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  1. 6 min read February 6, 2025 The Power of A Testimony In yesterday’s post, I shared some testimonies of healing from Tommy and Miriam Evans’ book Decrees that Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I found it interesting that some of those healings occurred during testimonies of other people being healed. Here are a couple of those testimonies from yesterday, quoted from the book: “Another woman who was deaf for 15 years had her hearing completely restored while I was ministering in South Carolina. I simply said to the crowd, ‘You have permission to be healed while we worship!’ When she was able to hear, she ran up to the pastor, and they interrupted the service for her to share. A woman in the crowd was healed of severe tinnitus just by listening to the testimony. The woman with tinnitus shared her story with a woman at a restaurant later that day; that woman was also healed of tinnitus in the middle of the restaurant! “While preaching in Indiana, I began to share testimonies of how God healed people through a group of believers praying over a handkerchief (Acts 19:12). While speaking, a man in the back was in a wheelchair, and he stood up and began to shuffle around the room. His wife and daughter began to cry. I asked for a report, and they said he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and normally could not walk. He walked out to his car that night as his wife pushed his wheelchair and loaded it in the trunk. God is so good!”(1) Several years ago, I had an interesting experience with the Lord that eventually led to an understanding of why testimonies of healing produce healing. While in worship, I heard Holy Spirit say, “I am bringing you full circle.” I knew the “you” was plural - not just me, but we, the body of Christ. As I continued meditating on this, Holy Spirit gave me a vision; I was looking down from heaven to Earth and could see what appeared to be a circle being drawn on the ground. In the vision, I was then moved from above to a side view. From this perspective, I realized I wasn’t seeing a flat circle on the ground, but rather an upward spiral, like a giant coil. Using this as a visual aid, the Lord said to me, “Full circle, higher level. I have now taken the church to a new level. She will do once again works she has done before, but at higher levels of effectiveness. Another season of miracles will be released…revelation will be imparted…revival is coming…all at higher levels. The church is coming full circle, but at a higher level.” I mentioned this in a message a short time later, and a man approached me after the service. “I am a Spirit-filled, Messianic Jewish rabbi,” he said. “I found your vision and comments regarding the circle interesting. This is very similar to what we Jews believe regarding time, and a related word in the Hebrew language.” Continuing, he said, “Do you know what the word ‘testimony’ means in Hebrew?” I answered, “Well, I assume it means to give an account of something that occurred in the past.” “Not exactly,” he said, “the root Hebrew word for testimony means ‘to repeat, to do something again,’ or ‘do time again.’ It does not mean only to tell about or give witness of something.” What an interesting phrase, I thought - do time again. He continued, “We believe that when one declares what God did in the past, a testimony, it is in some ways like coming full circle - back to when He first performed the act, the beginning point. And when we do so, the same power released at the beginning is released now to ‘do it again.’ We’re ‘doing time again.’ “That’s why we believe it’s so important to tell our children what God did in the past, and why God was angry with Israel when they neglected to teach them Israel’s history. By failing to tell the story, they were not only failing to educate them about God and their history, but they were also failing to re-release His power. We believe that when we tell our children about the Exodus, relating how God delivered Israel from Egypt at Passover through great signs and wonders, the same saving power is released again. Our children receive the benefits of Passover and deliverance. We believe this power can be released again, and again, and again, and again. “We have actually begun acting on this principle,” he said, “by repeatedly sending believers who have been supernaturally healed to share their testimony over and over with others who are ill. They don’t pray for these individuals; they simply repeat their testimonies of healing. And people are being healed!” I was just, well…speechless. Testimonies don’t just encourage us or inspire faith; they release power? But he wasn’t finished! “It’s as though time becomes pregnant with God’s words and, therefore, His power. The Eternal God declares His eternal, living, and powerful words (Psalm 119:89; Hebrews 4:12) to accomplish something, and those words and the power they release are deposited in time. We can tap into this power by speaking His words and by declaring what He has done in the past.” To say this rabbi launched me on a quest would be an understatement. I set out to discover if these things were true. I’m still not certain I understand all of it, but I have at least been able to confirm some of what he said. In studying the Hebrew word for testimony, eduwth/eduth, I found that the root word (ud or uwd) means “repeat or do again.” The lexicon said It refers to “the continuance of a past event.” For this reason, the Arabic words for “return” and “habit” come from this same root.(2) As I considered all of this, I realized we have had elements of this concept in our Christian faith, but haven’t fully understood it. The best example is the preaching of the gospel, which Scripture says is “the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16). We know power is released when we re-tell the gospel story, the same power to save, deliver, and heal that was generated at Calvary 2000 years ago. God’s power is in the story, just waiting to be released in the telling. Many believe, and I am one of them, that when we eat the bread and drink the cup of Communion, the same power and provision generated at Calvary should be received by us again. We are to “partake of” it, which is what the word for communion actually means (koinonia)(3). Sadly, many have not been taught this and therefore, do not activate their faith to receive it. But the power of the Cross remains in this covenantal act, and when we “eat this bread and drink this cup…retelling the story, proclaiming our Lord’s death until he comes” ‭‭(1 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭26‬ ‭TPT‬‬) power is available. As I pondered this, I found myself wondering: maybe this is why the Bible says, “We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our TESTIMONY!” (Revelation 12:11). Perhaps this is why it is important that “The redeemed of the Lord SAY SO!” (Psalm 107:2). Tell the stories! Pray with me: Father, what a fascinating thought - testimonies of healing produce healing. You release power to heal in several ways: touching or laying hands on someone, the spoken Word, anointing people with oil as a symbol of Holy Spirit, the prayer of agreement, acts of faith, intercession, anointed prayer cloths…and testimonies. We are hungry for Holy Spirit’s manifestations and gifts. As we move into a season where His gifts operate at increased levels, remind us that we must never formularize how He works. You resist “boxes,” religious routines that we turn into formulas. At times miracles will simply occur as we talk about miracles. Give us childlike faith to believe, obey, tell the story, and come full circle. In Jesus name, amen. Our decree: We decree that we will go to new levels of God’s power and glory, as we testify of His greatness. ************************** You can find out more about Tommy and Miriam Evans at You can find their book, Decrees that Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, on Amazon. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------- Tommy and Miriam Evans, Decrees that Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Destiny Image Publishers, Inc.: Shippensburg, PA), pp. 146-147. R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. Waltke, Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1980), p. 648. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 2842.
  2. 6 min read February 4, 2025 INTRODUCTION My friend, Larry Sparks, recently sent me an exciting and informative new book by Tommy and Miriam Evans entitled: Decrees that Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I use the word “exciting” not just due to the information it contains, but also because Holy Spirit motivating them to release this book now is just one more indicator of the kairos time we have moved into. The Lord is further preparing us for the great outpouring that has already begun. I also used the word “informative” to describe the book. It was written not only by two great teachers, but by two “doers” – the Evans move powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit on a regular basis (1 Corinthians 12). Tommy and Miriam use their experiences to illustrate the Scriptures, providing balanced and practical guidance. This direction, by the way, not only instructs us how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, but also how to receive and develop these essential tools. It is truly a handbook. My brother, Tim Sheets, states in the book’s foreword: “Our friends Tommy and Miriam Evans have been anointed to produce this very timely handbook of practical wisdom. You will find yourself turning to it time and time again. Within these pages are spiritual insights that can help the body of Christ grow and mature and release the decrees of faith.” Larry Sparks, who sent me the book, ministers with the Evans on a regular basis. He wrote an article based on the book’s content, as well as his insights on what God is currently saying to the church regarding this important subject. I believe this subject is so critical, I want to share the article and promote this wonderful book here on Give Him 15. I will share Part One of the article today and Part Two tomorrow. The title of Larry’s article is: DECREE AND DEMONSTRATE (PART 1) There have been many exceptional training resources developed on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. From Derek Prince to Lester Sumrall to Norval Hayes to Kenneth Hagin and others, the body of Christ has been given sound, biblical instructions on these gifts. This has provided a foundation for the unique kairos moment we are stepping into. The teachings of a previous generation are going to be demonstrated by this generation at a whole new level. I, along with revivalists Tommy and Miriam Evans, have been traveling the nations, witnessing a collective hunger for the demonstration of the Holy Spirit and His supernatural power. And this has not been limited to a specific denomination. We’ve found ourselves ministering in various settings, from Southern Baptist to Lutheran, and even Catholic environments. Regardless of the setting, the results are the same. As the Word of God is preached, it paints a picture of what’s possible for people to experience from the Holy Spirit. He breathes upon the Word of God, igniting hearts to step into the realities Scripture introduces to them. These results demonstrate the moment we are in: It’s time to decree the Word and demonstrate the power. This reality is what birthed the book, Decrees that Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Tommy and Miriam Evans were burdened by a desire to raise up revival practitioners, not simply revival theorists. I believe the simple encouragements and activations outlined in the book will be catalysts, launching many into a life saturated with Holy Spirit demonstration. A Vision of What’s Possible: Word and Spirit Describing this present kairos moment a bit more… I had a vision wherein I saw a minister delivering his sermon from an old-fashioned pulpit, similar to what you would see in the days of Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakenings. I knew he was preaching verse by verse from Scripture---expository preaching. In the vision, I panned down towards the front of the church, right beneath the preacher. Usually, this is what we call the “altar” space. I was shocked by what I saw. While the minister preached, in that altar space I witnessed people shaking under the power of God. I saw some laughing uproariously as they were experiencing the oil of Holy Spirit joy, some being delivered from demonic torment, others being healed, and still others were being baptized in the Spirit. It was glorious, holy chaos. I watched as prayer teams moved seamlessly through the group of people as they were clearly being touched by the Holy Spirit. One would think this “disorderly” sight would cause distraction or commotion among the attentive congregation. It did not. I then panned across the congregation, witnessing something extraordinary. While this wild manifestation of the Spirit was taking place in the altar space, people sat in their seats, diligently taking notes. When something the minister said stirred the heart of one seated in the congregation, they would get out of their seats and move toward the altar space. There, these individuals would begin to have unique encounters with the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 14:40 was, in fact, taking place in this environment; everything was being done “decently and in order.” It’s just that sometimes decently and in order, from Heaven’s vantage point, looks like 120 disciples in an upper room being described as “drunk” after being filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2); or like a company of priests on their faces completely undone by God’s glory falling upon Solomon’s temple (1 Kings 8). In both the Old and New Testaments, we clearly see a connection between and an emphasis on the declaration of the Word and demonstration of Holy Spirit power. I’ve learned that if we treat the manifestations of the Holy Spirit as a disturbance and distraction, people will treat them that way. But if we actually celebrate the move of the Holy Spirit, with all of its uniqueness and unusual activity, we disciple people into identifying these manifestations as indicator lights of God’s holy presence in our midst. Manifestations become celebrated confirmations of the Word being preached. The Greatest Enemies of What God’s Doing… Right Now Much of our ministry and experience has been in western nations – the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and the USA. In the Western world, we mistakenly project that we have graduated from the wonder of the supernatural, as if “that miracle, signs and wonders stuff” is archaic and out of touch with modernity. We perceive that we have become more civilized and refined, when, in fact, we have moved away from the very thing that a generation is crying out for! Historian Tom Holland, author of the outstanding book Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World has been cited as saying that we need to preach “the weird stuff” and “take the supernatural seriously” in the context of the Christian church. Justin Brierley, author of Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God, has observed similar phenomena, especially among youth and young adults in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Brierly’s observation is that atheism is not the great juggernaut that is opposing the advancement of Christianity. Perhaps it was in a previous era, but now, it would seem that more and more people—particularly GenZ and GenAlpha—are pursuing “spirituality.” The question is what kind of spirituality are they seeking and practicing? The greatest enemy that seeks to oppose the move of God in this generation is silence concerning the supernatural in the church. If contemporary Christianity keeps silent on the gifts, power, and move of the Spirit, the devil is waiting right outside our sanctuaries, seeking opportunities to provide counterfeit “power” to the spiritually hungry masses. [Tomorrow we will look at Part 2 of Larry’s teaching/article.] Pray with me: Father, as we move into revival and reformation, we find ourselves being awakened to needed changes – both in the church, and in our secular environments. You are indeed preparing us to be the church when we gather to worship and when we go forth into our daily activities. The spirit of revival and the seeds of reformation are in our land. We ask You to bring both to fulness through the power of Your Spirit. Your Word teaches us – as does history – that revival is fueled by the gifts of Your Spirit. We must have the release of these precious tools, enabling us to demonstrate the power of the gospel and the resurrection of Christ. We ask You for this. And we ask that resources and teachings, such as this powerful book by the Evans, be breathed upon mightily by You. Stir hearts in the church with a hunger for these gifts of the Spirit; bring a holy discontent for doing ministry without them. Then, satisfy this hunger with impartation and activation, invading hearts and impacting lives. It is time for this, and we are asking for it. In Jesus’ name we ask and in faith we say “Thank You!” Our decree: We decree that a new season is now upon the church, a season of Holy Spirit’s gifts being poured out. We receive these manifestations of the great Holy Spirit, our Helper. ***************************** You can find out more about Larry at and for Tommy and Miriam Evans, go to You can find their book on Amazon. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  3. 5 min read February 3,2025 The Great Architect In Acts 3:21, we find the phrase “Times of restitution” (KJV). The word “times” is chronos,(1) meaning a general time or season; “restitution” is apokatistasis.(2) A better translation of this word in today’s vocabulary would be “reconstitute” or “restore.” The concept is restoring something to its original intent, purpose, or condition. It is a medical term used in Scripture only by Christ’s disciple, Dr. Luke, who wrote the book of Acts. The note in the Passion Translation says this medical term meant “Restoration to perfect health.” Another word we often use in the context of restoring something is “reformation.” In Scripture, this word is diorthosis(3) (Hebrews 9:10), meaning to straighten something crooked; to cause that which has fallen or is leaning to stand straight, even upright again. Diorthosis, like apokatistasis in Acts 3:21, involves restoring something to its original and appropriate condition. It is important to realize that they do not simply denote change. Change can be good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate. On the other hand, these two concepts involve restoring something to its original intent, condition, and/or purpose. America has been in a season of significant, inappropriate change for half a century. We are now moving into a time of restoration and reformation. Like a surgeon cutting out a cancer, a dentist removing an abscessed tooth, or a chiropractor twisting a body like a pretzel in order to make it straight again, America is being restored. And just as with the human body, the process can, at times, be painful. Surgeons, dentists, and chiropractors all hurt us to heal us. A therapist demands that we trade pain for gain. A home remodel becomes a mess before it becomes beautiful. Martin Luther’s great reformation was a giant upheaval of the religious and political world while also restoring the true gospel and liberating the people. Reformation can be challenging, complicated, and very messy, which brings me to Donald Trump and his allies. We would do well to remember that they are not simply making a few changes. America is well past the point where that would be enough. Like it or not, we have a cancer in our culture, an abscess in our government. We are twisted and out of alignment, in drastic need of straightening. The restoration is going to hurt, and it is going to be messy. At this point in history, America did not need a statesman. And we certainly did not need a politician. Frankly, and this will upset some of my religious friends, we did not need a peacemaker. We needed a “boat rocker,” a status quo wrecker, a business-as-usual interrupter. We are in the first part of Jeremiah 1:10; the second part is coming, but that will be a little slower: “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.” Do I like everything Donald Trump says? Do I like all of his actions and attitudes? Do I like everything in his past? Of course not; that’s not why I voted for him. I voted for a reformer. And at this point, I am more interested in his willingness to face those destroying America than I am his language. I am more concerned about determination than diplomacy. I want a John the Baptist who is willing to make crooked places straight, remove mountains, and raise valleys. I want someone who will stare down the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, otherwise known as the mainstream media, and not be intimidated. I want someone who will build a military that is an effective war machine, not a woke machine. I want someone who will close our borders to all immigration that is not legal; someone who will demand that our education system teaches our children how to read; and someone who will stop the trans madness. I want healed children, not butchered children, common sense above Ivy League idiocy, and a Congress that can balance a checkbook. I want reformation. The progressive Left has used against us our desire for peace and “getting along.” They preach civility and spew venom; they speak of fairness while weaponizing government; they preach diversity and insist on conformity; and they speak of freedom while exerting control. For too long, those on the right have fallen prey to this hypocrisy. Hearing them criticize Trump, accusing him of inappropriate and insensitive statements, then listening as they sit on committees and model rudeness, character assassination, lying, and the misrepresentation of facts is both laughable and infuriating. They epitomize the evil and ugliness of the political spirit. The Left only wants to get along in order to get ahead. They are like the female black widow spider who says to the male, “Help me multiply, then I will kill and eat you.” Now that America has seen what they are doing to our nation, and has elected a man with backbone enough to resist it – and who also happens to be a person they tried desperately to humiliate and destroy – the Left is terrified. They maligned his character, turned our judicial system loose on him, “sicced” our FBI on him and his followers, and defiled his home. Now, he is even more angry and determined; their hypocritical cries for civility, kindness, and compromise are falling on deaf ears. The progressive Left is also watching 50 years of antichrist secularization and globalism dissolve, their media lose influence with the populous, and the American people stand up and say, “Enough!” DEI is being dismantled, DOJ employees and Inspectors General are being fired, lazy employees willing to trade blind loyalty for a free ride have been served notice, and billions of dollars are being pulled from worthless and ridiculous government programs. The Left is angry and horrified. The nation they “changed” is being “reformed.” The time will soon come when America needs builders, statesmen, and peacemakers. At this time, however, we are in the demo stage. As we find the termites, mold, leaks, and cracked foundations, we can repair, reconstitute, and restore. A great revival is coming to fuel this process, also causing the desired changes to align with God’s will and ways. Keep appealing, church. Do not trust this process to humans, regardless of how well-intentioned they are. Keep it in the hands of the great Heavenly Architect. Pray with me: Father, we know that both the political and religious worlds hated John the Baptist’s forerunner work. Jesus revealed their true hearts, pointing out that they didn’t like Him either. The truth was, they wanted a completely different Israel than John and Jesus were bringing. The progressive Left in America today doesn’t like Donald Trump, and it doesn’t like the church. We represent an America they don’t want and a Kingdom they despise. They are the Psalm 2 company that conspires against You, declaring that You will not rule over them. In this great Psalm, You offer repentance and honor toward Your son or destruction - nothing in between. We have no doubt that You love people enough to bring the revival and awakening we hear so much about; You love them enough not to allow the opposition of the antichrist forces to succeed. Expose their plans, tear down and demolish their structures, and destroy their systems. Use President Trump, his team, wise leaders in Congress and state governments, and righteous judges to do so. Give them wisdom, understanding, and strategic timing as they do this. Then give the same to those tasked to rebuild. Revive and reform America and let both be historic, monumental, and epochal. In the mighty name of Yeshua, we pray. Our decree: We decree that the uprooting and tearing down needed in America will be fully accomplished, followed by successful planting and rebuilding. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 5550. Ibid, ref. no. 605. Ibid, ref. no. 1357
  4. 5 min read January 31, 2025 The Importance of Kairos Moments As is often the case, our English translations do not fully convey the content of Greek words. With the intricacies of their language -- the various tenses, moods, forms, etc., the Greeks bragged that they could say more in one word than other languages could in an entire sentence. That’s why amplified and expanded versions are helpful. Another problem is that our translations often use one English word to translate multiple Greek words. This can at times be very problematic. For example, the word “power” is used to translate both dunamis and exousia. However, dunamis is literal power, as in dynamite;(1) exousia is authority, the right to rule or release power.(2) When not understood, this leads to misunderstanding. The New Testament tells us Jesus dealt with and delivered us from satan’s authority (exousia) – the RIGHT to use his power (dunamis) on believers (Colossians 1:13). Christ did not remove all of satan’s powers. The devil still has power, he simply has no legal right to use it on us. But since he is a thief and lawbreaker, he tries to do so anyway. Therefore, we must enforce Christ’s victory, exercising our authority (exousia) over satan’s power (dunamis). Timing The word “time” in the New Testament is another example of multiple Greek words, chronos and kairos, being translated with one English word. Chronos means chronological time – you can easily see that our English word chronology comes from this Greek word. Chronos is simply the general time or season in which something IS done.(3) Kairos, on the other hand, means well-timed, strategic time, opportune time; the time at which something SHOULD or MUST be done. Kairos would be the equivalent of our often used “window of opportunity.”(4) Wuest, a very literal translator of the New Testament, uses the following phrases to translate kairos: “epoch-making periods” (Acts 3:19); “strategic, significant period” (Acts 12:1); “strategic, epochal time” (Acts 19:23). Using his words, kairos times are strategic, significant, and potentially epoch-making. Kairos Temptation The parable of the sower is an example of where knowing the difference between these two words is important. Jesus said, “They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away” (Luke 8:13). “Time” is kairos. Knowing this brings the realization that Christ was saying satan times his temptations strategically, waiting for just the right time. This might be during weariness, confusion, disillusionment, spiritual laziness, and other opportune times. We must be aware of satan’s strategies and well-timed attacks. Spiritual Warfare and Kairos Prayers Another subject in Scripture where the use of kairos is extremely important is prayer. Hebrews 4:16 tells us to “come boldly to the throne of grace, to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (KJV). While we know we are always welcome in the throne room of heaven, that is not the primary point of this verse. “Time” here is kairos, not chronos. God is telling us in this passage that we have a faithful and merciful High Priest, and we can approach Him boldly in our strategic times of need. The Amplified Classic translates the verse, “Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].” Wow! Ephesians 6, a chapter on spiritual warfare, is another passage where this distinction is important. Ephesians 6:18 says that we are to “be on the alert . . . for all the saints” and “pray at all times [kairos] in the Spirit.” God is not telling us here to pray all the time, which would be chronos, and would also be impossible. He is saying to pray at all strategic times (kairos). In other words, if we are alert for one another – in this spiritual war with the powers of darkness – Holy Spirit will warn us of the well-timed (kairos) attacks of the enemy. We can then pray, creating boundaries (one of the meanings of paga, the Hebrew word for intercession), a protective hedge, around the person. One morning, way back in 1978, (I was 10, 😊) as I was praying the Lord gave me a vision. I saw a rattlesnake coiled at my dad’s feet. I did not yet know the meaning of kairos, but I knew this was a warning. I spent about 15 minutes or so praying earnestly for his protection until I felt a release, a peace. I knew whatever danger was coming his way involving a rattlesnake had been dealt with. The next day he called me – he was in Florida, I was in Texas – and said, “You’ll never guess what happened yesterday. I almost stepped on a coiled rattlesnake in the shed. Fortunately, I saw it in time.” I said to Dad, “Yeah, I know.” Surprised, he asked, “How did you know?” “I saw it in a vision,” I responded, “and prayed for your protection. You owe me.” (I didn’t really say the part about him owing me. I acted really humble and said something to the effect of, “Praise God” or “Glory be to God.” You know how we do it.) In these strategic times of spiritual warfare, it is important that we stay alert for one another. Be sensitive to the promptings of Holy Spirit; when someone comes to mind, pray for them. They may need protection from harm, strength against temptation, or wisdom to deal with an important decision. This could be for a child, a parent, a friend, or the president. Yes, pray regularly for those in your family and for our government leaders. But also be alert for the kairos warnings; when they come, pray. Pray with me: Father, there are times (chronos) to pray, and then there are times (kairos) to pray. As we walk with You and learn Your ways, teach us also to hear Your voice and recognize Your promptings. Holy Spirit is our Guide, our Counselor, our Helper. We want to be sensitive to His voice and instructions. We know that in life there are accidents, things that happen because of people‘s carelessness or mistakes, and there are also spiritually caused attacks, orchestrated by satan. Help us to do as You instructed in Ephesians 6, being alert to Holy Spirit’s promptings, so we can pray for others as You lead. And we pray now regarding any attacks planned against our government officials. We ask for protection over the Justices on our Supreme Court, members of Congress, and President Trump and his Cabinet. Expose terrorists and violent criminals in our nation. Thwart their evil plans. We also pray for our spiritual leaders, those on the front lines of this spiritual warfare. Please protect them from evil, temptation, sickness, and disease. All of these things we pray in the name of our overcoming Lord and Savior, Jesus. Our decree: We decree that we are alert intercessors, always on our posts, and will recognize the warnings and prompting of Holy Spirit. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1411. Ibid, ref. no. 1849. Ibid, ref. no. 5550. Ibid, ref. no. 2540.
  5. 6 min read January 30, 2025 Introduction My friend Larry Tomczak, a leader in the historic Jesus People Revolution, author, and true father in the body of Christ, released a powerful exhortation to the church. Larry exhorts us to rejoice in what the Lord has done, but also diligently press forward. The title is: Looking Back/Looking Forward (with God’s Gift of Mercy to America) “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18–19). Fifty years ago a struggling Sly Stallone watched a boxing match, wrote a script (in 3 days!), then made the movie, Rocky, for $1 million. It grossed $235 million worldwide, and Stallone made five more movies with the character! I recently watched it again, allowing it to inspire me in this historic moment. We can follow Rocky’s example – he looked back briefly then moved forward purposefully. This is what God intends for us in this supernatural reset of seeing America restored to alignment with the Founders’ vision, and to the values of our Creator. “The Golden Age of America begins right now” is how our President put it in the opening sentence of his inaugural message to America. Our children and our grandchildren will now be rescued from the insidious progressive ideology that brought the decline of America. Imagine if we had just endured an inauguration of President Kamala Harris… The opening Scripture says not to dwell on (linger on) the past - God is doing a “new thing!” Learn lessons from the past, but “get back in the ring” and embrace the opportunities God is giving. Satanic forces are not going to exit the arena; their goal is still to diminish Christian influence and promote evil. Miracle Mile One of the most iconic sporting races in world history was the 1954 mile competition between England’s Roger Bannister and Australia’s John Landy. Both had previously broken the 4-minute mile barrier and were pitted against each other, with 35,000 watching. The first issue of “Sports Illustrated” launched with this famous race. With 90 yards to go, Landy was heading for victory, but looked back, lost momentum, and Banister burst forward to win 3:58.8 to 3:59.6. Today, in what can become one of the most transformational presidencies since Lincoln and Reagan, we must not look back, as though the race is won. Yes, we should understand and give God glory for what we’ve been rescued from, but then we must focus forward, praying and engaging in sharing truth amidst 2025’s palpable optimism. “Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, let’s press on for the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. All of us who are mature should be like minded” (Philippians 3:14-15). Looking Back on 15 Catastrophes We are beginning a turnaround in our nation, so give thanks to God as we put behind us… The scandalous cover up of Biden in office while mentally impaired. The Biden Administration leaving Trump with a “mess” as his policies bring ongoing damage for years. He departs office with America culturally, morally, economically, globally and militarily weaker. The entrance of 15 million unvetted illegal immigrants allowed into America, including scores of terrorists, child smugglers, sex traffickers and criminals (not just “unfortunate children” as a pro-LGBTQ liberal bishop said in an attempt to humiliate President Trump). The death sentences of 37 death row murderers being commuted, and granting “pre-emptive last-minute pardons” to family and friends. The aggressive promotion of abortion ’til birth, paid for with taxpayer money, and calling it “reproductive health care.” Obscene spending, which exploded our national debt to record levels (e.g. spending $100 million tax dollars on DEI!). “If we don’t get this debt under control, the economy is going to collapse!” - Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary (part of the problem). The shameless pushing of radical trans insanity & the LGBTQ agenda in schools/sports/corporations. The corruption in our criminal justice system, abusing its authority by suppressing free speech & attacking political candidates (especially Mr. Trump!). The insulting of Americans by awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to enemies of America devoted to tearing down our values, such as George Soros. The weakening of America, even as China grew more aggressive and Putin became more destructive, with feeble Biden “asleep at the helm.” The use of “Lawfare” to attack peaceful pro-lifers, parents in schools and soldiers in service. The mislabeling of Jan. 6 rioting as “insurrection,” even though Trump said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capital to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” (Thousands of people rioting in 574 George Floyd riots in 200 cities, taking lives and costing billions, was dismissed as “peaceful protests.”) The unmitigated disaster of the Afghanistan exit (lives lost plus $80 billion of military equipment left to terrorists). In Summary, Biden departed leaving our nation demoralized, divided and deceived. We should offer praise to God that a horrible chapter can be put behind us. Like Rocky, we can give ourselves one last look back as we get into the ring, resolving not to squander our reprieve. Going Forward with Hope and Vision Goodbye to a Government gone astray! Our appeal to heaven is for God’s grace and guidance as we declare “In God We Trust!” As God-fearing, patriotic, traditional Americans we pledge to pray for our leaders, engage courageously as we share the gospel and truth, and believe for a third Great Awakening! Undergirded by our prayers, the actions of the Trump team have said, “We’re done with the show, we’re closing the curtain, buckle up!” Our newly inaugurated president has signed over 100 executive orders, taking action with his experienced and competent Cabinet. One bold and decisive order declares the Federal Government will no longer recognize “trans” men or women. There is a supernatural shift, changing the mood in America. It’s time for realignment. God has been merciful to us, and there is fresh vision, hope and determination to purge the poison of militant wokeism, deceptive socialism and [the true meaning of] DEI: Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination. Let’s unify and see America great again for the glory of God! Turnaround Time We are part of an historical reset and transformational presidency, similar to the “morning in America” when Reagan was elected after the disastrous Carter years. This is not a time to retreat, but to speak out exposing harmful policies and ideologies regarding critical issues. Together we will remain tenacious, proclaiming truth via all the vehicles God has given us. We are “Sons of Issachar who understand the times and know what to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). We will “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12), not combatively, but “contending for the faith” (Jude 3). (We know that we have to reach this next generation on their phones. That’s why 16 top Christian leaders did the 30 Bullseye videos FREE and “on demand” to equip us in confidently and courageously addressing today’s “hot button” issues.) Here’s the Deal: God gave us a reprieve. Let’s seize this gift for His glory and as Rocky said, “Go for it!” “Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always abound in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). ************ Pray with me: Father, we have come to an intersection in this journey toward seeing America restored. We are truly grateful for the turn we see occurring in America, not only in government but in the great numbers of Americans seeing the need for change. The veil is truly being lifted. Please continue to do so. We do, indeed, take the time to look back, not as though the race is finished, and as Larry has articulated, not in bitterness. We do so to learn from the past and rejoice in Your great deliverance. It is also now imperative that we look forward, dedicating ourselves to the opportunity at hand. You have given us a window in which we can begin a true spiritual and national reset. We ask You for wise strategy to do so. Give wisdom to government leaders as they wrestle with complex issues, and the courage and boldness to do what is right, regardless of the cost. We also ask that wisdom be given to leaders in the church. Bring forth the appropriate messages and insights, bringing the church Your thoughts at this critical time. Bring forth prophetic vision for the future - Your vision. Changes are essential; show us what they are. Help us seize the moment. In Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the church will move forward into the new that God is offering us. *********************** You can find out more about Larry Tomczak at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  6. 4 min read God’s Mega Outpouring of Grace One no longer has to wonder at the motives of the Left in their attempts to transform America. Many of them unquestionably want to weaken our nation, if not destroy it. Globalists, at heart, don’t want a strong America and have attacked it on all fronts. Our education system has been a major target. Angela Morabito, former Education Department Press Secretary stated that 30% of 8th graders in America are functionally illiterate.(1) Leaders who want to stay the course in education with results such as this are not only without love for America, they have none for our kids. Their willingness to castrate them to further a depraved ideology also proves this. Those behind the leftist ideologies WANT the next generation of Americans to be ignorant and psychologically damaged. Now that thousands of violent illegals have been rounded up and returned to their nations in the first week of the Trump Administration, we are left to wonder why they were here so long. Our government obviously knew they were here and where to find them. The choice of Biden, Mayorkas, and their puppeteers, however, was to allow them to continue stealing, killing, and destroying. And the mainstream media? Are they excitedly reporting this rounding up of violent criminals? Of course not. Those behind the leftist ideologies WANT more crime in America. One would think all of America would want a strong and fiscally responsible military - not a weak, woke DEI experiment with low morale and a lower enlistment. Especially with the dragon (China) and the bear (Russia) on the prowl for world domination, it would seem critical to have a dominant military. Yet, once again, ideology outweighs strength - those behind the leftist ideology WANT a weak America. This is why I am grateful beyond words for our new government. They are making great, common sense changes and doing so quickly. God must have the right instruments to use in His saving and restoring: He needs believers to fund and declare His message (Romans 10:14); He used the words of Jeremiah to root out, pull down, destroy, throw down, build and plant (Jeremiah 1:10); Paul was used by God as a wise master builder in the church (1 Corinthians 3:10); and in the context of government, the Lord told us that when rulers operate in His righteousness, cities rejoice (Proverbs 29:2). As we consider this truth that He uses people to accomplish His plans, we must also remember that those He uses are part of a divine-human partnership. The power and wisdom behind their efforts must come from God; only He can restore and save. Psalm 127:1 will always be true: “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain to build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” This is why we must be faithful in praying for our leaders, and for the changes we need. Too often the church slackens its prayer efforts after elections, subconsciously relying on those they elected for solutions. Consequently, the new leaders lack heaven’s power and wisdom, and the enemy is lurking in the shadows, waiting to attack. We must not make this mistake now. We must continue to pray and declare God’s will, releasing it into the Earth (Matthew 6:9-13). As we do, God will answer us, just as He did the prayers of the church in Acts. “And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, by stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.” (Acts 4:29-33) The word “great,” used twice in verse 33, is the Greek word megas.(2) Our English word “mega” comes from this word. Mega grace brought the early church mega power. Acts 6:8 also speaks of “mega wonders and miracles”; and the miracles mentioned in Acts 8:8 brought “mega joy.” Our great and all-powerful God wants to release mega revival and restoration through us, and it begins with prayer. Let’s do so now. Pray with me: Father, You are good and Your mercies are new every morning - You start every day with fresh mercy for us. Thank You for not leaving us to perish in our sin, but instead offering Your salvation to us. You are saving and restoring America. Our birth as a nation was linked to the gospel of Jesus Christ; we exist to make Him known. Though we have drifted far from this destiny, You have raised up a people determined to recapture it. We will persevere in our prayers for this. We are amazed at Your plan of making us partners with You, of allowing us to be Your voice, Your hands, Your feet, and expressions of Your heart. We accept this privilege and ask You to give us more leaders in our nation who will do so. Give us godly and righteous educators, government leaders, parents, business people, and citizens. Give us leaders that fear Your name, honor Your ways, love Your Word, and know Your heart. Restore our nation to You. Give the intercessors here and around the world greater discernment and great endurance. We ask for great grace, resulting in great power, great miracles and great joy. Bring a mega outpouring of the Spirit to the earth. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Our decree: We decree that great grace is being released on the church in this hour. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fox News Live, aired Sunday January 26, 2025. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3173.
  7. 4 min read God’s Mega Outpouring of Grace One no longer has to wonder at the motives of the Left in their attempts to transform America. Many of them unquestionably want to weaken our nation, if not destroy it. Globalists, at heart, don’t want a strong America and have attacked it on all fronts. Our education system has been a major target. Angela Morabito, former Education Department Press Secretary stated that 30% of 8th graders in America are functionally illiterate.(1) Leaders who want to stay the course in education with results such as this are not only without love for America, they have none for our kids. Their willingness to castrate them to further a depraved ideology also proves this. Those behind the leftist ideologies WANT the next generation of Americans to be ignorant and psychologically damaged. Now that thousands of violent illegals have been rounded up and returned to their nations in the first week of the Trump Administration, we are left to wonder why they were here so long. Our government obviously knew they were here and where to find them. The choice of Biden, Mayorkas, and their puppeteers, however, was to allow them to continue stealing, killing, and destroying. And the mainstream media? Are they excitedly reporting this rounding up of violent criminals? Of course not. Those behind the leftist ideologies WANT more crime in America. One would think all of America would want a strong and fiscally responsible military - not a weak, woke DEI experiment with low morale and a lower enlistment. Especially with the dragon (China) and the bear (Russia) on the prowl for world domination, it would seem critical to have a dominant military. Yet, once again, ideology outweighs strength - those behind the leftist ideology WANT a weak America. This is why I am grateful beyond words for our new government. They are making great, common sense changes and doing so quickly. God must have the right instruments to use in His saving and restoring: He needs believers to fund and declare His message (Romans 10:14); He used the words of Jeremiah to root out, pull down, destroy, throw down, build and plant (Jeremiah 1:10); Paul was used by God as a wise master builder in the church (1 Corinthians 3:10); and in the context of government, the Lord told us that when rulers operate in His righteousness, cities rejoice (Proverbs 29:2). As we consider this truth that He uses people to accomplish His plans, we must also remember that those He uses are part of a divine-human partnership. The power and wisdom behind their efforts must come from God; only He can restore and save. Psalm 127:1 will always be true: “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain to build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” This is why we must be faithful in praying for our leaders, and for the changes we need. Too often the church slackens its prayer efforts after elections, subconsciously relying on those they elected for solutions. Consequently, the new leaders lack heaven’s power and wisdom, and the enemy is lurking in the shadows, waiting to attack. We must not make this mistake now. We must continue to pray and declare God’s will, releasing it into the Earth (Matthew 6:9-13). As we do, God will answer us, just as He did the prayers of the church in Acts. “And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, by stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.” (Acts 4:29-33) The word “great,” used twice in verse 33, is the Greek word megas.(2) Our English word “mega” comes from this word. Mega grace brought the early church mega power. Acts 6:8 also speaks of “mega wonders and miracles”; and the miracles mentioned in Acts 8:8 brought “mega joy.” Our great and all-powerful God wants to release mega revival and restoration through us, and it begins with prayer. Let’s do so now. Pray with me: Father, You are good and Your mercies are new every morning - You start every day with fresh mercy for us. Thank You for not leaving us to perish in our sin, but instead offering Your salvation to us. You are saving and restoring America. Our birth as a nation was linked to the gospel of Jesus Christ; we exist to make Him known. Though we have drifted far from this destiny, You have raised up a people determined to recapture it. We will persevere in our prayers for this. We are amazed at Your plan of making us partners with You, of allowing us to be Your voice, Your hands, Your feet, and expressions of Your heart. We accept this privilege and ask You to give us more leaders in our nation who will do so. Give us godly and righteous educators, government leaders, parents, business people, and citizens. Give us leaders that fear Your name, honor Your ways, love Your Word, and know Your heart. Restore our nation to You. Give the intercessors here and around the world greater discernment and great endurance. We ask for great grace, resulting in great power, great miracles and great joy. Bring a mega outpouring of the Spirit to the earth. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Our decree: We decree that great grace is being released on the church in this hour. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fox News Live, aired Sunday January 26, 2025. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3173.
  8. 6 min read January 22, 2025 2025 - A New Path Forward, Part 2 On yesterday’s post, Jane Hamon said the Lord told her He was bringing us into a time of Renaissance. He said old cycles would be broken and new pathways for success would be established. Much devastation would be overcome as multiplied grace is poured out. Today is Part 2 of this encouraging word. A Year of Revolution, Resolution, and Restitution 1) Revolution A revolution is a radical and pervasive change in society and its structure, one that often occurs suddenly and can be accompanied by violence. For us, it will be an intense period of spiritual conflict, change, and triumph over our enemy. 2020 began a new era of COVID, global conflict, corruption, and globalism exerting its power. As we press into 2025, our prayers and decrees can set the stage for a new Golden Age of awakening—or our negligence can set the stage for war. It’s time for a Kingdom revolution to turn the tide of this spiritual war and usher in a glorious time of awakening, revival, and reformation on the earth. Revolutions change the course of history. The American Revolution was a time of intense conflict that resulted in the birth of a new nation. This year will not be without challenges, and we will continue to deal with the forces of chaos that want to destabilize our world. But the end result of these spiritual battles will be nations and generations birthed into God’s new purposes. In this time, God is raising up heroes, righteous spiritual revolutionaries who will bring a shift in the midst of the battle. These heroes will emerge from the church world but also from other sectors of society. Those with Cyrus-like leadership capabilities will arise to lead us into a new and better future. The violence I speak of is not natural violence fueled by hatred or anger but rather spiritual violence against Satan and evil. We do not wrestle or war against people. Nevertheless, it will be messy. In a scene from The Patriot movie, the Revolutionary Armies were running in defeat when suddenly, a man picked up the flag and ran toward the battle, galvanizing the army to turn and fight again. Much of the Church has been in retreat—afraid to rock the boat, fearing cancel culture, and not wanting to be controversial—but God is raising up heroes bearing a standard of righteousness and justice who will turn the battle at the gate. If you have been standing still or running the wrong way, pick up your flag and run to the battle. I heard the Lord say, “The enemy has sown the wind but is getting ready to reap the whirlwind!” (Hosea 8:7) The Amplified says, “He has sown the wind of evil and will reap the whirlwind of destruction.” What the enemy has started in the past few years, God’s anointed Ekklesia is getting ready to finish! Jesus is our Mighty Man of War, our gibbohr—champion, hero, chief, warrior, brave, valiant, strong man. He is rising for us, in us, and through us! I sensed God’s righteous anger at the works of the enemy and saw a picture of Jesus with a whip, driving money changers out of the temple. God is looking for heroes who will partner with Him on this path—spiritual revolutionaries yes, but nevertheless possessing hearts like George Washington, Patrick Henry, and Paul Revere. Heroes put aside their own issues and fears for the sake of others. The Lord says, “Will you be one of My heroes? Will you be one of My men or women who will display unusual bravery in the midst of battle? If you will step up and raise the banner of victory in the face of all the enemy uses to intimidate, I will show up in supernatural ways to assure your triumph. This is the hour to pursue, overtake, and recover all. I am looking for My Davids, My Daniels, My Gideons…I am looking for My Deborahs, My Esthers, and My Abigails who will step up in times of crisis and overcome.” Renaissance Warfare This spiritual season of Renaissance will yield new strategies of spiritual warfare and upgraded spiritual weaponry that will produce greater breakthroughs for individuals, families, churches, and even nations. Rather than reacting to the enemy’s attacks, God will cause us to be more proactive, preemptive, and prepared—offensively discerning the right way forward to produce victory. What Are We Battling? War over Worship – contention exists in this nation and many others about who or what is to be worshipped. Baal systems? Marxism? Communism? False Gods? Wokeness? Mammon? Or the Lord? War over Power Structures – who makes the laws and sets national agendas? God is shaking power structures in the seven mountains of culture. Hollywood, government, the music industry, eduction - they are all being shaken.Revival on college campuses in 2024 will explode to a new level in 2025, representing an unraveling of antichrist strongholds in the fortresses of indoctrination. War over the Supply Lines – who controls the money? Where is money being allocated, diverted, or blocked? There will be exposure of corrupt flows of money. The enemy would seek to cut off supply lines of believers and cause great economic shaking to stifle God’s purposes. We must not allow this. War over the Media – who controls the narrative? 2) Resolution Resolution is the act of resolving or determining a course of action, providing solutions, settling problems, decision-making with firmness of purpose, and (politically) a formal expression of intention after a vote. It also speaks to clarity, like a picture coming into focus. Psalm 25:4, 5, 8-10 tells us: “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me…He teaches sinners in the way. The humble He guides in justice, And the humble He teaches His way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.” This will be a remarkable time of true justice (not woke social justice, but true biblical justice) for those who have suffered accusations and all manner of spiritual attacks. Long-standing issues will be resolved. Long-awaited miracles will come to pass. New solutions will be discovered to advance God’s purpose. New strategies will be released to untangle evil agendas. 3) Restitution – Payback! Acts 3:21 speaks of the “restitution of all things”: apokatastasis—restoration to a perfect state as before the Fall. From the root apokathistemi—to restore again.(1) Merriam-Webster defines restitution as “an act of restoring or a condition of being restored, such as returning something to its rightful owner or making good on an injury or loss.” It is also a legal term referring to “payment made to someone, or the giving of equivalent value, to compensate for damages or loss.” Psalm 25:12–14 tells us: “Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses. He himself shall dwell in prosperity, And his descendants shall inherit the earth. The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.” Repentance and the fear of the Lord release prosperity and generational blessings, breaking bloodline curses! Joel 2:25–26 says: “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten…You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied…” It’s time to reap the spoils. When Israel was attacked by the Ammonites in 2 Chronicles 20, they were horribly outnumbered. But God intervened and gave them victory over their enemy. The spoils were so great that it took three days to gather them. They named the place the Valley of Berachah, which means the valley of blessing. Be encouraged as we step into 2025—our Golden Age of Awakening and Renaissance of Righteousness. Let’s stand in faith for breakthrough, fresh clarity, and restoration in every sphere of influence, trusting God to lead us in victory! Pray with me: Father, we thank You for raising up spiritual warriors with hearts like our Founding Fathers and the heroes in scripture. Those willing to put their fears aside and serve others unconditionally. Give them boldness and great skill for spiritual war. You said this would produce greater breakthroughs for individuals, families, churches and even nations. We ask for this. As we continue to war spiritually against the idols in our land, the structures satan has built in the seven mouintains of our culture, we ask You to give divine strategy on how to establish Your kingdom values in these mountains. We ask that the revival on college campuses explode to an entirely new level in 2025. Give Your wisdom and strategy that will keep the money supply flowing in Your kingdom and for Your purposes. And lastly, we ask You to restore that which has been stolen from Your people. Reverse poverty, damage, loss, generational curses, and replace these things with blessing. Our valleys of war will become valleys of blessing! Our decree: We decree that this is a year of revolution, resolution, and restitution..! ******************* Today’s post was contributed by our friend Jane Hamon. You can find out more about Jane at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 605.
  9. 5 min read January 21, 2025 Jane Hamon, a dear friend of ours, recently released a 2-part word for 2025. I want to share the word Holy Spirit gave Jane—a word I believe will stir your faith and position you for the days ahead. This is Part 1. Part 2 will come tomorrow! Today’s title is: 2025 - A New Path Forward, Part 1 (A Golden Age of Awakening & A Renaissance of Righteousness) A Year of Revolution, Resolution, and Restitution As we closed out 2024, I recognized that the prophetic word I gave at the beginning of the year—“A Time of Victory Over Chaos”—and the word I gave at Rosh Hashanah—“A Time of Navigating Contrary Winds”—were still in the process of being fulfilled into the first quarter of 2025. These first months of the new year will be important for prayer and positioning, as the enemy will continue to stir the pot of chaos, crisis, and calamity, not only in the USA but in the nations of the earth. We are winning, but we must push on. While there have been certain breakthroughs in the US election cycle, we should remember that the definition of the word breakthrough means “a military movement or advance all the way through and beyond the enemy’s front line defense; the overcoming of every obstacle, barrier, and hindrance to progress.” In other words, breakthrough is not the end of a matter but a new beginning. In World War II, D-Day was a day of incredible breakthrough that positioned the allied troops to go “through and beyond” to liberate cities and nations against unparalleled evil in the earth. The goal was never to merely take the beaches; it was to break through and go beyond into a time of victory and restoration. We are now living in such a time. God has a mobilized spiritual army, the Ekklesia (the Church), that is breaking through decades-old barriers and setting the stage for a Golden Age of Awakening, Revival, and Reformation. A Golden Age is a time in history characterized by peace, prosperity, unity, and stability. As this unfolds we must remain mindful and spiritually watchful against the enemy’s plans for the exact opposite: chaos, economic and cultural decline, and all-out war. I heard the Lord say He was bringing us into a time of a Renaissance of Righteousness. I looked up the definition of Renaissance, and here is what I found: Rebirth, Reawakening ( A new growth of activity or a new interest in something as it becomes strong and active again; revival ( Historically, the term Renaissance refers to the time after the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages was a time of cultural decline, corruption in the government of the Holy Roman Empire, dissatisfaction with the authoritarianism of the Catholic Church, and the breakup of old oppressive feudal systems. This dark age set the stage for the Protestant Reformation, the discovery of new lands, innovation (for example, the printing press), science, and artistic expression. Today, skepticism and unbelief are at an all-time high. However, there is an awakening happening across America and throughout the earth as hunger for truth and an authentic relationship with God is taking hold. Righteousness is making a Comeback!! Truth is prevailing; scales are falling from eyes; hearts are being opened in ways unseen for generations. A new Reformation is at hand! Dream/Vision – A New Path Forward On December 30, 2024, I awoke from a dream and continued with a vision after waking in which I saw a land devastated—dark and smoldering—with a golden pathway through the devastation. Jesus (Yeshua), was walking on this path. Righteous people were walking with Him, moving forward on this path and urging others to join them. It was essentially a straight path with only gentle curves, as every crooked place had been made straight. I was reminded of Proverbs 4:18, “The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until full day” (ESV); also Isaiah 26:7, “The path of the righteous is level; You, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth” (NIV). The New Living Translation of this verse in Isaiah says: “But for those who are righteous, the way is not steep and rough. You are a God who does what is right, and You smooth out the path ahead of them.” Also, Psalm 65:11 tells us, “You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.” Interestingly, the Hebrew word for “path” means to roll or revolve; in other words, a path is the track made by a wheel. This is important because I heard the Lord say this would be a year of breaking old cycles and establishing new patterns or pathways of success. This pertains to marriages, family relationships, business strategies, and the Kingdom of God’s growth and expansion. It includes making crooked places straight in culture and government—establishing a new path forward for nations and breaking cycles of corruption and degeneration. Back to the Vision: Suddenly, many began to emerge out of the devastation. They were dirty and disheveled, seemingly hopeless regarding the future. But as they stepped onto this glorious pathway, they were transformed. Instead of dirty clothing, skin, and hair, suddenly, all was clean and sparkling. Hope and wonder lit up their faces as old things passed away and all things became new. They were stepping into a new beginning. I heard the words, “It’s a new day of grace, a time of rebirth, a season of new strength to win battles at the gate.” Such a hopeful vision of the future and of revival! We are entering the year 2025. Five is the biblical number of grace. The number 25 (5x5) is associated with great grace. Grace is being multiplied this year to accomplish great Kingdom endeavors! The Lord woke me on December 27th to read the book of Ezekiel, which is all about God judging Israel and surrounding nations for their sin and idolatry. But in Israel’s 25th year of captivity, God gives Ezekiel a vision of a new future—a restored temple and a rebuilt Jerusalem. In the beginning of the book, the Glory of God departs from the temple; after restoration, the Glory returns. Ezekiel is a story of judgment and forgiveness, repentance and restoration—a story of grace and Glory. John 1:16 says, “And of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.” In Greek, the phrase “grace upon grace” suggests an ongoing supply of divine grace and favor that builds upon our previous blessings. This isn’t just a single act of favor; it’s perpetual, continuous, and overflowing with abundance. Let grace be multiplied in 2025! Pray with me: Father, as we move into this new year, we thank You for helping us move through the chaos of the past season. We will persevere until we have fully put this chaos behind us. Thank You for the victory we experienced yesterday. We believe it signals great change. You said to Jane Hamon that the breakthrough would continue, that we were moving into a time of a renaissance of righteousness. You called it a golden age of awakening, revival, and reformation. We ask You for this. Bring it to America and ripened nations around the world. Give to many millions of people the reversing of the devastation, as You showed Jane in the dream. Put them on the path forward into new beginnings; help them break old cycles and establish new patterns and pathways of success. And we ask You for multiplied grace, grace upon grace. Abundant, perpetual, continuous grace, overflowing with abundance. We ask for this in 2025, in Jesus' precious Name. Amen. *********************** Today’s post was contributed by our friend Jane Hamon. You can find out more about Jane at “Click on the link below to watch the full video”
  10. 5 min read January 20, 2025 The Inauguration of Donald J. Trump Today President-Elect Trump will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. His re-election to the presidency is one of the greatest comeback stories in America’s political history. It is nothing short of astounding, and I am confident it was supernatural, orchestrated by God. On April 7, 2020 - yes, 2020 - our friend Gina Gholston had a dream regarding this. At the time many who read and heard the dream assumed it was referring to the 2020 election. Several other prophets had words from the Lord - dreams, visions, prophecies, etc. - which indicated Trump would be re-elected, and most of them assumed it would be in 2020. It turns out the Lord was speaking of 2024. This has been a strong lesson for the prophetic stream regarding interpreting words from the Lord: the timing can be difficult to interpret, and we must guard against presumption. It is also a strong lesson for those who criticized the prophets, some going so far as labeling them “false prophets.” However, many prophets obviously DID hear clearly regarding Trump being re-elected; it was only the timing that some of them missed. (As did I.) Here is Gina’s dream: On April 7, 2020, I dreamed that President Donald J. Trump was walking on the bank of a small river. At first it seemed he was pacing back and forth, but then I realized he was actually looking for something. He said, “I was told something had been left here for me and I came to find it, but I’m not seeing it.” He continued to search, but finding nothing, turned to walk away. Just as he turned, a wooden crate, measuring about three feet wide, a foot in height and two feet from front to back, came bobbing up in the water. I could see down in the water, and there were several people lying on the bottom of the river. They had been holding the box, but had lost their grip on it, and it rushed to the surface of the water with a splash. President Trump turned to see what caused the splash. When he saw the wooden crate he reached out, pulled it to the bank, took a knife from his pocket and used it to open the lid. Inside, he found an old Bible, an Appeal to Heaven flag, and communion elements (wine and bread). He immediately took the Appeal to Heaven flag, draped it over his shoulders and knelt with his right knee on the ground. He put the Bible under his arm, held the cup of wine in his left hand, and the bread in his right. Then, with tears flowing he began to pray. With the Appeal to Heaven flag still draped over his shoulders, he looked down at the Bible and the communion elements with great admiration and said, ‘This is it! This is what I came to find!’ Suddenly, a huge slingshot appeared and President Trump stood and positioned himself in it. A hand came into view and pulled him back in the slingshot, launching him from that place. He still carried all of the items he had found in the wooden crate. Just as the President was launched from the slingshot, those who had been in the river holding down the wooden crate came out of the river and tried to grab him. It was too late, however; he was already airborne, and they couldn’t stop him. I then saw him land perfectly, on his feet, like someone landing from a parachute jump. The place he landed was on the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., where he was about to give his second inaugural address. This speech was anything but normal. He wrapped the Appeal to Heaven flag around his shoulders and held the old Bible in his hands. I then realized this was one of the Bibles he used when he was sworn in at his first Inauguration Ceremony, a gift he had been given by his mother, who had connections to the great Hebrides Revival. Through tears, President Trump said, “God is taking us back, and He’s giving us a new start. Now, we are rightly focused. We’re getting back on track.” He led the nation in a prayer of sincere repentance. Then he took the communion elements he had found in the wooden crate and led the nation in Communion (End of dream.) Takeaways From the Dream I feel that as America’s President, Trump finding the Bible (representing God’s Word AND revival), the ATH flag (which represents prayer) and communion elements (symbolizing covenant relationship with God through Christ) speaks of both he and America rediscovering these things. He actually says in his speech, “He’s taking us back, giving us a fresh start, we’re rightly focused.” Though satan and Trump’s enemies have tried to stop God’s purposes, they have and will continue to fail. President Trump led the nation in a prayer of repentance. I know revival is coming to America (and other nations) and that it will be associated with national level repentance. I also feel God is drawing President Trump personally to Him, and will fill him with the Holy Spirit. In the dream, when he found the Bible, the flag and the communion elements, Trump fell to his knees, was crying, and said, “This is it! This is what I came to find!” We must pray that President Trump “finds” this close connection to the Lord. Today, give thanks to our great God for all He has done. Pray with me: Father, You have done an amazing thing. What is impossible to man is possible to You. Thanks for putting the person You chose to lead America at this time, back in the White House. Satan and people tried EVERYTHING to stop it, including assassination, lawfare and corrupt judges, lies, and betrayal. But You had other plans. Now we ask You to use this man greatly. Fill him with Your Spirit, give him a passion to know You, and impart great wisdom to him. Cause him to walk in humility, being confident in You alone. Give him great zeal, as You did Jehu when he purged Baal worship from Israel, and the zeal our Lord, Jesus Christ, demonstrated. We are not looking to Donald Trump as our savior; except You build the house we labor in vain. We ask YOU to save America, just as You have said. Protect those in D.C. today: the President, those around him, and the thousands gathered there to celebrate Your plan. We bind every work of darkness, every plan to bring harm, and ask for Your protection. Keep all under Your shadow, Your wings, and Your angelic hosts. All of this we ask in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that an outpouring of Holy Spirit is coming to America, bringing back a love for God’s Word, passionate prayer, and covenantal intimacy with the Lord. ********************* You can learn more about Gina Gholston here. Click the link below to watch the full video:
  11. 6 min read January 17, 2025 Don’t Give Up On Your Miracle The Give Him 15 posts are always written and recorded the afternoon before the day of their release. Thus, I am just now reporting on the Livestream Healing Summit that occurred Wednesday night. (For more information on this, you can read Monday’s post.) The prayer time was very anointed; I feel it was the strongest of the three we have done. (The previous two were live gatherings.) Numerous words of knowledge were released, some very detailed. Faith was very high. I have NO doubt that many people were healed. I am also confident many more will be healed as they watch the recording; you can view it on YouTube here. During the prayer time, Holy Spirit reminded me of a text I had received a few days prior. It was regarding Acts 10:38 and the Greek word for “healing” (iaomai) used in this verse: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (KJV). The text was informing me that in Greek history this word often has the meaning of a healing that occurs progressively, over time. We typically assume that when Jesus or the disciples healed people it was always instant. This word tells us that wasn’t necessarily the case. It can mean that the healing or cure began at that moment and continued until the person had fully recovered. I was fascinated and motivated to find out more about this word and did so in an article from Greek scholar Rick Renner. After sharing the testimony of a profound but progressive miracle, Renner said he inquired of the Lord for more insight. Holy Spirit led him to Acts 10:38 and a study of the Greek word for “healing,” iaomai. Renner said: “This word iaomai is a very ancient word for “healing” — so ancient that it was even used in Homer’s time. It mostly denoted healing that came to pass over a period of time. It is for this reason that the word iaomai is often translated throughout Greek history as a treatment or cure or remedy. Thus, it depicts a sickness that has been progressively healed rather than instantaneously healed… “It unmistakably tells us that there are many people who, from the moment they are touched by God’s power, begin to mend or be cured. In other words, this means that all healings are not instantaneous; certain people are progressively restored to health over a period of time. They become better and better until ultimately they are completely cured. Although this type of healing is not instantaneous, it is nonetheless miraculous. “The picture of iaomai is similar to a physician who gives medicine to a sick patient and expects the medication to do its invisible, internal work to produce a remedy for a physical problem — but with supernatural results. When this type of healing power is at work, the person praying for the sick may not see immediate results. But that person can be confident that because he has prayed in faith, healing power has been imparted. The complete manifestation of healing may take time. But if God’s power has been imparted and received by the person’s faith, that healing power has started its invisible, internal work to reverse the sick person’s condition and bring him or her back to a healthy state of being.”(1) Wow! Wow! Wow! Though the meaning of this word is new to me, the truth behind it is not. I have observed several divine healings that were progressive; I have personally experienced some. And for those questioning, I am speaking of physical conditions the medical community said were incurable. When a person is prayed for and an instant miracle doesn’t occur, their disappointment at times can almost be felt tangibly. When the person is encouraged to believe that God has honored the prayer and that the answer will come, it is often difficult for them not to give in to the disappointment. Believe me when I say I understand this. Holy Spirit is even showing me that repeated failures to receive instant healings have caused some to become disillusioned regarding supernatural healing altogether. God wants to reverse this! You are now armed with the biblical knowledge that progressive healing is often how God works, even doing so through Jesus and the early apostles! When I was reminded of the text explaining this to me Wednesday night during the prayer time, I KNEW the Lord was telling me healings were “beginning” for individuals. Yes, some were no doubt given instantaneous miracles. But to many others God was saying, “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:35-36; KJV). The Passion Translation words it this way: “So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, for you are destined for a great reward! You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will and then you receive the promise in full” ‭‭(Hebrews‬ ‭10‬:‭35‬-‭36‬;TPT‬‬). If you have been prayed for and did not receive your healing instantly, this DOES NOT mean that you, or the person praying for you, didn’t have faith! It means that for you, God wants to do it a different way! DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR FAITH, YOUR CONFIDENCE! Hebrews 6:12 also tells us to not give up on our faith: “So don’t allow your hearts to grow dull or lose your enthusiasm, but follow the example of those who fully received what God has promised because of their strong faith and patient endurance” (Hebrews‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ; TPT‬‬). These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.(1 John 5:13-15 NASB) ... I added this - RON I KNOW this is an important word for many of you. Receive it. Declare your faith everyday: “By the stripes of Jesus I am healed!” Do it multiple times a day just as you might take medicine several times each day. Let’s stand together for the iaomai of “the Lord our Healer” (Exodus 15:26) to now manifest. Pray with me: Father, we stand in agreement with those who are believing for their healings. We appreciate doctors, of course, and their role in healing, but there are many that must have supernatural healings. Miracles. We ask that any and all disillusionment be broken off them. You said truth makes us free (John 8:32; we embrace the truth of today’s word. We stake ourselves to our brothers and sisters now and stand with them in confident faith. We declare that through faith and patience they will receive the provision Christ purchased for them! We also continue to ask that gifts of the Spirit be released into Your people, equipping them to release healings and miracles. We believe You are launching another movement of signs, wonders and miracles around the world, and we agree in prayer today for this. And finally, as Lou Engle and Matt Lockett have instructed us, we continue to ask You for the type of anointing possessed by Jehu to also be upon President Trump and his team. (The zeal this produced in Jehu caused him to eradicate the evils of Ahab and Jezebel from Israel.) We ask You to give Trump and his team wisdom, and to fill them with Holy Spirit. Give them strong revelations of Christ and His salvation. And we pray for Your supernatural protection over them and their families. We also ask for this protection over all those attending the inauguration and inaugural events - expose and stop all plans to harm people. We ask for this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the supernatural healings Holy Spirit has begun in people will manifest fully in their minds and bodies, in Jesus’ name! *********************** Remember from yesterday’s post, that the Lord directed our friend Gina Gholston to issue a call for intercessors from all across America and other parts of the world to release prayers and decrees in unison on Sunday, January 19th [2025] at 12:00 PM (noon) CST. For more information about Gina’s The Shout That Shatters Prayer Assignment, please visit her website: or Gina’s FaceBook page. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------
  12. 5 min read January 16, 2025 Lift Up A Shout Introduction Holy Spirit gave Gina Gholston a dream recently that included a prayer strategy. I believe the strategies given to Gina in her “Paint the Borders” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) and “Prayer Over Our Water Structures” dreams have and will continue to bear great fruit. We must continue to cover our land in prayer, however, as we know terrorists have entered. This dream is another encouragement to pray together. Gina shares: ********* “On January 3, 2025, the Lord gave me a dream in which I was with a large group of people who joined hands and formed a circle around a huge map of the United States. The map was moving about, as if being shaken by a very strong wind, and it seemed as though it would be ripped apart. Then there was a sudden surge of the anointing of Holy Spirit that came over us, and I heard the Lord say, ‘Release a shout that shatters, dismantles, and causes evil agendas to fall and crumble!’ “Instantly we lifted our clasped hands toward Heaven and released a loud, long shout of praise unto the Lord! As we did this, the map settled down, then began to rise. “The Lord then instructed us: ‘Take hold of My covenantal promises, release the shout of triumph, and walls of opposition will fall, giving you access to this land. I am giving you a window of time in which to advance with My purposes. The time is now.’ “When I awoke from the dream, I was immediately led by the Lord to read the sixth chapter of Joshua. I felt a sense of urgency. It was a sense that we have been allotted time, and we must follow Holy Spirit very intently and precisely within that time frame! “The day after having the dream, the Lord led me to post it on my social media pages. Almost immediately, after posting the dream, I began receiving comments from many who had been sensing similar alerts. I also began receiving messages about compiling decrees and prayer directives for intercessors who are currently in a time of praying and fasting for the nation. With the help of fellow intercessors, I compiled a list of prayers and decrees, and released those on my social media pages and website. The Lord also directed me (Gina) to issue a call for intercessors from all across America and other parts of the world to release those prayers and decrees in unison on Sunday, January 19th [2025] at 12:00 PM(noon) CST. The response has been tremendous! “As I have been praying about this dream and prayer assignment, one of the things that has been highlighted to me is an emphasis on unity. The people in the dream were united in faith, obedience, focus, and their shout. “As I have been thinking about this, I’ve thought of how over the past few years we have seen intercessors uniting and the impact of this. There is now an alert company standing on the wall of intercession throughout this nation and the world, ready to respond in a moment to the alerts and instructions from the Lord. "I feel this is the company of people represented in the dream. There was a unity among us, and in that moment, the anointing came as we joined hands and united our shout. When the anointing was released, it set into motion a necessary shift and the rising up of the map/the nation. “Power and anointing is released when we come into agreement with the Lord and align our movements and words with Him. As we take hold of what He has promised in unity and faith, we will see the effects. God’s power will be released through us to accomplish His purposes. “God is showing us that this type of unity is something we are going to see more and more from this time forward. As we hear and focus on Him, take hold of His Word and promises, unite and align with His will, He will release the anointing through us that shakes, shifts, and destroys yokes. All for His glory! “As I read the sixth chapter of Joshua, one thing that really stood out to me is the importance of timing. Those in Joshua’s day had stepped into the timing of the Lord to move forward into the next phase of His plan. He had given them the land, but they had to hear His instructions, trust Him, and obey in that appointed time in order to possess the fullness of what had been promised. “The Lord is impressing on me strongly that we have a window of time, and in that allotted time we must be attentive and responsive to Holy Spirit’s leading. The timing of God is critically important, and the Lord said in the dream, ‘The time is now.’ “Our obedience to the assignments of the Lord will open the way for the wind of Holy Spirit to blow, bringing the prophesied awakening revival and reformation . . . because it’s time!” ********* Pray and decree with me: Father, we respond to Your call. You hold our gaze; our eyes are on You. We are attentive to Your voice and will follow Your Spirit as He leads us. We will not hesitate in our response. We will not fear! We will release the shout of triumph, lifting our collective voices in a unified sound, declaring that You alone are God. We have no King but Jesus! The anointing that destroys yokes is in us and will be released through us. It will shift that which needs to be shifted and move things that need to be moved. Our shout will shatter strongholds over cities, states, and this nation. It will shatter strongholds over the Church and over Your people. Walls will fall. Eyes will open to see truth. Ears will open to hear truth. And Your truth will cause us to triumph in every purpose and intention You have for this hour. We lay hold of Your covenantal promises, set our faces like flint toward You, and will advance with Your purposes. We will not grow weary in our assignments, and will see Your salvation manifested in our time and land! In Jesus’ name, Amen! We decree that walls standing in opposition to the will and purposes of God will crumble and fall! America shall be saved! ******************** For more information about Gina’s The Shout That Shatters Prayer Assignment, please visit her website: Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  13. 6 min read January 14, 2025 The Promised Revival I released a post on New Year’s Day regarding a 21-day fast for the new year, (January 1-21) called by Lou Engle and Matt Lockett. The Daniel Fast (see Daniel 1:2; 10:2-3) and prayers are requested for President Elect Trump, his Cabinet (for which Senate hearings begin this week), and for revival. That post can be seen HERE. Cheryl Amabile and The Briefing released a follow-up post a few days later. It states: We are republishing a powerful Briefing from 2021 that recounts three profound revelatory dreams received just after Biden’s inauguration, encouraging intercessors not to lose hope. Two of the dreams, from Charlie Shamp and Gina Gholston, connect a coming move of God with the extraordinary outpouring that occurred in the Hebrides Isle of Lewis in 1949. Notably, Donald Trump’s mother was born on this small Scottish island of revival, where she frequently returned to visit family. We sense Holy Spirit drawing a prophetic connection between Trump’s return to the presidency and a door of opportunity that could usher in this move of God. As we approach Donald Trump’s second inauguration, let us pray with renewed faith for that promised revival that is nearer now than when we first believed! Dream One–Azusa Street Revival Shortly after the elections of 2020, while we were focused intently in prayer for the nation, Chris Berglund had a remarkable dream. In his dream, we were shooting arrows throughout America and people were catching them. Wherever they were caught, the arrows became pencils. Each person who caught a pencil would then write out a statement. The statements all said essentially: “Seymour’s 100-year prophecy is about to come to pass!” William Seymour, known as the leader of the Azusa Street Revival, released a prophecy in 1909 as the revival was starting to wane. He declared that in about 100 years there would come another move of God that would make the Azusa Revival pale in comparison. This was quite a declaration from a man who had experienced the shekinah glory of God, saw limbs grow back, tumors fall off, and countless people sent to the nations as carriers of the glory that God manifested there in Los Angeles at the turn of the century. Dream two–The Hebrides Revival Not long after Chris’ encouraging dream, we received word that Charlie Shamp of Destiny Encounters International had a profound dream. Below is a transcript of Charlie sharing his dream: 1/22/21 - Last night I had a vivid dream in which I was brought to a door of a church. It seemed like a very important place where revival had happened in the past. The door was closed tightly with a padlock keeping the door locked. It seemed that the door had not been opened for a very long time. Interestingly enough, the door was crystal clear, like glass, but it couldn’t be broken. You could see clearly that the glory of God was inside. It was thick in this church. I looked to my right and there was a man wildly rocking back and forth and weeping uncontrollably. I immediately recognized it was Lou Engle. When he saw me, he came over and hugged me and said, “You made it!” I looked at him and asked, “Where are we, Lou? What is this place?” Suddenly I knew we were standing in front of the door that Duncan Campbell had spoken of in his sermon “When God Stepped Down from Heaven.” Lou looked at me and smiled and said, “You see it? You can hear it. This is the door of hope and it’s about to open.” Then he started crying again and said, "Charlie you didn’t lose hope for America. We’re going to live in the days of Awe of God in this country. We’ve been chosen by God to be door-keepers of awakening!” He then handed me a nail and a hammer and said, “Stand here and continue to pray with me. When the door opens they will come and we must pierce every ear before they go through the door. [For an explanation of this practice, see Exodus 21:6 and Deuteronomy 15:17.] Only those who are marked at the doorpost will enter in. This is the revival of the bride.” I then woke up crying from the encounter and felt as though I was still holding the hammer and the nail. [Cheryl says] Our team was gripped by the exhilarating statement in Charlie's dream that “the door of hope” connected with Duncan Campbell and the Hebrides Revival “is about to open!” This powerful move of God off the coast of Scotland in 1949-1952 was characterized by the fear of the Lord resting spontaneously upon entire regions, bringing conviction of sin and dramatic conversions. Men and women would fall into trances and be radically transformed by the depth of their revelation of God. According to Campbell, the revival that swept through the Isle of Lewis and the surrounding islands was birthed through the prayers of two elderly sisters, Peggy and Christine Smith. Some claim that these women were the great-aunts of Donald J. Trump; others dispute this. Regardless of any familial connection, these sisters, who never had children of their own, clung to the promise of Isaiah 44:3 for their spiritual descendants: For I will pour water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants; (Isaiah 44:3) Dream Three–The Coming Revival On the heels of Charlie Shamp’s dream, we were stunned to hear of another confirming dream through Dutch Sheets’ Give Him 15 prayer devotional on February 10, 2021. Dutch shared a detailed account of a dream by Gina Gholston, summarized below: On 2/2/21 Gina dreamed she was standing with a man she did not recognize and together they were observing the United States of America. She could feel a strong anointing emanating from this man, which caused her to have an indescribable hope for the nation. They watched together as eagles, like warplanes, were flying across the country and releasing arrows into the land. The eagles were dripping wet from wells of revival that had suddenly been uncapped and were gushing water once again. The water was flammable, so everywhere the eagles flew they caused fires of revival to burst forth. Before long, it seemed as though all of America was burning with these holy fires. [Many of you will remember this dream and the planting of arrowheads throughout the nation.] As Gina’s dream continued, the man, whom she noticed was speaking with a heavy accent, said to her, “This is how America will be saved! Do not doubt it! There is coming a sweeping move of the Spirit of God that will ignite America with the fire of His presence. This will bring a swift, undeniable awareness of God and an awakening.” At this point, the anointing and the presence of God was so overwhelming that Gina fell to her knees and wept uncontrollably. Then, just before waking, she looked up at the man who had been speaking to her and suddenly realized he was Duncan Campbell of the Hebrides Revival. [Cheryl says:] When the Lord brings repetitive dreams like this it certainly gets our attention. We believe the message is clear: there is hope for America and it’s tied to the long-standing promises of a coming revival. The dreams suggest it is time for the fulfillment of those promises. We also believe it’s time for prayer. In Zechariah 10:1 the prophet wrote, “Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain.” Lou said it to Charlie in his dream, “Stand here and continue to pray with me.” Let’s finish these 21 days of prayer well. If you haven’t been participating with the Daniel Fast, consider doing so for the last week. Contend in faith for these key objectives. (Let’s do so now): Prayer: Pray for a Jehu anointing to rest upon President Trump and his Cabinet, empowering them to fulfill God’s purpose in sweeping away the “house of Ahab” in America. Father, we ask for this now. Pray for Donald Trump to be filled with the Holy Spirit during his time in office. Ask for divine wisdom to rest upon him and his administration so they may govern with righteousness and justice. We ask You for this also, Father. Pray for the door to open for mass revival and the ushering in of a Third Great Awakening in America. May this nation return to God and carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. Make it so, Lord, in Yeshua’s name. *************************** Check out other interesting dreams and updates from Cheryl and the team of intercessors she is associated with at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  14. 5 min read January 13, 2025 An Upcoming Online Healing Summit With all of the changes and challenges currently taking place in America and around the world, it is important that we not become distracted from God’s agenda. In the midst of global crises, devastating storms, acts of terrorism, apocalyptic fires, historical elections and inaugurations, etc., we must remember that God is working in the unseen realm. Today, I want to remind you of good news regarding His plans and purposes. Part of the coming revival will be a significant increase of signs, wonders and healings. My friend, Ken Malone, was given two dreams on New Year’s night, both of them picturing some of the things on God’s agenda for 2025. In these dreams, he saw anointings and distinctives of past revivals, and was shown that God would combine and release them in the coming revival. One of the outpourings he saw was the great Welsh revival, which was characterized by worship, strong conviction of sin and many conversions. Another was Azusa Street, which, among other things, was a restoration of Pentecost. And still another was the Voice of Healing movement of the late 1940s, 50s, and early 60s, which saw thousands of healings take place as the gifts of the Spirit (listed in 1 Corinthians 12) were restored to the church. Many prophetic voices have declared that we are moving into another season of these gifts, with many healings and miracles being released. I wholeheartedly concur. What is our part in this? When Elijah was told by the Lord it was time for rains to come, ending Israel’s drought, he released declarations and intercession in order to “birth” it (1 Kings 18). When Daniel became aware that it was time for Israel’s restoration, he entered a time of fasting and prayer for it to occur (Daniel 9). Zechariah 10:1 tells us that when we discern it is time for the rain of Holy Spirit to fall, we are to ask for it. The point is that God works in partnership with His people, as we spoke of in Friday’s post. He has blessed us with the privilege of being involved in the fulfillment of His plans. Ezekiel was told to prophesy to the breath of God, Holy Spirit, telling it to blow on the dry bones of Israel (Ezekiel 47). Jesus told us to command His Kingdom authority into earthly situations, and command the release of His will (Matthew 16:18-19). We do all of these things, of course, at His leading, and according to His will. Nevertheless, God wants our involvement. With this in mind, a group of leaders I am associated with have felt we are to release our faith and prayers for the birthing of this prophesied new season of signs and wonders. We are contending for it in the spirit, not trying to “wrestle” it from God or to force His hand, but to move in faith and obedience to “birth” it. Accordingly, we have conducted two healing services at my brother Tim’s church in Ohio (The Oasis Church/Middletown, OH), which were joined through livestream by many churches and thousands of individuals around the country and in other nations. We have received reports of hundreds of healings, including terminal illnesses. We feel we must continue to release our prayers and faith to stoke the flames of this emerging miracle outpouring. Therefore, we will be holding another Healing Summit at Tim’s church in April; we’ll begin announcing the date shortly. However, we have also been led to do a night of prayer for healing by video this upcoming Wednesday night. The same team of leaders that has been present at the Healing Summits in Ohio will be joining Tim by video, to pray for people throughout the nation and nations Wednesday night (1/15) at 7PM Eastern time ( We will all join in praying, releasing words of knowledge, and believing with those joining us for healings and miracles to occur. We will also be praying to birth this fresh season of signs and wonders throughout the Earth. We want to see healings occur, not just through us, but through believers around the world. We are contending for this. If you need a miracle, join us Wednesday night and believe with us for your healing. If you have a family member that needs healing, encourage them to join us. And even if you do not need a miracle yourself, join us in prayer and faith for others. Let’s make this a night in which a wave of the power of God flows throughout America and around the world. Let’s make it a night in which gifts of the spirit are imparted to believers throughout the Earth. We know this has begun; let’s fan the flames. In Ken’s dream, he was in a tent service, much like those in the Voice of Healing movement. Surprisingly, there was no platform, podium, or speaker; all emphasis was on Christ and the Holy Spirit. During worship, Ken was undone by the presence of the Lord, and was told by Holy Spirit that we were waiting for “Mashah.” Ken did not know what this word meant, but upon awakening from the dream, he looked it up and discovered that it was the Hebrew word for “anointing.”(1) An anointing is coming to the church that will magnify Christ, not human vessels. It will release conviction, deliverance, salvation, pentecostal baptisms of fire, and many signs, wonders, and miracles. Acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, enabling Him to do good works, healing all that were oppressed by the devil. He wants to do this in our day through us, Christ’s body. Join your faith with ours for this, and join us this upcoming Wednesday night at 7PM as we appeal for it once again. Pray with me: Father, Your Word tells us it is possible to “have not because we ask not” (James 4:2b). Let it not be said of us that we failed to experience a new era of signs, wonders, and miracles simply because we did not ask. We are asking You for this NOW. And we know that just as occurred in the book of Acts, these miracles will awaken many to the truth of the gospel and the reality of Jesus Christ. Bring to the church Your mashah that produces miracles, delivering people oppressed by the devil. We ask for this to occur on Wednesday night, and also that gifts of Your Spirit be released to believers all over the world, enabling them to release signs and wonders. Roll into one the different anointings from past revivals. We believe this is coming, therefore we speak it and act on it. And finally, we continue to pray for protection over our government leaders, and over our nation in general. We are hearing warnings, especially regarding President Elect Trump, that terrorists present in our nation have plans to take his life. We forbid this from succeeding, in the name of Jesus. We pray for a protective hedge around him and those associated with him. We also pray for those suffering such devastating losses in California and the Appalachian region. Our hearts break for them; we ask for Your comfort and supernatural help. All of these things we ask for in the precious name of Yeshua. Amen. Our decree: We decree that God is anointing the church with the Holy Spirit and power, to do good works, and heal those oppressed by the devil. Click on the link below to watch the full video. 5 min read January 13, 2025 An Upcoming Online Healing Summit With all of the changes and challenges currently taking place in America and around the world, it is important that we not become distracted from God’s agenda. In the midst of global crises, devastating storms, acts of terrorism, apocalyptic fires, historical elections and inaugurations, etc., we must remember that God is working in the unseen realm. Today, I want to remind you of good news regarding His plans and purposes. Part of the coming revival will be a significant increase of signs, wonders and healings. My friend, Ken Malone, was given two dreams on New Year’s night, both of them picturing some of the things on God’s agenda for 2025. In these dreams, he saw anointings and distinctives of past revivals, and was shown that God would combine and release them in the coming revival. One of the outpourings he saw was the great Welsh revival, which was characterized by worship, strong conviction of sin and many conversions. Another was Azusa Street, which, among other things, was a restoration of Pentecost. And still another was the Voice of Healing movement of the late 1940s, 50s, and early 60s, which saw thousands of healings take place as the gifts of the Spirit (listed in 1 Corinthians 12) were restored to the church. Many prophetic voices have declared that we are moving into another season of these gifts, with many healings and miracles being released. I wholeheartedly concur. What is our part in this? When Elijah was told by the Lord it was time for rains to come, ending Israel’s drought, he released declarations and intercession in order to “birth” it (1 Kings 18). When Daniel became aware that it was time for Israel’s restoration, he entered a time of fasting and prayer for it to occur (Daniel 9). Zechariah 10:1 tells us that when we discern it is time for the rain of Holy Spirit to fall, we are to ask for it. The point is that God works in partnership with His people, as we spoke of yesterday’s post. He has blessed us with the privilege of being involved in the fulfillment of His plans. Ezekiel was told to prophesy to the breath of God, Holy Spirit, telling it to blow on the dry bones of Israel (Ezekiel 47). Jesus told us to command His Kingdom authority into earthly situations, and command the release of His will (Matthew 16:18-19). We do all of these things, of course, at His leading, and according to His will. Nevertheless, God wants our involvement. With this in mind, a group of leaders I am associated with have felt we are to release our faith and prayers for the birthing of this prophesied new season of signs and wonders. We are contending for it in the spirit, not trying to “wrestle” it from God or to force His hand, but to move in faith and obedience to “birth” it. Accordingly, we have conducted two healing services at my brother Tim’s church in Ohio (The Oasis Church/Middletown, OH), which were joined through livestream by many churches and thousands of individuals around the country and in other nations. We have received reports of hundreds of healings, including terminal illnesses. We feel we must continue to release our prayers and faith to stoke the flames of this emerging miracle outpouring. Therefore, we will be holding another Healing Summit at Tim’s church in April; we’ll begin announcing the date shortly. However, we have also been led to do a night of prayer for healing by video this upcoming Wednesday night. The same team of leaders that has been present at the Healing Summits in Ohio will be joining Tim by video, to pray for people throughout the nation and nations Wednesday night (1/15) at 7PM Eastern time ( We will all join in praying, releasing words of knowledge, and believing with those joining us for healings and miracles to occur. We will also be praying to birth this fresh season of signs and wonders throughout the Earth. We want to see healings occur, not just through us, but through believers around the world. We are contending for this. If you need a miracle, join us Wednesday night and believe with us for your healing. If you have a family member that needs healing, encourage them to join us. And even if you do not need a miracle yourself, join us in prayer and faith for others. Let’s make this a night in which a wave of the power of God flows throughout America and around the world. Let’s make it a night in which gifts of the spirit are imparted to believers throughout the Earth. We know this has begun; let’s fan the flames. In Ken’s dream, he was in a tent service, much like those in the Voice of Healing movement. Surprisingly, there was no platform, podium, or speaker; all emphasis was on Christ and the Holy Spirit. During worship, Ken was undone by the presence of the Lord, and was told by Holy Spirit that we were waiting for “Mashah.” Ken did not know what this word meant, but upon awakening from the dream, he looked it up and discovered that it was the Hebrew word for “anointing.”(1) An anointing is coming to the church that will magnify Christ, not human vessels. It will release conviction, deliverance, salvation, pentecostal baptisms of fire, and many signs, wonders, and miracles. Acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, enabling Him to do good works, healing all that were oppressed by the devil. He wants to do this in our day through us, Christ’s body. Join your faith with ours for this, and join us this upcoming Wednesday night at 7PM as we appeal for it once again. Pray with me: Father, Your Word tells us it is possible to “have not because we ask not” (James 4:2b). Let it not be said of us that we failed to experience a new era of signs, wonders, and miracles simply because we did not ask. We are asking You for this NOW. And we know that just as occurred in the book of Acts, these miracles will awaken many to the truth of the gospel and the reality of Jesus Christ. Bring to the church Your mashah that produces miracles, delivering people oppressed by the devil. We ask for this to occur on Wednesday night, and also that gifts of Your Spirit be released to believers all over the world, enabling them to release signs and wonders. Roll into one the different anointings from past revivals. We believe this is coming, therefore we speak it and act on it. And finally, we continue to pray for protection over our government leaders, and over our nation in general. We are hearing warnings, especially regarding President Elect Trump, that terrorists present in our nation have plans to take his life. We forbid this from succeeding, in the name of Jesus. We pray for a protective hedge around him and those associated with him. We also pray for those suffering such devastating losses in California and the Appalachian region. Our hearts break for them; we ask for Your comfort and supernatural help. All of these things we ask for in the precious name of Yeshua. Amen. Our decree: We decree that God is anointing the church with the Holy Spirit and power, to do good works, and heal those oppressed by the devil. ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4871.
  15. 6 min read January 10, 2025 Your Prayers Matter My friend Dr. Greg Hood released a prophecy approximately a year ago in which he said: “…I began to see - all over this nation - lighting strikes occurring. This took place in big cities and small towns, significant places and places the world would consider insignificant. And I heard the Lord say, ‘this meeting, this Ekklesia gathering, has gathered lightning bolts for striking. There will be a release of lighting all over this nation, in the natural and in the unseen realm, and this will be a sign that God is breaking down the thrones of the enemy.’ I heard the Lord say that He is releasing a terrible day on the enemies of the nation. And that as you leave this place you’re carrying - and becoming - the lightning bolt for your city, for your town, your community, wherever He has placed you. God has now labeled you a lightning strike.” How amazing that we are those who release God’s power, referred to in this word as lightning, into the Earth. Our prayers do indeed release His actions. There are many Christians who believe prayer is only a devotional activity, a way to connect with God. They don’t believe prayer is actually necessary, enabling God to accomplish what He desires on Earth. In my book, Intercessory Prayer, I state: “God has given us a Bible full of answers to the ‘whys’ of life. The one I want to address here is: Why pray? I’m not speaking of why in the sense of needing this or that. Obviously, we pray because we want or need something. I’m speaking of why in the context of God’s sovereignty. “Do my prayers really matter? Isn’t God going to do what He wants anyway? Most people, even if only subconsciously, believe just that. The proof is in their prayer life, or lack thereof. “Can my prayers actually change situations? Does God need me to pray, or does He just want me to pray? Some would argue an omnipotent God doesn’t need anything, including our prayers. “Can God’s will on Earth be frustrated or not accomplished if I don’t pray? Many would brand me a heretic for even raising this question. “But these and other questions deserve answers. I’ve discovered that understanding the ‘why’ of doing something can be a great motivating force. The opposite is also true. “As a kid, I wondered why a sign said: ‘No Diving’ in the shallow end of the pool. I dove anyway. Then one day, I hit my head on the bottom. I don’t dive in the shallow end anymore. “As a child, I wondered why I was forbidden to touch the pretty red glow on the stove. I found out. “Someone said, ‘To err is human, to repeat it is stupid.’ I’m sure I’ve qualified for that on occasion, but not regarding these two things because I now know why I shouldn’t do them! “When God says, ‘Pray,’ I want to know it actually accomplishes something. I’m not into meaningless religious exercises, and my time is valuable - so is yours. Was S.D. Gordon correct or not when he said, ‘You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed…Prayer is striking the winning blows…service is gathering up the results?’(1) “If God is going to do something regardless of whether or not we pray, then He doesn’t need us to ask, and we don’t need another waste of time. Let’s just worship Him and leave the rest to God’s sovereignty. “If, on the other hand, John Wesley was correct when he said, ‘God does nothing except in response to believing prayer,’(2) I’ll lose sleep for that. I’ll change my lifestyle, turn off the TV, even miss a meal or two. “Obviously, I believe prayer is necessary. Though God IS sovereign and all-powerful, Scripture clearly tells us that He limited Himself, concerning the affairs of Earth, to working through human beings. “Is not this determination to work through humans the reason the earth is in such a mess? It isn’t because God wills it so, but because of His decision to work and carry out His will through people. “Is this not the story woven throughout the Scriptures? 
 God needing faithful men and women?
 God needing a race of people through whom to bring the Messiah?
 God needing prophets?
 God needing judges?
 God needing to incarnate Himself, to produce a human Messiah?
 God needing human hands to heal, human voices to speak, and human feet to go?
 “Doesn’t God tell us to ask for His kingdom to come, and His will to be done (see Matthew 6:10)? Surely He wouldn’t want us to waste our time asking for something that was going to happen anyway, would He? “Didn’t He tell us to ask for our daily bread (Matthew 6:11)? And yet, He knows our needs before we even ask (Matthew 6:8). “Didn’t He tell us to ask that laborers be sent into the harvest fields (Matthew 9:38)? Yet the Lord of the harvest wants this more than we do? “Didn’t Paul say, ‘Pray for us that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified’ (2 Thessalonians 3:1)? Yet this was already God’s plan. “These things are clearly God’s will. Why, then, am I supposed to ask Him for something He already wants to do if it isn’t that my asking somehow releases Him to do it? “Either God wants the earth in this broken condition, or He doesn’t. If He doesn’t, which is certainly the case, then we must assume one of two things: either He is powerless to do anything about it, or He needs and is waiting on something from us in order to bring about change. In his book, Confronting the Powers, Dr. Peter Wagner said: ‘We must understand that our sovereign God has, for His own reasons, so designed this world that much of what is truly His will He makes contingent on the attitudes and actions of human beings. He allows humans to make decisions that can influence history…Human inaction does not nullify the atonement, but human inaction can make the atonement ineffective for lost people.’(3) “This truth could intimidate us with the responsibility it reveals, or even condemn us over our lack of prayer. But another possibility exists. Responsibility can also be a privilege; and it can be enjoyable. Jack Hayford made the following profound statement, ‘Prayer is essentially a partnership of the redeemed child of God, working hand in hand with God, toward the realization of His redemptive purposes on earth.’(4) “Let’s rise to the occasion and embrace God’s incredible invitation to be co-laborers with Him…to be carriers of His awesome Holy Spirit and ambassadors for His great Kingdom. Let’s represent Him!”(5) Pray with me: Father, Your plan to create a family - in Your image and likeness, filled with Your very life and breath - is beyond amazing. It is truly beyond our ability to fully wrap our minds around it. But You did. And You assigned us the responsibility and privilege of managing our home - planet Earth - according to Your Kingdom principles. We carry Your presence and release Your life, no longer through Adam’s dominion, but through authority delegated to us from Christ. Therefore, in His name we ask You to strike our land with Your cleansing, delivering, and healing power. We ask for Your salvation, order, and restoration. We appeal for justice from heaven for the removal of evil from our nation, and the nations of the earth. Send worldwide revival and reformation. Use the devastation from the recent hurricanes and fires to awaken and save many people. Bring comfort, strength, and help to them. Grace, grace, grace. Give help to our leaders trying to implement appropriate changes. Give them sound ideas and wise strategies. And protect them as they lead us. Please also protect those who attend the inauguration. Expose and thwart the many terrorists now in America. We know America has sown the wind and is reaping the whirlwind, but in the midst of our reaping we ask You for mercy. Again, all of this we ask in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we are taking our place as God’s ambassadors on Earth, releasing His love and power. ******************************* Most of today’s post was taken from my book Intercessory Prayer. Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------- Paul E. Billheimer, Destined for the Throne (Fort Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade, 1975), p. 51. C. Peter Wagner, Confronting the Powers (Ventura, CA: REgal Books, 1996), p. 242. Jack W. Hayford, Prayer Is Invading the Impossible (South Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1977; revised edition, Bridge Publishing, 1995), p. 92, 1977 edition. Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer (Bethany House Publishers: Bloomington, MN, 1996), Chapter 2.
  16. 7 min read January 9, 2025 Light Overcomes the Darkness In today’s post, I am continuing the theme of God’s light and lightning overcoming darkness. “The war between spiritual darkness and light is prevalent throughout Scripture. A powerful picture of God’s light prevailing over the darkness of satan is the Cross. John 1:4-5 says, ‘In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.’ “The word used for ‘comprehend’ actually has a dual meaning. It is the Greek word katalambano, which means to ‘comprehend’ or ‘apprehend,’ including not only apprehending mentally but also physically.(1) We apprehend thoughts, but a policeman also apprehends criminals. The powers of darkness could not understand or comprehend Christ’s intentions; He outwitted them at every turn. Nor could they overpower or apprehend Him. “Several translations use this ‘overpowering’ aspect of the definition to translate verse 5. Wuest translates it: ‘And the light in the darkness is constantly shining. And the darkness did not overwhelm it.’ Moffatt says it this way: ‘Amid the darkness the light shone, but the darkness did not master it.’ And The Passion Translation states, ‘And this Light never fails to shine through darkness— Light that darkness could not overcome!’ The Cross was a battle between light and darkness. Light won. God arose and His enemies were scattered. “Bob Woods, in Pulpit Digest, tells the story of a couple who took their son, age 11, and daughter, age 7, to Carlsbad Caverns. As always, when the tour reached the deepest point in the cavern, the guide turned off all the lights to dramatize how completely dark and silent it is below the earth’s surface. The little girl, suddenly enveloped in utter darkness, was frightened and began to cry. Immediately she heard the voice of her brother: ‘Don't cry. Somebody here knows how to turn on the lights.’(2) “All creation was terrified, groping in the darkness of sin. Two thousand years ago, God announced to His groping and frightened humans, ‘Don't cry. Somebody here knows how to turn on the lights.’ “I believe satan has some recurring nightmares. One of them is when lightning flashed in heaven and kicked him out (Luke 10:18). He probably hates thunderstorms. The lightning is a horrible visual reminder and the thunder sounds like the majestic voice of God! "’The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High uttered His voice, hailstones and coals of fire. And He sent out His arrows, and scattered them, and lightning flashes in abundance, and routed them’ (Psalm 18:13-14). "’The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD is over many waters’ (Psalm 29:3). “Imagine satan’s horror when the light and glory of God flashed at the Cross, the same light that had expelled him from heaven. I can hear him screaming, ‘No!!! There it is again! It kicked me out of heaven and now it is defeating me on Earth!’ “At the Cross, the counterfeit, so-called ‘angel of light’ met the true Light and lost his authority over the earth. Then, the ‘Light of the World’ implanted Himself again into humans - ‘For you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light’ (Ephesians 5:8) - filling them with His very glory! “For the first time satan understood what God meant in Isaiah 60:1-3: “‘Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you. And nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.’ “For the first time, satan understood that the Old Testament temple was a picture of born-again believers, and that the glory of God that overcame him was in every one of them. “Many believers are not aware that we are filled with the very glory and light of God. When Paul appealed to the Corinthians he said, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, ‘Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?’ (1 Corinthians 3:16) He used the Greek word naos for ‘temple,’(3) which always referred to the holy of holies, not the word hieron, which referenced the entire temple. Paul was literally saying to them - and to us, ‘Don't you know you are the holy of holies?’ “The word ‘dwells’ is taken from the Old Testament word shakan, from which we get shekinah. The ‘shekinah glory’ was the abiding glory found in the holy of holies. Paul was saying that through Christ the shekinah glory of God now shakans or dwells in us (see 1 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 6:12-19).(4) We are the new holy of holies, a temple of living stones not made with human hands, but by God Himself. Second Corinthians 4:6-7, in the KJV, says it this way: “‘For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.’ “This glory overwhelms spiritual darkness. Israel carried the Ark of the Covenant, representing the presence and glory of God, into battle (see Joshua 6:6). When the Ark set out, a shout would go up, ‘Rise up, O LORD! And let Thine enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Thee flee before Thee’ (Numbers 10:35). Psalm 68:1, also a warfare verse, is a quote of this verse in Numbers. The presence and glory these verses speak of now abide in us. What we are to understand is that the key to victory is carrying the presence of God into battle with us. He rises and scatters His enemies through us! We are now His ‘ark’! “John 1:5, our opening verse, has one more often overlooked nugget. Because of the verb tenses and mood, the phrase ‘the light shines in the darkness’ would be more accurately translated as ‘the light is CONSTANTLY shining.’ The light that overcame darkness is still shining - the victory lives on, released through Christ’s body as we enforce it in His name! “In his first All-Star game, Roger Clemens, the great pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, came to bat for the first time in years. He hadn’t had to bat formerly due to the American League’s designated hitter rule. After watching a blazing fastball by Dwight Gooden whiz past him, Clemens turned and asked the catcher, Gary Carter, ‘Is that what my pitches look like?’ "’You bet it is!’ responded Carter. “From then on Clemens pitched with far greater boldness, having been reminded of how a good fastball can be so overpowering to a hitter.(5) “We often forget how powerful the Holy Spirit in us is ... how destructive to darkness is His lightning sword. It has supernatural power to overcome the works of darkness – when we release it with confidence. “Just as the Israelites carried the presence and glory of God into battle, so must we. All that was in the Ark of the Covenant is now in us: the Bread represented Life, the rod represented priestly authority, the tablets represented the law of God. And the glory that was upon it now shines through us. “Act like it! Strike with the sword - speak the Word! ‘Let God arise and His enemies be scattered’ (Psalm 68:1) - through your intercession.”(6) Pray with me: Father, we enter Your gates with thanksgiving, as the psalmist instructed us to do. We thank You for our redemption. Thank You for placing Holy Spirit and His glory in us, making us Your innermost sanctuary, the holy of holies. We thank You for answering our prayers regarding our nation - You are restoring us back to You and Your destiny for America. We thank You for the revival coming to America and the nations of the Earth, which will save a billion souls. As You have shown us in recent dreams, we thank You for Your light and glory striking our nation to defeat the powers of darkness and release Your light of truth. We release this light over our government, our schools, homes and churches. We release the lightning sword of Your word to drive out darkness and continue its cleansing work. Expose the deep state and eradicate them. Restore our institutions to their appropriate actions. Sweep over our nation. We pray for the protection of our leaders - in Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Executive branch. We hear warnings from numerous sources of planned violence; please expose these plans and bring protection. And we pray for Your grace to be extended to those in California suffering from the fires. The loss is astronomical - please bring grace and comfort. We also continue to pray for the relief efforts from the hurricane destruction in Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida. Please give provision to those needing it, and creative ideas to those helping in the recovery efforts. We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Our decree: We decree that light will overcome the darkness of our land, in the name of Christ our great King. **************************** Today’s post was taken from my book Intercessory Prayer. Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------- Spiros Zodhiates Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible – New American Standard (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1984; revised edition, 1990), p. 1846. Craig Brian Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1993), p. 133. Joseph Henry Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1977), p. 422. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 7931. Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching, p 72, adapted. Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer (Bethany House Publishers: Bloomington, MN, 1996), chapter 11.
  17. 5 min read January 8, 2025 LIGHTNING: LET IT FLOW THROUGH YOU INTRODUCTION Lightning struck the U.S. Capitol and Washington Monument on New Year’s Eve. Was this a sign from God? Because of past dreams given to prophetic leaders, I believe it was. For the past two days, I have shared three of those dreams regarding the lightning of God coming to America. Today I want to share with you from my book Intercessory Prayer, regarding God linking the subject of lightning to intercession. FROM THE BOOK “This was about the coolest thing I had discovered since baseball. I was in the fifth grade, had recently procured my first magnifying glass, and discovered I could hold it at just the right angle to the sun and create fire. I burned a piece of paper on the playground; then, a brilliant idea leaped up from my fallen Adamic psyche. I called my friends over, assuring them I had a really cool demonstration. Looking at Duncan, one of the bullies in the class, I said to him in my best ‘You’re the lucky guy’ tone of voice, ‘Duncan, hold your hand out. I want to show you something.’ “Duncan didn’t leave his hand there very long. He chased me all around that playground! Some guys just can’t take a joke. “Is there a picture of intercession hidden anywhere in this? Yes. Paga, the Hebrew word for intercession, is also translated as ‘strike the mark.’ The reference is Job 36:32: ‘He covers His hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark.’ When God releases His light, causing it to flash forth from His presence like lightning, its striking the desired target is likened to intercession. “Habakkuk 3:4 (AMP) also speaks of light flashing forth from the hand of God: ‘And His brightness was like the sunlight; rays streamed from His hand, and there [in the sunlike splendor] was the hiding place of His power.’ “We are like a magnifying glass in one sense; no, we don’t add to or magnify God’s power — but we do let the ‘Son’ shine forth through us, directing His light to desired situations, allowing it to ‘strike the mark.’ “Have you ever seen a tree struck by lightning? If so, you’ve seen a picture of intercession. Lightning is so hot it literally changes the molecular structure of pine trees and twists the trunks until they look like the stripes on a candy cane. The temperature in a lightning bolt can reach 45,000 degrees Fahrenheit, hotter than the surface of the sun. That’s hot stuff! And God uses this to picture His judgments against evil. No wonder the Scriptures say, ‘As wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish before God... The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord. ... He raised His voice, the earth melted’ (Ps. 68:21, 97:5; 46:6). GOD IS LIGHT “Numerous Scriptures associate God with light or lightning. “1 John 1:5 tells us: ‘And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.’ “At times, His light, or the release of it, is associated with His glory. Luke 9:29, 32 tells us: ‘And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming... Now Peter and his companions had been overcome with sleep; but when they were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men standing with Him.’ (We read in the margin of the NASB that the word ‘gleaming’ means literally ‘flashing like lightning.’ Wuest also translates it this way.) “Sometimes, this light, lightning, or glory of God is released in His mouth and often called a sword: “Ephesians 6:17: ‘And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.’ “Revelation 2:16: ‘Repent therefore, or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of My mouth.’ “The following Scriptures speak of God’s light in the context of Him dealing with His enemies: “Psalm 97:3-4: ‘Fire goes before Him, and burns up His adversaries round about. His lightnings lit up the world; the earth saw and trembled.’ “Revelation 8:5: ‘And the angel took the censer; and he filled it with the fire of the altar and threw it to the earth; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake.’ “These last two Scriptures associate the release of God’s light with the context of deliverance for His people: “Psalm 18:14: ‘And He sent out His arrows, and scattered them, and lightning flashes in abundance, and routed them.’ “Psalm 144:6: ‘Flash forth lightning and scatter them; send out Your arrows and confuse them.’ “According to these and many other Scriptures, God is light, and at times, this light or glory flashes forth from Him as bolts of lightning. Many times the Bible says that in order to deal with His enemies – whether for Himself or His people – God simply releases this glory or light into the situation. It flashes forth like lightning, and PAGA HAPPENS! God’s power ‘strikes the mark.’ “And He releases this lightning through our intercession! We must boldly release the power of the Most High into situations, allowing the victory of Christ to manifest. He has given us His sword; He has given us His name. We must use them! “Position yourself toward the Son and allow Him to shine through you, striking the mark! Wield the laser sword of the Spirit. We often forget how powerful Holy Spirit in us is – how destructive to darkness is His lightning sword. It has supernatural power to overcome the works of darkness – when we release it with confidence.”(1) Pray with me: Father, we are amazed when we consider that You have made us Your heirs, co-heirs with Christ. We also marvel that You allow us to partner with You in releasing Your Kingdom, Your power, on Earth. We have accepted Your love, and have embraced Your plan. We thank You for exposing the works of darkness in America. You are cleansing and healing, for which we are very grateful, but we ask for more. We intercede for our nation, asking for Your lightning to flash forth, striking and tearing down the strongholds of the enemy. Consume the plans and works of darkness, liberating our land. And may Your glory fall on every inch of America, saving and delivering millions of people. We ask for this in Jesus’ name. Our decree: We decree that the lightning of God is coming to our nation, destroying the works of darkness. ************************* TRIBUTE TO OUR DEAR FRIEND I want to end today’s post by paying homage to a great friend and mentor, Quin Sherrer, who graduated to heaven Monday night. She was 91. Quin has written over 30 books, and I have read from her writings multiple times on Give Him 15. It was Quin who, for years, prodded me to begin writing. I was very hesitant to do so because I did not believe I possessed any writing skills. Quin believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Not only did she urge me to write, but she also prayed for several years that I would do so. I have always believed that God used her to birth the writing I have done over the past 30 years. Quin was a devoted wife and mother, a faithful intercessor, a great writer, a wise mentor, a friend to many, and most importantly, a lover of God. She will be greatly missed. While we, along with many, grieve our loss, we also rejoice for her gain. On the flyleaf of Quin’s Bible are the words: “He that formed me in the womb, He shall guide me to the tomb; All my times shall ever be, ordered by His wise decree.” —John Ryland (1753-1825) Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer (Bethany House Publishers: Bloomington, MN), 1996.
  18. 6 min read January 7, 2025 Paga - Strike the Mark! Yesterday, I shared two dreams about lightning in the Give Him 15 post. As you may know, the Capitol and Washington Monument were both struck by lightning on New Year’s Eve. Was this a supernatural sign? I believe it was. Today, I am sharing another dream about lightning as it relates to intercession, which was given to my friend, Steven Springer. One of yesterday’s dreams was also given to Steven. Today’s dream was given to him in September of 2023. THE DREAM Dutch and I, in a group of five people, were in large, futuristic war machines. Dutch had a standard which held three banners/flags. The top flag was white, with red letters that read “The Love of the Lord.” The next banner was the Appeal to Heaven flag, and the third was the American flag, which was very tattered. We followed Dutch in formation, advancing quickly toward a battle in front of us. We each had amazing weapons that shot laser lightning. On the side of the weapon was inscribed, as if it was the brand name, “Paga.” Every time we shot the weapons we hit the mark, never missing our target. Dutch would then get out of his vehicle and plant the standard into the ground, as if to mark new territory claimed for the Kingdom! As the spear-like flag pole was thrust into the ground, springs of water would gush forth. I (Steven) would then declare, “Let your Kingdom come and let the awakening well be unlocked!” Angels would then appear - to keep watch over the territory we had taken back. After each battle, Dutch was given another standard containing three more of the same flags, with the U.S. flag being less tattered. We moved from battlefield to battlefield, and the process was repeated. Then, as we approached another battlefield and were positioning ourselves to fire, General George Washington came riding to us out of the woods. As he looked at the standard with the banners Dutch was holding - the Love of the Lord flag, the Appeal to Heaven flag, and the American flag - he said to us, “Remember Gettysburg, and in the spring is when kings go to war. There will be a revolution and reformation that must take place.” He said again, “Remember Gettysburg, and in the spring is when kings go to war.” The fear of the Lord came upon us. We all got out of our vehicles, fell to our knees and began to pray. We were asking for gates to be opened, and that the Lord would give our nation back to the sons of the Kingdom and heal our land. As we did, lightning struck twice, and the land was healed. New growth came up from the ground. And as the banner of love waved in the wind it released a sound over America. End of dream. INTERPRETATION There were five of us in these battles, which were obviously spiritual, not physical. In Scripture the number “5” represents “grace,” and the five ministry gifts Christ gave the church in Ephesians 4:11-12. David carried five stones to his encounter with Goliath. Together, these reveal that God graced us with His gifts and anointing to win our spiritual battles. The three flags represent 1) God’s redeeming love (Song of Solomon 2:4; John 3:16); 2) Prayer (the Appeal to Heaven flag); and 3) America. The American flag was tattered, picturing the United States’ broken condition. They reveal that God wants to heal us through His love and the prayers of the church. Our weapons fired laser lightning! They were inscribed with the word “Paga.” Steven didn’t know until looking up paga that it is the Hebrew word for intercession - prayer was our weapon! Paga has several nuances of meaning, which I teach on extensively in my book, Intercessory Prayer, all of which provide pictures of what our prayers accomplish. One of its meanings is “to strike the mark” (think bullseye).(1) In the dream, our weapons (prayer) released laser lightning, which struck the mark with accuracy. This is actually spoken of in Job 36:32: “[God] fills His hands with lighting and commands it to strike the mark.” The phrase “strike the mark” is indeed the word paga! This dream - and the verse in Job - is telling us that our prayers release God’s lightning, with accuracy, against His foes. Paga also means “to encounter” and “to mark boundaries of territory!”(2) Combining all of these definitions: through intercession, we encounter spiritual forces, releasing God’s power to strike them with precision, taking back territory and staking claim to it for Him. All of that is in the word paga!!! It is significant that the banner of love was above the Appeal to Heaven flag. God is love (1 John 4:8) and His power, released through our prayers, is motivated by love. Our war is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). We love people and want to see them saved; even those who oppose the Lord. As we took back territory from the forces of darkness, the land was being healed and the flag (America) was being repaired. Wells of awakening (revival) were opening, springing up from the ground. At some point George Washington, leader of the American forces in the Revolutionary War and our first president, came to us with a fascinating message. Part one of his message was “Remember Gettysburg.” Gettysburg was a battle – not in the war Washington fought – but in the Civil War. This is significant. The Civil War was internal, a war amongst ourselves, not against another nation. We were destroying ourselves from within. Gettysburg was the turning point in this war. Then Washington (in the dream) said, “In the spring is when kings go to war. There will be a revolution and reformation that must take place.” I believe this could have a dual meaning. The first part is a quote from 2 Samuel 11:1, just before David committed adultery with Bathsheba. Rather than lead his troops into battle, David had chosen passivity, carnal pleasure, and compromise. This was very costly. Secondly, the phrase could be alerting us to literal timing: the “turning point” in the spiritual war, this “revolution” for America’s “reformation,” may take place over the next few months, especially this spring. We are not finished in this spiritual war to restore America! We must persevere in our intercession. As we did so in the dream, as well as humbling ourselves before the Lord, lightning struck twice, this time not from our weapons but directly from Heaven. When it did, the land was healed, and the banner of love released a sound over America. Will there be two significant events that occur in America this spring, perhaps two specific battles? I don’t know. But I am certain that we must remain diligent in our praying. In tomorrow’s post, I’ll share some of the teaching from my book, Intercessory Prayer, regarding God’s lightning being released from our intercession to strike the mark. Pray with me: Father, we, like Joshua, want to listen to You diligently, and obey You quickly. We listen to and obey Your words from Scripture first and foremost, but we also do so regarding Your prophetic words. Holy Spirit leads us in our intercession. At the very beginning of 2025 You have emphasized lightning and we are listening. You have reminded us that through our prayers, You are removing the masks from government leaders in our nation. You have also reminded us that Your power, Your lightning, is released from our intercession, and Holy Spirit guides these prayers causing them to “strike the mark” with great accuracy. And You have reminded us that they are to be motivated by Your love – they are for the healing of our land. We will not grow complacent as we enter into this new year. We accept Your alert and admonishment that our generation’s Gettysburg, our turning point, is coming this spring. We ask You for great sensitivity and discernment as we remain on our posts and appeal to heaven. Help us to stay alert and watchful. In Jesus’ name we pray this. Amen. Our decree: We decree that this spring we will be sensitive to Holy Spirit’s instructions and win our generation’s Gettysburg! ************************* You can find out more about Steven Springer at Click on the link below to wath the full video. ------------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6293. Ibid.
  19. 6 min read January 6, 2025 ⚡ Lightning Strikes the Capitol ⚡ Today is January 6, the day on which the presidential electoral votes are certified in Congress. This can proceed because the vote for Speaker of the House on Friday was successful, reelecting Representative Michael Johnson (from Louisiana) to this position. Had the voting for this position gone on for days, as it did in the previous term, the electoral votes could not have been certified today. Thank you for praying regarding this. The history of this day, January 6, makes it inappropriate to comment on the 2020 elections and the past four years in today’s post. My comments are related also to the lightning strikes in Washington, D.C. on New Year’s Eve – one on the Capitol, the other on the Washington Monument. November, 2020, through January, 2021 was one of the most tumultuous seasons in America’s history. I, along with millions of Americans felt there had been “inequities” in the Trump/Biden election. I crammed no less than ten last minute prayer rallies, in eight states, to an already busy schedule. Many were praying with us that the corruption would be exposed. This was actually the birth of Give Him 15, as we know it today. My dear friend Chuck Pierce, a very trusted prophet, later told me – when this 3-month season ended and Biden was inaugurated -- that he had known we would not see the outcome we were looking for. “But I knew you had to keep praying,” he said. “I prayed for you intensely, sometimes all through the night, asking God to keep you encouraged. The prayers of the church were saving America,” he told me. “And although you did not see at this time the exposure and turnaround you were interceding for, you will receive everything for which you prayed. Your prayers were birthing the future.” When Chuck told me this, I realized God had delayed Trump’s second term and allowed Biden to take office in order to radically expose the level of corruption in our government. I actually wrote entire GH15 posts stating this. The Lord has accomplished this exposure, and the swamp turned out to be a cesspool. During that election season, in December of 2020, Holy Spirit gave my friend Don Lynch, who is now in heaven, a powerful dream about lightning. Don said: “In the dream, the lightning of God filled the skies over Philadelphia. I (Don) was standing in the doorway of a very small shed from colonial times. I could feel a silky thread in my hand and could sense the tug of it as it flew in the wind. My eyes followed it and I could see that it joined with another string, which had a skeleton key attached that sparked with electricity. I knew it was God’s lightning that was flashing, causing the sparking on the key. I realized we had been waiting for this storm. In the dream, I saw an odd container that could collect the power, held by Dutch Sheets. “In this dream, God was using a real event in history to paint a picture for us. In actual history, Benjamin Franklin flew a kite in a storm, with a key attached to its string. This experiment was to conduct electricity. He was assisted by his son, William. Dutch’s first name is also William. In this parabolic dream, I saw William Dutch Sheets holding the container and collecting the power; he was collecting the lightning of God! Like a child with wondering eyes, Dutch looked up and said, ‘The air is alive! The air is alive over America!’ He breathed in deeply and seemed to be energized by the lightning of God. “Dutch then removed the energized key from the kite and the scene changed; an ancient door now stood before him. He put the sparking key into a hidden lock. As he did, the energized key activated a mechanism inside the door. The ancient door burst open and angels of God were released into the nation. They were not sluggish - they were active!!! They weren’t there to negotiate, but to establish. “Dutch then said, ‘We did it! We did it! We did it!’ Holding the container, he said, ‘Look. We have all we need to finish. Lord, we welcome your lightning to America!’” End of dream. In Scripture, keys represent authority (Isaiah 22:22; Matthew 16.18-19), the authority to open and close, lock and unlock, bind and loose. Lightning represents the power and glory of God. Job 36:32 tells us God “fills His hands with lightning and commands it to strike the mark.” The phrase “strike the mark” is actually one word in Hebrew, paga, the word for intercession.(1) Incredibly, lightning striking a structure is used in Scripture to picture God’s power being released through our intercession! In the dream, God’s powerful lightning energized our key of authority, enabling our intercession to unlock and open ancient doors. When we did, angels were released into the nation to activate and establish. ANOTHER LIGHTNING DREAM A few weeks after Don’s dream, on the day of Biden’s inauguration (January 20, 2021), my friend Steven Springer had another dream regarding lightning. Steven said: “In the dream I was taken up over Washington, D.C. It was very cloudy and you could barely see the buildings below. Then, lightning struck the top of the White House! Winds began to blow and I saw rain, lightning, and hail coming down from heaven. As the winds blew a clarity came across the city. Then, one by one I saw rubber masks coming off people - you could actually see them for who they really were, very hideous looking under the masks. An exposure of all things hidden and masked was occurring. Then I saw a large broom come down out of heaven and begin to sweep across the entire nation, starting with the Capitol in Washington, D.C. As the hand swept across the nation all sorts of evil was revealed and removed. “The resulting cleansing brought awakening! I saw many people getting out of their beds, stretching and yawning, realizing it was day! The night was over and a new day had dawned! “The sweeping continued to go across other nations of the earth. They were being swept clean of corruption and decay, so that awakening could come in a mighty revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The resulting revival brought fire! The fires burned up the debris left behind by the broom. As the dust settled it looked dark and scorched. But as an outpouring of Holy rain was released, new life began to sprout up everywhere. There was such joy and happiness on peoples’ faces; even the land itself seemed to rejoice.” End of dream. As we prayed intensely in late 2020/early 2021, our prayers were releasing God’s lightning, the cleansing power of Holy Spirit, to expose corruption and cleanse our government. We had hoped this would be completed in 2-3 months, but God knew just how deep it was. Though the delay was frustrating at the time, we can now see it was necessary. I believe the lightning strikes on New Year’s Eve were reminders of what our prayers have accomplished, AND that they are still needed. More strikes will come. I’ll say more about lightning in tomorrow’s post. Pray with me: Father, in this hinge moment in history, as Your Ekklesia on Earth, we use Your keys of authority and release Your lightning into the nation. Power from Your presence is striking the land. We believe we are to influence this land with the decrees You lead us to decree. We must dismantle evil structures and rebuild. Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations are destroyed, what will the righteous do?” You have called us to be a Nehemiah company that restores the gates and walls of America. We will use the keys given to us by Christ to do so. We will open the ancient gates and release the heavenly host to come and help us. “Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates, and lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory” (Psalm 24:8-10). Unleash Your lightning, oh God! Cause Your thunder to roll across the land, terrifying Your enemies. Roar with Your majestic voice! Hold nothing back – strike and strike and strike again. Shock the enemy with the fierceness and swiftness with which You move. Expose and uncover until evil knows it has nowhere to run. Let the power of Your lightning strike the mark. Today’s decree: We decree that we release the lightning of God into the land uncovering every hidden thing that stands in His way! *****************⚡***************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no.6293.
  20. 6 min read January 3, 2025 Introduction In praying about today’s post, I felt that the following word Holy Spirit gave my brother, Tim Sheets, was appropriate to share at the beginning of this year. As you will see, it puts a fresh wind in our sails. The title is: Grace Winds Psalm 18:6 (The Passion Translation) says, “In my distress I cried out to you, the delivering God, and from your temple-throne you heard my troubled cry, and my sobs went right into your heart.” This phrase gripped my heart when I read it recently, prompting several days of prayerful reflection. After that time of pondering, Holy Spirit began speaking the following word to me: “The Father and Heaven’s King have turned their faces toward the Ekklesia. They have turned their faces toward Kingdom sons and daughters. For the season of great reformation will soon come and the sons and daughters are now to receive the needed refreshing from the present war season. Times of refreshing will now come, energizing the Ekklesia for the reformation era, the most supernatural era I have ever led. A new level of authority will be seen functioning through the heirs. This will rapidly grow in demonstration as they are restrengthened, renewed and re-visioned for the great reformation. Know that the outer band of wind has begun to blow. It is carrying signs, wonders, miracles, healings and supernatural deliverance to the heirs. Father’s face is turned to the heirs. The King’s face has turned to His bride, and grace winds are beginning to blow. Receive from this supernatural flow of refreshing and empowerment.” The Scriptures sometimes state that “God’s face is turned toward us” or “He causes His face to shine upon us.” God turning His face toward someone refers to Him energizing them with strength from Heaven. The turning of His face toward us can mean His mercies light upon us, His compassion. It can refer to His grace extended to us, His favor. When the eyes of the Lord are on us, His supernatural power extends to us. Wherever Father sets His gaze, His power is there. Trust that His supernatural power can reach you wherever you are. This is a special season of the Father and Heaven’s King, Jesus, turning their faces toward the Ekklesia. It’s a time when He comes to realign, refocus, refresh, and renew you. We are never out from under His gaze; His fathering heart is always set upon His sons and daughters. This is a time to receive refreshing and empowerment from Heaven to step into a new supernatural era. The word Holy Spirit gave me emphasized so clearly that grace winds are beginning to blow. This phrase resounded in my spirit. In Scripture, wind symbolizes Holy Spirit and His moving on the earth. It can also symbolize revival, a move of the Godhead bringing fresh outpourings from Heaven. Wind cannot be seen, but its power and effect can be felt. In other words, Holy Spirit isn’t seen with the natural eyes, but His effects are very real and discerned supernaturally in our souls. The blowing of wind prophesies a refreshing on the work Holy Spirit is already doing. This happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. There came a sound from Heaven as a mighty rushing wind filled the upper room where 120 people had gathered. They couldn’t see Holy Spirit coming in, but they could hear Him. The sound that day is sometimes referred to as sounding like a hurricane, or a train bounding down the tracks. The 120 gathered in the upper room heard the sound of a grace wind and were filled with power from on high, which sparked a new move of God, affecting nations and people groups from all over the world. The outer band winds have begun to blow on a new move of God in our times. I believe something big is up and something incredible has begun. 2025 will be a year of Holy Spirit winds building. Weather forecasters know a hurricane is close because the outer bands begin to reach the shore. They also know greater and stronger winds are coming behind the initial band. One after the other, the bands grow in intensity. As I have been praying about this word from the Lord, He revealed more to me saying, “For great winds from Heaven will surely blow upon the King’s Ekklesia. Mighty winds are building, historic winds. Holy Spirit winds will begin to blow, one after the other, each one stronger than the previous, until full-blown power is seen. Full-blown power from Heaven, ordained for your times, will be experienced until the full effects are felt all over the Earth. Building winds, powerful winds, winds affecting transformational change and winds growing in forcefulness. Wave after wave of Holy Spirit wind bands have begun and the resistance of hell will be blown away by this wind. The resistance of man and evil attempts to stop God’s plans will be blown away as the King's Ekklesia declares His will and purposes. “The sons and daughters will be carried forth, borne upon these Holy Spirit winds. Their sails are filling with prevailing, guiding, and refreshing winds. Winds of grace are blowing across ripe harvest fields carrying good news of redemptive power, the King’s forgiveness purchased upon His cross. They are grace winds of great deliverance blowing away hell's bondages, confusion, addiction, sin, brokenness, fears, and hopelessness. Grace winds are clearing the minds of prodigals, lifting the demonic fog off their minds and revealing the pathway home. They are grace winds carrying angel hosts for the time of reaping, blowing in the harvest rains, the latter rains. I have turned My face toward the Ekklesia, I have turned My face toward the harvest.” In the prophetic word, Holy Spirit called this is a “season” of great reformation; not just a quick few weeks, but a season. The sons and daughters of Christ will receive an outpouring of refreshing that will activate a new Pentecost, a supernatural season of Holy Spirit outpourings. A fresh Kingdom move has begun and times of refreshing are coming. Receive it. The Greek word for refreshing is “anapsuxis;” one of its meanings is to relieve stress or to cool down(1). It pictures someone overheated by exertion, sitting in a cool breeze. Receive Holy Spirit’s cool breeze and chill out. Take a breather with Father God, and catch your breath. Holy Spirit has come with outpourings from Heaven many times, and in this season, He’s coming again with fresh winds, new anointings, and times of refreshing. Believe that the Lord has turned His face toward His Ekklesia, and the grace winds are blowing. Pray with me: Father, the past season has been difficult for many. Disease, financial pressures, wars, societal decay, a corrupt and foolish government in America and elsewhere implementing destruction and chaos, and much more. These things wear down the human psyche. And yet, in this time You have found a faithful, persevering remnant that has “run through troops” and “leaped over walls” to battle the forces of darkness (Psalm 18:29). They have contended using Your spiritual weapons, warring through Your divine strength, and they have prevailed. Now we thank You for turning Your face to us. We receive Your promise of refreshing and reviving in Your presence. Let the fresh winds of Holy Spirit blow over Your sons and daughters. Cause Holy Spirit winds to blow across this nation and throughout the world. Let the effects of the wind be seen and felt, bringing great encouragement to the body of Christ, and a great harvest. Renew, restrengthen, re-vision, and refocus Your laborers. Refill us with Your Spirit and power. And Father, we agree with thousands around our nation as they fast and pray the first 21 days of this year. As violence and terrorism occur here in our nation, we pray for protection over our families and leaders. We ask that President-Elect Trump and his team be covered with Your protective hand, and be given great wisdom. We pray this also over our Supreme Court and Congress. And we ask You to intervene in the vote today for Speaker of the House. Prevail over any confusion, whether it be caused by people or demons. We bind every plan intended to implement strategies that are not Your will. All of this we pray in Jesus’ name. Our decree: We decree that Father's face is turned to the Ekklesia. Grace winds are beginning to blow, carrying signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and supernatural deliverance. **************************** Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 403.
  21. 5 min read January 2, 2025 God’s Agenda for 2025 As I ponder what I believe is on God’s agenda for 2025, and therefore what I will often address on Give Him 15 posts, the two words that come to mind the most are revival and reformation. Progress toward these two things will speed up greatly this year. The revival that has begun will intensify, producing many conversions and great miracles. Reformation and its changes to society and government will also experience increased momentum. I believe 2025 will prove to be one of the greatest years of change in America’s history. I believe, in fact, that President Trump’s first day in office could end up being one of the most significant days of change EVER in our country. My guess is that he and his team will make a statement, hitting the ground running. I suspect that hundreds of executive orders have already been written, awaiting only Trump’s presidential signature. For many of us, they can’t come quickly enough. There will be tremendous opposition, of course, but the opposition will fail if we, the church, continue to feed the flames of revival and reformation with prayer. As we think about these two phenomena, here are some things to realize and remember: Revival is described in Mark 16:15-20; reformation is described in Matthew 28:18-20. Revival rebirths; reformation rebuilds. Revival can spring forth quickly; reformation is a process. Revival changes hearts, inscribing with them God’s ways and laws; reformation transforms minds and thoughts, planting God’s laws in the psyche of a nation. In the context of revival, Jesus is Savior; in the context of reformation, He is King and Lord. Revival saves and heals individuals; reformation saves and heals societies and nations. Revival comes through the “preaching” of the “gospel” (Mark 16:15-20); reformation results from “teaching” what Christ “commanded” (Matthew 28:18-20). Revival releases power, signs, and wonders; reformation implements God’s ways and wise methods. Revival fuels and steers reformation; reformation can and should be the long-term fruit of revival. THE FUEL OF REVIVAL Only transformation in millions of people’s hearts (revival) will provide sufficient momentum to reform a nation to God’s ways. We can try to reform a nation to His ways through good laws or education, but this will not fully produce the needed changes. Racism is a good example. Well-meaning laws and educational changes have not produced the desired changes. Heart changes from God, on the other hand, produce the needed desire and willingness for a nation to be transformed. The new birth creates a hunger for the bread of God’s Word, a thirst for the river of His Spirit, and a desire to emulate and please Him. This is why I say revival must feed and steer reformation. GOD USES UNBELIEVERS A word of caution: When we speak of reformation, it is unbiblical to suggest that God uses only believers. Many of His principles and laws work regardless of who applies them. God spoke of Cornelius as “devout” before he was born again. He acknowledged Cornelius’ prayers and generosity, saying they had built a memorial in heaven, and used his home in which to pour out His Spirit on the Gentile world. (See Acts 10) Jesus does not reject unbelievers, nor did He suggest that they shouldn’t be leaders, whether in government, business, or any other endeavor. Certainly, the ideal and God’s desire is for everyone to be born again through Jesus. But while on earth, Jesus demonstrated God’s heart to all people. He loved them, ate with them, ministered to them, treated them respectfully and kindly, and even blessed them. (The exception to this was the proud, hypocrites, and those who oppressed others.) Matthew 9:9-13 (NASB) tells us: “As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man called Matthew sitting in the tax collector’s office; He said to him, ‘Follow Me!’ And he got up and followed Him. Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and began dining with Jesus and His disciples. And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, ‘Why is your Teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?’ But when Jesus heard this, He said, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. Now go and learn what this means: “I desire compassion and not sacrifice,” for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’” Benjamin Franklin called for prayer at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on June 28, 1787. Franklin proposed that the Assembly begin each morning with prayers, asking for God’s assistance and blessings. He also requested that a member of the city’s clergy officiate. His motion was made during a contentious period when the Convention was at risk of breaking up over a dispute between large and small states. Franklin believed that God governs human affairs and that the Convention would fail without His help. He also referenced daily prayer during the contest with Great Britain.(1) Though many believe Benjamin Franklin became a believer later in life through the ministry of George Whitefield, he was probably not yet born-again when he called for this prayer! God can and will use individuals in our government who do not know Him - from Trump downward - to reform our nation. I do believe many of them who don’t know the Lord will become believers, but they do not have to be born-again for Him to use them. Pray for God’s wisdom to flow through ALL of them, AND for their salvation. As we enter this great season of change, we must be diligent to fervently pray for our nation, calling forth the promised revival and reformation. Pray with me: Father, we continue to join our hearts in agreement for the things You laid on the hearts of Lou Engle and Matt Lockett [see yesterday’s post]. We pray once again for the Jehu anointing to rest on President-Elect Trump, his cabinet, and all working with them. We ask that You give them the determination, wisdom, and strategies necessary to sweep away the “house of Ahab” and its ungodly ideologies in America. Give them Your agendas, not their own.(2) We ask that President-Elect Trump have a powerful encounter with You, and that he be filled with Your Spirit. Make him a man of prayer, just as the prophetic word from Kim Clement said.(3) Place an insatiable hunger in him for Your Word. Teach him to hear Your voice, and to know Your ways. And we ask You for a Third Great Awakening, a spiritual revival the likes of which has never been seen. We cry, “revival, revival, revival!” Pour this out, not only on America, but throughout all the earth. We ask for Ezekiel’s river to increase until it flows at its deepest level (Ezekiel 47). And we ask this all in the great and holy name of Jesus. Our decree: We decree that America is being revived and reformed by the power of Holy Spirit. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin Franklin and the Constitutional Convention See the GH15 post from January 1, 2025. Ibid.
  22. 6 min read January 1, 2025 Happy New Year! It’s good to be with you again. And we are going to start the year off with a bang! Introduction My friends Lou Engle and Matt Lockett are spearheading 21 days of fasting and prayer, beginning today, to launch us into 2025. They’re calling for a Daniel Fast, based on Daniel’s 21-day fast in Daniel 10:3, during which he fasted meat, “pleasant foods” such as sweets, and wine. The reasons and prayer focus from Lou are delineated in the following release by Cheryl Amibile in "The Briefing". The title of her briefing is: The 2025 Jehu Fast After decades of mass prayer and fasting for the nation, we have come to a critical juncture for America to turn back to God. We stand now in a window of historic opportunity for governmental reform and national revival, but we must see it through in prayer. As President Trump prepares to take office in 2025, we urge you to join us as we govern in prayer over the government. Today’s briefing lays out a prophetic vision for Trump’s second term, along with clear prayer directives from Lou Engle to unify our intercession. Let’s shape history together through prayer and fasting! We’ve sensed a shift in the nation since the A Million Women gathering in Washington, D.C., on the Day of Atonement, and experienced a breakthrough with President Trump being elected. Now it’s time to pave the way for God’s agenda to be accomplished through his administration. For this purpose, we are launching a national 21-day Daniel Fast, January 1-21, led by Lou Engle, in partnership with Matt Lockett (Executive Director of Bound4Life International and the Justice House of Prayer in Washington, D.C).Daniel’s 21-day fast (Daniel 10) shifted Cyrus’s mindset and prevailed over the powers of darkness, changing the whole Persian public policy. We believe right now we have an opportunity to see the government of our nation impacted, the deep state removed, and ideologies shifted. However, for this to happen, we believe the church needs to “get into the chariot of Jehu.” Jehu was anointed king by the prophet Elisha during the reign of Ahab (2 Kings 9). King Ahab was one of Israel’s most infamous leaders, who allowed the idolatries of his wife Jezebel to infiltrate the nation and corrupt the culture of God’s people. The Lord’s purpose for Jehu was to destroy the house of Ahab and eradicate Baal worship from Israel. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn recently prophesied to President Trump at the Inaugural National Faith Summit, declaring that his life and calling followed a similar template to Jehu’s. Other prophetic leaders have sensed the same. Lou Engle was stirred a few weeks ago while reading 2 Kings 9–10, noting that it was during Jehu’s second ride that Jehonadab, the conservative leader, climbed into his chariot. Jehu then exclaimed: “Come watch my zeal for the Lord.” Lou has sensed from God a strong exhortation that in Trump’s second term, the church must “get in his chariot” by supporting him in prayer. Let us intercede for God to put a hedge about him, that the right cabinet members would be put in place, and that the president and his administration will sweep away the “house of Ahab” that has been seeking to destroy this nation. Along these lines, Matt Lockett had a fascinating dream in September of 2022, which we believe paints a prophetic picture of our responsibility to pray for Trump. In the dream, Matt and his team from JHOP (Justice House of Prayer) were with Donald Trump and other intercessors, standing outside a fast-food restaurant. They were in a single-file line, waiting to go through the drive-thru that had not yet opened. It was understood in the dream that they were to keep Trump’s place “in line” and “drive him through” when the window opened. Matt’s team has prayed regularly regarding this dream for the past two years. Just after the A Million Women prayer gathering on the National Mall in October [2024], President Trump surprisingly showed up at McDonald’s to work in the drive-thru window. For most of the nation, this was just a human-interest story and a photo op for the would-be president. However, for Matt and his team, it was a sign that the “window” was now open to “drive” Trump through the election.Then, approximately a week later, President Trump was pictured in another window—this time, the window of a garbage truck! Once again, the images were all over the news. It suddenly struck Matt with prophetic clarity that his original dream was not just about “driving” Trump through the election but through an ongoing agenda to “take out the trash,” so to speak, in Washington, D.C. We resonated with Matt’s insight, recognizing God’s intent to use President Trump to address the wickedness, idolatry, and corruption in the nation’s high places and policies. Our prayers must “drive” this agenda. Another prophecy that has shaped our intercession for the president-elect is a word given by the late Kim Clement in 2007. Clement had specifically prophesied that Trump would become a trumpet. He went on to speak of a president fitting Trump’s description who would have “hot blood” and would raise the walls of protection around the nation. He said this leader would rapidly change the economy. In the same prophecy, Clement declared of this man: “God says, ‘I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office, and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and My power.’” We have often pondered Donald Trump’s spiritual legacy. His great-aunts were instrumental in the intercession leading up to the tremendous move of the Spirit in the Hebrides Revival (see The Briefing 088 -The Promised Revival). What if God has ordained for that holy stump [this great revival] to sprout again at this time? It may be that President Trump is a sign and a symbol of an outpouring God desires to spread across America and beyond. Therefore, as we head into these 21 days of a Daniel Fast, let us pray daily for the Jehu anointing to rest upon President Trump, his Cabinet members, and all those in leadership. Pray that they would sweep away the “house of Ahab” and its ungodly ideologies that have taken root in America. Ask for grace to empower them to accomplish what God desires - not their own agendas - but God’s purposes in this second term of President Trump.Secondly, let’s pray daily for President Trump to be filled with the Holy Spirit while in office, as was spoken in Clement’s prophetic word. Let us also pray for all the men and women in his Cabinet, that they would be filled with the wisdom of God as they navigate complex decisions, according to Daniel 2:21 (NIV): “He changes times and seasons; He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Lastly, we have always recognized that transforming government alone would not be enough. America must experience a Third Great Awakening - a spiritual revival - in the hearts of men, women, and children alike. This aligns with a prophetic dream we received in 2020, in which there was a massive gathering and fervent cries of “Revival, revival, revival.” May this be our ongoing prayer until our communities are swept up in the fire of God’s Spirit. Pray with me: Father, we begin by giving You thanks for the answers to prayer we have received up to now. Recovery, restoration, and reformation all involve processes - tearing down, uprooting, planting, building. We have embraced the process of seeing America restored to You and Your purposes for her. As we join our hearts in fasting and prayer at the beginning of this year, we ask for momentum to increase. We ask for the Jehu anointing to rest on President-Elect Trump, his cabinet, and all working with them. We ask that You give them the determination, wisdom, and strategies necessary to sweep away the “house of Ahab” and its ungodly ideologies in America. Give them Your agendas. We ask that President-Elect Trump have a powerful encounter with You, and that he be filled with Your Spirit. Make him a man of prayer, just as the prophetic word said. Place an insatiable hunger in him for Your Word. Teach him to hear Your voice, and know Your ways. And we ask You for a Third Great Awakening, a spiritual revival, the likes of which have never been seen. We cry “revival, revival, revival.” Pour this out not only on America, but throughout all the earth. We ask for Ezekiel’s river to increase until it flows at its deepest level (Ezekiel 47). And we pray all of this in the great and holy name of Jesus. Our decree: We decree that revival and reformation are coming to the earth, covering it as the waters cover the sea. **************************** You can find out more about this article and more like it at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  23. 4 min read December 25, 2024 There will be no Give Him 15 posts on Dec 26-31. Thank you for your understanding as our staff takes a break. We will see you again January 1st! Merry Christmas! O Holy Night Incarnate: “to embody in flesh; invest with a bodily form.” From the Latin word incarnāre “to make into flesh.” Have you ever wondered what was going through Christ’s mind before Holy Spirit transformed Him into a microscopic seed and carried Him to the womb of a young girl? He was about to become breakable. Did He wonder how it would feel to no longer be omnipresent? Omniscient? Omnipotent? Did He wonder how physical pain would feel? Hunger? Thirst? Weariness? Cold? Heartache? Loss? Christ knew He would have to: fight His way through a birth canal, be fed, be bathed, learn to crawl, develop balance and walking skills, form words, grow, and gain knowledge. He would experience sleep, scrapes, blisters, and callouses. He would enter the realm of time. He would bleed. One has to wonder if Jesus ever reconsidered the plan/process. Since He was “the Lamb slain” before we were even created (Revelation 13:8), I don’t suppose He did. Yet, just before Holy Spirit held Him and began the transformation, there must have been at least an emotional, “Here we go…I’m about to be human!” And then He was - there was no turning back. Numerous questions come to mind as I consider Christ’s humanness: As a child, when did the first awareness of who He was begin to set in? When did He first look up at a star-filled sky and think, I made that. When did He first recall saying, “Let there be…” When did the calculus of our solar system begin creeping back into His memory? Did He ever have a nightmare? When did He stop asking Mary questions and start explaining things to her? Did His siblings wonder at His gifts, intellect? Who was His best friend growing up? What did His laugh sound like? What was His favorite color…food? Was there any food - which He, of course, created - that He didn’t like?! At what age did His carpentry skills begin superseding those of Joseph? Did they ever joke about it? How old was He when Joseph died? How did He deal with the pain? How did He react the first time He saw a serpent…or first observed cruelty, violence or greed? When He heard lightning, did He smile? (Luke 10:18) And when did the love that demanded His humanness - the passion for His eternal bride - begin welling up in His chest? As He fashioned wood in His carpenter shop, did He ever pause and gaze pensively toward a hill in Jerusalem? Did He wince when He drove nails? We will never truly understand the ramifications, intricacies, and complexities of the incarnation. Merging the limitations of “humanness” with an infinite God simply can’t be computed by human brains. Indeed, Paul referenced Christ as God’s “indescribable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15). But it is healthy to ponder it, nonetheless. We must, in fact. It is imperative that we consider the cost to Christ. It’s essential that we wonder at such love, marvel at the plan and stand in awe at its audacity. So this year on Christmas Day, take some time to think about it. Sing, or listen to Silent Night, Away In A Manger, O Holy Night, or your favorite Christmas carol and intently consider the words. Recapture the wonder. Read the story again in Luke’s gospel. Close your eyes and try to envision Mary’s angelic visitation. Put yourself in Joseph’s shoes - how hard would it be to believe Mary’s story? See the stars, the stable, the manger, the Christ-child. Then, converse with Abba and Jesus. Thank them…for Christmas, yes, but also for the cross. The purpose of Christmas was the Cross. I leave you today with the lyrics of one of my most loved Christmas songs: O Holy Night. My favorite line is, “Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.” Now, do yourself a favor and use this link to watch/listen to Josh Groban’s version of the song. This YouTube version gives us a visual of that holy night when Christ was born. Maybe even gather the family and watch it together. You’ll be glad you did. (For those of you watching today’s post, we will provide the link in the description below.) Merry Christmas! ********************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  24. 5 min read December 24, 2024 There will be no Give Him 15 posts on Dec 26-31. Thank you for your understanding as our staff takes a break. We will see you again January 1st! Merry Christmas! A Fun Christmas Memory “In the same region, there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock at night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood near them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. And so the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army of angels praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among people with whom He is pleased.’” Luke 2:8-14 (NASB) “Great joy…for all people,” are some of the words spoken by the angel on the night of Christ’s birth. And could the world ever use a dose of that! We live in precarious and perilous times, punctuated by evil dictators, lying and fear-mongering governments, power-crazed politicians, woke educators, God-haters, and a worldwide pandemic. In the midst of evil and chaos, let me remind you that joy is of the spirit, not the emotions, and therefore is not based on circumstances. Happiness is based on circumstances; joy, however, is a fruit of the spirit and therefore flows from Holy Spirit in you (Galatians 5:22). In the angel’s announcement above, great is the Greek word megas, from which we get the English word “mega.” Megas is over and above, above and beyond, more than enough. And as my grandkids would say, ginormous. I felt today to encourage you to think of a joyful Christmas memory. It could be from when you were a kid, or as a parent or grandparent enjoying a kid/s. Perhaps it’s from a gift you gave, or one you were given. Maybe it’s a sleigh ride, a ski trip, a family trip, the Nutcracker with mom or a bowl game with dad. Think of something and let it unlock some joy. Laughter is good. God said it’s like a medicine (Proverbs 17:22). Think of something from a Christmas past that’ll make you laugh. Maybe I can help. We once had a dog named Mercedes. Sadie, as we called her, was a Boxer. God used Mercedes greatly in my life. She taught me patience, humility, poop-scooping, and the price of dog ACL surgery. I didn’t actually mind the poop-scooping in and of itself, it was the mocking laughter I could see in her eyes as I did it that bothered me. We bought Mercedes - yes, I paid for these lessons - because we moved to an area where there were coyotes and foxes, which we knew would endanger our two other small dogs - they needed a bodyguard. Besides, everyone needs THREE dogs. But it backfired. Mercedes took over. Ceci and the girls actually went to obedience school with her a few times. That helped - she learned to sit. She came home and asserted her dominance by sitting on my chest. Seriously. I was stretched out on the floor watching a football game, nice fire going, when she proudly looked over at the girls and sat on my chest. “Good girl. Good sit,” they said. Then there was the time she TP’d (toilet papered) the backyard. Yep, she did. We had a fenced backyard, so when leaving, we, at times left the back door open a foot or so to allow the dogs some freedom. We came home one day, and there was a trail of toilet paper from the powder room (for all you guys, that’s the half-bath you keep clean for guests) leading through the family room, out the back door, and into the back yard. Once in the backyard, it seems that Sadie’s creative side kicked in. She went over, under, around, and through. She made circles, figure 8’s, and squares. Then she did her business while I cleaned up the toilet paper. And if you don’t see the cruel irony of that, then you’re pretty slow. I swear she was laughing. But perhaps the most humiliating experience with Mercedes was when I had to chase her around on the roof of our two-story house. I was hanging Christmas lights - you thought I had gotten off the subject of Christmas, didn’t you - and with the house layout, it was a simple step onto our daughter’s bedroom window seat, then out the window and onto the garage roof. From there, I could walk to the remainder of the roof, even the higher parts. I was on all fours, carefully placing hooks for the lights on the gutters, when suddenly I heard a noise behind me. I turned, and there was Mercedes - she had joined me! I panicked. If she fell off and hurt herself, Ceci and the girls would never forgive me. My tone of voice and panicked attempt to grab her scared her. She began running and wouldn’t come to me. So I chased her, which caused her to run more…Kevin Costner became known to the Native Americans as “man who dances with wolves.” I became known in our neighborhood as “man who dances with dog on roof.” True story. Remember something today that makes you laugh. If you can’t think of anything, picture me with a 70-pound, well-trained, obedience school graduating Boxer sitting on my chest. The Message version of Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.” Laugh. It’ll do you good. Pray with me: Father, in these precarious and perilous times, punctuated by evil dictators, lying and fear-mongering governments, power-crazed politicians, woke educators, God-haters, and a worldwide pandemic, we can still have joy. Cause the spirit of joy to rise up in Your people today. Even those in difficult circumstances or who have suffered loss, let the strength that comes from joy arise in them. Temper their grief with moments of joy. If it needs to be a supernatural impartation, please do that. And we thank You for Jesus. He brought us mega joy. “Joy to the world, the Lord has come.” Because of Him, we can rejoice. Remind us to remain focused on Him this Christmas season. And even on a day in which we speak of laughter and joy, we still remember the babies. A reversal of Roe would be the greatest gift we could receive this coming year. Do whatever is necessary to give us 5 or more Justices who will find the moral strength to reverse it. In Christ’s name, we pray, amen. Our decree: We decree that joy unspeakable is ours today through Christ. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  25. 6 min read December 23, 2024 For the next several days, you are going to hear some favorite posts, hand-picked by Dutch. They are about this wonderful Christmas season, and we think you will enjoy them. There will be no Give Him 15 posts on Dec 26-31. Thank you for your understanding as our staff takes a break. We will see you again January 1st! Merry Christmas! Two Women At Christmas As we approach Christmas, let’s consider the story of two women who were significant in the birth of our Savior, the promised Messiah: Mary and Elizabeth. The younger one seeks out the older. Lives touching. Mentoring occurring. A divine encounter, a God-set up. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is unique in history. Yet she had a humble beginning. Pastor Jack Hayford says we may wonder about her, “Was Mary possibly only a plain girl with simple faith, raised in an ordinary home, scheduled for an arranged marriage, and headed for an uneventful future married to the town carpenter? The suggestion that she was ordinary comes from the words Mary sings: ‘For He has regarded the lowly state of His handmaiden. He has exalted the lowly’” (Luke 1:48). Hayford adds: “God clothes Himself in the ordinary so He can come to ordinary people—you and me.”(1) Mary and Elizabeth. Both were having miracle babies who would affect history. Both women could have been labeled “disgraced” by their Hebrew peers - Elizabeth for being barren, Mary for being pregnant before marriage. Both knew God intimately, were worshipers and were acquainted with Scripture. The Christmas story began not in Bethlehem but in Nazareth, where Mary received the message from Gabriel. He disclosed God’s plan for her life. “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!... Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.” (Luke 1: 28-32 NKJV) When Mary questioned Gabriel how this could happen since she was a virgin, he explained: “Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; for that reason also the holy Child will be called the Son of God… and His kingdom will have no end.” (Luke 1:30-35). Mary, in bold obedience, replied, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word” (verse 38). And the angel departed from her. “We can hardly fathom the bewildering moment Mary experienced,” Freda Lindsay reminds us. “That she was a privileged vessel, chosen to bear God’s Son, is wonder enough, for she is a participant in the miracle of the Incarnation at a level no other human being can comprehend. It is clear she did not claim to understand it herself, yet she was obedient,”(2) At first, Mary was troubled, pondering the situation. But the angel had told her some great news: “And behold your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age, and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. For nothing will be impossible with God” (verses 36-37). Mary may have wondered just why the angel told her Elizabeth was pregnant. But she got up and hurried to see Elizabeth in the village of En Karem in the Judean hill country, about 65 miles away. How did she get there? Did she go in a caravan of camels or donkeys? Did she have morning sickness? Was Joseph, to whom she was engaged, okay with her going? We don’t know the answers. However, she quickly got to the house of her relative, Elizabeth, who was married to the priest, Zechariah. When Mary entered their home, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt with joy (Luke 1:41). But get this: Elizabeth not only praised God in a loud voice, but she was also filled with Holy Spirit (verse 41). (I wonder if she would have had this experience with Holy Spirit’s infilling if Mary had not come). Mary did not even have to explain to her that she was pregnant, for God had revealed it to Elizabeth. She said to Mary, almost as a prophecy, “Blessed are you among women. Blessed is the child you shall bear. Why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:41-43). Think about this: Elizabeth was six months pregnant, five of those hidden in seclusion. Her husband, Zechariah - a priest, could not talk to her. He had been struck mute when he questioned the angel who came to him after he had burned incense in the temple (Luke 1:20). The angel told him that his wife, who was barren and advanced in age, would bear a son. They were to name him John and he would be great in the sight of the Lord. (He was later known as John the Baptist). While she was expecting her baby boy, Elizabeth’s husband could only communicate with her by writing on a wax tablet or with hand motions. Did her seclusion also mean she did not fetch water at the well when other women were there or even intermingle with them in the marketplace? A Jewish wife in those days prepared the meals, cared for the children, made and washed the clothes, went to the market, and tended the lamps. She was expected to be a good housekeeper and an affectionate mother who set the “love level” in the home. Sons usually went to study Torah at an early age and learned a trade from their fathers. Girls did not receive the formal training as sons did, but evidence shows both Mary and Elizabeth knew the Scriptures. Since Elizabeth was the wife of a priest and daughter of a family of priests from the house of Aaron, she probably heard much godly talk from guests in her home. Mary’s song of exaltation - Magnificat - contains references from Hannah’s prayer nearly a thousand years earlier as she praised God for her baby Samuel. Mary was possibly still a teenager. The advice and wisdom of an older woman would be valuable as she pondered many things in her heart. But didn’t Elizabeth also need her company? Mary stayed with her for three months (Luke 1:56), observing and confiding in her, and no doubt receiving mentoring, love, and spiritual insights. Elizabeth may have talked to Mary about how to be a good wife and she was surely a great encourager and influencer, giving her a blessing and honor. They obviously spent time together worshipping the Lord. Mary provided Elizabeth with companionship, conversation and most certainly helped her with household chores. They each had something of worth to share in this short-term but significant relationship. Just think, Elizabeth was the first human to acknowledge Jesus as the Lord–while He was yet unborn. Let’s not fail to recognize Holy Spirit’s part in this first Christmas drama concerning these two women. As we have already mentioned, first Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary (Luke 1:35). Then He filled Elizabeth and the baby in her womb with Himself also. Finally, even Zachariah. On the eighth day after their baby’s birth, when they took him to be circumcised and to announce John’s name, Zechariah was filled with Holy Spirit (Luke 1:67). His tongue was loosed, and he was able to speak again. So he, a priest, began to prophesy about both the coming Messiah and about his son, John, who would be a forerunner for Him. This Christmas season as we reflect on the various people involved in the birth of Jesus, let’s draw lessons from their examples. Are there younger people in our lives we could encourage? Mentor? Are there those we can pray for to receive Jesus as Savior? Or to receive Holy Spirit’s touch? God is looking for ordinary people–like you and me to help make a difference for Him in the lives of those with whom we interact. Divine connections. He has given us a story to tell. Jesus is the reason for the season! Let’s go share this great news. Pray with me: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to be bold to share this good news, especially during this Christmas season, and bring others to Him for their salvation. Thank You that just as the angel told Mary nothing is, or ever shall be, impossible for God, so may we believe for the miracles we need also. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen. Our decree: I will never doubt God - for He who promised is faithful - even sending us a Savior, the very Son of God. ************************* Today’s post was written by our dear friend and author Quin Sherrer. You can find out more about Quin here or at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------ Jack W. Hayford, The Christmas Miracle, Chosen Books, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1999) pp. 39, 41. Freda Lindsay, Luke 1:26-56 comments. Spirit Filled Life Bible, 3rd edition NKJV, (Jack Hayford, Executive Editor, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN. 2017) p. 1450.
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