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  1. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Parliament opens a "direct channel" with the government to amend the budget" Quote: “especially with regard to the chapters that result in deleting and increasing funds." Well deleting zeros is to increase funds is it not? ...IMO it is... *** Jeff they already did the first reading of the 2021 budget yesterday -Saturday... That's all for today folks ... not much out there ... RON
  2. Good Evening DV, here's an article & opinion that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RO *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Agenda for the parliament session next Monday" Quote: "The House of Representatives announced, on Saturday, the agenda for its session scheduled for .next Monday, at 3 pm The agenda included 9 paragraphs, including the completion of the second reading of the 2021 Budget Law" ...They told us they had 72 hours for to be ready for the second reading of the 2021 budget. Well they have sped that up to Monday, 24 hours. They need to do a positive change to the exchange rate at the same time of the HOR meeting or real close to it. ioo ... Looking very good, very! imo.
  3. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "AL-KAZEMI: STOP BIDS AT THE EXPENSE OF IRAQ " Quote: "THE YEAR 2021 IS THE YEAR (THE IRAQI ACHIEVEMENT). WE WILL ALL REACH THIS ACHIEVEMENT QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY, AND THE STATE WILL PREVAIL. IRAQ WILL TRIUMPH OVER ALL CHALLENGES." I have said this before that this is Iraqi’s last chance for the needed reforms. There will be no other opportunities. Heh, didn’t they tell us recently that they planned on a 5% GDP in 2021? That's all for today folks ... blessings ... RON
  4. Good Morning DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQI BANKS HAVE UNDERTAKEN REFORMS, COINCIDING WITH THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT’S MEASURES TO REFORM THE ECONOMY." Quotes: "The Central Bank of Iraq announced in a statement Dec. 19 the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar to 1,450 to help reduce the country’s fiscal deficit in the state budget for 2021 from 70 trillion to nearly 30 trillion dinars."; "Simultaneously, Iraqi banks have undertaken additional measures to optimize the Iraqi economy. In the past weeks, government banks intensified calls for citizens to deposit their money in their bank branches instead of hoarding it at home." it is in black and white in the news, in your face. It is what I have told you as to one of the reasons why the devaluation of the dinar. Do you believe me now what they are doing? *** Petra All accounts and all budgets since 2017 are now current. We're talking about the 2017 FML, 2020 budget. What's in the the 2020 budget? The new rate. That's why we're so excited. All these pieces and parts are coming together...this is all coming together to a point and there's much more coming... *** Walkingstick & Frank26 Respect the first 2 weeks of January in order to expect a second change in the rate of the Iraqi dinar. But this time it will be higher. Not lower...they have pumped up the dollar into the markets of Iraq while collecting as many 3-zero notes as possible during this 1450 rate. They kill 2 birds with one stone. They collected the 3-zeros and they invested internationally at a rate that was more advantageous to them. Brilliant...
  5. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy Article: "Central Bank: The launch of the "Buna" platform for intra-Arab payments". I'm gonna go ahead myself and make the assumption there's going to be a move to help strengthen the value of the Iraqi dinar. I like this when I saw this...Iraq is taking big steps to get back on track...This is good news...this is great news...I see they are going to include the dinar. This is what we want to see...this is a good step...a really good thing...Another major sign that the value of the dinar is going to go up... *** Frank26 [Q? : What do you mean they lowered the price of the Iraqi dinar?] Well they did. That's impossible, they said they were going to raise it. It's the China syndrome. China said the same thing back in 1995. 'We are not going to raise the value of our currency.' So did Kuwait. They said the same thing. But 3 days later China changed the value of their currency. They didn't want anyone to take advantage of them...The Iraqi dinar went down in value inside the country of Iraq...but now as of January 1st IMO they got a new rate...they are trying to tell you they don't have a program rate anymore...
  6. Good Morning DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** I know there were a fair amount of people that were hopeful that the rate would change December/January because they were under the impression that Iraq's fiscal year was started January 1st. We haven't seen the rate change yet...On December 20th they devalued the currency. If they had plans to change the rate in January, devaluing the currency at the end of December would not have served a purpose...the reason why they devalued the currency on December 20th was because they need 90 days to reduce the dinar note count and squeeze more dinar out of the citizens. They need 90 days to do that...Iraq's fiscal year starts April 1st (??? refuted)... *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE: RAISING THE PRICE OF THE DOLLAR WAS DIRECTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND AND THE WORLD BANK AND WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF POLITICAL BLOCS, NOT THE GOVERNMENT." the devaluation is a temporary solution, if you can even call it that. It will blow up in their faces, if they don’t now do the project to delete the zeros and reinstate. There is no turning back…
  7. Good Morning DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIST CALLS FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE THREE ZEROS FROM THE DINAR TO STRENGTHEN THE LOCAL CURRENCY" So we have been waiting for articles like this. Notice we have not see any “direct” article talking about this subject of “deleting the zeros” for a long time. Now they finally are telling us this may be a solution to getting out of the mess they are in. MilitiaMan They are now telling us...that they are de dollarizing and will be heading to use digital dollars in the future for tracking...Transparency. ...Well if we look at the Auctions lately and even today, proves they show us a massive change of late and that supports scarcity is upon Iraq now for the USD. imo. A necessity of the IMF on Iraq ...They will need to cease the use of the USD as we know it. The future will be very different and it will curb corruption.. So, be patient and hopeful as there is no need to be worried or upset for that the devalue sets the stage for a revalue.. imo... That's all for today folks ... Blessings ... RON
  8. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "An advisor in the central bank determines its orientations regarding the exchange rate and the possibility of changing it again" ...technically what they said [before] was they would only devalue the dinar one time not change the rate...I thought this devaluing of the dinar was only a short-term thing. It just didn't make sense to me especially since they had so much building to do and how it disproportionately affected the poor. So now it looks like there's already going to be pressure on them to go ahead and decrease the rate so the value goes back up for dinar holders... That's it for tonight ... Blessings ... RON
  9. Good Evening DV, here's an opinion & comment that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Article: "Parliament clarifies the fact that the government entered into negotiations with the International Monetary system to reduce the price of the dinar" ...Quite a few articles coming out telling us that Iraq wants to launch and boost their economy. They want to improve their exchange rate...this article is telling you that all of those statements talking about devaluing the Iraqi dinar are complete BS unless it is stated directly from or by the Central Bank of Iraq...they're telling you they do not have intention of devaluing their currency...
  10. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "Which is the savior of the Iraqi economy ... internal or external financial diversification?" More data to support they are gearing to go out to external markets with and international exchange rate. They are moving to an external debt source of financing in where it creates more investments and creates more jobs for SMEs. By doing so it will support the new market economy and with a better likelihood to be successful in doing so. Iraq has plenty of youths to fit the model.. imo This looks very good.. "Prices that return to normal?" Would that imply they are about ready to go back to the glory days? They say they are going to delete the three zeros from the exchange rate or at least change it during this fiscal year. They also tell us the Dinar is to converge with the Dollar, too. 1:1 in country. imo! *** Footforward [Q? : Is the HCL going to finally be implemented and made law!..] that and article 140 should go hand in hand. Not much today...!
  11. Good Afternoon DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN IRAQ AND THE "INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND" TO DETERMINE THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE DINAR" Will the IMF approve the reinstatement & float option suggested? This is what the IMF wanted all along. *** Footforward *** ...There needs to be a clear distinction between exchanging notes in Iraq and having a new rate. They can't have a new in country rate without it being international. They are trying to flush USD and 000 notes out.
  12. Good Evening DV, here's an opinion & comment that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "Clarification regarding the Central Banks decision to control the dollar exchange rate and the reasons for its recent jump" ...Notice that everyday more and more talk. It's not going out too much on a limb to say that it looks like Iraq between now and the end of the year plans on doing some type of rate change. What it is we don't know...We all know when for every dollar that we spend then we get back 1190 Iraqi dinars. That's how it's supposed to go. But there's been some changes happening on the open market over there within Iraq. They're saying it's mostly due to speculation of a rate change especially now that they're talking about it...
  13. Good Afternoon DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Walkingstick and *** Frank26 Iraq is a trading hub. It's a financial trading hub first and foremost. Do you understand why they need to raise the value? This is what Donald Trump wanted Iraq to do for the Middle East. And the Middle East all agreed....Iraq is going to be considered a full developing nation upon full membership of the WTO. Doors will be busted down. *** Jeff In the year 2020 Iraq got released from all the sanctions and naughty lists. At this time Iraq is no longer under any kind of restrictions or sanctions. They are free and clear. They've basically got the green light to change the rate. That's why at this time Iraq is putting out all these articles and putting an emphasis on the exchange rate... *** Frank26 Article: "Oil disturbs Iraq's 2021 budget: an expected update of the "dinar exchange rate" and amending the numbers to reduce the financial deficit!"'s an expected update to the dinar exchange rate. WHAT?!? Yeah, we amended the numbers of the financial deficit. WHAT?!? Oh my goodness! This is getting boring! ...this article is monstrous. This article is so powerful... *** Pimpy Another day - another day of rate change talk. It's still out there in the ether...the International community knows the potential of investing in Iraq. There are a lot of countries and I mean a lot that have already donate money and are looking into doing projects within Iraq. Iraq is like the gateway to the whole Middle East. *** Walkingstick and *** Frank26 Everybody knows. Kurdistan knows. The international world knows. Forex knows. WTO knows. The World Bank knows. The IMF knows. The United States treasury knows. The European Monetary Union knows. Everybody knows. More importantly the money exchangers around the wold, they know...It cannot be a secret because the citizens need to know and they are being told. They must know and understand very clearly...
  14. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Article: "Oil disturbs Iraq's 2021 budget: an expected update of the "dinar exchange are" and amending the numbers to reduce the financial deficit!" ...Oil prices are still going up... Quote: "the minister of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year." That's by the end of March... *** Petra *** The IMF did come out and say that they were discussing with the Finance Committee and the CBI...the rate of the dinar against the's very clear these events are happening for a reason, timing wise. And this event is truly a global's a very exciting time...the rate is right before us...
  15. Good Afternoon DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff This is very very important. Here's an older article September 6, 2012 "Delete the zeros must be at the beginning of a fiscal year" They can only delete their zeros (that means change the rate) at the beginning of a new fiscal budget's why...this is a different article from August 12, 2012 "Saleh drew the interest of the Exchange must be with the new fiscal year, the Iraq government's accounts cannot be registered in the same year, two forms of financial values" They cannot have 2 different exchange rates during the same fiscal year ...Iraq's fiscal year before they went under the Chapter 7 prior to 1990...was April through March...(post 1 of 2)... *** Jeff Iraq is pretty much now out of Chapter 7 sanctions...They got off the OFAC list and everybody else's naughty list...this article came out yesterday "Oil disturbs Iraq's 2021 budget: an expected update of the dinar exchange rate and amending the number to reduce the financial deficit!" There's only one thing...that needs and requires the exchange rate. It's a reform payment for the funding of the reforms...And we know they have to make that payment by the end of March...that means they also have to change the rate by the end of March... Quote "the ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year." You guys are in the best position that you've ever been. Iraq can now change the rate anytime between now and the end of March...(post 2 of 2)... *** MilitiaMan Article: "Oil "disturbs" Iraq's 2021 budget: an expected update of the "dinar exchange rate" and amending the numbers to "reduce the financial deficit!" Quote: "...with a special committee from the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year,..." ...Look who is showing up tomorrow to meet with some key players...The Ministry of Finance and the IMF are talking about a change is coming to IQD exchange rate... They are going to a market economy are they not? They are not going to devalue that is sure, imo. They are going to increase the value, imo by the deletion of the three zeros from the exchange rate. Hence, the need for the new small category notes the CBI spent tens of millions on...The broadcasting of the exchange rate to change speaks out oh so very loudly...Lets see what they do next...
  16. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Delta *** For the budget of 2021 ...there are negotiations between the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund regarding changing the exchange rate of the dollar, So that was one of the reasons for delay of the budget... new rate coming out ... IMO THEY ARE DONE *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "It will create thousands of jobs" .. Iraq aspires to be the "main stop" on the Silk Road" Quote: "... Iraq will be the "main station" in the international land and sea road project, the "Silk Road" linking the two continents of Asia and Europe ,..." What do you bet the ink will dry quickly on the port deals with the rate exposed? Imo it is a given...
  17. Good Morning DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 someone says to me 'Frank, if Biden is elected president this all goes down the toilet doesn't it?" As far as the Iraqi dinar monetary reform goes that belongs to Iraq and Iraq is a sovereign country. They can do what they want...Iraq is now going to be the central financial hub of the Middle East and all the middle eastern countries will support them in a basket... *** Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQI GOVERNMENT SETS NEW DATE FOR DEBATE ON 2021 BUDGET BILL" Quote: "He added that the government is continuing to hold elections on time." We need to all pray that the CBI moves ahead, as planned, to reinstate the dinar prior to elections in June. If not we could be waiting yet another year.
  18. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat - Article: "THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND INTENDS TO LEND IRAQ 7 BILLION DOLLARS"...we know Iraq does not have the funds to pay salaries beyond September. They are late already paying our November’s. Okay so why would the IMF all of sudden change its mind and decide to loan Iraq money? They just told us 6 months ago there was a moratorium on loaning any money to Iraq . So, what has changed? I will tell was the fact that Iraq presented the “white paper” and the second major reform on it is the project to delete the completing this project it leads to the reinstatement we are looking for. ...this article is yet another indication that the reinstatement is much sooner than later. *** Pimpy ...the deletion of the zeros what that means is devaluing the currency the Iraqi dinar. Which is not the same as deleting the zeros off the rate. That's different. I'm talking about deleting the zeros off the dinar. So what happens is 1000 dinar becomes 1 dinar...that doesn't help Iraq at all...There's a lot of back and forth about've got one person talking about they need to delete off the exchange rate, which we love and support that of course because that's good for us. But the deletion off the currency is not good...just be happy that they're talking about it...we want to see what they do not what they say...
  19. Good Morning DV, here's an opinion & comment by Petra that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Petra *** Article: "The Iraqi Central Bank and the Bank for International Settlements agree to increase investment opportunities" Quotes: "The Central Bank of Iraq held a remote meeting with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to discuss prospects for joint cooperation and investment mechanisms between the two parties."; "the two sides agreed on the contribution of the Bank for International Settlements to enhance the capabilities of the Central Bank of Iraq and increase investment opportunities in foreign reserves." Who better knows they are under Article 14 and cannot transact internationally...unless? So why make this commitment of investment? It's a rhetorical question! And yes, of course they would know about the rate change because they are the ones who will notify all the other CB's around the world when it is formally announced by the CBI. Somethings coming!!! Watch the CBI!!!
  20. Good Afternoon DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Footforward *** They need international investment. They need that for a revaluation to happen. The RV can't be sustained without international investment coming back into the country... *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Finance: the automation system will enhance the management of the financial position" ...They cannot go live with this automation without being article 8 compliant...The CBI is talking about major and influential reforms.. Well, imo being article 8 compliant to get hooked up with this new system with upwards of 80 - 90 countries and to be influential suggests that they are going to be serious and competitive in trade... IMO! They have no way to go but to go Article 8. They are in cooperation with the UN. They minister was given the go ahead to negotiate the contract. Well, he is not going to show up with out knowing what to fill in the spread sheet in (IQD= / $) with...So lets see what they do. My bet is there is no turning back now...imo. *** Mark *** ...the banks over there…bringing their staff up to speed for a change in value. I am told the plan is to change the value by an Revalue or reinstatement. After there is a change in value – then they redenominate…meaning they release their lower denomination bills...If they do a reinstatement my understanding is they go back to their original rate and figure in consumer pricing, and inflation…so I believe the old rate was $3.22. So adding in a bit more for inflation gives you a rough idea what the street rate will be.
  21. Good Afternoon DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Iraq can only change their rate over a weekend. Not on weekdays. Iraq will only change their rate on what is their Sunday morning. I'm not saying this Sunday morning I'm saying on a random Sunday morning... *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "A NEW REFORM PAPER FROM PARLIAMENT...TO BE COMBINED WITH THE WHITE PAPER" Quote: "The circumstances of the financial crisis and the collapse of oil prices in global markets and the repercussions of the Corona virus pandemic prompted Mustafa Al-Kazemi's government to review the financial policy in Iraq in order to overcome the financial distress threatening the Iraqi economy." ... Iraq has had plenty of opportunity to reform their economy way before the corona virus and a drop in oil prices stuck. The heart of the problem is corruption. I will say it again – Iraq will not revise their economy unless they address the corruption and all those involved... That's it for today folks ... Be Blessed..! RON
  22. Good Evening DV, here's a few opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "ASIA TIMES: ASIA-PACIFIC COUNTRIES SIGN WORLD'S LARGEST TRADE PACT ... INCLUDING VIETNAM, INDONESIA " Vietnam is getting into the same situation as Iraq . Unless they release a rate it will be hard to do business in Vietnam with all these zeros. This is one to watch. I have proof that the Dong was scheduled to revalue way back in 2011 and was held up due to money laundering for China . But that was 9 years ago. It is way overdue to revalue.
  23. Good Evening DV, here's an opinion & comment that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** JJimmyJJ *** Article: "Details of the financial deficit financing law in Iraq" IMO, everything is now done, and they got it [borrowing law] done in time for the GOI and CBI to roll it out before the end of the month (hopefully this weekend(!)...). The important thing, I think, is that it is done and the fab 4 are happy, that there is a sense of urgency sufficiently strong to get them to do something unprecedented, and that now the announcement can be made per their schedule. This is a glorious day!
  24. Good Evening DV, here's an opinion & comment that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Delta *** Article: "Iran begins deleting zeros from its currency and a new banknote" [Q? : Delta, Could you clarify what significance this article has on our investment.] TIMING...SOME COUNTRIES WILL DEVALUE SOME WILL RV...IMOO.
  25. Good Morning DV, here's an opinion & comment that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Article: "With a value of 21 trillion dinars to pay salaries and early date for the passage of the borrowing law" the borrowing law is the last thing we're waiting for for them to change the rate. They can change the rate anytime after they complete this borrowing law...they're tentatively telling us they want to do the second reading on Thursday. Article "Prime Minister Spokesman: To vote on the borrowing law next Thursday" that's this Thursday...there are two articles suggesting to us they're trying to do the second reading this Thursday...after they do the second reading this week we're looking for the 3rd and final reading of the borrowing law on Saturday November 21st and then they can change the rate anytime after that.
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