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Posts posted by Cam1

  1. I'm sad to read your health has been compromised and at the same time, I'm very glad you've armed yourself with faith and information. Two very strong weapons to have.

    Please know we are behind you 1000% and wish you all the best. And of course, enjoy your holiday with your daughter's family.

    • Upvote 1
  2. P.S. Last time I checked this was a dinar site, While many spend to much time on here as it is learning the investment, many people are here to force thier opinions and value and religion and politics on everyone else. Seems to me that some may need to step back and take a break fer a bit. But to each thier own.... My coach always told me to hang around good people and good things happen, dry.gif Thats why I usually hang in VIP,because it is not so much of a circus side show. *no offense THUG* biggrin.gif

    Dad always told me that "If I do not want my parade rained on, DONT tell them what street it is coming down!"


    Thanks again AM, BUMP, and Mods... Great Job.. tip_hat.gif

    I wholeheartedly agree with you, why can't we just stick to the investment?

    LOVE your dad's saying! Thats a good one. :)

  3. Pardon me for over-simplifying BUT IMHO, if you're pursuing a person the POLICE dispatcher told you not to, and in the end he's dead, you're going to have to absorb that responsibility.

    Even if Trayvon cursed his mother and did an Indian rain dance, that part is neither here nor there.

    He wasn't supposed to be following that kid and we KNOW he did from his own admission. He ignored police authority and did his own thing. For that alone, he's wrong. :twocents:

    • Upvote 2
  4. I wish there was a way to make certain portions of this forum invisible when I login.

    In a beautiful world like ours, with such a promising investment bringing us together in the first can you let such hatred and bias into your life? Why would you want to?

    Why not choose to be tolerant and respectful? Someone's child was killed. No school suspensions can convince me he deserved that!

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    Now that Sharpton, and Farakhan and the like are throwing their hat into this ring trying to make this a case of white on black crime..... Oops.... Not the case.... George Zimmerman is hispanic and also has numerous blacks in his family and as friends..... Wonder if this truth will come out in the national media???

    Is George Zimmerman guilty of doing something stupid? Maybe, we need to let the courts flesh this out. Is George Zimmerman a white man acting out in violence towards blacks??? Nope!!!!!

    In order for the courts to decide, the police in Sanford would have to arrest him first.

    If you don't think race played a part, then ask why a black kid in a hoodie armed with an ice tea and skittles was considered threatening and is now dead. No part of this makes sense. You HAVE to see something is wrong. I don't care if he's Hispanic, Asian, or from the moon. What the hell is threatening about an iced tea?

    Then ask yourself how you'd feel if this was your son, your nephew, your relative. Would anything matter more than the fact that he did nothing to deserve being shot?

    If it was my son, I'd be looking for Zimmerman. RIGHT NOW. And I hope the boy's family, friends, supporters are taking this into their own hands. I'm serious. Police aren't going to do what they need to, that much is clear.

    You just can't go around killing folks of ANY COLOR and think its okay. It's wrong. Period.

    • Upvote 4
  6. I'm not a musician, but I love music. Its an obsession. I have a favorite in pretty much every genre. I simply googled a picture associated with music and found my avi. It looked nice.

    Can't wait til post-RV when I have a ton of free time to listen to it more! :blink::D

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  7. I don't know why it's so hard for people to get this, but okie is making a crap load of money on this. he's driving traffic to the dealers and he gets money in return for that. I'm not entirely convinced that Okie is not a dealer himself. As long as people keep going to his site and keep spending money on dinar and reserves based on his so-called Intel he will keep doing what he's doing.

    Okie found the goose that lays the golden egg and it's the thousands of people on his website who are willing to just hand him money for his continued and frequent lies.

    There isn't an easier gig on the planet for making money outside of dealing drugs.

    The first time he told a whopping lie I'll bet he just went... Ican't believe they're buying this... after the second third fourth fifth time... all bets were off.

    ...which would mean, if you really want to get to him, you stop giving him an audience for his bag o' lies. Simply stop paying it any attention.

  8. So sorry to hear what's going on with people not being able to withdraw their funds. This isn't the first I've heard this...someone started a post on the topic of not being able to get their funds withdrawn.

    I don't have money with Warka, but it really bothers me to hear any part of this investment not working out.. :(

    I hope this ends on a positive note. Good luck to you guys.

    • Upvote 1
  9. All of America is fully aware of the "why"......... Do you think that some of these programs have caused a dependency within the minority community?

    No all of America isn't fully aware of the "why" or it wouldn't be brought to question on this forum or anywhere else for that matter. Its very easy to forget "why" when someone is in a rush to make their point.

    If a person is dependent on a program then you need to deal with that person. Why should one rotten apple spoil the whole bunch? If people genuinely need help, then they need help. This recession showed us all how easy it is to find yourself on the other side of that coin!

    Not everyone in the "minority community" uses "these programs" and not all of them are unreasonably dependent on them. There's danger in generalizing/stereotyping.

    I state the super obvious here, forgive me: there are people (minority and not) dependent on "these programs". But I'm sure you're already aware of that.

  10. You can't really and truly take a critical look at why something is in place to help a certain group without ALSO looking at WHY its needed in the first place. Black people were locked out of many basic opportunities in life, and felt the need to create/push for something of their own. Yes, things have improved since the major civil rights push of the 60s, but you're wrong if you think there isn't still rampant racism holding people of ALL shades back.

    Romney wouldn't have to start any kind of "Whites for Romney group" Give you one guess as to why.

    Think I care about who gets a scholarship or who gets crowned a beauty queen? Better things to think about.

    Why not also ask about why the Native Americans have sovereign lands and why every tribe member get a check (proceeds coming from those casinos on that sovereign land) and other races don't? At least they got reparations. Last I checked, no 40 acres and a mule for the descendants of slavery yet...

    You dont ever have to agree with the above, but at the very very least, consider BOTH sides of the argument. Look at the "why".

    • Upvote 1
  11. I truly believe we are close. Too many things - the right things are happening or about to happen.

    Way I see it, if it RVs in June/July, GREAT. Bring on the wealth!

    And if it happens to RV in a longer time span than that, fine. It may not be what I want but that just gives me more time to buy more dinar and get my affairs in order. Either way I'm not losing.

    Seems like some are forgetting this investment and being part of this forum are done by CHOICE. If you don't believe in it, you get to "cash out" today...YOUR CHOICE.

    Just my :twocents:

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  12. I am new to the IQD and have only been in this game for about three months but I can safely say what those other sites do are borderline criminal getting folks worked up into thinking this is minutes away...all day...every day. Thanks to this site for some levity and common sense. Thanks also to Duckhead and SSI for pulling me in!


    I've never been to any of those guys' sites, but from the way other DV members speak so poorly of them, I find it hard to believe that at this stage ANYONE:

    A. Still goes there

    B. Brings it over here

    C. Believes ANY of it

    I mean, why would you? Its all lies. Total waste of time.

  13. Rands drop off the deep end is also proof of something I truly believe: you shouldn't be trusted more just because you have longevity on a forum. Whether its 5mins, 5mos, 5yrs, I still don't know anyone personally! This is still the 'net! How did that get forgotten? :huh: If what you're saying in the here n now is credible, then thats it. He proved you just cant take that chance.

    I'm still confuzzled everytime I see huge responses to rumors or politico bashing or weirdly off topic posts... Not to say anyone is wrong to read it...but I just keep thinking: dont these folks know this thing is imminent? Why waste your precious time? I'd rather be shopping for a vacation spot in panama or figuring out how to make the most of whatever I end up with post RV!


    Who knows when another chance like this will come along!!? Go rv!

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  14. These are my personal faves, by far!! :lol: :


    12-22-2011 Guru Poppy3 i have been saying for two weeks now that i just didn’t see any date beyond the 15th that had any significance than any other before the 1st. i got two calls within 30 min of one another and they convinced me that the possibility of a rv before jan 1 is not just possible but probable...i wouldn’t say this if i wasn’t convinced it is as solid info as anyone can give.

    12-22-2011 Guru Jonnywg the info that we are getting is that some of the crews have finished and have gone home...2 agencies are still in lockdown and we hope they are finished today...a lot of misinfo so keep the faith...unusual action on bank screens but still at 00.0000.

    :lol: Sooo much b.s.

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