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Posts posted by YourIntelSux

  1. A simple question for all those who have been jumping on Keep (who has been doing a very admirable job).

    You all are expecting a HUGE payoff, GIGANTIC right?

    Where in history, have you EVER heard a return give you 1000X (some are saying 3000X) your investment? Anybody??

    You put in $1 and get back $1000, does that sound even possible? The only thing like that would be a lottery, and you have 1 winner and a million losers. Actually that sounds like Ali... :lol:

    If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is right?

    Sounds like you already given up. And yes a straight RV does sound possible. If any country is gonna do a straight RV, it is Iraq. And to say it is not possible seems unreasonable when Iraq is obviously contemplating it based off the news. Crap shoot but still possible. And keep does give good info to think about

  2. Whoa Whoa Whoa there Horsey!!! I am not a Lop/RD guy and do not want that label. I don't want a lop at all. It is pretty clear to me that these articles all spell out a lop and not what gurus tell you they mean though. The article yesterday even made reference to a lop with a bump up to $3.33 which was quite revealing information in my opinion. That would be a lop + 300% gain. Good... but not really good enough for what we are all hoping for. Why I point it out is because I feel so many were mislead about erroneous things that were not true or possible (notice they are dropping off like flies). I just want to provide a voice of reason and share things I have researched so we can all figure out what is possible together.

    Iraq's economy would implode from within if they had a $1 or more straight RV in my opinion. WE do not give them credit for how many extremely intelligent people work in Iraq. Like Shabs and many of the people running oil and investments there. A few ministers are very in the know as well as other economists. Politicians... maybe not so much. They realize that oil is not the end all be all in Iraq. They do not want to be at the mercy of oil/gas price fluctuations forever. They want to round out the economy with many new industries and make it a thriving economy that has more balance. That is a big reason why they are considering a lop/RD. NOTE: I used the word considering! It must go through acceptance of Parliament. I am hoping they shut down the Lop argument once and for all and reveal a plan to use 100k notes instead. That will force them to find another way to reduce the money supply, will ease cash transactions, and would increase our chances at a higher RV number... which I hope to mimic the Saudi's around .30 cents. Thanks for that unwanted football FP :D

    Dear YOURINTELSUX... haha. Great points you make. Again...I am not a lopster. I recently read that the average income was also $4000 but I have only seen that in one article. You are so right. The housing is an extremely important function of the economy. They are building and have plans to build hundreds of thousands of new homes/dwellings. Mostly multi-family from what I gather. $2300 is not sufficient and neither is $6900 really. That number is really pulled down hard by the 20 something percent unemployment. So what they want to do is bring everyone's income up through rebuilding the economy. Investment in country internally and externally will create jobs and financial prosperity to all. The freaking GOI keeps getting in the way though through their incessant bickering. I can assure you they won't be building houses like you build. Have you seen what Bin Laden's mansion looked like? Lots of concrete. Very little lumber. Keep in mind when they do revalue the exchange rate (some), the cost to import goods will drop dramatically. Thus, building will be much cheaper. So wealth and incomes will rise as prices on goods will either drop or remain the same for the most part. Also... I think there is a very good chance Iraq will create an oil revenue share with the citizens and local governments. Wherein the GOI will give an equal portion of the oil profit to each citizen increase their income. Kind of like a dividend.

    OBTW... Keep is a good guy. He is trying to keep people grounded. His intentions are not to be negative but to keep people from spending more than they can afford to on this fairly risky investment/gamble we are all having fun with. People are losing their homes, their jobs, their confidence, their minds in this recession. When gurus (and friends) feed this disinformation it hurts people in the end because they want to believe this is their ship. I myself was told it was a can't miss investment to wealth. It is always good to hear both sides, isn't it? Especially when the money you spend on Dinar might be taken from your mortgage or your food or your kid's college savings because someone said you will be rich in a month for doing so. Nobody is trying to shatter anyone's dreams. Just trying to bring some light and different perspective to it by debunking certain lies. ;)

    Thanks for the info drox. I wasn't calling ya a lopster either by the way . Ha. I apologize if I came off that way! Just a generalization term because I'm honestly don't see how the numbers work either side of the coin and I only hear about the money supply ( which I agree, how can they pull this off besides electronically?), but the LOP issue baffles me as well because it doesn't seem sufficient to complete their goals. Hopefully iraq sees it as a time sensitive issue where the people cannot wait for a gradual increase. Oh well, time will tell. I appreciate your posts drox! I personally think you share lots of great insight. KEEP, you too! Just a little harsh on the delivery sometimes..haha. No worries!

  3. DROX,

    Actually the info about GURU's and NEWBIES and well less pumpers since all the traders and banks are slowly cutting off. I think it might be due to not having much supply since IRAQ is cutting off the trade.

    Maybe an RV soon? I think so. Anyway, as for RV and "L O P" Loss of profit. The terms loss of profit is misused. I have said it many times and the definition is LOSS OF PROFIT and a LOP is akin to a stock split... In other words you need an over inflated economy. Not over inflated dollar amount, but value is over inflated. They do a LOSS OF PROFIT in this situation. Redenomination is a bit different, where as they introduce a new currency to replace the current one. So it is a matter of knowing terms.

    Will they do a REDENOM... Not based on what has been said. Also the fact that the USA owns their currency. In fact we implimented and secured the transaction of replacing their currency. So, now you are trying to say that they are going to replace the new currency which is 8 years new and put in a whole new currency. Logic says to me that wont happen. Are they out to make all of us ruch? No way but they also seem to need us and i am certain they know that. They stand to gain a lot by doing this right and lose more by doing it wrong. It is my view that we need them to be successful and they need us for many products and services and security and the list goes on. I personally do not believe this will RV at 3 dollars, if even they CAN support that. What I think they will do is come out in the high .80 to 1.15 or more range and that it will then increase with a floating marker. As this gets opened on the FOREX and world trade it will take off. Why? Because there is a lot still left to gain based on their GNP.

    I am not a pumper and I have eyes like the rest of us here. Yet, the truth is not a single person on these sites has any more knowledge than the rest. I hope this comes out in a way which benefits everyone, including Iraq.

    Do you think the USA has little to do with what they RV at? I guess you missed something and I really mean that with all due respect. The plan is in place and the USA is entrenched in it.

    We will see who is right soon enough. Have a blessed weekend.


    You're right, there are two sides to this coin and I don't understand why some people can't believe there is a chance of a straight RV. It's like playing on a football team and were down 14-7 with :45 seconds left to play and half the team is already giving up on winning.

    These lopsters are always defending the "numbers" don't allow for a straight RV, but the numbers also dont make sense with a LOP either. Drox just said the average Iraqi income is $2300. LOP then RV to let say $3 and now that Iraqi is making $6900 annually. Now there are contracts to build millions of homes to counteract poverty. Who going to be able to buy these houses? What bank is going to loan money on a $6900 annual income? I build homes now for a living and I don't care where you live, there is a minimum cost associated with purchasing the materials for a home even if you have dirt cheap labor. So,imo, these numbers do not add up either. I have asked these questions several times and still have not heard an answer which is unusual with this info hounding group. (that's a compliment to everyone by the way) . I'm not being a smart arse either with these questions, I really would like to know how the LOP even with an RV gives them enough money to help their people which is also supposedly one of their goals. Not just reduction of the money supply. Point being that the are other factors playing into this that do give us a chance of an RV as well as a LOP/rd.

    KEEP likes to tell everyone were riding unicorns or some shiit like that for not putting all of our faith in these articles because they say things like "turkey" and so fourth.

    1. Has there been an article that ever said the word LOP?

    2. Delete, remove, raise, lift the "000". KEEP, how do you know they all mean the same? And if they do, why would any person as intelligent as shabibi say 4 different words in the same article and different articles? That's not a translation error either when it is in the same article.

    3. WE DON'T KNOW. Were at the goal line. We may get stuffed, we may get in, I'm going down swinging either way.

    KEEP, no disrespect to you. It's obvious you're an intelligent guy and you are just trying to stay grounded which is smart, but the news articles shouldn't be taken as gospel just as the gurus. The inconsistantcy of the articles, bad translations, and a corrupt government do not make for a rock solid source of facts either. Look at the minister issue, there is still speculation that they are sat and vice versa. Who knows.

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  4. ** he said, adding that Iraq is on the verge of producing 6 to 12 million barrels of oil and this will impact on the development and raise the value of the Iraqi dinar. **

    Didn't they put out a press release in the last couple of days saying they couldn't reach those goals? Didn't they change it to a max of 6 million barrals and are re-doing all thier contracts with the big oil firms?

    i'll have to see if i can find that article.

    Just seems like they are always changing thier mind about everything.

    anyway, thanks for the post Zaborniake.

    They did say that they were going to cut the production back in an article just to give ya a little back up.

  5. Check around other sites and you will see Ali is making more off you then some of his competitors..Why do people defend this guy so much, he hasnt done one thing for you. You have helped him out not the other way around. The least he could do for you is lower his price if he did. He wont cause he is in this for the buck. Which as far as i know the US is still a capitalist country so he has the right to do this. But stop defending him like he has done so much for you cause its the other way around. He has to pretend to be nice so you keep buying.

    I agree. Although those of us invested have no choice but to have faith in him if we purchased through dt. But from a business standpoint, it's not the wisest idea to put ones complete trust into another business man that is making millions of dollars as the middle man. Especially those of us that have never even met him.CNBC or not, there have been crooks on there too! I'm not saying he a good or bad guy. Im just saying I do not know and I wouldn't put all my trust in any business mans basket that is making money off of me. He SEEMS legit so I give him the benefit of the doubt but keep in mind, as of this moment, he's made money on this and we haven't yet ,so I'd say were doing him and his family a great service just like any customer for any business. Good for those guys to make this IQD situation into a business. It was a smart move and most of them are probably pretty good people, but I wouldn't vouge for anyone that I do not know and is making a handsome living not matter what Iraqs plans are.

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  6. That's right. The title says it... but with !!! instead of question marks. So yeah. the Dinar (IQD) is NOT an investment. So what is it??? It is a GAMBLE!!! That's right!!! I am so sick and tired of all the morons saying, "Since I got involved in this investment." like they know diddly. No. This is a GAMBLE!!! And yeah, I have rolled the dice also. Investments are made with solid data on past performance. Many stocks are NOT investments also. They are also a GAMBLE!!! No better than the ponies. And this was my analogy. Hey, I could go blow a few grand on the ponies or playing poker, but I will try this.I've certainly also gambled on Penny stocks. Sometimes I win. Sometimes I lose. That's where we ALL stand with the IQD gamble. With all the rumors and speculation floating around, we could win or we could lose or we could break even. So let's all STOP calling this an investment and be realistic... and next time you speak go like this, "Since I got involved in this GAMBLE, blah, blay, blah"

    Pounce and bash away.

    This is the safest investment, gamble, chance, whatever you want to call it, you'll ever be in IMO. Worst case scenario, LOP with no RV and you lose a few hundred bucks at a great shot to make 3-1000 x your initial (GAMBLE). Maybe Enron will be kicking back up soon and you can go "INVEST" in them again while we all "GAMBLE" on this dinar.

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  7. I still don't understand the removing of the 3 zeros. Does this mean if we have big dinar we need to exchange it for smaller dinar?


    That's the million dinar question. Some articles say, "remove the zeros", some say," raise the zeros", some say, "lift the zeros", and some say, "delete the zeros". Some articles say several statements in the same writing. Hard to tell what they are trying to say or they are mis leading us on purpose. IMO I think they are misleading us. I'm sure shabibi and saleh all know the difference in lifting, raising, deleting, etc. Another reason I think it is misleading is because these articles also say it will increase buying power and some say it doesn't. The smoke and mirror theory seems in full effect if you look at this investment from the side. Nobody knows whet the hell they mean.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Common misconception, people that have exchanged currency for currency are not 'investors', they are currency speculators. IMO, the real money will be made through the real investment opportunities that open up once the HCL is passed and their ISX becomes more globally connected.

    Whether they RV like some hope or redenominate like others believe they will do, Iraq will have to introduce the same notes (1,5,10, etc). Its a cost that they will incur either way they go. It's just that one method will cost them trillions of dollars in future oil sales, and the other will simply tick off people that have bought dinar in the past couple of years. Since the people that bought dinar several years ago are already in the position to see a profit after all fees and any premiums are considered. Governments will make their money through a complete slew of manners ranging from export taxes to military re-armament.

    Agreed. The part I cannot get out of my head is how the rumors and such claim rates of $.86-$6, which would give Iraq a higher valued monetary system than the rest of the middle east combined, with only a fraction of the oil to support it. In all the discussions, rumors and chats most people only discuss the 27 trillion physical dinar that has to be accounted for and completely ignore the electronic side which is about the same size as the physical. When you take that into consideration, even a $1 straight up RV would then mean they have a monetary base larger than some of the most dominant economies on the planet. Still hoping to find a scenario that makes sense at some point - so far the only one out there seems to be the exchanging oil in return for dinar which would bankrupt Iraq and still leave them owing oil.

    Its kind of a weird situation becuase if there are $27 trillion outside of Iraq and they rv it seems there is no way possible they could cover that, but on the other side of the spectrum if they straight up LOP, it doesnt even seem they have enough to run the country. If Iraq did a straight up lop, then the CBI has intentionally been ripping off selling us their currency knowing they are going to devalue their money. I wouldn't put it past them though. I think worst case scenario is LOP/RV.

  9. Ok everyone...tell me who has been RIGHT with a date and rate just 1 time......thats right if okie needs to go away ALL intel/rumor providers need to do the same.....BUT that wont happen....goRV

    I don't think okie is be singled out because he made a couple of bad guesses based on his intel. It's the constant poop that comes out of his mouth. After 50 times + of being wrong, you would think he would start second guessing his own "intel". Which makes him seem like a pumper. Some people are legitimately trying to gather info in the benefit of the dinar family and it's ok for them to share (even if they are wrong) what they hear without being labeled as a pumper, but this guy should be flat out embarrassed. Hes relentless with these claims so he brings it on himself. If you wanna dish it, you gotta be able to take it.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Dark Helmet: What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?

    Colonel Sandurz: You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now is happening now.

    Dark Helmet: What happened to then?

    Colonel Sandurz: We passed then.

    Dark Helmet: When?

    Colonel Sandurz: Just now. We're at now now.

    Dark Helmet: Go back to then.

    Colonel Sandurz: When?

    Dark Helmet: Now!

    Colonel Sandurz: Now?

    Dark Helmet: Now!

    Colonel Sandurz: I can't.

    Dark Helmet: Why?

    Colonel Sandurz: We missed it.

    Dark Helmet: When?

    Colonel Sandurz: Just now.

    Dark Helmet: When will then be now?

    Colonel Sandurz: Soon.

    Ha. That's great and much needed. I bet long fellow gives great helmet.

    That's not bashing, that's a compliment mods

  11. So far, ever question I ask on here people have had a pretty good answer supporting both outcomes. I'd like to hear from any of the people that believe it is going to LOP on the housing/delevopment situation.

    WHO IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO AFFORD THESE NEW HOMES AND BUSINESSES WITHOUT INCREASED BUYING POWER? What's the point of these homes if everyone is still making $3k per year?

    Maybe KEEP has the answer since he already knows 100% that it is impossible for an RV to occur?

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  12. Sues,

    I'm not trying to argue with you and I think you made great points. Im just curious who you think is going to be able to afford these millions of homes being built and opening new businesses without a RV before a LOP? If the average Iraqi citizen is making $3k annually(per the news articles, not gurus), a LOP pre RV with a slow increase in value over time would take years for the economy to get to a point where people could even afford these things. And what banks are going to loan money with that low of an income? A LOP of their currency doesn't seem to do anything for uprising of the people due the the poverty level. It only seems it will help the money supply issue. And I agree with ya that the goi's main concern is not our investments as Americans trying to get rich. But there is a sense of urgency to get the people decent living conditions.

    Fact is, nobody knows until it's over and it is different than Kuwait. And Venezuela, and singpore, and every other country that has gone through currency changes. So we just don't know, gurus or loppers.

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  13. How can a LOP before a RV in anyway help the Iraqi citizens? I do see where it helps reduce the money supply but I do not see how it will stop the protesting. With all the plans and contracts to build residential and commercial infrastructure a LOP doesn't seem feasible. If the average Iraqi citizens annual income is $3000 USD, who is going to be purchasing the the homes and businesses from the planned development? Even if they RV'd at $3.00 after the LOP, the average citizen is now making $9000 annually. I find it hard to believe that the iraqis will be "dancing in the street" like someone mentioned earlier when their buying power only gets slightly better. The Iraqi people are not investors like us. This is there livelihood and a small increase like that still doesnt make living conditions much better. Yes I understand the pricing of goods and services would be adjusted accordingly, but there still has to be a decent median income for the Iraqis to purchase items such as home, cars, etc. I don't care where you live, $9000 annually will not pull anyone out of poverty. The are minimum costs when it comes to building a home or vehicle no matter where you live and $9000 annually is not going to cut it. The materials alone to build a home far exceed $9k before you even purchase the land. Again I ask, who is supposed to be buying these homes and businesses? What bank is going to lend money to a person that makes $9k per year? Banks lending money is needed for an economy to grow right?

    I would like to hear some of the loppers solutions for the remaining poverty issue after a LOP. The money supply seems to be the "go to" reason for people that are claiming the LOP, but the money supply is only one of many issues in Iraq. That's why this shouldn't be compared to other countries. I'm not claiming it's going to LOP or RV. Fact of the matter is we really do not know until the announcement. Again, I'm not trying to start an argument. Like I said, the money supply issue scares me. I just want to hear if there are any solutions for Iraqs poverty issue if there is a LOP before an RV because this is one of Iraqs goals. Not just reducing the money supply.

  14. CBI is responsible for paying the new exchange rate on every Dinar in circulation

    NO sir.!

    Im Sorry.....This is not correct in any way shape or form, I need someone to explain this better than I can. There is a long hand format of this and how it works, I cant find the darn thing...


    That's a scary thought. LOP or RV it's seems like a no brainer investment. Lose a few hundo worse case scenario for a chance to make millions. Hopefully the "delete the zeros" means "backspace, backspace, backspace".

  15. So if the US does have $7 trillion IQD, what happens to that in case of a LOP? I find it hard to believe we let that money just go to waste. Who knows though? I agree with the lady that said she wants this out of her life, good or bad. What a cluster fudge! Anyone that can say its going to 100% its gonna LOP or RV is outta their mind. Theres one article saying they are going to "remove" the zeros from the currency and the IQD will remain the same value, then another one saying they are going to "raise" the zeros in increase the value. Fact is, who knows? But for all the poopy pants naysayers, Singapore just rv'd, why cant iraq now?

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