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Posts posted by cfmdinar

  1. Not just the last 2 years but it has been the last 7 years for me. When I was first was suckered in to buying Dinar I paid 780.00 per mil. (7 years ago) 5 months ago I sold half of my Dinar crap[ back for 980.00 per mil. (should have purchased gold) Never the less, I still set on a few milioin for shits and giggles. I bounce back online and search out a new threads like this one to catch up on the latest BS and NOTHING HAS CHANGED but the names - OKIE and all other GURU'S are sellers of Dinar nothing more nothing less - NUFF SAID - WAKE UP PEOPLE, come on floks they are all full of more **** than OBAM and a christmas turkey - they are liars - deceivers - crooks - they can't find a real job so they BS you into buying more worthless non tradable currency - Why would you tell everyone or anybody that you had a goose that laid golden eggs - None of these so called "Intell" sharers weather they are Guys/Gals have not one contact with the government about the furtur of a Dinar RV. I have had my fill of the same ****, same stories about this guy and that guy already cashing out in different countries, or political figures cashing out at a teer 1 or terr 2 levels and us pee-ons have to wait until all the peices of the puzzel are in place - will I say they are all full of ****. OK I'm done, I'll be back to school the next wave of Dinar suckers in 2 years. Have fun wasting your time - You will wake up one day to reality.

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