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  1. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Breitling Question: "...Many trillions of dinar in circulation...?" They don't have as much dinar out there as people think...First, they are not worried about you and me at all. The idea that people have dinar in their hands is fantastic. That's supply times velocity. That's a good thing not a bad thing...if you think they can't reduce their note supply there's no reason [for you] to be in this investment...if you don't believe they [dinar notes] will go away, you need to click the off button. It's that simple... *** Frank26 Both the IMF and the AMF are saying raise the value of your currency...lift the 3 zeros from your exchange rate...that's old news. It's so old it's Greek Mythology. But only the AMF is asking them to join the GCC. They both have the same idea - one 'unified currency' in the Middle East. No. Absolutely not...Iraq wants to stand alone! ...the Iraqi dinar wants no part of this...there is a date to change the notes and change the exchange rate. That date is still solid as a rock... 'Unified Currency'. You're going to start seeing that and when you do you're going to be well ahead of the curve...this issue is actually forcing that date to maybe come sooner than they expected. *** Pimpy Article: "Congress Passes Iraq War Authorization Revocation Act" This is good news. As they work toward their [Iraq's] sovereignty. First of all we have to get the hell out of there. Congress made it official. It passes the Iraq War Authorization Revocation Act. In other words they revoked their need to be into war there...looks like congress passed it. What's left the senate?'s time for them [Iraq] to kick the training wheels off and let these bad boys learn how to ride that bike. I have faith in Iraq - Have faith in their current administration. *** BobTheTaxMan Ordinary income is based on your taxable income and allowable deductions...The IQD is going to fall into this category. Ordinary income is taxed on a percentage...Under the Biden tax change that he wants to bring in the domain anything over $400,000 is going to be subject to 39.5% taxes. It doesn't matter your filing status. He's going to grab you right there...over $400,000 gets ugly so you have to have a strategy in order to keep yourself away from all the nasties. Remember, these are not in play yet but they are on the table. It's being debated and voted on even as we speak. (Note: At the appropriate time consult your tax and financial advisors to form the best plan for your specific circumstances.).. *** Frank26 Turns out we have an issue - the GCC. Gulf Cooperation Council - a political and economic alliance that consists of 6 Middle Eastern countries. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab of Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman...they put their oil together...the GCC has approached Iraq and Kazemi and said they want them to join the of the things that came out is the GCC is telling the CBI we want you to be part of a unified GCC currency...we want your currency to be part of a basket...we'll call it 'The Unified GCC Currency' currency to represent all of us in the Middle East. What do you think Kazemi? No thank you. *** Pimpy Article: "Congress Passes Iraq War Authorization Revocation Act" This is good news. As they work toward their [Iraq's] sovereignty. First of all we have to get the hell out of there. Congress made it official. It passes the Iraq War Authorization Revocation Act. In other words they revoked their need to be into war there...looks like congress passed it. What's left the senate?'s time for them [Iraq] to kick the training wheels off and let these bad boys learn how to ride that bike. I have faith in Iraq - Have faith in their current administration. That's all for today - Good Night, Be Blessed..! RON
  2. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON ** Breitling Question: "What impact if any do you feel Biden's meeting with the Iraq Prime Minister and the announcement of the end of the U.S. combat mission in Iraq will have on the revaluation of the dinar?" They are going to revalue no matter what. Whether we stay in Iraq or we're out of Iraq... ** Pimpy Article: "Al-Kazemi announce the launch of the economic reform plan within the white papers" This looks like the full-fledged full-on launching of the White Papers...yes! Let's get it rocking and rolling...I still think with the economy going the way it is and oil's going the way it is, if they continue to work on the private sector you're gonna see it move up. Now it might not be an RI or an RV but it's going to start moving up slowly but surely we're going to get back to where it was. I do remember the United Council...what did they say? There's no reason for us not to reinstate Iraq to its rate of $3.22... ** Militiaman Article: "Al-Kazemi announce the launch of the economic reform plan within the white papers" The meeting today was specifically stating was to announce the start of implementing the administrative and executive mechanisms - advanced level of implementation. It isn't the underlying issue. It's the main administrative and executive mechanisms to get things done. In other words, 'You gotta move. Get things going!' And that's what they're doing. ** Frank26 I know you want "now". But I don't know when "now" is. Nobody knows the date. What we do know is they're doing it. What we do know is that they're very blatant. They're very obvious/telling of what they're doing with their currency, with their exchange rate, with their economic reform of the countries pouring in, with their article VIII status. All of this is for the raising of the value of their currency... ** Petra Article: "Al-Kazemi announce the launch of the economic reform plan within the white papers" They're launching. Obviously the key part of that is the rate. Nothing happens without that precious rate. The whole White Papers goes down the toilet if they don't change the rate...That is clearly the direction they're going by clear words that came directly from the Prime Minister himself. Clearly/obviously his visit here helped. His visit to the U. S. was critical. ** Frank26 IMO for Iraq to be a member of the WTO their currency needs to be tradable, not "increasable", but tradable...I want you to really understand Iraq is Article VIII...therefore ergo they're about to take their currency, which is toilet paper value and they're going to throw it out into the international market...the whole international world is pouring into Iraq. They know they're 1 to 1 with the American dollar. They know they're about to unpeg. All of this is in articles. It's not new about this. The WTO goes in there and says, 'Hey, please, please, please, please join us. You're a cash cow..!'
  3. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. Plenty of stuff today... RON ** Footforward Article: "Biden to host Iraq's prime minister at White House on July 26" Quote: "...The visit will highlight the strategic partnership between the two countries and advance bilateral cooperation under a 2008 agreement that governed the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq..." This makes me laugh... Ya...let's have a meeting about how you pull all your troops out and how we are going to work together going forward lol...If the troops are pulling out, they have no reason to work together because Iran would take over. This is a mirage ** Mnt Goat The delegation from Iraq arrived in the US this week and will begin holding meetings to discuss business beginning on Friday through the weekend and next week...There are only three main reasons why Kazemi is going to Washington, DC. 1. he wants a binding timeline for the withdrawal of foreign combat forces from Iraq. This is only political move on his part as he knows the US forces will not be leaving Iraq for very long time. 2. he wants more US companies to come and invest in Iraq; 3. he wants the currency reinstated and normalized...If the troops don’t remain Iraq will not get the currency reinstated nor will they get US companies to invest in Iraq... ** Frank26 Article: "Confidence in the Iraqi dinar is eroding...and the prospect of removing zeros" No...what?...nobody is saying they're not going to remove the 3 zeros from the exchange rate and exploding inside of Iraqi citizens. They know. The citizens are now working with the banks of's etched in titanium... they're telling you that they are deleting it without giving you the date yet for implementation of the deletion of the 3 zeros. ** Breitling Question: "I've heard you state the CBI saying 'our currency will coexist for 2 years...what would stop them from saying that means a 1000 dinar note would have the same value as a 1 dinar note?" Why would it coexist? It doesn't work that way. There's no country on the planet that has ever done that. There's no country on the planet that would ever do that... ** Pimpy For those of you who don't know - RI is a reinstatement which means they give you back the original rate which was $3.22 for every 1 Iraqi dinar. RV is when they re-value the currency which just happened at the end of 2020. They revalued the currency of the dinar. They devalued the currency is what they did. They went in the wrong direction...they changed the value of the currency's exchange...
  4. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON Jeff - Article: "Al-Kazemi's Advisor: There are 3 reasons that prevent changing the dollar exchange rate currently" They are telling you right now at this time they're ready to invest in projects and they want to do all of this at the current rate without increasing it. Let's look at what the 3 reason are. 1. The exchange rate is the prerogative of the Central Bank. 2. The currency rate was approved in the budget law... 3. All revenues derived from oil, even if it increases, will be able to cover the budget deficit...the government of Iraq is stressing to you they have all of their financial needs met and they don't need to change the rate at this time...Remember this is all from the is not from the Central Bank of Iraq. I promise you they're telling you something completely different than have to study it from the angle of the Central Bank not from the government. Pimpy what gets me all the time is the amount of chatter and talk in the media about the rate change. It's kind of crazy. They're trying to convince us that the rate change isn't going to happen...if it's not going to happen then why are you talking about it so much for? What is really going on? Frank26 Everything is IMO. You can ask any guru on the internet and they will tell you, 'Frank doesn't know what he's talking about.' They are the ones that tell you, 'According to my sources it happened yesterday!' I'll behave! :). The end of February, the beginning of March 2020 I told you IMO they have a date...Mustafa, the Fab 4 and the Governor of the Central bank have agreed. I told you in December they were actually ready to lift the value. We have the article where the IMF said very clearly Iraq is about to add value to their currency by the end of the year 2020...(post 1 of 2).. Frank26 It didn't come about because on December 20th...the Central Bank of Iraq asked the IMF 'could you please just hold on for a little bit...we would like to lower the value of our currency'...the number 1 reason was to fight against Iran. It worked...the other reason was to bring the citizens of Iraq into the banks to open up every citizen is starting to understand what is being told to them in the last two and a half three weeks...we have about 11 articles...that tell you, 'we're changing the value of the exchange rate of our currency.'...things have been moving along very well. You see a lot of things that tell you this is happening...(post 2 of 2)..
  5. Happy Independence Day DinarVets ... God bless America - RON Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON ** Pimpy Kuwait takes $3.67 dollars to equal 1 Kuwait dinar. Dubai takes $1 dollar to equal 3.67 AE dinar...Iraq takes .0006 dollars to equal 1 Iraqi dinar. See something wrong here? 'One of these does not belong like the others'. Some of you as old as I am knows where that song comes from... [Iraq] has more oil. They are a richer nation. There's no reason for this [low rate] to be here at all...It's a legitimate currency. We all know this...Will it go up in value? Yes. Whether it's an RI or RV just pay attention to what's going on with the economy...shows you eventually the dinar is going to get back up here in value. Will it do it all at once? Who knows. Will it eventually get there? Yes, a lot sooner than people think! ** MilitiaMan The UST and the G-7 have openly stated they have "Achieved Global Reform". Well that statement means a lot to me in that they UST is all about money and finance, etc.. The G7 has been in the mix with Global Reform...the White Papers that are being implemented are a part of the Global Reform that we are witnessing. It includes 200+- Central Banks...Prime Minister Kahdimi has openly stated he has begun implementing Economic Reforms and Monetary Reforms. What we are seeing is his ability to get trust from the world to finish the project to delete the zeros and go into a market economy. The private sector is where Iraq will begin a new, as we will too!! ...they have not deviated from the project. It is fully under way and there are ample writings on it...(post 1 of 2).. ** MilitiaMan The UST, the World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, IMF, AMF, UN, EU, are all in on this. ...They didn't do all this to go international at a program rate of 1460QD/USD.. That is not the plan. The plan as stated and explained is to increase the purchase power for the citizens...we know that Iraq going into a market economy will benefit them and us, just as the market economy will support the exchange rate and will create revenue streams outside of oil. A necessary need for success! ...The country is ready to issue the new currency. Electronic or digital currency cards have and are being issued and may have been completed now.. imo. So, lets see what the cat drags in prior to Forex.. Will it usher in fireworks? We shall see. imo...(post 2 of 2).. ** Frank26 Since the 20th of last month everyday they are coming out and doing what we expressed. It is a flow of information that is teaching them everything about the monetary reform... Saturday 7-3-2021 Opinions ** Mnt Goat Article: "FINANCE MINISTER: THE LOCAL MARKET WILL RECOVER SOON" there is only 2 ways it can recover. 1. go back to the 1160 program rate or 2. RV and RI. ** Petra I know we don't do dates. I'm not going to give you a date but it sure seems to implicate a "soon" scenario based on the data and the details and articles they're sharing with us. I'm very encouraged by that... ** Mnt Goat Article: "MP DANA MUHAMMAD SUGGESTED ON SUNDAY THE APPROVAL OF THE OIL AND GAS LAW DURING THE ELECTORAL PARLIAMENTARY SESSION" Does it strike you weird that the Oil and Gas law comes up every time they talk about deleting the zeros? Is it needed for the RV? I have told everyone over and over again that the Iraqi constitution MUST be completely implemented and followed in order to transition back to a global trading status of their currency- in other words turn it back on. ** Kaperoni Iraq has a line that they use quite often... "ink on paper." Meaning that it's all just talk and no action. Iraq has been postponing many laws for years. It's time for them to pass these laws so they can create a market economy and suitable business environment for investment. ** Frank26 December of last year I announced on the Internet they already collected 70% and that's enough of the 3 zero notes...inside of Iraq and outside of Iraq...the other 30% take about 5% of it and say that's what Iraq citizens are holding. You know 'dinar mattress'. The other 25% IMO that's me and you who hold dinars but it's [also] all the worlds central banks where where the CBI has delivered 'samples' that we talked about last year... **Pimpy Article: "A slight decrease in the exchange rate of the dollar in the Iraqi market" In other words a positive step forward for the Iraqi dinar...It is moving slow but at least it moving in a positive direction. It beats moving in the opposite direction. This is good news. It's still going in the right direction and we love it...
  6. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "The Central Bank of Mosul Branch organizes an introductory lecture on the dangers of counterfeiting" I sure like the timing of this. It may or may not be a precursor to what we expect in respect to the new small category notes. Why would they be holding meetings again on the large notes? They have been in circulation for long enough just about everyone and there brother knows what to look for by now...But, with new currency, that is another ball park... imo... *** Mnt Goat Article: "PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE HOSTS THE MINISTER OF FINANCE AND THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT TO DISCUSS 3 FILES" I have information from my CBI contact that they also discussed (the 3rd file) the mechanism for completing the project to delete the zeros in the middle of an accounting period and the ramifications of this action, should they do it. This was WOW news to me... *** Frank26 Article: "Al-Kazemi talks about raising the dollar exchange rate and its relationship with the poor" Kazemi tells the citizens, 'give us your 3 zero notes because the NSCN's will not work with the PR [Program rate]'. *** Walkingstick & Frank26 Consider/think, if the budget was seriously set at 1460 then there would be no fear to open the budget for 1460 in the past because if they're going to open it now, it's at 1460 now. It's been at 1460 for at least seven months. Why don't you open the budget? Because the budget is not at 1460. Everything awaits the new exchange rate. Everything awaits the new 'mechanism'. Everything. *** Pimpy 96% of the money generated to support the budget came from oil sales but after the White Papers it's dropped down to 70% dependent. This is really a huge chunk. We want it down more but from 96% down to 70% dependence on oil sales is a pretty big damn step if you ask me. Kudos again to Al-Kazemi's administration... *** Footforward It's funny. They keep acting and talking like a country with a currency that has revalued. The clues are there that this is coming in my opinion if you know what to look for. That's it for today Folks ... Blessings ... RON
  7. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** Article: "The advisory body is studying the investment of high oil prices and addressing the effects of the dollar exchange" They're telling you they are changing the rate. Quote: "Regarding changing the dollar exchange rate...there is a study that the Central Bank is conducting with the Ministry of Planning and economic experts to address the effect of changing the exchange rate..." Bada-bing-bada-boom...Drop the microphone..! *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "A government advisor reveals the goal of the 5 trillion initiative for the Central Bank" This is telling me that the CBI is fully aware of the global monetary polices and circumstances affecting the world and have a plan to help with those...To move a real economy takes being international and able to work on a level playing field. ...Iraq is not besieged any longer. They don't have the hyper inflation like the previous decades, nor do the have the DEBT! Getting to a market economy requires a level playing field. A program rate with out being Article 8 compliant in totality is not going to level that field...(post 1 of 2).. *** MilitiaMan *** A reinstatement based of current fundamentals will and can make it happen. Being fully article 8 will be show time... imo...Having support from having an internationally acceptable currency is imo part of the plan. They need to be successful. The world is imo relying on if not requiring it to happen, peripherally anyway, imo. It sure looks like what we are seeing is the stage is set and the reconstruction expo if you will is the weekend...Fascinating times we are in...imo..(post 2 of 2).. *** Pimpy *** ...We can wait a little longer...but here's my thought process. The more surplus they have...then there's no need for borrowing. There won't be a deficit in the next couple of year's budgets and could spend more money on private sectors providing jobs. More jobs - the less money that government needs in its budget - puts us right back on track...I would keep it at this rate to the end of the year and then move it back to the 1190 dinars and then start slow increments increase...From 1190 1180. Wait a few months....mover it up to...950 benefits the Iraqi don't raise the rate and then turn around and have to lower it again...I know you don't want to hear this...that's just my opinion. I'm not saying they're doing that...
  8. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "AFTER THE JUSTIFICATIONS FOR RAISING THE PRICE OF THE DOLLAR IS NO LONGER REQUIRED, DEMANDS TO SAVE THE CITIZEN FROM THE GREED OF TRADERS" Quote: "... justification and motivation not to change the exchange rate to 1450, but rather to return to the old exchange rate." They are talking about going back to the “OLD” exchange rate upwards of $3.00+. This is VERY clear they DO NOT mean going back to the old previous post December 2020 program rate of 1450. Yes, it can not get any clearer the direction they want to take... *** Walkingstick It's now finished [The new CBI building]. Talk about timing. This building it's huge. It looks like the tower of babel...this bank was not ready two years ago. Nothing was ready two years ago. This bank is ready is state of the art. You don't need the state of the art for a program rate. You need the state of the art for Article VIII...the new CBI building is now ready for the monetary reform and it's ready for the international banking's going to be a currency central hub... *** Pimpy Article: "Parliamentary Finance sends an "urgent" message to the government regarding dollar prices" The news coming out of Iraq the last 7 to 10 days or so has been very positive. Baby steps but you know what nonetheless still positive... Quote: "the parliament finance committee called on Iraq government to restore the exchange rate of he dollar against the Iraq dinar..." People are going, 'oh, Pimpy is this restored back to the original $3.00?' No..! They're talking about the rate change of 1190 for every dollar. The economy supports it now with oil prices going up... *** Frank26 They are connected with their banks inside of Iraq to the international banks outside of Iraq. This has never happened in my lifetime. Because this is happening right now it's very obvious they're Article VIII and that's very obvious why the world is pouring in...granted they don't have to raise the value of their currency to be article VIII but they have to have International laws in order to be Article VIII. By doing so that means that the dinar is going outside of the country... the evidence is there. We know what they're doing.
  9. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy Article: "Al-Kazemi's advisor: The Central Bank is able to control the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar" I remember we used to talk about the exchange rate, why doesn't the government change it? I said, because they don't have any say so. They can complain. They can request. But the truth of the matter is the change is in the hands of the CBI. They are totally separate from the government. They're independent..! *** Mnt Goat Article: "PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE COMMITTEE WARNED THE CENTRAL BANK OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE IRAQI DINAR AGAINST THE US DOLLAR UNLESS SOMETHING IS DONE SOON." The PRESSURE builds to do something “soon”. *** Frank26 [Boots on the ground report] Firefly - "It's on television and the CBI has confirmed its commitment to a stable foreign exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar" Frank - A program rate is not stable. There's nothing stable in a program rate. It's extremely fragile...the CBI governor comes out and he tells the citizens of Iraq , 'We are committed to change the rate' is what he's would you like 1 to 1? That's pretty stable... *** Sheila The CBI is coming out with a controlled float. This means they are going International. The CBI has full control. Kazemi and the CBI will tell their folks that the new CBI building is all ready…one year ahead of time…it’s modern…state of the art…it’s huge and a reproduction of the Tower of Babel. They did not build this for a lousy rate. It’s more modern then any of ours…. Iraq is paying off all their debts. The education is flowing to all the citizens. Rasheed Bank sets the date for citizens to review the new cards…they are telling us they are changing the rate...The short of it is the CBI is in full control of changing the rate. They are about to show us…. *** Pimpy There's talk again about the exchange rate... Article: "The dollar is falling against the dinar with the closure of Baghdad markets" It's slow mind you, it's tiny increments, but at least it's going in the right direction...the Central Bank is doing its job. Stabilizing it. That's all for today folks ... Blessings ... Ron
  10. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "The U.S. House of Representatives decides to cancel the use of military force in Iraq" Yay! We feel they're stable enough to be there on their own and that's exactly what they did. This is a good move. We're restoring the sovereignty of Iraq. Notice that they said, 'We want you to respect our sovereignty. We want sovereignty, sovereignty, sovereignty.' Sovereignty is a nation that can stand on their own without any outside help. *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "AL-KAZEMI’S ADVISOR: THE PROJECT TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE CURRENCY IS SUBJECT TO TWO CONDITIONS" Quote: "appropriate conditions are achieved, cash payments in Iraq..." Wow...Imo they are achieved. CASH PAYMENTS RETROACTIVE to come imo..!
  11. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** Article: "A national campaign to support the Iraqi dinar." Yes indeed a new rate of 1 to 1 that they have been campaigning and talking about at the CBI is close attention to the word that the governor of the CBI is using with citizens...he told you yesterday 'a campaign of education is now starting' and once again are those not my exact words...? *** Pimpy *** Article: "After Barzani's announcement, a government source clarifies how to pay regions share of the budget" That's right. They finally came up with an agreement. It only took 13 years, 6 months, 27 hours, 72 minutes and 84 seconds to do this...they agreed to retro it all the way back to January. That makes sense...Here's the thing that's weird about this. They've done this before. Not that I'm trying to throw salt on this. This is good news. I like it. But last time they agreed on something, some of the political blocks got in the way. Let's hope that doesn't happen...I'm glad. They finally ironed out their differences and it looks like an agreement is there. Let's keep our fingers crossed. We'll know if it's real when Kurdistan says they received their money and all is well over in dinar land...
  12. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Walkingstick There is a date...The economic reform date is the same as the monetary reform date...There is a date written in stone and it has not changed of when the new small category notes, of when the new exchange rate, is scheduled to be released. IMO that date gets closer and closer... although the process of the education has just is the words and explanation of this education that will instill confidence not only in the dinar, not just in the citizens of Iraq, but in the monetary reform itself... *** Frank26 IOO The CBI is coming out and they...started, what we call, 'promoting' the true exchange rate...the CBI is now starting the campaign...They are starting to promote the education of the monetary reform to the citizens and the world to put an end to the fluctuation in the market prices...The CBI is now making it clear not just to the citizens but to the whole international community that only the CBI has the authority to change the currency's rate...Based on the are now seeing the campaign. *** FootForward Article: "Iraq Trade Bank - External remittances (SWIFT)" Quote: "You can now transfer to all countries of the world through the application of banking services from the Iraqi Trade Bank..." Article: "Barzani announces that an agreement has been reached to receive the region’s dues in the budget with a “retroactive effect" " I would argue the news about Barizani is bigger then the swift thing. I understand you need to be international for the swift stuff. But you also need the kurds for the dinar to be worth much. *** MilitiaMan Article quote: "Kurdistan’s Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani announced, on Tuesday, that an agreement had been reached with Baghdad on the Region's share of the federal budget." ...the Kurds have a deal that is retro active. That deal is very timely... Kahdimi wouldn't agree until he was ready for the when, hence the talk of suing yesterday seems to have stimulated things along... That... deal is coming out and quickly, imo... I can't imagine the Kurds being quiet about it anymore... There is a deal and deals in digital currency can move fast... imo...We are in a very good place.
  13. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 We had the World Bank literally three days in a row come out and say lift the value. Then we had money exchangers in the markets saying, 'Hey the CBI is lowering the value.' Ladies and gentleman who do you choose to believe? ...Thousands of money exchangers are being shut down right now. You're going to find that out real soon. The problem is - the money exchangers, who owns them? The answer is the politicians in parliament. That is actually a conflict of interest isn't it... *** Pimpy Article: "The central bank denies the intention to raise the dollar" Let me remind you what we're looking for. We don't want them to increase the number of dinars we get for every U.S. dollar. That's bad. This is going in the wrong direction. We want them to decrease the amount of dinars you can get for every one of our dollars...the bigger the dollar of dinars - bad. We want them to shrink until they get to the other side of the dollar, then increase... [Example: 1450 to 1 USD , 1200 to 1 USD , 1000 to 1 USD, 500 to 1 USD , 100 to 1 USD, 10 to 1 USD , 2 to 1 USD, 1 to 1 USD, .5 to 1 USD (this equals 1 IQD for $2 ), .3 to 1 USD (This equals to 1 IQD for $3.33 ) *** Clare Article: "A group of unions and federations announces the launch of a national campaign to support the Iraqi dinar" Quote: "...the launch of a national campaign to support the national currency and the economy and increase the citizen’s confidence in the dinar..." WOW!!!…WHO TOLD US A “MASSIVE CAMPAIGN” WOULD BEGIN FOR THE CITIZENS…. YEP!! [Gurus] WALKINGSTICK & FRANK26 DID!!! WHAT ELSE DID THEY TELL US? - THEY HAVE A DATE!!! IT IS ALMOST HERE. imo.
  14. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON These were left over from yesterday..... *** Pimpy *** Remember we saw an told us what? This would be the exchange rate for the next three year. This article appears to say something totally different. Article: "Parliament: The Exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar will be fixed for at least a year" So it went from three yeas to at least a year. I told you it ain't gonna take three years. We saw their budget for $45 a barrel of oil and it's up to $ wiped out the deficit. Good.! That's what we want and now they have a surplus of funds and they're able to invest in other it went from 3 years to a year. Very interesting... *** Frank26 *** Article: "A group of unions and federations announces the launch of a national campaign to support the Iraqi dinar" The CBI is now doing the campaign exactly as we told you it would come out therefore, in my opinion the rate is either with this campaign or follows just shortly everything and everyone waits for the CBI governor to announce a new exchange rate for a new small category note, Introducing a reinstatement of their currency... the RI ...SMILE...Make sure you praise God today and thank Him for what you are about to become...I may have pain in my body but soon family you will have gain in your hands... Today is Flag Day and we celebrate our Flag, the Nation it represents, and the sacrifices so many made to keep us free. RON
  15. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** There really has been a lot of talk about the rate change - not just by so-called gurus but in the news. Very interesting. Very very interesting that once again this topic is being brought up. You have a group of people not happy about the change that took place in the first place - saying that they should not have devalued the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar...I know they said, 'we're gonna keep the same rate for 3 year.' Will they do that? There's always a good chance they might do that... *** Jeff *** Article: "Parliament: The exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar will be fixed for at least a year". Article: "Al-Kazemi's advisor reveals the details of the first economic reform program in Iraq and its launch date". Quote: "Starting in the years 2022-32 it'll be the first development decade for Iraq..." They're going to launch the white paper reforms in 2022...Based on general daily news they're probably planning to change the rate next year when they implement the 'White Paper' reforms. But...let's look at the sources of these articles...(post 1 of 2)... *** Jeff *** The first one is the parliamentary finance committee [the second a GOI advisor]. That's NOT the CBI! ...they made a key statement here. Quote: "Cougar said, "changing the exchange rate is the responsibility of the Central Bank." No body else. The CBI... only the CBI has anything to do with the value of Iraq's currency/changing the rate...This general daily news suggests to you Iraq might change the rate next year when they implement the economic White Paper reforms...none of this news is from the CBI. With that said none of this news holds any credibility...(post 2 of 2).. *** Frank26 *** Everyone knows. Everyone is talking about the exchange rate. Not just the citizens of Iraq but in many countries...the talk is all over the place about the exchange rate needing to go up in value...from the CBI to Iraq to the World Bank and many others are pointing the finger at the CBI and telling them, 'Raise the value of your currency.' The only one pointing their finger at the CBI and Kazemi and telling them to decrease the value of their currency is Iran and the Parliament of Iraq but they are a minority...they are but a drop of water inside of an ocean. The talk is opposite all over the Middle East. They are implementing a new 'mechanism' which is a new exchange rate...
  16. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq takes step that may contribute to the decrease in the price of the dollar." This is good. Supply and demand. The more money [U.S. Dollars] they put out there to sell...the less value they have. This increase in sales is good for the dinar...we like this. Heck yeah we do! The more we can strengthen and support the dinar - Whatever they need to do. All of these contribute one way or another... *** Mnt Goat *** We all should know by now that the rate of the CBI is an in-country rate only and the IQD is not yet on FOREX...It is NOT yet activated on FOREX! ...Next, I want to say that the fluctuating rate of the dinar in Iraq demonstrates to us once again that the rate is being manipulated. It is artificially restrained from the realizing the real value. It is being held back. This is being done for purposes. The CBI has a plan it is carrying out...hang tight. This investment will be well worth it. It is not as far off as you think, not just now. *** Frank26 *** the flow is already flowing IMO when you see the World Bank tell the CBI 'Raise the value.' - When you see the CBI come out and tell the money exchangers, 'We're in charge of the exchange rate not you. Stop it!' - When you see that the international world is pouring in, today Visa and American Express...That screams Article VIII doesn't it? Of course it does. But we still await the announcement from the CBI. *** Pimpy *** Article: "The Central bank sells the highest amount of dollars since the exchange rate change" That's good news...if they're starting to part more with the US dollar they're starting to regain a little faith in the currency - possibly...if they want to increase the value of the dinars vs US dollars this is one way to do it - flood the markets with US dollars.
  17. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Article: "Talabani meets Al-Kazemi and asks him to adopt the latest agreement to solve the problems" This is in regard to the implementation of Iraq's budget. They want everything done and happening per Iraq's constitution. They [Iraq] want Kurdistan to send their oil money and oil to Baghdad and then they [Kurds] want Baghdad to send their portion of the '21 budget to them...both parties have said that they're ready to do it. They're talked about maybe doing those steps this week... Article: "Oil and Gas Law" The oil and gas law is post rate change. This article came out yesterday (6/6/21). We are getting these types of articles every week...
  18. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "ECONOMIST: THE GOVERNMENT’S JUSTIFICATIONS FOR RAISING THE DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE ARE FLIMSY" Quote: " a statement to the “Information” agency that “the currency auction did not decrease in its sales" ...the currency auctions have ended....Not according to this article. *** RVAlready *** Question: [Seems that all of these countries are talk about their future digitized currency. That’s all great but we’re still holding onto Fiat currencies from several countries.. when are they planning on having us send these paper notes to them?] I think any country that terminates a currency has to give you a couple of years to cash out. Most countries will probably just cut back on printed currency, and let attrition happen naturally. *** Frank26 *** the World Bank knows that both of your reforms economic and monetary (but monetary being first) are tied together and the Kurds were the key for your budget that will launch these reforms. They are explaining that the only way your economic reforms will prosper is when and only when the CBI raises the value of your currency through your exchange rate. The World Bank is telling the world it is illogical for Iraq to have a low rate for their currency right now...they need to do something about the exchange rate because...the poverty rate of Iraqi citizens is horrible. They tell the CBI/GOI you're a sovereign country and you can now lift the value... *** MilitiaMan *** My view, is with the massive amount of data we have been showing in articles with links to support the view, is that they are ready and are heavily pressured to go to a market economy... my view is I expect a strong ( like never seen before, as noted on Iraq TV.) international rate to be gamed off the devaluation with the help of the local bankers and traders who are fully aware of what is going to happen next. We have data that supports them saying so...Let’s see what they do next..! Have a Blessed Sunday Everyone ... RON
  19. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** BobTheTaxMan Question: [Any News at all concerning Warka?] The last information I got from Warka [Bank in Iraq ] is that they are still working on the integration and the technology to interface themselves with CBI. It's been much longer than what they thought it was going to take and obviously there's still some politics and things that are in one for it. They say they plan on/hoping to have this thing done by next month and that's the latest information I got. *** BobbyC China wants Iraq's oil at a discounted price, "oil for reconstruction", not the IQD...every asset they have help strengthen their currency. How they use those assets towards a free market is why we're still here...then there's the question of which currency do they take international. *** MilitiaMan Article: "Anxiety prevails among Iraqis for fear of the deterioration of the purchasing value of the dinar" Quote: " Sunday, which is the date for the resumption of official working hours and the Central Bank offering new amounts of hard currency within the policy of preserving the value of the dinar." Iraq at 1190, 1450, 1553, 1600 or even 2000, as the numbers have been floated over the preceding 4-5 days suggest they are not hard currency numbers. ...Now take that in mind to what is expected from the CBI and not street traders or bankers, etc., and have the CBI drop three zeros from any of those aforementioned numbers and you get international hard currency. imo.. That also, if we think and are correct, it will suggest they will need to show new small category notes to go along with the adjusted new rate. *** Frank26 I think the reason why the monetary reform/new exchange rate is soon to come out is because Iraq has what Dr. Shabibi, the author of the monetary reform - I think he wanted something Iraq has...I believe Iraq has security and stability beyond anything that I ever dreamed about... *** Mnt Goat Article: "FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE FEBRUARY 2020, IRAQ ACHIEVES A MONTHLY SURPLUS IN ITS FINANCIAL BUDGET" Oil surplus? What’s their excuse now? Okay then why is there a proposal to devalue the dinar again? This economic and financial policy of Iraq is crazy. There is no excuse for doing what they are doing in holding up the RV and the project to delete the zeros. It is all corruption and nothing else. *** Jeff Iraq is showing from many angles they have major instability and they keep telling you how they can't bring forward the economic reform at this time because of the level of instability and all of the corruption they have...until they reach stability the rate change could be hindered and take a while...they have been ready for the last 7 years to change the rate. They just can't. There's a couple of major hurdles they have to overcome...
  20. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 1460 isn't bad enough? You want to lower it more to 1553 or 1560? Kazemi didn't say that. Mustafa didn't say that. Idiots said that...only pay attention to the governor of the CBI not the parliament idiots, not some CBI employee... *** Pimpy Article: "Advisor Al-Kazemi reveals that there are 50 Trillion dinars outside the control of the banking system" I think they've only printed out 55 trillion. That means they control 9% of their money. This is not looks like we're heading down that path that we do not want to be in... *** Walkingstick They are in meetings now. Topics about disbursement of new notes, time frame, note count etc... *** Jeff Article: "A proposal to raise the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar again" ...devaluing the dinar improves the economics for the government of Iraq. Obviously it hurts the people because the cost of goods and services go up in value but devaluing the dinar definitely helps the federal government. That's why they're doing it...recent articles from parliament finance committee have come out suggesting that they would like to consider using the current exchange rate for a long period of time. Roughly three more years... *** Frank26 [Now the World Bank is taking about how Iraq has dropped to a negative 10% GDP.] What did I tell you about the GDP? So now the World Bank comes out and starts telling you about the GDP figures. Why? Because they're about to give you the new exchange rate
  21. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "Opening of the Iraq reconstruction and investment exhibition in Erbil " The 2021 budget is not open or implemented if I recall correctly. There is to be on the 05/29/2021 many laws before the HoR... Mainly the one I have interest in is the potential new law in regard to HCl...But, with this Reconstruction and Investment Exhibition now on going supports a new market economy is underway or just about to be announced...Customs and Borders are in the news today with signings, etc... Digital currency with the IQD is another convergence...So, do we see the picture? ...I sure do... The canvas is now about dry. *** Frank26 I was just recently told everything is now completed as far as the US treasury is concerned. The U.S. Treasury is now waiting for the new exchange rate. I think this is coming to an end. *** Jeff Article: "Al-Kazemi is implementing an American plan to return Iraq to 2014" This article does not look good for our investment. This article is showing that Iraq not going to become sovereign and that they have tremendous's also saying they're to pause and postpone the electoral process and go toward an emergency government to ensure the foreign forces remain. They're telling you Iraq has a lot of political instability moving forward...This article does not look good...Iraq will not be able to revalue their currency if they bring forth an emergency government... *** Breitling Don't worry about the Iraqi dinar. The reports that are coming out everything they are doing is fine. The window is still here. There's no reason for them to stop now. Oil prices do not change what's coming up...They're still moving should be very very happy...
  22. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RESUMED RAISING THE ISSUE OF RAISING THE PRICE OF THE DOLLAR" ...What they do not tell you in the article is part of this session was a CLOSED DOOR session and they discussed the project to delete the zeros and the rate of a revaluation. The finance ministry wants the rate very low at about 30 cents while the Central Bank has already said they are going to revalue at about 1:1 with the US Dollar. This is the dispute now. The Central Bank would like to get full support from the finance ministry but technically does not need it. We wait to see what happens next. *** Petra We study the articles. That's the only resource we have. We dig deep into those articles and pull out what I think are nuggets. And I'm telling you [what] we saw the last several weeks...I honestly thought this thing was happening last weekend. I honestly did. I woke up Sunday morning thinking this is the day and it wasn't. I was thinking...why did I put myself in the position to think that it would happen because we are dealing with a unique entity called Iraq...but I thought about it and thought about it and more articles came out and there was something else that I missed...I do believe we are in the final motions of the CBI. It's evident by what's going on in the world...It's all coming together... *** Frank26 I said for me it's less than years, it's less than months, it's less than weeks, it's within days and I still believe that sincerely because everyday that has gone by has been so significant. Everyday that I've said that to you has been filled like a pregnant rhinoceros...I mean this is stuff that's big. Everyday you can see...there is a date when they're going to release the new exchange rate and that date is written in titanium. *** MilitiaMan Article: "The President of the Republic presents a bill to recover the stolen money and hold the corrupt accountable" Quotes: "...Iraq has lost a thousand billion dollars since 2003 due to corruption"; "...150 billion dollars were smuggled into the countries of the world through corruption deals..." Recovering $1 trillion in stolen money and put back into the coffers will go along way in maintaining the new exchange rate. imo...Even $150 billion would be nice...
  23. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Al-Kazemi refers to an "unprecedented" security coordination between Baghdad and Erbil: it will curb terrorist attacks" Quote: "Baghdad is now in the final stage of approving and distributing the budget sections, and Kurdistan's share will soon reach Erbil." The kurdistan share is to reach Erbil... There is enough support now that they should have smooth sailing... They have plenty of resources to cover a very healthy and strong currency...imo *** Pimpy *** Article: "Biden extends the "state of emergency" in Iraq and Syria for another year" What does that mean? That's Biden's way of saying to the international community, 'Be careful going into Iraq . I wouldn't invest there. It's not stable yet.' He's still saying they're in a state of emergency. That's what this means. It isn't good. *** Frank26 *** You have to try your best to understand there is a difference between "passed" and "activated". Yes the budget is passed but it is not activated because it does not have the exchange rate... **** MilitiaMan *** Article: "The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, on Tuesday, a Kurdish delegation's visit to Baghdad ." Quote: "The mission of the delegation that will visit Baghdad is to agree on the mechanism for implementing Article 11 of the Federal Budget Law." I imagine they will have a mechanism front and center right after Eid A - Fitr. ...The mechanism, i.e., an exchange rate is or may be calculated based over time and averaging, in some cases, imo...Regardless the topic is the mechanism and that my friends is a big deal! They want to know what rate at which to calculate now...imo...I'll bet once they see the mechanism they'll be dancing in the too...ha!
  24. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "Ports call for accelerating electronic transformation" This has been a work in progress for years. They have not just started this. They have been hard at this for many years. Now it is effectively go time...We know the IMF, UN, World Bank, Bank of international Settlements, etc have a pulse in the on goings in the monetary reforms and digital transformation that Iraq is presenting to the world now..(post 1 of 2).. *** MilitiaMan It is very clear they are gearing to interlink globally via land, sea and air...All borders, ports and airports will have codes for all goods. A requirement for Article 8 and or WTO ascension. imo ~ They are obviously educating everyone in the matter. The most important at this level are the those 200 banks, as they clear money globally... They all have a need to know and at the same time. They got the message...This is very very very exciting times imo.!..(post 2 of 2).. *** Frank26 We're looking for, what we call 'chatter' from the CBI and the GOI...It's not hard for the IQD to de-peg from the American dollar because the IQD's assets and natural resources simply embarrass the American dollar... *** Mnt Goat Article: "THE GOVERNOR OF THE CENTRAL BANK DETERMINES THE STEPS FOR DEVELOPING THE FINANCIAL AND BANKING SECTOR" Quote: "He also urged banks to digitally transform the services provided by opening accounts remotely, and using applications such as mobile phone applications and internet banking services, in accordance with international best practices.” *** MilitiaMan Article: "THE ARAB MONETARY FUND (AMF) HOLDS A VIRTUAL WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS BUNA’S COMPLIANCE STANDARDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY CERTIFICATION" ...The country of Iraq is going smart tech now. Just as the borders are too. They are now already catching the pilfering of funds. That is not going to be allowed anymore. They are to nip that in the bud, pronto...They are going to the internet for international accounts. Article: "The International Islamic Bank launches a new service" They'll need imo an international rate when all is ready, set, go.. imo. That appears to be underway and on many levels. Even King Salman has granted license for ITB to open branches in the Kingdom...imo. That's all Folks - Blessings - Ron
  25. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Walkingstick & Frank26 *** It [the Iraqi dinar] is going to shoot up way past its REER...Supply and demand on the dinar is going to explode in a nuclear fashion that's why it's going to climb fast for the REER internationally. That's why I've told you you gotta know when to hold'm and when to fold'm. You've got to pay close attention. You should not run to the bank IMO. You should walk to it. Personally, I'm gonna sit back like a silver back gorilla. I'm gonna sit back on the biggest mountain I can and watch everybody. They'll be mistakes made and I'm going to learn from them... *** Petra *** Anchor in what you know. What do we absolutely know? 1. We know the budget was approved on 3-31-21. That's a fact. 2. We know that the new budget hasn't been entered in the gazette. 3. Has the rate change been shown on the CBI? No. 4. Are there billions on the sidelines...private investors and companies waiting to enter into Iraq? Yes. IMO the frustration of folks comes when trying to figure out a date. Can anyone influence the launch of the reforms or influence the date of the reinstatement in the public realm? No...They cannot survive at the current program rate. Nor will it come out at the program rate because the math just doesn't work. Anchor in what we do know - that they have told us it is coming. We just don't know when. Stay the course. Anchor in know that it is coming and relax. You're not going to miss it. *** Frank26 *** There's still one or two who still don't understand...Phase One: 1 to 1 rate - inside of Iraq & outside of Iraq. There's a date they've established when they want to come out with the one-to-one rate inside of Iraq and outside of Iraq. Phase Two: Okay we've raised the value to 1 to 1, citizens are now coming in to the banks in Iraq...that's the only way they're going to get the new small category notes...When I told you Phase One and Phase Two IMO are complete one or two said 'Where is it? I don't see it...You're lying Frank. You're misleading us.' ...Phase 1 & 2 IMO are complete...about to be's electronic. It's digital. That means you can't see it just yet. But you know you're gonna see it...(Post 1 of 2).. *** Frank26 *** Phase Three I told you it was going to be a float...the article...said yeah we're [CBI} going to float it. You can't float it domestically. No it'll be fixed. That's exactly what we told you. That's exactly what they said...the only reason you're going to float it outside is because you raise the value inside. Bam! ...why haven't you floated it in the last 17/18 years? Because we're at a program rate...Why are you telling everybody you're gonna float? Because we're article 8. We've raised the value of our currency. We're about to show it all...(Post 2 of 2).. *** Pimpy *** Article: "A Significant increase in dollar action sales to the Central Bank of Iraq" People always get these confused. They think they're selling dinar. That's not what's in the auctions. The US dollar is what they're selling. What's happening is they get paid all the time for the oil in the petrodollar - they're US dollars. They turn around and deposit into banks and the bank decide how many of them they want to keep... and they send over [the rest] to the CBI to auction off the money. So when you see them sending more and more U.S. dollars it means they have more and more confidence in their own currency. This is a good sign...we like to see it. Continue to sell the US dollars and strengthen your own currency... *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "ADJUSTMENT TO THE EXCHANGE RATE" Quote: "...which is likely to adopt the method of “managed float” in the next step in conjunction with the increase of central reserves,..." this...verifies everything I have been saying all along... I talked about first the project to delete the zeros accompanied with an in-country revaluation to around 1:1, then a reinstatement on a managed float, pegged to a basket of currencies. But first right now they have to increase the CBI reserves, as Dr Shabibi did and was then were ready to go in 2012. What was the reserves back then? In 2012 it was around 90 billion. Just recently al-Kazemi announced the reserves were around 60 billion. So we can see it might take another 2 years (as the CBI just predicted) to reach the goal needed to go to the next step.
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