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Posts posted by twolincs

  1. Um . . . Excuse me  . . . Progressive ism is THE CANCER that has infected BOTH Parties !!!!!! Liberal thinking is not a bad thing if kept in check, however we the people are ASLEEP and until WE wake up and see that they are one in the same, we are all screwed!!!!!

    Educate yourselves people !!!  There is no difference between The Reds and the Blues anymore , they are the same !!!!!



    I'm a far rightee so bash away !!   Just need to get the Progressives out as they ARE the Problem / Cancer , and get some real Constitutional Christian  Americans ( Not Muslims ) in OUR WHITE HOUSE !!!!!!

    • Upvote 1
  2. And on the eve of sequestration, the wonderful politicians spent 50 million, oh yes, 50 Million tax dollars on TSA Uniforms. Now this is absolutely necessary that they look good, but remember its gonna be 150 to 200 % longer lines ( as big sis Janet stated ) at the airports due to cutbacks in staff due to sequestration. :shrug:

  3. Thanks for bringing that over . . . Very Informative with living proof !!! Amazing how with Statistical proof that Chemotherapy treatments kill more that it saves . . . its still in wide spread use. . . . No Thank you . . . . .I'll take some of that Natural Medicine please.

    • Upvote 2
  4. This government has been over-stepping it bounds for the last decade but it really got bad when liberalism took hold in 2008. IMO, people will stand up if they attempt to confiscate guns. If gun laws ban or restrict us in anyway I will not comply in anyway! I will die upholding the 2nd amendment period! These spineless politicians work for me & all of us! These people are about to get into something they will wished they had not!!

    When Americans are ready to take to the streets . . . and fight for "THE CONSTITUTION" . . . that is being ignored / destroyed in front of us . . .we will get our country back !!!

    I am not an advocate of fighting/war but realistically . . . Washington needs a reboot !! Where the heck is OUR George Washington !!!

    • Upvote 1
  5. Yeah, I see this article as having weight against guns. It's laughable that it could be followed with "BAN KNIVES BAN HAMMERS" type responses.

    Guns don't kill people . . . . PEOPLE kill People !!!!

    A weapon is a weapon . . Hammer , Knife, Axe, Tire Iron, Baseball bat, oh there ya go . . . . . Ban Baseball Bats TOOO !!!!!!!

    It's the demonized person that uses it that is dangerous !!!!! WAKE UP !!!!!!

    • Upvote 3
  6. How much do the Obama's cost taxpayers?

    Another vacation coming up this Christmas for the Obama’s will cost American taxpayers over $4 million dollars. So how much is it costing us to support the first family? The number is much worse than you could possibly imagine.

    “Every year (taxpayers in England) have to spend $57.8 million for the first family of Great Britain to make sure that everything’s maintained and everything is taken care of and their security and everything else, $57.8 million. And the people in England are upset about it,” Glenn explained this morning.

    “How much did we pay our royal family? How much did it take to maintain our royal family, the Obamas, just last year? Now, this is really interesting, especially as we come up for another vacation for the Obamas. This one is going to cost us $4 million. This vacation in Hawaii for Christmas is going to cost you $4 million. How much did we spend last year? Remember, the royal family cost $57.8 million. Would you be stunned if I told you it was $50 million? Would you be ‑‑ would you be bowled over if it was $100 million? How much do we spend? The total last year, a little higher than $57.8 million.”

    So what was it? $60 million? No. $100 million? Nope. $250 million? Not even close.

    The answer: $1.4 billion

    Where is the outrage?

    Oh Yeah . . . Don't forget . . .All you Peasants that pay me your tax dollars need to cut back and sacrifice so I can continue my lifestyle on your dime.

    • Upvote 2
  7. " We The People " Are the most powerfull 3 words in the English Language. Why are "WE" putting up with this crap !!!!

    We put these jerks in office we can certainly take them out !!!!

    Please wake up Americans, my God what is it going to take

    Don’t you realize, all your freedoms are at stake

    Our country was born on principals and values

    By some of our Country’s early greats

    Those men would have a lot to say today

    If they could now see their Country’s fate

    We’ve been on a path of destruction for over a hundred years

    Americans must stop this mess before reality becomes, what once was our fears

    We must stand together now, and let our leaders know

    We will not allow them to take us, to a place we do not wish to go

    If they won’t listen to us, loud and clear

    We will devise a plan to rid us of the misguided, and eliminate our fear

    And take our Great Country back, for its citizens to correctly steer

    Back to prosperity, our freedoms, and the things we hold so dear

    And if they choose not to listen, all proud Americans will let them know

    That come next election, we’ll see ya…..and it’s out the door they go !!!!!!

    God Bless America

    Written By KRM 05/2009

    A4F Americans 4 Freedom


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