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Posts posted by UNEEK

  1. I read the story  for the first time just now as MT posted  it  and it made me very anxious to say the least - I  did not know it had been fabricated at all -  I am not sure at all that I will be comfortable  flying again - -  Below is an email sent to me this week -  how ironic - I have not  forwarded  it to anyone  - Please bear in mind that I do not watch TV - the only news I get is what i read while on line so that even is limited and I probably read more about Iraq  obviously because of the investment -


    I am posting the email and asking from the very smart ones here to read and  verify or debunk  what you can - some of it I know - some I am not 100% sure of - Thanks in advance -


    Subject: FW: Are we just stupid?

    The short answer is: Yes.

    In 732  the Muslim Army which was moving on Paris was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell.

    In 1571  the Muslim Army/ Navy was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to attack southern Europe in the Battle of Lepanto.

    In 1683  the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

    This has been going on for 1,400 years and half of these politicians don't even know it.
    If these battles had not been won we might be speaking Arabic and Christianity could be non - existent; Judaism certainly would be And let us not forget that Hitler was an admirer of Islam and that the Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's guest in Berlin and raised Bosnian Muslim SS Divisions: the 13th and 21st Waffen SS Divisions who killed Jews, Russians, Gypsies, and any other "subhumans".


    A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

    Pause a moment, reflect back. These events are actual events from history. They really happened!

    Do you remember?

    1.   In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male.

    2.   In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim males.

    3.   In 1972 a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach, it was blown up shortly after landing by Muslim males.

    4.   In 1973 a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome, with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslim males.

    5.   In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim males.

    6.   During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim males.

    7.   In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim males.

    8.   In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim males.

    9.   In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens , and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim males.

    10.   In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim males.

    11.   In 1993 , the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim males.

    12.   In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim males.

    13.   On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by Muslim males.

    14.   In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim males.

    15.   In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded by---you guessed it was a--- Muslim male.

    16.   In 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing 4 Innocent people including a child killed, 264 injured by Muslim males.

    No, I really don't see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you?

    So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people.

    Absolutely No Profiling !

    They must conduct random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, secret agents who are members of the President's security detail, 85-year old, Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor winner and former Governor Joe Foss, but leave Muslim Males, alone lest they be guilty of profiling.

    Have the American people completely lost their Minds, or just their Power of Reason?

    Let's send this to as many people as we can so that the Gloria Aldreds and other stupid attorneys along with Federal Justices that want to thwart common sense, feel ashamed of themselves -- if they have any such sense.

    As the writer of the award winning story 'Forrest Gump' so aptly put it, 'Stupid Is As Stupid Does'.
    Each opportunity that you have to send this to a friend or media outlet


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  2. Thanks Machine & Nadita --  With all the news that we can be exposed to  and most of it can be depressing - and the fact that  sometimes  life events  can throw us curves and  we deal with struggles   having  a visual  list of things that we can  be gently reminded  of  can be a saving  grace I think --  Hoping that we all can  encourage and be encouraged  -

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  3. Hey shabibilicious - that is great -  I would be  an A today at this moment - but I might would waver tomorrow - lol  I  have improved in  some areas greatly  but there is still always  room for  improvement  and I do work at it - It  does not take much looking around and reading of current events to put my life and blessings in perspective - Thank you for sharing

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  4. 20 Signs You’re Succeeding In Life Even If You Don’t Feel You Are   By Carol Morgan


    We all feel like failures from time to time. While this is a normal feeling, you have to find a way to see yourself and your life from a different perspective. Sometimes we ignore the “little things.” Just because you are not a millionaire, don’t live in a mansion, and you don’t drive a fancy car, that doesn’t mean you’re a failure. In fact, it’s quite the contrary.


    Here are 20 signs that you are succeeding in life:


    1. Your relationships are less dramatic than they used to be.

    Drama is not maturity. As we age, we should develop maturity. So maybe your relationships were drama-filled in your past, but if you have moved beyond that, then you are successful.


    2. You are not afraid to ask for help and support any more.

    Asking for help does not equal weakness. In fact, it is a strength. No person has ever succeeded in isolation. It takes teamwork to accomplish goals. Asking or help is a sign that you have grown as a person.


    3. You have raised your standards.

    You don’t tolerate bad behavior any more – from other people, or even yourself. You hold people accountable for their actions. You don’t spend time with the “energy vampires” in your life anymore.


    4. You let go of things that don’t make you feel good.

    No, this is not narcissistic even though it might seem like it. Self-love is success. Love yourself enough to say ‘no’ to anything that doesn’t make you happy, doesn’t serve your purpose, or drags you down.


    5. You have moments where you appreciate who you see in the mirror.

    Ideally, you should appreciate who you see in the mirror at every moment. But even if that doesn’t happen, if you do it more than you used to, then that is success. Love yourself. You are awesome.


    6. You have learned that setbacks and failure are part of self-growth.

    Not everyone can have success 100% of the time. That’s just not realistic. Life is about victories and losses. So look at your setbacks as stepping stones to something better. In reality, there really is no such thing as as setback. It’s all just part of a wondrous journey.


    7. You have a support system that includes people who would do anything for you.

    If you have figured out the people who “have your back” and recognized the ones who only pretend that they do, then you have succeeded. This is a painful realization, but once you learn to see the signs of betrayal, you can stay away from those people.


    8. You don’t complain much.

    Because you know there really is nothing to complain about. Unless you really have gone through some horrific life experience and had unimaginable losses, most of what we all experience on a day-to-day basis is just mundane. And successful people know that. And they live in a space of gratitude.


    9. You can celebrate others’ successes.

    Just because other people succeed, that doesn’t make you a failure. Applaud the people who rise to the top. The more positive energy you give to other people’s victories, the more you will create your own.


    10. You have passions that you pursue.

    You are not stagnant. You know you have something wonderful to contribute to the world. You have unique talents and gifts. Not only do you know that, you pursue it.


    11. You have things to look forward to.

    If you don’t have exciting things going on in your life that you are eagerly anticipating, then you are slowly dying inside. Successful people create goals that they are passionate about pursuing. They let this excitement drive their life.


    12. You have goals that have come true.

    Even though “failures” are a part of life, you have stuck to your goals and dreams long enough to make them come to fruition. You have  some tastes of victory. It fuels you.


    13. You have empathy for others.

    A person without empathy is dead inside. Empathy equals spreading love and positive energy into the world. Successful people know this. They love others as if they are family.


    14. You love deeply and open yourself up to be loved by others.

    Love is risky, and sometimes scary for people. It’s the one thing we all strive for, but it’s also intimately tied to the one thing we fear the most – rejection. If you open your heart enough to love and be loved, then you are successful.


    15. You refuse to be be a victim.

    You know that life doesn’t always happen to you. Many times, you are a co-creator of your life experiences. Successful people know this and refuse to be kept down by life experiences. The rise up and conquer anyway.


    16. You don’t care what other people think.

    You know you can’t please everyone. You know that the standards with which society judges people is many times unrealistic. So you just keep true to yourself and love the person you are.


    17. You always look on the bright side.

    Life can be full of disappointments – if you choose to see them that way. Otherwise, they are learning opportunities. No negative experience is ever wasted as long as you learn from it.


    18. You accept what you can’t change.

    Let’s face it – there many things you can’t change in life. All you can change is how you view what happens. If you can change your negative perspective on situations to a positive one, then you are successful.


    19. You change what you can.

    And let’s face it again – there are many things you can change in life. Successful people don’t sit around accepting the negatives that are changeable. They get out there and do something about it!!


    20. You are happy.

    To me, this is the ultimate definition of success. It doesn’t matter what the balance is in your bank account, how big your house is,  or how many fancy vacations you take. If you are happy, then you are succeeding in life.

    Even if you don’t see yourself in many of these 20 things, don’t fret. It’s okay. Be happy that you see yourself in just a few. In time, the rest will come. You just need to keep moving onward and upward.


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  5. WOW  DIVEMASTER -  Very well stated - pluses for just about everyone - till I ran out - While I do have some silver  I am smart enough to know that in certain times food - water - ammo will be more important to have on hand  -- and if you buy in bulk dont use the little VIP cards where they can track your purchases -- DUHHHHH -


    Water is beginning to be the top rated ticket item even over Gold --- just do some research and see who is buying up the water rights -  Things could get ugly -  some things already are --  sad to say

  6. Thank you  for the post Saint  +1  -- I have been watching the news lately to keep up  with her  progress / recovery etc - I have been gone most of today and  have not had  a chance to read the news  - I was really hoping she was improving and was going to be with  us  a few more years - I thought she was doing  okay -   She was very active and living her life  to the  fullest  up to the end  at a ripe age of 81 --  I  think most of us  would  like  to be able to follow  that type of exit -- with grace  dignity - and a legacy 

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  7. Great parable to use when talking to anyone, but especially to children.  They love it and can remember it for a long  time.  I would take a box of pencils and give to each child.  At each point I would have them look and examine the pencil.  




    Thanks Nelg -- such a great idea -- I have 2 grand daughters and think I will use in with them one day ---  thanks for sharing your thoughts

  8. Interesting answers --  Thanks everyone --   I wonder what life would be like if we did go back to the bartering system?  The only way I see that happening is if there is a  great depression - major crisis  - martial law -- etc -  


    Another way of asking the question would be -- What would you do if money was no object? IF you could do anything you wanted in life without money being an obstacle -  what would it be?   I am sure many have thought of this  while being in this investment ... 


    I would like to experience being lazy for a while - get up when i wanted to   eat what and when I wanted to - enjoy the outdoors  - watching traffic go by -watching the birds come to the feeders - etc -   just enjoying the lazy days of summer as the song says  lol    There are other things I could enjoy doing if money and time were not obstacles  --

  9. What You And the World Would Be Like If Money Didn’t Exist

    By Siobhan Harmer


    With all the financial responsibilities we are burdened with these days, it’s difficult to make the crucial choice: do we work for love, or do we work for money?


    Of course, it’s great if we can combine the two but life isn’t always that simple. In this video, we are asked what we would do with our lives if money didn’t exist. And so I ask you, what would you do?



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  10. I made several attempts to add the pictures even finding other  pictures  with no success -  Sorry - I  am a very  visual person  and like my pictures but the important thing here is that you  get the "message"  - have a great evening  ,UNEEK



    Parable Of The Pencil


    The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.


    There are 5 things you need to know, he told the pencil, before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.


    One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's hand.


    Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil.


    Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.


    Four: The most important part of you will always be what's inside.


    And Five: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write.


    The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.


    Now replacing the place of the pencil with you; always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.


    One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God's hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.


    Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems, but you'll need it to become a stronger person.


    Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.


    Four: The most important part of you will always be what's on the inside.


    And Five: On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to do your duties.


    By understanding and remembering, let us proceed with our life on this earth having a meaningful purpose in our heart.


    ~ Author Unknown ~

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  11. Thank You Nadita  !! +1 for you  - appreciate what you do --  WE all risk something when we put ourselves out there -- and anywhere  on this board -- It takes some bravery IMO to do so --- Some risk  more than others -  some have more to risk  -  some fit in and some are meant to stand out --


    Have a great day Nadita --  I will be around




    k4708119.jpgk1823205.jpg  k4504763.jpgk3078767.jpgk1823205.jpg

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  12. Nadita -- I am with you 100% - after reading the news this morning  there is no wonder  that things get held up -- The Parliament building was flooded with protestors and they wanted answers yesterday!!  -   I don't blame them either -   Things Happen!!!!  


    Below is just one article that  addresses the chaos that is going on over there -- but I still FIRMLY believe that the new PM is doing his best to get the GOI seated & sworn in --


    Could Tlar have had earlier notice of this? I don't know  we are still waiting on him to give us an update today -- but none the less - this was something that happened that Parliament was not planning on  and it shifted attention real quick --  I also wonder if Maliki is not somehow aggravating things


    Maliki in the House of Representatives to discuss the issue of Spyker


     09/02/2014 14:49:00      414814292014_fa.jpg       House of Representatives


     I decided the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, held an emergency meeting on Wednesday to discuss the massacre Base Speicher, called upon the presidency of the Council, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and a number of military officials for hosting the meeting to discuss the issue.


    According to a statement of the Council that the President of the Council, Salim al decided to hold an emergency session Wednesday to discuss the issue of the massacre Base Speicher, and Zld the presence of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Nouri al-Maliki and Defense Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi agency and security leaders involved in the case.


    In turn upheld the MP for the bloc in the House of Representatives yellow, dry longings, hosting al-Maliki and al-Dulaimi, in the House of Representatives.


    She explained in an interview for dry PUKmedia , today Tuesday, 02/09/2014, that the council hosted in the former officials of the security file in Salah al-Din, on the issue of Spyker, but their answers were not convincing, noting that it must be hosted on a greater level officials in the House of Representatives to discuss the massacre Base Speicher.


    The MP indicated that he is not able to dry the House of Representatives to meet the demand of the families of the victims of the massacre, to punish those responsible because it needs to court-martial, one of the terms of reference of the government, not the House of Representatives.


    The MP stressed the need to hold the dry emergency meeting and the presence of military officials, noting that the presence of al-Maliki and other officials is not yet certain, pointing out that the council has yet to announce formally attend the emergency meeting.


    The number of demonstrators stormed the parliament building on Tuesday morning, as expected, Vice be postponed today's session to another day.


    She explained the MP for the green mass actress of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in the Council, Susan Hussein told PUKmedia , today, that the victims of the massacre Base Speicher staged a demonstration today either parliament building, demanding the disclosure of the fate of their children, students air force of the victims of the massacre, noting that the protesters managed to break into the House of Representatives.


    MP Hussein and indicated that the demonstrators are now inside the corridors of Parliament, noting that they did not reach the courtroom, pointing out that the security forces intervened to control the situation and disperse the demonstrators, and the parliament building to evacuate them.


    MP Hussein predicted that the hearing be postponed House of Representatives today to another day.


    This was due to host the House of Representatives at its meeting to be held, at eleven in the morning Tuesday, 02/09/2014, and finance minister in the federal government to discuss the budget year of 2014, and vote on the formation of the standing committees in the House of Representatives, and the follow-up work of the Commission displaced.


    Dozens of families of victims of the massacre Base Speicher demonstrated in Baghdad, on 25/08/2014, in front of the House of Representatives.


    The correspondent PUKmedia , from the site of the event, at the time that the protesters are demanding the government to assume its responsibilities towards the families of the victims, and punish the perpetrators of the massacre and uncover the fate of students of the Faculty of the Air Force missing, noting that the number of demonstrators more than 50 people, and security forces sealed off the road leading to the gate of the building the House of Representatives.


    The terrorists organization Daash committed a massacre in the Air Base Speicher, Tikrit and taken home to the Air Force Academy, after the occupation of the city, while sources confirmed that the civic organizations and terrorists Daash executed at least 1,700 people from college students in the Air Force base.

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  13. I am disappointed to read the  recent update from Tlar - but  not so surprised after 6 years of waiting  and hearing others say its happening this weekend  -- every weekend  --  


    I choose to  have faith and hope in it being  sooner than later --  I  choose to support certain ones that share their opinions and perspectives of the news & events -- I  sure don't have any  connections  or knowledge of how things are going to happen and in  a certain sequence -- with guarantees 


    We all have the privilege of "choosing"  who and what to believe --  ain't it  grand to be  here and have that privilege??   It sure  is!!  Glad to be here and observe - contemplate - speculate   and share -   - I am  just glad to be a player  in this game!!  


    Thank you Dinarbeliever for bringing the news  -- There's too much to be excited about & thankful for  to allow  any negativity to take my joy  away

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  14. Hey Thug I see you have found something to dangle in front of our noses - ha ha ha --  I will take it - gladly --


    I don't "know" Tlar of course but have been reading him for several years now and  his explanations make sense to me  - I would rather read his musings and support them over many of the others  -  He has as good of a chance at being right as the others --   I have nothing to bring forth to prove him  wrong  on his "perspective" of the events taking place -  but I do not think "perspectives" on a speculation  require such stringent  declaration of proof -- lol  JMHO 


    Hey  I am cool with anyone sharing their opinions - thank you Thug for bringing them --  appreciate it !!

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  15. Good Day Thug -- very interesting post there  you have for us to read --  I enjoyed the video from  fnbplanet  as well  +1 -- 


    I  have a strong feeling all of those things are going to be a cumbersome yoke around his neck  in days to come  - what say you?


    "Attachment"  therein lies the  all suffering


    As usual you  are on top of your  game -  Good job! +1  I am glad to just  be in the game  lol  I'll still come out a winner in the end!!

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  16. 10 Things Nothing Else But A Heartbreak Will Teach You

    Communication Relationships by Simmi

    A heartbreak can act as a brake to your sweet fleeting life. And even the inundation of expert advice from your close ones, in such situations, proves ineffective because the one going through hell at that time is you, all alone, right?

    And this short journey through h*** ultimately leads you to things that otherwise are “esoteric” (only meant or understood by a special group of people). So read on and acquaint yourself with these 10 things that only a heartbreak can teach you.

     SPOILER ALERT: If you have previously gone through a heartbreak, you may empathize with the following given points.

    1. Relationships cannot survive on love alone.
     You might think that love is all you need in a relationship, but ask someone who has been rejected or heartbroken. Love is not the only key for a good relationship; there are various aspects to it.

    You might have heard people saying, “we both love each other so much, yet our relationship is on the rocks” or, “in spite of loving each other, we have decided on a mutual break-up.”

    Such statements might have confused you, but a person who has gone through a heartbreak very well understands it. A heartbreak will practically throw you out of your dreamy zone and familiarize you with reality.

    2. Heartbreak is not just a metaphor.
    Until you really witness the ordeal of a Heartbreak, you can only mock or sympathize with the people going through it. A heartbreak can only teach you that physical pain is not the worst kind of pain in the world; “heartbreak”is, because it isn’t just psychological—it’s physical as well.
        “There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” —Laurell K. Hamilton
    3. Feelings are untrustworthy.
     Feelings are like vortex of emotions; they draw everything that surrounds them toward the center, sometimes engulfing your own life. So to trust on your feelings completely is not at all safe.

    And a heartbreak can very well teach you that. It can make you understand that your feelings are mere perceptions experienced by your body for particular situations. The feelings which once made you strong and steady can also make you weak and fragile and vice versa.

    So a crucial lesson a heartbreak can teach you is to judge people by their actions also and not entirely based on your feelings towards them.

    4. Some doors are meant to be shut.
     A Heartbreak can teach you the most important lesson of life which otherwise is hard to get: “Nothing in life is immortal.”

    In life, you might often wish that some good things always continue to exist, but you get all perplexed the moment they seem to cease.

    You must have dedicated some part of your life to making sure that good thing continues existing, but when such a thing gets lost, you are not able to let it go, and there will always a part in you that longs for it, making your life miserable. But only a heartbreak can teach you that it’s better to close some doors as they don’t lead anywhere.
        “Sometimes we need to forget some people from our past because of one simple reason: they just don’t belong in our future.” —Anonymous
    5. Self-adequacy.
     The feeling of self-adequacy is the most important lesson a heartbreak can teach you. Self-adequacy implies that one views oneself as capable of dealing satisfactorily with problems or in the things one sets out to do.

    Well, before a heartbreak you think that your loved one is the person responsible for your happiness or either you are the one responsible for his problems or vice-versa, but the trauma of a heartbreak can very well make you understand your own competence or ability towards your own happiness. You realize that no one else but you yourself are responsible to either make or break your life.

    6. Life still goes on.
         “I love you and I’d rather be happy with you, than without you, but with or without you, life still goes on. I’ll be OK.”
    The above quoted lines beautifully explain the feelings known to a heartbroken person. Prior to heartbreak, you cannot imagine a life without your loved one. You might feel that life would stop or everything around you will cease if your loved one is not there with you.

    But a heartbreak can grimly make you realize that time stops for no one and life goes on even when you are not ready.

    7. Good and evil are two sides of the same coin.
     From past times, it’s been said that good and evil are two sides of the same coin. Though that statement is quite baffling, a person gone through a heartbreak will definitely approve on that.
    Anyone who has been abandoned or rejected knows how the same person who was so good and caring earlier can become evil and harmful later. Even the idea of loving and hating the same person at one point that seems so weird to most of us, but it is an actual truth for a person who has been through heartbreak.

    8. Heartbreak illustrates your weaknesses.
         “Some people pass through our lives for a reason to teach us lessons that could never be learned if they stayed.” —Mandy Hale
    Yes, heartbreak can in a way prove beneficial to you. It can make you aware of your inner weaknesses. People are not able to accept their faults or become sullen if their weaknesses are pointed out by others. But a heartbreak can surely make you aware of your weak points, in a way giving you an opportunity for self-improvement.

    9. Life is unpredictable.
    A heartbreak can categorically teach you that surprises are a part of life. Prior to a heartbreak, no matter how much you planned for your future love life, it was all shattered into pieces.

    You received what was unexpected from life. You were sure about your lover and his or her insights, but what happened later was a violent blow on your predictions.

    10. Enlightening love.
     Last but not least, a heartbreak can enlighten you more about love than anything else in the world. You understand the complexities involved with it. And no matter how much it might have hurt you, a heartbreak can never wipe out love from your heart. You don’t lose the power of being loved or to love someone entirely.

        “A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it.” —Frank A. Clark

  17. 14 Ways That Reveal Who You Really Are

    Communication Relationships   By Asli Omur

    Many times those who are living a lie do so because they don’t feel it’s safe to reveal who they really are. They might be frightened by disapproval from friends and family. Or they may have been bullied as a child. Other times, avoiding an authentic life can be used to hide mental illness or self-hate.
    Here are 14 ways in which you reveal who you really are. If you’re brave enough, or if you dare, aim to share who you really are, little by little, everyday, with those you trust. You may be surprised at the reaction. If the reaction is not positive, you may need to re-think who you are inviting into your world.

    If you don’t feel you have a safe group of friends or family, yet, to share yourself with, go out and live with all your truth and conviction. Don’t forget a half-truth is still a lie.

    In time, you’ll attract those that need to be in your life. I promise. There is no greater comfort than settling into who you really are. Like Kurt Cobain once said,  ”Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.”

    1. Hardships reveal who you really are.
    Allowing yourself to be exposed and raw is a very intimate experience. To really know yourself and others, what you are like at your most vulnerable, will include revealing yourself at your worst moments.

    Sometimes with tears  streaming down your face or when you are emotionally downtrodden and weakened. It could be due to heartbreak, a job loss, disappointment, a death in the family or a divorce.

    All can be truly tragic and upsetting to the rhythm of your life and dreams. This is one way you will reveal who you really are. During hardship, you can choose to remain stagnant and fearful or you can learn from the misery or your poor choices and make a new path for yourself.

    2. How you act when you’re upset.

     If getting upset or disappointed involves you taking your anger out on others (verbally or physically), you are revealing yourself negatively. It makes people want to step away from you and not be your friend.

     It repels good people from your life. Even your family members may want to separate from you, especially when you are furious and raging.

     If you take a time out to process the situation, and why you are so upset, and be cognizant of how you relate to others when you are pissed off, you’ll be better off.

     It won’t be easy for everyone. But controlling yourself even when life is not being kind will only benefit you. Never forget, as Mark Twain once wrote, “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”

    3. How you treat those who can do nothing for you.
    If you only care about impressing those in positions of power, or those who are rich or good-looking by society’s standards, so that you can benefit from this connection, you reveal yourself to be shallow, self-centered, narcissistic and lacking in empathy.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is said to have written, “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”

     How you treat those in less prominent positions and those who may not be famous or well-known or powerful in society is very telling as to who you really are and what you really are. But if you’re tired of the way things have always been and are committed to another approach, you can change your habits.

    4. Who you are when no one is looking.
    You are who you really are when no one is looking. Truer words have never been spoken, or written. It’s easy to do the ‘right thing’ when others are watching and taking note.

     But what you do and how you cope when there’s no one there is very powerful. If you are lying, cheating, hacking private e-mail accounts, plotting revenge, gossiping about others, taking advantage of someone, choosing what’s easy, are keeping and creating endless secrets, you are revealing an unhealthy way of living.

    Often, if who you are in private and the self you present to others and who you are inside, is drastically different it can cause significant stress and internal chaos. It’s like holding yourself emotionally hostage.

     If you are really scared to be who you really are in the company of others you care about, you may be overly preoccupied with how others view you, and how they might respond to your style or interests.

    Don’t pre-judge their reactions. Make it your aim in life to embrace yourself completely. Being who you really are relies on it. If you are being kind and welcoming, speaking honest and thoughtful words, and wishing only the best for yourself and others, you are revealing a healthy outlook worth continuing.

    5. The types of relationships you pursue.
    Sometimes those who have not healed from past relationships, abusive situations or other traumas, will continue to pursue those that remind them of their troubled past. It’s important to remember that you are not your past.

     Your past is a part of your story, but it is not everything and you don’t have to keep reliving it everyday. Who you are attempting to date, marry or befriend can reveal who you really are, but if you are not fully healed, your pursuits may be skewed and are only temporary.

    If you find yourself interested in a particular type of personality, there may be a pattern to your choices. You may also be pursuing people because they reflect how you view yourself and the world. Your relationships can reveal a lot about who you really are.

    6. How often you admit your own mistakes and failures.
    Mistakes and failures are a natural part of living. Without mistakes and failures, we wouldn’t learn all that we do. You may take responsibility for your actions and are honest about the part you play in the choices you make, you may not want to acknowledge your troubles at all, because you just can’t deal or you may be hesitant to mention where you went wrong because you are most concerned with how others will view you and what others will say or think of you.

    These are some ways you will reveal who you really are. Mary Pickford, one of the first actresses of the United States and Canada, once said, quite beautifully, “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.”

    Not only how often you accept responsibility for your actions but also how you  cope with the failures will reveal who you really are.

    7. How you treat people in need.
    Do you look down on those that have less than you? Do you pity them or come to their aid? Do you ridicule their style or make fun of them? Are you willing to help others or do you feel put out? However you may approach those in need will reveal who you really are.

    8. What you read, listen to and get entertained by reveals who you really are.
    Do you like anime? Sadomasochistic films? Action or political satire? Do you enjoy listening to the radio or violent movies? Does a comedy make your evening complete or maybe a famous trilogy?

    Do you like classic literature or journaling your thoughts? Do you paint or work on engineering and coding? Or are you more business-minded? Do you collect dolls or something else?

     Do you prefer traveling, listening to records, or jogging? Do you frequent strip clubs, expensive resorts or casinos? Do you like photography, attending live music shows or gardening?

    Do you spend time wreaking havoc in your community, vandalizing and bullying passersby? Do you find pleasure from quiet time at the library or a soothing chat and tea with an elderly person?

    Do you use drugs to numb yourself or drink until you are passed out? Do you enjoy a weekly television program or cooking up edible delights from scratch?

    There are a million ways people like to be entertained. One’s entertainment preferences often reflect what’s going on inside their mind and heart. What you choose to do in your free time and what you find joy from tells all about your story and who you really are.

    9. The way you approach your greatest failures.
    Your failures don’t define you, and you shouldn’t wallow in self-pity or punish yourself for the stones that may obstruct your path from time to time. But how you approach those struggles will reveal what you are made of and who you really are.

    If you use your failures as a time to attack those around you, play the blame game or belittle and humiliate, throw tantrums or yell obscenities, it’s time to take a look into your habits and character. Your greatest failures are often simply the beginnings of your greatest achievements.

    10. What you find comforting reveals who you really are.
    If you find pleasure in the struggles of others (Schadenfreude), or laugh at their expense, because it makes you feel better about yourself, you are revealing yourself negatively.

     If you find comfort in loving, sharing and being kind, you are revealing an empathetic approach to others. Celebrating someone’s bad days just because you feel low about yourself isn’t cool or interesting.

     It doesn’t make you seem fun or enticing to hang around. What you find comforting and relaxing will reveal quite a bit about who you really are and what you really want out of life for yourself and those around you.

    11. How you spend your money.
    Going on spending binges, spending money you don’t have or at the other end of the spectrum, never spending any money and living very frugally are all ways of revealing who you really are and what you feel inside.

    Do you spend your money to help others, your community or to furnish a comfortable, inviting home? Do you enjoy spending your money on loved ones and family members?

    Are you cautious with where your money goes? Do you keep a financial log and save all your receipts? The way you spend money and view finances shows a lot about who you really are.

    12. How you speak of others behind their backs.

     Gossiping, accusing, criticizing, unsolicited advice and blatant lying are some peoples choices when offered a chance to speak of others.

    Others might opt to not talk about others private comments and personal life, but instead focus on kind and respectful words or not talk too much at all about others when they are not around, to avoid denigrating another’s character or life, out of turn, and without all the facts.

    Remember that what you say about others will reveal a lot about how you feel about yourself. What you say about others will show who you really are. If you need to speak the truth about someones hurtful or negative actions and their impact in your life, it’s a quite different story, however.

    13. The choices you make are revealing of who you really are.

     When you are faced with options, how you choose reveals who you really are and what you really want. Do you go for the easy route? Or is being brave and daring important to you?

    Do you like new ways of approaching an old topic? Do you reach out to a counselor or is your father’s opinion more important to you? Do you go for the popular choice or the most healthy option?

    The pattern of your choices are a big part of your true self.

    14. How you argue.

    Fighting fair is an integral part of any relationships. Do you go straight to the most insulting retort? Do you hear out your friend or partner? Or do you opt for swift revenge?

    Revenge will only lead to more emotional injury and show that who you really are isn’t so healthy. As Mahatma Gandhi once stated, “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”

    If that’s the way you have been operating and want to change, you can change how you fight or argue.

    When you fight, do so neutrally, recognizing that perfection is illusive. Be present, open and honest.

    Don’t keep score and don’t demand someone read your mind or try to do that of others.

    If you want to reveal a healthy and revitalized self, you’ll listen and encourage the same of them, when it’s your turn to talk. The way you choose to argue or discuss a disagreement shows a lot about who you really are and what you are about. Remember that almost everything we live is a choice.

    Asli Omur is a journalist and writer living in San Francisco, where she engages in sweaty uphill walking, dog-whispering, picture-taking and curious discoveries, amongst much else. Hers is a global existence, peppered with written words (also sometimes still stuck in her thoughts), cultures, languages, art, literature, films, old cameras, out-of-print books, air mail envelopes, self-reflection, technology and zen.
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