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Everything posted by HeavyDuty

  1. Once again scooter you continually connect the dots for us. Like when you go to a restaurant and they give the parents a kids menu. You open it up and there are a bunch of dots on a page that your child takes a crayon to and begins to connect the dots. The child keeps going from one dot to the next and kaboom, the picture appears. Your graphs, links and personal notations link the dots for us and the picture comes to life. I for one am getting a clearer picture of this investment and the more I read your posts, the more my feet are cemented into this journey. I gotta get me more dinar. Once again thank you for your selfless commitment. My hats off to brother. HD
  2. Scooter, Been watching this site for months and following your posts. This is my first post and thought I would use it to express a few thoughts. You don't get involved in the politics, the news articles or the jibberish on theses sites. YOU FOLLOW THE MONEY. The bottom line is where its at. You explain yourself, back it up with links, graphs and your personal comments. What more could anyone ask for. Your are down to earth and your willingness to spend time and share it with all of us is truly a selfless act. We all have families, jobs and things that pull us in several different directions and take up our time, yet you POST, you share and you give of yourself. If I wore a hat, it would be hat's off to YOU and to your family who allows you to be shared with us all. Thank you is not enough, but thank you is all I have. May God richly bless you as you have endeavored to bless each of us with your knowledge. HD
  3. Scooter, Been watching this site for months and following your posts. This is my first post and thought I would use it to express a few thoughts. You don't get involved in the politics, the news articles or the jibberish on theses sites. YOU FOLLOW THE MONEY. The bottom line is where its at. You explain yourself, back it up with links, graphs and your personal comments. What more could anyone ask for. Your are down to earth and your willingness to spend time and share it with all of us is truly a selfless act. We all have families, jobs and things that pull us in several different directions and take up our time, yet you POST, you share and you give of yourself. If I wore a hat, it would be hat's off to YOU and to your family who allows you to be shared with us all. Thank you is not enough, but thank you is all I have. May God richly bless you as you have endeavored to bless each of us with your knowledge. HD
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