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  1. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Frank26 ** PSSSST: ...ANY NEGATIVE HUMANS OUT THERE...BEHOLD: Article quote: "In the face of speculations and warnings posed by international monetary institutions, regarding the Iraqi economy, the Central Bank had accumulated cash reserves of hard currency to 64 billion dollars, which makes it able to influence exchange rates and provide a comfortably stable economic environment."
  2. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Pimpy Article: "Chairman of the Committee of Financial Experts Abdul Basit Turki, revealed on Thursday, that the US Federal Reserve has stopped the automatic deduction from Iraqi oil revenues in favor of Kuwaits compensation" Could it be that we are one step closer to possible RI or RV for the Iraqi dinar? Yes! But as much as this is fun and we want to be happy I want to remind you to stay grounded. Until that money is in your bank account and you can see it in your balance don't celebrate too early...there's nothing wrong with being excited and happy that we might be one step closer to the Iraqi dinar exchange rate changing - Yes! [See Pimpy's Posts in Monday Noontime Opinions - 1:25 PM CST - 12/13/2021] ** Frank26 Equation [ NSCN + NEXR = 2022Bud (wP) to the power of NEXR ] The new small category notes plus the new exchange rate equals the 2022 budget with the concentration factor of the white papers at the power of the new exchange rate. NSCN is the teaching/education in the year 2021. NEXR is at the beginning of the year 2022...what's in the budget of 2022? The new exchange rate. What's in the white papers of the budget of 2022? The new exchange rate...IMO..!
  3. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Pimpy We see so much improvement in Iraq. That's a major plus. The more that country becomes stable, secure, starting to rebuild, foreign investors are coming in, the private sector is being built up, these are all positive steps. You're going to start to see the dinar go up in increments. Now, I'm not saying there's not going to be any RI or RV, that's still possible to me...however, they still rely too much on the sale of oil...until they get away from that we're going to be still stuck in the same boat...hang tight the private sector is being built. Things are moving forward. ** Frank26 Article: "Washington stops the automatic deductions from Iraq oil revenues to compensate Kuwait" I honestly didn't think we were going to be dealing with Kuwait at the end...Kuwait was part of all of this monetary reform...and they had stipulations. 'We want you to pay all your debt back to us.' They have...There are many things coming to a conclusion...concerning the two powerful subjects in Iraq - The Monetary reform that will bring forth the economic reform. That's why you see Kuwait now involved...Because they (along with everybody else in the Middle East) desperately wants to be part of the economic reform of me as an investor in the Iraqi dinar to see Kuwait show up, wow! ...these are markers/telltale signs that it's just getting better and better every day out there in Iraq. There's also a lot of pure BS and outright lies being posted out there in dinarland that I'm not posting..!
  4. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIST: OIL PRICES WILL RISE TO $100 .. AND THE 2022 BUDGET MUST BE A QUALITATIVE BUDGET THAT MATCHES THE EXPECTED HIGH REVENUES" I will add that if oil prices rise to $100 we may very well see the IQD rate initially at over $5. That would be wonderful, but it will definitely NOT come out at anywhere near that value, even if oil is at $100/bbl. The Goat is dreaming...IMO..! RON
  5. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REVEALS THE POSITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ON CHANGING THE PRICE OF THE DOLLAR AND PROMISES ABOUT THE 2022 BUDGET" Everything I am hearing and seeing in the news from Iraq is now telling me that there is a very good opportunity to reinstate the dinar in early 2022 with possibly the project to delete the zeros in mid to late December 2021. Yes, it is looking real good..!
  6. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Mnt Goat ARTICLE: "CAN THE DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE RETURN TO THE PREVIOUS ONE IN THE NEAR FUTURE?" Again economist Antoine is still talking about floating the dinar on the program rate and not reinstating it. Yes, they do realize you can not float the dinar on the program rate just inside Iraq . It must be liberalized and float on the global markets, thus FOREX and other currency exchanges. This is the CBI plan to do this. So, these articles, like this one, are just more rhetoric from economists who do not know the overall long-term plan for the dinar. The long-term however, is now here. ** Holly ...From Iraq News... Kuwait confirms receiving $1.47 billion in war compensation from Iraq ... After 40 days of polling, the announcement of the final results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections The Sadrist bloc topped the final election results by obtaining 73 seats, (My understanding is that Iraq had to finish paying Kuwait before they could revalue - to be article 8 compliant. And now that The Sadrist has been announced as the winner, hopefully Kazemi is being considered.)
  7. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Walkingstick What they educated the citizens about last week was that...Iraq, everything about them is internationally tradable. You should not care...about the value right now. They already know what's going to happen...Iraq is tradable. The currency of Iraq is now tradable. The value will go up soon enough. [Iraq] is International and follows all the International laws, rules and regulations to trade and buy and sell with. Your currency is internationally tradable now. ** Mnt Goat Article: "OFFICIALLY... THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION ANNOUNCES THE FINAL RESULTS TODAY URGENT" Looks like to me they are going to announce the election results today.
  8. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "FOREIGN MINISTER: THE MOVEMENT TO FORM THE NEW GOVERNMENT WILL START WITHIN A FEW DAYS" I firmly believe this is the SECURITY and STABILITY they need now to move ahead with the currency reform. Folks...we are almost there…. Get that bottle of Champaign in the frig… The good news just continues and continues…it could not get any better. Except the actual announcement of a significant value increase...! Ron
  9. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Pimpy ** Article: "World Bank: Iraq's Economic Growth is Gradually Recovering" That's good for us - for those of us who hold on to the dinar that's what you want to hear. You want to see recovery in the economy...strong economy means a strong dinar. Strong dinar means a better exchange rate.
  10. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 [Questions: When the CBI withdraws most, if not all the 3 zero notes, will these three zero notes be null and void to you and me? Will we be able to go into an American bank and say, 'here's my 25k, I'd like to exchange it for the new exchange rate that the CBI put out'? Is the bank in the United States going to say to you, 'no, those are null and void. They were taken out of circulation.' ] No..! The action is to remove the physical three zeros from circulation - period end of story...that's what they're doing at this very nano second...Mustafa said to the citizens, '...3 zero notes...will coexist with the new small category notes. They will be legal tender.' Why Mustafa?'s going to take a little time maybe up to a year or more to retrieve the "mattress dinars" not just from inside of Iraq but from the whole world. You. *** Sandy Ingram Aricle: Prime Minister Al-Kazemi "My house was the target of a cowardly attack but thanks to God I and those who work with me are in good health..." There has been continued unrest since the elections in October...there are protests over the results. Pro Iranian groups lost seats in parliament and they have threatened unrest. We find this news to be extremely upsetting...
  11. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Central Bank of Iraq begins to activate self-management of foreign reserves" Iraq's increase in foreign reserves since the devaluation last December and now the announcement of self-management of foreign reserves all points to a country coming onto the global financial platform...the increase in foreign reserves is a good thing, a really really really good thing... *** Frank26 Question: ["Once this change takes place...have your friends indicated what the time frame on calling in the three zero notes may be? Are we going to have 30 days? 90 days? Maybe a year?"] We don't know. We know that by standard it's usually at least up to a year to coexist. I don't think that is an issue because if it was our friends would have been told already and they haven' would be very bad because you think you're the only one that has dinars? Hundreds of counties have dinars in their reserves right now. And what you're going to screw them all over? Iraq is about to become the Mecca of financial currency in the Middle East...they will coexist...
  12. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Mnt Goat ** Article: "BAGHDAD SENDS MORE THAN TWO BILLION DINARS IN FINANCIAL DUES TO THE KURDISTAN REGION" So, the CBI sent payments to the Kurdistan region. Remember what I said that if they do this they will have to make these so-called loaded ATMs available to use. How can they use them if they are all filled with the lower of the lower denominations... So there is now a showdown coming. ...are they really going to distribute the lower denominations? We will see..!
  13. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Pimpy ** Article: "Iraq Announces its Imminent Accession To The World Trade Organization" We've been waiting for this. This is big. Once they are in there they really start becoming big players on the international scene...being in the World Trade Organization does nothing but help the economy as well as strengthen the dinar... ** Mnt Goat ** Remember to keep Iraq also in your prayers. We are so close to getting this GIFT but remember this gift is first for the people of Iraq. Then we as steadfast investors deserve to share in the wealth. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone on DinarVets ... May Almighty God bless each one of you and your families ... RON
  14. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Frank26 [Firefly boots-on-the-ground Iraqi TV update] Firefly: We're seeing at the bottom of our TV...the ticker...the CBI governor is saying they will be explaining the new currency and the federal reserves and what the deleting of the zeros means and he is telling us this is good for Iraq's economy. He's says the financial committee along with the central bank of Iraq governor Mustafa and other financial leaders will all be interviewed. And they are going to give more details why the exchange rate needs to be changed...this will be given to us Wednesday. We will watch. We will listen for this. We will give you the report... Frank: This is fantastic because this is literally the final countdown. You are down to just a handful of time...prepare yourself for this coming Wednesday to learn the power of the pros and cons...of what's about to come. ** butterfly Article: "An Iraqi delegation visits Geneva to discuss accession to the World Trade Organization" Quote: "...Iraq is looking forward to ending the file of Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization soon, pointing out that “the accession process is complex and contains great and many conditions.
  15. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Adam Montana *** ...AS ALWAYS, I'm still here with my finger on the pulse of "all that is Dinar", I'm in constant communication with my contacts, and I can't wait for this to be my last public update! As of now, we don't have any official RV news. This was taken from another site that follows Adam and posts snippets from his remarks. ** Frank26 ** Article: "A financial official determines the possibility of changing the dollar exchange rate in next year's budget" Quote: "The (former) Director of the Financial Supervision Bureau, Salah Nuri, has determined, on Tuesday, the possibility of restoring and considering the previous dollar exchange rate." THE GRADUAL INCREASE IN THE IQD EXCHANGE RATE HAS ALREADY OCCURRED AND THE CBI EDUCATION EXPLAINED IT TO THE CITIZENS...YOU ARE NOW GOING TO BE MOVED TO 1000-1 TO BRING IT BACK TO 1-1.
  16. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Article: "A financial official determines the possibility of changing the dollar exchange rate in next year's budget" THE GRADUAL INCREASE IN THE IQD EXCHANGE RATE HAS ALREADY OCCURRED AND THE CBI EDUCATION EXPLAINED IT TO THE CITIZENS...YOU ARE NOW GOING TO BE MOVED TO 1000 - 1 TO BRING IT BACK TO 1 - 1...
  17. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Pimpy Article: "The UN Security Council: We support the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq" This is big. One of the biggest steps towards Iraq being able to really truly revalue their currency is they have to be a sovereign nation. The reason why their currency was devalued was out of punishment so once they're recognized as a sovereign nation again they' to make their own decision without asking for permission... ** Walkingstick and Frank26 You're going to be loaded for bear every day from now on. The final countdown is very loud. The final countdown is in place. But more specifically and this is really powerful, monetary reform final countdown is in motion. Mustafa and Neil Armstrong both have something in common - Neil Armstrong took a step for all mankind. Mustafa and Kazemi are about to take a step for their mankind, the citizens of Iraq. ** Frank26 Question: "When will the small notes be distributed?" When they distribute the dinar that's the day that it happens...I have no answer for you. I don't know when they will be distributed but I do know that they've already shown them the example of what they used to use back in the 40's and told them you're you're now going to use the same thing pretty soon so make sure you understand Iraqi citizens what we're doing...
  18. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 [Firefly boots-on-the-ground Iraqi TV update] FIREFLY: Kazami advisor on news saying Iraq's final payment to Kuwait at $600 million and that will complete Iraq's compensation and lead Iraq back to the international community. This will be paid in full early 2022 thus releasing Iraq from the official article 7 making acceptance for Iraq. *** Militiaman A lot of things are pointing toward a digital transformation is coming and from what we're hearing the citizens have been educated. We get wind from boots-on-the-ground that in fact that's the case - that there is shortages of currency...citizens are getting larger amounts of larger notes as apposed to the smaller ones...that is very telling situation at this stage of the game...we've heard today that the news about them talking about going back to the 'glory days' is being broadcasted on TV and has been and we get that from a very credible source... *** Pimpy The rate change is still being talked about... Article: "The Iraqi government justifies the reason for adopting a new exchange rate for the dollar" ...going through explaining why it is they devalued the Iraqi dinar...we all know and I said this that whenever they devalue the dollar it always affects the poor because it goes less purchasing power and that's the thing they keep focusing on here...
  19. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "AL-KAZEMI’S ADVISOR: THE REST OF KUWAIT’S COMPENSATION IS $600 MILLION" Oh…so Iraq was NOT completely out of Chapter VII as we thought? Now we see why maybe they are holding up the reinstatement of the dinar. I Quote from the article: “noting that the completion of these compensations will close any trace and belongings of Chapter VII imposed by the Security Council on Iraq 30 years ago due to the Kuwait war.” So, with the oil revenue that is coming in monthly why wait until early 2022? Are they intentionally waiting while they put in place the remainder plans for currency reform once they are totally out of Chapter VII? *** Frank26 [Firefly boots-on-the-ground Iraqi TV update] FIREFLY: All the previous rates again, they're talking about it...talking about time for Iraq to return to the glory days. This is a special report that they're showing to us again. FRANK: ..they are talking to you from the 'old glory day' of your currency to prepare you for the new glory days with the new exchange rate, with the new small category notes although they call them lower notes...when a government or a central bank repeats itself over and over and over again it's for your education. They're trying to reprogram you from what you don't even know about back in 40's to introduce you to what you're about to receive now in the new millennium.
  20. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** MilitiaMan *** Article: "International experts announce a new amount for the remainder of Iraq's compensation to Kuwait" Quote: "...$476 million dollars, while it is likely that the full compensation will be paid in the last quarter of this year..." So it says, Iraq is likely that they will pay the last part of the compensation plan to Kuwait in the last quarter of this year. Well we are in the last quarter and have been for a couple weeks now...they tell us "previously" that the payment will end in the first quarter of 2022...Well, they moved it up to this last quarter and it has the potential to even have been paid by now or shortly here to come.
  21. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Mnt Goat ...there is one important issue I need to cover closely today. It is the quantum financial system...They are now coming out in the public and talking about implementation of the QFS...The central piece of the QFS is to be able to track and convert existing currencies in the SWIFT system into a gold-backed Basel III, IV and V compliant currencies...I believe...they are now getting ready to implement the QFS currency piece. The piece that we investors are waiting for..[post 1 of 2].. ** Mnt Goat Of course there is much coordination with the CBI so that the RV and Reinstatement of the dinar will coincide with the timing...They can not implement the QFS for the currency reform piece until they are...Ready to release the new currency rates and SDR baskets. Today they gave out news to the public to inform us that QFS for currency reform is coming shortly. This is amazing news and is one more item that points to the real possibility of our January 2022 reinstatement of the IQD with the new rate along with the other currencies in the new SDR basket..[post 2 of 2].. ** Pimpy Finally a portion of the announcement I've been waiting for has arrived... Article: "Lukoil announces the discovery of the Arido field in Iraq, with reserves of 7 billion barrels" Remember I told you there was a big field of oil that was discovered and I didn't know why they hadn't announced the discovery of it yet but it should put them about as much oil as Saudi Arabia if not in font of them? This is part of that. This ain't even the big one yet. Now they're starting to make this announcement. I was waiting for this months ago. I'm not sure why they can see right here they've announced, 'Oh look we magically just discovered...' I knew about this months ago (Guest Guru Nate was the one who told me about it) ** MilitiaMan ...The project to delete the zeros from the exchange rate of the Iraq Dinar (IQD) is not new and has been on the table for many years of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). The project has had to evolve along with the education process for the citizens...Many obstacles have been in the path of success to actually deleting the three zeros from their exchange rate...the PM himself having survived ...the recent attempt in the Prime Ministers life...assured the country that he was moving forward with reforms. ...There are many examples that project to delete the zeros is not something that is to be studied now, as it already has been studied and the study supports that it is time for implementation...
  22. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Frank26 ** [Q? :Where are we?] ...the campaign that we told you would be marched out to the citizens is in full bloom...we're in the position where they're continuing the education to the citizens. There might have been a little bit of a time-out today but it'll pick up probably again tomorrow and that was simply because of the nonsense [Assassination attempt on Kazemi]...I told you Iran was angry and they're causing trouble... ** Sandy Ingram ** Article: "Central Bank: Move to open branches of Iraqi banks in Turkey" The Central Bank of Iraq is in discussion to open branches of Iraqi banks in Turkey. Does this mean we may be able to go to Turkey to exchange our Iraqi dinars?
  23. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 *** Article: "Basra University organizes a panel discussion on the project to delete zeros from the Iraqi currency" This is an announcement from the Central Bank of Iraq at the University of Basra telling the Iraqi citizens as plain as English can be, as plain as Arabic can be, 'We are lifting the value of your currency. We are removing the 3-zero notes. We did this. We accomplished it. It was a long you mind if we add value to your currency? Do you mind if we introduce to you a new denomination that would match that currency? Do you mind if we enter the digital world of transactions to be internationally recognized and grow as a currency mega force in the Middle East? Do you mind any of this Iraqi citizens?' *** MilitiaMan *** The process of the digital transformation for and of Iraq has been underway for years now. They have had international support from the major players and will be ongoing in the future, as managers and partners in the digitized path Iraq is headed on...Aside from the important e-government aspect, there is e-finance, e-payments, e-commerce, e-payments, and yes, e-dinar is on the horizon. ...They say there is a need to expedite the e-government projects and reforms imo, therefore, we should expect them to do so and quickly now...imo.
  24. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Mnt Goat There is some very good news coming out of the Central Bank. I am told they are still working towards the early January 2022 revaluation of the dinar. There is a huge necessity to actually conduct the project to delete the zeros as the first step and this could happen any day now as we move closer to 2022. I do not believe the assassination attempt on al-Kazemi’s life will make any difference as the project is part of the solution not the problem. Everyone should relax and be glad we are entering an ending period to this long-awaited process of currency reform. ** Frank26 What you are seeing about the reserves is they're showing you that the monetary reform is more than transformations of what they've done internationally under article VIII, oh man that's even more. I've already told you security, stability, supply and demand, 'glory days', all these things showing the Iraqi citizens that the CBI is ready to raise to raise the value of their currency to do exactly what telling the citizens. ** BobTheTaxMan Have you heard anything from Warka Bank? For those of you who may or may not be aware... Warka...opened up it's doors to allow people who were International to open up an account to be able to buy IQD there and store them there [In Iraq]...About 30 days ago it went completely dark. Meaning their website...went away. The source I have...went dark...I sent an email inquiry to the CBI...nothing. I do know they were insured and the account they've got are protected...the only thought I have is...either they're being absorbed into another bank or they're being overtaken and managed in the future by CBI. But I don't know exactly. ** Sandy Ingram Article: "Iraq's oil potential still mainly untapped" Iraq appears to be slated to continue in the power of oil due to the untapped oil believed to be under Iraq. Plus, Iraq has a great opportunity to cash in on tourism almost to the same level as Egypt and Jerusalem...
  25. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 I've got no choice but to continue to tell you that the CBI is telling the citizens of Iraq that they're going to raise the value and give them a new exchange rate because they ain't telling them anything else. Today there was a bit of a little time out IMO - Kazemi makes a phone call, 'Hey CBI back off from the television because I want to use the television today. I want to make sure that the people understand that I am in charge. That I am the Prime Minister. That I am their leader. That I am in control of the government and the central bank. I am in control of everything and another thing I know who did it...' [Tried to assassinate Kazemi] *** MilitiaMan Article: "Transportation: anchorage of three tankers and a container ship in the southern port of Umm Qasr" More ships in an out mean they are trading, but, are they now starting to clear the trades digitially. The AMF has a report out...that shows Iraq in the graphs regarding blockchain... The fact that Iraq is included shows progress that the region is about to be or is on a level playing field.
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