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Everything posted by RedBull

  1. I suggest everyone click on the link and read the entire document. There is some serious stuff in there that I *know* will make all conference calls a little different from this point forward. Many of the CC leaders are fairly careful about what they say the calls. But the allegations about the incorrect information put on the calls is clearly being watched and recorded. Here is the information from the document regarding rate and revaluation. Under the GENERAL ALLEGATIONS section: 6. The Iraqi dinar currency is the official currency of the State of Iraq. As of the date of this Indictment, the dinar traded at a rate of 1,170 dinar to $1.00 USD. 7. The term "revaluation" (causally shortened to "RV" in dinar-sales parlance), refers to the contention that at some point in the near future, the dinar will rise against the U.S. dollar, a circumstance which will enrich earlier purchasers of the dinar. BRADFORD HUEBNER, CHARLES EMMENECKER, RUDOLPH (this person was banned and is an off limits topic. and MICHAEL TEADT repeatedly advanced claims to potential investors over the telephone, through web pages, and through a weekly internet conference call that even relatively small investors in the dinar would, following the "revaluation" or "RV", become wealthy overnight. 8. A "redenomination" of the dinar refers to an actual proposal by the Central Bank of Iraq, announced as recently as June 21, 2011, to re-print the currency to remove three zeroes from the physical dinar banknotes as a matter of convenience. A redenomination of the Iraqi currency would not lead to a revaluation by the same amount, and may have no effect on the currency's value. Under a redenomination, a new currency replaces an old currency, but the value remains the same. Under the proposed redenomination, the Iraqi government would issue a new dinar note that will be equivalent to 1000 dinars. The exchange rate would be 1.17 new dinars to the dollar, equivalent to 1,170 current dinars to the dollar.
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