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  1. 6 min read January 3, 2023 A Dragon, Calamity, and A Promise (part 1 of 4) Today, I’m going to share what I believe is an important dream. It is somewhat sobering, yet ultimately very hope-filled. The dream includes 3 scenarios that present challenges and opportunities in America. It also makes clear that the praying church has the authority to determine which scenario ultimately prevails. America shall be saved, yes, but this will occur as the Ekklesia continues to listen and obey Holy Spirit. Just as Elijah birthed God’s promised rain (see 1 Kings 18), and Daniel birthed His promised restoration of Israel (see Daniel 9), the Ekklesia must birth America’s recovery, as well. We have begun this process and must continue doing so. Paul spoke of choices in First Corinthians 16:8-9: “I will remain in Ephesus until the feast of Pentecost. There’s an amazing door of opportunity standing wide open for me to minister here, even though there are many who oppose and stand against me” (TPT). Paul was not intimidated or controlled by the opposition; he chose the opportunity - in spite of the opposition. In Deuteronomy, God offered Israel the choice of life or death, blessings or curses (Deuteronomy 30:19). He urged them to choose life, both for themselves and their children. Our decisions have far-reaching effects. We in America are making decisions today that will determine the futures of our children and grandchildren. In his Concord Hymn, Ralph Waldo Emerson spoke of patriotic “...heroes [who] dare to die and leave their children free.”(1) May Holy Spirit give us heroic hearts that will fight for the freedom of our children. The dream, as given to Dr. Greg Hood: “On 12/02/2022, the Lord gave me [Greg Hood] a dream. The dream opened with Dutch and I being led by an angel up to large, iron double doors. The angel took us through them, and inside we saw three doors down the left side of the room. Each door had a combination lock with a keypad on it. “We approached the first door, which was open slightly, allowing us to see a little of the room. Dutch reached and opened the door further so we could see more of what was inside. What we saw was unnerving - a dragon eating from a bowl that was shaped like the United States. As the bowl would become empty, men in suits replenished it. “We stepped away from the door, and it returned back to its original position - open, but only slightly. As the angel led us away from the door, I [Greg] reached to push it fully closed, but could not move it. While motioning us toward the next door, the angel said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “We approached the second door, and again, it was slightly ajar. Once more, Dutch reached out and opened it fully. Inside was a movie theatre with a movie playing on the big screen. The movie was depicting spiritual darkness causing all sorts of evil - famine, communism, war, and calamity. A man was sitting in the front row of the theatre. In the dream, we knew he was Nero, the former emperor of Rome. The movie became more intense. We could see cities being overrun, homes and families being displaced. Again, as we stepped away from the doorway, the door automatically went to its original position - open slightly. As we were led away from the door, I [Greg] again reached to push the door closed, but couldn’t do so. While motioning us to move toward the next door, the angel again said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “The angel then led us to the third door. This door was also cracked open, but a little more than the others. As we approached it, we could hear a sound coming from inside the room. Again, Dutch opened the door fully, and as he did, we could feel powerful energy coming from inside. This energy created a strong wind that was blowing outward, then sucking inward, like a person breathing, only much stronger. The wind was so strong it was moving us backward and forward. The angel of the Lord spoke and said, ‘This is the door to awakening and the transformation of nations.’ The angel then said to Dutch, ‘These doors picture what America is now facing. They can’t be opened or closed by the hands of the prophet, but must be opened and closed by the decrees of the apostolic Ekklesia. Operate them with your mouth, not your hands!’ “Dutch then began speaking forcefully to the first two doors: ‘MY CODE IS 22-22, AND WITH IT I COMMAND THESE DOORS TO CLOSE, AND I DEADBOLT THEM CLOSED FOR GOOD!’ When he declared this, both doors slammed shut with powerful force, and an angel was placed at each one to ensure that it remained closed. “Dutch then turned to the third door and declared loudly and boldly, ‘AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR. IT IS THE DOOR OF YOUR PROMISE! I CALL YOU INTO YOUR PROMISED DAY OF REFRESHING, REMODELING, AND PURPOSE! AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR OF DESTINY: THE DOOR OF AWAKENING! IT IS NOW OPEN TO YOU, AMERICA, AND WILL BE THE OPENING OF THE NATION TO AWAKENING!’ “As Dutch finished declaring this, the wind and energy in this room sucked us through the doorway. And we knew the nation had been pulled into the room of awakening!” End of dream. Three doors. Three rooms. Three scenarios. In dreams of this nature I represent the praying Church; actions I perform are not to be done by me alone, but by the apostolic Ekklesia. In the first room, the dragon no doubt represents satan (Revelation 12:9). It could also represent satan in his manifestation as Leviathan (see Isaiah 27:1). I also believe the dragon could represent the Communist Party of China (not the general population) which is evil, no doubt controlled by demonic powers and is often pictured by a dragon. The dragon is seen in the dream consuming and devouring America. Satan’s desire is always to steal, kill and destroy, and he is most certainly doing much of this in America. Notice that in the dream, the door is already open, and the consuming of America has begun. America was being fed to the dragon by men in suits. I believe they refer to some in America’s government, and also in our businesses and corporations. Unrighteous decisions being made by individuals in our government are giving satan the right to consume and devour America. And deals being made with Communist China by some in our business arena are feeding America’s assets and security to that nation. Behind door number two was a movie showing death and destruction being observed by “Nero.” Nero was the emperor of Rome from 54 A.D. to 68 A.D. He no doubt represents evil, perhaps even insane, government. This evil emperor was an insane tyrant, a murderer who killed his own family members, and the ruler who began the persecution of Christians in Rome. Nero had them burned alive, crucified and thrown to the dogs. He was the emperor who oversaw the martyrdom of the apostles, Paul and Peter. Nero was insane, evil, and controlled by demons.(2) Watch a video or two of drag queens dancing in apostate churches or in front of kindergarteners. Then consider the fact that they are celebrated by many in our government - some of them even honored and entertained in the White House. THIS…is a picture of Nero playing the fiddle while watching Rome burn. Back to the dream… All sorts of evils were being displayed on the TV screen of Room 2: communism, principalities overseeing the destruction of families and cities, war, death, and destruction. Sound familiar? Most of these things are already occurring in America. As the dream showed, the door is open and the carnage has begun. Will America be involved in another literal war, perhaps even here on our soil? It is not clear in the dream, though this cannot be ruled out. Regardless, the instructions given to the praying Church will remain the same, which we will discuss later this week. It is clear in the dream that these two doors leading to evil and destruction CAN be closed - that’s good news! However, they could NOT be closed with our hands. In other words, they can’t be closed through human effort: laws, legislation, strength, ideas, methods or programs, including those implemented by the Church. Tomorrow, we will look at the wonderful scenario behind door number 3, followed by the instructions on how we were instructed to close and open these doors. Pray with me: Father, America has sown the wind; we are now reaping the whirlwind. Evil forces are being fed and strengthened, the dragon is gorging himself on our nation. Addiction is common, violence is rampant, babies are legally killed, children are mutilated. Many in government are corrupt and evil, and America is led by a dishonest man whom the entire world knows is also mentally handicapped. And yet…Your mercy is everlasting, enduring forever, triumphing over judgment. You still offer salvation and point the way to deliverance and victory. As many have been partaking of communion together, we have been appealing to heaven’s Mercy Seat, where Your very blood shouts louder than our sins. Your mercy is amazing, and we thank You! We declare today that the apostolic Church WILL close and lock these evil doors. We WILL open the door of awakening, refreshing, remodeling, and purpose. We ARE Christ’s apostolic Ekklesia, and we DO know the code. Open our eyes this week and next as we pursue the further revelation You are offering regarding all of this. In Christ’s name we ask, amen. Our decree: We declare that the apostolic Ekklesia will open the door of life and blessing. ******************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ____________________________
  2. 8 min read January 5, 2023 A Dragon, Calamity, and A Promise (Part 3 of 4) On Tuesday, we began looking at an important dream which described 3 scenarios in America’s future. Two of them are destructive and devastating. The third is revival and restoration. I encourage you to read Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s posts if you have not yet done so. I believe they are very important and lay a foundation for today's and tomorrow’s posts. I will not read the dream again today but will include it at the end of today’s post. Behind the third door, the door of promise, was Holy Spirit. The door was referred to, among other things, as the door to awakening and the transforming of nations. The blessings behind this door were not just for America but for other nations, as well. Holy Spirit’s choice of these 2 words in the dream - awakening and transformation - was strategic and very intentional. Several years ago, the Lord showed me the important differences between Christ’s great commissions of Mark 16:15-18 and Matthew 28:18-20. Each corresponds to one of the two commissions God gave humankind through Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:26-28. The first of these assignments or commissions was to be fruitful and multiply: “Give me more kids,” God said. The second commission was to steward, manage, or govern the earth. “You will represent My kingdom’s government on this outpost of the Kingdom,” He told them. Both of these plans were interrupted at the Fall. God temporarily lost His family and His ambassadors on the earth. Jesus, of course, was sent to recover and restore this. This is what Christ meant when He said in Matthew 16:18-19, “I will build my Church…” The word “build” is oikodomeo (Strongs 3618, 3624), which means to build a family or household. In choosing this word Christ was saying, “I’ve come to get the family back!” “Church” is the word ekklesia (Strongs 1577), meaning a legislative, governing assembly. I have shared posts on this word in the past and mentioned it frequently. However, the meaning and concept behind this word Christ used is so significant I’m going to do another entire post on it next week. For now, suffice it to say that by choosing this word, He was saying, “I have come to reestablish My family as My government on earth.” Christ’s other comments amplified and explained this further. He went on to say that this ekklesia would be given His Kingdom authority (“keys”), would lock and unlock, forbid and allow (“bind and loose”), and that the government (“gates”) of hell would not overpower them. After reversing the setbacks and reestablishing these two plans at the Cross, Jesus re-commissioned His followers in Mark 16:15-18 and Matthew 28:18-20. In Mark’s gospel He said to go and preach the good news so that humans can be delivered, healed, filled with Holy Spirit, and be part of God’s family once again. In other words, He told them to “be fruitful and multiply!” This is what is occurring in revival or awakening. In Matthew 28, however, Jesus re-commissioned us to disciple nations according to His teachings. “As My Ekklesia, You have My authority. In My name instruct and disciple nations back to what I intended in the beginning,” He instructed us. This is transformation or reformation. Both of these activities are absolutely essential. To understand them more fully, here are a few comparisons and differences: Awakening brings people into God’s family; Reformation teaches them His ways. Awakening births them spiritually; Reformation trains them practically. Awakening changes the human heart; Reformation changes the human mind (thinking). Awakening is internal (takes place in us); Reformation is external (is worked out from/by us). Awakening is accomplished through preaching; Reformation takes place through teaching. Awakening produces converts; Reformation produces disciples. Awakening releases God’s life; Reformation establishes His laws, principles, and ways. Awakening saves the individual; Reformation saves regions/nations. Awakening produces a bride, worshippers; Reformation produces an Ekklesia, those who govern. In most revivals, believers think only of getting people saved, born again (Mark 16). This, of course, is essential and must be the starting point - birthing obviously precedes training. But if Matthew 28 - the reforming and discipling of individuals and nations - doesn’t occur, the long-term fruit will be minimal and can even be lost. The great Charismatic Movement of the late 60’s through the early 80’s, which included the Jesus People Movement, saw tens of millions of people saved around the world. It was a wonderful example of Mark 16 occurring with great momentum, a significant revival. However, there was little understanding of our calling to do Matthew 28. The minimal awareness of discipling that did exist was limited to the discipling of individuals who came to Christ, not the discipling of nations, societies, and cultures. Discipling nations involves and includes government, education, and all other societal institutions. It is not a dictating or forcing of God’s laws upon people and nations, but rather teaching and implementing His ways and principles at every level and in every sector of society. Salvation opens the heart and will to this, which is why it must occur first. When people are born again, Holy Spirit writes God’s laws in their hearts, making them open to His truth - even possessing a strong desire to find and pursue it. Also, their conscience is alive, active. When a nation experiences significant revival, the portion of the populace affected by it does not have to be “forced” to implement God’s will and ways. They desire to do His will, to obey Him. But they must be taught, retrained. And their children must be, as well. If this does not occur, satan attempts to counteract the revival by infusing wrong thinking, ideas, philosophies, etc., into the culture. Sadly, during the Jesus Movement/Charismatic Movement of the ‘70s, Christians did Mark 16 only. Though millions of people were saved, humanists, secularists and atheists were busy doing their version of Matthew 28, discipling a nation. We saved individuals, they discipled a nation. We preached the gospel; unbelievers taught dogmas and doctrines. We went to church; they went to our schools and universities. We gathered on weekends; they gathered all week. We enjoyed Christian TV; they made movies, programs, and eventually took over the industry. We sang and worshipped at church; they took over the airwaves and discipled a generation with their music. The result: we experienced one of the greatest revivals in history AND LOST OUR NATION! This is almost incomprehensible! Yet, it occurred. Now, the generation that humanists, secularists, and atheists discipled is in charge - governing, teaching, entertaining and informing our nation. This is the fruit of Mark 16…without Matthew 28. In this dream, however, the angel said a revival was coming that would produce both awakening AND transformation, refreshing AND remodeling. The body of Christ will once again accomplish both commissions. This will produce the greatest transformation on Earth since the Cross! Indeed, it will be the full outworking of what Christ accomplished at the Cross. Tomorrow, we will look at what Holy Spirit said we must do in order to close the evil doors and open the Door of Promise. Pray with me: Father, Jesus said He was building an Ekklesia, a family the gates/government of hell would not be able to overcome. He then commissioned us to relaunch the plan of multiplying Your family, and of stewarding the earth for You. We embrace these commissions. This 2-fold plan is gaining momentum. Christ’s bride is growing in numbers and the Ekklesia’s revelation of who we are in Him is increasing. Bring another wind that increases this even more. Cause the greatest season of awakening and transformation in earth’s history to now take place - Mark 16 and Matthew 28 simultaneously. Hit a grand slam, Holy Spirit! Knock it out of the park! Open the door and suck us into Your room of blessing! We ask this in Christ’s glorious name. Amen, so be it! Our decree: We decree that the Great Commissions of Christ WILL be fulfilled by His legislative bride! Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________________________________________________________ The Dream of 3 Doors (12/2/2022) “On 12/02/2022, the Lord gave me [Greg Hood] a dream. The dream opened with Dutch and I being led by an angel up to large, iron double doors. The angel took us through them, and inside we saw three doors down the left side of the room. Each door had a combination lock with a keypad on it. “We approached the first door, which was open slightly, allowing us to see a little of the room. Dutch reached and opened the door further so we could see more of what was inside. What we saw was unnerving - a dragon eating from a bowl that was shaped like the United States. As the bowl would become empty, men in suits replenished it. “We stepped away from the door, and it returned back to its original position - open, but only slightly. As the angel led us away from the door, I [Greg] reached to push it fully closed, but could not move it. While motioning us toward the next door, the angel said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “We approached the second door, and again, it was slightly ajar. Once more, Dutch reached out and opened it fully. Inside was a movie theatre with a movie playing on the big screen. The movie was depicting spiritual darkness causing all sorts of evil - famine, communism, war, and calamity. A man was sitting in the front row of the theatre. In the dream, we knew he was Nero, the former emperor of Rome. The movie became more intense. We could see cities being overrun, homes and families being displaced. Again, as we stepped away from the doorway, the door automatically went to its original position - open slightly. As we were led away from the door, I [Greg] again reached to push the door closed, but couldn’t do so. While motioning us to move toward the next door, the angel again said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “The angel then led us to the third door. This door was also cracked open, but a little more than the others. As we approached it, we could hear a sound coming from inside the room. Again, Dutch opened the door fully, and as he did, we could feel powerful energy coming from inside. This energy created a strong wind that was blowing outward, then sucking inward, like a person breathing, only much stronger. The wind was so strong it was moving us backward and forward. The angel of the Lord spoke and said, ‘This is the door to awakening and the transformation of nations.’ “The angel then said to Dutch, ‘These doors picture what America is now facing. They can’t be opened or closed by the hands of the prophet, but must be opened and closed by the decrees of the apostolic Ekklesia. Operate them with your mouth, not your hands!’ “Dutch then began speaking forcefully to the first two doors: ‘MY CODE IS 22-22, AND WITH IT I COMMAND THESE DOORS TO CLOSE, AND I DEADBOLT THEM CLOSED FOR GOOD!’ When he declared this, both doors slammed shut with powerful force, and an angel was placed at each one to ensure that it remained closed. “Dutch then turned to the third door and declared loudly and boldly, ‘AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR. IT IS THE DOOR OF YOUR PROMISE! I CALL YOU INTO YOUR PROMISED DAY OF REFRESHING, REMODELING, AND PURPOSE! AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR OF DESTINY: THE DOOR OF AWAKENING! IT IS NOW OPEN TO YOU, AMERICA, AND WILL BE THE OPENING OF THE NATION TO AWAKENING!’ “As Dutch finished declaring this, the wind and energy in this room sucked us through the doorway. And we knew the nation had been pulled into the room of awakening!” End of dream. ************************* You can find out more about Dr. Hood at
  3. 6 min read January 4, 2023 A Dragon, Calamity, and a Promise (Part 2 of 4) Yesterday, we began looking at a dream about America in which three doors, picturing 3 scenarios, were shown. I believe it will be helpful to read the dream once more. This dream was given to my friend, Dr. Greg Hood. “On 12/02/2022, the Lord gave me [Greg Hood] a dream. The dream opened with Dutch and I being led by an angel up to large, iron double doors. The angel took us through them, and inside we saw three doors down the left side of the room. Each door had a combination lock with a keypad on it. ******* “We approached the first door, which was open slightly, allowing us to see a little of the room. Dutch reached and opened the door further so we could see more of what was inside. What we saw was unnerving - a dragon eating from a bowl that was shaped like the United States. As the bowl would become empty, men in suits replenished it. “We stepped away from the door, and it returned back to its original position - open, but only slightly. As the angel led us away from the door, I [Greg] reached to push it fully closed, but could not move it. While motioning us toward the next door, the angel said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “We approached the second door, and again, it was slightly ajar. Once more, Dutch reached out and opened it fully. Inside was a movie theatre with a movie playing on the big screen. The movie was depicting spiritual darkness causing all sorts of evil - famine, communism, war, and calamity. A man was sitting in the front row of the theatre. In the dream, we knew he was Nero, the former emperor of Rome. The movie became more intense. We could see cities being overrun, homes and families being displaced. Again, as we stepped away from the doorway, the door automatically went to its original position - open slightly. As we were led away from the door, I [Greg] again reached to push the door closed, but couldn’t do so. While motioning us to move toward the next door, the angel again said to me, ‘You can’t close it with your hands!’ “The angel then led us to the third door. This door was also cracked open, but a little more than the others. As we approached it, we could hear a sound coming from inside the room. Again, Dutch opened the door fully, and as he did, we could feel powerful energy coming from inside. This energy created a strong wind that was blowing outward, then sucking inward, like a person breathing, only much stronger. The wind was so strong it was moving us backward and forward. The angel of the Lord spoke and said, ‘This is the door to awakening and the transformation of nations.’ "The angel then said to Dutch, ‘These doors picture what America is now facing. They can’t be opened or closed by the hands of the prophet, but must be opened and closed by the decrees of the apostolic Ekklesia. Operate them with your mouth, not your hands!’ “Dutch then began speaking forcefully to the first two doors: ‘MY CODE IS 22-22, AND WITH IT I COMMAND THESE DOORS TO CLOSE, AND I DEADBOLT THEM CLOSED FOR GOOD!’ When he declared this, both doors slammed shut with powerful force, and an angel was placed at each one to ensure that it remained closed. “Dutch then turned to the third door and declared loudly and boldly, ‘AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR. IT IS THE DOOR OF YOUR PROMISE! I CALL YOU INTO YOUR PROMISED DAY OF REFRESHING, REMODELING, AND PURPOSE! AMERICA, THIS IS YOUR DOOR OF DESTINY: THE DOOR OF AWAKENING! IT IS NOW OPEN TO YOU, AMERICA, AND WILL BE THE OPENING OF THE NATION TO AWAKENING!’ “As Dutch finished declaring this, the wind and energy in this room sucked us through the doorway. And we knew the nation had been pulled into the room of awakening!” End of dream. ******* Yesterday we looked at the evils and destruction behind doors one and two. They included devastation, darkness, war, violence, and great oppression. However, wonderful blessings were available behind the third door, including national awakening, recovery, and restored purpose. All three doors were slightly open, revealing that what was in the rooms behind them had already begun to occur, the good and the bad. It certainly doesn’t require prophetic insight to see this when looking at America; evil abounds in every sector of our land. Yet the third door was open slightly more than the other two. God has been doing wonderful things in the Church to prepare us for our role in the saving of America. A remnant is rising with fresh revelation and determination. Many are praying as never before and speaking out for truth and change. The 5 ministry gifts/anointings of Christ listed in Ephesians 4:11, [apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher] have been restored to the Church. Cooperation between various streams of the body of Christ is increasing. The energizing breath of Holy Spirit, shown in the dream pulsating inside the room of awakening, can truly be felt. When thinking of the breath of Holy Spirit, one cannot help but think of Ezekiel 37, where He is seen blowing on the dry, bleached bones of Israel. God did not reject Israel in her spiritually dead condition, nor did He wait for them to save themselves. No, Holy Spirit gathered them, reconnected them, released His mighty breath and life into them, and made them a great army. Likewise, God is not waiting for America to save herself before He moves in our land. He is going to move in order to save us! In Acts 2, Holy Spirit didn’t wait for His confused and unbelieving disciples to get their act together before releasing His breath to them. He released His breath, causing them to get their act together! God doesn’t come to “worthy” people - His coming makes them worthy. He doesn’t begin with an army; He saves, restores, and then forms an army. Put out of your thinking once and for all any belief that says God requires us to save or purify ourselves before He will move. No! He moves by His Spirit in order to save and purify us! No part of our salvation is earned. It is all a gift, received by grace through faith. In the dream, Holy Spirit sucked us into His room of awakening! Two of the blessings found in the room were “refreshing” and “remodeling.” These two results of Holy Spirit’s breath are mentioned in Acts 3:19-21. Verse 19 mentions “times of refreshing.” The Greek word used for refreshing is anapsuxis (Strongs 403), from the root word psucho (Strongs 5594), meaning breath or wind. The prefix ana gives it repetition and intensity. A good and amplified translation would be “the blowing of the breath again, intensely.” This is most certainly what occurred in the dream. It is also what occurred in Ezekiel 37, Acts 2, and every other revival in history. The dream shows us that we are standing at the door of a very anxious and ready Holy Spirit. He is about to release His holy, reviving breath to America again. The Lord referred to the door as “The Door of Promise.” God has promised many times through numerous prophetic voices that America shall be saved. Those who have ears to hear can now hear His approaching breath! The word “remodel” was also used to describe the fruit of Holy Spirit’s outpouring. Acts 3:21 mentions “times of restitution.” The Greek word is apokatastasis (Strongs 605), which means “to reconstitute; to restore something to its former state.” God is going to restore, rebuild, and recondition America. This “remodeling” is a reconstituting of America to His original intent and purpose for her. This was behind the third door - Holy Spirit’s breath waiting to do this! Tomorrow we will look at still another facet of this coming great awakening. Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy. You love to save! All of heaven loves it, rejoicing when You do so. We have allowed satan and flawed theology to paint You as ogreish, looking for any opprtunity to release wrath and destroy people. The truth is that You are love personified, Your gracious heart always anxious to heal and restore. Though America is currently being consumed by the dragon, we hear Your offer to save us from his destruction. We, ourselves, opened the door to this destruction and are reaping the wages of our sins. We are not asking You to overlook those sins; we ask You to cleanse them, eradicate them, through the saving blood of Jesus. Deliver us from evil! Holy Spirit, we can hear You breathing inside the room of promise, the room of awakening and the transformation of nations. We can feel Your energy! Like Elijah on Mt. Carmel, we hear the sound of abundant rain. Come, Sir! Release the wind! Father give us greater understanding of our role in this. You have never moved on Earth apart from humans’ involvement. You work with and through us, not without us. Awaken the apostolic Church to step up in 2023, to truly be Your voice. Stir us, refire us, refill us, and re-energize us! We ask this in Yeshua’s name! Our decree: We declare that another mighty wind from Holy Spirit is coming to Earth, and will NOT be stopped. ***************** You can find out more about Dr. Hood at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  4. 5 min read January 2, 2022 Fresh Air I hope you had a good Christmas and hope that you have a happy and blessed New Year! I always find the words sent by my brother, Tim, to be encouraging and instructive. This one, however, is exceptionally edifying. As the title suggests, it speaks of refreshing breath from Holy Spirit, and it also speaks of the Father’s great plans for 2023. You’ll be encouraged. Tim shares: **************** “We are in amazing supernatural times in which new plans from the Godhead have begun to manifest. In many ways last year set the table prophetically for our future. Prophetic words from the past received fresh emphasis and have begun to activate. I recently heard Holy Spirit say, ‘It is time for God-happenings, thousands of Kingdom events will occur.’ “We are moving into a season of great God-planned events, aided by angelic assistance. The King’s Ekklesia has begun functioning at higher levels of our Kingdom’s authority, and the Kingdom of Christ is expanding in its influence. “I have been pondering, praying and asking for revelation regarding 2023. Holy Spirit reminded me of past prophecies and promises given to the heirs of God, His sons and daughters. I believe we are moving into a time when great victories will be seen in the individual lives of Kingdom heirs. Great breakthroughs will activate in the lives of God’s family members who declare ownership of His promises. Greater inheritance benefits will be received by those heirs. “A Kingdom shift in the spiritual atmosphere will make it easier to receive inheritance blessings from the Father. We are moving into a time of blessing, refreshing, and strengthening for the children of God. He wants us strong and courageous, well able to live our lives in joy and gladness as functioning citizens of His Kingdom - occupying and carrying out God’s family business until Christ returns. ***** “As I was praying into this, I received a prophetic download from Holy Spirit. He said, ‘The heirs will begin to breathe fresh air. For fresh resurrection breath, even now, is being breathed by the Father on the sons and daughters. Emotions will resurrect. Feelings will resurrect. Minds will resurrect. Physical bodies bound by spirits of infirmity, disease and all manner of sicknesses will resurrect. Those living skeletal lives of existence will resurrect. Those plagued by demonic fatigue will resurrect. Broken hearts will resurrect. Fresh air is being breathed upon the heirs. They shall breathe fresh air.’ “‘As in the Exodus of old, says the Lord, the children of God in this hour, moving into the new days, will not be decrepit. They will not be feeble or worn out ‘has-beens.’ Even old age will not define them - it didn’t define Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Joshua, or Caleb. And it will not define My heirs! I have deliverers rising in all age groups, young and old, male and female. “‘My children are coming out of bondage. There will not be lack in their homes. There will not be hopelessness in their dwellings. There will not be the oppressive grip of present-day pharaohs on them or their children. There will not be the sweat of fear upon their brow. They will not march to the menacing drums of cultural evils or the feral voices of evil politicians. “‘They will live in resurrection life, resurrection power. They will breathe the breath of life, the fresh air of heaven. They will experience anointings and angelic assistance to live as My family ought to live, says the Lord, a family serving joyfully and triumphantly in the dynasty of their Father. Heirs serving as joint-heirs with Christ. Yes, fresh air is blowing from the mountain of God, the fresh air of Heaven into His sons and daughters. The life of the Father will surely be in them and will surely be seen through them.’” ***** Tim says, “There is purpose behind all the prophetic words we have been given. Prophetic words are given to prepare us for assignments, assignments that lead us to supernatural victories. God’s words are given in order that we may use them as prayer strategies and faith declarations. The remnant is now going to begin to live out these prophetic words. They are no longer futuristic; they’re for this moment. “A supernatural shift has occurred to prepare us for 2023, a supernatural year in which God’s plans will manifest in our lives individually, corporately, and nationally. We will also now begin the implementation of spiritual warfare plans that will continue into the future, year after year gaining in strength and power. “God’s heirs are being strengthened for this supernatural mission. In 1 Timothy 1:18 (Voice Translation), Paul said ‘Timothy, my dear son, I am placing before you a charge for the mission ahead. It is in total agreement with the prophecies once spoken.’ “There is a mission before us that aligns with prophetic words Holy Spirit has given. He is issuing a charge to His heirs to rise and merge with the armies of the Lord, accomplishing this mission. It is a demon-defeating, stronghold-demolishing, uprooting mission against Baal and his indoctrination of evil. And the mission will be triumphant! The One who sees the end from the beginning has pre-decreed our victory. “The moment has come for the sons and daughters of God to receive times of refreshing and be filled with power from on high. Be encouraged and strengthened. We are in an era of supernatural movements on the earth. Great, bold, fearless warriors are rising, anointed by the Holy Spirit. The world will begin to see the curtains being pulled back, revealing a glorious church without spot or wrinkle, just as God’s Word says. “Hear this final word of the Lord: ‘New levels of Authority will now be seen in My Kingdom. The weak will say, “I am strong,” the lost will say, “I am found.” Captives will say, “I am free.” The sick will say, “I am healed.” Prodigals will say, “I’m going home.” Hopeless sons and daughters will declare, “I am filled with hope and am alive again,” says the Lord. The addict will say, “My chains are gone.” The blind will say, “I can see.” The deaf will say, “I can hear”. The cripples will say, “I can run,” says the Lord. Let the God-planned waves of revival build. These movements now begin.’” Tim concludes by exhorting us: “Receive what God is saying for this coming year. He is infusing supernatural strength to His heirs and outpourings of the Holy Spirit will liberate dreams, destinies, callings and purpose in our individual lives. Breathe in the fresh air and let Him give you resurrection life.” Pray with me: Father, we find ourselves as a generation of believers navigating uncharted waters. Like Joshua of old, we’ve not been this way before. And yet, like Esther, we were born for this time. We know You never call without equipping, and You never send without leading. We anchor ourselves in the Rock of Ages, standing on and declaring Your promises. We decree over 2023, “Kingdom of Christ, manifest in our lives, homes, businesses and nations!” Lord, we bless and thank You for Your words. We say “amen” to them and ask You to activate us in this prophetic moment. Cause us to be functioning heirs in functioning Ekklesias. Breathe fresh breath and wind upon us. Breathe it in our homes and churches. Breathe resurrection life into Your people. Thank You for the promises You have given us. We decree that demonic fatigue is leaving the people of God. We decree that sickness and disease must go in the Name of Jesus. We decree that fear bows at Your Name. We declare a Kingdom shift is occurring in the atmosphere. Thank You for moving us into supernatural waves of Holy Spirit outpouring, movements that will not be stopped. May we breathe the very air of Heaven. We pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen..! Our decree: We decree that our spirits are renewed every day, and that this life from God is flowing into our souls and bodies, rejuvenating and renewing. ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim at
  5. 4 min read December 30, 2022 GH15CP Friday, December 30, 2022 Chuck Pierce I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! My friend, Chuck Pierce, sent the following prophetic prayer. The title is: _______________________ Speak Into Your Future! Chuck begins by saying, “We are entering into an incredible year, so I thank God for what Dutch Sheets and his ministry is doing to lead us in prayers and decrees. “I want to lead us in a prayer for the entire year ahead. We have entered a war for divine recovery. How you speak into your future, is how the Lord will manifest. This year is also about opening up the way - new paths - for God’s provision!” Chuck’s prayer: “Father, we ask You to return us to the level of authority You gave the Church initially. We decree that we will recuperate and regain what has been lost, taken or captured. We decree that we will reclaim lands that have become “waste structures.” We decree we will become well and overcome weaknesses. “We ask You to deliver people from troubled states of mind - hope deferred, confusion, fear, and unbelief. We ask You to give us new states of mind, where the Word will begin to refresh our thoughts and restore our faith. We also ask that the wounds of betrayal from the past season break off those who have been betrayed. “We decree that old cycles in which some are trapped will break, that they will come into a whole new identity. Father, we ask You to remove trauma that has become embedded in their cells and thinking processes. We ask that in any way our spirits have been distressed in the last season, You break the power of that vexation. Cause us to leap into our future! We ask that we will be known as a joyful, faith-filled people, capable of representing Your Kingdom. “We also ask You to give us new seer gifts. This is a year pictured by Ezekiel’s prophetic ministry, so we ask You to open our eyes to see in ways we have never before seen. We also ask for a new watchman anointing, enabling us to watch for and discern that which is coming against us. “Father, in our war for recovery and restoration, help us to overcome the dragon’s fiery breath and be empowered by the fire of Your Spirit. We ask You to rebuild altars that have either gone into decay, grown cold, or have fallen into waste. “We thank You that we will have new sources of supply; we will pioneer new avenues for the Spirit’s supply into our future. We’ll dig new wells this year. “We decree that any spirit ruling in our sphere of authority, such as Goliath or Baal, will begin to lose its grip on what we have authority over. Give us strategies to release what our enemies have held captive. “Father, make the Ekklesia a united company this year; a mighty army that will rule for the future. Give us revelation regarding how to dethrone the devourer, and give us new opportunities to serve, speak, and change those around us that don’t know You. Give us inroads into new places. “Finally, Father, we declare the release of Your Kingdom rule. Manifest Your Kingdom authority that resides within us, so that spirits, powers, and principalities ruling our government will begin to fall. Put Your decrees within us; when we decree Your will, it will happen. In Jesus’ name we pray these things.” Father, as we move into the new year, we do so under the banner of the Cross, the provision of the New Covenant in Christ’s blood. As we partake of this bread that represents His body we proclaim the healing of our spirits, souls, and bodies; we proclaim the healing of our homes and families, and we proclaim the healing of our nations. (Take the bread) As we drink the cup, we proclaim victory, deliverance, cleansing, and eternal life. We are saved from sin and death. We will walk in Christ’s freedom and victory; we will represent Him and His message of love, we will extend His salvation everywhere we go. We boldly declare Your promise that America shall be saved, and that revival is coming to the nations! (Drink the cup) ********************** You can find out more about Chuck Pierce at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  6. 2 min read December 29, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! Our friend, Jacquie Tyre, sent the following strong prayer. The title is: ________________________ Blessings Over the United States of America “Father, in the name of Jesus, we take our place of intercession over the United States of America. We plead the blood of Jesus over this land, humbly repenting and beseeching You to shower blessings over us, by Your mercy and kindness. “As Your Ekklesia, using the keys of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:19), we unlock the gates of life, loosing blessings that flow from Your throne. And, we lock the gates of death, binding up curses that have been unleashed across this land by our many sins, and by the evil actions of nefarious leaders who dare to mock You and Your covenant purposes. We are eternally grateful for Your Word that declares, "mercy triumphs over judgment" (James 2:13). “We choose this day to align with Your heart of love for America and to release words of blessings over her in Jesus' mighty name: “We bless our nation to fulfill Your original intent for her, walk in Your ways, turn away from evil and run toward righteousness, justice, and truth. “In Jesus' name, we decree over America, you are blessed to step into your identity as a nation set apart for God's purposes; you’re blessed to display the glory of God and advance the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations of the world. “America, You are blessed to burn with the zeal and passion of God our righteous Father. “You are blessed to step into the most incredible move of Holy Spirit awakening and reformation the world has ever seen. “America, you are blessed to be a distributor of God's grace and glory! “We decree over the United States of America that God is for you and not against you; He loves you, and His face shines upon you, releasing great grace over you to be and do according to His divine purposes. “We bless you, United States of America, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.” Father, we seal these decrees with the covenant body and blood of Christ. They forever insure our victory. (Eat the bread) With the power of the blood of Jesus, we declare Baal’s hold over America is broken. (Drink the cup) ******************** You can find out more about Jacquie at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  7. 3 min read December 28, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! My friend and spiritual dad, Jim Hodges, sent the following strong prayer. The title is: _____________________________ Unto Us a Child is Born “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over His Kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness. From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.” Isaiah 9:6-7 "Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, thank You for commissioning and sending Your eternal Son into the earth to save us and the entire world! We know You love people and the world You created. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your willingness to be clothed in a human body. You, the eternal Word, Creator of the universe, became flesh and dwelt among humanity. Son of God, You were gifted to us, Isaiah’s ‘Child that was born’! Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your power that brought forth a Child through Mary's womb. Thanks, too, for our new birth in Christ! “Christmas 2022 finds us in a world desperately needing good news. We pray: ‘Lord Jesus, release Your wise and wonderful counsel to Your Ekklesia in all the nations, including America. Manifest Yourself as the Governor of Your Father's Kingdom in all spheres and aspects of life, especially in civil government. As Mighty God, release Your miraculous power to and through us as we proclaim a Third Great Awakening, a massive global harvest of people that will honor the sacrifice of Jesus. Anoint us to implement the victory of Your Cross and the empty tomb! As Eternal Father, pour out Your love and deliver us from the curse of fatherlessness in our land and in the earth. As Prince of Peace, let Your shalom cover the earth!’ “We pray in the mighty, majestic, and marvelous name of Jesus. Amen.” ******* Father, we now partake of the victory meal, the Lord’s Table. You told us this would empower our prayers. Because Christ became flesh, then sacrificed His body for us, we are saved. We stand on the strength of that salvation now. (Take the bread) And Father, You said in Your Word that the blood of Jesus speaks! We let it speak through us today. It declares life, healing, and deliverance. It declares the healing of nations. It declares the disarming of the principalities and powers, placing them under Christ’s feet - and ours. We exalt His blood now. (Drink the cup) *********************** You can find out more about Jim Hodges at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  8. 3 min read December 27, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! Our friend, Greg Hood, sent the following strong prayer. The title is: ____________________________ We Will Hit the Mark! “Father, thank You for Who You are to us individually and as a nation. We thank You for the call that You have on our lives individually, and also corporately as a nation. During this trying season, we believe You are moving America back into her assignment, back into what You have in Your heart for her today. We are thankful that You love America, and You love Your Ekklesia, Your Church. “As we step into things that are unknown, we know You’ve been there before we get there, and we will rest in that. Thank You, Father, for Your goodness in our life. Thank You that Your Church is maturing and growing, and we are not stepping back, but we're stepping forward into the fullness of who You've called us to be. Your sons and daughters are stepping into the power of their true identity. We are thankful for Your Kingdom, for Your goodness, for Your glory. “We will stand strong amid the trials and tribulations that face us on this journey. We will rest our faith in You and You alone. Father, You are our source of strength, You are our source of hope, You are our source of comfort, and You are our source of empowerment. We stand firm in our partnership with You today. We stand firm in that partnership against your enemies, enemies that desire to move America away from her calling and assignment. “Father, we thank You for the Communion which You have entered into with us. Through this Communion, we will silence your enemy, Baal-zephan. His voice and his Influence are being removed from our culture. “Today, we declare that through this time of Communion, Your Ekklesia will hit the mark. WE WILL NOT MISS THE MARK - WE WILL HIT THE MARK. Today, we lean into Holy Spirit for the Ephesians 1:17 power that is needed, Your wisdom and Your revelation. Father, we won't be driven back or paralyzed by intimidation or fear of the enemy. Strengthen us! We will move forward with Your wisdom and Your revelation. (Take the bread) “Through the power of Christ’s shed blood, let Your enemies feel the weight of this mighty covenant between You and Your Ekklesia, Your sons and daughters. And Father, let Your light shine brighter than ever before through Your Ekklesia in these dark times. Your light will surely dispel all darkness. “We declare through this prayer today: Kingdom of God come, will of God be done in America, as it is in heaven. “In Yeshua's name we pray, amen!” (Take the cup) ********************** You can find out more about Greg at Click the link to watch the full video:
  9. 2 min read December 26, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! Our friend, Kelsey Bohlender, sent the following strong prayer. The title is: _______________________________ We Remember “Father, today we appeal to Your covenant of grace, sealed by the blood of Christ. We are grateful that Your word declares that by covenant You set us free! We remember the covenant, and ask, like the Psalmist (Psalm 74) that You would arise and extend Your hand to remove evil from our land. God, we plead the all-powerful blood of Jesus and appeal to heaven for the removal of Baal, the evil one that has set itself against covenant and infringed upon the power structures of our nation. “We decree that Baal will not maintain his rule and Leviathan’s hold will end. You will come with Your swift storm to destroy the evil one. You sit in the heavens and laugh, knowing Your son will stretch out His scepter and break the bonds of the enemy (Psalm 2). Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and You will reign forever and ever. “Jesus, as You instructed, together we remember You as we take the bread that represents our covenant with you (Take the bread). And as we drink the cup, we proclaim Your death until You come. We plead the better blood of the Lamb over our families, our churches, and our nation. We remember all You have done, and with faith we believe in all You are going to do! (Drink the cup) “God, in these times of encroaching darkness, give us wisdom as the body of Christ to shine like stars and turn many to righteousness (Daniel 12). In the mighty name of Jesus we pray.” *************************** You can find out more about Kelsey Bohlender at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  10. 3 min read December 23, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! Today Ceci is sharing with us. The title is: ___________________________ Our Christmas Blessing Today I have the wonderful opportunity of sharing communion with you, so go ahead and gather your elements. We have been hearing wonderful stories from you, our Give Him 15 family, of how Holy Spirit is meeting with you during your times of prayer and communion. We are from different walks of life and even take communion differently. But we are all here to worship Jesus, honor, and esteem Him, the One whose body was broken for us - for you and for me, and to pray for our great nation. I’m grateful to be sharing communion with you today, two days before Christmas. For many of us, our lives have been busy with preparations. For me, this looks like cooking, preparing the house for our family gatherings, decorating, and wrapping presents. I love that our grandchildren are young and experience the excitement that comes with Christmas morning. For us, as we gather together on Christmas Day, we like to start our family time with the story of Christmas - why we celebrate. We know the children are excited about presents, but we have always felt that it was important to model to the children the importance of WHY we celebrate Christmas Day. When our children were younger, we had a small book that told the story of Christmas. We would each read a page, then pass it to the next person for their turn to read. It was always memorable. Some bake a Happy Birthday, Jesus cake. These are wonderful and tangible ways to celebrate this holy day, especially with our young ones. Let’s gather the bread and wine and pray together. Lord Jesus - the One whom we celebrate, we are grateful for Your gift to us - Your willingness to come to earth in order to redeem a fallen world and give us life. We honor You and Your sacrifice. Today, Lord, we pray for those who minister in the nations of the earth - the missionaries, and the indigenous peoples of the earth who carry You in their hearts and serve you with their lives, sharing the Gospel in other lands. Strengthen and encourage them. Give them surprises, Lord, Your provision and gifts from heaven. I ask that this holy weekend be a time of miracles and answered prayers. Thank You for Your plans for America - a nation that will carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We love this nation and agree with You that Baal’s hold will be broken, and redemption will come. We declare breakthrough. We take the bread now, a symbol of Your body that was broken for us (take the bread). In John 14, Your Word says, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Because of this principle, we boldly ask that You would uncover what needs to be uncovered and cause TRUTH to shine forth in America. We ask that You would cause the lake to flip, as it were, and uncover what tries to hide. We ask that the unmasking would occur and You, the One who sees all, would judge the good and the evil. Because of your cleansing blood, we can ask for the forgiveness of our sins and receive Your gift of redemption. We now take the wine, the symbol of Your blood that was shed for us on Calvary (take the wine). We are grateful for You, Jesus. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Today we celebrate You. In Your name, we pray, Amen. ****** Thank you for joining me today. I hope you have a wonderful, celebrative weekend and a special time with your family and friends. May the fragrances of Christmas be in your home this weekend as we all celebrate Christ, our Christmas blessing. We will see you on Monday - God bless! ***************** Click on the link below to watch the full video:
  11. 3 min read December 22, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! Our friend, Regina Shank, sent the following strong prayer; let’s agree with her. The title is: ________________ The Healing of Our Land “Lord, we cry out for our nation. May the destiny You planned for her never be destroyed by demonic interference, liberal agendas, or religious institutionalism. May Your grace and mercy never be removed from us. May we lay down our differences, stand together as one voice, and pray without ceasing until heaven invades earth with an outpouring of evangelism, deliverance, and restoration. Let a spirit of conviction fall upon the lost. Let your people be a voice crying out in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord.’ “Wake up the watchmen; wake up the intercessors; wake up Your people. Raise up more intercessors in each state - not those who merely lament the problem, but who decree Your Word. We thank You for the angels who carry out words spoken by Your prayer warriors. Your Word says, ‘Bless the Lord, you His angels, You mighty ones who do His commandments, obeying the voice of His word!’ (Psalms 103:20 AMP) “Thank You for the awakening that has begun; light is overcoming darkness and Your name is exalted over every entity that would try to raise its head above Your name. Exposure has begun and will continue because You are the light of the world. Let Your light shine in the darkness of men’s hearts. Turn the ship of America back to biblical values, back to purity and holiness, back to the altar of repentance, back to prayer in schools, back to a love for Your presence. Heal our land, Lord. We cry out to You for deliverance and the restoration of freedom found only in You. May we not experience church as usual, but supernatural gatherings that change the hearts of people and produce zeal for Your ways and purposes. This will enable us to change our society and culture. “In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.” Father, You said that as we join our prayers for America with Communion, proclaiming Christ’s victory over all of satan’s rule, Baal’s voice in America would be overcome. We are obeying You, hitting the mark with Calvary empowered prayers. We enforce Your victory in the all powerful name of Jesus. (Take the bread) And we decree that our faith is securely anchored in Christ - the blood of the Lamb, and the authority of Judah’s lion. We ask for the cleansing power of this blood to be applied to America. Deliver us and send revival. (Drink the cup) ************************* You can find out more about Regina at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  12. 4 min read December 21, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Thank you so much for joining me! Ceci and I are slowing the pace just a little during this last couple of weeks of this year. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listen to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write our prayers; I’m reading them, one each day, and leading in Communion. Though there isn’t a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic time of prayer and communion. We must not let up - let’s finish well! Our friend, Jane Hamon, sent the following strong prophetic prayer. The title is: ____________________________ Let the Lion of Judah Roar! “Lord, several months ago You showed me a vision of Jesus Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, standing off the eastern seaboard of the United States. As He began to release His roar over the nation, it was a roar of ownership and dominion, as if to say, “this land belongs to me.” As He roared, first the land began to shake from New York City all the way down to DC. Then the reverberations of His roar began to shake to the north, up into the New England states, to the south, all the way to Key West, the tip of Florida, then throughout the nation all the way out to the west coast, shaking California, Washington and Oregon. Even Alaska and Hawaii were being shaken by Your roar. The shaking was the prelude to a Great Awakening. “You then showed me the shaking was being used to strip a dark cloud or covering off the nation, exposing corruption at the very root. Eyes were being opened all across the land, in the church and in the culture. Suddenly, I saw politicians and media figures unable to continue telling their lies; they were exposing the truth of all that had been taking place in secret. At the same time I saw congregations of people with their hands lifted in worship, whose mouths suddenly became as the mouths of lions, roaring out praise and decrees that were opening the heavens and causing new light to shine upon our nation. A new dominion and authority was coming to the ekklesia. Our voices were being released to roar with You. “In Joel 3:16, Your word declares, “The Lord shall roar from Zion (His people) and utter His voice from before Jerusalem. The heavens and earth will shake but the Lord will be a shelter for His people and the strength of Israel.” Lord, we cry out for You to release Your roar over the United States of America. We ask that You would roar over our nation, shaking us down to the foundations of righteousness and justice, making us a place where You can establish Your throne of favor once again. We cry out that You would roar against wickedness and corruption, against injustice and the spirit of lawlessness. We cry out to You that you would release your roar of dominion, shaking principalities and powers, exposing strongholds and illegitimate demonic networks holding lies and chaos in place, toppling every Baal structure that has led us astray. “We cry out that You would shake and awaken your Ekklesia to arise with a roar in our mouths: a roar of new authority, a roar for revival, a roar for boldness and truth. Forgive us for apathy and complacency, for playing church while our nation is being destroyed. Forgive us for being bound by religious mindsets that resist revival. Forgive us for refusing to hear Your voice, Your roar, for it Your voice that shatters the enemy (Isaiah 30:31). Awaken us to hear Your Voice. Awaken us to BE Your Voice in our nation. Give us hearts of a lion and send revival to America again. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray! Amen.” Lord, this will occur through the power that flows from Calvary. Our declaration of faith in Your sacrifice releases its power. We release it now as we honor Christ’s broken body. We partake of healing - spirit, soul, and body. And we release healing power to heal our land. (Eat the bread) Father, we know all victory comes through the cleansing blood of Jesus. His blood cleanses us individually, and it cleanses nations. Salvation is in Christ’s blood. Mercy flows from it. The blood of Jesus also empowers our prayers and decrees. Of Christ, to Christ, and through Christ are all things! He is our “every good thing!” As we partake of this covenant drink now, we decree that You are rising over America, and Your enemies are scattering! (Drink the juice/wine) ************************** You can find out more about Jane at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  13. 3 min read December 20, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are going to slow down just a little during the last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listen to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day, December 19-30, and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! ______________________ Lord of the Harvest An important aspect of the coming revival will be the return of MANY prodigals. Millions! Join Ken Malone and me today as we pray regarding this. “Father, as we celebrate communion with you, we remember the price You paid for the salvation of the world. We pray for a harvest of souls in America. Our faith lies in Your promise to bring awakening to our nation. You said America shall be saved, and we believe Your spoken word. We remind You of that today. Lord, as You said in Matthew 9:38, we pray to the Lord of the Harvest and say, send forth the laborers into the harvest fields of America. Father, move on the intercessors to travail for the harvest. Release Your angel armies to minister in the harvest fields. Send the apostles, prophets, and evangelists into the fields. Send Holy Spirit. Surround the laborers with Your Presence. “Father, remember the prodigals, those who have known You and drifted away from Your house. They are hurting, and it’s time for their return. We cry out with travailing hearts for their return to You. Holy Spirit, we ask You to minister to the wayward sons and daughters. Father, bring them home to You. Visit them in their dreams and thoughts. Bring conviction and turn their hearts to You. We prophesy to them, ‘Come on home. Come home to the Father, come home to the Son, Come home to Holy Spirit.’ “Lord, we pray for the younger generations in America. You prayed in John 17:20 t for those who would believe on You. We join in that prayer and say, ‘Bring in the men, women, boys, and girls. Make them one with You.’ “Father, during this Christmas season, visit the families in our nation as they gather in homes across America. “Lord, save our nation and save the world. We pray this in Yeshua’s name.” And Father, as we take the bread today, in agreement with Ken, we do so in intercession for the prodigals. Your sacrifice at Calvary will free them and bring them home! (Eat the bread) As we drink the cup of salvation, we release the mighty power of Christ’s blood to free prodigals from sin, satan, and every stronghold of Baal! We declare that his voice is silenced in their lives! (Drink the juice) ************************** You can find out more about Pastor Ken Malone at his website: Click on the link below to watch the video. 204 likes. Post marked as liked
  14. * 3 min read December 19, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day! Ceci and I are going to slow down just a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments. However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day, December 19-30, and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well! My friend, Clay Nash, sent the following strong prayer, laced with prophetic insights and decrees. The title is: Activated and Reconstituted “Father God, we are so thankful for our ability to interact with you through prayer, communion, and by the presence of Holy Spirit in our lives. We thank You for the authority granted to us, as your children, to make declarations and decrees according to Your will. May the awakening Ekklesia become increasingly more proficient in using our priestly anointing to know Your will. May we, as the early disciples and apostles, exercise our kingly authority to decree Heaven’s will into the earthly realm. May Heaven’s will be established. “We declare that the awakening we need is growing. We stand focused to see our nation return to Your original intent and design. We declare a unanimous decree in response to Luke 18:8 that as the Son of Man comes, He will certainly find faith in the earth. We declare that our faith will not be found dead, but will be found activated and being fulfilled by our obedient acts. “Father God, we thank You that those obedient acts will render the evil work of Baal null and void. We are in agreement that the Church is being reconstituted and matured to obtain victory by warring from Your promises and not just for the promises. We stand in faith and as we do we will see greater and greater offensive advancements. May great grace increase on every member of Your body to live in response to Holy Spirit and faithfully guard against reacting to any and all works of Baal, the devil, and people being influenced by spirits of darkness. Father, as we take the bread now, remind us that our weapons are not fleshly but divinely powerful for the destruction of Baal’s fortresses. (Eat the bread) “Father God, through our victorious covenant with You we are destroying speculations and lofty and prideful things raised up against our knowledge of You. Our dependency upon You empowers us to take captive every thought and we look forward to punishing all disobedience as the obedience of the Ekklesia is completed (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).. Yeshua, as we obey You, taking of your table, we do so in remembrance of You and Your words, ‘It is Finished.’” (Drink the cup) ******************** Today’s prayer was contributed by Clay Nash. You can find out more about Clay at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  15. 5 min read December 16, 2022 Victory Is Secured Most believers have very little understanding of the delegated authority we have been given by Christ. Obviously, then, they would also be deficient in understanding that we are all called to represent Christ, just as He represented the Father. Jesus said, “As the Father has sent me, so send I you,” (John 20:21). The Father had no other plan but Jesus; Jesus has no other plan but the Church. This revelation is beginning to grow in the body of Christ. As it continues to increase, the Church will be the Ekklesia Jesus spoke of - one the gates of hell can’t overcome. On Christ’s end, all that is necessary for this to manifest has been accomplished. For us, the revelation - like a growing seed - must continue to increase. Holy Spirit gave Gina Gholston 2 dreams relating to this. Let them encourage you: ********** “I once had a dream where I saw an old quill pen being dipped into ink and writing on a piece of parchment. I remember seeing the long feather’s movement as the hand holding the pen began to write these words: ‘The Ekklesia Army is being summoned to take its position, to legislate and enforce God’s verdicts and carry out His assignments.’ “The Church is called for more than just Sunday meetings and social gatherings. We are the Body of Christ. As each member does its part, we contribute to the overall function of the Body. As we yield ourselves to Christ, He works through us to fulfill His purposes. His intention was never that the Church operate in a lifeless “form” of Christianity. We are His witnesses and, as such, called to make Him known. His desire is for us to know Christ and be like Him, clothed in His righteousness and functioning in His victorious power. ********** “In another dream, I was with many intercessors gathered in a field, all on horses. It was like a movie scene of a leader rallying his troops. Dutch Sheets was there praying over this team. Then my friend, Dr. Don Lynch, (who is now in heaven) rode out in front of us and began to declare the word ‘Victory!’ several times. He then began to weep and said, “Our victory is secured!” Dr. Don held up a silver coin and said, “We are not fighting FOR victory, we are fighting WITH victory!” “He proceeded to give each of us one of the coins. They had a cross embossed on one side, the Liberty Bell and a pair of combat boots on the other. Both sides had the word ‘VICTORY’ written across the top. “Dutch held up his coin and said, ‘It’s time to change the way we’ve been thinking! We are now fighting WITH victory! Victory belongs to Jesus!’ He then looked off into the distance and, while pointing toward the east said, ‘It’s time!’ The sky looked dark, but there were visible shafts of sunlight breaking through, dappling the field in the direction he was pointing. We all turned and began to ride in that direction, a slow trot at first, then at full gallop! That was the end of the dream. “The coin we were each given in the dream reveals that Christ’s finished work on the Cross has secured our victory. Our ‘liberty’ is in Him. Victory belongs to Jesus, and since we are in Him, we always triumph. We’re not striving to gain victory, but in Christ we have already been given access to the victory He accomplished on the Cross. We must set our minds to this truth! “Jesus rose from the grave and ascended back to Heaven, where He is seated at the right hand of Father, God. We have been seated with Christ (see Ephesians 2:4-6). This is a revelation of the authority we have through Christ Jesus. As our minds and spirits are set on this revelation, we can then put on the combat boots pictured on the coin and resist the work of ‘every principality, and power, and might, and dominion (Ephesians 1:21). We are empowered to accomplish every purpose for which we have been sent, looking to the Victor, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. “As the Lord’s Ekklesia army, we are being summoned by our Great Commander: ‘Come ride with Me. Take your position and be assured of the victory I have already given to you. Legislate and enforce My verdicts, carry out My assignments.’ We have been called for such a time as this. Through us, God will show Himself strong and make Himself known.” ********** Pray with me (Communion): Father, we look around and can clearly see that we have stepped into the beginning of another great awakening. It is time! We hear You calling us back to You, and will readily respond to Holy Spirit’s drawing. We declare that we, Your Ekklesia army, will legislate and enforce Your verdicts. We’ll carry out Your assignments! Your true Church is rising and returning to a passionate pursuit of You. We are focused on You. We cry out to know you more. We will listen to and follow Holy Spirit, allowing Him to equip us with understanding, wisdom, and revelation. We will not stop short of Your glory! By faith, we take hold of the Sword of Truth, Your Holy Word, and set our faces like flint. Our ears are attentive to Your voice. Forward is our command, and forward we will go! We hear the call, and will respond with courageous faith to go beyond what we have known. We will ride with Your strength and power as You send us forth with an already assured victory. We yield ourselves completely to You. As we take the bread today, we declare that we’re a people through whom You can and will reveal Your power and glory. (Eat the bread) And, Lord, we boldly declare Your truth is marching on. Even as Baal manifests in our White House through Ahabs and Jezebels; as the wine of Naboth’s vineyard is drunk by Jezebel’s false prophets and spineless eunuchs; as drag queens and unprincipled legislators prepare to celebrate the signing into law of a human decree mocking Your covenant of marriage - even as all this transpires, You are preparing the Jehu’s and their horses. We decree Psalm 45:3-4 TPT: “Now strap your lightning-sword of judgment upon your side, O mighty warrior, so majestic! You are full of beauty and splendor as you go out to war! In your glory and grandeur, go forth in victory! Through your faithfulness and meekness, the cause of truth and justice will stand. Awe-inspiring miracles are accomplished by your power, leaving everyone dazed and astonished!” And now, we celebrate Your forever victory. (Take the cup) ************************ Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston. Portions were taken from her book, Dreams of Awakening. You can find out more about Gina here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  16. 4 min read December 15, 2022 The Frog In the Kettle America’s drift from a biblical worldview started in the 1960s, perhaps earlier. That means it has been occurring for 60 or more years. Maintaining a biblical worldview means one believes the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and that Scripture governs all of life. The vast majority of America’s founders held a biblical worldview, as did our educational institutions. It is not possible to drift only “slightly” off course from the guiding principles of Scripture unless a course correction occurs quickly. As any boater/sailor knows, drifting even slightly off course ultimately leads us way off course. If some of the Bible isn’t true, none of it can be trusted. If God isn’t all He says He is, how do we know if He is anything He claims to be? A lack of biblical worldview leads to relativism, a belief holding that truth or moral or aesthetic value, etc, is not universal or absolute, but may differ between individuals or cultures. In other words, truth and/or morality is what one says it is. When this mindset exists, it removes all personal and societal moorings. It’s like being tethered to the wind. There is nothing new about relativism - it started under a tree in Genesis 3. This dogma was written about in much detail in the biblical book of Judges. In that commentary on humankind’s lost condition, verses 17:6 and 21:25 summarize this philosophy as doing what is right in one’s own eyes. Any fool can see the idiocy of this, but fallen human nature loves it…if it feels good, do it. Our current drift away from biblical standards toward relativism began by only a degree or two. Most compromise does. Some call it the “frog in the kettle” concept/principle. Put a frog on the stove in a pot of water. As his body temperature changes with the water, he won’t realize it’s getting hotter. Though he could have easily jumped out, he’ll boil to death. The water America now sits in is reaching its boiling point. Without revival, a true Great Awakening, we would absolutely not survive. In America: Many people can’t define men, women, marriage or morality. Babies are killed, and their body parts are sold; this “blood lust” is so strong that it controls elections. One of America’s two political parties is totally controlled by it, as well. Many, if not most, of our government officials are liars and controlled by the root of all evil. Our borders are open - millions of illegals are flooding in, and poisonous drugs kill over 100,000 people a year. Many in control of our government don’t care - the lives of these (mostly) young people mean nothing to them. Most churches refuse to make a stand for life, refuse to promote godly government and education, and refuse to teach biblical morality. (Maybe it’s that money thing again.) God is mocked, His ways and followers persecuted. This is all controlled by the spirit of Baal. Have I said yet that without a true revival, a Great Awakening, America would not survive? The mocking of God in our land went to a new level under Obama. On June 27, 2015, after the Obergefell decision of the Supreme Court legalizing homosexual marriage, Obama lit the entire White House in rainbow colors to celebrate. The rainbow symbolizes covenant in Scripture; it is, of course also used as the symbol of homosexuality. Most true Christians love those in the homosexual community and do not want them persecuted or mistreated. We simply adhere to the biblical definition of marriage - a covenant between one man and one woman, as has been the case for 6000 years. To light the White House in the rainbow colors was a mocking of God and Bible-believing Christians. Obama and his administration knew this but couldn’t have cared less. It was likely one of their intentions. But the water has gotten hotter, and Biden has invited drag queens to the White House to celebrate his signing of a new law, which goes beyond Obergefell. It codifies the right to homosexual marriage into law and paves the way for the persecution of people of faith. As with Obama, Biden and his team know that inviting these individuals to the White House is a mocking of God and those with biblical values; it’s no doubt what they intend. Most Christians, myself included, will continue to love and pray for all of them, regardless. We pray for their salvation in the coming great awakening. Unfortunately for Mr. Biden and his administration, though God also loves them, He refuses to be mocked (Galatians 6:7). Sin has wages (Romans 6:23), and unless there is repentance, there will be consequences. And since the biblical laws of sowing and reaping are immutable - unlike many Americans, God DOES have a biblical worldview - there will be more shaking for our nation. I have said several times over the last few months that for America, things will get worse before they get better. More evil and foolish decisions will be made, causing increased devastation, suffering, and judgment. Isaiah 5:20-21 tells us, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight!” Only God’s mercy, released through prayer, will save America. But this will occur - we will be saved. Prayer/Communion Father, continue to expose the evil and depravity of our nation and its government. Let the shaking tear down everything that needs to fall; pull the plug and drain everything that needs draining. We know that as a loving parent, in the midst of wrath You will remember mercy. The blood and broken body of Christ are the surety for this. As we partake of the bread, representing the body of Jesus, we declare that America shall be cleansed and saved. (Take the bread) And You have told us that Communion, representing the victory of Calvary, will empower our prayers to remove the influence of Baal from our nation. We honor that promise now and partake of the cup together, decreeing that Baal’s hold on the Church, our government, our education system, and individuals is broken. The blood of Jesus ends his reign! (Drink the juice) *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  17. 5 min read December 14, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Two Mountains and a Cross God hid pictures of the Cross in the Old Testament. The pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle, for instance, were in the shape of a cross. Other pictures were given, through actions and events that took place. One of these occurrences was at a mountain named Ebal. Located across the valley below was another mountain, Gerizim, and these two locations became very significant. Ebal was barren and rocky - that’s where it got its name, which means “stony heap of barrenness.” Gerizim, on the other hand, was fertile and lush. Because of their appearances God chose them for a very symbolic act. He used Ebal to represent the curses and judgments associated with sin. Lush and fertile Gerizim, on the other hand, would picture the blessings of redemption. Representatives of six tribes of Israel were positioned on Mount Ebal, the other six tribes were represented on Mount Gerizim. The remainder of the nation was placed in Shechem, the valley between them. The two mountains created a natural amphitheater of sorts in the valley, making it perfect for this prophetic depiction. In a powerful ceremony, the blessings of obedience to God were read from Gerizim to the listeners below. The curses and destruction resulting from sin and disobedience were read from Ebal. (Joshua 8:30-35). These blessings and curses can be found in their entirety in Deuteronomy, chapters 27 and 28. It must have been quite dramatic for the listeners below as these blessings and curses rang out across the valley. Through this dramatic enactment, the message to Israel was clear: the choice of whether you'll be blessed or cursed is entirely up to you. What was not so clear that day was the hidden picture of the Cross and our redemption. Israel was instructed to build an altar on Ebal and offer sacrifices to Jehovah. No such altar was built on Gerizim. Our fallen, cursed condition, pictured by Ebal, required a sacrifice in order to redeem us. The altar pictured the Cross, and the sacrifices offered there pictured Jesus, our Lamb, slain to take our curse and spiritual death. He went to "Ebal" for us, the place of barrenness and curses, in order to give us the life, fruitfulness, and blessings represented by Gerizim. The New Testament makes this clear: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us - for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree" - in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the gentiles, so that we would receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” (Galatians 3:13-14) This was a powerful picture, but there was another part of the ceremony that day that made the symbolism even more poignant. The representatives did more than offer sacrifices on Ebal's altar. They were told to first whitewash the stones and write on them the Law of Moses. This is detailed in Deuteronomy 27:1-8. Why this strange act? Not until Holy Spirit interpreted it for us through Paul's writings did we find the answer: “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His Cross.” (Colossians 2: 13-14 KJV) The words of the law on Ebal’s altar pictured “the handwriting of ordinances that was against us,” which Jesus blotted out with His precious blood and nailed to the cross. Absolutely amazing. I'm sure these Israelites on the mount of cursing didn't know they were painting a picture of the cross, where Christ would cancel the curses they were writing and bestow on us the blessings of Gerizim. It must have been quite a day for Christ as He watched this enactment from heaven. Perhaps He even winced a time or two as He watched the sacrifices and listened to the curses being read from Ebal. The pain He would endure when fulfilling these prophetic actions would be horrific, and He knew this. And yet, He must have smiled when He heard the wonderful blessings being read from Gerizim. "For the joy set before Him [Christ] endured the Cross," the writer of Hebrews told us (Hebrews 12:2). You may want to take some time and read Deuteronomy 27 and 28. Think of the price Jesus paid at the Cross, and determine to receive the blessings poured out there. Consider declaring the blessings mentioned in the 28th chapter over yourself and your family. Perhaps do it daily for a while. Years after this ceremony, the Samaritans built a temple on Gerizim which became their chosen place of worship.This was probably due to their breach with the Jews. The woman at the well referenced this in John, Chapter 4. Though not sanctioned by God, it's easy to see why they chose Gerizim as their place of worship. The problem is, however, we can't bypass Ebal (the Cross) and go directly to Gerizim (the blessings). Many people try to do this, but there simply is no way home... without starting at the Cross. In the words of the great hymn, At the Cross: “Alas! and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sov'reign die? Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I? “Was it for crimes that I have done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! Grace unknown! And love beyond degree! “Well might the sun in darkness hide And shut its glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's sin. “Thus might I hide my blushing face While His dear Cross appears; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. “But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe: Here, Lord, I give myself away - 'Tis all that I can do!” Chorus: “At the Cross, at the Cross Where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away, It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day!” (1) If you would like to sing along with a choir, here is a version found on YouTube: Pray with me: Father, we are so grateful for Your gift of grace - by it we are safe from eternal condemnation and empowered to live a life of victory. Jesus, it's Your cross that made this grace available, and today we choose to reflect upon and return to it. Help us to daily partake of this fountain, to acknowledge and appreciate its significance. Christ’s cross is the reference point for all of life’s treasures. We are asking that You teach us to fully appropriate this heavenly endowment - canceled curses and bestowed blessings of redemption. We partake of it now as we eat the bread. (Eat the bread) Receiving the full rights of Your family is a choice left to us. We choose to live in the charted course of blessing laid out in Your word, Father. We also choose to obey Your commandments and walk in Your ways. We boldly declare that Your blessings pursue and overtake us, such that we are favored everywhere we go. Blessed shall be all that we produce and touch, and victory over our enemies will be secured. At the foot of the Cross, there is redemption, a fountain of blessing and abundant life. We choose to sit before the old rugged cross and drink deeply as we enjoy these blessings. And through Christ’s powerful blood, we decree that Baal’s hold over our nation is broken! (Take the cup) ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________
  18. 5 min read December 13, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Take Me to the Cross Most of us have been lost on occasion. I have. Well, not really lost. I'm a man, you understand. We don't get lost; we drive around for hours simply because we like to take the scenic route. We’re sightseeing. After a few hours, we stop to "use the restroom" and very discreetly check with someone to confirm that we're not really lost. "Yep, right on target," we declare to our passengers. "All we do is..." The most I've not really been lost is ninety miles. I recall a time I wasn't really lost in a Colorado forest. I was hunting in an area that was new to me. We arrived at our cabin late in the afternoon and I decided to take advantage of the last couple hours of daylight. I'll just go scout around a little, I thought. This will give me a slight advantage in the morning. And who knows, I might even get lucky and see an elk. Better take my gun. I scouted 20 minutes too long. This meant a lengthy walk back to the cabin in the dark. No problem. I had my flashlight, compass, and survival gear. I wasn't scared. That's why I whistled and hummed as I walked. I always whistle and hum in the woods at night when I'm not really lost and not really scared. Somewhere along the trail, I missed a turn. Things look different when going in the opposite direction, especially in the dark. Nothing jump-starts the imagination like being alone and lost - well, not really lost - in a dark, unknown woods filled with bears, mountain lions, and Sasquatches. Creatures I don't even believe in live in unknown woods at night. (Not that I was scared, you understand.) I heard noises that were downright weird. I’m pretty sure I walked past approximately ten mountain lions and five bears. Luckily, they heard me whistling, detected my confidence, and ran off. It helps to be smarter than they are. In times like these, at some point, the mind begins to think crazy thoughts and ask strange questions. I know all elk are supposed to be vegetarians, but I wonder if some are really meat eaters? I recall thinking. They don't have deductive reasoning like we humans, but could they possibly know why I'm out here? "Naw!" I heard myself say out loud. Then for some unknown reason, I also heard myself say very loudly, "Sure is a great night for a walk. I hope no elk think I've been hunting them." Suddenly, I startled something near the trail. Limbs and branches cracked and the ground shook as a huge creature rumbled through the night. I think it was a Sasquatch. After I set a new record for the 400-meter dash, I slowed down to 50 mph and congratulated myself for having the calmness to take advantage of this time alone to enjoy some jogging. If you're going to be almost, but not really, lost in the woods, you might as well get in a little aerobic exercise. "Most guys would never think of that," I bragged to myself. "They'd be too scared." Finally, I came to the main road. I was only a couple of miles south of where I wanted to be. Not bad, I thought. As I approached the cabin, my concerned buddies were outside waiting for me. "We were starting to get a little worried," they said. "Were you lost?" "Not really," I replied. Seeing my sweat-soaked brow they replied in a matter-of-fact manner, "Probably just wanted a little exercise, right?" Guys get it! (1) We humans aren't really lost. We're just wandering around the planet, exercising in the darkness. The depth of our denial is often profound. Admitting our lost condition is the first step to being found. The next step? Finding the cross. The streets of London can be challenging to navigate. The city is huge, and its streets meander in different directions. I've been there on several occasions. Most of the time, while being transported here and there, I have no idea where I am or how I got there. I simply leave it to my host and the cabbies. There are certain landmarks that serve as fail-proof reference points for the locals. One of them is Charing Cross. Near the center of the city, it is known by most Londoners. A little girl was once lost in this overwhelming maze of concrete, rivers, buildings, and roundabouts. A bobby, the informal term for a British policeman, found her wandering the streets. Between her sobs and tears, she explained that she was lost. "I don't know my way home," she cried. The policeman asked her for her address. "I don't remember it," she said, with even more panic. "What is your phone number?" He inquired. She didn't know that, either. "Is there anything at all you can think of to help me know where you live?" the kind bobby asked the little girl. Suddenly, her face lit up. "I know the cross," she exclaimed. "Take me to the cross. I can find my way home from there." (2) Lost humans have been finding their way home from The Cross for two thousand years. Easy to find, yet missed by many, it marks the way to Father's house. The Cross is history’s greatest paradox. As the words of the great hymn so poignantly state, it is “the emblem of suffering and shame.” Indeed, it was there that humankind’s greatest act of injustice occurred. And yet, the Cross was also the place of heaven’s greatest act of love. It was there that “the dearest and best, for a world of lost sinners was slain.” “So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies, at last, I lay down. I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it some day for a crown.” (3) Pray with me: Father, thank You for the Cross. Your pain must have been incomprehensible. Jesus, thank You for the Cross. You took our place - our sin, grief, pain, and separation from Abba. As we take this bread, representing Your broken body, we are reminded that Your Cross is the way back to Abba’s house. We partake of it now with grateful hearts. (Take the bread) And Father, Baal has deceived our nation into rejecting You and aligning with him. We now mirror his nature by mutilating our children, taking the lives of our babies, honoring perversion while dishonoring purity, and celebrating violence while persecuting parents who attempt to protect their children. Insanity and depravity rule our Congress, White House, and many Courthouses. WE ARE A VERY LOST PEOPLE. Take us to the Cross where Baal’s hold can be broken. What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make us whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Lead America back to the Cross! We can find our way home from there. (Take the cup) *************************** NO VIDEO _________________________________ This chapter introduction originally appeared in Dutch Sheets, The River of God (Ventura, CA: Regal 1998), pp 177-188. Used by permission. Adapted from D.T. Forsythe, quoted in Roy B. Zuck, The Speaker’s Quote Book (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2009), p 124. George Bennard, “The Old Rugged Cross,” 1912 (lyrics in the public domain).
  19. 6 min read December 12, 2022 I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! Today I am sharing a post with you from our new book. Last week, Ceci was reading it and felt that this particular devotion would complement the study we are currently doing regarding the pulling down of Baal in America. It is entitled, God Will Turn the Tables. He will indeed turn the tables on the enemy and thwart his evil plans. God Will Turn the Tables “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles (or craftiness) of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:11-13 NKJV Theologians refer to a principle they call the “law of first mention,” believing that the first time a major subject is mentioned in the Bible, significant facts are introduced concerning it that will remain consistent and relevant throughout the Scriptures. The first mention of the serpent, satan, is in Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden?’” It is easy to see this law at work here, as the verse speaks of satan’s subtlety or craftiness. God is informing us of one of the most important things we must remember about satan: he is far more dangerous to us as the crafty serpent than the roaring lion. “Crafty” is the Hebrew word arum, taken from aram, which means “to be bare or smooth.”(1) We actually use the same concept in our English language–someone who is crafty or wily is often referred to as “slick” or as a “smooth operator.” Such is the case with satan. He is very cunning, and we must be wary of his attacks and deceptions. He is always seeking to steal, kill, destroy (see John 10:10), and he does so with great skill. Adam was not wary enough of the crafty serpent in the garden. He heard and saw him, but was unaware of his plans. Because of this, satan was successful in invading and violating his garden. This same word, crafty, is used in Joshua 9:4, to describe a plan the Gibeonite people implemented to deceive Israel: “They also acted craftily and set out as envoys, and took worn-out sacks on their donkeys, and wineskins worn-out and torn and mended.” The Gibeonites were one of the Canaanite tribes Joshua and Israel were told to dispossess. This nation, however, deceived the Israelites into believing they were from far away and had made the journey to form a covenant with them. Joshua and the people neglected to pray about this, which makes us vulnerable to satan’s subtlety, and were therefore deceived into entering a binding, covenantal agreement with these people. The Israelites were not without warning. In Exodus 34:12, they were told, “Watch yourself that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land into which you are going, or it will become a snare in your midst.” The Israelites failed in their responsibility to watch, and just as the verse warned, the trap was laid. We can conclude from the Israelites’ suspicion of the Gibeonites that God was obviously trying to alert them. Joshua 9:7 says, “The men of Israel said to the Hivites [Gibeonites], ‘Perhaps you are living within our land; how then shall we make a covenant with you?’” Rather than heeding this caution, however, they acted on what they saw. We must remember things are not always as they appear. The following story illustrates this: A traveler between flights at an airport went to a lounge and bought a small package of cookies, sat down, and began reading a newspaper. Gradually, she became aware of a rustling noise. From behind her paper, she was flabbergasted to see a neatly dressed man helping himself to her cookies! Not wanting to make a scene, yet wanting to let him know that they were hers, she leaned over and took a cookie herself. A minute or two passed, and then came more rustling. He was helping himself to another cookie! Finally, they came to the end of the package. There was one cookie left. She was so angry she didn’t dare allow herself to say anything. Then, adding insult to injury, the man broke the remaining cookie in two, pushed half across to her, ate the other half, and left. Still fuming sometime later when her flight was announced, the woman opened her handbag to get her ticket. To her shock and embarrassment, there she found her pack of unopened cookies! (2) How disheartening it can be to discover the error of wrong assumptions..! Though Israel “ate the wrong cookies” and was subsequently taken advantage of, God used the craftiness of the Gibeonites to demonstrate His ability to turn the tables on the crafty serpent. He told Joshua to make the Gibeonites “hewers of wood and drawers of water for the congregation and for the altar of the Lord” (Joshua 9:27). The “altar of the Lord” was where the blood of atonement was shed and, as such, pictured Christ’s Cross. Using the “crafty” Gibeonites to prepare the sacrifices pictured God one day using satan, the “crafty” one, to make preparations for Christ’s crucifixion. Satan thought he had won. One can only imagine his excitement as he “hewed the wood”–prepared the Cross– for the sacrifice of Christ. How wise, how crafty he must have felt as he orchestrated the making of the Crown of Thorns, watched the spikes being driven, and the spear being thrust into Christ. His plan was working…or so it seemed. His elation must have turned to terror, however, when he learned he had actually aided in his own destruction. God had completely turned the tables on the crafty one! The outcome of the Gibeonite ordeal, and certainly of the Cross, is an incredible assurance that God can reverse the subtle attacks of our adversary, the devil, and use them to bring about good (Romans 8:28). Through His amazing wisdom, which always supersedes satan’s craftiness, even our mistakes can become the instruments of God’s redemptive purposes. The Cross is God’s ultimate proof that He can turn our negative circumstances around and transform them into something good. God intends to do this for America. The crafty serpent has deceived many into aligning with Baal. Some believe we don’t need God, others have been convinced that there are many gods and/or many paths to God. Still others have been deceived into outright rebellion. God, however, is going to save millions of these misled Americans. There is coming a strong revelation of Jesus and His plan of salvation. The presence of the Lord will be heavy in our land, opening the eyes of many. Do not doubt this. He is coming with a tidal wave of love and mercy to the lost and hurting. Pray with me: Father, communion pictures the ultimate turning of the tables on satan, the crafty one. You make foolish his wisdom. You undo his actions and reverse his gains. We place our faith in the work of Christ that ended satan’s authority over us. As we take the bread, we align fully with Calvary and stand in a place of intercession for America. End the fruit of Baal in our land. (Take the bread) We ask for the blood of Jesus to cleanse our land from Baal worship. Cleanse us from immorality, idolatry, shedding innocent blood, and from rejecting You. Everlasting God, we appeal to You: deliver and heal our land. We seal this now by partaking of the cup of covenant now. (Take the cup). ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _______________________ “Strong’s Hebrew: 6191 (arom) - to be shrewd or crafty, to be (or make) bare, smoothness, to be cunning.” Bible Hub, Accessed 22 February 2021. Also see Strong, James. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. 7th edition, Abingdon Press, 1980. “The Cookie Thief-Short Story.” All Time Short Stories, Accessed 22 February 2021.
  20. 6 min read December 9, 2022 Taking Cities for God I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! A word I received from Chuck Pierce a few years back is applicable to the recent word regarding the overthrow of Baal’s hold on America. “I’ve heard a word from God,” Chuck Pierce told me. I was excited. Chuck is a prophet, after all. What pearl of wisdom was he about to share with me? Directions for my future? A profound nugget of revelation? If nothing truly spiritual, perhaps at least something exciting, like who would win the Super Bowl. Don’t laugh - he’s done that before. I was expectant. We were in Israel, the place of Jesus’ birth and ministry. Chuck probably tapped into the timing of Christ’s return to Earth, or maybe who the anti-Christ is. Who knows what he had picked up from the revelation-filled airwaves of Jerusalem! “I heard Holy Spirit say, ‘I’m going to pioneer Hebron again,’” he stated with a great deal of confidence. I, in return, gave him a mix of “deer in headlights” and “you’ve got to be kidding” looks. “What does that mean?” I asked the prophet. “I don’t know,” Chuck replied. “What do you mean you don’t know? You’re a prophet, for crying out loud,” I reminded him. “Well, I heard Holy Spirit say it, but I don’t know what it means,” he stated. “It’s for you. He’ll tell you what it means.” Prophets can be annoying. I wasn’t completely surprised. Chuck has done this to me before. God will sometimes give him only a word or phrase - just enough to bait me. I, then, have to dig and discern for myself what it means. It must be a game God and prophets sometimes play with us normal folks. So…I locked in on Hebron. The names of people and places in Old Testament times were important, their meanings often holding prophetic significance. Bethel, for example, where Jacob had a profound encounter with God, means “the house of God.” Jerusalem means “the city of peace or wholeness.” Hebron - the place Holy Spirit said He would pioneer again - means “friendship, league, confederacy, or federation.” Though the word doesn’t literally mean covenant, the concept is certainly there. Hebron is a strong alliance born out of a close relationship; thus, covenantal friendship. Because of this meaning, God made it the final resting place of Abraham, the covenant “friend of God.” In fact, Adam and Eve, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah were all buried at Hebron. It is easy to see the significance of this place. With this meaning in mind, Hebron became symbolic of several things: It is the highest city in Israel, showing us that covenantal friendship with God is the “highest” or the loftiest privilege we are afforded. It is also the thing satan most wants to steal. Hebron was the city from which King David first ruled, demonstrating that authority is released as we walk in intimacy and covenantal friendship with God. Hebron became one of Israel’s 6 “Cities of Refuge.” These were cities structured to house and protect individuals who had accidentally taken another person’s life. The unfortunate people fled to the nearest city of refuge in order to prevent a family member of the slain person from enacting revenge. It was inconvenient but better than vengeance killings. The New Testament tells us these cities of refuge became types or pictures of Christ, to whom we “have fled for refuge” (Hebrews 6:18, KJV). According to the Talmud, the best lambs for sacrifices came from Hebron. Therefore, this city pictures the salvation, safety, and refuge we find in Christ, the Lamb of God. Satan hates geographical locations like Hebron that have become meaningful to God and His people. When possible, he seeks to defile these places using perversion, violence, covenant-breaking, idolatry, and the shedding of innocent blood. Hebron, as a picture of Christ our Lamb and refuge, and a picture of covenantal friendship with God, became a prime target for Satan’s hatred, and in the four centuries between Abraham and Joshua, demonized giants had overtaken and defiled the city. Arba, “the greatest of all the Anakim” (giants), made it his home and renamed Hebron after himself: Kiriath-Arba (which means “the city of Arba;” Joshua 14:15). By the time the 12 spies of Israel were sent by Moses to surveil the Promised Land, three more giants, direct descendants of Anak, had inhabited Hebron (see Numbers 12:22, 28, 33). This holy place, representing friendship and covenant with God, was now ruled by giants and was a place of terror. It so terrified ten of the twelve spies, in fact, that they brought back an evil report of fear and unbelief to the entire nation of Israel. “There is no way we can take the land promised us through Abraham,” they stated. “The giants are simply too big and powerful.” Caleb, one of the 12 spies, was indignant. Seeing that Arba and the other giants had defiled this holy city and desecrated the final resting place of Israel’s patriarchs, he was angry. His response was to ask Moses for this very mountain-top city as his inheritance. “We can conquer these giants and their fortified cities, guys,” Caleb told the fearful Israelites, “and I’ll take the biggest.” His appeal failed, however, and because of the Israelites’ fear and unbelief, Caleb had to wait 45 years for this opportunity. After 4 decades of wilderness wandering by the unbelieving generation, and another 5 years of war, it was time. Faith-filled Caleb, now 85 years old, declared, “Give me my mountain!” (Joshua 14:12). In asking for Hebron, now called the City of Arba, this warrior was asking for more than a city; he was requesting the assignment of conquering the greatest stronghold of the land, ruled by the greatest giant. Caleb did conquer Kiriath-Arba and its giants; he then renamed it Hebron. In the words of my prophetic friend, Chuck, he pioneered Hebron again. In that holy place, Caleb enjoyed a covenantal friendship with God. He also paved the way for it to become David’s first capital city and a picture of Christ, our Savior and Refuge. When Holy Spirit declared through Chuck that He was going to “pioneer Hebron again,” He was announcing: “I am going to raise up and empower Calebs to remove spiritual giants ruling regions of the earth - places like America - transforming them into strongholds of life. They will transform spiritually dark cities and nations into places of salvation, refuge, and covenantal friendship with God; places from which the rule and authority of Christ - He who sits on the throne of David - can be seen.” The church around the world is moving into this era. We will soon experience our finest and most productive season of harvest. The body of Christ will see at least a billion souls saved in the next 10-20 years, perhaps more than have been saved in the previous 2000! Portions of the earth that have been ruled by spiritual giants will be liberated. Evil forces have ruled some regions of the planet since Adam’s fall. But others, like America, have had covenants and friendships with God defiled, just as occurred at Hebron. Caleb-hearted, fearless warriors will pioneer these “Hebrons” again. Pray with me: Father, we have covenantal friendship with You through Christ. We have fled to Him for refuge and can now live at Hebron! He conquered the giant of spiritual death and freed us from its stronghold. Thank You for this word regarding Hebron, that we, through Christ’s victory at the Cross will conquer spiritual giants and pioneer Hebrons again. Baal’s hold on America will end. You have shown us through Hebron, that the key to overcoming giants and moving in high levels of authority is covenantal friendship with You through Christ, the Lamb. We thank You for the salvation, refuge, protection, and covenant friendship with You we have found through His victory of Calvary. As we partake of the bread now, we celebrate and proclaim this victory.. We also know that our King and Redeemer gave us His warrior nature, that we, like Caleb, are more than conquerors through Him. We ask You for higher levels of this nature to operate in us, so that we would have a fierce determination to see people freed from sin, oppression, and every attack of satan. May we truly be liberators. And we pray for America. We ask for the greatest revival in the history of this nation to burst forth. We pray for the youth, our schools, and universities. Come to them with your power and love. We pray for inner cities and places overrun with poverty and hopelessness. We ask You to be the Hero of these without hope. Save them. And we ask You for revival in the church. Send us your fire. Let the greatest renewal that has ever hit the Body of Christ come to the American church in this hour. And may we see our destiny as a nation restored. We will be Your Calebs taking the gospel of Jesus Christ and His kingdom to the ends of the earth. We decree that this is so through the covenantal blood of Christ. Amen. *************** Portions of today’s devotional were taken from my book Giants Will Fall. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  21. 8 min read December 8, 2022 If We Pray… I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory! If you have not yet seen the following explanation of why we are taking Communion daily from now through the end of the year, please do so in the following review. I won’t read it, for time’s sake. This will enable you to understand why I’m leading in Communion for the next few weeks. REVIEW [On January 2 of this year, my friend Greg Hood was given a dream which I have visited often throughout the year. In this dream, the Ekklesia and the kingdom of darkness were contending for America; this was pictured by a baseball World Series, called the World Seers Series. It was the last game of the series, the eighth inning, and we were winning by a score of 20-22. I and others felt that the 4 batters we sent to the plate in this inning represented prayer assignments for the 4 quarters of 2022. For those of you who would like to see the entire dream and my comments regarding it, you can use the following links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4). Today, however, I want to talk about the batter/assignment for the fourth quarter of this year, which we are obviously now in. The assignment for this quarter was to remove the voice (influence and control) of Baal, the ruling principality over America. We did so by hitting the baseball into his throat, with a bat taken from a box marked “Communion,” and engraved with “Ephesians 1:17,” a verse referencing “the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” In the dream, it was said to this fourth batter, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” “Hit the mark” is one of the definitions of the Hebrew word for intercession (paga). If we do and pray as Holy Spirit instructs us, we will change this nation! I have known since 2007 that Baal was “the strong man” (Matthew 12:29) over America. Demons and angels do not have physical bodies and, therefore, do not die. The same spirits that operated in ancient history are still alive and active today. Baal was a principality mentioned often in the Bible, who was frequently used by satan to oppose Israel. His influence produced violence, blood sacrifices, and great immorality, including all forms of sexual sin. He is no doubt the spirit behind abortion, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, and the blatant attempt to defile our children with sexual perversion. The sudden escalation of activity in our nation to promote abortion and sexual perversion - even to small children - is no doubt due to this spirit’s desperate attempt to remain in control. My purpose in this post is to focus on the method God gave us in the dream - Communion - with which to end Baal’s control over America. And I will be doing several more posts between now and the end of the year on this subject.] _____________________ Today’s post begins: In yesterday’s post, I mentioned the phrase “hit the mark.” This is one of the meanings of paga, the biblical (Hebrew) word for intercession. The concept of this word is two or more things coming together or meeting. These joinings or connectings can be pleasant meetings, warfare (two people or groups engaging in battles), boundaries (two pieces of land meeting), sharing someone’s burden or grief (you connect with or are touched by their pain), and even a bullseye - “hit the mark.” In the World Seers Series dream, the Ekklesia (the Church) was in a battle with the powers of darkness for America’s destiny. This was pictured by a baseball game; the spirit of Baal was satan’s pitcher. Toward the end of the game, a prophet said to our batter, “hit the ball at his throat - remove his voice. If you ‘hit the mark’ you will change this game.” This obvious play on words - using the meaning of paga in the statement - is saying to us, “If you pray, it will remove Baal’s voice of influence in America.” Our praying was powered by Communion, which pictures Christ’s victory at the Cross. This is the reason we’re partaking of Communion together on the posts for a season. Today, I want to focus on the word “If.” Holy Spirit said this victory would occur “if” we pray. There are many Christians who believe prayer is only a devotional activity, a way to connect/commune with God. They don’t believe prayer is actually necessary to enable God to do what He desires on Earth. In my book, Intercessory Prayer, I state: “God has given us a Bible full of answers to the whys of life. The one I want to address here is: Why pray? I’m not speaking of why in the sense of needing this or that. Obviously, we ask because we want or need something. I’m speaking of why in the context of God’s sovereignty. “Do my prayers really matter all that much? Isn’t God going to do what He wants anyway? Most people, even if only subconsciously, believe just that. The proof is in their prayer life, or lack thereof. “Can my prayers actually change things? Does God need me to pray, or does He just want me to pray? Some would argue an omnipotent God doesn’t need anything, including our prayers. “Can God’s will on Earth be frustrated or not accomplished if I don’t pray? Many would brand me a heretic for even raising the question. “But these and other questions deserve answers. I’ve discovered that understanding the why of doing something can be a great motivating force. The opposite is also true. “As a kid, I wondered why a sign said: ‘No Diving’ in the shallow end of the pool. I dove anyway. Then one day, I hit my head on the bottom. I don’t dive in the shallow end anymore. “As a child, I wondered why I was forbidden to touch the pretty red glow on the stove. I found out. “I once wondered why a fellow in front of me in the woods said, ‘Duck.’ “I thought, I don’t want to duck. I don’t have to duck. Then the branch whopped me upside the head. Now when I hear the word, I duck. “Someone said, ‘To err is human, to repeat it is stupid.’ I’m sure I’ve qualified for that once or twice, but not regarding these three things because now I know why! However, our subject is far more important than bumps, burns, and bruises; we’re talking about eternal destinies, homes, marriages, the welfare of people we love, and revival in our cities - the list continues. “When God says, ‘Pray,’ I want to know it accomplishes something. I’m not into religious exercises, and my time is valuable - so is yours. Was S.D. Gordon correct or not when he said, ‘You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed…Prayer is striking the winning blows…service is gathering up the results?’(1) “If God is going to do something regardless of whether or not we pray, then He doesn’t need us to ask, and we don’t need another waste of time. Just worship and leave the rest to God. “If, on the other hand, John Wesley was correct when he said, ‘God does nothing except in response to believing prayer,’(2) I’ll lose sleep for that. I’ll change my lifestyle for that. I’ll turn the TV off, and even miss a meal or two. “Obviously, I believe prayer is necessary. Though God is sovereign and all-powerful, Scripture clearly tells us that He Limited Himself, concerning the affairs of Earth, to working through human beings. “Is this not the reason the earth is in a mess? It isn’t because God wills it so, but because of His need to work and carry out His will through people. “Is this not the story woven throughout the Scriptures? God and humans, for better or worse, working together? God needing faithful men and women? God needing a race of people through whom to work? God needing prophets? God needing judges? God needing a human Messiah? God needing human hands to heal, human voices to speak, and human feet to go? “Doesn’t He need us to ask for His kingdom to come, and His will to be done (see Matthew 6:10)? Surely He wouldn’t want us to waste our time asking for something that was going to happen anyway, would He? “Didn’t He tell us to ask for our daily bread (Matthew 6:11)? And yet, He knows our needs before we even ask. “Didn’t He tell us to ask that laborers be sent into the harvest (Matthew 9:38)? But, doesn’t the Lord of the harvest want this more than we do? “Didn’t Paul say, ‘Pray for us that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified’ (2 Thessalonians 3:1)? Wasn’t God already planning to do this? “Are not these God’s will? Why, then, am I supposed to ask Him for something He already wants to do if it’s not that my asking somehow releases Him to do it? “Either God wants the earth in this broken condition, or He doesn’t. If He doesn’t, which is certainly the case, then we must assume one of two things: either He is powerless to do anything about it, or He needs and is waiting on something from us in order to bring about change. Dr. Peter Wagner agrees with this when he says: ‘We must understand that our sovereign God has, for His own reasons, so designed this world that much of what is truly His will He makes contingent on the attitudes and actions of human beings. He allows humans to make decisions that can influence history…Human inaction does not nullify the atonement, but human inaction can make the atonement ineffective for lost people.’(3) “This truth could intimidate us with the responsibility it brings, or even condemn us over our lack of prayer. But another possibility exists as well. Responsibility can also be a privilege; it can be enjoyable. If allowed, this revelation of God needing our prayers can elevate us in our hearts to new positions of dignity alongside our heavenly Father and Lord Jesus. Jack Hayford said, ‘Prayer is essentially a partnership of the redeemed child of God working hand in hand with God toward the realization of His redemptive purposes on earth.’(4) “Let’s rise to the occasion and embrace the incredible invitation to be co-laborers with God…to be carriers of His awesome Holy Spirit and ambassadors for His great Kingdom. Let’s represent Him! “Awaken us to our destiny, Lord!” Pray with me: Father, You said if we prayed, it would change the game. You said if we used the power of Communion to deliver those prayers, it would remove the voice of Baal. So we take the bread that represents Your body, broken to make us whole. You bore our sins, diseases, weaknesses, and griefs. As we partake now, we declare, “Your Kingdom come! Your will be done!” (Eat the bread) And we have staked our claim to victory on the blood of Christ alone. There is no other way to salvation and a relationship with You. It is our “bat,” our weapon, our strength. As we drink it now, we are releasing the power of the Most High God into our lives, families, and nations. We proclaim its victorious strength until You come again. (Drink the juice) ********************* Portions of today’s post were taken from my book Intercessory Prayer. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ______________________________ Paul E. Billheimer, Destined for the Throne (Fort Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade, 1975) p 51. C. Peter Wagner, Confronting the Powers (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1996), p 242. Jack W. Hayford, Prayer Is Invading the Impossible (South Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1977; revised edition, Bridge Publishing, 1995), p 92, 1977 edition.
  22. 8 min read December 7, 2022 Meetings: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory!) If you have not yet seen the following explanation of why we are taking Communion daily from now through the end of the year, please do so in the following review. I won’t read it, for time’s sake. This will enable you to understand why I’m leading in Communion for the next few weeks. REVIEW [On January 2 of this year, my friend Greg Hood was given a dream which I have visited often throughout the year. In this dream, the Ekklesia and the kingdom of darkness were contending for America; this was pictured by a baseball World Series, called the World Seers Series. It was the last game of the series, the eighth inning, and we were winning by a score of 20-22. I and others felt that the 4 batters we sent to the plate in this inning represented prayer assignments for the 4 quarters of 2022. For those of you who would like to see the entire dream and my comments regarding it, you can use the following links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4). Today, however, I want to talk about the batter/assignment for the fourth quarter of this year, which we are obviously now in. The assignment for this quarter was to remove the voice (influence and control) of Baal, the ruling principality over America. We did so by hitting the baseball into his throat, with a bat taken from a box marked “Communion,” and engraved with “Ephesians 1:17,” a verse referencing “the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” In the dream, it was said to this fourth batter, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” “Hit the mark” is one of the definitions of the Hebrew word for intercession (paga). If we do and pray as Holy Spirit instructs us, we will change this nation! I have known since 2007 that Baal was “the strong man” (Matthew 12:29) over America. Demons and angels do not have physical bodies and, therefore, do not die. The same spirits that operated in ancient history are still alive and active today. Baal was a principality mentioned often in the Bible, who was frequently used by satan to oppose Israel. His influence produced violence, blood sacrifices, and great immorality, including all forms of sexual sin. He is no doubt the spirit behind abortion, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, and the blatant attempt to defile our children with sexual perversion. The sudden escalation of activity in our nation to promote abortion and sexual perversion - even to small children - is no doubt due to this spirit’s desperate attempt to remain in control. My purpose in this post is to focus on the method God gave us in the dream - Communion - with which to end Baal’s control over America. And I will be doing several more posts between now and the end of the year on this subject.] _____________________ In the World Seers Series dream, it is interesting and significant to me that Holy Spirit uses the symbolic picture of hitting Baal Zephon in the throat with a baseball to take him out. The phrase “hit the mark” is also significant: “If you hit the mark, it will change this game,” Holy Spirit said in the dream. I write about both of these pictures and analogies in my book, Intercessory Prayer! Meetings I had a very memorable meeting when I was in the sixth grade. Its ramifications would remain with me for the rest of my life. A baseball met my front teeth. The baseball won - they usually do. I have two nice crowns on my front teeth as a result of that meeting. (Dentists used to call them “caps” but now they are “crowns.” That’s an attempt to fool us into thinking they are pleasant, something to look forward to. But I am not fooled. They’re a pain.) Believe it or not, the baseball meeting my teeth is a picture of intercession. Although in our thinking intercession has come to mean prayer, paga does not necessarily mean prayer, at all. The Hebrew word for intercession, paga, actually means “to meet.” It pictures a connecting, a joining, a coming together, a meeting. It is easy to see how these meanings can be applied to prayer. When we pray, we meet with God; and our meeting with Him creates meetings between He and others. Prayer meetings are aptly named. Not all meetings are pleasant, however. At the Cross, Jesus met the powers of darkness and shattered their teeth. “You have smitten all my enemies on the cheek; you have shattered the teeth of the wicked” (Psalm 3:7). Like Christ, we intercessors also meet(1) the powers of darkness. We do so in prayer, not to re-defeat them, but to enforce the victory of Calvary! The baseball meeting the throat of Baal in the dream is an appropriate picture of spiritual warfare prayer, as long as we remember that we are simply releasing the victory of Christ, not attempting to re-defeat the enemy. Remember, in the dream, the baseball bat came from the “Communion” box, which pictures the finished work of Christ. But enforce it, we MUST. Satan is a thief, a liar, and does not honor what is true and right. He will disregard what occurred at Calvary, unless someone takes the delegated authority of Christ and the power of Holy Spirit, and enforces that victory. This is why in the dream Holy Spirit said, “IF you hit the mark, you will change the game.” “Hit the mark” is another meaning of paga. “If you - through prayer - release the fruit of My victory at the Cross, it will change the game. It will remove the voice of Baal. This is not a principle that applies only to this dream; it is a general principle of prayer. The great pastor and teacher, Jack Hayford, in his book Prayer Is Invading the Impossible, says, “To see both sides of Jesus is to see both sides of prayer. It is to see the need for compassion, for care, for concern, for weeping with those that weep, for sympathy, for groaning, for aching deeply because of what you sense transpiring in human lives. And it is to learn the place and time for anger, when we see satan’s wiles successfully destroying; for indignation, when the adversary’s program violates territory that is rightfully Christ’s; for boldness, when demonic hordes announce their presence; for attack, when Holy Spirit prompts an advance.” (2) One fascinating verse where paga is used to describe a violent meeting is Proverbs 17:12. “Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly.” Obviously, this is not a scripture verse regarding prayer. But it is a verse that pictures in a natural setting how spiritually violent intercession can be. I’ve met some fools, but I’ve never met a mama bear in the wild with her cubs, and I hope I never do! Satan made the mistake of getting between God and His “cubs.” He should not have done that! The devil’s worst nightmare came true when, after 4000 years of pent-up fury, Jesus met him at Calvary. The earth rocked with the force of the battle, and I do mean literally (Matthew 27:51). The sun grew dark as the war raged (verse 45). At the moment of what Satan thought was his greatest triumph, he and all his forces heard the most terrifying sound they had ever heard: God’s laugh of derision (Psalms 2:4)! The laughter was followed by the voice of the Son of Man crying with a loud voice, “Tetelestai-Finished!” The word means, among other things, “paid in full.”(3) The earth shook, the sun reappeared, the centurion was terrified (Matthew 27:54), and some Old Testament saints were resurrected (Matthew 27:52-53). And yes, behind the scenes, it was violent. Captives were rescued (1 Peter 3:19; 4:6; Isaiah 61:1), bruises were inflicted (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24), keys were exchanged and authority was transferred (Matthew 28:18). An interesting word is used in 1 John 3:8 that adds insight to what happened at the Cross. The verse reads, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (KJV). “Destroy” is the Greek word luo, which has both a legal and a physical meaning. Understanding its full definition greatly enhances our knowledge of what Jesus did to satan and his works. The legal meaning of luo is 1) to pronounce or determine that something or someone is no longer bound; 2) to dissolve or void a contract or anything that legally binds. (4) Jesus came to dissolve the legal hold satan had over us and to pronounce that we are no longer bound by his works. He “voided the contract,’ breaking satan’s dominion over us. The physical meaning of luo is to dissolve or melt, break, beat something to pieces or untie something that is bound. (5) In Acts 27:41, the boat Paul traveled on was broken to pieces (luo) by the force of a storm. In 2 Peter 3:10, 12, we’re told that one day the elements of the earth will melt or dissolve (luo) from a great heat. Jesus not only delivered us legally, but He also made certain that the literal consequences of that deliverance were manifested: He brought healing, set captives free, lifted oppression, and liberated those under demonic control. Again, our responsibility is to enforce that victory as we also meet the powers of darkness. Jesus used the same word, luo to describe what we, the Church, are to do through spiritual warfare. Matthew 16:19 tells us, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose (luo) on earth shall be loosed (luo) in heaven.” Although Jesus fully accomplished the task of breaking the authority of satan and voiding his legal hold upon the human race, someone on Earth must represent Him in that victory and enforce it. Pray with me: Father, as tens of thousands of us hold this bread up before You today, we are swinging the bat of “it is written,” hitting the baseball of “it is finished” into the neck of Baal. Christ’s victory at Calvary is all that is needed to deliver America from the control of this spirit. We exalt Christ’s destruction (luo) of satan’s works and enforce this victory now, loosing (luo) America from Baal’s activities. They are broken. (Take the bread now.) And we raise the victorious, covenantal blood of Jesus before You, Father. This alone is our victory. This is our mercy, our grace, our cleansing. With it, You won the game for us! We enforce this victory now in the mighty name of Jesus. We release the power of His blood to meet the evil spirits that have influenced our nation. Their hold is broken! Their rule is ended! Their reign is over! We proclaim Christ’s victory and partake of this forever victory NOW. In Jesus' Name we pray..! ***************** Portions of today’s post were taken from my book Intercessory Prayer. Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________ Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs, The New Brown-Driver, Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1979), p 803. Jack W. Hayford, Prayer Is Invading the Impossible (South Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1977; revised edition, Bridge Publishing, 1995, p 45, 1977 edition. Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Dictionary (Iowa Falls, IA: Word Bible Publishers, 1992), p 1375. Spiros Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible - New American Standard (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1984; revised edition, 1990) p 1583. Ibid.
  23. 8 min read December 6, 2022 The Power of Remembering (I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory!) [I shared the following introductory paragraphs on Friday and Monday. Since all of you do not see/read every post, for clarity and context, I am including them again on the written post, but for time’s sake will not read them on the video. If you did not see the next 4 paragraphs on either Friday or Monday, please read them now. This will enable you to understand why I’m leading in Communion for the next few weeks.) On January 2 of this year, my friend Greg Hood was given a dream which I have visited often throughout the year. In this dream, the Ekklesia and the kingdom of darkness were contending for America; this was pictured by a baseball World Series, called the World Seers Series. It was the last game of the series, the eighth inning, and we were winning by a score of 20-22. I and others felt that the 4 batters we sent to the plate in this inning represented prayer assignments for the 4 quarters of 2022. For those of you who would like to see the entire dream and my comments regarding it, you can use the following links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4). Today, however, I want to talk about the batter/assignment for the fourth quarter of this year, which we are obviously now in. The assignment for this quarter was to remove the voice (influence and control) of Baal, the ruling principality over America. We did so by hitting the baseball into his throat, with a bat taken from a box marked “Communion,” and engraved with “Ephesians 1:17,” a verse referencing “the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” In the dream, it was said to this fourth batter, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” “Hit the mark” is one of the definitions of the Hebrew word for intercession (paga). If we do and pray as Holy Spirit instructs us, we will change this nation! I have known since 2007 that Baal was “the strong man” (Matthew 12:29) over America. Demons and angels do not have physical bodies and, therefore, do not die. The same spirits that operated in ancient history are still alive and active today. Baal was a principality mentioned often in the Bible, who was frequently used by satan to oppose Israel. His influence produced violence, blood sacrifices, and great immorality, including all forms of sexual sin. He is no doubt the spirit behind abortion, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, and the blatant attempt to defile our children with sexual perversion. The sudden escalation of activity in our nation to promote abortion and sexual perversion - even to small children - is no doubt due to this spirit’s desperate attempt to remain in control. My purpose in this post is to focus on the method God gave us in the dream - Communion - with which to end Baal’s control over America. And I will be doing several more posts between now and the end of the year on this subject.] _____________________ “For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night when He was betrayed, took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, ‘This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me.’ In the same way, He also took the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink, in remembrance of Me.’ For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:23-26; NAS) Our concept of “remembering” is somewhat different from that of the Hebrew culture, as is the concept of “testimony.” After teaching on the power of history recently, I was asked by a Messianic Jewish rabbi if I knew the meaning of the Hebrew word for “testimony.” I did not. “The word doesn’t mean simply to convey something from the past,” he informed me. “Its true meaning is ‘to repeat an action or do it again.’ We Hebrews believe,” He continued, “that when we share about what God did in the past, it releases the same power into the present…in other words, power is released to ‘do it again.’ ” Whoa..! My head was spinning! He continued, “That’s one of the reasons we are so diligent to share with our children the stories of what God did in our Hebraic history. It’s not only so they’ll know their cultural history; it is so the power in that history can be released to them today. For example, when we tell them about Passover and the Exodus, we believe God’s delivering and saving power that was demonstrated back then, will be released to save and deliver our children from bondages they may have today.” Whoa times two..! The rabbi went on to tell me he and his congregation had been experiencing healings from simply sending other believers to sick individuals and having them recount healings they had received in the past. When they testified of their healings, power was released to “do it again.” This drove me to my Hebrew lexicons. While studying the word “testimony,” which meant exactly what the rabbi had said, one dictionary also sent me to the Hebrew word for “remember.” Similarly, it doesn’t mean simply to “think about” something from the past; it includes doing what is being thought about. (1) This is why God tells us in Isaiah 43:26, “Put me in remembrance…” He doesn’t require this because He, like us humans, sometimes needs a reminder. Rather, He is instructing us to ask Him, based on something said or done in the past - to take action today. God “remembered” Hannah, who had been barren, and she conceived (1 Samuel 1:11). He “remembered” His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and commissioned Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egyptian slavery (Exodus 2:24). God hadn’t forgotten these people. For Him, remembering is a call to action. This was a life-changing revelation for me. I finally understood why God said we overcome satan by “the word of [our] testimony” (Revelation 12:11). And I knew why David stated his testimony of the lion and the bear before facing Goliath! After doing so, David then did something extremely interesting. He grabbed his staff, five stones and his sling, and approached the giant (see 1 Samuel 17:40). Why would David want to be encumbered with his staff when fighting Goliath? In those days, men carved symbols depicting their history, their testimony - on their staffs; it was their journal, of sorts. David's staff no doubt depicted pictures of a dead lion and dead bear - his testimony, his history. Who knows what other victories it pictured? Perhaps it had the phrase “God is my father” inscribed. Many scholars believe David was conceived “illegitimately,” that his father Jesse had an affair with a maid and David was the result. They believe this is why Jesse didn’t invite him to the line-up of his sons, from which Samuel planned to choose Israel’s next King. When asked if there were any other sons, most translations say Jesse referred to David as the “youngest” (1 Samuel 16:11). The word is actually qatar, however, and means “of no account; not worthy.”(2) David was an outcast. He stated in Psalms 27:10, “My father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me up.” David refused to allow the rejection by his parents and half-brothers to define him. He also refused to allow Goliath to define him. “I choose, rather, to honor my history with God, who has become my Father, and from Whom I receive my identity,” David implied in the Psalms. And when facing Goliath, he declared his testimony, grabbed his history (staff), and headed toward the battle. This is so incredibly profound. David made one stop on the way to the battle, visiting a nearby brook to gather stones as ammo for his sling. Even this seemingly insignificant act was connected to history. In this passage, the Hebrew word used for “brook” means “inheritance.”(3) That may seem strange, but Hebrew is a pictorial language, and this word pictures receiving something, then possessing the authority to control where it goes; thus, an “inheritance,” or a “streambed.” Actually, it is perfectly logical for Holy Spirit to use this symbolic picture of an “inheritance.” After all, it WAS Judah, David’s land and inheritance Goliath was attempting to take. David took his “history” in one hand, reached into his “inheritance” with the other, then ran to face the giant. WOW..! And yet, there is still one more connection to his history David used in this battle with the giant: his Judah nature. Most Christians believe Judah means “praise.” That, however, is a derived meaning. In this pictorial language, the Hebrew word pictures the extending of the hand. It is the word for “praise,” since raising the hands is a form of praise. However, because Judah means to extend the hand, it also means “one who throws a stone.”(4) In his history, David was from “the tribe that throws stones!” He probably thought, I don’t need a sword or spear. I’m from the tribe that throws stones. All I need to do is reach deep into my DNA, my history, and be who God made me to be - a stone thrower. If I do, I’ll defeat the giant. We believers in America are going to defeat the giants ruling our nation, and we will do so using the same weapon David used: our history. The God who formed and preserved America in her past will fight for her today. As you pray for our nation, boldly declare His past faithfulness, believing in the power of testimony. And also “remember” the communion meal. “Testify” of it! As we partake of the bread and wine/juice we are causing God to act. The blood on the Mercy Seat is still speaking…in fact, it is shouting! And every time we partake of it in faith, “proclaiming” Christ’s death, victory is released again. Let’s do it now. Pray with me: Father, we take this bread now and hold it up before You as a remembrance of Christ’s broken body. Through this sacrifice, He took our suffering and purchased our health. We proclaim His death, burial, resurrection, and victory over all of hell. As we partake of it now we are releasing this victory over every principality and spirit of darkness in this nation, just as David released Your victory over the giant. And we hold the cup up before You, as well. It represents the blood of Jesus sprinkled on the Mercy Seat of heaven. It represents our covenant with You. It represents victory over death, hell, and the grave. As we partake of it today, we are swinging the bat and driving the “baseball” of victory into the neck of Baal. We declare that the blood of Jesus is greater than all of our sin. We declare that His redemption is coming to America to free us from the influence of this evil spirit. Our faith is not in our good works, wise strategies, individuals, or organizations. Our faith is in Christ alone. Of Him, through Him, and to Him are all things. Do it again, Lord..! In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen. ***************** Portions of today’s post were taken from my book Giants Will Fall. Click on the link below to watch the full video. _________________________________ Strong, James. The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Red-Letter Edition. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001). Reference no. 2142. Zodhiates, Spiros. The Complete Word Study Dictionary. (Iowa Falls: IA: Word Bible Publishers, 1992). p 2012. Strong, James. The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Red-Letter Edition. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001). Reference no. 5157 and 5158. Ibid., Reference no. 3034.
  24. * 6 min read December 5, 2022 Communion - Our Victory Meal (I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice (or wine) and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory!) (I shared the following introductory paragraphs on Friday. Since all of you do not see/read every post, for clarity and context, I am sharing them again today.) On January 2 of this year, my friend Greg Hood was given a dream which I have visited often throughout the year. In this dream, the Ekklesia and the kingdom of darkness were contending for America; this was pictured by a baseball World Series, called the World Seers Series. It was the last game of the series, the eighth inning, and we were winning by a score of 20-22. I and others felt that the 4 batters we sent to the plate in this inning represented prayer assignments for the 4 quarters of 2022. For those of you who would like to see the entire dream and my comments regarding it, you can use the following links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4). Today, however, I want to talk about the batter/assignment for the fourth quarter of this year, which we are obviously now in. The assignment for this quarter was to remove the voice (influence and control) of Baal, the ruling principality over America. We did so by hitting the baseball into his throat, with a bat taken from a box marked “Communion,” and engraved with “Ephesians 1:17,” a verse referencing “the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” In the dream, it was said to this fourth batter, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” “Hit the mark” is one of the definitions of the Hebrew word for intercession (paga). If we do and pray as Holy Spirit instructs us, we will change this nation! I have known since 2007 that Baal was “the strong man” (Matthew 12:29) over America. Demons and angels do not have physical bodies and, therefore, do not die. The same spirits that operated in ancient history are still alive and active today. Baal was a principality mentioned often in the Bible, who was frequently used by satan to oppose Israel. His influence produced violence, blood sacrifices, and great immorality, including all forms of sexual sin. He is no doubt the spirit behind abortion, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, and the blatant attempt to defile our children with sexual perversion. The sudden escalation of activity in our nation to promote abortion and sexual perversion - even to small children - is no doubt due to this spirit’s desperate attempt to remain in control. My purpose in this post is to focus on the method God gave us in the dream - Communion - with which to end Baal’s control over America. And I will be doing several more posts between now and the end of the year on this subject. It is beyond significant that the baseball bat used to remove Baal’s voice was taken from a box stamped “Communion.” This is all important. Spiritual forces of darkness are not defeated through human powers and weapons. They are overcome only with spiritual authority that flows from Christ and His finished work. The Lord’s Table, Communion, pictures this. To war with Communion is not warring with a ritual or tradition. First Corinthians 11:26 tells us,“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” Today, I want to look at Genesis 14:17-24. This is a very significant and important passage, filled with prophetic pictures of our redemption. Let’s begin by reading verses 17-20: “Then after Abram’s return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh. And Melchizedek the king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High. And he blessed Abram and said, ‘Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has handed over your enemies to you.’ And Abram gave him a tenth of everything” (NASV). This is the first mention of “bread and wine” spoken of together in Scripture, and these two items wouldn’t be mentioned together again until the night before the Cross. It is an obvious prophetic picture of Christ’s last supper with His disciples. Melchizedek was a type or picture of Christ (Psalm 110; Hebrews 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:1-10); we are represented by Abraham, our father of faith (Romans 3:27-4:25). What many do not realize is that Melchizedek was a Canaanite, a race of people under a curse (Genesis 9:25 - “Cursed be Canaan”). As king over a cursed people, bestowing a blessing on Abraham, Melchizedek pictures Christ “having become a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13)…that “the blessing of Abraham might come to” us (verse 14). And just as Melchizedek served Abraham the bread and wine, at the Last Supper, Christ departed from the traditional meal and served the disciples bread and wine, fulfilling this prophetic picture from Genesis 14. It is significant that the bread and wine in Genesis 14 was a celebration of victory following Abraham’s defeat of evil leaders attempting to steal his family and inheritance, a victory meal! Could there be a more appropriate picture of the Cross?! And just to make sure we see the symbolism, He uses two more important phrases in this passage. For the first time in Scripture, God refers to Himself as the “Most High God,” and does so 4 times! He also calls Himself “possessor of heaven and earth” twice. Why? This was God’s declaration that satan, who had tried to effect a coup and become the “most high” in heaven (see Isaiah 14:14), had not only failed in taking over heaven, he would not become the most high, on earth, either. Yahweh was declaring, “Though satan thinks he has won, he has NOT. He couldn’t take heaven, he can’t have the human race, and he won’t own earth! I, the Most High God and possessor of heaven AND EARTH, will redeem the earth and My family!” Amazing. When Christ gave the disciples the bread and wine at the Last Supper, telling them these elements represented His body and blood, He was celebrating victory in advance! He knew, of course, the price He was about to pay; but He also knew He would win. And when we partake of communion, though we should remember the horrible price Jesus paid to redeem us, we must also remember that it represents the greatest victory in the history of creation! Satan was defeated, the curse was broken, and we received the blessing of being redeemed back into the family of God. Communion pictures all of this. Christ’s blood on the mercy seat of heaven is the guarantee of this victory and the benefits of the new covenant. Because of His blood, we receive mercy and defeat our spiritual enemies. Through Christ’s shed blood, America can be delivered from the curse caused by our alignment with Baal. Prayer: Father, as we take the bread together in a moment, we remember the broken body of Jesus, sacrificed for our healing and restoration. We thank You, Jesus, for becoming one of us, the Son of Man, to bring us back into Your family. You bore our curse! You are the Bread of Life, and as we partake of this bread today, it reminds us that we can partake continually of Your life. Eat the bread. (Feel free to pause the video for a moment or two if you would like, and spend time in personal prayer and Communion with Him.) And now, as we drink the wine, we honor and place our faith fully in the shed blood of Jesus for the remission of our sins. We also remember that His blood does more than cleanse us of sin; it also makes us new creations in Christ Jesus. We are born again. We celebrate this great victory over sin and the curse. We receive health, wholeness, and salvation as we do this today. And we decree that through the blood of Christ, satan and his forces are forever defeated. Drink the juice. (Again, feel free to pause and take any amount of time you would like, to spend personal time with Him.) And now, Father, we ask for complete deliverance from the spirit of Baal. We ask You to remove his voice and influence from America. We thank You for this, in the name of Christ. Amen. We decree that the power of Christ’s redeeming blood is greater than the power of sin and death. **************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  25. 4 min read December 2, 2022 Hit the Mark (I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice (or wine) and bread ready so you can join me.) On January 2 of this year, my friend Greg Hood was given a dream which I have visited often throughout the year. In this dream, the Ekklesia and the kingdom of darkness were contending for America; this was pictured by a baseball World Series, called the World Seers Series. It was the last game of the series, the eighth inning, and we were winning by a score of 20-22. I and others felt that the 4 batters we sent to the plate in this inning represented prayer assignments for the 4 quarters of 2022. For those of you who would like to see the entire dream and my comments regarding it, you can use the following links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4,). Today, however, I want to talk about the batter/assignment for the fourth quarter of this year, which we are obviously now in. The assignment for this quarter was to remove the voice (influence and control) of Baal, the ruling principality over America. We did so by hitting the baseball into his throat, with a bat taken from a box marked “Communion,” and engraved with “Ephesians 1:17,” a verse referencing “the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” In the dream, it was said to this fourth batter, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” “Hit the mark” is one of the definitions of the Hebrew word for intercession (paga). If we do and pray as we are instructed, we will change this nation! I have known since 2007 that this spirit was “the strong man” (Matthew 12:29) over America. Demons and angels do not have physical bodies and, therefore, do not die. The same spirits that operated in ancient history are still alive and active today. Baal was a principality mentioned often in the Bible, who was frequently used by satan to oppose Israel. His influence produced violence, blood sacrifices and great immorality, including all forms of sexual sin. He is no doubt the spirit behind abortion, adultery, homosexuality, pornography and the blatant attempt to defile our children with sexual perversion. The sudden escalation of activity in our nation to promote abortion and sexual perversion - even to small children - is no doubt due to this spirit’s desperate attempt to remain in control. My purpose in this post is to focus on the method God gave us in the dream with which to end Baal’s control over America. And I will be doing several more posts between now and the end of the year on this subject. It is beyond significant that the baseball bat used to remove Baal’s voice was taken from a box stamped “Communion.” This is all important. Spiritual forces of darkness are not defeated through human powers and weapons. They are overcome only with spiritual authority that flows from Christ and His finished work. The Lord’s Table, Communion, pictures this. To war with Communion is not warring with a ritual or tradition. First Corinthians 11:26 tells us, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” Proclaiming Christ’s death is proclaiming His victory, for it was through His shed blood that He conquered death. Proclaiming His death is declaring the power of the New Covenant. Proclaiming Christ’s death is declaring He defeated all principalities and powers and reclaimed Adam’s lost authority over the earth. Proclaiming His death is declaring His ownership of earth and all the nations there in. All spiritual warfare must be an enforcing of Christ’s victory. It should be done from a position of accomplished victory, seated with Him spiritually in His seat of authority. The sacrament of Communion pictures and reminds us of this. It declares that we are free from sin through the shed blood of Christ. It declares that we are more than conquerors through Him and Holy Spirit, the greater One, living in us. It decrees that all principalities and powers are under our feet. To swing the Communion “bat” is to swing Christ’s redemption, covenant, victory, authority and dominion. “Ephesians 1:17” engraved on the bat obviously refers to wisdom and revelation. I believe the specific revelation it refers to is the above mentioned victory of Christ. The more we talk about, meditate on, declare and proclaim Christ’s victory and the covenant we have with God through Him, the greater this revelation will become. This increased revelation will then produce greater faith and lead to greater authority. I am going to partake of and lead in communion on many of the posts for the remainder of this year. We are going to swing the bat frequently and with great power. This will do what God said it will do: proclaim and release the victory of Jesus, removing the voice of Baal in our land. Pray with me (Communion): Father, we take this bread now and hold it up before You as a remembrance of Christ’s broken body. Through this sacrifice He took our suffering and purchased our health. We proclaim His death, burial, resurrection, and victory over all of hell. As we partake of it now we are releasing this victory over every principality and spirit of darkness in this nation. And we hold the cup up before You, as well. It represents the blood of Jesus sprinkled on the Mercy Seat of heaven. It represents our covenant with You. It represents victory over death, hell, and the grave. As we partake of it today, we are swinging the bat and driving the “baseball” of victory into the neck of Baal. We declare that the blood of Jesus is greater than all of our sin. We declare that His redemption is coming to America to free us from the influence of this evil spirit. Our faith is not in our good works, wise strategies, individuals or organizations. Our faith is in Christ alone. Of Him, through Him, and to Him are all things. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the power of Christ’s redemption is our victory over all evil in America. ********************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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