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  1. You are absolutely right!! We need to pray for the people of Iraq. Unofficial civilian death toll may be around 1,000,000. Of course we don't here that in the states. I also feel Blessed to be a part of this. We are so small in the BIG picture. Blessings to all, KJ
  2. Thanks to all for the great, positive posts. I have been watching this site for a while and this is my first post. Be easy on me :-) The person who introduced me to this investment was not pushy, as a matter of fact we were discussing Iraq and he said "you may want to look at the Iraqi Dinar". He offered no date nor rate whatsoever but did state where the Dinar was at pre gulf wars. It did not take me long to figure the risk vs. reward ratio was too good not to SPECULATE. I proceeded to purchase Dinar and have done it several times since. Some people cant and wont get involved in this because "they don't have the ears to hear this message". I have thought maybe some people are not supposed to male this investment. To whom much is given, much is required. If the Dinar revalues at a rate the would even approach what it was pre gulf war, we are going to have an awesome responsibility to use the monies we receive wisely. I know personally that I am going to have to seek My Father God's guidance as I have to battle my flesh daily for selfishness, greed and the like. Maybe I said too much for a first timer but I said what was on my mind. Let us all be thankful this time of year for the blessings we have. Family, friends and fellowship this Holiday season. I think daily of the potential blessings that could come forth in the near future. My wife and I know widows and people who are down and out that we can't wait to help. It is a Blessing to be a Blessing to others. And when this blessing happens to us and the people of Iraq, Let's give God the Glory as he causes his people to prosper. Blessings to all!! Kevin
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