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Posts posted by papawhip

  1. You will be greatly missed Scooter! I personally have learned a great deal over the years from your comments and reviews. I sincerely hope your not gone forever and would really appreciate if you could just stop in once in a while just to say hello and that you and your family are doing great. It's unfortunate that we go into the final stretch without you, but I think you'll still be lurking with us in the background. So best of luck and hope to someday meet up with you - first drink is on me!!!!

  2. I certainly do thank everyone for their knowledge and posts, because I wouldn't begin to know where to look.
    To add support to this statement, I also truly appreciate what DD others are providing. I don't have time to do the extra research, but I do try and find time to read these articles. Thanks Med for all your efforts! PS - hope you hit right on the number - the high one of course .84.
  3. The only thing I see Sara being good at would be her playing the part of "Ginger" in a new adventure of "Gilligan Goes To Washington"! This woman is not genuine, she would only get us closer to jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire, as all of our other crooked politicians have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's funny. I'm sure we could come up with someone with more experience and integrity.

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