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Mr. Mont

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Posts posted by Mr. Mont

  1. Who is fighting about it? LOL Just making a statement.....

    Your right, we wont know exactly what WILL happen, but its clear what they have been saying they are gonna do or want to do I should say....whether they follow through with it is a whole different story!!

    I just meant that one statement is always followed by another rebuttle and no one really knows exactly what's going to happen until it happens.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Who is fighting about it? LOL Just making a statement.....

    Your right, we wont know exactly what WILL happen, but its clear what they have been saying they are gonna do or want to do I should say....whether they follow through with it is a whole different story!!

    sorry that came out wrong I meant no disrespect I was just saying that we are gonna agree to disagree.

  3. I wish he was wrong.....they have never stated just removing the larger bills from circulation. They talk about the whole currency being replaced by redenominating and removing three zeros from ALL current notes. Thats what the articles are saying at least. There have been many english articles that have described it as being exactly what we dont want and that clear up some of the confusion. Still no new news on whether they voted on this plan to RD yet.....

    I could be wrong but we won't know until the very end in the meantime there's no need to fight argue over it.

  4. If they remove the zeros your 25k note will be equal to 1 new 25 note....

    Then if they do this, after the exchange period is over the new dinar will carry a new value equal to around 1 USD so technically you don't lose anything, but you don't gain anything would be a neutral revenue event for us...

    Your 25k note now is worth like 21.50 USD, the new 25 note would also be equal to 21.50 after the exchange process is over

    I believe that is incorrect . They are talking about removing them from circulation not from the actual note itself. From the articles I have read they indicate the old and new currency will coexist together and for a given time period the 25k note will honor the increase in value for that given amount of . Thus if the value is say one dollar after the increase in value then your 25k note will then be worth $25,000 American dollars. Not everyone agrees with this and I could be wrong but I truly believe this is how it will play out.

    ESTEWART,,, I believe your correct all the way with this statement ,,, And people who paid around $1100.00 to $1200.00 sure as hell did not make to much money and the ones who paid $854 for i million in Iraq made a little !!!! I still say the dinar sellers here in the states are the only ones making money on this and that is why we see so much junk published and if we are so close to any type of RV why are we still seeing dinar for sale and now we have lay-away plans ??? I dont know about anybody else but this is something to think about !!!! Am i wrong ???????????????????

    I believe so but it could be me that is wrong.

  5. Mont, buddy I'm Shirc's wife on FB... this is how they work.

    Breitling is the fore runner for the lower denom scam. 20% increase on the exchange rate..really B?

    the way I look at it is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I personally like the guy but that doesn't mean the others will. I do not dislike and I do not get mad at anyone for not liking him either. I just hope that this will work out sooner for all those rather than later and hopefully at the end will all be happy.

    • Upvote 4
  6. Personally I never enjoyed Blond Ladies post so I never even read them. We all are entitled to our own opinions right. That is why this site is the best we are free to give our own personal views. Whether they are positive or negative Adam allows the freedom, and for that I say thank you! Just my two cents....

    Your absolutely correct, just my opinion is that if you can't say something politely then maybe don't say anything. The freedom to say what you want is great but some people should think before they post. This is just my opinion

    • Upvote 2
  7. Linda Bower, on 11 October 2011 - 03:20 PM, said:

    Bond Lady,

    I have always enjoyed reading your posts because they reflected a lot of hard work and a lot of thought on your part.

    Because of this I went in search of your web site. You have always stressed that negativity was not allowed there.

    Yet in response to keeps post, you publicly bashed him on your site. I read his post and did not feel it was discourteous

    to you at all. He was just offering a different opinion. Making fun of him and easy rider is uncalled for and as

    negative as it comes! It is you who should apologize to Keeps!!!!!

    for starters i dunno what u think u saw or read if u call posting in my chat room what was said, in the posts, all i did was copy/paste ... bashing, well i dunno what to tell u, and as for easy rider again i dont even know what your talking about agin, as easy's my buddy and i thot his comment was funny so i said it, it was what he had said, and it was funny to me, if i feel i owe any one an apoligy i waste no time in giveing it, and for another thing here have you forgot what i do? i find articles of interest to us as investors, i bring them forward for all to read good or bad, i find them i take my time that i sure the heck could be used for other things, and i bring them to every one to read, and i try to offer to the best of my ability as honest of a break down to the articles i can, i dont do dates nor rates, i dont call for a rv every day or ever for that fact, and my site is a bash free zone even tho there has been many who have deserved it i still dont allow it, im about so sick of this and im done with it, i brought articles and my opinons, the last 2 threads that i brought some really good pieces to read was turned into a night mare on elm street, i totally understand why so many good posters have stopped or left to never post again, its really not worth the frustraition and the time to try to just bring u news on YOUR investment, so linda if u are going to say i was suposedly to have done something try to be honest about what u say and not make it what it surely wasnt, all of u here who have supported me, i really appreciate you and all the times you commented on my work, and appreciate to the utmost the respect and encouragement ive recieved from most of u all, again i thank you for it all, and allowing me into your home and site to bring you my articles , this will be my last post here on dinar vets, im tired and the endless ego's that wanna save us all from every thing or the pretense of it, as if we were not even adults or in our right minds or even capable of makeing our own decisions or even thinking for ourselves, it got old an it got old fast. im not a guru, i dont make guru predictions, i search for news thats all, once again some of you ill trully miss as some of you have been a rock of positivity and tried very hard to research your investments as i have tried to do and also add aid to those of like minds and principles, i pray we are all blessed in this investment, some things we will never know the validity of until they actually happen such as lop/no lop, as well as other things like dates and rates, these things no one knows, until they actually happen, if there is a lop i will deal with that at the time it happens the same applies if it doesnt, again i cant ty the most of you enough for the kindness you have shown me and the research some of u have done to educate yourselves in this investment, i appreciate it and you, God Bless You All, and i hope all good things for all of you................administrators please delete my membership, and again ty all.........BondLady

    Read more:

    How many people will this site loose before everyone realizes that the ones were loosing actually know a thing or two about what they are talking about. It amazes me that some adults have a very low maturity level and do not think before they tear into someone. I for one am very appreciative for anyone that takes the tI'me to try and keep us informed. Its sad that we have to loose them just because someone misunderstands or takes something the wrong way. Its tI'me to take a good look in the mirror and realize were all humans and even yourself can make a mistake. I really hope this RV happens soon so that we do not loose anyone Else. Also remember this revaluation isn't for us it is for the country of Iraq. Have a good day to everyone and thank you for all the people that look at everything open minded. Sorry Bondlady this was not justified and I for one appreciate all your(free!!!!) work you do for all of us. God Bless

    • Upvote 3
  8. Going to miss him!


    Good for him!!! Surprised CBS let him get away with this, even though he's right!

    Andy Rooney

    said on '60 Minutes' a few weeks back:

    'I don't think being a minority

    makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The

    only things I can think of that are truly

    discriminatory are things like the United *****

    College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment

    Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have

    things like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud

    Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss

    White America ; and see what happens...Jesse Jackson

    will be knocking down your door.

    Guns do not make you a killer. I

    think killing makes you a killer. You can kill

    someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is

    trying to ban you from driving to the ball game.

    I believe they are called the

    Boy Scouts for a reason, which is why there are no

    girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE


    I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is

    not a phobia, it is an opinion.

    I have the right 'NOT' to be

    tolerant of others because they are different,

    weird, or tick me off.

    When 70%

    of the people who get arrested are black, in cities

    where 70% of the population is black, that is not

    racial profiling; it is the Law of Probability.

    I believe that if you are

    selling me a milkshake, a pack of cigarettes, a

    newspaper or a hotel room, you must do it in

    English! As a matter of fact, if you want to

    be an American citizen, you should have to speak


    My father and

    grandfather didn't die in vain so you can leave the

    countries you were born in to come over and

    disrespect ours.

    I think the

    police should have every right to shoot you if you

    threaten them after they tell you to stop. If you

    can't understand the word 'freeze' or 'stop' in

    English, see the above lines..

    I don't think just because you were not born in this

    country, you are qualified for any special loan

    programs, government sponsored bank loans or tax

    breaks, etc., so you can open a hotel, coffee shop,

    trinket store, or any other business.

    We did not go to the aid of

    certain foreign countries and risk our lives in wars

    to defend their freedoms, so that decades later they

    could come over here and tell us our constitution is

    a living document and open to their


    I don't hate the rich; I don't pity the poor.

    I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies and

    television. That doesn't stop you from watching


    I think Bill Gates has

    every right to keep every penny he made and continue

    to make more. If it ticks you off, go and

    invent the next operating system that's better, and

    put your name on the building.

    It doesn't take a whole village

    to raise a child right, but it does take a parent to

    stand up to the kid

    and say 'NO!' when necessary.

    I think tattoos and piercings are fine if you want

    them, but please don't pretend they are a political

    statement. And, please, stay home until that new lip

    ring heals. I don't want to look at your ugly

    infected mouth as you serve me French fries!

    I am sick of 'Political

    Correctness.' I know a lot of black people, and not

    a single one of them was born in Africa ,

    so how can they be 'African-Americans'?

    Besides, Africa

    is a continent. I don't go around saying I am a

    European-American because my great, great, great,

    great, great, great grandfather was

    from Europe .

    I am proud to be from America

    and nowhere else.

    And if you

    don't like my point of view, tough...














    FOR ALL!

    I was asked to send this on if I

    agree or delete if I don't. It is said that 86% of

    Americans believe in God.. Therefore I have a very

    hard time understanding why there is such a problem

    in having 'In God We Trust' on our money and having

    'God' in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don't we just

    tell the 14% to BE QUIET!!!


    ] I couldn't of said it any better.

  9. Sounds like you must favor the lop. Maliki is trying to prevent Shabbi from lopping the currency we have, and replacing it with some new dinars. Maliki and those other politicians are invested in the 000's like we are, and Shabbi is trying to destroy our investment by lopping. I hope Maliki prevents Shabbi from lopping, and forces him to RV.

    You need to educate yourself! If you did thou wouldn't get negative 22. you are way off from whats going on, no I do not have the time to explain everything to you so its in your best interest to find out whats really happening.

  10. You need to research on your own......stop believing what you read. Maliki is going no least not in the near future. Don't hold your breath, this thing is not RVing any time soon. :P Maybe next year after the troops are out of there! B)

    Are you in drugs? Do your research better! Its a very good possibility he will be gone and the troops are going to be under different titles. They are not leaving, this is just a bunch of ull. I bert any I've that theres no way the troops all leave. Its my opinion, no link but I'm betting I am correct. Maliki being booted would be great for all if us, hes the hold up.

    I do not see this going into next year at all! Shabbi is ready! Were looking at it happening any time, I personally think if the government keeps delaying, shabbi will just do it. Jmo

    • Upvote 1

    He Breitling provides information to the people who follow him. What's wrong with that? The ISX report is a guideline for people who want to trade the ISX, which is up 40plus % this year. It's a shame that narrow minded MORONS like you can influence others.

    I couldn't of said it better myself. I listen to him everyday and he is the most educated, grounded, stays away from date and rate, individual I have found.

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  12. So basically your saying 400 out of the 435 congressman that are invested, our own gov't that has trillions of it sitting in the fed just got punked? Right.... I believe you.... I'll drink the koolaid. We put this together. Why would president Bush go around to families at Walter reed and tell them to buy dinar? Just so they can get punked. I don't think so.

    you are right but to be honest your waisting your time debating it with them, they are so sure its going to be worth hardly anything that they can not even try to listen to the obvious, but no worries because in the end we will all be smiling.

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  13. Pretty sure he never came out and said that you have a link or article to prove me wrong? I will gladly eat crow if I missed it, but if I saw a solid article where shabbs clearly came out and said he was going to revalue the currency I would be much less threatened by all of the delete the zeros articles. Believe me I WANT to be wrong, but I don't think I am.

    Also if the zeros were removed and 1,000 dinar = 1 dinar, which is then set = to one dollar....they just made one Iraqi dinar worth one usd....that is much more valuable than it is now.

    Lol! you got to dig but hes right the article its there, me personally, I find it easier to find supporting articles myself and then I feel good about my investment and one thing for sure that I believe its there will be no lop the way you described it. Not going to happen ,but believe whatever you want because I'm not here to educate you.

  14. Rd, RD ,RD ,RD there are u happy youre like a little kid that didnt get picked so youre kicking and screaming now because the majority believe it will revalue. that won't change. Keep at it you aren't converting no one with your Rd chants.

    Nicely said! Easy I couldn't agree more. I think they feel like they want everyone to believe them. I mean get over it! None of us are changing our minds and they keep rambling on and on. Ignorance can far out weigh intelligence.

  15. WHAT? .. PUMP THE BRAKES .Correct me if I am wrong but I just understood L.O.P. and another 2-3 year wait ?

    Why exactly are we happy on this THREAD for ?

    The total time of three years is more than likely referring to getting there current rate back where it was before it lost value. Removing the zeros is referring to removing the larger notes from circulation but they will still be honored at face value for at least a given period of time.

    Video has already been posted a couple times, but thanks.

    Better twice than not at all. :P

    Yah I apologize, I posted it

    Within a minute of the first one. I'm sorry

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  16. I really think this shows how close we are to something happening. The news offering this type of info could easily have everyone buying up all the Dinar. You would think info like this coming out would be just the push the CBI needs to pull the trigger.

  17. All:

    I watched a video from a news channel on the Currency Newshound site about 10 minutes ago and it said that indeed Iraq was going to revaule dinar, BUT it was due to HYPERINFLATION. They stated that the current rate of 1180 to one U.S. dollar is HYPERINFLATION. Which we have all been told that hyperinflation has to do with economic indicators and not the current dinar rate. Now, here is the big question, I wanted to go back an rematch the video and it was gone-as in taken off the site. You guys that no me know that I would not make this type of information up and that I considered the Currency Newshound as a site to get information from, so what the heck happened to the video????????

    Also, now the scary and I mean real freaking scary part-unlike the video posted on the 7th, this had interveiws with banking officials, they said that it would would take $1000 dinar and make it $1 dollar. Which does mean our 25K note is $25 bucks. I am no LOPSTER, but if indeed they consider their currency in a hyperinflationionary state, we are totally screwed guys. The other concerning thing is that the video link disappeared........very freaking suspicious.

    Not selling and don't bash, I am sharing because this is the stuff that needs to be shared.

    Adam-if you are reading-what are yur thoughts on them thinking that their currency and NOT their government is in hyperinflation?

    I just posted a link to the video above your post.

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