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carlos in san diego

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Posts posted by carlos in san diego

  1. Thanks for the thread Bumper...I recognize this fruit and the plant. It's commonly called GUANABANA throughout Latina America.I'm posting this without having read the entire thread, I don't know if anyone else has identified the plant yet. I am aware that the active part of the plant is now being made into pills by a woman I know of in Central America. From what I understand she is making pills using only the leaves of the plant.

    I am also just recently been informed of the medicinal advantages to the plant, even though I have eaten the fruit, and had the juice as well. Once you break open the hard outer shell, there is a semi gelatinous substance not too different in texture than the pulp of the Aloe Vera plant, but the difference is that the Guayabana is actually naturally sweet. The seed of the plant is found in the nucleus of the gelatinous mass.

    The use of the plant for cancer curing is new in most of Central and South America is new among all but recent inhabitants of the regions, as cancer is / was practically unknown to most of these people until just recently, historically speaking, and only started when our modern diet was introduced into other countries...namely processed foods.

    I hope this helps identify the plant, only problem is that you don't see this plant around here much....


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  2. This author is calling for everybody to support the NEW WORLD ORDER by propping up the existing financial system. That's just kicking the can down the road. The end result, from what I've been reading is inevitable collapse, and any efforts to delay the inevitable is just throwing good money after bad.

    It means the EU nations must support austerity measures and the people are not very happy about having them imposed on them. In Greece, I believe the rioting in the streets over the austerity measures has not stopped for the last six months straight.

    Meanwhile, Iceland is basking in the sun! They threw off the NEW WORLD ORDER and have jailed the Bankers that got them into financial distress, and from what I have been reading, they are arresting the politicians the allowed themselves to be bribed by the Bankers.


  3. Yes the Ghost of george bush is still alive and well in the ranks of the Republican party because the Party actually represents the people behind the power. The people even Bush was beholding to for campaign contributions. The same ones that bought the government. Banks like Goldman Sachs. and JP Morgan Chase.

    The Republicans would like to distance themselves from Bush and his policies. They would like to pretend he was never in office because the 600 pound gorilla in the room can be seen all around us in the dead economy the he was completely responsible for having set into motion with the CORPORATE WELFARE he instituted along with Geithner and Paulson, and the help of the sold out Congress.

    To be fair...both parties are sell outs to special interests....we need some serious change folks because this government does not represent our interests. It represents the interests of the ELITE!


  4. Your quote says George Bush got convictions but does not say how many went to jail. Personally I suspect your information is skewed and slanted, although I agree that obama is a criminal, your point is just to make him look worse than Bush and Clinton. And there is no one worse that Bush....he and his whole family should be in jail for domestic terrorism and genocide in Iraq, among many other charges and you can minimize the issues all you want or paint him with a saintly brush if you like...but it does not alter the facts. He's the lowest form of criminal!


  5. I believe the Bush legacy continues. It's true the Republicans have been trying to act like the Bush years never happened. For those of us that are keeping score, the effects of those years can be seen all around us in a depressed condition the media and our politicians like to call, the "Great recession'"a euphemism use to avoid the stark reality of the situation when the reality is that I suspect we have passed all the benchmarks set during the Great Depression, or are very near to them.

    One noteworthy fact that explains the political phenomenon that we are facing, and that neither candidate will admit is that no matter who you vote for, the outcome has probably already been determined, or is no longer in play. The Bush years continue because both parties work for an unelected government that uses both candidates like puppets. The differences that each side supposedly has against the other are just to keep the people divided along party lines, depending on the type of brainwashing you got and nothing more.

    The people that both candidates are beholding to are the same ones that shower them with campaign contributions, the Banks. It's been six months since I read that Goldman Sachs has been running Europe, and I'm sure this is not something that is's just the first time I heard of it put that way. it's Goldman Sachs that decides who is going to run the different countries in Europe, and not the popular vote. The differences between the European candidates are superficial over there just like they are here.

    The Bush legacy continues because the American people have not yet awoken to the truth, and still believe the word "conservative" means a person who is not going to throw their hard earned tax dollars at problems. But what they don't know is that these same conservatives are ripping off everyone they can while they can in a blind headlong feeding frenzy of greed. Pure simple, unadulterated greed.


  6. Why am I getting negatives because I said I agree with someones thoughts? It's so silly and childish. Go Carlos!


    Thanks sister! I appreciate the support....I won't give up defending what's right and fighting ignorance, there's plenty of ignorance on this forum. The NEW WORLD ORDER calls these people...muppets, sheeple, lemmings, and voting cattle, and these people deserve to be disrespected! They deserve these titles that have been placed on the by the ruling elite. Because they refuse to wake up and grow some balls, and at least offer some kind of resistance to their oppressors, as it is, the elite have found these people no fun to manipulate...they can't think for themselves and are not capable of putting up some kind of a minimal defense! The media control and brainwashing has been very successful! Carlos

    Hey Carlos,

    you actually had a couple of valid points in your comment...............................but they got overshadowed by the invalid points............................. :( ................................... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    it's a matter of perspectives fisher! And, what you happen to know! Carlos

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  7. It's interesting when people go off on a tangent about white people or whoever, but ignore other good examples of greed, war, and intolerance like Cortes nearly obliterating the Aztec Empire in Mexico in the 1500's, subjecting indigenous people as servants to work in mines...the Spanish fleet spiriting precious metals from the America's back to Spain...I guess mentioning it isn't politically correct. Doesn't really matter what race carlos, humanity is flawed.

    As for the rest of the original post touching on free services, entitlement...somebody has to pay for it, and it falls on the taxpayers. Is it right for someone who isn't a citizen to take resources from people in the country that might need them, especially in this economy (what is it..12 million Americans unemployed..?). I've no problem with anyone making their way in the world in whatever country as long as they chip in to the system and contribute, and as imperfect as it is, that's through taxes. The problem is you have people entering America with an idea of conquest and taking whatever they can get (see above example). Charitable giving and humanitarianism can be a good thing up to a limit, BUT it is augmented by legislature and politicians with a generous attitude that really don't know first hand what it is to feel the effects at ground zero barely living paycheck to paycheck (I'm there now). Our country never could afford to be the savior of the world.and imo, everyone should declare citizenship, work for what they need (if they are able), and pay the taxes to keep things afloat. Until we come up with another a better structure, it's the only way. Lately the U.S. of A.'s been looking like the Titanic. :lol:

    I guess your one of these white americans who also feel that everything wrong in his little world is caused by illegal mexicans. They feel beset upon by the hordes of poor that cross their borders to suck off of the boundless generosity of the good hearted American people who are forced by their unresponsive government to pay the taxes that entices even more of those wretched poor to follow. The frustration has been mounting for decades because they can't understand why their government won't stop what is a terrible injustice.

    The fact is your government is not interested in stoping illegal immigration because having the cheap labor is just what the New World Order is all about. The "flood" of illegal immigrants brings the price of labor down, because they work for less. So why should your government enforce existing immigration laws? When in fact having illegal immigrants is something they see as beneficial, and besides that apprehending, jailing and deporting illegal immigrants is a very expensive proposition. Plane tickets alone for the hundreds of thousands is an expense the New World Order would rather not have to make.

    The majority of the intolerant white people, feel that the immigrant is what is wrong with their society, or at least a great contributing part of what's wrong and costly in their world, but think this only because they really don't have the ability to think for themselves because most could not even find the United States on a map let alone understand that the hate for the illegal immigrant is not an original thought that crossed their feeble empty minds, but was planted their much like someone plants a tree in an orchard.

    The though was planted by the same people that have really done all the damage to the American's world...the NEW WORLD ORDER. The greedy bankers and politicians, and those who run the nations military industrial complex are the ones who want the average uneducated, illiterate american to believe the illegal immigrant is the cause of all their problems while the Bankster types have engorged themselves on the fat of the land, and not a single american among you sniveling cowards lifted a single finger to protest the massive rip of that was done right under your dirty little noses.

    The bailouts that the Bankers gave themselves as a reward for having gambled and lost comes into the many trillions and unknown trillions of dollars. The bailouts and other damage these criminals did to this society with the blessing of the Bush administration, and later the Obama administration was the biggest single fraud ever committed by on person against another in recorded history......and none of you did anything about it! You sat your big fat butts in the couch in front of the TV and did not say a single word to show your anger.....or even whimper your slightest displeasure. You all just rolled over like a bunch of cowards!

    But you do have something to say about some poor illegal immigrants that are in your country to look for work, when the real reason your country is broke went completely ignored by the majority. The CORPORATE WELFARE STATE was in full swing during the Bush era, but you people complain about some poor people that need medical aid and emergency relief. Is there something VERY wrong with this picture?

    The hate for the illegal immigrant and the disproportionately small reaction to the Corporate Welfare State ripoff tells me there is more than meets the eye with this issue. The obvious answer must be the use of mind control through the controlled media to and through our sold out politicians, crooked Republicans you people insist on reelecting to new terms that are to blame. Lets face it...the average american is dumber than dirt! He needs to take his shoes off to count to twenty, he's easily manipulated into believing whatever the media and his beloved Republican party tells him, because he can't think for himself, he can only react to what he was brainwashed to believe.


    Yeah, Karma's a b!tch ain't it, Carlos.

    The intolerance and hate I've seen comes from bigots like you! The Karma that your talking about is just starting to haunt you....just wait! Carlos

    Carlos, YOU are the Hater !!!

    You talk all this BS.


    i guess anybody who has anything to say that does not go in step with what you a hater that talks B/S? Carlos

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  8. rulez.gif my friend. You have insulted and defamed an entire race of people. You have blamed a generation of things it is not responsible for. You have insulted an entire group of hard working, tax paying men and women who pay into the very system that supports the entitlement programs that are sucking this country dry. You my friend are due a time out. You speak of christian attitudes and yet you spew the very hatred you speak against. Tell me who forks out millions of dollars every time there is a world catastrophy? Tell me where it comes from? Usually America. But yet "we" don't contribute anything good. Go to Lowes, buy some wood, build a bridge and get over it. You drivel is getting tiresome.


    It's called "feedom of speech" The poster that started this thread is not being reprimanded for insulting anyone? But...since your are offended someone had the huevos to stand up and defend themselves against blatant racist behavior, and I need the time out? The problem with opinionated people like yourself is that they do not consider that anyone else has the right to oppose any point of view that you happen to subscribe to....that's intolerance! Look at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself if that describes you.

    But intolerance is a common trait among the ignorant, illiterate, and arrogant Americans! Only their opinion counts!..because they are...well, "white"! And, other people.. well...they just aren't! Too bad, so sad! ( Personally, i think white is overrated! but, that just my opinion! ) Carlos

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  9. Happy with my facts ,open your eyes... And Carlos - WOW, the real you is not a pretty site!

    No...I'm not a pretty sight...i doubt you would be a pretty sight if you had to deal with as much bigotry, intolerance and hate as I've seen! Carlos

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  10. The problem with your statement is that we did not need to pay for the freedom of Iraq with our blood and money. The Iraqi people never asked us to intervene in their internal affairs...or did they? The was remember it happened was that George Bush # 43 created a scenario where he blamed Saddam Hussain for being complicit in the attacks on the Twin Tower in new York when it was in FACT his own administration that did it!

    Our people were incensed at the unprovoked attack and invaded Iraq.

    Unfortunately for us, the Bush administration had lied to the American people so that we could invade Iraq on behalf of US and British oil companies who wanted to control Iraq's oil. This type of behavior is called "imperialist warmongering" and the US, Britain and Israel have a long history of doing just this.

    The fact that the American people were asked to foot the bill, in blood and money, for a criminal war does not give us the right to intervene in any countries affairs! The fact that the American people tend to agree with administrations who think we have the right to dictate anything to another country is fundamentally wrong.

    The proof, if you need it, would be to turn the issue around and to know what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that type of arrogant and belligerent behavior from another country...How would you feel if it happened to us? Would you be happy? I wouldn't! Carlos

    Thank you Carlos, now when I read your response I didn't feel it to be harsh as some of your comments have been. I have to say, I do appreciate that.

    I know it has to be tough to believe in something so deep and wanting to give your fellow American's a wake up call. But has you say, it's to big for one person to try and do it alone. But Carlos you did get my attention by subsiding your tone to me. In fact your comment in return was presented in a calmer manner. I gravitate toward a calmer tone. That's just me. You have my attention and I like you better this way.

    I read, absorb and contemplate on the issues, some I can grasp, some I have a hard time comprehending. I guess I would call it a bit of denial. Because the America I grew up in, was not in a shamble state as it is now. More so now then any other time.

    Just a little tip... when you fall onto deaf ear's move on to other avenues rather than feed the fire. Because the audience you do capture may get discouraged with all the harshness. I know I do at times. Just my :twocents:

    Thanks Pattyangel! I find myself many times alone defending what I believe to be true against many who would tear me down and insult me unnecessarily because they cannot get past their own egos and brainwashing and even acknowledge that there is a possibility that I might be right! Sometimes the battle is overwhelming, an do loose my patience with many. I'm sorry if you ever got caught in the crossfire honey! If your interested in the truth watch the movie "ethos" available on Netflix. It will put what is a very complicated set of issues into an understandable perspective. Thanks...Carlos

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  11. lol... I sure hope he does not take offense to it! Its all for fun... EASY EASY :D

    Just wanted to remind you that I/my sisters/my brothers were once there. They would never had this freedom to speak if the Saddam regime was still in power. So yes; I believe we have the right to tell them they are doing wrong when in-fact they are... JMO

    Sorry to disagree buddy, and welcome to the forum! Your case and that of your family is rare on this forum and has made me stop and reconsider my thought and words, but will say this. You benefitted from what happened after 9/11 in this country. On the other many innocent people were killed in Iraq? The death toll would not be so dramatic had there been a legitimate reason for the war in Iraq. fact is the reasons we were given in this country through our media, was not the real reason for the war.

    As Soon as George Bush #43 tool office, **** Channey had a secret meeting in the White House with the heads of the major oil companies. The record of the meetings were never released and probably never will be. But during these secret meetings, the fate of Iraq was decided...not by the international communities and to the benefit of Iraq, but by the major oil companies...who were only interested in stealing Iraq's oil...just like what happened in Iran in the 1950s when the Shaw of Iran was installed by the US and the UK.

    Long story short...these meetings set the stage for a false flag attack on the Twin Towers in New York that killed almost 3000 innocent people, so that the American people would support a war against Saddam Hussain who was being blamed for attacking the US, so that the US could take over Iraq supposedly to rescue the Iraqi people from Saddam, but actually to steal Iraq's oil

    Because of this many hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis died...who did not deserve to die. The fact that you became free due to what happened was a lucky break compared to what happened to others! I hope you enjoy your stay in this country, and stay well! Carlos

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  12. Tell us again why you are on this site and tell us again how many dinar you own....................tell us again why you still live in the USA since you appear to be sooo unhappy!!............

    Tedro...or is it PEDRO? I was born here and don't owe you any explanation or justification for what i say or do. Unlike you, I'm free to say what I want when I want, where as you can only think in terms of what the media has planted in your mind, and you.. react accordingly against anyone who voices a dissenting point of view other than yours.

    I have lived and worked in many countries over the years, mostly in Latin America, but I've also been in the Middle East, in Iraq and Kuwait. I was a truck driver for KBR in Iraq in 2004. This is when I got my dinar, and I got out with my life and my dinar, and don't owe you or anyone else an explanation beyond that. I did my time in a war zone, and it's probably more than what you have done.

    If you don't like the fact that I live in this country, you'll just have to live with your anger. It does not bother me in the least. I do believe you need to look into the reasons for your intolerance of those countrymen of your who voice a different opinion other than your own, because it was my impression that in the USA we are guaranteed freedom of speech and equality among men. I guess these principles don't mean much, when you have been told by your political party that dissent is not tolerated in the ranks of the American people. We all must believe what the media and our leaders tell us, or we need to question the right of those who dissent to be in this country.

    I don't know who you think you are buddy, but you need a major wake up call....Carlos

  13. Thanks Carlos

    My father spoke often of the NWO 40 years ago.

    He always Slept with a 357 mag ( loved clint Eastwood)

    Had lots of gold and taught me to be able to live off the ocean

    It was going to happen any day he would say! Here we are and still has not happened

    Nixon gave our government a blank check by taking us off the gold standard

    They no longer needed money to back the currency. It's a huge ponzi scheme

    Now if you believe in this conspiracy how does it play out for us dinar holders?

    You father was a man who was ahead of his time, it sounds as though he tried to warn you in advance. My take on the situation is pretty simple. There are two opposing camps, politically, economically and philosophically right now. THe NEW WORLD ORDER countries, the G8, Uk, US and Israel, and on the other hand, the 120 nations of the Bric nations or Eastern Alliance nations, including Iraq!

    I read years ago that most of the Bric nations were waiting to RV their currencies and to date have not done so, including Iraq. We are not being told why, but are left to speculate.

    We continue to await for the Iraqi RV and it just seems right around the corner but never arrives.

    I think is the Eastern Alliance nations are simply waiting for the collapse of the Euro and the dollar before they RV because they do not want to allow the NWO Nations to profit from the RV and save their economies, but experience a complete and devastating collapse under the weight of it's own corruption. I believe all these world events are tied in together and will not happen independently but at the same time. This is however...MHO and should not be taken as fact... until it happens, if it does!

    Thanks for the support...Carlos

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I guess it does not take much to entertain you huh? Carlos

  14. The Mexican border is so close .... you could just slip right over and into the night........

    I don't need to slip over the border at night like some fugitive, because I'm not wanted on either side of the border for anything illegal. Because I'm an honest man!

    I do cross the US Mexican border frequently for pleasure and business, but I do so with my head held high and in broad daylight for everyone to see, because I have nothing to hide!

    You know Carrello...I think you should really examine the reasons for your comments to me. I'm not angry that you have chosen to try to put a racist spin on the issue, but it bothers me that you choose to eliminate those who voice a different opinion than yours. What you are showing me is your intolerance. You have little patience for any opinion other than what you consider to be YOUR opinion. But that's not really the complete truth because your views did not originate in your own mind, and you can't claim ownership of them...they were planted there by a force that did so without your knowing it over a long period of time. It's called brainwashing. Your views come from the NEW WORLD ORDER'S media control! The intolerance you have shown has also been implanted in your mind as a defense mechanism against those who voice dissent. It's a common tactic when there is no logical answer to an opposing view.

    You need to start thinking outside the box Lady....


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  15. Why don't you run for office and change everything Carlos?

    Why not start your own corporation and change things?

    Why not start your own press agency that makes a profit ?

    As far as the possible collapse of the USD, I guess you really have to blame President Nixon. and every other administration since.

    We also must blame ourselves being the world consumer of goods. How many cars, TVs, toys does your family own?

    Lets not forget China undervaluing its currency.

    And remember its not our currency, It's belongs to the Fed.

    The reality is SocalDinar that to run for ANY office requires lots and lots of money. I don't have it!

    I do run my own small business, and been very successful, but I'm a SMALL business owner and don't contribute huge amounts to anyone's campaign, without that I don't expect change. in fact it's a sad fact that we can only expect change to come through campaign contributions and not because the cause it is the right thing to do!

    I don't have the money to open a press agency. I do the best I can by spreading the word of what i have learned to people who do not understand and don't want to understand. It is frustrating enough when you are dealing with entrenched ideology that has been planted by generations of experts at brainwashing, through the media.

    We can blame every administration since Nixon for allowing the NWO to continue. The only POTUS to ever try was Kennedy, and he was assassinated for it!

    We all live in the same world and have all become consumers to one degree or another, there's no avoiding it....and it does not make me a hypocrite to be a consumer.

    Sadly your right, the bills you and I have in our wallets, and in the banks do belong to the lets get together and change that!

    Thanks SocalDinar....Carlos

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  16. [/b]

    There's only ONE thing that I can do. That is to help wake up the people in this country. I have studied the NEW WORLD ORDER from it's inception through the way the deviously have taken complete control of this country. They are a monster to big for any one person by himself, but, they are not too big if we ALL get together and get rid of them.

    The truth will be known and will be undeniable for all to see, when the economy does fall on it's face and the politicians try to put a positive spin on the catastrophe they allowed to happen during their watch. I hope the American people hold them accountable.

    I'm not trying to tear anyone down. I'm trying to provide those who's views have been twisted by the NWO around, so they can see things the way they are....that's all one man can do. What I have been saying for many months is 100% the truth! I hope you do your own research, as I have done, and come to agree. Carlos

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  17. See what they are carrying there?....The American flag, the Constitution,

    Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, & the Bible....

    Now....Look at the Communist picture....The duped, struggling, poor, proletariat carrying

    a red flag (no insignia) probably to cover all communist nations.....They represent

    the Unions, Labor & Farm....And they are standing over the symbol of oppression

    in the World from the last century.

    But, I suppose someone could put paintings of Jesus & O'blah next to each other

    and try to draw conclusions & comparisons (where there arent any) from that also. ;)

    What a bunch of B/S Cris!....Your a lost cause! The constitution, The Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, have all been deemed null and void by your buddies in the NEW WORLD ORDER! They have taken away all our rights, and you voted for them, and put them in office with your blind loyalty to a party that is only self serving!

    People like you are the problem with our society, those who blindly and unquestioningly follow their leaders despite the fact that they have been shown to be corrupt and undeserving of the public trust. you have refused to educate yourself and have been complacently trusting what you have been brainwashed to believe...that a conservative Republican policy is the correct path for America! Wrong again cris! GEORGE BUSH was a conservative Republican and was also a criminal mass murderer of innocent civilians...and a war monger! Nice choice cris! Carlos

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  18. I can't believe people are so brainwashed they still believe in the great communist fear hype that was brought on this country by our own 'leaders" to gain the help of the american people in fighting it's wars of imperialist aggression. R2D2...your a holdover from the days of the cold war....didn't you get the memo? The new and improved enemy now are the Muslims! The communist threat went down the tubes with the fall of the Soviet Union and the bringing down of the Berlin Wall and "perestroika" FYI...Your still fighting last centuries wars!...we have new ones now, aimed at taking over the lands of the Arabs to take their oil....


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  19. You need to get over the hate you have learned. The mexican people have been in the US southwest way before the white man showed up to steal everything he could, not only from the original mexican inhabitants but also from the native Americans that were here before even the mexicans. The only thing the white man brought to this country was greed, war, and intolerance! As evident by your hateful and unchristian attitude!

    If there is any group of people that could be considered outsiders it's the white man. But now that some years have gone by it's easy to forget that your not the original inhabitants of the country since you have stolen it all, and legalized your stay through crooked courts systems designed to absolve your people of the guilt associated with the theft, now it is us that have no right to be here.

    The white man had brought nothing good to these lands he stole. he cannot get along in peace with his neighbors under any circumstances and is always looking to steal even more by justifying his lack of morals in any way he can.

    some of the more prominent good things the white man has brought include, but are not limited to:

    Fiat currency, also known as debt based currency, now approaching worthlessness.

    Corrupt banking systems that answer to the Federal Reserve system of criminal Banksters.

    Corrupt court systems that do the bidding of the corrupt politicians and Banksters.

    Federal Reserve Banking system, the most corrupt banking system on earth.

    Internal Revenue System, designed to take your money from you legally, even though the premise is illegal.

    Corporation America, the secret cabal of fascist bankers that run this alleged "free democracy"you are so proud of!

    A two party political system: two party system in superficial appearances only because both parties work for the criminal Banksters like Goldman Sachs.

    A system of information control, through the controlled and scripted media to keep the masses of predominantly uneducated white people brainwashed and manageable.

    A government that attacks it's own people in an attempt to divert their attention, hate and fear onto another group of people who were completely innocent, in order to start wars of aggression and imperialism

    You arrogant and ignorant white people don't have a lot to be real proud of....You have run your own country into the ground and should learn some humility from the lessons of history. You should use your heads for something constructive instead of being focused on hate and recriminations that lead nowhere! The white man brought nothing good to this country that he should be proud of, but ironically, there are those among you who are proud of the negative things you represent and refuse to see the evil you bring with you. You are one of them! Carlos

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  20. Francie: There's not a single truth in the whole list. You really need to turn off FOX news and the hate mongers like Rush Limbaugh before the damage becomes irreversible, if it's not too late already!

    It's all meaningless rhetoric. You blindly say whatever your Republican party wants you to say and nothing more because your not capable of independent though. Just like the others people that applauded your nonsense, they don't have a clue either! Those that applaud what you say are just here for a "feel good" fix of the day, it reinforces their core misconceptions!


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  21. We hold these truths to be self evident "President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people" :D :D :D

    Our government is the real hoax. They lied to the American people to get us into a war in Vietnam, They lied to us about who was really responsible for the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, and they lied to us to get us into a war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now they are lying again to the American public to get us into a war in Syria and Iran.

    To say Obama is the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people is only a partial truth that is overshadowed by much larger events. What you say looms so large in your mind is because you have been drinking way too much Republican hate kool-aid. You are a willing victim of the controlled and scripted media, and have lost all sense of objectivity, and never had the ability to question the true motives of your own government! ....Corporate America! You are one of the voting cattle that can easily be manipulated into thinking whatever the NWO wants you to think!

    You have been partaking of a hate kool-aid aimed at getting Romney elected at all costs, even though you ignore the fact that our elections are completely rigged, and a foregone conclusion!

    You are a staunch CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN who only believes what the party puts out., the official party talking points! You have been this way for so long it's hard wired into your psyche. You do not have the ability to learn ANYTHING new. you are too far gone to be able to think clearly, and it's made you bitter and angry.

    Ironically...the information is available at your fingertips on line for all that seek the truth to see. There is TONS of it. But...your comfortable with the Republican Bush era party handbook, just like the Chinese were happy reciting the thoughts of Mao-Tse-Tung back in the 60's! There is absolutely no difference between them and you! Carlos


    Opinions are like azhole$ everyones got one Carlos is just spewing his own

    Then don't waste your time reading it! Don't you have something constructive to suck up to some elite banker or kiss Romney's boots so that he will throw some graph and corruption your way.....That's what the republican party is all about, in case your not aware. Is that who you defend? The criminal element in our government?


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  22. Do you have Facts with a Link!! Carlos!!


    That's not the way it works Yota! I'm presenting what has been posted many times on this forum, and I know you have read them all, if you haven't that's your problem! If you want to dispute what I have to say...then you provide evidence to the contrary.

    There are too many people who have also read what I have posted. You can continue to be in denial and blindly believe what your leaders in the Republican and Democratic parties and their prostitutes in the media or you can find out the truth for yourself, just like I did!



    Someone's off their meds again.....

    This information is common knowledge ...well, with the exception of those that believe the "official version" and refuse to think their government has been lying to them and deceiving them for generations now. Carlos

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  23. I just can't believe the arrogance of the administration of our country:

    Our currency is being denied title of "reserve currency" by 120 nations on earth.

    Our currency is being printed at a rate that will soon kick us into hyperinflation

    Our currency may soon be devalued by 50% or more.

    Our economy is based on a derivatives bubble that equals 600 trillion dollars, and it's doomed to burst soon!

    Our economy is said to be in an unstoppable collapse.

    Our government is being run as a dictatorship by greedy fascists, like Goldman Sachs

    Our press is completely controlled and scripted.

    Our political parties and politicians are all sell outs to corporate America, the same fascists at Goldman Sachs!

    And...we have the arrogance to tell other people in other nations what they can and can't do? Who they can befriend, and who they can't?

    The saddest part is that the brainwashed American public buy the government's propaganda...the people of this country agree with their government They think their government is correct in telling other people what they can and can't do!

    People like the poster who decided this was important news, agree that those countries our government accuses of wrongdoing must certainly be evil, when they don't realize they are being manipulated by their own government to further the agenda of Goldman Sachs, and the industrial war machine. Carlos

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  24. The greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people was the introduction of the NEW WORLD ORDER by George Bush the First! The deceit was carried on by Clinton for 8 more years, and then went into full takeover mode during the reign of George Bush the Second, with the take down of the Twin Towers on 9/11.

    Obama has continued the fraud on the unsuspecting American public who still believe they are in control of this country and it's direction, through their vote, as seen by many who blindly still believe that they live in a free nation and that their vote still counts, when in reality they live in a dictatorship run by large corporations who have no allegiance to anything but their profits and don't care one bit about the people. The vote that they hold so dearly is rigged no matter who you vote for, yet many still continue to obsess as

    to the special qualities of the political heard they prefer to follow. They do this despite the fact that many have been exposed to at least some portion of the truth at one time or another, but they remain too entrenched in their favorite flavor of dogma that they hold so dearly, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. Go figure! Carlos

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