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Blackhawk Bob

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Posts posted by Blackhawk Bob

  1. Hey Scooter - Many, many of us have only the utmost respect for your opinion along with the other DV site "gurus". Too many people are too lazy to put forth all the effort to educate themselves to be able to come up with all the links and educated opinions that some of you on the site have provided us with. Believe me ( and I know we're just one member of many), Bob & I knew next to nothing about Iraq when we first became involved with the IQD and DinarVets. While we still feel as if we know so much less than quite a number of you, without having the postings of Adam, yourself & too many others to list ... we would still be in the dark. You've helped the members to become more world conscious on so many levels, and it's because of efforts freely given like yours. Thanks to Adam, DinarVets has given all of us a forum where we can exchange concerns, hopes, dreams, reality and certainly some laughs. Thanks to all of us who put out responsible posts, others have the opportunity to learn as each one of us learned when we were at the very beginning of our personal IQD education. Ignore the few (or even the many) who don't know better & take the easy route of giving grief because they can't provide new knowledge. The remainder of us TRULY appreciate the efforts you've freely put forth for our benefit!!!!!! And the same applies to all the rest of our "In-house Gurus" out there!

    • Upvote 3
  2. cplinedrive, I am able to answer a part of your question. I will list a very simplified version of what will occur (to the best of my understanding). We, in the US & in other countries with internationally recognized currencies, are able to transfer funds (money) from bank to bank, country to country. One of the methods of doing this is thru wire transfers. In our case, when the RV is announced, you're going to want to go to your bank of choice (or Ali's Dinar Trade or if you are a VIP member, one of Adam's 3 preferred banks) to exchange or cash in your IQD. The US bank/approved company collects your IQD. They, in turn, are able to forward the physical IQD back to one of the Iraqi banks that has active wire transfer ability. The Iraqi bank electronically (via wire transfer) credits the US bank the appropriate amount of US dollars in exchange for the IQD that they received. To simplify the explanation even more: Iraq has to be able to pay the US and any other country for the physical dinars that are returned to Iraq. This is done via Wire Transfers. So the answer to "what is the main objective that we can do with this type of banking?" is that you will be able to cash in your dinars once the RV occurs. If you need to have a local example, consider this: an out of state family member needs cash quickly & you agree to lend it to them. You go to your bank (or Western Union) & give them the money that you want sent to your family member (plus any fee they charge for the service). Your money is electronically transferred (wire transfer) to either your family member's bank (or Western Union, if you use them) and your family member can get that cash as soon as their branch location has confirmation that the transfer has been received. It can be as short as an hour or so later. If the Iraqi banks aren't able to actively wire transfer funds, then the RV is not able to occur at that time.

    Hope this explanation helps! rolleyes.gif

    • Upvote 3
  3. I have trouble with the interpretation of the translations too, but it sounds to me like the Deputy Minister is recommending for the interim (acting) Parliament officials to commit to resigning in an effort to push the various representatives to attend the upcoming meeting. Once at the meeting, if there was threat of resignation by the interim officials, it would be more likely that the house representatives would have to decide upon permanent officers.

    To those of you who have more experience in deciphering, please correct if I've misinterpreted.

  4. To ECSxFenrir:

    Your words Sound a bit jaded, to say the least. If you've never had the pleasure of working with small children or special needs students in a school, then you can't appreciate the simple innocence that IS inherent in them. Not all are people are perfect in mind and spirit by a long shot, but so many simply wish to please those they are around or those who take the time to care for them. Many, many, many people are out there, in this world ... and also on this site ... who ARE willing to help their fellow man ... whether they know this person or not. And the recipient, for the most part (but not always, I'll admit), is truly grateful. There are plenty of scammers out there, but have you never spent time with the elderly in a nursing home who are so appreciative of a smile & a small bit of conversation because they have no family to visit them? Have you never run across the person in the MacDonald's parking lot who IS REALLY hungry, & you pass them a bag with a hamburger & a fry? The relief & appreciation on their face can not be denied. Have you never taken time from your own schedule to participate in a benefit program to spread a bit of joy to abused moms & their kids at Christmas? They have NOTHING and many have no one to turn to except the schools and public programs that many of us support with our time and money and efforts. The smiles and joy on all the faces of those we touch with just a smidge of kindness is never forgotten - by them or ourselves. The effort extended to reach these people helps the young ones to know love and kindness. They in turn will, hopefully, remember to extend the same as they get older. The people in their middle years are reminded that even if you're dealt a bad hand, there's love and compassion out there, if you're willing to accept it, and the situation will improve given time ... sometimes by accepting a helping hand ... even if it goes against your inner pride to do so. The elderly have lived their lives with many of them having given all along to their loved ones; we can't let them be forgotten. Spend 30 minutes and give them a smile with a bit of conversation, or read to them from a book, or get a group together to sing Christmas carols to them over the holidays. Again, the simple joy you will see shine from their eyes is not easily forgotten. I have done each of the things I've listed, along with many others over the years, and I am nobody ... just a simple person. I've certainly not touched the edge of many of the wonderful things that I'm sure a number of our "family" members from the site have done that are TRULY important. I am not a therapist, but it sounds as if you might need to take a break from your chosen field (even if only for a small period of time). Volunteer, work with animals (they don't talk back & only want to give you LOVE), work with a church or a school. The holidays are coming up. That's the loneliest time of all for many. Extend love and kindness. You WILL get it back. If you invested the time & $$$ to train as a therapist, then your heart is there. Your wish was to make a positive difference, otherwise you wouldn't have chosen that particular field to work in. You are correct, change for many is a hard concept to accept ... particularly if it pulls one from a comfort zone. BUT, as in the Bill Murray/Richard Dreyfuss movie "What About Bob?", if we each take just a baby step, a whole world of wonders may open up for us to explore! Best wishes and positive thoughts to you! K.

    • Upvote 3
  5. Thanks for the post, Pourit. If this info proves to be correct, it's an incredible timeline! How wonderful it will be to watch this all unfold, especially if it happens one step right after the other. It'll be a magical moment for many.

  6. I encourage everyone to take a second & send Zantac a positive thought and mental hug. The power of tolerance, good will & encouragement can do wonders to restore one's faith and spirit. For one whose words and opinions we held in high regard, I hope you just had a bad day when you wrote your piece. smile.gif

    Best wishes to all!

    • Upvote 1
  7. This reminds me of when we were all little kids & had a loose tooth that just needed to come out ... it was hanging by a little too much skin to pop out by itself, but was definitely loose enough to drive you crazy because your tongue wouldn't stop playing with it. After messing with it for hours (it seemed), the decision was made to get some thread & yank it. First you had to build up the courage to actually do the deed. Then you got a LONG piece to loop around it ... but it had to be long enough to tie onto that door handle, too. Drum up a bit more courage ..... hold your breath & close your eyes ..... Pray it wouldn't hurt too hard ..... then SLAM! that door shut!!!

    Then, open your eyes with such a feeling of letdown and frustration. You didn't grab your mom's GOOD thread ... you know, the J & P Coats DUAL DUTY PLUS. You grabbed some cheaper off-brand AND IT BROKE! Arrgghh! You know you've gotta do it all over again ..... or find something else to pry that tooth out. (My kids favorite was the feet of their Barbie or Ken dolls. I think three teeth in one weekend was our dubious family record. It definitely put a different twist on playing with the dolls afterward. LOL!)

    The one thing to remember ---

    Each one of those teeth DID, ultimately, come out ... whether left alone or helped along.

    The same will happen with the seating of the government.

    In the meantime, GO RV ... we'll hope & pray for sooner over later!!!!!!!! And make it BIG! biggrin.gif

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