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Posts posted by LIBoy

  1. NO IT WAS NOT RHETORICAL! And I will praise my Lord Jesus Christ that you chose to insult me with 


    names, " cub scout" , as your Christian response. That is what the Pharisees also did to my Jesus. I will 


    not quote to you anymore scripture as it seems to offend you, and that WAS NEVER MY INTENTION.



    If in your heart you can honestly say it was not a somewhat mocking rhetorical response when you asked me to explain the scriptures to you than I am truly sorry. I guess in my heart I thought you knew what all the scriptures meant since you quote scripture in most of your posts. 

    As far as the "Peace Out Cub Scout :peace: " close to my message, I can't understand how you would think that is an insult.  I have a six year old son who uses the term often and I get a huge laugh everytime he says it.  If that simple care free phrase is insulting to you, don't ever come to NYC.  You'll be cowering in the corner before you get half way through Penn Station. (disclaimer to readers: That was also an attempt at humor. I don't actually think anyone will be cowering in the corner of Penn Station.)

    • Upvote 1
  2. I do care, and I feel to tell someone its ok to have a faith other than a faith in Jesus Christ is wrong.  If you believe you are a Christian and you believe there is more than one path, I have to tell you, you are wrong, and you're not reading and interpreting the scriptures properly, thus the reason I use scripture for you to see in print what God's word says.  For me to respect your thoughts and beliefs is like me seeing you holding a gun to your head and you telling me it is empty, when in fact it is fully loaded. 


    I believe you have a good heart, but you are misguided in your thought processes at times.

    Of course I'm misguided at times. It comes with being human. The bottom line is that there are many many religions and many ways to praise God and Jesus. If someone does it differently than you or I, it doesn't mean they are wrong or "less than" it simply means they do it differently. There seems to be such a lack of tolerance in your brand of Christianity. I just can't practice that type of elitist religion. My brand of religion is different than yours. You don't need to agree with it but please respect it. That is all I ask.

    • Upvote 1
  3. You say there are many ways to the mountaintop (to God), that is contrary to scripture. And then when you are confronted with your statement, you turn around and say you don't have to explain yourself.  The Bible says different.  Whatever your relationship is, with the statement you made about the many paths, it surely isn't a relationship with Jesus Christ.



    My reference to the many paths referred to the many religions of the world. I don't know why you always take what I say so personally and then feel the need to antagonize. I guess that is just your way of telling me you care. I know you are a man of strong faith and I repect that. What I don't respect is someone using scripture solely for the purpose of trying to discredit someone else's personal thoughts or beliefs. I have been in no way malicious with my posts so all I ask is for you to respect my thoughts and beliefs instead of trying to tell me they are wrong.

  4. 1 Peter 3:13-17 (NLT)

    13 Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. 16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 17 Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!

    Mark, please don't tell me you are unable to see that the question LGD asked me was a rhetorical one. I would hope you have a clearer understanding of English colloquialisms than that.

    You can quote the bible till the cows come home. Every passage is a pearl of infinite wisdom. Praise be his name. However, my relationship with my creator will forever and always remain just that. Mine.

  5. This website is a microcosm of the world. There are multiple cross sections of religions, race, ethnicity and geography. Is it a wonder the world is as screwed up as it is and that hatred and arrogance reign supreme?

    Most of what I read on this site is people trying to prove to others why they are right and the other guy is wrong. Why if you don't believe in my God and follow my religion, you will go to hell. Why my political party is right and yours is wrong. Why I am superior to you because I can quote more bible passages. People are constantly pushing their views and their beliefs down other people's throats and when others disagree, they do all they can to disparage, mock and belittle them. Why? Simply because they disagree or have a different point of view.

    All this on a website where we all basically come from the same cultural background.

    Then we sit back and wonder why the world is so f'd up.

    Hopefully Jesus will come back soon as Mark said, because we are, in my opinion, on the verge of a global holocaust.

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    Then can you please explain these scriptures to me?


    Matthew 7:13-14

    King James Version (KJV)

    13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

    14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.



    John 14:5


    5Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.






    That's the beautiful thing.  I'm free and don't need to explain anything.  My personal relationship with my creator is all I need.  Peace out cub scout! :peace:

  7. the immense disrespect of the political process this Country was built on is primarily coming from the current administration and its allies. Your inability to see that and point it at me shows your foolishness and lack of discernment. Back on topic, same goes for a true, spirit filled Christian, in now way could support the things this current administration is doing, nor the immoral issues it promotes, not to mention the "anti-Christian" agenda. It is not your duty to stand by a wicked leader, as an American it is your responsibility to defend you God given rights and Liberties that are outlined in the Constitution. As a Christian, you should be able to see the problem. Tolerance of immorality and sin is not something a Christian is commanded.

    Let's agree to disagree and leave it at that.

    For me, the Serenity Prayer always keeps me on track.


    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,

    courage to change the things I can,

    and wisdom to know the difference."



    • Upvote 1
  8. What constitutes a Christian is someone that believes Jesus is the Christ born of a virgin and foretold of in the OT, someone that believes Jesus is the son of the one true God and that he died on the cross at Calvary and was ressurrected on the third day and then leads his life according to Christs teachings...... this is my understanding of a true Christian, I don't know the heart of every O supporter so I really don't know for sure that if you are an (cringe) O supporter you can't be a true Christian.

    Said respectfully, honestly and with class. Thank you!

    • Upvote 2
  9. only a fool, would support the democratic party of today, or Obama.

    That opinion is yours and you are certainly entitled to it.

    In my opinion it shows such a sad lack of tolerance and such an immense disrespect for the political process this country was built on. I cannot resort to name calling. That is , again in my opinion, petty and childish. This country could not have achieved it's extraordinary success if it were not for the multi party political system our forefather's created.

    I will not be a fair weathered friend to this great nation. No doubt we are in a bad place right now and the man in the white house has a lot to do with it. However, like anything worth while, I will take the bad with the good and wait for the tides to turn. Better days are ahead and getting there will be a lot easier if we can all respect each other and somehow try to work together.

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  10. you need to watch the video again, and really pay attention this time, LOL

    Actually, I watched it several times and based my opinions on, what I feel is an informed position.

    It's ok if people have differing opinions and positions on any given subject. That is our God given right. What separates God centered folks from others is how we handle those differences.

    Life is a journey not a destination and we never stop learning and evolving.

    • Upvote 2
  11. There is no Christian vs Christian

    If you support Obama then you cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered a Christian.


    Everything that Obama has done is against God and the Bible.

    Therefore if you support Obama you cannot support God.


    Despite popular believe when you are dealing with God there is not any gray area.

    It is Right or Wrong, Truth or a Lie, Sin or not Sin, Good or Evil.


    Christianity is not a political movement that you turn on and off.

    Christianity is always opposed to political correctness because political correctness

    is always a lie.


     I am not saying Christians are always right because we are like all human beings

    we are flawed. We have a tendency to be extreme in our beliefs and our reactions just like the rest of the world.

    You will not find a Christian that will tell you that they are without sin and are perfect.

    We all know we are sinful otherwise we would not need Jesus


    John wrote to some of the churches in his day and chastised them for their sins and their policies. It is the duty of everyone in the church to speak up when a brother in Christ

    has gone off path.


    If you are coming out of a building that is on fire do you not warn the people who are set to enter the building of the danger or do you just go on your way and say nothing

    Because you might offend them.



    No Surrender No Retreat and No Compromise

    Alright I'm gonna really blow your mind. If Christians are flawed, as you say. Then just possibly, your thought process on this topic is flawed. The same possibility stands true for my thought process. That is where mutual respect and shared compromise comes into play. I respect your opinion but can not agree with it simply because , in my eyes it isn't true.

    In my eyes, some brands of Christianity are very similar to Islam in that they are more a culture than a practiced religion. I am a Republican and I do not support the president. However I still respect the democratic party and their beliefs. I also know many practicing Christians who are democrats and may or may not support the president. That is their choice.

    I would never say that an Obama supporter could never be a "true" Christian. To me such a statement is elitist and disrespectful. Only God knows what lurks in the hearts of men. It is certainly not my place to pass judgement on another human being.

    • Upvote 7
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  12. There is no Christian vs Christian

    If you support Obama then you cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered a Christian.


    Everything that Obama has done is against God and the Bible.

    Therefore if you support Obama you cannot support God.


    Despite popular believe when you are dealing with God there is not any gray area.

    It is Right or Wrong, Truth or a Lie, Sin or not Sin, Good or Evil.


    Christianity is not a political movement that you turn on and off.

    Christianity is always opposed to political correctness because political correctness

    is always a lie.


     I am not saying Christians are always right because we are like all human beings

    we are flawed. We have a tendency to be extreme in our beliefs and our reactions just like the rest of the world.

    You will not find a Christian that will tell you that they are without sin and are perfect.

    We all know we are sinful otherwise we would not need Jesus


    John wrote to some of the churches in his day and chastised them for their sins and their policies. It is the duty of everyone in the church to speak up when a brother in Christ

    has gone off path.


    If you are coming out of a building that is on fire do you not warn the people who are set to enter the building of the danger or do you just go on your way and say nothing

    Because you might offend them.



    No Surrender No Retreat and No Compromise

    Let me ask you this. Can a person support the democratic party without supporting Obama?

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  13. Some just forget... so I'll refresh....

    after all the stink, did they really get 2/3...No they didn't...Make excuse all you want...Shame on you..but oh that Book of Life will be the Factor...

    Well that was certainly out of left field. This topic is in regards to the video at the top with the gentleman in the sunglasses telling Christians to demean other Christians based on their political support.

    Some people here love to make generalizations and paint large groups of people with a very broad brush. I cannot do that. Even if 2/3 of the folks voted in favor. Which clearly they did not. That would mean that 1/3 did not. Are we just supposed to cast those 33 percent into the fire because they have a donkey on their lapel instead of an elephant?

    I am a registered republican. Do I agree with every single republican ideal under the sun. Nope. Nor do I disagree with every single democratic ideal. It's about compromise and mutual respect. Most of the folks in D.C. Have lost sight of that. I don't want to do the same.

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  14. Facts about Christ is in the eye of the believer. We can relate to it because in the spirit we know what it means. If it weighs heavy on the side of importance to someone to try to dispell it then in their heart there is something missing. A Christian knows what is meant and knows how to separate knowledge that is outside of the spirit . It is Ok. Many will have different opinions as to how they see this.

    Absolutely understand where you are coming from.  Faith is the cornerstone of my Christian being.  I also very much love the fact based history of the bible and my religion and try to rely on correct historical perspective as much as posible.  It's just how I practice my religion.  There are many paths to the mountain top.  Love the story.  Thanks for sharing.

    • Upvote 2
  15. A beautiful story, but alas, just a story.  Not fact.



    The Message in the Neatly Folded Napkin in Jesus' Tomb-Fiction!

    Summary of the eRumor:
    According to this forwarded email, the head covering over the body of Jesus Christ in the grave was a neatly "folded napkin." It goes on to say that among Jews of the time a master would let his servants know whether he was finished eating or coming back to the table by the way he left his napkin. If he tossed it aside, he was finished. If he folded it, he was not finished and would return. The hidden message in the story is that by laying his "napkin" aside and neatly folded Jesus was saying he was coming back. The Truth:
    There are a couple of problems with this eRumor. One is the translation or interpretation of the Bible verse quoted. The other is the alleged Jewish custom referenced in the story.

    The Verse
    The eRumor is based on whether the cloth was a "napkin" and was "folded" in the empty tomb of Jesus.

    The story is based on the account of Jesus' resurrection in John 20:7.

    Here is how that verse is translated in one of the most widely-used versions of the Bible, the King James Version: "...and the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself."

    We checked seven of the most respected translations of the Bible to see how the translators handled this verse.

    Three of them translated the cloth as a "napkin" (King James, American Standard, Revised Standard Version). Others translated it as a "burial cloth" (New International Version), a "handkerchief" (The New King James Version), or a "face-cloth" (New American Standard Bible). The Greek word is saudarion, which comes from a Latin word for "sweat." It connotes, for example, a towel for wiping sweat. It is used in the Greek for a towel or cloth, but not specifically a table napkin.

    The other key word is "folded." Was the burial cloth or napkin left folded in the tomb?

    Two of the translations used the word "folded" (New International Version, New King James Version). Others translated the word as "rolled up" (New American Standard Bible, American Standard Version, Revised Standard Version), or "wrapped together" (King James Version).
    The Greek word is "entulisso," which is from words that may mean to twist or to entwine.

    The bottom line is that there is not agreement that it was a table napkin and not agreement that it was neatly folded in any meaningful way. The main meaning of John 20:7 is to convey that the cloth, which was placed over Jesus head or face at burial, was separate from the rest of his grave clothes.

    The Story
    We have checked numerous Bible study sources and have found nothing about this alleged Jewish custom of the folded napkins. We did not find any Bible scholars who have used this story and illustration about the meaning of the folded napkin.

    Additionally we talked with a Jewish rabbi friend of's who has been a life-long Orthodox Jew, a Jewish scholar, and lives in Jerusalem, Israel, and he said he'd never heard of it

    The only references to this story that we found are from Internet postings and emails that seem to have originated in 2007.

    .Updated 1/28/08


    A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet:

    Why did Jesus fold the napkin?

    An unusual approach to a biblical story. Why did Jesus fold the
    linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed

    The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was
    placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like
    the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us
    that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head
    of that stony coffin.

    Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene
    came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away
    from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other
    disciple, the one whom Jesus loved.

    She said, 'They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and
    I don't know where they have put him? Peter and the other
    disciple ran to the tomb to see. The other disciple out ran
    Peter and got there first. He stooped and looked in and saw the
    linen cloth lying there, but he didn't go in. Then Simon Peter
    arrived and went inside. He also noticed the linen wrappings
    lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was
    folded up and lying to the side.

    Is that important?
    Is it really significant?
    In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin,
    you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of
    that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and
    Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.

    When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made
    sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it. The
    table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait,
    just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and
    the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master
    was finished. Now if the master was done eating, he would rise
    from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his
    beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table.
    The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those
    days, the wadded napkin meant, 'I'm done'. But if the master
    got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it
    beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table,

    The folded napkin meant, 'I'm coming back!'

    He is Coming Back!

    • Upvote 2
  16. Don't any of you Christians see the destruction being caused by videos like this?  Open your eyes folks.  What is the basic message behind this video?


    People that are only surface believers will simply answer "That you can't be Christian if you support Obama".


    Now open your eyes, watch the video again and look at, and listen to,  the real message. It's a message of hatred and division.


    It wasn't bad enough when it was Republican VS Democrat, Conservative VS Liberal.  Now people like this man are attempting to make it Christian VS Christian.


    Listen to his mocking tone and his desire to have you turn on your fellow Christian because of your political views. 


    This is a dangerous video and a very dangerous man. 


    I do NOT support Obama, however I will NEVER turn my back on my fellow Christians no matter what their political views are.

    • Upvote 8
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  17. I'm not going to neg anyone in this thread, but just a thought.  Why can't Obama answer these questions and put this all to rest?  Why can't he open up his College Records, answer the question about the Connetticut Social Security Number, and all the other questions and put all of this to rest?  How about another GOOD Scan of his Birth Certificate?  Why is this so hard for him to produce?  He is after all the most powerful man in the World and has available to him the most skilled personnel in the World to disapprove the accusations?  I think its pretty simple, erase all doubt and you can lead without people questioning your right to be there in the first place. JMO



    Probaly because he has already entertained these issues mutiple times.  At this point, these issues are only important to about 10% of the poulation. there are just so many times you can beat a dead horse. 

    I don't like Obama, I think the man is an ass.  However, enough is enough with this birther stuff.  As far as his birth certificate goes, the White House actually has a page on it's website dedicated to the issue.

    The problem is.  People are relentless and conspiracy theories in today's day are so easy to manufacture that at some point Obama has to give the finger to the birthers and spend time on other issues, like the fact that the world is imploding.

    the problem is that millions upon millions of tax dollars have been spent to hide the lies and the fraud, thus causing trillions of dollars of corrupt destructive spending.

    in addition to the damage to our rights.

    the advancement of islam

    and all the other bull crap.

    Can you give me examples of the Trillions of dollars spent on corruption, how Islam has been "advanced" and how our rights have been damaged?  I'm only curious because your answer is very general and I'd like to learn the facts.  Thanks

    • Upvote 1
  18. My friends company actually had a meeting with it's employees to let them know that anything negative they post on Facebook about the company can and will be held against them.  It is legal for companies to fire emplyees based on such a situation. In my opinion, that's what needs to be changed first.  Nothing more unAmerican than losing your job because you practiced your first amendment right.  Especially if the post is based on fact and not malicious, as was the case with Mr. Cook. Whether the child was telling the truth or not is really inconsequential.  The post was based on Mr. Cook's experience and converstion with the child and nothing else. It really is amazing the stupid crap we have to sometimes waste our time and energy on simply because someone else has a stick up their butt.



    • Upvote 3

    Its really not a catch 22 at all when you come to understand that somewhere along the lines your going to infringe on someones rights, its like the helmet laws in some states and oh yes seatbelt laws, both infringe upon my rights but they are laws. I personally don't have a problem with the Government trying to protect the people of this country by spying on them and making sure they are not terrorist. The Government has been spying on its citizens since it was founded to protect from espionage, remember Jonathan Pollard or Bernon Mitchell & William Martin, Aldrich Ames or the Rosenbergs to name a few. Keep on Listening I have nothing to hide.




    I don't understand what you mean by saying the helmet and seatbelt laws infringe upon our rights.  In regards to the rest of the post, I think you are spot on and could not agree with you more.


    Take care

    • Upvote 1
  20. ***///


    ....hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.....

    smart, she ain't.....


    Shoulda just put a dead fish in his tailpipe and

    shoved dead shrimp in his curtain rods instead. :P

    Right on.  Blows my mind that this whole thing was about a wife who hates her husband and had nothing to do with Obama or Bloomberg.

    It also amazes me that they are not charging her with attempted murder of the President. I don't care who happens to be living in the White House at the time, if you send ricin in a letter addressed to the President, you should be going away for a lot longer than "up to 10 years".


    Good to see you back SgtFury.  I know we have had our differences but I'm truly glad to see you all are OK.  Welcome back ladies!

    • Upvote 1
  21. Texas woman charged in Obama ricin threatimage001-png_162613.pngBy NOMAAN MERCHANT and DANNY ROBBINS | Associated Press – 15 hrs ago
    • 4b82e553169f1d13340f6a7067002d1a.jpg
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      Associated Press/Texarkana Gazette, Curt Youngblood - Shannon Richardson, right, is led from the emergency room at CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System in Texarkana, Texas, Friday, June 7, 2013. Richardson mademore an initial appearance in a Texarkana courtroom after being charged with mailing a threatening communication to the president. She could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted, U.S. attorney's office spokeswoman Davilyn Walston said. (AP Photo/Texarkana Gazette, Curt Youngblood) MANDATORY CREDIT less

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    TEXARKANA, Texas (AP) — A pregnant Texas actress who told FBI agents her husband had sent ricin-tainted letters to President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was charged Friday with threatening the president.

    Shannon Guess Richardson, 35, made an initial appearance in a Texarkana courtroom after being charged with mailing a threatening communication to the president. She could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted, U.S. attorney's office spokeswoman Davilyn Walston said.

    Richardson, a mother of five who has played bit roles in television shows, was arrested earlier Friday for allegedly mailing the ricin-laced letters last month to the White House, Bloomberg and the mayor's Washington gun-control group. The letters threatened violence against gun-control advocates.

    It wasn't immediately clear if Richardson had an attorney.

    FBI agents wearing hazardous material suits were seen going in and out of Richardson's house on Wednesday in nearby New Boston, about 150 miles northeast of Dallas near the Arkansas and Oklahoma borders. Officials have said the search was initiated after Richardson contacted the FBI and implicated her husband, Nathaniel Richardson, a 33-year-old Army veteran.

    John Delk, who represents Nathaniel Richardson, told The Associated Press on Thursday that his client had filed for divorce and may have been set up by his wife. On Friday, Delk said his client was pleased with his wife's arrest and was working with authorities to prove his innocence.

    Delk said he wasn't anticipating that Nathanial Richardson would be arrested. "But until I'm sure they're not looking at him being involved, I can't say much more," he said.

    Bloomberg issued a statement Friday thanking local and federal law enforcement agencies "for their outstanding work in apprehending a suspect," saying they worked collaboratively from the outset "and will continue to do so as the investigation continues."

    Shannon Richardson's resume on the Internet movie database IMDb said she has had small television roles in "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Walking Dead." She had a minor role in the movie "The Blind Side" and appeared in an Avis commercial, according to the resume.

    She was seen leaving a Texarkana hospital on Friday shortly before the court hearing, though it was unclear why she was there. A hospital spokeswoman didn't return a phone message seeking comment.

    Delk said the Richardsons were expecting their first child in October. Shannon Richardson also has five children ranging in age from 4 to 19 from other relationships, four of whom had been living with the couple in the New Boston home, the attorney said.

    The FBI is investigating at least three cases over the past two months in which ricin was mailed to Obama and other public figures. Ricin has been sent to officials sporadically over the years, but experts say that there seems to be a recent uptick and that copycat attacks — made possible by the relative ease of extracting the poison — may be the reason.

    If inhaled, ricin can cause respiratory failure, among other symptoms. If swallowed, it can shut down the liver and other organs, resulting in death. The amount of ricin that can fit on the head of a pin is said to be enough to kill an adult if properly prepared. No antidote is available, though researchers are trying to develop one.


    Danny Robbins reported from Dallas. Associated Press writer Adam Goldman contributed to this report from Washington.


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