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I thought this was a great article to send to folks who aren't up to speed on how our bankers have been systematically stealing from us for a century...this is put in very simple terms, and may hopefully wake up some who haven't realized this yet. Pass it on!! thx all http://www.rickackerman.com/2012/04/why-the-global-banking-system-is-a-scam/ Why the Global Banking System Is a Scam BY RICK ACKERMAN ON APRIL 18, 2012 1:48 AM GMT · 60 COMMENTS [We have argued here before that it is lies, systematic fraud and blatant duplicity by the central banks that have kept the global economy afloat in recent years. In the essay below, a regular in the Rick’s Picks forum who goes by the handle ‘Buster’ provides as succinct and elegant an explanation of this as we have seen. His thoughts were originally published in the forum, but we are reprinting them below because they deserves a wider audience. RA] America is a great country. As with any business, its success is based on the balance of its assets against its liabilities. Its assets are a plentiful supply of natural resources; land & minerals, plus 300 million specimens of the most creative creature on planet Earth. These assets are hindered by one main liability, a ruling class who imported a monetary system of theirs from Europe a while ago. It is a non-free market system which is enough of a hindrance to negate all the positives of any country in time. A simple enough system to understand, yet very seldom understood, even by the most intelligent among us, it would seem. It operates on the simple rule that currency is borrowed into existence with interest bearing on it at a given rate. The critical point to recognise is that the interest owing is not issued by the lender, only the principal, thereby meaning that the interest either has to be paid out of the sum of principal borrowed, or by confiscation of real physical assets, i.e. “real wealth”. The only thing keeping this eventuality from occurring is if a new borrower adds more money, borrowed as yet more debt, into the economy. This is why such a monetary system requires ever more investing manias to perpetuate itself. After exhausting the supply of manias of things of no real consequence such as tulips, the wizards of this system centered mostly around a company known as Goldman Sachs, moved on to turning very critical wealth into the biggest mania in history, i.e. the buildings we all live in. Once this mania had run its course to the extreme by changing the rules or committing outright financial fraud as we now know, and no new borrowers could be dragged in off the street, the “flaw” in the system became manifest, as the interest payments were not being covered by new money borrowed into the economies of the world. Boiling of the Frog Now things got interesting. Since not enough currency is in existence to cover all the debt owed to the lender, then the assets, real things or “real wealth,” are now owed to the lenders. The problem with this is that if the lenders acted upon this fact the populations of the developed world would quickly realise that they are all in fact broke, as all property would get consumed by the Banksters as repayment, leading no doubt to a world-wide revolt against the secret overlords of this system. So, instead of this, things have been manoeuvred to allow a more gradual slow “boiling of the frog,” or austerity programs coupled with placing ex-Goldman Sachs employees into key government positions across the western world. On an accounting level, huge bail-outs will continue to be necessary to keep the system’s head above water, or rather to keep those within “the club” in the lifestyles they have become accustomed to, perpetually unless or until a new bigger mania is devised that could add enough borrowed debt currency into the system to cover the current interest payments, but bringing more burden in so doing. The carbon credit system is possibly such a new mania? Greenspan Detected a ‘Flaw’ Alan Greenspan famously said that they found a flaw in their financial model. Yeah, right! The flaw was the very foundation of the model deliberately designed so centuries ago. Understanding of this “flaw” is the last thing the powers that be wish for the masses to acquire. Simply put, due to the fact that only the principal is borrowed into existence, not the interest, the result is never-ending debt allowing that the real wealth of miners, farmers, builders, engineers, fisherman and any other positive endeavour to be taken for free by those in “the club” via theft or fraud. Some, educated to think just as the Wizards have designed, will argue that this is a simplistic way of seeing things, citing their training in financial models and graphs, yet all deliberately designed to confuse and hide the simplicity of it all. As Ricks Hidden Pivot Method [of technical analysis] no doubt demonstrates, the intelligent see just the complexity, but the wise find the simplicity. America, as every country exists in a world of unimaginable abundance and we humans are blessed with the minds to realise it. We’re just presently snookered by a self-seeking “liability” that thwarts it. May we all one day realise that abundance.