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Everything posted by waylon99

  1. I hope the RV does happen,but for those of you who believe everthing this websight publishes (you do know it is controlled by people who want to see the Reval Happen don't you?)..Well this is what the Bank Manager at a Wells Fargo who happens to work at the central office and who also has a very good understanding of foreign currency and how to cash it in told me yesterday "The Iraqi Dinar is currently not recognized by most ANY goverment and commercial institution in the world. It is exculded from international trading because the US Treasury has deemed it non-negotiable under the OFAC rules and designations. OFAC stands for Office of Foreign Controlled Assetts. " I think we all need to ask ourselves "If this is really such a good deal and close to happening, why are the worlds "experts" in currency trading ignoring this and bust out laughing whenever you mention it to them? , Just because it's rumored that foreign goverment may revalue it's currency does not mean any other country would recognize it or be floolish enough to suddenly give them some absurd different exchange rate. I own a couple mill, and I hope it happens, but geeze it really sounds like a slippery slope to me.
  2. In the past when the dinar was at 3 to the dollar. no one outside Iraqi would offer an exchange .why will this time be different? Why do experts who trade currency for a living also saythe same? Why does every bank I have called told me the Iraqi dinar is not a inyernationaly recognized currency and why will that change?
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