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Everything posted by JCS1977

  1. American Presidential Bloodlines Did you know all 44 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election. “This information comes from Burke's Peerage, which is the Bible of aristocratic genealogy, based in London. Every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789 to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. Of the 42 presidents to Clinton, 33 have been related to two people: Alfred the Great, King of England, and Charlemagne, the most famous monarch of France. So it goes on: 19 of them are related to England's EdwardIII, who has 2000 blood connections to Prince Charles. The same goes with the banking families in America. George Bush and Barbara Bush are from the same bloodline - the Pierce bloodline, which changed its name from Percy, when it crossed the Atlantic. Percy is one of the aristocratic families of Britain, to this day. They were involved in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament at the time of Guy Fawkes” -Researcher/Author David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center” If America declared its Independence from the European monarchies in 1776, how is it possible that every single president has descended from European monarchs? If presidents are democratically elected as we are told, what are the odds that we would always choose members of British and French royal bloodlines to lead us? “The Americas have always been owned and governed by the same royal families of Britain and Europe that conventional history states as being among those defeated during the wars of so-called ‘Independence.’” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology” “If it really is the Land of the Free and if, as is claimed, anyone really can become the president, you would fairly expect that the 43 presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush would express that genetic diversity. You're having a laugh. The presidents of the United States are as much a royal dynasty as anything in Europe, from whence their bloodlines came.” -David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop” Researchers like David Icke, Michael Tsarion, and Fritz Springmeier, along with foundations like the New England Historical Genealogy Society, Burkes Peerage, the Roman Piso Homepage, and other reliable genealogical sources have documented these royal presidential bloodlines. Actually, by branching out far enough on the presidential family tree, the dedicated researcher will find that all 44 presidents share kinship, belonging to the same general ancestry, often called the 13th Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian line, and/or the Windsor-Bush bloodline. “If you go deeply enough into the genealogical research you will find that ALL the presidents are from this line …A spokesman for Burkes Peerage, the bible of royal and aristocratic genealogy based in London, has said that every presidential election since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the most royal genes. Now we can see how and why. United States presidents are not chosen by ballot, they are chosen by blood!” -David Icke, “The Windsor-Bush Bloodline” Granted the relationships are sometimes distant 10th or 15th cousins, but in a country with hundreds of millions to choose from, this simply cannot be chance or coincidence. Gary Boyd Roberts, a genealogist at the New England Historic Genealogical Society thoroughly traced these connections in his book “Ancestors of American Presidents.” George W. Bush himself is directly related to 16 former U.S. presidents including George Washington, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Teddy Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford. Bush is closely related to the king of Albania and has kinship with every member of the British royal family and the House of Windsor. He is related to 20 British Dukes, the 13th cousin of Britain’s Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth. He is 13th cousin once removed from Prince Charles and has direct descent from King Henry III, Charles II, and Edward I of England. Through the House of Windsor and King Henry III, the Bush’s and Bill Clinton are genetically related as well. “According to Burke's Peerage, even according to the official genealogy, Bill Clinton is genetically related to the House of Windsor, the present royal family in Britain; to every Scottish monarch; to King Henry III of England; and to Robert I of France.” -David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center” In 2004 George W. Bush ran as a “Republican” against “Democrat” John Forbes Kerry – his 16th cousin. These cousins, related to the same British and French monarchs, are also secret society brothers in the infamous Skull and Bones fraternity. John Kerry descends from King Henry II of England and Richard the Lionheart, leader of the third Christian crusade in 1189. He also has links to royalty in Albania, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Persia, and France, but still not enough royal genes to top George Bush. Earlier in 2000 we see the same story - George W. Bush ran neck and neck with Al Gore; another supposed democrat and cousin of the Bush family. “Al Gore is a descendant of Edward I, Roman Emperors Louis I, II, and Charles II and is direct descendant of Charlemagne which makes him a distant cousin of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. So the top “democratic” candidates against Bush in 2000 and 2004 were actually his cousins!” -Michael Tsarion, “Where History Ends DVD” “Never in the history of the United States have two presidential candidates been as wellendowed with royal alliances. There has always been a significant “royal factor,” in those who aspired to the White House, with Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, among others, all boasting blue blood links. Al Gore…a descendant of Edward I, he is also a cousin of former U.S. President Richard Nixon, who resigned from the White House in 1974 for his part in the Watergate scandal. However, Al Gore does have direct links to the Holy Roman Empire. He is descendant of Roman Emperors Louis II, Charles II, and Louis I and is therefore also a direct descendant of Charlemagne, the eighth-century Emperor. The problem is that Gore’s Charlemagne links also make him a cousin of George W. Bush.” -Harold Brooks-Baker, Burke’s Peerage Publishing Director from p. 7, NEXUS magazine, Vol. 8, No 1, January-February edition By placing bloodline members on both sides of America’s faux political dichotomy, the old monarchs have guaranteed their right to throne under the guise of democratic elections. Back in 1996 we see the same tactic as “Democrat” Bill Clinton defeated “Republican” Bob Dole, his cousin. “Even Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, who ‘opposed’ each other at the 1996 election, are distant cousins. They can trace their ancestry to England’s King Henry III, who reigned from 1227 to 1273, and US Presidents William Henry and Benjamin Harrison …Clinton has far more royal blood than Dole and is directly descended from the same bloodline as the House of Windsor, every Scottish monarch, and King Robert I of France. This is why he was the Brotherhood’s choice.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (191-192) The Windsor-Bush bloodline reaches from the American presidents, back to British/European royalty, and it doesn’t stop there. It continues back through Roman emperors, all the way to Babylonian Kings and Egyptian Pharaohs near the beginning of recorded history. From Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI, the French line continues back through Louis XV-I, Charles XI-I, Henry IV-I, Philip V-I, Robert II and many other French monarchs. It passes the de Medici family, specifically Queen Catherine de Medici of France, who supported Columbus’ expedition to the “New World” along with bloodline Queen Isabella of Castile, King Ferdinand of Spain, and the House of Lorraine. It was also Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand who started the 350 year Spanish Inquisition, which ordered the murder of millions who refused to convert to Christianity. And from the House of Lorraine, Duke Godfroi de Bouillon became the first Crusader King of Jerusalem. “Father George and wife Barbara [bush] are both descendants of Godfroi de Bouillon who, in 1099, led European noblemen in the successful Crusade to recapture Jerusalem from the Islamic faith and moved into the King’s palace at Temple Mount … Godfroi de Bouillon was the first king of Jerusalem and the Duke of Lower Lorraine, a major region for the Illuminati bloodline …So when George W. Bush, a descendant of the de Bouillon through his mother and father, talked of a “Crusade” against “Islamic” terrorism…this was no slip of the tongue…as was reported” - David Icke “Alice In Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster” The British line goes back from Prince William and Harry, through Prince Charles and Princess Diana, to Queen Elizabeth II, King George VI and V, King Edward VII, Queen Victoria, King Edward III, II, I, and King George III, II, I. Then it passes through King James I who ordered and financed the now most-widely read version of the Bible. Before James came Mary Stuart, King Henry III, II, I, King John (signer of the Magna Carta) and back to the Plantagenet and Habsburg dynasties under the Roman Empire. Other branches carried the bloodline to Scotland, Austria, Germany, Spain, Sweden and even Mexico: “This same bloodline also includes key Scottish families like the Lords of Galloway and the Comyns; Marie-Louise of Austria, who married Napoleon Bonaparte; Kaiser Wilhelm II, the king of Germany at the time of the First World War; and Maximilian, the Habsburg emperor of Mexico, who died in 1867. On and on it goes into country after country. This bloodline connects into every surviving royal family in Europe, including King Juan Carlos of Spain and the Dutch, Swedish, and Danish royal lines.” -David Icke, “The Windsor-Bush Bloodline” Before the Habsburgs, the House of Lorraine and Charlemagne were the Merovingians (Meroveus/Merovee) who originally brought the bloodline to France and Northwest Europe. Back in 4th century Rome the bloodline passed through Emperor Constantine, the first professed Christian emperor who initiated the Roman Empire’s transition into a Christian State and presided over the first Council of Nicaea. He was preceded by the Roman Piso family whom will be discussed at length later. Before them came Herod the Great of Biblical fame and Ptolemy XIV, son of the most well-known Roman emperor Julius Caesar. Caesar actually married into the bloodline through Cleopatra, the most well-known Egyptian Queen. A little further down this very same bloodline brings us to Alexander the Great: “One common link in this bloodline is Philip of Macedonia (382-336BC),who married Olympias, and their son was Alexander the Great (356-323BC), a tyrant who plundered that key region of Greece, Persia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon, the former lands of Sumer, and across into India before dying in Babylon at the age of 33. During his rule of Egypt he founded the city of Alexandria, one the greatest centers for esoteric knowledge in the ancient world. Alexander was taught by the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who in turn was taught by Plato and he by Socrates. The bloodline and the hidden advanced knowledge have always gone together.” -David Icke, “The Windsor-Bush Bloodline” Back the bloodline goes past Alexander, past Nebuchadnezzar IV, III and other Kings of Babylon, all the way to ancient African Kings and Pharaohs of Egypt - Ramesis II, I, Tuthmosis IV, III, II, I, Amenhotep III, II, I and many more. For millennia these Kings, Queens, Pharaohs, and Emperors have obsessively interbred with themselves to preserve and spread their bloodline. They have ruled over us since the beginning of recorded history, claiming they were given divine right to the throne by God or gods. “This 'Divine right' is simply the right to rule by DNA. We have a head of state in Britain to this day who is only there because of her DNA and the whole freeloading hierarchy of the royal family is structured according to a person's DNA relationship to the king or queen …what is royal rule by DNA if not outrageous racial and genetic elitism? This 'Divine' right to rule has nothing to do with the 'Divine' and everything to do with the real origin of these bloodlines. They claim to descend from the 'gods' of the ancient world and who or what these 'gods' were and are, I will explain in detail later. The 'royal' families have interbred incessantly with each other since ancient times because they are seeking to retain the DNA corruption that can apparently be quickly diluted by breeding outside of itself. How interesting that the families of the Illuminati and the power elite do the same to this day. Why? They are the same bloodlines. The royal 'Divine' bloodlines of ancient Sumer and Babylon (now Iraq), Egypt, the Indus Valley and elsewhere expanded into Europe to become the royal and aristocratic families that ruled that continent and most of the world through the British Empire and those of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and so on. As the people began to challenge and reject the open dictatorship of royal rule the bloodlines began to move 'underground' by operating among the population in all the areas that control modern society …You will find a similar story all over the world. Credo Mutwa, the official historian of the Zulu nation, told me how so many black African leaders that were placed in power after the colonial masters gave the continent 'independence', came from the bloodlines of African kings and queens who claimed to descend from the same 'gods' as their white counterparts.” -David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop” Obama, **** Cheney And President Bush All Related By Bloodline! by Scott Fornek, Chicago Sun-Times, Sep 09, 2007 Comment: This should not come as a surprise to the readers of Illuminati News. I have said this for years and been laughed at: It is a lie that in America 'anybody can become President'. You have to have royal blood and you have to be connected by bloodline - royal bloodline. The Illuminati keep their own in their fold and pick and choose who is getting which position in society. Nothing is by accident; everything is per design. See the section 'Related' at the bottom of this article for more information about who is related to whom in politics. This means, of course, that Obama is an Illuminati puppet as well, not to be trusted. Wes Penre, Barack Obama is distantly related to former President George H.W. Bush and President George W. Bush. (AP file) t sure would be an awkward family reunion. But, believe it or not, Barack Obama is related to both President Bush and Vice President **** Cheney. OK, distantly related: Obama and Bush are 11th cousins. Barack Obama is distantly related to Vice President **** Cheney. (AP file) That's because they share the same great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents -- Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole Hinckley of 17th century Massachusetts That means Obama and former President George Herbert Walker Bush are 10th cousins once removed. Obama is related to Cheney through Mareen Duvall, a 17th century immigrant from France. Mareen and Susannah Duvall were Obama's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents and Cheney's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents. That makes Obama and Cheney ninth cousins once removed. Cheney and Bush are related to one another by a completely different common ancestor. We leave it to you to figure out their relationship.
  2. Jay 'Carney folk' is akin to Hitler's Joesph Goebbels and Saddam's Baghdad Bob. No offense to carnies.
  3. Thank Julia Howe Linda, I'm just passing it along!
  4. Bill Gates Oral Polio Vaccine Cripples 47,500 Children Sunday, March 9, 2014 4:50 0 (Before It's News) With the Polio vaccine being the new world orders; go to weapon of choice since it has done so well over the years. Staring back in the early 1950’s when the United States launched its first assault on the unsuspecting public. Infecting over 100 million American with the SV40 cancer virus the Polio Vaccine is one of the eugenicists’ favorite weapons in its quest to kill, control or incarcerate the entire globe. Today with Bill and Melinda Gates leading the charge of the “vaccinate the planet” campaign we have seen everything from genetically modified mosquitoes that carry yellow fever to genetically modified goats that lactate vaccine compounds in their milk. Now they are back at it with a more powerful version of the polio vaccine that is orally transmitted it is called; live oral polio virus vaccine (OPV). This is the same live oral polio virus that was banned in the United States and Canada after multiple cases of infection started popping up. The Salem News reports that the virus used has twice the strength of the original vaccine and reported the number of cases of paralysis; “In 2011 there were an extra 47500 new cases of NPAFP [non-polio acute flaccid paralysis]. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Through this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated.” The Center for Disease Control & Prevention states that from 1980-1999 of the 162 reported cases of Paralytic Polio 154 of them were vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) directly linked to the oral polio vaccine. You would never know this reading through the government CIA controlled medias blitzkrieg on the Amish community. Whenever you hear about an outbreak you would think that the whole town was quarantined but in reality an outbreak can be as little as 4 people. Take for instance the polio outbreak in Minnesota during August of 2005. The media attacks the Amish while never reporting the infection had spread from a vaccinated child to an immune-compromised unvaccinated child that was in the same nursing ward. When children receive an oral dose of the polio virus it stays in their system and show up in their feces for up to 2 months after injections. Rest assured that the New World Order is on track with a new 47,500 customers for the Military Industrial Pharmaceutical Media Educational Complex Polio Division. To learn more about how the eugenicists are using vaccines to reduce population while maiming and mentally injuring anyone in their way.
  5. Be mesmerized by Bill Whittle's unnaturally white teeth is what I say !
  6. WND EXCLUSIVE BILL GATES: WORLD NEEDS FEWER PEOPLE Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM BOB UNRUH About | Email | Archive Subscribe to feed Text smaller Text bigger 4.2K Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations. The July 11 event, co-hosted by the United Kingdom Department for International Development, included organizations such as Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes International and the U.N. Populations Fund, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Critics pointed out the summit was held 100 years after the July 1912 eugenics conference led by Leonard Darwin, the son of Charles Darwin, and dedicated to Darwin’s half-cousin Francis Galton. Galton invented the term eugenics to promote the idea that strategic breeding would improve mankind. According to Christian Voice, a ministry that analyzes current events and acts on Scriptural instructions for “a better way, God’s way,” the 1912 event promoted the “notion that economics can be improved by decreasing the surplus population,” based on the theories of Thomas Malthus. The 17th century luminary suggested that the poor were “draining the world’s resources,” and a solution would be “to introduce policies specifically designed to bring death to large numbers of peasants.” Christian Voice pointed out Malthus “encouraged poor people to move near swamps, because he knew that they would catch diseases there and begin dying off.” The report noted that the 2012 summit “included no calls for forced sterilization, but Bill and Melinda Gates did pledge hundreds of millions of dollars to improve access to contraception in the developing world.” Both Bill and Melinda Gates repeatedly have said there are too many people on earth. “This was made explicit by Melinda Gates in 2011 when she commented that ‘government leaders … are now beginning to understand that providing access to contraceptives is a cost-effective way to foster economic growth,’” Christian Voice said. Said the report: “So what exactly is the relation between contraception and economic growth? The connection is simple: fewer people = more resources.” Controversial ideas, however, are not new to the Gates family. WND reported recently when Natural News said dozens of children in Malawi were vaccinated against measles at gunpoint. The partner in the forced medication program? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to Natural News. Two separate press reports said that the parents took the children into neighboring Mozambique to avoid Malawi’s announced mandatory measles vaccination program for various religious reasons. However, when the families returned home to Malawi, they found the medical providers and police had waited for them, and the children were forced to receive the vaccines. The Christian Voice report said the parents and children belonged to the Zion and Atumwe churches and believed it was a violation of their religious principles to receive the shots. According to the Christian Voice report, District Health Officer Medison Matchaya made sure the medics giving the shots had a police escort. The link to the concept that fewer people would make the world better came when Gates suggested vaccines as one method of reducing the world’s population. Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Technology, Entertainment and Design 2010 Conference in Long Beach, Calif. His February address was titled “Innovating to Zero!” He presented a speech on global warming, stating that CO2 emissions must be reduced to zero by 2050. Gates said every person on the planet puts out an average of about five tons of CO2 per year. “Somehow we have to make changes that will bring that down to zero,” he said. “It’s been constantly going up. It’s only various economic changes that have even flattened it at all. So we have to go from rapidly rising to falling, and falling all the way to zero.” Gates presented the following equation: CO2 (total population emitted CO2 per year) = P (people) x S (services per person) x E (average energy per service) x C (average CO2 emitted per unit of energy) “Let’s look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero,” he said. “Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero. That’s a fact from high school algebra.” Discussing the “P,” or population portion of the equation, he stated, “Let’s take a look. First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent” [emphasis added]. Further, he said it would not be hard to keep track of children, the vaccines they’ve had and when they’re due for another. He said cell phone technology could be used to register every birth around the globe and track children to make sure they have been vaccinated as government advisers urge. The massive effort was discussed by Gates at a mHealth Summit, which delved into the issues of technology and health. According to Natural News, Gates told the conference that the goal is a lower population, and using vaccines to improve early childhood health is a step in that direction. “That sounds paradoxical,” he said. “The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have [fewer] children.” “If you could register every birth on the cell phone, get fingerprints, get a location, then you could take the systems where you go around and make sure the immunizations happen,” he said. “Run them in a more effective way.” WND also reported in May 2009 when Gates joined some of the richest men and women in the world meeting secretly in New York to talk about using their vast wealth to bring the world’s population growth under control. In addition to Gates, the meeting included some of the biggest names in the “billionaires club,” according to the London Times, including David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. In February 2009, Gates also discussed population control. “Official projections say the world’s population will peak at 9.3 billion [up from 6.6 billion today], but with charitable initiatives, such as better reproductive health care, we think we can cap that at 8.3 billion,” he said. At American Thinker, just before the recent conference, Andressen Blom and James Bell wrote that Melinda Gates said this year’s conference should involve “no controversy.” But they wrote the “only difference between the conference a century back and this year’s” is that this year’s “will never acknowledge that eugenics is its driving idea.” “Eugenics is the infamous idea that governments should decide which kinds of citizens ought to be considered desirable … and which kinds of citizens ought to be considered undesirable … and employ the power of the state to encourage increases of desirable citizens (positive eugenics) and encourage decreases of undesirable citizens (negative eugenics),” they wrote. They quoted Melinda Gates’ statement that government leaders “are now beginning to understand that providing access to contraceptives is a cost-effective way to foster economic growth.” “Governments should provide all women with access to family planning tools that are safe and effective,” she said. The Christian Voice said the meaning is the same, even if the words used today are different. In May, Christian Voice said, the Gates Foundation gave a grant of $100,000 to researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, to develop a new type of ultrasound described as a “non-invasive, reversible form of birth control for men.” The ultrasound would make a man infertile for up to six months. Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder, was a longtime advocate of eugenics who hoped to “assist the race towards the elimination of the unfit,” the Christian Voice noted. The founder of the U.K.-based Marie Stopes International pointed out Sanger believed sterilization for those “unfit for parenthood” should be “compulsory.” “Surely no one in the West still thinks that the poor and ‘feeble minded’ ought to be subjected to compulsory sterilization, right?” Christian Voice said. But it then cited that: The Gates Foundation is partnering with the U.N., which already supports China’s one-child per family limit. The programs cite “global warming” as a reason to limit the number of people. The Gates Foundation is a “Key Partner” with the World Health Organization and its history around the globe of forcibly sterilized women. Last month’s conference was aided by the U.K.’s Department for International Development, “which has given aid money to India despite warnings that it would be sued to forcibly sterilize poor women.” The U.K. already builds abortion policy into its foreign aid packages. And the Gates Foundation supports the Save the Children group, “which has been a major promoter of the population-control agenda.” The London Guardian reported that the conference was the start of the Gates plan to raise $4 billion for their campaigns. Read more at BILL GATES’ PLANNED-PARENTHOOD-PRESIDENT DAD INSPIRED PRO-ABORT FUNDING BY LIFESITENEWS.COM Fri May 09, 2003 11:15 EST NEW YORK, May 9, 2003 ( - In a lengthy interview with Bill Moyers released today, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates reveals the inspiration for his funding of pro-abortion population control measures. Responding to a question by Moyers on how he came to fund “reproductive issues” Gates answered, “When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so it’s fascinating. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing. And almost treating us like adults, talking about that.” In the interview Gates says he is moved by measurable progress and on “safe birth reproductive family planning issues” he says, “There’s a measurable impact when you can go in and educate families, but primarily women, about their different choices. There’s real impact that you can have in this area. Anything to do with reproductive health.” Although prodded more than once by Moyers, Gates refused a direct attack on President Bush’s pro-life measures such as promotion of abstinence prior to marriage. He admits that he was at one time a convinced Malthusian. “You know I thought it was.before I learned about it, I thought it was paradoxical. Well if you improve health, aren’t you just dooming people to deal with such a lack of resources where they won’t be educated or they won’t have enough food? You know, sort of a Malthusian view of what would take place.” However, he claims he has seen beyond Malthusian conceptions of useless eaters since, he says, he has seen that by improving health and education population decreases as parents decide to have less children. Despite all his distancing from Malthus, Gates remains steadfast to the unfounded Malthusian fear of overpopulation. See the transcript of the interview with Gates here. See The Quiz Gates Failed. UN POPULATION FUND RECEIVES $57 MIL FROM GATES Typical Luciferian NWO Population Reductionist...
  7. The ***** Project Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black Americans By Tanya L. Green posted at Concerned Women of America May 10, 2001 “... I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” —Deuteronomy 30:19 (NKJV) On the crisp, sunny, fall Columbus Day in 1999, organizers of the “Say So” march approached the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. The marchers, who were predominantly black pastors and lay persons, concluded their three-day protest at the site of two monumental cases: the school desegregation Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade (1973). The significance of each case—equal rights for all Americans in the former, and abortion “rights” in the latter—converged in the declaration of Rev. Johnny M. Hunter, the march's sponsor and national director of Life, Education and Resource Network (LEARN), the largest black pro-life organization. “'Civil rights' doesn't mean anything without a right to life!” declared Hunter. He and the other marchers were protesting the disproportionately high number of abortions in the black community. The high number is no accident. Many Americans—black and white—are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger's ***** Project. Sanger created this program in 1939, after the organization changed its name from the American Birth Control League (ABCL) to the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA).1 The aim of the program was to restrict—many believe exterminate—the black population. Under the pretense of “better health” and “family planning,” Sanger cleverly implemented her plan. What's more shocking is Sanger's beguilement of black America's crème de la crème—those prominent, well educated and well-to-do—into executing her scheme. Some within the black elite saw birth control as a means to attain economic empowerment, elevate the race and garner the respect of whites. The ***** Project has had lasting repercussions in the black community: “We have become victims of genocide by our own hands,” cried Hunter at the “Say So” march. Malthusian Eugenics Margaret Sanger aligned herself with the eugenicists whose ideology prevailed in the early 20th century. Eugenicists strongly espoused racial supremacy and “purity,” particularly of the “Aryan” race. Eugenicists hoped to purify the bloodlines and improve the race by encouraging the “fit” to reproduce and the “unfit” to restrict their reproduction. They sought to contain the “inferior” races through segregation, sterilization, birth control and abortion. Sanger embraced Malthusian eugenics. Thomas Robert Malthus, a 19th-century cleric and professor of political economy, believed a population time bomb threatened the existence of the human race.2 He viewed social problems such as poverty, deprivation and hunger as evidence of this “population crisis.” According to writer George Grant, Malthus condemned charities and other forms of benevolence, because he believed they only exacerbated the problems. His answer was to restrict population growth of certain groups of people.3 His theories of population growth and economic stability became the basis for national and international social policy. Grant quotes from Malthus' magnum opus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, published in six editions from 1798 to 1826: All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room is made for them by the deaths of grown persons. We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality.4 Malthus' disciples believed if Western civilization were to survive, the physically unfit, the materially poor, the spiritually diseased, the racially inferior, and the mentally incompetent had to be suppressed and isolated—or even, perhaps, eliminated. His disciples felt the subtler and more “scientific” approaches of education, contraception, sterilization and abortion were more “practical and acceptable ways” to ease the pressures of the alleged overpopulation.5 Critics of Malthusianism said the group “produced a new vocabulary of mumbo-jumbo. It was all hard-headed, scientific and relentless.” Further, historical facts have proved the Malthusian mathematical scheme regarding overpopulation to be inaccurate, though many still believe them.6 Despite the falsehoods of Malthus' overpopulation claims, Sanger nonetheless immersed herself in Malthusian eugenics. Grant wrote she argued for birth control using the “scientifically verified” threat of poverty, sickness, racial tension and overpopulation as its background. Sanger's publication, The Birth Control Review (founded in 1917) regularly published pro-eugenic articles from eugenicists, such as Ernst Rudin.7 Although Sanger ceased editing The Birth Control Review in 1929, the ABCL continued to use it as a platform for eugenic ideas. Sanger built the work of the ABCL, and, ultimately, Planned Parenthood, on the ideas and resources of the eugenics movement. Grant reported that “virtually all of the organization's board members were eugenicists.” Eugenicists financed the early projects, from the opening of birth control clinics to the publishing of “revolutionary” literature. Eugenicists comprised the speakers at conferences, authors of literature and the providers of services “almost without exception.” And Planned Parenthood's international work was originally housed in the offices of the Eugenics Society. The two organizations were intertwined for years.8 The ABCL became a legal entity on April 22, 1922, in New York. Before that, Sanger illegally operated a birth control clinic in October 1916, in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York, which eventually closed. The clinic serviced the poor immigrants who heavily populated the area—those deemed “unfit” to reproduce.9 Sanger's early writings clearly reflected Malthus' influence. She writes: Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease. Those vast, complex, interrelated organizations aiming to control and to diminish the spread of misery and destitution and all the menacing evils that spring out of this sinisterly fertile soil, are the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents and dependents.10 In another passage, she decries the burden of “human waste” on society: It [charity] encourages the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant [emphasis added].11 She concluded, The most serious charge that can be brought against modern “benevolence” is that it encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents and dependents. These are the most dangerous elements in the world community, the most devastating curse on human progress and expression.12 The Review printed an excerpt of an address Sanger gave in 1926. In it she said: It now remains for the U.S. government to set a sensible example to the world by offering a bonus or yearly pension to all obviously unfit parents who allow themselves to be sterilized by harmless and scientific means. In this way the moron and the diseased would have no posterity to inherit their unhappy condition. The number of the feeble-minded would decrease and a heavy burden would be lifted from the shoulders of the fit.13 Sanger said a “bonus” would be “wise and profitable” and “the salvation of American civilization.”14 She presented her ideas to Mr. C. Harold Smith (of theNew York Evening World) on “the welfare committee” in New York City. She said, “people must be helped to help themselves.” Any plan or program that would make them “dependent upon doles and charities” is “paternalistic” and would not be “of any permanent value.” She included an essay (what she called a “program of public welfare,”) entitled “We Must Breed a Race of Thoroughbreds.”15 In it she argued that birth control clinics, or bureaus, should be established “in which men and women will be taught the science of parenthood and the science of breeding.” For this was the way “to breed out of the race the scourges of transmissible disease, mental defect, poverty, lawlessness, crime ... since these classes would be decreasing in number instead of breeding like weeds [emphasis added].”16 Her program called for women to receive birth control advice in various situations, including where: the woman or man had a “transmissible” disease such as insanity, feeble-mindedness, epilepsy, syphilis, etc.; the children already born were “subnormal or feeble-minded”; the father's wages were “inadequate ... to provide for more children.” Sanger said “such a plan would ... reduce the birthrate among the diseased, the sickly, the poverty stricken and anti-social classes, elements unable to provide for themselves, and the burden of which we are all forced to carry.”17 Sanger had openly embraced Malthusian eugenics, and it shaped her actions in the ensuing years. The Harlem Clinic In 1929, 10 years before Sanger created the ***** Project, the ABCL laid the groundwork for a clinic in Harlem, a largely black section of New York City. It was the dawn of the Great Depression, and for blacks that meant double the misery. Blacks faced harsher conditions of desperation and privation because of widespread racial prejudice and discrimination. From the ABCL's perspective, Harlem was the ideal place for this “experimental clinic,” which officially opened on November 21, 1930. Many blacks looked to escape their adverse circumstances and therefore did not recognize the eugenic undercurrent of the clinic. The clinic relied on the generosity of private foundations to remain in business.18 In addition to being thought of as “inferior” and disproportionately represented in the underclass, according to the clinic's own files used to justify its “work,” blacks in Harlem: were segregated in an over-populated area (224,760 of 330,000 of greater New York's black population lived in Harlem during the late 1920s and 1930s); comprised 12 percent of New York City's population, but accounted for 18.4 percent of New York City's unemployment; had an infant mortality rate of 101 per 1000 births, compared to 56 among whites; had a death rate from tuberculosis—237 per 100,000—that was highest in central Harlem, out of all of New York City.19 Although the clinic served whites as well as blacks, it “was established for the benefit of the colored people.” Sanger wrote this in a letter to Dr. W. E. Burghardt DuBois,20 one of the day's most influential blacks. A sociologist and author, he helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909 to improve the living conditions of black Americans. That blacks endured extreme prejudice and discrimination, which contributed greatly to their plight, seemed to further justify restricting their numbers. Many believed the solution lay in reducing reproduction. Sanger suggested the answer to poverty and degradation lay in smaller numbers of blacks. She convinced black civic groups in Harlem of the “benefits” of birth control, under the cloak of “better health” (i.e., reduction of maternal and infant death; child spacing) and “family planning.” So with their cooperation, and the endorsement of The Amsterdam News (a prominent black newspaper), Sanger established the Harlem branch of the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau.21 The ABCL told the community birth control was the answer to their predicament. Sanger shrewdly used the influence of prominent blacks to reach the masses with this message. She invited DuBois and a host of Harlem's leading blacks, including physicians, social workers, ministers and journalists, to form an advisory council to help direct the clinic “so that our work in birth control will be a constructive force in the community.”22 She knew the importance of having black professionals on the advisory board and in the clinic; she knew blacks would instinctively suspect whites of wanting to decrease their numbers. She would later use this knowledge to implement the ***** Project. Sanger convinced the community so well that Harlem's largest black church, the Abyssinian Baptist Church, held a mass meeting featuring Sanger as the speaker.23 But that event received criticism. At least one “very prominent minister of a denomination other than Baptist” spoke out against Sanger. Dr. Adam Clayton Powell Sr., pastor of Abyssinian Baptist, “received adverse criticism” from the (unnamed) minister who was “surprised that he'd allow that awful woman in his church.”24 Grace Congregational Church hosted a debate on birth control. Proponents argued birth control was necessary to regulate births in proportion to the family's income; spacing births would help mothers recover physically and fathers financially; physically strong and mentally sound babies would result; and incidences of communicable diseases would decrease. Opponents contended that as a minority group blacks needed to increase rather than decrease and that they needed an equal distribution of wealth to improve their status. In the end, the debate judges decided the proponents were more persuasive: Birth control would improve the status of blacks.25 Still, there were others who equated birth control with abortion and therefore considered it immoral. Eventually, the Urban League took control of the clinic,26 an indication the black community had become ensnared in Sanger's labyrinth. Birth Control as a Solution The Harlem clinic and ensuing birth control debate opened dialogue among blacks about how best to improve their disadvantageous position. Some viewed birth control as a viable solution: High reproduction, they believed, meant prolonged poverty and degradation. Desperate for change, others began to accept the “rationale” of birth control. A few embraced eugenics. The June 1932 edition of The Birth Control Review, called “The ***** Number,” featured a series of articles written by blacks on the “virtues” of birth control. The editorial posed this question: “Shall they go in for quantity or quality in children? Shall they bring children into the world to enrich the undertakers, the physicians and furnish work for social workers and jailers, or shall they produce children who are going to be an asset to the group and American society?” The answer: “Most [blacks], especially women, would choose quality ... if they only knew how.”27 DuBois, in his article “Black Folk and Birth Control,” noted the “inevitable clash of ideals between those Negroes who were striving to improve their economic position and those whose religious faith made the limitation of children a sin.”28 He criticized the “mass of ignorant Negroes” who bred “carelessly and disastrously so that the increase among [them] ... is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.”29 DuBois called for a “more liberal attitude” among black churches. He said they were open to “intelligent propaganda of any sort, and the American Birth Control League and other agencies ought to get their speakers before church congregations and their arguments in the ***** newspapers [emphasis added].”30 Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University's first black president, wrote “eugenic discrimination” was necessary for blacks.31 He said the high maternal and infant mortality rates, along with diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria and venereal infection, made it difficult for large families to adequately sustain themselves. Further, “the status of Negroes as marginal workers, their confinement to the lowest paid branches of industry, the necessity for the labors of mothers, as well as children, to balance meager budgets, are factors [that] emphasize the need for lessening the burden not only for themselves, but of society, which must provide the supplementary support in the form of relief.”32 Johnson later served on the National Advisory Council to the BCFA, becoming integral to the ***** Project. Writer Walter A. Terpenning described bringing a black child into a hostile world as “pathetic.” In his article “God's Chillun,” he wrote: The birth of a colored child, even to parents who can give it adequate support, is pathetic in view of the unchristian and undemocratic treatment likely to be accorded it at the hands of a predominantly white community, and the denial of choice in propagation to this unfortunate class is nothing less than barbarous [emphasis added].33 Terpenning considered birth control for blacks as “the more humane provision” and “more eugenic” than among whites. He felt birth control information should have first been disseminated among blacks rather than the white upper crust.34 He failed to look at the problematic attitudes and behavior of society and how they suppressed blacks. He offered no solutions to the injustice and vile racism that blacks endured. Sadly, DuBois' words of black churches being “open to intelligent propaganda” proved prophetic. Black pastors invited Sanger to speak to their congregations. Black publications, like The Afro-American and The Chicago Defender, featured her writings. Rather than attacking the root causes of maternal and infant deaths, diseases, poverty, unemployment and a host of other social ills—not the least of which was racism—Sanger pushed birth control. To many, it was better for blacks not to be born rather than endure such a harsh existence. Against this setting, Sanger charmed the black community's most distinguished leaders into accepting her plan, which was designed to their own detriment. She peddled her wares wrapped in pretty packages labeled “better health” and “family planning.” No one could deny the benefits of better health, being financially ready to raise children, or spacing one's children. However, the solution to the real issues affecting blacks did not lay in reducing their numbers. It lay in attacking the forces in society that hindered their progress. Most importantly, one had to discern Sanger's motive behind her push for birth control in the community. It was not an altruistic one. Web of Deceit Prior to 1939, Sanger's “outreach to the black community was largely limited to her Harlem clinic and speaking at black churches.”35 Her vision for “the reproductive practices of black Americans” expanded after the January 1939 merger of the Clinical Research Bureau and the American Birth Control League to form the Birth Control Federation of America. She selected Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, of the soap-manufacturing company Procter and Gamble, to be the BCFA regional director of the South. Gamble wrote a memorandum in November 1939 entitled “Suggestions for the ***** Project,” in which he recognized that “black leaders might regard birth control as an extermination plot.” He suggested black leaders be placed in positions where it would appear they were in charge.36 Yet Sanger's reply reflects Gamble's ambivalence about having blacks in authoritative positions: I note that you doubt it worthwhile to employ a full-time ***** physician. It seems to me from my experience ... that, while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors, they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table, which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts. They do not do this with white people and if we can train the ***** doctor at the clinic, he can go among them with enthusiasm and ... knowledge, which ... will have far-reaching results among the colored people.37 Another project director lamented: I wonder if Southern Darkies can ever be entrusted with ... a clinic. Our experience causes us to doubt their ability to work except under white supervision.38 Sanger knew blacks were a religious people—and how useful ministers would be to her project. She wrote in the same letter: The minister's work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the ***** population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members [emphasis added].39 Sanger's cohorts within the BCFA sought to attract black leadership. They succeeded. The list of black leaders who made up BCFA's National Advisory Council reads like a “who's who” among black Americans. To name a few:40 Claude A. Barnett, director, Associated ***** Press, Chicago Michael J. Bent, M.D., Meharry Medical School, Nashville Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, president, National Council of ***** Women, Washington, D.C., special advisor to President Roosevelt on minority groups, and founder of Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee, cum laude graduate of Tufts, president of Alpha Kappa Alpha (the nation's oldest black sorority), Washington, D.C. Charles S. Johnson, president, Fisk University, Nashville Eugene Kinckle Jones, executive secretary, National Urban League, New York Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York Bishop David H. Sims, pastor, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Philadelphia Arthur Spingarn, president, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Even with this impressive list, Sanger ran into resistance when she tried to present a birth control exhibit at the 1940 American ***** Exposition, a fair that traces the progress blacks have made since the Emancipation Proclamation, in Chicago. After inviting the BCFA to display its exhibit, the Exposition's board later cancelled, citing “last minute changes in floor space.”41 Sanger did not buy this and issued a statement urging public protest. “This has come as a complete surprise,” said Sanger, “since the Federation undertook preparation of the exhibit upon an express invitation from a member of the Exposition board.”42 She said the cancellation resulted from “concerted action on the part of representatives of the Roman Catholic Church.” She even accused the church of threatening officials with the withholding of promised federal and state funds needed to hold the Exposition.43 Her statement mentioned BCFA prepared the exhibit in consultation with its National (*****) Advisory Council, and it illustrated “the need for birth control as a public health measure.”44 She said the objective was to demonstrate how birth control would “improve the welfare of the ***** population,” noting the maternal death rate among black mothers was nearly 50 percent higher, and the child death rate was more than one-third greater than the white community.45 At Sanger's urging, protesters of the cancellation sent letters to Attorney Wendall E. Green, vice chairman of the Afra-Merican Emancipation Exposition Commission (sponsor of the Exposition), requesting he investigate. Green denied there was any threat or pressure to withhold funds needed to finance the Exposition. Further, he said the Exposition commission (of Illinois) “unanimously passed a resolution,” which read in part: “That in the promotion, conduct and accomplishment of the objectives (of the Exposition) there must be an abiding spirit to create goodwill toward all people.”46 He added that since the funds for the Exposition “came from citizens of all races and creeds, any exhibit in conflict with the known convictions of any religious group contravenes the spirit of the resolution,”47 which seemed to support Catholic opposition. The commission upheld the ban on the exhibit. “Better Health for 13,000,000” The propaganda of the ***** Project was that birth control meant better health. So on this premise, the BCFA designed two southern ***** Project “demonstration programs” to show “how medically-supervised birth control integrated into existing public health services could improve the general welfare of Negroes, and to initiate a nationwide educational program.”48 The BCFA opened the first clinic at the Bethlehem Center in urban Nashville, Tennessee (where blacks constituted only 25 percent of the population), on February 13, 1940. They extended the work to the Social Services Center of Fisk University (a historically black college) on July 23, 1940. This location was especially significant because of its proximity to Meharry Medical School, which trained more than 50 percent of black physicians in the United States.49 An analysis of the income of the Nashville group revealed that “no family, regardless of size, had an income over $15 a week. The service obviously reached the income group for which it was designed,”50 indicating the project's target. The report claimed to have brought “to light serious diseases and making possible their treatment, ... [and] that 55 percent [354 of the 638] of the patients prescribed birth control methods used it consistently and successfully.”51However, the report presented “no definite figures ... to demonstrate the extent of community improvement.”52 The BCFA opened the second clinic on May 1, 1940, in rural Berkeley County, South Carolina, under the supervision of Dr. Robert E. Seibels, chairman of the Committee on Maternal Welfare of the South Carolina Medical Association.53 BCFA chose this site in part “because leaders in the state were particularly receptive to the experiment. South Carolina had been the second state to make child spacing a part of its state public health program after a survey of the state's maternal deaths showed that 25 percent occurred among mothers known to be physically unfit for pregnancy.”54 Again, the message went out: Birth control—not better prenatal care—reduced maternal and infant mortality. Although Berkeley County's population was 70 percent black, the clinic received criticism that members of this group were “overwhelmingly in the majority.”55Seibels assured Claude Barnett that this was not the case. “We have ... simply given our help to those who were willing to receive it, and these usually are Negroes,” he said.56 While religious convictions significantly influenced the Nashville patients' view of birth control, people in Berkeley County had “no religious prejudice against birth control. But the attitude that treatment of any disease was 'against nature' was in the air.”57 Comparing the results of the two sites, “it is seen that the immediate receptivity to the demonstration was at the outset higher in the rural area.”58 However, “the final total success was lower [in the rural area].” However, in Berkeley, “stark poverty was even more in evidence, and bad roads, bad weather and ignorance proved powerful counter forces [to the contraceptive programs].” After 18 months, the Berkeley program closed.59 The report indicated that, contrary to expectations, the lives of black patients serviced by the clinics did not improve dramatically from birth control. Two beliefs stood in the way: Some blacks likened birth control to abortion and others regarded it as “inherently immoral.”60 However, “when thrown against the total pictures of the awareness on the part of ***** leaders of the improved conditions, ... and their opportunities to even better conditions under Planned Parenthood, ... the obstacles to the program are greatly outweighed,” said Dr. Dorothy Ferebee.61 A hint of eugenic flavor seasoned Ferebee's speech: “The future program [of Planned Parenthood] should center around more education in the field through the work of a professional ***** worker, because those of us who believe that the benefits of Planned Parenthood as a vital key to the elimination of human waste must reach the entire population [emphasis added].”62 She peppered her speech with the importance of “***** professionals, fully integrated into the staff, ... who could interpret the program and objectives to [other blacks] in the normal course of day-to-day contacts; could break down fallacious attitudes and beliefs and elements of distrust; could inspire the confidence of the group; and would not be suspect of the intent to eliminate the race[emphasis added].”63 Sanger even managed to lure the prominent—but hesitant—black minister J. T. Braun, editor in chief of the National Baptist Convention's Sunday School Publishing Board in Nashville, Tennessee, into her deceptive web. Braun confessed to Sanger that “the very idea of such a thing [birth control] has always held the greatest hatred and contempt in my mind. ... I am hesitant to give my full endorsement of this idea, until you send me, perhaps, some more convincing literature on the subject.”64 Sanger happily complied. She sent Braun the Federal Council of Churches' Marriage and Home Committee pamphlet praised by Bishop Sims (another member of the National Advisory Council), assuring him that: “There are some people who believe that birth control is an attempt to dictate to families how many children to have. Nothing could be further from the truth.”65 Sanger's assistants gave Braun more pro-birth control literature and a copy of her autobiography, which he gave to his wife to read. Sanger's message of preventing maternal and infant mortality stirred Braun's wife. Now convinced of this need, Braun permitted a group of women to use his chapel for a birth-control talk.66 “ moved by the number of prominent [black] Christians backing the proposition,” Braun wrote in a letter to Sanger.67 “At first glance I had a horrible shock to the proposition because it seemed to me to be allied to abortion, but after thought and prayer, I have concluded that especially among many women, it is necessary both to save the lives of mothers and children [emphasis added].”68 By 1949, Sanger had hoodwinked black America's best and brightest into believing birth control's “life-saving benefits.” In a monumental feat, she bewitched virtually an entire network of black social, professional and academic organizations69 into endorsing Planned Parenthood's eugenic program.70 Sanger's successful duplicity does not in any way suggest blacks were gullible. They certainly wanted to decrease maternal and infant mortality and improve the community's overall health. They wholly accepted her message because it seemed to promise prosperity and social acceptance. Sanger used their vulnerabilities and their ignorance (of her deliberately hidden agenda) to her advantage. Aside from birth control, she offered no other medical or social solutions to their adversity. Surely, blacks would not have been such willing accomplices had they perceived her true intentions. Considering the role eugenics played in the early birth control movement—and Sanger's embracing of that ideology—the notion of birth control as seemingly the only solution to the problems that plagued blacks should have been much more closely scrutinized. “Scientific Racism” Planned Parenthood has gone to great lengths to repudiate the organization's eugenic origins.71 It adamantly denies Sanger was a eugenicist or racist, despite evidence to the contrary. Because Sanger stopped editing The Birth Control Review in 1929, the organization tries to disassociate her from the eugenic and racist-oriented articles published after that date. However, a summary of an address Sanger gave in 1932, which appeared in the Review that year, revealed her continuing bent toward eugenics. In “A Plan for Peace,” Sanger suggested Congress set up a special department to study population problems and appoint a “Parliament of Population.” One of the main objectives of the “Population Congress” would be “to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population.” This would be accomplished by applying a “stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation [in addition to tightening immigration laws] to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”72 It's reasonable to conclude that as the leader of Planned Parenthood—even after 1929—Sanger would not allow publication of ideas she didn't support. Sanger's defenders argue she only wanted to educate blacks about birth control's “health benefits.” However, she counted the very people she wanted to “educate” among the “unfit,” whose numbers needed to be restricted. Grant presents other arguments Sanger's supporters use to refute her racist roots:73 blacks, Jews, Hispanics and other minorities are well represented in the “upper echelons” of Planned Parenthood Federation of America; the former, high-profile president of the organization, Faye Wattleton, is a black woman; “aggressive” minority hiring practices have been standard procedure for more than two decades; the “vast majority of the nation's ethnic leadership solidly and actively supports the work” of the organization. These justifications also fail because of what Grant calls “scientific racism.” This form of racism is based on genes, rather than skin color or language. “The issue is not 'color of skin' or 'dialect of tongue,'” Grant writes, “but 'quality of genes [emphasis added].'”74 Therefore, “as long as blacks, Jews and Hispanics demonstrate 'a good quality gene pool'—as long as they 'act white and think white'—then they are esteemed equally with Aryans. As long as they are, as Margaret Sanger said, 'the best of their race,' then they can be [counted] as valuable citizens [emphasis added].” By the same token, “individual whites” who show “dysgenic traits” must also have their fertility “curbed right along with the other 'inferiors and undesirables.'”75 In short, writes Grant, “Scientific racism is an equal opportunity discriminator [emphasis added]. Anyone with a 'defective gene pool' is suspect. And anyonewho shows promise may be admitted to the ranks of the elite.”76 The eugenic undertone is hard to miss. As Grant rightly comments, “The bottom line is that Planned Parenthood was self-consciously organized, in part, to promote and enforce White Supremacy. ... It has been from its inception implicitly and explicitly racist.”77 “There is no way to escape the implications,” argues William L. Davis, a black financial analyst Grant quotes. “When an organization has a history of racism, when its literature is openly racist, when its goals are self-consciously racial, and when its programs invariably revolve around race, it doesn't take an expert to realize that the organization is indeed racist.”78 Sanger's Legacy It is impossible to sever Planned Parenthood's past from its present. Its legacy of lies and propaganda continues to infiltrate the black community. The poison is even more venomous because, in addition to birth control, Planned Parenthood touts abortion as a solution to the economic and social problems that plague the community. In its wake is the loss of more than 12 million lives within the black community alone. Planned Parenthood's own records reflect this. For example, a 1992 report revealed that 23.2 percent of women who obtained abortions at its affiliates were black79—although blacks represent no more than 13 percent of the total population. In 1996, Planned Parenthood's research arm reported: “Blacks, who make up 14 percent of all childbearing women, have 31 percent of all abortions and whites, who account for 81 percent of women of childbearing age, have 61 percent.”80 “Abortion is the number-one killer of blacks in America,” says Rev. Hunter of LEARN. “We're losing our people at the rate of 1,452 a day. That's just pure genocide. There's no other word for it. [sanger's] influence and the whole mindset that Planned Parenthood has brought into the black community ... say it's okay to destroy your people. We bought into the lie; we bought into the propaganda.”81 Some blacks have even made abortion “rights” synonymous with civil rights. “We're destroying the destiny and purpose of others who should be here,” Hunter laments. “Who knows the musicians we've lost? Who knows the great leaders the black community has really lost? Who knows what great minds of economic power people have lost? What great teachers?” He recites an old African proverb: “No one knows whose womb holds the chief.”82 Hunter has personally observed the vestiges of Planned Parenthood's eugenic past in the black community today. “When I travel around the country ... I can only think of one abortion clinic [i've seen] in a predominantly white neighborhood. The majority of clinics are in black neighborhoods.”83 Hunter noted the controversy that occurred two years ago in Louisiana involving school-based health clinics. The racist undertone could not have been more evident. In the Baton Rouge district, officials were debating placing clinics in the high schools. Black state representative Sharon Weston Broome initially supported the idea. She later expressed concern about clinics providing contraceptives and abortion counseling. “Clinics should promote abstinence,” she said.84 Upon learning officials wanted to put the clinics in black schools only, Hunter urged her to suggest they be placed in white schools as well. At Broome's suggestion, however, proposals for the school clinics were “dropped immediately,” reported Hunter. Grant observed the same game plan 20 years ago. “During the 1980s when Planned Parenthood shifted its focus from community-based clinics to school-based clinics, it again targeted inner-city minority neighborhoods,” he writes.85 “Of the more than 100 school-based clinics that have opened nationwide in the last decade [1980s], none has been at substantially all-white schools,” he adds. “None has been at suburban middle-class schools. All have been at black, minority or ethnic schools.”86 In 1987, a group of black ministers, parents and educators filed suit against the Chicago Board of Education. They charged the city's school-based clinics with not only violating the state's fornication laws, but also with discrimination against blacks. The clinics were a “calculated, pernicious effort to destroy the very fabric of family life [between] black parents and their children,” the suit alleged.87 One of the parents in the group was “shocked” when her daughter came home from school with Planned Parenthood material. “I never realized how racist those people were until I read the [information my daughter received] at the school clinic,” she said. “[They are worse than] the Klan ... because they're so slick and sophisticated. Their bigotry is all dolled up with statistics and surveys, but just beneath the surface it's as ugly as apartheid.”88 A more recent account uncovered a Planned Parenthood affiliate giving condoms to residents of a poor black neighborhood in Akron, Ohio.89 The residents received a “promotional bag” containing, among other things: literature on sexually transmitted disease prevention, gynecology exams and contraception, a condom-case key chain containing a bright-green condom, and a coupon. The coupon was redeemable at three Ohio county clinics for a dozen condoms and a $5 McDonald's gift certificate. All the items were printed with Planned Parenthood phone numbers. The affiliate might say they're targeting high-pregnancy areas, but their response presumes destructive behavior on the part of the targeted group. Planned Parenthood has always been reluctant to promote, or encourage, abstinence as the only safeguard against teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, calling it “unrealistic.” Rev. Richard Welch, president of Human Life International in Front Royal, Virginia, “blasted” the affiliate for targeting low-income, minority neighborhoods with the bags. He said the incident revealed “the racism inherent in promoting abortion and contraception in primarily minority neighborhoods.”90 He then criticized Planned Parenthood: “Having sprung from the racist dreams of a woman determined to apply abortion and contraception to eugenics and ethnic cleansing, Planned Parenthood remains true to the same strategy today.”91 Untangling the Deceptive Web Black leaders have been silent about Margaret Sanger's evil machination against their community far too long. They've been silent about abortion's devastating effects in their community—despite their pro-life inclination. “The majority of [blacks] are more pro-life than anything else,” said Hunter.92 “Blacks were never taught to destroy their children; even in slavery they tried to hold onto their children.” “Blacks are not quiet about the issue because they do not care, but rather because the truth has been kept from them. The issue is ... to educate our people,” said former Planned Parenthood board member LaVerne Tolbert.93 Today, a growing number of black pro-lifers are untangling the deceptive web spun by Sanger. They are using truth to shed light on the lies. The “Say So” march is just one example of their burgeoning pro-life activism. As the marchers laid 1,452 roses at the courthouse steps—to commemorate the number of black babies aborted daily—spokesman Damon Owens said, “This calls national attention to the problem [of abortion]. This is an opportunity for blacks to speak to other blacks. This doesn't solve all of our problems. But we will not solve our other problems with abortion.” Black pro-lifers are also linking arms with their white pro-life brethren. Black Americans for Life (BAL) is an outreach group of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), a Washington, D.C.-based grassroots organization. NRLC encourages networking between black and white pro-lifers. “Our goal is to bring people together—from all races, colors, and religions—to work on pro-life issues,” said NRLC Director of Outreach Ernest Ohlhoff.94 “Black Americans for Life is not a parallel group; we want to help African-Americans integrate communicational and functionally into the pro-life movement.” Mrs. Beverly LaHaye, founder and chairman of Concerned Women for America, echoes the sentiment. “Our mission is to protect the right to life of all members of the human race. CWA welcomes like-minded women and men, from all walks of life, to join us in this fight.” Concerned Women for America has a long history of fighting Planned Parenthood's evil agenda. The ***** Project is an obscure angle, but one that must come to light. Margaret Sanger sold black Americans an illusion. Now with the veil of deception removed, they can “choose life ... that [their] descendants may live.”
  8. This song is getting more and more relevant daily:
  9. Sorry, copied the wrong video above... Here:
  10. If I remember right the medical cross was originally the staff of horus with two snakes crawling up it signifying the snakes that morphed from the staff of the wizzard when Moses and Aaron confronted pharaoh (Exodus 7)...signifying lucifer also probably with their duality nonsense... Esoteric Egyptian satan worship as everything in this manufactured society. I believe... It's hard to keep up with all their evilness and I'm polishing off a bottle of homemade barolo right now so...
  11. Don't know if you live in a state where you have access to this: Marijuana May Have a Role in Type 2 DiabetesBy Deborah Mitchell G+ 2012-07-09 05:40 The use of marijuana to treat various health conditions is a controversial issue, even though 18 states plus the District of Columbia have recognized medical marijuana (cannabis). The list of medical conditions for which marijuana has demonstrated some benefit may have a new addition soon, because researchers have discovered compounds in marijuana that could help in the management of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Could marijuana really help with weight loss?In a secret location in southern England, scientists with GW Pharmaceuticals are growing marijuana plants that have been bred to produce different amounts of cannabinoids, which are naturally found in the plants. Cannabinoids are chemicals that activate cannabinoid receptors in the body, which in turn may have an impact on gastrointestinal and cardiovascular activity, pain, and bone. GW Pharmaceuticals has already produced a cannabinoid drug called Sativex, an oromucosalspray for relieving cancer pain and treating symptoms of multiple sclerosis andneuropathic pain. Investigators now announce they have discovered two substances--cannabidiol and THCV-- in marijuana leaves that can increase the amount of calories the body burns. This discovery, along with previous test results showing that these two substances can treat type 2 diabetes in animals, will hopefully lead to drugs that treat people who have metabolic syndrome--the combination of diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure that significantly increase a person's chances of having a stroke or heart disease. Currently, scientists are conducting four Phase 2a clinical trials involving 200 patients. According to Dr. Steph Wright, director of R&D at GW Pharmaceuticals, "We are interested in how these drugs effect the fat distribution and utilization in the body as a treatment for metabolic diseases." Anyone familiar with marijuana may know that using the drug typically causes the "munchies," so how could cannabis compounds have the opposite effect? It appears that cannabidiol and THCV suppress the appetite, but only for a short time. Simultaneously, however, both THCV and cannabidiol also have an effect on the fat level in the body and how the body responds to insulin. Specifically, researchers found that THCV increased sensitivity to insulin in animals while also protecting the cells that make insulin. In addition, both compounds boost metabolism in test animals, which resulted in a reduction in fat in their livers and lower cholesterol. "Overall, it seems these molecules increase energy expenditure in the cells of the body by increasing the metabolism," noted professor Mike Cawthorne, who is the director of metabolic research at the University of Buckingham and the individual who has been conducting the animal studies. Diabetes and Medical Marijuana Published by Jan Diabetes mellitus is a group of autoimmune diseases characterized by defects in insulin secretion resulting in hyperglycemia (abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood). There are two primary types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes (also known as juvenile diabetes) are incapable of producing pancreatic insulin and must rely on insulin medication for survival. Type 2 diabetes (also known as adult onset diabetes) produce inadequate amounts of insulin. Type 2 diabetes is a less serious condition that typically is controlled by diet. Over time, diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure nerve damage, hardening of the arteries and death. The disease is the third leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer. A search of the scientific literature reveals no clinical investigations of cannabis for the treatment of diabetes, but does identify a small number of preclinical studies indicating that cannabinoids may modify the disease’s progression and provide symptomatic relief to those suffering from the disease. 2006 Study—5 mg. per day injection of CBD significantly reduced the incidence of diabetes in mice. Also delayed the onset of diabetes in mice. March 2006 American Journal of Pathology—Study done at the Medical College of Virginia—Rats treated with CBD (from 1-4 weeks) experienced protection from diabetic retinopathy (condition characterized by retinal oxygen deprivation and a breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier, is the leading cause of blindness in working age adults). Studies reported in the journal of Neuroscience Letters in 2004—Mice given a cannabis receptor agonist experienced a reduction in diabetic related tactile allodynia (pain resulting from non-injurious stimulus to the skin) compared to non-treated controls. Suggesting that cannabinoids have a beneficial effect on diabetic neuropathic pain. 2001 Trial—Delta 9 THC could moderate the disease by reducing artificially elevated glucose levels and insulitis in mice. Researchers from the U.S., Switzerland, and Israel and reported in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology---CBD reduces various symptoms of diabetic cardiomyopathy (weakening of the heart muscle) in mice with type 1 diabetes. The incidence of diabetes is steadily increasing in both the adult and juvenile population. Further cannabinoid research is necessary for the treatment of diabetes. New insights into the role of cannabis and cannabinoids in diabetes are emerging from this developing field of research. Two other major actions of cannabis can benefit the diabetic. First is helping to keep blood vessels open and improving circulation. Cannabis is a vasodilator and works well to improve blood flow. Second, cannabis may reduce blood pressure over time. Cannabis is not generally thought to be an anti-hypertensive and is not a replacement for ACE inhibitors, it does contribute to lowering blood pressure which is so important in managing diabetes. Study Neuropathy is the most common complication of diabetes. The aim of the study was to explore the antinocieceptive effect of a controlled cannabis extract (eCBD) on diabetic neuropathic pain. Repeated treatment with cannabis extract significantly relieved mechanical allodynia and restored the physiological thermal pain perception in diabetic rats without affecting hyperglycemia. In addition, the results showed that eCBD increased the reduced glutathione (GSH) content in the liver. Suggesting that eCBD provides protection against oxidative damage. Diabetes: insulin is excreted from the beta islet cells of the pancreas. Insulin, a natural body chemical, floods the body after a sugar-rich meal and causes various cell types to dramatically increase their uptake of glucose, a common sugar. The effect of insulin is to reduce the levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Diabetes can result from the body’s inability to produce sufficient quantities of insulin or from an inability to respond properly to the insulin that is produced. In any case, many of the clinical effects of diabetes stem from the deleterious effects of high blood sugar. There is evidence that cannabis lowers blood sugar. Evidence also supports a “longer acting” cannabinoid suppresses blood sugar levels more efficiently. Cannabis may lower blood sugar in a non-disease state. Diabetic patients presenting with micro and macro-vascular complications show significant increases in serum VEGF concentration. Cannabinoid treatment decreased serum VEGF levels, leading to an improvement in symptoms. These results suggest an immunomodulatory role for cannabinoids in addition to their previously documented anti-inflammatory effects. TheoryCannabis stabilizes blood sugar Cannabis has anti-inflammatory effects Cannabis has neuroprotective effects Cannabis has anti-spasmodic effects Cannabis acts as a vasodilator Cannabis helps lower blood pressure Cannabis helps relieve diabetic RLS (restless leg syndrome) This guy's been using it to cure cancer:
  12. “Yeah, I mean, [former president Bill Clinton is] a predator, a sexual predator, basically. Repetitive — you know there’s dozens or at least a half a dozen public women who have come forward.” – Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), in an interview with “The Steve Malzberg Show” on NewsMax TV, Feb. 5, 2014 Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against his former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had 'regular' orgies at his Caribbean compound that the former president visited multiple timesThe former president was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a financier who was arrested in 2008 for soliciting underage prostitutes A new lawsuit has revealed how Clinton took multiple trips to Epstein's private island where he 'kept young women as sex slaves' Clinton was also apparently friends with a woman who collected naked pictures of underage girls for Epstein to choose from He hasn't cut ties with that woman, however, and invited her to Chelsea's wedding Comes as friends now fear that if Hillarious Clinton runs for president in 2016, all of their family's old scandals will be brought to the forefront Epstein has a host of famous friends including Prince Andrew who stayed at his New York mansion AFTER his arrest By DAILY MAIL REPORTER PUBLISHED: 09:06 EST, 19 March 2014 | UPDATED: 14:06 EST, 19 March 2014 736 shares 61 View comments A new lawsuit has revealed the extent of former President Clinton's friendship with a fundraiser who was later jailed for having sex with an underage prostitute. Bill Clinton's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who served time in 2008 for his illegal sexual partners, included up multiple trips to the onetime billionaire's private island in the Caribbean where underage girls were allegedly kept as sex slaves. The National Enquirer has released new details about the two men's friendship, which seems to have ended abruptly around the time of Epstein's arrest. +6 +6 Naming names: A lawsuit between Jeffrey Epstein (right, in 2011) and his legal team has included multiple mentions about the convicted pedophile's connection to former President Bill Clinton (left, earlier this month) +6 Pedophile paradise: The lawsuit included flight records that showed Clinton made multiple trips to Epstein's private island, Little St James (pictured), between 2002 and 2005. Women were reportedly kept there as sex slaves Tales of orgies and young girls being shipped to the island, called Little St. James, have been revealed as part of an ongoing lawsuit between Epstein and his former lawyers Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards. It is unclear what the basis of the suit is, but they go on to call witness testimony from some of the frequent guests at Epstein's island to talk about the wild parties that were held there in the early 2000s. +6 Convicted: Epstein was investigated in 2005 after a woman reported that he paid her 14-year-old daughter for sex Flight logs pinpoint Clinton's trips on Epstein's jet between the years 2002 and 2005, while he was working on his philanthropic post-presidential career and while his wife Hillarious was a Senator for their adopted state of New York. 'I remember asking Jeffrey what's Bill Clinton doing here kind fo thing, and he laughed it off and said well he owes me a favor,' one unidentified woman said in the lawsuit, which was filed in Palm Beach Circuit Court. The woman went on to say how orgies were a regular occurrence and she recalled two young girls from New York who were always seen around the five-house compound but their personal backstories were never revealed. At least one woman on the compound was there unwillingly, as the suit identifies a woman as Jane Doe 102. She 'was forced to live as one of Epstein's underage sex slaves for years and was forced to have sex with... politicians, businessmen, royalty, academicians, etc,' the lawsuit says according to The Enquirer. Epstein's sexual exploits have been documented since 2005, when a woman in Palm Beach contacted police saying that her 14-year-old daughter had been paid $300 to massage him and then have sex. The claim prompted a nearly year-long investigation that led to the eventual charge of soliciting prostitution which came as part of a plea deal. He spent 13 months of a 18-month sentence in jail and remains a registered sex offender. More...Michelle Obama’s secret weapon in Beijing – her own mother: First Lady to deploy ‘grandma diplomacy’ to help win over Chinese 'Sherri Shepherd was condescending and I regret my rough sex scene': Duke porn star opens up about media spotlight since being outed as adult movie star Several of his famous friends cut ties- including Clinton and then-New York Governor Eliot Spitzer who returned his campaign donations- but not all of them: Prince Andrew reportedly stayed at Epstein's mansion in New York in 2010, months after he was released from jail. +6 Keeping ties: Clinton was also friends with an unnamed woman who stored pictures of underage girls for Epstein, and though Clinton cut ties with Epstein after his arrest, he invited the woman to Chelsea's 2010 wedding Clinton's connection to Epstein, who worked as a financier and education philanthropist before more than 40 women came forward with claims about him being a sexual predator, has been long-established, but The Enquirer also tells how the former president was also friends with some of Epstein's seedy acquaintances. The lawsuit claims that Clinton was friends with an unnamed woman who 'kept images of naked underage children on her computer, helped to recruit underage children for Epstein... and photographed underage females in sexually explicit poses'. While he cut off ties with Epstein, this woman's abuses apparently did not end their relationship as she was reportedly one of the 400 guests at Chelsea Clinton's 2010 wedding. +6 Latest ladies: Clinton was pictured posing for a photo with Barbie Girl (left) and Ava Adora (right), two known prostitutes who work at the Bunny Brothel in Nevada Though the lawsuit may be bringing up sexual skeleton's from Clinton's past, he has added to the drama of late by posing for a photo with two known prostitutes at a fundraiser in Los Angeles last month. The drama of his extramarital affairs is apparently just one concern for Clinton family loyalists, as a Wall Street Journal article released today details how 'I'm not in the political camp; I'm in the friends camp. And the friends camp definitely has concerns about her running,' the former Secretary of State's friend Linda Bloodworth-Thomason told the paper,
  13. Bill Clinton's Murdered Intern Shocking Items On Bill Clinton's Other Intern That Ended Up Murdered March 20. 2008 Bill Clinton Many of you know of Monica Lewinsky as Bill Clinton’s most famous intern. However, there is another intern, Mary Caitrin Mahoney, that died under suspicious circumstances and is the subject of much speculation online, due to the manner in which she was killed and the timing. Hillarious Clinton Mary Caitrin Mahoney Many state Mahoney was about to go public with allegations of sexual harassment by Bill Clinton, when she was gunned down at Starbucks. She was shot five times by a gunman, but no money was taken from the Starbucks where she worked part-time. Hardly seems like a robbery, now does it. Historic case files around the world have shown, the absence of robbery during a murder, indicates the perpetrator did not commit the crime with the intent to steal, but to kill. Mary Caitrin Mahoney Murdered July 6, 1997 - An attractive 25 year old woman, Mary was a former "Clinton White House intern working as the Assistant Manager at a Starbuck’s coffee shop in Georgetown. In the pre-trial publicity surrounding Paula Jones lawsuit, and days after Newsweek's Mike Isikoff had dropped hints that a "former White House staffer" was about to go public with her story of sexual harassment at the White House, gunmen entered the Starbuck's while the crew, ( Mary Mahoney, 25, Emory Allen Evans, 25 and Aaron David Goodrich,18) were cleaning up after closing. Mary's two co-workers were taken to a room and shot. Mary was brutally shot five times, no money was taken. In March 1999 Carl Cooper, 29 was arrested (on an unrelated warrant) based on a tip came in to "Americas Most Wanted" hotline after the story aired for a third time. Cooper, arrested for a 1996 shooting of a "Police Officer", confessed to the murders after questioning Monica Lewinsky surfaced as a reluctant witness in the Paula Jones lawsuit and lied in her deposition! Monica told Vernon Jordan " I don't want to wind-up like Mary Mahoney" That statement suggests Monica's fear that Mary's murder was somehow connected to the Clinton White House. Mary Mahoney was a Lesbian and was among 6 who organized a *** group in Baltimore, called the avengers. If any sexual advance had been made by Clinton toward Mary, such conduct would have been an issue ... ADDITIONAL LINKS The Clinton Body Count (A VERY LONG LIST OF DEATHS): Clinton Body Count (with pics): Starbucks 'Killer' Recants, New Questions Emerge in Intern's Death:
  14. Newtown Satanism rumors going back to 1996:
  15. <iframe width="640" height="390" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> SIXTEEN QUESTIONS THAT DEMAND THE TRUTH 1. Who directed the New Haven Federal Bureau of Investigation field office to classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (SHES)? 2. Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the SHES shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was an Active Shooter Mass Casualty Incidents (AS/MCI)? 3. Who on was the Incident Commander as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in directing the AS/MCI at SHES? • Who at the Incident Command Center made the ordering of Port-A-Potties a high priority since they were delivered within three hours of the school shooting? • Who ordered those Port-A-Potties from Southbury, Connecticut? • When I called the Port-A-Pottie company, after searching for over a week as to who they were and when they were ordered, I was told this information was classified and they are not allowed to share that information with me. • The next morning I received a phone call from the Southbury Police Department at my home telling me not to call that company again, since I was harassing them. • High priority for toilets but not for Life Star Trauma helicopters or paramedics. 4. Who and why did they not request Life Star helicopters, knowing that children and school staff were seriously injured and clinging to life? 5. Who and why did they not allow the paramedics and the EMTs inside SHES? 6. Who declared all 18 children and six school staff members legally dead within the first eight minutes? 7. Who was the Certified Environmental Bio-Hazard Decontamination company contracted by Newtown Public Schools (NPS) to remove 45-65 gallons of blood, skull fragments, brain tissue, bodily fluids, blood-soaked carpets and any other decontaminated area inside SHES? 8. Why does an off-duty lieutenant from the Newtown Police Department (NPD) refuse to leave his off-duty work assignment at a construction site when hearing that shots have been fired at SHES? 9. Who at NPS notified all of the parents in writing, as required by Conn. law, who had children attending SHES, as well as every school staff member, for every school year, of all the potential life threatening chemical hazards? The school had high levels of lead paint throughout the entire school, asbestos in the ceiling and floor tiles, asbestos in the insulation, and most of the school had very high levels of PCBs. 10. Who provided the urgent medical care to the two children who were not transported to the Danbury Trauma Center until an hour after the school was deemed safe for that 15-mile drive? 11. Who treated those two children who had been shot multiple times, like three to 11 times, since they did not allow the paramedics and EMTs inside SHES? 12. Why did the parents of the two children who died at the Danbury hospital not allow their children to donate their organs to other children waiting for the gift of life? 13. What happened to the 500 children and 60 school staff members from SHES on 12/14/2012? 14. Who was the police officer calling into the NPD dispatcher stating, in his words, that he had multiple weapons, a rifle and a shotgun, and who has the rifle and the shotgun, as the chain of evidence should show, that was found in classroom eight (8)? 15. Why would a police officer by the name of Lt. Vangehle, at 9:45:21 a.m. on 12/14/2012, from the NPD, after finding a female kindergartener in the hallway, make her go into room eight (8) and leave her there? Room eight was supposedly the gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff. 16. Why would two Conn. State Troopers enter room ten (10) at 9:55:31 a.m. on 12/14/2012, which was supposedly the gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff, and tell a male kindergartener who they found in the bathroom, who’s name is redacted, and tell them (so it must be more than one), to stay and they will both be back when it is safe? Please all focus on those sixteen questions then we will move to the next set of questions.
  16. Oreskes Claim of Scientific Consensus on Global Warming Climate Change Discredits Harvard Kennedy School; Debunked by Peiser in 2005 and Friends of Science in 2007 Science historian and Harvard Kennedy School professor Naomi Oreskes was recently cited in the Harvard Gazette as claiming a scientific consensus on global climate change based on her 2004 survey, but Friends of Science say that in 2007 they sent Oreskes a report by Madhav Khandekar disputing her claim; Benny Peiser re-ran Oreskes survey in 2005 and found only 1.2% or 13 scientists out of 1,117 agreed with the Anthropogenic (human-caused) Global Warming (AGW) declaration. Friends of Science recently released a deconstruction of the 4 most-cited 97% surveys showing only 1-3% stated agreement with IPCC declarations and say Oreskes' continued claim discredits Harvard Kennedy School. 97% Consensus Survey Breakdown Reveals only 1-3% Explicit Agreement Calgary, Alberta (PRWEB) March 06, 2014 In a report entitled "Science vs. Politics - Kennedy School Panelists Scrutinize Climate Change Denial" published Feb. 14, 2014 by the Harvard Gazette, science historian and Harvard Kennedy School professor Naomi Oreskes continued to claim there is scientific consensus on human-caused global warming, despite her 2004 paper being rebutted by Roger Pielke, Jr. in 2005, re-run and found to be inaccurate by Benny Peiser in 2005 and debunked by a Friends of Science Society commissioned report, written by Madhav Khandekar and sent to Oreskes in 2007. "Academics normally retract statements when they are proven to be wrong," says Len Maier, president of Friends of Science. "Continuing these consensus claims discredits the Harvard Kennedy School." The Harvard Gazette narrative states Oreskes explained that ...'Overall agreement on the issue is at 97 to 99 percent, she said — about as close to perfect harmony as scientists can get; quoting her as saying: “This is beyond reasonable doubt. This is not disputed in the scientific community.” Friends of Science point to their recent deconstructionof the 4 most-cited 'consensus' surveys. The research revealed that instead of a broad 97% as claimed - in fact only 1-3% of scientists in 3 surveys stated agreement with various IPCC declarations. The vast majority held no position at all and a significant percent felt natural factors were far more influential. A single survey done in 2010 was able to find a 66% consensus, but the remaining 34% scientists of that survey publicly denounced the IPCC declaration. "It seems a lack of academic integrity to continue to defend a position that is so obviously incorrect," says Maier. Friends of Science began the deconstruction of the 97% consensus reports, being curious as to how 4 separate surveys, each with a different data base, different parameters and definitions could all arrive at the same consensus number. "This was described in 1954 by Darrell Huff as "statisticulation" or math manipulation," says Maier. "Subsequently, social psychologists like Robert Cialdini developed the theory of 'social proof' and how influential it is for others to fall in line, if the public think all authority figures, or all their friends agree. Surely science studies at eminent universities should be teaching about empirical evidence, not wallowing in propaganda." Roger Pielke, Jr. rebutted Oreskes 2004 paper upon publication. Peiser (2005) re-ran Oreskes survey finding only 1.2% or 13 scientists out of 1,117 agreed with the Anthropogenic (human-caused) Global Warming (AGW) declaration, 34 scientists rejected or doubted the alleged ‘consensus’ position outright and 44 claimed natural factors as more influential. At least 470 papers expressed no position on AGW whatsoever. Friends of Science point to the fact that other scientists who dispute the alleged consensus are publicly humiliated with condemnatory and dismissive name-calling - even by university professors like Oreskes and others on the Harvard Kennedy School panel. "We provide evidence, they call us names. That's not science," says Maier."This misinformed view is about to devastate US industry and the world economy if extreme climate change targets based on faulty social proofs are imposed by the Obama administration's proposed expansion of EPA regulations." U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in an amicus brief with the Supreme Court opposing further expansion of emissions regulations cites the EPA’s documents, from 2004, which state that related permits would cost businesses “. . . an average of $125,120 and required 866 hours for the applicant to complete . . .” – death to small and medium businesses. "Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Global warming stopping in 1998; CO2 rose but temperatures did not," says Maier. "Solar cycles and the sun's magnetic flux are the main driver of climate change, not CO2. This is the science people never hear about." About Friends of Science have spent a decade reviewing a broad spectrum of literature on climate change and have concluded the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2). The core group of the Friends of Science is made up of retired earth and atmospheric scientists. Contact: Friends of Science Society P.O. Box 23167, Connaught P.O. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2S 3B1 Toll-free Telephone: 1-888-789-9597 Web: E-mail: contact(at) ------------------------------------------- 31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs
  17. Look at his ring that says "There is no God but Allah." Look at the trinkets in his pocket: Bet he changes them out due to the Astrological signs. These people are deep into old magic. Michael Snyder American Dream Oct 11, 2012 Why do our politicians have to be so weird? You can tell a lot about a person by the jewelry that they wear and by the things that they carry around in their pockets, and Barack Obama’s “lucky charms” include a Hindu god, a Masonic emblem and a “wedding ring” that has the phrase “there is no god except Allah” inscribed on it. So what do these things tell us about Barack Obama? That is a very good question. Perhaps someone should ask him about these items. If he is indeed a Prince Hall Freemason (as has been publicly reported), then he should just come out and admit it. If he feels a connection to Hinduism or Islam, then he should just come out and admit it. One of the biggest things that annoys so many people about Obama is the secrecy that he has about his past. There are vast stretches of his history that nobody is even supposed to talk about. We are all just supposed to accept that he is a “Christian” man that is not into any freaky stuff even when there is a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary. Personally, I would love to see a reporter ask him about the little Hindu god that Obama carries around in his pocket. The following is a photo that has been circulating around the Internet of Obama displaying this Hindu idol along with a bunch of other “lucky charms” that he carries around. It has been reported that Obama carries these lucky charms with him wherever he goes…. The U.S. press pretty much missed this story, but it was talked about extensively in the international media. For example, the following is from an article in the Economic Times…. So exactly who is Hanuman and how does this god fit into Hinduism? A recent photo posted on Time’s White House Photo of the Day collection shows the first ever Black-American nominee of a major US party for the Presidential elections carries with him a bracelet belonging to an American soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler’s lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and tiny Madonna and child. That “tiny monkey god,” of course, appears to be a statue of the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman, says the posting but editors and the photographer has not identified it as such. Obama, whose father was a Kenyan and mother a white woman from Kansas, spent initial days of his life in Indonesia where Hinduism is a popular religion. The following is how Wikipedia describes this Hindu god…. Some Hindus in India got so excited about this that they decided to give a two foot tall gold-plated idol of Hanuman to Obama. Hanuman (IPA: hʌnʊˈmɑn) is a Hindu deity, who was an ardent devotee of Rama according to the Hindu legends. He is a central character in the Indian epic Ramayana, and also finds mentions in several other texts, including Mahabharata, the various Puranas and some Jain texts. A vanara (ape-like humanoid), Hanuman participated in Rama’s war against the demon king Ravana. Several texts also present him as an incarnation of the Lord Shiva. And as an article in the Times of India back in 2008 described, this special gift was actually presented to one of Obama’s representatives…. Why didn’t we ever hear about this in the mainstream media in the United States? Obama’s representative Carolyn Sauvage-Mar on Tuesday received a gold-plated two-feet-high idol which she will pass it on to the Obama after it is sanctified. The idol is being presented to Obama as he is reported to be a Lord Hanuman devotee and carries with him a locket of the monkey god along with other good luck charms. An hour-long prayer meeting to sanctify the idol was earlier organised at Sankat Mochan Dham and by Congress leader Brijmohan Bhama, Balmiki Samaj and the temple’s priests. “Obama has deep faith in Lord Hanuman and that is why we are presenting an idol of Hanuman to him,” said Bhama. Perhaps of much more concern is the fact that Barack Obama has been photographed wearing a ring with a Masonic emblem. The picture posted below is of a story from the June 2008 edition of Newsweek magazine. It shows Obama’s two hands reaching for the seal of the president of the United States…. On closer inspection, the ring definitely appears to have the familiar “square and compasses” emblem of Freemasonry on it…. This is especially true when you zoom in even more…. The following is a different piece of jewelry with the “square and compasses” on it. As you can see, there is a striking resemblance…. So what is the big deal? After all, haven’t a whole bunch of other U.S. presidents been Freemasons? Yes, but the disturbing thing is that Obama is so secretive about it. If he is a Prince Hall Freemason he should just be open and admit it. Another of Obama’s “lucky charms” that is raising eyebrows is his “wedding ring”. It turns out that he was wearing this ring long before he ever got married, and recently experts were able to examine the inscription on the ring closely enough to be able to translate it. So what does the inscription say? It says “there is no god except Allah”. A photo of Obama wearing this ring on his left hand is below…. According to WND, Obama has been wearing this ring since his days at Harvard Law School…. The WND story does a great job of breaking down this whole mystery. If you have not read that entire article yet, I encourage you to do so right here. As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues. Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992. Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no god except Allah.” So why would Barack Obama (who is supposedly a “Christian”) be wearing a ring that expresses devotion to Islam all these years? Could it just be an innocent mistake? Once someone points out to him what the ring really says will he take it off? Or does Barack Obama really do have an affinity for Islam? After all, he certainly has said a whole bunch of nice things about Islam over the years. I documented many of these in my previous article entitled “10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam Contrasted With 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Christianity“. Of course Barack Obama is free to believe whatever he wants. If he wants to be a Freemason, a Muslim, a Hindu or something else that is his choice. But what the American people deserve is honesty. In November they are electing someone to lead the entire nation. Is it too much to expect the candidates to be open and honest about their pasts and about what they truly believe? And don’t think that I am giving Romney a pass either. If anyone out there has any information about weird stuff that he is carrying around I will be glad to do an article about that as well. So what do you think about all of this? Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below…. See what Hanuman the Monkey God does. It's not good. Fear not, for they can do nothing that God Himself doesn't want them to. This is all prophesized and they are carrying out God's will. Don't hate them but pray for their souls.
  18. Nice portrayal of the pineal gland back in the late 1400s by da Vinci. Many other things hidden by math for only those in the know back then. The ones in charge now. This is the Lord's plan so no blame to anyone involved anymore.
  19. I am looking to compare Revelation 12:9 in my paper Bible with yours. Mine is an NIV so I don't trust the translation. I am looking for any translation but please list the type of Bible it is from. Here is what mine says: 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. I have see this online: 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. and am looking to see if it is in a paper version. I am thinking of getting a reproduction 1560 Geneva Bible soon unless anyone has any better advice. That word "and" between "Devil," and "Satan" is very very important to what I am working on right now. Thanks. Here's an interesting video I found the other day. This guys hieroglyph drawings are cool. Tell me you don't see the face at 3:00. Enjoy.
  20. Here's the PowerPoint:
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