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Posts posted by JWJW11

  1. If you have been following me (stalking me) for years then you would know ive actually said MANY positive things about the dinar......just goes to show that when you ASSume, you really do make an asss of yourself.....

    But seriously....teach me what you know about the dinar.....come cant be that hard can it? You talk like you know much better about whata going on then me, so teach me the error in my ways.....ill understand if you cant and continue to resort to nonsensical banter.....

    If you have actually followed me ive said many positive things aboit the dinar.....just shows that when you ASSume you really do make an ass of yourself!

    Watch your name calling baby boy. Hidin behind a computer runnin your mouth is ridiculous

    Ive told you before...when you answer my questions I will answer yours.

    Follow you? Dude you cant stay away long enough for me to follow pop up everywhere with your nonsense

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  2. I started writing that to be funny but as I wrote, it really started making sense as to how that could possibly happen to people. I myself have danced on the edge of that hole. Fortunately after a few days away my hope returns and I'm back on track. :D/>/>

    Exactly....the whole thing can definitely take its toll on you....Ive reached the point where I just wish something would happen eitherweither way....tired of coming here everyday....its just to damn interesting not to be in it

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  3. i like using my own thoughts too .. connecting different ideas together is what gives us our wisdom ,, i dont know any other way to enter into a sepculation investment . i dont think theres anyone who thinks this is an absolute in this investment . we are all aware of the possibilities . living a pessimistic lifestyle while speculating your own investment does nothing but feed depression disorders .. at least if your not an optimist .. why try to drag others into a pessimistic nightmare someone created in their own head. . .. if someone came here everyday to tell me we are on earth ,, id get tired of hearing that .. especially after i told that person a hundred times .. i know that .

    then the next day there they are telling me im on earth again .. sheesh :unsure:/>

    I know right! Its seriously nuts!

    I mean you have to find your own happiness in life.....and for someone to come here EVERYDAY to show everyone how smart they are is really weird.

    I honestly think hes a shill......who knows and really who cares

    Wow Keep. You used to call RV's years back? Who knew! So if that is true, I can only guess as to what happened to you..... You started out as a hopeful investor with dreams of becoming wealthy and after years of listening to all of the guru's constant pumping you up only to be let down, you started to get jaded about your investment. You then you found your way to the Lopsters who by this time were able to really take advantage of your disenchantment and disappointment with the Dinar, they saw your weakness and brain washed you to the point of joining them on "the dark side" where you've continued to this day, but really down deep you ARE, still, a believer, desperate for someone that can actually give you proof.

    All kidding aside I kinda think this scenario might be what happened to a lot of people over the years that we can now find in the Lopster tank. No offense or disrespect Keep, I actually like you despite your Lopsterisms. :D/>

    I'm gonna keep believing!


    Funny but thats exactly what happened.......Ive been this for a few yrs and can definitely see how that can happen....and when I was younger Id act just like he does.....but with age comes marurity and wisdom to know that really doesn't do anything except put you in early grave....lifes way to short

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  4. So you dont have anything to teach me master? Or are you insecure about your reasonings? Its ok.....i promise i wont laugh.....

    Baby boy I told you 100x.....when you start answering my questions....which Im not putting out there dont ask.

    As far as laughing goes.....I seriously laugh at you everytime you repeat your tired ways.

    I mean you seriously cant be for real.....I mean comon man.....ive been watching you bark your ideas for like 2 yrs must suck to be you.

    You haven't had anything good to say about anything that pertains to the dinar. But yet you still follow every article.....did you knowtknow thats the definition of insanity? :lol: I mean seriously get a hold of yourself man! This is not how you wanna spend your life....find some happiness

    This will end how its supposed to and no matter what you or I say is gunna make a and I both know what the cbi is saying....what we dont know is what there actually gunna do.

    But just because you can read doesn't make you an expert....

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  5. Exactly what I thought princess......

    You really should refrain from speaking.....cause apparently you have it backwards....the gurus got you believing in conspriracies that dont even exist....

    On the contrary baby boy.....your the one calling RVs years back....not me.

    You only know what your told and read....I choose to think for myself.

    And your the one who should stop posting....if it wasn't for Adams nice gift to you...youd be gone already.

    Everyones heard your tired old argument to many times

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  6. You have been trying to teach me what for years? That this is all planned by the elite and even though it goes against all laws of economics we are gonna be rich anyways? gotta do better then that.....

    Come on....teach me something real.....i want to learn from seem to have this all figured out.....

    Correct....and thats why your still hangin around

    Those gurus sure did a number on you baby boy

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  7. The last few weeks have become crazy with a breathless frenzy of RV now hysteria. The Iraqi government is in complete disarray. Does anyone really think behind all of this chaos they are plotting an imminent historic RV?

    Not sure....your the one who is here at all hours of the tell us

    JW, I remember a lot of wars. Sadly.

    Well understand war is a business

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  8. "ABSOLUTELY.... There is no doubt in my mind what so ever... You can either believe me when I say I know this for a fact or not.

    I just dont like listing any sources and having to defend them. YEP, the USA is involved heavily and in fact OWNS their current currency"

    imgesing, you are spouting utter nonsense. To make such an assertion while refusing to back it up labels you as someone to be ignored. You are pitching some fantasy conspiracy theory.

    No conspiracy do remember the invasion/war right?

    But its the only way to explain how some of this will work out in our favor! laugh.gif

    No other explanation needed baby boy....youve got so much to learn

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  9. It seems to me they are saying they aren't going to do anything with the currency but adjust the exchange rate to compensate for the increase in reserves. Not exactly what we hoped for.

    Brilliant.....its pretty clear what they are saying at this point.....but again they are not gunna tell you their true intentions.......are you really looking for them to come out and tell you that their gunna RV their currency tomorrow? Thats not gunna happen......and thatstthatsthebone true fact in this thing....everything thing else is whether you choose to follow or lead

    We are just sojourners in this strange land. Iraq's gonna do what Irag's gonna do.

    Now that I agree with....except the US has a little more say

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  10. Parliamentary committee audits temporary contracted employees in state institutions

    on February 6, 2013.

    Baghdad ( -The Finance Parliamentary Committee announced that ”The number of the people who were hired by state institutions with temporary contracts reached more than million and half persons.”The Head of the Parliamentary Committee, Hayder al-Abadi, reported to that ”During the preparation of the budget tables for 2013 we were surprised that were there about million and half persons hired on temporary contracts in the state institutions.””The number of the people hired on temporary contracts is too many and we can not transform them on permanent staff even if we want to,” the statement added.”We have suspecions that there are political sides hired those contractors without committing to conditions and so we need to audit and investigate details regarding this matter,” Abadi pointed out.”Some MPs called to hire people on temporary contracts without any controls and we consider it as an invitation for corruption which will bring no benefit for people,” the statement concluded. \

    Read more:

    Lol these people are bumblin fools

  11. it does make ya wonder ,, why some of these people are so passionate about being here every day in this site .. but they dont reasearch things .. find something that may help support the idea of investing in this investment .. and start a topic of discussion ,,. im not saying its everyones bag to do that ,, but ..sheez ,, they are the first ones to jump on someone elses topic and not anything optimistic .. ever ..they seem to have a passion to try to degrade anothers atenpt to bring fourth ideas , theorys ..speculatory inputs .. to the point that others may not want to post because of the ricule nature of the pessimists .

    i think if they did post a topic it would end up in the lopsters forum , and thats something they canyt support with anything but the same speculatory inputs .

    Yea man ive been trying to understand it all for years now....I mean know ones life can be that bad. And if its im sorry.....but for some to sit around and type away about something they nothing about. Just doesn't make sense....

    I do appreciate your posts seeing you keep the naysayers in check!:)

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  12. Alright I gotta get outta here......but think about it people.....Iraq talked about a supposed lop/rd for years.....then they suddenly can the idea and run Shabs they say. Now we are talking about 1000 to 1 and a float....comon already this thing will end just like its supposed to be. The PTB are much stronger than you think.

    Take a look at that azz in Alabama who thought he had it all figured out.....turns out there was someone a lot smarter than him and took his sorry azz out......point being....something like this is far bigger than even us smart ones can put together especially when the info is bull spat! Lol

    Ok any other questions just ask dontlop....hes definitely got it figured out

  13. i have never even deen an artical that says there pulling out dinar from circulation has anyone else ? if so hit me with the link

    For one the dont talk like that.....I wanna say may maybe August to October maybe of 2011....little bit longer than youve been here....but its there....just look for it.

    when i posted the 1 i mint 1 cents or

    Lol my bad....sorry about that

  14. So they could have taken whatever they wanted off the streets.

    Absolutely....their were articles back sometime ago that described the process......but that was when the lopsters were hittin hard so it was just dismissed as the arguing can get pretty intense around here lol......

    But yes absolutely they could have been removing dinar all along.....youd have to think they have with the country operating on the dollar......the ridiculous numbers they throw out like 30trillion in circulation is crazy....where is it all? There cant be that many mattresses in Iraq.

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