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Everything posted by flip

  1. Well put Joe P, you put that down pretty close to the mark. I usually try and keep up with the posts but have a demanding full time job and a life completely outside of the Dinar. So if I occasionally miss that a post or a thread or a thought or an idea has already been brought out in the open then I do apologize to those reading through them. Myself, if I see something that has already been posted, (and that is sure to happen if the goal is to get everyone involved looking for and sharing information), I will simply read it a second time or move on to the next post, it's a couple of mouse clicks and takes a few seconds. A cause to sigh perhaps but not to rush to the kitchen drawer and start sharpening the steak knives.
  2. True, this converter shows a new set of calculations one way and rates one would expect to see switching currency directions. That's why I said the numbers were "interesting", also interesting is that the Euro and the Yen rates to USD on this converter are correct both ways and the Dinar and Dong are both showing different rates. (one way anyway). I know converters can be off, just putting it out there for consumption.
  3. The Global Arab Network currency converter is calculating an interesting set of numbers today : 1 USD = 1 IQD http://www.english.g...ency-Converter/
  4. flip

    Gankans Email

    These guru's have all studied under the famous Lucy!
  5. Did not get email with conference info??? Not in Spam folder either....
  6. Possum is playing quiet after all the previous intel fell apart. I am getting my intel from a reliable source from those who have actually already crossed over. Just like in sixth sense, the room has gone cold to where i can see my breath, they have said with much clarity that the RV will arrive on May 7th, 2010 at a rate of 2.22, give or take 7 days and 4 cents.
  7. Now the channelling is getting stronger (I think it's the Skipper), and the number 7 is practically glaring at me. I am becoming very comfortable that there will be a RV coming on May 7, 2010 at a rate of 1.40, give or take 2 days and 2 cents.
  8. Now that SuperflyJr has thrown out to the universe an introductory rate of $7421 I have focused my psychic abilities on that number and am getting very strong positive vibes from the 21 and the 2 specifically. So I am going to now narrow the prediction to May 21, 2010 at a rate of 2.40, give or take 7 days and 7 cents. This is channeling from the spirits beyond for they already know what will happen.
  9. i have made a startling discovery and here it is. I once won $8,000 on a ticket using my favorite numbers that meant something (birthday, etc.) The numbers I used were 1,2,4 & 7. Now looking at the month of May and the Friday dates for the next three weeks are (7th, 14th, 21st). I am making my one and only prediction based on past experience that if laws of physics in the universe are still in balance, that the date will be on or around one of these three days and the rate will be also a combination of these numbers. You can bank on it Inahurry, life is sending a message and that is my interpretation.
  10. We all know that the time when something good happens in our lives is when we quit looking for it to happen, be it a good job, or a fantastic love, or an elusive RV. So if we can all collectively just turn our heads the other way and forget about watching for the RV for a moment, and stop pandering to it, maybe it will come to us seeking the attention that has been given to it all these years. I predict the RV will come when we let our guard down and let it be an RV that is free.
  11. Yep I had already cleared the cache and restarted the browser and shook it up down and all around so I ended up creating a new profile. Using the Mac snow leopard and Safari browser.
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