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About hugs3656

  • Birthday May 3

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  1. Erbil distributes food ration compensation Saturday, March 26th 2011 1:17 PM Erbil, March 26 (AKnews)- Media and relation secretary of Erbil governorate said this week the food ration compensation will be issued to the residents in the province. Some 15,000 Iraqi Dinars (IQD)- almost $12 will be issued per capita. This follows an order by the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki early 2011 to compensate the Iraqi citizens for the shortcomings and the low quality of the items distributed to the public under the food ration program. Hamza Hamed said the compensation will be distributed through the program agencies across the province. The total compensation for Erbil amounts to over 22.166 billion IQD for the 1,477,000 residents in Erbil, as Hamed said. Reported by Dawan Hadi link
  2. The First Conference of Basra, establishing a market for securities 25/03/2011 25/03/2011 البصرة/ومع Basra / With انعقد في محافظة البصرة امس المؤتمر الأول لتأسيس سوق البصرة للأوراق المالية لدعم وتنمية الاقتصاد العراقي وتعزيز ثقة المستثمرين عالميا في الأسواق المالية العراقية وتقوية العلاقات المالية وزيادة عمليات التداول المحلي والعربي والعالمي. Held in the province of Basra yesterday, the first conference to establish a market for securities of Basra to support and develop the Iraqi economy and boost investor confidence in global financial markets of Iraq and strengthen the financial and trading operations to increase the local, Arab and global levels. وقال المدير المفوض لسوق العراق للموال المالية طه احمد عبد السلام لوكالة أنباء المستقبل (ومع) إن "افتتاح سوق للأوراق المالية في محافظة البصرة هو ما يسعى إليه العراق ولاسيما وان المحافظة تعد قبلة العراق اقتصاديا". The Managing Director of the Iraq market for financial pro Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam told the future (and) that "the opening of a securities market in the province of Basra is Iraq and seeks to maintain, especially since Iraq is the kiss economically." وبين طه" أن "سوق الأوراق المالية سوف تعزز ثقة المستثمرين عالميا في الأسواق المالية العراقية وتقوي العلاقات المالية وتزيدعمليات التداول المحلي والعربي والعالمية"، مبينا إن "سوق البصرة للأوراق المالية في البصرة سيفتتح خلال الأيام القليلة المقبلة". And Taha, "that" the stock market will enhance the confidence of investors in global financial markets and strengthen the Iraqi relations and financial trading Tzidamilit local, Arab and world, "noting that" Basra market for securities in Basra will be opened during the next few days. " ومن جهة أخرى" قال رئيس لجنة تأسيس السوق كريم فارس "لمراسل وكالة أنباء المستقبل (ومع) إن "هذا السوق سيحقق فوائد كبيرة للمحافظة وسيمنحها مكانة اقتصادية تعزز بها ثرواتها الطبيعية وتجذب إليها المستثمرين بصورة اكبر". On the other hand, "said the Chairman of the Committee on the establishment of market cream Knight" to the correspondent of news agency future (and) that "this market will bring significant benefits to the province and give them the status of economic policies that promote the natural resources and attract investors will be more." وناقش المؤتمرون مراحل بناء السوق ودور الوسيط في سوق الأوراق المالية ومفهوم وآليات نشاط سوق العراق للأوراق المالية ودور مركز الإيداع العراقي وأهميته في التداول الكتروني./انتهى م1 The conferees discussed the stages of building the market and the role of mediator in the stock market and the concept and mechanisms of activity of the market for securities Iraq and the role of the Iraqi Centre for deposit and its importance in electronic trading. / End m 1 link
  3. Iraq Entry Visa Quagmire Blamed on al-Maliki Posted on 23 March 2011. Tags: visas We’ve reported in the recent past on the difficulties faced by foreign businesses in getting visas to work in Iraq. This week Iraq Oil Report has found that the reason for the delays is a decision by the office of the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, that applications for visas don’t just go through the Interior Ministry but through the prime minister’s office. The report cites two anonymous sources, and says that the Ministry has not provided any rationale for the decision. It quotes one employee of an international oil company as saying “the visas are paralyzing us … If we go out, when do we go back in?”. The ‘visa blackout’ is affecting everyone from labourers to prospective investors, top executives, managers, and technicians with specialized skills. (Source: Iraq Oil Report
  4. link 20/03/2011 20/03/2011 بغداد / ومع Baghdad / With اعلن مصدر برلماني ان الكتل السياسية اتفقت على مرشحي الوزارات الامنية وجهاز المخابرات . A parliamentary source said that the political blocs agreed on candidates for the ministries of security and intelligence apparatus. وقال المصدر لمراسل وكالة انباء المستقبل (ومع) :" ان الكتل السياسية اتفقت على ترشيح خالد العبيدي وهو قائد فرقة في الجيش السابق واستاذ محاضرة في جامعة الموصل ، لمنصب وزير الدفاع " . The source told the correspondent of news agency future (however): "The political blocs have agreed on the nomination of Khalid al-Obeidi, a division commander in the army and former professor lecture at the University of Mosul, for the post of Minister of Defense." واضاف :" كما اتفقت الكتل على ترشيح خمسة اسماء لمنصب وزير الداخلية وهم الفريق محسن الكعبي ، الفريق عبود قنبر ، الفريق فاروق الاعرجي ، أبراهيم الامي ، احمد الجلبي" . He added: "As blocs agreed on the nomination of five names for the post of Minister of the Interior are working Mohsen Al Kaabi, General Abboud Gambar, the team Farouk al-Araji, illiterate and Ibrahim, Ahmed Chalabi." وتابع المصدر :" وتم الاتفاق على ترشيح رياض غريب وزير البلديات السابق, لمنصب وزير الامن الوطني". The source continued: "It was agreed to nominate Riad Ghraib, the former Minister of Municipalities, for the post of Minister of National Security." فيما اشارت مصادر من التحالف الكردستاني الى ترشيح فيصل دوسكي والذي يشغل منصب مساعد رئيس جهاز المخابرات العراقية منذ 2003 , لمنصب رئيس جهاز المخابرات . The sources said the Kurdistan Alliance to nominate Dosky Faisal, who is also assistant chief of the Iraqi intelligence service since 2003, for the post of intelligence chief. مبينة ان فيصل يحضى بقول جميع الكتل السياسية . Indicating that Faisal regaining all the words of the political blocs. انتهى /م 10 Finished / m 10
  5. hi, yes new to dinar vets thought i would show you a link saying that this is done i hope so link
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