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Posts posted by anonymou5

  1. Anonymous5,      Why would you even start this thread?  :shrug:


    You've obviously been on this site long enough to know that we are all very hopeful of this actually happening.


    So why would you even come on and say such a thing. Unfortunately look at how many negs you've gotten!


    I can very well understand that a lot of people are frustrated beyond words.  But the beauty of this forum is to support each other and give one another hope. 


    Im well aware of the risks but we're almost there and Im sorry for you if you fail to see that.   As for Pumpers  "really" you bother following pumpers, gurus ?  Any one who does,  needs to get a life,  cause if by now you dont get it you never will.


    Be happy that we are at the end of this ride and that we all have a place to share our joy and excitement with each other.


    Be positive,    "We're almost there"   STAY FOCUSED    :peace:



    50 more years....I dont think so.     :shakehead:    The time is NOW............. :woot:

    I don't care about negs.... This is a thought and opinion thread, in the thought and opinion area.... Sorry if I propose a thought that is different, at least it's original. So, fing, neg that!

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  2. Did I say I was getting out? I am as hopeful as anyone, but contrary to the pumpers, everyday or every other day its going to pop, is getting super stale right now, so, I am trying to be perceptive into what I feel may or may nor happen. This is an investment, long term, and risky. I haven't over invested, as I am still able to function with out this, and if I win a little, that's good, too. Only invest what you can afford is the motto I have heard repeated, often. I will just list this in my will, so that other family members are aware that's it's here, so when it does pop, they will know, and not just leave it in some box packed in the attic, collecting dust, losing value.

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  3. deleting three zeroes could be resetting the currency. replacing the current currency could be be resetting the currency. a rv, would be resetting the value. big difference.

    im not jumping all in on some vague...article. sorry if thats considered a half full approach


    But, it does not make sense to reset the currency by introducing smaller bills, if it still takes 1200 to equal a US dollar. SO, something is going to have to give.  They are either going to lop off 3 zeros, or revalue to a closer ratio than they have right now.

  4. "Ships with food and supplies..... " I guess that clinches it. When I got on this ride there were fleets of ships with wide screen TVs and Mercedes just offshore awaiting the RV; ahh, those were the days.

    Why would you want to buy ten year old tech? If these ships are just sitting there,

  5. I went to Chase this morning to have a paper notarized. The lady that did the notarization was the vice president of investment in this area. I spoke to her about the dinar and the CH 7 issue...she stated that Chase cannot have any dealings with any country under sanctions, but had been informed of the removal of sanctions on Iraq. Chase Bank now will deal with you as far as the dinar is concerned!! She gave me her card, and asked me to call her on Monday and she will gather any other information she can for me about exchanging my dinar. She did not know anything concerning how this will be taxed...or if it would be considered a simple exchange which would not be taxed initially. That is some of the info she said that she would have for me Monday morning!! I hope to be going in to exchange on Monday morning and not calling for info only!! God Bless each of you!!! Our Suddenly is here folks!!!

    I do not see how they can tax as an investment. If you buy euros, you dont take a tax hit if you convert them to us, do you?

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  6. Can you imagine that! Having a sex slave shop next door to the 7-11?

    This is one of those contradictions that really puzzle me (it happens). The, let's say, more politically progressive people in the U.S. seem to have an affinity for the Arabization of western culture (as well as atheists, OWSists, abortionists, unionists, etc., but save that for another day). The embracing of a culture that tolerates this sex-slave thinking via Sharia Law, seems to contradict the whole women's rights, minorities rights, prisoner's rights, touchy-feely, amnesty international mind set - don't you think? Yet, our more liberal friends would have us ditch Israel and hand over their lands to a tribe of Palstinians, respect their rights to "honor killings" and allow their laws to either influence our laws or be practiced in areas of our country. We can't "profile" anyone wearing a burka at the airport, and have to respect their "rights" to not ever, ever, ever, ever having to be shocked at the sight of a nativity scene in a public place.

    Sorry, didn't mean to take all of the fun out of this really telling news item.

    P.S. Why should they stop there? They could empty orphanages all over the world. What about all of those Chinese kids that are "extra"?

    Don't give then ideas, Mohammed was a pedophile. There's a video clip floating around, I will try to find, about child brides. Disgusting!

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