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Good morning DinarVets! So, day 1,354,298 of the lockdown... we now know everyone's actual hair color, most of us have forgotten how to tie our shoes and "pants with buttons" are things of the past. Other things that have changed - Today would normally be "tax day" in the USA, but not in 2020! Thanks to the Kung Flu, that deadline has been extended to July 15. Everyone's personal situation is different, but I have to wonder how much more things are going to change between now and July 15... we can't just keep printing money and keeping people at home and expect it to all work out ok. Don't take that the wrong way - I'm in favor of social distancing during this time. But I'm also in favor of being real about the overall effects, both immediate and long term. The "dislike" button has been removed from DinarVets because I felt it was being abused and there are some members who only come here to hand out the rubies. Life is too short to be angry and bitter, my friends! I left the other reaction options - spread some love, you'll like it. ❤️ Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Barrack Obama have all officially endorsed Joe Biden as the man to take down Trump. I'm curious who you all believe he will choose for a running mate? Kamala Harris appears to be the odds favorite, but tell me what you think! On to the Dinar - education is key in many things, especially when it comes to just understanding how it works. I explained how the Auctions and the Iraqi Budget work in pretty simple terms recently (you can find that here), and this article posted yesterday by @DWS112 ties in to those topics. OIL is currently under $20 (WTI), which is unsustainable on many levels. The largest OPEC production cut in history was agreed to on Sunday, in an effort to get prices moving up again... the markets don't seem to be reflecting that yet, but I have no doubt that OIL will go back up. Here's the bottom line: 1. The world isn't going to stop using oil. Not even COVID-19 can make that happen. 2. OIL will never be free. Period, end of story, that's "all she wrote". Oil will never be free. With Iraq being in the top ranks of all OIL producing/selling/exporting countries in the world, it has a lifeline that will never go away. Not in our lifetimes, anyway! Perhaps the most interesting Iraqi thread of the week (so far!) is this one: I say "so far" because one of these days we're going to have a huge winner in the Powerball Pool, and it may as well be today!* Get in here. *The lottery is a random chance. The IQD is not random. But if you play the lottery, you may as well join us in there! That's all for this morning, my friends! Stay safe, stay clean, cover the coughs and wash the hands, and GOOO RRRRVVVVVV!!!!! - Adam
Good morning all! I'm having a really hard time breaking the "Wednesday" habit I spend hours every day researching and communicating with my people on the Iraqi Dinar, international business, asset protection, etc... and by the time Wednesday comes around, I end up with so much stuff that needs to be cleared off of my plate, it seems impossible to put it off any further! Truthfully, I didn't realize how much of my week centers around these weekly updates. There are people I work with who know how important it is to get me my information by Tuesday, and are extremely dedicated to their roles, so even if there's nothing to report - they are checking in with me on Monday and Tuesday. Despite my best efforts to move these weekly updates to later in the week, it just hasn't happened yet. Oh well! Today is short and sweet. There is nothing negative to report - Parliament is working, OIL is still going the right way, and my gut tells me they are just kicking a few last details around. If something counter productive were to happen right now, I'd take a harder look at things... but that's not the case. Everything is lining up! Parliament: still working, and working effectively. OIL: still moving towards $60, and doing it steadily. The only thing we can ask for right now is that BOOM! HCL news. Keep your heads on straight! This really feels like the home stretch. - Adam P.S. It's too late to place your bets once the final home run is hit! If you're not in VIP when the RV is announced, you miss your chance forever. ====> Join us here. <====
Good afternoon, beautiful people! Budget: All you need to know about it is here: What that doesn't tell you is that the Budget doesn't have to have the rate. The Rate also does not need to be included in the Budget! That's not to say that the Budget doesn't matter - it does! But what really matters is the satisfaction of the Kurds... and that, my friends, is happening very nicely. In fact, it's happening more than just "nicely" - check this one out: I don't have much more to say on it than that... it's a "wait and see" game right now. Wait for the RV, then see you on an island! BITCOIN - making it's way back up there. I haven't had this much fun in ages! Hope you're with us in the VIP Crypto section! Our Weekly Powerball Pool is HERE. Join us! Go BTC. Go Iraq. GO RRRRVVVVVVV!!!!!!
Good afternoon, DinarVets! I'm going to run through this one pretty quick, because it's very simple to explain. That's a good thing. Simple = easy to conclude, which also translates loosely to "soon"! OIL is slightly lower than in my last update, but it's still in the "good" range. Anything in the $60s is great, as far as I'm concerned! More importantly, however, is all the HCL talk. I'm almost certain you're hearing it from other places, and I can confirm this is true: Iraq is dealing with the HCL as we speak, and I think it's going to get done this time. Check out the article below: I'm going to repeat that last part: 💥 "It is noteworthy that the Oil Ministry’s sudden announcement of the draft oil and gas law coincides with marathon negotiations between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region regarding the latter’s share in the 2021 budget and the mechanism for managing his oil file." 💥 The Budget was completed some time ago, and Baghdad and the Kurds were even in agreement on the original Budget that was preliminarily approved... ... the fact that there are now disputes, that are tied to the oil and gas law, tells us very clearly that they are not arguing over a few dinars... they are arguing over a LOT of dinars, which is also dollars. My friends, we are closing in on a spectacular finish! I'm looking forward to it. I know many of you are, as well. Hang tight! This might get bumpy before it's over, but OH BOY will it be worth it!!! Happy Sunday, everyone. - Adam P.S. OH! Did I tell you, or did I tell you?! Once again, I'm telling you... BTC was at around $50,000 two weeks ago. Today it's 57,000. That's 14% in two weeks. It is STILL a great time to get into crypto! You did NOT miss your last chance! We are talking about it here. P.P.S. Be sure to get in that DinarVets Lotto Pool here! P.P.P.S. I almost forgot.... GO RRRRRVVVVVVV!!$!$!$!$!!
Good morning, DinarVets! This one took me a bit to write up, and I'll be candid here - it was the most fun I've had writing an update in quite some time! Like many of you, I do fairly frequent "check ins" on my feelings about this investment... and I have questions, just like everyone else. "Is this still worth waiting on? Did the bus turn around and it's time to get off?" An Iraqi RV is not a guarantee, so these are fair questions any sane and intelligent person should ask themselves once in a while. I'm happy to state that today is not the day I'm getting off the bus. In fact, I'm pulling the seatbelt tighter! There was a question posed a couple weeks back about "sterilization". The CBI employs a procedure called "sterilization" as a monetary policy, but that is different than what may have been being asked... which is why I asked for clarification on it. I wanted to go deeper into the topic, but my post on CBI Auctions and the Iraqi Budget was already getting a bit lengthy. As of this morning (Friday 13 March 2020), there is a lot of "sterilization" talk - and most of it is not related to monetary policy, but actual disinfecting. The CoronaVirus is currently causing chaos in the markets, creating instability and fear that is likely to last a bit longer (but not forever), and it's always good to "get back to the basics". You know - a "check in". In these crazy times, are we the crazy ones? Are we crazy for sitting this ride out a little longer? Should we be throwing in the towel, selling all our dinar, and spending all of our money on toilet paper and hand sanitizer? I think the answer lies at least partly in the following subjects, so let's get into it! The topics today are as follows: CBI Auctions, and the Iraqi Budget. Before we do a little bit of a deep dive, I have a couple of opinions that may seem contrary - namely, the Budget and the Auctions, while important to Iraq, will probably never have a significant impact on (when or if) the RV. In spite of that, the seatbelt just got tighter, and my smile got bigger. These are complex topics, I'm going to simplify a little and I'm only covering a few of the aspects, but these are major parts of the topics and therefore a major factor in the size of my current smile. The summary, which you'll understand if you can make it through this entire post, is simple. Despite these scary and crazy times we are living in, Iraq and the Iraqi Dinar still have incredible potential. The rate of a currency is generally set by the countries Central Bank, not the IMF or anyone else. Iraq's rate is set by the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq). Ready? Here we go! CBI Auctions. These are used by the CBI to regulate the money, control the money, maintain the money - specifically, the rate and the amount in circulation. Actually, the CBI is selling USD at the auctions... but this will turn into a 7 hour read if I go too deep into that! It's helpful to understand where Iraq comes up with the USD to sell at the CBI auctions. The short version is this: Iraq's primary source of revenue is OIL. Payments are made in US Dollars, paid to the DFI (Development Fund For Iraq). The USD is then transferred to the Ministry of Finance (MoF), and the MoF sells it to the CBI in exchange for Dinars - the same Dinars that the CBI collected through the Auctions of USD. image source See how that all came full circle? Money in, money out, easy peasy. (This will take us to the Budget later.) (Fun fact! Dollars go to the DFI account rather than directly to the MoF to prevent the money from immediately being confiscated to pay reparation debts... kind of like using an IBC to protect assets.) We can expect the auctions to continue while the Dinar is pegged to the dollar, undervalued, and the circulation needs to be controlled. There are some people who believe the Auctions in Iraq need to stop, and there's good reason for that - few countries have had success with them. For example, South Sudan (who knows where that is?) tried it four times after they devalued. South Sudan, which is known as one of the most underdeveloped nations in the world, and who's primary export is timber. That's no knock on wood, the world needs wood... but wood isn't oil, and South Sudan isn't Iraq. (Sudan and South Sudan don't even make the top 100 in the world for oil reserves.) Iraq is obviously different, both in potential here and in the successful practice of having auctions. Other countries to do currency auctions include Jamaica, Uganda and Sierra Leone. Like South Sudan - none of them are Iraq, and none of them carried Auctions as long as Iraq... in fact, the auctions in those cases were failures. With those examples in mind, of course we'd like to see the currency options stop. And they probably will, at some point. But most likely not until after the RV. Since the auctions aren't stopping, and Iraq is not the same as the countries that failed at auctions... what can we expect during a major rate change? Fantastic question! I'll take a stab at it, using examples to make the point. At the auctions, the CBI operates buy/sell at about a 2% difference, which is an effective start of the spread that will affect every single one of us. If the rate were changed today to 1IQD per 1USD and the IQD returns to the global market (it will, at any significant increase in rate), then we will be trading in at the rate stated by the CBI minus middlemen fees - what it costs to actually get the money through the various institutions and into your account. (This isn't Bitcoin, you know!) If the CBI is using a 2% spread, they will "buy" at .98 and "sell" at 1 per US dollar. I fully expect that to fluctuate, perhaps wildly. They may pay .99 at first to show their confidence, and then lower it to .90 or further. (The bigger the differential, the more beneficial it is to them for the day profits.) They may quickly move to a flat 1:1 "Auction rate" simply to reinforce the rate and show that they are going to ditch the auctions soon - a lot of this is going to depend on the market. It is a business, after all. A 2 cent difference may not seem like much, but bear with me... It is important to understand the spread! I'll keep using the 1:1 number. For example, Iraq announces that the dinar is equal to the US dollar, the CBI is backing it, the IQD goes on the global market, and the rate sustains itself after a short time due to market demand. At this point, a lot changes, but those are different (and much longer) conversations. When we exchange, we are not going to the CBI - we are going to a bank that will trade IQD for dollars (or any currency). That bank will rely on the CBI buy rate first, which means they are getting a max of .98 USD per 1 IQD. Then they have to pay tellers and all their other expenses, so they add their spread on top of that - and this is assuming the bank you use is buying (selling) direct with the CBI. (They won't be.) By the time it gets to you, the CBI may have an advertised rate of $1, but you're only putting .70 in your pocket (before taxes). That "spread", or "cost", is unavoidable. We are not going to get the full "rate". Of course, you will get a better rate (money in your pocket) if you're VIP here at DinarVets, but that's not the point of this. The point is the Auctions will continue, and looking at past auctions - even yesterday's or today's auction - will not give us clues to if Iraq will RV today or tomorrow. (If we could see tomorrow's auction, that would be a different story!) The Auctions are good to see, in Iraq, because they are proof that Iraq is stable, still in business, and functioning. But the CBI Auctions will not give us the RV date until after you get my text message. The Iraqi Budget. The Iraqi Budget is important to Iraq because it defines how they spend money - and yes, it's the same money that was mentioned above, which comes mostly from oil sales. The MoF distributes IQD to each department according to the Budget. The Budget allocates resources to specific departments, based on a percentage of revenue or a fixed amount, and the individual departments spend their portion accordingly - just like giving your kid an allowance. A Budget works the same way in most places, and Iraq is no different. Politicians lobby for their departments, asking for more money always, and this is why a "tripartisan" government is so important and mentioned so much in the current Prime Minister debacle. If a Prime Minister came in and seated all members of one political group, it would be like the US having only Democrats or only Republicans in power. The reason we hear about the Iraqi Budget so much is simple - they are all fighting for money. (Or power, but it's really the same thing.) The reasons I say the Iraqi Budget doesn't matter are pretty simple. You've made it this far, stick with me just a little further! 1. Whether a specific Department (Defense, Education, etc) is on the Iraqi Budget for a percentage or a fixed money amount, there is a dollar/dinar amount that can be assigned to it based on the current price of oil x demand for oil = projected income / department allocation = $ for Department. This is a simple calculation that can be done in 2 minutes on a 1 page presentation. It's literally 2nd grade math. 2. Regardless of any rate change, that dollar amount can be estimated and stay the same with a simple Amendment. Imagine a late night Parliament meeting - called at the last minute after 8PM one night, emergency, mandatory! One item on the agenda - doors are locked, cell phones left outside - the ONE ITEM is this: We are going to raise the rate at midnight provided everyone signs this Budget Amendment. The Budget Amendment, in this case, states that the previous passed Budget is fixed at the old rate and all Departments receive an immediate 10% bonus due to the CBI exchange rate adjustment. The rest of the money that becomes available is held in reserve until further modification of the Budget... EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN is a hero and has almost unlimited job security at that point. Not one of them loses. It's the biggest slam dunk in Parliament history. Of course they wouldn't magically start to get along, but that's an offer even that bunch of hooligans couldn't screw up. OR: 3. Bypass the late night meeting and just pass a Presidential declaration stating the same. It accomplishes the same thing, and by the time anyone could complain, the rate would have been in effect long enough that it wouldn't matter. The President knows this. The CBI knows it. You know it. I know it. The bottom line here? It doesn't matter what the Budget says, because all the Budget really does is allocate money to departments. The rate, based on the global fiat currency exchange program, controls how many wing dings and knick knacks they can buy with their money because of it's international status... but the Department of Wing Dings is still going to have $X of the Budget, the Department of Knick Knacks still has $X, regardless of the rate, and that's the way it works. Fiat currency isn't an "Iraq" thing - it's a WORLD thing. OIL isn't an Iraq thing. Budgets aren't an Iraq thing. Currency manipulation isn't an Iraq thing. NONE of this is unique to Iraq - all of this is "business as usual", and when Iraq changes their rate, that's what it is - business as usual. Conclusion: There are plenty of good reasons for intelligent people to discuss the Budget and the Auctions. It's important that Iraq continue to be successful in the Auctions, pass their Budget, and continue doing business. While the world demands OIL, those who have it will always have credit. Iraq has proven itself capable of utilizing Auctions as a form of monetary control, and I don't believe their Auctions or Budget are a hindrance to increasing the value of the Dinar. In fact, it looks quite the opposite. And on that note, I say... GOOOOO RRRRVVVVV!!!!!
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Hey hey Happy Sundayyyy!!! There are so many things that I want to go over right now I barely know where to start! Perhaps "the basics" would be good. Or maybe the rate should be addressed. I'm also working through a "Post-RV - What To Expect And Do" article that will go in VIP this week. There are changes coming in the tax codes (for multiple countries), there are political situations that are extremely relevant and telling, and so much more is happening all at once right now! The "basics" are simple, and that's all anyone really needs to be able to sit back and wait. Iraq previously held one of the highest valued currencies in the world, and one day they will again. Although their country was knocked into the stone ages through a series of events that are now somewhat ancient history, Iraq still holds a majority of the black gold available on this planet. While the world runs on this stuff, and it will continue to do so, Iraq continues to hold an immensely powerful position. They suffered some extreme setbacks, but they did not lose their oil. This is a no-brainer to me - the value of Iraq's currency will rise again. The main holdup has been political. When Saddam was removed, the entire government basically collapsed, and the world lost faith in Iraq's ability to do... anything. The current situation is entirely different than the situation that dropped the value of the Dinar. In fact, the current situation is entirely different than that of Iraq even 5 years ago! We currently have a Prime Minister in place who is finally doing all the right things. I have affectionately named him "Kazzamie" because the progress he's made seems like a magic trick at times! The next crucial step to this journey, and this is a fundamental part of it, is the HCL. "HCL", or "Hydro Carbon Law", is the agreement necessary to furthering Iraq's regaining of wealth. Without the HCL in place, there is no financial agreement within Iraq, and it is more beneficial to the politicians to keep the rate low. Once the HCL is in place, it will be more beneficial to have a higher rate... and we are seeing a LOT of promising news on HCL right now. The rate - let's address that, because it's important. One of the most frustrating things about this adventure is the math. You know the saying "where there is smoke, there is fire"? This applies to all of the rumors you hear from the "date and rate" gurus. Sometimes they are misguided, sometimes they are mistaken, sometimes they are just plain "full of it", but all of the noise - the smoke - begins from a place of reality, and that place is the very real opportunity we have here. The value WILL go up. The question is, and always has been... How much, and when? Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure. That's why this is called "speculation" instead of "guaranteed", just like "fishing" isn't called "catching". (We all know how many fish you catch if you never throw a line out!) What we CAN do is make reasonable guesses. We can form informed opinions. I have an opinion... this was published a while back, and the theory part still holds true. I may be updating my thoughts on the rate soon, but everything else is still solid. ============ There are plenty of theories on what the rate of the revalued Iraqi Dinar will be, and they honestly range from pennies to dollars… my friends, that is a HUGE difference in ROI if you hold several million Dinar! If the rate is several dollars, then your holdings could equal several million USD! If the rate is in the pennies, then your investment is potentially worth several tens of thousands of dollars… BIG swing there, right? I’m going to list a couple of speculated rates and the reasons behind them, then I’ll tell you what I think is most likely. Speculated rates and theories: Based on Kuwaiti Dinar. It’s been said that the rate must equal their neighboring Kuwaiti Dinar rate, which would put the Dinar at $3+. Many people speculate that the Iraqi’s are a prideful people, and it would be a slap in the face to have a revalued currency be less than Kuwaits. Based on "dropping the 0′s" It’s mentioned many times in the news that the 0′s could be dropped, which would mean one of two things: 1. The 0′s are dropped from the bills, which essentially puts most investors at a break even return. Nothing gained, nothing lost. 2. The 0′s are dropped from the exchange rate, which is currently .00086 (Dinars are worth about 1170 IQD per 1USD, or an exchange of .00086). This means your dinars are worth .86USD per Dinar – in other words, a 10,000 IQD note is exchanged for $8,600 minus spread and bank fees. (If you don’t understand the “spread”, or you think there will be no spread, PLEASE read my free Cash In Guide. It’s located here) Based on “equal to the USD” We see articles all the time that reference the US Dollar, stating that the CBI wants the IQD to be equal to the USD. An easy assumption is to simply RV at 1:1, making a 10,000IQD note worth $10,000. Based on “they can’t RV low or investors will buy too much!” Some people state they will not cash in for anything less than $1. They state that Iraq would be foolish to RV at a low rate, because then big money will come in and buy up a ton of Dinar before it can go higher. (This theory is wrong, FYI.) My Thoughts: Keep in mind that I’m trying to keep this as simple as possible. I am going to use hypothetical figures, and I’m going to make my point as quickly as possible… we all have better things to do than listen to me ramble on for days, right? I agree with a few of the speculations above. I think the Iraqi Dinar should have a higher value, and I think we are simply waiting on the HCL or Chapter 7(!!!) to be finalized… then it will be “GO” time! But my opinion of the rate goes a little deeper… it includes a “business sense analysis” that everyone might consider. Iraq is a business – and the business is natural reserves. Iraq holds a majority of the worlds natural gas and also black gold, also known as “oil”. When Iraq is released from Chapter 7 and the HCL has been settled, they will begin operating their business using the same principals any other successful company uses – the goals being profit, sustainability, and success! Did I mention profit? Yes indeed, friends! PROFIT. The most important concept to understand today is this: The CBI makes money on every auction, and they will continue to do so forever. When the Dinar changes value, the CBI buys it at a lower rate, and then sells it at a higher rate. The CBI will ALWAYS choose the path that makes them the most money. Keep that in mind as we continue with this thesis! (*** click here for a detailed explanation on how the CBI auctions work) Let’s move forward a few steps and talk about a ReValued dinar. I agree that a lower rate than Kuwait will be a blow to the ego’s of the Iraqis. I agree that it should be on par with the USD, or even higher. I agree that the rate WILL get there… eventually. When the Iraqi Dinar is ReValued to a higher rate, it will become more desirable to do business in Iraq. Many people will be less hesitant to sign contracts and invest in Iraq. The current Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) should see some major movement… and the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq) is going to make tons of money on the exchanges! I believe that Iraq can sustain a very stable currency at a rate of $3 or higher, but I don’t think they will immediately jump to that rate even if they ultimately desire it to be so. Here’s why: An instantaneous RV to $3.00 will create a ton of wealth – coincidentally, probably about the same amount of wealth that they lost when Saddam Hussein was taken out of power and the value of the Iraqi Dinar plummeted to mere pennies! What’s done is done, though, and we have to look at the situation for what it is today – not what it could have been or should have been. When the Dinar rises in value and people are ready to “Cash In”, there is only one place that will ultimately buy the Dinar: The CBI. Since they control the rate and they are the top of the chain, they can set their spread (the fees they charge for cashing in your Dinar) to any rate they want. I’m of the opinion that they will jack that rate up as high as possible in the beginning… and who’s going to say no? The CBI has a monopoly on this market and it is theirs to do with as they please. A normal foreign currency exchange carries a “spread” of 2-6%. This means if you exchange $1000 worth of a foreign currency, you can expect to receive approximately $940 after the spread is taken out. Those numbers in the middle aren’t important, the only important thing is what you walk away with. Since the CBI has complete control on the spread, which trickles down through every single banking institution that handles the Dinar, we are at their mercy. Don’t miss this next line: If the CBI won’t buy your dinar, then you will not be able to cash in. Take a hypothetical rate of $3. The CBI can (and probably will) put a hefty spread their buy price – I’ve heard it will be at least 25% if they RV high. This means they will sell the Dinar for $3, but they will buy it for $2.25 Personally, I’d be grateful and overjoyed to see a 25% spread on a $3 RV! Most likely, we will only see about $2.00 per Dinar at a $3 RV by the time it gets in our hands (every party involved will take a little chunk, unless you are physically able to go to the CBI. And you can’t do that. So, just accept it – you’re going to pay a spread.) Once again, the extra numbers aren’t important right now – the only number that’s important is the $3 and the $2.25, because that’s what the CBI is worried about. Let’s say there is a billion USD worth of Dinar out there right now, or 1 trillion IQD. The CBI pays $2.25 for every $3 worth of Dinar, then resells it the next day for $3. That’s a profit of $75 billion just on the spread. Not bad, right? The problem is it cost them 225 billion to do that… and that 225 billion goes right into the “debt” column. My friends, Iraq isn’t about to go into debt so we can get rich. Therefore, a $3 RV isn’t the answer, and we must look at another possibility. Take a hypothetical rate of $0.10 (ten cents) Again, using the same numbers we have 1 Trillion IQD that needs to be changed out to smaller denominations. The CBI announces the rate at ten cents and also announces that your large notes will be worthless in 90 days. Every investor would love to hold out for a higher rate, but in this situation you have no choice… you cash out. The CBI will likely use the same spread, so they will buy 1 trillion Dinar at a rate of .10, minus 25% spread, which gives us about $750 for every 10,000IQD note we have… and the CBI makes 250 million in the first 90 days at an expense of only 1 billion. This puts their debt on this transaction at only 750 million… a far cry from the 225 billion in the $3 RV!!! However, this is only the first step. Now I’ll show you how Iraq can easily wipe that debt out by ReValuing the Dinar at a lower rate initially, then making money as the Dinar increases in value over a relatively short period of time. What about all the other investors that will now come in to buy up the lower denomination notes, speculating that the Dinar will continue to rise? I completely agree that this will happen! And the CBI will continue to make money on it. In the above situation, the Dinar is being sold by the CBI at .10USD per 1IQD. After all of the large notes are brought in, it is reasonable to assume twice as much money will be poured back into Dinar by speculators, at .10. Now the CBI is able to sell 2 billion at 10 cents, and they can move the peg on the Dinar up a bit – say, to 15 cents. Investors will cash in for a profit, allowing the CBI to resell at the higher rate and once again make profit. Of course, not all investors will cash in at 15 cents. For the sake of argument, let’s say half of the investors sell out at that point. The CBI pays 0.1125USD per dinar (A profit of 12.5% for the investors!!!) and resells that billion for 15 cents – securing a profit of 375 million. The CBI’s “debt” on the original RV is now down to 375 million… do you see how this is working? The CBI is able to make up the “loss” on the original RV simply by continuing to hold auctions and allowing more and more people to profit on the increasing value. At this point, in our hypothetical situation of a 10 cent RV, the CBI has covered half of it’s loss with only one “repeg”. They can continue to profit all the way up to the final rate of $1, $2, $3, or higher – as long as investors are willing to buy the Dinar, they can keep moving it up. And the way things are going over there… why wouldn’t we keep buying? I know I plan on doing so! In conclusion, I want to caution everyone to be careful with this investment. As good as things look, we never know when some hairbrained Arab is going to pull the pin on a grenade or something silly like that. Only buy what you can afford to lose, and always consult a professional before making investment decisions. =========== // ============ The above was written years ago, and it all holds true to this day. When I originally wrote the above thesis on the rate, we were waiting for Chapter 7 and the HCL. Chapter 7 is done. HCL is next. The RV will be shortly after that, or it will happen simultaneously. Either way... we are closing in on the final day. Go HCL, Go Iraq, GO RRRRRVVVVVV!!!!! Happy Sunday, everyone! - Adam
Hey hey, happy Sunday! Things are still cruising along nicely. In addition to everything else I could share, I decided to just pick one topic... OIL. The HCL, or "Hydro Carbon Law", is a key element in Iraq's eventual ReValuation of their currency exchange rate. In simple terms... when they finalize the agreement on how the profits will be shared, via the HCL, we are either past the RV date or it's a different kind of "soon", like immediately or tomorrow. OIL was at $61.53 when I did my last update. I stated then that we only really need OIL to be in the $40+ range for the logistics of the RV to work, so $61.53 was very encouraging. Do you know where OIL is right now? 💥 BOOM!!! 💥 This stuff isn't rocket science, and you don't need me to explain the simple stuff... so let's move onto something more fun. I'm going to share something I posted in our OSI section, in response to a news story regarding the Seychelles (Africa). We have some amazing stuff in VIP/OSI, fyi! The resources we have are the cumulative results of over a decade of planning, networking, researching, extensive world travel, and more. Our VIP group here IS the premier group to be in when the Dinar RVs... I've got a hundred stories about situations like these. Anyway, a member shared a story and the street in the photo was very familiar... it brought me back to a special time: ======= my response below ======== I love that photo... it looks exactly like the street I was stranded on at around 8 AM in the morning on my first trip to the Seychelles. I say "stranded" because I am an early riser, I was jetlagged, in dire need of coffee, and my hotel didn't have coffee available that morning when I was looking for it around 6AM. It was an $800 per night hotel. I wasn't too upset, because I figured I'd just go find a coffee shop and be closer to my destination and all would be good. Turned out, none of the coffee shops in that little town open till 10AM. !!!!!! I was bedraggled, jetlagged, tired, in desperate need of coffee, and asking strangers where in the heck do I get some coffee, and one of the strangers I spoke to told me (again) that no coffee shops in Victoria, Seychelles, would be open until 10AM. But he had an espresso machine in his office, and I could come with him. My appreciation at that time could not have been greater, and I followed him up to his office. He made the most amazing espresso I've ever had in my life, and as my head cleared around 8:30AM our conversation drifted to our plans for the day. Turns out, my 9 AM meeting, downtown Victoria Seychelles, was closer than I thought. This angel who had given a stranger some much needed caffeine was actually the exact person I was meeting first that day. Pure magic, if you ask me. I bought a similar espresso machine when I returned home, and our business relationship also ended up being pure magic. Some things are just meant to be, I guess. ======= / end of post ===== I'm serious - I have a hundred similar stories, where things just lined up in our favor and you can call it luck or whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is we have some amazing connections. I can't tell you when the RV will be, but I can tell you exactly where you want to be when it happens... https://dinarvets.com/forums/index.php?/store/category/1-vip-membership-packages/ I can't tell you when BTC will hit $100,000 either... but I told you when it was below $600 that it was a good investment. I can only "tell" you things so many times... and I certainly don't want to try to convince you to do anything you don't want to do. BTC is still a good investment, even at the current price of ~$50,000 per BTC. The IQD is still one of my favorite "high potential" speculations. And VIP is definitely where you want to be, now, before the crypto market explodes even more, and before the IQD RVs. Choice is yours, of course! That's all for now... happy Sunday, and GO RRRRRRVVVVV!!!!!
Happy Sunday, everyone! I'm tagging this "Adam Montana Weekly", even though the updates are no longer weekly, just to keep them showing up in the same searches for your convenience. Also, I don't have a lot to say... but I wanted to check in so you all didn't think I'm abandoning you! I'm just incredibly busy with some new projects in my life that have taken me away from the computer. I'm very thankful for the reprieve from the computer screen, my eyes and my back have been screaming at me the last couple of years. It was time for a change. With that said, I'm still in daily communications with all of my dinar contacts. I still get my usual briefings from the important people on dinar. And I'm still 100% ready to drop everything and give you all of my time when this RV happens. The last time I touched on the price of OIL was quite a while ago - I was optimistic even though oil prices were only at $40ish. Where are they today? $61! Which happens to be above where we need them to be for a launch of the RV. I don't need to say more on that topic. In GOI news, Iraq is muddling through the final stages of the Budget. We don't need the Budget to be complete before an RV, but a "happy agreement" between the Kurds and Baghdad will do a lot to grease the wheels. You can keep up with the current Budget proceedings in this thread, where our tireless @yota691 has been keeping everyone up to date. I know it can be a bit painful to try to decipher the articles, so I'll give you the elevator summary: Things are going well. There is a current discussion on "raising the price of the dollar", which would be bad for Dinar, and the overall sentiment is that they publicly do NOT want to "raise the price of the dollar". (That's a good thing for us!) Part of the reason is due to the current favorable price of oil. And, of course, none of that matters when the HCL goes through. It's been pretty quiet on the HCL front, which is part of why I've taken a break on posting. When the HCL comes, we have an RV either already announced or just around the corner. Until the HCL is done, we wait patiently. Personally, I'm staying the course. In other news... LGD made a pretty compelling argument in this thread for taking a serious look at Silver. BTC (we discuss this a LOT in the VIP Crypto section) is experiencing one of the best buying opportunities we've seen in a while, and maybe the best we will ever see again. While we've been waiting for the RV, many millions have been made in other areas... I encourage everyone to not tie all of their hopes and dreams to one windfall. I have no doubt that we will reap the dinar windfall, but why miss all the other opportunities while we are waiting on the RV? See you in VIP. Go Iraq... Go Dinar... GO RRRVVV!!!!!!!!!
Good afternoon-evening, all! This has been a roller coaster of a week for so many sectors... I know some of you are here for "Just the Dinar News, sir.... just the dinar news". I'll start with IQD. There is talk - and I'll leave it to you to research this, because I have 17 articles on my notepad that would really only cause confusion - but there is TALK that Iraq isn't able to use USD anymore. Or they won't be able to, or they shouldn't, or whatever. Listen, this is a fundamental issue, and anyone that's followed me for any amount of time should know that I am here because of the fundamentals. If Iraq is currently unable to use USD (that's not entirely the case at the moment, but follow along) then they couldn't conduct auctions, they couldn't trade anywhere that uses the USD (that's everywhere), and they would basically fall into absolute poverty and die of malnutrition. Does that sound like a serious possibility? Of course not... so let's get back to the fundamentals. Iraq has a majority of the OIL in the world. There's no way in heck that the WORLD will just pretend that oil isn't there. There is NO WAY that they can't use their resources to "buy in" to anything they want. So... what's with all this talk about Iraq not being able to use USD? I'll answer. It's an idle threat, but a promising one. It means Iraq has one more reason to up their game, Iraq has yet another reason to RV, and the world has one more reason to accept the "NEW" rate, even if it surprises everyone. Even if the analysts and the advisors and the bunches of panelists and "experts" say "OMG they shouldn't/can't/won't" do that! It doesn't matter what those talking heads say.... it's going to happen when it happens, and we are ready and here! On a side note... I hope you caught some of these crypto gains that many of us are rolling in! Sorry this update was late - I've had a ton going on this week, some of which has been rolling my crypto profits into other deals and just having a blast doing it all. Life is good, friends! See you in VIP
Howdy howdy! Happy Wednesday, good people of DinarVets! We have some questions from the thread I posted yesterday - I'll get to those in a minute. Just in case you missed these comments from last week... check these out: ONE and TWO. 💥 HCL is such a key component right now. In fact, 98% of this RV hinges on when and how the HCL is finally completed... ... and with things like that coming out, you know we aren't far now! Crypto - BTC is down to 30,900 as I type this. But those of us in VIP already saw that coming... and we have insight on what is happening next. Here's the questions that were posted yesterday: Although both are tragic and unfortunate, I see no impact from either of those. Bwahahaha Haha! Thanks Snatcher In regards to an RV, I say it signifies nothing. Iraq has always tried to plead poverty and defer payments and anything else they can do - just like we would expect any other country to do. The payments are in dollars, not Dinars.... this means that after they RV, it will be easier for them to repay. In fact, it makes sense to stall payments until after the RV if possible, because they will effectively pay less that way. Or at least have more to pay with, but I don't think their payment schedule will change for them. It's just better for them all around that way. That's a great observation, and I think it's 100% in Iraq's favor! Anything that drives the price of oil up, and does not take away from Iraq's ability to produce and export their own product, is good for Iraq. This is one such example. Eventually, yes. After. The timing for an RV is good now. The timing, technology, etc for converting to digital isn't quite there at the moment. Oy vey Tricky tricky! Not at all. The EU doesn't control the world, Iraq (and the other countries on that map) have other avenues to move money. I think you can guess my answer already after reading the links to the articles Thugs posted. We are so close to the apex of this I simply can't imagine it not popping soon, one way or another! One of my biggest objections to the possibility of a true Global Currency Reset is that when you break it down, it ends up looking like socialism. There would be winners and losers in that situation - if all currencies were made equal, that implies that all debts would be erased. Who does the US owe their national debt to? And are they just going to agree to wipe that debt out? That's just one example of a major roadblock in the path to a "Global" currency reset. I'm not saying I see no possible variations of the concept, but I do not believe a Global Reset is possible without WWIII and one ultimate winner who then controls the entire planet under one ruling entity. Funny question there... no amount of money will solve their problems! That won't stop them, though! See above! What "IQD Rates - Updates" are you referringing to? No, but some countries are requiring tests before you're allowed to mingle. You're going to have to give me a link - I could run around the internet trying to figure out exactly what you're referring to, but if I find the wrong article I'm going to give you the wrong answer. Gotta give me more to work with than that. Which pile of money are you referring to? I'm mostly in agreement there! It certainly could be done simultaneously with the Budget, but that doesn't mean it has to be done simultaneous... .... however, the timing certainly is good. I'm hopeful. == = = == = == = == = = == = == == = Lots of good stuff, my friends! Stay positive, stay healthy and happy, Go Iraq, and GO RRRRVVVVVVV!!$!!$!!$!!
Happy Wednesday all! I hate to start an update on a bad note, but I'm slammed with work right now, travelling with slow internet, and I accidentally swiped the wrong way just a minute ago... ... and lost a few hours of work that I had done on this weekly update. GRRRR!!!! Oh well, that's what I get for counting on auto-save. I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned here Iraqi Dinar - we are looking so good here. There is nothing going on that has me even the slightest bit concerned, in fact! The way things are going, we could see an RV early this year. Things to watch for are HCL and pretty much anything @yota691 posts. Like this, for example. Speaking of Master Yota, he recently suggested something - and you probably noticed the dynamic exchange rate module on the side of most pages. I am bringing it up now because while it's neat to see the price of BTC and a few other things there, I am not counting on that to notify me when the IQD increases. Nor should you. If you want to be notified of the RV in a timely manner, you should definitely be in VIP and make sure you've completed the VIP Text confirmation process. Do it here. Crypto - holy moly it's been fun lately! The Iraqi Dinar is almost a sure thing, if you understand it. I explained it all in the RV Intel book - get it here if you are VIP, or here if you're not. (Kind of silly to not pony up a few extra shekels and get it free with VIP, but to each their own. Crypto, on the other hand... that's more complicated, especially if you don't have access to our VIP Crypto section. You don't want to be this guy, after all! I think it's going to continue going up... in fact, I've been buying more. I see the current price of 35,xxx as a gift! Better late than never indeed! At today's price.... I'm buying more. I just may do something with the ginsu knives... it's been a while since we had a contest! There isn't much that makes me happier than a happy VIP member sharing their happiness. Thank you for the post! I'll do that for fun sometime. Okie dokie friends and family and DV family and everyone else... I'm done for now! Be happy, be safe, and GO RRRVVVV!!!!!! - Adam
Good day and happy Wednesday! Not a ton to chat about right now. We have some optimism on the Budget side, namely: If the Kurds weren't happy with their share, there would be a problem with HCL. This says the opposite - all in agreement, ready to go next week, and that says to me: Let's go HCL! Other than that... I could sit here and hypothesize about the little news bits and rumors floating around, but I've got other things to do Get in the lotto pool here. The crypto world is an amazing and fantastically fun place to be playing right now - the market swings are incredibly predictable! Join us here for the discussion. Like I said - not much to talk about today, so..... GO RRRRVVVVV!!!!!!!! - Adam
"2021"... that was weird to type in the thread title! Happy Wednesday everyone, and welcome to another rousing edition of "The Weekly"! We don't have any guest speakers, we're not giving away ginsu knives, but we do have a great chance of "YOU GET AN HCL! YOU GET AN HCL! EVERYONE GETS AN HCL!!!" in the near future! I know, we can't wait for that to be "in the rearview", but some things take time. While we wait, I sure hope you're paying attention - and making money - while so much good stuff is happening in the crypto world! Check this thread out, for example. As one member stated... it's "so easy a caveman can do it". BTC is currently in the $34,000 range. (I was telling you to buy it before it was $600, I got adamant about it at the $600 mark, and I've been touting it ever since... is now when you decide to listen? Because I'm still suggesting you get some. And we have a full dedicated section in VIP to guide you! Click here.) Coinbase is filing has filed for their IPO. Bloomberg: JP Morgan says BTC could see $146,000. (It's currently under 35,000 in case you missed that.) The first crypto transaction bought pizza... because that's how much they were worth at that time. If you want to put in only $41 in a coinbase account and buy just $41 worth of crypto, you can do that! There is ZERO reason to not own at least a few satoshis. If anything I just said is confusing, just hop into our VIP crypto section and ask away - we love talking about it almost as much as we love the profits. Join the Weekly Powerball Pool: HERE. Have a fantastic day, and GOOOO RRRRVVVVV!!!!!! - Adam
Good morning everyone! Christmas is two days away and I'm enjoying life with the family... but still keeping an eye on everything, and ready to roll any time and any day Iraq wants to! I hope you have kept up with my recent updates - I've stated multiple times that I expect Iraq to release "bad" news before they RV. Just this last weekend, it was announced that the rate would be changing to 1450... ... and yes, that is the wrong way. Unless it's not. Someone, please, ask me how much I'm freaking out about this "news"? Ask me how disgruntled I am about the situation. Ask me if I agree that this is the end, Iraq has given up, we wasted our time here. Anyone... anyone? I'm not surprised, not even a little bit, and quite frankly... I'm even more excited about the prospect of a near future RV. With an official announcement of the move to devalue the currency, many people will be running to sell their "now worthless and doomed" currency. Many larger holders will almost have no choice but to take the loss, selling their dinars back. And Iraq will be sucking up currency from the outside, decreasing the external supply, and therefore decreasing their liabilities, which makes it cheaper for them to RV. This is not rocket science, my friends! This is the kind of announcement they can afford to make, because it works in their benefit. They would never announce a future increase in the exchange rate, because investors would do the opposite - rush to buy dinar, which would cost them money. I could go on for hours. Pages and pages could be written on the reasons this is a solid move for them Pre-RV. I'm not worried. If you are, you can simply sell your holdings down to a size that no longer worries you. I'm certainly not doing that. From now until Christmas, you can take advantage of a BOGO deal - Buy One, Give One! Every VIP membership purchased between now and midnight Christmas entitles you to Give an equal amount of VIP to anyone you want... even yourself Just grab a VIP product from the list below: 3 Month VIP here. 5 Month VIP here. Platinum Lifetime VIP here. Be well, Merry Christmas, and GO RRRRVVVVV!!!!!!!! - Adam P.S. Almost forgot the weekly Powerball Pool!
- 71 replies
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Good morning good morning! First things first - I just posted an updated thread on whitelisting / safelisting emails. When the RV is announced, a couple things happen: 1. An email is sent to all members. VIP members will get multiple emails, with extra information. 2. VIP members will receive a text message. 3. A lot more stuff The first item on that list is the email that will be sent out... make sure you are receiving my emails. Next, a friendly request to be patient with my staff at this time - this time of year is always hectic, with annual renewals, compliance across the globe through our various ventures, the associated slow responses from our providers, etc etc. We can only work as fast as the slowest piece of the puzzle, and that is always on the other side of the world, 10 hours ahead of us or more... just be patient if you're awaiting a response. We always come through for our clients, you are not forgotten, and multiple inquiries on the same matter in one day does not earn you points with my already harried staff. Thank you for understanding and for all the years many of you have allowed my Team to prove themselves to you. Comments regarding your personal account, requests for me to look into something for you, etc need to go in your support account (click here), not as a post in response to a public or VIP or other thread. Any posts of that nature will be removed and ignored. Now on to the fun stuff! OIL: This doesn't take a rocket surgeon, so I'll just draw a pretty arrow. MONEY - when any part of Iraq releases a statement to the effect of "we are moving on this and are in complete agreement", I tend to take notice. Like this one, for example! Actually, this will tie into a deeper dive writeup I'm doing at the moment. "It's all about the money", in more ways than you might see in the above link... although that article does wrap around Article 7, the 2021 budget, and more. It will be a good read. I'm hoping we see the RV before I can finish it, but I'll keep working on it just in case. AGREEMENTS - One of the major holdups for Iraq has always been the HCL, which is a money sharing agreement between primarily Baghdad and Kurdistan. Over the last decade (plus) we have seen countless instances where they simply couldn't agree on anything, much less a major profit sharing agreement. This is less and less the case. It's all about the money... and they are working together so much smoother than ever before. For example: There's more, like this. And this. And... well, I'm not going to link to all of them. I'd be here for hours OTHER NOTEWORTHY MENTIONS: Community Map - this is one tool we will be using after the RV. VIP members will see locations of banks, service providers, and more. You will NOT have access to these tools (and more!) if you're not a VIP member. VIP members, see here for more info. BTC - currently at about $18,329 per. Hopefully you were part of our group that made some good money just recently! We have a dedicated section in the VIP area for crypto discussions... just another reason to join us there. The WEEKLY LOTTO POOL - get in! You can't win if you don't play Y'all have a fantastic day, Go Iraq, and GO RRRVVVVVVV!!!!! PS. Side note! I use a LOT of news sources to keep abreast of the latest happenings, not only in Iraq but just "in general". My absolute favorite recently is "The Brew" - click that link to get it yourself. 100% free. This is not a paid post, I'm just sharing because I really enjoy it, and I hope you do too!
Hey hey, good afternoon! P.S.A. No face masks are required to read this update. It is COVID-FREE. This week's weekly update is brought to you by the letters "GO", "R", and "V". In that order. Why? I'll get to the dinar news in a minute. For those of you who attended the "Return of the Chat" event on Monday - thank you for joining me! I appreciate the help working through the bugs. Many have been requesting a "transcript". That's something that used to happen when we did regular live chats. This was just a "test chat", and the intention was only to work out the kinks in the software. (It went off very well!) There is no transcript available. However, I will give a short recap of notable items that made the live chat: 1. The latest chart topper is located here - it must have gotten buried under the slew of news that's been released this week! (I'll get to some of that in a minute). 2. ALL VIPs, if you have not validated your phone number yet - please see this thread. When the RV is here, I will send a text message to all VIP members who have followed the instructions. Do not respond to this portion in this "Weekly Update" thread. Please direct your attention (and any responses) to THIS thread. 3. Also covered in the live chat was information about the "Community Map". I will restate some of what was said... this is going to be one of our VIP tools for locating prefered cash in locations, service providers, and more. Currently you will NOT see your marker on the map. ONLY I WILL SEE it, for privacy reasons. Nonetheless, I would like all VIP/OSI members to enter their location on it. (Note - some other groups *may* be able to enter a location. You will not get any benefit from that, but feel free ) 4. Also covered in the chat - the "Announcement" feature. I changed the announcement in real time to test it out. Before you cash in, you can pop that open on your mobile device and you'll see a notice (like "current VIP cash in rate $x.xx"). This will take you 2-3 seconds, you can do it before you hand over the cash, to make sure you're getting the "live VIP rate". Good stuff 5. This was not in the chat, because it didn't come out until Tuesday, but this should sum up the dinar news portion of today's update... THIS IS HCL: What more do I need to say?! The good news just keeps piling up! Thug you very much for visiting today's update. GO RRRRRVVVVVVV!!!!!!! - Adam
Happy Wednesday, DV! One day till Thanksgiving - I am thankful every single day for the amazing community we have here. Tomorrow, I will be thankful for the same things I am thankful for every day, and also pumpkin pie. Stay safe everyone, however you spend the day. COVID cases are "on the rise", but before you get all worked up about it... do some research on how the tests are being conducted, specifically PCR testing. And maybe look at this chart: 🤦♂️ The Weekly Update last week was postponed, delayed, and finally buried on page 4 here in case you didn't find it. The DOW this week... holy MOLY! 29,965.01 as of right now. Yesterday we crossed 30,000 and held that for a respectable time. BITCOIN... I know most of you wouldn't waste your time on anything that looks as boring as this chart: I mean, it's basically just tedious, boring profit. No excitement. Ugh. (If tiresome stuff like that interests you, we have a dedicated section to it in the VIP section here. Not that I'd ever encourage anyone to participate in anything that results in amazing results. Or learn anything new. Or profit. Blech. Who wants that...) OIL - More boring stuff. The last screenshot I posted of Oil was $42.21. This one is $45.42. When will this tediousness end. Of course, we need that kind of boring (stable) path. Boring actually equals predictable in this case, and it's the best thing we could ask for. It's leading to more and more progress like this: And this: And... I could go on, but I'm going to save some good stuff for tomorrow. I'm going to wrap this up early for now, and spend some time with my family today. I'll be doing a follow up tomorrow, because "Black Friday". And Cyber Thursday. And all those other great reasons to share some love 😍 I'll send out a special offer tomorrow morning. Watch your email for that One final thought before I head off... US Politics - the Trump Train is running out of time, but not out of steam. I'm excited to see what last minute things come out of the current President's office... and I would not be surprised at all to see something major that helps Iraq. One of the longest standing Dinar rumors of all time is that Mr Trump owns a significant amount of dinar. I'm sure that anything he personally held has long since been transferred to a foreign entity (*cough OSI cough*!!!), so we won't see his name on a transaction receipt when the value goes up and everyone is taking profits... but would it really surprise you to see one of his last acts as President is something that helps the Iraqis boost the value of their currency? It won't be a surprise to me! The limited time Trump has left in office is actually an exciting factor in the Dinar world. I don't care if you like The Donald or not, you have to at least see the potential there! Be sure to get in the Weekly Lotto Pool (here), I'll see you tomorrow, and GOOOO RRRRRVVVV!!!!!! - Adam
Good morning, and Happy Wednesday! First, foremost, and with the utmost reverence... Happy Veterans Day. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all who have served or are serving. There aren't words enough. Back by popular demand... the Rubies! Neggers be warned, however... you are no longer anonymous. You can't simply click the downvote button and run off to your cave anymore muah-ha-ha-ha Since I was in there playing with things, I added another reaction: We will see how that goes In the US of A, we have a political fustercluck (as usual), and like I said last week... the winner of the election doesn't really affect what Iraq can and will do. It does, however, have an impact on what current President Trump may do in his (possibly) final months as CEO of the USA. Pushing Iraq towards an increase in wealth would be an incredible thing to add to the list of accomplishments, don't you think? I do. BTC is up 38% this month. That's pretty nice! The price of Oil is more important to Iraq, and that's doing fine: Also important is the political state in Iraq, and that too is doing fine... So... what's the holdup? HCL. And Article 140, to a limited extent, being limited to it's importance to the HCL. Good news, though... that's being worked on, and progress is being made. @yota691 posted this article just a bit ago, and this part is notable: Don't give up yet, friends... things are moving. I'll close on that note... for now. Get in the Weekly Powerball Pool here, and GOOOOO RRRRVVVVV!!!!!!
Good afternoon all! The weekly update will be delayed until tonight or tomorrow - I'm travelling today and my internet is so weak I can't download my personal briefings from my contacts. These briefings are vital to my updates because even when I don't have anything major to announce - I always keep regular tabs on what's going on. I'm in communication with people at several sources that provide invaluable information to me, and this week's communicado package is larger than usual... I'm excited to open it but I need a better connection. Darn third world countries, I tell ya' UNTIL LATER....
Good morning DinarVets, and happy Wednesday! Also, happy continuation-of-November-3rd, where the voting happened and the counting continues. I know there are a lot of people who are on the edge of their seats today, waiting for the ballots to be counted and the winner of the United States presidential election to be decided. The unfortunate fact is... it's too close of a race to call yet, and we probably won't have a clear answer until at least the end of the day. More likely, the end of the week. No matter who wins, life will go on. Love your loved ones, let go of that which does not serve you well and good, and GO RV!!! The US political news is enough to keep me writing here for hours upon hours, if that was what I cared to do... ... it's not. I'm sure a lot of gossip and speculation surrounding the elections will be affecting the Dinar world. If Trump is going to stay in the White House, Iraq certainly has a good reason to count on support from the US in their revalue (increase) of their currency. If Trump will not be staying in the Oval Office, he could make one of his last plays a major push to help Iraq in any way they want. No matter what, President Trump still has an influence on foreign affairs, policy, and support for Iraq until at least January 19th 2021. And we know he won't be doing anything to hinder Iraq in an RV. That may be why we aren't seeing any actual news about Iraq's currency as it directly relates to the US presidential election... because no matter how this goes, they still have the support of the US and regardless of how things turn out, we have a few months where they are in a great position, with global support, and they can flip that switch with no substantial resistance from one of the most influential and powerful nations in the world - the USA. With all that said... my suggestion is simple. Hang tight, wait for the official RV announcement from DinarVets, get in VIP(!!!!), and GOOOO RRRRRVVVVVV!!!!!! The weekly Powerball Pool is here. - Adam P.S. It was mentioned recently that something I said may have held a hidden message... has anyone ever noticed the colors I use for "GO RV!"? And the order I put them in? 5,000 DV points for the first member to guess the significance. Hint - there are two parts to the explanation. P.P.S. I would personally enjoy some great commentary on how the markets are performing and how they will continue to react as time goes on this week. @Pitcher?
Good afternoon all! VIP members - I just put a post up in VIP here. I'll send an email shortly announcing it. Everyone else - no "dinar" update from me today. I've spent the majority of the day working through the final touches on what I just posted in VIP, and this is once again just part of the bigger picture. Iraq is moving at a brisk pace right now. We are seeing things we have never seen before. They are accomplishing things that many said would never happen. I think they are going to shock the world soon. These features that are coming out (the Rock On badge , testing the VIP text system, etc) are all part of a bigger plan. This is actually a rare type of situation where I'm going to explain in public what's going on with the VIP update. Being VIP here does a lot for you, even before the RV is announced, but one of the benefits is that all VIP members will get a text message alerting them about the event when it happens. I have my finger on the pulse of this thing, all the time, and I'm confident that I'll know about it within minutes of it happening, if not slightly before. I'll verify it to be sure, and then initiate a series of actions that will alert the members about it. Non-VIP members will get an email - once I'm done pushing out the VIP alerts, of course. VIP members will get an immediate text message and a few different emails. These emails are going to contain the information needed to keep abreast of the situation - we have no doubt that it will be fluid and we may have days to cash in, we may have months, but we may have less time. We don't know yet - and it's imperative that we have that information as fast and accurate as possible. That's just one aspect of VIP. Another is the guaranteed better cash in rate. With us having the largest and best connected group of dinar holders on the planet, we have the ability to leverage our position and get a reduced spread, which will equal much more cash in your pocket. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I'm talking $$$$ thousands more $$$$$. Guaranteed. It's not rocket science, and it's explained in this short and simple free Guide --> here<--. One of the most common requests I've received over the years has always been the ability to "confirm" the text notification system. I've always declined because the resources needed were too high, but we recently had some slow periods of progress with Iraq and I took some time to develop a better alert system... one of the improvements was a Verification system so our VIP members can test the Text function. The new system is even faster, more versatile, and all VIP members can now test it. Details in the VIP section here. There are more benefits, but the above is more than worth the investment. Things are happening. Iraq is moving at a brisk pace. There has never been a more important time to be in VIP. Join here. As always.... Go Iraq, Go VIP, and GO RRRVVVV!!!!!
Good morning everyone! Today looks to be a long but exciting day in my world, and a good part of it IS because of Iraq. Some housekeeping real quick - I'll be sending out an email on this, because quite a few people are still affected by a recent server glitch that made the site unavailable to people. If you were unfortunate enough to visit during that short period of time, your computer has some stored cookies that will still prevent you from viewing the site correctly. There is also an issue with older versions of Internet Explorer and Edge, and those I'm not confident will ever be fixed. Anyhow - the site access issues can be fixed by doing two things. 1. If you're not already using Google Chrome as your browser, now is a great time to start. Get it here. 2. If you are using Google Chrome, you'll need to clear your cookies and cache for DinarVets. I know, it's a pain... sorry. The issue will eventually resolve itself, but if you want to speed it up just go here (or here for Microsoft browsers). Special message for VIP members - as long as you have a good, working email on file here, you aren't in danger of missing any of my messages. The Post RV (RV Announcement) messages and instructions will come to your email, and you'll be directed to a different website that was/is not affected by this annoying situation. One last thing - our News section is getting a little disorganized. To our news posters - at one time we were pretty diligent with making sure we didn't post duplicates, but that seems to be happening a bit more often. Let's resume the vigil - check for duplicates before you post, and be sure to use the "Tags" function to make things easy for the readers. Thank you ALL for your tireless work and incredible contributions! Ok, back to the Dinar! (For those of you able to access this chat ) Parliament is in session, although with the exception of this mention of "White Papers" it would appear that nothing spectacular is happening. I'm not reading anything into the "White Papers" - I'm sure the Gurus will, but that's not what you come to DinarVets for. They aren't going to announce "hi we plan to raise the rate next week lolz" - that's just not the way this works. They would lose the chance to capitalize on the RV, and they simply aren't going to do that. So, what IS encouraging? Jump right to page 3 of this thread, for starters. Our tireless newshound @yota691 started the thread earlier this month with the bold title "There is no alternative for Kurdistan but an agreement with Baghdad" - and that is 100% truth. This boils all the way into the HCL (Hydro Carbon Law) which is a necessary component for the RV. One of the most common questions on the HCL is whether or not it needs/must be done before the RV. The answer is it doesn't matter if it's done before, during, or after raising the value of the Dinar - but it must happen really really close to the same time. Either immediately (minutes/hours, not days or weeks) before, during, or after. Minutes or hours... not days or weeks. That is key. The HCL is, in layman's terms, a profit sharing agreement between the Kurds and Baghdad - two major portions of Iraq. Without a profit sharing agreement, they won't raise the value. The profit, of course, comes from this right here: And aside from that crazy dip that nobody would have believed could ever happen earlier this year, that chart looks solid and promising. I can't wrap this up without a shout out to this thread: And of course, the Weekly Powerball Pool! I'll get that email out a little later today - be well, everyone! Go HCL - Go Dinar - GO RRRVVV!!!!!!
GOOD DAY ALL! Actual update delayed until later or tomorrow. Don't miss your chance to get in the DV Powerball Pool here. If you notice anything goofy going on with the site... I'm just breaking things upgrading features, nothing to worry about. The site might go offline for a few minutes a few times over the next couple days. DON'T PANIC. We are running on multiple redundancies here. All RV texts can still go out at a moment's notice. All VIP benefits are still in place, safe and secure. Should we have an RV announcement while I'm in the middle of breaking things upgrading features (I don't know why autocorrect keeps doing that to me ), an email will go out (it takes about 5 minutes to send the RV message to all 50,000+ members) with the information you need. I'll be back - GO RRRVVVVVV!!!!!
Good Morning!!! Do you see the excitement above? Don't worry... if the big letters and extra exclamation points didn't get you excited, what's coming below will! First, the normal stuff... OIL - nothing crazy, just the normal expected good stuff. Stable and steady upward trend = Budget - This may not seem like a big deal, but.. submitting it, then withdrawing it, then returning it, then stating "we need 3 weeks to approve it"... there is some number-crunching, pencil whipping, fiat manipulation going on in the background. By itself, that news would raise some eyebrows, but let's hop right into the stuff that does more than raise eyebrows: ---> THIS. <--- In particular, this part: One more time just in case you missed that: including the oil and gas law. If I had the ability to make 💥 fireworks 💥 jump off of your screen right now, I would consider it - that's how big this kind of news is! If it seems like "all Adam talks about anymore is HCL", that's because things are so smooth and streamlined in Iraq right now... HCL is all we need at this point. HCL is oil and gas law. (See above! 👆 ) That's it. That's all, end of story, all she wrote, finito, 💥 , done. Our man Kazzammie is hands down the best thing to ever happen to this situation. Not because he's a messiah or anything crazy like that - the man has just done so much it's almost unbelievable. Prior to him taking the position, Iraq was torn and confused by riots, revolts, and failure. That short period of time came after much incredible progress, including getting out of Chapter 7 and booting Maliki. There was a time (not too long ago) when it looked like one of the previous Prime Ministers would make some progress, but we have never seen this much HCL action. Ever. I'm excited. These things are why I've been spending the time on the back-end of the site, improving some security and other functions. It's why I've taken extra time to verify our contacts and procedures, make contingency plans for VIPs with relation to the current covid situation, and double checked my own personal situation. VIPs, if you are Platinum - verify that you have your VIP Certificate handy. If you can't find it, for whatever reason, get in touch. (Use the support system.) OSI, be sure your gifting letters are in place. And that you know where that place is. And you have access to it. Everyone - is your dinar accessible? Do you have a plan? Are you ready to execute it? VIP is still open to new members - if there is anything you are unsure about, no matter how trivial it may seem right now or how unlikely it felt a month ago... you still have time to join VIP (right here, right now) and get access to the best options available anywhere. Go Iraq, Go Dinar, Go VIP, GO RRRRVVVVV!!!!!! - Adam
Happy Wednesday, Dinarvets! I'll preface this update with a simple statement: I'm juggling a lot of things behind the scenes here. The great news (for me anyway!) is the majority of the bugs in the site upgrade have been worked through. I trust you all survived the Trump vs (Biden y Wallace) event last night , and here is the link for the Weekly Powerball Pool. Dinar is still looking very positive, and everything I talked about last week just keeps building on itself and more good stuff is adding to the pile of "amazing" potential for a *soon* RV. Because of this situation, I'm juggling updates on our Post-RV plans - for the VIP members, of course. ALL members of DinarVets will get an email announcement. From me. If you're reading this as a guest, you'll need to create a free account 👉 (here) 👈 to be notified. You *can* always wait for your brother's wife's cousin's mailman's "intel" to feed you the 800 number to call (there won't be any legitimate 800 numbers!!!), but the other option is to just be a member here. VIP members are getting more than an email announcement. I'll be sending a text message (only to VIP members*), with instructions to access our Post-RV site, and that's where the real work is happening right now... we've been busy with re-confirming partnering banks, locations, preferred rates, re-confirming partnering legal and tax advisor commitments to our group, re-working Post RV plans to account for COVID, and a ton more. Some of this I'll be able to release as soon as next week. Some of it will never be released outside of the VIP section, and some of the VIP information is on hold until we have an actual RV announcement, but the point here is that work is being done, and you will be taken care of... ... even if it's just the official notification email for you, as a free member here. With all that said - I'm getting back to work! I'll open this thread up for questions, and I will commit to coming back to answer them OR pulling them all and creating a new thread for them. Go Iraq, GO RVVV!!!!!!! - Adam P.S. You may have noticed the asterisk above, where I mentioned the Text service. Just to clarify how this works - anyone can enter their phone number in their profile, and it's only visible to the staff here. Once the RV is announced, I click a button that starts a process and it pulls the current VIP phone numbers. THOSE numbers will be texted... no others. If your VIP is expired, or if you never had it but-thought-you-could-be-sneaky-and-enter-your-phone-number-anyway... sorry, gang, no dice there. Only VIP members will get the RV text notification.