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Posts posted by wildthing

  1. I posted up what i found online thought it was interesting . just wanted to share . Im in no hurry to get rich quick but i would like to see this iraq money go up like everyone else .

    for those that have iraq money just think that you could buy the car or truck you need to get to work something better to drive or put money down on a house something to get you on your feet . As well as the USA . some people might use it to pay for that operation or pay off ther bills that been on them along time . . im just glad nobodies cursing at anyone on here . like the other sites

  2. feb 3 2012 . was printed i found .

    More on that soon, let’s move on to this week’s questions. First, Mark asks, “Simon, what are your thoughts on the Iraqi Dinar? I have a chance to purchase $3,000,000 worth of dinar for approximately $4,000 USD. Would this be a prudent investment? Thank you for your input, and keep up the great work.”

    Are they selling a bridge too?

    Look, I know this is a really touchy subject for some folks… there’s a religious fascination with the Iraqi dinar these days. The prevailing rumor is that the Iraqi central bank is going to revalue the dinar 1:1 to the US dollar, making instant millionaires out of anyone holding the old currency.

    This is a get rich quick scheme, nothing more. If you have any doubts, I encourage you to take a trip to rural Iraq and spend time with the locals there. They’ll happily sell you their dinars for hard currency. Are they all fools, trading in future millions for a few measly bucks? Or simply realists who recognize a good scam when they see it?

    Decide for yourself. But at least do the research.

    [Hypothetically, even if anyone holding dinars does become unimaginably wealthy, I should point out that US taxpayers who realize a profit on physical currency get taxed at ordinary rates, not on long-term capital gains. See IRC section 988 for more.]

    Read more:

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  3. something i found online in the news

    Azzaman, February 6, 2012

    The Iranian currency, the toman, has lost half its value vis-à-vis the Iraqi dinar in the past few weeks, Iraqi traders say.

    But the traders welcomed the slump saying it has made the import of Iranian goods much cheaper than before.

    To offset impact of U.S. and European sanctions, Iran does not object to using foreign currencies other than the dollar, including the Iraqi dinar and the Turkish lira for foreign trade exchange.

    In the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, where demand for the Iranian currency is high, the toman’s value has dropped to 500 dinars from 1000.

    One dollar is worth 1,250 dinars.

    Ibrahim al-Yasseri, a foreign exchange dealer in Karbala, said the drastic depreciation in the Iranian currency was preventing some exchange bureaus from dealing in the toman.

    Murtada a-Khazaali, another foreign exchange dealer, said the slump in the toman’s value was a shock and surprise to Iranian pilgrims who flock to Iraq in their tens of thousands every week.

    Suddenly, he said, they found that they could not get the dinars they hoped for when exchanging their tomans.

    But for Iraqi traders, the drop in the toman’s value is good news as it will make the purchase of Iranian goods much cheaper.

    “The drop in the value of the toman means a surge in the purchasing power of Iraqi traders,” said the head of the Najaf Chamber of Commerce, Zuhair Sharba.

    Sharba said importing Iranian goods to Iraq will be cheaper and he expected a substantial increase in imports from Iran.

    Iran is Iraq’s top trading partner. The dip in its currency is bound to lead to skyrocketing trade exchange figures.

    However, Sharba said, he expected fewer Iranian pilgrims to visit Iraq, which means a substantial drop in religious tourism, the backbone of the economies of Iraqi cities like Karbala, Najaf, Baghdad and Samarra.

  4. well they talk about how their currency surged during the past few days,. . now if 325000.00 dinars is 278.97 usd . when it surges in the thousandsths of a cent it needs to go a long ways .

    when i was told about this money the guy that told me said well it goes up a penny you make money or even ten cents . lol the only thing is it needs to get out of the thousandths area . . though i had read some good things about monday .

    i hope this money is finnaly gonna get a rate higher then 0.000860 . get up to 3.00 or higher . .. its kinda like having a lottery ticket your not aloud to cash in till someone says ok its your turn to be rich

  5. Im sure the TV news would report this anyways it would be a great story for them . just think of the people they would interview on what are you gona do with your money .

    Ill be exsited when i go online and see the rate changed even to a dollar . sounds like more hype. if not though ill have to put my tent back up at the bank and camp out .

    though if we had to go to IRAQ to cash it , wonder how many body guards you should take as well lol haha .

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  6. hi i have been reading a few things online and some site say we have movement some say its not much yet . lol crazy out there. so if they take the 3 zeros off is the money only worth .85 cents to our dollar. if the xechange is 1,167 the decimal needs to go much higher to make the money we all put into this . i read everyday and i dont know who really knows whats happening . i might just put my tent up at the bank lol

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