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  1. My thinking has been for a long time and I wish and hope that it does not happen this way, but how I have been reading things is that they will remove the 3 000 and then revalue the money. So if you have 1mil in dinar, then it will become 1,000 IQD. The RV will then come out around 3 so you will end up with 3,000 USD. Iraw is not in the business to help the US get rich. After the removal of the 000, and then the RV this will increase Iraq's buying power outside of Iraq to bring in other goods to sell. I think all of the "intel" have you, with all of the high rate of 3-8 that we have seen could actually be somewhat true, but only after the 000 have been removed. When I hear 3-8 exchange rate, I think it is apples and orange's. You can not have that high of rate without the removal of the 000.
  2. Exactly, I thought they had to RV before they could sell or buy anything, so they could have tradable currency. in order to build up, they have to RV in order to have contracts for people to help rebuild.
  3. Has anyone heard of the HR4646. It calls for a 1% tax on all bank transactions, thats all bank transactions from deposit to withdrawn to debit purchase and payment. So if you have your pay check auto deposit, our glorious leader will take 1%. say you deposit $1,000. He thinks he should get $10.00 just to do that.
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