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Posts posted by estewart

  1. And so we go with another conspiracy theory... There are so many of them. I say we put them all together and dance around them.

    COME ON NOW... It is about as silly as the Reptelian Race.. Maybe there are alians living among us too. In the end who cares... Let's relax and see how everything unfolds.

    Live a life which emulates good things. Try being honest for a day and then a week.

    If you believe EVERYTHING you see or hear and dont question the source of the information you are hearing then you are not using your own mind.


    Peace and sorry but stupidity is a thick sick social disease.

    The "Reptilian Race" is a real deal. But is mainly misunderstood, even by the strongest promoters of the idea.

    In the grand evolution of consciousness in the ancient past there was once no cerebral cortex. . . the front part of the brain in which rational thought occurs on the left side and imaginative thinking on the right.

    Before our modern times there was just what is now often referred to as the Old Brain. It is also called the Reptilian Brain. This is because reptiles ONLY have this form of brain.

    The Reptilian Brain is concerned with primary functions based upon survival instincts -- mainly survival of the species. It's a hive mentality. The Reptiles automatically think alike and are naturally completely in attune with each other. Individuals (everyone else) are seen as being expendable as either collateral damage or cannon fodder. Thus, 9/11.

    The Reptilian Brain is strongly concerned with protecting territory above all else.

    The idea that some people are reptiles merely means that their consciousness is mainly centered all the way back in the Reptilian Brain Stem, not that they have green scales. And this situation is very likely hereditary. And anyone (or any family) like that can be powerful, and very dangerous.

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  2. I've been reading this forum for a few months, and I especially enjoy the ongoing squashing of all "On Monday' rumors that other forums post, regularly.

    Oh, I must confess that this is my first post here before I am slammed in the face with that fact. Okay?

    Anyhow. . . I have a serious question that concerns this thread and which pertains to a statement repeatedly being made by seemingly, otherwise, above average intelligence intelligent peeps. And that's reference to how the voters elected this or that President.... especially the Bushes.

    How is it such goes on like this. . . omitting any and all reference to the reality of the Electoral College?

    Truly, the idea that anyone votes in a President is next to the biggest scam in existence right behind the non-Federal "Federal" Reserve, which is the biggest in history. Though the SS Ponzi "Trust Fund" is right up there, too.

    Note, I am also looking forward toward an RV (Recreational Vehicle, indeed!) -- and that glaring number "8" I am seeing posted a lot of late is so cool, but, myself, I don't expect to see any RV sooner than two years, if even that EARLY!

    Or. . . it could happen on Monday, I guess, or so I've seen.

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