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  1. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Dinar Community Update *** Frank26 is undergoing emergency surgery Thursday morning. He has been struggling with health issues yet continues to keep the community updated with his intel and analysis. He's a real trooper. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he undergoes and recovers from this operation. *** Breitling Iraq is going to benefit from this [Russian situation] in more ways than one. We are going to cut Russian oil off and these countries that were buying oil are going to spool up. They are going to be making even more money. *** Godlover What has been worrying me for a while is, yes they have been talking about the exchange rate a lot, only they are talking about the previous rate. The Kurds, oil & gas law & maybe one or two other issues I see needs to be resolved...I am just not seeing anything clear cut for what we seek, it is the opposite. Furthermore the government formation which is needed, is still going to take some time. As I had stated prior many times, the WP is not only economic reforms, but government reforms & the later comes first. I had hoped government reforms aka new government seatings would happen quickly, but reality is setting in. *** Pimpy Community comment: "I think they will change the rate because they want to. I'm very practical." I don't think they can just change it just because they want to. There's a lot of other factors involved. So be a lot more practical...I don't think there's an issue at the moment other than the fact that it appears that Al-Kazemi's administration wanted to make absolutely sure that they fixed the wrongs of the past and get Iraq back on track... *** BobTheTaxMan ...It's getting closer not getting farther away. When we take a look at oil prices...and when we take a look at the fact that Kuwait has been paid off, when we take a look at that now the competition that we were having inside of Iraq for, 'Gee, do we lean toward Russia? Lean toward China? Lean toward the U.S.?' Well duh! That's taken care of. Everything is aligning itself to the point to yes things are moving forward... *** Samson Article: "Al-Halbousi announces the date of the presidential election session" Quote: “It was decided to set Saturday, March 26, as the date for the parliament session to elect the president of the republic.”
  2. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "THE MONETARY IMPACT OF THE DOLLAR SALE WINDOW" What they are essentially saying here is that you can’t just abolish the currency window (currency auctions) without looking at the full impact as to why they exist in the first place. So, as I have been saying, they can’t just stop the auctions without replacing them with the reinstatement, thus using the dinar and not the dollar for trade. But to do this must create a demand for the dinar.
  3. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Everyone in the political arena of Iraq wants this to happen. Everyone knows that it's happening..! *** Mark They are planning on seating their gov. on the 26th…and seem very confident they will do so on the 26th. ...a slow day in the RV world....Hopefully the quiet before the storm. ...I do not know the timing…I do know it’s a “when” and now an “if”... *** Sandy Ingram New York Times Article: "Iraqi minister says high oil prices, if they last, could speed the shift to E.V.s" As investors you want to be aware of shifts and trends that could become commonplace...those flip-flopping short-wearing genius geeks in Silicon Valley have been working on a way to eliminate dependency on foreign oil. Iraq sees the shift coming...this is brewing in the background... *** Breitling [Q? : Russia...what's that have to do with Iraq? ] Iraq is kinda in the middle of it. They don't want to do business with one side or the other. They want to do business with both sides. They don't want to offend one side or the other. But that's over with. They want west. They want the U.S. dollar...they want to be able to do business with countries attached to the dollar. They don't want to do business with counties attached to the Russian Ruble...that's an easy choice for Iraq.
  4. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy I know you guys are waiting for the big payday and I told you IMO I thought it was gonna get there but just not overnight. I doesn't mean I'm right. It doesn't mean I'm wrong. I'm just saying you're gonna see it go up in increments. How much? I don't know. But Sadr is pretty serious about dealing with this exchange rate issue... *** MilitiaMan Article: "Al-Faw port .. Funding is enough for September and a government step to overcome the budget delay" The mention of the a difference in exchange rates is very interesting...The budget is in Dinars but the contract is in Dollars. The large difference in amounts after changing the exchange rate between each other is by recalculating costs. So they have a new system in place to account for the differences...if there are any delays, then they are all set with the new system to take over. ...The new system when the rate changes...will calculate the differences in the exchange rates. Sounds like they have it set up for a seamless change over. All good to go imo... *** Samson Article: "The Federal Court postpones the lawsuit to raise the price of the dollar to 4/4" *** Godlover ...There are still many unresolved issues...I do not believe the NSCN's [New Small Category Notes] have been printed yet per a recent article & I do not believe the NSCN training has happened yet. *** Sandy Ingram There may never be a so-called revalue only a substantial increase in the IQD value against the U.S. dollar. *** Breitling It's always about what markets are they [Iraq] going to be involved with. Always. Once they add value to the Iraqi dinar how can they participate in those markets? Who's going to be able to accept it? That's why you're watching Iraq go through all these banking laws - setting it up so it complies with the west...they're restricted on what they can buy...They're still going to sell oil in U.S. dollars but they're going to back their own currency up with U.S. dollars and their currency will be unrestricted..[Post 1 of 2]. *** Breitling Believe it or not what you're seeing with Ukraine is helping that. The United States is more inclined to have Iraq comply. Do you know why? Because right now there is a competition...The west is trying to confirm who is with us. Iraq wants to be part of the American western system. End of story. Any country that says they want to be part of the Russian system is because Russian has their proxies in power in those countries..[Post 2 of 2]. *** Pimpy Community Sentiment: "It was so easy to devalue, why can't they just revalue?" It's not 'revaluing' we're looking for. I think what everybody's really wanting is the reinstatement of the old rate of $3.22. There's a difference between a revaluation and a reinstatement...I'd rather them take their time and do it 100% the right way so that it doesn't fall back down... *** MilitiaMan At some point Iraq may be in the AMF basket of currencies (Arab Monetary Fund)...the AMFs way of calculating the exchange rate...shows me that there is a strong probability that the IQD will be strong in pricing going forward. The fact they have massive oil deposits, massive Sulphur deposits, massive of revenues to come from customs, fees, taxes, tariffs, tourism, etc., will support the valuation the IQD far better today, then the past 10-15 years... *** MilitiaMan ...their efforts are about to be given to the citizens proportionately. The pressure has been mounting and I bet the GOI is feeling the heat on many front. Lets see how the handle the new GOI. Will it be seated in the coming days? We shall see...
  5. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy Community Comment: "The RV is a hoax." Here's the thing when people say the RV is a hoax, the comment itself doesn't make sense. You have to explain why it is that you think it's a hoax because the RV is not a hoax. We actually saw an RV take place in December of 2020. They RV'ed the dinar. They went ahead and depreciated you can't say the RV is a hoax. The RV happens. Also, remember you hold the currency of a nation..! RON *** Mark ...Article from Iraq: “The federal court postpones the lawsuit to raise the price of the dollar until 4/4” I am being told by my sources that this was postponed on purpose because they expect the RV to have been completed, small denomination bills released and everything done…by April 4th. Thus negating the need for it. That is what I am hearing...I am feeling pretty confident..! *** Godlover The articles speaking of the exchange rate appear to be talking of the previous rate. It's a concern because the oil & gas law is an ongoing issue that I feel needs resolved prior to what we all seek. I am not sure where we stand on the investment law, I am pretty sure this still needs to be resolved. Per articles the NSCN's need to be printed, if this is the case, which I think is likely, then that will be another lengthy process... *** Clare [Response to Godlover 3-15-2022 post above] NSCN'S ARE ALREADY PRINTED & WAITING LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE... TO BE REVEALED AT THE PROPER TIME...WS [Guru Walkingstick] TOLD US THAT THE TRAINING WAS ALL FINISHED PERIOD. THERE IS A LOT THAT GOES ON BEHIND THE SCENES THAT WE ARE NOT PRIVIY TO. NOT ONE OF US IMO.
  6. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 The key in the monetary reform right now, what matters most in the next step of the monetary reform is the face value of the Iraqi dinar versus the American 'worthless' dollar. It is par value that the CBI seeks. The par value is the purchasing value for the citizens themselves. It is also the face value that also Kazemi and Mustafa seek because that is a 1 to 1 with the Iraqi Dinar being on par with the American dollar. *** Mark It looks like they are not going to seat the new government of Iraq until the 20th now. They are also coming out with confusing articles. The confusing articles are exactly like what we saw in Kuwait before they RV’d... *** Petra Article: "Iraq invites French companies to implement projects in Baghdad" Myriads of countries have "aligned" themselves with business opportunities in Iraq...yet, to my knowledge, nobody is jumping in with both feet...Why? Because Iraq...have not made the establish full Article 8 compliance. Yes, they are using Article 8 tools, but until they formally adopt full and final efforts in being Article 8 all such discussions are cordial and friendly but no money is being ingested into the country. [Post 1 of 2]. *** Petra Because, Freedom of Capital Movement comes with full compliance and the currency, whether NEER or REER has yet to be established closing the loop on Full Article 8 compliance! Who would invest funds knowing they could "disappear"... NOBODY..! So, Iraq, all the discussions are great, but...until investors and secondary market players KNOW their money is going exactly where it was intended and IMF protocols are followed to the law..! Get your house in order and the countries you have met with will return....with the checkbook..!! [Post 2 of 2].
  7. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Good News! The International Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has taken the (grey) list for money laundering... So, this news today is yet another sign the window to financial freedom is close. Yes, we already witnessed the end to UN Chapter VII sanctions just recently and wait to hear now about the U.S. Treasury OFAC sanctions being lifted... *** Mark They did not choose the new President in Iraq yesterday…they are hoping to choose one in the next session. Which may be Monday of next week...Also I hear the Finance Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank needs to meet with parliament before the next session… *** Samson Article: "The Federal Court postpones hearing the lawsuit to restore the dollar exchange rate to its predecessor until next Monday”
  8. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sandy Ingram During the crisis in the Ukraine the Iraqi dinar is holding steady...what many people believe is one day we will wake up and the IQD will be worth a lot more against the US dollar. This belief is supported by the fact that Iraq may not be interested in joining the world financial platforms but appears from their actions to be very interested in raising the value of their currency... *** Godlover Question: "Barrel of oil surging. 130 in US & Europe. Is there a magical number we’re waiting for?" The magical number is…when they are ready & not before. *** MilitiaMan Article: "Kurdistan decides to reorganize fees and taxes and activate the electronic revenue system" This article imo is a doozy. It is telling me they are now ready to trade outside the borders...This all bodes very well for our study. The outcome is likely to be very promising and quickly now...I have always made the claim that, “the longer they take the more money we make.” With oil now $125+- at barrel, secures that. imo Lets see how they work this out.. They are working it out!!! The automation is proof they are!!!. imo.
  9. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy Article: "Fitch Affirms Iraq at 'B-'; Outlook Stable" Since 2015 they keep slowly but surely devaluing the currency. I bring this up for a reason. Understand Iraq today in 2022 is nothing like Iraq even from 2020. It has come a long ways. There is plenty of reason to feel so optimistic about the dinar investment. *** RVAlready I don’t think the CBI will agree to change the rate until the government is seated. Hopefully, they will install the president by next Friday. *** Kaperoni The Dinar Community perception - "the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar is currently a fake and suppressed value." This is a misrepresentation of the IMF directives...Again not true and just nonsense. The exchange rate is the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar it is not fake or a suppressed value. Over the years the IMF has created programs hence the term 'program' to stabilize the currency, cut costs, meet directives etc. By no means is the exchange rate of the dinar artificial...True, but it is greatly undervalued..RON *** MilitiaMan the CBI, they have the exchange rate in their court. Not the GOI / Finance Minister, his tasks are important, just different from the CBI...They are independent from each other. As for the political side of things, they will eventually come around. They may even come around at the same time. I know there is a view that they need to be first, but, the way I read it and from the expert on the CBI has it that the exchange rate is in their court…They devalued before and they can revalue in the future...
  10. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "ZAIN CASH ANNOUNCES THE PROVISION OF MONEY TRANSFER SERVICES TO MORE THAN 200 COUNTRIES SOON" So now they can freely move and transfer money around the world? Yet still have not reinstated the dinar? What has changed? What has changed is they are now completely out of Chapter VII. How could they then reinstate the dinar before now? The answer is they could not...Do you see how significant the completion of war reparations to Kuwait is for Iraq? WOW..! This county is going to now take-off...We know one of the next moves is to reinstate the dinar. It is coming shortly..!
  11. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Article: "Brent crude price exceeds $119 per barrel" Oil will reach $120 and then...$150 IS NEXT BY THE END OF THE MONTH ...This is all part of the float of the Iraqi dinar...IMO... *** Mark Still many articles coming out of Iraq talking about changing the value of the dinar…demanding a return of the exchange rate. 2 or 3 days ago Parliament gave the finance minister 1 week to get it done…so the CBI is being leaned on right now. *** Pimpy Based on my research and using a little bit of critical thinking - common sense kicks in, it tells me I don't think Iraq's in any position to do a 100% reinstatement. I think most likely it'll go up in increments. But also I've noticed in articles recently that the language that they're using and the fuss that they're making it really does give a slight impression that they're at least talking about the reinstatement. The truth of the matter is we don't know until they actually do it.
  12. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Ministry of Oil: Revenues last February amounted to more than $8 billion" the average daily value was 3.3 million bpd while the average price per barrel was $92.08. Oil now stands at around $101.30 and is expected to increase even more... *** Pimpy Still they are talking about the change in the exchange rate...with all this chitter-chatter going on about the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, it's not just happening within Iraq, now the IMF is getting involved...the Central Bank of Iraq is actually taking into consideration a lot of input from the International Monetary Fund...IMO you can't really trust anything that the IMF and World Bank have to offer or suggest...
  13. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Did you see the article that says 'I'm am the Minister of Finance and no we're not going to give you the new exchange rate. We're not going to give you the new exchange rate' Which causes a lot of people to say 'What!?!' What the Minister of Finance, what Kazemi is saying to the citizens of Iraq...'Hey, sit your government down.' Eventually the government will be seated. When that happens look out. *** Samson Article: "During The Hosting Session.. The State Of Law Demands The Return Of The Dollar Price To Its Previous Era" Quote: “It has become imperative for the government and the Ministry of Finance to return the exchange rate to its normal position, especially since the financial crisis has ended and the financial situation has improved, especially after the rise in oil selling prices.” Happy March 1st DV..!
  14. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Kazimi told us we're going to have a new exchange rate as soon as you seat our government. Where's our government? ...the citizens...peacefully get the message to parliament, sit the government down. Unfortunately in the Middle East it takes a long time to do anything. I don't know why... *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Iraq aims to shift investment priority from oil to gas sector, minister says" This has quietly been sitting at the bottom of the news feed for a little over two weeks. Iraq is taking to heart the recommendations to diversify the country's industry income...natural looks like Iraq's decision over two and a half weeks ago to start exporting gas is right on time..!
  15. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy The only thing that matters is that Iraq out of Chapter VII. Period. Restrictions are lifted. They're looking forward to joining the rest of the international community and working together and strengthening their economy. A strong economy means what? A strong dinar. A strong dinar means what? A valuable dinar. A valuable dinar means what? A better exchange rate... *** Mark Article: “Blackshart: The political parties must show a spirit of partnership and highlight the entitlement of the Iraqi People” There is a lot of pressure going on with the minister of finance... ”The white papers and its projects represent the main pillar of economic reform in Iraq” These stories are coming out today. The Iraqi parliament and banks are concerned that this world wide event may get lost in the shuffle and they are ready to move on with the reforms and to raise the value. The UN Security Council published papers releasing Iraq from all chapter 7 sanctions…. With this we are minutes..days close to reforms happening…
  16. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Samson Article: "Kuwait congratulates Iraq on its exit from Chapter VII procedures" Kuwait's speech Quote: "We welcome the termination of the mandate of the United Nations Compensation Committee over Iraqi funds, and we also congratulate brotherly Iraq on its commitment to implementing decisions The United Nations and his exit from Chapter VII and the end of the compensation file. He added, Iraq’s fulfillment of its international obligations represents a starting point,” stressing that “we will spare no effort to support Iraq’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.” *** Frank26 [ Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV Report ] FIREFLY: The citizens are fed up and we want to go back to the 2003 rate...citizens are tired of suffering. CBI better do something. Citizens are complaining. FRANK: That's very good - Your voice and you're doing it peacefully...keep it loud and peaceful... FIREFLY: They're protesting in the square and they're calling for the CBI to make changes.
  17. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy We know there's a lot of chatter going on. We're monitoring it. We're paying attention. I still think it's just going to go up in increments. There's a lot of meetings going on. Parliament is meeting. We're still waiting to form the new government. It's kind of hard to get anything taken care of when there's so many delays in there without a new government...But there definitely is a lot of talk about a rate change...there's definitely something that's going to happen in 2022. Will it be an RI or an RV? It's very possible...IMO it's gonna happen in increments...let's keep an eye on it and see what happens. *** NORV [aka Kaperoni] Article quotes: "the economic expert, Sabah Alo, called on the government to take a decision to float the Iraqi dinar, similar to the Egyptian experience of floating the pound."; "It is better that a decision be taken to float the Iraqi dinar and stop selling the currency at auction and the Central Bank of Iraq,"; "The core issue to support the dinar is the presence of local productivity" The dinar...may go up in value, but it will never significantly overnight RV.
  18. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Sandy Ingram Article: "Iraq's Supreme Court Rules Against KRG oil Independence" The FSC (Federal Supreme Court) surprised everyone last week by giving 4 major verdicts on long-standing legal disputes between Baghdad and Erbil...ruled that Kurdistan regional government's independent oil sector is unconstitutional...[NOTE: This impacts the HCL] ** Mnt Goat We...witnessed in this news period that the House of Representatives set a date for a meeting with the Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank in order to discuss the dollar exchange rate. Yes, exchange rate...It’s all now about the exchange rate...the Minister of Finance did not show for the scheduled meeting. His meeting was rescheduled for a later date this week. ** Kaperoni The central bank governor made it clear this weekend they are in charge of monetary policy and the dinar exchange rate, not politicians or political blocs...What is so amazing is how Iraq in so many ways tries to take shortcuts. And in this case, many just want to raise the value of the dinar. It doesn't work that way! If all these political figures want the dinar value to increase, they should work together to create and pass laws to encourage investment, encourage diversification and local production. Then, when they succeed the CBI will have no choice but to raise the value as a result.
  19. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy *** There are tons and tons of articles...about the exchange rate. They want accountability. They want to know what's going on. They want to know why it is that oil prices have been shooting up but the dinar rate still stays the same...we know the budget hasn't been voted on yet so who knows maybe they will make a change to the rate in there... *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "IRAQ’S FOREIGN RESERVES ARE A TREASURE IN A RUINED HOUSE" Ok, so we finally get the truth. This is translated to USD $91 billion. Didn’t the fake Iraqi news media just tell us was only USD $64 billion? ...I told everyone many times this was much, much higher and they were not giving us the correct information. But now the truth is out...
  20. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sheila History of currency revaluations - up and down - are documented, especially war-based currency history. Iraqi Dinar is just one of the latest in the historical stories to be written. It's not "if", it's "when" and "how much". *** Jeff The Central Bank is telling us at this time especially through the fact that they're working on doing a three-year budget, the reforms, everything else that they are on track to revalue the currency. We do know they have to form the government first... ** Mark Ideally they've said in the past that they wanted to do this on a 3 day weekend…and we now have a 3 day weekend with Presidents day Who's 3-day weekend, Ours or Theirs???…My Iraqi contacts are still looking at the 22nd. ??? They have been looking at this date for some time now. And Kazemi in articles is talking about how they need to reinstate their rate…it’s hurting the poor. This article was yesterday in Baghdad news…very positive. *** Nader From The Mid East Yesterday afternoon the parliament had a meeting with the CBI. They're gonna ask him maybe to change the rate. I don't know what's gonna happen but something is gonna happen. Sadr's been pushing so we'll see what's going on...everyone is expecting something to happen this month. We don't know the date exactly. It can be can be next month...[Post 1 of 2] *** Nader From The Mid East Here's what the CEO of the CBI said. He said if they put the price up on the dinar it's going to hurt the economy. It's going to effect the money box of the state of Iraq which I think they're talking about a reserve. He said it's not going to be easy to change the exchange rate but the parliament invite them immediately Saturday morning. You have to be here with your partners, CEO director, manager, supervisor everybody's going to be in the parliament. We don't know what's going on. We hope something is going to happen...[Post 2 of 2] *** Fleming ...The Iraq Government, along with Iraq’s Central Bank, are under huge pressure to get this RV done right now. Not right now, but RIGHT NOW..! The reasons are absolute and can’t be changed, delayed, or put on hold. There’s no stopping this jet train which has left the station running at Quantum Speed... *** Frank26 Article: "After al-Sadr’s tweet, the Iraqi parliament summons the Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank" Quote: "Al-Sadr had presented, earlier today, six proposals regarding the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, including summoning the Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, and the governor of the Central Bank, Mustafa Ghaleb, immediately" Immediately! Quote: "Al-Sadr urged “to organize the Iraqi currency market centrally and in a correct manner, by enacting some laws that increase the value of the dinar exchange rate."
  21. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "AFTER PAYING ALL COMPENSATION TO KUWAIT… HAS THE IRAQI ECONOMY BEEN LIBERATED?" ...removal from Chapter VII and movement to operating under Chapter VI will change the economy of Iraq...Operating under Chapter VI of the Charter will liberate the Iraqi banking system and integrate it with the global banking system, something that could not have fully happened while under Chapter VII..[post 1 of 2]. *** Mnt Goat ...prior to this release any financial returns in hard currency (oil revenues) did not go directly to Iraq, but through the United States Federal Bank. So, in the future, oil revenues will go directly to Iraqi Central Bank (CBI)...Do you see where this is going? On Feb 9 in a UN council meeting, it was decided that the UN would release Iraq from all Chapter VII sanctions on Feb 22. In this case the US Treasury OFAC sanctions should also be released as well as any sanctions by the EU.. [post 2 of 2].
  22. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy *** There's a lot of outrageous claims coming out about the rate. I'm hearing anything from...$3.22 to as high as $11 frpm idiot gurus. Come on you guys they can't do that. You gotta think about how many dinars are in circulation and multiply it by that number. Do you think Iraq has that kind of money laying around..? They don't. There's no $11. There's no... $9.26. I don't know how these guys came up with such an oddball number...stay grounded and take everything with a grain of salt... *** Frank26 *** Article: "Al-Hilali: Parliamentary movement to return the exchange rate to its previous era“ IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO TAKE CREDIT PARLIAMENT...It's the CBI..!
  23. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Clare Article: "U.N. Security Council Votes to Remove Iraq from Chapter VII Sanctions" Quote: "The 15-member United Nations Security Council unanimously agreed on June 27, 2013 to remove Iraq from Chapter VII sanctions" IMO THIS IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DISSOLUTION OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE PAYMENTS BECAUSE PAYMENTS ARE DONE! … LIKE THE ARTICLE HAS SAID … THAT IS DIRECTLY FROM THEM… THE DETAILS SURROUNDING ALL OF IRAQ’S FILES WITH THE UN – NONE OF US REALLY KNOW…YES…. WHAT HAPPENS ON 2/22/22 REMAINS TO BE SEEN...IT IS AN INTERESTING DATE FOR SURE! *** Godlover Community Comment: "Has anyone thought about the possibility that the expression “previous era” is just a translation thing..that adheres more to the 2020 rate?" Well, certainly to me it is looking as though that is probably going to be the case imo...My views would be a little different if there was any evidence on the NSCN’s &/or training, but there just isn’t any to date... *** RVAlready One thing to remember in these crazy revaluation stories: The Iraq public have been shown the new lower denomination notes. In order for those notes to be effective, the CBI must reduce the exchange rate to less than 10 to 1.
  24. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat ...Article: from November 2021..WOW! "BASRA UNIVERSITY ORGANIZES A PANEL DISCUSSION ON THE PROJECT TO REMOVE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI CURRENCY" ...this article definitively tells us that the project to delete the zeros is linked to a revaluation and the reinstatement of the can’t do one without the other. But why would they be discussing this topic if they were not serious about taking some sort of action to bring back the dinar to a higher value and get off the program rate. This is a recent article only going back to Nov of last year...these articles they tell us when they say” bring back the rate of the dinar to its previous rate”, this is what they mean- to get off the artificial, suppressed rate and give the true rate to reflect the true value.
  25. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Iraq is actually stealing money from itself right now. I'm not going to say that it's Kazimi the prime minister and I'm not going to say it's Mustafa [CBI governor]. What it is it's parliament...What are the three things we need - three presidents, one prime minister and the laws to activate the budget. Where is it? Why are these people being so idiotic? Because they don't want to lose power... *** Mnt Goat Article: "The financial advisor talks to “Nas” about the imminent end of the “Chapter Seven” era" When Chapter VII is "finally" closed, the US Treasury will have to lift OFAC sanctions off the Iraqi dinar. We know it and the banks know its coming. We all know what this means... Iraq will be free to reinstate the dinar back on to FOREX. Iraq will no longer need the permission of the IMF and the World Bank to reinstate... Yes, they may want their advice and blessing. Then we go to the bank…
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