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Posts posted by moneysoon

  1. Morning Yota and DV,

    Thanks Master Yota! For some reason, reading this article HIT me with a particular stroke of interest. I have been fasting for a considerable number of days and am at an abnormally heightened sense of awareness... However, does ANYONE else see the WORTH of this article???

    We have seen delete the zero articles before. Yet, we have also seen then come from different sources namely, op-ed pieces. In this SPECIFIC case, we see the delete the zeros tied to US Policy and Iraq's Monetary Policy in a direct correlation. This agreement,in my opinion, is the start to the formal public education of the deletion of zeros and is also a formal acknowledgement that the US is deeply involved in the TIMELINE of said deletion. I believe, my friends, that the smoke is clearing the room and the party will be starting SOON. The CBI has spoken



    • Upvote 16
  2. Hello KristiD,

    I have heard Breitling state this for many years now. I would love to be wrong but I think he is wrong for many reasons. There is one scenario that I have been watching that would prove him correct. This scenario  was the naming of the Brokerages that will test the electronic trading platform. The selection of these Brokerage firms are quite telling, in my humble opinion, based of the history of the Iraqi Bourse. Therefore, I am prepping to continue to use an Iraqi Brokerage firm and much later prepare for a Nasdaq trading opportunity once the ESX brings it forth as the prime Bourse of the Middle East...


    • Upvote 3
  3. Morning Yota and DV,

    While the CBI may want the people's money back into banks but public trust has not changed as they may wish. However, a healthy storm will arise soon once the people are truly "enticed" to invest their hidden funds. The bonds will need to swell, the threats must subside, and the overall perceived value of the Dinar must cause The people to consider the risk and choose the bank. Once the Investment Laws are enacted, a groundswell will incur that will cause a feeding frenzy. This frenzy will raise the float and promote what we are looking to receive. 


    • Upvote 3
  4. Morning All,

    We can say all we want to say...However, Turkey IS a well established Ally in the region. So when we talk about the POTUS moving on this...there are several reasons why the the US and the Security Council may discuss rather than act as some, for some reason, are wishing. Either you want stability or not. Make up your minds??? Do not also forget Turkey is gesturing as a counterweight against the Kurds. There are several more checks and balances in place so that the PTB may execute their PLAN as planned.


    • Upvote 7
  5. 9 hours ago, DoD said:

    moneysoon, is the ISX still in business? It's been awhile sense I checked on my stocks an was surprised that all of them still had a little worth to them. Can't wait until Warka Bank gets their stuff straightened out so I can convert what's left to cash. When I started buying back in 2007 it was fun but the last couple of years I don't even bother looking to see how low the stocks have actually dropped. Hanging onto the hope when they RV the currency it will make the remaining shares big money...

    Morning DoD,  yes it still churning. In fact, if you are an active trader could be a time to regain some previous losses as we wait. If one were to dollar cost average, a small fortune could be made when the markets turn around.

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