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Everything posted by keepmwlknfny

  1. Hahaha there you go with that nonsense again.... So the US is just gonna redeem all that money through goods and services from Iraq? Hahaha And what exactly can Iraq offer us there oh gracious one?
  2. Wow I guess that's another thing the world has wrong...operation Iraqi freedom actually started in 1990....that's crazy.... Don't you want to stay and learn the true history? I take it you didn't go look back at much....
  3. First off, you should look closer at the process the currency took to get there. Secondly, the dinars pre war value was worse then it is now. You should really look it up. Check the value it was in 2001-2002.
  4. So what was the dinars pre war value? Did you find it yet? Did you also happen to look into the currency exchange process that occurred in Germany and Russia?
  5. It's now no surprise why you think the Swiss dinar revalued. I suggest you start over in your research, and learn from examples what happens in a redenomination. I'm not gonna sit here and hold your hand and teach you it all from the start....
  6. Not as of yet....still just talk of the proper timing to execute....
  7. The exchange rate of the dinar we now hold won't change. It is a redenomination....only the new currency has a new value. Why do you continue to act clueless as if you don't know what a redenomination is? So are you gonna tell me that we want them to delete the zeros? Lol...
  8. So now your saying history has it all wrong? Again? Lol.... What did the Turkish Lira do? That was a revaluation? You can't change history and what happened in real life. It's not gonna work. You can keep trying though. Let me know how that works out for you.
  9. lol....please do share with me the Iraqi dinar pre war value... I know what you said sounds great, and at one time I thought the same way but you are being mislead.
  10. That's not asking you for another zeros that again. Do I have to pay for those English classes I have been begging you to take?
  11. Those countries redenominated their currency. It's a non profit situation. The dinar is not going to be reinstated. The value of the Iraqi dinar was in the toilet before the war. You should go back and recheck history.
  12. Lordy lordy....I did not ask you to post an article about selling gold lol.... We are talking about deleting the zeros dear...
  13. So talk about people not being able to stay on topic, yet you post this gibberish that doesn't have anything to do with deleting the zeros and the reason I started this thread...
  14. Back what statements? It's all in the news coming out of Iraq regarding g their's what they intend to do. Now when and where is another story....
  15. What don't you understand? You keep bringing up Kuwait and official and market rates as if the same applies to every country all the time. What happened in Kuwait is specific to that country. What happened with the Swiss dinar was specific to Iraq. They cannot be compared to each other and your statement of whether or not the official rate or the market rate matters most is irrelevant due to the fact that the circumstances were different. Officially the Kuwait dinar was reinstated as the national currency.... Officially the Swiss dinar was deemed not legal tender but the Kurds in their own region still used it regardless and it still had its value. They bought goods and services with it just as if it was never demonetized by the CBI. Two different situations.....Two different outcomes....please take the time to understand this. It's getting quite old hearing your babble of nonexistent revaluations simply because you don't comprehend what happened..... He won't talk about it because it can't be argued lol....
  16. Are you getting defensive over this thread? There are many new members all the time to the dinar and to this site that don't know what is meant when the CBI is talking about deleting the zeros. All they have heard is the guru twist telling them it's exactly what they want to happen (RV) when it's the farthest from the truth. Do you not believe that people should be informed properly?
  17. I'm not gonna argue for 80 pages with your ignorance. ....If you don't know what I'm talking about, then don't speak...
  18. Deleting the zeros. ..... There are plenty who still don't understand a lop.....have you seen the people getting excited about deleting the zeros? Read through those threads....they apparently have no idea....
  19. No worries....not trying to piss on anyone's parade btw....but the facts will stand will not turn out good for anyone holding dinar
  20. No kidding.....If you hold dinar you don't want them going through with this. It's a non profit situation yet alot seem to be confused still as to what it is thanks to the gurus.
  21. No there isent....please show me an example of a country cutting zeros off their currency and it wasn't a lop..... And don't tell me the US cause tthat's not what they did..... My thoughts exactly....Thank you for sharing rayzur....
  22. Lol no kidding....I was getting no where with that one!! Sheesh....
  23. I see people are still getting excited when seeing the deletion of the zeros articles.... Reality check....that's not what you want them to do!!! That is a lop....please stop listening to the gurus....
  24. Lol such a paranoid lil feller you are.... If I had all the answers there would be no need to post. How dare anyone post legitimate questions to have legitimate conversation down here. That's just absurd....
  25. Apparently you didn't know what mockery is.which is why I told you English classes would do you wonders..
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