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Everything posted by thechosen1

  1. I'm privy to OSI and have contacts for that. It won't hurt either to get an overview on what type of OSI you're into that I may possibly come on board and join. There was no link.
  2. Unfortunately I was unable to see your reply. Thanks anyway.
  3. Pardon my ignorance but what is OSI?
  4. I appreciate the advice. Now with that being said is purchasing any more Dong, Zim OK to do before the RV is actually here?
  5. Hi all, With all that we've been hearing with the impending conclusion to this RV roller coaster madness, I wanted to know would it be wise to even purchase anymore currency at this state or is it too late? What are you're thoughts and have some people continued buying currency? Highest regards, Thechosen1
  6. I appreciate the update. I've only been in this for a little over a year so I can imagine the frustration level from those who have been here longer, now having said that it would be in all of our best interest to remain positive and hope for the best. I can live with the rate of $1 makes sense to me. Cheers HK
  7. Hello All, with all the speculations of the VND coming out at .08 is there any concrete Intel to support these claims, or is it coming from sources who are not really in the know? Glad to be a part of this.
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