that I've never seen before. I received a prophetic word about this angel. Long story short, I came to know that it was a seraphim. This is the highest order of angels. They're the most powerful order of angels. Most theologians believe that Michael and Gabriel, although they are archangels and have additional powers and authority, are also in this order. The seraphim are those angels that minister in the throne room and carry the presence of the Lord. The Lord can commission them from the throne room to go and be part of what He's doing in the earth realm, helping the Ekklesias. “Gabriel is all over the Scriptures and we also see this mentioned in the book of Daniel. The angels were fighting to get the message through as well as the decrees that were made by Daniel. He was praying and decreeing that the prophecy would come to pass. God, from the throne room of heaven, commissioned a seraphim who was in the Throne Room - Gabriel - to go and bring the promise to pass. Gabriel battled, what I believe, is a fallen seraphim, the Prince of Persia. I believe Lucifer promotes the fallen seraphim to positions of rule or thrones in regions. So Gabriel comes and the battle is intense, but stalemated. Father then speaks to another seraphim (Michael) to go and take care of this. Michael and his angels did - similar to what God did when Lucifer fell with one-third of the Angels and some of the seraphim that went with him. God didn't get involved in that. He didn’t, Holy Spirit didn't, Jesus didn't. It wasn't as if they were overly concerned. They turned to the seraphim, Michael, and said, ‘Michael, you and your angels - take care of this.’ “Regarding the governmental angels that have been assisting us for five or six years now, I feel that there is coming another level of high-ranking angels who are coming to assist them. Now regarding the functioning decrees of an Ekklesia, to some of these governing Ekklesias, I believe God's going to release seraphim to help them as needed, and I believe DC is part of that target. I sense that the governmental angels and the seraphim are going to begin to take out the principalities over that city. I feel that's the goal. “So I'm just saying, about that same time, we saw the 51 governmental angels (as Chuck mentioned), and God is saying, ‘Now I'm going to put the highest ranking angels I have and commission them on assignments with my governmental angels and other angels, as well as with my Ekklesia. I believe we are going to win some awesome victories, preparing the way for an awesome harvest.” Dutch responds: “Chuck, do you want to jump back in?” Chuck replies: “I just want to say a couple of things. First of all, I've got that ‘Holy Spirit shake thing’ going on in me. What we're doing right here is so important for all to hear because it's something that is confirmed by the mouth of two witnesses. Tim saw the angels being sent. I saw them positioned around America, and they're carrying the decrees of the saints. They're coming to war over the harvest of America. If you're listening from another nation, you will begin to see the same thing I saw in December 2017 where I saw that the nations would actually start shifting into their harvest realm. This is one of the most amazing things I've seen. “I want to end by saying, ‘Tim, I’ve been reading in Isaiah right now, and I think of Isaiah's visitation with the seraphim. It said, ‘In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord’ because the seraphim caught him up and showed him a dimension of what would happen. There's another passage in Isaiah 6 where it talks about how the stump would come alive. One of the Hebrew meanings of this year, is the stump begins to come alive again. So what these angels are going to do is find the stump in each place [state] so they can start attempting to bring life from it. If life will not come forth, then I think everybody in that state will recognize there's something greatly wrong in their state. Dutch I want to encourage you and say that Jerusalem, our America, is being surrounded now, and we are in a time of great change. It's just like what Isaiah said and you can interpret this yourself. ‘In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord.’ So get ready - there's going to be visible reckoning that we will fully recognize, and there will not be confusion over it.” Dutch shares: “Let me just jump in for a minute and and then I'll ask both of you to pray and release anything prophetically you might have. But in this season, I keep coming back to the dream about the baseball game - World Seers Series - that showed us the four quarters of 2022. Of course, the last quarter is when the Lord revealed the enemy who was pitching for the team as Baal-zephon. In the dream, we eliminated the voice of that spirit and his ability to rule America. Of course, there's been a 15-year a battle by the praying Church - repentance, decrees, prayer assignments, and of course, the ending of Roe versus Wade - to disempower that spirit over America. But in the dream, what is significant to me that relates to this conversation is the umpires were aligned with the adversary. They were cheating in order to help the powers of darkness defeat the church. At a certain point in this last quarter, the umpire was expelled from the game. The home plate umpire and Michael the Archangel replaced him. I feel this is all saying - it's all similar in the sense that God is saying we're moving into a season now where He's releasing these high-level angelic beings - probably led by Michael - to war on our behalf and enter the game - to call the game, to release justice and help turn the nation. That was the end goal and result of the series. I believe these two encounters, what God's been saying to you both, is encouraging us that we are on schedule and our prayers and decrees are working. God is listening and they are being used to release this angelic activity. As Chuck says, it's not just for America. It's about the nations of the earth. “I was very impacted by your statement, Chuck, about divine recovery, this being a time of divine recovery. Maybe we should pray into that, maybe we should just ask the Lord for that. Feel free to share before we pray regarding what that might mean, or prophesy into it. When he's finished, Tim, if you would, also jump in.” Chuck begins to share, then prays: “I think I'll just prophesy, because regarding 51, that means there's going to be a testimony of the grace that has been developing. This will create a staking of the claim for each state and territory. That's what that number means. I decree right now that we are in agreement with what we saw, and some of you are wondering, what will become of me? I'll tell you what will happen: you will see angelic movement, because they are now positioned. Tim saw them. I had no idea about that, but knew that all of a sudden, that word burned as a word of knowledge. There were 51 of the angels that would be sent and now I believe there's seraphim, based upon what you said, and they will be timed like you said - in quarters starting in April. We need to watch how our nation focuses beginning in April. We'll have four quarters that will lead us back to the greatest change we have ever known. “So Lord, we come into agreement. Father, I know that when You reveal, You also conceal, and You also establish. Father, You have revealed this by the mouth of two witnesses, and we say, ‘Let it begin!” Time it as You have shown us through the baseball game dream. Now, Father, we loose this into motion and come into agreement with You.” Tim prays: “Amen. Our hearts and faith cry out and we say, ‘Welcome Lord Sabaoth, the Lord of angel armies, to orchestrate the plans of heaven on the earth, energizing the Ekklesias and adding the assistance of Your armies - government angels, seraphim the the mighty fiery ones that strike with power. And even as a seraphim in years gone by, took out the voice of Zechariah for a time, we declare that the angels are taking out the communication systems of the adversary, and that system will be replaced by a system of truth declared into this world by the functioning Ekklesia led by Lord Sabaoth. Holy Spirit, in the greatest outpouring that we've ever seen, is leading us into the greatest harvest we have ever seen. So we, the Ekklesia, say, ‘Welcome Lord Sabaoth, welcome, angel armies. Welcome from the Throne Room, commissioned one, assisting us in great victory. We declare this in Jesus’ name, amen.” Dutch prays: “Amen. And Lord, I agree, we all agree - all of those joining us on this post today agree this shall be so. We've moved into this new season. We release it now by faith, all around this nation and the nations of the earth. In the powerful name of Jesus, amen. “Anything else, Chuck? You want to jump in?” Chuck: “I'm just amazed. I think that would be the word.” Dutch: “Thank you both. What a great post. I know we rushed through these things quickly but that's okay. “Friends, thank all of you for joining us. It's a joy to have you with us every day and we look forward to seeing you again.” ********************* Click on the link below to watch the video:
  14. * 7 min read October 6, 2022 Raise the Standard..! In yesterday's post I spoke of young, prophetic revivalists being raised up in this season. (“Young” is getting older as I “mature.”) I mentioned my friend, Larry Sparks, as being one of these voices. In today’s post, I want to share from Larry’s great book on revival, entitled Pentecostal Fire. This is truly one of the best books I’ve read on this subject. I can’t recommend it strongly enough. In Chapter 2, Larry says: “‘Tell My Ekklesia to raise the bar, and I’ll raise the anointing. Raise the bar, and I’ll pour out a fresh, new Pentecost greater than Acts 2.’ (1) “This is a prophetic statement that the Holy Spirit communicated to Pastor Tim Sheets (Oasis Church, Middletown, Ohio). Pastor Bill Johnson emphatically states that ‘Pentecost is the standard for church life.’ (2) When we deviate from the standard, we rob believers of walking in their supernatural Holy Spirit inheritance… “Scripture tells me that ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8). It tells me that it is possible for someone’s shadow to heal the sick, for anointed pieces of clothing to deliver the demonized, and for extraordinary miracles to be performed by the hands of ordinary people (see Acts 5:15; 19:11-12). It tells me that it’s possible for entire cities and regions to come to repentance (see John 3:6, Acts 8:8). Jesus Himself provokes us to believe for ‘greater works’ (John 14:12). But there is one thing the Bible does not tell me: ‘God stopped moving in power.’ I cover this extensively in my book Accessing the Greater Glory, but in short, there is no solid theological argument to legitimately affirm the ceasing of the supernatural power of God (commonly called cessationism). Often, critics of the continuing move of the Spirit, especially through power gifts of tongues, healing, and prophecy, cite that these unusual demonstrations of God ceased when the canon of Scripture was closed, and the last apostle died. We are not claiming any additions to the canon of Scripture, nor do we assert that any leader today, especially those who don the title ‘apostle,’ come anywhere close to the uniqueness established by the original twelve apostles. We simply believe that Jesus established a timeless model that the early church boldly demonstrated and the church today has an invitation to step into. Doing Things God’s Way “‘If we want a genuine revival, we will have to do things God’s way,’ says John Kilpatrick (3) “We have tried Christianity our way, and it hasn’t worked. My friend, revivalist, and author Jessi Green encourages people to perform an honest evaluation on their faith and ask: ‘Is your Christianity working?’ When I consider where we are right now in history, I am convinced that contemporary Christianity hasn’t performed up to the standard set in the Book of Acts. God has graciously blessed us with a level of success, seeing people genuinely converted. He is so kind, gracious, and merciful. I celebrate all the true progress that has been made. But as the world grows darker and society continues to plummet into unspeakable depths of chaos and depravity, we become increasingly aware that the solution is not trying to repackage the world using Christian jargon. They simply don’t want it. “Isaiah 60:2 speaks of people who are under the influence of ‘deep’ or thick darkness. This certainly speaks of the innumerable souls who wander through life without Christ, without hope. They are bombarded with darkness day after day. When they cross the threshold into our churches, they do not want Hollywood or Broadway. They don’t want Christian leaders to insult them by trying to give them a worldly church. We have been entrusted with the otherworldly in the Person of the Holy Spirit; let’s freely give as we have freely received. I repeat, people who don’t know Jesus, or have moved away from Christianity, are not seeking entertainment; they groan to encounter the real and living presence of God… Pentecost Looks Like Something “The Lord is calling us to raise the standard so that we can witness a greater demonstration of Holy Spirit anointing and power in our day. If we have low expectations for Christianity, we will continue to settle for a low demonstration. But what if we actually believed that the Book of Acts gave us a standard for what life should be like? What if Pentecost was the standard for Christianity throughout all periods in history, not just the first-century Church? “This book is a journey back to the priorities of the early Church, the priorities of Pentecost, as I am convinced Pentecost will serve as a prophetic blueprint for the end-time Church. We must recapture the fire that burned in the first three hundred years of Christianity if we are going to step into the greater works that Jesus announced would be possible to those filled with the Holy Spirit. “Jesus had a clear vision of what the Church should look like prior to His return. Paul articulates this to the Church in Ephesus by giving us this beautiful picture of what the Son of God is searching for at His Second Coming: ‘So that He might sanctify her [the Church, His Bride], having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word, that He might present to Himself the Church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless’ (Ephesians 5:26-27 NASB). Meditate on that one stunning phrase: ‘the Church in all her glory.’ Wow! He is not coming back for something that is breaking down and falling apart. Pastor Kim Owens boldly declares that ‘Jesus is coming back for a Church that’s in revival.’ On the basis of Ephesians 5, I would agree with that statement. He is coming back for a people that are filled with glory! “We need to define Pentecost clearly if we are going to use it as the standard and model for Christianity today. After all, many hear the word Pentecost and think of either a denomination or a certain ‘flavor’ of Christianity. Pentecost is not a personality. Pentecost is not a preference or style of church. Pentecost is not a denomination. Pentecost was not a dispensation or era. Pentecost was not in the back room; it was front and center. Pentecost was the way of life for the early Church. And Pentecost introduces us to the more of God that is available now. “Many believers today are living like the disciples in Acts 19. They simply do not know there is more of God for them to experience: ‘And it happened while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples, he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit”’ (Acts 19:1-2). “By using the phrase ‘there is more,’ I am not encouraging you to go outside the confines of Scripture to seek for some unbiblical experience. Far from it. For too long we have read the Bible at a distance, thinking such supernatural experiences were exclusive to the Bible days. The canon is closed, but God has not changed. When did we officially exit the so-called Bible days? “Francis Chan wrote in his prophetic book Letters to the Church that ‘We have become too easily satisfied. We are content if a person leaves [church] pleased. God wants them awed.’ (4) It’s time for a generation to experience a God who leaves us undone in breathless awe and wonder. Perhaps we have not seen more of these kinds of experiences in our present day because we have not even considered them as an option. Thus, we have comfortably resigned ourselves to a status quo spiritual existence, all the while longing inside for someone to provoke us to pursue the more. “The great British preacher and orator Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones poignantly reminded us that ‘We were never meant to be content with a little.’ My friend, there is more. It’s available, and it’s accessible!” Pray with me: Father, as Larry makes clear in his book, revival is not off somewhere in the distance; it is here now. Help us to catch up with You. Turn up the revelation dial, enabling the church to recognize the times and seasons. Awaken our faith to embrace the opportunity before us. Break us out of comfort zones, preconceived ideas, religious routines, and hesitancy to change. Renew our wineskins, making them flexible and ready to receive Your “now” words and activities. We decree now what You have stated prophetically to us, “It is time!” We ask for the fire to intensify, the revival fires we spoke of in yesterday’s post…the fires You showed in a dream, beginning in Florida and going all the way up the East Coast of America. But others have seen this fire spread westward, and also from the west coast back to the east. It is clear that You want Your revival fire everywhere in this country. We call forth this fire with our declarations of faith and in agreement with Your words. Send it now, we pray. Raise up many prophetic revivalists in our day. Do it here in America and around the world. May the greatest generation of revivalists in history be unleashed. Give them great wisdom, boldness, revelation, power, and zeal. Perform great miracles through them, extraordinary miracles, and use them to produce shocking deliverances. Save a billion souls through them! May it be said of them as it was the early church, “They turned their world upside down.” We pray and decree these things in the most powerful name in heaven and earth, Yeshua, our Messiah. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Pentecost fire is springing up in the earth and will not be quenched. *************************** Today’s post was taken from the book Pentecostal Fire written by my friend Larry Sparks. You can find out more about Larry here. His book is available on Amazon. _______________________________________________ Tim Sheets, Angel Armies on Assignment (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny image, 2021), p 7. Bill Johnson, Open Heavens (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2021). John Kilpatrick, When the Heavens Are Brass (Shippensburg, PA: Revival Press, 1997), p 6. Francis Chan, Letters to the Church (Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2018), p 89. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  15. * 5 min read October 5, 2022 Fires of Awakening Coming to the East Coast Florida continues to “pop up” on my radar. Actually, this word/dream I’m about to share with you begins in Florida but includes the entire East Coast, all the way up I-95 to Maine. In light of the devastating hurricane that decimated so much of Florida, I know this word will be an encouragement to many. It was given to Miriam Evans. She and her husband, Tommy, are two of many prophetic revivalists God is raising up in this hour. Miriam says: ********** “In 2018, while ministering in Miami, Florida, I had a disturbing conversation with a pastor. He had been told by an influential Christian leader that Miami was considered a ‘pastor’s graveyard,’ due to the lack of spiritual hunger and zeal on the East Coast. “Processing this statement later that night, I could not accept it; I felt it was a false prophetic word. ‘Holy Spirit, show me what Jesus paid for in that region,’ I prayed. He responded by giving me a dream - that very night! “In the dream, I was at a beach in Miami. A large foot and leg appeared, touching the shore of Florida. This being was so large I could only see his foot and leg; the rest of his body was above the clouds. I heard the Holy Spirit say, ‘This is the Angel of Awakening.’ I immediately remembered the passage in Zechariah 4 where an angel ‘awakened [Zechariah] like a man who is awakened out of his sleep,’ (verse 1). The angel then delivered to Zechariah a message about God reviving the nation of Israel. “As the angel stepped on the shores of Florida, a fire ignited and immediately ran up the eastern corridor of America, from Miami to Maine. I then heard the Holy Spirit say, ‘This land [the East Coast] will be known as the “Land of The Rising SON.”’ “I woke up knowing that Jesus paid for this nation to be revived, and HE had the final word over the East Coast, as well as our entire nation. Then I heard the Holy Spirit speak Malachi 4:2, ‘But for you who fear My name, the Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.’ “I have held that word in my heart since 2018. In May of this year, I began asking God where we should partner with Him to see revival in America. In response, I kept seeing a mental picture of an I-95 sign. Since I live in Dallas, Texas, and we do not have that interstate here, I was unfamiliar with its location. So, I did what any spiritual person would do and Googled, ‘Where is I-95?’ To my surprise, I saw that Interstate 95 runs from Miami, Florida, to Maine. I then heard the Lord say, ‘Now is the time for the fulfillment of the vision I gave you in 2018. The work begins now.’ “Since that time, my husband and I, along with Larry Sparks, have made an intentional effort to advance the Kingdom and contend for revival along the I-95 corridor. We have discovered that along the East Coast, a supernatural hunger has been released, and grace for revival has been imparted. This hunger is one of the signs that a mighty awakening is imminent. “The Holy Spirit is preparing the church for greater glory, through which the manifest presence of God will be seen and felt in this region and across our nation. This tsunami wave of glory will usher in miracles, signs and wonders. The ‘greater works’ Jesus spoke of in John 14:12 will be seen. These miracles will be a ‘sickle’ used to gather a harvest for King Jesus. This wave is rising. NOW is the time to prepare, act, and gather - for the harvest is here!” ************ The Evans and my friend, Larry Sparks, another prophetic revivalist, aren’t the only ones to travel the east coast fanning the flames of revival. My friend, Ken Malone, drove Route 1 from Florida to Maine several years ago, praying and calling forth what is now beginning. I love it when a plan comes together! And I love it when faithful warriors honor the Word of the Lord in these ways. Some plant, some water, some reap - same team! I was with my friends, Brian and Bren Gibbs, a couple of months ago for a gathering in Sarasota. It was so powerful. The Gibbs and others are fanning the flames of revival on the west coast of Florida. I’ll be with my above-mentioned friend, Ken Malone, this upcoming weekend. We will be fanning the flames on the east coast of Florida. Florida shall be saved! But remember, this dream also said the glory revival will not be limited to Florida. The fires of revival will shoot up the East Coast of America, all the way to Maine. New England will be ablaze with revival. Maryland, DC, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, you all have a tidal wave of God’s glory headed your way. This will save you! To all believers in this region of America, waste no opportunity to decree the release of revival over your region. Declare it over your homes, neighborhoods, businesses, schools, inner cities, governments, and churches. Release the convicting and saving power of Holy Spirit over your community, city, and state. Call forth gifts and anointings for signs, wonders, miracles, and great deliverances. Pastors and leaders, prepare for harvest. We are moving into earth’s greatest revival, the most significant and broad-reaching campaign Holy Spirit has ever initiated for the Kingdom of God. Believe this - and take action..! Pray with me: Father, we continue to lift up the people in Florida. We pray not only for their physical and financial recovery, we pray for their supernatural, spiritual recovery. Comfort the hurting, restore hope to those who have none, and expedite the overall recovery. But also send a tidal wave of glory - mighty fires of revival. We release gifts and anointings for the miraculous. We release gifts and anointings for evangelism, intercession, strong and passionate worship, and revelatory teaching. Send revivals to every town, city, and county in Florida, and up the East Coast of America. We call forth revival fire in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New York, and all throughout New England. We ask for this, especially in schools, colleges, and universities. You are coming to save our children and youth from the lies, perversions, and deceptions that have been promulgated upon them. You will awaken them to who You are. You will restore to them God-given destinies. You will love them with a love like no other. Come and do this now, we pray. And since we know this is Your will, and we do ask it in the name of Christ, we know this prayer will be answered. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the fires of revival and awakening are traveling up and down the East Coast of America. ******************* Portions of today’s post were contributed by Miriam Evans. You can find out more about Tommy and Miriam here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  16. * 6 min read October 4, 2022 Running with Angels This season has been anything but boring. During YouTube’s week-long censorship of us, I participated in 4 significant gatherings in 4 states, over a 5 day period. In 3 of the 4 meetings I spoke on the World Seers Series dream, which we reposted last week. In this dream, the Ekklesia was playing a championship baseball game against the kingdom of darkness. Our fourth batter - representing the fourth quarter of 2022 - removed the voice and control of the opposing pitcher by hitting a baseball into his throat. The pitcher was a spirit, Baal-zephon (See Exodus 14). Before this occurred in the dream, Holy Spirit had stated, “Hit the ball at his throat. Remove his voice…If you hit the mark it will change this game.” These last 3 months of 2022 are incredibly significant. If we “hit the mark” - one of the meanings of the Hebrew word for intercession (paga) - it will change the game in America. Baal’s hold over our nation will be broken. Another significant occurrence in this last quarter of the dream was the removing of the home plate umpire, who had been cheating for the kingdom of darkness, and the insertion of the archangel Michael to replace him. Michael is about to enter the contest! As an amazing confirmation, my brother, Tim, has received a strong word from the Lord regarding Michael and other high-ranking angels being sent in this season to help us. Tim is one of the leading scholars on angels; his books on this subject are the best I know of. Holy Spirit often allows him to see angels and speaks to him regarding their activities. Tim said: **************** “God’s purposes are coming together in supernaturally accelerated ways. Promises, dreams, visions and prophecies are surging into this moment. God invites us to participate in His purposes through prayer, faith decrees, worship and embracing who we truly are: sons and daughters of God possessing Kingdom authority to reign with Christ in this life, as Paul said in Romans 5:17. “Recently, Holy Spirit spoke to me, ‘Now begins a merger of the earthly and heavenly realms of Christ’s spiritual Kingdom in ways and levels never before seen. This merger will accelerate a new era Pentecost. Power and Kingdom authority will be seen on earth as never before. I’m merging the Kingdom of heaven with earth and pouring out My Spirit in far greater measure. I am giving you assistance I’ve given no other generation. I have prepared you to work with My angels at levels no other generation has experienced.’ “I have seen more angels this past year than I’ve seen in the last 15 years combined. I know this is due to the planned purposes of God for this time. I have seen multiple divisions of angels that are assigned to work in government, and others that produce revival, awakening, reformation and alignment. There has also been an acceleration of angels assigned to minister to children and youth. “In one of our services just a few weeks ago, I saw more angels present than I have ever seen before - hundreds of them. I saw the two angels assigned to each person’s life, standing with them. There was a powerful, weighty presence of King Jesus in the room. Clearly, something in Christ’s Kingdom is amping up. “Recently Holy Spirit has begun revealing to me another division of angels being sent to assist the Ekklesia: the Seraphim order of angels. These are the highest ranking angels we know of. They are incredibly powerful beings that carry the delegated authority of the Godhead. Most theologians believe Michael and Gabriel are part of the Seraphim order. The Seraphim minister in God’s Throne Room. They provide protection and proclaim the holiness of God, declaring ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord’ (Isaiah 6:3). Seraphim are also angels of fire, which the prophet Ezekiel described as being capable of striking things on earth with God’s power (see Ezekiel 1, 10). God commissions these angels into the earth realm to assist His people. They empower the decrees of the Ekklesia, striking God’s enemies with His lightning-like power. “There is another aspect of the ministry of Seraphim I believe God is accelerating into our times. The first chapter of Luke tells us of Zechariah, a priest that ministered at the altar of the Lord. He and his wife, Elizabeth, wanted children but Elizabeth was barren. God sent Gabriel, a Seraphim from the Throne Room, with His message to them: ‘God has heard your prayers. You will have a son and you are to call his name John. He will have the spirit of Elijah upon him and will prepare the way for the Messiah.’ This word was so overwhelming it caused Zechariah to doubt if it was true. In disbelief he questioned the angel, ‘How do I know if this is really true? Is there a sign you can give me?’ The angel said to him, ‘I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God and He sent me to tell you this. Because you question my veracity, here’s your sign. You will be unable to speak until the child is born’ (see Luke 1:5-20). Zechariah’s voice was indeed silenced until the birth of his son. “In this account, a Seraphim was able to stop the ability of a human to communicate. Would they not be capable of affecting the communication systems of those who are enemies of God and His people today? I believe this is one of the reasons God has now sent His Seraphim order to we, the Ekklesia - to help stop the communication of evil in our land and assist in enforcing the decrees of the King’s Ekklesia. Mighty angels are here to help us silence demons and disrupt their influence. They are here to assist us in overcoming perversion, idolatry, dark deceptions, sexual confusion and the worship of Baal through abortion. We need angelic assistance to silence those actively promoting anti-Christ ideologies. They will expose wicked communication and tear down strongholds in government, education, media, big tech, arts and entertainment, and religion. “Hebrews 1:13-14 tells us that angels minister to and assist (diakonia) the heirs of salvation.(1) In Revelation 22:1-7, Apostle John received a word from a Throne Room messenger (which implies it was a Seraphim). When he saw the angel, John knelt, but the angel stopped him saying, ‘I am your fellow servant, and the fellow servant of your brethren, the prophets and to all those who keep the sayings of this book’ (verse 9). Fellow servant is the Greek word sundoulos, meaning ‘to run together with; to serve the same master, plan or cause’. It also means ‘co-servant’ or ‘to be on the same team.’(2) “Using these definitions, we are told that angels are ‘on the same team’ as Christ’s heirs, assigned to ‘run with’ them. They are commissioned to serve the purposes of God with the Ekklesia as they conduct Kingdom business on earth. Psalm 103 tells us angels engage and help connect decrees to their moment, bringing them to pass (verses 20-21). Angels are one of the ways through which Holy Spirit gives us the advantage. Decree God’s words - fuel the angels! Pray with me: Lord, we pray for an outpouring of Your Spirit on our sons, daughters and grandchildren. We pray that a Jesus movement greater than any before would begin to sweep across America and throughout the world. We bind lying spirits assigned to generate evil communication. You have sent Your angels to help us win a great harvest. Our children will sing Your songs, dream Your dreams, minister under the anointing of Holy Spirit, and be mighty members of Your Kingdom. Hell will not stop this. We pray that Your angels would activate and empower this across the world. It is time! We pray for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit that will bring light into the darkness. Let it accelerate according to Your plans. Father, we continue to pray for those impacted by Hurricane Ian. Comfort those who have lost family members, encourage those who have lost possessions. We lift their arms through prayer - sustain and strengthen them. Give churches in Florida strategies and resources to serve and lead many to you. And lastly, we fuel the greatest revival in world history with our prayers. It is coming and will not be stopped. Send many angels to assist in this. We pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Holy Spirit is being poured out in great measure and power, producing unquenchable fire and world-wide revival. ****************** Much of today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can find out more about Tim here. Also, again today I’ve included links to two pastors/churches whom I personally know are working directly with those who were directly affected by Hurricane Ian. 100% of your gifts go to the people in need. Victory Florida (arrow down to Hurricane Relief) Kingdom Gate Worship Center (arrow down to Hurricane Ian Relief Fund) ***************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ 1. Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, ref. no. 1248. 2. Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, ref. no. 4889.
  17. 8 min or 15 min read September 29, 2022 As you know by now, we are on day 4 of review. We have received a strike from YouTube, meaning they are censoring us. They will not allow us to post any new content for 1 more day. Therefore, we have taken Monday-Thursday of this week to review older, strategic teachings which are needed before I share a NEW MESSAGE tomorrow, Friday, 9/30. I hope you have enjoyed these days of review. The World Seers Series (Part 4) On Monday (9/26/2022) we began discussing a dream about America, given to my friend Greg Hood. This is a very enlightening and important dream, filled with insight and revelation. (Though we are looking at it in segments, I will once again post the entire dream at the end of today’s post. I know many of you like to see the entire dream in one sitting.) REVIEW I will do very little review in today’s post since it would consume so much of the time. You may want to reread Monday’s-Wednesday’s posts (1/10-12/2022 or 9/26-29/2022) to refresh your memory. You certainly should try and do so if you did not see them. In the dream, a baseball team comprised of spiritual leaders in the church and representing the Kingdom of God, was playing in the World Seers Series. This was the last game of the series, the 8th inning, we were winning but the score was close, and we were very focused. Then the Holy Spirit initiated a change of strategy. Through this strategy, we were able to load the bases and position ourselves to win the game. Again, if you have not done so, please take a look at Monday’s, Tuesday’s, and Wednesday’s posts. THE DREAM (continued) “…As we were watching this, a phone rang in our dugout. Dutch answered it. We could see him looking up and behind home plate into one of the skyboxes as he talked on the phone. He was speaking to our team owner, who said to Dutch, ‘You are to pinch-hit. We have a wicket here to not only win the game but to win big. Dutch, you know this pitcher. He has lost big games before. He is not what he has made himself out to be. Be patient and don’t be distracted by what he will throw at you. He wants to get your eyes off the pennant.’ “Dutch hung up the phone and said, ‘Hood, hand me my bat. I’ve been instructed to pinch-hit.’ I (Greg) reached for Dutch’s bat and pulled it from a large wooden communion box where it was locked away. As I removed it I could see clearly that the bat had inscribed on it ‘Ephesians 1:17.’ I handed it to Dutch as he said to me, ‘What direction should I launch the ball?’ “I said to Dutch, ‘Straight for the throat of the pitcher! Remove his voice!’ “Dutch replied with a smile on his face, ‘You know, many will think this is a dirty and illegal move on our part. But what the heck, we won’t allow them to force us to play by their rules anymore. We play ball for the Royal.’ “As Dutch walked to the batter’s box I said, ‘If you hit the mark it will change this game.’ “The pitcher approached the batter’s box as Dutch stepped into it and said to him, ‘I am here to take you and this weak team out once and for all. You have no hope of making it out of this batter’s box in your right mind. This is my season and you will not steal it from me!’ “Dutch stepped up to him, just an inch from his face, and spoke with a firm and bold voice, ‘I am here to uncover you. Now go back to your perch and throw the ball if you dare!’ “As he walked back to the pitcher’s mound we could see his name on the back of his jersey. Thus far in the dream, we had not known who he was or who this team was. Written there was the name, ‘Zephon.’ “He released his first pitch and it was not aimed anywhere close to home plate, sailing over the stadium wall behind home plate, hitting a bus in the parking lot and putting a large dent in the back left side of it. An alarm sounded with a very distinct sound. We knew this was our team’s bus. The umpire shouted, ‘STRIKE ONE!’ “The opposing coach came to the pitcher’s mound again and brought the pitcher, Zephon, another baseball glove. It was a left-hander’s glove and an old, greasy-looking ball which flew into the dugout. The umpire shouted ‘STRIKE TWO!’ Then he said to the pitcher, ‘You only have one strike left.’ “It was at this point in the dream that we noticed the umpire was wearing a white medical type coat with the insignia of a pharmacist on it. Dutch turned to the umpire and said to him, ‘You are no longer allowed to call this game; we remove you, and Michael will take your place!’ (I don’t know who Michael was in the dream but it seemed he was the angel.) Dutch then turned to the pitcher and said, ‘Throw your ball. This is your last pitch but not my last ball! I will deliver the third strike to you and your house!’ “Zephon threw the ball and Dutch hit it with a powerful swing. The ball went to its mark and struck the throat of the pitcher, taking his voice and his strength. Zephon was removed from the game. We knew in the dream the game had changed and he would never pitch again.” End of Dream MY THOUGHTS We are winning 22 to 20. The bases are loaded. The owner of the team in the skybox is obviously the Lord in heaven. He called me and told me to pinch-hit. I realize this could represent an assignment for me personally, but often in dreams of this nature I simply picture the Ekklesia (those in the body of Christ who understand their authority and the governmental calling of Matthew 16:18-19) and the prayer movement. The Lord tells me I know this pitcher and, as we will see shortly, I do. The statement, “He has lost big games before. He is not what he has made himself out to be,” is also significant. Yahweh tells me to be patient, don’t become distracted, and keep my focus on the pennant (the word for a major league baseball team winning its championship). In other words, we must stay focused, not allowing the enemy to distract us in this very strategic season. Keep your eyes on the goal, the prize, the finish line. My bat was in the “communion box.” This could speak of covenant - we will win through our covenant with Christ. It also speaks of our intimacy with Him - listening to and drawing near to Him. The scripture inscribed on the bat, Ephesians 1:17, is a verse that references “the spirit of wisdom and revelation” being given to the church. It will take this wisdom and revelation to win the spiritual war we are engaged in, and it will be found in the communion box. Incredible! I was then told to hit the ball at the throat of the pitcher and remove his voice (influence). My response can be summarized as meaning we have operated with too little aggression against our spiritual enemy. The Ekklesia must arise in this hour and become aggressive in our spiritual warfare. Satan and his forces of darkness are deadly serious. Their nature is to steal, kill and destroy. They are evil and we must relentlessly and aggressively resist them. I am then told if I “hit the mark” it will change the game. This is another meaning of the Hebrew word for intercession, paga, which we mentioned Tuesday. Still today in Israel, the word for “bullseye” is paga. Friends, if we pray as we are being instructed, we will win! This is our year of breakthrough for America! The pitcher began to mock me, which I answered by declaring that I was going to uncover or expose him. It was then that we saw his name, Zephon. (I have written posts about this spirit before and you can read them here and here.) This is incredibly significant. Zephon is one of the names of Baal, the ruling principality over America. This is also one of the spirits God exposed and conquered during the Exodus of Israel (see Exodus 14). God judged all of the gods of Egypt in the Exodus, but He saved this one for last, waiting until it appeared Israel was hopelessly trapped. At the Red Sea it looked like Egypt’s god, Zephon, “lord of the wind and seas” had Israel hopelessly trapped and would prevail over them. JUST LIKE AMERICA! But God sprang His trap, showed His great power and destroyed the armies of Egypt. This is what Holy Spirit meant in the dream when He told me I knew this pitcher, that he had lost games before, and that he was not what he made himself out to be (all-powerful). Zephon threw a wild pitch that went out of the stadium and hit our team bus. It was called a “strike!” We are being warned of strategies satan will use to “strike” us. Vehicles usually speak of ministries in dreams. This says to me the enemy will try and strike/attack ministries/leaders during this season. If he can distract leaders, he can hinder us from hearing in a way that causes us to win. Remember, the Lord, in the skybox, told me not to allow Zephon to distract me. It was at this time that we noticed the umpire, who had been helping our adversaries, was wearing a pharmaceutical jacket. This in no way is an indictment against the medical community or pharmacists. It is likely a play on words regarding the Greek word, pharmakeia, which means not only drugs, but sorcery or witchcraft. It is saying that the occult and the powers of darkness have been warring against us; we, however, with the archangel Michael’s help, are displacing them. I hit Zephon’s pitch, meaning that we, the Ekklesia, the prayer army, successfully met his attack. The ball struck him in the throat, removing his influence. We knew in the dream he would never pitch again. I believe this means he will never be able to rule our nation again. Pray with me: Father, You are without question asking the Ekklesia to step up to the plate in this hour, take our place of authority, and rule in the midst of our enemies (Psalm 110:2). This is our Esther season - we were born for this. Baal has ruled our nation for decades, stealing our inheritance, attempting to destroy our destiny, even demanding our children as blood sacrifices. You have now set him up for failure. We have indeed seen him before - Your word makes clear that You know how to take him out. We will strike his throat and remove his voice. He will be overcome and never rule our nation again. You have loaded the bases, now give us the win! We cover our leaders, ministries, and families with protective prayer. We declare that no witchcraft, no weapons, no strikes against them will prosper. None! We will prosper and be in health in this season (3 John 2). We will not only win, we will be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). Our decree: We decree that the Ekklesia will win the World Seers Series!!! Click on the link below to watch the full video. ___________________________________________________________________________ The World Seer Series Dream (Dreamed early the morning of January 2, 2022. By Greg Hood) As the dream started I could see that we were in a baseball stadium. I knew we were playing on our home field which in the dream was known as Royal Stadium. I also knew that the stadium was located in Washington D.C. All the seats in the stadium were filled with people. I knew the people in the seats were mostly Americans. A smaller portion of the people were from somewhere I had never heard of. The attendees were there to watch what we knew was the World Seers Series. Dutch and I coached one of the teams playing in the World Seer’s Series. (Our team was the Election prayer team, and more.) It was the final game in the series and we were ahead. It was our turn to bat. Dutch was the Head Coach of the team. He wrote out a new batting order, and hung it in our dugout for the team to see. The atmosphere in the dugout changed somewhat, with some thinking that the old batting order was better than the order Dutch had rewritten. We had home-field advantage. It was the bottom of the 8th inning and we were winning. The scoreboard displayed the score of 20 for the opposing team and 22 for our team. I could see clearly on the scoreboard our team name - Kingdom Ekklesia. I could not make out the name of the opposing team; their name was very blurry. The mood shifted in our dugout as our team made an effort to encourage one another. We knew we were in the last innings of this game and the game was tight. We didn’t take anything for granted now. We focused intensely. We were the underdog, it seemed, and there was great urgency to win this game for the nation. Dutch shouted, “Smith, lead us off!” Smith stepped from the dugout, but before making his way to home plate I said to him, “The ball needs to be hit straight down the first baseline with great force. Your assignment is to remove the hindrance that’s guarding first base.” As Smith walked toward home plate we could see he was wearing the number 5221 on his jersey. He stepped into the batter’s box and the pitcher threw him a curveball. He hit it so hard down the first baseline that the first baseman could not see it coming. It struck him on the side of his neck and incapacitated him. Anger became very evident in the opposing team because they now had no first baseman. The umpire at first base held Smith on first and would not allow him to advance. Ken Malone was coaching first base and begin to speak to Smith. He instructed him to watch the third base coach for he would give the sign he needed to steal second. Coaching third base was the Archangel, Gabriel. Dutch then said, “Jones, you are up. We need advancement. You know the pitch you are looking for!” Jones said to Dutch, “I feel a confidence that I have never felt before. The pitcher will not be able to resist throwing me my pitch.” Before Jones approached the batter’s box I said to him, “The guy in left field is expecting you to hit it high and long. Hit it high and short into left field. He won’t be able to adjust his position in time to catch you out.” Jones smiled with a big grin and said, “This is what I was built for. I was born to give ‘left field’ problems.” We could see the numbers on his jersey as he walked to the batter’s box. He was wearing the number 2388. Just before the pitcher released the ball, Gabriel gave Smith the sign to steal. Smith shot from first and stole second. The pitch landed just in front of home plate. The umpire called it a strike. Jones looked at Dutch for the correction. Dutch came out of the dugout very quickly and proceeded toward the umpire with fire in his eyes, and as he pointed his finger at the umpire he declared, “YOU WILL REVERSE THIS CALL AND GIVE IT BACK! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE STRIKE ZONE!” The umpire reversed the call immediately. I could tell in the dream that it weakened his authority on the field when Dutch addressed him this way. Before stepping back into the batter’s box, Jones looked at the pitcher and said, “You don’t have the nerve to throw me my pitch. You don’t have the ability to cause me to miss it. Throw that ‘cutter’ and I will hit it.” You could see the anger and pride on the pitcher’s face. He drew back and threw Jones his pitch. He threw it hard and fast. Jones hit it high and shallow into left field. The left fielder called it which stopped any of his other teammates from advancing toward the ball. The left fielder ran forward for the ball and as he did this he was watching the spin Jones had put on the ball. This confused him and caused him to trip, which caused him to miss the ball. When he fell, he dislocated both of his knees and could not stand back up. Jones easily made it to first base. Smith stayed at second. Dutch then called from the dugout, “Johnson, you are up!” Johnson took a bat in her hand and stepped from the dugout and I said to her, “They will position themselves at the wall because they know you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat. I feel you should bunt towards third.” She replied, “That’s exactly what I was thinking. I have noticed that he does not have the rapidness in his eyes that he thinks he has.” As Johnson stood in the batter’s box we once again could see the number on the jersey. Her number was 4851. The pitcher mocked her as she stood there waiting for the pitch. He threw a fastball high and just outside the corner of the plate missing the strike zone. Johnson stood still. She never even twitched. Seeing this, Gabriel looked at Smith and gave him the signal to steal third as soon as the pitcher started his next wind-up. The pitcher drew back his arm and as soon as he did, Smith left second base and it was almost as if he just appeared on third. This confused the pitcher as he caught Smith out of the corner of his eye stepping onto third base. He released the ball and it came to the plate again this time, low and just outside the strike zone. Dutch stepped outside our dugout and motioned to Johnson to come over to him. He leaned into her ear and said, “Let the next two pitches go through. No swinging at what he is throwing. This will give us the strategy we need to win this.” Some thought that Dutch was thinking that the pitcher was done and he did not have any more strikes left in his arm. Johnson stepped back to the batter’s box and did as Dutch had coached her to do. The next pitch came hard and fast. “STRIKE ONE” the umpire shouted and then laughed. The second pitch came as a change-up pitch and was very slow. “STRIKE TWO!” Johnson stepped out of the batter’s box and took a deep breath looking back at Coach Dutch. Dutch motioned Johnson back to where he was standing and said, “The count is 2 and 2. We are in the right place to bunt it down the third baseline.” She approached the plate again and positioned herself. The pitcher released a curveball. Johnson stepped into it and bunted down the third baseline. It caught the third baseman off guard. No one had ever bunted on this pitch before. He moved very slowly and retrieved the ball. He held it in fear that Smith would advance to home plate. Jones easily moved to second and Johnson took first. Now the bases were loaded. The coach and the catcher from the other team went out to the pitcher’s mound and began speaking with the pitcher. In the dream, we could tell there was much disagreement among them. It even seemed that the pitcher had authority over the coach of the other team. As we were watching this, a phone rang in our dugout. Dutch answered it. We could see him looking up and behind home plate into one of the skyboxes as he talked on the phone. He was speaking to our team owner. The owner of the team said to Dutch, “You are to pinch-hit. We have a wicket here to not only win the game but to win big.” He went on to say, “Dutch, you know this pitcher. He has lost big games before. He is not what he has made himself out to be. Be patient and don’t be distracted by what he will throw at you. He wants to get your eyes off the pennant.” Dutch hung up the phone and said, “Hood, hand me my bat. I’ve been instructed to pinch-hit.” I reached for Dutch’s bat and pulled it from a large wooden communion box that it was locked away in. As I removed it I could see clearly that the bat had inscribed on it Ephesians 1:17. I handed it to Dutch as he said to me, “What direction should I launch the ball?” I said to Dutch, “Straight for the throat of the pitcher! Remove his voice!” Dutch replied with a smile on his face, “You know, many will think this is a dirty and illegal move on our part. But what the heck, we won’t allow them to force us to play by their rules anymore. We play ball for the Royals.” As Dutch walked to the batter’s box I said, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” The pitcher approached the batter’s box and as Dutch stepped into it, said to him, “I am here to take you and this weak team out once and for all. You have no hope of making it out of this batter’s box in your right mind. This is my season and you will not steal it from me!” Dutch stepped up to him, just an inch of his face, and spoke with a firm and bold voice, “I am here to uncover you. Now go back to your perch and throw the ball if you dare!” As he walked back to the pitcher’s mound we could see his name on the back of his jersey. (Remember thus far in the dream we did not know who he was or who this team was.) Written there was the name, “Zephon.” He released his first pitch and it was not aimed anywhere close to home plate. It went over the stadium wall behind home plate and hit a bus that was parked in the parking lot. It put a large dent in the back left side of that bus. An alarm sounded with a very distinct sound. We knew this was our team’s bus. The umpire shouted, “STRIKE ONE!” The coach came to the pitcher’s mound again and brought the pitcher, Zephon, another baseball glove. It was a left-hander’s glove and an old greasy-looking ball. The pitcher had been pitching right-handed the entire game up until now. He went into his wind-up and released the ball; it flew into the dugout. The umpire shouted, “STRIKE TWO!” The umpire spoke to the pitcher, “You only have one strike left.” It was at this time in the dream that we noticed the umpire was wearing a white doctor’s-type coat that had the insignia of a Pharmacist on it. Dutch turned to the umpire and said to him, "You are no longer allowed to call this game; we remove you, and Michael will take your place!” (I don’t know who Michael was in the dream but am thinking the angel.) Dutch then turned to the pitcher and said, “Throw your ball. This is your last pitch but not my last ball! I will deliver the third strike to you and your house!” Zephon threw the ball and Dutch hit it with a powerful swing. The ball went to its mark and struck the throat of the pitcher taking his voice and his strength. Zephon was removed from the game. We knew in the dream the game had changed and this pitcher would never pitch again. End of Dream
  18. 13 min or 20 min read September 28, 2022 Today’s post is a little different - we have 2 POSTS for you today: The World Seers Series (Part 3) and The Great Advantage. As you know by now, we are on day 3 of review. We have received a strike from YouTube, meaning they are censoring us. They will not allow us to post any new content for 2 more days. Therefore, we are taking Monday-Thursday of this week to review older, strategic teachings which are needed before I share a new message on Friday, 9/30. I think you’ll enjoy these teachings. The World Seers Series (Part 3) On Monday (9/26/2022) we began discussing a dream given to my friend Greg Hood. This is a very enlightening and important dream, filled with insight and revelation. (Though we are looking at it in segments, I will once again post the entire dream at the end of today’s post. I know some of you would like to see the entire dream in one sitting.) REVIEW In the first part of the dream a baseball team, comprised of spiritual leaders in the church and representing the Kingdom of God, was playing in the World Seers Series. This was the last game of the series, the 8th inning, we were winning but the score was close, and we were very focused. Then, Holy Spirit initiated a change of strategy. We discussed all of this on Monday. Yesterday (9/27/2022) we looked at the need for intercession first and foremost. If the church prays, we will win the battle for the soul of America. Prayer incapacitated the enemy! We also saw that Holy Spirit is saying the Ekklesia has grown spiritually and is ready for this season. And we saw a likely reference to the courts/judicial system in this section. They were made to reverse bad calls/rulings. These summaries in no way do justice to this dream. If you have not done so, please take a look at Monday’s and Tuesday’s posts (parts 1 and 2). THE DREAM (continued) “Dutch then called from the dugout, ‘Johnson, you are up!’ [Again, not the person’s real name.] “Johnson took a bat in her hand and stepped from the dugout. I (Greg) said to her, ‘They will position themselves at the wall because they know you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat. I feel you should bunt towards third.’ “Johnson replied, ‘That’s exactly what I was thinking. I have noticed that he does not have the rapidness in his eyes that he thinks he has.’ As she stood in the batter’s box, once again I could see the jersey number. Her number was 4851. The pitcher mocked her as she stood there waiting for the pitch. He threw a fastball high and just outside the corner of the plate missing the strike zone. Johnson stood still; she never even twitched. “Seeing this, Gabriel looked at Smith and gave him the signal to steal third as soon as the pitcher started his next wind-up. The pitcher drew back his arm and as soon as he did, Smith left second base and it was almost as if he just appeared on third. This confused the pitcher as he saw Smith out of the corner of his eye stepping on third base. He released the ball and it came to the plate again, this time low and just outside the strike zone. “Dutch stepped outside our dugout and motioned Johnson to come over to him. He leaned toward her and said, ‘Let the next two pitches go through. No swinging at what he is throwing. This will give us the strategy we need to win this.’ Some thought Dutch was thinking the pitcher was done and had no more strikes left in his arm, but this wasn’t the reason. “Johnson stepped back to the batter’s box and did as Dutch had coached her to do. The next pitch came hard and fast. ‘STRIKE ONE’ the umpire shouted, and then laughed. The second pitch came as a change-up pitch, very slow. ‘STRIKE TWO!’ “Johnson stepped out of the batter’s box and took a deep breath looking back at Coach Dutch. He motioned her back to where he was standing and said, ‘The count is 2 and 2. We are in the right place to bunt it down the third baseline.’ “She approached the plate again and positioned herself. The pitcher released a curveball. Johnson bunted down the third baseline, which caught the third baseman off guard. No one had ever bunted on this pitch before. He moved very slowly and retrieved the ball, but held it in fear that Smith would advance to home plate. Jones easily moved to second and Johnson took first. Now the bases were loaded. “The coach and the catcher from the other team went out to the pitcher’s mound and began speaking with the pitcher. In the dream, we could tell there was much disagreement among them. It even seemed that the pitcher had authority over the coach of the other team. MY THOUGHTS Johnson, in real life, is a strong prophetic voice to the body of Christ. She also walks in other anointings but this is what she is most known for. Her jersey number in the dream, as with all the player’s numbers, is very significant. It’s the number of a Greek word meaning “to bring together;” or “to bear together (as in a load or weight).” Because of the concept of 2 or more working together, it is also the word for holding or gaining an advantage. Perhaps its most significant use is in John 16:7, where Jesus said, “But I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I am leaving; for if I do not leave, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” (NASV) Through this God is saying we must get Holy Spirit in the game. He will be our advantage! Listen to Him. Release His power. Follow His strategy. Notice the dream said of this person, filled with and empowered by Holy Spirit, “…you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat.” This indicates power, the power of Holy Spirit! And yet! The strategy was not to try for a home run, but to bunt. I feel this is the Father saying it is our weakness that makes us strong, for His strength is perfected or made complete in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Though satan believes he has won the war for the soul of America - notice that he was mocking us - God has other plans. And if we humble ourselves at this time, acknowledging our weakness but moving in His strength, we’ll win. After allowing the opposing pitcher to throw two pitches that were outside the strike zone, I instructed her to not swing at the next two pitches, regardless of whether they were in the strike zone or not. She did as I instructed and they were both called strikes. Now the count was 2 balls and 2 strikes. This was the strategy chosen by Holy Spirit in the dream in order to catch the opposing team by surprise. Typically, no batter bunts with two strikes against them. The reason is that, unlike swinging at a pitch, if a batter bunts at it with two strikes against them and fouls the ball, they are out. When swinging at pitches with two strikes against them, a batter can hit any number of foul balls and still not be out. In other words, in the dream God is telling us Holy Spirit has a plan to take satan by surprise. This surprise loaded the bases. God always outsmarts His enemies…always. Dissension then began in satan‘s camp. The catcher, coach, and pitcher began arguing. This is telling us God is going to bring confusion and disagreement to those opposing Him. They will begin to fight amongst themselves. And in tomorrow’s post, we will see how God intends to win this war for America. Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your amazing gift, the Holy Spirit. He is our advantage. Help us get Him in the game, following Him carefully and precisely in this hour. We ask that His voice be amplified. May His directions be clear to us. And may we have ears to hear. Holy Spirit, we have sung it and now we say it to You, “You are welcome in our places of worship, prayer, and activities. You are in charge!” We thank You, Father, for the plans You have in place. You already know how You are going to outwit the enemy. You will cause him to play into Your hands, and his plans for America and the earth will fail. Show us how to cooperate with this. We thank You for these things and ask them in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the wisdom of God always supersedes the wisdom of satan and his kingdom. ***************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ ************************ _____________________________ Today’s post is a little different - we have 2 POSTS for you today. The World Seers Series Part 3 and The Great Advantage. As you know by now, we are on day 3 of review. We have received a strike from YouTube, meaning they are censoring us. They will not allow us to post any new content for 2 more days. Therefore, we are taking Monday-Thursday of this week to review older, strategic teachings which are needed before I share a new message on Friday, 9/30. This particular teaching came right after SCOTUS’s rule on Roe V Wade was handed down. In the dream, the 2nd quarter was about the end of abortion. I think you’ll enjoy these teachings. The Great Advantage I want to mention a dream today that I believe, in part, was about the Supreme Court overturning Roe. I addressed the dream, given to Greg Hood, with a fair amount of detail a few months back, so I will not revisit all of it. (I have included the entire dream at the end of the post.) In summary, the Ekklesia and kingdom of darkness were contending for America; this was pictured by a baseball game. The event was called the World Seers Series. Four batters on team Ekklesia faced the opposing pitcher. I and other prophetic voices felt that our four batters represented assignments and strategies in the four quarters of 2022. Without restating the details and complete interpretation, we felt the first quarter represented a concerted prayer effort to remove the hold of a religious spirit over America. The spirit of religion seeks to promote form without power, erode intimacy with God, remove Holy Spirit’s influence, and more (see 2 Timothy 3:5; Revelation 2:4, 3:1). We were given very specific assignments through which to do this, culminating with a private prayer gathering in Washington D.C., on 2/22. Though the fruit of this will take time to manifest, we are beginning to see signs of such, and are confident our assignment was accomplished. Again, without giving details, it seemed clear to us that the second quarter (April-June) was about abortion and the Supreme Court reversing Roe. Obviously, this occurred, with a week left in the quarter. Here is the portion of the dream that we feel applies to the upcoming third quarter of this year: “Dutch then called from the dugout, ‘Hamon you are up!’ “Jane Hamon grabbed a bat and stepped from the dugout. Dutch said to her, ‘They will position themselves at the wall because they know you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat. I feel you should bunt towards third.’ “She replied, ‘That's exactly what I was thinking. I have noticed that the third baseman does not have the rapidness in his eyes that he thinks he has.’ As Jane stood in the batter’s box we could see the number on her jersey: 4851. The pitcher mocked her as she waited for the pitch. He threw a fastball, high and just outside the corner of the plate, missing the strike zone. Jane stood still; she never even twitched. “Seeing this, the angel, Gabriel, our third base coach, looked at the runner on second base and gave him the signal to steal third as soon as the pitcher started his next wind-up. The pitcher drew back his arm and as soon as he did the runner left second base; he was so fast, it was almost as if he supernaturally appeared on third base. This confused the pitcher as he saw our runner out of the corner of his eye stepping on third base. He pitched the ball and it came to the plate. It was low and just outside the strike zone. “At this point, Dutch stepped outside our dugout and motioned to Jane to come over to him. He leaned in to her and said, ‘Let the next two pitches go through. No swinging at what he is throwing. This will give us the strategy we need to win this.’ Some thought Dutch was thinking the pitcher was tired and wouldn’t be able to throw any more strikes, that he would walk her. But this wasn’t the case. “Jane stepped back into the batter’s box and did as Dutch had coached her to do. The next pitch came hard and fast. ‘STRIKE ONE’ the umpire shouted, then laughed. The next pitch came as a change-up, very slowly. ‘STRIKE TWO!’ “Jane stepped out of the batter’s box and took a deep breath looking back at Dutch. He motioned Jane back to where he was standing and said, ‘The count is 2 and 2. We are at the right point to bunt down the third baseline.’ “Jane approached the plate again and positioned herself. The pitcher released a curve ball. She bunted it down the third baseline, which caught the third baseman off guard. (Batters don’t normally bunt with 2 strikes; if they bunt a foul ball, they’re out.) He moved very slowly and retrieved the ball, but he didn’t throw it to first base out of fear that our runner on third would advance to home plate. Consequently, our runner on first easily moved to second and Jane ran to first. Now the bases were loaded.” (End of this part of the dream.) There is more to the dream, but I believe this portion is about the third quarter of the year. Our third batter, Jane Hamon, could have tried for a home run. She was obviously capable, and to have successfully done so would have broken the home run record. Her actions speak of humility. I believe Holy Spirit is saying this is a time for the Ekklesia to walk in humility. This is not a time to gloat over the victory we just achieved. It isn’t a time to mock and belittle those who disagree with us. If we do so, we will alienate those we want to reach. Also, pride will cause us to fail. Take the humble approach. Jane was unmoved by the enemy’s mocking and the pitches he was throwing. “No swinging at what he is throwing,” she was told. “Jane stood still; she never even twitched.” This is a warning to not be distracted by what satan does during this season. We must listen to Holy Spirit’s strategies, not be moved by what the powers of darkness say or do. The dream shows that God has a plan to surprise the enemy, the powers of darkness, in this season. They were expecting Jane to attempt a home run but she was instructed not to do so. She was to bunt, and do so at a time when they would never have expected it. God has surprises coming. Jane is a prophet. I believe the dream shows us that God is going to give very important strategies to prophetic leaders in this season. We must listen closely to them. I also believe it is a caution to prophets, and we who are prophetic, to walk in the humility demonstrated by Jane. We must not sensationalize, try to hit “home runs” with our revelation, prophetic words, etc. We must listen carefully to Holy Spirit and only say what He gives us to say. And lastly, the number Jane wore on her jersey is the number of the Greek word (in Strongs concordance) meaning, “to bring together, causing an advantage.” This is the word Jesus used in John 16:7 when He said it was to our “advantage” that He went back to Heaven. This was because He would send Holy Spirit to us. In his fleshly body, Jesus could only be in one place at a time. When Holy Spirit came, He would be IN us, not just with us, and could be in/with all of us, all the time. I believe this is telling us Holy Spirit is “coming,” being “sent” to us - that He is about to be poured out in powerful and unexpected ways over the summer months. He, and He alone, is our advantage. Only His strategies, power and presence will give us victory. We must humble ourselves and ask for Him to move in exceptional ways - starting now. This “coming” was made possible by the Supreme Court’s ruling. Holy Spirit is now about to “load the bases,” positioning us to win the game. America shall be saved! The shaking must and will continue. But we must not be alarmed or distracted by this. It is what we have asked for - the exposing and removing of evil in our land. Keep appealing to Heaven, church. It still works! Pray with me: Father, we thank You once again for Your deliverance from the evil decree of Roe. We believe that in Your mercy You are cleansing us from the national, corporate defilement it brought upon us. Wash us in the blood of Jesus. May it flow from Your mercy seat to the heart of our nation. We thank You also for delivering us from the effects of a religious spirit: having a form of godliness without power, a reputation that we’re alive when, in reality, spiritual death controls us. Forgive us for rejecting Holy Spirit. We now turn ourselves to the next [third] quarter of this year. As we do, we humble ourselves before You. No victory we gain is from our own strength. You are the strength of our lives. You are the greater One. Holy Spirit, we ask You to come to us in extraordinary ways. Come in power, revelation, salvation, and deliverance. You are our advantage; You make the difference. May the next three months mark a distinct shift in Your activity in and across this nation. Shake what must be shaken; strengthen that which remains. Refresh the leadership of Your Ekklesia, especially those who lead us prophetically. We ask for them to be fine-tuned, more so than ever before. We ask that they be convicted by You to weigh their words very carefully, to listen until they are confident they are releasing only Your words. And we ask that all of us are reminded to be alert. Enable us to recognize the attacks and strategies of the enemy meant to distract us. We declare now that by Your grace and strength we will not be distracted in this season. We pray all of these things in Christ’s name, Father. Amen. Our decree: We declare that Holy Spirit is our great advantage - He will not fail! ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ______________________________________________________________________________ The World Seers Series Dream (Dreamed early the morning of January 2, 2022, by Dr. Greg Hood) As the dream started I could see that we were in a baseball stadium. I knew we were playing on our home field which in the dream was known as Royal Stadium. I also knew that the stadium was located in Washington D.C. All the seats in the stadium were filled with people. I knew the people in the seats were mostly Americans. A smaller portion of the people were from somewhere I had never heard of. The attendees were there to watch what we knew was the World Seers Series. Dutch and I coached one of the teams playing in the World Seer’s Series. (Our team was the Election prayer team, and more.) It was the final game in the series and we were ahead. It was our turn to bat. Dutch was the Head Coach of the team. He wrote out a new batting order, and hung it in our dugout for the team to see. The atmosphere in the dugout changed somewhat, with some thinking that the old batting order was better than the order Dutch had rewritten. We had a home-field advantage. It was the bottom of the 8th inning and we were winning. The scoreboard displayed the score of 20 for the opposing team and 22 for our team. I could see clearly on the scoreboard our team name - Kingdom Ekklesia. I could not make out the name of the opposing team; their name was very blurry. The mood shifted in our dugout as our team made an effort to encourage one another. We knew we were in the last innings of this game and the game was tight. We didn’t take anything for granted now. We focused intensely. We were the underdog, it seemed, and there was great urgency to win this game for the nation. Dutch shouted, “Smith, lead us off!” Smith stepped from the dugout, but before making his way to home plate I said to him, “The ball needs to be hit straight down the first baseline with great force. Your assignment is to remove the hindrance that’s guarding first base.” As Smith walked toward home plate we could see he was wearing the number 5221 on his jersey. He stepped into the batter’s box and the pitcher threw him a curveball. He hit it so hard down the first baseline that the first baseman could not see it coming. It struck him on the side of his neck and incapacitated him. Anger became very evident in the opposing team because they now had no first baseman. The umpire at first base held Smith on first and would not allow him to advance. Ken Malone was coaching first base and begin to speak to Smith. He instructed him to watch the third base coach for he would give the sign he needed to steal second. Coaching third base was the Archangel, Gabriel. Dutch then said, “Jones, you are up. We need advancement. You know the pitch you are looking for!” Jones said to Dutch, “I feel a confidence that I have never felt before. The pitcher will not be able to resist throwing me my pitch.” Before Jones approached the batter’s box I said to him, “The guy in left field is expecting you to hit it high and long. Hit it high and short into left field. He won’t be able to adjust his position in time to catch you out.” Jones smiled with a big grin and said, “This is what I was built for. I was born to give ‘left field’ problems.” We could see the numbers on his jersey as he walked to the batter’s box. He was wearing the number 2388. Just before the pitcher released the ball, Gabriel gave Smith the sign to steal. Smith shot from first and stole second. The pitch landed just in front of home plate. The umpire called it a strike. Jones looked at Dutch for the correction. Dutch came out of the dugout very quickly and proceeded toward the umpire with fire in his eyes, and as he pointed his finger at the umpire he declared, “YOU WILL REVERSE THIS CALL AND GIVE IT BACK! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE STRIKE ZONE!” The umpire reversed the call immediately. I could tell in the dream that it weakened his authority on the field when Dutch addressed him this way. Before stepping back into the batter’s box, Jones looked at the pitcher and said, “You don’t have the nerve to throw me my pitch. You don’t have the ability to cause me to miss it. Throw that ‘cutter’ and I will hit it.” You could see the anger and pride on the pitcher’s face. He drew back and threw Jones his pitch. He threw it hard and fast. Jones hit it high and shallow into left field. The left fielder called it which stopped any of his other teammates from advancing toward the ball. The left fielder ran forward for the ball and as he did this he was watching the spin Jones had put on the ball. This confused him and caused him to trip, which caused him to miss the ball. When he fell, he dislocated both of his knees and could not stand back up. Jones easily made it to first base. Smith stayed at second. Dutch then called from the dugout, “Johnson, you are up!” (When I first shared this dream, I had not yet received permission to use Jane Hamon’s name, so I used the fictitious name of Johnson.) Johnson took a bat in her hand and stepped from the dugout and I said to her, “They will position themselves at the wall because they know you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat. I feel you should bunt towards third.” She replied, “That’s exactly what I was thinking. I have noticed that he does not have the rapidness in his eyes that he thinks he has.” As Johnson stood in the batter’s box we once again could see the number on the jersey. Her number was 4851. The pitcher mocked her as she stood there waiting for the pitch. He threw a fastball high and just outside the corner of the plate missing the strike zone. Johnson stood still. She never even twitched. Seeing this, Gabriel looked at Smith and gave him the signal to steal third as soon as the pitcher started his next wind-up. The pitcher drew back his arm and as soon as he did, Smith left second base and it was almost as if he just appeared on third. This confused the pitcher as he caught Smith out of the corner of his eye stepping onto third base. He released the ball and it came to the plate again this time, low and just outside the strike zone. Dutch stepped outside our dugout and motioned to Johnson to come over to him. He leaned into her ear and said, “Let the next two pitches go through. No swinging at what he is throwing. This will give us the strategy we need to win this.” Some thought that Dutch was thinking that the pitcher was done and he did not have any more strikes left in his arm. Johnson stepped back to the batter’s box and did as Dutch had coached her to do. The next pitch came hard and fast. “STRIKE ONE” the umpire shouted and then laughed. The second pitch came as a change-up pitch and was very slow. “STRIKE TWO!” Johnson stepped out of the batter’s box and took a deep breath looking back at Coach Dutch. Dutch motioned Johnson back to where he was standing and said, “The count is 2 and 2. We are in the right place to bunt it down the third baseline.” She approached the plate again and positioned herself. The pitcher released a curveball. Johnson stepped into it and bunted down the third baseline. It caught the third baseman off guard. No one had ever bunted on this pitch before. He moved very slowly and retrieved the ball. He held it in fear that Smith would advance to home plate. Jones easily moved to second and Johnson took first. Now the bases were loaded. The coach and the catcher from the other team went out to the pitcher’s mound and began speaking with the pitcher. In the dream, we could tell there was much disagreement among them. It even seemed that the pitcher had authority over the coach of the other team. As we were watching this, a phone rang in our dugout. Dutch answered it. We could see him looking up and behind home plate into one of the skyboxes as he talked on the phone. He was speaking to our team owner. The owner of the team said to Dutch, “You are to pinch-hit. We have a wicket here to not only win the game but to win big.” He went on to say, “Dutch, you know this pitcher. He has lost big games before. He is not what he has made himself out to be. Be patient and don’t be distracted by what he will throw at you. He wants to get your eyes off the pennant.” Dutch hung up the phone and said, “Hood, hand me my bat. I’ve been instructed to pinch-hit.” I reached for Dutch’s bat and pulled it from a large wooden communion box that it was locked away in. As I removed it I could see clearly that the bat had inscribed on it Ephesians 1:17. I handed it to Dutch as he said to me, “What direction should I launch the ball?” I said to Dutch, “Straight for the throat of the pitcher! Remove his voice!” Dutch replied with a smile on his face, “You know, many will think this is a dirty and illegal move on our part. But what the heck, we won’t allow them to force us to play by their rules anymore. We play ball for the Royals.” As Dutch walked to the batter’s box I said, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” The pitcher approached the batter’s box and as Dutch stepped into it, said to him, “I am here to take you and this weak team out once and for all. You have no hope of making it out of this batter’s box in your right mind. This is my season and you will not steal it from me!” Dutch stepped up to him, just an inch of his face, and spoke with a firm and bold voice, “I am here to uncover you. Now go back to your perch and throw the ball if you dare!” As he walked back to the pitcher’s mound we could see his name on the back of his jersey. (Remember thus far in the dream we did not know who he was or who this team was.) Written there was the name, “Zephon.” He released his first pitch and it was not aimed anywhere close to home plate. It went over the stadium wall behind home plate and hit a bus that was parked in the parking lot. It put a large dent in the back left side of that bus. An alarm sounded with a very distinct sound. We knew this was our team’s bus. The umpire shouted, “STRIKE ONE!” The coach came to the pitcher’s mound again and brought the pitcher, Zephon, another baseball glove. It was a left-hander’s glove and an old greasy-looking ball. The pitcher had been pitching right-handed the entire game up until now. He went into his wind-up and released the ball; it flew into the dugout. The umpire shouted, “STRIKE TWO!” The umpire spoke to the pitcher, “You only have one strike left.” It was at this time in the dream that we noticed the umpire was wearing a white doctor’s-type coat that had the insignia of a Pharmacist on it. Dutch turned to the umpire and said to him, "You are no longer allowed to call this game; we remove you, and Michael will take your place!” (I don’t know who Michael was in the dream but am thinking the angel.) Dutch then turned to the pitcher and said, “Throw your ball. This is your last pitch but not my last ball! I will deliver the third strike to you and your house!” Zephon threw the ball and Dutch hit it with a powerful swing. The ball went to its mark and struck the throat of the pitcher taking his voice and his strength. Zephon was removed from the game. We knew in the dream the game had changed and this pitcher would never pitch again. End of Dream
  19. 8 min or 15 min read September 27, 2022 Thank you for joining us for the next 3 days of review. We have received a strike from YouTube, meaning they are censoring us. They will not allow us to post any new content for 3 more days. Therefore, we are taking Monday-Thursday of this week to review older, strategic teachings which are needed before I share a new message on Friday, 9/30. I think you’ll enjoy these teachings. This was recorded in January of this year when Ceci was battling a severe case of vertigo. Just to let you know, she is doing well now, and we thank you for your prayers! The World Seers Series (Part 2) First, I apologize for the glitch yesterday, not having the post up in its video form until late morning. Two of my staff members are driving the RV, which we used to bring Ceci home, back to Texas. (She has been battling a severe case of vertigo.) They thought they’d be able to post the “15” while traveling, and they eventually did, but obviously, there was a bit of a glitch. If you missed the post because of this, you will want to look at or watch yesterday’s (1/10/2022) before looking at today’s. And again, I apologize. Yesterday, I started discussing a dream given to my friend Greg Hood. This is a very enlightening and important dream, filled with insight and revelation. (Though I am taking it in segments, I will post the entire dream at the end of today’s post. I know some of you would like to see the entire dream in one sitting.) And we may go just a little longer than 15 minutes. Please indulge me. REVIEW OF YESTERDAY In the first part of the dream a baseball team, comprised of spiritual leaders in the church and representing the Kingdom of God, was playing in the World Seers Series. This was the last game of the series, the 8th inning, we were winning but the score was close, and we were very focused. Then, the Holy Spirit initiated a change of strategy. For many more comments and details, please refer to yesterday’s post. THE DREAM CONTINUES “[As it became our turn to bat in the 8th inning,] Dutch shouted, ‘Smith, lead us off!’ [Not the person’s real name.] “Smith stepped from the dugout, but before making his way to home plate I (Greg) said to him, ‘The ball needs to be hit straight down the first baseline with great force. Your assignment is to remove the hindrance that’s guarding first base.’ As Smith walked toward home plate we could see he was wearing the number 5221 on his jersey. “He stepped into the batter’s box and the pitcher threw him a curveball. He hit it so hard down the first baseline that the first baseman could not see it coming. It struck him on the side of his neck and incapacitated him. Anger became very evident on the opposing team because now they had no first baseman. The umpire at first base held Smith on first and would not allow him to advance. “The first base coach instructed Smith to watch the third base coach who would give the sign he needed to steal second. Coaching third base was the Archangel, Gabriel.” MY THOUGHTS The first batter for us (Smith) in the eighth inning was a very seasoned, wise pastor/teacher from a different stream of the church. As so many words from the Lord have indicated recently, this tells me we must have a movement of unity in the church, with Holy Spirit bringing a great joining of forces. His jersey number, 5221, is the number of the Greek word in Strong's concordance meaning “to meet or encounter.” The Hebrew word matching this number in Strong’s means “to smite.” Amazingly, these are all definitions of paga, the Hebrew word for intercession. Paga (intercession) has many shades of meaning, as I write in-depth about in my book, Intercessory Prayer. One of its meanings, “to meet or encounter,” can be either a peaceful meeting between two parties OR an encounter to engage one another in battle. Paga (intercession) can actually even mean “to smite.” There can be no doubt that God is saying the first thing (the first batter, the first baseman) we must do in this season is move in the authority of Christ, in unity with one another, and engage the spiritual forces of darkness through prayer. As the Ekklesia, we must bind and loose, open and close, as we mentioned in yesterday’s post. The new batting “order,” also mentioned yesterday, involves operating in Christ’s Melchizedek Order of priesthood, which includes both priestly and kingly intercession. Priestly intercession is asking God to act; kingly intercession is commanding for Him. We must do both. If we do, we can handle any curve ball (deception; unexpected actions) satan throws at us, smite his spiritual forces with the power of God, and neutralize their plans and activities. Our enemies are not people, they are spiritual forces of darkness. Obviously, satan uses individuals but our focus and attack must be spiritual, not physical. Gabriel’s help with instructions and timing indicates that if we do as instructed, God will give us angelic support. MORE OF THE DREAM “Dutch then said, ‘Jones, you are up. [Again, not the person’s real name.] We need advancement. You know the pitch you are looking for! The guy in left field is expecting you to hit it high and long. Instead, hit it high and short into left field. He won’t be able to adjust his position in time to catch the ball.’ “Jones smiled with a big grin and said, ‘This is what I was built for. I was born to give “left field” problems.’ We could see the number on his jersey as he walked to the batter’s box. He was wearing the number 2388. Just before the pitcher released the ball, Gabriel gave Smith the sign to steal. He shot from first and stole second base. “The first pitch to Jones landed just in front of home plate, yet the umpire called it a strike. Jones looked at Dutch, expecting him to challenge the call. Dutch came out of the dugout very quickly and headed toward the umpire with fire in his eyes. He pointed his finger at the umpire and declared, ‘YOU WILL REVERSE THIS CALL AND GIVE BACK THE STRIKE! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE STRIKE ZONE!’ The umpire reversed the call immediately. I could tell in the dream that it weakened his authority on the field when Dutch addressed him this way. “Before stepping back into the batter’s box, Jones looked at the pitcher and said, ‘You don’t have the nerve to throw me my pitch. You don’t have the ability to cause me to miss it. Throw that “cutter” and I will hit it.’ You could see the anger and pride on the pitcher’s face. He drew back and threw Jones his pitch, hard and fast; Jones hit it high and shallow into left field. The left fielder called it [baseball terminology meaning ‘I will catch it - everyone else stay back’), which stopped any of his other teammates from advancing toward the ball. As he ran forward for the ball, he was watching the spin Jones had put on it. This confused him and caused him to trip, missing the ball. When he fell, he dislocated both of his knees and could not stand back up. Jones easily made it to first base. Smith stayed at second. MY THOUGHTS Jones, the second batter, is a respected prophetic teacher in the body of Christ. He also has great insights regarding business and government. His jersey number in the dream, 2388, is the number of a Hebrew word meaning “to grow strong or to strengthen.” The body of Christ has grown much stronger in the last few years. We are stronger in worship and prayer. We understand our authority as Christ’s Ekklesia, and we have had all 5 of His ministry gifts and anointings restored to us (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher). There is much more unity among the various streams, even crossing national borders, and this is growing. And I could say more. We are now ready for the next great move of God. We are ready to win, not just play the game. The umpires were compromised. I believe this is referring to some in the judicial system of America, which often compares itself to umpires. In baseball, umpires don’t make the rules, they simply enforce them, calling balls and strikes, etc. which the league authorities have determined are appropriate. Many judges have used this analogy, including Justice John Roberts during his Supreme Court nomination process. Obviously, in America, many judges have become ideologues, propagating their ideals and beliefs. They will never admit to doing so, but many of them legislate from the bench. In this dream, they had sided with the other team and were trying to hinder the Ekklesia from winning. We challenged them and demanded they not change the strike zone. We also demanded that they change their ruling. Could this be a reference to Roe versus Wade? It is very telling that when we stood and decreed this, their authority weakened and they reversed the call. And finally, the “left” fielder became disoriented, fell, and dislocated his knees. I believe this refers to the fact that God is bringing confusion to the forces in our nation that oppose Him: the socialists, atheists, antichrist forces, evil agendas, and, in general, those who do not want God’s influence and ways. Dislocated knees symbolize weakness and the inability to run. God is about to arise and deal with His enemies. I am not speaking of God hurting people. He loves all people (as we do), including unbelievers, and many will be saved. I am referring to the forces of darkness that oppose Him, including some individuals who have aligned themselves with evil. Even those individuals, however, can experience His love and mercy, if their hearts change. God loves them all. Pray with me: Father, You have done much over the last several years to strengthen the church. We have grown in understanding, worship, prayer, and our ability to represent You. Please help us to now rise up and demonstrate this. Bring a greater spirit of unity to us, that we might stand together and represent You as one body. We pray that we would face the current challenge before us with boldness and courage. We pray that the prayer movement would lay hold of our assignment to meet the powers of darkness, pushing them back, smiting them, forbidding them from taking this nation and delaying Your great harvest. We were born for such a time as this. May we, like Esther, rise and fulfill our destiny. We exercise our authority and decree over the courts of America, “You will not succeed in any attempts to legislate against the purposes of God and His ways! You will not change America! You will not change the strike zone! And you must reverse Roe versus Wade!” We decree this and ask these things in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we are a church the gates of hell cannot prevail against! ***************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _________________________________________________________________________ The World Seers Series Dream (Complete) (Dreamed early the morning of January 2, 2022. By Greg Hood) As the dream started I could see that we were in a baseball stadium. I knew we were playing on our home field which in the dream was known as Royal Stadium. I also knew that the stadium was located in Washington D.C. All the seats in the stadium were filled with people. I knew the people in the seats were mostly Americans. A smaller portion of the people were from somewhere I had never heard of. The attendees were there to watch what we knew was the World Seers Series. Dutch and I coached one of the teams playing in the World Seer’s Series. (Our team was the Election prayer team, and more.) It was the final game in the series and we were ahead. It was our turn to bat. Dutch was the Head Coach of the team. He wrote out a new batting order, and hung it in our dugout for the team to see. The atmosphere in the dugout changed somewhat, with some thinking that the old batting order was better than the order Dutch had rewritten. We had home-field advantage. It was the bottom of the 8th inning and we were winning. The scoreboard displayed the score of 20 for the opposing team and 22 for our team. I could see clearly on the scoreboard our team name - Kingdom Ekklesia. I could not make out the name of the opposing team; their name was very blurry. The mood shifted in our dugout as our team made an effort to encourage one another. We knew we were in the last innings of this game and the game was tight. We didn’t take anything for granted now. We focused intensely. We were the underdog, it seemed, and there was great urgency to win this game for the nation. Dutch shouted, “Smith, lead us off!” Smith stepped from the dugout, but before making his way to home plate I said to him, “The ball needs to be hit straight down the first baseline with great force. Your assignment is to remove the hindrance that’s guarding first base.” As Smith walked toward home plate we could see he was wearing the number 5221 on his jersey. He stepped into the batter’s box and the pitcher threw him a curveball. He hit it so hard down the first baseline that the first baseman could not see it coming. It struck him on the side of his neck and incapacitated him. Anger became very evident in the opposing team because they now had no first baseman. The umpire at first base held Smith on first and would not allow him to advance. Ken Malone was coaching first base and begin to speak to Smith. He instructed him to watch the third base coach for he would give the sign he needed to steal second. Coaching third base was the Archangel, Gabriel. Dutch then said, “Jones, you are up. We need advancement. You know the pitch you are looking for!” Jones said to Dutch, “I feel a confidence that I have never felt before. The pitcher will not be able to resist throwing me my pitch.” Before Jones approached the batter’s box I said to him, “The guy in left field is expecting you to hit it high and long. Hit it high and short into left field. He won’t be able to adjust his position in time to catch you out.” Jones smiled with a big grin and said, “This is what I was built for. I was born to give ‘left field’ problems.” We could see the numbers on his jersey as he walked to the batter’s box. He was wearing the number 2388. Just before the pitcher released the ball, Gabriel gave Smith the sign to steal. Smith shot from first and stole second. The pitch landed just in front of home plate. The umpire called it a strike. Jones looked at Dutch for the correction. Dutch came out of the dugout very quickly and proceeded toward the umpire with fire in his eyes, and as he pointed his finger at the umpire he declared, “YOU WILL REVERSE THIS CALL AND GIVE IT BACK! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE STRIKE ZONE!” The umpire reversed the call immediately. I could tell in the dream that it weakened his authority on the field when Dutch addressed him this way. Before stepping back into the batter’s box, Jones looked at the pitcher and said, “You don’t have the nerve to throw me my pitch. You don’t have the ability to cause me to miss it. Throw that ‘cutter’ and I will hit it.” You could see the anger and pride on the pitcher’s face. He drew back and threw Jones his pitch. He threw it hard and fast. Jones hit it high and shallow into left field. The left fielder called it which stopped any of his other teammates from advancing toward the ball. The left fielder ran forward for the ball and as he did this he was watching the spin Jones had put on the ball. This confused him and caused him to trip, which caused him to miss the ball. When he fell, he dislocated both of his knees and could not stand back up. Jones easily made it to first base. Smith stayed at second. Dutch then called from the dugout, “Johnson, you are up!” Johnson took a bat in her hand and stepped from the dugout and I said to her, “They will position themselves at the wall because they know you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat. I feel you should bunt towards third.” She replied, “That’s exactly what I was thinking. I have noticed that he does not have the rapidness in his eyes that he thinks he has.” As Johnson stood in the batter’s box we once again could see the number on the jersey. Her number was 4851. The pitcher mocked her as she stood there waiting for the pitch. He threw a fastball high and just outside the corner of the plate missing the strike zone. Johnson stood still. She never even twitched. Seeing this, Gabriel looked at Smith and gave him the signal to steal third as soon as the pitcher started his next wind-up. The pitcher drew back his arm and as soon as he did, Smith left second base and it was almost as if he just appeared on third. This confused the pitcher as he caught Smith out of the corner of his eye stepping onto third base. He released the ball and it came to the plate again this time, low and just outside the strike zone. Dutch stepped outside our dugout and motioned to Johnson to come over to him. He leaned into her ear and said, “Let the next two pitches go through. No swinging at what he is throwing. This will give us the strategy we need to win this.” Some thought that Dutch was thinking that the pitcher was done and he did not have any more strikes left in his arm. Johnson stepped back to the batter’s box and did as Dutch had coached her to do. The next pitch came hard and fast. “STRIKE ONE” the umpire shouted and then laughed. The second pitch came as a change-up pitch and was very slow. “STRIKE TWO!” Johnson stepped out of the batter’s box and took a deep breath looking back at Coach Dutch. Dutch motioned Johnson back to where he was standing and said, “The count is 2 and 2. We are in the right place to bunt it down the third baseline.” She approached the plate again and positioned herself. The pitcher released a curveball. Johnson stepped into it and bunted down the third baseline. It caught the third baseman off guard. No one had ever bunted on this pitch before. He moved very slowly and retrieved the ball. He held it in fear that Smith would advance to home plate. Jones easily moved to second and Johnson took first. Now the bases were loaded. The coach and the catcher from the other team went out to the pitcher’s mound and began speaking with the pitcher. In the dream, we could tell there was much disagreement among them. It even seemed that the pitcher had authority over the coach of the other team. As we were watching this, a phone rang in our dugout. Dutch answered it. We could see him looking up and behind home plate into one of the skyboxes as he talked on the phone. He was speaking to our team owner. The owner of the team said to Dutch, “You are to pinch-hit. We have a wicket here to not only win the game but to win big.” He went on to say, “Dutch, you know this pitcher. He has lost big games before. He is not what he has made himself out to be. Be patient and don’t be distracted by what he will throw at you. He wants to get your eyes off the pennant.” Dutch hung up the phone and said, “Hood, hand me my bat. I’ve been instructed to pinch-hit.” I reached for Dutch’s bat and pulled it from a large wooden communion box that it was locked away in. As I removed it I could see clearly that the bat had inscribed on it Ephesians 1:17. I handed it to Dutch as he said to me, “What direction should I launch the ball?” I said to Dutch, “Straight for the throat of the pitcher! Remove his voice!” Dutch replied with a smile on his face, “You know, many will think this is a dirty and illegal move on our part. But what the heck, we won’t allow them to force us to play by their rules anymore. We play ball for the Royals.” As Dutch walked to the batter’s box I said, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” The pitcher approached the batter’s box and as Dutch stepped into it, said to him, “I am here to take you and this weak team out once and for all. You have no hope of making it out of this batter’s box in your right mind. This is my season and you will not steal it from me!” Dutch stepped up to him, just an inch of his face, and spoke with a firm and bold voice, “I am here to uncover you. Now go back to your perch and throw the ball if you dare!” As he walked back to the pitcher’s mound we could see his name on the back of his jersey. (Remember thus far in the dream we did not know who he was or who this team was.) Written there was the name, “Zephon.” He released his first pitch and it was not aimed anywhere close to home plate. It went over the stadium wall behind home plate and hit a bus that was parked in the parking lot. It put a large dent in the back left side of that bus. An alarm sounded with a very distinct sound. We knew this was our Team’s bus. The umpire shouted, “STRIKE ONE!” The coach came to the pitcher’s mound again and brought the pitcher, Zephon, another baseball glove. It was a left-hander’s glove and an old greasy-looking ball. The pitcher had been pitching right-handed the entire game up until now. He went into his wind-up and released the ball; it flew into the dugout. The umpire shouted, “STRIKE TWO!” The umpire spoke to the pitcher, “You only have one strike left.” It was at this time in the dream that we noticed the umpire was wearing a white doctor’s-type coat that had the insignia of a Pharmacist on it. Dutch turned to the umpire and said to him, "You are no longer allowed to call this game; we remove you, and Michael will take your place!” (I don’t know who Michael was in the dream but am thinking the angel.) Dutch then turned to the pitcher and said, “Throw your ball. This is your last pitch but not my last ball! I will deliver the third strike to you and your house!” Zephon threw the ball and Dutch hit it with a powerful swing. The ball went to its mark and struck the throat of the pitcher taking his voice and his strength. Zephon was removed from the game. We knew in the dream the game had changed and this pitcher would never pitch again. End of Dream
  20. 7 min read September 26, 2022 Thank you for joining us for the next 4 days of review. We have received a strike from YouTube, meaning they are censoring us. They will not allow us to post any new content for 4 more days. Therefore, we are going to take Monday-Thursday of this week to review older, strategic teachings which are needed before I share a new message on Friday, 9/30. I think you’ll enjoy these teachings. The World Seers Series (Part 1) Thanks so much for all of your prayers, and for flexing with the Give Him15 schedule. I apologize for making you listen to the likes of Chuck Pierce, Tim Sheets, and the others who filled in for me. It’s hard to find good help these days. All kidding aside, thanks to all of them for jumping in and doing such a great job with the 15’s. And thanks to you for being part of the prayer army Holy Spirit is raising up in this hour. I was just informed by my staff that when totaling all of our platforms, GH15 had 35 million views in 2021. I am humbled and blessed beyond words. There are a number of other wonderful ministries doing a great job of mobilizing prayer. We love and honor them all. Together, we are accomplishing the purposes of God in the earth. And never has there been a more critical time for this. The powers of darkness are being pushed back and the harvest of the ages is being birthed. This is the year we break through completely into the fulness of time Holy Spirit has created. 2022 will be significant beyond words. And as I stated last Monday (1/3/2022), the first quarter is critical. By the grace and anointing of Holy Spirit, we will not falter or fail. We have become the Ekklesia the gates of hell cannot overcome. Today and throughout the week, I’ll be unpacking a dream given to my friend, Greg Hood. It is FILLED with revelation, and is very encouraging, challenging and important. I intend to go a little deeper than usual in interpreting this dream, explaining and teaching the points of meaning and application. I’m doing so because I want these posts to not only mention prayer needs but to also serve as teaching and equipping tools. Here is the first part of the dream: *************** “On January 2, 2022, I dreamed that the team of intercessors who worked with Dutch during the 2020 elections, along with several other leaders, were part of a baseball team. We were playing a game on our home field, named Royal Stadium, located in Washington, D.C. All the seats in the stadium were filled with people, mostly Americans. A smaller portion of the people were from somewhere I had never heard of. We were playing in The World Seers Series. “Dutch and I coached our team. This was the final game in the series and we were ahead. It was our turn to bat. Dutch, the Head Coach, wrote out a new batting order and hung it in our dugout for the team to see. The atmosphere in the dugout changed somewhat, with some players thinking the old batting order was better than the order Dutch had rewritten. “We had home-field advantage. It was the bottom of the 8th inning and we were winning. The scoreboard displayed the score of 20 for the opposing team and 22 for our team. I could see clearly on the scoreboard our team name - Kingdom Ekklesia. I could not make out the name of the opposing team; theirs was very blurry. “The mood shifted in our dugout as our team made an effort to encourage one another. We knew we were in the last innings of this final game and the game was tight. We took nothing for granted now, focussing intensely. We were the underdog, it seemed, and there was great urgency to win this game for the nation…” My Interpretation I feel that even the date this dream was received, January 2, 2022, is significant. I believe it points to Isaiah 22:22: “Then I will put the key of the house of David on his shoulder; When he opens, no one will shut, When he shuts, no one will open” (NASB). God has used this verse more than any other in my life for 25 years. It is a prophetic reference to Christ’s authority, spoken about Him again in Revelation 3:7. He has now delegated this governmental authority to open and close, bind and loose, to the church (Matthew 16:18-19). This dream is about the church’s authority..! Our team’s name, Kingdom Ekklesia, playing in Royal Stadium, obviously confirms this. Ekklesia, the Greek word for “church,” referred to governing bodies - not congregations - in Christ’s day (I taught on the Ekklesia in a previous post dated 4/13/21. You can read it here.) “Royal” speaks of kingly authority. These 2 names clearly point to the praying church exercising its governmental, kingly authority. The city, Washington D.C., and the American’s watching the game indicates the contest/battle is over the U.S. government and the destiny of America. And finally, the name of the event is The World Seer Series, indicating that the battle will be won, at least in part, by those who correctly discern the times and seize the opportunity. The prophetic anointing - discerning and hearing the strategies of Holy Spirit - will be required to win this battle. I’ll say more about this momentarily. A new batting “order” was posted, representing a new strategy. I have referenced the Melchizedek “order” of priesthood, established by Christ, in a previous post from April 14, 2021 (click here to read), so I won’t take much time today doing so. The key point for this dream is that this order is a “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9), which includes both priestly and kingly intercession. Priestly prayer involves petitions offered upward to heaven, representing the needs of humans to God; kingly prayer releases the authority of Christ downward to earth from our spiritual position with Christ, seated at the Father’s right hand. This “royal” intercession is accomplished through decreeing the scriptures (Ephesians 6:17), binding and loosing the works of darkness (Matthew 16:18-19), and prophetic declarations (Job 22:28). In the dream, remember that we were the home team and our stadium was Royal Stadium. God is telling us that to win this battle for control of America, we must move in this new order, exercising our kingly authority as Christ’s Ekklesia. And we must listen very carefully to Holy Spirit - again, it is the World “Seer” Series. And though America was the setting of the series, it was about the “world.” Indeed, the battle we are now engaged in is regarding worldwide harvest. Team Kingdom Ekklesia was led by Greg Hood and me. Obviously, this does not suggest that we are the dominant leaders in the church or in our movement. In the dream, we simply represent the apostolic and prophetic gifts and anointings of Christ in the church (Ephesians 4:11-12). For those not familiar with these giftings, don’t think of them as titles and positions. Just as with evangelism, pastoral care and teaching, they are anointings and functions of Christ, given to the church in order to adequately represent Him. Think of the apostolic gift as a governing and overseeing anointing, and the prophetic gift as a seeing, discerning, and hearing anointing. In the dream, the leadership provided by the apostolic and prophetic anointings is indicating that these two gifts of Christ to the church, which have been restored to the body of Christ over the last 3-4 decades, will now take on their appropriate role of leadership in the church, along with evangelists, pastors and teachers. This in no way diminishes the role of the other 3; it simply adds the function of apostles and prophets, enabling the church to fully reveal and represent Christ in the earth. Obviously, I could have skipped over this part of the dream for the sake of eliminating controversy, and we could still have prayed regarding the dream’s message. However, I have included it as a teaching point to help us understand the need for all of Christ’s gifts if we are to win this spiritual war. Finally, the score was 20 to 22; I believe this represents the new year, 2022. We have entered the year that will decide who wins the war over our generations’ outpouring and harvest. God will ultimately win the battle, of course. But just as with Israel and their exodus from Egypt, we too can miss the opportunity to possess our promised inheritance. God would then have to raise up another generation to accomplish His purposes, just as He did in Israel. Notice that in the dream it was the 8th inning and there was a “great urgency” on us. We had become very focused at this point in the game. It was up to us, the Ekklesia, “to win this game for the nation.” No other entity or group can do this - the church MUST arise. What an important word for us. We must hear and respond well to this admonition. There should be a sense of urgency on us, the praying church at this time. This is our moment in history! We must seize the day! And I believe we will. We WILL rise up in this hour and possess the land. We WILL accomplish all that God intends for us to do. We WILL win this spiritual battle..! In tomorrow’s post and throughout the week, we will look at the further insights Holy Spirit gives us in this dream. Pray with me: Father, as Walter Wink once said, “History belongs to the intercessors.” We thank You for bringing us to this pivotal point in history. We are honored to partner with You and Your incredible plan of redemption here on earth. Now, may the praying church clearly understand the truth of this statement - history does indeed belong to us. Only we, through Christ’s name and authority, have the ability to push back the powers of darkness on earth. Awaken the church to the strategic importance of this year. May a divine urgency come upon us. Reveal to Your leaders and intercessors that we are indeed in the 8th inning and victory will soon be ours if we persevere. Give revelation also of the new order, that we are not only priests, but royal priests. May the church function in this kingly order, representing You as Your Ekklesia. Bring apostles and prophets into the fullness of their assignment so that we can represent Christ fully on the earth. We ask all of this in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the new batting order will fully manifest and Christ’s Ekklesia will become all He intends us to be. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  21. 5 min read September 23, 2022 Thank you for joining us for the next 5 days of review. We have received a strike from YouTube, meaning they are censoring us. They will not allow us to post any new content for 7 days. Therefore, we are going to take this next week to review older, strategic teachings which are needed before I share a new message next Friday, 9/30. As we begin this important week of review, I’d like to start by sharing this particular post. It will help to lay an essential foundation needed for this next week of teachings. Know Your Enemy Who Is Zephon? As I think about the insights and strategies given to us in the World Seers Series dream, I am amazed at what Holy Spirit has done to prepare us. He began speaking to me about the passage of scripture that first mentions the principality, Baal-zephon (Exodus 14), on July 4th weekend (2021). Since that weekend, I have written at least 3 posts teaching on this spirit and how God dealt with him during Israel’s Exodus. I have been reviewing those posts and looking at the passage again. I feel that some review would help you, as well. Let me begin by saying we are not, and will never become, preoccupied with demons. To do so would cause, not only imbalance, but would lead to deception and error. We never take our cues from satan. It is also true, however, that we are not supposed to ignore or be ignorant of him and his activities. Jesus did not ignore demons. He only did what the Father told him to do - via Holy Spirit - but Father often led Him to resist them or cast them out. We are told to do the same (Mark 16:17), and instructed in 2 Corinthians 2:11 to not be ignorant (Greek agnoeo - “without knowledge of; ignorant; ignore”) of the way satan thinks and operates (noema - “thought, purpose, plot, scheme, plan, device”). The verse tells us if we obey this warning satan will not be able to take advantage of us (pleonekteo - “gain the bigger portion of; take advantage of”). This is a strong warning; ignorance can be deadly. So again, we are not preoccupied with satan or his kingdom; but neither will we be ignorant of his schemes and plans. Here is a portion of a post I did on July 7 of last year (2021), explaining who Zephon is and how God dealt with him during the Exodus: In Exodus 14, the Red Sea was rolled back for Israel and Pharaoh’s army was destroyed. The first two verses inform us, “Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea; you shall camp in front of Baal-zephon, opposite it, by the sea,’” (Exodus 14:1-2). God wants us to know that HE chose the place for this encounter. To many of the Israelites, as well as to Pharaoh and his army, it looked as though Israel was confused, disoriented, and wandering aimlessly in the desert. And they were, in fact, now hemmed in, trapped by mountains, the sea, and Pharaoh’s army. Baal-zephon was one of the Egyptian gods. It was believed that he reigned in power and was lord over the sea. He was the only Egyptian god Yahweh had not yet judged and exposed during the 10 plagues and Israel’s deliverance. Scott Lancer, in an article for Associates for Biblical Research, (Confronting Baal Zephon: The Spiritual Message of the Meeting of Israel and the Armies of Egypt) says, “Let us remember that God had been triumphing over not only Pharaoh and the Egyptians, but also the supposed power of their gods. The plagues were a drumbeat of victory as the gods of Egypt were one by one, displayed to be impotent and powerless. And even more importantly, Yahweh wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the Lord,” (Exodus 14:4).(1) Pharaoh no doubt believed that this god was more powerful than Yahweh. He supposed that Baal-zephon had led them into a trap and was now going to cause Israel to be destroyed in front of the place named for him. Yahweh had other plans. His plan was to demonstrate that HE was the Lord of the sea. His authority, released through the extension of the rod He had given Moses, controlled the sea, not Zephon. Yahweh would lead His people THROUGH, not around, the sea the Egyptians believed was under the control of Zephon. And instead of the Israelites being destroyed, it would be Pharoah and the Egyptian army - in front of the headquarters of their supposed god! July 4th weekend, the Lord spoke to me that this is where we are in America. Many prophets have used the analogy of Israel and the Red Sea to describe the church during this season: our backs are to the wall, it appears that the god of this world has outsmarted and overpowered ours, and it looks as though satan has taken over the nation. But Yahweh, once again, has other plans. He will release His authority over this nation, just as He did over Israel at the Red Sea, and demonstrate that He is the Lord! Baal has long tried to rule America, but the orchestrated plan of God to overthrow his influence in our nation began in 2007 (The Call Nashville 07/07/2007), and continues to this day. Yahweh is about to expose the evil plans of the god of this world and his allies. He has allowed them to gain ground temporarily in order to expose their deception, anti-Christ ways, leftist ideals and even idiocy. But He will strike in His zeal, power, and determination to reap the coming great harvest. God must have a strong America that honors Him in order to accomplish this, and He will have that. Do not doubt this. AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!!! Yahweh said in Exodus 14:4, before springing His trap, “And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after them, and I will be honored through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” This is exactly what happened. “Honored” is the Hebrew word kabad, which is the word for glory. God actually said He would glorify Himself as He dealt with Pharaoh and this false god. And some scholars believe when Yahweh said the Egyptians would know He was the Lord, this was not simply a statement about proving He was in charge. It was, rather, a demonstration of His grace to the Egyptians, who were deceived and in bondage, following false gods who could not save them. And when God shows Himself strong in America, He will be honored and glorified. Millions of people will realize the folly of their ways, and that Christ is their Redeemer. Pray with me: Father, You are an all-wise planner. You see the end from the beginning and know exactly what to do to get there. You have been preparing us for this moment in time; because of this we are ready to overthrow the spirit of Baal that has ruled our nation. We know You are passionate to see this accomplished - You always operate in compassion and desire to save. Holy Spirit, You are a great and brilliant strategist, and You’re the best Helper ever. As we listen to and obey You, we cannot lose. You have orchestrated events in our nation, preparing to overthrow the rule of this spirit, Zephon. You know him well. You have defeated him before. And the blood of Christ has sealed his fate. Cause the Ekklesia to now arise and partner with You in this great endeavor. Bring a sense of urgency to the praying church. Cause them to know this is intended to be our finest hour. Indeed, You have spoken this to us prophetically. You have called it the greatest Kingdom campaign ever. Awaken us to this and to the urgency of the times. We ask this in the name of our Captain, Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the church is arising and will deliver America from the control of Baal. **************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _______________________________________
  22. 6 min read September 22, 2022 Reach Back and Move Forward In Yesterday’s post, Gina Gholston shared a powerful dream with us. It reminded us of our generation’s assignment to continue building a highway to the top of Kingdom Mountain. What others began, we must extend. I’ll never forget the day God asked me to agree in prayer with a dead man! “Lord,” I said, “is that really You speaking? He isn’t here; he’s in heaven.” In retrospect, it’s comical to try and explain something to the Lord, but I felt I needed to state the obvious. “He’s dead, Lord.” I reiterated. “I can’t bring him back to pray with him.” The response was simple, “But his prayers are not dead.” That idea rocked me. Now, if you had asked if I thought the man’s prayers had died with him, I would have said “no,” but might have wondered if it was a trick question. The Lord continued, “Until this generation comes into agreement with what this man asked Me to do, I can’t answer his prayer.” This greatly impacted me, as I realized God hadn’t said, “I won’t,” as in “didn’t want to.” He had clearly said that without this generation’s agreement, “I can’t answer his prayer.” The idea of God saying He couldn’t do this really messed with me. I had to know more. I began to ponder Hebrews 11, remembering the heroes of faith listed there along with some of their amazing exploits. However, we often forget that some of those faith heroes did not see the fulfillment of their promises. This has always seemed somewhat contradictory to me. When God searched history to accent great lives of faith, He chose to list some that did NOT receive the fulfillment of their God-given promises. These people went to the grave with unrealized promises from God, yet they had truly believed, even making it into the great Hall of Faith. Clearly, they weren’t deficient in their walk of faith; why then did they die without seeing the promises fulfilled? The last verse of Hebrews 11 gives us the amazing answer. “Because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they should not be made perfect” (Hebrews 11:40 NASV). The Greek word translated as “perfect” also means, “to finish; to complete; to mature; to reach the intended goal.” They did not receive the fulfillment of their promises because God wouldn’t allow them to be complete without us. That is incredible! We, today, play a role in these individuals’ callings and assignments. Think about the ramifications of this: without us, God can’t finish what He began through these saints; what He started through them cannot mature or reach its intended goal until we grab the baton and run our leg of the race. That is mind-blowing..! God gave these individuals promises, but He didn’t give them timelines. He did not tell them He would bring the fulfillment in their lifetimes, although I’m sure most of them expected Him to do so. The eternal God, who transcends time, speaks promises that are sometimes more reflective of His nature and relationship with time than ours. At times, He makes promises to people, knowing full well He will deliver on those promises through their children, grandchildren, or spiritual descendants. I wonder what I may be finishing for a pastor or teacher from a few decades ago? Or perhaps even for some flag waving patriot warrior? The generations are far more interconnected than most of us realize. In God’s mind, accomplishing something through our descendants is the same as doing it through us. Our comparatively shortsighted approach assumes every promise He makes will take place momentarily or at the very least before we die! We can’t fathom that a transcendent God might not share our urgency about the 80-year window we think of as life. Meanwhile, God feels no pressure and understands that if He fulfills His promises through our offspring, the accomplishments were for us, as well as for them. Conversely, the opposite is true. The Scriptures tell us that the credits and blessings from what we accomplish now can be reaped by our descendants. Hebrews 7:9 states that the descendants of Levi paid tithes through their great, great grandfather Abraham. They didn’t actually sow the tithe - grandpa did. But they shared the reward. I wonder what blessing we’re experiencing today that someone else paid for! As mind-stretching as this can be, there is an aspect of our spiritual walk that stretches beyond the boundaries of our window on earth. We can connect spiritually with things that occurred before us, and we can contribute to things that will happen in the future. Our prayers know no bounds, as long as we are open to thinking about time from God’s perspective, rather than our own. But Holy Spirit wasn’t finished instructing me in this prayer session. He had a seven-word phrase with which He intended to rock my finite mind. These seven words stretched my thinking yet again, and have resonated in me ever since: “I need the synergy of the ages.” “You need WHAT?” I immediately responded. It is obvious by now that this prayer time was wreaking havoc on my preconceived concepts and paradigms..! Holy Spirit was making me think outside of my God-limiting boxes. What is synergy of the ages? I quietly wondered. Synergy is a fascinating concept. Think of it as a multiplication of power through combined effort. In almost all cases in the physical world, one plus one equals two. But not when people work together. When two or more people combine their efforts and strengths, power is multiplied - not just added. God so loves unity and agreement that He created a phenomenon through which power multiplies when we simply work together..! Synergy doesn’t operate only in the natural realm; it also takes place in the spirit realm. Prayer is one example. Spiritual synergy takes place when two or more agree in prayer. The result is that through multiplied power, much more is accomplished than would have been had we prayed alone. Leviticus 26:8 teaches us about the power of multiplication, “Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand, and your enemies shall fall before your sword.” Something unusual and supernatural takes place through agreement - synergy. When we agree in prayer, our power grows exponentially. Synergy also occurs when generations connect. Honoring our parents multiplies our years on earth (Ephesians 6:1-3), while disconnecting from them brings forth curses (Malachi 4:6). Spiritual mantles, another word for callings and giftings, multiply in effectiveness through generational synergy (2 Kings 2:9). God’s plan is always for the present generation to build on the strengths of the previous. This is the synergy of the ages - multiplied power through generational agreement and honor. In Al Sanders’ book Crisis in Morality! He compares descendants of an atheist, Max Jukes, to the offspring of a well-known preacher of that same era, Jonathan Edwards: Max Jukes…married an ungodly girl, and among their descendants were 310 who died as paupers, 150 as criminals, 7 as murderers, 100 as drunkards, and more than half of the women were prostitutes. Jonathan Edwards…lived at the same time and married a godly girl. An investigation was made of 1394 known descendants of theirs. Of these descendants, 13 became college presidents, 65 college professors, 3 United States senators, 30 judges, 100 lawyers, 60 physicians, 75 army and navy officers, 100 preachers and missionaries, 60 authors of prominence, one a vice-president of the United States, 80 became public officials…and 295 college graduates, among whom were governors of states and ministers to foreign countries.(1) Amazing..! When Holy Spirit spoke to me that day, I was already aware of synergistic prayer. I knew I could agree in prayer with the person next to me and multiply power (Matthew 18:19). I just didn’t know I could agree with the generation behind me! Generational synergy - the synergy of the ages - was nowhere on my radar. Time is so much more connected than we realize. The Second Great Awakening isn’t over; it is just on pause until the third wave hits. Billy Graham’s evangelism isn’t finished; thousands of flaming evangelists are about to grab his baton. And freedom’s torch hasn’t gone out; its embers simply await the fresh wind of Holy Spirit. Reach back…and move forward..! Pray with me: Father, our shortsighted vision - in both directions - causes us to overestimate our role and underestimate that of others. We are but a link in the chain, a runner in Your great relay race. Heaven’s great cloud of witnesses is hoping we grab the baton. We commit to You today that these forefathers of ours will not have run in vain. Cause a force deep in our DNA to respond to this challenge. Like a salmon being drawn by an invisible force back to the place of its birth, may Your eternal purposes arise in our hearts, causing us to reach back, grab hold, and run ahead. We are an eternal company, joined in spirit, united in purpose. Send now another wave of revival, another blast of Your breath, another surge of Kingdom power. Revive us again. We are confident this is coming - we are agreeing with You, not begging You. We are Your family, partners, and friends - not hirelings. Onward, upward, and forward is our determined aim. Your pleasure is our reward. In Christ’s authority, we pray. Amen Our decree: We declare that we will reach back and move forward; we will honor the past, build on the past and finish the past. ****************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ________________________________ Quoted in Leonard Ravenhill. “Jonathan Edwards: Portrait of a Revival Preacher,” Dayspring, 1963.
  23. * 6 min read September 21, 2022 Fearless, Generational Trailblazers “And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect,” (Hebrews 11: 39-40 NASV). The word “perfect” in this passage would be better translated as “complete.” The works of those who came before us in God’s Kingdom are not complete. We must take the baton they handed us and run our leg of the race. Our friend, Gina Gholston, was given a significant dream relating to this. I think you will find it fascinating and enlightening. ****************** Gina shares: “I once had a dream in which I was with a group of people at the base of a very tall mountain. There was an old road in front of us, leading to the top. We knew we had to get to the mountaintop, so our plan was to follow the old path in front of us. “A lady was there telling us it was not wise to use that old road. ‘You shouldn’t do this! This road only goes so far, and no one has ever gone beyond there,’ she said. “In the dream, Dutch Sheets, a member of this group said, ‘It’s time to build the house of God. We must go to the top of this mountain!’ There was a strong determination among our team to make the journey—regardless of the cost—and complete the task we were assigned. “We got into military-type vehicles that were there for our use. I had never seen anything like them. They each resembled oddly shaped trucks with tracks like those on a bulldozer. The vehicle in the front of the line had a dozer blade on its front. As it began to move, we all followed. “We went a long way, but then came to the end of the old road where a HUGE snake was lying. It was so large that our vehicles could not cross over it. It was massive in thickness and enormous in length. The snake wasn’t aggressive, but it was blocking our way up the mountain. “We all got out of our vehicles and began to pray. The lady who had been at the base of the mountain had followed us, and said, ‘I told you that you shouldn’t do this. No one has ever gone beyond this point.’ Then she made a very odd statement. She declared, ‘It’s the year of the snake!’ “Dutch then spoke with righteous indignation and emphatically declared , ‘IT IS NOT THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE! THIS IS THE ERA OF THE KING, AND OUR KING IS SEATED ON HIS THRONE AND IS HIGHLY EXALTED!’ “We all got back into our vehicles, but a friend who was with us, Don Lynch, walked to where the road ended. There he found a large sword standing upright, with its tip stuck into the ground. It was as though it had been left specifically for us to find and use. The sword was almost as tall as Don and it was heavy. Yet Don put his hands on the handle and wielded it easily, as though it were made just for him! He walked the length of the snake until he came to its head, and with the sword, he cut off its head! The snake didn’t writhe or even move. Instead, it just deflated like a tire losing air! We could actually hear the air leaving. Its body went completely flat, leaving nothing but skin. “Don got back into his vehicle and we continued up the mountain. Each vehicle rolled over what was left of the snake. The ride was very rough, but the truck in front was carving the way, blazing a trail. As each of our vehicles followed, we realized that our tires/tracks were making the road more and more defined. “When we reached the top of the mountain, we all got out of our vehicles. Someone in our group pointed to the trucks and asked, ‘What are these things?’ “Someone answered, ‘They are called Trailblazers, and we are the forerunners to drive them. It is now our turn to pick up where the old road ended and extend the path. We have been called to go beyond where the previous generation went, building our assigned part onto the House of God.’ “End of dream.” ............... Gina then shares, “I have tremendous honor and gratitude for the obedience of those who took part in the plan of God for their time. Their dedication to Christ and determination to walk with Him, obeying His leading, cleared a path for us to now follow. They completed their tasks and their trail went as far as God wanted it to go. But this was not the end of the road. That was where they were to end their tasks, marking a beginning point for us, a marker that says, ‘Start here and keep going.’ We now have the baton. God has assignments and purposes for us to fulfill. We must take the baton, and continue the journey. “There are some who try to convince us we can’t advance any further up the mountain. But nothing could be farther from the truth. We are never meant to veer off the original path, but we must continue on and advance the path. There is work yet to be done, and this is our time to move forward and build. Paul explains that God is building a dwelling place for Himself, and is using all of us (every generation) in what He is building. ‘He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now, He’s using [us], fitting [us] in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the Cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home’ (Ephesians 2:20-22 MSG). The body of Christ is being built up as each part does its work, to be a habitation for God. Through us, He will reveal His power and might.” Gina shares further insight, “Just as the huge snake was blocking our path, the enemy would love to keep us from advancing. But we must boldly and confidently wield the sword, which is the Word of God. With it, we can cut off the head of the enemy. We must keep moving forward. This is not the time for fear or weariness. This is the ‘Era of the King, who is seated on His throne and is highly exalted.’ Our Righteous King is seated in authority and power, and we believe and declare His words. We tune out the noise of the naysayers, and we hear and follow the leading of our guide, Holy Spirit. We will not back up or turn around. We will not stop until HE says we are done. We are the trailblazers, forerunners, and we must do our part in preparing the path for those who will follow.” Pray with me: “Father, we hear You calling us to go beyond what we see. We feel the pull of Holy Spirit as He guides us into uncharted territory to reach the heights of Your intended purposes. We wield the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God that destroys every attempt of the enemy to stop our advancement. We choose to listen to You and silence every other voice—including our own—that seeks to convince us that what has been is all there is. We will not settle. We stay the course, and we trust You to lead us forward. “We honor the generations who obeyed You in their time and blazed a trail for us. We continue to build on the foundation they laid. We join our prayers with their prayers to make a synergistic appeal to Heaven for Your purposes to be done in our time and in our land! We believe, and we will see the fulfillment of Your determined verdict: America Shall be Saved! In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.” Our decree: “Armed with the sword of the Spirit, we go beyond past accomplishments! We are trailblazers and forerunners, doing our part to prepare the way for those who will follow the path we leave behind.” ************************ Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston. Portions were taken from her book, Dreams of Awakening. You can find out more about Gina here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  24. * 6 min read September 20, 2022 Understanding How the Prophetic Works Though Christ’s prophetic gift and anointing have been restored to the church for a few decades now, sadly, there is still much misunderstanding of the principles and guidelines associated with them. This is true even in charismatic circles. Because prophecy can be misused and misunderstood, many leaders would rather avoid the gift altogether, rather than study and teach about it. This creates ignorance and confusion, as well as the loss of this important anointing. It defrauds the body of Christ. Being one of the five gifts/anointings of Christ to the church (Ephesians 4:11-12), and prioritized highly in both 1 Corinthians 12:28 and the Ephesians verses, this clearly reveals the prophetic gift as something we should strive to understand. Many leaders, however, would rather leave controversial subjects alone. Again, this hurts the body of Christ. The prophetic gift need not be controversial when properly understood. One of the most harmful misconceptions regarding the prophetic is the belief that if a word doesn’t come to pass, it is a false prophecy. In other words, some people believe that if prophetic words, dreams, and visions are truly from God, they are guaranteed to come to pass. Actually, however, most prophecy is no more guaranteed than are promises in Scripture. Biblical promises are always conditional offers. Just because Jesus did not qualify every promise He made, did not mean there were no qualifying conditions. He said, “Ask and you will receive,” (Matthew 7:7). Yet millions of people have asked Him for things and did NOT receive them. Was Jesus lying? Of course not. He simply did not qualify this and other promises because it was to be assumed that all of His promises were conditioned/governed by all of Scripture. For example, if you have unforgiveness in your heart, your prayers won’t be answered. It would be foolish to think that every promise or offer made by God must be accompanied by all of its qualifying principles. Personal prophecy, dreams, and visions are likewise conditional. Usually, they are informing us of what God is “offering” or “desires” to do. He shares this with us in order that we might cooperate with Him through prayers, faith, and obedience. God works with and through us, not independently of us. When someone gives me a prophecy I believe is from God, I immediately begin seeking Holy Spirit and His word to understand what I must do in order to receive the fulfillment of the word or promise. And I begin releasing my faith in order to lay hold of it (see 1 Timothy 6:12). In the above verse, 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul told Timothy to “lay hold of” his “eternal life” through faith. Timothy already had God’s zoe life in him, but was not receiving the full benefits of it. It was in him, yet not being worked out from his spirit. The words “lay hold of” actually mean “to seize” (epilambano). “Grab it! Seize it by faith,” Paul was telling Timothy. God’s promises don’t just automatically fall in our lap simply because He spoke them. They must be laid hold of, possessed by faith and obedience. Personal prophecy, dreams, and words spoken to our hearts by Holy Spirit are no different. Passivity will always go unrewarded. This principle is NOT to be equated with “earning” God’s blessing. Just like our free gift of salvation, his blessings are procured by faith. The faith and action requirement of God’s promises can be seen in a passage of Scripture concerning Elijah (1 Kings 18:1). God told Elijah it was now time for a judgment upon Israel - which had manifested in the form of drought - to end. Yet, for this to occur, Israel had to repent (I Kings 18:39-40). Elijah then prophesied that the rain was coming but still had to travail in prayer for it to occur (1 Kings 18: 41-46; James 5:16-18)! The verses in James tell us it was also Elijah’s intercession that stopped the rain 3 years earlier, even though the drought was obviously God’s will (James 5:17). Amazing. Daniel realized through reading a decades-long prophecy by Jeremiah that it was time for a 70-year period of judgment in Israel to end (Daniel 9:1-2). Yet, he still went into an intense period of repentance for the nation’s sins, prayed fervently, and fasted for the fulfillment of this prophecy (Daniel 9:3-19). God answered his prayers and restored Israel, though the demonic “prince” of Persia tried desperately to stop the restoration. God’s will, God’s timing, God’s promise, a true prophecy - yet He still worked this will through a person! In Exodus, a promise from God can be seen going unfulfilled. Moses was told, “But now go, lead the people [to the place] where I have told you. Behold, My Angel shall go before you”… (Exodus 32:34 Amplified Version). The beginning of the next chapter makes clear that this “place” was the promised land: ”The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Depart, go up from here, you and the people whom you have brought from the land of Egypt, to the land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), saying, ‘To your descendants, I will give it.’ I will send an Angel before you, and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite. Go up to a land [of abundance] flowing with milk and honey…” (Exodus.33:1-3) God did not list conditions; He simply said MOSES would lead THESE people into the promised land. Yet Moses did NOT lead anyone into the promised land, nor did these people enter the land! The people's unbelief, fear, and rebellion negated their promise (Numbers 14); and Moses’ disobedience negated his promise (Numbers 20: 8-13). Yet, by the standards with which many prophets and prophecies are judged today, this would be a false prophecy. Stating that prophecy is conditional is not offering an “out” for the person releasing the word. It is simply stating the biblical principle that all promises from God are conditional. To be sure, those releasing prophetic words, dreams, or visions should be careful how they deliver the word. Though it would be an unrealistic expectation for them to list conditions, they should also be extremely cautious about guaranteeing an outcome. Let us not abandon God’s gifts because of extremes, or due to our ignorance. Nor let us make the mistake of hearing the word of the Lord and neglecting our part in seeing it fulfilled. Let’s be like the sons of Issachar, “discerning the times and seasons,” so that we can “know what to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). Let us be a people who “lay hold of” God’s promises “through faith and patience” (1 Timothy 6:12; Hebrews 6:12). NEVER be afraid of Christ’s gifts to the church - none of them. There are many good books on understanding the prophetic. I have listed a few at the end of today’s post. Pray with me: Father, we are on a growth journey of learning and understanding You and Your ways. We find it exciting - though in our humanness, at times, it is also a bit intimidating - to know that You work Your wonders through us. Yet, You have given us Your Word to instruct us, and the Holy Spirit to teach us. Therefore, we refuse to allow the intimidation to rob us of our inheritance in Christ. Teach us Your ways. Mature us in our sensitivity to Your voice, take us to higher levels of accuracy regarding Your prophetic gifts. We can know Your voice, we do have the mind of Christ, and Holy Spirit is the Spirit of revelation. Most of all, we can study Your Word to know Your ways and will. We pray for those who have stumbled due to misunderstanding the prophetic, or due to error or lack of wisdom in someone’s delivery of it. Comfort and encourage them. Remove fear of the prophetic from them. Cause those who operate in the prophetic to go to higher and higher levels of accuracy. And remove the critical spirit existing in some toward this wonderful anointing and gift of Christ to the church. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen. Our decree: We declare that we have ears to hear what Holy Spirit says to the church, we will judge all that we hear by Scripture and biblical principles, and this will cause us to prosper and succeed. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _______________________________ Here are some good books I recommend regarding understanding the prophetic gift: Prophets and Personal Prophecy Prophets: Pitfalls to Avoid and Principles to Practice Both by Dr. Bill Hamon Dreams & Visions Discernment: An Essential Guide for Hearing the Voice of God Both by Jane Hamon The Lifestyle of a Prophet The Discerner Both by James Goll The Essential Guide to the Prophetic The Voice of God Both by Cindy Jacobs When God Speaks by Chuck Pierce
  25. * 5 min read September 19, 2022 The Day the Music Stopped David, the great psalmist, giant slayer, and eventual king of Israel is one of my favorite Bible characters. Jesus must have liked him also; He accepted the title “Son of David.” David’s ultimate success, in spite of his colossal failures, should bring hope to all of us. The “man after God’s heart” also went after another man’s wife; the famous giant-killer also caused the death of a loyal soldier - the woman’s husband - in order to cover the affair. It doesn’t get much worse than that. But forgiveness and cleansing are for sinners, not perfect people, and we all qualify. Someone once said, “The only perfect people are in heaven.” Indeed. I thank God for His amazing grace. I love to sing the song and, as I do, I often think of its writer, John Newton, a former slave trader. It’s hard for me to imagine a more despicable activity than slave trading. Truth and justice finally broke through the fog of Newton’s deception and, after his conversion, Newton would eventually become a significant voice for the abolition of the slave trade. Later he penned the famous words: “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, Was blind but now I see…” (1) Thank God for His amazing grace - and for the song. Some historians actually believe Newton took the melody of “Amazing Grace” from the singing of slaves aboard one of his ships. Whether true or not, the fact that the song sang more than any other in the history of the world was written by a former slave trader is, like the song itself, amazing. Such an irony. The song could not have carried us to such heights had not the man sank to such depths. When all was said and done, the greatness of his sin was no match for the greatness of God’s grace. David would one day need - and find - this grace. When He became king, however, David was living a holy life of passion and purity, and decided that his first order of business would be to move the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. God’s presence and glory dwelled over the Ark, and David, lover of God that he was, wanted this presence right next to the palace so he could make regular visits. He also wanted God’s presence to be the focal point of the nation. “Then David consulted with the captains of thousands and the hundreds, even with every leader. David said to all the assembly of Israel, ‘If it seems good to you, and if it is from the Lord our God, let us send everywhere to our kinsmen who remain in all the land of Israel, also to the priests and Levites who are with them in their cities with pasture lands, that they may meet with us; and let us bring back the Ark of our God to us, for we did not seek it in the days of Saul.’ Then all the assembly said that they would do so, for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people. “So David assembled all Israel bring the Ark of God from Kiriath-jearim. David and all Israel went up to bring up from there the Ark of God, the Lord who is enthroned above the cherubim, where His name is called. They carried the Ark of God on a new cart from the house of Abinadab, and Uzza and Ahio drove the cart” (1 Chronicles 13: 1-7). This was quite an undertaking. Samuel’s version of the endeavor says David gathered thirty thousand specially chosen men of Israel to be part of this procession (2 Samuel 6:1). Thirty thousand! He and the entourage were “celebrating before the Lord with all kinds of instruments made of fir wood, and lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets, and cymbals” (v.5). It was a spectacular celebration! Though David is about to make a serious mistake with the Ark, give him credit. The Ark and the presence of God were important enough to him that He wanted this to be a BIG deal. “After all, this is Yahweh, God Almighty, we’re talking about,” was probably the reasoning. “Nothing is too much or too good for Him. In fact, make a new cart on which to transport it.” And that’s where the problems started. Because the Ark was transported on a cart, pulled by oxen, it wasn’t stable. When they hit a rough spot, the cart shifted, and it looked like the Ark might fall off. One of the drivers, Uzzah, reached out and touched the Ark in order to steady it. And the power in it killed him. The music and dancing stopped, as did the procession. Laughter turned to sorrow, and joy to mourning. A celebration became a funeral. Uncertain of what to do, David put the transporting of the Ark on hold, housing it at the nearby home of Obed-edom for 3 months while he researched what to do next. The problem, David eventually discovered, was the mode of transportation - the new cart. The Ark wasn’t supposed to be transported in this manner, but rather carried by poles running through rings on the sides of the Ark. This wasn’t easy, but it was secure and didn’t have to be touched. And though the process would be much more difficult, priests were supposed to carry the Ark on their shoulders. Their entire process was spelled out clearly in Numbers, the fourth chapter. We are left to wonder what the motivation was behind David’s use of the cart. I believe it very likely boiled down to convenience. Carrying the Ark on shoulders for ten miles would have been hard work. Splinters, sore muscles, chafed shoulders, blisters on the feet - all would have been the painful result. The long hard miles up and down hills through the desert, in the heat - “let’s just let the oxen do it.” David learned the hard way that, contrary to human preference, ignorance isn’t bliss, easy doesn’t do it, and it’s not just the thought that counts. The three idiomatic expressions from which I took these statements may be witty, but often they’re simply not true. In fact, they can be deadly. David and his followers discovered that it’s more than the thought that counts. Obedience matters. And they learned that experiencing the Lord’s presence and glory wouldn’t be easy or convenient. As my friend Damon Thompson said, “If Christianity was intended to be convenient, it wouldn’t have been built on crosses and martyrs.” God’s presence and glory aren’t stumbled onto by happenstance, nor are they found by the casual seeker. They’re discovered when sought after, with passion and intentionality. Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your desire to be with us. We thank You we now have access to You through the shed blood of Jesus, and we can dwell in Your presence as much and as often as we desire. Thank You for Your amazing grace. We ask You for greater hunger. We ask You to increase our spiritual appetite for You. May we experience Your presence at ever-increasing levels, for doing so increases our longing for more. We want to be like David, people who are passionate for Your heart. We ask that You please increase the presence of Holy Spirit in our nation. Bring a presence movement to America. We want such hearts for You that no sin or earthly pleasure can crowd You out. In the Scriptures, You speak of different levels of Your amazing grace. In Acts 4:33 You speak of “great” grace. The Greek word is megas, from which we get the English word mega. I pray for mega grace to come to America. We need Your incredible, mega grace to save our nation. We believe America shall be saved, and this grace will be poured out. We thank You for it in the mighty name of Jesus...Amen. Decree: We decree that Your grace is sufficient, and is being poured out on America. Portions of this post were taken from my book, The Pleasure of His Company, published by Baker Books. Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________
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