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  1. Morning all! It’s a great day to be on DinarVets, and a great year to be involved with everything we have in front of us! I want to thank you all for being with us through 2017 and before… it’s been a fun ride. With any luck, 2018 will be the end of our Dinar-specific talks and we’ll be moving on to other exciting ventures, or just blowing our money on umbrella drinks if that’s your thing. Speaking of new ventures, we have a new section in the VIP forums dedicated specifically to ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), and I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to the newest member of the TEAM here - @ladyGrace'sDaddy! The enthusiasm our VIP group has for these new opportunities is amazing… and for good reason. For example, if you’d been paying attention a month ago, maybe you would have invested $100 in XRP… this morning that $100 would be close to $1000. Think that may have paid for your VIP fees? Get in, get in! The benefits are not slowing down! Here's the join link: Ironically enough, today is the 9th birthday of Bitcoin in a sense - the very first "Bitcoin" was mined 9 years ago today. 5 months later, the first actual bitcoin transaction would take place when on 22 May 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made the first real-world transaction by buying two pizzas in Jacksonville, Florida for 10,000 BTC. That 10,000 BTC is now worth approximately $151,249,850.00... and some of you are still missing out. Tsk, tsk! I'm going to get off the crypto subject and move on to dinar, but first - I'm going to attach the original whitepaper that started this whole thing. It's only 8 pages of reading, but some of it is a *little* technical... so if you want the absolute easiest way to get involved with cryptos, that's just one more thing VIP is here for. Here's the whitepaper: Satoshi whitepaper.pdf On to the Dinar! Going into 2018, perhaps this is a good opportunity to remind everyone WHY we are interested in the Dinar at all... some of our members have been here more than a couple years, and the "wait" can be taxing. If you listen to the "gurus", it is easy to get discouraged by the never-ending string of "tomorrows" and "next Tuesday" predictions. Forget about all that. Iraq has overcome incredible difficulties, rebuilt a decimated region, solidified a government, and STILL has a majority of the available reserves of OIL. That itself should be enough to give us confidence that even though we don't know *when* the value will go up, it is certainly an undervalued instrument of exchange, and the low price will not stay there forever. Oil is finally on an uptick, which will work in Iraq's favor. (See this thread here for the latest.) In order to take advantage of that momentum, Iraq will need to get moving on HCL. There is no significant news out on the HCL as I write this today, but this is a matter that WILL come to the table, and when it does... snowball effect. Coming into the end of the year 2017, we all knew things were going to be slow over the holidays/New Year. Going into 2018, I'm excited to see what pops up... either way, I'm happy HODLing my dinar and waiting for some HCL news. It can't be too far off now! Member Q's: Hey Tom - it's my opinion that HCL first is the most clear path to RV, but... that's also a possible huge investing trigger from outside sources, so it's possible that a significant change in value will be timed to happen simultaneous with an RV in order to prevent mass speculation. The amount of money we little guys have in this is tiny, even counting some of the $ multi million USD investments that I personally know about. But they certainly wouldn't want to instigate more speculation, so I completely expect the change in value to be quick and certain, without any warning. I post my opinions on specific cryptos in the crypto section here on DV: Regarding them "dragging their feet", I care not one iota how long they have been building up to this... all that matters is the direction it's going and the final destination. I'd certainly love to, and I have done some preliminary investigations... enough to realize that is far outside the scope of anything I want to tackle. I'll stick to making gains on the outside. Lsat but not least, you might as well throw your numbers in the weekly DV Lotto pool! I won't be able to get a ticket today, so today might be the day we hit it That's it for now! Have a great day, and a PHENOMENAL year! - Adam
  2. Good afternoon all! Obviously I'm a bit behind today, by this time next week I expect to be back on track and doing the "Weekly" updates on Wednesday mornings. Hopefully not for long, though... I'm hearing some rumblings (and not just in my stomach from overdosing on eggnog!), but I'll stick to the facts for now. Now, for Dinar... HOLY MOLY could we actually be making some progress again? I THINK WE MIGHT BE!!! Most of us "old timers" in the investment are well aware of "EO 13303". It's a number that's burned into our brains, and most of us can tell you without looking it up exactly which order and which US President signed it into being that got us involved in anything "Iraq" in the first place... ... and it looks like we're finally coming "full circle". Here's an explanation. An excellent update was posted in this thread: This is slated to be posted TOMORROW, 28 DECEMBER. Now, call me crazy, but... 1. In the text to be published by OFAC (to @Butifldrm), you will find these words: 2. In Abadi's address following today's Parliament session in Iraq, he used these words at one part: ( @yota691 ) Anyone else find it intriguing that these statements come on the same day from major leaders on opposite sides of the planet? Stay tuned! I could continue, but I prefer to let Iraq do that for now. - Adam P.S. I know, I know... most of you came here to listen to me talk about bitcoin... I'll get to that later in the VIP section, where we have dozens of members making some good money and having a TON of fun learning about it. Also, I'll be sending out instructions shortly for everyone that has joined, renewed, or made any kind of VIP payment - I'm kicking a portion of your payment back in crypto currency. This is going to include instructions on how to set up your wallet, get started, learn, and more. Many of our members have already stated that their crypto gains have MORE than covered the cost of EVERYTHING they have paid for on this site... and some of you are still sitting on the sidelines, watching the next big thing pass you by. STOP THAT! Make 2018 the year you finally stop kicking the can down the road, get involved, and have some fun with us! Join here:
  3. Sorry everyone! Today has been crazy. I'll be in here later to catch up
  4. Hey hey, it’s Wednesdayyyyyy!!!! Brief update today, but this is going to be good so look alive! Little news on the Iraqi Dinar. I know many of you have been in this for a long time, but some of you are actually new to it, so I’m going to give a bit of a “newbie” explanation as to why we’re here right now. First, Iraq has a VERY large part of something that the entire world NEEDS - OIL. Iraq’s currency was at one time one of the highest in the world. Then war broke the country and the value of the Iraqi dinar plummeted to far less than it is now, but even farther from where it was in the past. Since that plummet, some things have changed. Iraq has cleaned up it’s government, is VERY stable to this day, and they have eliminated at least 98% of anything standing in the way of raising the value on their currency again. And most importantly… they still have their OIL. Let’s not ever forget about that! OIL is currently at the highest it’s been for the entire year, and that is going to play a huge positive role in how Iraq moves forward. Bitcoin, which is currently hovering around $17,000 per coin, was called a “bubble” when it hit $300. When it crashed, people were called “foolish”. It took almost a decade, but unless you live in a cave with no neighbors, radio, or tv… I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that a LOT of people are now millionaires from a very small investment. The dinar is the same, in my opinion. I don’t care what people say - I know the fundamentals are solid, and I’m willing to wait it out. But I’m also working on other things in the meantime, and you should too! Now is the perfect time to get in VIP here. You’ll enter your phone number into the system and if you choose to completely ignore this entire thing, you can rest easy knowing I’ll send you a text message as soon as we have an RV or something big to talk about. Enjoy the holidays and don’t worry - I’ll have you covered! But I want to make this even more fun for us all. Aside from the Dinar News, you know we also talk about other things here. One of the big ones this year has been Cryptocurrencies, which I’m sure you know about by now! It’s no secret that I want you in VIP. The thousands of VIP members already in there will tell you that it’s worth every penny. But I also want you engaged in the other things we’re discussing, like the potential 1000%+ gains on a few relatively unheard of “coins”, the recent huge earnings on some coins you probably heard about but didn’t invest in, and more… I think that THE hardest part of the whole crypto-thing is just getting started. So, let’s fix that! Every VIP purchase, from now till December 31, is going to get a kickback in the form of crypto currency. You’re going to get step-by-step instructions on how to set up a private “crypto account”, and I’m personally going to make a transfer of crypto currency into your account. As the value grows, I have no doubt you’ll recover all of your fees you paid for VIP, and MORE… but you have to get in to make that happen! Here’s the link: And then check in the VIP section for your instructions on how to receive your crypto. Come on, you already watched a lot of people become millionaires this year off of very small investments… are you going to continue to watch this pass you by?! Join our VIP group and let us help you get started, both in the Crypto world and a LOT of other exciting things as well! I’ll see you there. JOIN: I do believe they will RV. I don't know if it's tomorrow or next month, but the value IS going back up. Yes sir!!!! Chapter VII was resolved to my satisfaction a while ago, but regarding ISIS... they will never be "totally liberated" from ISIS. None of us will. It's a sad truth that evil will always exist in the world. But I will give huge congratulations and thanks to all those that worked and sacrificed to do what they have done to whittle the ISIS threat down to what is probably the lowest it has been in over a decade. Many brave and honorable people have fought that evil, and gained a very large margin of victory. I don't think it's fair to say ISIS is "defeated"; see my response just above... that's just a sensationalistic headline. But I do believe that the huge victory against ISIS was a necessary thing and we are on the right path for positive movement in other areas... such as the value of Iraq's currency. Merry Christmas to YOU AND EVERYONE READING THIS as well! If you don't celebrate Christmas, then I say "Happy whatever it is you're celebrating!" Love and peace to all I have my private messages turned off, because I get too many messages that need to go to support. If you have a general question that is VIP related, you can post it in the VIP section. If your matter is personal, you should use the "support" tab here. Only my closest and most trusted staff have access to those requests, so it is safe to include your personal information there. Most of the time my staff is able to answer personal questions, but if they cannot, then they alert me and I answer directly. Buddy I wish I did right now! We're in a little bit of a lull with the HCL, and I'm not sure when that lull will be over, but I AM certain that it will end soon. All we can do right now is wait to hear some news. My guess is we should get HCL news within the next 6 weeks. It's a topic that cannot be ignored forever, it's something they NEED regardless of their currency value, and it is only going to benefit them. I get torn on this next statement... I want to say "the sooner, the better!" But then I also like the sound of "The HIGHER, the better!" With those words in mind, I usually decide it's best if I exercise some of that virtue called "patience", and I'm ok with letting it take a little longer if it's going to be done right. ========== That's it for now, I'm back to my work in the VIP section! JOIN ME THERE! I'm excited to send you your crypto currency, but I won't be doing that unless you're a VIP member. GET IN THERE, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  5. Good afternoon all! I hope you enjoyed the holiday, for those of you that had one to celebrate with us! I know I am still thankful for so much even though the actual Turkey Day weekend is over, and I hope you are as well. There is some positive news to be discussed regarding the Dinar, but I think any of you that have followed my posts over the last couple months know that I'm not really focused on Dinar right now. Sure, I'm keeping my lines of communication open, and of course I'm ready to send out emails and texts at the drop of a hat when something happens. That's not going to change! Like I mentioned over the last couple weeks, I'm confident that I've done all I can do to prepare for a huge increase in the dinar, I'm very excited for it to happen, and I can't wait to meet up with many of you Post-RV. During the early years of this site, there wasn't much else to focus on other than the dinar. Yeah, I know, people were making a ton of money in certain stocks. If you played your cards right, you probably saw a great deal of growth in your trading accounts. I did pretty good on some! But nothing really had the potential of the Dinar, so that's what we/I focused on here. There is still a great opportunity for massive gains on the IQD, but until we have some HCL news... I'm not going to spend a lot of time rehashing what I've said for the last 2 years. We need HCL news. Period. That doesn't mean this is a bust. No no no! Not even remotely... Do any of you recall when I suggested buying into the Facebook (FB) IPO? I got a lot of pushback on that one, but any one of you can factcheck my predictions and see how that turned out. (It turned out AWESOME.) How about Google - I also suggested that was a good buy back at around $200. And there's another potential investment opportunity right now, it's called Bitcoin... anyone here heard of that? I know, it's crazy to think that the Dinar could ever go from it's current level to .10, $1, or higher. I've been called crazy and worse on this deal for a long time. I've also been called crazy (and worse) on a couple other "ideas". I'm not your investment advisor. I won't pretend to be. But I will say this... At the beginning of this year, I publicly and boldly predicted that Bitcoin would hit 10k by the end of 2017, and as of today it's sitting at about 11k. And we still have a month to go before the year is up!!!! At the time, Bitcoin was under $2000. I don't know how many of you would have liked to see a 5X+ return on money in one year, but I do know this: If you're not in the VIP section talking to us about this and other similar opportunities, I just want you to know that I'm still sending out your email and text message when the Dinar RVs. But in the meantime... #toldyouso #dontmissthenext1! Don't stop believing. And get in VIP with us, because there is a lot more to our financial life than just Dinar. We are going to make the most of ALL of it!
  6. Happy Wednesday everyone! Welcome to December, and Merry Christmas! I know how much this annoys some of you, so I’ll just get it out of the way up front. FIRST: If you’re not in VIP, get in! We continue to have the most engaging conversations in there, with members reporting VERY nice gains on several investments. You won’t regret it! Join here: SECOND: Bitcoin, bitcoin, bitcoin! Blockchain, Etherium, Electronium, Bitcoin. Oh, and… Bitcoin. Meanwhile, over in Iraq, we have a little more news than usual this week! It’s being rumored (some confirmed sources, some… not so confirmed) that there is a legitimate push to introduce new currency notes, presumably in smaller denominations. That’s not something you do unless you can establish a need for those smaller notes, which of course requires a stronger exchange rate. The Budget is likely to be finalized in February. I know that’s an eternity for some of us, but that’s the buzz. Unfortunately, I have nothing to report on the HCL. I’m hearing rumors, but nothing confirmed, so until I’ve got some solid news… I’ll just have to go on talking about VIP and Bitcoin. Make it a great day! Pretty much. P.S. ..... bitcoin. Early this year I predicted it would hit $10,000 by the end of the year. I'm not going to say "I told you so"... yes I am. Told you so! You can continue to ignore me, or get in the VIP section and ride along for the REST of what we have coming. It's up to you!
  7. Hey all, good afternoon this beautiful Wednesday! Tomorrow is Turkey Day, and to all of my friends and family on this site, please take the time to enjoy the blessings of your loved ones, and give thanks to everything in your life that makes such blessings possible. I’ll be absent from the site tomorrow, unless there’s an urgent matter, and I suggest you all do the same. Take the time to be with those important to you and forget about money, the internet, and everything else that occupies your daily grind! We will be back at all that stuff soon enough. We all know there's a lot going on in the Dinar world, and much to the chagrin of many members... I'm not going to focus on that. Heck, what do I really need to say? The dinar is moving forward. We're waiting for a few key things, which you ALL should know about, and they aren't far off. We're looking at an RV at some point! It's not coming today. It might come tomorrow, or later this week, but I'm not going to speculate on that right now. Like I said last week, I'm going to spend a lot more time in the future working on things "other than Dinar". The amazing part about what we've built here is that this doesn't have to be "just dinar". This goes SO many ways! VIP here isn't just for "people that have dinars", not by ANY means! Heck, some members are reporting that they've made triple what they spent on EVERYTHING VIP here. WHAT?!! Some of our members are not only VIP, but basically VIP for free or even GETTING PAID TO BE VIP???!!! That's what it sounded like to me! And heck... why would I discourage that?! I won't. While it's true that you can join VIP and easily use the information inside the VIP section to cover your investment money, some of you might not be inclined to do that. Maybe you just want the text when the RV is announced and then you're going to go blow all your gains. Or maybe you want the text AND you want to benefit from our group cash in rate. Or perhaps you will take it further, and avoid (NOT evade) about 70% of the tax hits that most dinarians are going to pay. Or heck, maybe you're in that other group that is hungry for information... eager to study and learn... and wants to capitalize on the resources we have here! I don't care which one of those groups you belong to... it's Thanksgiving, and I am starting "BLACK FRIDAY" right now. Every VIP option is immediately available for a 34% discount. I'll keep it simple - use code "34" at the checkout. And as much as I hope you'll just get in VIP... I really REALLY hope any new members that join will really take advantage of it. Take advantage of ALL that VIP has to offer! Discount code is "34" at checkout link: That's it for today. Enjoy the holiday, all! And join me in VIP because we have a LOT of exciting things going on. See you there!
  8. Afternoon all, and Happy Wednesday! Thanks for not beating me (too bad) for missing last week… BOY OH BOY has it been an interesting few weeks in the world of dinarvets! I missed last week’s usual update because I was in meetings with political and legal people that have a very positive influence on the things we are going to be discussing a few months from now. Don’t let that comment be misconstrued… I’m not saying I have info that says we have an RV next week or blah blah blah... that’s never been my platform and it certainly isn’t going to start now! But there is something we should all be cognizant of, and that is the simple fact that we live in an ever-changing world and we need to constantly change our plans. Was gold a “great” idea 20 years ago? Did we all have a “golden” opportunity to invest in google at $20 or less, and it’s now over $1000? Could we be sitting on a goldmine with (*insert your latest ICO from the cryptocurrency sphere*), but all we need is the information to take action and then it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy take it to the bank baby!???!! The dinar is looking good. I’m VERY excited about the current prospects! But I have to get real here… I’ve done everything I can possibly think of to maximize the returns on it, and as long as you’re in VIP (and hopefully OSI!) then all you have to do at this point is read the manual and wait for the text! So… what’s next? We live in a world that is constantly changing, and we all have to take responsibility for our own position in life. My friends, I have come to a conclusion over the last couple months. Over the last couple weeks I’ve solidified on that realization and decided it has to become part of my business plan and where I will focus my efforts going forward. One thing I take very seriously is that when I speak to anyone that cares to listen… I should not mince words. I should never use 20 words if I can get my point across in 5. This is out of respect for your time and your intelligence, and I appreciate it when you all return that consideration! So without further ado, I want it to be known that my weekly “dinar updates” may be taking on a slightly different tact. I am going to continue my analysis on the Iraqi Dinar. We might be on the verge of RV right now, which many of you are keenly aware of. And those of you in our VIP section, you REALLY know what’s been put in place behind the scenes here. The incredible benefits you have access to, both now and Post RV, they are hard to put into a small weekly update… AMIRIGHT, VIP members? (Post your responses. I’m sure the readers won’t be disappointed ) But where I focus my efforts, for the benefit of this site and especially the VIP members… that has to change in order to keep me motivated here. There are other opportunities within our grasp. There are markets that many of the VIP members have been begging for more information on, there are arenas that I have personally made profits in recently that I regrettably didn’t get to share with many of you simply because I felt like I hadn’t made it clear that I would be doing so… and that changes now. So, no Q/A today. Today is a great day to hold Dinar, and that’s awesome for all of us (except you lopsters, you can all go find a pot to boil in ) Today is a great day to set a slightly different tone for future posts. If you’re in our VIP section, I look forward to sharing some really REALLY interesting insights. And even more than that, I look forward to your feedback, because that’s what has always made this place the best for all of us. To the future!!!
  9. Morning all! Lots going on right now. I’ll say one thing for all the rumors… they may not seem to get the “dates” right, but when there’s buzz on the rumor sites, it is usually right in front of a big event. Look back at the way things have unfolded, and you’ll see what I mean. Before Chapter 7, there was a crazy amount of hype. You all know I temper my posts, in an effort to keep people grounded, but even I got pretty excited about that event. It was a major milestone, and a significant key to Iraq’s progress. The rumor sites all promised an RV at that time, and it was certainly a possibility, but we all know it wasn’t a certainty. When Abadi vs Maliki was happening, that was another major step for Iraq. Again, it wasn’t a promise of immediate RV, but let’s face it - a major change in value of the Dinar was never going to happen with Maliki at the helm. Maliki simply had no reason to act in Iraq’s best interest when he had such a huge ability to pilfer the system under his power. I firmly believe that Abadi is not like Maliki, and when he won that battle, our landscape changed for the better… … but even that was not enough. There was still the issue of the HCL, which MUST be resolved before (or simultaneously with) an RV. Now let’s look at today… this immediate point in time, where once again the rumor mills are churning and people are getting excited. I’m going to make two specific statements right now, and I hope they stick: 1. None of the gurus can call the Date. 2. Despite #1 above, the current level of activity is not to be ignored. Things ARE happening. I don’t have a date for you, other than this one: TODAY. TODAY is your best opportunity to get in our VIP group and make sure you’re prepared to benefit from this possible once-in-a-lifetime situation, and I’m going to give you a discount on it. Use this code: “discount” (Original, right? ) At this link: Get in with a couple thousand other savvy VIP members. Take advantage of what our group has to offer - if you’re not already aware of the benefits, feel free to post below. I’ll answer or some other VIP members will answer. I’ve got work to do. See you in VIP, and GOOOOO RVVVVVV!!!! I think that's what we are coming up on. See above.
  10. Evening all! Sorry this is so late, and I hate to say this... but it's only going to get worse from there I'm currently out of the country and spent the day with government officials and some close partner legal firms, and somehow I completely forgot it was Wednesday!!!! I can't remember the last time that happened, my mind is kind of blown right now. It was an EXTREMELY busy day, and very productive! I'll be posting about it in the VIP section soon. I'll try to get a weekly update up tomorrow, or perhaps yet tonight, but my schedule is packed and I'm not certain I'll get to it, so... no promises. Please don't break out the tar and feathers! It shouldn't happen again Cheers everyone.
  11. Good morning all! We still have a November 7 OPEC meeting coming up. There are pretty telling indicators floating around right now regarding the current OIL situation. What I see as important right now is oil at $60ppb, the recognition that Iraq ignored the Kurdish referendum, and the references to HCL related items in these posts. Take a look at Wiljor and my posts here: What I really want to see in the next week is simple: Nothing significant at the OPEC meeting. Just a smile and nod type of event where they agree to extend the current plan and keep oil around $60 The meeting will mostly ignore Iraq. I don’t care if they talk about Iraq, include Iraq, reference Iraq in any minor way… as long as they primarily ignore Iraq, and don’t make any specific requests for commitments from Iraq, I’ll be happy. Anything HCL related. This Question posted by @prescottcped is of interest: Great question! He said he would be stepping down as of today (1 November 2017), and the reason was basically disappointment in the failed referendum. This may end up weakening the Kurdish resistance to full cooperation with Baghdad, which might just be the leverage needed to pry open the HCL floodgates. Let's hope for some good news in the coming days! That’s it for now! Since news is fairly slow today, I’m going to spend some time finishing up some VIP projects. Have a great week everyone, and GOOOO RRRVVVVVVV!!!!! - Adam Montana
  12. Morning Afternoon, all! It's a beautiful Wednesday to be here with you all The cliffnotes, for now: There is a current agreement amongst a majority of OPEC participating countries designed to control the oil market in the supposed interest of keeping the global economy. I'm not presenting a specific conspiracy theory on that thought, I'm just saying "supposed" because there's always some kind of backdoor deal or subterfuge going on with anything related to politicians! That's also not to say that the current OPEC agreement is a bad thing. I feel like it was a good move on many levels, but let's move on. The current OPEC agreement - and keep in mind, this is a sort of informal, kind of semi-official, non-binding-to-Iraq, completely-beneficial-to-Iraq - yes, that OPEC agreement continues to run a course very attractive to Iraq's interests. If that's in any way confusing, please read some of my recent weekly updates, where I spent a fair amount of time explaining the situation. Bottom line - Iraq's still sitting pretty in it's ability to potentially skirt the current production limitations and they wouldn't even feel the need to apologize for getting a nice break. Important date regarding the OPEC agreement: November 7, Vienna Austria. Press Conference - Launch of OPEC's World Oil Outlook Important note regarding OPEC: This organization doesn't have any direct say in where the CBI sets their auction/trading prices, nor do they have any direct impact on the HCL. HOWEVER... there are already OPEC members looking to wrap up the oil production limits, while others are posturing as if they want to extend it to the end of 2018 or longer. As you might suspect, the wealthier and more financially stable countries are in favor of extending and the little guys are hoping for a quick end to it. Iraq is basically the silent little person in the corner, watching and biding their comments. If they do something before November 7, it will change the "World Oil Outlook". If they don't, then I think the outcome of the upcoming OPEC meeting will give us some serious clues as to what will happen next. I'm sorry everyone, I have more to chat about, but as you can see from the intro to this post (that I started at 3:30 AM this morning ) my day is quickly getting away from me. Hopefully the OPEC thoughts are some good food for thought, and with any other (better) luck, hopefully we won't even have time to ponder it too long before an HCL sneaks up on us. GO RVVVVVV!!!!! Nope. The IQD is a fiat currency with a Central Bank involved. Bitcoin, or any true cryptocurrency, is basically the antithesis to the IQD, USD, etc. The HCL is not complete, and it's more of an agreement between the Kurdish region and the rest of Iraq. It will influence and affect how Iraq moves forward with global relations and business... I will make a note to try and find some more in depth explanations of HCL. You bet! I talked about that just last week (or possibly the week prior, but I think it was last week). No comment on "T-Rex" other than " " Regarding Iraq's influx of eager business countries/people/companies... of COURSE there are suitors lining up! Iraq is on the way up. It may take a little longer, or it may happen today or tomorrow, but it doesn't take a genius to see that they ARE on the way up. I'll send one out on Friday, just because you asked nicely. LGD driving backwards just reminds me of Ferris Buellers day off! I'm afraid you probably missed the signs about the rest of us losing it... Umb and LGD are just showing their crazy a little more obvious than the rest of us! That's a deep question... the short answer is that cryptos are probably going to change a LOT more than just how anything related to IQD, any other fiat currency, or many other aspects of business are handled. A LOT. That's my for now. Have a great rest of the day, everyone!
  13. Happy Wednesday and good morning all! October kind of snuck up on me, but “better late than never” to act on a good cause, right? It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month, so for the rest of the month I’ll be donating a portion of all VIP and advertising revenue to support that cause. I am picky about where I send money… if I send $100 to a charity and the CEO pockets the first $80, that doesn’t make me feel good! According to Charity Navigator, National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. runs a pretty tight ship. You can donate directly here: On to the Dinar... here are some of the latest stories, followed by my current thoughts: Starting on page 4 of that thread, you'll get the impression that Syria is kicking some ISIS butt. And that impression is correct! I still feel like ISIS is no longer a critical matter for the progression of Iraq's economy and global standing, but it doesn't hurt that the beatings continue. Moral is definitely improving. (Sorry, that was a pirate joke. I couldn't help myself!) I said it in 2013, and I will continue to say it: Abadi is the best man we could possibly hope for to lead Iraq forward. Elections will be coming up in 1Q 2018, which is not too far away... but if the election process will have any impact on an RV-push, we have to be prepared to ride this out a little longer. If Abadi does have a secret weapon in his stash to tip the Iraqi Dinar into a revalue situation, he could certainly use it at any time between now and April. I don't see a significant benefit to waiting TOO long, in fact it would be better to use that tool sooner rather than later. There will be some major changes across the board after the currency jumps, and it might be in Abadi's favor to have a month or two to settle everything down before he begins campaigning for re-election based on an incredibly successful 4 years. ----------------- - - -- - - ----------------- Final thoughts on current events - Parliament is active right now. They are addressing a myriad of topics, passing and approving items, getting stuff done... but we are all wondering "What about HCL and Article 140??", right? This is to be expected, in my opinion. Those two subjects are "catalyst items", and once they go through, there's no putting that toothpaste back in the tube! In fact, once they are even brought up in a serious manner, that is the start of an avalanche that won't be stopped. As we all know, avalanches start with something as small as a single pebble... so don't let the waiting get you down. Once this baby starts sliding, it's going to happen fast. Could this page contain that pebble? Here are the weekly Q's: Nobody can say for sure! But check out the links I posted above. Baghdad and Erbil will never be BFFs, just like Republicans and Democrats will always have differences. That doesn't mean progress can't be made! Regarding your friends opinion, it's my policy to not engage in discussion of other people's opinions, particularly when the tin foil hats start popping up. No offense to any conspiracy theorists - there is a lot to be said for some conspiracy theories. Some are much more than just "theories". But in the interest of not living on this computer, I simply have to refrain from diving into those rabbit holes. Good question! I believe the issue of "Kurdish Independence" has been successfully put to rest for the time being. The Kurds are certainly not in a position to successfully separate from Iraq, so they may as well open the doors to resolving Article 140 and the HCL, which is exactly what we are seeing. I linked to that article above and gave my thoughts on it. It looks like you and I are thinking along the same lines. My only cryptocurrency "prediction" is that they aren't going anywhere and it's the way of the future. I strongly encourage anyone interested in cryptos to get involved in our VIP section here and benefit from the great research our savvy members are doing! A few people have mentioned gains in the last couple months that far exceed anything they have spent on VIP. That's a current positive ROI despite not having an RV yet. Can you say "smart"? That's it for now! Be sure to join in our Weekly Powerball Pool, and of course... GO RRRVVVVVV!!!!!!
  14. Morning DV family! This morning's update will be a quick one. Before I get into it... my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and the families of those victims in the recent event in Vegas. That was a completely senseless act of evil, and whoever is responsible for it... may they burn in hell, or worse, for all eternity for their actions. *Moment of silence...* On to the Dinar: Notables - guess which country is popping up in the headlines more and more over the last 7 days? If you said Kuwait, *ding ding!* I've got a cookie for you! All you have to do is pop into the News section and do a quick skim, you'll see that although Kuwait isn't directly saying "let's get ready for the New Iraq", they are certainly on board. Kuwait is a major influence in the Middle East, and a higher IQD won't hurt them one bit. In fact, their support through that transition will only serve to make Iraq a strong ally, so it's in their interest to support Iraq through an RV. I like what I'm seeing from Kuwait right now. Former Iraqi President Talabani has passed away, and a week of mourning has been called. I don't see anything major on the HCL for this next week, BUT.... ... the so called "Referendum for Independence" seems to have come and gone, and is no longer an issue, which is exactly how I figured it would go. In fact, it seems things are moving even more smoothly than I anticipated! Abadi and Crew are making very positive moves towards resolving Article 140 in an amicable way, while at the same time giving the Kurds very strong reason to believe they are going to be treated fairly. This is great incentive to move on the HCL, and of course, RV! Would you like some seriously encouraging articles to read to start the day off? Start here and continue for the few posts following that. I am VERY encouraged! With that all said, I really think we're at a point where things are moving solidly in the right direction. The question of "when?" is still on the table, as always... but it's pretty undeniable that we're moving! Today is a great day to join VIP, if you're not already in there! When this happens, I don't want you to be on your own. Take advantage of all we have to offer - my services, the support of the community, and more. See you in there! There is always a "chance", but it's a very slim one at this point. I can't say "absolutely not", but it's the furthest possibility we have, in my opinion. That's a fair question with a LOT of discussion that could follow! I think it's simplest to summarize that WTI is a localized (to the US) designation, and Brent is more of a global term. Although the Dinar is currently "pegged" to the dollar, it is a separate currency that is not tied to US oil production. They could easily leave the USD peg and fix their currency to anything they want, but there will always be a calculation to determine how many dollars an IQD is, regardless of if we're looking at Brent, WTI, or the price of tea in china. I don't discriminate Long term... I don't know. I see the RV happening before any split, though. That means my post-RV Iraq investments are subject to change along with their borders. For now, I'm not concerned about them splitting or not... I just want to see this HCL get done. I don't believe so. =============================== That's it for now... have a great day everyone! And GO RRRVVVVVVV!!!!!
  15. Happy Wednesday all! Since I went so deep into my thoughts on the Kurdish referendum last week, I won’t spend much time on the finer details of that subject. If you missed my chat last week, it will be helpful to read that first: They did hold their “vote” on Monday, but the result of the actual vote isn’t what I’m focusing on right now. What I AM looking at is the aftermath. Turkey is leaning HARD on the KRG after the referendum. 85% of Kurdish oil exports leave via Turkey, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdrogan stated point blank that they will close that border if that’s what it takes to get the KRG back in line. This is some serious strong arming! OIL is at a high right now. We’ve all been waiting for the price to go up, and the $60 mark is in sight! Kurdish Regional President Barzani issued a statement regarding the vote, which apparently revealed exactly what we thought would happen - the people voted for Independence. But are they really going to be able to achieve that, with Article 140 still unresolved? The only way to move forward with an actual secession would be to relinquish any claims they have on the disputed territories, and there’s no way that will happen. This is not rocket surgery, my friends! I’ll tell you why I like how this is playing out. They know they are stuck between a rock and a hard place right now with Turkey. Add to that the proposed extension by OPEC, Iraq’s general exemption from said OPEC agreement, the price of oil rising, and everything else on the table… you know, I look outside right now and I see leaves falling alongside the temperature. It makes me think of warm foods like soup and chili… and looking at the situation in Iraq, it looks to me like a recipe for “HCL soup”! Serve it up, I say! The table is set, and we’re hungry. GO HCL, GO RV! The weekly Q's: I'll send a fax over right now I'm not sure what you're asking here... but if it's a question based on an assumption with nothing to back it up, then it's just speculation, and I can't really give you an answer. I didn't check your numbers, but I'll address the question anyway. If the Kurdish region went Independent, Baghdad (Iraq) would lose their northern border with friendly Turkey and gain a new border with less agreeable tenants (the KRG)... so no, I don't think that is something they want. They also have to address Article140, which neither side wants to cave on. And even if it is "just 12%" of their production/revenue... That is a pretty significant number. So overall, I don't think Baghdad will want to let this happen. Would it be better for us? I don't think it would further the HCL agenda, it might even hurt it. The Kurds would create their own new currency, and we'd still have IQD with less chance of an RV. So in my opinion, nope. Not good for us if they secede. That's a complex question, but the summary is this: Yes. Actually, I think this is a good thing! The referendum is meaningless - sure, they voted. If I put a poll on and we all vote "RV tomorrow", that doesn't mean it's going to happen! All this does is put pressure on everyone to come together. As far as a "strike zone", there have been plenty and there will continue to be more. When they decide to act on it, we win a bowl of RV soup. Talk to you all soon! Let's keep an eye out for progress on this... I'm looking forward to it! - Adam
  16. Good morning, and happy Wednesday! I think I can speak for all of us on one thing - our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by #Harvey. I can’t say that I have much sympathy for anyone that refused to evacuate, but the loss and damage and cleanup is going to be a mess. Hang in there, everyone! ISIS has been “not much” for quite some time, but it looks like this is really the final days of it’s influence on anything in Iraq. ISIS is perhaps days away from being nothing more than history, which is good on many levels - not just for a Dinar RV, but in many other ways as well. I mentioned last week that September 25th is a fairly notable date - it could be the “date to beat” for major HCL progress, which IMO would spur us onto an increase in the Iraqi Dinar. This is still on my radar. That's about it for now - some weeks we have a flurry of news, and others... not so much. But no bad news is sometimes good news as well, and that's what we'll have to settle for at this time. Fingers crossed for some action in the coming days! Some weeks we have a lot of news, some weeks we don't. And as far as your "other source: - I don't comment on other people's comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and who's to say who is wrong or right until there is some proof? Well, "Europe" does not have any power over the borders of Iraq or any other Middle East country. So, it may not mean a hill of beans to Baghdad. The positive side is that this may add fuel and encourage Baghdad to take the September 25th date more serious, just to head off any potential conflicts when they decide to raise the value. The HCL really boils down to oil and revenue sharing. An independent Kurdistan could very well pave the way for an easier HCL resolution, and the good thing for us is that the Kurds would create their own currency and the IQD we hold will not change. I still maintain that the majority of Iraq would be opposed to splitting the country in any way, and we still have the issue of Article 140. Overall... I just don't think the Kurdish region will ultimately split from Iraq. They will continue to fight over the contested regions related to article 140, it's possible that we will see some major movement on the HCL prior to September 25, but even if it doesn't happen in the next 25 days... we're still on track to see an increase in the Dinar value. I'll give that an emphatic YES. =================== That's it for now - as I said, fingers crossed for some solid action in the coming days/weeks, we are certainly in a good spot to see it! GOOOO RRRRVVVVVV!!!!!!! - Adam
  17. Good morning DV! It’s been a while getting here, and nobody knows where exactly “here” is quite yet, but what I DO know is we have a LOT going on right now! There is an upcoming referendum in just a few days where the KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) is attempting to “vote” on “Independence”. While the “vote” isn’t something I’m personally putting a lot of weight on, the statements and actions surrounding and connected to it are certainly worth paying attention to. Abadi had previously spoken out against the referendum (scheduled for Sept 25th), but now the Supreme Court (Iraq) has actually issued a ruling ordering them to completely suspend any preparations for such a vote, based on it being “unconstitutional”. The distinction between the Kurdish Regional Government and actual Iraqi government is a big deal. The Kurds actually signed and helped write at least the portion of the Iraqi constitution that makes such a referendum illegal. This simply clarifies that the Kurds are not an autonomous people - they are technically (politically speaking) Iraqis. That means Baghdad trumps Erbil. The United States, Turkey, and other countries have voiced disapproval of the separation, but here is the end-of-the-road bottom line: Nobody - not the the UN nor any other global "authority" - would ever support an entire culture or region being enslaved if they should actually wish to part ways with their former government, and forcing the Kurdish region to stay under Iraqi rule is not going to happen should they make a solid push for this to actually happen. The Kurds do have something of a case for themselves, in that regard. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, however… I’ve stated recently that I don’t think a separation will happen, and I still stand by that opinion. Let’s look back at the last 2, 3, 5, heck… TEN years… how long have we been hearing about the Kurds threatening to secede? It’s always been a topic, but only recently it is in the news daily. Why would that be, one might ask… the answer is simple. We are on the cusp of some major happenings. The HCL has been dragging on for too long at this point. ISIS was a factor. That’s done. After Saddam was removed, they had a lot of cleaning up to do. Iraq is looking pretty darn tidy! Yes, they have issues… so does Turkey, Kuwait, the United States and every other country with a higher valued currency. The Turkish Lira is 30 cents to the dollar. One USD will only get you a third of a Kuwaiti Dinar. It has not been so long since the Iraqi Dinar was also within that range, or higher, and you can bet that they remember and know that fact much more than any of us. Other tidbits - the current OPEC agreement contains a limit on production, which Iraq is essentially exempt from. Yet Iraq and the rest of the members of OPEC seem to be glossing over that small fact… in fact, the Iraqi Oil Minister just this week said they are in agreement to extend that contract, speaking as if Iraq was actually taking part in it. I laughed out loud when I read that! They are playing their cards well. There are representatives from Baghdad visiting Erbil, I believe tomorrow (Thursday). I’m very interested to see what this brings, and I’m crossing my fingers that we see some HCL news. That is what this all comes down to, after all. HCL = RV = $$$ for Iraqis (Kurds are included in that group!) and this whole referendum gets set aside for a couple years. Maybe they will pick it back up in the future, and maybe they will actually secede and become their own country… but at that point, I’m not sure if I’ll even care, because the RV will be done and we will all have moved on. That’s my 2 cents for the day. And here's my TIP of the day! If you're not in VIP, you are missing out! We have had some of the most thought provoking conversations in there over the last couple weeks, it's getting hard to keep up. Join us! For less than $1 per day, you get access to not only our Post-RV benefits, but immediate access to the absolute best asset protection tools on the planet and much, much more. See you in there! Here's the weekly Q's: Contract rates... there are no "contract rates". Please, Please, PLEASE... take 15 minutes and read this: Cash In Guide - Iraqi Dinar - v1.6.pdf That is going to open your eyes, dispel quite a few myths, and help you understand exactly why I say there are "no contract rates" and how you should handle yourself regarding cashing in. Thank you for numbering the questions, and for keeping them "to the point"! 1. The most recent auction was yesterday (or today, but today's is not posted yet if there was one): 2. I'll need a link to the IMF statement on that... but I will point out that the IMF does not directly control what the CBI does. 3. The UN has voiced it's disapproval, but that's all they can do. This is an Iraq issue, not something the rest of the world gets to vote on. 4. He's a politician... need I say more? That's a great question! You nailed my opinion almost perfectly - yes, the float process could certainly take up to a year, maybe more or less. I believe we'll be looking at a hybrid situation between peg/float - a likely scenario is this: First, revalue to around 10 cents per USD. (It is almost certain to remain pegged to the USD at this time, regardless of how they revalue.) That rate could be "fixed" for a period of 3 months, up to 6 months, while the larger denominations are collected and removed. This is the "Pegged" period. Next, after the initial 3-6 months, resume normal auctions and let the market determine the future rate. This is the "Float" period, where the market can easily drive up the value to $1 and beyond. That initial 3-6 months allows the CBI to directly manipulate the currency supply, possibly introduce an entirely new printed currency, and control their expenditures while simultaneously profiting from the exchanges. This is also explained in the Cash In Guide: Cash In Guide - Iraqi Dinar - v1.6.pdf I sure do! #bringiton! You have to give me something to quantify my answer with... are we talking Vegas odds? Relative to the price of tea in China? On, before, or after the full moon? Help me out here Please see attached: Cash In Guide - Iraqi Dinar - v1.6.pdf I see a LOT of things that are pointing to major change! Abadi is a positive force in this matter... ... I guess all I can say after all that, is: GO RRRVVVVVVV!!!!!! That's it for now! I'll send out an email a little later today, just as kind of a "system check" to be sure you're all getting the emails. I'll update this thread once it's been sent, so you can check your spam folders or "Update" tab in gmail or wherever my emails might be landing today.
  18. Good day DV! Quick note - I’m going to move the “Chat Logs” section up to the top of the list, so if you’re looking for it… it has moved. The link is the same: Before I hop into the dinar update, I want to send out heartfelt prayers for all the people that were affected by the recent hurricanes… this has been one of the most devastating series of weather events ever recorded in our lives, if not THE worst ever. My charity of choice is still Salvation Army at this time – here is info: DONATE BY MAIL The Salvation Army PO BOX 1959 Atlanta, GA 30301 Please designate Hurricane 2017 on all checks. DONATE BY PHONE call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) To use Paypal, >>> CLICK HERE <<< I just called and donated everything that came in from VIP memberships last week, and a bit more on top of it. I really do believe in this organization and encourage any of you, if you can, to chip in. On to the dinar - we still have a date for a Kurdish referendum later this month, so the question of the day is… what, if anything, do we know is being done by those in Baghdad who may not want to see a Kurdish secession? Check the most recent page in this thread, it...: (HUGE #hattip to @yota691 for keeping that info coming!) ...tells us that Iraq in general is not in favor of it, lawsuits have been filed (presumably on the grounds that the upcoming referendum is unconstitutional or a variety of other reasons), and there are signs of certain Kurdish leaders willing to negotiate with Baghdad… in my opinion, that simple fact right there is reason to think they aren’t really serious about the split. Sure, they may SAY they are, and posture accordingly, but the leaders of the secession movement and the PTB are simply not in sync. Nothing as major as a complete separation can possibly happen unless the Kurdish are representatives completely unified. Speaking of being completely unified, here's something that is certainly going to influence Iraq to put the brakes on a Kurdish separation... they would lose the entire border of Turkey, a country that has been a great ally to Iraq recently, and they would have an entirely new "neighbor to the north" (the Kurds)... Here's the way it lays out on the map: Does anyone really think that sounds appealing to Abadi or anyone else? I don't think so! So it is in their best interest, at this time, right now, to get moving on the HCL, increase the value, and everyone will completely forget about the splitting of Kurdistan and Iraq for a while! With THAT said, we still have the upcoming referendum, and it's certainly a good reason for Parliament to kick their HCL in the butt! If it's going to happen, I will not be surprised to see this thing launch right before the upcoming event, so perhaps the 21st is our day. With this day coming quickly, I'm going to put out a special discount to get some of you in VIP - use the code "Sept21" for a 21% discount. It's good for this week only! Use it here: Seriously! You will not be disappointed at what you find in VIP, as I'm sure many VIP members will vouch for after I've posted this weekly update. See you in there. Here's the weekly Q's: What "ban on exchange"? I'm guessing that's something fueled by a rumor, so I can't answer that part. Regarding RV and exchange, "we" can't control what banks decide to start trading at what time or day, but when they DO resume trading/exchanging IQD, our VIP group is leveraged to get a better "spread" than the general public. Depending on how much dinar you hold, this is going to amount to (a boatload!) more cash in your pocket at the end of the day! Similarly, if you've taken the time to research the strategies discussed in the VIP and OSI sections here on, you're going to stretch that "bottom dollar" even further. It boggles my mind why anyone would dump any money into IQD and then refuse to take full advantage of the incredible assets provided here on DinarVets in the VIP section. I'll attach the "Cash In Guide" below. It's only a few pages long, and anyone that chooses not to read it... best of luck to you. When information is given to you for free, and you decide a TV program is more important, then you deserve everything you get (or don't). CL, thanks for sharing the info! (I agree, Green and Yellow looked good the second half!) Everyone, this is important stuff. Read up on it, and know where you are with your credit and sensitive information! Personally, I use LifeLock to monitor my credit and purchases. Every credit card I have is linked to my phone, so I get an instant alert every time a purchase is made. If a credit inquiry is made using my personal info, I get an alert from LifeLock. It's worth the money! Like it or not, we are in the new digital age... if you have to get your kid or grandkid or great- grandkid to show you how to use technology, it's worth the time. And I hope you take action, immediately, to protect yourself. This recent hack is a big deal! Thank you @coorslite21 for bringing it up. This is our PSA. "Where"... they are not sitting in a vault somewhere. They are simply binary numbers, transferred from one ledger to another, because we are talking about fiat currency. There is no actual "pile of money", just like you will not leave the bank with a wheelbarrow of cash when you cash in. I'm going to attach the "Cash In Guide" to this post. A lot of newbies here need to read it, and it's not a bad idea to refresh your memory even if you're not a newbie Cash In Guide - Iraqi Dinar - v1.6.pdf <<<< Click that to download it. I still don't think they will split, as I discussed above. But I LOVE how this current situation and the events unfolding right now are pushing things in a very positive direction. Things are looking very good for us right now! That's about all I have to say, so I'll close with yet another weekly chance for a select few of us to collect some lottery winnings! Grab your ticket and join us here: Weekly lottery thread: Note - you DO need to be a member here, and the rules DO apply! I have a feeling that one of us is going to win this thing soon, and the rules WILL be enforced! That's it for now! I'm so excited to see a major breakthrough in this ride I don't even know what to do... but I'm on standby. Waiting and ready! GO RVVVVVVV!!!!!
  19. Good morning and Happy Hump Day, fellow dinarians! Nothing major to announce today, but we do have some encouraging tidbits. I’ll get to those in a minute, but first - WELCOME to a decent number of new VIPs! I guess I’ll never know how many of you joined because you knew your money would be sent to the Salvation Army to help with the disaster relief down in Texas, or which of you joined simply because you see the value in VIP (who wouldn’t?!), but either way we raised a decent bit of cash for them, and I’ll be sending it off as soon as I’m done with this update this morning. Speaking of disaster relief, Hurricane Irma is next on the list. I heard yesterday they were recording winds over 185MPH - HOLY BUCKETS! That’s some insane power, and my heart goes out to all the islanders in her path. For those of you on the East coast, if you MIGHT be in her path… don’t wait for the “mayor” or anyone else to “tell you” to prepare or possibly evacuate. Use your own brain and do what you need to do to protect your LIFE. To hell with your property. Protect your LIFE. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you who will be affected by this storm, and best of luck in the aftermath. In politics, we have more fake news and mock “outcry” regarding DACA. If you’re not sure where to stand on this subject, here’s a tip - check out the comments in this thread: The fate of the Dinar is never certain, and the DATE of the RV is always in question, but one thing we can count on for sure is the weekly Powerball drawing! One of us is going to hit this eventually, right?! Get in our group pool here: OPEC - there are already talks of extending the current agreement, which Iraq is in a great spot to take advantage of. Most of the news you will see and hear is glossing over the very important fact that Iraq has an exemption in this deal. This is a big deal for them, and the more the media ignores it, the more I like it! Kurdish Independence - the date for the Referendum, however meaningless it may turn out to be, is still September 24. This gives us a mere 18 days between now and then to potentially see some big news on several fronts. We are standing by for news to pop, probably out of nowhere, unexpectedly, and possibly groundbreaking. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “the calm before the storm”… and I’m not talking about Irma! Final talking points… anyone heard from ISIS lately? No? Looks like that is going exactly as planned. And how about this latest from the IMF? We would never expect any major agency to come out and say “The dinar is going to go up!”, but I know how to read between the lines. All signals are pointing to “GO”. Of course, when it DOES go up, you’re going to want to be in the VIP group here with me and many others! What you get right now is an incredible education on many things, including asset protection and much more. What you get when the RV is announced is a guaranteed higher cash in (more money in your pocket), a few very valuable ways to save on taxes, future investment opportunities to turn your windfall into a much bigger windfall, and much much more! All VIP package options are open to new members at this time, so jump on in - the water is fine! See you in VIP, and GOOOO RRRRVVVVVVVVV!!!! Click here to join us: - Adam
  20. Heyyyy… MIKE! MIKE! Guess what day it is?! That’s right, hummmp dayyyyyyyy! As exciting as that introduction to the weekly update was I am going to try to let you down softly. I have nothing bad to report, but the recent site upgrade/update kept me up darn near all night and I’m running on fumes right now - so pardon my brevity, but I’m going to make this one short and sweet. (Regarding the site update, I have not had a chance to triple-check for any bugs… please feel free to report them here!) Something I talked a little bit about last week - Article 140 - is worth revisiting. Iran and Turkey (border countries to Iraq on the Kurdish border, and vital allies in the fight against ISIS or any other embedded terrorist operation/group) seem to be buddying up with Baghdad (Abadi et al) in support of putting a kibosh on the September 25 Kurdish referendum, which is a feeble attempt to move some pieces around their dusty desert chess board. I have absolutely 0 reasons to think the Kurds will actually get what they say they want out of this “referendum”, but it does give us a date that may be of importance… September 25th. Related link: Last week I mentioned the possibility of Iraq being motivated to push the HCL button, and therefore the RV button, in advance of this silly referendum in order to maintain control of Iraq as a whole and of course move forward with the natural process of raising the value of their currency and overall status in the world. So, could September 25 be a key date? I think it has potential. Not as "the RV date", but rather a deadline that they want to get in front of. Here's the weekly Q's (briefly! I'm running later than anticipated): Summer is going great! thank you for asking #davis4prez! The newsletter you posted was about Bitcoin, not dinar. Bitcoin is a big deal - VIP members, be sure to check out our cryptocurrency section in the VIP area! It's an exciting opportunity I hate to skip out on an important question like that, but I'm pressed for time and I gave a VERY detailed explanation on those two questions in my book RV intel, which is free for VIP members. That will have to do for now. Have a great day everyone, and GOOO RRRRVVVVVVVVVV!!!!!! - Adam
  21. Good morning DV friends and family! I'm going to pre-apologize for grammar or spelling errors, I am forced to do this from my phone today, in the back of a cab, in a rush to get to the airport. My life is nuts First I'll state the obvious - no HCL and no RV at this time. Whew! Glad that's out of the way. Now, an item that has been popping up in the news and in dinar discussions a lot is article 140. Most of the time when these articles or topics come up, unless it has something to do directly with the HCl, I tend to be a naysayer about their relevance… This one is slightly different. I'll explain my opinion in a moment, but first it might be a good idea to have a background on what article 140 actually is. In a nutshell, there are several areas that Erbil / the Kurdish government is attempting to claim as theirs, but are currently arguably under the Iraqi government rule, regardless of where they rightfully belong. I will not get into my opinions of that aspect of it other than to state that there is a power struggle going on and neither side would willingly walk away or give in without a good reason... At this time the Kurds would not want to give them up because obviously they want the land and also the resources under the land, in addition to the historical and religious reasons. Baghdad currently has a stronger political argument for ownership, plus they do not want to see the Kurdish region secede. Here's an article that explains in more detail: As stated by that author, the questions asked and games that are being played with the regions people's are pretty much just trick questions. They are being asked if they want independence, and not given a full understanding of what the question actually means, so there is a lot of ambiguity in the surveys and what is being reported to them and to the outside world. But let's forget about that, and think about it in another way. With the IQD being so undervalued, it actually would benefit the Kurds to separate and establish their own currency, which would probably be drastically higher than what the Iraqi dinar is right now. This would be next to impossible, for many reasons, but let's skip that for now. Baghdad does not want the Kurds to separate for the same reason, and also because that would mean they instantly lose a good portion of their oil reserves and would lessen their ability to create a stronger dinar for the entire country. Some are saying that the HCL cannot go through without article 140 resolved, but it is also possible that by pushing the HCL through, and creating a stronger dinar for everyone including those in the contested regions, and those peoples would no longer have as strong of a desire for independence, and therefore end the entire dispute. Obviously that does not give you a date or a rate but I hope the food for thought is encouraging and I want y'all to have a wonderful day and rest of your week! Weekly Qs: =============== No projections at this time. We are at a critical point and things could change any day. =============== =================== I think CBI and parliament are equally important. They both have to be ready... but in that regard, I believe the CBI is ready already. =================== ================ The CBI issuing a holiday announcement is certainly intriguing. I can't tell you for certain if it's the first time, but... certainly intriguing, indeed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thats it for now! Just pulling up to the airport, so I'm going to post this and hope I didn't mangle too many words. Have a a great day! - Adam
  22. Evening all! Today's update is late, but it's for a good reason. Unfortunately, for me to talk about my reason would only add to the "rumor mill" and give the "gurus" something to talk about, and that's not something I want to do. I will do another update later this week... hopefully as soon as Friday, perhaps as late as Sunday, but that's the best I can promise. Like that wave I talked about last week, dinar news is just something we can't control or even anticipate, beyond the simple expectation that "it will come". Quite a few! Avila Beach all the way down to Del Mar. My average hitch was probably 35 miles but it was an easy 4 hours between hopping rides. Del Mar was crap for waves but the setting is amazing and worth a visit From what I'm told, and making a fairly educated guess, at least half of that "cash" is not a consideration - lost, burned, or buried. The other half is mostly accounted for and is going to be factored into the RV amount. Chapter 7 is still a sideline. HCL is the major factor. See above I'm waiting on some news as of now, actually as of a couple days now... it's coming. Hey dinaro, sorry for the late update! I'm doing the best I can with the info I have Well I certainly hope the meteorologists can get it right soon, because I've been begging for a meteor shower this whole week! I laughed along with you. That's nothing more than a conspiracy theory that may hold a little weight... but not enough to bank on. The real value of this situation rests upon Iraq, and their potential, which is tremendous! It was fun to think back on some glorious times! I didn't post it yet. I apologize for that! It's sitting here, composed, ready to go with one click... but I can't do it until I get one little confirmation. ======================= That's it for now! I hope to be back shortly with more, but I am not in control of when that wave comes. Either way, I'm watching and waiting right beside all of you! - Adam
  23. Goooood morning DV family! It's Wednesday, and I hate to be the bearer of "no news", but I prefer that to "bad news"! We seem to have hit another lull in the dinar, and as I was laying in bed this morning rubbing the cobwebs out of my eyes, I thought back to my days as a teenager when I used to hitchhike to the beach with my surfboard. (Boy, do I have stories about those days! ) Anyone who has surfed will know this feeling well... you paddle out, find your spot, and hang out for a bit. Sometimes the wave you will ride comes right away, but most of the time it does not. So you sit there, treading water, rising with the surge, and then going down the back of what could have been a wave but it just wasn't the one. That is how I feel we are right now. It's not a bad place to be, not by any means! We get a swell, and wonder if "this is the one", but it passes without breaking in our favor. Then, after many ups and downs... there it is. "The one". You see it coming, a smile crosses your face, and you start paddling. The force of the wave picks you up, starts pushing you forward, and you're about to stand up... and the momentum fades. You shrug and turn around, and paddle back out. Repeat. A beginner surfer might get discouraged at this. "Dang! I guess I'll never catch a wave!" Does that sound like our current situation? It does to me. Have you heard that kind of thought process from many of our members here? I have. But that's the wrong way to look at it, it's the wrong way to wait for "the one". Thinking like that will distract you, and you'll be whining about how that last wave set you up for disappointment just like the latest guru prediction... and you won't be ready to paddle like mad when the REAL wave comes. That's where we are, and yes this entire post was a metaphor Just like the ocean is surely going to create a wave worthy of surfing on, we are certainly in the right spot to ride that wave, if we are only ready to paddle like mad when it comes. Hang loose, my friends. ========================================= I concur. My thoughts at this time as well. Stay vigilant, though! Hey Chuck, thanks for the shoutout! They no longer need daily beatings to keep the moral high, which is a good thing. I don't think the National Oil Company is a prerequisite to move forward on the HCL. I think it was last week or the week prior when I explained my view on how they release "news" or "statements"... 99 times it will likely be subterfuge, and then the real play will happen. It's my opinion that will never happen. Hi Glenn, I believe your ticket is assigned to me and it was not urgent so I just didn't take the time to address it yet. I apologize for the delay, I will get to it by the end of the week. "haaa" back at ya! ========================================= Cheers everyone! - Adam
  24. Hey everyone! Im only halfway done with today's update. My afternoon is packed, so I'll finish it tonight and edit this post with the weekly update. I will not put it off until tomorrow because we all saw what happened last week… (sorry about that, by the way!) Again, I will edit THIS post so my update doesn't get buried on page 3 or 5 or whatever happened last time! talk to you in a little bit ==================== --- UPDATE ---- OFFICIAL WEDNESDAY POST BELOW --- ======================= Good evening everyone! We've had a ton of good news in the last couple weeks, and I haven't commented much lately. I'll start by saying last week got away from me, my schedule was so packed I couldn't keep up. In the years I've been doing this, I've only missed about 5 scheduled "Wednesdays", and this is the first one I've ever missed without it being on purpose! It was definitely one of the most hectic weeks of my life, and the "weekly" got pushed down, down, down the list until it was no longer on the list. I was still on top of everything, and believe-you-me that if we had a critical situation on hand, I would have gladly dropped everything else I have on my plate to glide back into my duties here... but as things played out, I had to prioritize elsewhere. Anyway, things are back to a semi "normal" state for me, and even though this update is late, it's here on Wednesday and I CAN NOT WAIT to see the day we have an RV and I'm doing OTHER updates for the VIP members on these Wednesdays! (Actually, more than just Wednesdays, because as much as I love my other businesses, as successful as they are, as challenging as they are and as much as I love them... they are peanuts compared to what our possibilities are here. If(when) the Dinar hits where I think it will, or half as much, or even higher, we are all in a position to completely bounce into a new world. I will personally be in a position to 10X+ my position in many areas, and the VIP members here are coming with me... in short, I guess I could have just said: GO RVVVVV!!!! ) My optimism in this venture is not waning, nor is it diminished even slightly. We have nothing but positives to consider at the moment, which is frustrating for some. One of the questions I get regularly is this: "How can it continue to be so positive, but we don't have an RV yet?!" This is a natural reaction for most people. Especially if you're one of those that read the "gurus" and hear the prediction of "next Tuesday" and that gets you excited! I understand that. I really do. But the reality is simple... those "gurus" are mostly full of "it". Yes, they throw out some good stuff here and there... but then they smear a big pile of stink on top of it by adding a "date". The cold hard truth is this: Iraq had a long road to travel. They have stood the test of time, they have marched forward through amazing troubles, and they are still heading in the "right" direction. But at no time in history, and at no time in the future, will they EVER tell us the "date" that they will do what they are bound to do at some point. At some point, they will raise the value. This is undeniable. But if they will do it tomorrow, or next Tuesday, or in a month or a year? We will never know that. And any "guru" or "friend" or "contact" ever tells you that they "know" when it will happen, for whatever reason, with any kind of conviction... they are wrong. I am going to say something with absolute conviction right now. This is absolute, no possible way to refute it, it is ABSOLUTE just like gravity pulls you towards the earth. With all my connections, with my decades of international communication and (I don't even know how many airmiles) of travel, my past and present work and friendships with bankers, CEOs, politicians and more... I will tell you this. NOBODY is going to be able to call a "date" on this. We are close. I love... no, I LOVE... where we are right now. But that doesn't mean I can tell you it will be tomorrow, next week, next month, "soon", or never. Maybe you've heard of the "Illuminati" - the RV "date" is that level of secrecy, if not more than that. Nobody on the internet, including me*, is ever going to get a "heads-up" about the "date" that we'll see a higher rate. * If I do get a "heads up", I wouldn't email it or tell anyone... I'd just get to work! Those are my thoughts for the evening! I would apologize for not having a date and rate for you all, but I think I just explained why I don't. Here are the Q's from the members! ======================== That is a completely fair question, and I don't blame you for asking it! I could die in a car crash or be eaten by a shark tomorrow, and then what?! YES, I do have a complete plan for this. If I should no longer be able to perform my duties here, whether it be from a terminal illness, a fatal vehicular accident, or becoming a tasty treat for a sea-creature... I have laid out all of my plans and details for very competent and individually chosen "successors" to my role here. You better not have jinxed me with that post... I'll give that... and seriously, take this with a grain of salt, because this may be exactly what they want us to think... I'll give that an 80/20 "YES". Don't forget the grain of salt. Thank you You had me at "When the Fruq" I'm giggling like a schoolgirl and I can't even 1. See my post above 2. What is your "contact in Wall Street" suggesting you do? Sell at a slight profit (which you have, since you're in this for 10 years), and invest in a 401k or a mutual fund which is barely breaking even (if not losing compared to inflation) and has no chance like the Dinar may have? Put some real numbers on the hypothetical question please, or if you want to sell out - just do it. I don't have time to answer vague questions. I have never said "all banks will cash in for us". I have to end right there. A - Nope, you haven't missed it. That's what is driving so many of the members crazy, it's not just you! There really is not any ONE thing that is holding this up... it's just a waiting game. It's confusing and maddening and that's exactly the way it should be, according to Iraq. They don't want anyone to know when they will RV. Nobody will know. Period. B - See A. C - I think a few things will need to be heard, and you are smart to pose the question that way. With that said, I am leaning 50/50 on this - I could be right, and we might see a couple actual HCL related Parliament hearings. OR, I am wrong, and we won't see/hear any HCL Parliament news, but it could go through anyway. Both ways, we win... so I'll be happy if I am right or I am wrong. #justgitterdun! Appreciate the post Ignore the gurus. I guess I was a little late. Sorry! I hear Davis is running for Prez 2020 Countryroads, that's a great question and I thank you for posting it. In fact, I think it's something EVERY reader of this site and even anyone else who doesn't read this site should consider... "what if"? What if we don't see an RV... Was our time wasted? I can only tell you what I personally know. As a result of becoming involved in this "world" of foreign currency, I had a reason to do many things that I may not have done otherwise. I'm not the only one to have experienced that. As many of the VIP and OSI members here will vouch for, the things we can learn and apply to our lives as a result of engaging in this venture are much more than just the "Dinar". This is an opportunity to expand your world views, your financial thought process, your entire mental approach to life! I am happy to be part of it. I am blessed to be partners and associates with so many amazing individuals through our journey here... and I look forward to our future, whatever it may hold. I already said "GO RVVVVV!!!", but I'll say it again! GOOO RRRRRVVVVV!!!!
  25. Hey everyone! This week's weekly update is on standby at the moment. It is looking like I'll get it online for you by tomorrow, assuming God doesn't drop a tree or a piano on me before then. Just to head off the worrywarts, I'll state that I'm not delaying my weekly update because it's time to sell. Oh, no... not even close. I'll chat with you tomorrow, and cross your fingers for good luck because good things are coming. - Adam P.S. VIP members, our Chat was delayed as well - tomorrow at 7PM central time is penciled in right now. There's a lot going on that I want to address, and I thank you all for your patience. Cheers
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