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Posts posted by PipPig

  1. Little Jimmy

    Where's you LOVE for God's people.

    Where's your love for the truth.

    Where's your love for Jesus Christ,"IF YOU LOVE ME THEN OBEY ME".

    Holy Father has clearly stated throughout his word what shall come to pass on

    those who attack Israel.

    Is Israel blameless? Maybe, maybe not. But if you really love Jesus Christ then you

    would love what he loves. And clearly you don't.

    Please don't take my response as an attack on you. It's not meant as such. I am, "IN LOVE",

    attempting to speak truth. For it is written,"MANY WILL COME TO ME THAT DAY



    I know, I was once one of those people. But then Jesus told me on July 18 1998

    That I know more about him then the preacher in front of me. But then he said, "HOWEVER,


    It wasn't personal. Ever wonder why the bible tells us to,"WORK OUT YOUR OWN

    SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING"? Because it's easy for us to lie to ourselves.

    It's just human nature, we see only what we want to see.

    I pray God bless you

    You sound lost as well.....I doubt Jesus would support netanyahu or any of his followers!!

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  2. I think you need to get back to your feeding Pig, I never said i debunked anything i said it has been debunked.  Move on Pig before you get put in lock down once again

    Yirr full of the pig sheet i roll in :bugs: debunked? lol.........Your coworkers have made a checker board of our skys out here on our coast today....being a farmer and working outside everyday we take notice to this crap......this is for you... :butt-kicking:

  3. Chemtrails do not exist, we have gone over this before and it was debunked.  I am sure this will happen again.  We have had pilots come to the site and explain this, If you believe in these chemtrails theories then i have some beach front property to see you in Arizona.

    LOL>>>>You never debunk sh!!!t TP SPRAYDUSTER.......Protecting your own career troll?

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  4. well if the guy spent all that time on dope .. the damage is already done .. theres nothing he can do about it now .. its not his fault hes screwed up .. someone else did that ..

    those interceptions he made were not his fault ..

    6. Interceptions


    Barry also had a knack for interceptions. When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted "Intercepted!," and took an extra hit. No one seemed to mind.

    we used to call them bogarts




    LOL.....Blaming it on Mj? Thats some funny shiit right there.....

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  5. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and the clarifications given - not all would be so receptive to "preaching" the hell fire & brimstone technique - through fear - it will bring in many but not all -- that is where the gentle "love" may be more effective to others - Truth ( Jesus / Father) is One -- paths (religion / testimony / word etc) are many ?? <3 <3 <3 Have a Blessed Day <3 <3 <3

    Please Be Gentle with your words and your approach to anything - The word unspoken is in your control -- Once spoken it has control over you

    Its crazy how you throw out those two numbers out.....333...33...Those two numbers have shown themselves to me everyday within the last couple of months,,,

  6. You heard wrong. His STEP grandmother is alive is alive and well, and is quite insistent that the PRESIDENT was born in Hawaii. She also says she was present when his FATHER was born in Kenya,

    Sarah Onyango Obama Granny Celebrates Kenya

    Sarah Onyango Obama, step-grandmother of President Barack Obama, speaks to the media about her reaction to Obama's reelection, in the garden of her house in the village of Kogelo, western Kenya on Nov. 7. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)

    President Barack Obama's victory spurred celebrations throughout the nation and around the world, with his grandmother celebrating her grandson's reelection thousands of miles from Washington, D.C., in her tiny western Kenyan village.

    Sarah Onyango Obama, the step-grandmother of Barack Obama, danced and rejoiced in Kogelo, a dirt-road town in Kenya that was once the home of the president's father, the Associated Press reports. She was seen singing and dancing, jubilantly celebrating her grandson winning a second term in the White House.

    We HAVE checked and you have been shown the TRUTH. You would rather believe a ridiculous fairy tale.

    And I love in true BLUE American.

    Dont bash on OCdude.......His savior is here...! :lol:

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  7. oh i couldnt agree more .. you were definatly lied to there will always be propaganda against the united states .. all i can recomend is you should be a bit more careful in the future

    Hmmm....And what makes you think that YOU weren't lied to as well? programed from the day YOU first picked up the remote control.... :lol::lol:

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  8. Debunk this.....

    dontlop you gave it your best but I believe you're fighting a losing battle here. Not that you lost just that I don't believe you will get through... PipPig, I do believe you've stated your case, nobody's biting this one. BTW, you were extremely rude in your conduct which makes it easier to dismiss anything you say even if it at all seemed plausible.. better luck with a different forum, most at DV have been mourning the death of Emilie Parker all week and the crap you are spewing is just unbearable at this time..

    Cool....Its your opinion.....dont like dont open... ;)

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  9. thats pretty lame "weak"

    why apprehend them? to secretly put them away in prison .. why put them in prison if they were in on it ?

    ya cant say that no one was ever killed .. its all an act .. .. then say they were apprending people in secret ...and the media is covering it up ..

    why are they apprending people who are in on it ?

    lies begat lies .<<< do ya know what that means ..?

    it means a person will lie so much his own lies expose his lies as lies .. one lie on top of another always loses in the end ..

    you should try liberal tactics .. just say you dont want to talk about it and do some name calling ..oh you are doing that .. never mind

    :lol:/>/> liberal tactics :lol:/>/> is that all you got? talk about 'weak" Just as 'weak' as your tactics to try get this thread shut down.....I think you need to try harder ;)/>/>

    And please save all of your stupid questions.....

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  10. i see all kinds of lies on tv and the news .. and i see political posturing after the fact here ..

    what your saying is it was all set up and these are actors .. and your basing this analysis off of those video clips you presented .. and when you got questions about the infor you put out on this forum you decided to call people names ..

    thats what i see ..

    let me rephrase the question .. what do you think they were chasing each other around in the woods for if they are just actors ..and the media story line is one shooter who committed suicide.. since the media is in on it to

    Well genius since they will never tell you the real truth i guess the guy they apprehended in the woods will never come to light :o/> So Yirr telling me that you see all kinds of lies on TV and the news and yet you still believe what you watch :lol:/> :lol:/> go back to your daily programing.....Yirr a lost cause.... :confused:/>

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  11. you arent questioning anything .. you are making outright statements that these are all actors .. and you put up bogus edited video clips and pictures of a family that just had their child murdered by an insane person .. claiming they are all actors and calling them liars .. and saying the media is covering it up .. you are definatly either lying or just ignorant like i said ..

    one of the 2 .. which is it ?

    Yeah......I am......questioning the fact that when all this crap went down the news media put up a some of the worst acting i have ever seen....with some investigating i find out that i am not the only one that smells the **** that poors out of the TV.....i guess the people that aint that smart like yourself cant see that......small brains?...oh well i guess this country is gonna continue to hit the crapper cause people like yourself cant see the sledge hammer hitting you in the face? So tell me mr. smarty pants....Do you believe everything watch on the programing tube?? ;)

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