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  1. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "It will continue for five years and 600 pending procedures. Allawi reveals the second part of the white paper" This is the one article that people are a little bit confused about...for some reason people are thinking that the exchange rate is gonna stay the same for that long and nowhere in here does it say that it's gonna take five years before they change the rate. That's all for today folks ... Blessings ... RON
  2. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article Quotes: "Iraq is implementing its reform plans towards fiscal and monetary policy."; "his governor participated, as a representative of Iraq, in the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund." Sounds good to me...But, we knew this already...They have been working to complete now for a long time and have finally got where we need to be...or where they are to be...Just like we have been told that they are having meetings and they are on going... Well now it is show time... imo... *** Mark *** The budget was passed …a specific new rate was not given but there are a lot of key contracts that require larger rates, and they did peg their oil in the budget at $44. This appears to have been the final hurdle as we move forward to allow Iraq currency to float and change. *** Breitling *** You need to be prepared. Taxes are going to go up. They're about to skyrocket. It's everybody who has made $200,000 on up. Most of you are going to cover that when the dinar revalues. [Note: Taxes are important. Be sure to consult your tax professional at the appropriate time to build a tax strategy specific to your families unique circumstances.]
  3. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Article: "Parliament welcomes Al-Kazemi's tour to Saudi Arabia and the Emirates: Iraq will return to its leadership role" Kazemi is meeting with many different countries. They're working towards achieving their economic independence and economic stability. They're showing you right now they technically don't have economic independence or stability at this time because they're actually putting that together right now...drafting bilateral trade agreements... *** Pimpy *** Question: [How long would it take for international banks to reinstate out of country?] What do you mean by 'out of country'? There is no 'out of country' or 'in of country'. When they redo the rate it's all at the same time...
  4. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Zain Cash launches a service to invite friends to register the permanent wallet" Quote: "One of its main services is the World Card MasterCard which operates in two currencies, a dinar and a dollar," This looks to be more out that supports they are going international. Operating in two currencies is an indicator of just that. Pairing with the dollar is an international action. imo...Get ready, they are getting ready too... imo. *** Footforward ***...The rate has to be above $3.50 in my opinion and they won't out it out publicly into a budget unless the RV has actually already happened. That is not financial or investment advice. But I've been very consistent on the rate of the dinar for over 4 years now...There must be a really good reason beyond any stubbornness anyone could say I have. We'd all like his value estimate to be correct...but we are dealing with Iraq...! RON
  5. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "We will oblige the government to restore the exchange rate of the dollar to what it was previously" What do they mean "previously"? Did they mean previously to the $3.22 rate? There's a lot of that chatter going on - Or to the one I was talking about before which is 1190 opinion it would be back to where it was before which is one dollar for every 1190 dinars. That's just my opinion. Could they be talking about the rate that it used to be at $3.22? People are trying to figure out what this really means...
  6. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Frank26 *** No body knows when this is going to happen. It looks like it's here doesn't it? I will admit this is the closest I've ever seen it...the new small category notes IMO are coming out very soon at a 1 to 1 rate...didn't I say to you you'd see a plethora, a mountain, a pile, a cornucopia of nothing but articles about the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the American dollar... 3-25-2021 *** Jeff *** Article: "Legal expert: Parliament legislation is not binding on the central bank" Parliament cannot do anything with the exchange rate. Decisions on the exchange rate can only be made and decided by the central bank...
  7. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Breitling *** Where does my math come from? My math comes from calculating on their debt plus 4% GDP growth. In other words they get rid of their debt and they have enough money to get their economy running and encourage a 4% in GDP growth. That's where I get around a 56 cents range...Iraq says 1 to 1. I say it's going to be a slow growth from around .56 cents on up. That's just my opinion. That's just based on the math...It's not going to do them any good coming in at .10 cents, and if they do it won't be for very long. They need to go higher... *** Pimpy *** I know you guys hearing all kinds of rumors out there that in country they're already exchanging at 1 to 1. That's not true. There's no evidence of that whatsoever... *** Frank26 *** Article: "The Central Bank adds a new feature to the Iraqi banknotes" Quote: "the Central Bank of Iraq announced on Monday, that it has added a feature to protect banknotes from bacteria and viruses to the national currency" If you go to the CBI website you will be able to see when they last printed currency. It was in 2018. It's the 250's the 500's that they are going to be including with the new small category notes...the coronavirus came out in 2020 but...they haven't printed any new currency since 2018...something doesn't sound right...this is a marketing ploy...bring me your infected 3-zero notes...says the CBI...We want to protect you...I will give you brand new small category notes with a new value to it against the American dollar...We believe this is a propaganda ploy to bring in as many zeros as possible. I'm impressed with this tactic... *** Mark *** The Iraqi budget vote is still slated for Saturday at 1 pm Iraq time…which we think should give us our new value. On April first most of their government has agreed to a 40-60% decrease in pay of the number of dinar they will get…So it will have to have a higher value to justify this…it doesn’t make sense…it doesn’t jive…they have to many responsibilities that will require that higher value...i don’t believe they can kick that can any further. We will see. *** Jeff *** This weekend nor the month of April Iraq isn't going to do anything with the budget. They can't. Iraq's not going to do anything with the exchange rate because it's the Central Bank that calls the shots. They're the ones that are in charge of the monetary system. They're autonomous from the government. They're not going to adjust the rate at this time. The rate is going to remain where it's going to stay because the central bank is using it as a tool to remove 3 zero notes out of circulation up until the point the rate changes.
  8. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Sheila *** Article: "Al-Saffar: Political disputes have delayed approving the budget" My opinion is the budget is done - everything is done. All these articles are just theater... pushing for time until they get the "good to go". *** Pimpy *** There is a political block...that is refusing to vote. They're boycotting unless the rate change is in there [The 2021 budget]. But what they're demanding is it be restored to...1190 for one dollar. Some people thought that meant they would go back to the old rate. I would love it if they did that. Could they still do that? Yes. They might. But there is no indication that they will. Would they announce it? No. When Kuwait did their the news they told everybody that it wasn't gonna happen for a while, then they turned around they did it the next day or the day after. Anything is possible but first and foremost we definitely got to make sure...what's going on in Erbil/Baghdad get their things ironed out so we can get this budget they're postponing the vote for one week...
  9. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Article: "Kurdish Parliament: A new round of talks for the Kurdish delegation in Baghdad next week" For the rate change to even happen, at a minimum, Kurdistan and Baghdad have to reach full an agreements on the budget. *** Mark *** [Q? : Are they preparing?] Absolutely. We had expected the budget to pass this weekend…it did not…they shelved the final vote until Mar 27 at 1 pm their time. There was huge progress made…I've heard a couple different reasons why that vote was delayed until the 27th…but who really knows the truth..!
  10. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** There's some things people are getting overly excited about...the budget could it be getting voted on? That's the rumor. We'll see. Article: "Parliamentary Finance: The budget is ready for voting, with the exception of a paragraph related to the Kurdistan region" My understanding is that their constitutional law says they cannot pass a budget without the Kurdistan Regions part in there...Saturday were going to find out...They're talking about voting on the 21st. That's the rumor. We will see..(post 1 of 2).. *** Pimpy ***...Will they pass the budget this weekend? Many of us want to see the budget get passed so we can see if indeed there's any changes to the exchange rate. It's my feeling even if there is one it's not going to be like the one everybody anticipates. It's going to be most likely put back up to where it was before...1190 dinars for every dollar. I don't think you're going to see any major changes in the rate. No big announcements. Not at the moment..(Post 2 of 2).. *** Jeff *** Article: "Deputy: Agreement to pass the Federal Court law today and pass the budget Saturday" Pass the budget Saturday...4 weeks ago I told you you were not going to see the budget until Saturday the 20th. Boom! Nailed it! Budget Saturday because they don't want you to see it. Remember I told you they're going to change the rate roughly 24 hours later... Here's hoping they finally get it done ... keep praying .. RON
  11. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT: PARLIAMENTARY SIGNATURES SUBMITTED TO RESTORE THE DOLLAR’S EXCHANGE RATE." More pressure but many of these PM also want the project to delete the zeros and not just to go back to 1200 rate. They want at least a 1:1 and the lower denominations to come back. *** Pimpy *** Stay away from anybody that gives you a date, anybody who give you a rate. The best anybody could do is speculate. Some people take a more educated stab at that date and rate...some people are just farting in the wind hoping something sticks. Don't get caught up in that stuff. Stay grounded...does that mean that an RI or an RV won't be announced? I didn't say that. It could be announced any day. But there's no guarantees out that that day is going to be here any day soon. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY To Everyone @ Dinar Vets
  12. *** Jeff *** Article: "Al-Kazemi: We have succeeded in crossing the economic crisis and an international readiness to support Iraq in reform" Remember these reforms can only be launched and implemented after Iraq has changed their rate. That's why since last year they're still talking about reforms...anything that costs money within the reforms can only be launched and implemented after the rate change...That's why the bulk of the reform is still pending and outstanding because it's waiting on the rate change. That level of reforms requires Iraq's currency to be internationally recognized... *** Footforward *** [Q? : I believe you said in the past it has to come out min at 3.50$ right?] that is my opinion yes. *** Petra *** It's just mind boggling to think of every step, every person, every integration, electronic integration, everything that had to be done to bring us to this point has just been absolutely amazing...the infrastructure they've built is absolutely phenomenal...the great thing is this is going to take them to a whole new level which they can build their country to be a recognized entity in the international markets...
  13. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Walkingstick One of the many meetings going on is with the IMF at an executive level with the banks of Iraq on the subject of the new exchange rate and the new small category notes...they were presented multiple exchange rates...when they tell the citizens the new rate and they show them the new notes - it's the onset. 1. At the onset they will release their currency at the 1 to 1 rate (In the very near proximal future). 2. The CBI has been given a benchmark to collect a certain amount of the 3 zero notes...the time frame is not carved in stone... 3. These meetings are to conclude the re-denomination of the new small category notes. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned] *** Mnt Goat Article: "AL-KAABI CALLS FOR A SERIOUS AND URGENT STOP TO RETURN TO THE PREVIOUS DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE" Just so much news about the exchange rate. Yes, lots of pressure from all directions to finally go back to a normalized rate and off the sole de facto peg of the US dollar. It is time. It will happen. I can not give you a time as I do not know, but I do know they are discussing it and making plans for it in 2021 not 2022.
  14. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "REPRESENTATIVE ECONOMIC: THE CONDITIONS ARE READY TO ADJUST THE EXCHANGE RATE AND THE OIL BARREL IN THE BUDGET" Quote: "...Al-Faily said, "THE CONDITIONS ARE IN PLACE TO RESTORE OR REDUCE THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE DOLLAR AGAINST THE IRAQI DINAR IN THE DRAFT BUDGET" this powerful. They are telling us that now that the “economic conditions are ready” they are ready to adjust the exchange rate. No more excuses. But they need the new rate in the budget. I know for a fact they will never put the rate in the budget until it is all completed. So Al-Faily knows what he knows but not what the CBI will ever do for security reasons. *** MilitiaMan *** A process had to be brought fourth...a currency reform is complex...It's not an easy task to do what they're doing. They have to set up things. They've got decisions that need to be made. They have to set the stage for the economy to be able to do this. And they have to have components of psychology involved because the people can't adjust... ultimately they had to get everything in order...kicking the can? ...or were they really just stalling for the system to be in place? ...eventually they've got to finish it...I think the 2021 budget, the Kurds, Hydro Carbon Law - they're all waiting for the same thing - the time to get that phone call saying show up. It's show time!
  15. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "Al-Halbousi directs to include the budget bill next Monday" I think we are at a place right now where this negotiation is going to get finalized between Erbil and Baghdad and you're going to see shortly after that the budget go ahead and passed. Something about the presence of the pope changed people's views on things and they decided to start cooperating which is very good... *** Mnt Goat *** ...March is going to be a very significant month for everyone everywhere. This week I took the time to call my contact person in the CBI. I am told the IMF just completed a week-long high-level meeting with to finalize the project to delete the zeros and just how they plan to roll it out...Why would they do this now? Also, in this meeting they talked rates for the in-country revaluation and then the later reinstatement. The rates are rising as oil is rising to over $70+ a barrel. I was reminded by my contact that they will soon be no longer dependent on the currency auctions. This was fantastic news as I know what this means. They have not yet used the Buna system but are fully functional and tied into it... *** Mark *** We are in a good spot right now…sit tight…we are awfully close to the end of this...the folks on the ground in Iraq are also expecting a major announcement about their currency within the next few weeks. In Iraq they very much expect a new value before April 1st. Even Mike Cottrell thinks we could go at any moment…i would not be surprised for it to happen at any moment.
  16. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff *** Article: "Representative economic: The conditions are ready to adjust the exchange rate and the oil barrel in the budget" This is a great article...Iraq hasn't revealed the true price of oil to you nor have they shown you the true dinar amount contained in that budget...They're hiding those numbers and figures from you so you cannot see that this budget is linked to the rate change...we're in a great position. This ride's over in about two Sundays IMO... *** Footforward *** [Q? : Wouldn’t it be great to get the RV when crypto goes back into the bear market. Imagine buying that dip.] It is the plan.
  17. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Jeff ***...the rate's gonna do nothing but keep going [up]'s up to you if you want to rush to exchange it. I'm not. I will not be rushing to exchange my currency. I'm gonna take my sweet time. There's no reason to rush this. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... *** Frank26 *** Article: "The International Monetary reveals the conditions or granting loans and confirms its support for the white paper and changing the exchange rate" Do you see the power in what I'm showing you? I hope you do...the white papers I've told you a billion and a one times contains the new exchange rate...
  18. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy *** Here's a biggie. Article: "Oil prices jump 5% ... Brent is above $67" ...Spring isn't even here yet, we're already at $67...when it comes to the currency obviously if you budget for $45 a barrel and your entire budget's based on that assumption and it's much higher you get much more higher revenue which allows for the deficit to get paid off quicker, allows for a lot more money to be used to build up the private sectors. These all benefit the Iraqi dinar as the economy begins to grow. So yeah that's exciting news... *** Frank26 *** We are blessed that our team's Walkingstick has a relationship with a firm in Iraq...that has a very good working relationship with the GOI and the CBI...the owners of that firm...two own banks. One of them owns 4 banks in Jordan and the other one owns two banks in Iraq. When the CBI wants to make a move with the monetary reform who you gonna tell..? Bank owners in Iraq. Once the CBI has a meeting with these people and they tell them what the next step is, that's public knowledge. Eventually you see it in Articles. But most of the time we share it with you before you see it in articles...we've been proven correct at a very high rate... Have a great weekend everyone ... Blessings ... RON
  19. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt. Goat *** Article: "THE LAST PAGES OF SUBJUGATING THE STATE OF IRAQ ...SUBJUGATING THE IRAQI DINAR" Quote: "TO WITHDRAW CASH FROM THE PEOPLE, WHICH EXCEEDS THE FINANCIAL POTENTIAL OF THE STATE, AS IT IS KNOWN THAT THE MONETARY PROPERTIES IN CIRCULATION..." They are telling us...the need to shrink the money supply...then why are they doing this? ...This is being done for what comes next, the global currency. If you shrink the money supply then each dinar is worth more, get it?
  20. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "Zafer Al-Ani: Parliament Will Continue Its Sessions Until The Budget Is Approved" Quote: "the budget has reached its final stages, leaving nothing but the announcement of the agreement with the Kurdistan region regarding the percentage determined for it in the budget and other matters that will be completed within the next few days." Well well well. They are continuing the session tomorrow. The 1st of March. They'll be at it until budget law is approved, so they say. Leaving nothing but an announcement. Well they'll need to announce a rate with that now wouldn't they? ...A new exchange rate can fix many ailments.. imo... *** Pimpy *** The problem with us dealing with the dinar is this. In order for the dinar to have any kind of purchasing power or to get any real change on the exchange rate there has to be some stability there. Already all around we're starting to see crap happen. Iran, Syria bombings, missile attacks within Iraq...Biden hasn't even been in office two months and already the ****'s falling apart...I don't like the way it looks although there's some good things happening over there in Iraq. The financial grade [B rating] is good. The reserves are building that's there are some good things. I'm just pissed about the way this current administration is too much into bombing crap...You gotta take the good news, bad news, the ugly news. You gotta take it all. Stay grounded. *** Jeff *** [Question: "How will the Iraqi people prosper from or benefit from the rate change?"] gives the Iraqi citizens and the Government of Iraq purchasing power...there's only one way for Iraqi citizens to get rich. They have to keep and exchange the 3 zero notes after the rate change... That's all for today folks ... Blessings ... RON
  21. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "TO THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH TO THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ PROPOSING THE NEED TO AMEND THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE IRAQI DINAR TOWARDS THE US DOLLAR" Of course there are many objections to the 1450 devalued rate of the dinar. They people don’t understand fully the reasons behind it. This article is pushing for just what we want... Article Quote: "A new EXCHANGE RATE IS REQUIRED FOR THE IRAQI DINAR TOWARDS THE US DOLLAR, WHICH IS ONE DINAR EQUALS ONE US DOLLAR...and work in the future to return a new exchange rate. EACH DINAR EQUALS $3, AS IT WAS PREVIOUSLY." ...With oil expecting to climb way over $100 a barrel Iraq will be swimming in wealth and its an excellent time to do this... What a great article - Happy Sunday ... Blessings - RON
  22. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "OIL REVIEWS THE FINAL VERSION OF THE DRAFT FEDERAL OIL AND GAS LAW '" ...every time Iraq gets close to a revaluation the oil and gas and the article 140 laws comes up in the news. They talk about completing it and how close they are to passing it as law. Coincidence? I don’t think so. ...they need to fully address their new constitution before they can reinstate their currency back to normalcy. They need referendums passed in parliament on both of these constitutional directives prior to going global. Sure, they can set up all the mechanisms to do so over the years, as this takes years. But in parallel to this effort, they must also get these two laws in place. *** Jeff ***...Iraq becoming international, Article 140, HCL, the reconstruction reforms - all that is hinged upon the physical rate changing. Once the rate changes they become international and then all those secondary dominoes will fall right into place... *** Frank26 *** [Question: Do I need a receipt to go in to exchange my dinars? ...I lost my receipt so I'm afraid to go to a bank without my receipt. Maybe they'll think I stole it. Maybe they'll question me. Maybe they'll ask who bought this - Who does it belong to? I'm worried about it.] No...just my option...You're going to walk into a bank and you're going to present your dinars or you're going to have a representative do that for you. The bank is in the business of exchanging that currency so they can make a profit off of you...They also want to keep you as a customer because once you exchange they want you to keep that money in their bank. The bank has no interest in who bought that dinar...The bank is only there to exchange it and to follow through with their banking services. So when do you need your receipt? IMO you need it for your taxes...if you're ever audited... [Note: Consult your financial advisors at the appropriate time] Good Night Everyone - that's all for today ... Blessings - RON
  23. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "The last pages of subjugating the state of Iraq...subjugating the Iraqi dinar" ...They are telling us they are going into the next phase and the way to do that is raise the value of the exchange rate to be the strongest in the region. They talk about the new global economic system. We have been talking about this for months now and they are now confirming our view! Wow..! When they strengthen their currency they will be the first in the region!! Again that is powerful! They are to shift to the DIGITAL CURRENCY... We know they have a new platform for doing that specifically, not only internally but externally, as well with the BUNA. They are definitely talk loud about what is to come. Auctions are not what they used to be... This is looking very, very bullish... imo.
  24. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "The Federal Reserve’s systems for transferring money and financial assets among banks, businesses and government entities went offline for a period of time on Wednesday, upending crucial parts of the country’s financial infrastructure." Lets see if the Digital System had a reset with the Fed yesterday has anything to say about the winds of March...I suspect that shut down "operational error" yesterday was on purpose or was it? ...Apparently that has never happened before...(post 1 of 2).. *** MilitiaMan *** My view is it is possible that shut down (OE) by the FED was a potential global notice given out, that change is coming...Kinda like, hey world we are resetting the system, rebooting...Then we resume like nothing happened, until x date which may be within a very short predetermined window with a new adjustment made... everyone would have had to have been given equal notice, and once the adjustment is made, a level playing field is set in motion and all are on equal footings...So did the FED test the system live in real time to see how it would work out? Then if successful, notice has been given, then game on?...(post 2 of 2)..
  25. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "KHAS...AL-RAFIDAIN BANK (LARGEST IRAQI BANK) LEAVES ARTICLE SEVENTH" many gurus are confused over this article. We are really taking about Chapter 7 not article 7. Currently the CBI is operating under article 14 and needs to move to and thus operate under article 8 of the IMF charter. Article 8 in “normalcy” for monetary policy. This is where most countries now reside in dealing with the IMF in monetary policy. Many suggest that Iraq is already in article 8 and that may be the case too but we have no definite evidence of this as they have not yet told us. Let’s just wait and see what happens once they get the 2021-2022 budget passed. *** Frank26 *** ...the United States Treasury met with a limited amount of people to disseminate some information on how and where to exchange your Iraqi dinars...It's not known how it's going to roll out but the information will come to the dinar community as needed because right now it's going to the citizens of Iraq...for us citizens of the United States of America it's possible an 800# is coming...this so-called 800 number is not for one bank. That's so stupid. The 800 number, as of 1st hand information, is not as it's being exaggerated...(Post 1 of 2).. *** Frank26 *** is logical that the US Treasury would have a legit 800 number where they could counsel and advise you on your investment once the value goes up as to where to go to exchange your currency. Isn't that cool! Here's the other thing that's's motivating for a time like this when we see so many things coming together. If there is an 800 number it would only be with the United States Treasury to tell you which banks to go to...there isn't going to only be one bank. There's going to be hundreds and hundreds across the whole United States of America. There will also be Iraqi banks...there will be hundreds across the world markets...(Post 2 of 2).. That's all there is for today Folks ... Blessings ... RON
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